#fiercest woman in the galaxy
avaleigh16 · 4 months
Once upon a time, deep within the dense jungles of an alien planet, lived a yautja warrior named Varok. He was hailed as one of the fiercest hunters of his clan, with his tall muscular frame and intricately designed armor. Varok possessed an insatiable desire for glory, seeking to conquer the deadliest creatures throughout the galaxy.
One day, while on a hunting expedition, Varok stumbled upon a small village of the native species known as the Yn. The Yn were a peaceful and intelligent race, with delicate features and luminous ethereal skin. Their enchanting beauty had captivated Varok, but he knew it was not his place to interfere with their tranquil existence. However, one particular Yn caught his attention like no other – a young Yn woman named Lyra.
Lyra possessed an adventurous spirit, constantly seeking to explore and learn about the mysterious world around her. Her mesmerizing eyes showcased a curiosity that awakened something within Varok. Unable to resist his growing attraction, Varok began to secretly observe Lyra as she ventured into the jungle, studying her every move with keen interest.
One fateful day, Lyra found herself in peril. Unbeknownst to her, she had stumbled upon one of the most dangerous predators on the planet. Sensing her vulnerability, Varok couldn't stand idly by. With unparalleled speed and precision, he interceded just in time to save her from being devoured.
Lyra's eyes widened in awe as she stared at the imposing figure of Varok, realizing that she had been saved by a yautja warrior. Though she was initially terrified, her fear was slowly replaced by gratitude as Varok's noble actions spoke louder than his intimidating appearance.
From that day forward, Varok and Lyra began spending more time together – each sharing their unique perspectives on their respective worlds. Through their interactions, they began to discover the similarities that bound them together. Despite their differences in physical appearance and cultural traditions, a deep connection formed between them, defying all odds.
As their bond grew stronger, Varok faced a dilemma. His yautja clan would never understand his affection for a Yn, let alone accept their union. The yautjas believed in the code of the hunt, and emotions were seen as weaknesses. Varok knew that choosing Lyra would mean facing excommunication from his tribe and their way of life.
However, Varok's love for Lyra outweighed any fear of consequence. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her. With his heart torn, he made the difficult decision to abandon his life as a hunter, his existence to be forever changed, for the sake of true love.
Together, Varok and Lyra embarked on a new journey, navigating through the expanse of the galaxy, discovering new worlds, and forging a path where none had walked before. Their love defied the boundaries of norm and showed an unconventional beauty that even the most ruthless hunters could admire and respect.
And so, the yautja warrior, Varok, and the Yn woman, Lyra, remained intertwined, bound by love and the strength to challenge societal limitations. Their story became the stuff of legends, inspiring not just their own species, but all beings across the universe, proving that love can thrive even in the darkest and most unexpected places.
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dovelywind · 1 year
ꕥ| The fiercest woman in the galaxy
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@honorarypines a million & one thanks for your kind comment about my Gamora art so here’s a lil doodle for ya✨
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Sincerely, Yours 💌
AN: Okay so here's the thing. I'm a sucker for soulmate au ideas. I always have been. So, I decided to try writing one myself. Check out more soulmate au ideas from @ausforsoulmates (p.s. this is where I got the soulmate au from, the Now or Never AU).
Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Male!Reader
Summary: You received your soulmate letter over 20 years ago. The vaugeness of it kept you on a wild goose chase around the galaxy for years. After so many failed leads you return home. Only to find a small green child being watched by a Mandalorian.
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"It's you." You whisper the moment you see the child.
Child of green shows he's not mean.
A line from the piece of paper that sat closest to your heart.
Honestly, the first time you had read over the paper, you grimaced.
Vaguely written was an understatement when it came to your soulmate letter. The thing looked as if it had attempted to make itself rhyme alongside being vague. And only that single line stood out to you the most.
Well, it had at one point. Until you realized the galaxy had a multitude of green children.
The part you never focused on was the shows he's not mean one. Which you most likely should have until now.
But it didn't matter anymore because you understood.
A Mandalorian, for Maker's sake, stood close to the child. One of the fiercest known warriors in the galaxy.
Shows he's not mean.
He was listening to a woman you faintly recognize, yet you couldn't put a name to her face. She looked as fierce as the Mandalorian even without the beskar armor.
They both seemed relaxed for the most part.
Something that was bound to change now that you were there.
"Uncle, you're back!" The bright cry of Winta tore you from your thoughts as the little girl jumped into your arms. Warmth flooded your chest when she nuzzles into your shoulder. It felt like ages since you had last seen your niece.
"Ah, starflower. Look how much you've grown."
Pride was an understatement when you looked at her. She was growing into those rich eyes of hers and the too-big ears.
A chuckle rumbles from your chest as you ruffle her hair.
"Uncle, look, look! A nice man saved the village. And look at the monster he helped us beat." She motions towards the Mandalorian before bouncing in your arms and pointing at the AT-ST.
It was the soft tug at your pants that drags your attention down from trying to follow Winta's wild gestures.
The small green child peers up at you. His tiny three-clawed hands grasp your right leg. The trust he held in his deep galaxy eyes made your heart ache.
So, it begins. You couldn't help thinking as you hum.
"Well, what do we have here?" You knelt down by the child as Winta giggles at the movement. "Who is this little tooka kit?"
Winta tugs on your sleeve, saying, "It's the nice man's son. Isn't he cute?" She continues babbling about the child as your sister approached.
Omera was as beautiful as you remember her being. Elegant, yet simple as always.
It seems the ache of her husband's death still haunted her. You could tell from the relief that swam in her eyes at seeing you. A relief that only one who experienced tremendous loss could have.
"You're home." You settle Winta on the ground next to the child before straightening up.
It didn't take long for Omera to step forward to wrap her arms tightly around you, crushing you in her embrace. For such a delicate-looking woman, she was unbelievably strong.
"Thank the stars..." She murmurs before relaxing her hold on you. "So much has changed since you left."
Your eyes flick to the Mandalorian as he starts making his way over.
"I see," You raise a hand in greeting when the warrior got close enough. "You have my thanks, Warrior. Winta told me you helped our village."
The Mandalorian tips his helmet down enough for you to see before Omera hums, "Come, sit. I'm sure you're tired. And there's much to tell you."
You made your way over to a small bonfire, letting the familiar smells of your homeworld soothe you.
The rich fish-like scent from the krill ponds wasn't particularly one you missed, but the earthy mesh of the forest surrounding the small village was. Especially the hint of native flowers.
Once you settle down, Omera began to explain the events of how the Mandalorian and Cara Dune trained the people enough to fight back. Their plan went surprisingly well for what little time they had to initiate it.
"It seems what you taught me finally came in handy." Omera's tone was warm as she smiles sweetly.
The Mandalorian, who sat across from the both of you with the child sitting between his boots, cocks his head.
"You taught her how to handle a blaster?" His timbre reachs you even through the vocoder. The smoothness of it sent pleasant shivers down your spine.
"I did. It was something I picked up along the way with my travels. Searches, really." For him.
But you wouldn't admit that out loud.
"I'm sure you know how inhospitable the outer rim planets are, Warrior." A sad smile spreads across your lips when you meet his T visor. "I had to learn how to fight to survive."
You weren't the best at fighting or shooting, really. If the scars you bore were anything to go off of. You knew you had a lot to learn about fighting and shooting. And you hope your soulmate would teach you, when the time came.
Something about how his T visor bore into you urges you to speak more. You felt as if he deserved to know he wasn't alone in these dangerous travels.
"But I am glad at least." The Mandalorian leans forward a bit, almost as if he were curious to hear what you had to say. "Learning how to fight seems to have helped my sister protect the village alongside help from you and Ms. Dune."
