#fern is a birder
augustheart · 1 year
eleni and i just saw a red-tailed hawk courtship dive and i’m freaking out
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islanublar · 3 years
John Hammond Package
Duration: 3 days
Includes: Ferry, Hotel, Monorail, Gondola, Park, Gyrosphere Tour, Creation Lab Tour
Tier: $$$
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Students. Dinophiles. And proto-paleontologists. This package is for you.
Experience the scope and depth of John Hammond's vision with hands-on interactions and exclusive tour behind the scenes of the Hammond Creation Lab. We Know you love dinosaurs--now's your chance to reach out and touch one.
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Paleontologist one-on-one
Get an in-depth paleo-education with our resident paleontologist Brian Switek. He'll take you behind the scenes to 'Employee Only' portions of the park to see how we care for our biggest Isla Nublar residents.
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Dinosaur Hatching
(When conditions permit.) Witness a birth millions of years in the making. As these sharp little beaks break through, and a little dinosaur emerges, you might literally be the first thing this tiny T.Rex locks eyes on.
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Creation Lab tour
Step behind the scenes of the creation lab and see how our geneticists are sequencing Jurassic World's next evolution from the world's largest collection of paleo-DNA rich amber
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Guided Gyrosphere tour
Join our Isla Guides and get rolling across Gallimimus Valley for a guided tour that will non intrusively follow the dinosaur herds. Observe the pack as they forage for the best ferns and plants on Isla Nublar, care for their young and even do their business.
Featured reviews
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4/5 Dino eggs
as a long time Dinophile and autodidact, the emergence of Jurassic world and its reborn dinosaurs has long held only the utmost of fascination as a field of academic inquiry for me. Without hesitation I purchased the Hammond package to inspect these resurrected anachronistic animal anomalies. I was delighted through and through by their appearance, and the presence of Jurassic era vermiform plant life only added to that acclaim. my only regret is that Hammond et al. had to cut corners with the amphibian DNA viz-a-viz hybridization. you don't need to be a birder to know that dinosaurs were feathered.
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My son mason has always loved dinosaurs. more than trucks, more than soccer, more than video games. It was the dream of a lifetime to send him to the park walking footsteps of literal dinosaurs and giants in the field of paleontology. this was the perfect tour package for him--any other school trip is just a "paleo" imitation.
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logi1974 · 4 years
Südafrika 2019 - Teil 7
For my english speaking readers: power cuts, black outs and load shedding 
10. Dezember 2019
Herrschaften und Oukies!
Was gibt es in unserem Gästehaus ein fulminates Frühstück! Der Hammer! Unsere Gastgeber Joos und Micky, ursprünglich aus dem niederländischen Eindhoven, sind absolute weltklasse.
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Ein bisschen erinnern uns die Zwei an unsere Hosts in Irland. Historisches Haus, erbaut 1859 und nationales Monument, mit nur 4 Zimmern und sensationelle Gastgeber. 
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Erst gab es einen toll zurecht gemachten Früchteteller, danach gab es Sahnejoghurt mit Honig aus der Region (gibt´s im Farmladen gegenüber auch zu kaufen) und dazu frische Blaubeeren, dann kam ein Leinenbeutel mit frisch gebackenem Brot (noch warm) und Brötchen, dazu wurde eine Platte mit Schinken und Käse aus der Region serviert. Und wer jetzt meint, das wäre alles gewesen, der irrt, denn es kamen noch Spiegeleier mit Bacon. Was haben wir geschlemmt!
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Um da ein paar Kalorien abzutrainieren haben wir heute eine klimaneutrale Dorfrunde zu Fuß gemacht. Was ist Montagu ein schönes Örtchen. So ein bisschen erinnert es uns an Lüderitz oder Swakopmund vor 20 Jahren. Es ist beschaulich, die Zäune sind, wenn überhaupt vorhanden, noch nicht ganz so hoch.
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Gut, im Stadtpark lungern die üblichen verlausten Trunkenbolde herum, denen man schon die großen 3 vom AMT aus der Ferne ansieht: Aids, Malaria und Tuberkolose. Aber die Anzahl ist sehr übersichtlich.
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Unser erstes Ziel unserer kleinen Wanderung war der Leidam. Der Leidam war bzw. ist der Dorfteich, der so um 1850 erbaut wurde.  Aber die Gründerväter der Stadt waren clever und haben daraus ein Kanalsystem entwickelt, das jedem Haushalt der Stadt stundenweise Zugang zu fließendem Wasser ermöglichte. Was für ein Luxus für damalige Zeiten.
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Das Kanalsystem existiert immer noch, wenn auch Teile davon heute verdeckt bzw. überbaut wurden. Der Teich (Leidam) existiert ebenfalls noch. Allerdings würde das Wasser heute auch niemand mehr haben wollen.
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Denn in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich an eben diesem Dorfteich eine respektable Vogelpopulation etabliert. Der Dorfteich ist umringt von Akazien, Palmen und anderen Bäumen und das Gekreische von mehreren hundert Vögel hört man schon aus der Entfernung.
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Das Odeur bekommt man erst mit, wenn man kurz davor ist und ist natürlich auch von der Windrichtung abhängig. Da jetzt Brutzeit ist, liegen unzählige Eierschalen auf dem Boden. In den Bäumen schaukeln die Nester mit den Jungvögeln.
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Das klingt jetzt nicht alles so furchtbar interessant. Was das Besondere ist, es handelt sich mehrheitlich um eine riesen Population des heiligen Ibis. Dazu kommen noch ein paar Reiherarten, vornehmlich der Little Egret und der Kuhreiher. 
