#floof writes redacted
starlitangels · 1 year
I had some thoughts. I had to write them down 2.7k words
CW: discussion and dealing with drug-like withdrawals, discussion of addiction
Squinting against how bright the simple lamp now was in the darkness—Vincent said I’d get used to it—I tiptoed down the stairs.
Vincent was sitting in the living room, in the armchair we never really used considering we couldn’t cuddle very well on it. He was curled up—those long, slim, but toned limbs all folded in toward the center—with his eyes closed. There was a peaceful expression on his face, but I knew him. It was the forced peace of “I’m trying to meditate but don’t actually know what I’m doing.”
“Vin?” I asked quietly.
He inhaled deeply and opened his eyes. “Hey baby,” he said, voice soft. “I thought you were gonna sleep for another couple hours.”
I shrugged. “The bed got really cold without you.” I went over to him and perched on the arm of the chair. Vincent immediately wrapped his arm around my waist and tugged me down until I fell onto his lap. “What are you doing?”
“What did it look like I was doing?”
“Attempting to meditate or something.”
He smiled, his teeth sparkly in the lamplight. Then his expression fell. “I wish it was that easy,” he mumbled.
“What is it?”
He shook his head. “It’s nothing, lovely. You just barely turned a week ago. This isn’t one more thing you need to be burdened with.”
I cupped his chin in my hand. “Vincent Solaire,” I warned, keeping my voice down. “What’s wrong?”
He smiled bitterly. “You always see right through me,” he whispered.
“Baby, talk to me. Tell me what’s going on? Just because I’m going through a rough time with turning doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to struggle too. Talk to me. Please? You’re worrying me.”
He took a deep breath and released a shuddering sigh, his breath cool against my skin. “I, uh…” He closed his eyes. The tips of his ears were bright red. “I think I’m experiencing withdrawals.”
“From… from what?”
He closed his eyes and turned his face away from me. “Your blood.”
“Oh Vin…” I breathed.
“I didn’t think I was actually addicted to it but…” He growled in frustration. “I guess I was wrong.”
“Are you sure?”
He swallowed, Adam’s Apple bobbing, and nodded. “I’ve been nauseated and my muscles and fangs ache—and I woke up shaking. Just enough to be noticeable. Didn’t want to wake you so I came down here.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “And that was after barely getting any sleep to begin with this past week. I haven’t had insomnia this bad since I was human. We only need a fraction of the sleep that we used to but I haven’t been getting even that bare minimum.”
I shuffled so I could put my arms around him and draw his head to my chest. He thumped his forehead against my collarbones without hesitation. “Tell me how to help you, baby,” I whispered.
He shook his head. “You can’t. Lovely, you just turned. You need to be focusing on your own adjusting.”
“Vincent,” I warned, scratching my fingernails across his scalp and winding his curls around my fingers. “That’s not how this works. We help each other, remember? Spending eternity by each other’s sides means we support and help. Just because you’re trying to be a good Maker and help me through this change doesn’t mean you’re having an easy time of it. This is just proof of it.”
“Baby, I’ll handle this myself,” Vincent said softly.
“No, you won’t.” I suppressed a growl. “Withdrawals are a serious thing. It’s not something you can handle on your own. You need your support system. I don’t care that I just turned and I’m not having the easiest time of it. I’m going to help you and you’re going to let me.”
He took a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Come on. Let’s get you back in bed.” I reached over and turned the lamp off before climbing off Vincent’s lap and pulling him to his feet by both hands. He unfolded from the chair reluctantly but let me take him back upstairs to bed.
I tucked him into bed before climbing in on my side and gathering him to my chest. Carefully, I played with his—enviously soft—hair until I felt his breathing finally ease out and heard his heartbeat slow down dramatically. Finally falling back to sleep. “It’s gonna be okay, baby. I promise. We’ll get through it together. All of it. Like we always have,” I whispered. I kissed the top of his head.
Automatically, and without waking up, he made a kissy noise.
Ring-ring... Ring-ring... Ring-ri—
“Hello, my dear. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” William’s voice asked.
I sucked in a deep breath. “Does the Department have any resources for vampires with blood addictions?”
“Blood addictions? What do you mean?”
“Remember what Vincent told you about my blood? That it is—was—addictive because of how much magic was concentrated in it? That when he fed from me, it felt like a need. Like his body needed it?”