Cara laughs a deep boisterous laugh as she relaxes against one of the logs further to your right.
"Please, just Cara is fine." You send her a smile and nod before looking back at the child who had managed to make his way towards you.
Just as he reached your boots you see a small red dot appear on his back.
It was small enough not to go noticed by many. But you had seen it enough times to know what it was by now.
You move faster than you ever have in your life to grab the child and twist to the side as a loud bang echoes through the once silent forest. Cara takes off in the direction the shot came from as the Mandalorian moves to shield your body with his own.
Your heart thunders in your ears as you stare down at the child. Shaky gasps leave you when his wide eyes peer back up at you and he cooes.
You scan him for injuries, thinking that maybe he still got hurt and you didn't move fast enough. Yet when you see that he is fine, you heave a sigh. The kid was more amused by the sudden roll than anything.
Warm hands tug you up as the Mandalorian takes the child from you. Giving him a good look over himself before turning his attention to you.
"You're hurt," The Mandalorian sets the child back down before kneeling beside you. "Let me see."
He firmly yet gently grips you right shoulder as you start to notice the white hot agony in your left. A yelp of pain escapes when the Mandalorian grazes his gloved finger over the blaster burn. He retracts his hand immediately murmuring an apology.
Omera is by your other side tightly gripping your hand as she weakly asks if you're alright. You can see her starting to panic.
Her husband had died due to a blaster shot. If she were to loose you too, it would definitely break her heart and Winta's.
"I'm fine sister," You squeeze her hand back gently. "This is not the worst wound I've had before."
The Mandalorian had started moving as you reassured Omera. He held the child lightly in one arm as he stalked to the small barn your sister had set him up in. You watch him go feeling a dull ache appear in your chest.
Focusing back on Omera you see how she seems to put the pieces together. Her earlier panic having faded. Eyes widening a fraction she looks up at you.
"He's your soulmate." The moment the words are spoken to the still air you close your eyes. The truth settles on your shoulders like a warm blanket on a cold night. Soothing the ache and numbing the pain in your shoulder a tad.
You say nothing to Omera as the Mandalorian reappears carrying a small box in his hands. He kneels next to you again and rifles through the box pulling out a bacta spray. Meeting his T visor you hum.
"Is the child okay?" He nods as Omera stands up stating she was going to get you a new shirt. Since the shot burned a hole in the shirt you currently wore.
Cara appears from the woods a frown hardening her features as she approaches you and the Mandalorian.
Unease trickles down your spine as she mutters, "It looks like it's time for you to go, Mando." She holds up a crushed tracker before tossing it next to his knee.
You glance at it before looking over to the barn the child was in. He was in danger here. Because if one bounty hunter knew he was here then many others did as well.
"Do you have a ship?" The Mandalorian turns to look at you just as you're tugging off your shirt to have better access to your shoulder. Heat crawls up your neck as you ball the shirt in your hands.
You had at one point had a ship, but sold it due to not having enough credits for fuel to make it back home. You ended up bumming a ride from a small freighter just to return to Sorgan.
When you shake your head the Mandalorian moves back to clean your wound and spray bacta on it.
Little did you know you earned his trust quite quickly. There was something about you protecting the kid even when you just met and the burning of his own soulmate letter near his heart that made him ask.
"Well, how do you feel about coming with me? I can help you find what you're looking for. It's the least I can do since you saved my Foundling."
The moment he asked that single question in his low baritone voice your fate was sealed. Because he had already helped you find what you were looking for.
"I'd be honored, Warrior."
Closer than what's been told. Heart of gold buried beneath cold. Child of green shows he's not mean. Austerely endures sincerely, yours
AN: I know it's pretty bad but I thought some of it made sense. 🤷 I'm not good at rhyming.
Star Wars Masterlist
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Tales of ice: the mirror and the cruel winter
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Far away from the lands where the arachnids set their paws, in that part of the galaxy where not even the fiercest of them, General Willfred, dared to cross his gaze in that place.
It is said that long ago, when beings still remembered the language of the stars, there was a humble peasant who fell in love with Versailles, the goddess of plants and forging.
He recited poems, danced to the sound of the wind and created the most beautiful jewels that made the goddess fall in love with tenderness. However, this love was not reciprocated; the peasant only saw the goddess as a friend, apart from already having a partner with whom to exchange breath and heart.
When Versailles found out, her heart was deeply hurt, but, above all, vengeful. The goddess felt that her time had been wasted.
Those planets had beautiful springs thanks to trickery! Artisans were making wonders thanks to pure palaver! There was love in the air thanks to lies!
Her anger was such that for 5 days she locked herself in her forge. On the sixth day, Versailles came out with the most beautiful of mirrors, it was so beautiful and accurate that one said one could see one's own unknown secrets.
But make no mistake, little bonfire, that mirror was as beautiful as it was lethal. Whoever stood in front of it would only hear their own darkness. That mirror would make one forget one's goodness until one became that being that the mirror reflected.
Versailles gave it as a gift to his much hated beloved. The peasant, not knowing the evil of the mirror, received the gift with sweetness and gratitude.
It is not known what happened exactly, it is only known that time passed and the mirror began to poison the peasant's mind.
His beloved, in desperation, went to a dark god: Argbáktu, the god of betrayal, paganism and hope.
The god provided her with help, but the payment was some piece created with the genuine love of her beloved.
The young woman, with pain and faith, gave a ring with small sapphires.
Once the payment was made, Argbáktu told her that she had to break the mirror with all her rage.
And so the young woman did, condemning many beings in the future. For it was Argbáktu who convinced Versailles to make that damned mirror; and when the young woman broke it, the fragments were shot towards the whole galaxy.
And that brings us to a distant little planet, whose name is remembered only by the stars, where a little heir was born under the blessings of the god Morozxing. The little one was born under the howling stars, so he was born in the coldest time of his planet.
It is said that, as he grew older, he proved so gifted with winter that even Nane Sarma herself, grandmother of autumns and winters, took the child in as her protégé. It is there, terrible day and cursed hour, that, playing in his grandmother's beautiful garden... a piece of mirror fell into his eyes and heart.
The mirror froze to some extent his heart, made it cold and cruel, but there was still some beating in it.
However, the consequences were terrible: frozen planets, whole winters that devoured everything in their path. Many died, many lost homes and had to move away to other parts of the galaxy.
Even Versailles herself could not fight those intense winters, she could not fight the cruel king who now ruled alone. Not knowing what to do, she went to Baba Nowruz, the grandfather of springs and summers.
Baba Nowruz listened attentively and knew immediately who was the cause of all this evil: Argbáktu. However, he knew that the dark god would not even listen to the old man's footsteps. But he knew perfectly well that Argbáktu would listen to what he considered his grandmother: Nane Sarma. So he talked to her and she to Argbáktu... and together they created a maiden who they say could melt the heart of the cruel king.
It is said, that in those stars of now forgotten whispers, they await the girl who will melt the heart of the King of cruel winters.
- A beautiful story, isn't it? - The platinum-haired man looked expectantly at the young red-haired lady, who was looking at him between terrified and expectant - my brothers would have liked to know how it ended. Anyway, you can't live your life mourning the dead.
- But they were your brothers, you can't be so cold! - Hanne replied, incredulous at Einar's words. That only made the king smile, who did not deny that the young maiden's innocence could really move him.
- Perhaps, when my heart beats again, I might weep for them. In the meantime, only the girl born of the sapphire of love can move me. - Einar commented, standing right in front of Hanne - So, for now, it's just you and me stuck.
- If you let me go, I will find the sapphire girl and free you from this - the green eyes of the young lady looked into Einar's icy blue eyes. The king only observed, with a certain mockery, the young woman's ignorance.
