#fe3h oc party
kayzero · 3 months
in the spaces between not working on zwg and not finishing brother’s burden, i’ve been, uh…
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thinking about something new.
#kay original#game development#kay rambles in the tags#Peccatum#Peccatum: Small Town Heroes#name is a work in progress. as most things are.#you can ask me about this project and the ocs i’ve half-imagined if you want to know more about them#but i’m not at the ‘‘ask me about my setting so i can figure stuff out’’ stage yet.#i do know that it’s an rpg. a LONG one too. and it’ll be mission-based kiiinda like FE3H? but not really?#9 party members. each of them have different elemental alignments and each represent a different Game Stat.#everyone has 1 Best stat—2 Great Stats—3 Good Stats—and 2 Poor Stats—and then the ninth stat is a fixed value#i know that two party members are trans. another two members—including the Box Art Protagonist—are disabled#along with the machine party member there is a Dragon who spends most of their time in bipedal form#there is a Fae who spends a large majority of the story hiding the fact that they are in truth a Fae#one of the party members was experimented on as a child and is now part Monster but they repressed the memory so they have no idea#i came up with a shared MP system that has actual story reasons for existing—and it’s gonna be a pain in the ass to code…#i want a relationship system a la Persona except EVERY party member gets a relationship and not just The Protagonist#every party member will have a relationship gauge with every other party member (i guess this is Fire Emblem?)#and then everyone will have a relationship with an NPC that’s unique and exclusive to them#and then they get four relationships with members of the town that you see frequently as you wander around#but it’s a Small Town remember. so the party has to share. there are four categories with three townspeople each so three party members will#have a relationship with each townsperson. but the relationships will be different because the characters aren’t carbon copies of each other#not. not romantic relationships. like friendships and rivalries and sex buddies and apprenticeships and. possibly also romance? mm.#i have to. learn how to code. idk if RPGMaker has a relationship system so i’ll have to figure something else out. maybe RP as a currency...
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lilias42 · 2 months
Avancement des travaux : BD de Pyrkaïa
Nouveau billet sur cette BD ! Cette fois, c'est la suite directe du dernier billet qui montrait où j'en étais (à retrouver ici) et c'est tout ce que j'ai fait depuis, donc... bah y a un mois tout pile aujourd'hui... ô Déesse, le temps passe vite... enfin, pour le moment, je suis plutôt contente du résultat même si c'est encore à bien nettoyer, remettre les oreilles visibles au bon endroit, faire les bras MUSCLES de Pyrkaïa, ses petites veines de lave... puis passer au noir et coloré tout ça... bref, j'en ai encore pour un moment mais, j'espère que ces pages vous plairont !
Juste des petites précisions avant de commencer :
Oui, il n'y a pas d'archer qui entoure Lonato dans les renforts, qu'il a une épée au lieu d'un arc, il y a deux combattants à hache dans le jeu (et ils ont un masque plutôt qu'un casque intégrale) et le placement est différent mais, pour avoir certaines images spécifiques que je voulais faire, j'ai modifié la composition de l'armée. On va dire que comme on roule tellement pas sur l'or à Gaspard, même les soldats bien placés sont équipés avec les moyens du bord et de toute façon, l'uniforme n'existe pas au Moyen-Âge donc, ça tient qu'ils n'en aient pas non plus ici.
J'ai aussi modifié les noms qu'utilise Lonato pour désigner ses ennemis. Il appelle notamment Rhéa "sorcière" quand il attaque des unités qui ne sont ni Ashe, ni Dimitri, ni Catherine. Cependant, comme dans mon univers, c'est le nom de ceux qui pratique la magie ancienne, la sorcellerie, et que c'est un terme qui pourait être attribué aux Braves étant donné qu'ils l'étaient tous, je l'ai retiré et Lonato utilise bien plus les mots "démone" et "hérétique", ce qui mène au point suivant
Pyrkaïa est originaire d'une cité qui s'inspire de Sparte / Lacédémone, elle parle donc le grec ancien normalement à son époque (et pour la compréhension ici, j'avoue, c'est un énorme "ta gueule, c'est magique" même si je préfère d'habitude faire en sorte que les personnages du passé continue à parler leur langue et qu'il faille quelqu'un pour traduire mais, ça aurait annulé tous les dialogues de cette histoire donc, on passe outre) Il y a donc des mots qui ont des origines grecques qu'elle entend dans la bouche de personnages du présent qui parle français mais, qui n'ont pas la même signification pour elle qu'ls l'ont actuellement, d'où le fait qu'il y ait parfois des incompréhensions entre elle et les autres et qu'elle s'énerve quand on l'appelle de tel ou tel façon.