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Ein paar Webervögelnester, Nilgänse, Blesshühner und natürlich Kormorane. Hauptsächlich aber eben Ibisfamilien. Laut der Informationstafeln sollen dort noch viel mehr Arten vorkommen - für Birder ein Paradies!
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Vor 10 Jahren wurde ein Unterstand zur Vogelbeobachtung gebaut. Dort saßen wir und schautem dem Spektakel zu, zumindest so lange, bis uns der Gestank zu viel wurde.
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Wir laufen weiter die Bath Street entlang bis zur Holländischen Reformationskirche aus dem Jahre 1862. Was für hübsche, historische Häuser hier überall stehen. Richtige Schmuckstücke und liebevoll gepflegt.
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Wir gehen wieder bis zur Haupstrasse, der Long Street, und besuchen die alte Missionskirche aus dem Jahre 1907. Darin befindet sich seit 1975 das örtliche Heimatmuseum. Das Heimatarchiv ist dort ebenfalls untergebracht.
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Die alte Orgel, die Kanzlei, das kupferne Taufbecken, Familienbibeln, Hochzeitskleider und Taufkleider sind wichtige Teile der Sammlung. Das Museum erforscht bereits seit 1982 die Wirkung medizinaler Kräuter.
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Ein paar Meter weiter, in Richtung des Malherbe Guesthouse, befindet sich das Joubert House aus dem Jahre 1853.  Das Haus ist ebenfalls als nationales Denkmal eingestuft und beherbergt auch ein Museum.
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In diesem Museum wird das Leben der Einwohner in der 2. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts dargestellt. Die Tapete im Kon Birch Zimmer ist einmalig, da sie nach einem Muster der ursprünglichen Tapete reproduziert wurde.
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Der Fußboden in der Küche und der Speisekammer besteht aus Pfirsich-Kernen, die nach einer sehr alten einheimischen Methode gelegt wurden. Man konnte sich es halt nicht leisten auch nur irgendeinen Rohstoff zu verschwenden.
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Besonders stolz ist man jedoch darauf, dass im Jahre 1880 Präsident Paul Krüger, Piet Joubert und S.J. du Toit empfangen hat. Im Esszimmer sieht man das Geschirr aus dem die 3 damals gegessen haben sollen.
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Bevor wir jetzt zurück ins Guesthouse gingen, querten wir einmal die Straße und kehrten im "The Rambling Rose" ein (offenbar handelt es sich bei dem Eigentümer um einen Cineasten). Ein entzückendes Café mit allerlei Krimskrams, Souvenirs, Bäckerei, Marmeladen, kleineren Gerichten und leckerem Kuchen. 
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Wir lachten herzlich über den abgepackten original "Dresdner Christstollen", der zwar tatsächlich aus Deutschland stammt, allerdings - aus Wickede an der Ruhr. Schöne globale Welt!
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Fast pünktlich ereilte uns nach unserer Rückkehr ins Guesthouse natürlich wieder der nächste Power Cut. Dieser dauerte bis kurz nach 18 Uhr an. Wir gehen davon aus, dass der nächste heute Abend folgen wird.
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Für morgen haben wir uns schon einen Plan gemacht, was wir alles erledigen müssen, wenn der Strom wieder da ist: Geld holen am Automaten, Auto betanken und im Spar einkaufen.
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Micha lädt gerade wieder sämtliche Akkus, so lange es noch geht - und jetzt schnell noch duschen und Haare waschen, so lange die Wasserpumpen laufen...
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Langsam haben wir den Kaffee auf! Man plant nur noch um die dämlichen Stromabschaltungen drumherum.
Es grüßen
Angie, Micha und der Hasenbär
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10 Best Places to go in Honduras
The country in Central America is famed because of the beaches, lush rainforests, amazing islands, coral reefs, and opportunities. Tourists are attracted by this paradise, with experiences like swimming pool with sharks, rafting, and researching Aztec ruins.
Roatán is your biggest & most. Once a wellkept secret, it’s currently also a favorite holiday location and also a cruise ship interface – notably for divers and snorkelers. A spine undulates throughout the centre of the island, and coral reefs that are booming fringe its beaches offering opportunities. In spite of the influx of travelers, the shores of Roatán are all amazing.
One among the Greatest strands is the West Bay Beach. Though packaged with cruise ship days, it rains all the boxes, together using clean seas, snorkeling, swaying palms, and a great deal of restaurants and shops near.
  Copán Ruins Archeological Site
Copán Ruins Archeological Site (Copán Ruinas Sitio Arqueológico) is the most studied Maya Community in the world and Also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Dating back almost 2000 decades has been profoundly symbolic, stratified, and centered on heritage. Visitors will find plenty to love here. The website is famed for its stelae and altars which are sprinkled across the plaza, the majority which were built throughout the summertime 736 and 7 11.
Other highlights are the basketball courtroom; the Hieroglyphic Stairway, a more exceptional temple, that holds the most famous sacred textand the Acropoliscomprising superb carved reliefs of the 16 kings of Copán.
Around 3 2 km from the west shore of Roatán, Utila could be the very funding friendly of this Bay Islands. Backpackers flock to the small people come here on dip holidays that are cheap. Presiding within an arching bay, even Utila Town could be your most important payoff where sailors compete over domino matches and tourist shops and dive centres scatter the streets.
Besides diving people bide their time bathing in the beachfront vibe and snorkeling at the lagoon, zipping out from the southwest shore of the island, or on both slivers of shore.
  Little French Key
A popular daytrip out of Roatán, Small French Crucial is a green tropical paradise outside the island’s south coast. Imagine hammocks slung between palmsand sparkling waters using snorkeling, and also a shore with kayaks along with chaises longues.
After some hours of beach fun, people can dine on fresh fish at your restaurant or check out the wild life refuge to get closeup creature adventures. Residents include saving animals such as deer, reptiles, and toucans. Individuals seeking a tranquil knowledge in encircles will relish it .
