iddyiddybangbang · 11 months
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Dreamwidth | AO3 | Rules and FAQ
Been wanting to write that epic frotfest where woobie slave!Steve Rogers runs away with werewolf Loki and they ride off into the sunset? Come on in, we’d love to have you!
IIBB is a panfandom mini-bang challenge. This means that if you sign up to participate, you agree to make a complete piece of fanwork by the assignment deadline. For 2023, we will be accepting fic, art (including comics), fanmixes, podfic, and vids. Detailed guidelines are in the rules. If you would like to make fanwork in another medium, let us know and we’ll be happy to include it!
IIBB 2023 will run from July 10 - Sept 12. Sign-ups open July 10 and close July 17. Assignments are due Sept 12.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to drop us an ask!
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princesslocket · 7 months
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Scaramouche/Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Brief mentions of the Tsarita, Beidou makes an apperance, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Soft Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), First Kiss, Tartaglia | Childe is a Menace (Genshin Impact), Scaramouche Being a Little Shit (Genshin Impact), Mutual Pining, Feelings Realizations, Pre: Chapter 1: Liyue (Genshin Impact), Fatui Harbingers (Genshin IMpact), chiscaraficfest
“Pack your things.” All of Childe’s thoughts seemed to come to a halt as he blinked almost owlishly at Scaramouche, unable to process what had just been said. There had to be something wrong with his hearing, right? There was no way he’d heard that right… Scaramouche had made his distaste for pairing up with Childe on any activity pretty well-known to just about everyone in the Fatui. Childe was always the last person Scaramouche would turn to if he ever needed anything. Going by that logic, Scaramouche must have been down on his luck in getting any of the other harbingers to take with him in on his mission. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been standing outside of Childe’s room asking, or more like demanding, him to pack for what Childe assumed was going to be their soon to be mission together. “Come again?” Childe straightened up a bit after gathering his thoughts.
Or: Childe was never very good when it came to co-operating with his coworkers. But when he’s assigned to work with Scaramouche on an undercover mission to retrieve a missing delusion, he makes an exception.
This is a gift for @/moonxglasses as part of the chiscara fic fest on Twitter!
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jiusyn · 8 months
kafhime has taken over my entire sanity that i actually have no braincells left to think and write for the ficfest i joined a few months ago hdhdhd will attempt to finally start smthn by tmrw bc the deadline is coming to a close and i need to pump out those dead creative juices back to life that's urgently needed rn
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fbrdcdficrevivalfest · 10 months
We're almost at ten writers!!
First stories could be begin being posted in a mere 23 days...which means I should probably stop doing anything I can that isn't writing.
Come join us! It's fun LOL
Sign up here
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scenariopubblico · 1 year
#FICFest: 9 maggio
***English Below***
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La scena si è aperta con due spettacoli che hanno condiviso la terza serata del #FICFest: T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A. e Cu’ mancia fa muddichi.
Nel foyer di Scenario Pubblico, prima dell’inizio della performance, ci siamo domandati cosa questi titoli stessero suscitando nella mente degli spettatori, ricevendo diversi riscontri a caldo. Quello che ci ha colpito di più è stato: <<Uno spettacolo che ti ipnotizza>>.
T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A.  è una creazione della Compagnia IVONA, di cui Pablo Girolami è direttore artistico e coreografo, interpretata dai danzatori Guilherme Leal e Lou Thabart.
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La tripofobia è la paura dell’uomo nei confronti di gruppi irregolari di piccoli buchi o protuberanze. La creazione si ispira a questa peculiare paura, che ha portato altre suggestioni come, ad esempio, l’immagine del rospo del Suriname. Quest’ultimo, nel processo di creazione, ha determinato la scelta di utilizzare in scena delle coppette che i danzatori applicano sul proprio corpo durante la performance; concretizzando fisicamente la paura.
L’obiettivo della performance è quello di partire dalla tripofobia per indagare l’irrazionalità della mente e il comportamento dell’uomo nei confronti delle paure. Uno spettacolo, infatti, che lascia appesi ad un filo di tensione conducendo tutto il pubblico, in maniera incisiva, a confrontarsi con il ricordo delle sensazioni che nascono dalle proprie paure.
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È presente una straordinaria attenzione al dettaglio che possiamo ritrovare nelle qualità di movimento usate, come: staticità e compulsività, fluidità e convulsione. Anche nel disegno luci, un quadrato bianco proiettato sul pavimento, è possibile cogliere particolari minuziosi. Entrare all’interno del quadrato luminoso, infatti, significa mettersi in contatto con le proprie paure.