Pour celui-là, je vais directement tiré mes définitions du Bailly, le dictionnaire grec ancien-français de référence en France. J'ai plus fait bien plus de latin que de grec et de base, je suis pas douée en langue du tout alors, il y a plus de risque que je fasse des erreurs alors, je préfère mettre mes sources :
démone : vient du grec "δαίμων, ονος (ὁ, ἡ)" et à l'époque de Pyrkaïa (après Homère vu que la Guerre de Troie a eu lieu dans cet univers 200 ans avant sa naissance) "après Hom. : 1) οἱ δαίμονες, sorte de dieux inférieurs (entre θεός et ἥρως), PLAT. Leg. 738d ; cf. Rsp. 342a ; placés à la suite des dieux, PLAT. Leg. 848d ; nés des dieux, mais non dieux eux-mêmes, ARSTT. Rhet. 3, 18, 2 ; cf. PLAT. Ap. 27d. /  2) postér. mauvais esprit, démon, NT. Matth. 8, 31 ; Marc. 5, 12 ; Luc. 8, 29 ; JOS. A.J. 8, 2, 5, etc. " Elle, elle le comprend comme "divinité mineure"
hérétique : vient du grec "αἱρετικός, ή, όν" et dans le Bailly, c'est dans sa première définition "apte à choisir, qui choisit, gén. PLAT. Def. 412a.", et c'est également pris comme le "factieux" mais, les auteurs qui l'utilisent dans ce sens ont l'air plus récent, si le Porp est Porphyre de Tyr, c'est le 3e siècle de notre ère, là où Platon est à cheval entre le 5e et le 4e siècle AVANT notre ère. J'ai donc gardé le fait que pour Pyrkaïa, ce mot désigne avant tout celui qui fait un choix
Rhéa, évidemment, elle la prend pour Ῥέα, ας (ἡ), la Rhéa mythologique, épouse de Cronos, mère des divinités olympiennes... (ou alors, elle pourrait aussi entendre ça "ῥέα" l'adverbe pour dire "facilement, sans peine")
Et enfin, celui-là, je suis moins sûre mais, le nom de famille Charon vient surement de "Χάρων, ωνος (ὁ) / Khâron / Charon", passeur des enfers de la mythologie grecque (même si ça aurait aussi pu venir de " χάρων, ωνος (ὁ, ἡ)" qui s'écrit de la même manière mais qui veut dire "gai, joyeux, seul. en parl. de la couleur, particul. de la couleur fauve du lion") alors, je ne pouvais pas le mentionner dans cette histoire. Cependant, Pyrkaïa est très prudente avec la notion d'hubris, comme la très grande majorité des sorciers de sa région car, c'est un des pires crimes à son époque : le fait d'être tellement arrogant et orgueilleux qu'on se prend pour au-dessus des dieux. Elle déteste même quand on suppose que son père ne serait pas le sien mais, un dieu (comme Arès, ce qui l'énerve encore plus vu que c'est pas un dieu très bien vu, ou une autre divinité de la guerre) afin d'expliquer comment une femme peut être aussi puissante qu'elle l'ait alors, elle ne pouvait pas prendre le nom du passeur des morts comme ça. Je suis donc parti sur le fait que le nom "Διονύσιος " signifie "de Dionysos", j'ai rajouté un "ι" pour que son nom ressemble plus à un possessif, même si je ne suis clairement pas sûre que cela se tienne en grec ancien...
