#fav series: la casa de papel
labrujologa · 3 months
Caja temática: «Alas de Sangre/Fourth Wing» de la saga Empíero, de Rebecca Yarros.
Me encanta hacer cajas temáticas.
Las cajas temáticas son cajas llenas de elementos que tienen un tema en común; ya sea un libro, una película, una serie, un evento👀, una historia, un manga, un manhwa, un anime, un videojuego, una festividad, una persona,... De cualquier cosa. Tú dame un tema, que yo te hago una caja con elementos sobre ese tema.
Y ya que no me dedico a ello y no puedo estar haciendo mil cajas para mí (me encantaría, pero tengo casa pequeña, no hay tanto sitio para guardar cosas xD), pues al menos las planeo y las comparto para que otras personas puedan crear regalos chulos, ya sea para si mismos o para otros.
El tema de la caja de hoy es literario, con una de las sagas que lo están petando ahora mismo: «Alas de Sangre» (Fourth Wing en versión original) el primer libro de la saga Empíero, escrita por la autora Rebecca Yarros.
Let's go!
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🕯️ Vela
Una vela completamente negra y que en el interior sea de un rojo oscuro con brillibrilli rojo o dorado (necesito a Doradita/Andarna en la caja) o un azul oscuro con brillibrilli azul (si eres más de Sgaeyl 👀).
Como aroma escogería: ⚫-> amaderado ; 🔴-> cherryyyyy ; 🟡-> limón o algún cítrico ; 🔵-> arándanos o alguna aromática mediterránea o más marítima (me animaría incluso con el eucalipto).
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🧼 Jabón sólido/en barra
Si no te apetece una vela, esto también es buena opción. Que se note que me encanta hacer jabones xD.
No sé por qué, pero haría un jabón muy Sgaeyl ft Andarna, uno azul mezclado con dorado, con olor a arándanos y limón.
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📜 Print/Ilustración
Ya sé que habrá gente que pensará en una ilustración de Violet & Xaden o alguno con sus dragones o solo sus dragones. Aunque es buena idea, no me refiero a eso~ 🤭.
Código de los Jinetes de Dragones.
Necesito una ilustración en libro viejo de esto.
Y quien dice ilustración dice un...
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🔖 Marcapáginas
¡También quedaría muy chulo el Código así!
Aunque realmente se pueden mezclar las ideas de la ilustración/print y marcapáginas.
Mis marcapáginas fav son los imantados que hay ahora, que además son cortitos y los puedo usar también en los mangas/manhwas (los largos, que son los más habituales, no se pueden usar en estos casos 😓).
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👜 Totebag
¿Quién más ama las totebags? ¡Yo las adoro!
Una totebag con un diseño chulo... Como Tairn volando con Andarna, simplemente brutal, y es un diseño muy común que encuentras ahora mismo en casi todos lados.
Y quien dice totebag, dice un estuche o bolsa de aseo.
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🧾 Papelería
Como post it (de color negro, o dorado, o mezclar esos colores, con el rojo también). Quizás con forma de alas o, si tienes suerte, de dragón.
También celos y hojas para bullet journal o sketchbook, con cielos estrellados, nubes, dragones, y con colores que ya hemos comentado mucho XD.
¡Pegatinas! Amo las pegatinas. Fijo que hay pegatinas con dragones, y he visto smallbusiness españoles que tienen muchos diseños literarios, así que seguro que habrá de Alas de Sangre.
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🎨 Huevo de dragón
Esto es una artesanía completamente jajaja aunque puedes comprarlo, si lo encuentras, pero esta idea se me ha ocurrido para hacerla xD.
Puedes hacerlo con arcilla polimérica o crear tu propia arcilla con cualquier papel, cartón de huevos o cartón. Deja en remojo alguno de ellos durante varias horas, luego los trituras y les quitas todo el agua que puedas, quédate con la pulpa. Después añade cola blanca y almidón de maíz, mezcla bien y listo. Si aún así se te queda muy pegajoso, echa más almidón. Estará lista la masilla cuando no se te pegue en las manos.
Puedes usar papel albal/de aluminio, le das forma como de huevo (elige tú el tamaño) y así solo tienes que cubrir el huevo con la masilla, y si no se queda completamente liso, no pasa nada, así tiene un toque más natural.
