#female privilege
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By: Brandon W. Yan, MD, MPH1,2; Elizabeth Arias, PhD3; Alan C. Geller, MPH, RN2; et al
Published: Nov 13, 2023
As life expectancy at birth in the US decreased for the second consecutive year, from 78.8 years (2019) to 77.0 years (2020) and 76.1 years (2021), the gap between women and men widened to 5.8 years, its largest since 1996 and an increase from a low of 4.8 years in 2010.1,2 For more than a century, US women have outlived US men, attributable to lower cardiovascular and lung cancer death rates related largely to differences in smoking behavior.1,2 This study systematically examines the contributions of COVID-19 and other underlying causes of death to the widened gender life expectancy gap from 2010 to 2021.
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Analyses were performed from March to July 2023 using Stata, version 17.0 (StataCorp LLC) and Office Excel (Microsoft). Using mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics, this cross-sectional study examines the association of changes in cause-specific mortality with changes in the gap in life expectancy at birth between men and women from 2010 to 2021, divided by pre– and post–COVID-19 years. We used a decomposition technique to partition changes in the life expectancy gap between men and women into component additive parts that identify the causes of death having the greatest assocation, positive or negative, with changes in life expectancy.3 Cause of death categories are based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision. For further specificity, we partitioned changes in unintentional injuries into select components (unintentional poisoning [mostly drug overdose], unintentional transport-related injuries, and all other injuries). We estimated the differences between men and women in the age-adjusted death rates for the top causes of death associated with changes in the life expectancy gender gap. This study was exempt from review from the Harvard Longwood Campus institutional review board, and informed consent was not required because this study used deidentified data. This study followed the STROBE reporting guideline.
The gender life expectancy gap increased 0.23 years from 2010 to 2019 and 0.70 years from 2019 to 2021. Prior to COVID-19 in 2020, the largest contributors to worsening life expectancy for men vs women were unintentional injuries (−0.23 years [−0.23246/−0.5116 = 45.4%]), diabetes (−0.05 years [10.1%]), suicide (−0.04 years [7.8%]), homicide (−0.03 years [5.3%]), and heart disease (−0.03 years [4.9%]) (Figure, A). This was offset by differential improvement for men vs women in mortality from cancer (0.12 years [43.1%]), Alzheimer disease (0.06 years [20.5%]), and chronic lower respiratory disease (0.04 years [12.3%]), among others.
From 2019 to 2021, COVID-19 became the leading contributor to the widening gender life expectancy gap (−0.33 years [39.8%]) followed by unintentional injuries (−0.27 years [32.5%]) (Figure, B). The increasing maternal deaths among women and the relative reductions in cancer and perinatal conditions among men partially mitigated the increasing gap (Figure, B). From 2010 to 2021, unintentional poisonings (mostly drug overdoses) and unintentional transport-related injuries contributed 0.44 (86.3%) and 0.06 (11.8%) of the 0.51-year decrease in life expectancy from unintentional injuries. The absolute difference in age-adjusted death rates between men and women increased from 252 to 315 per 100 000 between 2010 and 2021, with a persistent gap for heart disease and widening gaps for COVID-19, unintentional injuries, and several other causes (Table).
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This analysis finds that COVID-19 and the drug-overdose epidemic were major contributors to the widening gender gap in life expectancy in recent years. Men experienced higher COVID-19 death rates for likely multifactorial reasons, including higher burden of comorbidities and differences in health behaviors and socioeconomic factors, such as labor force participation, incarceration, and homelessness.4,5 Differentially worsening mortality from diabetes, heart disease, homicide, and suicide suggest that chronic metabolic disease and mental illness may also contribute. The increase in overdose deaths, homicide, and suicide underscore twin crises of deaths from despair and firearm violence.6 Limitations include binary gender classification and unexplored heterogeneity within disease classifications and across geographic and demographic subgroups. Future analyses could explore whether these trends changed after 2021, especially as the pandemic recedes, with further detail on specific causes.
Look at that COVID differential. Nobody talked about how the two greatest contributing factors to COVID death where obesity and being male.
Life is the greatest privilege of all.
Followed by the privilege of anyone caring about your wellbeing.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 8 months
I just saw an epic reddit story about some guy's NuclearRevenge against a woman who scammed people with a fake HOA, lost her job, and nice men in IRS jackets showed up at her door, all because she told the narrator to move some branches and was a dick to his wife.