Bon, après ça, je pense qu'on peut commencer ! (ah et si les pages sont assez jaune, c'est normal, c'est que j'ai renforcé les contrastes et baisser la luminosité après coup pour qu'elles soient plus visible, je les ai pris en photo avec un téléphone)
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#écriture de curieuse#dessin de curieuse#fe3h#fe3h oc#j'espère que ça vous plait surtout !#fans de Lonato... les 3 fans de Lonato... passez votre chemin !#ça faisait du bien de dessiner cette scène ! Qu'il mange de la terre Lonato !#Surtout que bon dans ma version si Christophe a été arrêté et exécuté c'est qu'il faisait partie d'un groupuscule complotiste#+qui soutenait évidemment le massacre des Duscuriens et était de mèche avec la pire faction de l'Eglise / secte occidentale#+qui allait faire un attentat sur Rhéa + a tenté de faire rentrer des armes à GM -donc école + hospice- pour la tuer avec ses fidèles#+tout ça parce qu'elle a condamné le massacre systématique des duscuriens et excommunié les responsables#+et quand son ami Théo Charon -petit frère de Catherine- a tenté de lui parler en privé plutôt que dans son bureau au tribunal#+il l'a accusé d'être du complot et s'est enfui en l'envoyant dans une bibliothèque qui lui ait tombé dessus pour qu'il ne le poursuive pas#-Théo est paraplégique et en fauteuil roulant c'était gratuit et pour ralentir les autres en le blessant-#+et quand Cath l'a rattrapé et arrêté- il lui a hurlé les pires insultes notamment sur le fait que les Charon sont des monstres#+car elles ont gardés pas mal de traits nabatéens et vivent vraiment très longtemps#Donc très clairement il n'a pas été condamné à mort pour rien#Et Lonato mérite de se prendre la colère de Pyrkaïa et de tout le monde#Il a juste agi de manière égoïste en jetant ses citoyens à la mort et en tuant tout le monde pour se venger personnellement#alors avec le coup de la magie noire des agarthans en plus de son comportement de tyran...#tu m'étonnes que Pyrkaïa veuille le réduire en cendres... mais bon quand elle fait une promesse- elle la tient#en tout cas j'espère que ça vous aura plu ! merci encore !
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lyn1catz · 7 months
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deciding to post my fe3h oc even though he's sort of unfinished aka no complete timeskip design yet
rambling a bit about her backstory under the cut
She was left by her parents in a forest at birth and spent 15 years living with animals thinking he was one of them until he was found and subdued by a hunting party and taken to an orphanage. During her time there a girl decided to befriend him despite his strange feral behavior and taught him how to talk. They became very close (think middle school sort kind of girlfriends) but he ended up only stayed for a year and a half before leaving. She wandered around the borders of Faerghus and Leicester stealing the things she needed and or wanted until finding her way into the monastery. Getting there right after the previous school year ended she took pieces of people's uniforms that were left behind or thrown out to put together their own uniform. She hid out in the dorms or abyss until the school year the game takes place in starts and began to pretend to be a student. She had no idea about the house stystem and just followed the crowd into the blue lions classroom and stayed there. The church knows about her freeloading but chooses to let her stay because it would cause a scandal to kick out an orphan and it's an extra pair of hands on missions.
During the timeskip he decides to stay with people instead of going back to the forest and starts a band of thieves. While most of what they steal is out of necessity they make an effort to only target nobles or more well off people. She replaces the battle with the theives at reunion at dawn. If she was recruited pre timeskip either the professor or the lord can talk to her to recruit her again which ends the battle immediately
fun facts I guess!
they are completely illiterate and have to take extra lessons with byleth to catch up
Their name was given to them by their friend in the orphanage, their birth name is unknown
they have no idea when they were born or how old they are and only assumes they're around 18-19. They decided their birthday was in the guardian moon after it was bought up they had not celebrated yet
they have had contact with people in the woods like travelers or hunting parties but had no clue what they were
they have full conversations with animals and no one can tell if they're bullshitting or not
Theyre slightly more well adjusted by the time the game starts but they still have strange habits like a nocturnal sleep schedule or eating raw meat
they've caused multiple rumors about werewolves or feral woodland cannibal people or around Leicester and Faerghus
They pierced their own ear with the same safety pin they wear as an earring
She has a guitar! (it is stolen)
Everything they own is stolen actually
They enjoy fashion but struggle to wear most things since they aren't used to wearing clothes
When they got access to paper and pencils in the monastery she picked up drawing. Since they can't write most of class time is spent doodling instead of taking notes
Their favorite cat in the monastery is a tuxedo she named Meatloaf after she shared some of her food with it
it's like a half joke half serious they have whatever the medieval fantasy version of a fursona is
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necromanticarina · 7 months
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◈ MUN INFO: Coucou | 29 | She/her | GER/ENG
◈ I‘m an artist, so all headers, banners, icons etc. are drawn by me unless stated otherwise.
This is a complete beginner roleplay blog so please be patient with me. For a start I will roleplay one muse only: my OC Carina for Fire Emblem - Three Houses. This blog will therefore focus on FE3H only. With more experience in RP I might expand my options a little.
I‘m open for serious RPing as well as banter, and I’m ready to engage in long or short RP sessions.
Because I‘m very new to this and short on experience (and still kinda shy), I might be a bit slow, and I might be selective in following back and/or engaging in roleplays.