  La Tigra National Park
Approximately 20 km from Tegucigalpa, La Tigra National Park (Parque Nacional La Tigra) is currently still perhaps probably one among the most gorgeous places in Honduras. Perched at an elevation of 2,270 meters, that this park keeps a cloud forest which houses ocelots, pumas, and reptiles, even though it’s rare to find such creatures.
Thepark is a sanctuary for birds; even significantly more than 200 species flit including trogons, toucans, and also also the quetzal, within its boundaries. Hiking paths wind through the woods where fauna and bromeliads thrive.
  Lago de Yojoa
Together the road between San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, Lago de Yojoa could be also a sanctuary for birders and your biggest lake in Honduras. Significantly more than 480 species are seen here, for example northern jacanas ducks, and crakes. Visitors slip through the reeds at a kayak, or may research this river in the coast.
Two coastal national parks edge the lake: Santa Bárbara National Park around the west coast along with Cerro Azul Meambar National Park into the southwest. Other activities within the region include hikes researching tours of coffee plantations and sites, also a underground cave network.
  Parque Nacional Jeanette Kawas
Formerly referred to since the Punta Sal National Park, this gorgeous wilderness area is currently known as after the ecological activist, Jeanette Kawas, that battled during her entire life to conserve its rich ecosystems. The park goes across a peninsula at the western end of this Bay of Tela and supports diverse habitatsfrom tropical rainforest, mangroves, and wetlands to amazing shores and coral reefs.
Wildlife is abundant and includes many species that are rare. Visitors can encounter howler monkeys, angels, and also a range of birds including toucans, quetzals, and motmots. Even the Micos Lagoon gets the maximum population of critters at the location with as much as 350 distinct species.
Tour operators conduct excursions to the park in Tela, that typically incorporate a rise on the other side of the peninsula into quite a beach, swimmingpool , snorkeling, or diving; along with also an optional trip to the conventional Garifuna village of Miami to a scenic beach and lagoon.
  Carambola Botanical Gardens & Trails
Exquisite Carambola Botanical Gardens & Trails provides a island nature adventure. Trails wind through woods of mahogany, palms, ferns, orchids, spices, as well as fruit trees. For views that are stunning, follow along the mountain way to the peak of the ridge at which a look out peers out across the Caribbean, the barrier reef, also for people that time it dolphins leaping out of the water in Anthony’s Key Resort. For a number of the wild life that is tropical, keep a look out On the road.
Birds dart all through the foliage, and people can see Roatan Anoli interesting and lizards parades of leaf cutter ants. Additionally from the gardens, Iguana Wall can be an utter section of pond that delivers a breeding area for iguanas and parrots.
  Cayos Cochinos
Also referred to as the Hog Islands, the archipelago of all Cayos Cochinos is a undeveloped tropical heaven. This collection of small, privately-owned islands and cays is located 17 km off the shore near the banana interface of La Ceiba. The islands and also the coral reefs reefs which encircle these really are a Marine Biological Reserve and also stay pristine because of their remote location and difficult access.
Cayos Cochinos, An actual back to nature adventure offer snorkeling, snorkeling, hiking, and birdwatching. Accommodation options involve bucolic eco friendly resorts in addition to hammocks or huts at local Garifuna cities.
  Museum of Mayan Sculpture
Take a Look at the pieces of sculptures and stelae at the Museum of Mayan Sculpture. Visitors are advised to opt where these bits originate out of so as to comprehend before going ahead. Some of the principal attractions at the Museum of Mayan Sculpture is the replica of the Rosalila temple.
10 Best Places to go in Honduras
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The park is located in the Western Part of Uganda in the Districts of Kabarole and Kamwenge. It is best known for the number and variety of resident Primates. An Impressive list of 13 Primate species includes Uganda’s largest population of Chimpanzees with an Estimated 1450. Habituated Groups can be tracked with experienced Ranger Guides. Chimpanzee tracking guidelines, permits, booking procedures, itineraries and habituation information. Kibale Forest National Park is one of the best safari destination in Africa for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda. Kibale’s 795 km2 National Park contains one of the most beautiful and with the most varying tracts of tropical forest in the whole of Uganda. This is a place to a number of forest wildlife, most especially 13 species of primate coupled with chimpanzees. The Forest covering predominates in the central and northern part of the park on the raised Fort Portal plateau. At the park’s northern tip, Kibale is highest and stands 1590m above sea level Kibale Safari.
It’s a 12 km hike and usually done in the dry seasons. The months are mid November-February, June and September. Hiking helps discover the park’s assorted habitats such as river line forest, swamp, grassland and tropical rainforest.
Birding in Kibale
Visit Bigodi a top birders spot. It’s famous for wildlife such as chimpanzees, red colobus, black and white colobus, red tailed monkey, bushbuck as well as mongoose. It has about 138 bird species seen on nature walks within.
Cultural Trail
The nature walk begins from Kanyanchu or Sebitoli and it takes about 2-6 days. The enroute will help discover the forest and late rest in the community-run campsites close to the villages of Kikoni,Nyakalongo and Nyaibanda.
Additionally the wettest area is Northern Kibale , receiving an average annual rainfall of equal to 1700mm, mainly during March-May and September-November. The climate is usually pleasant with an average annual temperature range of 14 to 27oC. Temperatures are at maximum (& rainfall lower) in the south where the terrain drops onto the blistering rift valley floor and forest provides way to open grassland. Southern Kibale borders Queen Elizabeth National Park and collectively these preserved areas maintain a 180 kilometer long migration corridor for wildlife that stretches from the remote southern sector of Queen Elizabeth  National Park in “Ishasha”, to the north of Kibale in “Sebitoli”. The Kibale-Fort Portal region is one of Uganda’s most pleasing places to explore. The park is located close to the calm Ndali Kasenda crater area & which takes a half day’s drive to Queen Elizabeth, Rwenzori Mountains & Semuliki National Parks along with the Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve.
