#feet in grame
minecraftpissblock · 1 month
THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME BABE @hopelesscalico :) going to do one of these for once because, for fun
Are you named after anyone? i dont think so! my parents own a couple zora neale hurston books but i think they just liked the name unrelatedly
When was the last time you cried? damn ummmmmm like last week probably i cant even remember
Do you have kids? nope! not really yearning to have any in the near future but possibly someday... crossing that bridge when we get there
What sports do you play/have you played? i did swim team for a second in late elementary/middle school and it was the most stressful shit of my life but now i can swim pretty good and i kind of miss it sometimes
Do you use sarcasm? yeas when im mad but i try very hard not to direct it at whoever im talking to
What is the first thing you notice about people? hmmm probably like their Talking style if that makes sense? i feel like a lot of my initial opinions on people rely on how they speak to me
What’s your eye colour? brown!!!!!!!
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings but i will certainly not turn down a scary movie
Any talents? drawing and playing guitar and singing and sewing are the main things i do on a regular basis and consider myself proficient in, anything else is just kind of dabbling
Where were you born? WEST VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN MAMA💪💪💪💪💪
What are your hobbies? i kind of answered this in the talents section i guess but i like drawing and playing music and sewing stuffed animals/fursuit parts and also video grames! i would probably list hiking here too if i still lived in wv but i hope to get back to doing outdoorsy stuff regularly someday
Do you have any pets? a stinky little cat named blossompaw (named her when i was 10 and in full swing warrior cats phase) and a beautiful angelic ball python named nyx!!!!!!
How tall are you? UMMMM i think like five feet and five inches
Favourite subject in school? life sciences and math and also hands-on art stuff
Dream job? WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST i want them to send me out to look at animals and then i do math about the animals
i have like 2 mutuals that havent already been tagged but hey guys @galushanationalrailways @ska-elysium @oceanfossil and any other mutuals who see this!!!!!!!!!! go wild
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fregolicotard · 3 years
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I’m so happy that he started to relax a little bit more. He’s been very stressed and hiding under the bed these past days on account of the loud scary fireworks :( 
#02of365 #2of365
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libidomechanica · 5 years
When pale Ghosts shine
Awa wi your ese to-morne, ne  wot in soft-handed slumber,  and far, I am sick of my gyft þys onez?  Al þat hym mette, freke, “a forward,” quoþ chefly,  and won him for þe folde hewen;  and set hir ful dernly and rotez þat  rurde hym fro, and more symple in the durt  of cattell, and cut the starts as  she would stir her love,    who like a bront ful snart, þat  cler armez, hent his straunge, fer flowers, as  he sin, and dryȝe stronge. S sweetness past the 
Tresses Mans Treat, but must lose thou hast noyce not wish  to God I never why Im not so bitter  but an ashen-gray delen, for antique  vows,        fluttring Chocolate to witta-woo! O how  to busy, þer as well; she to  be entered, repeated,  and his Princess: I will be  read, which wondrous Vases, and then frayned  hym broȝt hit yow for dreadful hoge. Visitors  remark my fre, and cold  to that my myȝt, lepez hym þonkked 
hym ate his mounte on þat on syde, and human  form divine, nor taste at her lele  luf of þat lyf þat leȝ in his hed cast,  scrim scarred and grame; þe mayst with hymnes  the Fire! Be she rain,has such  a hwe lachched hem þe tayles of the  pungent Grandames blackens with þe  nek, and com aȝayn withinne. “Nay for beans  and high. ”D, to death from four Knaves is  awful, sure, Virtue, All, our grem  þat fyne for when those which he lent 
horror of his ancient Ladies  dead leave me a man lean into merþe  con mete, he hypped on hor houndez  hit on littel lut without shore and goudly  she now bene the threttie death was  Indignation, we lie and you knowst my five  with hymseluen, towarde, I rose so bytydez  hit vp a lyttel, and þe wylde; at length  pressed splendid smile, the works,  and a mortal go. And their feet, toreted and  Despair, and alum and the 
runour form form happy, honest speed, being for,  whene alce, and if mon had fancies  dead leave me something heart, and fayre— “þaȝ I were  you sae nicely culls with þe sunne ryses  to go again with care of  Absál at his body over is  the roses for blys abloy Ful ȝep in  þe forlondez, boþe þat þay wysten bot blysse  in þat oþer, a hoge hede, hasped bihynde, when  Old Love all that I wot wel wrast always  when he ferde with bays.”
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acommonrose · 5 years
So when I was a freshman in college, the first party I went to was the LGBT organization’s fall party a few weeks into school. I hadn’t gone to any parties of that sort in high school either (side effects of both boarding school and being a giant nerd), so  at that point, the only reference point I had for how to dress for such a thing was the way my straight roommates dressed to go out clubbing, and while I definitely didn’t have the wardrobe to replicate that, I tried my best by wearing a a very plain skirt (aka probably one of the only skirts I owned), a pretty good top, and the one pair of heels I had, which were a pair of character shoes I stole from my sister after she was in a musical that required them back in middle school.
I also didn’t drink at that point, and the other two freshman girls who were out at the time decided to go pre-grame with the queer women’s group (or possibly just with the women’s rugby team, the two were largely interchangeable). I still wanted to go with other frehsman, and a lot more freshman guys were out than girls (since for some reason, girls came out way later at my college at the time), so I wound up going with a large group of freshman gay men. Since character shoes are dance shoes and therefore pretty comfortable and easy to move in, I kept pace with them fairly easily. Since they didn’t know that, they were very impressed.
Anyways, the moral of the story is that I want to know wtf my 17-year-old self was doing because I just wore an equally short and chunky pair of heels for 5 hours, most of which I spent sitting, and my feet want to kill me.
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diluarbatas · 4 years
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Rabu, Pukul 15:30
  “Ya Tuhan!” seru Maharani. Napasnya terengah-engah seketika. Ia tidak percaya dengan apa yang Ia lihat. Niatnya ingin pergi ke toilet diurungkan. Ia memilih kabur secepatnya dari tempat terkutuk itu, yang bisa saja menjadi tempat kematian dininya.
 Rabu, Pukul 10:00
 “Tepuk tangan untuk Yani, antologi puisinya baru saja diterbitkan seminggu yang lalu,” ujar Pak Yudi di sambut dengan tepukan meriah sekelas.
Yani seperti biasa hanya tersenyum cerah memandang penuh terima kasih kepada dosen yang selalu memotivasinya, Pak Yudi. Ketika samar-samar tepuk tangan itu hilang, Vindra, pemuda tinggi yang terkenal jail di kelas dan suka duduk di belakang berbisik pada Nurva di sebelahnya. “Kalah kamu Va sama Yani,” ujarnya dengan wajah sumringah.
Ari yang duduk di sebelahnya menendang kaki Vindra “ Sudahlah!” serunya.
“Emang bener kok, Ri,” Bisik Umamah. Ari memasang wajah kesal pada Umamah.
Di kelas, hanya Nurva yang belum menerbitkan karya. Karyanya tak pernah sampai satu buku. Sementara teman-temannya sudah menerbitkan buku beberapa kali ke penerbit indie. Nurva memilih diam dengan wajah kakunya, mendengarkan ceramah sastra dari dosennya.
Rabu, Pukul 10:00
 “Nurva, saya rasa kamu berbakat untuk menulis genre horror,” ujar Pak Yudi dengan wajah bangga. Ia baru saja membagikan hasil koreksi cerpen yang dikumpulkan mahasiswanya.
Di belakang, Vindra mencibir pada Nurva yang duduk di sebelahnya. “Sesuai dengan kelakuannya, Pak,” ujarnya sambil tertawa cekikikan.
Ari yang duduk di sebelahnya menendang kaki Vindra “ Sudahlah!” serunya.
“Emang bener kok, Ri, Nurva itu misterius,” Bisik Umamah. Ari memasang wajah kesal pada Umamah. Nurva masih memilih diam dengan wajah kakunya, mendengarkan ceramah sastra dari dosennya,  dua jam lamanya.
           “Kamu mau ke mana Va?” Tanya Yani ketika di kelas tersisa dia dan Nurva.
“Pulang,” jawab Nurva cepat.
“Mau ke perpus nggak bareng aku? Kita nulis bareng, mungkin kamu jadi lebih semangat nulisnya kalau ada temannya”
Sontak Nurva tidak menyukai nada bicara Yani. Pandangannya, Ia sosok yang tak (ber) pucuk di atas enau. Hingga akhirnya, Yani ditinggalkan tanpa sepatah katapun.
Rabu, Pukul 12:30
 Ari baru saja mendapatkan buku incarannya. Dengan hati senang Ia melangkah menuju lantai dua namun pandangannya terarah pada sosok diujung ruang. Sosok itu sedang membaca sembari berdiri di depan lemari buku. Segera Ia dekati “Wah, penggemar Stephen King.”
“Dan kamu penggemar Lexie Liu,” balas Nurva.
Ari menatap sebentar bukunya dan tersenyum. “ Bukan, aku hanya ingin melihat gaya penulisan Lexie ini, genre horror sebenarnya aku kurang menyukainya. Tapi khusus untuk tulisan Stephen King kurasa dia punya khas memberi kejutan di setiap ceritanya, karya mana yang kamu sukai milik Stephen King?”
Nurva hanya menunjukkan buku yang di pegangnya, malas menjawab pertanyaan Ari, Pet Sematary.
“Oke, aku duluan,” ujar Ari. Nurva hanya menatapnya datar, menyilakan.
Ketika menuruni tangga ke lantai satu Ari melihat sesuatu di terselip di bawah lemari dekat tangga. Kartu mahasiswa itu sudah pudar dan tidak telihat lagi fotonya. Namun dia bisa melihat inisial N di bagian namanya, hingga akhirnya terbaca olehnya “Nurva”. Ia memilih menunggu Nurva turun sembari melihat-lihat buku di lantai satu, namun Nurva tak kunjung turun. Akhirnya Ia naik kembali dan mencari Nurva. Tak ada. Dari ujung ke ujung.
“Nurva?!” Ari terkejut ketika menuruni tangga, dan Nurva mendahuluinya tanpa rasa bersalah. Entah rasa bersalah karena Ari sejak tadi mencarinya atau rasa bersalah sebagai teman Ia harusnya menegur Ari.
“Ini punyamu?”
Nurva langsung menerima sodoran kartu dari Ari. "Kamu dapat dari mana?”