◈ ROSTER: (under construction)
I‘m focusing on roleplaying in FE3H only, so I wish to stay within that fandom. Please do not request a RP session with me if you are from different fandoms / multiverse / interested in cross-overs / fandomless.
This RP blog is open to mature themes and may include NSFW, so please do not follow and interact if you‘re minor!
Please don’t take it personal if I don‘t follow you back. While I certainly would like to RP a lot, I don’t want to overwhelm myself with too much, plus I‘m a human with personal preferences and triggers and must be selective for the sake of my comfort.
I‘m a RP beginner and English is not my mother language, so please be patient with me while awaiting my reply. Feel free to correct mistakes, too!
You may gently remind me of our RP but please do not rush me. If you lose interest or feel like you’re too strained to continue in our interactions, don‘t be afraid to let me know.
I‘m okay with multiple ships. Will only ship with muns 20+ if there is good chemistry. NSFW is possible, but ONLY if both parties are comfortable enough. Please discuss with me beforehand for any romantic relationships.
I will use the tag #necromanticarina to track interactions. Feel free to mention me via @necromanticarina as well.
Please be respectful of my own comfort. I don‘t want to surround myself with people accompanied by lots of drama and fights.
Please be respectful in general.
I won‘t tolerate any form of discrimination, inc€st or p€dophilia.
You don‘t need to worry about matching the length of my replies.
Any art used in this blog is drawn by me unless credited otherwise or if it‘s official art. I will respect the other artists‘ work by requesting usage & proper crediting. I highly value that you‘d pay the artists the same respect when using their works in our interactions.
For specific scenarios please reach out to discuss it in detail beforehand.
I will only follow other roleplay blogs.
Adding icons or other graphics are not a requirement for interacting with me.
I will also RP in German if anyone is interested.
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can u tell us more abt the pink butterflies route
Obviously, major spoiler warnings for FE3H below! It's a fictional route yes but it uses much canon lore and story concepts!
SO.... the Rosé Wings route obviously begins when Byleth decides to teach Bronwen's house. As a side note, if Byleth doesn't choose them, a new teacher character named Orinthia Lyne teaches the Pink Butterflies house. Although, no matter if Byleth selects them or not, a teaching assistant named Rúna works as a helper to whomever teaches that house.
This route follows the same general beats pre-skip, except Bronwen oft remarks that something seems off with the portrayal of things in historical texts. When Edelgard leaves and declares war, Bronwen confesses to Byleth that she thinks something is severely wrong and that the whole thing feels orchestrated.
Post-skip, so five years later in game, Bronwen and her class [including most characters recruited before the skip] take up Garreg Mach as their base so Bronwen can be closer to monitoring the war. This route is by far the longest, as it involves consulting with Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard personally to gain information, with Bronwen remaining a neutral party as they fight mysterious soldiers.
Once the truth is uncovered, Bronwen and Byleth then work together and unite Fódlan against Those Who Slither in the Dark [TWSITD from here on cause lazy], even persuading Edelgard and unveiling that it was that group who experimented on her, partly for this reason. Thus, together, all their armies unite in one massive final battle, completely eradicating TWSITD and saving Fódlan from their painful influence.
The final battle is a HUGE DEAL and even involves multiple "teams" being lead that the player transitions to across the fight. In theory, they are the houses, but they can be selected aside from the two leaders. The default teams are;
-Bronwen [locked unit], Gareth [locked unit], Deirdre, Islwyn, Askr, Freyja, Delwyn, Althea, Yuri [if Ashen Wolves DLC is installed], Rúna.
-Dimitri [locked unit], Dedue [locked unit], Felix, Ashe, Sylvain, Mercedes, Annette, Ingrid, Hapi [if DLC is had], Portia [OC who also appears in this route dw abt it].
-Claude [locked unit], Hilda [locked unit], Balthus [if DLC is had], Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Lysithea, Marianne, Rosalind, Desdemona [both are OCs dw abt it]
-Edelgard [locked unit], Hubert [locked unit], Constance [if DLC is had], Ferdinand, Linhardt, Caspar, Bernadetta, Dorothea, Petra, Orinthia.
For the final strike/second phase, you can decide who is present in the unit and none of them are locked. After beating this fight, you then get a cutscene to end things off.
Unlike other routes, you choose who you s-support with after the final battle. Bronwen wishes you well in your proposal [which is funny if you pick her lmfao], and Fódlan is said to be at peace afterwards- cooperative and united into the future.
