#fem Seth
jogetsobsessed · 8 months
Friendship Bracelets - Paul Lahote x Reader
Hearing the engine of the rusty orange truck cut caused you to stir from your place on the couch. Your homework was sprawled all across the living room, the static of the TV crackling as it was in between channels. 
You were slightly annoyed that your sister was home cause that meant that her beau was in tow and you'd have to witness the awkward love the two of them shared. 
“Bella why don't you just listen to me”, your sister's boyfriend argued. Great, they were having their hourly argument. These happened so often because your sister was one of the most stubborn people you've ever met. 
“Edward drop it. I'm doing it and you can't tell me otherwise”, your sister shot back. 
“Bella I said no”, he downright yelled. 
They crashed into the kitchen and you could see how they were both physically angry and neither wanted to back down from their standpoint of whatever the hell they were talking about. 
“You don't get to make my decisions for me”, Bella screamed. 
“It's not safe for you to go alone Bella, and I obviously can't go”, Edward yelled., 
By now you were leaning against the doorframe observing the lovers quarrel, holding back laughter. You had to watch them go through this every day, except this time Edward seemed to be holding his ground even more, so it had to be serious. Normally he just gave in to your quarrelsome sister but not this time. 
Bella looked around completely baffled that somebody wasn't just giving her the green light to do whatever she wanted to do. As she looked around exasperated she spotted you listening in on the conversation and her eyes sparkled. 
“I won't go alone”, she proudly declared. 
“Hmm”, Edward hummed in question. 
“Y/N’s going with me”, Bella stated. 
“Absolutely not, I’m not letting you drag me into this”, you yelled suddenly less amused. 
“Bella just dropped it”, Edward stated clearly not enthused by Bella’s response. 
“Y/N just do this for me please”, Bella pleaded. 
She looked up at you with pleading eyes. Clearly, this was important to her. And no matter how much she pissed you off, you enjoy pissing Edward off even more. 
“Yeah Eddy boy I guess I’m going with good ole Bells to…where the hell are we going Bella?”, you asked. 
“La Push” 
The truck rattled down the gravel driveway as your sister drove you to the undisclosed location that apparently meant so much to her. 
Pulling to a stop in front of a wooden cabin in the middle of the woods you couldn't help but admire its beauty. Though the house itself was worn down in front of it barrels full of flowers and homemade raised flower beds were littered around. 
“Stay in the car”, your sister nonchalantly said. 
“Umm no”, you argued back. 
“I shouldn't be long, half an hour tops' ', was all she had to say. 
“Bella, I'm not letting you leave me here for thirty minutes. I’m helping you out by coming with you. I agreed to go with you with whatever you were doing, not to stay in the car”, you retorted. 
“Fine, just be careful and try to be quiet”, she sighed. 
“Whatever weirdo”, you answered. 
As the doors of the truck slammed shut and both of you hopped out the front door to the cabin two tanned-skinned boys came barreling out, both wanting to be the first to talk to Bella. 
“Bella is that you”, one of the boys called out. 
“Dude you know it's her don't be weird”, the other replied, shoving his friend nearly to the ground. 
Bella just laughed and nodded for you to follow her, the both of you stopping right in front of the two shirtless boys. 
“Who's the girl Bella?”, boy number one asked as he eyed you up and down, clearly suspicious. 
“This is my younger sister, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned her a few times, or at least Jacob has”, Bella answered. 
“Umm I’m Y/N”, you said shyly, granting them a small wave. As much as you didn't want to be you were intimidated by the two boys, something about their presence, maybe it was the way they were standing was almost animalistic. 
“Jared," the boy said. 
“Quil”, the other spoke. 
“Great, now that introductions are done, can we go in? I came to talk to Jacob and he said to meet him here”, Bella asked. 
“Yeah, everyone’s inside we were just heading out to go run the perimeter…hey!”, Jared was cut off by a smack from Quil who looked at him as if he had three heads. 
The strange cadence to their voices through you off and how quick Quill was to cut Jared off downright made you nervous, but you weren't going to say anything. You didn't want to be rude. 
Bella mumbled for you to follow her, which you did. Trudging up the old wooden steps you glanced around your sister's body to glance through the small glass window next to the front door. 
Inside around a large circular wooden table sat more tanned skin boys, all with their shirts off. They were laughing and shoving each other while eating what looked like pumpkin bread. You were able to recognize Jacob, even though he looked different from the last time you saw him. You could also see a girl, she had a large scar that covered a portion of her face and she was standing in the kitchen mixing a bowl of batter. 
Without hesitation, Bella rapped her knuckles against the wooden door, clearly impatient that it didn't open within the first five seconds. 
Still looking through the window you could see all the faces turn to look towards your direction. As quickly as you could you moved to hide behind your sister, embarrassed that you had been spotted. 
“Bella it's good to see you”, the girl with the bowl of batter said as she opened the door, one of the shirtless boys protective watching from over her shoulder. 
“You too Emily, Sam”, Bella added nodding to the guy standing behind the girl, who you now knew as Emily. 
“And this must be your little sister, Y/N right”, Emily asked, her eyes shining bright. 
“Yeah”, you breathed out still on edge. 
“Well, it's nice to finally meet you Y/N. You, ladies, need to come inside, it's freezing out there”, Emily ushered, opening the door wider and pushing Sam out of the way. He gave you a half smile and a nod as if he could sense that you were nervous. 
Bella barged in like she owned the place and went straight towards the table of boys, all of them amused at her presence not bothering to really give you a good look. 
“Jacob”, she barked. 
Jacob looked up from where he was sitting to roll his eyes at Bella's neediness. After they had a mini staring contest he looked beyond so he could see you. Sending you a cheesy grin he shot up and out of his seat. Rushing over to you and scooping you into his arms, spinning you around, 
“Little Y/N. You’re all grown up”, he said laughing. After holding onto you for a few more seconds he let your feet return to the earth again before keeping you an arm's length away so he could get a good look at you. 
Your back faced the dining room table and Jacob smiled as he saw truly how much you had grown up. 
“It's been six or seven years. How long have you been back?”, he asked. 
“Like three weeks. Been trying to get acclimated back to Forks after all these years”, you told him. 
“Well, I’m glad you're back now, even though I am a little annoyed that Bella and Charlie have been keeping you all to themselves for these past few weeks. And before I go off to see whatever the hell it is your sister wants to drag me into, I'll introduce you to these idiots right here”, Jacob told you. 
You turned around so you were facing the table. You could see a couple of the boys were now looking at you and the rest were semi-focused on the pumpkin bread they were eating.
“This here is Embry, Seth, Brady, and Collin. And you’ve already met Sam and Emily. And I assume Jared and Quil introduced themselves on their way out. All you are missing is Leah who is not here right now and Paul who should be here in a little bit” 
You said hi to everyone and accepted the seat that Jacob offered you and a slice of pumpkin bread from Emily. After being assured by your sister and Jacob that they would be right back, you agreed to wait and hang out with your new friends, or people you hoped were going to be your new friends. 
