#feel free to add to this! I wanted to add kris running for their life at the front but instead it just looks like the most peaceful car ride
crystalelemental · 10 months
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Instead of my usual "Just let SS Kris/SS Ethan/Lucian kill it," I decided to give some alternate teams a try in Villa. Add some variety to my life, you know?
Caitlin Favoritism The Psychic thing was my first iteration. I wanted to get something rolling with Caitlin. And don't get me wrong, she did well enough, but I feel like this is more about Bede being disgustingly good than anything. Lucian being used again also just doesn't sit right with me for some reason. I dunno, I'll have to workshop something else with Caitlin next run. They win easy, but so much of that is Bede.
Ice Queens Irida was actually one of my go-to solutions starting out. Field effects on entry are a big deal, and she gets a whole 50% bonus damage skill at 1/5, so I'm like hey. 90% bonus damage for existing? I'll take it. It's actually 105% bonus damage, because BP Candice is also here spamming Blizzard. Glacia pulls it together, with +1 crit every time she attacks, healing under Hail, and most critically, Synchro Healing. The team is fantastic...for the short matches. Longer matches need Hail to be re-applied, or gauge goes to shit and it all falls apart. But "long match" is really just the 3v9, and you have four instances of Hail. They could absolutely clear Villa as a solo team. I actually think Glacia might be the second-best Villa sync pair in the 5* pool after Lucian. The +1 crit and Synchro Healing is divine, and she never takes more than one gauge to get things moving. Very strong performance.
Baby Children While considering Irida, I had initially thought about Lucian again, but I'm kinda sick of falling back on him all the time. My second thought was P!Dawn, before realizing the gauge issues that might cause, and that Irida likely wasn't going to appreciate that kind of support given her timer. What I landed on was the team above, but there was a brief moment where I thought...what about Summer Tate? And this led to me going actually wait, Tate's really good in this mode too. Paralysis, debuffing special defense every action, randomized buffs aplenty, Doom Desire? Tate had a lot to work with. So then I went hey. I wonder if I can get him and Liza to win. The answer is a resounding yes. Thanks to SC Shauna.
Note their HP remaining. That's because Shauna never once used a Potion. She has Double Potion MPR. Girl could easily have achieved a solo team clear with these two. Liza's able to pivot into Iron Defense at any point to get a free Giga Impact, so gauges aren't a huge concern, and Tate can throw around Paralysis and still blow apart something with Doom Desire. SC Shauna is perhaps an odd pick, given how many options have Double Potion, but my reasoning is that she has randomized team buffs. Two of them, half the time. Which means there are a lot of rolls for speed or either offense for the twins. With the Debut Regen effect, she's a very good frontline tank that doesn't worry too much about damage. Which is good because it saves healing for Liza and Tate. This one has the opposite effect of the Ice team. While Ice does well in fast matches, the children do really well on the longer fights, but due to poor initial gauges, struggle to avoid taking a bunch of damage in the short 3v3 stages. It's weird, but such is life.
Next Run I have heard the joys of SS Steven as a solution, and while I recognize how good he'd be offensively, if I use him, I want it to be for Speed. Specifically, I want to test him out with Rose. AoE Max Moves and fast-ramping sounds really, really funny.
I really want to get something working with Caitlin. Ideally, something that isn't SS Lana, though I know she's the best option. I'll have to really think about it, because truth be told, I think Caitlin might be best here as the tank, thanks to regen and Catalytic Cure.
I want to do an Adaman equivalent, but that legitimately feels like cheating.
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ultimategirldad · 2 years
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He just got his license :)
original image below:
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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yammz · 2 years
Hi Yam <3 for Fanfic questions, i am literally holding myself back not to ask you ever single one of them, so i'm gonna ask you this four: 6; 7; 12; 22;
Kris! My beloved <3 thank you!
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
I really love writing dialogue. I love getting the rhythm and cadence of pairings down, thinking about how each character reacts to the other one. Definitely my favorite part.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Probably backstory? There are some writers who are able to convincingly world-build and effectively plop you into characters' lives that already feel...well-lived-in, you know? I don't know if I do that very well, and I am constantly running into problems with it when I want to add onto stories, since I don't have backstories!
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Ahhhh I'm working on a winged!Sam fic that I'm excited about. It's more character study than anything, just letting me slide into both my Sam Wilson feelings and my mutant feelings
Sam Wilson was born in a bathtub, and his wings flapped like a penguin’s underwater.
That’s how his mom always described it. He remembered a day out with her, his tiny wings bound tightly to his back under a thick sweater, going to the aquarium. She pointed to the penguins who waddled around awkwardly on land, stiff like they were bound, too.
And then they’d drop underwater, and they were free. Fast. Sleek and natural.
“See?” Darlene had said, running her palm softly over Sam’s back, her loving touch on his covered wings. “They just need to find the right place to fly.” And that was the hope, from then on. To find a place where he could fly, where he didn’t need to hide, where he could stretch and flap and preen comfortably.
I already told you this, but I'm also excited about a SamBucky+No-serum!Steve fic set mostly in a hospital:
“He’s my emergency contact still. They called him last night,” Steve says. “Sorry for not telling you sooner.” Sam nearly rolls his eyes at that, knowing Steve was fighting for his fucking life last night. He didn’t need to tell Sam everything.
Sam clears his throat. “He need a place to stay?”
“Didn’t get to talk to him, considering the whole near-death thing.” Steve swallows and it looks like it hurts. “He doesn’t need to stay with us. I know you don’t like him.”
Right. Because Steve doesn't know that whole truth. That whole truth about Bucky. Who Sam does not get along with. Nope. Not one bit. Not even that one time, when Bucky was killing time for his delayed flight, and Steve needed to go to work, leaving them alone together, no boundaries for once between their shared looks and--
"He can stay. It’s fine," Sam says.
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Not one thing! I write super early in the morning, so it's very quiet :)
Fanfic ask
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izzielizzie · 3 years
I know that we all rave/rant about the oou couples (as we should) but we don’t talk about the friendships enough so i’m going to do it for y’all (these are just some of my favorites, feel free to add on)
Nate and Maeve
If Nate and Maeve weren’t already iconic without ever interacting in oouil, they just took it to another level in oouin, and honestly it makes me want to cry how amazing they could have been if Nate and Bronwyn had stayed close from fifth grade on. 
Nate gives Maeve the love and support that she needs, without expecting anything back. He held her as she broke down at Cooper’s game because she is his little sister and he loves her. He didn’t want anything from her, and most importantly, he doesn’t expect anything from her either. Bronwyn and her parents expect her to follow in Bronwyn’s footsteps and it gives her so much anxiety, but Nate doesn’t do that. He loves her and guides her because she deserves it. No strings attached. 
And Maeve is just the person in his corner. She doesn’t want him to go to sporting events or socialize or make something of himself. She just adores him so much and he’s her brother and she knows what it’s like to be living in a constant shit storm and be expected to deal because that’s just the way it is. She never had a stationary object to look at when losing her balance, so of course she’s Nate’s port in the storm. 
They have so many conditions in their lives, so why wouldn’t their love for each other be unconditional?
Cooper and Addy
Ah yes they’re so chaotic but also they really get each other. I feel like Addy is the type of person who’s secretly always wanted an older brother because they just seem so fun to be around. And Cooper becomes that for her. 
But the chaos aside, they both understand what it’s like to be different from their family. They know it feels to be shunned for who they really are/their actions. And they might not be over it yet, but they’re getting there. And honestly? There is probably never a dull moment with those two, which they need. They need to laugh until they cry and run around Bayview buying as many iced coffees as they can and binge bad reality shows just so they can laugh some more. Because they’re hurt. And they will keep hurting. And it’s about time someone made them laugh so much that they forget about why they were hurting in the first place. 
That is why Coop and Addy are such wonderful friends. Because they know that sometimes you just need to happy for a little bit. 
Phoebe and Maeve
Phoebe and Maeve are really different people, which I think is why they’re such good friends. Maeve needs someone who will pull her out of her shell, but be gentle about it. Phoebe knows that Maeve isn’t very comfortable with herself yet, she she’s not going to drag her to parties or anything like that, but she will make Maeve talk to Luis or try something new. 
And Maeve knows about hurting, and being hurt. She’s such a good listener, and Phoebe needs that. She needs someone who will understand how badly it hurts to not be who she is expected to be, or wants to be. Honestly, these two are the ones I hope Karen expands on in the third book. 
Knox and Maeve
I know that they started dating which is why they’re friends now but they’re more siblings than friends. Maeve isn’t the type of person to talk about how much she loves someone, but Knox is, and it’s so easy to see how much Maeve means to him. 
They don’t bring anything drastic to each other’s lives. They’re pretty standard as far as high school friendships go, and the most believable. But that’s what makes them so special. How often do we see friendships like theirs in the media? They’re supportive yeah, but they have their arguments and in the end they come back to each other because that’s just the way they are. 
And they love each other so much it’s so sweet. 
Cooper and Luis
I mean what else is there even to say about these two? They’re supportive, and Luis’s acceptance of Cooper without question was amazing. They’re so funny together and the fact that they like, only talk about baseball is hilarious. 
Bronwyn and Addy
Bronwyn needs a girl like Addy in her life: someone to talk to about relationships and do her nails with and talk about fears at three in the morning while baking cookies. And Addy needs someone who will love her no matter what, and will calm her down if need be. Kind of like the less traumatized version of Maeve and Phoebe. 
Cooper and Phoebe
I’m still waiting for Cooper to talk to Phoebe about moving on from trauma and learning to love an accept herself. WHERE is their relationship Karen????
Addy and Nate
Ahhh they have so much trauma and I need more moments of them talking about how the stuff that happened to them was not their fault or a reflection of their worth. Also? They build each other up so well, and it’s so sweet. I missed them in oouin. 
Knox and Literally any of the other guys (but especially Nate)
Knox, Cooper, and Nate would bond over their father issues (yikes the poor boys) and would be so supportive of each other. And Knox and Luis would bond over being expected to take over/run their father’s businesses, and you know Knox would go to Luis if he had any problems. I really want all four of the guys to have amazing, solid relationships in the third book (plus Kris!!!!)
Maeve and Addy
Addy is just Maeve’s second sister and this point and their Peru shenanigans are probably talk at during parties for years to come. 
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biaswreckingfics · 4 years
Lovesickness (M)
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Author: biaswreckingfics
Pairing: Kris Wu/Wu Yifan x Reader
Genre: Incubus!AU, Angst, Smut (18+)
Word Count: 8k
Summary: When you learn the man you are falling for is slowly killing you, you have to be able to let him go, or perish in his flames.
A part of the 12 Days of Lust collab, which can be found here!! Check out the other amazing authors in this OT12 EXO collab! I can promise you won’t regret it!
The relationship you had with Kris had been a wild one from the start. After the information he had just shared with you, your mind had gone over all of the times the two of you had spent together, looking for clues or hints about what was to come. Maybe some would say that you should've seen this coming from the start, but who in their right mind would think the man they were falling for was a demon. An incubus to be exact.
Sure as hell not you.
You thought back to the first time you met Kris... You had been checking your mail in your apartment building, and he had just got done hooking up with your neighbor.
A door a little further down the hallway opened up and you did a double-take when a man not much older than you walked out of it. Last you checked, a rude girl around your age lived there alone with her cat, which could only mean one thing. Your bitchy next door neighbor finally got laid. Good for her. Maybe she'd quit complaining to you about everything under the sun.
Although you did have to admit, a part of you was slightly envious. It had been close to a year since you and your ex broke up, and you hadn't been with anyone since. Feeling the pent up sexual frustration building at just the thought of sex, you sighed and shut your mailbox.
You turned and observed the tall man walking towards you. He was attractive, there was no denying that, but it wasn't in the classically handsome way. He had a certain aura around him that intrigued you. He was of Asian descent and his bleached blonde hair was striking against his skin tone, but it was his piercing brown eyes that drew you in.
He smirked as he approached you and that was when you realized you must've been staring at him for a good minute, or at least long enough for him to walk down the hallway and be standing in front of you, his smokey scent invading your senses.
"Do I have something on my face?" He smiled at you with a confused look.
"Huh? Oh... uh, no. You're... good."
He let out a soft chuckle at your answer and you genuinely debated if there was a way to crawl into your mailbox and die.
"Do you live here?" He asked, while his eyes ran over your body, checking you out.
"No. I just like to check random people's mailboxes in my free time."
His eyes lit up at your response and he glanced down at the mail in your hand.
"Y/N... That's a cute name. Perfect for a girl like you."
You glanced down at your mail and realized you were showing him your name and address like an idiot. Clearing your throat, you quickly flip it over and smile up at him.
"Thank you..."
"Kris... right. Well, it was nice to meet you." You told him as you attempted to walk past him.
Just before you cleared him, you felt a hand grip your wrist and spin you.
Startled, you looked up at Kris with wide eyes. This man clearly didn't understand personal space.
"Before you go, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?"
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "Didn't you just hook up with my neighbor?"
He glanced at one of the doors behind you and shrugged. "Yeah."
You almost balked at his blatant attitude. If you had any doubts about him being a player, they were immediately wiped away.
"Yeah... no thanks." You answered, tugging on your wrist to get him to let go.
He looked down at his hand and realized he still had it wrapped around your wrist, and he quickly let it go.
"You wouldn't have to do anything you didn't want to do." He said with a shrug.
What the fuck kind of response was that?
"Sorry. I'm not really interested in random hookups. Nice to meet you though." You turned and quickly walked back to your apartment, feeling his eyes burning a hole into your back the entire way.
Just as you reached your door, you heard him shout down the hallway, "I just wanted to get to know you!"
Your eyes widened in alarm at his volume and you quickly turned to look at your neighbor's door. Was he freaking crazy?
You shake your head and look back at him, realizing he wasn't going to leave until you responded or went into your apartment, so you shout back, "Maybe in another lifetime!"
You then ran into your apartment and threw the door closed behind you. What you failed to notice was the smirk on his face as he watched you enter your apartment.
After that initial meeting, you had continuously run into Kris wherever you went. The bookstore, the grocery store, the cafe... He was everywhere and you had even convinced yourself that maybe he had been stalking you... Apparently, you weren't too far off the mark.
When you walked into your favorite bookstore, you were immediately greeted by your best friend, who just happened to be the manager of your hidden gem, before he ran off in search of something.
You loved this bookstore because it was one of the oldest in the city, and the only people who frequented it were the regulars and professors of the nearby university.
You began walking the aisles as you waited for him to come back, but when you heard your name spoken from behind, you froze.
There was only one other time when you've heard your name spoken with that voice, and for some annoying reason, you hadn't been able to forget it since. Slowly, you turned and looked up at the tall man in front of you. The scent of charred wood once again coming to your nose.
"Fancy seeing you here."
You furrowed your eyebrows at his tone, and not to mention that you had never seen him in here before. Was he... Did he follow you here or something?
A weird feeling washed over you as you took him in. His outfit was all black, boots, jeans, and jacket, and the smirk was still gracing his face. His eyes held the same determined glint as they did before and you almost took a step back.
Why did you have a feeling he was up to something? Something you would undoubtedly be involved in.
"...What're you doing here?"
His eyebrows quirked up at your question. "Well, I'm getting books... at the bookstore..."
"I just didn't think many people knew about this place."
You were torn between feeling stupid for asking such an obvious question and feeling cautious over the fact that he was suddenly here at one of your favorite spots, especially when you knew you had never seen him here before. Were you possibly making something out of nothing?
Before he could reply, your best friend Seojoon came up to the two of you, a giant bag full of books with him.
"Here you go, Kris. There's a couple of newer releases in there for you too."
"Thanks for the help, Joon. See you next week."
Your eyes almost bulged out of your head at the nickname. Joon?! They knew each other?!
A throat clearing caught your attention and your eyes snapped back to Kris.
"Um... see you around, Y/N."
As he awkwardly walked away from you, Seojoon turned to you at his goodbye.
"Oh cool. You guys know each other?"
"How do you know him?" You asked, bewildered.
Seojoon shrugged at your question, confused with your reaction. "He's been coming here for the past month. He's a cool dude, but he likes the dark stuff."
"Dark like what? Poe?"
"Dark like satanic rituals, spells, and underworld shit."
Your mouth parted at his response. "Wait, really?"
"Mhmm. He's read damn near every book we have on those subjects."
You stared at your best friend as you processed this information. You were known to enjoy the darker things in life, books, movies, etc., but you've never been known to read every book on those subjects in a bookstore.
"By the way, how do you two know each other?" Seojoon asked.
"Huh? Oh. I met him at the apartment. Guess he hooked up with Rae."
His eyes widened. "The crazy bitch down the hall? Huh... I guess that does seem like it'd be his type."
You stayed silent on the fact that he had asked you out too. There was no reason to give Seojoon any fuel to add to his already crazy ideas. Although, with the way your thoughts were going, you didn't know if you were any better.
A couple days after the bookstore incident, your suspicions skyrocketed when you saw Kris at the grocery store.