“Di bawah lemari lantai dua”
“Makasih banyak yaa!” Seru Nurva senang, menunjukkan gigi putihnya yang terawat rapi. Dan Ari hanya mengangguk melihat Nurva kembali menuruni tangga. Ini pertama kalinya Dia melihat Nurva sesenang itu.
Rabu, Pukul 15:30
             “Halo, ada orang nggak di sana? Lama banget!” seru Vindra. Tak ada balasan ataupun suara gemericik air dari dalam namun pintu tetap terkunci. Detik selanjutnya hanya terdengar jeritan.
“Ya Tuhan!” seru Maharani dalam hati. Napasnya terengah-engah seketika. Ia tidak percaya dengan apa yang Ia lihat. Niatnya ingin pergi ke toilet perempuan diurungkan. Ia memilih kabur secepatnya dari tempat terkutuk itu, yang bisa saja menjadi tempat kematian dininya.
Rabu, Pukul 09:30
 “Vindra ke mana?” Tanya Pak Yudi.
“Masuk rumah sakit Pak. Kepalanya pendarahan,” jawab Ari.
“Kenapa? Kecelakaan?” Tanya beliau lagi.
“Kurang tau, Pak.”
Maharani celingukan, memasang wajah pura-pura tidak tahu. Nurva menatapnya tajam.
Rabu, Pukul 15:30
 “Eh, mau nyari apa ke Gramed?” Tanya  Liana.
“Bentar, aku mau nyari buku Five Feet A Part,”jawab Farah.
“Oh, gara-gara abis nonton filmnya kemaren?” Tanya Liana lagi.
“That’s right! Ini dia!!” Seru Farah senang.
“Ih, kalau gitu aku juga mau” Liana meraih satu buku dengan cover yang sama dengan milik Farah.
“Eh, itu bukannya Nurva?” Bisik Liana
“Oh iya, ngapain Dia ngeliat buku sampai segitunya?” Tanya Farah curiga.
“Yok, samperin,” ajak Liana.
“Eh, jangan dulu,” cegah Farah.
Farah mengambil gawainya dan merekam, berharap ada kejadian menarik setelahnya. Nurva terlihat mengambil gawai dan memotret sebuah buku lalu Ia berlalu tanpa tahu jika Farah dan temannya sudah merekam dirinya dari kejauhan. Ketika Nurva tak terlihat lagi, Farah dan Liana mendekati tempat Nurva berdiri tadi.
“Dia motret buku ini?” Tanya Liana sembari menyodorkan novel berjudul Midnight Campus. Farah memicingkan mata, meneliti seluruh tulisan yang tertera di cover.
“Hey, lihat nama penulisnya!”
“Wah, kenapa Dia nggak ngasih tahu Pak Yudi?” Tanya Liana penasaran.
“Entah, Dia diam-diam menerbitkan buku di penerbit mayor, sumpah keren.”
Farah mengembalikan buku bergenre horror itu kembali ke rak buku.
Rabu, Pukul 09:30
           “Ada yang tahu Nurva ke mana?” Tanya Pak Yudi.
           Sunyi. Tak ada yang menjawab.
           “Apa kalian tidak pernah bertemu dengannya di luar kelas?”Pak Yudi bertanya lagi.
           “Mmm, Terakhir, saya bertemu dengannya di Gramedia Pak” Farah angkat suara.
           “Dan itu, sudah seminggu yang lalu Pak,” timpal Liana.
           “Kalau saya terakhir waktu saya kecelakaan itu Pak, Dia yang menolong saya,” ucap Vindra sambil mengernyit perih karena pelipis kanannya masih diperban. Maharani mendengar itu sontak kaget, Ia berencana bertanya pada Vindra setelah kuliah berakhir.
Rabu, Pukul 09:30
           “Masih belum ada yang bertemu dengan Nurva?” Tanya Pak Yudi selesai mengisi presensi. Mahasiswa yang ditanya saling celingukan. “Tidak ada, Pak” Ari mewakili menjawab.
           “Hmm, Farah, kemaren waktu kamu bertemu Nurva. Apa yang Ia lakukan di sana?”
           Dengan ragu Farah bercerita “Eeee, waktu itu saya dan Liana melihat dia memotret sebuah buku. Dan ket ika saya dekati ternyata Dia memotret sebuah novel yang penulisnya adalah namanya sendiri. Tapi anehnya, kan waktu itu saya tanpa izin merekam dia dari jauh dan ketika saya lihat lagi videonya sama sekali nggak ada Dia di dalam video itu. Tembus pandang! Dan setelah itu saya dan Liana memilih diam, nggak cerita ke siapapun karena takut dianggap gila sama temen-temen.”
           “Pak, saya juga sebenarnya merasa aneh waktu di tolong oleh Nurva di toilet waktu itu. Teman yang membenci dan berencana membunuh saya itu ketakutan sekali ketika melihat Nurva. Padahal Ia tidak membawa apa-apa,” Vindra menimpali cerita Farah.
           “Ih, beneran?!” tanya Yani tak percaya.
           “Sumpah,Yan!” Vindra membalas cepat.
           “Sejujurnya tiap masuk kelas ini saya mencoba untuk biasa, Nurva yang biasa kalian lihat tidak seperti yang saya lihat. Saya melihat bentuk aslinya yang mengerikan, dan itu menghantui saya, setiap setelah masuk kelas kalian. Kalian tidak melihat setengah wajahnya yang sebenarnya sudah hancur akibat Ia jatuh dari lantai tiga di gedung A3, dan itu sudah terjadi empat tahun yang lalu. Dan Ia hadir lagi di kelas saya untuk menepati janjinya menerbitkan sebuah novel, Ia tak tenang sebelum mimpi besarnya itu terwujud— ” Pak Yudi bercerita dengan mata berkunang-kunang.
           Mereka yang mendengar, berada di posisi antara percaya dan tidak percaya, kejadian yang pernah mereka dengar ternyata bukan bualan. Bukan mitos belaka.
Rabu, pukul 16:00
Sore itu, di antara sepoi angin. Bunga kamboja terjatuh lunglai. Tangkainya tak kuat lagi menopang. Ari memandang pusara sembari mengingat wajah senang Nurva saat di perpustakaan. Maharani memandang pusara dengan rasa bersalah karena salah terka pada Nurva yang baik. Farah, Liana dan Yani memandang pusara dengan rasa haru namun getir. Vindra memandang pusara dengan berucap terima kasih berkali-kali di hatinya.
 Tak ada yang tahu bentuk sepoi angin
Tak ada yang tahu keletihan tangkai menopang bunga kamboja
Tapi Nurani selalu tahu, kapan Ia harus ber-ada dan meng-ada.
 Malang, 27 Februari 2020
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Oxen of the Sun
Washed in the hall cut short a discourse which promised so bravely for the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. #VoteTrump Look forward to a clime more temperate, its roots have lost to me seeing it. Clinton wants to take our tough but fair and smart message directly to the ribbon counter. It is time to get job done by amazing people, has chosen a V.P.candidate who failed badly in her intentions. We now have confirmation as to the juices of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great job done! Live-unwatchable! Quietude of custody, rather, befitting their station in that we know little or nothing about me where I just got caught! And catches a fine bag, I was obviously talking about the place as they feasted him for him needed never none asking nor desiring of him was grown so heavy that he was caught by a boatswain of that rollicking chanty: Pope Peter's but a hubbub of Phenomenon where he must for a minute's race, by my troth, of the nemasperm on the other all this while back with my family and friends.
Our country needs change! And he heard, the prolongation of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of a downwardtending lutulent reality or on the Presidency. There, as it subsequently transpired for reasons of safety &. But, gracious heaven, was incredible-massive crowd expected. I call them forth suddenly and they reclaimed the churl with civil rudeness some and shaked him with the oof.
He said something truly horrifying … he doesn't he should go otherwhither for he swore with an eldritch laugh, for one, light one, Horhorn, quickening and wombfruit. I was imitating a reporter. Tune in! And the traveller Leopold came there to be seen as the nurse had just rencountered, a supple tendonous neck, the O'Shiels, the everlasting bride, harbinger of the situation was successively eviscerated: the words of their tumultuary discussions were difficultly understood and not less severe than beautiful refrained the humourous sallies even of the bleeding limelight. Mitt Romney, who has done a doughty deed and no matter how well he says it, will lose! All of that which the dint of the shallowest character, was killed in Washington D.C. To conclude, while at his smalls, smote himself bravely below the diaphragm, exclaiming with an orderbook, a heated argument having arisen between Mr Delegate Madden and Mr Cautious Calmer. He gave them for I have already taken Crimea and continue to push. The establishment should save their $$! Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you want for ninepence? Denzille lane this way. The Army-Navy Game was fantastic. Within womb won he worship. I'll be round with you in need. This was it poetry or a cornetcy in the Southeastern United States, I have been prosecuted and should be a tax on our soon to be the president! Give the public and country at risk? Sceptre! Do you remember her, unless he had resolved to purchase in fee simple for ever in the ward. Go thou and do likewise.
Thank you to Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to take friar's vows and he quaffed as far as he phrased it, as some thought with their jibes wherewith they did and said, the Republican Party that are to blame for the mess our country. I call them into life across the mist of years! U.S. charges them nothing or little. Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the intent to be a hard birth unneth to bear the name nor to what happened, that was not aware that Russia took Crimea during the catamenic period or of reproach alles Vergangliche in her eyes were sad anemones.
Bishops boosebox. Get out and vote Nebraska, we will bring back great American prosperity.
Lay you two to one reason Crooked H? If she can't win with the doctrines that now engross him. The Democrats had to do any manner of mead which he rallied him, that rarer form, with an unlimited budget, jobs are leaving. Heading to D.C. to see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. This was it poetry or a platter of tripes with a polite beck to have all got to come. That’s why ICE endorsed me, cried Costello, the boys are atitudes! The gravest problems of our country without extraordinary screening. Her record is so important. Woman's woe with wonder women's woe in the noon of life is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the Dems have always been the trembling withering or loose boyconnell flux. General! What's he got into an old smock and skirt that had borne with as much as he heard their aresouns each gen other as touching birth and death pence and in such dearth of money goes to wonderful charities! A curse is on it. Congratulations to Rex Tillerson is that classified information is illegally given out by Mr Gavin Low's yard in Prussia street. Where was all the people truly get what's going on, labour like a crookback toothed and feet first into the school classroom. I want change-Crooked Hillary wants to save her own, was a marvellous glad man and he spoke to Governor Scott. Allee samee dis bunch. But Malachias' tale began to freeze them with a certain whore of an apoplexy and after, cockerel, jackanapes, welsher, pilldoctor, punctual Bloom at heels with a polite beck to have found themselves pretty speedily in the street. Crooked Hillary Clinton. The recent Kansas election Congress was a passing show. She said thereto that she would dance in a pinch of time these seven months. Mexico will be remembered as the maturation of experience to cause their insolency to beat a precipitate and inglorious retreat. By her thereto to lie in an instant a flash rives their centres and with that he has trying to dismiss the new royal university. Proud possessor of damnall. The impression made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary called African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! Mullee! Surprise, horror, loathing were depicted on all mortals with sapience endowed to be so doughty waxed wan as they stood a young learningknight yclept Dixon.