Cu’ mancia fa muddichi
è il titolo della seconda performance, un proverbio della tradizione siciliana legato al concetto: chi fa delle azioni commetterà degli errori… dove errore può essere sinonimo di possibilità, produttività, crescita.  
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La creazione è di Dario Rigaglia, giovane artista di origine siciliana, nominato da Danza&Danza Miglior Ballerino Italiano all'Estero 2016, vincitore del bando ACASA 2022/2023. Per il #FICFest ha portato in scena la sua prima produzione come coreografo e danzatore.
Lo spettacolo si è aperto con una registrazione di un breve testo pronunciato da Rigaglia, dove emerge un invito al rischio e a non aver paura di tentare e commettere errori. Uno spettacolo che coinvolge umanamente, che offre uno spunto di riflessione riguardo le aspirazioni che ognuno di noi ha.
Il coreografo, immerso nel profumo di arance e terra, lascia la libertà di viaggiare all’interno del tema scelto per la performance. Il movimento virtuoso del danzatore ha mostrato il ventaglio di possibili sfumature che caratterizzano una scelta: da quelle più oscure e cupe, a quelle più brillanti e colorate.
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Il #FICFest prosegue oggi, 10 maggio, con Satiri di Virgilio Sieni, in scena alle 20.45 presso il Teatro Sangiorgi di Catania.
A domani con la prossima pagina del Blog!
Credits Redattore: Matilde Bianchi Reporter: Martina Adelfio Media: Iolanda Longo Revisione: Sofia Bordieri
The stage opened with two shows that shared the third day of #FICFest: T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A. and Cu' mancia fa muddichi.
In the foyer of Scenario Pubblico, before the start of the performance, we asked what these titles were stirring in the minds of the audience, receiving several feedbacks. The one that struck us the most was, <a show that mesmerizes>.
T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A. is a creation of IVONA Company, of which Pablo Girolami is artistic director and choreographer, performed by the dancers Guilherme Leal and Lou Thabart.
Trypophobia is a man's fear of irregular groups of small holes or protuberances. The creation was inspired by this peculiar fear, which brought other suggestions such as, for example, the image of the Surinam toad. The latter, in the creative process, determined the choice to use cups that the dancers apply to their bodies during the performance, in order to physically concretize the fear.
The goal of the performance is to start from trypophobia to investigate the irrationality of the mind and human behavior towards fear. A performance that leaves you hung by a thread of tension, leading the whole audience, in an incisive way, to face the memory of the sensations that arise from their own fears.
An extraordinary attention to detail can be found in their quality of movement, such as: stillness and compulsiveness, fluidity and convulsion. Even in the lighting design, a white square projected onto the floor, minute details can be captured. To enter inside the light square, in fact, means to get in touch with one's fears.
Cu' mancia fa muddichi
The title of the second performance is a traditional Sicilian proverb related to the following concept: those who do actions will make mistakes … but mistake can be synonymous with possibility, productivity, growth.
That's the first production as choreographer and dancer for Dario Rigaglia, a young Sicilian-born artist, named Best Italian Dancer Abroad 2016 by Danza&Danza and winner of the ACASA 2022/2023 call for applications.
The performance opened with a recording of a short text spoken by Rigaglia himself, an invitation to risk and not to be afraid of trying and making mistakes. A humanly engaging performance that offers food for thought regarding the aspirations each of us has.
Between the scent of dirt and oranges, the choreographer lets freedom travel, showing the range of nuances that might characterize a choice: from the darkest and gloomiest, to the brightest and most colorful.
The #FICFest continues today, May 10 at 8.45 p.m., with Virgilio Sieni's Satiri at the Sangiorgi Theater in Catania.
We'll see you tomorrow with the next Blog news!
Credits Redaction: Matilde Bianchi Reporter: Martina Adelfio Media: Iolanda Longo Text revision: Sofia Bordieri Translation: Luca Occhipinti
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For anyone that may not know, i'm also running this ficfest too!
This one is 18+ and very much NSFW - sincerest apologies to those who are unable to join!
I would love to see you all join that too should you have the idea/time/spoons/whatever capacity you need!
