Announcing "Convincing Tumblr To Read My Followers' Books" Event! Submit Your Story Synopsis here!
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Exciting news! I'm so thrilled to announce the launch of my latest event: "Convincing Tumblr To Read My Followers' Books." This is your chance to shine as a writer and gain exposure for your works-in-progress (WIPs) or published books.
Here's how it works: You, my talented followers, are invited to submit your story synopses and descriptions using the prompts provided below and inside the google form. Whether you're an aspiring author with a captivating WIP or a seasoned writer with a published masterpiece, this event is for you!
Once submitted, your stories synopsis and details will be featured right here on my Tumblr blog page. This platform provides you with the opportunity to showcase your creativity and connect with readers and fellow writers from all corners of the internet. It's the perfect chance to gain followers, receive feedback, and expand your audience.
But that's not all! As readers, you'll have the chance to explore a treasure trove of literary gems. Dive into intriguing synopses, discover new voices, and immerse yourself in captivating narratives crafted by your fellow Tumblr users.
Here are some of the prompts for submission:
Title of your book
Brief synopsis or description
What inspired you to write this book?
Main themes explored in your book
Genre(s) of your book
This event isn't just about promoting your work—it's about celebrating the power of storytelling and fostering a supportive community of writers and readers.
Submit your stories using the prompts in the google form. Fill it out and join us in "Convincing Tumblr To Read My Followers' Books." Let's make magic happen, one story at a time!
Happy Writing - Rin T.
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halopedia · 9 months
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Prior to the arrival of the Covenant barbarians, those who would come to make up the 343 clans of the Imperial Court were warlords who feuded among each other.
Source: Halo on Twitter
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myhauger22 · 7 months
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Oliver and his clan
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youronlyoneofcl · 1 year
This week's Friday Reads and Fiction Friday recommendation!
It's surprising that no live-action production company/producer has taken notice of Peter F, Hamilton's Commonwealth universe/series.
This franchise can be adapted into a movie trilogy, or a TV/web series spanning 5 to 7 seasons with 16‒25 episodes each. This fictional universe that Peter F. Hamilton created tackled countless current social issues, and these were written years ago and still valid to this day.
Not to mention, there were also technological ideas that we started to see a few years after they were introduced in his novels.
Thus, for my Friday Reads and Fiction Friday recommendation, I highly encourage reading these great space opera novels by Peter F. Hamilton.
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Start with the Commonwealth Saga:
Pandora's Star (ISBN: 0-330-49331-0)
Judas Unchained (ISBN: 0-330-49353-1)
Followed by the Void Trilogy (1,200 years after Judas Unchained):
The Dreaming Void (ISBN: 978-1-4472-7968-6)
The Temporal Void (ISBN: 1-4050-8884-2)
The Evolutionary Void (ISBN: 978-1-4050-8895-4)
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Then The Chronicle Of The Fallers:
The Abyss Beyond Dreams (ISBN: 978-0345547194)
Night Without Stars (ISBN: 978-0230769496)
There is also Misspent Youth (ISBN: 0330480227), a prequel (340 years before Pandora's Star).
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juanpacodesignco · 22 days
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Una de Gitanos...
Hace mucho tiempo, olvidado entre los escombros de historias del viejo mundo, el mal personado en Vlad, vaivoda de Valaquia, quedó prendado de una hermosa mujer, Lenora. El conde, que tenía un corazón obscuro y el alma totalmente carcomida, trató de comprar su amor. Lenora, sin embargo, ya amaba a otro, amaba a Pedro. Un gitano que trabajó como herrero en la casa de sus padres. 
El mal no tiene pausa, y además posee la terrible capacidad de saltar de corazón a corazón casi sin esfuerzo. En medio de la locura que causa el amor, los padres de Lenora bajaron la guardia, y quedaron expuestos.  El mal logró entrar en ellos, e inmediatamente las dudas los carcomieron. Sus corazones se llenaron de odio y miedo. Le prohibieron a Lenora ver al gitano, y la encerraron en su cuarto. Poco sabían de cómo funciona un corazón. Este encierro trajo la amargura necesaria que alimenta todo aquello que marchita el alma. El mal se empezó a alinear. Vlad tenía todo preparado para el ritual que iniciaría a Lenora como suprema dama de rău la noche de walpurgis de 1445. 