The narrator said some people in the comments of both posts were defending her and calling him a bully. For exposing a scammer who bilked people out of more than a hundred thousand bucks.
In the comments some idiot claimed the defenders - which you get on almost any revenge story - were motivated by "the element of benevolent misogyny and sexism", and would never defend a man in the same situation.
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Which is not, y’know, actually something this genius can prove.
He also bought up Stockholm Syndrome. Feeling sorry for a complete stranger is not remotely like Stockholm Syndrome, you pseudointellectual ninny. 
It is amazing how far feminists (I assume) will go to avoid saying "female privilege". Especially since they call it "male privilege" when a man supposedly has the exact same benefits.
(Feminists themselves regularly act like things must be men's fault and ignore female wrongdoing. When they're not blaming it on men. If people are more sympathetic to women, feminists themselves are contributing. Heck, they've actively tried to shut up people who try to talk about men's issues.)
Also, "benevolent misogyny" is a contradiction in terms. Misogyny is prejudice against women. It can't be "benevolent" any more than cancer can. 
Also, why did you specify "misogyny" AND "sexism"? Misogyny is a type of sexism! 
(Even 'benevolent sexism' usually implies sexism is nothing but "gender based prejudice about women", which is a sexist and wrong definition. Ironically.)
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nerdylilpeebee · 7 months
We do have ONE story where female characters defend a man from a false accusation, at least.
That story is an anime called Rising of the Shield Hero. A man named Naofumi is falsely accused of rape, and most of the fantasy world treats him like a punching bag as a result. But he eventually gets female party members who believe in him, namely Raphtalia and Filo, and the woman who falsely accused him gets her just desserts eventually.
But predictably, feminists flew into a screaming rage at the anime's mere existence. The part that bothered them most wasn't even the part about a woman being a false accuser; what bothered them most was that Naofumi was actually allowed to be ANGRY at being treated as a punching bag for something he didn't do.
Feminists were okay with a woman being portrayed as a liar, but not okay with a man being portrayed as a victim and allowed to get justice against her.
I've seen Rising of the Shield Hero, it's a great anime.
But one thing: Raphtalia and Filo never actually learn the details of what happened to Naofumi until the truth comes to light at the end of season 1. So I'd argue they don't really defend him from that accusation specifically (they can't, he doesn't tell them).
And yeah, I know feminists hated the anime. But honestly, this isn't even an anime where the false accuser gets any real punishment. Yeah, she was going to be executed (rape in their society carries the death penalty, adding that she falsely accused to the fact that they needed all four heroes or the entire world would be destroyed, meaning her actions could have destroyed the world, and she was given the death penalty too) but Naofumi saves her last second. And then her "punishment" is literally just humiliation. Having her name changed to Bitch, and her adventurer name to Whore/Slut depending on which translation you're watching. Once again, a woman in the end gets a slap on the wrist for ruining a man's life (true to life indeed), and while yes, Naofumi is allowed to be angry, he in the end, would have had no choice but to save her even if he hadn't turned out to be such a good person that he couldn't actually stand to see her die for what she did to him (the Queen, her mother, wad going to offer her life as penance in exchange for sparing her daughter and Husband, both of which she put on trial for what they did to Naofumi. And realistically, he would have just been reviled again if he didn't accept).
This is a great anime, and in the end he does get some semblance of Justice, but even here a woman who does something horrific is still given the privilege of not facing any real consequences for it. So of course feminists fucking despise it, and Naofumi being allowed to be angry most of all. Can't have media start accurately portraying female privilege, and men being allowed to be human, now can we?
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raskolnikov466 · 10 months
It is wrong to say that there are areas where women have more privilege than men. Even in studies considered feminine, men do better. Personally, I studied literature and social sciences: men represent 25% of students and 50% of those who pass the competitions. (and it's related to misogyny, not to their competence. During the covid of the orals were canceled (so the candidates were judged only on their anonymous copy) and the rate of women received in the competition increased drastically). There is no female privilege that prevents men from accessing certain studies and professions. There are prejudices that may encourage them not to pursue certain types of studies, but there is no female privilege or discrimination.