You only saw him for about five seconds as he walked past the aisle you were in, but you knew it was him. Much to your dismay, you had recognized the little swagger he had in his walk.
You had immediately turned around and begun walking back the way you came. What the hell was he doing here, and why was he suddenly everywhere? Did he just freaking move here or something? That had to be the answer because you had never seen him before you ran into him in the hallway of your apartment.
You quickly finished your shopping and were checking out your groceries, when you felt him get in line behind you. You couldn't describe how you knew it was him, maybe it was the smokey scent that you now associated with him, but a feeling overcame you and you quickly turned on him.
"What're you doing here?"
He looked up at you startled and you noticed even the cashier looked at you oddly. You paused and took a breath, ignoring the regret you were beginning to feel for asking.
"I'm getting food? Hi?"
Your eyes slightly widened at his demeanor. Did he really not realize it was you? Was this really somehow all a coincidence? Were you that fucking paranoid?
You thought back to your previous encounter. He had to have been at the bookstore before you if Joon was already getting his books, and with the way he was acting... It seemed like he didn't realize it was you he had gotten behind in line... Was this really all in your head?
"I'm sorry. That was rude of me... I just didn't expect to see you again."
"It's cool... I also didn't expect to keep seeing the girl who rejected me, so..."
You flinched at his response. Fuck, you were kind of an ass.
"You rejected him?"
Kris and you both look at the cashier and the shock that she had spoken out loud was evident on her face. She looked back down and started scanning your items quicker than before.
The two of you awkwardly stood in line while you waited for the cashier to finish up your order. You had prayed to about five different gods, hoping she would grow a third arm so you could run away from your embarrassment, but obviously, that never happened.
What was wrong with you? Why were you acting all weird around him and almost obsessing over him being everywhere? ...Maybe you needed to apologize for your weird behavior the next time you saw him...
Fortunately, you got that chance a week later.
You had been sitting at the cafe on the corner of your block, staring at your laptop. The current paper you were writing for your econ class was giving you every problem it could, and you were stressed.
It got to the point where you were just watching customers come and go from your little corner table, so when Kris walked in, you spotted him right away. You almost called out his name, but a thought occurred to you. Would he think you were stalking him?
You shook the stupid thought and waited for him to order, once he turned around to look for a table, you were going to get his attention, but two preppy girls immediately stepped in his path.
You watched the interaction and almost rolled your eyes out of your head at the flirting. It was all there. The hair twirling, the pushed-up breasts. It was textbook and Kris was falling right for it. You scoffed before you could help it and then leaned back in your chair, confused. Were you... jealous? No. Why would you be jealous?
Actually, why was this man stirring up so many emotions in you every time you saw him? What was it about him that caused you to act completely abnormal?
His order was called and the two girls pointed to where they'd be sitting, but once he grabbed his drink and turned around, you quickly stood up, your chair scraping the floor, causing his attention to immediately go to you.
Awkwardly, you kind of pointed down at the chair next to you and you were slightly surprised when he even considered joining you.
Slowly, he made his way over to you and the two of you sat down at your table.
"Intrigued now that someone else is showing interest in me?"
This would go to hell in a handbasket real quick if he kept up the attitude.
"The first time I met you, you had just got done hooking up with my neighbor."
He smirked. "Fair point."
"Look, I just wanted to apologize for acting... weird."
He searched your face before nodding. "Then I apologize for making you think I was stalking you."
His words caught you off guard and you looked at his teasing face before letting a smile grow on yours.
"Maybe we should start over with a clean slate?" You suggested.
When Kis agreed, the two of you did just that. Without noticing, you somehow spent the next three hours getting to know each other, and though it was confirmed that he was the biggest flirt you've ever encountered, there was actually a lot more to him than that.
You could only laugh at your previous actions now. It was obvious that the way he consumed your thoughts wasn't normal. You had never been one to obsess over a man and you had begun questioning and doubting damn near everything about Kris the second he stepped into your life.
You also should've listened to Seojoon when he would bring up the weird shit that Kris was into, but you always brushed it off. Who cared if he liked darker things? Well, apparently you should've.
When you told all of your thoughts and feelings to Seojoon over the phone, his one question was, "Okay, but did you ask him about his satanic shit?"
The words your best friend had told you a week ago flooded into your mind, but you pushed it aside.
"So, he's into some weird shit."
Seojoon was quiet for so long that you had to check he didn't hang up before you heard him sigh.
"I'm going to walk into your apartment one day and find you naked in a pentagram, aren't I?"
"Well, I really fucking hope not."
After you and Kris had decided to start with a clean slate, the dreams began. Not cute, fluffy dreams either. No, these dreams left you so sexually frustrated you were ready to rip your hair out. You could still recall the first one so vividly.
Rough hands caressed your parted thighs and you closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation on your soft skin. You felt a hot breath over your center and shivered with anticipation. It felt like you waited forever before you felt the flat lick of his tongue on your clit. The moan you let out encouraged him to continue, and he quickly began lapping at your folds, sucking and swirling as his fingers found their way to your entrance. He slowly pushed his finger inside of you, curling it up and rubbing against your inner walls.
A second finger was added as he hummed at the moans that fell from your mouth, the vibrations driving you absolutely wild. Your hands dug into his hair as you began grinding against his face and you felt your climax rapidly building. Just before the wave of overwhelming ecstasy rolled over you, you looked down at the man whose face was in between your legs, to find his deep brown eyes watching you.
Your abdomen squeezed as you met Kris's stare and then a blinding, white light overtook your vision as you came. -----
You quickly sat up in your bed, drenched in sweat and soaked panties clinging to you. You took a deep breath as you tried to calm your racing heart, and you were quickly met with the hint of smoke left in the air.
As your mind came down from arguably one of the best orgasms you'd ever had, questions began to fill your head. Why did your room smell like Kris? Why did it feel like someone had truly eaten you out? Why did that dream feel more like reality?
You shook your thoughts from your head and tried to move on with your day, but when you encountered the same sexual dreams the next three nights, you were ready to scream.
Every single dream was Kris. Fucking you from behind, tying you up and blindfolding you, him having his way with you over and over again. Every single day you woke up feeling satisfied and spent and the hint of smoke in the air was the cherry on top of your confusion.
Now that you knew the truth, it was stupidly obvious. This was when Kris had been invading your dreams and feeding off of the energy you were putting out. You had to shake your head at the entire situation now. You had basically walked right into the incubus' trap.
The dreams lasted for about a week, before you got a taste of the real thing, in a supply closet at some gothic club. Seojoon and his friend Jaewon had dragged you there to help get your mind off of Kris, but boy were all of you surprised when he happened to show up at the same place.
"I don't know about his, Jae," Seojoon sighed wearily as the three of you sat at the bar and surveyed the scene.
"Trust. Me." Jaewon confidently said, before turning to you. "Our dear Y/N here needs someone a little rough to take care of her if her dreams have anything to say about it, and this is the perfect place to find that someone."
You groaned at Seojoon over the entire situation. "I still can't believe you told him."
"You told me?"
"Yeah, but you're you and he's..."
"Devilishly charming?" Jaewon provided for you.
"Fucking annoying was what I was going to go with."
Seojoon, who was sitting in between the two of you, grabbed his drink and downed it before saying, "Do you two always have to do this?"
Jaewon completely ignored him and continued, "You know... maybe I could help you with your problem."
"I would rather swallow nails." You scoffed at the gross thoughts that idea put in your head.
"Well, that was... kind of fucked up."
Seojoon sighed and turned on his stool to survey the crowd, while you ignored Jaewon and ordered another drink. A strong one.
Not even a minute later, Seojoon suddenly gasped and choked on his drink. Jaewon and you both quickly turned to check on him as he coughed, but he ignored your "are you okays" and turned to you with wide eyes. You searched his face trying to figure out what was wrong before he finally got out the word "Kris".
Your own eyes widened as you processed the name in your head. Kris? Kris was fucking here? You quickly turned and searched the bar looking for the man, literally of your dreams, while you heard Jaewon asking Seojoon questions.
"Kris, the dude she's been having dream sex with, Kris?"
Seojoon must've nodded or something, because then you heard Jaewon say, "Damn. I guess here really was the perfect place."
But whatever he said after that is drowned out, because you find the exact person you're looking for.
He stood off to the side in his normal all-black get up and stupid good looks watching the crowd of sweaty dancers. Your eyes tracked his every move like they couldn't help themselves. What was it about this man that caused him to occupy your thoughts so much?
You swung back around to the bar and downed your drink before immediately ordering three shots. Jaewon thought it was sweet you had ordered them a shot until you informed him all three were for you.
"Is that really necessary?" Seojoon asked.
"It's more than necessary, Joon. I haven't seen him since before those dreams started, and if I have to sit here and watch him talk to someone else... I need to be drunk."
"Why don't you just go talk to him?" Jaewon suddenly asked.
You? You had a whole list of reasons why you couldn't go and talk to him. "Because I'll probably do something stupid like let the word 'daddy' slip out or some shit."
"And who would you be calling daddy?"
Your entire being froze as the familiar voice joined in on the conversation. His words were like a caress on your body and you involuntarily shivered.
Slowly, you turned around to look at Kris, but not before catching Jaewon's smirk. The prick must've noticed Kris coming up to you and set you up.
Once you looked up at Kris, his lips parted as his eyes raked over your entire body, lingering in certain areas for too long. You quickly looked down to see what you had worn as it completely escaped your mind, and relaxed when you saw the tight, blood-red dress you loved. At least you had managed to choose one of the better outfits you owned tonight.
"You look exquisite." He told you in a low voice, while his eyes burned into you.
All words were trapped in your throat, and you couldn't have been happier when Seojoon jumped in.
"Hey, Kris. What's up?"
"Hey, Joon." Kris looked at him briefly before his eyes fell back to you.
It was like you were trapped in an illusion. Mesmerized by his aura and his eyes were leading you down a dark and dangerous path.
"Dance with me."
You heard the low command in his voice and your body immediately responded before your brain had a chance to catch up. Standing up from the stool, you heard Seojoon say something to you, but whatever he said fell on deaf ears. You took Kris's hand and sealed your fate by following him out to the dance floor.
The bodies dancing around you pushed you closer together and the music pulsated through you, giving Kris and you a shared sensual feeling.
Without hesitation, Kris put his hands on your hips, pulling you into him and a thrill went through you as his half-hard member pushed against your body.
You threw your arms around his neck as you grinded into his body. The two of you locked eyes and never looked away. The experience was so sexual that you were becoming dizzy, your mind clouding up with lust. Sweat gathered all over your bodies, making you slick, and adding just a hint more to the near unbearable sexual tension in the air.
You closed your eyes at all of the sensations you were experiencing, but when Kris's soft lips found their way to your neck and began nibbling, an overwhelming desire shot straight through you, and you knew only one thing would satisfy you.
You pulled away from Kris and met his blown out eyes with your own and the look on your face must've conveyed everything you felt because not seconds later, his lips crashed into yours.
There was no time to be sweet or slow. You needed him and you needed him now. When he thrust his tongue into your mouth, a small moan left you and you felt a low growl leave Kris.
He reached down to your thighs and you quickly jumped up onto him, wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, causing his cock to push against your core deliciously.
You felt him pushing his way through the crowd, but you were too wrapped up in the taste of him to pay much attention. The way he worked his lips and tongue reminded you of the dream you had of him and you wanted nothing more than for him to taste you, but that would have to wait because you needed him inside of you now.
You were so turned on, you were clenching around nothing and the emptiness you felt pulled a whine from you.
You felt Kris push through a door and you pulled away for a second to see you were in some type of backroom, but you didn't care enough at the moment to pay much attention. The room was empty of people and that was all that mattered to you.
Kris backed you into a wall, recapturing your attention and his mouth found its way to your neck again. You moaned before saying his name, and when he pulled back, you searched his lust-driven eyes and swollen lips.
"I need you inside of me."
Instantly, you felt his hands push your dress up, exposing your lacy underwear. He pushed the scrap of fabric to the side and ran his fingers over your slit.
"Jesus christ. You're so fucking wet, baby girl."
He pulled his hand back and put it up to his mouth before sticking his fingers in and tasting your juices. His eyes rolled into the back of his head at the taste and you had never been so turned on in your life.
Without wasting any more time, he unzipped his pants and pulled himself free. Your eyes immediately went to his erection and widened at the size of him. The tip was a throbbing, deep red and precum leaked from it, making you lick your lips and yearn for a taste.
"This is going to feel so good, baby girl."
He took ahold of his cock and ran it up and down your slit a few times, before finding your entrance and slowly sliding in.
The pleasure you felt at finally having him inside of you trumped the pinch of pain and slight burning you first felt, and you needed more of it.
Once he started to move in and out of you, you almost went cross-eyed. This was even better than your dreams.
As he pounded into you, you made no attempt to hide your pants and moans. You were too focused on him filling you up, and when he found your g-spot, you knew you were going to be a goner soon. Hell, you already were. All you could do was hold on tight and enjoy the ride because Kris's pace was relentless and his grunts were sinful.
His name slipped out of your mouth once you felt your climax building. The muscles of your abdomen began flexing and an almost animalistic instinct drove you.
You felt the pads of Kris's fingers circling your clit and the sensations were too much. Everything was too much.
"Come for me, baby."
That was all it took. Your orgasm slammed into you like a tidal wave, drowning you in stars and static.
Kris pumped into you a few more times before grunting and cumming inside of you. Once he was done, he rested his head against your shoulder as the two of you tried to catch your breaths.
A soft chuckle fell from his lips and you felt yourself smile.
"Well, that was fun."
After that night, you and Kris had hooked up every day. Either he would come to your apartment, or you would find him waiting for you outside of work, and the entire situation was beyond thrilling.
At the time, a part of you wondered what the two of you were doing, but whatever it was, you didn't want it to stop. He was perfect and so good at everything. The two of you acted out nearly every fantasy you had, and he taught you so many things that you actually had to take a step back at his knowledge. He was very, very experienced, which should've been red flag number seven.
After a month of daily hooking up, you found yourself developing feelings for Kris, and they were strong, You had gone to Seojoon for advice and he tried convincing you to talk to Kris, but something in you told you that Kris was not a relationship guy. Apparently, your instincts knew more than you did.
Another reason that you didn't want to bring it up was that lately he had been agitated by everything. A commercial on TV, someone driving the speed limit in front of him, the wind outside... He was so quick to snap, and at first, none of it was directed at you, but within the past few days, he had become very short with you and you couldn't figure out why.
The sex between the two of you was still great and even more frequent, which told you that couldn't have been a part of the issue, so you finally decided to ask him about it. He muttered something about "not feeling good" and "fever", so you shrugged it off thinking he was sick, but then he started to avoid eye contact with you...
One of the times he was doing it, you tried to force him to look at you, and when he finally did, you could have sworn you saw a flash of red in his eyes, but you quickly blinked and it was gone. At first, you thought you were hallucinating or maybe you were exhausted and imagining things, especially when you also started to feel gross.
The first couple of days, you wrote the headaches off as sinuses or something, but then you started to feel nauseous every day, and you assumed Kris had gotten you sick also.
Tonight though, tonight was the night everything had come crashing down around you.
Kris and you had been hanging out at your apartment, eating take out and watching Netflix, and Kris was bitching about the characters on the show the two of you had decided on. You had already been feeling like shit and your patience level was at an all-time low, so you snapped.
"Can you stop fucking complaining about everything?!"
You watched Kris through wide eyes because you hadn't really meant to yell at him... When he turned toward you, his eyes narrowed at you and you could feel agitation and anger rolling off of him.
"Am I bothering you?"
His irritation somehow seemed to spike yours, and you said, "Yes."
A look of hurt flashed across his face, and he looked away from you to hide it. You didn't know why you had said that. Yes, he was irritating you, but you would never tell that to someone so blatantly. You would at least be a little more polite, but you couldn't help it.
If you weren't feeling like shit, you were feeling pissed off, and there was no in-between. You weren't acting like yourself, and it almost felt like you were losing control. You wondered if maybe Kris was rubbing off on your attitude and considered maybe the two of you should take a break. This relationship or whatever it was had gotten hot and heavy a little too fast.
"Maybe we shouldn't see each other for a while..."
Kris slowly turned back to you and that was the first moment that you truly felt fear of him. His eyes had changed to a bright red and the whites of them faded to a black. The image was truly disturbing.
"Kris... what..."
In shock, you backed away from him on the couch until you were pushing against the arm of it. A sad look crossed his foreign features and you heard him say your name quietly.
You jumped off the couch and put at least five feet in between you, and that was when you saw the black horns pushing out of his scalp.
You gasped and quickly lengthened the distance between the two of you even more. "Kris, what the fuck?"
"Y/N." He said, standing up and moving toward you.
"No! Stay right the fuck there!"
He sighed and looked down at the ground. "This was never meant to happen..."
"What're you... what..." You were completely in denial about what you were seeing, and you couldn't remember how to put words into sentences.
"I never meant for you to find out like this..."
"Find out what? What is this? What are you?"
"I'm an incubus."