In short it's me being wishful and trying to let everyone be happy
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damoselcastel · 1 year
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I posted 818 times in 2022
That's 62 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (13%)
708 posts reblogged (87%)
Longest Tag: 79 characters
#even though he's awful in b rank this is the drama i wanna explore between them
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey guys, I’m making a Let’s Play for Triangle Strategy! It’s mostly just my own silly commentary and reactions to a blind playthrough, but if you’re interested I’ll have daily updates so please check out my (very new) Youtube channel.
Episode 1 - the very, very start
8 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
I haven’t really said much on the upcoming FE title, other than Colgate Pepsi Lord being uggo, and that’s mostly because of my... unresolved problems with Fire Emblem Heroes. Or rather, that entire “hero summoning” as a concept.
I suppose sometimes in a game, it’s a fun concept to have like... a cameo summon. Twilight Princess’ Wolf Link in Breath of the Wild is a fun easter egg, and as optional dlc, probably non-canonical as far as story goes. It’s something that doesn’t bother me, maybe because I’m having fun with the game enough to shrug weirdness, like wearing Majora’s Mask as a mask, off.
But a game like FEH, where it’s built AROUND the concept of FE series cameos... I really can’t excuse it’s pathetic excuse for stories, while I stare at the pile of familiar characters I care WAY MORE ABOUT than the OCs constantly whumped in plot for little effect. I honestly dislike most FEH OCs, because there’s a lot about both their context and execution that bothers me... and the direction the games writing has good (book 2 was the worst nosedive, but the entire structure is mmwheeh)
So, my thoughts in rant form (brought on by FEH’s book 7 trailer):
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I don’t feel attached to Zenith, because I feel like the character could care less about it or its problems with the way the traipse off ALL THE TIME. It’s likely I’ll be just as cranky about a group of silver spoon kiddos summoning great heroes to serve their beck and whim... with at most a “you mean so much to me Marth-sama uwu” being stated. Engage’s tone looks all light and fluffy, and maaaaaaaaan, it’ll all bounce off my salty self. I just hope I’m not bored by it, like I was in the end with Awakening.
10 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
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Much belated happy @nagamas, hardkourparcore!
Apologies for this pinch hit being so very late, but hope this “Secrets” CasLin is too your liking (I tried to channel both their respective energies)
12 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Red Courage - a FE3H Claude/Edelgard fanfic    Game: Fire Emblem Fates    Rating: Teen    Character(s): Claude von Reigan, Edelgard von Hersvelg, Dimitri (background)    Tag(s): no TWSitD AU, politics, marriage, patriarchy    Warning(s): force feeding, involuntary physical restraint, implied age gap/child bride    Word Count: 4,252 Summary: Claude learned of love from his mother, although it doesn't move him until he meets Edelgard. She changes everything. (Claude/Edelgard, no TWSitD AU)
Sorry for being a day late, but merry @nagamas to S3rain on twitter. I chose your Claude/Edelgard prompt and put my own little AU twist on it. Hope you enjoy!
13 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dame’s thoughts on FE3H Rufus
FE16, aka FE Three Houses, spoilers below
So... over the years since FE3H came out, I’d developed certain headcanons for some off-screen NPCs. Y’know the ones, mentioned by characters, but didn’t get a name let alone a model/portrait. The most conspicuous one might’ve been Dimitri’s Uncle- Regent Rufus.
In the main game he gets mentioned only a handful of times: by Dimitri for existing, by Felix to be criticized for not handling the rampant Bandit situation post-Tragedy, by the plot for kicking off Azure Moon’s civil war events within Faerghus.
So I’d started thinking “what type of prince is this man?” and went with the idea of ‘party prince’: the sort of secondary heir who grew up with few responsibilities and instead just lives the high life on the country’s dime. I figured, this could be a big reason why as a Regent, Rufus would be inept, cause he plain ignored duties thus has no experience ruling. Along this line of thought, I figured even if Rufus wasn’t actively malicious that he did neglect his freshly orphaned nephew (as its canon post Tragedy both Dimitri and Dedue felt isolated within Fhirdiad’s castle).
So I guess, I built up this picture of an uncle who mostly wanted to have a good time and wasn’t very good at the serious stuff in life, one that Dimitri could have a shallow relationship with that was neutral-borderline-negative. Dimitri himself never seems to express anger towards Rufus, and counts him as family in all ending routes with the possibility of counting on his uncle to keep the Blaiddyd line alive in Crimson Flower. I LIVED FOR the drama of Dimitri being falsely set up for the crime of uncle-murder, and all the gross feelings that must’ve accompanied that.