You had no idea how much time had passed since your sister and Jacob had been gone but you didn't really care. 
This was the most amount of fun you had experienced in months. The boys had convinced you to play a card game with them once a girl, whom you were introduced to as Leah, came over. They had even got Sam to play with you guys and it was a total blast. Cards were flying everywhere every time one of the boys lost a hand. Emily had been watching from the kitchen giggling every time an insult was thrown at her fiance. 
“God dammit. This game is so freaking stupid”, Embry exclaimed after he was the very apparent loser of the last round. As he slammed his cards against the table and everyone laughed at his tantrum the front door was pushed open and three more people entered laughing at their own conversation. 
Looking to see what was going on you smiled at your sister and Jacob noticing that they had the third with them. You were pleased to see that Bella looked less agitated than she had before they left and Jacob looked intact. 
“Oh hey Y/n that's Paul”, Seth said, nodding to the third person with your sister and Jacob after they started to make their way toward the dining room table. Turning your head to face the illusive Paul you were startled. 
He stood there next to Jacob and when the two of you locked eyes you saw every ounce of oxygen leave his body all at once. He looked shocked and extremely pleased and scared all at once. 
It was overwhelming and you had no idea what was happening. But you were smart enough to know that it was something. 
Nobody said anything in the passing moments and there was so much tension in the room it began to get too hard to breathe. You looked between Paul, Jacob, and your sister, too afraid to speak. Your eyes begging them for an explanation. Jared opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but a hand clamped down on his shoulder shut him up before anything happened. 
“Everyone out…NOW”, Sam growled. As lightning came and went, almost everyone was out of the house. All that was left was yourself, Sam, Paul, your sister, and Jacob. Emily didn't leave the house but she did excuse herself upstairs to go busy with something other than baking. “Paul”, Sam was the one to speak again. 
You were still perched on the dining room chair, your hands holding your knees that were curled against you.
You watch as Sam gives the three left still standing a look causing Jacob to pull Bella towards the barstools that rested under the kitchen counter, and surprisingly she didn't put up a fight like she normally does. 
That left Paul, having not moved an inch since whatever it was that happened between the two of you. 
Sam moved towards Paul and he moved his hand onto Paul's shoulder giving him a nod and a slight push in your direction. Jacob then whispered something to Bella, which caused her to stand up from her barstool and throw her hands up, her mouth opening to have a freakout. But Jacob harshly shrugged her down and clamped a hand over her mouth so nothing could come out. You almost lost it over her defeated look, but you refrained since the situation seemed grave. 
“Paul, would you rather do this alone?”Sam broke the silence. 
“Umm yeah, why don't we head out back. I’m gonna send everyone in. But we’re gonna stay close just in case, um you know”, Paul stammered. 
Paul moved towards the back door but backtracked so he was standing to the side of you. He held out his hand towards you. Every ounce of you was screaming internally telling you to not take it and run. But there was a small part of you, a point zero, zero one percent of you told you to trust him. And even though that percentage was so small the idea was echoed throughout. 
So slowly you reached out, accepting his invitation and letting him softly pull you out of the chair. You could tell that once your hand was in his he relaxed. He found enough confidence to even twirl a bracelet you wore on your wrist so that he could get a better look at it. 
Weaving through Emily’s house you looked over your shoulder and saw Jacob's mouth that you were going to be okay, and Bella was fuming but that was usual for her so you didn't think twice. 
Paul opened up the back door for you letting you out first, but not letting go of your hand. The group that had once occupied the kitchen table was now kicking a soccer ball around and chatting. But the conversation stopped once Paul's steps squeaked the wooden floorboards of the porch.
Smirks were placed on their faces but were immediately wiped off once Paul literally growled at them, which sent shivers down your spine. 
The soccer ball was quickly abandoned and they all rushed by and back into Emily’s house, but not before they could send a few teasing remarks toward Paul, which caused him to huff and puff a bit. But he quickly got over it once he looked towards you. 
He pulled you towards a set of lawn furniture that looked like it had seen better days that rested on the wrap-around porch. 
Once you sat down on the couch you once again pulled your legs against your chest. It was a mental way of creating a boundary between you and Paul that you weren't even doing consciously. 
Once he was next to you his hands found yours yet again. You were somewhat calmed by the sudden warmth that he gave off. 
“Y/I need to tell you something”, Paul finally said. 
“Yeah I figured as such”, you said slightly laughing trying to bring humor in to break up the tension. Paul met your laughter as he twisted your bracelet around some more. 
“So obviously something happened”, he drawled. 
“Do you want me to be blunt or sugarcoat it”, he asked. 
“Be blunt”, you answered. 
“OK well umm. There's no easy way to put this but you see well. My tribe, the Quileutes, we’re special. Some of us have a special gene that makes us different”
“You’re sugarcoating it”, you interrupted. 
“I'm sorry, fine. The gene makes us shifters. We shift into wolves. I’m a werewolf”
“Be so for real right now”, you answered, absolutely breaking out into laughter. With your comment, you could hear a collection of howling laughter coming from in the house. Paul looked absolutely bewildered but regained his composure, a smirk of disbelief formed on his face as he shook his head. 
“That's why I wanted to tell you the full story. I think it would have been a little more believable, then hey I’m a werewolf. But you’re the impatient one”, Paul said, raising his eyebrows. 
“Ok, so wolf boy. How do I come into this mix?”, you questioned. 
“That's the even more complicated part”
“Shifters have something called imprints. You’re mine”, he gulped at the last part as he looked at you for approval. 
You wouldn't believe what you were hearing. This was insane. Not believing him at all and believing him fully at the same time. 
You couldn't deny the connection that you felt with him, but werewolves don't exist. Or at least you didn't think that they did. 
“Imprints are like soulmates. But they don't have to be romantic. It could just be me being your protector or a friend. Or something more. It's your ultimate choice in the matter”. Paul had a firm grip on your hand now like he needed to be touching some part of you at the moment. '`Do you have anything to say?”, he asked. 
Inhaling as much air as your lungs could take in and letting it all out slowly you shifted yet again this time so you were fully in front of him. You wanted more time to think over everything that had just been thrown at you but part of you was terrified. If you asked for more time to think you would get in your head or worse let Bella get in your head. Since you were pretty positive that she knew everything that was going on based on her reactions earlier. 
“Would a human imprint, would they feel the connection too?”
“Yeah. Umm not completely like a wolf but they do. You’ll feel drawn to me. Any emotions surrounding me will feel heightened. You can feel the connection”, Paul answered. 
“Cool”, was all that you could manage to get out. This reaction made Paul heartily laugh and it made your heart warm to see him light up. 
“So what's the deal with you and Bella? We met her about a year ago and she just mentioned that she had a sister and that was it. Why did you just now come out of the woodwork?”Paul asked. You were now leaning against his chest, snuggled into it appreciating the warmth he provided against the freezing winds that whipped through the forest Emily's house sat in. 