The word floated around in your head. You've heard it before and knew it was some type of sex demon, but they were myths, weren't they? They most certainly were not real, and one was not standing in the middle of your freaking living room.
You thought back to what Seojoon had told you about Kris, "he's into some dark shit... demons, underworld type shit...", and stare at the horns on his head. There was no way this was real... He had to be faking or something... But you had seen the changes happen themselves... He never put anything on his head or in his eyes as a joke.
"You don't believe me, do you?" He quietly asked.
When you failed to reply, another sigh left him and you couldn't tell if it was your imagination, but it looked like his shoulders slumped.
Then, before your eyes, his body began to change. Black scales began to replace his once tan skin. His body grew at least a foot taller and his horns lengthened until they twisted around like a ram. Blood red wings began to unfold from behind his back, expanding most of your living room, and a spiked tail was suddenly moving behind him.
You blinked multiple times, not believing the horror of what you were witnessing. There was no way that was Kris... Or you were having a nightmare because none of this was real.
Hearing your name come out of this horrifying creature was too much for you, and when the darkness crept into the sides of your vision, you welcomed it.
That was a few hours ago.
When you came to, you found yourself in your bed and you knew only one person... being... could've put you there. You quickly search your room for the terrifying thing that was in your living room and instead find Kris in his human form.
A relieving feeling washes over you at the normalcy of the sight. He was slumped under your window with his head in his hands and he looked... sad? Frustrated? You weren't sure until he stilled and suddenly looked up at you.
The two of you stared at each other in silence for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. How were you supposed to react? There was a freaking demon in your room.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way..."
You had no idea what to say because you had no idea how you even felt. "Oh, no problem, it's okay that you're a demon", or "how do I exorcise you?".
"I don't... I don't know..."
"I know it's a lot to take in."
"Why? Why me?"
"It was never meant to be you..." He sighs. "For my existence, I need to have sex to survive. Any kind of sex and a lot of it. It fuels me like food fuels you. I can't exist without it... Your neighbor was just that. Food. When I ran into you outside of your apartment, you were just going to be my next conquest. We were never supposed to start a relationship..."
You sat up from your laying position on your bed and turned towards him, quickly being drawn into his explanation, but maintaining a good amount of distance between the two of you. "So, you were following me..? The bookstore, the cafe..."
"Yes and no. I followed you to the cafe and the grocery store, but the bookstore was a coincidence. Also, before you ask, I didn't befriend Seojoon to get to you. I actually had no idea you knew each other."
"You followed me to have sex with me?"
"Yes, but feelings were never supposed to develop. It was just supposed to be a couple of hookups and then I was supposed to move on, as harsh as that may sound."
You flinch at the truth of his words, but really, what did you expect? He was a demon. This was apparently his existence.
You tried to process the words coming out of his mouth. He used you and it fucking sucked. Even though the circumstances had changed, and you didn't know what the hell to think about him, it was still hard to hear.
"So, what were you going to do? How long were you going to let this go on? Let me fall harder for you?"
He at least had the decency to look ashamed, but was it all an act?
"I've been trying to get myself to end it, but I can't bring myself to do it... I care about you too much to let you go. That's why I lost control earlier."
You thought back to the demon that had been standing in your living room, with its black scales and red eyes, and shivered. "Was that... Was that your true form?"
He nods yes and gestures to his body while saying, "I can make myself look like any human really, but this is the form I prefer."
"...This is crazy..."
"There's more... there's a reason we can't be together..."
You were sure there were a bunch of reasons you couldn't be together, and honestly, you weren't positive you wanted to be with him after learning his real identity, but you thought the obvious reason you couldn't be together was that he was a demon. "Isn't it because you're a demon and I'm a human?"
"There's that, but that's not the main one..."
It wasn't? His words made a queasy feeling grow in your stomach. What could be worse than the fact that he wasn't human?
He looks away from you and sighs, before turning back and meeting your stare.
"We're killing each other..."
You freeze and try to understand what he's saying. "What do you mean?"
"You've been feeling sick lately, haven't you?"
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest and you nod. He closes his eyes at your response.
"I should've known it wasn't just me, but I thought maybe it wasn't affecting you when you weren't showing symptoms... How long?"
"I've been nauseous for a few days and have had headaches for about a week... I thought I was just getting whatever you got..."
He laughs, but it sounds hollow, empty. "How did I miss that?"
"What does me feeling sick have to do with anything?"
"When a human being has too many sexual interactions with an incubus, they begin deteriorating, dying. We feed on human sexual energy and it drains the human, mentally, physically, and emotionally... They'll become attached, addicted, and it's all they'll care about."
Everything was beginning to become so clear. Why you always thought about Kris. Why you were feeling so out of control. The sick feelings you were experiencing... but now, your heart felt like someone had taken an ice pick to it. "You were going to let that happen to me?"
"No. I was going to leave at the first sign of it... I could never do that to you intentionally."
You heard the unspoken distinction clearly. He would never hurt you on purpose, but it was happening accidentally anyways.
"But what about you? Why are you getting sick?" He looked away and tried to figure out how to get what he wanted to across. "We need to have a lot of sex... and I don't mean a lot of sex by human standards..."
You flush at his meaning but are still confused. The two of you had sex daily, even multiple times a day... How much more did he need?
"Typically... I have sex at least 5 times a day, every single day, and that's a slow day for me. If I don't, I become irritable and quick to anger, and I don't mean this in a way to slam you... Humans can't keep up with an incubus for long periods of time, and that's partly due to biology, but also because we're feeding on you."
You really wished he would stop using the word "feeding" in reference to having sex with you. It was becoming more and more off-putting whenever you heard it.
"You're the only one I've been sleeping with... I haven't wanted to be with anyone else... That's why I've been acting so weird... I'm basically starving myself to put it in a human sense..."
"So, because I'm the only one you've been hooking up with... you're getting sick..."
When he nodded a yes, you looked at the wall across from you and tried not to let your ego take a hit. You weren't enough for him, and there was literally no way for you to be...
There was no possible way the two of you could continue a relationship. One, you weren't even the same species, and two, if the two of you stayed together, one or both of you would die.
You were both already in the beginning stages of the sickness and it would be better for both of you if you ended it now, before things became even worse.
A tear silently slid down your cheek, and you almost wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't see Kris stop himself from moving toward you. You were feeling overwhelmed and you didn't know how to process everything.
Demons were real apparently, and the man you were falling for was one of them. He originally only got with you to feed on your sexual energy, which alone was a fucking weird thought. Oh and also, the two of you were making each other sick and could possibly die. Fantastic.
"I'm sorry, Y/N."
"It's just... a lot."
"I can only imagine..." He says with a sigh. "I never should've let it get this far, but I just care about you too much..."
After another tense moment of silence, he clears his throat.
"We have to end this tonight..."
"I know..."
"I just want you to know that I haven't felt the way I feel for you in a long time, if ever. You're special to me and I deeply care for you."
Kris's words affected you because it had been a really long time since you had felt the way you felt about him for anyone else either. A part of you wondered if it had something to do with him being an incubus, but deep down, you knew it wasn't. Your feelings for him ran further than just lust and sex.
After a moment, he unfolds himself from his sitting position and comes to stand in front of you. When you show no fear and make no moves to get away from him, he slowly brings his hands up to your face, putting one on each cheek. He searches your eyes for a moment, before slowly leaning forward and placing a kiss on your forehead.
It was tender and soft. Nothing you would expect from a demon, but everything you would expect from Kris, and you relaxed into his hold like usual.
You debated with yourself what your next move would be. A smart person would pull away and end it here, but a person like you, who cared about Kris as much as you did, was never smart when it came to emotions. Even if he wasn't... human... you had been with him too many times to care about that at this moment.
You brought your hands up to his and held them there, trying to show Kris whatever you were feeling as you met his eyes. Hopefully, he would be able to decipher it better than you could.
He slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours and you gave him an innocent kiss back, but when you felt his tongue lick at the seam of your closed lips, you quickly opened them and accepted him into your mouth.
You breathed each other in and tried to show your feelings for each other with every move and caress of your tongues.
You felt his hands leave your face before he was gently pushing you back onto your bed, and when you were fully leaned down, he climbed up on top of you.
The two of you made out like teenagers in their first relationship before he pulled away breathlessly.
"I need to be inside of you one last time," he whispers in a low voice, searching your eyes to see if you would be okay with it.
You nod your head in understanding and he quickly undresses while you pull your top off, but before you can get any farther, he pulls your hands away.
"Let me..."
He wastes no time unclasping your bra and pulling you free from it, before lowering himself between your legs. His warm fingers hooked onto the sides of your underwear and jeans and pulled them down in one torturously slow move.
You had been naked in front of Kris countless times, but there was a different sort of vulnerability there. Maybe because you knew this would be the last time...
You pulled yourself from your thoughts when you felt his breath on your most intimate area. He licked his lips before licking in between your folds and instantly finding a rhythm with his tongue that would drive you wild. He hummed and ate you out like you were his last meal, swirling, sucking, nibbling in the most perfect ways.
His fingers worked in tandem with his mouth and the high you were getting was otherworldly. As your moans began to rise in volume, he slowed down and withdrew his fingers, before giving a light kiss to your swollen lips.
He looked up at you from his position between your thighs and crawled his way up you. His hand made his way to his throbbing cock and he stroked it a few times before he guided himself to your entrance.
The delicious feel of him sliding his tip around your wet folds amped up the anticipation until you couldn't stand it, and you whined.
That was all it took for him to line up with your entrance and push his way inside of you until he was fully sheathed. There was no reason for him to wait until you were ready because you were so wet and needy he met no resistance.
He rocked into you at an agonizingly slow pace, before speeding up and hammering into you. He continued to switch up the pace, swirling his hips with each change.
It sent your mind into a frenzy and you wanted to be even closer to him, but there was no way he could get any closer, he was already inside of you. His hands found yours and they intertwined while the two of you locked eyes and watched each other as he pounded into you.
The moment was so intimate, filled with vulnerability and love, that it sent you over the edge together for the last time.
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bluestockingbooks · 3 years
Hello booklovers and bluestockings, friends and readers,Kris Nelson, owner of Bluestocking Books, San Diego,
writing to you I have magic and books on my mind. My usual favorite busy Thanksgiving & Shop Small Weekend is coming up while Covid is at its worst. Boooo! Surreal & ironic, during this pandemic our block is more popular than it has been in years; even the Pernicano's front on 5th Avenue got brightly painted and cleaned. Still, my darkest days in 2020 are WAY better than the rise-of-the-internet-giant years. Even though Covid rages on, we are being discovered by new shoppers, both on the street and online, folks who prefer to shop small and keep dollars local.
BsB is operating 11am-6pm daily. Most requests are phoned or emailed in - I, or Mary or Dawn, check each title and see what we have and what we can get. We pull from the shelves & set up pre-orders, ship USPS or run them up to you at our door, or to your car. We keep a 'lil table at the front door between us and the germ-filled world: we greet and grant entry to the fully masked, keeping capacity at 5-6 + us. Once we are full, no one comes in until somebody leaves. Every purchase is tailored to be as safe and convenient as possible. 
I could not do this without Mary & Dawn's hard work helping out - Thanks Again, Ladies!! We 3 are feeling incredibly appreciative to be employed doing what we love most right now - helping people find books. We know and suggest titles for all ages. Especially during the pandemic, hearing a human voice or viewing artwork on the page resonates and connects. Books are full of great examples of human nature and its amazing resilience, patience, and ability to survive. I am now witnessing how learning does not stop. That you all are asking for & purchasing books every day is a most gratifying amazement - I am bursting proud when you call me essential. 
The alternative to Amazon.com, Bookshop.org is the feel-good book news of 2020. They do a secure, easy cart & keep information as does Amazon, but they are not: this owner specifically wanted to support existing independent bookstores. When you order and choose us as "your bookstore" on the site, we are credited with the $ale as if you had called us directly. Seriously - is that not the nicest thing you've heard in a while? I am excited to be a part of it, and blown away by this kindness. The cash infusions could not have come at a better time for bookstores like this one, trying to make expenses while keeping safe during a global pandemic.  
My stability for fall: new blue twinkly lights in the windows and Baby Book Drive. As always we're collecting funds and selling / accepting appropriate books for donation to a beloved local effort: the UCSD High-Risk Infant Follow-Up Program, via Reach Out and Read. Babies are given a book from doctor at their check-ups while parents learn that the cuddling up to read stimulates brain growth, helping baby learn to interact. One doctor who works with ROAR shared with us that babies are talking more on the very next visit after receiving a book(!) Anyone can help change a life with a book costing from $4.99-$16.99. We have free IBD & other schwag for supporters - see the website for details. Seeing people contribute to our big box is a big sweetness gut-punch every time. 
See how I am surrounded by magic and hope here in the bookshop, even though it's a global quarantine?!? People shopping us even though it's Covid, Bookshop.org creating payback for indie bookstores, strangers supplying babies & parents (who really need it!) with a book and some help, and most hopeful of all - your patronage here. I care for the books in this space, but YOU are the key ingredient to a delightful bookstore. Your curious minds wanting the latest books for yourselves and friends, for the babies and kids in your lives, and making that special effort to call here instead of ordering it on Amazon or B&N - this is amazing and sustaining me in every way, every day. Your social shopping selves, happily masked and as considerate of our health as much as your own, exclaiming as you see (the weird and wonderful array of mostly used & some new) books in person - it makes keeping the space make sense again.
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATRONAGE...we are all gonna get through this! 
I am reminded of the Velveteen Rabbit (c1922 by Margery Williams)... after many years of being loved as a sawdust-stuffed toy, sometimes forgotten and eventually a little threadbare, he was always a favorite. Then things did not make sense, he couldn't fit in, and then all he ever knew was gone, nothing would be the same again. Yet he found he could move - he twitched and reached out, and he was alive, his heart began beating. He hopped and darted into a new life that wasn't the same, nor did it need to be.  Okey this 2 tons o'books ain't hopping anywhere, but my heart beats inside of me today for the future bookstore. I work for BsB to have what every reader wants, a next chapter. You all are the heroes in the epic book-romance surrounding me - thanks for making Bluestocking Books a part of your story    Hope to help you all soon with your next read, gift or project. Best Holiday Wishes from me and the staff, our book-elves, helper-friends, and the benevolent bookshop ghosts. Happiness, Wellness, Chances to Notice the simple wonderful things, and Great Reading to You! -Kris
Bluestocking Books / (619) 296-1424 | [email protected] add us to your email address book for best service!
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kpoppwriter · 5 years
EXO Reaction to Being Submissive
Anonymous said to kpoppwriter:
Hello, could I request EXO (OT12) submitting to the reader? Would they submit willingly, or would they need to be convinced first? Who goes into sub space quickly? Who's a bratty sub, who's a total baby boy? Who calls you daddy/mommy, master/mistress, who prefers to address you however you want to? (I tried to give you some questions, so you can do headcanons easily of you're unispired, but feel free to ignore me or add on!) Thank you!! ❤ ~💫
 Hi, I love you and told max I would  fight her if I couldn’t write this beautiful request.
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He would be rather shy at first when you brought it up but he was actually excited. Xiumin loved to be called you pretty kitty. Xiumin was compliant when he was in his sub space. He would want you to be hard on him often but still give him rewards when he was good. Xiumin would call you Ms./Mr. Y/N. He would begin to be more compliant in regular life too. If you were to even touch his back or leg the right way he would immediately look to you like the cute kitten he was and wait for you to guide him. Minseok is a perfect sub but when not in sub space is just as grown, in charge and has a dominant personality just like you, so when he isn't “Kitty”, he will call you on your bullshitty.
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Lu is a pleaser. He just wants you to be happy so he would be ok with being submissive. Lu would want to be dominant sometimes but his need to make you happy makes him want whatever you want more. If Lu is a sub he would be rather reserved. Not wanting to go to extreme as it would scare him slightly. Lu was sort of vanilla when it came to being a sub, and if he went farther than basics like hand cuffs and ropes he would want a treat or reward afterwards. Lu was sensitive and he would want you to take that into consideration, he wants you to feel good but pain is a huge no for him. He ca also become very easily blushy and is not one to always use verbal communication so be sure to keep track of what he does when he is needy, upset or anything.
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I would never call this man a sub, ok. Kris would bottom, and he would let you take control every once in a while but only if he really was close to you. No offence but if Kris was just having a one night stand he is domming but if he builds a bond and relationship with you he would “let you take control”.  Kris is a freak and would let you do almost anything to him but 2 rules: Tell no one. Don’t do it in public. Kris is rather private with his sexual desires.