Pedro, que sabía leer el fuego y que con su corazón noble presentía cuando el mal andaba cerca, supo dilucidar el plan de Vlad, y trató de evitarlo pidiendo la mano de Lenora en matrimonio. Ni siquiera pudo entrar. “No te quieren para nada cerca de acá”, se encargó de decirle Annia, la otra gitana que trabajaba en la casa, "si se enteran te matan”.  Por supuesto que se huyeron al día siguiente.  
Por la mañana, mientras Lenora se preparaba para el viaje, Pedro salió a recolectar setas y otras hierbas para el camino. Se puso de cuclillas y llenó las cantimploras con agua del Danubio. El bello Danubio riega brevemente los campos en Rumania antes de desembocar en el mar negro. Con el corazón lleno de esa valentía que el primer amor nos da, Pedro susurró sus deseos más profundos. Con los ojos perdidos en las piedras de la orilla, Pedro no podía dejar de pensar en Lenora, y en sus ojos, y en las cosas que dice, y en todos los atardeceres que verían. Brillante, como estrella del Norte, una pirita en particular le llamó la atención. Era verde y tenía miles de fisuras, burbujas y matices por dentro. Era Moldavita, la piedra que mantiene alejado al demonio. Pedro, que a estas alturas ya había más que saltado al vacío en pos de su amor, no dudó en tomarla y forjar con ella un dije.  
Ese día Lenora y Pedro escaparon, pero Vlad Drácula Tepes los encontró. A Lenora no la tocó, porque no pudo acercársele, el dije de moldavita lo mantuvo lejos, a Pedro, sin embargo, Vlad lo destrozó, lo mató. El clan al ver esto salió huyendo de Romania, Vlad en respuesta esclavizó a diez mil gitanos, y los obligó a trabajar para él. 
Vlad empoderado por el mal -destrozado por el desamor- lanzó una maldición contra todos los gitanos. Juró regresar cada cierto tiempo para lograr poseer a Lenora o a su linaje, y castigarlos hasta el fin del tiempo -como una enferma manera de revivir un evento traumático esperando sanar-. 
Desde entonces Lenora se escondió y con ella al hijo que llevaba adentro, emprendiendo camino errante por el mundo. 54 años tenía el hijo, el día que se subió a la Pinta detrás de un Cristóbal Colón ya cansado.  
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xoxolovescar · 26 days
Whispering Grove [Part 1]
Sandra always voices her doubts, but when Logan suggests their risky plan for tomorrow, the group's dynamic shifts. With whispers of urban legends and a daring adventure ahead, tensions rise. Yet amidst their everyday struggles, each harbors secrets that could unravel their bond. As they navigate the mysteries of adolescence, friendships will be tested, and destinies forged in the crucible of uncertainty. Welcome to a world where every step forward is a leap of faith, and the shadows hold more than mere secrets.
(♥ 1,625 words ♥)
Sandra always expresses her discomfort pertaining to the slightest sight of almost guaranteed danger, “All that I’m saying, is that it doesn’t seem like the greatest idea.”
Olivia chimed in, “besides, we’re supposed to be home before the street lights are on–”
Before Olivia could continue, Logan raises his hand in a shushing manner, “Fine, we won’t do it today.”
The girls sigh in relief. 
“We’ll just have to do it tomorrow,” he continued, “It’ll be Friday anyways.”
Dylan then asked, “Does anyone's dad have headlamps?”
Maya nodded, reluctantly mentioning, “Yeah, but I'm not sure he would let us borrow them when I tell him why we want them.”
“So? don't tell him? Simple,” said Logan, grumbling.
Maya exclaimed, “You know all the rumors of that place!”
Dylan, always the mediator, suggested, “But someone should know where we are, you know, just in case.”As the group considered his words, Dylan continued, moving to stand on Maya’s side, “Yeah, rumors have to start from some truth, right?'"
They continued their walk to school that day as normal as Thursday could be. Inside, each of them felt different emotions over this adventure they were planning. 
Sandra continues to explain reluctance through her velvety tone; her words always flow languidly. She adeptly expresses her emotions further through her eyes. Sandra would describe her eye color to fall between brown and green; clearly hazel but her obstinacy would never allow her to say it out loud. The boys tend to tease about that depiction of her eyes just as much as her stubbornness. 