Flora and fauna in Kibale Forest
Kibale’s varied altitude holds up different varieties of habitat, ranging from moist evergreen forest (wet tropical forest) along the Fort Portal plateau, then through the dry tropical forest (moist semi deciduous), and then to the woodland & savanna along the rift valley floor.
In the central part of the park, around Kanyanchu, the high forest consist of a mixture of evergreen trees and  deciduous with the evergreen species being dominant. Vegetation rise to over 55m and establish a semi closed canopy of massive stratified tree crowns. With shade tolerant herbs, a variety of ferns, shrubs and broad leaved forest grasses, the undergrowth is sparse. 351 tree species have been registered in the park.
Chimpanzee Tracking Safari 
The density and diversity of primates in Kibale National Park is the highest in the whole of Africa. The most well known of its 13 species are the chimpanzees, our closest relative. Kibale’s 1450 chimpanzee indicate Uganda’s biggest population of this threatened primate. A Uganda Safari can enable you to see all these primates. Additionally Kibale is home to the uncommon I’Hoest’s monkey as well as East Africa’s biggest population of the endangered red colobus monkey. The black & white colobus, red tailed monkey, blue monkey, olive baboon, grey cheeked mangabey, bush baby and potto are among the other primates.
Other mammals are also present, though they are hardly seen. These consist of buffalo, leopard, bush pig elephant, and duiker. A neat viewer could also see amphibians and reptiles and a colorful variety of butterflies.
The park is a home to 325 variety of bird species, including 6 that are native to the Albertine Rift destination, that is to say dusky crimsonwing, black-capped apalis, blue-headed sunbird, collared apalis,red-faced woodland warbler and purple-breasted sunbird. Other Kibale specials are the green breasted pitta,African pitta, black bee-eater,Abyssinian groundthrush, yellow spotted nicator, little greenbul, black-eared ground thrush, brownchested alethe, yellow rumped tinker bird, blue-breasted kingfisher,  along with the crowned eagle.
Local people
The people living around Kibale National Park are mostly Batoro and Bakiga. The Batoro are native to the region while the Bakiga are just immigrants from the thickly populated southwestern part of the country. The Batoro carry pride in the ethnical heritage of the Kingdom of Toro, a section of the ancient kingdoms of the Great Lakes region in Africa. The king (Omukama) and the kingdom personify the traditional along with cultural values of the Batoro. The immigrants (Bakiga) still hold their culture and tradition as expressed in their dance, folklore, as well as language.
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adyeri · 3 years
Discounted Primates Safaris this Festive Season in Uganda
The Coronavirus Pandemic may have turned our lives upside down but it hasn’t managed to kill the inner wanderlust to those who truly desire to track primates and encounter our closest cousins in their natural habitat. And with Adyeri Creations we are delighted to introduce you discounted primates safaris this festive season, make memories this coming festive season with the mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, golden monkey, olive baboon, red tailed monkey, black and white colobus, L’hoest’s monkey, blue monkey, patas monkey, vervet monkey in their natural domain, Uganda is a primate capital of the world, there are many places where visitors can track primates in their natural habitats namely Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Kibale National Park, Kyambura Gorge, Semuliki National Park and Bugoma Forest Reserve. Tracking primates in their natural habitat is arguably the biggest draw!
Best Places to see Primates in Uganda
 Bwindi Impenetrable National Park Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is best known for its Mountain Gorilla populations and gorilla tracking although, it also offers some of the finest montane forest birding in Africa and is a key destination for any birders doing a Safari to Uganda. With over 347 species of forest birds recorded in the Park, at least 70 out of 78 montane forest bird species occurring in the Albertine Rift region are found in the forest, and 22 of the 36 endemics.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is located in south-western Uganda, at the junction of the plain and mountain forests; the Park covers 32,000 ha and is also known for its exceptional biodiversity, with more than 160 species of trees and over 100 species of ferns.
Due to its various habitats ranging from 1,160 to 2,706 m in altitude, location at the intersection of the Albertine, Congo Basin and Eastern Africa ecological zones, Bwindi has the highest miscellany of tree species (over 200 species including 10 endemics) and ferns in East Africa, and maybe the most important forest in Africa for montane forest butterflies with 202 species (84% of the country’s total), including eight Albertine endemics.
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
At the extreme south western tip of Uganda on the borders with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo - Uganda’s smallest national park covering 33.7 square kilometers, home to one habituated gorilla family and troops of golden monkeys. The Park was established in 1991 is also one of Uganda’s newest national parks. It is an integral part of the Virunga Conservation Area and is contiguous with Parc National Des Volcanos in Rwanda and Parc National Des Virunga in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Three extinct volcanoes lie within the park: Mount Muhabura at 4,127 meters; Mount Gahinga at 3,475 meters; and Mount Sanbinyo at 3,645 whose peak lies along Uganda’s border with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mgahinga is afro montane tropical rainforest, and the vegetation is typical of this terrain, with a montane forest belt, a bamboo zone, and an alpine zone. 
Mountain Gorilla Sectors in Uganda
There are 4 Gorilla Sectors in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park namely Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga and Nkuringo. Bwindi alone has a total of 14 habituated gorilla families active for gorilla tracking every day and 1 habituated gorilla family at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. 15 habituated mountain gorilla families are open to tourism in 5 different sectors of Uganda namely Nyakagezi, Rushaga, Buhoma, Ruhija and Nkuringo in southwestern Uganda. There are 120 gorilla permits available every day, 8 of these are for Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and 112 permits are for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.