Puedes aprovechar este huevo de dragón y usarlo para guardar objetos en su interior, solo dale una corteza gruesa y divídelo, ya sea que la punta se pueda separar, la mitad o 3/4 partes, ¡eso ya lo decide el artista! Los detalles también se los dejó al artista xD.
Deja reposar tu huevo 48-72 horas (normalmente en 24-48 horas está, pero puedes ir probando, si lo tocas y sigue blando, déjalo más tiempo).
En cuanto esté duro, ya puedes separar tu huevo (si quieres usarlo para guardar cosas). El papel sale fácil (aunque te recomiendo envolver el huevo de papel de aluminio en algún plástico, así nos aseguramos de que no quede ni un solo resto. Puedes usar bolsa de plástico y, con un secador en modo caliente, calentar el plástico para que se adapte bien al huevo).
Ahora es momento de darle color. Tú decides de qué raza de dragón es tu huevo. 🤭
Lo dejas secar y, como recomendación, dale una capa de barniz (una vez seca la pintura del todo). Si mezclas alcohol de 96° (el de las heridas también te vale) con silicona fría, tienes un barniz casero perfecto.
Cubre bien el huevo con tu barniz y lo dejas secar al aire. Si tienes tu huevo por trozos, que se sequen las piezas por separado. Y mi último consejo es que lo dejes secar mínimo 48 horas, pero tócalo para comprobar que no esté pegajoso. Si lo estás, déjalo más tiempo.
Pinta también el interior (si quieres). Y sí o sí dale una capa de barniz por dentro, así no se daña el interior con los objetos que dejemos.
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💍 Joyita / Accesorio
Pendientes, colgantes, anillos, horquillas y/o accesorios para el pelo... Ahora hay muchos anillos y colgantes con forma de dragón. También hay espadas y armas muuuuuuy chulas para pendientes y colgantes.
Otras cosas que he visto son alas de murciélago (se parecen a las de dragón🤷‍♀️) que se pueden pegar con silicona caliente en una horquilla metálica (por ejemplo). Y otros accesorios para recoger el pelo en un moño (cuando estudiaba, se hacía mucho con los lápices xD), como una espada enorme.
Algún llaverito también estaría bien.
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🗡️ Dagas
Esto ya es por diversión xD.
Se pueden hacer con resina, hay moldes con forma de daga por todos lados.
Compras resina (no recomiendo la UV en este caso porque no te da) y te haces unas dagas irrompibles la mar de chulas. Que las puedes colgar en la pared, como decoración, y ponerle los detalles que quieras (como finas tiras de tela de cuero sintético –por ejemplo– en el mango).
También puedes hacerlo con goma eva. Hay muchos tutoriales por YouTube que te pueden servir.
Y otra opción, si quieres que esté bien hecha, es encargarla a un profesional. Ya sea de un artesano que te la haga (o ya tenga modelos hechos) de material más real como las armas de larp (y tendrás armas reales, y muy pesadas xD) o de impresión 3D.
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💡 Otras ideas
Alguna prenda de ropa de cuero sintético/falso cuero o una gorra o calcetines con dragoncitos xD.
El libro (ya sea el 1, el 2 o ambos si es un regalo) quizás también estaría bien xD.
Un kit de plantitas curativas y anti-venenos👀 (o un kit de venenos, que nunca vienen mal...).
Un pin, chapa (hay tutoriales en YouTube que te enseñan a hacerlos sin usar demasiados materiales, ninguno así super complicado e incluso de materiales reciclados), o alguna pieza bordada (o que bordes tú en una prenda).
¡Tatuajes temporales! Porque tú también te mereces tu sello~. Hay tiendas donde puedes crear tatuajes temporales 100% personalizados.
También, con la idea de la arcilla (que puedes encontrar en “🎨Huevo de dragón”), también puedes hacerte un portavelas o algún platito para joyas, llaves, y lo que se te ocurra. Lo temático sería con forma de dragón o con alas de dragón, los colores o cómo lo pintes, el dibujo que hagas.
Por último, yo intentaría hacer el libro que le regaló el padre de Violet a ella cuando era una niña. Sé que no se sabe demasiado sobre el contenido (aparte de lo obvio), pero hacer/conseguir una ilustración de una página o de la portada, cómo te imaginas que puede ser... Eso también estaría muy chulo.