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Men Have To Deal With The Consequences of Their Bad Decisions, But Women Never Do
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theoppositeofadults · 2 years
mon patron quand il faisait 30°C me voyant arriver comme une touriste en robe de plage, sandalettes, et casquette parce que j’étais censée travailler à la maison mais que je voulais avoir la clim donc je suis venue pendant ma pause-déjeuner : 😊👍🏻👏🏻
mon patron quand il faisait 30°C et qu’un collègue HOMME est arrivé au bureau en espadrilles et t-shirt plutôt qu’en costume : 😡😤😖😠🙅🏻‍♂️👎🏻
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aetherclaw · 2 years
it is an atrocity to deny woman abortion rights, and it is also an overlooked atrocity that men have been denied the same rights regardless of if women have them. that only women have had them even if some people try to take them away is what's usually called "privilege" though, when one group has a right that is systemically denied to another and thinks it should be that way or is no big deal. it's wrong to deny such rights to ether group and though taking them away from one would make them more equal that's a negative equality. abortion rights should be expanded and extended to all people as they are a fundamental and inalienable right, and it is a violation of that right to refuse, deny, or impede abortion for anyone regardless of their sex. forcing anyone to reproduce against their will is perpetual rape and even consent to sex does not equal consent to reproduce. to secure basic human rights for both it is vital to fight for basic human rights for both, and the exact same rights for both. not by subtraction but inclusion. no one should have the right to refuse the right and access to abortion to another.
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lesser-mook · 3 months
Female privilege. (source post) *twitter (Equal Rights, Her Advantage)
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This ain't news, ppl programmed to activate in women's favor like we would a helpless child. Same energy.
Then so many of em grow up infantile, entitled, no accountability, & think/know they're untouchable,
Then we wonder where karens come from.
For real, how are we holding it against some women when they act like insufferable babies when they're of age when WE DO SHIT LIKE this when they're young. Literally protecting them from any consequence of their actions.
Which signals to them "Hm, so no matter what i do, he's wrong if he reacts.
-Does my life matter more than his?"
And boom. Seed planted.
Entitlment stats: 50+
Abuse & mistreatment is one thing, but we are coddling girls then call them thots & all this other stuff when they EXPECT the privilege to continue when they're bigger.
A child makes this rationalization whenever they're not punished, that's how you get psycho-shooters.
SO? If we blame the parent for a faulty child, i believe it's high time we blame each other (proxy: society, we are society) for creating a generation of entitled grownass brats.
And it starts here, childhood:
"Male lives don't matter" / expendable is serious propaganda
Then it's no wonder how or WHY fetishes like macrophilia/giantess manifest where the entire point is to dehumanize males and vindicate women being psychopaths, zero accountability is the narrative for women in the fetish because zero accountability is the narrative for women IRL-
Sad. This is why you don't drop your babies.
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A symptom of cultural abuse, and society actually convinced some to like it, obsess over it, shrine it, and devote more energy to indulging in glorified stockholm syndrome than one would to make a marriage work, their goddamn kids, or learning a language, 3 things that actually add something substantial to your life.
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Society fails men AND women, all with a smile.
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Published: Jan 3, 2019
Researchers have developed a new way of measuring gender inequality which they argue is fairer to both men and women and presents a simplified, but more accurate, picture of people's wellbeing.
The new Basic Index of Gender Inequality (BIGI) focuses on three factors – educational opportunities, healthy life expectancy and overall life satisfaction.
Researchers from Essex and the University of Missouri used these factors to calculate BIGI scores for 134 nations, representing 6.8 billion people. Surprisingly their new measure found men are, on average, more disadvantaged than women in 91 countries compared with a relative disadvantage for women in 43 countries.
Professor Gijsbert Stoet, from the Department of Psychology at Essex, explained: “No existing measure of gender inequality fully captures the hardships that are disproportionately experienced by men in many countries and so they do not fully capture the extent to which any specific country is promoting the wellbeing of all its citizens. “The BIGI provides a much simpler way of tackling gender inequality and it focuses on aspects of life that are directly relevant to all people. Used alongside other existing indicators, it provides additional and different information to give a more complete assessment of gender equality, making it easier for policy-makers to introduce changes to improve the quality of life for both men and women. “We’re not saying that women in highly developed countries are not experiencing disadvantages in some aspects of their lives. What we are saying is that an ideal measure of gender equality is not biased to the disadvantages of either gender. Doing so, we find a different picture to the one commonly presented in the media.” Until now the Global Gender Gap Index, introduced in 2006, has been one of the most established and well-used measures of national gender inequality, used by academics and policy makers across the world But Professor Stoet argues it does not measure issues where men are at a disadvantage, such as harsher punishments for the same crime, compulsory military service and more occupational deaths. He says the complexity of the Global Gender Gap Index also means it is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether gender differences are the result of social inequalities or personal preference.