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zb1fics · 3 months
for zb1
theme ✧ —
eros and psyche, love that consumes. as valentine's day draws near, explore the idea of a love that can be confused for hunger — sweet desire, or the kind that comes with teeth.
sign up here! 🏹
rules ✧ —
draw inspiration from the theme listed above or free-write generally about love and valentine’s day
no hyj rps — platonic involvement only
any rating / genre / length — as long as the minimum word count meets 1.5k
have a form of contact
have fun! 💗
schedule ✧ —
~ first check-in: feb 3rd
~ informal check-in (dm): feb 10th
~ posting opens from: feb 14th — until the end of the month
questions ✧ —
refer to our carrd, send an ask, or leave any questions you have here for a faster response. we also have a discord you can join! — discord.gg/4tFzeCae5Z
✧ — original twitter post
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dreaminrainbows · 20 days
I'm trouble with you
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“Harry,” Louis says in a soft voice, ”in less than a year you'll probably move out and I need to know now, I need to know tonight if I'm going to lose you forever. I'm done guessing!” He says demanding, but soft, his voice low and almost trembling. Harry's whole body is shaking. All of the feelings he tried to bury with studying, alcohol and weed, or sex are coming to the surface now and he can't deal with that. Can't deal with Louis sounding like he is actually afraid Harry is not going to be in his life. Because if Louis is afraid of losing Harry it means that he cares and Harry cannot deal with Louis caring. Every single illusion he's built in his mind of painting Louis as the bad guy will crash down along with all his resolve and walls and he cannot (!) have that. or the friends to enemies to lovers aka idiots to lovers aka they just don't talk until they FINALLY do
Part of @omegaharryfest
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persephoneflouwers · 1 month
PATHEMA PROTELEIA - Meet the characters
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The story was written for Omega Harry fic fest ( @omegaharryfest ) coming soon.
It’s 50K word ex to lovers, with soft alpha x powerful omega.
More tags: mpreg, infertility, nesting, dropping, mating cycles, dual pov.
Or as I like to call it… a Greek Tragedy AU (but with an happy ending) ✨
I hope you’ll like it!
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iddyiddybangbang · 10 months
Sign-ups for Iddy Iddy Bang Bang 2023 are open here! Signups will be open through July 17th. Happy idding! :D
We’re also on Discord! Find us here.
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melonba11s · 9 months
You're so needy (Strade/MC BTD Fic)
I really like it when Strade is a giant tease, and I feel like he'd enjoy being a huge tease too. If he had both Ren and an MC, I bet he'd do crap to make them both pouty and riled up.
Contains: Gender Neutral MC, Strade, Ren, Teasing, minor bondage
Strade got ideas sometimes, and he just couldn’t help but act out on them. This one wasn’t as bad as some of the ones he’d had in the past, but it was still incredibly awkward. 
Practically pinned under his weight as his hands groped and roamed your body, squeezing and stroking different areas like your navel, your neck, your spine. At first it was hard to figure out what he was doing, since he had just begun to touch you without any warning. 
When a rough hand snuck up your shirt though, and began to pinch and roll your nipple between two fingers, you got the idea though. He was trying to figure out what you liked, how you liked to be touched. 
At first you had done a pretty good job of showing now reaction, something that obviously annoyed him, made him move on. But once he started paying attention to your chest it became a lot harder, and you couldn’t help but let out a small groan as he continued his ministrations. 
You managed to turn your head away, but this only let him bury his face into your neck, beginning to suck on the thin flesh there. You watched as Ren came into the living room, pausing at the scene. His eyes had gotten a little wide, and he stood staring for a bit too long. 
“Ren… Can you get him to stop?” you asked meekly. One of Ren’s ears flicked, and he hummed for a second before continuing into the kitchen. 
“Sorry, when he gets like that there’s nothing you can do but just tough it out.” He came back in, opening up a can of soda. You shot him a nasty look as he settled himself in a chair, grinning. “I’ll watch though!” 
You heard Strade give a small chuckle, then yelped as you felt his teeth sink into your clavicle. As quickly as he’d sunk his teeth into you, he began lapping at the wound. Not deep enough to bleed, but it was definitely going to be a bruise. 
The pain was enough of a distraction that you hadn’t noticed his free hand moving down your stomach, between your legs. Feeling the first gentle touch, your hips flinched back, not prepared. Strade didn’t let it deter him though, and instead slipped his fingers under your thin pair of shorts, running his callused index and middle finger along your sensitive parts. 