Many attribute her ability to articulate requests persuasively to her voice, believing it to be the key to her obtaining everything she could ever desire. Never lifting a finger, she possesses the ability to navigate conversations into her favor effortlessly.  Her mature tone always carries a persuasive charm that can coax even the toughest souls her way. Sandra can’t help but wonder why some mistake her persuasion for a flirtatious attitude. She genuinely doesn't intend it to be interpreted that way, or so she insists. Perhaps, many of her relationships have ended because of this misconstrued situation. 
Maya struggles to communicate her thoughts enough for her and Sandra. For everything Maya couldn’t say, Sandra said it for her. Maya, though beautiful, is a very shy girl. The group has many times attempted to unravel the mystery of just why she is so sheepish; outside of her presence, of course. They have still not come to any conclusion after years of knowing her. They however blame her parents, anyhow. Maya's parents have let the drink hold a mean grasp onto them; and their constant comparisons of Maya with her cousin certainly do not help her bashfulness. 
Maya’s cousin is tan, blonde, and already dating; the complete opposite of Maya. Through it all, behind her reserved demeanor, she buries herself in a world of books. Maya has attended Jay Gatsby's extravagant parties; was among the crowd, witnessing the persecution of Hester Prynne; visited the ranch where George and Lennie bucked harley; manned the crew aboard the Pequod; attended the Wilkes’ barbecue at Twelve Oaks; and even joined the exhibition with Huck and Jim on their raft. 
The comparisons never got in between Maya and Sam's relationship over the years. To this day, they remain in close contact through letters in between holiday seasons. Both households have rotary phones, which the girls used often but they preferred the personal touch of a weekly letter. Sam attempts to help Maya with her confidence, whereas Maya helps her with subjects like math and science. Throughout Maya’s own struggles, she never hesitates to throw out a life raft to those who need her most. 
Dylan has always been a sweet, light-hearted boy who attracted those in need of a referee. Growing up the middle child, he learned to maintain harmony fairly younger than most due to his extraordinarily volatile brothers. The three boys were latchkey kids and they spent a lot of time together. Most days their parents returned after six-thirty at night and they ate together a little after seven-thirty. The issue with their parents is not that they’re neglectful. This need to work has bled into Dylan’s personality and the way he earns his money is through a hand-me-down job. He’s able to make his own schedule by mowing lawns, pulling weeds, and shoveling driveways during the other part of the year. He, however, cannot wait until his birthday this year so he can hold a not-so laborious job with his father, like Jason, his older brother did. Also like Jason, Dylan will hand down his client list to his younger brother, Kevin. 
Dylan finds more interest in stockpiling money than he does school but he still manages to get his schoolwork done and he does it well. The same cannot be said for Kevin however, Dylan doesn’t let that hinder him from encouraging his younger brother to succeed; he will not let him fall behind. For some reason, Dylan feels that the success or even the survival of his family is his burden of responsibility. The fear of failing consistently weighs heavily on his mind and clouds his own aspirations. Though he won’t blatantly say it, he seems to be drowning while the life raft he’s reaching for isn’t picking up on his self-evident hints. It seems that Dylan cares for and protects those around him but tends to neglect himself. 
As for Logan, the “opposites attract,” has become apparent through this inseparable duo. Logan has spent his life wanting for nothing and for this, many would call him spoiled. Some would disrespect Logan like this directly to Dylan’s face. Dylan would kindly explain that Logan is not entitled, he just knows what he wants. At 16, Logan is already handsome and has become the eye-catching boy at school. There are times where people will mistake Logan for Dylan, which Logan will take as a high compliment and not always correct the oversight.
Logan is described by many as a leader but this is not always true; sometimes he looks to his best friend before making decisions.  However, Logan has a hot temper and has not yet learned to control it – there are many occasions where he has flown off the handle and ends up regretting it. For this reason, many people do not see him as sweet like his counterpart but that is also false. Logan just doesn’t understand how to control his emotions but he’s still learning. 
There are more issues that Logan battles with such as falling out of love with the girl he has been dating for the last, close to, three years. However, hasn’t left because everyone tells him “they’re meant to be together” mainly due to their looks and popularity, and he simply believes it while he suffers in silence. 