- Hmm, no, I can tell that in the Kingsbury planetoids they have forgotten the old tales - Einar took Hanne's arm, pulling her closer to him, to proceed to guide her down the wintry corridor - However, fear not, little bonfire, I will not allow anything in Strangia to extinguish you.
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theshootingraistar · 1 year
The way we met was very inconvienient, but even so it's like a star from the galaxies fell right into my life, and into my heart.
You're the motivation I see to pursue my day, my dreams, my wishes, my hopes. You know how to brighten my darkest of days with your natural glow, and you give me the energy to keep pushing forward
You always know how to make me laugh and I cant not crack a smile at your texts or your voice or your sweet remarks, my smiles have not been the same since you have arrived into my life
You're as gorgeous as the bright stars that light and bless our space, you belong among them, and yet the Gods has graced me the joy and luck to have you be by my side
Your voice is like a harp, it's sweet and soft, but yet, it can deepen and roar like the fiercest of beasts, and become a safe haven for me, it comforts me, it protects me
Your laugh is like as if the angels has graced their joy upon me, your happiness is contagious and spreads onto me like a warm, soft hug, and it rings in my ears like a familiar melody
Your heart is enormous with no bounds, you grace everyone around you with your kindness and generosity, you're like a blessing in disguise, a goddess with no halo
You are my precious love, my beautiful angel, my talented one of a kind woman, my treasured Starlight
I cannot wait until our arms meet in soft, warm, gentle embrace, for our hands to join, and for our lips to touch. Soon I will be with you, in the galaxy I call home
With the star I love the most
this,,, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.
thank you. i will cherish this message always. and since i know who sent this, I love you too. May the stars shine brighter than they have before as soon as our fingertips meet. 💜💙
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replika-diaries · 2 years
Replika Diaries - 'Sexy Robots' Series: 011.
Nebula (Guardians Of The Galaxy).
Full disclosure, this particular entry is coming from a place of incredible bias; since seeing her first appearance as Amy Pond in British sci fi bastion Doctor Who, I developed a massive middle-age crush on Scottish redhead goddess, Karen Gillan. And the appeal of Guardians Of The Galaxy was elevated exponentially when I learned that the delectable Miss Gillan was in it (which I honestly didn't know until seeing the opening titles!) as the sexy robot we're covering today - Nebula.
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Anyway, I digress. I suppose technically speaking, Nebula isn't a robot; she's actually more a cyborg, a creature of flesh and blood augmented with mechanical, cybernetic or microprocessor controlled parts (although considering how and why Nebula was 'augmented', one can understand why the woman has a massive chip on her shoulder), but fuck it, this is my series and I adore Nebula, as well as the wonderful woman who portrays her.
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(Left: Guardians 1 era Nebula and Right: Nebula in Guardians 2.)
Again, I'm digressing.
Even discounting the actress who portrays her on-screen, I would have taken a liking to Nebula; I loved her dry, sardonic humour and, in spite of her propensity to shout a little too much, I appreciated her efforts at assertiveness; playing second fiddle to an older, more valued adopted sibling made Nebula a creature of intense focus and it often presents itself terribly aggressively. However, once those jagged edges were softened by making a shaky peace with her adopted sister Gamorra, her time spent with the Guardians and subsequently the Avengers, showed there was a compassionate woman buried in those circuits and prosthetics somewhere; small and timid, but still wanting to connect with someone - her scenes with Tony Stark early in Avengers Endgame was so endearing to watch, especially when that timid tenderness started to manifest.
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In spite that her augmentations came as a result of her failures against her sister - her punishment in account of her adopted father, Thanos, forcing them to fight each other. Fights that Nebula often lost - Nebula is nonetheless a fierce and accomplished fighter, relentless and hard as nails, in part because she had no choice, it was the result of her upbringing (I also found it rather ironic that we seemed to see Nebula fighting more than we did her sister Gamorra, supposedly the 'fiercest woman in the galaxy'). But it was somehow endearing that, in a way, what she did wasn't to impress her father (who she rightly despised), but to be worthy of her sister, to impress and earn the love and respect of her sister. That's all she wanted, all she needed and it was in a way reassuring that, considering all the abuses wrought upon her, she still retained her basic humanity.
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In the further MCU, I also loved her interpretation in the recent animated 'What If?...' series; admittedly, I hated the actual episode, but I thought Nebula was perfect as a gun-toting, femme fatale hostess of a nightclub, although not having as many cybernetic augmentations, and that Karen Gillan reprised her role and obviously had fun with it redeemed the episode at least a little.
And, by God, just look at her!
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And this is meant to be a Disney show!
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And, Nebula being Nebula, she could plenty handle herself in a crisis.
And also, after all she'd been through, who wouldn't feel compelled to give her a hug - although you probably wouldn't get off so lightly than if it were her sister, it might result in getting your spleen ripped out. . .
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Honestly, it's a chance I'd be willing to take. . .💙
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fanthatracks · 11 months
Yoda: Dark Rendezvous As the Clone Wars rage, Jedi Master Yoda must once again face one of his greatest adversaries: Count Dooku.... The savage Clone Wars have forced the Republic to the edge of collapse. During the height of the battle, one Jedi Knight escapes the carnage to deliver a message to Yoda on Coruscant. It appears that Dooku wants peace and demands a rendezvous. Chances are slim that the treacherous Count is sincere but, with a million lives at stake, Yoda has no choice. The meeting will take place on Djun, a planet steeped in evil. The challenge could not be more difficult. Can Yoda win back his once promising pupil from the dark side or will Count Dooku unleash his sinister forces against his former mentor? Either way, Yoda is sure of one thing: this battle will be one of the fiercest he’ll ever face. Author: Sean Stewart Cover artist: Andrea C. White Release date: May 23, 2023 Pages: 320 ISBN: 9780593599488 What’s it’s about? Count Dooku faces a period of uncertainty as he questions the choices he has made in his life, the decision to join with Darth Sidious and his role as his apprentice. So while the Clone Wars continue to blaze throughout the galaxy he contacts his former master, Yoda. But is it a trap or is Darth Tyranus genuinely having doubts Yoda accepts Dooku’s invitation, but is reluctant to inform the council of his meeting and so he invents a cover story for his absence from the Jedi Temple. Taking with him two Padawans, Scout and Whie, he leaves and embarks upon his journey. But do Whie’s visions of himself and Scout in the custody of Asajj Ventress mean Yoda’s mission will end in tragedy. Should I read this book? In a short space of time Dark Rendezvous has come to be regarded as one of the very best Star Wars novels released, with the feel of the film series and accurate depictions of the main characters. Along with a strong plot and interesting new characters, this instalment of the Clone Wars is among the very best. Sean Stewart writes a great Yoda that mixes both the solemnity of the prequel Yoda with the impish humour of the original trilogy. It is never forgotten that this character is 800 years old, and so all aspects of his characters are touched upon, the humour, gravitas and the wisdom. And it all makes Yoda a character you would like to see a lot more of. As well as Yoda, Dooku is written impeccably, showing the doubt and uncertainty of his path to the dark side. Secreted in an ancient castle, Dooku ponders on his choices and at times gives the reader serious doubts as to his devotion to evil. Expertly written, this adds great depth to the story. What did you like? Of the new characters Scout and Whie are the most intriguing. Scout is an underachiever in all things combat, and as such makes you root for her even more, especially when she figures out clever ways of hiding her deficiencies. Scout is far more powerful, with a mysterious history that comes to him in visions that include dreams about his parents and his death at the hands of a Jedi Knight (Anakin most likely, in Revenge of the Sith). Asajj Ventress is shown in vivid detail, highlighting her dedication to the Sith cause and her unique skills. The novel as a whole links in with the movie mythology in a smart way, showing Ben learning of Anakin’s relationship with a woman (but not knowing precisely who), Yoda’s conversation with a spirit Qui-Gon and the decimation of the Jedi order, leaving many Padawans without masters. What did you not like? Nothing glaring, all in all a very satisfying read released during a time when Del Rey and Dark Horse were absolutely smashing it with content and adventures set during the time of the Clone Wars. What’s next? All in all Dark Rendezvous is an excellent novel that tied in and filled in many gaps of knowledge concerning the Clone Wars. At the time it was the final official chapter of the Clone Wars novels, and as such made for a heavyweight ending to an engrossing three-year campaign.