Por otro lado, si ser Jinete de Dragón no es lo tuyo, también puedes adaptar las ideas.
Si prefieres el Archivo, regala libros, plumas bonitas para escribir, muuucha papelería, kit de pintura (creo que los del Archivo son unos artistas también para ilustrar, depende de cada personita), cuadernos, diseños de un libro abierto del cual salen llamas, estrellas y magia.
Si prefieres formar parte de los Sanadores (te entiendo, yo prefiero ser Sanadora o tener el mismo poder que Brenen 🤷‍♀️), un kit de plantas curativas, una mochila o bolsa para llevar plantas y/o kit de paseo por la naturaleza para conseguirlas, cuadernos y papelería para tener en orden sus conocimientos sanadores, un libro de sanación y medicina natural, un kit de primeros auxilios (con un buen anti-veneno, y un muy buen veneno👀), etc.
✒️The End.
La cantidad, la calidad y el contenido, va a depender de tu presupuesto.
También he puesto muchas manualidades y artesanías porque a mí me encantan y yo las haría, pero puedes conseguirlas de otras maneras (un profesional haría muy buen trabajo xD).
Pero no lo pienses demasiado, solo son ideas que puedes adaptar a tu situación (y bolsillo). Hazlo lo mejor que puedas y ámalo, siéntete orgullose de ello, ¡has hecho, y vas a hacer, muy buen trabajo! 🫶❤️
[ —Vicky. ]
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lamyaasfaraini · 3 months
Pasutri nobar!
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Qtime nya kami Netflix and Chill and cuddle? Eaa..
Semingguan ini kami lagi nemu series seru, biasanya ngampleng aja ngga nobar2 karena dirasa lg ngga ada yg menarique~ iyaa itu series Berlin dan Fool me once. Kalo Berlin mah udah ditunggu2 dari pas announcement nya tahun kemarin bahwa bakal ada spin off dari series fav kami berdua Money Heist alias La Casa De Papel. Penasaran dong yaa skaligus nostalgia sama vibe nya LCDP. Kalo gasalah akhir desember udah ada di Netflix tp kami baru sempet nonton dan biasalah irit bgt nontonnya, 1 malam 1 ep paling gabisa binge watch diatas jam10 itu haha.
Berlin, seru! Masih ada khasnya lcdp bahkan polisi2 wanitanya pemeran di lcdp jg. Bedanya ini ngga pake seragam dan topeng, teamnya jg cuma dikit. Drama telenovela khas lcdp nya jg ada espanyola bgt wkwk. Bener Berlin bucin bgt pulak haaa! Yang satu ngerebut istri org, yang satu lagi diselingkuhin istrinya. Iya ini drama romansa bumbu2 ketegangan selama pencurian. Settingnya di Prancis, jadi yg biasa cuma denger bhs spanyol jadi kudu denger bhs prancis jg. Selama nonton mix aja gt bahasanya haha.
Lanjut, Fool Me Once! Series pilihan suami, yg ternyata ada di Recently Added.. Soalnya biasanya blio ini milih series/film yg underrated sesuai instingnya cm bermodal nonton previewnya aja kadang berhasil ya seru gt, kadang zonk jg ngga seru lah haha. Series baru ini seru bgt, tentang crime scene yang pembunuhnya masih di cari, tiap ep nya banyak nyurigain org mele mirip series Clickbait lah euy. Pemerannya makin banyak makin bingung makin pusing haha kesel. Sampe pas ending kita cengo aja gt tercengang, puas ngga puas sih huft. Tapi menghibur lah..
Next apa yah pak @sagarmatha13 belom ada lg yg masuk list nih!
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reprecedesher · 10 months
this is my self introduction post a thread ;
- damla karen
- isfj
- stan and like list : avril lavigne, melanie martinez, simple plan, 5sos, owl city, twenty one pilots, paramore, green day, blink-182, coldplay, the beatles, pink floyd, the pretty reckless, queen, imagine dragons, p!nk, mcr, evanescene, aurora aksnes, taylor swift, manga, duman, adamlar
- my fav series/cartoons(anime vs.)/movies : harry potter, hannah montana, camp rock, shake it up, la casa de papel, fate winx saga, wizards of waverly place, liv and maddie, sailor moon, mako mermaids, anne with an e, la belle et la bete (2014), jessie, the amazing world of gumball, regular show, mlp, powerpuff girls, hello kitty and friends supercute adventures, strawberry shortcake, winx club (1.-2.-3. seasons), littlest pet shop
- my hobbies,likes ; reading a book, drawing / painting, listening to music, watching cartoons, movies, series, funny videos, dealing with vintage items and clothings, astrology, fairycore and rock, 60s, rock, 90s, 2000s rock and pop musics. ✨
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kaispel · 10 months
my fav series ever:
🩶 la casa de papel
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🩶 american horror story
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🩶 you
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🩶 valeria
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d0nald4 · 2 years
• O que gosto de assistir?
