#fitzsimmons rant
multifandumbmeg · 1 year
Do you ever just stop and realize
Leopold Fitz was a traumatized Autistic genius with literal brain damage DISABLED KING AND!!!! He was the heart character of the show AND!!!! Was still treated like the ABSOLUTE FUCKING HOTTIE THAT HE IS aaaaaand he got a happy ending married to hos favorite person with a kid and lets be real, he made a lot of comments throughout the show... Dare I say queer king?
HE SERVED SO MUCH TO BE IGNORED and don't get me started on the female characters in that show including HIS WIFE??
Yeah you know what Marvel did do several things right and they were all in AGENTS OF SHIELD (or The Eternals)
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yoyosuitehearts · 1 year
tbh until s6 or the doctor episode in s5 i would honestly that daisy was closer to fitz than simmons
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giphit · 26 days
there is SUCH a stark contrast between season 1 and 2 of this show.
bit of a rant, if you wanna read about the show's tone and a bit comparing shield to other comic book shows of the time, click read more. if not, bye
even the darkest moments of season 1 (FitzSimmons in the pod or daisy being shot by quinn) don't really reach the level of pain I feel seeing Fitz in early season 2 or coulson asking may to KILL HIM if he "goes the way of Garrett"
one thing I really appreciate about this show is how it deals with a character's mental states. in a lot of other comic book shows it's very inconsistent, sometimes a character will be largely impacted by something and you'll see it but other times they will react a little bit and move on when the plot needs them to. every major event in this show hits the characters hard and they don't just pause their emotions for plot moments - I haven't even made it to tripp's death yet and I'm already feeling this btw.
anyway the general tone of the show as well, the lighting is way darker, there aren't as many goofy moments and I think nothing symbolises how much ward and hydra ruined everything more than the fact that the bus window is still broken.
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cosmicqvake · 7 months
Okay, so I’m nearing the end of S5 in my latest AOS rewatch, and I saw a few tiktoks, and I just wanna sorta rant for a second.
I may be a massive Daisy stan above literally all else, wbk she’s my best girl… but I believe that Yo-Yo was in the right to kill Ruby Hale. Period.
Firstly, I know revenge isn’t the SHIELD way, I get that, but at the very same time there is so much hypocrisy there surrounding other team members (eg. Coulson had his revenge on Ward, Jemma ALSO tried to get revenge on Ward but failed, Hunter as well, even May was intent on it, etc) so why shouldn’t Yo-Yo also get to have her revenge? Ruby left her disabled for life (and did it on purpose + showed no resentment + would do it again, might I ADD, by literally repeatedly threatening Fitzsimmons with the very same thing). Yo-Yo deserved vengeance, in some way.
I understand Daisy’s motive in wanting to save Ruby, to bring her on as a SHIELD agent and try to give her a new purpose, the same way she was/had- but this never could have happened. SHE CUT YO-YO’S ARMS OFF- DISABLING HER. Allowing her to become a SHIELD agent after this fact would be just as bad as welcoming Ward back onto the team with open arms after what he did to Fitz- which left him with a permanent disability in return too (in a different way but obv similar to Yo-Yo nonetheless). Both Ruby and Ward were HYDRA. Both significantly hurt a team member on PURPOSE. It’s the same deal. Bringing her onto the team would’ve been wrong.
Finally, Daisy claimed Ruby was “coming around” just before Yo-Yo killed her. Daisy, ilysm, but girl. 😭 Ruby literally tried to kill Daisy moments earlier, as well as throw inanimate objects (and Fitzsimmons…) around the room with her mind. She killed Werner by accident (which shows the serious lack of control she had- and how dangerous she was in that moment), not to mention she was refusing to be reasoned with (and couldn’t be). She was completely out of control and it wasn’t going to get better (look at what happened to Creel after he merely touched the Gravitonium- he never improved).
In a way, Yo-Yo did her a favour by killing her. Even if another solution came along in time, Yo-Yo, as the others would regularly say, MADE THE HARD CALL. She did what was best in that moment. Not to mention, Yo-Yo also thought that by killing her, she saved the world. Although this proved false, at the time she thought she was doing the right thing to save all of literal humanity. As I said, in the end, she made the hard call.
Not to mention, Yo-Yo admitted that she’s not proud of what she did. It’s not like she enjoyed killing her. Yet, so many people make her out to be some monster. I hate it.
In conclusion, I’m on Yo-Yo’s side with that whole thing (and hate seeing people- and the team themselves- giving her absolute hell for it). However I truly flip-flop between all the characters during S5 and their many arguments. MAN, that season is always a tough watch for so, so many reasons. It’s good, but painful.