It was kinda fun speculating on a complicated family relationship that was dysfunctional without being outright villainous-- But now I play through FE Warriors 3H, and seems all my headcanons are to be smashed to pieces, lol. More thoughts to come about that on a later reblog.
19 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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anguis-sapphire · 1 year
blog navigation/tag system information
I wanted to make a post about the different formats of tags that I use on this blog; I have this information contained within my blog theme on desktop, but that's only on the desktop view, so I wanted to make a post as well so that everyone could see it. This post may well be updated if ever I change things, but I hope that it helps with navigation!~
For pre-existing characters, the format is "name (source)" - for example, "aqua (kingdom hearts)" or "pumpkaboo (pokémon)". Source names are normally written out in full, while character names are normally just the first name.
For characters that others have created, whether they are OCs or sonas or self-inserts or anything else, the format is "name (source) (URL of creator)" - for example, I would tag my KHUX OC Clio as "clio (kingdom hearts) (void-feather)".
For sources and other "categories" posts could fall under, the format is "source/category tag" - for example, "kingdom hearts tag" or "TWEWY tag". Specific source names are sometimes abbreviated here, even if I write them out in full in the character tags - for example, "katya (parties are for losers)" and then "PAFL tag". Some sources also get multiple tags to show extra levels of organisation, such as "fire emblem tag" and "three houses tag" both being used for FE3H things.
I like keeping track of where a post or reblog comes from, and the general format for these is "posts found" followed by the source - for example, "posts found on the dashboard" versus "posts found by exploring" versus "posts found through links".
For posts made by me (whether on this blog directly or on one of my sideblogs), applicable tags include "a call from the void" for all posts made by me, "creations from the void" for any renders, writing, etc. that I make and post, "unfinished creations" for any work-in-progress content, "echo plays (game)" for talking about games I'm playing, and "blog logistics" for any kind of information or organisation-based post (like this one, for example!).
More tags may end up being added to this list if I find them necessary and use them on a regular basis!
I hope that all of this is helpful! If anyone has any questions, then my inbox is always open.
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littlewindrp · 1 year
❝𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐢𝐫...❞
This is Mun Zephyrs Muse list! Ocs are first and are linked with their docs.
This is always changing! More ocs and canons can be added at any time, check back if something doesn’t interest you!
(BIG note, the only ocs I have fully developed as of now are all under the name Ambriel with assorted surnames.) 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓮 𝓔𝓶𝓫𝓵𝓮𝓶...
- Ambriel Wildcleaver  ( Ambriel is generally good spirited and fun to be around. Bubbly but a little dense on some topics, they’re a must if you need a good tank and an even better friend. They’re stubborn to a fault and jumpy at most things. They will not ask for help by any circumstances, they’d rather fail a class than ask for someone to help them. They’re notoriously clumsy and a surprisingly picky eater. They thoroughly enjoy soft fabrics and colourful flowers. If there’s something they’re interested in, Ambriel will sink all their time into it if they can. They have this vague aura of anxiousness but never realise it, they end up thoroughly confused if someone mentions it.)
- Sylvain Jose Gautier
- Hubert Von Vestra
- Dedue Molinaro
- (I am always willing to try characters for this! These are just the ones I know i can do.) 𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔀𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱... - Ambriel Pearson ( Ambriel grew up with their mother in a low income neighborhood in London. The two were very poor, but they were happy. They were a smart kid, always interested in taking things apart and putting them back together. Ever since they were young, the idea of robots intrigued them. They loved the idea that something that was originally just scrap metal could be given life in such a spectacular way. ) - Cole Cassidy - Genji Shimada - Lucio Correia dos Santos 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓵... - Psyche (Ambriel is a bubbly mum-friend. You want someone to talk to? Sure come in! Don’t mind the mess. You need Hair Ties? What colour? They will do their best to help if they can. They are very aware that they aren’t the strongest and their powers aren’t the best or even helpful if the situation doesn't call for exactly THEIR type of distraction but they’re good at other things!) - Thor - Spider-man 𝓞𝓫𝓮𝔂 𝓶𝓮... - Ambriel Allibaster (Ambriel, considering their continuously growing pile of physical and mental issues is actually quite bubbly. A pleasant person and often described as the mum friend. They look chronically tired but will deny it if you ask.)
- Mammon
- Lucifer
- Barbatos  𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷 𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓬𝓽...