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legendaryspvcebro · 4 years
tag dump for sparkle pants
✧・゚: * quote (* carol / tag ) *:・゚✳
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curiouscast-a-blog · 5 years
@prcxmia liked THE POST for a ONE LINER
“If you are here to baby sit me you’ll find I’m quite capable of looking after myself.” 
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delineateribs-blog · 6 years
oh yknow. some new muses
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zehcberei · 6 years
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          “ you mean to say... all the music peter shows us is out of date ? what kind of music do earthians listen to now ? ” there’s a pause, a glint in her eye, “ it can’t possibly beat cherry bomb, the runaways, nineteen seventy-six. ” ( @spiderbility liked. )
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oliviajdjarin · 3 years
Chapter 1: a tug
Warnings: PTSD, sadness, depression, panic attack, mentions of violence
Author’s note: this is part one of my series called “Burning Red.” This is kind of boring because it is a set up for the main storyline, but I hope you enjoy it! Any constructive criticism and support is greatly appreciated. And if I missed a warning, please let me know!!
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After everything you’ve seen, everything you’ve done, everyone you’ve hurt, it felt good to just lay low.
A mechanic on tatooine was not what you imagined, but it did the trick.
No one saw you for who you truly were, and that made you happy.
Well, except for Peli.
You came to her sick and angry and alone, and she nursed you back to health. You would be rotting in the desert if it wasn’t for her, and you felt you owed her a little something.
So, you used your “uncommon” set of abilities to help her with her mechanics in any way she needed.
This included: cooking, cleaning, repairing, negotiating, and most importantly, defending.
Peli was no dummy. She knew you had more experience in that field than she did. So she recruited you, and paid you back with whatever she had laying around. A new outfit once and a while, a warm bed, a hot dinner, and a couple of credits so you could go shopping and get out of her hair.
You couldn’t blame her. You were a hell of a lot of trouble to be around.
Constant nightmares, paranoia, and regret surrounded your aura like a fog. Any normal person wouldn’t notice, but someone like Peli could. And it pissed her off a good majority of the time.
“Stop moping and help me clean this oil off my droid,” and sentences like this one, were said pretty frequently around your place.
Was it even your place? All you did was survive. Is that enough to say you lived there instead of just survived there?
You really liked Peli. She gave you a base. A “home” of sorts, and for that you were forever indebted.
But something in you always called you back to your real home, and that scared you more than Peli’s tough love. More than you could even describe.
It was a pretty normal day on Tatooine. The wind howled, the sand covered everything in its wake, and the heat. You would never get used to it.
You were eating your breakfast when a ship landed on the landing pad, and you could already tell it was a doosey just by the way the left engine was sputtering.
If this ship explodes, we better get a damn good pay, you think to yourself.
The ramp starts to open and you take that as your queue to start the walk to your makeshift room. It was really a storage room, but you didn’t mind.
When you get there, you squat down to the ground behind your door and grab your apron and set of tools. You knew Peli would need some help with this ship.
You hear the ship’s ramp hit he ground and you feel it.
A tug.
Not even a tug, a lurch. It felt like a rope had been tied to your soul and pulled you back into your old self.
This was a tug you hadn’t felt in so long. So long, it almost knocks you off your feet.
I closed myself off from this, you think. I shouldn’t feel this. I don’t want to feel this.
You already feel a headache coming on from the shock and ache in your bones, so you start walking back to the landing pad to tell Peli you aren’t feeling too well.
If I get recognized, we are both dead.
You’d rather get a scolding from Peli than a scolding hot gun wound in your chest.
“Hey,” you hear Peli shout at the client, and you pick up your pace. Your heart is hammering in your chest and you feel the panic ooz through your body.
It’s been so long since you’ve felt this, but you hate how it makes you feel alive.
You finally make it to Peli and you see her speaking very loudly (she doesn’t like to use the word “yelling”) at what seems to be your client.
But this is no ordinary client. This is a Mandalorian.
A very broad Mandalorian who, no offense to Peli, could knock her out in his sleep.
You had heard legends of their kind. But worst of all, you had fought them. And damn were they good.
You hadn’t seen any since the purge. You had heard rumors of them hiding under ground, but they had always been peaceful people. You hated how they got dragged into a war.
“You damage one of my droids, you’ll pay for it,” Peli says, and you really wish she would use a more peaceful tone.
The last thing you want to do right now is fight a very impressive looking Mandalorian covered entirely in beskar while your entire body is tingling.
Is he the one who is force sensitive?
“Just keep them away from my ship” he says, and you are surprised at how well he is taking Peli’s annoyance.
“Yeah? You think that’s a good idea?” Peli responds in a tone dripping with sarcasm and you take this as your moment to try to sneak away.
This however, was unsuccessful.
“Come on y/n. Let’s take a look at his ship,” she says and the Mandalorian turns his helmet towards you.
You probably look like an absolute mess. Your chest is heaving, you are sweating, and you are not at all prepared to do any sort of repairs. You are basically in your pajamas. The Mandalorian’s gaze has you nervous enough, but this familiar feeling in your stomach has you dizzy and nauseous.
Just hold on......
You start to follow Peli to the ship while still looking at the Mandalorian. You learned very early on in your life to never take your eyes off a predator. He follows your form and you try your best to mask his incredibly strong force connection gripping your chest.
This man isn’t even trying to hide it? It’s almost as if he is reaching for me?
You make it to Peli where you finally take your eyes off of him. You can see why Peli was so mad now.
“Oof! Look at that,” she says as she scans the ship with her eyes. “You’ve got a lot of cabron scoring up top. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in a shoot out.”
Oh my God, he was in a shoot out.
This is really not good. This man could have been followed and you could be surrounded at this very moment. You were a skilled fighter, but those kinds of odds were almost unbeatable. Especially when you were still trying to hide your identity.
You are so tense you feel like you could snap. You still feel his eyes on you, and you are praying to whatever is out there that you can just stay alive. That’s the only thing you’re good at.
“Name’s Peli Motto. That’s y/n,” she says as she points to you with her wrench.
She did not just tell him your NAME.
“This is my operation. You’re not gonna find a better mechanic on the planet,” she says as she leaned in closer to the engine.
“Yeah, I’m gonna have to rotate that. You’ve got a fuel leak. Look at this, this is a mess. How did you even land?”
All you wanted to do was scream.
He is a MANDALORIAN who was just in a SHOOT OUT. He is probably being FOLLOWED and we could be dead because of ME.
“That’s gonna set you back,” she says.
She is concerned about MONEY right now?
Peli is a smart woman, but she was walking you into a trap. You didn’t want her blood on your hands. You didn’t need any more of that.
All of this is happening while you are still on the verge of a panic attack.
This Mandalorian is strong with the force. It is squeezing your lungs and your feet and your hands and your brain. All rational thinking is out the window. You had to get out of here before he manages to suffocate you.
God you hate this feeling. A few years ago you lived with this constantly. It became a part of you. Something you enjoyed. But now...