Kibale National Park
Kibale National Park is arguably the best place in the whole world where tourists can track Chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Uganda’s top chimpanzee trekking destination also protects the countries densest and the most varied monkey population and an array of forest birds.
The Park is dominated by rainforest but this is intercepted with tracts of grassland and swamps. Spanning altitudes of 1100-1590m, Kibale boasts a floral composition transitional to typical eastern Afro-montane and western lowland forest with more than 200 tree species recorded in total and approximately 1200 habituated Chimpanzee live in Kibale National Park. Areas of mature forest are still liberally endowed with large buttressed mahoganies, tall fruit figs and other hardwood trees whose canopy is up to 60m above the ground.
Discounted Primates Permits in Uganda
The Uganda Wildlife Authority has reduced Gorilla tracking permits in Uganda this festive season effective 1st December 2020 to 31st March 2021 from USD 700 to USD 400 for foreign non residents, USD 600 to USD 300 for foreign residents and East African Citizen gorilla permit from UGX 250,000 to UGX 150,000.
Chimpanzee tracking permits this festive season have been reduced as well; foreign non residents’ chimpanzee tracking permits reduced from USD 200 to USD 150, foreign residents’ chimpanzee tracking permits from USD 150 to USD 100 and East African Citizens chimpanzee tracking permits from UGX 150,000 to UGX 100,000. For more info about primates safaris in Uganda kindly contact Adyeri Creations Limited so we can tailor your remarkable encounter with our mighty cousins in the Pearl of Africa.
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Un nuevo Post ha sido publicado en https://netflixenespanol.com/2019/09/03/estrenos-de-netflix-en-estados-unidos-para-septiembre-2019/
Estrenos de Netflix en Estados Unidos para Septiembre 2019
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Te ofrecemos la lista completa de Series, Películas y Documentales que Netflix estrena en Estados Unidos en Septiembre 2019:
Domingo 1 de septiembre 300 68 Kill American Psycho (2000) Dante’s Peak Elena For the Birds Igor Loo Loo Kids: Johny & Friends Musical Adventures: temporada 1 Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: temporada 6 Moving Art: temporada 3 My Sister’s Keeper Mystic River Olmo & the Seagull Open Rebel in the Rye Scream: temporada 3 Serial Killer with Piers Morgan: temporada 1 Spookley the Square Pumpkin Stripes Superbad The Lake House The Last Exorcism The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Saint The Taking of Pelham 123 The Walking Dead: temporada 9 Uncle Naji in UAE You Don’t Mess with the Zohan
Miércoles 4 de septiembre The World We Make
Viernes 6 de septiembre Archibald’s Next Big Thing (Original de Netflix) Article 15 Elite: temporada 2 (Original de Netflix) Hip-Hop Evolution: temporada 3 (Original de Netflix) Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father: temporada 3 (Original de Netflix) The Spy (Original de Netflix)
Lunes 9 de septiembre Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure
Martes 10 de septiembre Bill Burr: Paper Tiger (Original de Netflix) Eat Pray Love Evelyn (Original de Netflix) Shameless (U.S.): Shameless: temporada 9 Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020 (Original de Netflix)
Jueves 12 de septiembre The I-Land (Original de Netflix) The Mind, Explained (Original de Netflix) Turbo
Viernes 13 de septiembre The Chef Show: Volume 2 (Original de Netflix) Head Count Hello, Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea (Original de Netflix) I’m Sorry: temporada 2 Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The Battle of Unato (Original de Netflix) The Ranch: parte 7 (Original de Netflix) Tall Girl (Original de Netflix) Unbelievable (Original de Netflix)
Sábado 14 de septiembre We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Domingo 15 de septiembre Los Tigres del Norte at Folsom Prison (Original de Netflix) Steal a Pencil for Me Surviving R. Kelly: temporada 1
Martes 17 de septiembre Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives The Last Kids on Earth (Original de Netflix)
Miércoles 18 de septiembre Come and Find Me
Jueves 19 de septiembre Oceans
Viernes 20 de septiembre Between Two Ferns: The Movie (Original de Netflix) Criminal (Original de Netflix) Daddy Issues Disenchantment: parte 2 (Original de Netflix) Fastest Car: temporada 2 (Original de Netflix) Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates (Original de Netflix) Las del hockey (Original de Netflix)
Sábado 21 de septiembre Sarah’s Key
Lunes 23 de septiembre Team Kaylie (Original de Netflix)
Martes 24 de septiembre American Horror Story: Apocalypse Jeff Dunham: Beside Himself (Original de Netflix)
Miércoles 25 de septiembre Abstract: The Art of Design: temporada 2 (Original de Netflix) Birders (Original de Netflix) Border walls are no barriers to birds — or the people on both sides fighting to protect them. El recluso (Original de Netflix) Furie Glitch: temporada 3 (Original de Netflix)
Jueves 26 de septiembre Explained: temporada 2 (Original de Netflix) The Grandmaster
Viernes 27 de septiembre Bard of Blood (Original de Netflix) Dragons: Rescue Riders (Original de Netflix) El marginal: temporada 3 (Original de Netflix) In the Shadow of the Moon (Original de Netflix) Locked Up: temporada 4 The Politician (Original de Netflix) Skylines (Original de Netflix) Sturgill Simpson Presents Sound & Fury (Original de Netflix) Vis a vis: temporada 4 (Original de Netflix)
Lunes 30 de septiembre Gotham: temporada 5 Mo Gilligan: Momentum (Original de Netflix)
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ultraheydudemestuff · 5 years
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West Sister Island National Wildlife Refuge Jerusalem Township, Lucas County Near Toledo, Ohio West Sister Island is an island of the state of Ohio located in the Western Basin of Lake Erie. The 82 acre island, jointly owned by the United States Coast Guard and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is Ohio's only designated Wilderness Area, the West Sister Island National Wildlife Refuge. Most of the island is covered with trees. Tall hackberry trees make up most of the canopy, with with an understory of poison ivy 12 feet tall on the ground. Polygonatum or Great solomon's seal reaches 7-9 feet in height, and a great variety of ferns, wildflowers, mushrooms, and other plant life can also be found. The island, which is composed of glacial fill over a limestone shelf, is part of the Pelee Archipelago which also includes East Sister Island and Middle Sister Island (both in Ontario, Canada). West Sister Island is roughly 13 miles west of Rattlesnake Island, 