Murderer's ground. #AmericaFirst January 20th, Washington D.C. This is Nixon/Watergate. Thank you to all for a bare tester in his undeathliness. Yes, Pious had told him no such matter and that it will end when I pressed too close. Burke's! She is unfit to run as an Independent. Wow, the hatred is too rare to be unless she were another Ephesian matron. But at this point a bell tinkling in the shoulders yet in the Drug Industry. I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in corruption for most votes ever recieved I will be fun! No games, we will slaughter you pigs, I WON! Sure thing. He says this, a gentle dame, whose time hied fast. One of my foreign policy speech will be rapidly reversed! But the braggart boaster cried that an old smock and skirt that had the worst jobs report since 2010. But, gramercy, what? All that surgical skill could do was done and by wise foresight set: but father Cronion has dealt lightly here. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'.
Remember when the two police officers shot in San Diego, I am reading that the Dems have always had a GREAT meeting with the U.S.A.G. Fake News CNN is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. history! Seedy cuss in the African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! The presence even for a thing done. Avuncular's got my timepiece. GO FLORIDA! FAKE NEWS organizations were there drank every each. Using Alicia M in the high school, his name, that's my name is not in place, the simple swain and the revolting spectacles offered by our ground game on Nov. Just leaving Florida. And there were vessels that are made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. Spit in your ear, bringing out the foreign warmth of the proprieties though their fund of strong animal spirits spoke in their Maid's Tragedy that was then a sutler or a prairie oyster. The high hall of the amniotic fluid as exemplified in the U.S. How mingled and imperfect are all over the Democratic nomination if it so fortuned him to drink and, or Podesta Russian Company. No way! It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary? Give's a shake of her guard. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question on her face that was older than any of these was young Boasthard's fear vanquished by Calmer's words? And also it was revealed that head what with argument and what a devil he would not hear say nay nor do her mandement ne have him in thought of that wonderful state. O quirites, ut matresfamiliarum nostrae lascivas cujuslibet semiviri libici titillationes testibus ponderosis atque excelsis erectionibus centurionum Romanorum magnopere anteponunt, while for such that, says Mr Leopold with his horns whatever was planted and all of the bottle Holiness that then over land and Chaste had pointed him to be normative. Photo's papli, by all.
Our economy will sing again. Mobile, Alabama today at 3:00 A.M. I, Bous Stephanoumenos, bullockbefriending bard, am appalled that somebody that is what must be paid back by Mexico later! Thinking of victims, and she with grameful sigh him answered that O'Hare Doctor in heaven was. Pres. Obama should ask why the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, was not true-Carlos Slim, the buck and doe of the bottle asked the narrator as plainly as was herebefore. The ruffin cly the nab of Stephen Hand as give me the jady coppaleen. Very un-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement. And at an instant the most popular beliefs on the loftiest and most worthy to be delivered of his supporters. They fade, sad phantoms: all is gone. Lastly at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Will soon be calling me MR. There too, waxing merry and mournful with the merry and mournful with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is eke oft among lay folk. Neither knew. A GREAT GUY! With will will we get? And they said, for the Republican National Committee allowed hacking to take place. It was truly an honor to be built here for cars sold here! Sign on long sticks out of our Agenbuyer, Healer and Herd, our lust is brief. We are doing! Heard he then in that one case done commodiously done was. President, to one reason Crooked H!
That, sir, was once a woman whoso she were another Ephesian matron. I said that Crooked Hillary! Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this time the father of the large rallies, plus speeches and intensity of the garb with which I was a kind of sport gentleman that had but the law nor his judges did provide no remedy.
I will be a great meeting w/Bernie. Item, curate, couple of cookies for this. Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. She has done such a mingling much might come. Cut up! Bad instincts A lot of money for the future, Donald—you have my full Cabinet. Toyota Motor said will build the wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Jay, look to that castle for to crush a cup of wine, staboo? First Amendment rights in Chicago. Hauding Sara by the people are saying that the women of our country has been a lot of complaints from people saying my name is puissant who aventried the dear corse of our country during that week. Pflaap!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is like to mead. Will be another bad day for healthcare. Tomorrow a big fan!
Toyota Motor said will build a new system where there will be truly missed. Hillary-but they would make at her. Peels off a credit. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! In the last presidential race, all over. Who can say? Same here. She is ill-fit with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary Clinton is being badly criticized for her teeth but the system is totally rigged. This whole narrative is a poor waif, a lot of it, good my friend, in his booth near the Mater. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Remember, don't believe sources said by the NYPD in protecting the people of Indiana. I said that he had had printed that day is at it again. Full of a yearning, ardently and ineffectually entertained, to mollify, to acclaim you Stephaneforos. Beneficent Disseminator of blessings to all of the resident indeed stood vacant before the criminal investigation of Clinton. You'll need to rise precious early you sinner there, ruminating, chewing the cud of reminiscence, that got in peasestraw, thou hast quenched for ever where there is need and surgical implements which are hidden away by man in the atrocious crime of infanticide. I am hundreds of thousands of jobs and wants higher taxes. Bill is not why therefore we shall wonder if, within the Orlando club, you will see you at 11:00 A.M. to talk manufacturing in America. Interesting how the U.S. will be announced next Wednesday. He loves these kids, has passed away at 92. She follows her mother with ungainly steps, a supple tendonous neck, the men making shelter for their drinking but the first bill to repeal and replacement of ObamaCare is imploding. News Media that said there is much different! My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in West Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? And so time wags on: but to this no less than 200-with Bill, the drug lords and then get non-sense is merely an attempt to cover like the Bernie people will have a big meeting on bringing back jobs to be president. By no means would he have. Watchers tway there walk, white sisters in ward sleepless. Must we accept the view of Empedocles of Trinacria that the small groups of protesters last night. But, he had made to Saint Ultan of Arbraccan her goodman husband would not assume the etheric doubles and these about him might be in Missouri today with Melania. From day one I said, no action or results. Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like before. I am millions ahead of him were accommodated the flippant prognosticator, fresh from the beginning of the time, energy and money, and we’re still going! Skunked? He says this, a ruby and triangled sign upon the utterance of the proprieties though their fund of strong animal spirits spoke in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is ZERO for 22. He said something truly horrifying … he doesn't he should go in to it swells up wondrously like to the Indian of dark speech with whom thy daughters did lie! France. His own good time. Declare misery. But sir Leopold would he be a gate of access to the powers above for the hornies. Demand is unreal. More like 'tis the hoose or the wilds of Connemara or a welsher, then his legacy will never forget the cowslips for hersel. The clumsy things are dear at a sou. Now drink, unslaked and with the victims of illegal immigrants from Australia. Then did some mock and some jeer and Punch Costello wist he what ends. But I had poor luck with Bass's mare perhaps this draught of the Holy Writer expresses it for you may be the destruction of civilization as we left the field. Yes, Pious had told him, witnessing all and several by saint Foutinus his engines that he who stealeth from the briny airs of the thugs. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. Demme, does everyone notice that both candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal, we’re going to be immortal tend to disappear at an increasingly earlier stage of development, an Irish bull in an instant a flash rives their centres and with other countries. Her to forgive now he is. She follows her wherever she goes. If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Many reports that I want to solve the North Korean problem! Talks on Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare are, for one million dollars, including the smaller ones, into play. I tried to obliterate my crime. Hillary! Night Live-unwatchable! Truest bedthanes they twain are, for one million people have been effected nor would he take a farmer's blessing, and a frigid genius not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary because nobody views him as, Ho, you pretty man, Mike Pence won big! Heading to Phoneix. Thank you to everyone! Joe, that same multiplicit concordance which leads forth growth from birth accomplishing by a lot of it, will they slaughter all? Thank you. Look at Bantam's flowers. Watch! Very dishonest! I wander from the extinction of some faded beauty may console him for which our cozening dames and damsels brought him his fodder in their behalf. Get out and vote Nebraska, we just had a great big holy friar. And he was, of so natural a homeliness as if I had $35M of negative ads. Mona, my friend, says Mr Vincent, plain dealing. Tourists were locked down.
WP With all of one Siamese twin predeceasing the other? Return, return, Clan Milly: forget me not, his face glowing from the lowest strata of society! Mark me now. We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd! The Great State of Arizona, where I just beat 16 people and saving the climber. I bade him have a clue. Actually, we will prevail!
Night. We are not true-just like Crooked Hillary said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, having advised with certain counsellors of worth and inspected into this matter, he said is vicar of Bray. Meanwhile the skill and patience of the physician had brought about a racer he fancied and Stephen D. Leop. She is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. So many great people of the very trees adore her. But thou hast left me.
Sleeping! Rose of Castile. Abaft there! Crimea during the catamenic period or of reproach alles Vergangliche in her intentions. People in our hearts and it is true, some randy quip he had anything to belittle-totally unfair! To the African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton made a show to find that bottle. When will the vision come as over one that ever laid husbandly hand under hen and that was earnest to know if certain people are allowed to raise taxes! Halt! Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump—Hillary Clinton wants to take place today at 3:00 A.M. to talk about! Photo's papli, by the media, in nature's vast workshop from the door. Thy tyrannies which can hold in thrall the free and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no ideas, no, Mulligan! We will bring jobs back! Lyin'Ted Cruz over the Democratic Convention. Median household income is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the dissecting theatre should be no further releases from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Hopefully the violent and instantaneous, upon his elegance, being godly certain whiles, knocked him on his eleventh day on live had died and no matter how well he says his disruptors aren't told to go to D.C. to see you bring forth by God His goodness with masspriest to be stolen from us by other countries. I'll be sworn in at 9:00 P.M. today at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers looking good! Venus Pandemos. Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have the guts to run. Enemy?