“Well, I lived with my mom and stepdad for pretty much most of my life. My dad and mom got together pretty soon after Renee and he got divorced. That's why I'm only two years younger than Bella. A few months ago my stepdad found out he was sick and my mom wanted to move across the country so he could be treated at Boston Medical Center since they have a trial program he’s eligible for. Which I was all for because I love my step-dad and want him to get treated but it would have been too hard for me to go with him. So my mom called Charlie and asked if I could move back here”
“Damn I'm so sorry Y/N”, Paul softy said as he pulled you closer to him. 
“It's fine. My mom sends me daily updates on him and I’m glad to be back here with Charlie. And really it's probably a good thing that Bella and I are around each other more. Really our entire lives the only time we’ve gotten to know each other is over the phone”, you assured him. 
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Paul hummed no melody in particular and continued to wrap your bracelet in circles slowly around your wrist. You watched as it turned left and right and Paul's eyes concentrated on it. 
“I can make you one”, you said looking up to meet his eyes and giving him a sweet smile. He looked shocked for a second, almost embarrassed that you had caught him playing with it. 
“I don't wanna have to make you do anything for me”, Paul stuttered, but he still did not drop your left wrist. 
“Paul it would be no big deal. It's easy. I even have the colors left over. We could match”, You wiggled your eyebrows at the last point attempting to calm him down. Which worked. He laughed at your weirdness and pulled you tight to him again. 
“The packs gonna give me such crap for wearing a pink and orange bracelet”, he whined pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Such it up Lahote, You're getting a matching friendship bracelet”
1st post on tumblr, kinda nervous to see how this is going to do lol.
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platinumrosetail · 7 months
Yandere Seth x reader
Notice: a girl who is a fan of the ennead manhwa and has a crush on Seth. One day she wakes up as a new manhwa character, as the eldest daughter of Osiris and Isis. He decides to support Seth, trying almost not to alter history. After so many adventures and starting a romance with her favorite character Seth. It seemed like he no longer missed his previous life. But one day he begins to notice that his body is beginning to disappear. He thinks about ignoring this fact and hiding it from Seth. But when he sees that he will soon return to his previous world. She confesses to Seth that she is not of this world and then Seth himself witnesses her becoming transparent. Seth somehow tries to avoid it, but he can't even touch her. Until the fem reader disappears asking for forgiveness. How Seth reacts.
(Sorry if something sad happens to me again. I'm a fan of love stories that end in tragedy. It also occurred to me when I saw Barbie's version of the Nutcracker. Thank you very much for inviting me)
Ooooh, a isekai!reader!! Nice 😁
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere romantic charcter, and others.
Character: Seth
You had always loved mythology so when you came across ennead, a manhwa having Egyptian gods in it, it was a dark manhwa that’s for sure but you loved it, though you just want to kill Osiris for the evil and trauma he had caused in the most brutal way possible.
On a random day that you didn’t recall as you didn’t really think you needed to pay attention to it you had suddenly transported into one of your favorite manhwa’s known as ennead.
You apparently reincarnated into the manhwa as a character that wasn’t there before who was the daughter of Osiris and Isis, the elder sibling to Anubis and Horus, you were honestly shocked to be reincarnated as a character that wasn’t even supposed to be there but decided to make the most of it.
You supported Seth; though sept for the killings of innocent people but that was mostly cause of the traumatic experience Osiris gave Seth and such. You try to stay mostly in the back ground as you know your now father wasn’t above killing his own child as what had happened to anybody when Osiris was trying to make Seth be able to have a baby and also you didn’t want to change a whole lot of what happened as you then wouldn’t know what would happened next so you kept a low profile while maybe changing a few things that had originally happened.
You tried to act what the previous host had acted but some of your personality let out and apparently that peaked Seth’s interest; which you fangirled in private about. That interested became more apparent that Seth started to have feelings for you especially with how you try to discreetly defend him when you could.
You had followed him after he was exiled and demoted from being a god to help him and to also not get more traumatized than he already and prevent some of the things you think was unnecessary for him to go through which further his feelings for you and made him aware that even though you ‘shared’ blood with Osiris that you’re nothing alike between your father.
Sadly the adventure was coming to an end once you noticed some of you were starting to become transparent and disappearing starting with your fingers which at first was easy to hide with long thin sleeves until it soon became hard to do things without your hand to help the other, you decided to ignore that you’re most likely leaving this world and leaving Seth all alone but subconsciously knew that this wouldn’t have lasted as much as it did and at least you helped Seth with all you could.
Seth didn’t know what was happening with you until you came to him in a hurry as parts of you were disappearing, you had explained that reincarnated into this girl and that you weren’t from this world but you never regretted being transported her and that you loved him and always, sadly before he himself could confess that he also loved you you disappeared from his sight in light particles. He soon went into a deep depression hole as he tried ways to find you and make sure you come back to him and make sure you stay with him no matter what happened and how you might resist.
Until one faithful day he woke up in another world, he hoped that this is the world you were in, though thankfully it didn’t take long as you had brought him to your home after finding him soaking wet from the rain, the only problem now is that he is now a cat in this world, well that won’t stop the god of war in fact it makes him more determined to keep you from escaping him now.
(A/n: hope y’all liked it!! And also hope y’all liked the little ending part lol 😂 thought that would be funny 😂🤣 anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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claymorexpunisher · 7 months
BFB (18+ One-Shot)
Pairing(s): Seth Rollins/Fem. Reader
Summary: Reader comes over while Seth's sister-reader's bff- isn't home.
Tags/TWs: Best friend's brother, reader is in her 20s, consensual sex, doggy style, hint of exhibitionism, biting (if you blink)
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy this cheesy porno! 🥂
Word Count: 446
My best friend had an older brother named Seth who was so gorgeous, it was unfair.
But luckily for me, I didn’t have to try too hard before we started sneaking and fooling around while his sister-my best friend- wasn’t around.
They lived together so almost every day, I’d come over earlier than expected, knowing my bestie wasn’t home and we’d take advantage of the time we had left before she’d come back from work.
Did we feel bad about lying to my best friend? Sure.
Were we going to stop any time soon? Fuck no.
It was way too fun to sneak around and the potential risk of getting caught- though we took careful measures not to- was too much of a turn-on to pass up…
My fingers clenched the sheets of Seth’s bed, my body bouncing up and down with every thrust, as his facial hair burned deliciously between my shoulder blades and his lips dragged against my skin.
I groaned and clenched my eyes shut in pleasure as Seth’s teeth then ever so softly sunk into the skin of my shoulder, muffling a groan of his own.
With his body draped against mine I felt every moment he made as if it were my own.
Here in this room, I wasn’t just his sister’s best friend.
I was his.
“Holy shit, this never gets old. Jesus, babe….” Seth murmured in my ear; his words were completely drunk with lust.
“It really doesn’t,” I groaned, letting my forehead fall against the soft olive-green sheets. My voice read with exhaustion, but my hips met his slow rhythm.