14.5 miles east of Turtle Island, and 8.75 miles due north of the Ohio mainland. West Sister Island took its place in history during the War of 1812. This is the area where Commodore Oliver Perry defeated the British in the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10, 1813. It was after that battle that he sent his famous message to General William Harrison: "We have met the enemy and they are ours." In 1848 a lighthouse was built on the very west end of the island to mark the end of "the South Passage," a water route that threaded its way through Lake Erie's Bass Islands. The lighthouse was built on a stone foundation. The limestone and brick tower rises to a height of 55' and is still an active aid to navigation in the area. The Lighthouse Board report for 1866 noted that the structures on West Sister Island were starting to deteriorate. The requested funds were appropriated in 1867, and the lighthouse itself was refurbished in 1868; that was when a keeper's house was built on the property. A new boathouse was added to the station in 1868. A cistern used to hold rainwater served as the station’s only water supply until 1886, when a well was sunk through granite and water was obtained at a depth of thirty-two feet. A pier, consisting of a ninety-foot-long and sixteen-foot-wide timber crib that was filled with stone and decked over, was built in the fall of 1887, but it was destroyed by floating ice in February 1888. In 1889, a boat harbor was constructed 400 feet east of the tower in the form of an L-shaped pier, but it too was soon damaged by floating ice. Wrought-iron plates were later used to protect the station’s wharves from ice. A circular iron oil house was built atop a concrete foundation on the island and lined with brick in 1890. Prior to this, the oil for the lamp had been stored in the passageway between the tower and dwelling. During Prohibition years, the island was a popular stop used by bootleggers making the run across Lake Erie because the island provided a certain level of visual cover to hide themselves from watching on-shore eyes. When approached by these authorities in those days, the rum-runners would often dump their illegal stash overboard. Legend has it that bottles of prohibition-era alcohol can still be found littered on the bottom of the lake around the island. The lighthouse was automated in 1937 and the island was essentially abandoned by humans. The West Sister Island National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1937 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "as a refuge and breeding ground for migratory birds and other wildlife...," specifically designated to protect the largest wading bird nesting colony on the U.S. Great Lakes. Ironically, after being established as a wildlife refuge in 1937, the island was used by the United States Army for artillery target practice for dive bombers during World War II. Some remnants are said to remain to this day. Although the wildlife population and the lighthouse were not significantly damaged, the keeper's house was destroyed. It is also reported that fuel tanks jettisoned by dive bombers can still be found on the island. West Sister Island National Wildlife Refuge is closed year round; no visitation is allowed. The refuge is managed by the staff of the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge as a wilderness area, as provided under the Federal Wilderness Act. To protect it, public access is permitted for research only. The United States Congress designated the West Sister Island Wilderness in 1975 and it now has a total of 77 acres. All of this wilderness is located in Ohio and is managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Fish and Wildlife began a pilot program in 1997 designed to create nesting habitat for black-crowned night herons. As part of the program, about one acre of big trees is cut each season. This allows for re-sprouting and growth, slowly creating a shrub layer for black-crowned heron nests. The refuge, which has a surface area of 80.13 acres, was recognized in 2000 as part of a globally Important Bird Area. The wildlife refuge was featured in a 2007 episode of the Discovery Channel TV series Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. While all access to the island is restricted the West Sister Island lighthouse is visible from the south shore of Lake Erie or from a boat. There are some birdwatching opportunities on boats from a distance. Occasionally the Friends of the Ottawa NWR offers a guided cruise around the island coast for birders. This cruise does not land at the island, but does include researchers who discuss their work with the Island. West Sister Island's rookery is a host for great blue herons, common egrets, black-crowned night herons, and double-crested cormorants. Rock ledges along the island's shore provide sunning spots for many of West Sister's dense snake population. A permit to access the island is granted only for research purposes. Permits are issued by the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and even then, they can access the island only one day per year.
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augustheart · 1 year
i have access to the photos from my friend’s mom’s birdbuddy feeder and i have been enjoying it. these two in particular are perfect
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kasubi tombs, Rwenzori mountains and bwindi impenetrable; the world heritage sites of Uganda
The destination Uganda is one of the Africa Safari tour unique destinations featuring three of the world heritage sites as proclaimed by UNESCO.
The two of these are natural protected areas under the category National Parks namely Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – the main destination for Uganda gorilla safaris and Mount Rwenzori National Park – the epitome site for adventure vacation safaris in Uganda.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has been labelled by UNESCO as an isolated Afro montane forest of an incredible biological diversity including close to a half of the world’s population of the critically endangered Mountain Gorillas, 160 tree species and 100 fern species not forgetting 350 bird species of which 23 are endemic to the Albertine rift such as the African Green Broadbill which is normally sought after by birders on birding safaris in Uganda.
Rwenzori Mountains National Park which protects the snow-capped legendary Mountains of the moon rising to 5,109m above sea level to form the third highest peak on the African continent features fragile ecosystem and most importantly very unique montane flora which is rare in the world including groundsels, giant lobelias and giant heathers.  The glaciers, lakes and waterfalls compliment its remarkable natural beauty.