- Ambriel Allibaster (Considering everything, Ambriel is quite the bubbly character. They have no issues with helping out if you need it and they know how to keep spirits high on long journeys and hard treks through the colder mountains of Dragonspine. Any fits of extreme emotion cause their elemental powers to go absolutely haywire so  they try to be as neutrally happy as possible at all times (don’t sneak up on them, it doesn’t end well for either party).Ambriel has a few issues with communicating with people, along with the constant isolation from others they have a great many mental issues. The circumstances around gaining their vision granted them PTSD like fits and depressive episodes. They also have many sensory issues, especially with food and textures.)
- Tartaglia
- Arataki Itto - Kaeya
- (Willing to try other characters for this as well!)
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻...
- Ambriel Allibaster ( Ambriel is a delight to be around if you catch them on a good day. They’re bubbly and chatty, sometimes overwhelmingly. They enjoy being around people, whether it’s because they genuinely enjoy other peoples company or because it drowns out the constant otherworldly voices screaming at them about someones unfortunate demise is anyones guess.)
- Jaskier
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ridermatsu · 3 years
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The bridal banner from FEH made me think about,,, them ❤❤❤
Verdant Duo: Claude & Korina!
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manouchanart · 4 years
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Here’s my fe3h oc Isabella she’s a world hopper so she will show up in other series’s (even different versions of her). Isa wakes up in fodlan having no idea how she got there and the first thing she comes across is a wyvern who has taken a liking to her. She finds it strange how tame this wyvern is. Did it have a previous owner? Now Isabella has to find out how she got here and how to get home. All the while making friends, keeping a low profile and worrying about a impending war.
Used hilda concept art as a base for the 2nd piece.
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mellomemos · 5 years
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I finished my fe3h ocs time skip designs!
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lilias42 · 1 year
Elle m'a supplié de la dessiner alors, voici Gonerile dite Metaheta, la changeante !
Bon ! C'était mon dernier jour de vacance et là, y a la dame qui arrive en me suppliant de la dessiner alors que je ne dessine très rarement depuis deux ans et là, elle me dit "Bon, tu ne m'as pas encore présentée dans les formes mais, tu me dessines sinon, je te hante jusqu'à ce que tu cèdes, et n'oublie pas que j'ai 1200 ans alors, j'ai beaucoup de fierté, surtout en forme d'yeux et il faudra toute les mettre... et je suis une crétoise de l'époque minoenne - même si j'habite en montagne - donc, tu te débrouilles avec ça."
Donc bon, je vous présente Metaheta alors (du grec ancien μετάθετος, "metahetos", changeant / variable mais comme je n'ai pas trouvé le féminin, je lui ai mis un alpha à la fin vu que ça peut être utiliser comme déclinaison féminine et que je trouvais que Metaheta sonnait mieux que Metahetè).
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Pour elle, je me suis inspiré des habits minoens qui ressemblait à ça pour les femmes (fresque qui a été retrouvée dans le palais de Cnossos) :
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On a donc une jupe longue avec plusieurs couches (non représentée ici) avec un bustier qui laisse le ventre, les seins et la gorge découverts, ainsi que des bijoux et des coiffures très élaborer. Pour le coup, j'avais pas envie de mettre autant de bijoux dans les cheveux de Metaheta car, je n'arrivais pas à rendre ça correctement de face, c'était déjà très chargé avec toutes les fiertés qu'elle a et que c'était sur elles que je voulais plus me concentrer, même si j'ai gardé le bandeau pour les tenir et lui donner un vêtement distinctif.
Pour ses fiertés, ce sont surtout des yeux et des grosses veines d'énergie afin que sa magie circule dans tout son corps, ce qui lui permet d'avoir énormément de force, la capacité à changer de taille et de forme, cette dernière capacité lui permettant de cacher ses fiertés afin de se fondre dans la masse et ne pas se faire remarquer. En plus, elle est littéralement un lutin vu qu'elle mesure un mètre quarante-six donc, elle a la même blague que sa descendante (car je l'aime bien ce genre de blague) : minuscule et à première vue toute fragile, alors qu'elle a beaucoup de force, autant physique que dans son tempérament étant donné qu'elle peut être impitoyable pour défendre sa cité et les siens (même si je ne vous l'ai pas encore présenté en bonne et due forme), quitte à se faire passer pour une déesse pour assassiner les personnes qui menacent sa cité. En un mot, c'est une enragée, avec l'obsession de préserver son peuple des agarthans, quoi qu'il lui en coute et quitte à devenir monstrueuse (ce qu'elle ait physiquement, elle est complètement difforme et beaucoup de personnes sont terrifiées par sa force). J'ai essayé de le représenter avec son petit sourire en coin car, ce serait totalement son expression habituelle quand elle tient ses adversaires à sa merci.