Logan is also a latchkey kid due to his parents busy social life. Usually the maid fills the role of mother; she wakes him for school, fixes his lunch, and his dinner. Logan feels very close to her and will usually call her if he is needing advice. It does upset him that he dials a non-relative rather than visiting his mother in the next room. He shares his mother’s eyes and his father’s rage but besides those few aforementioned aspects, Logan feels no connection to his parents. No hatred towards them, just disdain. He tends to spend most of his nights at Dylan’s. Other nights, while he’s at Jennnifer’s home, he spends those nights thinking of Maya. 
Olivia has always found beauty and horror that would surround her. She learned to do so fairly quickly due to growing up in the foster care system. 4 years ago, she was adopted. Maya was absolutely floored for her yet terrified to lose her closest friend. Olivia's adopted parents, who she already calls mom and dad, lived just down the block from the town center. Along the way to and from school, Olivia picks forget-me-nots, which she adorns throughout her braids. She adores the way they complement her brown hair and how the petals match her eyes. She always makes sure to hang a bundle of flowers from the chest pocket of her overalls; cherishing the way they brighten her journey to school. Despite her careful placement, the flowers often sway and tumble out of her pockets as she skips along the familiar path, adding a playful rhythm to her morning routine.
Olivia tends to enjoy unconventional things, such as downpours, bees, waking up early on the weekend, and public speaking. Olivia is an unwavering column of support for Maya as well. Her new found parents taught her how to stand up for herself, respect and identify boundaries, and do the same for others. Olivia is consistently trying to instill these teachings on to Maya, but Maya isn't quite there yet. This year, Olivia was relieved to have Maya in almost all of her classes, except for three; however, she found comfort in knowing that Dylan was in at least two of the three. 
Being as empathetic as she is, Olivia has honed those skills that are attributed to her most apparent traits. Her wonderfully attentive ears and the ability to understand the emotions of just about anyone are practically her superpower. Additionally, Olivia’s pragmatism is one of her favorite skills to practice. Her proficiency to logically find solutions to problems of her own or whomever she is close to is one of her favorite skills to practice. Ultimately, Olivia thrives on being needed, as if her own well-being is intertwined with the care she provides to others. Without this sense of purpose, she fears she may wither away, much like her beloved forget-me-nots.
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shldbwriting · 1 month
A St. Patty's Day story
Armed with nothing more than a travel mug filled with coffee, she embarked on a quest for gold with her two daughters and the leprechaun captured inside a homework project. #StPatricksDay #leprechaun #shortstory #holidaystory #fridayfiction
Hey, y’all. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. I took the day off of work to get some things done. Basically, I’m getting paid to run errands and cook corned beef and cabbage. I’ve got a little downtime, so I thought I’d get paid to write you this little St. Paddy’s Day story, as well. Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com And if You Catch a Leprechaun? “Mom! Get in here!” Oh, for Pete’s sake, she…
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ecemersons · 4 months
Something Strange Happened on the Subway
“Hey,” a gruff voice said. “Hey, kid.”
Someone poked my shoulder roughly.
I opened my eyes. There was a man sitting next to me. Unkempt beard, rancid breath, and unwashed clothes. Homeless. Probably.
“I don’t have any change,” I said. He wasn’t the first homeless person I’d seen on the subway, but he was the first to sit so close to me. Probably high, I thought.
I looked around the car. The man and I were the only ones inside. Not surprising; it was pretty late at night.
The man chuckled. His teeth were brown. “I don’t want change.”
“Then what?”
“I got a question,” he said.
“Look pal, I’ve had a long day so I think I’ll pass.”
“You sure?” He sounded like I’d just turned down the last donut in the box.
“I’m sure,” I said. To make my point clearer, I put my earphones in. Not bothering to play any music, I leaned my head back and shut my eyes again.
The train stopped at two more stations. I didn’t open my eyes, but I didn’t hear anyone get in the car, and I could still feel the homeless man sitting next to me. One more stop and I’d be home.
“Hey,” the homeless man said.
I ignored him.
“Hey,” he said again.
I sighed and pulled out one of my earphones. When I opened my eyes, I saw that he was still sitting next to me, but I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw two other people were in the car. A woman in her late thirties, and a little girl with pigtails were sitting across from me. The woman – who I assumed was the girl’s mother – was reading a magazine with bored disinterest. The little girl was sucking on a sucker – cherry-flavored, judging by the red smear around her mouth. Her blue eyes were fixed on me.