(P.S. I’m convinced most of the people who stan Ruby are just Dove Cameron fans. Which I have nothing against. You do you. 11 year old me was her biggest fan frfr. But other than that, I don’t see why people like her character so much tbh. But alas.)
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damnyouaresowong · 9 months
not to knock on the actually decent series finale of Agents of Shield (can't say the same for other mcu shows *coughs Secret Invasion*) but why does it irks me so much that Deke was never fully accepted into the Shield family? By the end of the show, he's just a *somewhat technologically efficient* Shield agent-turned-director that knows little to nothing about the history of the organization, and his genetically-related family either hasn't been born yet (assuming Fitzsimmons parents survived the Chronicom destruction of that timeline) or left this timeline.
Idk there's something unsatisfying about the Deke arc, like sure he's become more responsible compared to his Season 5/6 ways but for a guy who basically lost all his family from the destroyed earth timeline (that doesn't exist anymore? If we're following mcu multiverse theory, the timeline does exist, just that the main timeline was able to prevent the cracking of earth) and his new family had to leave him in this new timeline, I feel like he deserved more credit than given. Yeah ig he's famous in the timeline he stayed in bc of the Deke Squad and all but... idk...
Meanwhile, Sousa, who's barely been with the group for a few weeks gets sent back with the team no questions asked. Like I love Sousa, and I'm NOT saying Sousa should've stayed (cuz Dousa/Dousy is cute af) but I also kinda wished the others had put up more of a fight for a guy that cares more about the team than he shows, despite his past history.
And this has been a rant about a show that ended 3 years ago lol. I know Deke isn't everyone's favorite character and all, but it just felt that his arc is the most *incomplete* of the main cast.
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moonlayl · 1 year
aos rant
is it just me, or does a particular part of the aos fandom continuously try to minimize daisy’s role in the show (usually in favour of Simmons, but sometimes with May as well) Like, some of y’all absolutely hate the fact that daisy is the lead female character. This fandom acts like she’s reckless ‘pure of heart, dumb of ass’ type character and she needs someone holding her hand/being babysat and it’s so fucking weird, because out of the entire team, she’s probably one of the best when it comes to thinking outside the box, solving shit, being independent, relying on herself, and being deeply empathetic. 
Like...why is it, that people watch this show and yet the Fanon version of her character is basically reduced to reckless, brute strength, and no smarts? (oh, let’s not forget ‘mean/rude’)
How do y’all mess it up this badly? Daisy isn’t some glorified body guard who’s main purpose is to save Coulson’s ass, or make sure Fitzsimmons don’t screw themselves over.
Why is her role as a leader, kind and intelligent person, ignored this badly among  other fans?
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an-inky-fingered-lass · 10 months
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right so this is where i'd normally go off into a rant of-- Coulson! May! Daisy and Mack and Yoyo and Fitzsimmons and Hand and Bobbi and Nat and Clint and all of them-- (and also be cackling about this description) BUT!! in light of recent events (which i am INDESCRIBABLY PISSED ABOUT), and as this wikipedia bio thingy magiggy declares; for tonight,
Maria Hill is SHIELD, y'all.
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competitivedust · 1 year
I'm gonna be honest, aside from s5 Fitz, I thought he was a good man, but after rewatching aos for the 5th time and confirming it by reading the anti tags on tumblr and people pointing out his mistakes(I actually need to watch/read something more than 3 times to understand what's happening, I hope you don't mind) , I realised he wasn't all that good
Also, idk if you remember back in s2 ep3. Coulson told Fitz that Jemma was on an assignment that's why she left, but apparently I think Fitz only heard the she left part and then back in s2 ep4, he proceeded to tell Hunter and Mack that he confessed his feelings for her and told them Jemma left because she doesn't feel the same way. And Hunter saying it's her loss ???
Like??? Why are you twisting the story??? She did not leave because she doesn't feel the same way, you didn't even give her a chance to explain because you two were at the bottom of the ocean and not to mention, his confession surprise the hell out of her and then back to talking about s2 ep3&4,
Leading the new members (aside from Bobbi) to have negative feelings towards her. And then told her to take it easy with Fitz blah blah Fitz is a good man blah blah but what about Jemma??? Why don't y'all take it easy with her?? She literally just came back from months of deadly mission that could get her killed but all they cared about is how Fitz feel and how he feels about her? What about how Jemma feels?
Sorry for ranting here. I feel like most of aos stans on tumblr is the only place to actually be defending Daisy and Jemma (sometimes) here. Most stans on the other apps keep saying Daisy was being a bitch the whole time and then proceed to defend the whole fitzsimmons family
No please don't apologise for these "rants" which they honestly aren't. These are some really good points. And reading this is just so freaking validating because I do remember this happening in season 2 and it did strike me as odd that he had the audacity to be hurt over Jemma going on a mission.