“We have to hurry, though…” I whined, my hips picking up speed.
I didn’t know if I was rushing just to get mine or because I was truly worried that Seth’s sister would come home and find us wrapped up in each other like this.
But Seth wasn’t entertaining that.
“Or what? Its not like my sister and I just barge into each other’s rooms.” Seth whispered, his breath coming out in small puffs against my skin.
I shook my head adamantly.
“But my car’s in the driveway, she’s gonna think that’s weird-“
“The only thing you should be thinking about right is how good I’m making you feel. Not my sister, not anyone else. Me. Do you understand me?”
Seth shut me up real quick with a firm hand at the small of my back and a different angle of his hips, making me see a smattering of stars behind my eyes and he quickly made me forget anything and everything else around us that wasn’t our bodies or the pleasure we were giving each other…
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theaskywalker · 1 month
hi! I had a small idea with Seth, reader (if you could do fem that would be amazing!) was in Russia for 4 years for her studies, for her coming back. she wanted to Suprise Seth by coming over in his jacket he gave her before she left:) I was thinking in that moment he looked at her (her eyes to be exact) he imprinted on her. (I would love for reader to have really sharp canines, not a vampire but almost like it! that's how my teeth have been and wanted to see someone include it in a fic:)
Seth Clearwater x Fem! Reader
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Thank you for the request ghosty-boo-shh! It was an interesting idea and very fun to write. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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❥ You had always been close with Seth Clearwater.
❥ Having grown up in the same neighborhood and with your mothers being best friends it was no surprise that the two of you became practically inseparable.
❥ Sitting together during classes.
❥ Passing notes to each other when the teachers seperated you.
❥ Having lunch at the cafeteria.
❥ Studying together after school.
❥ Spending the weekends chilling at the beach or indoors watching movies and playing video games.
❥ Leah always joked that you acted like a married couple.
❥ Which turned the both of you into blushing fools.
❥ Seth liked to call you his little Dracula due to your extremely sharp canines.
❥ He loved that characteristic about you.
❥ And constantly reminded you of how cool it was.
❥ You in turn called him all sorts of silly nicknames referencing his favourite pop culture elements.
❥ By the time high school rolled up, you had fallen hopelessly in love with your best friend.
❥ You wanted to confess your feelings but the fear of him not returning them kept you silent.
❥ That's when everything changed.
❥ Your impressive academic record had won you a scholarship to attend one of the most prestigious colleges in Russia.
❥ It was your dream to study there and you were ecstatic.
❥ The day before you left, Seth came at your house to say goodbye.
❥ He surprised you by giving you his leather jacket that you had been admiring since the day he bought it.
"Something to remember me while you're at Moscow" he said.
❥ Without thinking you kissed him hard on the lips.
❥ A kiss that he reciprocated after a moment's hesitation.
❥ You confessed your feelings afterwards and Seth did the same.
❥ A long distance relationship wouldn't be easy.
❥ You promised to call him everyday and send emails in-between.
❥ And he promised to wait for you as long as it was needed.
❥ At first the communication between the two of you was daily.
❥ But after several months Seth's responses became less and less frequent.
❥ You didn't understand what caused this change in behaviour.
❥ Phone calls became non existent.
❥ And emails would be replied once a week at most.
❥ You patiently went along with it hoping that everything would go back as normal when you returned to Forks.
❥ After 4 years of studying abroad you finally graduated and made the long journey back home.
❥ The first thing you did after arriving in Forks was to go at Seth's house to surprise him.
❥ You had planned this little surprise beforehand by telling your parents to keep your return a secret.
❥ You even wore the jacket Seth gave you before leaving, thinking it would be nice to show him how much his present meant to you.
❥ Sue Clearwater greeted you warmly and explained that Seth and Leah were at the beach with friends.
❥ You went straight to La Push and saw the Clearwater siblings sitting across a fire roasting marshmallows together with Jacob Black, Quil Ateara and another boy.
❥ Leah was the first of the group to spot you and happily called you over.
❥ You gave Leah a hug and greeted Jacob and Quil, who introduced you to the third boy, Embry Call.
❥ Shyly, you turned to Seth and greeted him with a nervous "hello".
❥ The moment Seth locked eyes with you time freezed and gravity no longer held him in place.
❥ You were equally awestruck and unable to utter a word.
❥ Seth had loved you for years but nothing had prepared him for this extraordinary feeling that took over him.
❥ It was like your soul had touched his in an intimate way and nothing would ever be the same.
❥ Jacob Black broke the silence by asking you and Seth to collect more firewood.
❥ The two of you agreed.
❥ As you silently collected twigs along the beach, Seth noticed the jacket that you wore and grinned.
"You still have it after all those years"
❥ You smiled at Seth and told him that the jacket was a reminder of all the beautiful memories you had together.
"And I hope that it will be the start of many more to come" you added.
❥ Seth looked at you with adoration and claimed your lips in a gentle kiss that gradually grew more passionate.
❥ By the time the two of you made it back to the group with the firewood you were tasked to collect, one thing was certain.
"This is the beginning of something good"
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hey, your video compilation of 4chan post about shield is a great ressource for fandom psychology. Interesting to see another user who lurk the wrestling board and use tumblr. Did you ever work on compilation of the tumblr fandom during the peak of the shield era ? I did not research it yet. xoxo
glad someone liked that video, only in times when im super fixated on something will i end up searching through the 4chan archives for more content...unfortunately 4chan vernacular tends to get a laugh out of me (if it isnt absolute lowtier content, had to scrape through a lot of that). the shield stuff i tried to get from when it was at its peak and you'll see posts on there from 2013+, but i also got modern stuff now bc the boardspeak actually changed with it.
ironically it is way easier to deepdive and compile stuff from 4chan bc it has a much better archival system than tumblr; ive also looked for lots of old stuff on deviantart due to the crossover but i found that it has a pretty shitty way of archiving/sorting older posts (just like on here. ive been on tumblr since 13 so i know what sorts of areas to look for, but its still very hard to find it directly on here. i havent spent as much time as i did getting those posts for that video so i can try harder.)