Tenho uma grande variedade de séries e filmes favoritos. Amo todo o tipo de serie e filme, comédias, ação, terror, suspense, etc
▪︎Meu Filmes Fav.
. Interestelar
. Como se tornar o pior aluno da Escola
. Minha mãe é uma peça (1/2/3)
. Até que a sorte nos separe (1/2/3)
. Shazam
. Cidade de Deus
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▪︎Minhas Séries Fav.
. Vis a Vis
. La casa de papel
. Elite
. Perdidos no Espaço
. Lupin
. Sex Education
. Lúcifer
. Narcos
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rose-tinted-juls · 3 years
juliana's fav tv shows updated: 26.07.2021.
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la casa de papel / money heist (2017-) nationality: spanish created by: álex pina main actors: úrsula corberó, álvaro morte, itziar ituño, pedro alonso, miguel herrán, jaime lorente, esther acebo, alba flores short summary (imdb): "an unusual group of robbers attempt to carry out the most perfect robbery in spanish history - stealing 2.4 billion euros from the royal mint of spain." seasons: 4 - (season 5 is coming in september + december 2021) why i love it (in a few words): it's thrilling, all the characters are perfectly written, i love listening to spanish speech, the actors are awesome, SO INCREDIBLE PLOT, uncountable twists, i got attached so fast, i binge watched it, it never feels forced
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band of brothers (2001) nationality: american created by: tom hanks, steven spielberg main actors: damian lewis, ron livingston, ross mccall, rick gomez, james madio, kirk acevedo, neal mcdonough, scott grimes, dexter fletcher, donnie wahlberg short summary (imdb): "the story of easy company of the u.s. army 101st airborne division, and their mission in world war ii europe, from operation overlord, through v-j day." - based on the book band of brothers by stephen e. ambrose seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): it's ww2 and i'm a huge ww2 enthusiast, i love hbo war, it shows the good and the bad, we follow the whole journey of these soldiers and it's amazing, the actors are absolutely incredible, their friendships are 100/10, the cinematography is beautiful, it's based on a true story
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downton abbey (2010-) nationality: english created by: julian fellowes main actors: hugh bonneville, maggie smith, michelle dockery, dan stevens, robert james-collier, allen leech, penelope wilton, matthew goode, lily james short summary (imdb): "a chronicle of the lives of the british aristocratic crawley family and their servants in the early twentieth century." seasons: 6 + 1 movie (the second movie comes in december 2021) why i love it (in a few words): it has phenomenal actors, the plot is exciting-thrilling, there are twists you don't expect, so many love stories and i love them, fantastic characters, it's often so funny i can't stop laughing, dame maggie smith and her performance as the dowager is just incredible and i love her, costumes on point, tom branson o.o
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broadchurch (2013-2017) nationality: british created by: chris chibnall main actors: david tennant, olivia colman, jodie whittaker, arthur darvill short summary (imdb): "the murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart." seasons: 3 why i love it (in a few words): david tennant, his scottish accent i can't-, olivia colman, their duo oh my god these two together are something extraordinary, it's such a thrilling show wow, SO MANY PLOT TWISTS, cinematography is phenomenal and gorgeous, it's so funny at times oh lord (especially david), it's impossible to stop watching
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the pacific (2010) nationality: american created by: tom hanks, steven spielberg main actors: joe mazzello, jon seda, james badge dale, rami malek, ashton holmes short summary (imdb): "the pacific theatre of world war ii, as seen through the eyes of several young marines." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): hbo war, it's ww2 and i'm such an enthusiast of it, joe mazzello is incredible oh my, it's a bit graphic (for some people it's too graphic and i can see why) but i love it, it makes you feel you're there fighting and like wow, actually all the actors are amazing in it, we see three different story lines so we get to know different aspects of the whole thing