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Yixing is like Luhan, he would sub for you and let you take control but is rather fragile (its or baby sheep). Yixing is super sweet to so he would want you to treat him softly. Even if your rough with him you have to talk to him softly the entire time to keep him calm. He loves it when you call him babyboy. It calms him and makes him get all blushy and soft. Yixing would want to sort of keep his kinks on the low but will not get mad if you call him babyboy in public because he is proud to have you dominate him too. Yixing follows all your rules and never makes any trouble since he only wants him
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Baekhyun is PURE puppy material. He is our first boy who will need/want heavy punishment. Baekhyun is an undercover masochist. Baek would love if you were mean to him and hurt him. He often falls easily into sub space is will start to be a tease or not follow your rules to get attention. Baekhyun would love to be your little slave and have you use him and put him in his place. Baekhyun has only a few limits he could never do and will be your little love as long as you don’t try those.Baek doesn’t care for giving you pet names but will call you one of you ask him too but he loves when you call him “Kitten”. Baek will also be the type to not be afraid if anyone knows you are in control of him. Sometimes doing risky things like asking for you to put a vibrator in him while he’s preforming and mess with him. He loves the torture.
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You might have to force Chen to be a sub since he isnt used to it. He would be sort of whiny about things and try to annoy you until you give him what he wants, so you might have to be a little hard on him. Chen is sweet and affection though, buts it only when he wants to be. Chen wouldn’t probably be into calling you mommy/daddy unless he was feeling super cute and needy.  Dae loves your hands a lot, he wants to hold them and kiss them. Dae would want you to hold his hands constantly since they were so comforting to him. Really holding jims at all is his weakness. He says he hates cuddles but he falls asleep in 10 seconds. He’s a cute needy sub who wants you attention but will complain you like him to much when he gets it.
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Chanyeol is your baby boy all day. He needs lots of love and affection, lots of pampering and your attention. Chanyeol would probably be one of the easiest members to get into sub space. He would do almost anything you say and love when you gave him commands and task. Chanyeol would never try to break the rules unless he wanted attention but 90% of the time he was your perfect angel. Chanyeol can sometimes become insecure that he is too tall to be your baby or that he isn't good enough for you so you will have to reassure him. Also this boy is not going to lose his muscles because he says their to help protect you because he doesn’t want anyone to touch you but him. (He’s possessive, and gets insecure when around others). Yeollie wouldn’t call you Mommy/Daddy unless he was in the mood so if you hear it slip out be sure to realize.
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Soo would be ok with being your sub only in private and if you were good at taking care of his needs. He would sub but not for anyone who cant give him love, can't help him cook, can't help take care of the house and him and cant fuck. Soo would want you to make up for his faults hopefully so he can learn to grow to be more like you and would want you to be more so teaching him then just being dominant in the relationship. D.O is happy letting you dominate him sometimes but would love to dominate too and is rather vanilla when he subs since he hates pain, or anything not purely, evidently loving. He is fine with praise but also can't do stuff public since he has a reputation to keep up. So I wouldn’t say he would really sub but he would be pleased learning from you and letting you dom in sexual scenarios per say.
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Nini loved being your pup and is the most obedient besides Chanyeol.  Jongin would expect lots of lot of love from you but can with stand the punishments amazingly. Jongin likes when you do things for your own amusement or pleasure before his sometimes. Jongin is pretty sweet and wouldn’t have a problem letting people know he was very submissive in the relationship. He wouldn’t run around screaming it but he didn’t mind if you called him baby or little one in front of everyone. Jongin does need lots of aftercare, unlike some older members. He wouldn’t just want cuddles but maybe food and for you to cuddle him and talk to him after he eats and goes to sleep. Jongin is an adorable sub and wouldn’t care who knows it as long as his Sir/Mistress is happy.
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Tao is a good sub but can get bratty at times. Most of the time he is sweet and will do things for you but remember Tao is a Taurus and is going to be a little to stubborn maybe and fight you on somethings. Tao would be the prettiest angel to his Mommy/ Daddy's face but everyone else gets what they deserve. Tao has some limits in the bedroom but not to many is is fine with experimenting there. Honestly thought he might be scared to let people know you are dominate over him since some people already think he's a Gucci whore. You're not a Sugar Mommy/Daddy, your his love. So Tao would be a good sub as long as you don't force him into anything and keep it a little low-key.
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Hunnie. That’s his nickname, cause this boy is a wild sub. He would live for the crazy kinky moments. He would need to be punished a lot because of his constant teasing and can get mouthy or bratty but would love to do almost anything you were up for. Sehun loves public sex and anything he thinks is sort of risky like slight knife play or threesomes. Sehun would like having someone to be more dominant for him but would sort of expect you to take care of him in almost a Sugar Spouse manner. Buy him things, baby him, fuck him until he can barely walk right, the regular. He would do call you what you wanted, dress how you want and do what you want as long as it wasn’t nasty and you took care of him and secured Ya’ll a bag, ok.
- Morning Star
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Wicked Games; 6
Jensen x Reader
Summary:  He was poison.  She was the whiskey.  They were wrong.  But then again they were so right. 
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: somewhat graphic pictures of abuse. 
Author’s Note: this is completely unbeta’d - so all mistakes are mine and if it sucks. I’m sorry. the scene in italics is a flashback. 
KO-FI   Feedback  Masterlist  Series Masterlist  Ao3 
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The kiss lingered, his lips hovering just over yours when he pulled away. His eyes continually seeming to search yours as if he was looking for some sort of approval. All of two heartbeats passed before you found yourself leaning back into him, that desire from what felt like forever ago creeping its way back into your thoughts.
But the sound of footsteps making their way back towards the office separated what you were craving more of.  
What you were not expecting to happen how often you found yourself fantasizing about what could have happened if Jared hadn’t circled his way back around to find his friend. All you caught yourself thinking of when you stared at your ceiling while trying to get a couple hours of sleep before meeting with Kris was how those files would have looked tossed about the floor.
“Okay, seriously,” Kris eyed you from head to toe, arms crossed in that typical motherly manner of hers. “Do you ever sleep?”
You gave your friend a shy smirk. “Sometimes.”
“What the hell do you do every night that makes you look like you get no sleep?”
Chewing your bottom lip, you glanced around the cafe absently, watching one of the bus boys really scrub down a table, trying to avoid answering her for two reasons. One, you didn’t want to admit that a certain green-eyed man had been haunting you with some less than innocent thoughts until the wee hours of the morning and two, you still were not prepared to tell her about what you did to make ends meet.
“So what are we doing here?” You asked, still watching the poor kid struggle with what looked like a sticker someone’s child had slapped onto the table. “I thought today was going to be an admin day.”
“It is.”
Kris came into your line of sight once more as you meant her with a questioning stare. “Doesn’t admin mean that we are supposed to do some sort of work?”
She nodded, “We are.”
“Annnd, what kind of work are you planning to do in a coffee shop that we can’t do at the office?”
Your friend leaned forward, elbows on the edge of the table as she looked over you carefully. It was a look that you were beginning to see more of these days - like she was trying to choose her words wisely around you. It was beginning to make you feel a little more on edge than you were used to with her.
Her stare hovered over that certain spot just under your left shoulder blade, where a special little scare stayed hidden from the world. “I think we need to work on you.”
“Excuse me?”
Her hands quickly went up in a defensive motion as she leaned back away from you slowly. “I mean this in a good way, it’s been two years now, but I think you need to talk to someone about what happened.”
She knew that you had been going to therapy. Well, you hadn’t in a couple months, but that was due to some insurance issues and you sure as hell couldn’t afford to pay out of pocket. Kris didn’t know those nitty-gritty details, but she knew the bare bones of the fact that you had been talking to a professional. “Someone, like you?”
Her head shook side to side as the worrisome look stayed put. “I know the details, Y/N. I saw the aftermath, I’ve been there for a lot of your recovery.” She took a heavy breath, pausing to look down at her chewed down nails. “I think it might be in our best interest if you do a practice run for the article.”
Now it was your turn to stare at her, that panicked feeling starting to claw at your chest when you tried to think about explaining what you went through. “And you want to do a practice run with me? Right now?”
She offered you a shrug. “No, not here and not right now. Unless that is what you want, but,” she leaned back a bit as the server brought over a blueberry muffin she had ordered to go with her coffee. The thing was about the size of her head. “I want you to talk to somebody.”
If you knew your friend well enough, you knew that she probably had someone in mind and it was probably the reason that she was having this conversation with you in public since she knew you were less than likely to leave her hanging with the bill when you got up to walk away. “Who, Kris?”
Ripping off a piece of the massive muffin and popping it in her mouth, she gave you a shrug. “What about one of the guys?”
“The guys?”
“Yeah,” she repeated the same action, sliding the plate towards the center of the table. “Like Jensen, Jared or Misha.”
Your mind was reeling at the thought of sitting them down and walking through what Kris already knew. “Why them?”
“Well, for starters, it’s not me. And two, if you want to be able to talk to the reporter about the shit you’ve been through, you’re going to need to tell someone who doesn’t have a clue. And be able to do it without running off like you heard a gunshot.”
Leaning back you glared at her, partly because you knew that she was right and because a bigger part of you was thinking that the last thing you planned to spend your weekend doing was fighting through the panic attack inducing thoughts of that night.
“The interview is on Monday,” her voice came through the wall you were starting to build in your mind. “Don’t be mad, but I asked them already who would be willing to talk to you.”
She waited for a beat, but you already knew who would have volunteered to be there for you. “I gave Jensen your number.”
Roughly about an hour or so had passed since Kris told you that Jensen had your number, which had sent your stomach into a fit of unruly butterflies before he shot you a quick text. It was short and sweet, basically asking when he could meet up with you and where. You appreciated the fact that he was to the point this time around.
You had suggested your apartment, shooting out the address and beginning the act of sprucing up the place. Rarely having company and never really being home meant you had dishes from two weeks ago piling up, laundry that had been thrown about and an unmade bed. Plus it was a nice distraction from the fact that Jensen was coming over to your own personal safe haven.
All sense of mystery was about to go out the window, but all that really left the day he found out your real name.
There was a rhythmic knock, just as you had finished drying off the last of your clean dishes. “Just a minute,” you shouted in your door’s general direction as you placed the saucer delicately in its place.
Feet felt like lead as you made your way over to the door, smoothing over your t-shirt carefully. This type of conversation was meant for yoga pants and an old t-shirt, even if it wasn’t how Jensen was used to seeing you - it was the only way you’d be able to have some control of the conversation. With a deep breath through your nose, you swung open the door to see that familiar moss-eyed man offering you a lazy grin with two to-go cups of coffee in hand.
“Evening,” he said, causing you to notice the slight drawl in his voice. “Sorry I’m a little late, there was a line at the coffee shop.”
His left hand stuck out towards you with one of the cups in hand, you eyed it like it was going to come to life and bite you at any given second. “You brought me some?”
When you stepped back a bit, the unvoiced invite to come into your foyer. His gray t-shirt appeared silky against his torso, but snug where the fabric wrapped around his bicep and he had paired himself with a dark pair of dark jeans and what appeared to be work boots. He slid past you with ease - allowing you to catch a whiff of what you could only assume was his shampoo from a possible earlier shower. It smelled minty and clean.
“Yeah,” he gave a shrug, glancing around the place briefly before his gaze circled back to you. “I hope that’s okay. I wasn’t sure how you liked it, so I just had them add a little cream and sugar.”
“No, no,” you took the paper cup from his hand before bringing it to your lips and sipping it. The liquid was luke-warm and not too sweet for your liking. “It’s perfect.”
He gave you an approving smile, looking around once more. His now free hand made its way to the back of his neck, rubbing it softly before he spoke again. “I hope you don’t mind that I offered to, uh, to help you.”
You shrugged this time, turning away from him and heading over to your small couch. Propping your feet up on the coffee table, you looked over at where he was standing and took another sip of your coffee. “Being completely honest, I probably would have asked you anyway.”
Jensen stayed where he was, looking at you on the couch. “Uh, do you want to talk here or?”
“Here,” you nodded, patting the couch in a way that you had him do to you before.  You were keen on keeping eye contact with him as you spoke. “You can take your boots off and put them by the door.”
He did as he was told, slipping them off with a clunk and pushing them up against between the door and the hall. In a couple of long strides, he was sitting next to you on the couch, legs crossed so that his ankle was resting on his knee while you both sat back and enjoyed your coffee in an awkward silence. It wasn’t awkward in the sense that you were uncomfortable around him, but more so because you were dreading what was about to come.
“So,” Jensen started, putting his empty cup on the table in front of him and shifting himself so that he was facing you. “Sorry I haven’t really been around.” You knew he was referring to the fact that it had easily been a week since you had seen him at the club. Not that you minded, it was nice to just imagine he was something your mind concocted to help get you through your shifts, but having him sitting next to you was that little reminder that he was all too real.
“It’s okay,” you nodded, following his lead with your half-empty cup. “I’m sure you were busy.”
He gave a small snort as if he had just thought of some joke at your words. “Yeah, I guess busy is one way to put it.”
A cock of your head and you squinted your eyes at him. “What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” he answered quickly, stealing a glance behind you to where one of your many clocks sat on the wall. “Um, are you ready to get this started? Otherwise, I might be here all night.”
It was hard not to miss the glint in his eyes at the last part of his statement. Almost like he really would be okay with being stuck with you all night, but with how your mind had been playing certain scenarios in your head, you knew it would be wise to get this over with.
You looked away this time, pulling your knees up to your chest as you looked at the television remote sitting right in the middle of the table and contemplating if you wanted to put something on just for background noise. “Where should we start?”
“Wherever you are comfortable with, baby girl.”
You had slipped out of the apartment for a little under an hour - knowing that you needed to grab something for dinner tonight and to hopefully stop by the ATM to pick up some cash. He wouldn’t be home from work for another hour, so you knew this would need to be a quick little errand.
Thankfully, the line at both the ATM and the store wasn’t busy. So you had been in and out of both places in under ten minutes, but on the walk home, you noticed a cute little flower boutique that happened to have your favorite flowers on sale. Another ten minutes or so and you had a beautiful arrangement of daisies in your hand, something that you knew would brighten up your time spent at home.
Any sort of contentment vanished the moment you unlocked the main door to a pitch black living room. There was a heavy presence sitting on the couch waiting for your arrival, but you didn’t have the stomach to turn on the light.
“Babe?” You asked, trying not to let the dread that was cementing itself in the pit of your stomach seep through your words. “You’re home early.”
Travis was quick to stand up and beat you to the door, closing it swiftly behind you while a little too softly pulling the bags and the flowers out of your grasp. You stayed perfectly still as he maneuvered his way in the dark towards the kitchen and back, his footsteps heavy against the hardwood floors.
Your eyes cast downwards as you felt his nearness return. “Yes. I’m sure you can imagine my surprise to see that you weren’t here.”
“I’m sorry,” you started before you felt the sting along your cheek and the familiar metallic taste at the tip of your tongue.
“How many times have I told you that I don’t want you leaving the apartment without me?” His voice hissed in your ear as the same hand that struck you found your chin and forced you to look towards his shadow. “Don’t you know the kind of vile men that are out there?”
“I-I just need to grab a couple things for dinner tonight.”
For as long as you could remember Travis always talked about these disturbing men that apparently roam the streets, slinking around like the sewer rats they were, even in broad daylight. He always spoke about how some of them would just look at you and begin to undress you with their eyes - last month seemed to have been the last straw for him. After you had gone out with Kris, she pointed out his familiar truck was trailing behind her while you made your way out for some sushi.
You had to brush it off like it was nothing.
“You should have waited until I got home,” his hot breath scraped against your cheek. “Now dinner is going to be a little late tonight, hm?”
Something in you clicked. Everything that Kris and others had been warning you about from the day you started dating him all seemed to be coming to light - the need to constantly put you down, make you feel like no one else in the world wanted to be with you except him, or that no one could give you everything that he could. He was controlling, which you knew, but you thought when you got married and he knew that you were going to be with him forever that grip he held over your social life would loosen.
“Not if you let me get to the kitchen,” you responded, extending an arm to your left in the hopes of hitting the light switch. “I promise I’ll have dinner on the table in twenty minutes.”
There was a shift in the air as you felt the way his head shook side to side before you lucked out in finding the source of light. His hand holding your chin squeezed tightly as he pushed you back until you felt the coolness of the wall seep through your cotton t-shirt. “And that’s just going to make everything better?”
You gulped down the knot that was forming in your throat. “Y-Yes.”
The smirk he gave you made your stomach twist.
Within a matter of seconds, he had sucker punched you so hard that you found yourself in the fetal position on the floor, clutching your abdomen tightly while you fought back the bile that was threatening to emerge from the back of your throat. His shoe came forward and made contact with where his fist had just been - with each solidifying kick you wanted nothing more than to change your choices from earlier in the day.
You wanted to make him happy.
Another blow and you spat out what you assumed was blood by the metal taste that passed by with it. “I’m sorry,” you managed to croak out softly. “I didn’t mean to make you mad.”
There was a low laugh from him as he paused his assault, grabbing you by your wrists and hauling you back up towards him. You used the wall to hold up your now aching body while he held you at arm's length - looking at his damage.
“When you defy my wishes, you anger me, love,” his same hand that struck you moments ago traced a gentle line down the length of your cheek. “There’s only one way you ever seem to learn your lesson.”
“At some point, I had passed out,” she choked out her words. “Kris found me that night and called 911. Turns out I had a lot of blood loss because even though I was unconscious, I still pissed Travis off.”