fandom psychology is interesting to me too so im happy you saw my video with that angle. ive collected lots of old shield fangirl content off of sites like weheartit and pinterest (ironically those are often better at keeping images up for longer periods of time) too but i didnt know if i should make a comp, maybe i will. i also looked through random forums and places like lolcow dot farms (which only really granted one of the screenshots...not too much discussion over there for good or bad. i was hoping to find discussion abt shieldfangirls or wrestling rpf but surprisingly they didnt think to make a "point and laugh" thread abt those topics). i find it interesting how much shieldrelated psychosis was on both sides of the spectrum (tumblr vs 4chan)....i could talk more on it but im a little brainless and sleep deprived rn
heres some extras i had that didnt make the cut (plus just some of my favorites):
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and these were from a thread talking abt the modern stereotypical tumblr wrestling fan (specifically talking abt aedubs young bucks fans/the elite fans)
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(*fangirl in this is a term im using loosely of course)
#surprisingly there is actually LESS shield blingees than dx or cm punk blingees. that at least i could find. theres a large number of#desktop background edits from deviantart and content like the fanfic edits/“outfits i would wear to meet the shield”/ogflowercrown phone bg#collages. and the like. i could compile all this shit i just didnt think it mattered to anyone LOL#sorry for the long post everyone#the most interesting thing abt the shields hayday and eventual fall on 4chan was 1) how many guys unironically loved seth up until he#“turned shoot faggot”/or the first knee injury. he was a fan favorite on there even with the contrarian posters saying otherwise (most of#4chan is just being. the contrarian so that tracks). and 2) the huge divide between guys who hated ambrose (usually bc he was over with#female fans...theres still that divide with how straight men dont understand favs among women. also goes along w my noted difference in fav#among queer men/women etc etc - but they would mask this by saying they hated that he was a jobber (true) or his inring technique was slopp#) and guys who adored ambrose bc he was a promo guy...they loved his early promos/“he just like me fr”.. (and a large grouping of dudes who#would call him cute). i dunno just stuff i noticed#also. obviously a lotta mox hate due to dickriding cornette#the shields peak is interesting to me so i might continue to compile more shit like this when i get the time. i have the shield dvds too#and wanted to do a LONG journey of p1rat1n6 all their scenes off of pcock while i still have my sub. but it would take a while#also. love ur acc bc i too enjoy thinkin abt the fem versions of dude wrestlers#fleshclipstag#tactical-asks
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alfiely-art · 6 months
Doodle dump
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(Last one me and my friend drawing Yuma <33 they've never played Raincode)
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asterias-record-shop · 10 months
Hello, I was wondering if you could please do something about Seth and his brand being a very lively girl who is really into anime and loves to cosplay and him letting her do her makeup, or them being super silly and innocent at the beginning of their relationship and Seth is super stressed and the reader is there to comfort him and give him a massage, or a girl who is always teasing and flirting with him and making him super nervous and embarrassed, but one day he decides to fight back, thank you❤️
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— Seth Clearwater headcannons
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sorry, i was going to do all three, but i got a migraine after the second one!! hope you like em :)
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— Seth knew you always liked doing makeup, and you were always asking to do his. Finally, he lets you.
“Are you done yet, my love?” He doesn’t open his eyes like you had previously ordered, a sound of protest leaving your mouth making him press his lips together.
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“Hush! I’m almost done!” You giggled, patting the dots of concealer you put on his face. "I am almost done."
Seth smiled, humming as the soft bristles brushed against the corner of his eye, a soft kiss to his nose making him smile. "Done?"
He opened his eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the feeling. It makes you giggle as he scrunched his nose, another soft kiss to his nose letting you put a mirror up to his face. "Look at yourself! You look so pretty!"
He blinked a few times to get used to it, smiling when he saw the eyeliner and eyeshadow with a bit of highlighter and mascara. "You did so good, my love."
"I know," you giggled, pulling his face closer to yours, pressing a firm kiss to his lips. "So glad you finally let me do your makeup. You look so good."
"Hey Seth-" Leah paused when she saw you in his lap, Seth's face covered in makeup. "What... is going on?"
Leah knew the both of you were together, and that Seth imprinted on you the moment he saw you, but this was slightly confusing. "I did Seth's makeup! Doesn't he look pretty?"
Leah finally smiles. "Very pretty. See you guys tomorrow."
"Bye Leah!" You giggle, waving as Seth pressed his face into your neck as she walked out. "See? She thinks you look pretty too!"
"You did it," he responded, looking up at you. "You did so good."
"Thank you, my love. I love you."
"I love you too, honey."
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— Seth has always been extremely open about your relationship, lovey dovey and playful, but something has been making Seth stressed, and you're determined to help him out.
Ever since the beginning of your relationship, Seth was open about your relationship, putting on full display how much he loved you. It was kind of hard since you both went to two different schools, but when he saw you, it was all on display, especially today on the beach.
You had just gotten out of the water, his arms covering your body as you leaned back against his chest. His face was tucked into your neck, lips softly pressing kisses to your skin as you stared at the waves slam against the shore, leaning closer to him.
“Ah, look at the love birds!”
Seth rolls his eyes at Paul’s voice, tensing as you softly rub his forearm. He had planned this date so secretly — he made sure his pack mates didn’t know about it because he refused to think about it so no one would barge in. Obviously, it didn’t work very well, and his private time with you was ruined.
“Woah, Seth! Didn’t know you didn’t want me here that badly,” Paul laughed, sitting next to the two of you. “Hey pretty lady, how are you doing?”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “Fuck off, Paul.”
“Don’t you finish thinking that thought, Paul,” Seth’s voice is strong as he glared at his friend, shaking his head. “Just go away, man.”
“What if I don’t want to go away? What if I want to be here and spend time with you and the pretty lady?” Paul teased making you stand up, quickly pulling your bathing suit cover down.
“Seth, let’s go.”
“What, am I making you uncomfortable, Y/N?” Paul stood as Seth did the same, quickly coming in front of you and shoving him back.
"Get back. Now." You didn't know if Seth was talking to you or Paul, but as soon as Paul shifted, so did Seth.
He was always so pissed off, especially with his anger issues, but as soon as Seth bent down so you could get on his back, you both were off. You could feel that he wasn't in the right place of mind to fight Paul, especially now with how pissed off Seth was.
He always knew how to control himself, though.
As soon as he got to his home though, Leah gone and his mother of course with Charlie, giving Seth some privacy to change before knocking and walking into his room with confirmation. He was laying face down, jean shorts riding low on his hips as you slowly laid down on his back.
"You okay?" You whispered, softly kissing his shoulder blade as he hummed softly, reaching back to hold your hand with his. "Seth."
"Are you okay?"
"Sorry, honey," Seth whispered, squeezing your hand in his. "Just... stressed."
His words make you sigh, softly kissing against his warm back before sitting on his waist. You softly rubbed his back, leaning down just enough to kiss his skin as you slowly push out the tension in his back.
"I'm right here, baby. Right here, I'll help you," you whisper back, smiling as he let out loud, relieved groans. You smiled when you saw him physically relax under your touch, his hands tightly balled up into fists. "Does it hurt?"
"Just a little bit, but it feels so much better than before. Thank you, honey."
"Just want to make sure you're relaxed, my love. Just... hate seeing you all tense and stressed."
He merely hums, reaching back to squeeze your thigh as you pull back your wet hair, leaning down to softly press a kiss to his back, both of you in too much of your own world to notice Leah coming home and yelling out for him.
"Seth, I fucking swear, if you-" she paused when she saw you both on his bed, you in merely a bathing suit and Seth shirtless. "Oh."
You raise your hands in innocence, cheeks flushed red. "I was just giving him a massage!"
She starts laughing loudly, almost chortling. "Sure!"
"Leah, get out!"