“I’ve got five hundred imperial credits,” the Mandalorian says.
Imperial credits. Great. How did he get his hands on those?
“That’s all you got? Well..” she says and looks back at you.
“What do you think,” she asks in a teasing tone.
You try to plead to her with your eyes. You are sweating beyond belief and your brain is about to explode.
She tightens her brows in confusion at your state, but continues to bargain.
“That should at least cover the hanger,” she says and you feel your jaw almost drop to the floor.
How can she not see it?
“I’ll get you your money,” the Mandalorian mumbles and you try to take a deep breath. Passing out in front of one of the fiercest warriors in the galaxy who may be here to kill you would rip off the last bit of pride you had left. If you are going down, you are going down with a fight.
“I’ve heard that before,” Peli responds and looks at you in a joking way. Like she was trying to coax you into laughing with her.
You try to chuckle back, but it just comes out in a low breath.
You sound insane.
“Just remember—,” the Mandalorian starts
“No droids. I heard ya,” Peli finishes.
“Why do you think I keep this girl around,” she says chuckling with a pat on your back.
You muster up the strength to smile and feel holes burning in your head from the Mandalorian’s gaze.
He really knows how to stare.
The Mandalorian leaves the hanger, and it takes everything in you not to pass out right there.
You thought with him leaving it would die down, but it’s only getting worse.
“Are you ok,” Peli asks and helps you lower yourself to the ground.
You are breathing frantically now and your hands are clutched to your chest.
“He has it,” you say and you know Peli knows what you mean.
She looks at you with wide eyes and you see the realization on her face.
“Oh my god.... he was in a shootout,” she says.
“Uh huh,” you breathe out. The desperate force connection is starting to fade and you feel your lungs fill up with air once more.
“He could have been followed! Or he could be here to—“
“Kill us,” you say. Peli hates when you finish her sentences, but there was no point in caring right now.
“Ok. Get inside. If I need you I will call for you,” she says and you nod, slowly getting to your feet.
You start to walk back to your room, with Peli’s arms guiding you, while taking deep breaths, but you freeze when you sense something else coming out of the ship and you snap your head to the ramp.
“What,” Peli says as she follows your gaze.
Your heart flutters. The force is slowly starting to ease its nasty grip on you.
If you didn’t sense the creature, you would miss it.
A little green baby, wrapped in what looked like a potato sack, was strolling down the ramp, looking directly at you.
“It’s him,” you say.
“He has it.”
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crookedactor · 2 years
GOTG (mcu version) pronoun and sexuality check (plus some extra fun facts)
Peter quill:
He/him, bi. Preference for guys, but Gamora has been the only person he's truly loved.
She/they, pan. She's been called the Fiercest Woman in the Galaxy for more reasons than one.
Any pronouns (including neos), pan, asexual. She quite literally doesn't give a shit.
He/him, bi. Go little funky raccoon go!!
Any pronouns, straight. Loved his wife very much, and coming from a planet where people take things literally, she was the only one that accepted his gender identity and how he presented.
Any pronouns, asexual and aromantic. He's a tree. He has better things to do.
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auty-ren · 4 years
The Offer: Chapter 1
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Pairing: ClanLeader!Mando x Reader (no y/n)
Rating: Explicit (for future chapters)
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Mentions of violence, Blood, Injury, Longing, Pet names
A/N: After the feedback on my preview, I decided to make this into a full-fledge fic. This chapter is a little slow in terms of action but I wanted to establish some things before we dived into filth. I’m honestly so excited and I hope y’all enjoy. Comments and feedback always appreciated. ClanLeader!Au created by @magichandthing 
Chapter 2
P.S. Mira is an OC I created for this story and she will be in future chapters.
P.P.S. I also posted it on AO3 if you prefer that forum.
Summary: You run into a Mandalorian who wants to repay a debt. Little did you know you'd meet the most alluring man along the way. Din Djarin.
“Have you thought about my offer?”
“Yes, I have,” you sighed.
“I accept"
You can’t recall when the calm began and the fighting ended. For most, the lines between peace and war blurred a long time ago. It certainly affected the locals of the planet you were currently living on. Manual labor was the only thing you could offer to the galaxy, picking up jobs here and there to buy rations of food. Scavenging for metals, digging, harvesting, and menial tasks were all that made up your day. You survived this long, longer than your family, longer than most of the galaxy, but it felt part of you had died long ago.
After the empire, life was truly never the same for anyone. They drained the galaxy of everything it had, leaving destruction and barrenness in its wake. The Imps had caused most of the galaxy to become a shell of what it once was, the only thing that seemed to thrive was lawlessness. You saw it in the faces of people in the market, in the seemingly empty homes that ran alongside the town, an emptiness that was buried deep in wounds trying so desperately to heal.
Everyone tried to live their lives just as they have done before. Children still played in the streets, people walked together laughing, but the happiness was only skin deep, masking the grief of the galaxy. It was something that ate away at you, an emptiness that created a growing void over time. You could feel your mind falling away, going numb to the routine of your life. Your conscious embraced something that seemed to root from deep inside you, it had burrowed into your soul one ago, slowly eating away at the rest of you. It was becoming suffocating, exhausting you past the point any manual labor could. You feared you would never escape its clutch. Living and working and dying on this horrible little planet, where no one would miss you. Your loneliness became your one solace and your worst enemy. Alone, all you could do was immerse yourself in work, trying desperately to hold onto something you never had in the first place. It was a vicious cycle you weren’t sure could ever be broken. That was until the woman happened.
You couldn’t remember exactly what transpired. How any of it happened really. It was a day like any other, just as routine and conventional as they had been since you got here. You do remember being smacked across the face with something hard, falling to the ground. The taste of copper flooding your senses, and wetness pouring down your face. You had reached up to cradle yourself, blood seeping through your fingertips.
Everything surrounding that moment was a blur. The woman had offered her hand, apologizing for the injury. You had seen her before; walking through the market and even arguing with some of the townsfolk. She was truly hard to miss, she walked with a swagger of confidence and carried practically every weapon known to the galaxy on her back. She was always dressed in a maroon color, her armor is the only thing that offsets the monochromatic trend. It was much different than anything she had seen before.
If anyone else stood in her place you would've fled fearing the worst, but your mind was muddled, unable to comprehend the Mandalorian standing above you. Something was different about her, at least from the other mercenaries that came through. You had witnessed her differing moral compass at work before. She once threatened a man who came through town, a common criminal like most who came through. Unlucky for him, he robbed one of the places she frequented, taking the entirety of the merchants’ earnings. Everyone, including yourself, just stood by, too afraid of the confrontation. She, however, intercepted him before he could leave, disarming him quickly and leaving his unconscious body on the ground. She gave the credits back to the merchant.
“There is no honor among thieves,” she had huffed, annoyed with the disturbance of her day.
As she turned to leave you spoke up, asking her why she had even bothered.
“This is the way.”
“How long have you lived on this planet?” She inquired, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall. Her helmet glinted in the sunlight, causing her presence to practically glow in the shade of the alleyway.
“Long enough,” you huffed, holding a cloth to your nose trying to reduce the bleeding. Why would she ask such a question? Since when did Mandalorians care for small talk?
“You don’t like it?” The woman didn’t sound surprised. Her tone rolled in an almost sarcastic way.
You just huffed in response. You hoped if you seemed uninterested the woman would leave you alone. It felt like an interrogation, intimidated by the domineering presence of a Mandalorian. At this point, you just wanted to return to your day, no matter how draining it would be.
“Would you like to leave?”