The woman clutching herself through the heavy sobs before Jensen was not what he was used to. She almost always surprised him with every new day that he had been seeing her. It was like night and day between the woman he found himself aching for and the woman who was so clearly broken that it made him frenzied at her words.
Right now, he wanted to reach out and touch her - to bring her back to reality, but something held him back. Maybe it was the fear that was still clearly etched on her face.
“Hey,” he whispered, scooting himself closer to her shaking frame while she swiped at a stray tear. “Hey, you’re safe. I’m here.”
Her breath caught for a moment and for the first time in the last twenty minutes or so, did she look up at him with red-rimmed eyes. Her chest rose and fell as she stared at him with some sort of depth, he counted to ten before braved scooting himself a little bit closer to her.
“Thank you,” she spoke softly, matching his tone while wiping at her lashes once more.
He brought a hand up and slowly brought it towards her tear-stained cheek, but he maintained eye contact in an efforts to make sure he was getting permission from unspoken words. She appeared to be standing her ground but didn’t flinch away from him as he expected. Gently, his thumb brushed away at some of the stray tears that had gotten lost in the muddle of her emotions.
When he pulled his hand away, her face turned towards his palm where she leaned into his grasp. He watched as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath; several in fact. It was like he was currently sitting on the other side of the room watching when she turned her mouth inward and gave the meaty part of his palm a soft kiss.
He sucked air in through his teeth, feeling the shock that always seemed to appear when her lips found him. “Y/N,” he started, but seemed to lack what was left of his sentence.
She sat forward, pushing her body closer to him now, completely throwing his train of thought off the rails for a moment. Once again, it was like night and day with her - the shattered woman who he wanted to nothing more than to wrap in his arms and prove to that all men are not these horrendous creatures she put in her path every damn day, was now suddenly having him want to bring her into his lap for a completely different reason.
“Jensen,” she whispered back to him, her eyes stalled, scanning over his face briefly. “Really, thank you.”
He was slightly intimidated all of the sudden. “For what exactly?”
She gave him a small shrug, her bottom lip slipping between her teeth while she thought. “Proving me wrong.”
FOREVERS: @spnwoman @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @xalgaliareptx @shayrey @applepielyf @winchesterhound @yourvoiceislikearose @chocolateturtlepeanutopera @alexwinchester23 @earthtokace @hobby27 @pisces-cutie @babykalika2001 @dean-winchesters-bacon @sweetiepie-dean @supernatural-teamfreewillpage-d @itssmallerontheoutside-13 @aeonian-forever @mirandaaustin93 @queenslandlover-93 @spnbaby-67 @akshi8278 @gh0stgurl @closetspngirl @waywardrose13 @theselilwonders @lizzietheizzie @mogaruke @roonyxx @maddiepants @daughterofthenight117 @adoptdontshoppets @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @deansyahtzee @screechingartisancashbailiff @rainflowermoon @wishingbuttercup @sandlee44 @whit85-blog @1000roughdrafts
WG: @maddiepants @the-is13 @katymacsupernatural @squirrelnotsam @flamencodiva @winchest09 @cap-just-said-language @pretty-fortune @squirrelnotsam @winchesterprincessbride @mizzzpink @mayaslifeinabox @holylulusworld @waitwhatsrealityagain @beautifulbowleggedangel @brindz30
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whereismywarden · 5 years
OC Masterlist
@kiraia​ pointed out (rightfully so) that I made quite a few vague posts about my OCs, but that I’ve never properly introduced them. It’s true, mostly because I tend to wait until they are well developed to properly do anything with them, which doesn’t happen all that often. So consider this a formal introduction to my current OCs :)
(Under a cut because there are quite a bunch of them. I hope it works on mobile, because otherwise yikes! I’m very sorry.)
Sad Mages Worldstate
It’s probably the one I talk about the most. It’s the most developed worldstate, with the most developed OCs and I’ve written a lot of fics about them.
The Warden: Ana Surana [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Ana x Daylen Amell (friends with benefits), Ana x Alistair (DAO romance), Ana x Carver (current pairing, now married) + I occasionally throw Isabela into the mix because reasons.
Born in the Gallows and taken to an orphanage in Highever until her magic manifested.
Grew up close to Anders, Jowan, Amell and (to a lesser extent) Finn.
Had a baby that she was forced to give to the Chantry.
Main DAO choices include: romancing Alistair, getting her heart broken after making him king, stupidly refusing to do Morrigan’s ritual and watching him sacrifice his life for her.
Later she starts dating Carver (whom she actually met at Ostagar where they had a brief fling before the Battle).
Takes part in the Mage Underground and helps Anders build his bomb.
Starts hearing the Calling shortly before DAI.
Is Hawke’s contact during HLtA.
The Champion: Alwyn Hawke [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Alwyn x Anders (DA2 romance, on and off), Alwyn x Cullen (one time), Alwyn x Rylen (post DAI, considering making them endgame, not sure yet).
Purple Hawke.
Carver becomes a warden.
Supports the mages.
Develops a close friendship with Ana.
Breaks up with Anders after the Chantry explosion, wishing he’d trusted him enough to share his plan with him. They do get back together later on.
Is the first one to learn about Ana hearing the Calling.
Stays behind in the Fade during HLtA, but eventually finds a way out.
He was found by Inquisition scouts in the Western Approach, suffering from amnesia.
Later falls in love with Rylen.
(Note that I still need to update that last part into his bio.)
The Inquisitor: Violette Surana [Tag | Complete bio | Fanfictions]
pairings: Violette x Orsino (once twice), Violette x Samson (current partner).
Ana’s mum.
Orlesian who grew up in Ferelden during the occupation.
Was taken to the Gallows at age 13.
Was a close friend of Malcolm Hawke.
Had her baby (Ana) taken by the Chantry. Later escaped.
Hates the Chantry.
Attends the Conclave in the hopes that Ana might be there.
Starts sleeping with Samson after his capture because he basically said fuck the Chantry to her face and it turned her on.
Hardened Leliana becomes Divine.
Other OC: Neriah Amell-Hawke
Is Ana’s daughter. She got her out of the orphanage after the Blight (thanks, Leliana).
Her father is Daylen Amell. Carver adopted her when he married her mama.
Is 18 as of Trespasser.
Second Chances Worldstate
This one started off as an AU for a fic starring Ana and Alistair which is why these two worldstates are so similar. The point of divergence is that Jowan went to Amell for help instead of Ana for some reason.
The Warden: Daylen Amell [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Day x Ana (friends with benefits), Day x Morrigan (DAO romance and while I did consider for a while not having him follow her through the eluvian, I changed my mind. There’s too much growth potential.)
His father was Maurevar Carver, because I say so.
Main DAO choices include: Sparing Loghain, Alistair becoming a drunk, not doing Morrigan’s ritual because he can just throw Loghain at the Archdemon (which he did).
Helps Ana get their daughter out of the Kirkwall orphanage. Bails on them right afterwards.
Does follow Morrigan through the eluvian and actually ends up being a decent dad to Kieran.
Does not become Ferelden’s Warden-Commander.
The Champion: Alwyn Hawke (yes, again)
Like I said, this was originally an AU, so it made sense to keep the same Hawke. There are quite a few differences, however.
pairings: none.
Does not bring Anders to the Deep Roads. Carver dies.
Suffers from severe depression afterwards.
Goes from purple to full blue after Leandra’s death.
Stays behind in the Fade. Probably won’t make it out in this worldstate.
The Inquisitor: Asaara Adaar [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Asaara x Cullen (starts before DAI, now married).
Meets Cullen shortly before the Chantry explosion. They fall in love.
Not going into too much details because it will be part of Second Chances’ main story.
Other OCs: Ana Surana and Neriah [Main fic | Other fics]
Again, can’t go into too much detail because spoilers.
pairings: Ana x Carver (before the Deep Roads expedition anyway), Ana x Alistair.
Day brings Ana to Kirkwall shortly after the Blight to meet their daughter. She ends up staying after they get Neriah out of the orphanage.
Single mom. Works as a waitress.
They find drunk Alistair in their garbage. Ana wants to help him get better.
Other OC: Issala Adaar [Tag]
pairings: Issala x Varric (post-DAI).
Is Asaara’s overexcited little sister.
Likes to tinker with explosives.
Built a handheld cannon. It’s clunky, not very accurate and is prone to misfire. In other words, it still needs a lot of work.
Varric thinks she’s adorable so he made her his personal bodyguard.
Angry Dalish Worldstate
The Warden: Shaelyn Mahariel [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Lyn x Tamlen (Origin), Lyn x Bethany, (considering Lyn x Alistair between DA2 and DAI but even that might be too cruel.)
Doesn’t want to be a warden.
DAO choices include: Alistair remaining with the wardens because he doesn’t want to be king.
No in-game romance, she was too heartbroken after losing Tamlen.
Eventually starts dating Bethany.
Travels to the Free Marches after the death of her clan to kill the man responsible.
Almost dies in the resulting fight against Hawke (thank the Creators Anders was there).
Goes home and confesses to Bethany that she almost killed her brother and that she would have done it had he not been so badass. They break up.
The two of them reconcile post-DAI, after Hawke and Merrill’s wedding.
The Champion: Kris Hawke [Tag]
pairings: Kris x Merrill (now married).
Blue Hawke.
Sadly couldn’t save Merrill’s clan.
Didn’t want to hurt Lyn that badly during their fight, he was just defending himself. Deeply regrets it afterwards.
The Inquisitor: no one specific yet, but likely a Lavellan romancing Solas.
Alistair stays behind in the Fade.
Elves in Luuuuv Worldstate
The Warden: Kallian Tabris [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Tabs x Alistair (DAO romance)
Probably the most canon-compliant OC.
Main DAO choices include: making Alistair king with Anora as queen and becoming his mistress.
Madly in love.
Will have a happy ending.
No Hawke or Inquisitor yet.
Homecoming Worldstate
The Warden: Elaine Cousland [Tag]
pairings: Elle x Nathaniel (pre-DAO, now ex-husband), Elle x Leliana (DAO romance), Elle x Sebastian (current).
Was BFF with Anora during their childhood.
Actually met Sebastian before he was sent to the Chantry. The two of them had similar lifestyles back then, so when Elle visited Starkhaven with her father, the two of them developed a rivalry of sorts in their romantic pursuits (think Merteuil and Valmont, but a lot more light-hearted). They do spend one night together after learning that he is going to be sent to the Chantry.
Eventually fell in love and married Nate. They kept their relationship a secret, however. They divorced after the Blight.
Main DAO choices include: romancing Leliana, making Alistair king with Anora as queen, sparing Loghain and performing the ritual.
Her relationship with Leliana didn’t survive the distance.
Leaves the Wardens after the Chantry explosion and basically goes on the run from everyone because she feels responsible for what happened.
Helps Sebastian reclaim his throne. They fall in love. (I’m currently writing a fic about this, actually)
Still unsure about her DAI fate. Either she replaces Hawke in HLtA and stays behind in the Fade, or she becomes Inquisitor.
The Champion: Violetta Hawke [Tag | Fanfictions]
pairings: Letta x Isabela (DA2 romance).
Yes, she was totally named after Violette.
Is Kris’ sister.
Carver becomes a Templar.
Spared Anders.
Sails into the sunset with Isabela.
DAI fate will depend on what I decide to do with Elle.
The Inquisitor: no one yet.
Loghain survives HLtA.
I am considering having Neriah (yes, again) be the Herald with someone else as Inquisitor since she’s only a kid. In this worldstate, she grew up in Kirkwall’s orphanage before being taken to the Gallows. She escapes the massacre and Carver eventually takes her under his wing.
I'm planning to have two additional worldstates (I want one per warden origin). One called "Happy Dwarves" with a male Brosca romancing Zevran and one called "Dead Heroes" with a male Aeducan romancing Leliana (and probably Alwyn again, idk). I also have a couple of Cadashes that I want to put somewhere, a woman romancing Josie and a man romancing Divine Cassandra. Idk yet if they'll be Inquisitors or if I'll just add them to one of the existing worldstates. Odds are one will be Inquisitor while the other just tags along.
I probably missed a few things here and there, but that’s basically the gist of it. Thanks to anyone who actually stuck to the end, lmao.
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8771eh · 5 years
A Real Thanksgiving
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Sid is ecstatic that they are in Canada for the real Thanksgiving. As soon as the schedule had been posted and he knew they were having a couple days between the Leafs and Habs with the Real Thanksgiving landing in the middle of the three day break in October, he rented a cabin where the team, some of their families and staff could all do a dinner. Granted the cottage was only going to be stayed in by Sid and his family.
Its not often he throws around his wants on the team but luckily Rutherford and Sully liked the team bonding aspect and it's a little delay in going back on a plane. In the locker room Dumo keeps teasing Sid about never using his powers for the betterment of the team, which earns him a wet towel being dropped on his head as Olli passes by him from the shower.
"What the hell, Olls?" Dumo chucks the towel towards the laughing naked Finn.
"Isn't that what Americans do-clean their kid's face when he is being disrespectful?" Olli smirks as he pulls up his suit pants and readjusts himself to make sure nothing is caught in the zipper. Dumo grumbles as their remaining teammates laugh at his expense.
Sid smirks from his stall as he sits up from tying his shoes. He leans back and glances over at Geno who is chatting with Murr, Riley,  and Brass with his shirt unbuttoned while he gesticulates, pulling laughter from his audience. Sid smiles softly as he pulls his gaze to look at the rest of his team.  There were several small groups that added to the noise of the room as some players finished getting dressed and others were lounging around before having to climb onto the bus.
They would come out to the cabin the next morning, but tonight Sid was going to head up to prep the cabin so he could greet his parents and sister warmly when they arrived tomorrow. He was looking forward to being able to have both of his families together for the holiday. His bags were in the rental car he had secured before the game. He had packed extra for this road trip and he knew he owed Dana a new bottle of whiskey for all his help.
"Hey, Sid, look at this pic I just got from Cath." Tanger thrust his phone in Sid's face as he presses on to the bench next to him. Blinking to adjust to the screen in front of him, Sid furrows his brow as he sees a series of texts as opposed to a picture. "What do you think?"
Sid glances at Tanger who is looking at him slightly exasperated. He looks back at the screen and reads the words. It's a conversation with Cath and Taylor. Having his sister in Pittsburgh has been a blessing and a curse. She doesn't let him get away with half as much as he would like to. This Thanksgiving was definitely something he had to wrestle control of. She had been so enthusiastic about a family Thanksgiving with the team that her plans quickly started to become too grandiose.  Especially with a couple of the wives and girlfriends involved.  The screen was a screen shot of a conversation between Cath and Taylor then Cath's texts to Kris.
/-Is he certain we aren't supposed to try and get there earlier tomorrow? I dont like showing up when the food is supposed to be ready
-Tay, let him host he has had plenty of parties at his place since he became Captain.
-But that's not depending on him cooking everything.
-He's not making all the food, everybody is bringing something. It will be fine. He needs the tasks to do. It's good for him. /
-this is a Crosby thing, isn't it?
"Thank Cath for me, please?" Tanger jerks his head. "You're still ok with picking everybody up at the airport?"
"Not a problem." Tanger's gaze softens as he assesses Sid. "You sure this is what you want to do?" Sid glances at his lap as a soft smile pulls at his mouth. "Alright, don't say anything. I've got your back, Cap."
"Alright, gents, last call for the bus. Get out of here so I can start to break down and go to sleep." Dana steps thru the doorway as the remaining men start to head out the door with random jibes about how Dana never sleeps. As Sid stands, Tanger claps his shoulder before he nods quickly at him and slips into step and speaking rapid French with Brass as they leave.
 Sid glances at the only remaining player who is quickly buttoning up his shirt and slipping his peacoat on. Geno smiles and Sid holds out his hand. As Geno twines their fingers together, Sid slips their joined hands into his coat pocket before leading him out with a goodnight to Dana.
The drive up was quiet and peaceful. A win meant that Geno and Sid tended to be running on a high, however the benefit of chatting with the boys in the room afterwards is they had allowed some of the energy to wind down. Making the 90 minute drive filled with more ease then restlessness. Geno occasionally will reach out to intertwine their fingers and lift their joined hands to hold Sid's finger tips or back of his hand to his lips while he reads on his tablet.
Sid pulls on to a quiet dirt road. He knows the small road would be a bit rocky as they make their way to the cabin and it does little to disrupt their peace. Sid parks the car outside the garage and cuts the engine as Geno turns off his tablet and slips it into his bag. They exit the car in silence. Sid makes his way to unlock the door and turn on the porch light as Geno starts to pull their luggage from the back of the vehicle.
"We sleep or you want to see how Kings play with baby goalie?" Geno asks as Sid takes his luggage from him.
"I was thinking about just relaxing in the bath after we get everything put away. There's something in the bathroom that sold me on this place." Geno chuckles and shrugs.
"So weird, my Sid." The smile they share is soft and content with years of familiarity obvious before they make their way inside.
"A fireplace?" Geno gawks at the gorgeous hearth across from the deep claw foot bathtub. Sid smiles lazily from deep in the tub. He allows his eyes to trace up and down Geno's naked form with a proprietary gaze. When his eyes meet Geno's he has no shame at the raised eyebrow and slight flush that greets him.
