#find your inner peace
2day-ago-kids · 11 months
What is your rising sign?
My signal is the number that appears when a mental stability event takes place. I discovered that even people's words were signals from origin energy as well. Perhaps it will come in the form of social media strangers. How about you?
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I believe in these numbers. that it was a signal from the Holy Spirit that hinted through the numbers So I designed a bag for myself. I think it's cool, what do you say?
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sincerelycarolinec · 2 years
No matter how many times my heart aches, I hope I can always still love.
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ventique18 · 23 days
Do you know how it feels like to come back from a week long vacation only to find out that Malleus nation is taking an L again with his lack of event appearance for the last 18 months? But at the same time your other faves are getting their beautiful cards so you're confused af whether to be sad or happy or angry or excited???
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everlastinghistory · 7 months
“i hope you find someone like yourself so you realize what you’re putting me through.”
thanks, i did. turns out you really were the problem.
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tmarshconnors · 7 months
Lost in Zen: Navigating the Path to Inner Peace
In today's fast-paced world, where chaos and distractions seem to be the norm, finding inner peace has become a coveted goal for many. The journey to inner peace often leads individuals to explore various practices and philosophies. One such path is the practice of Zen Buddhism, which offers a unique and profound way to navigate the complexities of life while seeking tranquility. In this blog, we'll delve into the concept of being "Lost in Zen" and how it can guide us towards a more peaceful existence.
Understanding Zen
Zen is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China and later spread to Japan, where it became most prominent. At its core, Zen is about direct experience and intuitive understanding rather than relying on conventional knowledge or intellectual concepts. It emphasizes the importance of meditation, mindfulness, and living in the present moment to achieve enlightenment or "Satori."
The Paradox of Being Lost in Zen
Being "Lost in Zen" might initially sound counterintuitive. After all, we often associate being lost with confusion and disorientation. However, in the context of Zen, it means letting go of the mental clutter and distractions that keep us disconnected from our true selves and the present moment. Zen encourages us to lose ourselves in the moment, shedding the ego, and experiencing reality as it is, unfiltered.
Key Principles of Zen
Mindfulness: Zen teaches us to cultivate mindfulness, the practice of paying full attention to the present moment without judgment. By doing so, we can break free from the constant mental chatter and worries that often plague our minds.
Meditation: Meditation is a cornerstone of Zen practice. Through meditation, we learn to quiet our minds and observe our thoughts and emotions without attachment. This leads to greater self-awareness and a deeper connection with our inner selves.
Simplicity: Zen advocates for a minimalist and simple lifestyle. By decluttering our physical space and simplifying our lives, we create a conducive environment for inner peace to flourish.
Non-attachment: Zen teaches us to let go of attachments to material possessions, desires, and even our own self-concept. By relinquishing our clinging nature, we free ourselves from suffering and experience greater equanimity.
Practical Steps to Get "Lost in Zen"
Start with meditation: Begin a regular meditation practice to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. Even a few minutes each day can make a significant difference.
Embrace mindfulness: Practice mindfulness in your daily activities. Pay attention to your breath, the sensations in your body, and the sights and sounds around you as you go about your day.
Simplify your life: Declutter your living space and let go of unnecessary possessions. Simplifying your life can lead to greater mental clarity and a sense of liberation.
Let go of attachments: Reflect on your attachments and desires. Are there things or ideas you're clinging to that cause suffering? Practice letting go and accepting things as they are.
Seek guidance: Consider joining a Zen meditation group or seeking guidance from a Zen teacher. Learning from experienced practitioners can deepen your understanding and practice.
Being "Lost in Zen" isn't about losing your way in life; it's about losing the distractions and attachments that keep you from experiencing true peace and clarity. By embracing the principles of Zen—mindfulness, meditation, simplicity, and non-attachment—you can embark on a transformative journey toward inner peace. Remember, the path to Zen is a lifelong journey, and each step brings you closer to a more meaningful and tranquil existence in our hectic world.
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travelersrest · 7 months
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
How to solve the seemingly contradictory things I want for Dabi at the end of the series: he finds a way to live free of endeavor’s influence but sets up a reminder on his phone to send a text every four to six months to enji that just says “I’m still watching” but then he super doesn’t
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starrbirrd · 2 years
okay but a nesta x reader where she chooses the human realm over being imprisoned and she somehow ends up at your home and she heals slowly but surely without being forced on a suicidal hike or being told no one loves her and you dance together to imaginary music and bake her favorite bread and-
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braindamaged007 · 1 year
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A very good friend of mine gave this to me, I strongly recommend it.
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felikatze · 1 year
i've finally officially gotten the laix2 true ending (i put off the hard mode boss rush for months even on help mode) and now asgv3 has been out for (looks at clock) three months
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androcola · 1 year
i think mike would write a gag shopping list for micky and be like "here mick would ya pick this stuff up for me please" and then act totally serious about it despite the list being totally insane
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🪷You find beauty in ordinary things.🪷
🪷Do not lose that ability.🪷
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herri-writes · 2 years
imagine natsume being a butler, is that too much to ask? i personally think it would be great
i can imagine it. and i remembered my friend told me if i have a butler kink or whatsoever the fck is that.
he would definitely use a little bit of magic in his work or with you, and of course, he would deal with the others' shenanigans while you're around or not around.
like when tsumugi said something not good for anyone to hear or when his low self-esteem side shows up and said something directed to him, natsume will hit him to bring tsumugi back to reality. in sora's case, he'll just act like a parent towards him while the junior looks up to his senior. he always correct sora to call him by his name and not "master" because there is an actual master who was with them. (well that's what sora calls him from ! era and !! era)
when serving tea, he would put a sprinkle of magic on the tea and sweets and tsumugi will catch him doing so. he secretly switched the tray with the magic-less sweets. natsume doesn't know the tray he carried is the one that doesn't have is magic on. later at that moment, he glared at tsumugi while the senior told natsume it's for your own good.
ok i'll stop. i said too much. midnight butlers is playing in my brain rn. switch took over my time and is living in my mind rent-free
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The heart does not feel deserted except when it disobeys its Lord.
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sungracd · 2 years
dialogue starter  :  @gottgenug  ♡  jeralt
“  lying  in  the  grass  can  be  quite  therapeutic,  actually.  why  not  join  me ?  you  seem  to  have  a  lot  on  your  mind  lately.  ”
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I love you stars I love you trees. I love
you popping knees, cold breeze, fuzzy blanket and old dusty keys. I love you
home and familiarity. I love you safe. I love you
flames and candle and yellow light. I love you over & over again days & I love you sleepless nights. I love you when
there's no reason to. I love you when there's reason to hate. I love you because I have to and I love you anyways.
I love you hope. I love you fear. I love you, me. I'm glad you're here.
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