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the crown (2016-) nationality: british created by: peter morgan main actors: claire foy, matt smith, olivia colman, tobias menzies, vanessa kirby, helena bonham carter, josh o'connor, emma corrin short summary (imdb): "follows the political rivalries and romance of queen elizabeth ii's reign and the events that shaped the second half of the twentieth century." seasons: 4 - (season 5 and 6 are in the making) why i love it (in a few words): i've always been interested in queen elizabeth's life, this is a look inside the royal family that you don't often have, the actors are SO AMAZING, honestly sometimes it's so funny and then the next minute it's heartbreaking, it teaches me more about them than anything else, i guess it gives you their point of view so you can understand them a lil bit better, as a child i loved the british royal family so baby me is happy inside when i watch it
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the falcon and the winter soldier (2021) nationality: american created by: malcolm spellman - stan lee main actors: anthony mackie, sebastian stan, wyatt russell, daniel brühl short summary (imdb): "following the events of 'avengers: endgame', sam wilson / falcon and bucky barnes / winter soldier team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities - and their patience." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): i'm a huge marvel fan, my fav characters are sam and bucky, SEBASTIAN STAN, it's funny (honestly which marvel movie/series isn't?), the cinematography is gorgeous, the plot is great, fight scenes on point
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biohackers (2020-) nationality: german created by: christian ditter main actors: luna wedler, jessica schwarz, adrian julius tillmann short summary (imdb): "a fast-paced thriller following medical student mia akerlund who discovers the use of highly advanced biohacking technology in her university town." seasons: 2 why i love it (in a few words): exciting, plays in a city i know, plot twists, the cinematography is amazing, a beautiful show honestly, the plot is interesting and one of a kind imo, the actors are pretty great
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the mandalorian (2019-) nationality: american created by: jon favreau main actors: pedro pascal short summary (imdb): "the travels of a lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the new republic." seasons: 2 - (season 3 is coming) why i love it (in a few words): i love star wars and the star wars universe, pedro pascal is amazing, honestly i fell in love with pedro just by his voice literally without even knowing his face, BABY YODA, the character development, exciting plot, pretty awesome fight scenes, great actors
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the queen's gambit (2020) nationality: american created by: scott frank, allan scott main actors: anya taylor joy, thomas brodie-sangster, harry melling, jacob fortune-lloyd short summary (imdb): "orphaned at the tender age of nine, prodigious introvert beth harmon discovers and masters the game of chess in 1960s usa. but child stardom comes at a price." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): cinematography is beautiful, anya taylor joy is gorgeous, and she's such a talent oh my, i love chess, the plot, TBS is in it, it's a show you can't not binge watch it just pulls you in
( +1 )
peaky blinders (2013-) nationality: british created by: steven knight main actors: cillian murphy, paul anderson, helen mccrory, joe cole, finn cole short summary (imdb): "a gangster family epic set in 1900s england, centering on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss tommy shelby." seasons: 5 - (season 6 is coming) why i love it (in a few words): i love mob stuff in general, so amazing actors oh my, cillian murphy, helen mccrory, it's so dark i love it, plot plot plot, the soundtrack is phenomenal (especially when it's arctic monkeys shhh), it's british (yay)
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userethereal · 3 years
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Favourite shows: La Casa de Papel (Money Heist)     “Quiero proponerte un negocio, un atraco singular. Estoy buscando a gente que no tenga mucho que perder. ¿Cómo te suenan 2.400 millones de euros?”