C'est aussi pour ça qu'elle a des fiertés en forme d'yeux et qui sont tout simplement des yeux fonctionnels qui lui permettent de voir sous tous les angles. Etant donné qu'elle est toujours sur ses gardes et voulait avoir des yeux partout, sa sorcellerie a déformé son corps dans ce sens, ce qui est de la chance pour elle.
Pour ses couleurs, on reste sur les mêmes qu'Hilda, même si elle peut surement les changer quand elle se transforme. Elle est par contre très différente de sa descendante, en étant allergique à la paresse par exemple, c'est le genre de personne qui ne s'arrête jamais.
Et sinon, quelques gribouillages vite faits comme ça :
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De droite à gauche, de haut en bas, on a (vu que je me rend compte que ce n'est pas méga visible si vous garder la luminosité de votre écran basse [ce que je fais], même si j'ai joué avec les contrastes) :
Hilda qui présente à Metaheta ses créations et les bijoux qu'elle fait, Metaheta étant aussi une artiste une fois les menaces éloignées de chez elle, notamment en architecture vu qu'elle peut tout déplacer comme elle le veut et le souhaite en grandissant et en modifiant la forme de son corps. Beaucoup de ses construction et ses oeuvres sont encore debout à l'époque du jeu.
Metaheta qui dit à Ignatz que ce qu'il peint est très beau, et il est gêné par le compliment étant donné que c'est une des patronnes des artistes visuels avec Gloucester (et ses habits surement aussi).
Rhéa qui montre à Metaheta une fresque représentant Sothis, après qu'elle lui ait dit que la déesse qu'elle vénère le plus est celle de l'inondation, qui a sauvé sa ville des agarthans en noyant les "chasseurs d'homme" sous un déluge. Elle pleure alors quand elle voie son vraie visage tellement elle est émue de la voir (et pauvre Rhéa au passage vu leur histoire entre elle et les Braves de première génération).
Et dernier petit dessin pas très visible à cause de mon ombre, Metaheta qui rend service en déplaçant quelque chose de très lourd sans souci mais, un personnage est mort de gêne à cause de son habit et couvre sa gorge avec un châle, ce qui l'étonne un peu vu que bon, Metaheta pensait que ce serait plutôt ses fiertés qui choqueraient, pas sa poitrine et son ventre découvert, surtout vu que les gens montrent leurs jambes sans soucis. Désolé, j'ai pas pu m'en empêcher.
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raeyxia · 5 years
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sildrae · 4 years
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my fe3h OC LOL, Fiona! she’s a hopeless gossip from the black eagles house!! her stats were determined thru random and honestly i see no hope for her, i even thought of making her a brawling wyvern rider wwww, that has to be a show to see
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gravitality · 4 years
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the only thing that comes from being a family man in war is that the enemy knows what to hit first
uh. this is Uber quick (mostly color test/warm up) but heres this!
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edelegs · 3 years
one of my most successful posts is my “black eagles d&d” one but did it inspire fans of the other houses to make their own?? I can offer some ideas but I think they’d be most organic from hardcore blue lions/golden deer stans. anyway I’d love to see it
#i'll take a stab at it in the tags lmao#so Ashe is blions DM and Ignatz is GD DM#felix's character is every edgy 13 year old's first sonic oc#sylvain's character is a wizard named sexalor who wears nothing but a magic codpiece#dimitri just plays a good boy who tries to help everyone he sees (and mercedes does the same)#dedue's character is really fleshed out but the house decides that he is the party's dad friend#annette would KILL D&D. she does the math well and also has a great character with energy that binds the party together#every house has a self-inserter. blions is Ingrid#she has a paladin who ran away from home to be a knight#as for GD claude is chaotic neutral and solves every problem in the most roundabout and convoluted way just for the chaos#he and byleth collab for weird solutions#you've heard of ferdinand's self-indulgent oc now get ready for lorenz's bard who speaks only in poetry#marianne is too shy to play her character and hilda's too lazy to learn the rules so marianne does the gameplay and hilda does the rp#lysithea's oc has a tragic backstory but she also just wants to hit things#if she's recruited into black eagles d&d she would vibe so hard with hubert's edgelord storytelling#everyone does raphael's math for him. he brings an enthusiasm to the group that only a himbo can#leonie is 100% the GD self-inserter but it's more of a female Jeralt insert#fe3h#black eagles#blue lions#golden deer#fire emblem three houses#also I saw a tier list on reddit about this subject and it was just all wrong so I must correct it
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