I hadn’t heard the two come into the car.
Weird, I thought. Must’ve dozed off and missed it.
“Hey,” the homeless man said, drawing my attention away from the little girl’s eyes.
“What?” I said.
“You wanna hear my question?”
“No,” I said. “Would you leave me be?”
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged.
I scowled. The guy was really starting to annoy me.
I made a show of putting my earphones back in and starting my music, just loud enough to drown the guy out. The little girl was still staring at me intently.
We came to another stop. I started to drift off. Then, about ten minutes later I felt someone shove my shoulder.
My annoyance was brimming over into anger, and I sat up to tell the guy off.
There were four more people in the train. I hadn’t heard them get on the train either, but I’d had my music blasting pretty loud. Still, something didn’t feel right.
The little girl was still staring at me. Her cherry sucker and red smeared lips twitched slightly. Her blue eyes had a strange depth. It seemed if I stared too long, I might forget to breathe. It was a ridiculous thought. I knew this, and I scoffed at the idea. But there was a little voice in the back of my head, a worm of doubt.
The homeless man waved his gloved hand in front of my face. I actually did jump, and tore my eyes from the little girl.
“What?” I snapped.
“Do you wanna hear my question now?”
“Fine,” I said. “What? What is your question?”
The man barred his rotten teeth in a grin and leaned in and said in a conspirator’s whisper. “Do you believe in monsters?”
“Do I... what?” I said. “No, of course I don’t. Are you high?”
The man chuckled. “Oh ho! A skeptic!”
His breath really was terrible.
“Look, I’m really not in the mood to talk, so –”
“So you don’t believe in monsters,” the man cut me off. “What about ghosts? Ghouls? Angels? Demons? God?” He lowered his voice. “The devil?”
“Do you have a point?” I asked. I wasn’t about to talk about my spirituality or lack thereof to a hobo who was – in all probability – tripping angel dust.
“The thing about monsters,” he said, ignoring me. “Is that they’re nearly perfect hunters. I mean, ghosts are stuck to one place. Ghouls hunt alone. Monsters, though. . . they’re like wolves. They have a hierarchy, they’re organized. But, do you know what makes them most dangerous?”
Before I could answer he continued.
“They hunt in packs. They set up traps. Their prey seldom know what’s happening until it’s too late. But they don’t kill their prey straight off, oh no that’d be too easy. They toy with them first. Get their scent. Monsters love the chase, see.”
“Where are you going with this?” I said. I wanted to sound angry, but the guy was starting to creep me out.
“I just want to ask you one more question,” he said. He nodded to the rest of the train. “How did these people get here?”
The train was packed. Every seat was taken. Men and women of all ages filled the space. And each one of them was staring at me. The little girl with the pig-tails and the red-smeared lips still had her blue eyes fixed on me. The sucker she held in her mouth made her cheek bulge on one side.
The train was slowing down, arriving at my stop.
“How...?” The word left my lips in a breath.
The train came to a stop, and the doors slid open. I felt the need to run, to push through the staring strangers and sprint home. Instead, I stood and calmly made my way to the door. As I walked passed the little girl with the pig-tails and red-smeared lips, she pulled out her sucker and smiled at me. The sucker was blue.
I wanted to smile back, but instead pushed through to the exit. I stepped out into the night air and sighed in relief as I watched the doors to the train slide shut. I watched as the train slid away on the tracks, eventually swallowed by the darkness of the night.
I turned and walked home. The whole way, I thought about the train ride. How did those people get on the train? Who was the homeless man? And the little girl. . . had I imagined it, or did her teeth seem a little too pointed?
I was ready to shake it all off. I was ready for my bed.
I took the elevator up to my floor and tiredly made my way down the hall to my apartment. Once the door was in sight, I noticed something strange. There was a piece of paper tacked to the wood of the door. A note scrawled in messy handwriting, with only three words written.
Got your scent.
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jmelam · 6 months
It’s that time again! If you could use some Halloween Vibes for Friday the 13th, check out my microfiction story “The Forest” on Spillwords. 🎃🎃🎃
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jreynoldsward · 1 year
Gabe learns that he's not the only one with secrets. Ruby has a few to share as well.