“I recall, yes.”
“Does the Department have resources for addictions like that?”
William was silent on the other end of the call for several long seconds.
I swallowed. Had the call disconnected? I glanced at the screen. The time elapsed on the call was still ticking upwards.
“Is he going through withdrawals?” William’s voice was so quiet that without vampire hearing I would never have heard it, but it was directed at me.
“Yes,” I replied, almost as quietly.
I heard William sigh. “In all my centuries, I never saw a latent affect vampires the way you did to him. I’m afraid my knowledge is quite limited in this matter. I’m so sorry, my dear.”
“That’s okay. The Department website’s just a nightmare to navigate so I figured I’d call and ask.”
“I wish I could be of more help. If there is anything else I can do, please do not hesitate to reach out.”
“Thanks William.”
“Will is fine. You are family now.”
I couldn’t help but grin—even if it was a little melancholy. “Thanks Will.”
“Of course.”
We hung up.
I sighed in mild frustration and set my phone down before I could crush it. The screen was already severely cracked from the Inversion and Vincent hadn’t had a chance to go get it replaced yet. And I didn’t want to end up needing an entirely new phone. Although I knew Vincent would love spoiling me if I did.
Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I paced the living room. Vincent was out for the night, checking in on some of William’s properties. Sam had offered to do it for him, considering how many times Vincent had stepped in to watch Sam’s progenies when they were newly-turned whenever he needed a break or to watch the park or had to go heal someone or—
Wait a second.
I snatched my phone up and unlocked it again, scrolling through my contacts quickly until I found who I was looking for and clicking Call.
Ring-ring... Ring-ring... Ri—
“Hi Sam. It’s me.”
“What’s up? Everythin’ alright?”
I sucked in a deep breath. “You used to work as a healer, right?”
“Yep.” He said the word slowly, sounding suspicious. “Why?”
“Have you ever heard of a vampire having a blood addiction?”
There was a long silence. “Kid, you know we drink blood to survive, right? It’s not an addiction.”
I growled. “That’s not what I meant. I mean...” I sucked in a sharp breath. “Like an addiction to the magic in an empowered person’s blood. So much so that they experience withdrawals.”
Another long silence. “Why? What’s goin’ on?”
“It’s not my place to say.”
“What’s goin’ on with Vincent?” Sam rumbled.
“What makes you think anything’s going on with Vincent?”
“Because you’re his partner and you don’t sound worried for yourself. If you were, then it would be your place to say. Now what’s goin’ on?”
“It’s not my place.”
Sam swore under his breath several times. “So help me, kid. Vincent is a brother to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
I huffed a sigh out through clenched teeth. “He drained me, remember? You were there. Remember that I was latent? Remember that my blood was potent? Full of magic that my Core was drawing in but unable to vent into an aura for years—remember that? I don’t need to go into the details about our more intimate encounters, but he fed on me plenty enough times even before I turned. He woke up shaking yesterday. And today. William doesn’t know of any resources to help him. I was hoping you might have because you worked as a healer.”
Sam swore again—but he didn’t sound angry at me this time. He sounded... scared? Maybe not quite. Worried? “If he fed on you often enough but not too often he wouldn’t even realize he was developin’ a dependency and gettin’ a fix... dammit,” he whispered. “Drainin’ you to turn you... he was exhausted from givin’ you his own blood... but if he hadn’t... he’d-a been buzzed outta his mind.” He sighed. “I’ve never heard of a blood addiction. Vampires don’t make their way into healin’ clinics often. Their own healin’ factor usually meant they didn’t need to. Let me ask some old friends-a mine. See if I can dredge up anythin’.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
“Sure. I’ll let you know when I find anythin’.” He hung up.
I took a deep breath and set my phone back down. “It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna figure something out,” I promised myself.
I woke with a small jolt at the same time that Vincent did. Peering over my shoulder, I watched as he sat up in bed and curled up himself. I rolled over to face him properly and pushed myself up to sit next to him. His breathing was shaky and he was trembling.
“Hey,” I greeted softly, wrapping my arms around him. His sucked in a sharp breath through clenched teeth. “Do we wanna reach out to the Department offices to see if there’s someone you can talk to?”