Professor David Geary, from the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri in the United States, said: “We sought to correct the bias towards women’s issues within existing measures and at the same time develop a simple measure that is useful in any country in the world, regardless of their level of economic development.”
Using the BIGI measure, researchers found the most developed countries in the world come closest to achieving equality, albeit with a slight advantage for women. In the least developed countries, women nearly always fall behind men – largely because they have fewer opportunities to get a good education. The picture is more mixed in countries with medium-levels of development, with nearly the same number of countries where women fall behind, as countries where men fall behind. Men’s disadvantage is largely due to a shorter healthy lifespan.
Professor Stoet concluded: “Internationally improvements in gender parity may be reached by focussing on education in the least-developed nations and by focussing on preventative health care, for example in regard to abuse of drugs and alcohol, in medium and highly-developed nations.
“However, resolving gender inequality is only part of what is needed to ensure that all people can reach their full potential. Overall gender parity on its own is not sufficient, because it can simply mean that both men and women lack opportunities in different facets of life quality.”
The BIGI website:  http://bigi.genderequality.info/ provides more detailed information about individual nations.
Note: the above website is no longer accessible, but a snapshot is available via archive.
Original paper:
Published: Jan 3, 2019
The Global Gender Gap Index is one of the best-known measures of national gender inequality, used by both academics and policy makers. We argue that that this measure has a number of problems and introduce a simpler measure of national levels of gender inequality. Our proposed measure is based on sex differences in the opportunity to lead a long healthy and satisfied life that is grounded on educational opportunities. The measure better captures variation in gender inequality than other measures, with inclusion of outcomes that can be favorable or unfavorable to either sex, not simply unfavorable to women. We focus on some of the most basic measures available for 134 countries from 2012–2016 (i.e., disadvantages in children’s basic education, life satisfaction, and healthy life span) and we relate these to various measures, including the United Nations' Human Development Index. We found that low levels of human development are typically associated with disadvantages for girls and women, while medium and high levels of development are typically associated with disadvantages for boys and men. Countries with the highest levels of human development are closest to gender parity, albeit typically with a slight advantage for women. We argue that the disparities, when they are found, are related to the sexual division of labor (i.e., traditional gender roles) in poorly developed countries as well as the underinvestment in preventative health care in more developed nations. The Global Gender Gap Index is one of the best-known measures of national gender inequality, used by both academics and policy makers. We argue that that this measure has a number of problems and introduce a simpler measure of national levels of gender inequality. Our proposed measure is based on sex differences in the opportunity to lead a long healthy and satisfied life that is grounded on educational opportunities. The measure better captures variation in gender inequality than other measures, with inclusion of outcomes that can be favorable or unfavorable to either sex, not simply unfavorable to women. We focus on some of the most basic measures available for 134 countries from 2012–2016 (i.e., disadvantages in children’s basic education, life satisfaction, and healthy life span) and we relate these to various measures, including the United Nations' Human Development Index. We found that low levels of human development are typically associated with disadvantages for girls and women, while medium and high levels of development are typically associated with disadvantages for boys and men. Countries with the highest levels of human development are closest to gender parity, albeit typically with a slight advantage for women. We argue that the disparities, when they are found, are related to the sexual division of labor (i.e., traditional gender roles) in poorly developed countries as well as the underinvestment in preventative health care in more developed nations.
The constructs "gender equality" and "gender inequality" are frequently used in both academic research (e.g., [1–2]), in the media, and by policy makers. Therefore, it is important that researchers and policy makers have reliable measures of these constructs. We discuss some of the challenges with existing measures and introduce a conceptual approach and an associated measure that helps to resolve or at least mitigate some of theses issues.