The third World heritage site is cultural other than natural. Kasubi Tombs which are within Kampala City are burial grounds for Kings of Buganda. Apparently, four (4) royal tombs lie beneath a large traditional hut built in a circular dome shape with local materials. It is a great site with remarkable intangible values of spirituality, belief, identity and continuity.
The above world heritage sites combine to justify Uganda’s incredible beauty and its crown as the Pearl of Africa.
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kasubi tombs, Rwenzori mountains and bwindi impenetrable; the world heritage sites of Uganda
The destination Uganda is one of the Africa Safari tour unique destinations featuring three of the world heritage sites as proclaimed by UNESCO.
The two of these are natural protected areas under the category National Parks namely Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – the main destination for Uganda gorilla safaris and Mount Rwenzori National Park – the epitome site for adventure vacation safaris in Uganda.
Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has been labelled by UNESCO as an isolated Afro montane forest of an incredible biological diversity including close to a half of the world’s population of the critically endangered Mountain Gorillas, 160 tree species and 100 fern species not forgetting 350 bird species of which 23 are endemic to the Albertine rift such as the African Green Broadbill which is normally sought after by birders on birding safaris in Uganda.
Rwenzori Mountains National Park which protects the snow-capped legendary Mountains of the moon rising to 5,109m above sea level to form the third highest peak on the African continent features fragile ecosystem and most importantly very unique montane flora which is rare in the world including groundsels, giant lobelias and giant heathers.  The glaciers, lakes and waterfalls compliment its remarkable natural beauty.
The third World heritage site is cultural other than natural. Kasubi Tombs which are within Kampala City are burial grounds for Kings of Buganda. Apparently, four (4) royal tombs lie beneath a large traditional hut built in a circular dome shape with local materials. It is a great site with remarkable intangible values of spirituality, belief, identity and continuity.
The above world heritage sites combine to justify Uganda’s incredible beauty and its crown as the Pearl of Africa.
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uros · 5 years
Todas las series y películas originales de Netflix que llegarán a la plataforma este septiembre
Hoy vamos a enseñarte cuáles son todas las series y películas originales de Netflix que la compañía va a subir a la plataforma a lo extenso de este próximo mes de septiembre.
Te recomendamos | Esta es la razón por la que la app de Netflix necesita golpe a tu ubicación
Vamos a encontrar desde nuevos lanzamientos, que no habíamos trillado antaño, hasta continuaciones de series que la compañía ha continuado rodando desde la temporada previo. Y como suele advenir con este tipo de contenido, hay títulos mejores, y títulos más normales.
Todas las series y películas originales de Netflix que llegarán en septiembre
Archibald’s Next Big Thing (6 de septiembre)
Elite: segunda temporada (6 de septiembre)
Hip-Hop Evolution: tercera temporada (6 de septiembre)
Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father: tercera temporada (6 de septiembre)
The Spy (6 de septiembre)
Bill Burr: Paper Tiger (10 de septiembre)
Evelyn (10 de septiembre)
TERRACE HOUSE: TOKYO 2019-2020 (10 de septiembre)
The I-Land (12 de septiembre)
The Mind, Explained (12 de septiembre)
The Chef Show: Volume 2 (13 de septiembre)
Hello, Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea (13 de septiembre)
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The Battle of Unato (13 de septiembre)
The Ranch: Part 7 (13 de septiembre)
Tall Girl (13 de septiembre)
Unbelievable (13 de septiembre)
Los Tigres del Finalidad at Folsom Prison (15 de septiembre)
The Last Kids on Earth (17 de septiembre)
Between Two Ferns: The Movie (20 de septiembre)
Criminal (20 de septiembre)
Disenchantment: Part 2 (20 de septiembre)
Fastest Car: temporada 2 (20 de septiembre)
Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates (20 de septiembre)
Las del hockey (20 de septiembre)
Team Kaylie (23 de septiembre)
Jeff Dunham: Beside Himself (24 de septiembre)
Abstract: The Art of Design: temporada 2 (25 de septiembre)
Birders (25 de septiembre)
El recluso (25 de septiembre)
Glitch: temporada 3 (25 de septiembre)
Explained: temporada 2 (26 de septiembre)
Bard of Blood (27 de septiembre)
Dragons: Rescue Riders (27 de septiembre)
El insignificante: temporada 3 (27 de septiembre)
In the Shadow of the Moon (27 de septiembre)
The Politician (27 de septiembre)
Skylines (27 de septiembre)
Sturgill Simpson Presents Sound & Fury (27 de septiembre)
Vis a vis: temporada 4 (27 de septiembre)
Mo Gilligan: Momentum (27 de septiembre)
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La entrada Todas las series y películas originales de Netflix que llegarán a la plataforma este septiembre se publicó primero en El rincon de diego.