It's funny how much worse Fitz seems to be as a character the more you watch this show right? Also I use reddit a lot so I have actually managed to find maybe 7 or 8 like minded people who really can't stand Fitz as well. Majority of the fandom still thinks he is great but that is to be expected I guess. I don't want to cite racism and sexism as the reasons here but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
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maddiedrawz · 2 years
remember like MONTHS ago when i was starting to watch aos and i rant on here about it sometimes? i tagged them as agents of shield but the posts are not there anymore when i searched the tag on my blog?? it’s whatever i’m just saying we’re starting over. anyways-
spoilers warning :))) (also this is gonna be a mess/word vomit like always✨)
currently starting s3ep14 so i’m very fresh off of ep13 so y’all know exactly how i am rn mentally. the tears are not even dry yet i am doing great😃
thank you to whoever told me (pretty sure it was mundie? but idk lol) that ward never dies cuz when he “died” i was like NOPE I DONT BELIEVE YOU like i shouldn’t- this show is giving me more trust issues- and when he came back i wasn’t THAT annoyed i was kinda prepared lol BUT what i wasn’t prepared for was ep13 because WTF????? WHY?????? UGHHH?????
i will not talk about fitzsimmons. i won’t. i will need 3-5 business years to recover thank you-
also super random- but why does daisy have a hundred times more chemistry with jemma or even bobbi than the zappy guy i’m so sorry i forgot your name? LMAO JUST A THOUGHT DONT KILL ME- SKIMMONS FTW WOOP WOOP
my parting thoughts are when is yo-yo coming back (cuz i’ve heard that name before so i know she’s coming back and i love her already)? dove cameron when?? i’m waiting •-• AND lastly, can we leave fitzsimmons alone? pls? they’re tired, i’m tired- can we pls just let them be happy for more than 5 mins?🥲
tagging @likea-black-widow-baby because i blame you >:///
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phillipcole · 5 months
Post-AGT Appearance 1276: Keep Going with Homie Jay WATV 94.9 fm November 15
Demon Dress would still be at $199 million domestic after last weekend but $255 million international. Man of my Dreams would have stayed at 3 in heavy traffic until dropping to 4 last weekend. Canadian Wildfires would have started dropping after a high of 63 on the country charts. It would still be sinking in the pop charts.
Judge Maryanne Trump Bailey would have joined the top 100 in 2019 but dropped out in 2020. I would so far have avoided saying anything about her.
Scott would have dropped out but Pence would still be in the presidential race.
At 12:01 this morning The Best of the Ranting Old Man album would have come out. No one would be in much of a hurry to play anything on the radio. Some of the jokes would be exactly as posted here, mostly in 2015. The first person to play any new material on the radio or tv would be Jerome Crompton of WATV fm 94.9, an urban station in Alabama. He hosts a show called Keep Going with Homie Jay from 10 am to noon and would play the joke between commercials at about 11: 30 eastern time.
Ranting Old Man: We just finished a tour of the south. I was there in Alabama before, back when I 2was a migrant worker during the depression. I picked cotton for 2 years and Fitzsimmons the third year. Things are a whole lot different in Alabama now. They let black folks drive.
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You know, I love a good romantic ship and watching characters go through the romantic shit of defying cruel fate and reuniting despite evil and all that "I love you no matter what" shit.
But after a while, the declarations of love become somewhat cringey and tropey and instead of feeling with the characters and rooting for their relationship, it makes me gag. Like Snow White and Prince Charming in Once Upon a Time, for example.
I love the show and the characters, but after some time of the same fucking thing, their "love story" became just bland and their promises to each other kinda empty.
It got boring in a sense. I don't know why.
But never, in 7 seasons of the show, did I feel that way about FitzSimmons.
The ultimate "universe is against us" could have very well become an empty overused phrase, used to excuse the inability to comunicate and solve problems within the relationship.
But it...didn't.
It actually felt very real and human. It conveyed the frustration but not the lack of trying to make things work.
FitzSimmons are full of tropes, good tropes, but they work with them very realistically. Still to please the audience, but at the same time they know real relationships take work, effort and trust.
Somehow they made me believe their lovestory. So kudos to the AoS team and actors, cause they understood the assingment and fucking delivered.