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ondadecha · 4 years
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katnissevrdeens · 6 years
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Tokyo in each episode :1x1
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sofssims · 3 years
Get to know me tag! (Updated)
Tagged by @solstice-sims & @strawberrymilktrait & @urdadzsims
I did this tag a while back but decided why not do it again just updated! I tag anyone who sees this post :3
Favorite Color: Purple & Black
Currently Reading: Im still not really reading anything since most the mangas/bl’s I read are on hiatus or I’m waiting for them to update T-T
Last Song I Listened To: Mars by Yungblud
Last Series I Watch: As I’m typing this I just finished the last episode of Part 5 of Money Heist aka La Casa De Papel and I’m sobbing-
Sweet, Spicy or Sour: Sweet & Salty
Craving: I’ve been really wanting like a good Homemade Mac & Cheese
Tea or Coffee: Both! Green Tea is the superior tea and Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew is my fav atm (I promise Im not a basic white girl I just love pumpkin spice things)
Currently Working On: Trying to pass my classes and grinding for ascention materials in Genshin Impact (My Keqing needs to be fed to reach level 90)
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psych0d3adg1rl · 2 years
42, 54, 68? x
42. it's secret <3
54. nooo:( i don't have any tattoos and piercing:( but i really want septum and bridge ughh<3
68. My fav movies:
Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, Trainspotting, Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, Scarface, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Las Vegas Parano, True Romance, Beautiful Boy, Kill Bill, Gia, Requiem for a Dream, The Fifth Element, Candy, Sid and Nancy, The Panic in Needle Park, SLC Punk! and i love horror movies<3
My fav series:
The Walking Dead, Fear The Walking Dead, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, American Horror Story, Pretty Little Liars, Skins, La Casa De Papel, Breaking Bad, The Great <3
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rinakat · 2 years
taking this from @tyong-f ^^ it’s a nice way to check in haha
fav colors: black, pink, blue, yellow
currently reading: “attached” by amir levine & rachel s.f. heller
last song: lucid dreams - aespa
last series: la casa de papel s2. I love it sm
last movie: I honestly don’t remember & it’s a self-crime that I haven’t been watching movies as often as I used to
sweet savory or spicy: SPICY
craving: sleep
currently working on: decluttering my room & catching up with my favorite games/shows
I tag @foxpuppylove @mariyekos @doontpanic @lattechu ^^ if you want :)
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riaayumirza · 2 years
37 Things To Do When I’m Bored
Sometimes I just don’t know what to do when in reality there’s always so many things to but I just forgot.
Here I am making the List of 37 Things To Do When I’m Bored, in no particular order:
1. Virtual Tour to Disney World (wish I could be there someday soon and see mickey and princess)
2. Playing The Sims (my all time fav game)
3. Loving or Annoy my Partner (whichever comes first)
4. Self-Healing Journaling (healing is important pals)
5. Art Journaling (stickers and paper excites me)
6. Work on my Stationery Journaling Online Shop, Wishful Note (welcome to my shop and happy shopping)
7. Pinterest Surfing (so many inspiring things) 
8. Making a Pin on Pinterest (Trying my best to create some visuals)
9. Making Moodboard (gotta be great to learn that)
10. Canva Experiment (I love canva)
11. Dancing (Everytime I tried to learn some Kpop, then I failed. I just dancing on my own now)
12. Playing music while singing (imagine having my own concert)
13. Beautifying my Notion
14. Spanish Class (hopefully I can watch La Casa de Papel y Elite soon without subtittle)
15. Google Class
16. Other free class on the internet (bless all the people who want to share their knowledge for free)
17. Yoga
18. Light Exercise
19. Swimming (almost forgot that I used to love swimming)
20. Cooking (more like experiment with some ingredients and see what it makes)
21. Snacking (munchies...so many food to try. I love food)
22. Go to the Mall/ Cafe/ Restaurant (gotta be visit like a tourist)
23. Trying doodles from Instagram Inspo account
24. Watching Movies (so many good movies that I haven’t watch yet)
25. Watching TV Series (so many good series that I want to obsessed with)
26. Reading a book (I prefer a book-book, but e-book is fine because it’s cheaper and space-saving)
27. Cast some spells (season of the witch is coming!)
28. House Chores (well...who doesn’t what sparkling clean house?)
29. Painting
30. Decluttering my phone (gallery, unused apps)
31. Meditation
32. Planning a Vacation (planning a good day is a really fun things for me)
33. Take a Nap (it was always a very good nap)
34. Call some friends (friendship is important, you have to make allies with good people to survive in this world)
35. Making article on Tumblr (can not move on from this writing site, it’s my safe space)
36. Having mini Fashion Show for yourself (so you got many new ideas how to dress on important occasion)
37. Self-Care (my fav is hair mask and face mask)
probbaly will add more things later and making some visuals for this list :D
see you, kind people
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yourhabit28 · 3 years
Tag 9 people to learn more about their interest !!
thanks!! @goldenmemories and @marrltt for tagging me, Love uuu💚
fav genre? Mm everything, maybe more pop
fav artist? 1d/solo career, Rex orange county, Olivia Rodrigo, ashe.
fav song? At the moment; something great, brutal, Perfect now, defenceless, sweet creature, irresistible, wmyb (lol) // soy pésima escogiendo y se que me faltan miles #piscis.
most listened song recently? Our song; good 4 u; defenceless
song currently stuck in your head? El amor es más fuerte, paper rings, y La nueva de Tiktok, creo que es de doja cat(?