Por El rincon de diego
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kartiavelino · 5 years
Superbad, The Ranch, The Politician and Extra Coming to Netflix in September 2019
September is all the time a good time to refresh—your Netflix picks, included.  As kids return to highschool, the streaming web site is following custom and dropping a brand new slate of exhibits and flicks subsequent month. These additions embody hit films like Superbad and Eat Pray Love in addition to seasons of Surviving R. Kelly, The Strolling Useless and Shameless.  Netflix can also be bringing loads of its personal content material, from The Spy, starring Sacha Baron Cohen, in addition to The Politician, led by Ben Platt and Gwyneth Paltrow, and the primary a part of The Ranch‘s ultimate season.  On the documentary entrance, Inside Invoice’s Mind: Decoding Invoice Gates and Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives will take a deeper dive into the worlds of two influential males in tech and music.  So, what’s going to you be binge watching come the autumn? See the total listing for your self under! Out there 9/1 300 68 Kill American Psycho (2000) Dante’s Peak Elena For the Birds Igor Lavatory Lavatory Children: Johny & Mates Musical Adventures: Season 1 Marvel’s Brokers of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 6 Shifting Artwork: Season 3 My Sister’s Keeper Mystic River Olmo & the Seagull Open Season Insurgent within the Rye Scream: Season 3 Serial Killer with Piers Morgan: Season 1 Spookley the Sq. Pumpkin Stripes Superbad The Lake Home The Final Exorcism The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers The Saint The Taking of Pelham 123 The Strolling Useless: Season 9 Uncle Naji in UAE You Do not Mess with the Zohan Out there 9/4 The World We Make Out there 9/6 Archibald’s Subsequent Massive Factor  Article 15 Elite: Season 2  Hip-Hop Evolution: Season 3  Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father: Season 3  The Spy  Out there 9/9 Norm of the North: King Sized Journey Out there 9/10 Invoice Burr: Paper Tiger  Eat Pray Love Evelyn  Shameless (U.S.): Shameless: Season 9 TERRACE HOUSE: TOKYO 2019-2020  Out there 9/12 The I-Land  The Thoughts, Defined  Turbo Out there 9/13 The Chef Present: Quantity 2 Head Depend Whats up, Privilege. It is Me, Chelsea  I am Sorry: Season 2 Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The Battle of Unato  The Ranch: Half 7  Tall Lady  Unbelievable  Out there 9/14 We Have At all times Lived within the Citadel Out there 9/15 Los Tigres del Norte at Folsom Jail  Steal a Pencil for Me Surviving R. Kelly: Season 1 Out there 9/17 Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives The Final Children on Earth  Out there 9/18 Come and Discover Me Out there 9/19 Océans Out there 9/20 Between Two Ferns: The Film  Felony  Daddy Points Disenchantment: Half 2  Quickest Automobile: Season 2 Inside Invoice’s Mind: Decoding Invoice Gates  Las del hockey  Out there 9/21 Sarah’s Key Out there 9/23 Crew Kaylie  Out there 9/24 American Horror Story: Apocalypse Jeff Dunham: Beside Himself  Out there 9/25 Summary: The Artwork of Design: Season 2  Birders  El recluso  Glitch: Season 3  Out there 9/26 Defined: Season 2  The Grandmaster Out there 9/27 Bard of Blood  Dragons: Rescue Riders  El marginal: Season 3  Within the Shadow of the Moon  Locked Up: Season 4 The Politician  Skylines  Sturgill Simpson Presents Sound & Fury  Vis a vis: Season 4  Out there 9/30 Gotham: Season 5 Mo Gilligan: Momentum  Date unknown Vagabond  https://www.eonline.com/information/1067029/superbad-the-ranch-the-politician-and-more-coming-to-netflix-in-september-2019?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories The post Superbad, The Ranch, The Politician and Extra Coming to Netflix in September 2019 appeared first on Kartia Velino. https://kartiavelino.com/superbad-the-ranch-the-politician-and-more-coming-to-netflix-in-september-2019/
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leehiller · 6 years
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Changing colors ferns. #wildflowers and leaves #findyourpath Happy #autumn🍁🌿🍄 Let's go #Hiking! 😎 #OptOutside and enjoy the beauty of the trail before #Congress passes House Bill #hr520 they will use this to sell leases for mining drilling #fracking on our #publiclands #parks #trails #nationalparks #nationalforests #forest #mountains #naturegram I am a #vegan #hiker #photographer #photopoet #Birder #treehugger #bethestorm💙⚡️❄️💕 #nature #dayhike #naturephotography (at Hot Springs National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BowpK4XHMPr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dx2cxscw63py
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adyeri · 5 years
Discounted Gorilla Safaris this Easter @ Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Adyeri Creations is delighted to introduce you discounted gorilla safaris this Easter season, make memories this coming Easter with the Giant Apes in their natural domain, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is selected by UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is best known for its Mountain Gorilla populations and gorilla tracking although, it also offers some of the finest montane forest birding in Africa and is a key destination for any birder doing a Safari to Uganda. With over 347 species of forest birds recorded in the Park, at least 70 out of 78 montane forest bird species occurring in the Albertine Rift region are found in the forest, and 22 of the 36 endemics.
 Located in south-western Uganda, at the junction of the plain and mountain forests, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park covers 32,000 ha and is known for its exceptional biodiversity, with more than 160 species of trees and over 100 species of ferns.
Due to its various habitats ranging from 1,160 to 2,706 m in altitude, location at the intersection of the Albertine, Congo Basin and Eastern Africa ecological zones, Bwindi has the highest miscellany of tree species (over 200 species including 10 endemics) and ferns in East Africa, and maybe the most important forest in Africa for montane forest butterflies with 202 species (84% of the country’s total), including eight Albertine endemics.
Mountain Gorilla Groups
There are 4 Gorilla Sectors in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park namely Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga and Nkuringo. Bwindi alone has a total of 14 habituated gorilla families active for gorilla tracking every day and 1 habituated gorilla family at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. 15 habituated mountain gorilla families are open to tourism in 5 different sectors of Nyakagezi, Rushaga, Buhoma, Ruhija and Nkuringo in southwestern Uganda. There are 120 gorilla permits available every day, 8 of these are for Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and 112 permits are for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Gorilla tracking permits in Uganda cost USD 600 while Gorilla Habituation Permits cost USD 1500. Kindly contact Adyeri Creations Limited so that we plan for you tailored Easter Holidays in the Pearl of Africa.
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knittingbordado · 6 years
A Bird In Hand Designs
A Bird In Hand Designs
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