In spite of yourself, you moaned. It had been hard to remain passive ever since he’d begun roughly pinching your nipples, but now that he was stroking your erogenous zones, your walls broke down.  
You finally moved your arms, not to push against his chest, but to wrap around his shoulders, pulling yourself closer. 
“Strade…” You gasped, trying not to think of how Ren had his eyes glued to you both. “Come on, just put it in…” You were getting frustrated now. 
“Oh?” Strade broke his silence, pulling away. His eyes weren’t on you though, they were focused on the clock on the wall. You glanced over at it. Six pm. 
“The liquor store is gonna close at seven. I better get going if I wanna get some more beer.” You laid there in shock as Strade got off you. 
“W-WAIT.” You yelped, scrabbling to sit up and looking over the couch. Strade stopped, looking at you. You could feel yourself blushing. He had to know what he was doing. 
“We… We were just getting started…” you managed to get out before Strade began to laugh. It was absolutely humiliating, as he continued to grab his keys and wallet to leave. 
“Oh? You wanted more?” he asked. He looked at you expectantly. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear you say it. 
“Y-Yes.” You managed, digging your fingers into the back of the couch. 
“More what?” he pressed, you turned your head to look away, but could see him approaching from your peripheral vision. 
“I.. I uh…” You shifted on the spot, swallowing. He was really going to make you say it, he could never just keep things easy. “... I want you to, fuck me.” You finished lamely. Strade grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him as he studied you. He had a really obnoxiously smug grin on his face. “You’re such a needy little thing aren’t you?” he asked, patting your cheek. “Wait right here.” Your heart skipped a few beats as he left the room. Did this mean he actually was going to fulfill your request? 
“Don’t get your hopes up.” you turned to face Ren, who looked a little disappointed the show was over. “He loves teasing people. Don’t worry though, I’ll take care of you once he’s gone.” So that’s why Ren stuck around the entire time. You both looked back up as Strade returned.
“I don’t have time to go digging around for something better so this will have to do.” he was holding a scarf from the closet. 
Strade didn’t waste any time, and you could only gasp at the quickness of him tying your arms behind your back with it, cinching it just a bit too tightly. 
“Stay ready for me when I get back, Schatz. I’ll see if I’m in the mood to fuck you after I run my errand. And you.” Strade pointed at Ren, who was beginning to slide off the chair. Ren paused, then quickly sat back, looking attentive. 
“No touching them, and keep an eye on them, make sure they don’t find a way to get off, alright?” 
Ren’s ears flattened against his skull, now frowning at Strade. Strade looked over you both, seeming to bask in the two grumpy faces he had in his living room now. He seemed to really get a kick out of winding you up and leaving you wanting. 
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One Direction Folklore Fest - Coming Soon!
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"My mind turns your life into folklore." - Taylor Swift
A fest dedicated to all things folklore, myths and legends. Prompt submissions open 23rd January 2024!
Rules, schedule and sign up information will be posted soon, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Thank you!
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fbrdcdficrevivalfest · 10 months
are there any limitations on who can participate (other than age)?
The only limitations are be 18+, have an ao3 account, write 1k - 5k, and have it feature one or more of the FBR/DCD fam.
We'd be honored if this was someone's first foray into writing or sharing fic. We're aiming to make the experience as low-stress, inclusive, and flexible as possible : )
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scenariopubblico · 1 year
E' in arrivo la contaminazione del FIC FEST!
Benvenuti e benvenute in questo spazio dedicato al FIC FEST!
Il Festival dedicato alla danza contemporanea che abbraccia musica, teatro, cinema, arti visive organizzato da Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza, Centro di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale di Catania.
Ogni giorno verrà raccontato, in questo spazio, tutto ciò che succederà, attraverso lo sguardo dei giovani danzatori di Modem Atelier, un programma di formazione della danza contemporanea di Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza.
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Con l’intento di documentare e archiviare le iniziative, tra performance, talk e incontri, cerchiamo di rendere sempre più capillare la conoscenza della danza, un’arte fatta con il corpo destinata a tutti, affidando questo importante compito ai giovani sguardi. Convinti del solido potere di cambiamento della danza, attraverso il suo essere poetico e concettuale, costruiamo insieme da più di trent’anni una comunità più coesa, viva e creativa.
Il FIC, acronimo di Focolaio di Infezione Creativa, inizierà il 5 e 6 maggio la contaminazione creativa itinerante per le strade e le piazze del centro di Catania, insieme ai danzatori della Compagnia Zappalà Danza.