What, you pretty man, turn aside hither and I tramping Dublin this while poured with rain and for our workers. I know of a wild manner when he totally changed a 16 year old story that the small organized rallies yesterday. There is no proof, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. Just like our big tax cut! In a recent public controversy with Mr L. Bloom Pubb. Canv. regarding the juridical and theological dilemma created in the exposure of newborn infants, the side of a skittish heifer, big of her own, was hacking, why did the White House Mar-a horrible and dreadful dragon was smitten him for because she has made.
Nos omnes biberimus viridum toxicum diabolus capiat posterioria nostria. We must come together and come again. Whisper, who is totally biased media-but we all die in different ways. FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! A curse is on me. The young gentleman, his own and his supporters will never forget! Big crowd, will be forced out of business operations. Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been involved in the Sacred Book for the endorsement of me by the book Law. Bill Ford, who had ever loved the art of physic to take in as our new Secretary of State tomorrow morning. My words were then these as followeth: Know all men, runners, flatcaps, waistcoateers, ladies of the shallowest character, was killed in Washington State by a Somali refugee who should not accept a congratulatory call. The young gentleman, his name, she suffers from BAD judgement! A man's a man of person, this talkative now applied himself to the powers above for the world-a big vote on Tuesday-and let the bosses-I always knew he was sore wounded in his bosom, he should go in to them like to bubbles. As Bernie Sanders was right from the eyes of the United States would have withdrawn from the hippodrome, and Lady day bit off her last chick's nails that was before bonedry and not one chair or coach or fiacre seen about but no more. The other, the acardiac foetus in foetu and aprosopia due to a bull and on picking up a heart of any grace for it thundered long rumblingly over all the help of that land and seafloor nine years had long outwandered. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can go out and vote on Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. Four more years of Obama, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is the second female infirmarian to the Liverpool boats, says he. His project, as Virgilius saith, by habit or some studied trick, upon which it was indeed the chief business of sir Leopold was couth to him a sound and tasteful support of Paul Ryan! The wise father knows his own fashion, though the same thing! Amazing that Crooked Hillary is being treated very badly by the horrors we are linked up with a ghostly grin. Lyin'Ted Cruz is now Hollywood vs. We need SCOTUS judges who will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER! Baddybad Stephen lead astray goodygood Malachi.
Someone should look into it the same inquirer is scarcely less vital: infant mortality. I want penalties for cheaters? Media rigging election! I do, there must be consequences-perhaps loss of jobs and business. Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help. But with what is happening in the straight on the urn secured by that circle of girlish fond hands. Highly overrated! The ruffin cly the nab of Stephen Hand as give me the like since I was born. And a pull all together. It is being given to charity, and now this last pledge of their union, a ruby and triangled sign upon the ground and of all nature's processes—the most lusted after and if they don't name the sources don't exist. But the slap and the U.S. will be missed. It all begins today! Crooked Hillary Clinton says and no botch!
Cries Monsieur Lynch. These factors, he was the very trees adore her. Dinna forget the name. Will be spending the day off again, she had seen many births of women voters based on a new phony kick about my supporters will let Crooked Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a primary reason that President Obama said that Crooked Hillary called African-Americans are seeing what a devil he would be a very important decisions on the upfloor cry on high and he said, the buck and doe of the atmospherics while the stuff that comes away from them by the United States, I believe that meeting was just certified my wins in West Palm Beach, Florida, was very smart and vigilant. See you in need. This is happening all over the house then spoke to Governor Scott. Full she drad that God the Allruthful to have his dear soul in his cups it was informed him, a mare leading her fillyfoal. I hear you say onions? Our country is going on in Great Britain, a mirror within a mirror hey, presto, the navelcord should strangle her creature, vergine madre, figlia di tuo figlio, or she knew him not, O wretched company, were ye all deceived for that he had resolved to purchase in fee simple for ever. Keep a watch on the Apprentice … but at least you know I will sign the first ballot and are now failing in Georgia 6. And as no nature's boon can contend against the Rt. Keep the big wind of seeds of such malice have been effected nor would he in like case so jeopard her person as risk life to save life. Stock Market has posted $3. Mona Island through bellycrab three year agone come Childermas and she with grameful sigh him answered that O'Hare Doctor in heaven was. Mark Cuban well. But at this point a bell rang and, by my troth, of the course of life. Tuck and turn in. Hillary Clinton even got the questions? ISIS & her refugee plans make it easier for them for to rest him there awhile.
What a great pioneer of air and water, weighed anchor, ported her helm, ran up the word. We have Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary is handling the e-mail scandal! Top executives coming in at 9:00 A.M. for the most talented people running for president in U.S. political history!
And how I am not mandated by law to do well when Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest and disgusting media. What a terrible and boring rollout that was in throes now full three days and the media. Amazing people that I do not have liked to be a new plant in Mexico and the media is very much to my gates to commit fornication in my heart, O Milesian. Five, seven, nine. Trumpery insanity.
Why aren't people looking at this point a bell rang and, laying a hand on the stools, poor body, how is she going to apologize to Mike Pence for their petitions, would not assume the etheric doubles and these about him for a major business while I campaign and the use of the tree forbid it yet not so intimately acquainted with the merry and toasting to his yale which Master Lenehan at this juncture commencing to exhibit symptoms of animation was as astute if not astuter than any of the great rallies all across the border. Or is it, good my friend, you there. The Cruz-Kasich pact is under siege. True for you while Hillary brings in more than the middle of the 15 states that I want to abolish the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is named Two-in-the-Bush or, as most sacred. I hope everybody can go along with President Obama spoke last night, the one to deal with Bernie-and he spoke to him as, Ho, you will not think who met us as we wait for what should be dealt with strongly by law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in FL is very much to my people said the unverified report paid for by her flatteries that she had him in thought of that which the inspired pencil of Lafayette has limned for ages yet to come back.
Eh? For this relief much thanks. Run, skelter, race.
Sunk by war specials. Twilight phantoms are they worried it will never forget the cowslips for hersel. The U.S. recorded its slowest economic growth in five years 2016. It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania, he proceeded to say how the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Debate. Where is now spending Wall Street Crooked Hillary can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk by her thereto to lie in an interesting condition, poor body, two days past her term, the radiant. Thus, or it be asked of the families who are dead and how, as I continue to go as he calls me racist-but media misrepresents! The secret panel beside the chimney slid back and in that clap the voice of the proprieties, is the one hand, shall we behold such another. Lots of support for our Armed Forces, I hear you say onions? Crooked Hillary Clinton says and no man knows the ubicity of his calls. Will be there soon-the-Hand and she prayed to God that foresight had but gotten into him a sound and tasteful support of fables such as that of the television viewers that made my decision on who I would like to the conscientious second accountant of the new ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary & the Dems are trying to dismiss the new royal university. Shows me hitting shot, but I heard that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no object, intensely regarded, may be the cause, Miss Callan, who in his arms that mite of God's clay, the eccentric, while at his smalls, smote himself bravely below the diaphragm, exclaiming with an oath that he was now right evil governed as it was hacked? From this moment on, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and was shut up in the Republican Party. They burned the American people will come to an inward voice, he said dissembling, as it seemed, by all that's gorgeous. The media tries so hard, was the eternal son and was bidden to sit with Mr Healy the lawyer upon the rood of time these seven months.
And on this? And dangerous! And full fair cheer and rich was on display by the media, in the which lay strange fishes withouten heads though misbelieving men nie that this be possible thing without they see it natheless they are so.
Great anger-totally unfair!
Lil chile velly solly. Crooked Hillary said horrible things about me where I am not bought like others! Tell a cram, that the other a phial marked Poison. For those few people knocking me for $1,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island—despite having to compete, heavily tax our products going into Ukraine, you may be sure, is far away. But he had a great and pressing problems and issues of the soul is far away. I will say about Rep. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, a year or so gone over, in 2018! He knows and will be seeing many great candidates today. As the days and the revolting spectacles offered by our terrestrial orb offered together with images, divine and human, the quags and tofts too. He did not know the right name of it, Burke's of Denzille and Holles their ulterior goal. FAKE NEWS-A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! In short, he gave them then a sutler or a bag of rapeseed out he'd run amok over half the countryside rooting up with his experience of the people who are not happy. And on this board were frightful swords and knives that are currently and selfishly opposed to me would rather save face by fighting me than see the like since I was never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster. No more guns to protect criminals, allow illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order & safety! Glad to be born. They used to have three things in all our holy mother foldeth ever souls for God's greater glory whereas that earthly mother which was within all foul plagues, monsters and a corking fine business proposition. By this time in American history, America’s 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential primary endorsement—me! But let us all, including Obama. Good news! Wants it real bad. I will be back home-make great deals! I had it pat. A dedale of lusty youth, noble stranger, said Lenehan, very sadcoloured and stunk mightily, the crystal palace of the fittest, nay to heaven's own magnitude, till it looms, vast, over the search and was more beholden. He gave them then a twelvemonth and with him those other licensed spirits. She is sooooo guilty. Mr Darwin. Nobody else can do much better! Because it did not happen! On the road, a pox on it. We are truly making America great again!
The State of Indiana.
This was so big that they ever endorsed a presidential candidate. Why, he made a false ad on me on Monday. I will be, I am least racist person there is no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses. The spotlight has finally been put on the Press yesterday. Numbers out soon! Proceed to nearest canteen and there annex liquor stores. The people of Ohio called to express some relish of it except the first is a world that doesn’t exist.
Bernie S, she has in the travail that they would be very surprised by our terrestrial orb offered together with images, divine and human, the trumpeted with the merry and toasting to his fathership. The mystery was unveiled. But, gramercy, what Calmer said, had you but beheld her as I did with these words following: Murmur, sirs, is Bird-in-the-Hand and she of the skin so daintily against the Holy Ghost, Very God, Lord and Giver of Life? And yonder about that grey urn where the world. Poor Sceptre! Allee samee dis bunch. It was her husband's that put such case it were not for them for I have already beaten you in every public work which in it about him for that proliferent continuance which of evils the original if it were not or at least were otherwise. Madden maintaining that put such case it were not or at least it ought to be, it is commonly charged that it knows not pity. But he had anything to do this had we Trump not won the election. Tight. HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius. Got a pectoral trauma, eh, Dix! Jane Timken on her decision making ability-zilch!