Challenges for measuring gender inequality
Apart from political agendas, research on gender inequality has also almost exclusively focused on issues highlighted in the women's rights movement. Issues disadvantaging more men than women have been understudied (for a review, see [3]) and are not heavily weighted (if at all) in widely used measures of gender inequality, such as the highly cited Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI)[4]. Further, the GGGI truncates all values such that no country can, by definition, be more favorable for women than for men (for details see below). As a result, existing measures do not fully capture patterns of wellbeing and disadvantage at a national level. This is an important oversight, as there are issues that disproportionately affect boys and men. Among the many examples are harsher punishments for the same crimes [5] and an overrepresentation (93% worldwide) in the prison population [6]; compulsory military service (in living history or currently [3]); the large majority of homeless people without shelter are men [7]; higher levels of drug and alcohol abuse [8]; higher suicide rates [9]; more occupational deaths [10]; underperformance in schools [2]; and, men are more often victims of physical assault in general (see [3], p.30-33) and within schools, thus limiting educational opportunities [11]. Men are also overrepresented in occupations that are risky (e.g., exposure to toxins [12]) and physically taxing, such as front-line military duty, firefighting, mining, construction, or sewage cleaning.
In many countries, the retirement age is higher for men than women (although there are a few in which women's effective age of labor market exit is later, including Spain, Finland, and France), but even when it is equal, men often have fewer retirement years due to a shorter healthy life expectancy [13].
Finally, polygyny is tolerated in nearly half of all nations and is reported as being negative for women and it often is [14]; for a nuanced discussion see [15]. Polygyny, however, also means that more men than women in these nations are excluded from marriage, a family, and the opportunity to reproduce (given that polygyny leads to an unequal distribution of available partners). In other words, polygyny can be viewed as disadvantageous for most men (irrespective of the fact of whether it is disadvantageous for most women, as noted).
No existing composite measure of gender inequality fully captures the hardships that are disproportionately experienced by men and thus do not fully capture the extent to which any nation is promoting the wellbeing of all of its citizens. This is a major challenge, especially for the Global Gender Gap Index, which caps all disadvantages such that, by its definition, men can never be more disadvantaged than women. In other words, measures such as the GGGI will by design fail to measure any disadvantages experienced by boys and men.
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"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat."
-- Hillary Clinton
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doom-ocean · 4 months
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nerdylilpeebee · 1 year
reminder that sexual assault and rape are the least prosecuted crimes, and the majority of survivors will never say anything. scare tactics around false accusations are meant to keep victims afraid of stepping forward, because what do women gain from these apparent false accusations? we know that its perfectly acceptable to the public that known abusers and rapists maintain fame, careers and wealth.
Except that's only true for the rich, and even then not all of them (as Johnny Depp proves). Most men have their lives ruined from an accusation, false or not. Many even kill themselves as a result, if they aren't lynched first. It's not a "scare tactic" to point out that these have real consequences, and aren't something women shy away from.
"what would women gain" is such a tired fucking argument. In reality the answer is irrelevant. Women have thrown false accusations because someone stopped to give them help with their truck, what they have to gain or not doesn't fucking matter. The fact is, false accusations are very real, kill and the ruins the lives of all but the richest most powerful men, and are not something that don't happen because you don't think women have anything to gain from lying. Whether or not they do is IRRELEVANT. The fact is, PLENTY STILL LIE, and very often for the most petty of reasons. Revenge, not wanting their parents to know they have sex, not wanting their spouse to know they cheated, to further control or punish their victim... the reasons are as myriad as the fish in the fucking sea.
Stop trying to act like women wouldn't lie or fearing the lie is unreasonable. It is demonstrably un-fucking-true!
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vanilla-voyeur · 9 months
So I consistently forget to decorate and as a result my walls are plain white with nothing on them. When people notice that, they tell me that it might help reduce my depression to put up some decorations. My male friend also leaves his walls blank. People tell him it makes him look like a serial killer.
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succulentsiren · 5 days
Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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fleapit · 2 months
can we pleasee please please stop fucking fearmongering and blaming trans men for the predstrogen situation. please god. posts about "trans men teaming up with terfs to get trans women banned!" with zero sources all over my dash. blaming "transandrophobia truthers" for all the transmisogyny. have you all lost your fucking minds?? what the fuck happened to t4t??? what the fuck happened to trans solidarity??? why is "transfem separatism" even a subject worth entertaining????
anyone who says other trans people are the enemy is a fucking fed. jesus christ
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maniccherrygirl · 8 months
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redditreceipts · 7 months
"there is no way to define "woman" without leaving out some cis women" so how do you define "cis woman" then? if you're so sure about who is and who isn't a cis woman, your definition of "cis woman" is my definition of "woman" :)
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