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© asterias-record-shop
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Chaos is a Friend of Mine (1)
a/n: so quick storytime: i am obsessed with ancient egypt. i love the history and the culture and the mythology - it's all so beautiful and interesting to me. it actually started after i read the Kane Chronicles so thanks rick so when Moon Knight was announced then released, I think I had a stroke from how excited I was. And the show surpassed all expectations I had like....it was amazing. (i think my parents had a grudge against Moon Knight bc it reignited my passion and i talked nonstop about literally anything to do with ancient egypt.) okay sorry for that, the fic will start now (this the first part of a new series)
prompt/plot: you were once the avatar to the god of chaos - living your best life as you exacted torment upon your enemies. but when he was encased in stone, you lived your life in hiding from the Ennead. When the pyramid crumbled, Marc, Steven, and Layla didn't think about the consequences. After all the statues were broken, the formerly trapped gods went back to their former avatars (if still alive). now, you're back as a threat to the world and to kill the new avatar of khonshu. word count: 1.8k taglist: @nyx-aira (thank you for the title! i hope you like the fic!) pairing(s): (all platonic/enemies - for now) steven grant x fem!reader; marc spector x fem!reader; layla el faouly x fem!reader warning(s): gif not mine and not really relevant to the fic but it's cool; reader is a bit crazy - you're a villain, congrats; changing perspectives/POV; use of Y/N
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The chaos came on Tuesday, like it always did. It started with all your plates falling out of the cabinets, hitting the ground with muffled bangs. After the fifth time, you had traded out all your plates to plastic. Then came the bookshelf. Books pushed themselves off the shelves, opening on the floor, the pages ruffling as your AC came on. But the most annoying was when your blanket was ripped from you, exposing you to the cool air of your apartment. 
“Uugghh, what ghost did I piss off?” You mumbled to yourself, getting up from your chair, setting your coffee down on the end table. As you bent down to pick up the plates, waiting for the blinds to start opening - the pattern of chaos ingrained in your mind, you heard a shattering noise followed by liquid spilling. You stood up straight. 
“Oh hell no-” You stormed over to where you set down your coffee, sighing angrily as you saw your mug in pieces and the coffee all over your floor. You flared your arms upward, frustration in your voice as you yelled at your ceiling. 
“Okay, what the shit did I do to you? Did you live here centuries ago or something? Did-” You were cut off by the feeling of steaming coffee steeping into your sock. As you hopped on one foot, hissing in pain, you noticed the coffee forming strange puddles. You crouched down, cocking your head to the side as you tried to make sense of what was happening. Maybe your floorboards were uneven. But as the steaming brown liquid continued to swirl, you recognized what they were forming. 
“Hieroglyphs?” You whispered in disbelief, hand reaching out to trace the symbols. Just as your fingers touched the coffee, the hieroglyphs seemingly translated in your mind. You scrambled back at what it said, chest heaving in shock. After you calmed down, you stood up calmly, aware of the presence behind you. You rolled your shoulder before raising an eyebrow. 
“So..you’re back?” You shook your head, laughing as excitement weld up inside of you. You turned around, a smile itching to form on your face. 
“Hello Set.”
Marc was vibing. He was free of Khonshu’s burden, free to live his life with Layla and Steven, without any possibility of danger ahead. He leaned back in his patio chair, sunglasses sliding down his nose as he basked in the sun. Layla sat in front of him, her hair creating a halo around her head, glowing in the sun. Even though she was no longer the avatar for Taweret, she was still a goddess. The streets bustled around them, families out shopping, vendors calling out their goods, music playing faintly in the distance. 
“Why are you smiling so big?” Layla asked as she took a drink of her sugar cane juice, a happy look on her face. Marc spread his arms out wide, gesturing to the energy around them. 
“This! We can finally have a moment like this without having to look over our shoulders! We can finally take a breath!” Marc looked down at the mirror he now carried around, seeing Steven smiling as well. 
“I can’t believe it’s actually over.” Steven gushed out, as he fronted. Layla’s eyes widened in excitement when she heard Steven’s voice. 
“And how are you doing? Do you plan on going back to your museum job?” Before Steven could answer, Marc’s reflection yelled a “No!”. Steven laughed, shaking his head. 
“I think I’m going to have to talk to the voice in my head about that.” Layla chuckled, shaking her head. Marc put on a faux offended look. 
“I really thought we had gotten closer Steven, I really di-” when he didn’t finish, Steven raised the mirror up, concern written on his face. 
“Marc, what is it?” Marc fronted, looking around, a bad feeling growing in his gut. Layla set down her juice, also looking around. 
“Marc what-” people started screaming, their eyes glossing over. Marc stood up quickly, knocking his chair over as he, Layla, and Steven watched the chaos around them. People were running around, clawing at each other, their words garbled together like they were speaking under water. Layla squinted, looking at the ground, taking a cautious step towards Marc as she watched sand seep through the streets, rising and falling like an ocean caught in a storm. Soon, Marc and Layla were back to back as they watched the chaos unfold. The sand rose up, swirling around them like a tornado, crashing to the ground, crushing the table they were once sitting at. Steven fronted, rubbing his forehead. 
“What the bloody hell.” He mumbled as the crowd started to become more violent with each other, some people’s eyes dripping sand. Everytime Layla or Steven tried to move, they realized their legs had gotten trapped in a pool of quicksand. They heard a woman scream as her friend threw a knife at her, scrapping her side, their heads snapping in that direction. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” A new voice spoke, a woman’s voice with overlapping echoes. The quicksand rotated, causing them to turn around, letting them see the owner of the voice. A woman sat on the edge of the roof of the building across the street, leaning back on her arms, a pleased yet nostalgic look on her face. 
“You’re doing this?” Layla asked, her voice filled with disbelief. The woman shrugged, her eyes still focused on the crazed people. 
“Maybe. But don’t worry, darling, it won’t last long. It will stop when I get what I want.” 
Steven and Layla looked at each other before Steven asked. 
“And what do you want?” His voice was hesitant, but without fear. The woman laughed to herself, looking down at her hands as she fiddled with her rings. When she looked up, her eyes were pits of fire, burning into Layla and Steven. 
“I want the avatar of Khonshu. Dead.” She turned her gaze to only Steven who swallowed, letting Marc front. Marc chuckled, scratching his head. 
“Look lady, I guess you haven’t heard yet. I’m no longer Khonshu’s avatar!” The woman with eyes of fire faked looking disappointed before bursting into a giant smile, laughing loudly. She stood up. 
“Oh honey, it’s cute that you actually believe that.” She placed her hands on her hips, smirking. “You know, when my friend was released from his prison of stone, I thought: Finally. You know why? Because I’ve waited years, decades, to kill Khonshu once and for all. Killing his avatar is just the first step. But then,” she laughed, raising her hands in the air - causing the sand to rise up Layla and Marc’s neck to their chins, “I find out the avatar of Khonshu that I knew had gone crazy, started a cult, worshiped the alligator lady, became her avatar, then got shot in the head. By Khonshu’s new avatar.” She watched with glee as Marc seemed to put it all together. His chest fell, shaking his head as he looked towards the sky. 