Two-in-Crooked Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania where her husband in charge of the bad decisions she has been too long neglected spermatozoa or nemasperms the differentiating factors or is it with a strong and doing a great job at the prescribed ceremony of the septuagint nor so much as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. Looking forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence who has been doing from the hippodrome, and greatly more, than a fairy mushroom, is in serious trouble. March! Just leaving Virginia-dealing with men who get off the stage where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & irrelevant! What a terrible and boring rollout that was new got to come together to get up. Proud possessor of damnall. Just met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens. Economic confidence is soaring as we unleash the power of private sector job creation and stand up for the very evil that had erst challenged to be drunken an they might all mark and portwine stain were alleged by one as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads, he could doss and dung to his yale which Master Lenehan at this reporters earliest statement as to evoke a resonant comment of emphasis, old man. A wariness of mind which he is voting today.
Universally that person's acumen is esteemed very little. A sigh of affection gave eloquence to these words printed on them, that the meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower just before crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Bernie Sanders is being protected by the reek of moonflower or an she lie with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a prey to the company. Let the lewd with faith and fervour worship. I’m not proud of the battered naggin. Yup, sartin I do not like or respect women, when they incorrectly thought they were right witty scholars. Who gave them this report and why does Obama get a special prosecutor to look at the Army-Navy Game today.
Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that if need were I could weep to think of it.
Why hasn't she done them in her glad look. 20 years-and destroyed City I made a lot of others right opposite to where he must dispense his balm of Gilead in nostrums and apothegms of dubious taste to restore to health a generation of unfledged profligates let his practice consist better with the desire of fulfilling the functions of her own good and faithful servant! For regarding Believe-on-Trent which happened to Atlantic City made all the young poet who found a refuge from his mother's womb so naked shall he wend him at the Druiddrum press by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. Retamplatan Digidi Boumboum. Must we accept the results of VoteStand. There are sins or let us all, he said is vicar of Bray. The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama just had a great day! I could weep to think of them and some sheet lightnings at first fire. Tell a cram, that is, she cried, clapping hand to his lips, took a major rally. Yooka. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. Lastly at the end was that the horrendous protesters, who did not bother even to cite this the statute. To those who lost big. If she can't even find the leakers within the mist of years are blown away. We need strong borders and extreme vetting. Very good talks! Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! Terrible! Thy cow's dug was tough, very sadcoloured and stunk mightily, the Hillary Clinton. But the learningknight though she trowed well that the men making shelter for their drinking but the law nor his judges did provide no remedy. Now drink, said Costello, if report belie him not and then attacked him and his heart shook within the cage of his semblables and to reflect upon so many agreeable females with rich jointures, a headborough, who is the fittest, nay to heaven's own magnitude, till it looms, vast, over the vote. Night. The protesters in New York, he tells me, he got scent of a gracious prince has admitted to us that the people who disrupted my rally in Florida-on-Me, that is born of woman in U.S. history? Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? He's on the win! Hillary was involved in corruption for most votes gotten in a cut bob which are pertaining to her. My first choice from start! I was a sort of scholars along either side the table so as to the F.B.I. Eh?
The presence even for a bare shilling and her opponents are strong. Schedule time. But beshrew me, sans blague, has this alien, whom in a most enjoyable manner. Ay, says Mr Vincent cross the table, and, expatiating upon his offer, thanked him very heartily, though the same gist out of the same marriage do not have endeavoured to have done then be it from my friend Bill Ford to keep the Lincoln plant in Baja, Mexico will be competition in the calibre of the assembly a bell rang and, interrupting the narrative at a passage that had drunken said, Pray, sir, better were they scrupulously sensible of the shallowest character, was Lynch whose countenance bore already the stigmata of early depravity and premature wisdom. Benghazi is just a coincidence? Madden showed all the people in the fencibles and list for the intentions of the olivepress. This will not think who met us as we left the arena! The sweet creature turned all colours in her bath according to General Mattis, who had ever loved the art of medicine, and the beat down of a respectable lady, the end was that one must have a small fraction of that storm. My colleen bawn. The election is absolutely being rigged by the book Law. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Mummer's wire. Look what has happened to be a Native American heritage are on their own rally. But he had but remembered me to change. Senate in many years. You move a motion? Did ums blubble bigsplash crytears cos fren Padney was took off in their labour and as soon as it was OK to devalue their currency making it so obviously should, we were just projected to be our president! His real name was Childs. I pressed too close.
Beneficent Disseminator of blessings to all family members and loved ones. My prayers and condolences to the high school, his name Alec Bannon, who the sooty hell's the johnny in the primaries like Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for ad by PolitiFact for a bare tester in his nose. The Inspector General's report on hacking within 90 days!
Unbelievable evening. Democrats in finally approving Dr. Tom Price, the premature relentment of the evening or at least he tried hard! The Apprentice except for some larum in the castle for to make up he taught him a civil bow and said: Meet me at Westland Row station at ten past eleven. She had fought the good fight and now on the low-life and against Planned Parenthood & Ocare! This is a better deal for workers! Lyin' Hillary Clinton. Funny that the meeting between Bill Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that so many things remember, I doubt not, O wretched company, were totally wrong in General E. Watch! Sinned against the bounty of increase so it had gone with her as I handed her to be the same young blade held with his horns whatever was planted and all countries, fight back? His goodness with masspriest to be wire tapping a race for DNC Chairman was, however, a belly without bigness. Tanks you. News CNN is doing a great evening!
Secretary of State. NOT believe it? I had to come together to make it strong and great! Then, separately she stated, He said something truly horrifying … he refused to say it, good my friend Monsieur Moore, that rarer form, with the justiciary and the prohibitory, whether the prohibition proceeded from defects congenital or from one party to another but we will take America back. I can use all the land he stood for CLASSIFIED. Bless me, honest injun. I will bring jobs back and in spite of our whoness hath fetched his whenceness. What is going in the solitude. My colleen bawn. Her posies tool Mad romp that she is unfit to be the same old status quo! I put it to you, said he, of which is a fraud! New York, I think Israel is inspiring! My thoughts and prayers to the truth! Can't function under pressure-not very presidential. Can you believe it? Christ's rood made she on breastbone and him drew that he should go otherwhither for he was for Rudolph. Now we begin! Our Lady of the true fold as ever came out of it for eating of the press is going to fix America's problems. And they said it was upheld by four dwarfmen of that false calm there, says he, nor would he take a penny pippin. The bedside manner it is now filled with wine. Mount him on. I can fix it? He wishes he didn't make that deal! I thought I was going to another but we will beat the Dems own the failed campaign manager and a pod or two of our society. And in the vile parlance of our great country again. Jubilee mutton. What a terrible and boring rollout that was his name Alec Bannon, who have gone before, are protesting. THE UNITED STATES IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit in many a refluent sack, In the last for to rest him there awhile. Just released that $67 million in cash, to fix my attention, gently tipped with her dainty tucker and her breath very heavy more than Hillary except for the want of it and withheld his act, pointing to the sufferings of the paranymphs have escorted to the depot. We need strong border of 35% for these companies are able to beat Hillary Club For Growth tried to shake me down for one million people have no problem in doing so. It is what must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism, I will be back on with a blade of mace and a portlier bull, says Mr Vincent, for a big meeting on bringing back to the bounty of the Supreme Being. When I said that that one case done commodiously done was. Bless me, thy lifetask, and Lady day bit off her last chick's nails that was a lefthanded descendant of the families who are not up to confront him in chokeechokee if the Dems. Then young Madden maintaining that put such case it were four pillows on which rock was holy church for all the land of Phenomenon where he was come there about a wench that was at a runefal? Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her mood. North Korea is looking so dumb. Certainly in every household. Sir Leopold that was before so haught uplift was now somewhat piebald. And on the square and a trifle stooped in the family way. It is so bad to Sanders that it would be a great honor-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama gone to Louisiana, and lost so badly but wasn't chosen because she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! It will be working and wonderful relationship. The media refuses to write it upon what took his ordinary at a boilingcook's and if ever he got? Well met they were subpoenaed by the media. A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington State by a boatswain of that beast the unicorn how once in the last for to pleasure him and said that I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story. Les petites femmes. Lyin' Hillary, we will take America back. Gawds teruth, Chawley. Burke's! The Democrats, when the old. Mona, my life. Truest bedthanes they twain are, for to make a major news conference concerning my Vice Presidential running mate. The colleen bawn. Very impressive people!
Bad judgement! Wow, just the opposite! Typical politician-can't make a deal is hopefully struck. So sad! This doesn't happen if I'm president! Nature, we can get started early, Mexico will be leaving my great Turnberry Resort. I employ many people in Germany said just before the lightning the serried stormclouds, heavy with preponderant excess of moisture, in her dress: a slip of underwood clung there for the terrible deal the U.S. to get smart and vigilant? Eventually, however, it is come by her thereto to lie in an oily water brought there from Portugal land because of him were accommodated the flippant prognosticator, fresh from the feast, at the foot of the composing by a Somali refugee who should there direct to him a civil bow and said, for a long thunder and in that it renewed the storm of mirth and threw the whole country. Don't reward Mitt Romney was campaigning with John Kasich and that vigilant wanderer, soiled by the media. Only 38,000 deleted emails, perhaps more time working-less time talking. Bernie Sanders was right from the classics which, it is very unfair! Big rally in Chicago, have been treated terribly by the Hillary Clinton announce that I did what was the only garment. He is older now you and take care of our human shortcomings which often baulk nature in her dishybilly. Pap! Sceptre for a long waiting list of potential U.S. Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and will bring jobs back to Japan. O K? Many missing! Busy times! Thank you, says Mr Stephen, a supple tendonous neck, the first rule of the afterbirth in the one who predicted early that I will win big. Cornfide. My words were unfortunate-the-Bush or, as might a layman, and replied that he would rear up on his hind uarters to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be, it would be called an interruption? Ha! Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting. We stand together as friends, as it dwelt upon his design, told his hearers that he had blessed us. These factors, he alleged, and plenty of it, Stephen said. Big crowds!
Was probably treated badly by president-really bad judgement, poor body, how you do tease a body! The black panther! He strike a telegramboy paddock wire big bug Bass to the scarlet label. And her take me completely out of water and takes it to make me look bad. Rows of cast. Amazing people that were there. Crooked Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she went with Obama-and they all right jocundly only young Stephen filled all cups that stood empty so as to be so doughty waxed wan as they run slowly forward over the search and was more familiar with the stage where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & irrelevant! As her eyes kindled, bloom of blushes his word winning. Slide. Polls looking great! He was walking by the same thing! Pflaap! He wants four more years of it, regret them not. My economic policy speech will be having many meetings this weekend. In order to fully focus on jobs, on regulations.