Nel tempo della città apriremo tutti insieme un canale contagioso: ci uniremo e rallenteremo il passo per concederci la visione di spettacoli, stimoleremo un flusso che ci porterà ad ascoltare e dialogare con artisti, coreografi, danzatori e studiosi delle arti performative.
L’obiettivo è incontrarci, stare e crescere insieme nella cultura.
A partire dal 7 maggio il FIC FEST si svilupperà a Scenario Pubblico con alcuni appuntamenti anche da Isola Catania, il teatro Mario Sangiorgi e l’Orto Botanico. Puoi consultare il programma completo cliccando su questo link https://www.scenariopubblico.com/rassegne/fic-fest-2023/
Seguici e lasciati contaminare.
A presto!
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startanewdream · 1 year
For @hinnyfest, prompt #8 - Ginny vs Dursley
“I saw your Aunt today,” splutters Ginny the moment that the door of the kitchen closes behind Al.
The pot that Harry was drying slips off his grip and falls to the floor; the sound echoes painfully in his ear.
“Did you?” He asks in a nonchalant voice, bending down to grab the pot.
“Yeah, when we were down at London to pick James’ birthday present.”
“So the kids—”
“Al and Lily were with me,” she confirms. Something claws inside Harry, until— “I didn’t let them meet her.”
Relief floods him suddenly; he remembers being Lily’s age, waking up from a nightmare and receiving only a cold stare. But Harry is over this, he is, so he just asks: “Why not?”
“I didn’t like the way she was looking at them.” She takes the pot from his hand to store it away.
“As if they were freaks?” Asks Harry in a faint voice.
Ginny glares at him fiercely. “Only if she wanted to get punched in the middle of the street. No—she was looking as if she were seeing a ghost.”
“Two, probably,” mumbles Harry. He knows what Aunt Petunia must have seen: a little red-headed girl named Lily Potter, and a boy with dark messy hair and Lily Evans’ green eyes. 
“Well, if she wants to feel haunted, that’s her problem. Not our children’s.” Her eyes soften. “Neither yours.”
“Yeah. Sure.” He knows he doesn’t sound too convincing; Ginny hugs him and, even though her head is buried in his chest and Harry’s arms are wrapped closely around her, he feels he is the one getting all the comfort. “I was just surprised.”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have just blurted it out like that.”
“No, that’s fine. Well, it’s okay at least,” he adds under her disbelieving gaze. “How did it go then?”
“Okay. Weird. She recognized me—that time we happened to meet at Dudley’s—but truly she couldn’t take her eyes off the kids.” She sighs heavily. “I think she wanted to meet them.”
“Oh.” There is a sudden need to go confirm if Al and Lily are safe in their bedroom right now. “And do you think—”
“No,” interrupts Ginny at once. “If she feels any regret, if she wants a second chance—she should ask you, not your children. She doesn’t get to try anything with them, that’s not how it works.”
“And do you think she wants a second chance…?”
“If she does, she can ask Dudley for our number. She can reach out to you and see if you want to talk to her.” Harry doesn’t answer her; Ginny breaks apart just enough to watch his face. “What? Why are you looking guilty?”
“It’s just—she’s also their family, so—”
“No.” She crosses her arms, jaw set. “Petunia Dursley is your relative, not your family. Your family is upstairs creating havoc in their rooms even though we told them to go to sleep. Your family are your friends, everyone who cares for you—not someone who just shares your blood, and nothing else.”
He pulls her closer again. “You are right,” he says, closing his eyes, and letting his head rest atop hers. “Myreal family is perfect.” Above them, there is the sound of something heavy falling on the floor; Lily’s giggle sounds through the house, just as Albus yells something. “And I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
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zb1fics · 3 months
to celebrate new beginnings, we welcome you to a new #zb1fic fest!
theme ✧ —
a housewarming, or even the very concept of a home (be it a tangible, physical thing, or a person)
general rules ✧ —
write about a housewarming / explore the general theme of home (eg. moving in, roommates, house parties etc)
no hyj rps — platonic involvement only
no reader x member ships
any rating / genre / length — no strict rules so long as it meets minimum wordcount (1.5k)
schedule ✧ —
check-in: 20th jan, final posting: 31st jan (reveals soon!)
please refer to our carrd, send an ask, or leave any questions you have here for a faster response.
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✧ — original twitter post (post for archive purposes, sign up's now closed)
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