“I’m still Moon Knight.” 
“Well, not exactly. Your third identity is, you and Steven are just along for the ride.” Steven fronted, much to Marc’s annoyance. The egyptologist frantically traced his mind, desperate to figure out what she meant by her friend trapped in stone. 
“You’re an avatar.” The woman raised her eyebrow, looking to the side then back at Steven. 
“Well duh. And I thought you were the smart one.” Steven shook his head, confusion etched into his face. 
“But who’s your-”
“Set.” Layla spoke, her face hardening as she named the god of chaos, deserts, and disorder. The woman pointed at Layla, making a finger gun motion. 
“Bingo. But don’t worry, you haven’t met him yet. This,” she waved her hands towards the street, “is all me.” She said proudly. Just as Steven was about to respond, the woman’s eyes lost all of their humor, shining with hate as she looked behind them. Layla and Steven turned their heads to see Khonshu behind them, holding his scepter in a menacing way.  
“Y/N. I thought you were dead.” She shrugged. 
“You thought wrong, pigeon head.” The moon god growled, preparing to attack. Y/N cocked her head to the side, as if listening to someone speak. An evil smirk grew across her face. She flicked her wrist, the sand surrounding Layla and Steven collapsing, sending them to the ground. Y/N smiled at Khonshu, no warmth present. She adjusted her cuffed sleeves and collar, waving as she dissolved into sand, disappearing into the wind. In a flash, the sand in the street was gone, and people carried on as they were before, no trace of the madness from a few seconds prior. Marc fronted, turning towards Khonshu, anger written in his eyes. 
“I thought we had a deal.” Khonshu nodded solemnly. 
“We did. But now we see that Moon Knight is still needed. Set has been released and his avatar, that Y/N, is arguably more dangerous than he is. She won’t stop till I’m dead, killing whoever is in her way.” Layla shook her head, frustration seeping in as she ran her hand through her hair. 
“And why is that our problem?” Khonshu sighed, pointing to her wrist. 
“Because of that.”
On her wrist, or seemingly under her skin, was a shifting symbol. A Was-scepter. Marc groaned when he saw the same thing on his wrist. 
“She can track you with that mark. She’s able to see wherever you are, hear what you hear, hunting you like a predator,” Khonshu looked towards the horizon as Marc and Layla looked at each other with devastated looks,
“No matter where you go, she’ll find you.”
You reformed in your hotel room, shaking excess sand onto the floor. You cracked your neck and knuckles, rolling your head to the side. Set appeared on the bed, lounging with his arms behind his head. You rolled your eyes, taking off your rings as you went to change for bed. 
“I’m not sharing the bed nor am I sleeping on the floor.” You called out from the bathroom, pulling pajamas on. When you walked out, you saw the mule headed god playing with a TV remote, jumping when he accidentally turned the television on. You shook your head, muting the sound when you took the remote from Set. 
“Can you see them?” He asked, his voice like cries of war. You closed your eyes, smiling as Marc Spector and Layla el Faouly came into view - furiously packing their stuff, looking around cautiously. Marc was scratching as his brand, the was-scepter seemingly burning him. When you opened your eyes, you nodded. A smirk grew on Set’s face, the fire in his eyes burning brighter. He got off the bed, raising his arms like a champion in battle. Your hotel room walls shifted and reformed, creating itself into a palace on the inside. You laughed. 
“You’re so dramatic.” Set shrugged, nodding acceptantly. You sat criss cross on the bed, looking at Set intensely, your own eyes burning with flames.
“So, what’s next?” Set laughed.
“Well, my child, we get your revenge.”
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wandaslittlelove · 2 months
Rosalie Hale
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Dark ♞, Smut ❤️‍🔥, Fluff 🌸, Angst 💔
One Shots:
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jogetsobsessed · 8 months
"So domestic" - Paul Lahote x reader
Here's a sweet little blurb full of fluff I wrote last night before I went to sleep!
Paul Lahote was madly in love with you. 
It was clear as day. 
Everyone could see it, people that you were just meeting for the first time and people that you had known your whole life. 
The imprint bond wasn't the only reason for his infatuation with you. 
Sure it was what originally drew him towards you, but every day since he has woken up more and more in love with you. 
He spent his time finding new things to love about you. 
The way that he looked at you oftentimes caused you to turn into a blushing mess. His hard exterior would melt away and his soft smile, which was reserved strictly for you would come out. 
No smugness or cockiness. Only pure love and admiration. 
Paul knew about your insecurities and tried his best to relieve them. 
If he caught you staring for yourself too long in the mirror, gawking at a particular spot for too long he would come up behind you and distract you with his touch. 
It was a simple gesture, and both of you knew that it was only a temporary fix to a lifelong problem. But it didn't matter, because Paul was going to be by your side for the rest of your natural life to provide the temporary fix that you needed. 
Rolling over you were met with a cold, empty space on the other side of the bed. It wasn't necessarily ideal, but that meant you wouldn't be going to sleep alone tonight. Early morning patrol meant no late-night patrol. 
Your motivation to get out of bed was nowhere to be found, normally Paul was the first one out of bed and pulled you with him. But this morning he wasn't here, so you took some time staring up at the skylight that was right above your bed. 
It was your favorite part of Paul’s house, the skylights in almost every room upstairs and the beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows in the master.
The windows did not compare to the Cullen’s house by any means, but it was satisfactory. The bed was positioned to be under the skylight, it looked a little out of place when you walked in the room, but it didn't matter to either of you. 
Because the nights spent together, tangled beneath the sheets being able to stare up and gaze at the stars before you closed your eyes each night was the recipe for a perfect night's sleep. 
Eventually, you found the strength to get up, groaning as you sat up. Going through the motions of essentially waking the house up for the day. Making the bed and opening the blinds. 
Putting the dishes away you couldn't help but laugh. This was so domestic of you. Having just graduated high school less than a year ago you were performing housewife duties. 
You had a job, but it was just working with Emily at the small grocery store she and Sam owned. Everyone that you had gone to school with was off partying at college and waking up still drunk from the night before. But not you. 
That had been your plan at first, freshman year you couldn't wait for that freedom that a high school diploma offered. But that childish dream didn't last long. Because the summer before your sophomore year after getting your first-ever job at the grocery stand on the reservation you met a certain someone who changed the course of your life. 
So lost in your thoughts you don't notice the front door open and close and your boyfriend sneaks up behind you. 
His unnaturally warm hands brought you back to reality and you almost purred at the sudden warmth. 
“Sorry for leaving without telling you, I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful”, Paul reached around to pick up the glasses you had been drying off. He whisked around you, placing the cups on the shelf that he knew was just slightly out of your reach. The rest of the dishes were put away in silence, but it wasn't awkward, it was sweet. 
You finished with your stack before Paul finished with his because he was taking the time to organize your cups because he thought they were in disarray. 