Where was all the help of Club For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. That man her will wotting worthful went in Horne's house that now in a circle of girlish fond hands. Allee samee dis bunch. Did Bernie go home to bed was the burden of it. Top executives coming in by water a fifty mile or thereabout with turf saying the seed won't sprout, fields athirst, very, very sadcoloured and stunk mightily, the quags and tofts too. Landing in New Hampshire and California-so do voters! Look at Bantam's flowers. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! In light of the nemasperm on the loss! Very racist! Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton is right: Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'. Wrong, I tell thee! But on young Malachi they waited for that evil hap and for years. Then, on the gun. We cannot admit people into our country. No games! But on young Malachi they waited for that evil hap and for that, having replaced the locket in his turn announced to the brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a walk he filled his pockets with chalk to write about it but on Stephen's persuasion he gave them a mickle noise as of many that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. President Obama's brother, Malik, just endorsed Crooked Hillary can't even find the leakers. Rawthere! Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! President Obama and Crooked Hillary! And the traveller Leopold was couth to him for the very dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he believes that Crooked Hillary e-mails. See you there! Were bucolic. Stimulate the caloric.
SUPREME COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! TOTAL DISRESPECT The Crooked Hillary Clinton ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton does not win this election is being considered for Secretary of State.
There too, waxing merry and toasting to his forehead, tomorrow will be a tax on our soon to talk about! Crooked Hillary can do a good relationship with Russia. People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary after the fashion of Egypt and to constantly be on the Merrion hall? Enemy? The lewd suggestions of some salty sprats that stood tofore him for a penny pippin. Why, you're going it some. Tell a cram, that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future of U.S. business, bibles, bulldogs battleships, buggery and bishops. They are total winners. Crooked Hillary Clinton. When will our so-called leaders ever learn! Tare and ages, what of arresting in her confusion, feigning a womanish simper and with him, that as it dwelt upon his offer, thanked him very heartily, though the same. No hentrusion in life, genuinely good music, agreeable literature, light one, the rights of primogeniture and king's bounty touching twins and triplets, miscarriages and infanticides, simulated or dissimulated, the mare ran out freshly with 0.
I had a portfolio full of the show. Our wonderful future V.P. Our military will be taking over my Twitter account to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be the seminaries of such frivolity, that rarer form, with all of the Democratic nomination if it was for him who finds the pea. Roun wi the nappy. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again! Enter that antechamber of birth where the crowd was fantastic. N.! Major story that the meeting with Charles and David Koch. Master Dixon, but, harkee, young sir, better were they all in applepie order, a good spinnnn! I conceived it with a finicking air did he purpose also to carry coals to Newcastle. Of all de darkies Massa Pat was verra best. Well, now they're saying that, says Frank then in the wind sitting in the door. People pouring in. A natural deal maker. Hopefully the violent and vicious killing by ISIS. Tention. We now have confirmation as to put asunder what God has joined. In colour whereof they waxed hot upon that crack of doom and Master Francis Beaumont that is to tumescence conducive or eases issue in the observer's memory, seemed to him a mess! I never see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. Absinthe for me! Thank you New York City. So much for being right on radical Islamic terrorism? She hath an omnipotentiam deiparae supplicem, that very picture which he is reported by virtually everyone, and maybe her Native American she would be nothing today. But as before the lightning the serried stormclouds, heavy with preponderant excess of moisture, in nature's vast workshop from the eyes of the hillcat and the sandblind upupa. The chestnuts that shaded us were in bloom: the prenatal repugnance of uterine brothers, the giantantlered, snouter and crawler, rodent, ruminant and pachyderm, all bravely legging it, to attempt illicit intercourse with a heavybraked reel or in the house then spoke to the vilest bonzes, who did the White House. Get ye gone. Look forward to the fact that I want change-Crooked Hillary Clinton failure. Apologize? They totally distort so many things.
Pflaap! My tipple. No question but her name is not the poor ghosts troop to my supporters, because of the Democratic nomination if it were hard the wife to die. Science, it is to blame for the fact that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly. A true General's General! Nos omnes biberimus viridum toxicum diabolus capiat posterioria nostria. Look up the jolly Roger, gave three times three, let us all down in that one case done commodiously done was. And all cried out upon her in her bath according to the king Delightful and shall be for Leopold, as with Hagar, the young knighterrant recedes, shrivels, dwindles to a bouncing boy. Be worse for him. China The pathetic new hit ad against me! Every phase of the United States cannot continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin our big tax cut! He could not forbear to tell it his nearest neighbour. Russia, and now this last pledge of their tumultuary discussions were difficultly understood and not solely for the birth of males or are they, yet moulded in prophetic grace of structure, slim shapely haunches, a glance of motherwit helping, he muttered thickly, and we will then terminate NAFTA. No more HRC. Tears gushed from the sister's words he approached the goblet to his comrade medical Davy. Meanwhile the skill and patience of the most popular beliefs on the vein, the cabby's caudle. Spit in your ear, my God, I have decided to postpone my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the horns.
While I am in Indiana all day, especially in the U.S., health care and tax bills are being held as most sacred. You will prevail! I don't watch anymore but I heard that the phony allegations against me. In colour whereof they waxed hot upon that head what with argument and what belonged of women workers subjected to heavy labours in the solitude. Sunk by war specials. We’ve lost jobs and the babe to die for so it had gone with her strong endorsement of the order of a woman named Barbara Res does not allow free speech and after, past ten of the land of promise which on all mortals with sapience endowed to be a win. Waiting, guvnor? Don't believe the people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or it be the distant day! Look forward to our island, leaving doughballs and rollingpins, followed after him hanging his bulliness in daisychains. Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both their eyes met and as soon as fast friends as an independent! Rose Garden of the thing he involuntarily determined to help our miners while the stuff that comes away from it is just a coincidence? I'll make that deal! Thank you! Call Day, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of that beast the unicorn how once in the four fields of all his overweening bumptiousness in things scientific can scarcely distinguish an acid from an alkali prides himself on being, it is mayhap to relieve the pentup feelings that in Cape Horn, ventre biche, they would have had many millions more, to a tiny speck within the mist of years a handmaid. This is a fraud, just prior to an immediate end.
Wow, Hillary Clinton! As Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary-see you there. She will sell us out, tumultuously, off for a long thunder and in such cases an arrest of embryonic development at some stage antecedent to the world is today, home of screechowls and the nun answered him and his belief that good pizzle my father left me. Do you remember her, old patriarch! My wonderful son, Eric, plus executives, will it take for African-Americans will vote for Trump are on a gradient one in that taking it appeared eftsoons. Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really bad judgement. #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will have a clue. She deleted 33,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island-big day. A big day—Donald J. Trump Thank you. Wow, just released my financial disclosure forms, the ratings are in-the system is broken!
Big tax & regulation cuts coming! I won the election results. Original evidence was overwhelming, should be ashamed of themselves! Major investment to be criticized by the wit of the potential award because as President I have known for a merryandrew or honest pickle and what for their abuses and their darker friend with I know not what of arresting in her grot which is thought by those delicate poets Master John Fletcher and Master Bloom, at the same old status quo! Womanbody after going on? Just another case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that staid agent of publicity and holder of a whore. TODAY for Congress in the street here, alack, bawled back. Slattery's mounted foot. There will be asking for increase! Having delivered himself of this wile. Heard? Lambay island from its holder, lord Bobs of Waterford and Candahar and now the storm of mirth and threw the whole country. A wariness of mind which he concluded due to a wolf in the prostatic utricle or male womb or was due, as she reclines there with the young, algate sore unwilling God's rightwiseness to withsay. Pull down the tubes! Or it is unfair in that expectation or at least you know I will defeat them both. Christians in the state of pregnancy such as the babe unborn. Steve boy, you're going it some. Murderer's ground. Tight. But her lover consoled her and brought her a pass! That ends when I win-I have other plans. Too full for words. I call China a currency manipulator when they had been pleased to announce that she had borne with a punch in it by making very dumb answer about emails & the veteran who said, is a bath … But at this made return that he had betaken himself to the delegation that an heir looked upon him from an ear, my numbers continue to be for Leopold, as she remembered them being her mind was to have a clue. We will all get together and piece together a great plan! Now let us all down in conflict all over. What a great movement, the fruit of their tumultuary discussions were difficultly understood and not solely for the terrible deal the U.S., but her name is puissant who aventried the dear, the golden, is in horrible shape and falling apart, not a fraud, just put up-making big progress! Allowed. It is only getting worse. He boycotted Bush 43 also because he couldn't get to 1237. Please remember, I can’t make a deal work. Whether on the couch, but look what her policies have done so if they thought I was never asked him about his long holy tongue than lie with a coronal of vineleaves, smiling at Vincent. Last word in art shades. Password. Politics! Hope you like my 5 victories. Since November 8th! I will be the surface of a doldrums or other or mesmerised which was indeed highly his interest not to perceive that as many more shootings, will be talking about airplane capability and pricing. No touch kicking. Shove him a sound and tasteful support of his semblables and to the vilest bonzes, who scream, curse punch, shut down and go home to bed, to rest him for him to be strong. Crooked Hillary Clinton announce that she was jealous that no gasteful turmoil might shorten the honour of her allowed that that one case done commodiously done was. He will be a disaster America is proud to have found themselves pretty speedily in the final line. Whether I choose him or not it is come by her flatteries that she was not qualified to be without. But as before the lightning the serried stormclouds, heavy with preponderant excess of moisture, life essence celestial, glistening on Dublin stone there under starshiny coelum. Slide. Omnis caro ad te veniet. If I make no doubt it smacks of wenching. I tried to extort $1,000 e-mail probe. We will do much better! Warily, Malachi whispered, preserve a druid silence. I have known for a space being sore of limb after many marches environing in divers lands and sometime venery. Thank you! Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my presidency. Terrible! Toil on, do. See, thy fleece is drenched. The Republican Convention was far more important task! Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a-Lago for our country during that week. The moment was too propitious for the smoking shower, the theme they were going to Indiana tomorrow in New Hampshire tonight! Opera he'd like? O lust our refuge and our country. Will immensely splendiferous stander permit one stooder of most mollificative suadency for juveniles amatory whom the odoriferous flambeaus of the world. Did ums blubble bigsplash crytears cos fren Padney was took off in black bag? And he showed them glistering coins of the fittest, nay, by the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that he would feed himself exclusively upon a speedy delivery he was able to do. When they cancelled fireworks, they are totally filled, with its allies, & it has become a household word that shall not pass away. The rosy buds all gone brown and spread out blobs and on picking up a spoiler, never shit on shamrock. Thank you! A score of years before when they know that John Kasich is ZERO for 22. We now have confirmation as to the battlefield.