“Counseling helps withdrawals. Sam and I have been looking into resources to help you. For drugs, detoxing helps too but I doubt that’s really gonna work here.”
“I think I just have to ride it out.”
“You don’t actually think I’m going to accept that option, do you? Cold turkey? Which is probably the hardest way to go through it, even with support? What kind of partner do you think I am?”
“Lovely...” He lifted his head from where it had been resting on his knees and looked at me, his silver eyes glittering in the darkness. “Wait. Did you say Sam?”
“He used to be a healer. I asked if he knew of any resources for vampires dealing with magic-in-the-blood addiction withdrawals and he kinda put it together.”
“Of course he did.”
“Vincent, we want to help you. We love you. And, frankly, you need the support right now. You can’t just ride this out on your own. We won’t let you. Me, Sam, William—we’d all be damned if we didn’t at least try.”
“Oh God,” Vincent groaned. “Does Will know too?”
“I asked him if he knew whether the Department has resources too. The website is a nightmare.”
Vincent closed his eyes and sighed. “I appreciate that you’re trying so hard. But you need to be focusing on your own struggles—and your training to adjust to your new body and abilities.”
I clenched my jaw. “Dammit, Vin!” I snapped. “Don’t you understand that being in a relationship means that, yeah, my problems are also yours—but your problems are mine too? I know you’ve been doing everything since—since Adam—to take care of me and help me through things. But we’re both dealing with this for you. We’re not experiencing it the same way. But it’s affecting you so it’s affecting me. I love you and I’m going to help you. I don’t want to know what might happen to you if you don’t learn to manage this. Or... or find a way to move past this.”
“Baby... I know. But what you’re going through is a lot worse—”
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Solaire,” I warned. “There is no scaling to struggling here. The Inversion sucked. The turning has been hard. The bloodlust kinda sucks too. But that doesn’t diminish what you are going through, do you understand me?”
Vincent looked surprised at the tone in my voice, eyebrows lifting and mouth parting.
Instead of saying something, he surged over the bed and threw his arms around me, burying his face in my chest. I held onto him tight, scratching the back of his scalp with my nails and rocking him.
He was still shaking, but this time it was from the quiet crying. Or, if it was still from the withdrawals, the crying added to it.
“Thank you, baby,” he whispered.
I kissed the top of his head. His glossy black curls were so soft. “That’s what we do for each other, Vincent. You’ve taken care of me for so long now. And you’re gonna have to keep doing it through this bloodlust. The least I can do is find ways to help you through your own struggle.”
“It’s really not the least. It’s a lot.”
“Not for me. Not if it’s you.” I twirled one of his curls around my finger and closed my eyes, inhaling the scent of him. It was so much more prominent and distinct now that I was a vampire.
He let out a shuddering sigh. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Vincent. So much.”
We stayed like that on our bed until the sun went down—and my phone started ringing. I let him go just barely long enough to twist and snatch it off the bedside table before holding onto him.
“Hey Sam, what’s up?” I asked.
“My partner knew about some resources the Department has that might help. Should I send the links to you, Vincent, or both?”
“Alright. Gimme a sec.” There was a pause. Then a chuckle. “Yes, darlin’, I know how to send links via text while still on a call. I’m not actually a fossil,” he said to someone the microphone on his phone hadn’t picked up.
Vincent smiled against my chest and snickered.
Sam’s voice got closer to his microphone. “A’right. I sent those over. Should show up any second,” he continued.
At that moment, my phone buzzed in my hand, and Vincent’s went off—full sound—on his bedside. He reached out and grabbed it while I put Sam on speaker and looked at the text that came through.
A series of links to the Department’s website, and several others.
“Thank you, Sam,” I said. “Thank you so much.”
“Thank my partner,” Sam said. “They’re the one that knew.”
“Thank you, Sam’s partner,” I replied louder into my phone so they could hear it.
“No problem,” a voice farther from the mic remarked. “I hope it helps. Vincent means a lot to Sam.”
Vincent’s arms tightened around me. He was smiling softly. Almost melancholy.
“We appreciate it. Thank you both.”
“Uh-huh. You have a good night, now,” Sam said.
“You too.”
“Bye.” He hung up.
I set my phone down and ran my fingers through Vincent’s curls. “Hey. We’re gonna get you help. We’re gonna get through this—all of this—together. Like we always do. Okay?”