"I thought the view would be worth it." Sid let's his gaze slip to Geno's lips before closing his eyes and settling back in the tub, "definitely a worthy a view."
"Clearly you wrong because I'm have best view." Geno teases as he presses a kiss to Sid's head before climbing into the tub betwen Sid's legs and sinking down until he can rest the back of his head against Sid's shoulder. He presses a kiss to the patch of skin closest to him before humming quietly in contentment.
"Let's go for a walk. Its gorgeous and the leaves are falling. This is what Thanksgiving should look like." Sid grins, sipping from his coffee mug brightly. Geno nods half awake.
After breakfast, Sid preps the Turkey, and puts it in the oven as Geno puts together a couple cold salads and puts out eggs for a dessert recipe for after their walk.
Sid slides up behind Geno, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "Come with me?"
Geno pushes away from the island and takes his coat and beanie from Sid's hands. He smiles as Sid throws his scarf around his neck and presses a kiss to Sidney's nose before the scarf covers his mouth. Sid chuckles fondly. "Can't have you freezing on me. I'm a bit too fond of you."
Geno makes a noise similar to a purr at Sid's words. He reaches out and readjusts Sid's beanie-he will never call it a toque no matter how hard Sid and their teammates argue. They join hands and make their way out of the cabin.
The backyard presses into a forest filled with trees in various states of autumn colors. Sid guides him off to the side of the cabin where a path has been worn down and leads into the forest.  They walk in silence for a few minutes, just taking in the scenary.
"Is it ridiculous that I'm nervous about this?" Finally breaking the silence, Sid keeps his gaze forward. "I know my parents love you. I'm pretty sure Taylor would trade you for me in a heartbeat." Sid sighs heavily and shakes his head. "And the team is the team, you know? It's not like they dont have a hint that we're together." Geno squeezes their joined hands.
"No, makes sense. I'm know Mama and Papa Crosby many years and Taylor so small when I meet her. But is like different that now we together. Like maybe they not like that you love me not like because I am man, but not sure, you know?" Sid nods as he pulls Geno's hand to his lips.
"Well I am Sidney Crosby and I only accept the best for myself when I've worked for it." Sid can see Geno's eyes crinkle as he hears the muffled chuckle.
"Of course, I'm best. Only best for me and Sid is best so of course Sid only deserve best. Work hard for eachother,  you know this." Geno glances back at Sid for a moment as they walk and can see a softness to Sid's face. He feels a tug at his hand and stops to look at Sid who has stopped in his tracks. He is looking up at the trees with a set in his jaw that makes Geno think of all the face offs they've taken against one another. There's a determination that both inspires and sets a flame of curiosity deep in Geno's heart.
"Baby?" Geno watches as Sid nods stiffly before making eye contact with Geno and letting out a slow breath.
"Good. That's good." He let's out another breath. "Makes this next part a little less frightening." He adds as he sinks to his knee. Geno stares in disbelief.  Sid reaches into his pocket with his free hand and pulls out a small velvet box. "Because I only want to try and be the best for you for the rest of my life. I want to be able to really mean it when I say this is my holiday with teammates and family and know you know you are family. That my parents know and accept you as family." Sid's voice quivers for a moment. "I want to marry you.You are all I want imprefections and all. Because honestly, I don't want anybody else by my side if I never lift a cup again or the next time I do. I want our numbers hanging next to Mario's to mean so much more." Geno's cheeks are wet as he stares at the determined and adoring expression on Sid's face. "I only want to fight with you about which shampoo to buy or where to go on vacation. I want to make plans with you about how to teach our kids about Canadian and Russian culture and laugh as you whisper with them in Russian that maybe one day I will understand. When I think about life after hockey all I want is you and I'm pretty sure you feel the same."
Geno stares at Sid quietly. Sid shifts softly on his knee and glances at the box. "Oh, really?" Sid chuckles and opens the box and turns it to Geno. A thin platinum band sits in the box with deep red ruby and diamond chips embedded in the band. "Zhenya?" Geno glances back at Sid and feels his brows furrow as the color drains from Sid's face. "Why are you shaking your head? I-I thought," Sid pauses and searches Geno's face intently. "You don't want to marry me?" Geno shakes his head vigorously.
"No, Sid. Want to marry you. Want everything you say. You mean most to me in world. I just have ring for you at home." Sid sighs as Geno drops to his knees in front of him. Geno pulls the scarf down and presses his lips to Sid's. "Have to say question."
Sid leans back and sighs before smiling. "Zhenya, will you marry me?" Geno grins and presses a kiss to Sid's nose.
Geno wraps his arms around Sid's waist and hooks his chin over his shoulder. Sid is talking animatedly with Jamie, Troy, Matt, and Murr. Geno has had enough alcohol that the English is too much to focus on. He just let's the sound of his friends' voices roll over him.
There is a loud noise before Geno feels a body crash into him and Sid. He looks over and sees long blond hair and felt his hand being pulled away from Sid. Trina is staring at Geno's ring with tears in her eyes and cups Sid's cheek in one hand. She keeps glancing between Troy and Sid wordlessly.
"Its about fucking time!" Taylor cries as she throws her arm around Sid and Geno. Geno has only a moment to brace himself before more people rush into the kitchen to see what the exclamation was about. The hug grows quickly as words of congratulations come from all over. It's similar to the pile that happens when the final buzzer sounds in the final game of the playoffs when they know the Cup is their's but right now they get to enjoy with friends and family.
Sid starts to laugh his happy unguarded goose honk. There are voices speaking in multiple languages over eachother, arms and hands wrapping around him and random lips pressing kisses to his and Sid's cheeks.
Geno leans forward to press a kiss to Sid's ear and whisper, "most thankful for you this thanksgiving."
Sid grins up at Geno with tears in his eyes, "happy Thanksgiving, babe. I love you."
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pokemon-channel · 5 years
☆—Spread the Love! | Valentines Mix-up
DJ Ben stretches out in his chair, yawning silently to himself.  The Delibirds flew out just a few hours prior, and he feels nothing but utmost confidence in them.  He’d never bring it up to Mary, but he still can’t believe how the messages managed to get mixed up for three years running.  He’s determined to make this Valentine’s Day go as smoothly as possible.  Delibird are known for their innate delivery skills.  How could anything go wrong?
Ben’s going to show Mary that letting him take the reigns of this event wasn’t a mistake.  Everything was going to go right this year!  He has a good feeling about these Delibird as they return, one-by-one, to the Radio Tower.  Passing around nicely-decorated Pokepuffs to each obedient Delibird as reward, DJ Ben can’t help but feel all too pleased with himself about the event.
Such a shame he mixed the Delibirds up on their way out.
What DJ Ben brings to you, under the cut, is a tragic tale of woe.  Each Valentine has been preserved in its original state.  None of the people who actually received each Valentine were the intended recipients.
To further add to the confusion, each Valentine was randomized three separate times along with their sender counterparts.  Thanks to the based RNG gods, some people received quite the coincidental string of Valentines…
VALENTINE SENT BY: Daigo WHO RECEIVED IT: Green CONTENTS: A Love Ball with candy inside. “You like pink stuff right? Some guy I know from Johto gave it to me."
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Anzu CONTENTS: A fresh and new store bought cape for Silver. “I look forward to where you’re going in life.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anzu WHO RECEIVED IT: Draze CONTENTS:  A pastel pink card with “Happy Galentine’s Day” written on the front. The message inside reads “Thanks for being a good friend. If you ever need a favor or maybe just somebody to rough up a bunch of weirdos for you, you know who to call ;) -Anzu P.S. This is from my kid sister.” A colorful drawing of Alice wearing one of her iconic stage costumes is included on a separate sheet of paper, signed by Yuzu in the corner. There is also a small bag containing some homemade cookies from her.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Quentin WHO RECEIVED IT: Lance CONTENTS:  Dear Q, Roses are red I don’t want to boast But you’re pretty cool And smarter than most! ~Q P.S. Self-love is important.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Ethan CONTENTS:  A collection of old candies that Clair and Lance used to eat with a note that says “I remember you liking these old candies. Here’s hoping you still do."
VALENTINE SENT BY: Quentin WHO RECEIVED IT: Daigo CONTENTS:   Dear Katlyn, Roses are red Your music is fine Your drumming Lucario Is cooler than mine. ~Q
VALENTINE SENT BY: Quentin WHO RECEIVED IT: Alice CONTENTS:   Dear Claudia, Roses are red Fermata’s a jerk Your dancing is cool But will this rhyme work? ~Q
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Giovanni CONTENTS: A teddy bear for Kris. “I’ve heard of your success with the Gym Challenge! The Elite 4 welcome your challenge any time.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Morty WHO RECEIVED IT: Katlyn CONTENTS:  “Remember that old house in the forest? I found this up when we were there and I only came across it when I did some cleaning recently. -Morty”. Inside a gift box is a shining Dragon Fang, almost like it had been polished recently.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Moros WHO RECEIVED IT: Jac CONTENTS:  A basket full of Valentine-related things in a very particular shade of bright pink. There are several roses, a few handfuls of foil-wrapped chocolate hearts, a big bag of heart-shaped gummies, and one large, very soft Luvdisc plush. There’s no card, just a tag that says, ‘TO: Lovrina FROM: M’
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Lovrina CONTENTS: With an image of a beautiful Alolan sunset on the horizon, the inside is a more explosive scene—of glitter! Enjoy that mess.
The loving message to go with it?
“Fuck you buddy.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anzu WHO RECEIVED IT: Claudia CONTENTS: A piece of paper with the following written in pen: “I hate your stinking guts! You make me vomit. You’re scum between my toes. -Anzu”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Quentin WHO RECEIVED IT: Clair CONTENTS: Dear Daigo, Roses are red I wrote this with passion but what I can’t give you Is a new sense of fashion. ~Q
VALENTINE SENT BY: Dawn WHO RECEIVED IT: Anzu CONTENTS: 8 Pepper Chocolates for Brendan. “I hear eating something spicy can get someone pumped up and boosts competition. Here’s looking to our next Contest.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Zia CONTENTS: Motorcycle shaped Cookies for Anzu. “You ride a motorcycle correct?”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Morty WHO RECEIVED IT: Silver CONTENTS: A homemade smudging kit with written instructions on how to cleanse your home (or gym) of negative energy. A note reads “Clair, I’m sorry this isn’t much of a valentines gift, but I thought you might get some use out of it anyway. Happy Valentines Day. -Morty”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anzu WHO RECEIVED IT: Leaf CONTENTS:  A sheet of paper with the word "Nerd” scrawled in pencil.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Ariana Natsumi CONTENTS:  Mixed Chocolates and Candy for Green. “I do not remember what you enjoyed, but I hope you enjoy sweets.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Morty WHO RECEIVED IT: Lillie CONTENTS: It’s a Pokemon Egg! What could be inside? The only thing that came with it is a note that says “This egg should hatch in a few days. Enjoy your new Pokemon! -Morty”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Daigo CONTENTS:  The card has a pair of Pikachu rubbing cheeks with their tails entwined on the front. On the inside is—oh no, glitter bomb! Enjoy that mess.
Only one word is written inside.“Dork.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Morty WHO RECEIVED IT: Red CONTENTS:   Homemade vanilla cookies that are somewhat shaped like Togepi. A note reads “Happy Valentines Day. I hope you enjoy these. -Morty” He’s only a little nervous that a certain Pokemon of his might have messed with one of the batches he made. Hopefully they taste fine.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Morty WHO RECEIVED IT: Brendan CONTENTS:   A box of loose leaf tea stored in individual cloth pouches. Different blends include citrus, lavender, chamomile, mint, rose and matcha (because why not be obvious?) A note attached reads “Happy Valentines Day. I made most of these blends myself. I hope you like them. -Morty”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Daigo WHO RECEIVED IT: Whitney CONTENTS: A chocolate flower. “Hilarious right? Happy Valentines Day.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Jac CONTENTS: On the front of the card is a man and woman showing their tanned Alolan summer bodies. Inside, there’s a foil for… er, intimate bedroom activities. ‘No need to thank me.’
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Katlyn CONTENTS: A Red and Black Hat for Ethan.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anzu WHO RECEIVED IT: Alice CONTENTS: A pink note that reads “Sorry that I lost my temper on you. I owe you one for helping me find that Clefairy Doll. P.S. If you find yourself in Olivine City anytime soon, here’s my phone number. I’ll treat you to a free meal for helping me out. -Anzu"
VALENTINE SENT BY: Quentin WHO RECEIVED IT: Morty CONTENTS: Dear Zia, Roses are red You’re fond of a ghost They give me the creeps But you’re still engrossed. ~Q
VALENTINE SENT BY: Morty WHO RECEIVED IT: Quentin CONTENTS: A shiny new Pokeball with a Gastly inside, adorning a light purple ribbon. “Happy Valentines Day! I wanted to give her to you sooner but she just hatched last week. Her name is Salvia. -Morty”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Barry CONTENTS: Goomy shaped Chocolates for Red. “Send me photos of your little partner!”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anzu WHO RECEIVED IT: Kris CONTENTS: A note reads: “Sorry I haven’t kept in touch with you lately. Hope this helps make up for it.” Attached is a small bag with homemade cookies from Yuzu and several pieces of store bought chocolates.
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Zia CONTENTS: Strawberries covered with Chocolates for Leaf. “I’ve heard of your recent successes! I’m very happy for you.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anzu WHO RECEIVED IT: Red CONTENTS: A small bag of homemade cookies with a note attached reads “Yuzu made too many extra cookies for Valentines Day, so she asked me to help her get rid of some. Don’t get the wrong idea.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Whitney WHO RECEIVED IT: Daigo CONTENTS: Attached with a box of cookies with jam in the centre is a card with a !!very!! cute picture of snubbull cuddling. Inside reads: ❤ Happy Valentine’s Day!! ❤ For White Day, we should go somewhere fun! Or even before! What do you say? But don’t think you can forget about White Day just because you’re a shut-in! 😠 Okay? I’ll be expecting a gift in return! 💕 - Whitney ❤
VALENTINE SENT BY: Quentin WHO RECEIVED IT: Morty CONTENTS: Dear Anzu, Roses are red You’re lacking a heart But the real problem is You’re not very smart. ~Q
VALENTINE SENT BY: Morty WHO RECEIVED IT: Sun CONTENTS: A pouch full of wild berries from the Ilex Forest. It seems that Morty had excellent luck when he went to gather them; there are a few Sitrus berries in the pile. “I wanted to share the wealth. Hope you’re doing well. -Morty”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Anonymous WHO RECEIVED IT: Quentin CONTENTS: From the day I met you at the battle frontier, I knew something was aloaf. My head got all dizzy for the first time in years and I knew, it had to be you. Your just the person of my dreams, and I hope that someday we can be together, though we have things to discuss. Feel free to visit anytime, as I know your always going going. You know where to find me! :)
VALENTINE SENT BY: Daigo WHO RECEIVED IT: Ethan CONTENTS: Some Strawberry Marshmallows “This is thanks for you sister keeping Mimi company, but you can keep some I guess.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Zia CONTENTS: Chocolates for Ariana Natsumi. “Happy Valentines.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Daigo WHO RECEIVED IT: Green CONTENTS: Some really messy and sloppily made chocolate. “Torra wanted to give this to you. Happy Valentines.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Daigo WHO RECEIVED IT: Anzu CONTENTS: Store Bought Chocolates “Happy Valentines.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Dawn WHO RECEIVED IT: Claudia CONTENTS: Homemade Chocolates for Barry with a note. “You probably don’t realize how much you’ve done for me. Here’s to another good year.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Daigo WHO RECEIVED IT: Morty CONTENTS: A chocolate sphere. A solid sphere of chocolate. "Isn’t this funny?”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Daigo WHO RECEIVED IT: Clair CONTENTS: Halloween Candy. “Boo. You like scary stuff right.”
VALENTINE SENT BY: Whitney WHO RECEIVED IT: Lance CONTENTS: There’s a personal photo printed on the front of this card of Goldenrod City’s Gym Leader Whitney crowded by a group of pokémon: a smiling clefable, miltank, aipom, wigglytuff, and a bibarel whose flat eyes stare into your soul.
Inside are a bunch of stickers with this same exact picture, but smaller!
‘Sunny,Happy Valentine’s, Sunny! I’m thinking about you all the way here in Johto. 💕 Do they have a photo booth over there you can take sticker pictures with? You should find out, pronto!! Or send me some cute pictures of you and your pokémon!
Love you lots!  😘
❤️ Whitney ❤️ ’
VALENTINE SENT BY: Lance WHO RECEIVED IT: Red CONTENTS: A Black, Blue, and Red scarf made with Lance’s color scheme for Morty.  "Stay warm.” is all the note says.