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booknotesbyathina · 1 year
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Hello everyone & Happy Friday!! Tell me a book that you wanted to read sooner than you did. For me is The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, which I wanted ot read since it came out but I was intimidated by its size. However , I recently started it and I want to have finished it soon enough so I can read its prequel A Day of Fallen Night that sits on my ARC pile. *** #ThePrioryOfTheOrangeTree #TheRootsOfChaos #SamanthaShannon #currentlyreading #bigbook #fantasyfriday Challenges: #courtofreadingjan23 #allthebooksjan23 #OnceUponABook2023 - #FictionFriday #tbrsandcoffee23 #fantasyreader #fantasybook #bookaddict #bookcommunity #readingismagic #bookblogger #bookreviewer #greekbookstagram #instavivlio #vivlio #diavazo #eucitesc #mybookfeatures #over30sbookstagram #bookstamums #booknotes_athina (at Sitia , Crête) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpWox9rqiv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phillipiswriting · 9 months
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#FictionFriday ... one day late. Alas.
Thessidian Creation, part 3: the first Idylls, and their Art.
The Ennead is slowly taking shape. Last time we got the Sun Mother, the Nine, the Portals, and the Stones; now we get the Idylls and the creation of all plants and animals as their art. 
Worth noting at this point that this creation myth is one told by modern Thessidian Omphalists -- in other posts I give different perspectives. For instance, the Omphalists group fish and whales and ichthyosaurs all together -- not really considering how such animals crossed the (land-based) portals.
Next time: the Idylls draw first blood, and the Nine whip up the first everstorm. 
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youronlyoneofcl · 1 year
FridayReads and FictionFriday
I highly recommend Lynn Kurland's novels, in particular, her #dePiaget and #MacLeod series. Here's the kicker, the two series have a lot of crossovers, too!
What is the genre of the two series? It depends on the novel.
The most common is romance and romantic (the romantic “genre” isn't necessarily romance per se). Now, we are not talking about romance as most people assume, a girl is head over hills on a hunk guy who is a secret villain or a vampire. (aside: Nothing wrong with that particular sub-genre, I read those, too.)
Time Travel
There is also a touch of family and relationships here and there.
The first book I've read was Dreams Of Stardust. It was so good, I bought every copy of it I saw and gave away for free to friends and colleagues. I recommend starting with it if you are new with Lynn Kurland's works.
You don't have to worry if you start in the middle, or the latest book. Each book is stand-alone. In some, you'll get hints of the greater universe, in some, you wouldn't even know it unless you read, or have read, the other novels.
For example, you can start with One Enchanted Evening and One Magic Moment. These are two are like twin books but at the same stand-alone.
Lynn Kurland is an American author, and the de Piaget and MacLeod series are both set in the United Kingdom. The former is around England, while the latter is around Scotland.
Lastly, if you do want to read the books in an order suggested by the author herself, check out
But, trust me, don't look for a chronological order. The entire universe involves time travel here and there with paranormal, too. It is hard to have an anchor. Read the novels in any order you want.
That's it for this week's FridayReads and FictionFriday!
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jaideepkhanduja · 3 months
Exploring 20 Fiction Books That Mirror Real Life: A Literary Journey #BookishLeague @BohoBibliophile
Exploring 20 Fiction Books That Mirror Real Life: A Literary Journey #BookishLeague @BohoBibliophile #BookLovers #ReadingList #LiteraryJourney #BookToMovie #ExploreWithBooks #FictionFriday #BookishCommunity #WorldOfWords #BookNerd #PageTurner
In the vast realm of literature, certain books transcend the boundaries of fiction to offer readers a profound and realistic glimpse into the intricacies of life. This curated list of 20 fiction books stands as a testament to the power of storytelling, with each narrative skillfully navigating the complexities, challenges, and joys that define the human experience. From the courtroom drama of…
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shldbwriting · 8 months
Blackboot's Gold--an abecedarian tale
What a tale we can tell in just 26 sentences. Get those creative juices flowing and see what you can do with the alphabet. #writingprompt #flashfiction #fictionfriday #writingcommunity #readingcommunity
Abecedarian–Write a story, scene, or poem that uses the abecedarian format. Start with the letter A, or get creative and start anywhere in the alphabet you wish. Writer’s Digest Getting started To choose my starting letter, I used this picker wheel and spun the letter R. Next, I needed a topic for my story or scene. This was a little harder to decide on. It’s not as easy as spinning a picker…
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