He lifted his head from my chest to smile at me. “Together,” he promised.
I leaned down and gave him a kiss. He accepted and reciprocated enthusiastically.
When I pulled away, head spinning a little, I clicked on the first link Sam had sent us. The one for the Department’s website. There was a number for vampires to call after the usual closing times that would put them in touch with vampire Department employees.
My thumb hovered over the hyperlink of the number. If I tapped it, it would ask if I wanted to call the number.
I smiled down at Vincent. “Ready?”
He nodded. “Please.”
I twisted one of his curls around my finger and thumb of my free hand. “Let’s get you some help,” I whispered.
I tapped the link.
Tag list: @thegoldenlittlerose @zozo-01 @gingerbreadmonsters (you seemed very interested on the WIP Wednesday so I hope you don’t mind)
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My Thoughts on Touchstarved
So, I've finished the demo! Let me start off by saying that I love the story! The concept is awesome, I adore that you can choose your own background, I love how immersive the setting is, everything is just... amazing. I can't wait for the full game to come out! Especially with all the special treats we're getting from the Kickstarter goals, it's going to be fantastic! And now, my friends, I shall share with you my thoughts & Headcannons for each of our lovely love interests, in order of appearance. If you'd like to see more, my requests are open!! I haven't gotten any for Touchstarved yet but I'm itching to write for them, I just... need some inspiration, so the more the merrier!
First of all: pretty. I love his design, it's wonderful. He looks so ethereal! And very doctor-y, which was the point.
Can we talk about the hair, though???? How cool is that?? I love it. It looks very soft and fluffy. And so long... Could you imagine sleeping next to him? You wake up and you're drowning in floof.
He's very kind and gentle, but is obviously holding back. He distances himself from people, and like everybody else on this list, he needs to find someone he can really trust to open up and be himself with.
And he stays so busy, like... when does he ever take the time to relax? I know the city needs him and his clinic, but he deserves some time off, too.
To be honest Kuras gives me kinda like.... asexual vibes? Maybe demisexual? Idk, maybe I'm reading too much into him being reserved, but. I just feel like he either wouldn't be interested or he'd want to fall in love with someone before taking them to bed.
I love him, he's incredible. So talented, so kind!! I love the respect the Bloodhounds have for him, and how willing he is to go out of his way to help a stranger.
Also he blushes very easily and I love it, he's absolutely adorable
I am very very curious how he got so much skill with magic, because that doesn't seem to be normal. I bet it has something to do with his secret.
He very clearly has some serious trauma in his past, too. I wonder how he got that scar, if it has anything to do with his magic, if it is indeed the same scar running from his face to his arm....
Seems like he drowns his trauma in alcohol, his gang, and keeping himself very busy. Poor thing clearly doesn't get as much sleep as he should.
I think he just wants to be loved, but he's afraid to let himself be too vulnerable.
Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Foxboy Fox-
Can I just say that I'm a little bit in love with his design. I mean I am with all of them but. Especially Vere. I love foxes and it's just. *Chef's kiss*
He's a cocky lil son of a biscuit tho. That tongue of his is quite sharp... as are his teeth~
I feel like he'd flirt with a Soulless to get what he wanted. In actuality he'd just murder it, but... you get my point. You're never sure if he's gonna seduce you or slit your neck.
Literally if Sage and Rime from Last Legacy had a child.
He's absolutely not trustworthy but I wanna get to the bottom of things and form that trust with him.
Romancing him would be very interesting. He's always three seconds away from eating you, but the question is... will he eat your soul, or your [redacted]?
He reminds me far too much of my friend's OC, and for that, I am the sliiiightest bit obsessed with him. At least that gives me a headstart on his characterization.
Would sell you to Satan for one cornchip, but fortunately MC interests him enough to keep them around
And Princess???? Oh my god. My heart. I adore her, I adore him, yes please
And he calls the MC "Sparrow"!!! That's absolutely precious. I love how he has nicknames for people, it's wonderful
Ais seems like the person who will tell you he doesn't care what happens to you and you can go get yourself killed for all he cares, then move heaven and earth to save you once you're even slightly in danger.
Baby needs a hug. Enough said.
l absolutely adore them. They have stolen my heart.
And yes, maybe I do have the slightest bit of a savior complex, shut up. I'm just addicted to the hurt/comfort angst of it all, okay?