5 fav lyrics? Tengo muchas pero acá van las que se me vienen a la mente.
-We're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams. We wake up early morning and they're still under the sheets (Defenceless - Louis)
-Cause you're the only one when it's said and done. You make me feel like being someone good to you (Perfect Now - Louis)
-Something great completa :)
-Wherever I go, you bring me home (Sweet creature - Harry)
-If you're lost, just look for me. You'll find me in the region of the summer stars (Walking in the wind - 1D)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Que vergüenza amiks me van a tener que disculpar pero no leo un libro desde que salí del colegio lol. No es lo mío la lectura (solo fics xd)
fav book genre?
fav writer?
fav book series?
comfort book?
perfect book to read on a rainy day? 🤷🏻‍♀️
fav characters?
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart?
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? Romantic comedy
fav movie? Dirty dancing, footlose, juego de gemelas, hay más pero me da lata seguir juju...
comfort movie? Hsm
movie you watch every year? This is us lol and starstruck
fav tv show? Stranger things, casa de papel y modern family
comfort tv show? Full house
most rewatched tv show? Hanna montana
Ultimate otp? Idk
5 fav characters? -
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
im tagging @louismyantidote @habithlarry @greedy-queen @larryinfinitylt @amorengotas , anyone who wants 💞 feel free To ignore this💞
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dorkshadows · 4 years
Binged la casa de papel with my mother over the week. My mom’s brain was absolutely WIRED when watching. Here were her hottest take observations:
“I like Rio. He’s so dumb.”
“I don’t like Berlin. He has a nasty personality.”
“Berlin is so handsome.”
“It’d be interesting if the Professor and Berlin were lovers. I think they’re lovers. Berlin feels bisexual. His marriages failed 5x because he kept coming back to the Professor.” --> before the #brothers reveal, she really had me on board with this theory LOL
“Arturo must be popular with the audience if he keeps coming back.”
“I hate Arturo.”
@ Palermo “That must be Berlin’s lover.” 
Referred to Palermo as “Berlin’s lover” for half of Part 3
@ the death of [redacted] “!!!!! Why did they do that to the SUN of the series !!!!!!”
(Our mutual fav is the professor. Besides him, I think her favorite favorites are Nairobi and Helsinki but Berlin was the one that made her go “oh” despite his #nasty personality)
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snailmailpenpals · 4 years
Let's be friend 🌈
Hi everyone! I’m Valeria, you can also call me Vale, I’m 20 years old and I come from Italy.
When I know a person, at first I’m a bit shy, but when I become friends with a certain person I turn into a very nice chatterbox, at times crazy, but fun to be around. I’m also an openminded person because I’m interested in knowing cultures and traditions of different places and in learning languages (maybe you can teach me your language and I can do the same).I studied tourism hoping to be able to visit all the world one day.
I love listening to every kind of music. I love Melanie Martinez, Billie Eillish, Ozuna, One Republic, All Time Low, Bastille, Twenty One Pilots, Marilyn Manson, Ed Sheeran, Paramore, Linkin Park, Panic! At the disco, Sean Paul, 5 Second of Summer, Got 7,BTS…there too many to list XD I also love to knowning new music, so if you have something to reccomend to me don't hesitate to do that.
I also like reading every kind of book: thriller, fan fictions, scy-fi, romantic, adventure,...
I’m also a series addicted. I love Arrow, La casa de papel, Stranger Things, SKAM, Peaky Blinders, Game of Thrones, Agent Carter, Narcos, Reign, Sherlock, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD,NCIS,13 reasons why,…
I love watching films of every genre, but my favs are: Fast & Furious, Marvel and DC because I have a crush on Joker but I love also films like Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Pirate of Caribbean.
I would like to get to know new people and make pen pal friends. We can send each other stuff, postcard and other things. So if you’re reading this just contact me, I don’t mind not having the same interests. We can write letters and why not send package or box.
If you want, you can write me on:
Tumblr: queenvale99
Instagram: vals_poli
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