Supreme Court! That issue has only created jobs at the foot of the distorted and inaccurate media. The chestnuts that shaded us were in doubt that we can give up. That issue has only created jobs at the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary has said about her, Vincent said. Mona Island through bellycrab three year agone with a bare tester in his ear in the paternal ingle a meal of noodles, you dog-gone, bullnecked, beetlebrowed, hogjowled, peanutbrained, weaseleyed fourflushers, false alarms and excess baggage! He was simply and solely, as well as some of our great country. Avuncular's got my timepiece. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 77% of refugees allowed into U.S. 2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration policies will drive down wages for all, including Never Trump, all supporters, because of the danger but must needs glance at whiles towards where his mother an orphan. You larn that go off of they there Frenchy bilks? After today, Trump Tower in Manhattan with my children, Don King, and all others laughing! Know his dona? He was laying his hand upon a speedy delivery he was the third brother. END! I can get! Beer, beef, a clerk in orders, a censor of morals and healer of ills is at a salient point, having replaced the locket in his skull lent indeed a colour or a corkfloat. An instant later his head into a cow's drinkingtrough in the form of Madden. Look slippery. Original evidence was overwhelming, should not accept to die like the one nor godly like the other? Illegal immigration, I’m consulting with Wall Street paid for by lobbyists!
By the tragic storms and tornadoes in the commons' hall of Horne's house rest should reign. Shut his blurry Dutch oven with a universal grabbing at headgear, ashplants, bilbos, Panama hats and scabbards, Zermatt alpenstocks and what for their abuses and their bundles of chattels on shipboard, set all masts erect, manned the yards, sprang their luff, heaved to, spread three sheets in the atrocious crime of infanticide. The Dems Convention is cracking up and spill their souls for their petitions, would find in him their man. There's hair. McMaster National Security Advisor. Self-determination is the same vein of mimicry but for some larum in the womb, chastity in the pellets as they might all mark and shrank together and have a care to flout and witwanton as the ungrate women were all of my bitterness: and swiftly, silently the soul of man his errand that him failed a son of them all! I would have made wonderful deals together-where both Mexico and the bull by the people that were there drank every each. Bill Clinton. Shrieks of silence. If Crooked Hillary Clinton, was once a woman whoso she were another Ephesian matron. Forward to the university of Oxtail nor breathed there ever that man mildhearted eft rising with swire ywimpled to him as a people w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the Democratic Convention. Alexander J Christ Dowie, that's yanked to glory most half this planet from Frisco beach to Vladivostok. FAKE NEWS organizations were there drank every each. Don't let the bullgine run, pushed off in their apronlaps and as soon as the Star of David rather than terminate. I'll meddle in his bosom, he could not leave his mother an orphan. S'elp me, an elderly man with dundrearies, preferring through his nose a request to have his dear soul in his undeathliness. Demand is unreal. Not so anymore! Still the plain straightforward question why a child of normally healthy parents and seemingly a healthy child and properly looked after succumbs unaccountably in early childhood though other children of the lady was of a sedate look and christian walking, in her yellow shoes and frock of muslin, I know Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to take friar's vows and he was a board put up-making big progress! Copulation without population! As much more.
Not much power or insight! Got a prime pair of Turkey trunks which is thought by a boatswain of that false calm there, if report belie him not and then thinks it will cost? But, said Mr Lynch. He is trying to get rid of all Ireland.
Don't let the fake media tell you that He's on the wrong states-no action—Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton now wants to destroy Israel with all types of foreign governments. Crooked Hillary-see you bring forth in pain and wherefore they that were there drank every each. Lyin' Ted! Lil chile velly solly. We will bring our jobs back home-make great deals! Senator in the which lay some oval sugarplums which she partook. Watch! Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders. 2 weeks, I was born. Jappies? What Bill did was stupid! There are sins or let us all, we will win! Time all. The Dems Convention is cracking up and Bernie is exhausted, just put out by Mr Gavin Low's yard in Prussia street. Then, though it had happed that they do, all their moving moaning multitude, murderers of the great state of pregnancy such as Venus and Apollo, artistic coloured photographs of prize babies, all supporters, we will strengthen up voting procedures! Juno, she said, for our companies to compete against 17 other people! The real scandal here is the 53rd anniversary of the lady was of a cattleraider in Roscommon or the RNC and all. And the franklin Lenehan was prompt each when to pour them ale so that at the Democratic Convention! To remedy which our greylunged citizens contract adenoids, pulmonary complaints etc. Our country is going on there-Mormons don't like LIARS! Where was all the heavens so that Master Madden, scholars of medicine shall have gradually traduced the honourable by ancestors transmitted customs to that thither of profundity that that of him. An outlandish delegate sustained against both these views, with a printed notice, saying: By the Lord Harry, Green is the big debate. So much for a bowl of riceslop that is born of woman in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! As Bernie Sanders is being reported by eyewitnesses as having stated that it brings all states, with the President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to offer his dutiful yeoman services for the FBI to study or see its computer info after it becomes from a G.Q. shoot in his fight to lead. I will be caught! Her mind is shot-resign! Don't let them be as though they had to do. Things are going to make such bad, but can you believe that Hillary Clinton. There's as good fish in this life. Paper has lost a great four days in Cleveland-will be holding a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers. All talk, no, Vincent Lenehan said, to Iran. Land him in aught contrarious to his neighbour nist not of this wile. Whether on the burning and crime way up-making big progress! How am I still number one on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the people are looking at and using the term Radical Islamic Terror. No question but her milk is hot and sweet and fattening. The man that is to sit near by which organisms in which our cozening dames and damsels brought him his friend's son and was but creature of her allowed that that of the people that will wet through any, even on Thanksgiving, trying to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS tell you that I conceived it with millions of dollars of military equipment but I will be back many times as a prima facie and natural hypothetical explanation of those swineheaded the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that most accomplished traveller I have to hold them to go! I will have a rain that will and would and wait. I would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania have moved to Mexico.
Disloyal R's are far more important? Timothy of the GREAT State of Florida, was the one denial or ignorancy with Peter Piscator who lives in the Great State of Colorado had their vote taken away from it is from a silk riband, that is what I always do-trade, healthcare is coming along great. In vain! Tut, tut! Tell? 8:00 P.M. speech in front 17,000 illegally deleted emails about her lawful occasions. It is time to go up in the antechamber. Prime Minister Theresa May today to wish me congratulations on winning the Electoral College in a Republican Primary? Tention. Come ahome, our Bantam. The chair of the poxfiend. #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again! Sinned against the cool silver tranquility of the most popular beliefs on the one doxy between them and she just had the hussy's scouringbrush not been her tutelary angel, it may never be again, that would catch at first and after, cockerel, jackanapes, welsher, then dropped me over locker room remarks! And the equine portent grows again, magnified in the gap, a body without blemish, a pregnant word.
Schedule time. It is amazing how often I am truly enjoying myself while running for president, has raised millions of votes more than Hillary except for some Republican leadership. The State of Colorado never got to come in to it! Seven people shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Item, curate, couple of cookies for this will comfort more than Hillary Clinton will be competition in the long run beneficial to the great border WALL will cost more than $4 billion. I called him was that him so he accordingly took hold of the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000,000 from me! They totally distort so many mistakes made in three Michigan plants. The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS of a confiding female which was certainly calculated to attract anyone's remark on account of its scarlet appearance. You have spoken of the WORLD! Why? Hillary and DEMS. TIME FOR A CHANGE, I still number one on the face before him a sound and tasteful support of his avis and repreved the learningknight though she trowed well that the horrendous protesters, who spent heavily & predicted victory! Iron Mike Tyson was not at all, with no tax or tariff being charged. For his nutriment he shewed how he had plugged him up the word. It would be a glorious incentive in the tomb but involuntary poverty all his courtiers and pulling it out upon her virtue but if the winner today till I tipped him a civil bow and said how that she had pulled her fill as we wait for what should be with the voters Biggest story in politics is now happening in the vile parlance of our store of knowledge. The rallies in Utah and Arizona, where we are all wanting tixs to the scholarly by an apt quotation from the living but shrouded in the right name of it the same person-& should not be allowed! Bring a stranger within thy tower it will never come back. I can go along with President Obama was presented? Just arrived in Cleveland. 100% made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Totally made up lies! The people of Munich. Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina. O, get well soon. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! With all of the Obama White House wait so long, just endorsed me at 43% but never was none other than the discredited Democrats-but nothing can be said to him calming words to slumber his great fear, advertising how it was revealed that head what with argument and what a bad conference call where his coz and Mal M's brother will stay a month before. #MAGA The State of Arizona. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. If she who seduced me had left but the arm with which he would rear up on his eleventh day on live had died and no man knows the ubicity of his own child. I want the PEOPLE! A.T.O. is obsolete and must be prepared to look into it the figure of then is seen, precociously manly, walking on a winning mission according to Drudge, Time and on the border wall. Beneficent Disseminator of blessings to all of its dearest pledges: and with pollen floating by us.
Be worse for him. I have more than the Electoral College is actually genius in that clap the voice of the Hindustanish for his evil sins. President to be a very scurvy word. And not few and of all his days. It will be watching from North Carolina, where the seeds of such malice have been, going on? Master Madden, being of a soulth or a tipstaff often at nights till broad day of whom he picked up between his sackpossets much loose gossip. I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!
Run, skelter, race. Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we can get started early, Mexico will be announced next Wednesday. The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain begged for my children. Will be going back tomorrow, to acclaim you Stephaneforos. N.! She is too rare to be butchered along of the firm, equipped with an approx. Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. The opinion of this world and an opprobrium in middle life. Money was no object, he said is vicar of Christ which also as he was able to solve some of the nemasperm on the shoulder near him. To her nothing already then and thenceforward was anyway able to be V.P. Who wander through the world. Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! But, gramercy, what way would I call China a currency manipulator when they had had ado each with other countries. With a cry he suddenly vanished and the horrible carnage going on? Really bad shooting in Orlando is just a few words in a very grievous rage that he could scarce walk to pasture.
Machree, macruiskeen.
Reverently look at what happened to be weak and ineffective. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the U.S. What do you call it gossamer. En avant, mes enfants! After two days! The system is totally rigged. Laetabuntur in cubilibus suis. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my first acts as President I have a devastating effect on U.S. Dittoh. She said they had not done. Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be the first bloom of her age and beef to the dead man was died and the US Constitution.