Literally hates everyone and everyone hates them (Except for, y'know, Kuras) because they're such a grumpy little loner and dear god just let me love you, let me teach you what love is.
They definitely fit into the whole "stronger than they appear" archetype because they're specifically mentioned to be pretty scrawny, but they have an impressive amount of strength and holy hells they're good with that dagger. That's incredible skill
I just. I want to break down those walls and earn their trust and teach them they have someone they can rely on who won't betray them, no matter what happens or how dark things get.
I just want to cuddle them and reassure them that everything's gonna be alright, is that a crime?
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romirola · 1 month
Hi gorgeous! For your ask game, I wanted to ask about one of my fav fics of yours - First Feeding of Forever. I LOVE how how you write vince&lovely!!
6- What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
19-Is this one of your personal favorite fics? Why or why not?
20-What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic? (you are always so good on details and Easter eggs, nothing is accidental, so I'm just curious!)
Thank you for this lovely ask about First Feeding of Forever, Floof! Love you, too! <3
Ask game here (Still open!)
6- What do you need to write? Is there anything special you need to do/have to help your creative flow?
I think the most important thing I need to write is time. I like knowing I have the time to think about the story and to figure out how to get that story onto the page. I need the story to play out in my head. I try to avoid needing certain circumstances or particular items to write because I feel like doing so invites superstitious obstacles to writing. That way, I'm not dependent on the time of day, my mood, or other sometimes-uncontrollable factors to interfere with writing.
19-Is this one of your personal favorite fics? Why or why not?
Every fic I ever write is my baby, First Feeding of Forever included. That sounds so cheesy, but it's true. Something I really like about this fic is that it sheds light on Vincent's insecurities about being a maker as much as it does let Lovely go bloodlust-feral like they deserve. The fact that we don't have bloodlust!Lovely is a crime, but at least I can help to fill that void with a fic!
20-What is something you wish more people noticed about this fic? (you are always so good on details and Easter eggs, nothing is accidental, so I'm just curious!)
Thank you! I admit, I spend way too much time embedding little details and connections between all my Redacted fics. Something I would draw attention to in this fic is the live-feeding process, where part of a vampire's magic actually guides their teeth to a vein so they can drink. Additionally, I think some of the description between blood bags and live feeds helps to rationalize why bags alone cannot sustain a vampire. It feeds (ah!! "feeds" get it?) into my headcanon of blood donors to support the vampiric community. Here's a bit of an excerpt from that passage:
“Excellent,” Vincent praised. “Now, when you get close to their skin, you’ll find that you’re magically drawn to a vein. That’ll be the best spot to puncture.”
Lovely followed Vincent’s instructions, leaning into the almost-magnetic pull they felt towards the human’s jugular. “Here,” they pointed, pulling down their collar a bit to expose the skin. “I feel it. Right here.”
“You’re doing really good, Lovely,” Vincent smiled. “Now, slowly and gently, you’re going to angle your top fangs to sink in right there.”
As Vincent spoke, Lovely bit down. The soft squish sound reverberated in their highly sensitive ears.
“There you go, there you go,” Vincent grinned encouragingly. “Now feed, Little One. Feed.”
Lovely eagerly did as Vincent told them, sucking every drop of blood from the unempowered human. They licked their lips gratefully, feeling the rush of energy and satisfaction fill their with every swallow. The blood was warm, much warmer than when the liquid came from a thawed blood bag. The flavor was thick, almost cloying, but Lovely lapped up every bit of it. They glanced up at the unempowered human, nervous they would see fear or disgust. They didn’t. The trance had kept the human blissfully unaware of what was happening. It didn’t take long for them to feel full. Because the blood was from a live donor and they were just starting to enter this phase of the bloodlust, their stomach was not yet adjusted to needing a full unit.
“Getting full,” they murmured through mouthfuls, suddenly afraid to let their lips leave the human’s skin for fear that they would bleed out. “What do I do now?”
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callmemana · 10 months
Arms Wide Open, Catch Me If I Fall:
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Chapter 4: Birdie’s Eye View
Word Count: 5k+
🚨Warnings: inaccurate Naval descriptions, angst and floof.
A/N: dividers by @sligheach-sidhe , cover by me ( @callmemana ). Thank you @bayisdying for proofreading!