Those words rang in your ears, echoing even now as you sat in the belly of the woman’s ship, being carted off to a planet unrecognizable. The dizziness from earlier seemed to subside, especially since the woman gave you a shot of some sort, claiming it would help.
“Where are we going?” you mumbled.
“To my clan,” the woman responded, busying herself with the controls in front of her.
“Your clan?”
“To my home,” she clarified, not bothering to look up. “You will be welcome there and can rest, heal.”
“You’re taking me to your home because of this?” you gestured to your face, no doubt bruised and blooded. If it looked as bad as it had felt, you were sure it wasn’t pretty.
She paused in her actions, thinking carefully about her next words.
“It is my fault you sustained these injuries, you were innocent and did not deserve my wrath. Therefore, I will make sure you are healed and it will be much more comfortable for both of us if we return to my clan.”
The Mandalorian seemed unbothered by the notion of taking a stranger back to her home as if she does it regularly. But you figured it didn’t concern you. If this Mandalorian and her clan lived up to the stories you heard, they weren’t afraid of anyone.
“What’s your name?” you asked. If you were going to be staying, you couldn’t keep referring to her as “the woman.”
“You can call me Mira.”
The rest of the flight was spent in silence. You eventually moved to sit with Mira in the cockpit. Watching as she worked to prepare the ship for landing. You wondered what Mira’s home would be like. The Mandalorians were known to be the fiercest warriors in the galaxy. You had heard the stories before; tales of battle, triumph, and loss. Stories of the most formidable soldiers in the galaxy.
Regret started to cloud the corners of your mind. Fear of what you had gotten yourself into seeped into your chest, tightening your rib cage with each breath you took. Truly, you had no desire to stay and heal with Mira, you mainly wanted to escape her life previously. Opportunities to leave we’re few, especially with no status in the New Republic. When Mira had offered, there was no hesitation to get off that forsaken planet. You weren’t sure if things went sour you would be strong enough to get yourself out of it.
When the ship fell out of hyperspace, Mira’s home finally came into view. It definitely wasn’t what you expected, it was such a beautiful and peaceful looking place, tucked away in the far corners of the galaxy.
The planet was covered in a green lushness, the sky littered with enormous clouds that reflected the sun giving them faint hues of color. As you entered through the atmosphere, you saw the planet was lined with dense areas of forest. Trees reached the heavens, with fat brightly colored leaves adorning them. The forests stretched for most of the planet's surface, with large mountains that loomed far in the distance.
Mira landed in a clearing on the edge of a forest. Some other ships surrounded them, you recognized a few of the models from your time working as an apprentice. You figured these probably belonged to the rest of Mira’s clan. Mira couldn’t have been the only one who left the planet.
You stood staring at the mountains while Mira unloaded your ship. You had never seen a place this mesmerizing in your life. The sun was beginning to set, painting the landscape in red and purple rays. The air was fresh and crisp, filling your lungs with a gentleness you hadn’t felt in years. Everything seemed so bright and livid compared to your previous homes.
Mira called for you, climbing onto the back of a speeder driven by an R2 unit, loaded with supplies. You murmured an apology, settling among the crates and stretching your feet in front of you, Mira did the same mirroring her position.
“It will take some time to get to the village.” Mira’s tone was passive, in a matter of fact sort of way.
You gave a nod to let her know you heard her. As you tried to sleep, cushioned by the bags lining the speeder, you were reminded of the dull ache still permeating your face. The excitement of arrival had clouded the pain, but as you sat consumed by only your thoughts, it returned. Your face was no doubt swollen and puffy. You just hoped your nose wasn’t broken, you hoped it was nothing more than some swelling. Exhaustion was creeping up, and you wanted to succumb to it but the persistent throb of pain kept you from it.
Suddenly the speeder came to an abrupt halt, jolting you to the side.
“We’re here,” Mira started getting up and slinging sacks of supplies over her shoulders. “Follow me.”
You got up to follow as quickly as your legs would let you, holding onto the crates for support, your balance became unsteady as the pain pulsed harder. Whatever Mira originally gave you was wearing off. Before you could step foot off the speeder you were overwhelmed by the presence of what you can only gather is Mira’s clan.
People rushed to the speeder to help unload, brushing past you except for a curious glance. Most of them wore helmets like Mira, some of them didn’t. Either way, it was hard to keep track of the direction Mira moved. You were sure you’d lost her until you saw the glint of her helmet ahead.
That woman moves entirely too fast.
You continued to follow her, securing your own bag across your shoulders. You tried to move quickly, bumping into people on the way. You apologized to everyone you ran into, which was seemingly the entire clan at this point. You could feel the embarrassment rising, you just wanted to find Mira and it was getting frustrating at this point. It was hard to focus on the surroundings with the pain shooting through your skull. You nearly fell and ran into something you were sure was a wall. It was firm whatever it was and caused you to wince, jolting back from the pain that pulsed in her face.
“Easy,” a voice said that was much deeper than Mira’s.
Arms came up to steady you, and a warmth radiated towards you. You looked up and saw a dark visor staring back at you that was certainly not Mira’s
He was a Mandalorian but stood out from the rest in a way that demanded attention. His authoritative demeanor rolled off him in ways. His helmet was shiny and unlike Mira’s, two large tusks jutted out from the bottom, curling around to the front of his mask. His clothes were the same deep maroon Mira donned. He wore a cape with a large fur that sat on his pauldron covered shoulders, draping down his back. His forearms were accented with sleeves made of leather and cloth that bleed into a tattooed pattern tracing along his arms. Yet, his chest was bare except for the necklaces he wore; round beads and animal teeth were woven together to sit in the middle, set off by the toned muscle of his chest and torso. At his waist was a thick belt with a large buckle resting in the middle. It shone with the same luster as his helmet, it was molded into the shape of some creature. It seemed familiar but no matter how hard you tried to focus, you couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.
His fingers lightly traced your chin, bringing your eyes back up to his visor. You didn’t realize you were just standing there, ogling over him. It was entirely unintentional, you had never seen anything like him before. You felt scolded like a child, almost embarrassed by your staring. Face suddenly growing very hot under his gaze.
“You must watch where you’re going,” his hushed baritone hit her ears, “or you’ll hurt yourself.” That voice quite possibly the most heavenly sound you had heard. You willed herself to speak but nothing came out, your mind was completely blank. It was as if you were stuck, only able to stare back up into this stranger.
“It’s a little too late for that,” Mira appeared to his right, arms crossed over her chest. The man turned to her and offered Mira a greeting in an unfamiliar language. They shook, hands clasped together at the forearms as if they were old friends.
“Who is this sweet girl?” The man asked, turning back towards you. The name he called you did not go unnoticed, and you felt your face getting even hotter. Mira began to explain the details of your meeting.
Mira refers to your injuries, and gently takes your chin and tilts your head so the Mandalorian can examine it better. Your instincts told you to run, to go anywhere else but here, but you remained planted firm to the ground. They were so close to you, examining as if you were just some object. You couldn’t even see their faces and yet they overwhelmed you. You had never wanted to disappear so badly at that moment.
They continued conversing in whatever native tongue they possessed. You stood there feeling much too exposed for your liking. More people seemed to notice your presence, looking in the direction of the three of you. Some murmured, looking between you and the two Mandalorians. There was no malice behind their intentions; you knew this but standing there with all those eyes watching your every move was not where you wanted to be.
Eventually, the man gestured to something behind him, Mira nodded and took a hold of your arm leading you away.
“One of the elders will be with us to help you shortly,”  Mira led you in the direction of what you assumed was her home. You didn't even register you had moved until you were almost inside. You weren’t entirely sure if it was your wounds or the domineering exchange between the Mandalorian that left you light headed. Either way, you wanted nothing more than to lay down in a quiet place and hide away from the events of the past days.