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yoyosuitehearts · 1 year
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leojfitz · 2 years
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I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough
happy valentine's day bestie @elizabeth-henstridge 💝
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help-fzzt · 3 years
there are a lot of rumours about aos characters appearing in upcoming mcu projects like multiverse of madness and secret invasion, as well as some pretty big clues (like Elizabeth Henstridge’s locations being very similar to a lot of mcu projects filming locations at relevant time and Chloe Bennet pulling out of the Powerpuff Girls reboot because of ‘scheduling problems’ despite having no announced upcoming projects, plus all the ghost rider rumours and the darkhold... it all kinda adds up)
and I am so excited for that. I would love to see agents of shield characters in the mcu and get to see more of them (because 7 seasons just wasn't enough lmao I still need more I love it so much) and I'd also love to see how they develop more and interact with other characters 
it would NEED to be done right. marvel has a very dodgy past with female characters in the mcu and though it’s getting better, introducing someone like Daisy, who is also asian and we know the mcu is also not great at representing Asian characters well, could mean having her character destroyed. and if marvel reboots the characters into the mcu canon but destroys the characters and their SEVEN SEASONS worth of character development, erasing their backstories and rewriting them completely, I will be so mad. I will be livid because what’s the point? it will ruin the show and the characters I, and so many others, love so much for no good reason. 
the writers and directors will need to do their research. they’ll need to watch agents of shield and collaborate and listen to the actors in order to get characterisation right and develop them in a way that makes sense and fits with their arcs. I'm sure Chloe will push for that and be openly vocal about that because she loves daisy so much and I trust her with that (but if they recast the characters, so help me god there will be murders. ESPECIALLY if they recast daisy with a white actress) 
basically, I'd love to see it but only if it was done right (sorry this was super long winded but yeah)
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samanthaswishes · 2 years
In the flashback, Jemma says, "But I feel the guilt inside... the guilt for having left."
Obviously, she feels this way because she doesn't want to leave Alya, and that's a given. Any parent would feel guilty under the circumstance they were in and leave their child behind.
But was there no guilt in spending five years in space, leaving behind their entire team to fend for themselves? Obviously, time travel was in their favor, so the team didn't live through time like they did, but it still irks me just how much Fitz and Simmons didn't really care about the team. Especially since they decided to block Simmons's memory and not give the team an upper hand despite knowing exactly what was going to and supposed to happen.
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kizzys · 4 years
I know this has been said before but I just want to appreciate how this is the first time the whole team immediately got along with one of daisy's love interests (and shipped them even before they were a thing). I just love that so much
No one was particularly fond of miles...Coulson and may because she lied to them and fitz because of his little crush on daisy
Everyone eventually hated ward (and rightfully so because he was a hydra nazi bitch (stans/skyew*rd shippers DNI))
It took them a while to get with lincoln, as far as I remember they were a little apprehensive at first
But sousa...for sousa it didnt take them that long to make him part of the family...and I love that so much. This dorky square who called their bluff within their first interaction...they saved his life, made him a part of the team, made him a key part in their final mission, and they all just immediately got along with him SO WELL
Coulson had been fanboying from minute one and he gave his dad seal of approval ("that makes me happy too" 😊 it makes all of us happy phil)
Yeah sure jemma and sousa didnt have the greatest first interaction...but after their initial fallout he apologizes and I love their dynamic (the few seconds that we got, that is). Her making him a new prosthetic after he enters the ship?? That's the fitzsimmons way of saying welcome to the family. Like she knew he would stay. Her small smile when he decides to stay with them for daisy? Her knowing look after watching him and daisy interact?? The whole "they're your everything" scene??? Girl has always been captain of the ship (even with a scrambled memory)
And mack was just on a whole other level. He interacted with sousa for a whole of maybe 10 seconds and decided that yes we are going to save his life fuck the history books he's one of us now and I love that. Their dynamic may be one of my favourites in the whole show. And let's be honest..without him dousy would have remained pining and clueless idiots for a while. "I dont have any intentions""well then you better get some" As far as shovel talks go, this was one of the best ones out there. And his bet with yoyo? Amazing. Him preventing sousa from running of into the chronicom ship and getting himself killed because daisy will come back and when she does she will need her dork in one piece dammit? Incredible
I don't know what the terms of their bet was, but I will not even for a second believe that yoyo didnt ship them, okay? Because "dont worry too much about daisy"? Their mutual acknowledgement of the fact that they will never not worry about their SOs? She been knew
Even deke...with his what was an extremely childish (and borderline weird) crush on daisy and endless unrequited pining...he saw how happy daisy was around sousa, how crushed she was when she thought danny boy was going to stay behind...and so he took the bullet before she got hurt any further and I love him for it (seriously though deke had such incredible character growth this season it needs to be addressed more)
(Yeah we didnt really get much interaction from may and fitz..but the fact that may is an empath now would mean she knew something was up for a while (esp after the time loops 😏) and considering the fact that fitz saw the future through the time streams...he would have known for years)
(Also sousa writing the fitzsimmons fam letters! As if that isnt the cutest thing ever!)
And the super soft looks that the whole team had during their framework meeting when daisy was talking about sousa 🥺. They're so happy for her I'm so soft for this family
They really said dousy rights huh
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