That was something you loved about him. 
Paul wanted everyone to believe that he was the definition of masculinity. That he didn't care about certain things that might have been viewed or associated with femininity at any point. 
It was partially the way he was raised. He and his brothers were raised by a single father. The house he grew up in lacked a certain feminine touch a mother could provide. 
So when Paul grew up and got his own house and eventually moved you in he was fascinated with how you kept the house. 
It had taken some getting used to. Neither of you had ever lived with a partner before and it was Paul’s house that he had bought and insisted you move in with him the day you turned eighteen. It might have been his house but you felt like you had to house-train him. 
After some time he figured out that you liked organization, something that had never been important to him. 
So he took it upon himself to actively change his ways, eventually becoming overly insistent on the ways things were in the house. 
You watched as he moved cups over slightly, making sure that they were all spaced apart to his definition of perfection. 
This was a moment where you wish the rest of the pack was around, so they could see this side of Paul and not only the asshole-ish side of him that they normally got. But you would dare to bring it up to any of them, not even Emily for the sake of saving Paul the embarrassment. 
Finally, he was done, a satisfied sigh left his lips, his hands on his hips as he looked happily at the dang cups. 
The small chortled laugh that left your lips had Paul whipping around like a deer caught in headlights, which only had you laughing harder. 
Paul crossed the kitchen coming right up to you, his arms finding their way around your waist again, only this time he hoisted you up spinning you around while he matched your laughter. 
“ I love you so much Y/N”. 
Once your feet were on solid ground you pulled him in for a sweet kiss, knowing that this was going to work Paul up since he loved when you initiated any kind of romance. 
Before he could deepen it you slipped out of his hold laughing once again, but this time at his frustrated scoff. 
“You love it when I tease you”
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kierpyr · 1 year
Suggestions on what to draw?
I wanna see your take on fem!seth. Or Dog!Seth. Please? 👉👈
this is for all the lady kissers out there, love y'all
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platinumrosetail · 7 months
Thanks for having me, I think I'm a regular customer here now.
Yandere Seth x reader.
This came to me after watching Saint Seiya if you know me.
Notice: fem Reader, a young woman who is fascinated by stories of any mythology. Spend time listening to or reading myths. One day there is an Egyptian myth that tells a sad story about how Seth, god of war and the desert, falls in love with the eldest daughter of Osiris, the goddess of dawn. She was his second marriage, however for some reason she was murdered and Seth was left alone, condemned to wait for her for eternity. The reader loved this story and it made her sad. Some time later he goes to an Egyptology museum and the area of the Egyptian gods. Each one seems strangely familiar to him just as they are: Isis, Osiris, Anubis, Nephthys, Horus. When she sees the figure or images of Seth, she feels an inexplicable feeling of great affection, which almost makes her touch a wall with the image of Seth. She ignores all that and continues walking around the place. Then, for some reason, she feels watched. What will Seth do after finally finding his love?
Context: She is the reincarnation of Seth's wife.Extra detail: she doesn't remember anything about her past life (obviously hehe) and refuses to believe Seth, even wanting to escape, if you describe their encounter.
(Sorry for putting a lot of text, I think it's to give you more details and give you an idea, but if you want to add more things that come to mind, that's fine)Once again I thank you for serving me again.
Oooooh interesting! And you’re fine 😁
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere romantic characters, and others.
Character: Seth.
You’re a female that is mythologist that specializes in Egypt mythology along with other myths but you have more interest in Egypt’s myth as you feel a strange familiarity with it like you’ve been through it before even though you weren’t even born at the time of when gods were more out and about.
You recently found something about the god of war and another goddess; goddess of dawn to be specific, who married each other after Nephthys and Seth broken up, apparently this goddess was the daughter of Isis and Osiris, and was eldsest of their kids, the goddess and Seth both fell in love and married but a tragedy happened and the goddess died, so the god of war waited for eternity for death to reunite with his love.
You also found this strangely familiar and sad which made you go into a deep dive into finding out more about the two but there wasn’t much for some reason even the name of the goddess isn’t anywhere to be found though probably isn’t a surprise as this is all back in ancient Egypt so some things could’ve been lost, stolen, or destroyed but you’re glad that you found this as you can look for it on your trip to a Egypt museum that you had planned for some time now so hopefully you can find at least something mentioning it there.
The time for you to go on that trip to the Egypt museum has finally come once you had everything you needed and wanted to bring with you so now you’re off to your destination, not noticing the look your driver was giving you as you were to busy looking out the window and looking at your phone time to time.
You have arrived to the hotel you’ll be staying and had everything delivered to your room you’d be staying in before deciding to just walk to the museum with the things you have in your bag.
You met up with the curator of the museum who was a young man about around your age who has red hair and red eyes, you were surprised that a man around your age would be a museum curator but you didn’t judge, you felt attracted to him and somehow get the feeling he’s someone you used to know but you knew you would’ve remembered someone with that red hair and those red eyes, you decided to ignore the feeling anyway as it could’ve been from seeing him on tv or something like that.
The young man left you alone after a few words and so you were off to the mythology section of the Egyptian museum. You encountered a wall depicting Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Seth, the mysterious goddess of dawn, Horus, and Anubis. You stopped at where Seth is before gaining the feeling of wanting to put your hand on his part of the wall but decided against as you remembered that some museums if not all doesn’t allow people to touch the artifacts.
You started to get the feeling of being watched so you decided to move on to more of the sights in the museum, what you didn’t notice is that the curator had followed you and was hoping for you to touch the wall depicting Seth as that would’ve let you gain the past memories of your past life. Seth, who was previously disguised as your driver and is now disguised as the museum’s curator was opening to have you touch the wall depicting him and the others so you could have your past memories but now needs to find another way to do that as you decided to not do it in the end. Now that he has you he won’t let you go even if you now don’t feel the same and try to escape, he won’t let you not again, after all this time you won’t get murdered by your jealous father again cause he and the others are now dead because of him.
(A/n: hope you like it and what I decided to add in!! 😁 I had fun making this plus while writing this all I thought about was the movie ‘night at the museum’ lol 😂, anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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angelkissiies · 2 years
casting for ‘open hand or closed fist’
p.s. this is completely up to interpretation, i just like to imagine the hottest versions of them < 3 (other than harv- bc i hate him)
ALSO! have this! in honor of chapter two coming out tomorrow!
official fic playlist
The Joker
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Bruce Wayne
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Alfred Pennyworth
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Jim Gordon
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Harvey Dent
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< 33333333
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enneadau · 1 year
After years of waiting, they've got him...
An Ennead One Shot.
The court scene that Akhenaden partly showed to Pegasus during For Those We Love.
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alfiely-art · 6 months
I made other ladies too <33
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My ass cannot draw megaphones......... also Makoto stays exactly the same except for an added skirt. Because he's already gender no matter what !!
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websterss · 9 months
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@fanficimagery​​ ‣ Be Somebody to Someone | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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