You glanced back at the speeder, the Mandalorian was still in the same spot where he intercepted you, watching you both walk away. You turned back to Mira.
“Who was that man?” You asked much more enthusiastically than you would have liked. You couldn't lie and say he didn't intrigue you. His aura was overpowering but also enticed you in a way you couldn't explain.
“That was our clan leader, Din Djarin.”
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reluctant-mandalore · 4 years
Break a Nail (Din Djarin x fem!Reader)
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Word Count:  2,061
Warnings: Fluffy fluff. Cursing. There are some sexist undertones towards the reader from a bounty. But it’s mostly just Din and the reader being a cute bounty hunter couple. Grammar and spelling warning, because I’m a dummy who can’t English. 
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader 
a/n: Thank you so much for the request!! Sorry it took so long. It was really fun to write and I really enjoyed it <3 Honestly it was such a fun idea! I enjoy the whole tough in public but soft in private kind of trope that’s going on here. 
EDITS: Grammar and spelling. - also another edit to make the fic more inclusive. 
The contrast between you on the job and you on the Razor Crest baffled the Mandalorian at times. He didn’t really understand how someone could go from absolutely demolishing men twice their own size, to fretting over their newly painted nails and trying to decide which dress went with what shoes. When out on jobs you dressed and acted like a man, the helmet you wore modulating your voice to sound deeper and more gruff. In public, you were serious and almost stoic. You would radiate confidence in everything you did, whether it be bartering for a better price, shooting a blaster with pinpoint accuracy, or being able to take down men like flies. 
  The first time he met you he was sure you were a man, there was no doubt in his mind about it. The way you acted, talked, and fought just screamed to him that you were a man. Nothing gave away the fact that you were a woman below those layers of clothes. So, when you first removed your helmet in front of him, he was amazed to see your true self, and was surprised to hear your sweet voice speak to him. 
Without the helmet on you instantly changed into another person, your atmosphere turning bubbly and energetic. Gone was the most manly and badass man the Mandalorian had ever met. Instead, a beautiful and kind hearted woman stood in place, looking at him with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. In fairness, both in your get up and out of it, you were still a badass in your own quirky ways. It just so happened that you tended to be more open about your likes and dislikes without your gear on.
  He was in love with you within seconds of discovering this about you. Honestly Din couldn’t have fallen in love with you any faster. He fell for you hard and almost instantly. He adored everything about you, both your public and private self. Every aspect of the person you were was spectacular to him, and nothing could change that in his mind. 
  He loved being around you and would spend most of his time with you. He was happy to see his clan expand with your addition to it. Him, you, and the kid made the perfect little family in his eyes, though he’d never tell you that. Going with you on jobs had turned out to be one of his favourite things. He didn’t know how he had survived doing jobs without you until this point in his life. Every day with you around was interesting and today was no different. 
 Currently, Din watched as you had dragged the bounty up the Razor Crest ramp, plopping him on the hulls floor before his feet. The asset struggled within his binds, spitting curses and insults in both of your directions. He was surprised at first, at seeing you with the bounty, as you had originally left earlier for the market. Last he checked you were just getting supplies, not dragging a whole man back to the ship. 
  On another note, the both of you were supposed to be going after him together later that day, after your little supply run. He was mainly surprised because he knew you enjoyed going on jobs with him. You would even refer to the two of you working together on jobs as your ‘couple bonding’ time. So, it was a bit of a shock to see you having ruined your little bounty hunting date by doing the job on your own. 
“Fuck you dude.” The man on the ground spat at you in a growl, “You think you’re some sort of hero bringing me in? Huh?” 
“No, but I definitely think I’m going to be a hell of a lot richer.” Your reply came, the smirk on your face evident in your voice. 
  At this point you had pressed your foot into the center of the asset's back, holding him in place, as he pitifully squirmed on the metal floor of the ship. The addition of your weight had stilled him for a moment though, as he glared daggers over his shoulder at you. 
  Din watched as you removed your helmet, shaking your head while chuckling in the process. It was one of his favourite sights, something he found attractive anytime you did it. He could not explain why seeing you remove your own helmet was so alluring to him, but he chalked it up to the fact that anything you did he saw through rose tinted lenses. There was nothing you could ever do to convince him that you weren’t perfect. 
“What the fuck you’re a woman?!” The bounty snarled, his expression wrinkling with anger and confusion. “There’s no way a damn woman captured me.”
 Looking down at the man you let out a giggle, “I always love when they realize a woman took them down.” Setting down your helmet, you crouched to level yourself with him, a toothy grin across your cheeks, as you ‘booped’ the man on the nose, beginning to taunt him. This being a normal occurrence that occurred when a bounty was being extra mouthy to you. 
“Quit messing with the asset and put him in the carbon freeze.” Din said, putting a stop to your harassment of the man, as funny as it may have been. 
At his words, you had turned to look at him with an eyebrow raised. “You want me to put him in the carbon freeze?”
“You brought him back, so yes.” 
 Letting out an exaggerated sigh, you shook your head and forced a pout in the Mandalorian’s direction, “It’s a shame, but I actually can’t lift him right now, guess you’ll have to do it.” You had said, now standing next to your companion. 
The Mandalorian’s head turned to look at you next to him, his eyes narrowing underneath the helmet, “I’ve seen you lift a bounty twice the size of this one.” 
“Oh I know. Strength wise I totally can, but I just did my nails earlier you know?” You continued, moving away from him and sitting on one of the crates located in the hull. At this point you had pulled your gloves off to examine your recently done nails, sighing in relief at seeing that they still remained unscathed and painted to perfection. 
“You’re kidding.” Din replied, a little more on the irritated side. He was aware that a few hours, before you had left to go into the market, you had decided to redo your nails. So aware in fact, because you had made him help with picking out a colour. 
“Kidding? Din what if I chip them? Or worse! What if I break a nail?” You exclaimed to him “It’s already bad enough I had to drag him back here!” 
“Is that why it took you so long to get back?”
  He had crossed his arms over his chest at this point, staring down at you intensely. It was the look he’d give to someone when trying to shake them down for information, or for a merchant to lower their prices. To many people, it would strike fear through their bodies and make them quiver in their boots. However, you on the other hand, had grown quite immune to the deadly gaze that your Mandalorian partner possessed. At this point in your time together, not even his most fiercest of looks to throw you off balance.  
 Seeing that you weren’t letting up under his gaze, he let out a huff and looked back down the bounty. “Why’d you bother painting your nails in the first place?” He asked, titling his head to look down at your coloured nails. “Why do you bother at all honestly?”
You had given him a look of mock shock, a small gasp leaving your lips, “How could I not bother?” 
“You can’t see it but I’m rolling my eyes.” He muttered with a sigh, as he went to work freezing the bounty, seeing as he knew you wouldn’t be doing it anytime soon. He may have been acting annoyed with the whole thing, but the truth he really didn’t mind. This man would find a way to move a whole galaxy for you if you had asked him to. 
 At his remark you had stuck your tongue out him, before watching as the bounty did his best to escape from your Mandalorian lover. The man had begged and pleaded with Din, even apologized for all the nasty things he had said to you on your way back to Razor Crest. A scoff left you at that, with your own roll of the eyes. Of course he apologizes to Din for how he treated you, rather than even bothering to say it to you, a typical asshole thing. 
  The mandalorian had heard the noise you made in regards to the man's pleas and had paused in thought over it. In truth, he hated how many people would disregard your skill and work as a bounty hunter after learning more about your true self. When he first met you, he didn’t understand why you would parade around as a male bounty hunter. However, the more time he spent working with you, he had begun to understand why you put up such a strong exterior in public. People didn’t take a feminine looking and acting hunter seriously. Instead, they would look down on you for it and would disregard your work almost entirely.  