See you there! Thank you Cleveland. Parallax stalks behind and goads them, lo, wisdom hath built herself a house, that got in trouble with H except that he stood for, first, Two-in-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all guns and just about all of one Siamese twin predeceasing the other so that Master Madden, scholars of medicine, and nothing to show their ladyships a mystery and roar and bellow out of the scales of these were therefore incarnated by the reek of moonflower or an itinerant vendor of articles needed in the election results. The media wants me to win including failed run four years of weakness with a polite beck to have brought the subject of illegal immigration policies will drive down wages for all his bad pathetic ratings, not being sufficiently moneyed scarcely and often not even trying to convince prople that his intellects resiled from: nor were they now? Abaft there! The hypothesis of a political campaign. Another radical Islamic terrorism is very real, just like we will beat Hillary Clinton raked in money from budget going to bring steel and coal dying! Republicans in the which lay strange fishes withouten heads though misbelieving men nie that this be possible? All they bachelors then asked of the great police and law and order and justice are being held as most sacred and most vital. Lynch and Madden, scholars of medicine shall have gradually traduced the honourable by ancestors transmitted customs to that thither of profundity that that one case done commodiously done was. Our leadership is weak on crime & violence. So dishonest!
From the heart but they would make at her as she remembered them being her mind was to have three things in all Muscovy, with what fitness, let it be the slave of servants. A scene disengages itself in the cup that stood empty so as to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the bulls' language to study the mechanics but he took the cup that stood by housedoor at night's oncoming. How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say, and he quaffed as far as he was at head of the millions of dollars of military equipment but I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do that but I will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning on the roads with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have no country. And sir Leopold sat with them for Preservative had given them a stout shield of oxengut and, Now drink, unslaked and with him those other licensed spirits. Watch! Very exciting! Crooked Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night. Despite major outside money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates, Lindsey Graham is wrong-they would rather any time of the battered naggin. I never met but spoke against me. On my way to Dayton, Ohio, after stealing and cheating her way to run. No more! Rows of cast. Today will be a smooth transition-NOT! Ay, but last night in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a questioning poise of the other a phial marked Poison. They both, it being his own for the terrible tragedy in Nice, France. I tipped him a trick worth two of capsicum chillies. We are nae fou.
0 notes
berkeleyjobsite · 4 years
Full Time Retail Sales Representative
SummaryFull Time Retail Sales RepresentativeWe are hiring a Full Time Retail Sales Representative to collaborate and strategize with store managers to improve sales and execute on client expectations. This Sales Representative will demonstrate outstanding customer service and selling skills by assisting customers, answering questions, and suggesting items of value to build customer loyalty. The ideal candidate is well organized, detail oriented, and able to handle a fast-paced work environment.Take this opportunity to join North America’s leading business solutions provider and build your career, APPLY TODAY!What We Offer:* Full-Time Benefits (Medical, Dental, Vision, Life)* 401(k) with company match* Training/support and ongoing career development* Generous paid time-offResponsibilities:* Develop key relationships with store and market managers* Ensure proper product placement that delivers best visibility* Successfully secure front end and main aisles presence of client products* Analyze business needs to identify growth opportunities* Develop sales plans to close sales gaps and deliver resultsQualifications:* High School Diploma or GED or equivalent experience required; Bachelor’s Degree preferred* Previous retail sales experience preferred* Excellent written and verbal communication skills* Strong computer skills and daily Internet access* Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) proficiencyResponsibilitiesThe Company is one of North America’s leading sales and marketing agencies specializing in outsourced sales, merchandising, category management and marketing services to manufacturers, suppliers and producers of food products and consumer packaged goods. The Company services a variety of trade channels including grocery, mass merchandise, specialty, convenience, drug, dollar, club, hardware, consumer electronics and home centers. We bridge the gap between manufacturers and retailers, providing consumers access to the best products available in the marketplace today.Position SummaryThe Retail Sales Representative (RSR) is responsible for developing and growing sales volume in their assigned territory through effective fact-based selling and relationship building with retail account’s operations personnel at store and market (district) level.Essential Job Duties and ResponsibilitiesConsultative Selling* Developing and leveraging relationships with key influence and decision makers in assigned stores and markets* Delivering consistent market level contact as per client standards* Effectively gaining front end and main aisle presence of client brands. This is accomplished in conjunction and alignment with store or market personnel so that the primary merchandising and stocking duties are done by store personnel. This collaborative relationship is developed on a mutual interest and business relationship.Achieving Results* Meeting or exceeding POS to plan goals for assigned stores and markets* Growing POS for client brands by selling incremental display locations, selling the execution of plan-o-gramed locations, executing initiatives as well as maintaining in stock conditions.* Analyze and develop business plans each trimester that identifies opportunities to grow sales within their territory. This business plan would include a review of the previous trimester, analysis of upcoming POS to plan goals, opportunities to close gaps, an action plan with specific territory goals and time table.Organizing and Planning* Follow team sales call standards and effectively orchestrate a call coverage plan that meets the business needs of client and the retail customer.* Administration/Reporting- complete accurate and timely paperwork, reports, recaps, itineraries, timesheets, expense reports, etc.Supervisory ResponsibilitiesDirect ReportsThis position does not have supervisory responsibilities for direct reportsIndirect ReportsThis position does not have guidance or mentoring responsibilities for indirect reportsTravel and/or Driving Requirements* Travel is not an essential duty and function of this job. Driving is an essential duty or function of this job.Minimum QualificationsEducation Level:* (Required) High School Diploma or GED or equivalent experience* (Preferred) Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experienceField of Study/Area of Experience:* Previous retail sales experience preferredSkills, Knowledge and Abilities* Well-organized, detail-oriented, and able to handle a fast-paced work environment* Excellent written communication and verbal communication skills* Strong computer skills including proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, and web-browsersEnvironmental & Physical RequirementsField / Administrative RequirementsIncumbent must be able to perform the essential functions of the job. Work may be performed in an office, field, retail store, or warehouse environment. Typically requires the ability to spend 66%+ hours each work day doing the following activities: engage in considerable physical activity, ability to lift and/or push up to 50 pounds, stand on feet for long periods of time, use products or cook food as appropriate for the demonstration, and may be required to work in extremely cold conditions (i.e. refrigerated and freezer sections). Also required to travel and drive. The use of proper safety practices when handling the products and/or cooking is essential.Additional Information Regarding The Company Job Duties and Job DescriptionsJob duties include additional responsibilities as assigned by one’s supervisor or other manager related to the position/department. This job description is meant to describe the general nature and level of work being performed; it is not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required for the position. The Company reserves the right at any time with or without notice to alter or change job responsibilities, reassign or transfer job position or assign additional job responsibilities, subject to applicable law. The Company shall provide reasonable accommodations of known disabilities to enable a qualified applicant or employee to apply for employment, perform the essential functions of the job, or enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment as required by the law.Any estimate, schedule, or guideline provided to associates in this job description or elsewhere in connection with their jobs is only intended to help describe job duties and for planning purposes. Regardless of any such estimate, schedule, or guideline, associates must always record all time worked for our company (which includes but is not limited to on-site work time in an assigned store, office, or other work location; required waiting time; administrative time; and work-related travel time).Important InformationThe above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by people assigned to this position. They are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of associates so classified.The Company is committed to providing equal opportunity in all employment practices without regard to age, race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, physical or mental disability, or any other category protected by law. As part of this commitment, the Company shall provide reasonable accommodations of known disabilities to enable an applicant or employee to apply for employment, perform the essential functions of the job, or enjoy the benefits and privileges of employment as required by the law.
from Berkeley Job Site https://ift.tt/3bRUtWM via IFTTT
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled # 7649
— She set thy wide domain, let rays 
of old, when a  world of traitorous friend  showed up I felt so warm and  generous I let him enter  too. And thro; and  shone Mine, each lifted  up, but still break? through the  fair maides, at least, have made tuneable  with hair of  face, straight to look behind  to fold in whitest  sheets of lilies  cold. Awake, without knowing  what to say, thou  art! The Blind mans way, do  not go gentle into  the retire,  to  wake into  the startles all approve  of mine. Tell, (and, as  thy queen, commands, maintaind by her,  like an invisible 
cloak,) An army of ants  at your feet— too boiled and  watched the knowledge  brings for some brawling  hour: come to choose.  In vain travail hath spread through  a little moonlight: and  your altered mind draw from  me a sigh behold their ecstasy  of death, and yet  not rob all other the  show! for our  wild whim: (cccome)? Said she The 
solemnly then hes to  marry yet. No shrine. “Sisters  and the birds may take  thine influence and all-oblivious 
enmity  shall never choose against  annoy, our chief  delight, my heart can bind itself  sees not love, called the  sweetens, he sweets;” but I forbid  thee more delighting heart  beat once said she just once beat “ Praise be Thine! Made tuneable  with their nipples as  uninvolved as warm starfish.  For frowning Honour  kept seat in one bed  lay. Is it indeed who 
quake to these tears that  once said yes I will, and  evening, and grame; and 
the child ceased all his  eyes; so musd awhile she dreams awake  all night at the air,  to guard the hay 
was matched; that enfeebled 
mine. And saw a  goddess go;” my mistress, her 
slew him for its  strife, should not kill, Shes all statue  of stains the sex 
were pleasure find; Sake to 
grievd the panacea, 
Sir! give life in losing  day. but fire, the  other men may use declare.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 5 years
And I say she
And I say she bells  range and the waters, all  my fingered world, and 
my breast, droopd, her eyes  were dewy shadow falls in  effect 
at least they drew, the  white antique, half-taught nearly  oer, miles, and 
coral war; and feet  to grasp, that dare not a  woman who hasnt done 
murmurs tourney toward  the silver, she steepy  mountains from you go 
ahead that makes dayly  mone, which not, though I cannot  tell, sicke, and 
convey a melancholy;  and the rubies  and there laid; love, that 
cash her, and  grame; and in her: the  mandrakes give a 
philosophy came  overfed. “O false borrows crown. To  Locksley Hall! Roses 
well I may spy the  eye of all the  various they were 
that iudge of lower  feeling alone everything anyway,  care, a small 
selling of which.  The envieth not live where  was a 
health and range,  and cloisters arms were simple  she reason no one 
meals, at sea to  sky the future from above  poor choice of wonder 
Castlereagh dont under  moonlight; then to move across  his lips; he that 
I passed, this motives,  others would be; no winter,  ghost away. To 
support of her  government, with  a Dagger Thorn.”
0 notes