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timeladyviictorious · 6 years
LGBTQ+ Book List
I work in a library, and I’m pretty good at finding LGBT+ books. My boyfriend @another-broken-heart-cafe , who works with me, has also found quite a few. I finally decided to make an organized list of those and any others I could think of for anyone who’s looking for these kinds of books. I’ve sorted them the best I can and separated them to make what you want as easy to find as possible. There is an adult category, a teen/YA category, and a child category. I’ve read a few of these, but not many, so there’s probably going to be mistakes. I looked up every individual book to organize them the best I could (which took a while because this list currently has 140 books, if I counted correctly). If you find a mistake, just let me know and I’ll fix it in the next update. I plan to make updates occasionally as I find more. Feel free to add on any LGBT+ books you want!
# - First in a series
* - Manga
Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly [Gay] # It Takes Two to Tumble by Cat Sebastian [Gay] The One by John Marrs [Gay] A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood [Gay] The Arrangement by Felice Stevens [Gay] The Intern by John S. Daniels [Gay]
She Rises by Kate Worsley [Lesbian] Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear [Lesbian] # Stray City by Chelsey Johnson [Lesbian] First Position by Melissa Brayden [Lesbian] Wishing on a Dream by Julie Cannon [Lesbian] Sidebar by Carsen Taite [Lesbian] A More Perfect Union by Carsen Taite [Lesbian] Love in the Stacks by Cara Malone [Lesbian] Falling Gracefully by Cara Malone [Lesbian] Camp Rewind by Meghan O'Brien [Lesbian] No More Pretending by Bette Hawkins [Lesbian] Built to Last by Aurora Rey [Lesbian] Summer's Cove by Aurora Rey [Lesbian] The Daughters of Palatine Hill by Phyllis T. Smith [Lesbian?]
Goddess by Kelly Gardiner [Bi/Pan/Poly?] Enigma Variations by André Aciman [Bi/Pan/Poly?] Oola by Brittany Newell [Bisexual]
Adverbs by Daniel Handler [?] Queer by William S. Burroughs [?]
Confessions of the Fox by Jordy Rosenberg [Transgender, FTM] Bad Boy by Elliot Ware [Transgender, FTM] Peter Darling by Austin Chant [Transgender, FTM] For Today I Am a Boy by Kim Fu [Transgender, MTF] The Sunlight Pilgrims by Jenni Fagan [Transgender, MTF]
Graphic Novels & Manga
Maiden Rose by Fusanosuke Inariya [Gay] # * What Did You Eat Yesterday? by Fumi Yoshinaga [Gay] # *
Giant Days by John Allison [Lesbian] # Heavy Vinyl by Carly Usdin [Lesbian] # Paper Girls by Brian K. Vaughan [Lesbian] # Snotgirl by Bryan Lee O’Malley [Lesbian] # Bingo Love by Tee Franklin [Lesbian] Sweet Blue Flowers by Takako Shimura [Lesbian] # * After Hours by Yuhta Nishio [Lesbian] # * Bloom Into You by Nakatani Nio [Lesbian] # * Girl Friends by Milk Morinaga [Lesbian] # * Nameless Asterism by Kina Kobayashi [Lesbian] # * Eclair - A Girls' Love Anthology That Resonates in Your Heart [Lesbian] * Citrus by Saburouta [Lesbian] # * Their Story by Tan Jiu [Lesbian] # * Battle Royale: Angels’ Border [Lesbian] # *
Claudine by Riyoko Ikeda [Transgender] *
Sometime After Midnight by L. Philips [Gay] Perfect Ten by L. Philips [Gay] Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey [Gay] Boomerang by Helene Dunbar [Gay] Running with Lions by Julian Winters [Gay] Been Here All Along by Sandy Hall [Gay] Marco Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz [Gay] Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz [Gay] The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis [Gay] One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva [Gay] Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg [Gay] It Looks Like this by Rafi Mittlefehldt [Gay] When Love Comes to Town by Tom Lennon [Gay] We Now Return to Regular Life by Martin Wilson [Gay] You and Me and Him by Kris Dinnison [Gay] I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson [Gay] Fan Art by Sarah Tregay [Gay] At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson [Gay] Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli [Gay] Dramarama by E. Lockhart [Gay] Draw the Line by Laurent Linn [Gay] Whatever by S.J. Goslee [Gay] Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan [Gay] Weird Girl and What's His Name by Meagan Brothers [Gay] More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera [Gay] History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera [Gay]
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera [Gay + Bisexual] Meg & Linus by Hanna Nowinski [Gay + Lesbian] Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst [Lesbian + Bisexual] # Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst [Lesbian + Bisexual] The Summer I Wasn't Me by Jessica Verdi [Lesbian + Gay]
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King [Lesbian] The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson [Lesbian] Kaleidoscope Song by Fox Benwell [Lesbian] As I Descended by Robin Talley [Lesbian] Read Me Like a Book by Liz Kessler [Lesbian] Ash by Malinda Lo [Lesbian] Huntress by Malinda Lo [Lesbian] Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Robin Brown [Lesbian] The Summer of Jordi Perez [Lesbian] Super Moon by H.A. Swain [Lesbian] Clancy of the Undertow by Christopher Currie [Lesbian] Nothing Happened by Molly Booth [Lesbian] The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth [Lesbian] Echo After Echo by Amy Rose Capetta [Lesbian] It's Not Like it's a Secret by Misa Sugiyura [Lesbian] If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan [Lesbian] Just Juliet by Charlotte Reagan [Lesbian] Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden [Lesbian] Lizzie by Dawn Ius [Lesbian] Get it Together, Delilah! by Erin Gough [Lesbian] About a Girl by Sarah McCarry [Lesbian] South of Sunshine by Dana Elmendorf [Lesbian]
Between the Blade and the Heart by Amanda Hocking [Bi/Pan/Poly?] Our Own Private Universe by Robin Talley [Bi/Pan/Poly?] Look Both Ways by Alison Cherry [Bi/Pan/Poly?] Little and Lion by Brandy Colbert [Bi/Pan/Poly?] How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake [Bisexual + Lesbian] Adaptation by Malinda Lo [Bisexual] # Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee [Bisexual] # Autoboyography by Christina Lauren [Bisexual]
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky [Transgender, FTM] Dreadnought by April Daniels [Transgender, MTF] # Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart [Transgender, MTF] Miles Away from You by A. B. Rutledge [Transgender, MTF] If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo [Transgender, MTF] Jess, Chunk, and the Road Trip to Infinity by Kristin Elizabeth Clark [Transgender, MTF] Freakboy by Kristin Elizabeth Clark [Transgender] Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin [Genderfluid]
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann [Asexual + Lesbian] Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee [Asexual] None of the Above by I. W. Gregorio [Intersex]
Every Day by David Levithan # The Inside of Out by Jenn Marie Thorne [?]
Graphic Novels & Manga
Spinning by Tillie Walden [Lesbian] I Love This Part by Tillie Walden [Lesbian] On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden [Lesbian] Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash [Lesbian] Decelerate Blue by Adam Rapp [Lesbian] As the Crow Flies by Melanie Gillman [Lesbian] Princess Princess Ever After by Katie O'Neill [Lesbian] Hana & Hina After School [Lesbian] # * Kiss and White Lily for my Dearest Girl [Lesbian] # * Kase-san and Morning Glories by Hiromi Takashima [Lesbian] # *
Wandering Son by Takako Shimura [Transgender, FTM + MTF] # *
The Bride Was a Boy by Chii [Transgender, MTF] *
Skim by Mariko Tamaki [?] The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang [?]
Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World by Ashley Herring Blake [Lesbian]
Star Crossed by Barbara Dee [Bisexual]
The Other Boy by M. G. Hennessey [Transgender, FTM] George by Alex Gino [Transgender, FTM]
Graphic Novels & Manga
Drama by Raina Telgemeier [Gay]
31 notes · View notes
thesevenseraphs · 6 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 5/3/18
This week at Bungie, we’re counting down the minutes till Warmind.
In recent months, a series of updates for Destiny 2 has added some quality-of-life improvements to the game. On May 8, we’ll deliver even more. Tuesday can’t come soon enough.
Season 3 will make all players more powerful and give them new ways to earn some Glory (and Valor).
Expansion II will send you starside in search of new activities, new lore, new challenges, and new loot.
Cheers to Vicarious Visions for their passion and dedication to the craft of creating amazing experiences for players. They’ve been wonderful partners with us on this journey. With Destiny 2 PC and Warmind under our collective belts, we’re excited about the future of this collaboration. Before you see their contribution to the world of Destiny,
Creative Director Brent Gibson has a message from his team:
Brent: The team at Vicarious Visions have been fans of Destiny long before we started working with Bungie on this amazing franchise. While working alongside our counterparts at Bungie, we've met the challenge of expanding the Destiny universe and we are beyond thrilled that the day is nearly here! We are honored to have added to this rich world with passionate fans numbering in the millions. This is the kind of thing that game developers dream about. We are fortunate enough to not only add to the gameplay experience, but the franchise as a whole by bringing the legendary Hunter, Ana Bray, to life! She has carried our banner through this entire journey and we can’t wait for you to meet her on this adventure. See you on Mars on May 8!
On Approach We’ve had a lot of fun hosting “Warmind Week” on the blog. There’s a lot we want you to know before you plot a course for Mars. If you missed a beat, here’s a recap. The Destiny 2 Narrative Preview set the stage with five pieces of weblore written by our team.
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On Wednesday, we released the “Warmind” digital comic, written by Mark Waid (Doctor Strange) and David A. Rodriguez (Destiny 2: Warmind), and inked by Kris Anka (Runaways).
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We’ve also released two new Developer Insights to give more details on what to expect when Warmind launches. Creative Director Brent Gibson from Vicarious Visions and Design Lead Evan Nikolich from Bungie shed light on the state of Mars, Rasputin, and the enemies you’ll be introduced to. Sandbox Design Lead Josh Hamrick and Senior Crucible Designer Kevin Yanes walk us through the Exotic Masterwork weapon process, with additional information about Crucible Ranks, which will be available to all players when Season 3 begins on May 8.
Season 3: Exotics and Crucible
We have one more Developer Insight planned for release on Friday, May 4, featuring commentary from Design Lead Jacob Benton and Design Lead Ben Wommack on the development of Escalation Protocol. Stay tuned to Bungie.net/Warmind for more!
Patch Note Preview
In previous articles, we’ve been diving deep into the details of design goals for some of the larger changes coming in Season 3. There’s quite a bit more to Destiny Update 1.2.0, so here’s a quick overview of feature changes and bug fixes that will also be deployed next week:
As a short-term solution, Vault space has been increased from 200 to 300 items.
Multi-emote is here! You now can configure all four emote options with player-selected emotes.
The entire emote collection is now always available to you for convenient swapping.
Items in the emote collection have been removed from the Vault, as it's no longer needed.
Guided Games will now feature a Leviathan Guide emblem that tracks the number of raid encounters and raids a player has completed as a Guide.
This emblem rewards a unique aura for 14 days after a player completes a raid as a Guide.
Once a week while the aura is active, guiding a raid to completion grants one Bright Engram.
A new inventory category has been created that will contain pursuit tracking items, such as those for Exotic quests.
Items in the Pursuits category are specific to each character and not shared across the account.
In-game audio settings (sliders between 1 and 10) were added or revised:
SFX Volume
Dialogue/Cinematics Volume
Music Volume
Chat Volume
Weekly lockouts for raid and raid lair rewards are now class-based.
Players running multiple characters of the same class will receive rewards only the first time they run the raid or raid lair in a given week.
Fixed an issue with collections where event emblems would not show up unless players owned Curse of Osiris.
Fixed an issue where players would encounter a black screen upon loading into the Tower.
Fixed an issue where Cayde was offering only one treasure map for Mercury.
The full suite of patch notes will be published on May 8 shortly before Warmind becomes available. We’re currently targeting a 10 AM release, but stay tuned to @Bungie for announcements.
Details on Design
The Exotic Sandbox that you’re familiar with is about to change. We’ve had Senior Sandbox Designer Jon Weisnewski on the hot seat to talk us through the upcoming changes on stream and on the blog. You may have seen some demonstrations of new and improved Exotic weaponry this week. Some of the changes have some nuance to them, so here he is again with the exact details on how your arsenal is evolving:
Jon: Due to a lengthy update this week, I’m going to keep my section short. This’ll be the last Exotic tease from me. After this week, you’ll be playing with all of the new changes!
Risk Runner: We gave Arc Conductor increased resistance to incoming Arc damage (50%) and enabled it in the Crucible. Arc Conductor will now activate when the weapon is stowed, but damage resistance will only work when the weapon is in your hands. This was already a strong gun for PvE. We’re hoping these changes give it a place in some interesting Crucible load outs, strategies, and counters.
Sweet Business: If you run this gun, you probably just want to shoot forever. We gave it a capped ammo inventory of 999. It’s not forever, but it’s a lot.
D.A.R.C.I.: This Sniper Rifle now grants 4x damage once locked on a target (exact scaling depends on activity, difficulty, light level delta, etc). It shouldn’t take a master strategist to figure out how this will benefit you in PvE. Any Crucible combat snipers will also want to give this gun a try; it’s got a: 7 round magazine, reduced zoom for closer engagements, and an aim assist stat retuned to be more generous when you haven’t locked a target yet for better results while drag sniping.
Lastly, I want to quickly acknowledge the whole team, which has been working really hard to get Exotic weapons in Update 1.2.0 ready for you over the past few months. I’ve been the one doing the talking, but it has been far from a solo effort. In particular, there’s a group of testers who has come to the table daily to both ensure these changes are bug-free, and also provide us with bone-breaking player feedback. The team has done a tremendous job at helping dial in a sweet spot for many of the guns. A billion thanks to them!
Mixing Things Up a Little
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Destiny Updates 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4 have brought quality-of-life changes to Destiny 2. Update 1.2.0 is almost here to bring more community-requested features to the table.
Senior Investment Designer Daniel Auchenpaugh has details on the upcoming Heroic strike modifiers and the new Legendary Nightfall Challenge Card.
Dan: In Season 3, we’ve increased the baseline difficulty of Heroic strikes to make combatants more aggressive and make the experience feel more, well, Heroic. Additionally, at any given time the Heroic strike playlist will have three modifiers on it: one Burn (rotates weekly), one Advantage (rotates daily), and one Disadvantage (rotates daily). Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect in those categories:
Arc Singe: +25% Arc damage increase (outgoing and incoming)
Solar Singe: +25% Solar damage increase (outgoing and incoming)
Void Singe: +25% Void damage increase (outgoing and incoming)
Brawler: Double melee recharge rate and damage
Grenadier: Double grenade ability recharge rate and damage
Heavyweight: Triple Power ammo drop rate, double Power weapon damage
Glass: Players Health and Shields are halved, but recharge rates are doubled.
Blackout: Radar is disabled, and enemies do 20x increased melee damage
Iron: Enemies no longer stagger, and health pools are increased by 50%
Grounded: Players take 5x damage while airborne
Legendary Nightfall Challenge Card
Players will now be able to take their Rare Challenge Card to Xûr and upgrade it to Legendary Challenge Card. Doing so adds more customization options to the card; Legendary cards allow you to select one Burn, One Advantage/Disadvantage, and two additional Disadvantages. With the exception of Glass, all other Advantages and Disadvantages listed above from Heroic Strikes can be applied to the new Challenge Card. Additionally, there are a few Disadvantages unique to the Legendary Challenge Card you can select:
Unique Challenge Card Disadvantages
Extinguish: Return the fireteam to orbit on a wipe
Famine: Ammo drops reduced by 50%
Match Game: Players must match their damage type to the enemy shield type
Attrition: Health regen is slowed greatly, and enemies drop health orbs
Momentum: Health regenerates only when the player is moving
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Nightfall Par Scores Updated
In Destiny Update 1.1.3, we introduced Nightfall emblem variants. As the new Legendary Nightfall Challenge Card will give players more ways to increase their scores, we’re increasing the par scores required to earn specific rewards. Emblem variants, auras, and token reward bonus par scores have been updated to the following:
As a reminder, when you reach new record par scores for a specific Nightfall, you increase your chances to earn the associated Nightfall Unique Reward! We’ll be watching community scores closely once Update 1.2.0 is released, and we’ll let you know if any adjustments need to be made.
Prismatic Matrix
In the January Development Update, we spoke of shifting the balance of vanity content in favor of activity rewards, rather than purely through Eververse. We first addressed this balance by adding vanity rewards to Crucible, Nightfall, strike, and raid activities. To further improve the overall Eververse experience, a new feature we’re calling the
Prismatic Matrix will debut in Season 3. This feature has been developed with three key goals in mind:
Give players more control over how they earn Eververse items
Offer a more predictable path each week that guarantees access to specific items
Drop fewer duplicate items
At release, the Prismatic Matrix will feature 10 Eververse items from Season 3 each week it is active. Each item within the Prismatic Matrix is on a knockout list, which means every player is guaranteed to receive all featured items for a given week by the tenth activation. Earning items via Bright Engrams, Bright Dust, or previous Matrix activations will also knock rewards off the list. In turn, each activation guarantees players an item that they have never previously acquired.