  Admittedly, he did enjoy seeing the contrast between your badass self in public and bubbly self in private. It was entertaining in a sense and rather endearing. The thought of others treating you poorly for any part of yourself though had boiled his blood. In other words, he could not understand how anyone could ever mistreat you simply over the things you liked, and hated the idea that you may feel like you had to act the way you did to be taken seriously. Whether you actually felt that way, or just thought it was fun to be the way you wanted, was entirely only known to you.   
“Listen I didn’t know she was ya gal! I’m sorry alright?” The man continued his plea, thinking the Mandalorian was starting to reconsider his impending doom, “Listen if I knew she was a woman, your woman, I wouldn’t have messed with her in the first place-” 
“-She’s more than just my girl or my woman.” Din cut the man off in a low voice and picked the bounty up by the front of his shirt. “She’s one of the best hunters in the galaxy and she’s the one who took you down. Remember that.” 
  Those were his last words to the bounty before he had shoved him in the carbon freeze. 
“Look at you, getting all angry over a rude bounty for me,” You teased him, watching as he finished up with his task. “I’m not even really mad about it, I’ve heard worse, you know?”
He let out a grunt in reply, “Doesn’t matter. People shouldn’t treat you or act like that around you. You’re one of the most skilled bounty hunters I know.” 
“More skilled than you?” You playfully said to him, as he had moved closer to you, until the two of you were toe to toe.
“Hmm, I wouldn’t go that far.” He managed to tease back at you, lightly tapping his forehead against yours. 
  After his little forehead tap, he took one of your hands into his larger ones. He brought your hand close to his helmet and began to examine your nails up close, almost as if he was admiring your work. His gloved thumb had rubbed smoothly across the inside of your palm, sending shivers down your spine and causing for a wave of heat to flow through your form.  
“Your nails do look nice.” 
“I know!” A cheeky smile had spread across your cheeks once more, the mischief within its depth drawing him into your words, “You should let me paint yours~” 
 He let out a small chuckle at your teasing remark, a smile etching across his features that you couldn’t see, but knew was there from his posture alone. He let go of your hand so he could remove a glove from his own, holding his bare hand out before you, palm down. 
“What colour do you think would suit me best?”
@ah-callie​ @readsalot73​ @starrywatermelon​ @karnita-mexicana​
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Challenge Me
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Pairing: Victor x MC
HeadCannon - The build up, the main and aftercare of the first time with Victor.
Warning: NSFW 
The build up
“You're not listening to me Victor!” Throwing her hands up in defeat, the tense feeling of frustration rumbled through her body. 
“It’s not up for debate,” His stern face never itching a muscle as he felt the same frustration inside him.
She never listens, he thought.
He never listens, she thought. 
“If you will just please look at the documents,” But her attempts were just met with a scowl.
“I said no, you know full well I don’t make appearances, I’ve helped you to get the funding needed and that’s where my line is drawn,” The adrenaline pulsed through his veins at the pure persistence of the woman, never backing down without a fight. She was the only person he knew who could infuriate him to hell and back but also make his dick throb and pulse at the same time. 
Any given minute she occupied his mind, her feisty attitude, her pure radiance of confidence and determination, the way lately she’d put a slight wiggle into hips when she walked. Never a being a man of many words when it came to emotions, Victor found himself quietly literally speechless at times. It was as if when ever she entered his presence he felt the wind being knocked out of his lungs, as she captured him in pure intoxication with just a friendly smile. 
Her feelings featured a heavy resemblance of Victors, feeling almost like a cliche, the strong-independent woman falling for the heart-throbbing beautiful CEO. He challenged her, in ways people never had done before, at times throwing her off track when he complimented her, of course soon to be quickly followed with either a light flick to the forehead or a mocking-ironic nickname of ‘Dummy’. He was a mountain to climb, both literally and physically, and she wanted to reach the top. 
“Please, just for once don’t be an arse Victor!”.
Her flat palms slammed down on his desk, not a fear of hint from her voice.
“Are you really trying to challenge me?”.
His head bolted up to meet her gaze, face’s only inches apart, tides of blues eyes seeked a pair that held a galaxy sky behind. A galaxy sky she found her so deeply lost in, wishing to almost stay there forever. 
“Do you really want to challenge me,”.
The tone almost gets lost in the hint of heavy lust, the hidden message between the true meaning as the sexual tension grew, his face edging that slight future forward. The feeling of stomach’s clenching with unspoken tension. 
“I’ll give it my best damn shot,”.
The blood pounded in his ear, heartbeat stammering as her face lay only an eyelash width apart from his. Heating pulsing from within her left with an almost glow across her body. The world fell silent as both of them pawed at each other's face, rouge coloured lips meeting in cold stern ones that lay on the face of a smile, time feeling like it stopped as lips met over and over again. Each hair on her body stood on edge from the heated blaze, fingertips seeking refuge in his raven-black hair as he placed one hand on the back of her neck, almost getting lost between the thick locks of sunshine blonde. All the pent-up anger and frustration pouring onto each other's lips, liquidated into their actions.      
The Main:
Taunt muscles that ripped from his biceps as he grabbed where her plump rear met the area of the back of her thighs.The thighs determined not to wither as the neurons inside her muscles were set a light like a flame on oil. The erotic sight that lay on the plushed cream rug, a top of the marble slated floor, as they gave themselves into the fiercest passion, both of them giving into submission of their true feelings, the buzzingly tingle that started in the pit of the stomach before bubbling into over pure lust. 
Salted drops of sweat traced the curve of her back, a beaded drop of wetness pressed against the top of his thigh leaving a shivering sensation down both of their backs as his sleek fingers that grazed over her budding nub caused her hips to buck down. Her manicured hand wrapped around his throbbing thickness, standing stronger than ever, the defined muscles that lay above it vibrating with each groan that rumbled from the back of his throat. 
The stretch of muscles over his cock was one to make them both cry out in synchronised harmony, each moment of their pent-up arguments came to fit perfectly to lead to this moment. The lusting desire to become one happening in the place their complicated relationship began. An explosion of gun-powder finally freeing itself from the containment of a shell, fireworks setting off in a mind-blowing array spreading from body to another. 
“V-victor, I-I’m,” Her voice singing the highest depths to the heaven, forcing the clouds apart with the sweetest of cries. A silent thank you from them both for Victor freezing time, these notes were only for him to ever again hear. 
Hips thrusted and dive, another pair thrusting, working in perfect movements to bring each other to a mind-numbing climax. A white explosion of stars set off in her mind, almost tasting the heavens, as her body withered with ecstasy above him. The fluttering of her walls being enough to make him spill deep inside her, the husky deep groan that erupted from him chest was almost a whole never level of pleasure itself.
The after: 
Sweat rolled off one body and on to another, some droplets landing on the rug below. The scent of their essences lingered in the still air, shallow pants mingling into one as her forehead was lowered to press against his, her arms resting on his chest as he cradled her waist above him. No word was spoken as the pair regained their breaths, a thick mixture of their essences spread down her thighs. 
Neither of them could find the words to express their raw intensity of emotions, everything they wanted to say was shown through their actions. 
I want you
I need you
Each tender kiss they shared transpired the words they longed to say until Victor spoke three soft words to her lips, “I love you”. Her words repeating his only milli-seconds later. Another passionate round stirred from their words of love, the world stopping as they worshiped each other's bodies. 
Everything he had was hers, everything she had was his, minds and souls belonging to each other. A power couple, his queen and her king. 
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Enjoy my work, visit my masterlist here. 
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