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With your first well-rested level-up each week, you’ll earn a Prismatic Facet, allowing one free use of the Prismatic Matrix. Prismatic Facets stack up to 3, so make sure to have proper inventory space before earning a rank-up on a given week. Players can also purchase more activations for 200 Silver each. Outside of the Prismatic Matrix, players may continue to earn Bright Engrams each time they level up, and they can still purchase these engrams if they want a chance to get everything from the Season 3 catalog. Additionally, we’re increasing the number of items available from Tess each week with Bright Dust, from 14 to 18 items.
We want to continue experimenting and evolving Eververse to improve player experience, and give more paths to earn Eververse rewards. Please give us your feedback once Season 3 begins, as we’re dedicated to improving these systems moving forward.
Run of Show
 With each update,Destiny Player Support is on standby to ensure the package has been delivered to your platform without issue. The following information will guide you to your first steps in Hellas Basin:
Destiny 2 Server Maintenance
Services will be brought offline for maintenance on Tuesday, May 8, 2018. During this time, Destiny 2: Warmind, Update 1.2.0, and Hotfix will become available to players. Please see below for the timeline of the maintenance window.
6 AM PDT (1300 UTC)
Destiny 2 server maintenance is scheduled to begin
Players may no longer sign in to Destiny 2
7 AM PDT (1400 UTC)
Players still in Destiny 2 activities will be returned to the title screen
Destiny 2: Warmind and Update 1.2.0 will be available to download and install
11 AM PDT– (1800 UTC)
Destiny 2 server maintenance is scheduled to conclude
Destiny 2 Hotfix will be available to download and install
Storage Requirements
Destiny 2, including all updates, has the following storage requirements for each platform: Platform | Destiny File Size | Storage Space Needed for Download PlayStation 4 | 53 GB | 71 GB Xbox One | 50 GB | 50 GB PC | 48 GB | 68 GB
Destiny Update 1.2.0 Known IssuesPrior to the release of Update 1.2.0, the following issues have been identified and are currently under investigation:
Anti-Extinction Greaves: The female Titan’s Dead Orbit leg armor piece, Anti-Extinction Greaves, may display a small visual issue.
Exotic Masterworks: Once upgraded to a Masterwork, an Exotic weapon or armor piece will not display as a Masterwork when viewed from an Exotic engram preview.
Strike Playlist: Players are not able to matchmake into strikes from an expansion they do not own. Players will receive a prompt to purchase the needed expansion if they attempt to join a fireteam of players who own an expansion that they do not own themselves.
Some quest items in the Warmind campaign may not show up in the loot stream of all fireteam members. However, the quest item should still be added to the inventories of all fireteam members.
If players have a full engram inventory, they may not be able to accept some vendor quest items until they make space in their inventory.
Exotic Armor Tooltips: We are aware of an issue in which the perk text on Warmind Exotic armor tooltips appears in a different color than on similar gear pieces. This does NOT mean that players need to unlock these perks to be able to access them.
If you encounter any issues when playing Season 3 or Warmind content, please post a report to the #Help forum.
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
Do you like the same things as me?
cinnamon tea
chai lattes
the smell of old books
mac and cheese
hot chocolate
Do you like to do the same things as me?
write in calligraphy
write in a diary/journal
write letters
write stories or just write in general
put outfits together
wear bright colors
wear make-up
take selfies
use social media
post on a forum site
play online games
sit in nature
be outdoors
go camping
sleep under the stars
watch fireflies
drink tea
have a long, deep conversation with a friend
take pictures
daydream about a better world
Do you hate the same things as me?
religious people--the ones who think they're better than you and try to shove their views down your throat
people hating on millennials
Christians being persecuted
people who think they're better than you
being sick
being forced to sit still for a long period of time
when it's too cold to go outside
when it's too hot to go outside
people who don't care about others and just want money
Are you....
crushing on someone?
wishing your life were different?
wishing your life were better?
wishing you had someone to talk to?
a woman?
a girl at heart?
a risk-taker?
Have you ever had....
the flu?
a cold?
your tonsils taken out?
a broken toe?
a broken heart?
a friend turn against you?
a parent disown you?
a parent abuse you?
a pastor mistreat you?
a youth pastor mistreat you?
a teacher bully you?
a craving for chocolate?
a craving for cheese?
a need for a hug?
a scar?
a sprained ankle?
long hair?
short hair?
Do you listen to the same music artists as me?
Christina Grimmie
Avril Lavigne
Kari Jobe
Meredith Andrews
Casting Crowns
Taylor Swift
Shane & Shane
Phillips, Craig, and Dean
Third Day
Misty Edwards
Do you like the same games as me?
YoWorld (formerly YoVille)
Candy Crush Saga
Truth or Dare
Never Have I Ever
Family Fued
photo scavenger hunts
Mahjong Titans
word games
Do you like the same books as me? (These are all books I highly recommend!)
Anne of Green Gables--L.M. Montgomery
The Daughters of the Moon series--Lynne Ewing
Let's Get Lost--Adi Alsaid
The Memory of Light--Francisco X. Stork
Lies We Tell Ourselves--Robin Talley
To All the Boys I've Loved Before--Jenny Han
The Spirit of the Rainforest--Mark Andrew Ritchie
Soundless-- Richelle Mead
The Probability of Miracles--Wendy Wunder
Dreams of Joy--Lisa See
China Dolls--Lisa See
The Notebook--Nicholas Sparks
The Supernatural Ways of Royalty--Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton
The Final Quest--Rick Joyner
Did you like the same things as me when you were a kid?
Mary-Kate and Ashley
Disney movies
Disney channel
Generation Girl dolls
American Girl
Bratz dolls
Magic Attic Club
Nancy Drew Notebooks
Sweet Valley High books
Judy Blume books
All That
The Amanda Show
Lisa Frank
Beanie Babies
Four Square
stuffed animals
Kid Cuisine meals
Happy Meals
American Girl Magazine
Girl's Life magazine
S Club 7
Do you get complimented on the same things as me?
your smile
your singing voice
your handwriting
your artistic talent
your fashion sense
your creative writing
your passion
your joy
your kindness
your energy
your sweetness
your gentleness
your athletic ability
your faith
Have you been called the same things as me?
a free spirit
a risk-taker
a really good friend
an example of passion
Do you dislike the same things as me?
big dogs (like really big)
big spiders and snakes
dark chocolate
earl grey tea
close-minded people
math--I forgot to add that to hate---I HATE MATH!
washing your hair
taking showers
realizing you need to do the dishes
how you feel after you eat chocolate
Do you own the same things as me?
dreamcatcher necklace
infinity scarf that you knit
running shoes
fringe boots
designer purse
feather earrings
something from Natural Life
Lisa Frank wall calendar
bulletin board
paints and canvas
knee socks
yoga pants
fuzzy pajama pants
pajamas with Snoopy on them
earrings that you made of clay
a headband
an antique desk
a bed with drawers
fake flowers in your room
an end table that you painted
a planner
winter boots
a winter coat
0 notes
rain-drop-sky · 6 years
Do you know Sid? (Part 2/?)
First off, thank you so much for all the love that’s been shown to my first attempt at hockey rpf fic! Y’all are so kind and wonderful :) Sorry about the delay for this chapter - I struggled a lot with how I wanted certain events to be conveyed and actually wrote around 4 different versions of this chapter. Hopefully this doesn’t disappoint. 
Part 1
Sid hums as he checks the dough. It has been a long hard year getting Harbour Bakery up and running. So much time and money was spent on negotiating, cashing in on favours, researching, renovating, and hiring. Not to mention packing up his life and starting over in a brand new city where no one knew who he was.
“Are you being emo again, old man.” Olli chirps from where he’s icing a cake for little Maria Wheeler’s sixth birthday. Sid laughs. Well, a new city where almost no one knew who he was.
But it was all worth it. Despite having been open for only a little over three months, reviews have been excellent so far and they are slowly building a decent fanbase and steady flow of clientele. Sid goes to take out the last batch of cookies for the day when Conor pokes his head through the door.
“Hey Sid? Geno’s back and is asking for you up front.” He smirks and gives his boss a thumbs up.
Olli laughs loudly but Sid smiles and steps away from the ovens. “Okay, could you take out the cookies for me and set them out to cool? Thanks.” He pushes through the door and the smile drops off his face as he gets a good look at one of his new favourite customers leaning against the cash register.
“Oh my God, what happened to your face Geno.” Sid blurts out.
Geno looks up, surprised, and reaches up to touch his cheek and hisses. He had forgotten about the neat row of stitches there, a remnant of an earlier capture and interrogation of a double agent who thought he could get away selling information on the Lemieux family.
“Is nothing, little accident at work.” He reassures Sid.
Sid looks at him dubiously but lets it go with a lingering look. “Well, good thing you got here before closing, I nearly sold out of all the bulochki.” Geno perks up despite wincing internally at Sid’s heavy Anglo-accented pronunciation.
“Look so good Sid!” He cheers as Sid pulls out two sweet sticky poppy seed buns. He feels a rush of soft affection as Sid pushes over the plate and ducks his head with a small smile. He takes a deep breath. “Sid, was wondering if you free--” A loud door slam and jangling chimes interrupt him.
“Is this it? Is this the famous Harbour Bakery we’ve been hearing about all week? It must be, Geno’s over there.” carols a mischievously grinning dark haired man with a soul patch while holding the front door open. Another dark head, this one with long locks, pops up behind the other with an equally cheeky wide grin and drags the other man forwards to squeeze up beside Geno and beam at a bemused Sid.
“Hi Geno. And you must be Siiid?” He dragged out Sid’s name cheerfully before hip checking a disgruntled Geno to the side and sticking out his hand. “Hi, I’m Kris. And that’s Marc-André.” He points with his thumb over his shoulder.
“Hi! We’ve heard so much about you and your bakery from Geno that we just had to come see where all the delicious food he brings in comes from.” Marc-André smiles and shakes Sid’s hand while Kris tussles with Geno off to the side.
“What are you doing here?” Geno hisses at his soon-to-be-dead friends. “Go away, no one likes you, you smell bad. Out!”
“Aw, Geno, are you going to turn away your friends? And here I thought you were introducing new customers for me.” Sid lets out a small goose honk giggle.
Two pairs of brown eyes zoom in on him. “You sound different.” Kris says.
“You sound right.” Marc-André follows.
“And you two sound Québécois, is this now a grand Canadian expat reunion?” Sid muses.
Marc-André’s mouth drop opens. “You said Québécois!” He says joyfully before grabbing Sid’s face and giving him two quick pecks, one on each cheek.
“FLOWER!” Geno shouts, outraged.
“This is how we say hello, Geno, stop being an uncultured swine. Parlez-vous Français, mon ami? Do you speak French my friend?” Marc-André coos while petting Sid’s hair fondly. Kris holds Geno back with one arm around his waist while furiously texting with the other. Sid’s eyes crinkle as he holds back laughter.
“I’m sorry to say that I’m one of those terrible Canadians who isn’t really bilingual.” He apologizes. “I do okay with my listening comprehension though.”
“Ah, well, we can’t all be perfect.” Marc-André sighs. He gives Sid a one-armed hug and grins at him. “Call me Flower! You’re Canadian and a baking god so we’re going to be wonderful friends. All my friends call me Flower.”
“I’m Tanger.” Kris’ reply is slightly raspy as Geno finally got him in a headlock and is dragging him towards the till.
“Geno, no, you’re going to scare away my other customers.” Sid scolds gently. The other three jolt guiltily and look around and see a few tables eyeing them warily. Geno immediately lets go of Tanger and starts to apologize when a muffled “Sid? Sid!” is heard through the kitchen door.
Sid frowns and disappears back into the kitchen. Geno, Tanger, and Flower look at each other, shrug, and scuttle around the pastry displays and poke their heads through the swinging door.
“Olli? Conor? What’s going on?” Sid strides over to the propped open back door where he can see his two employees huddled outside on the ground.
They look up and Sid sucks in a breath as he sees what they’re crouching around. A small cardboard box filled with tiny mewing kittens, so young their eyes still haven’t opened. “Where did they come from?” He asks, crouching down to inspect them.
“I heard them crying when I was throwing out the garbage.” Conor volunteers. “I don’t know how long they’ve been out here though.”
“At least it’s not raining.” Olli mutters as he lightly strokes the head of a ginger kitten. “Then this would really be some terrible rom-com cliché.”
“Because that’s really our main concern here.” Sid responds dryly. They all turn around at a strangled “Oh my God, kittens” and see Geno rushing over towards them while Tanger and Flower sigh.
“Who are you?” Olli says Geno carefully lifts up one kitten, whispering gentle nonsense as he carefully inspects its tiny limbs.
“That’s Geno.” Sid supplies. “Those two are his friends, Flower and Tanger. Guys, this is Olli, my assistant, and Conor. He works up front.”
“Someone abandoned kittens on your doorstep eh?” Flower sighs. “Don’t worry, Geno really does know what he’s doing. He rescues a lot of strays.”
“Sounds like Sid.” Olli shakes his head. “Conor here got his bike stolen not long after he started working here and looked so sad Sid would drive home the big mooch every day until he got a new one.” Olli smirks when Conor squawks indignantly.
“I’m not a mooch! You’re a bigger mooch, you still live at Sid’s! Sid says you keep saying you’re going to move out but it’s been more than a year since you guys moved down to Pittsburgh.” They start shoving each other, laughing.
“Children, please.” Sid sighs.
“Need round the clock care.” Geno interrupts firmly, laughter colouring his words. His insides feel gooey when he looks over and sees Sid shushing the tiny kittens and tucking his apron around them as a makeshift blanket. Under the cover of noise, he hooks a finger gently in Sid’s rolled up sleeve. “Hey Sid,” he starts. “Do you think--”
Bzzt. Bzzt.
He looks down at his pocket with a frown. 
“Hey G, it’s work.” Tanger’s voice is serious as he looks at his own phone.
Geno stands up and pulls out his phone.
Found the two extra rats Madri confessed about. Come back now. M wants all leaks eliminated tonight.
He looks up and sees Sid standing, cradling the box of kittens to his chest and a slight curl to his lips. He looks so sweet and gentle. Soft. A regular civilian. Geno’s gut twists as he thinks about his job, a job he’s very good at and likes, and what it will seem like to someone like Sid. What he will seem like to Sid. His gut ices over.
“Geno? You were saying something?” Sid’s brow furrows.
“Nothing, sorry. Um, have work thing, need to go fix.” He waves vaguely only to remember he’s still holding a sleeping kitten. “Oh. Here, give me kittens.”
“Don’t you have work? I can bring them to a shelter.” Sid responds.
“No, most shelters can’t take care of kittens properly.” Shit, he has to complete those hits tonight though.
Flower steps in. “Let me take the kittens. Vero’s friend rehabs abandoned kittens and strays so she can take care of them. Vero is my wife,” he adds for Sid’s benefit. “You should come over sometime, have dinner with my family. An ‘A Canadian Has Been Found!’ party.” He laughs.
“You can meet my family as well as Duper and Kuni and their families. They’re also Canadian.” Tanger adds, clapping Flower on the shoulder. “We need to head out now.” He murmurs into Flower’s ear. He punches Sid in the shoulder gently. “Good to finally put a face to all the swooning we hear all the time.”
“Tanger.” Geno growls.
Flower juggles the box of kittens as he pulls out his wallet. He hands a card over with Marc-André Fleury, IT, Lemieux Intl. printed on it. “My personal number is on the back.” Flower explains. “Call me and let me know when you’re free. I’m serious about the Canada dinner!” He waves and walks away briskly with Tanger, following Olli around the building.
“Swooning, eh?” Sid looks up at Geno with a teasing smile.
“Sid.” Conor slips a small waxed paper bag into his boss’ hand and disappears back into the bakery with a smile.
Sid looks down and laughs quietly. “Here. Something sweet before you get back to work.”
Geno peers into the bag and feels his resolve weaken at the sight of two fluffy bulochki. “Give me your number.” He can’t help blurting. Sid’s face goes pink. “New to town, yes? Come meet my friends. We have barbecue next week.” If Geno can’t date Sid, Geno will be the best friend Sid has ever had instead.
“Oh. Um, I still don’t know my new number and my phone’s inside.” Sid laughs awkwardly.
“Geno!” Tanger beckons urgently from the corner.
“Okay, wait. Here.” Geno paws through his pockets and gives Sid a matching business card. “My private cell on the back.” He calls over his shoulder as he hurries towards Tanger. “Call me!”
Later that night, Sid taps the card on the table as the Skype ringtone trills. Evgeni Malkin, Security Advisor, Lemieux Intl.
“Hey, Squid.” Jack grins at Sid. “It’s Saturday, so tell me about your week, you boring old fart.” He cranes his neck. “Is Olli there? Hey Olli!” He yells.
Sid jerks back“Shut up, he went out.” He laughs. “God you’re loud. And to think I missed you.” He smiles fondly.
Jack squints through the camera. “What’s going on, why are you smiling like that. Sid.” He warns jokingly.
Sid ducks his head. “So there’s a cute guy who comes basically everyday to the bakery,” he starts. “His name’s Evgeni Malkin but everyone calls him Geno…”
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