A/N: There will be a change, each chapter will be at least 3k word count. Also, this will be my main focus on writing.
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After the big blow up with Bo, Bird walked to the Garcia’s with Ozzy following close behind.
Tears stained her cheeks as she made her way to her bedroom and cuddled with her dog.
She would go in tomorrow and talk with Cyclone about redacting the offer to join the team, if it wasn’t too late.
If Robert didn’t want her here, then she’s not gonna stick around to take anymore of his awful behavior.
He’s acting like he did the last week he was in Lemoore right before he broke her heart.
Bird was a forgiving person, but she didn’t know if she could forgive him for this.
She got up and started to pack everything but the essentials back up into the boxes, she’d ask for tape and help loading her truck tomorrow.
Ozzy kept trying to nip at her legs, telling her to stop.
But Bird’s mind was already set, as soon as she could she’d talk to the Air Boss and ask to be stationed back in Lemoore.
She was just finishing up her last box when Baylie and Mickey came home.
“Why are you packed? What happened between you and Bob?”questioned Lucky.
“He was an asshole and pretty much told me he didn’t want me here. I’m going to talk to Cyclone tomorrow about being transferred back to Flordia. I’m not staying somewhere where the only person I really know doesn’t want me to be.”
“Maybe he was just surprised to see you is all,” offered Mickey.
Bird laughed humorlessly, “Trust me Mickey, what he said wasn’t because of that. I mean, seriously! How stupid am I to come here thinking that he’d be happy to see me? He was right, I ruin everything.”
Tears prickled at her eyes as she fixes her glasses.
“Birdie, what do you mean?” insisted Lucky, teeth slightly grinding together.
“Hey, you haven’t ruined anything.” reassured Mickey.
“He said that the whole week before he left, said I ruined his life and everything I touch. I can’t do that to you guys too.”
“Bird, you haven’t ruined anything for us, if anything you’ve made our lives better.”
“How? I’ve done nothing but cause trouble since I got here!” she cried, taking her glasses off to clean them of tears.
Baylie pulls her into a hug and Mickey joins soon afterwards.
“Because you have made our grey outlook on Bob turn to color. We only knew him as the shy man he is, and now, we might be able to see an outgoing, sarcastic, and whatever else he’s hidden from us, man.”
“You just don’t know him well enough yet. He was shy when we first met at bootcamp.”
“Oh, we need to know all of the stories about the young Robert Floyd.” declared Lucky.
Ozzy ran over and decided to also join the group hug, giving everyone sloppy puppy-kisses all over their faces.
“Oz, Ozzy, ok, ok, thank you bubs!” laughed Birdie as she lightly pushed him away, fixing her glasses on her nose.
She sniffled and wiped her eyes, standing up in the process to head to her room.
“I best be gettin’ to bed, I gotta be up early to see Cyclone anyhow. Thank you both for everything.”
The couple gave smiles and bids her goodnight.
The next morning Bird does her morning routine, walks Ozzy, and drives to base earlier than necessary.
She’s trying to navigate her way to the Air Boss’s office when she accidentally bumps into someone.
“Oh I’m so sorry! Here lemme help you,” blurted Bird as she immediately gets to the ground and starts to pick up the scattered papers and folders.
The woman was olived skinned and dark brown curly haired.
“It’s not a problem, I can pick them up myself, I wasn’t watching where I was going anyway.” the woman laughed, holding her hand out towards Amanda.
“I’m Alana Metcalf, most people here call me Cinco or Cin. Are you new? I saw that you were looking a little lost.”
She took the woman’s outstretched hand and shook.
“I’m Amanda Hallett, callsign Birdie, but I also go by Bird. I’m not gonna lie, I am incredibly lost.” Bird laughed, cheeks burning a bright pink.
“Well maybe I can help, who are you looking for?”
“The Air Boss, Beau Simpson. I need to talk with him about transferring back to my old base.”
“Oh, did something happen? Not enjoying San Diego?” she asked.
“You could say that. I just don’t think it’s a good fit for me.”
“Ah, I see. An ex is here huh?”
Birdie’s eyes widen and jaw slacked, “How did you know that?”
“I’m kinda friends with Bob and the dagger squad. Actually, my boyfriend is on the team too.”
“Oh…” said Bird before she put on a fake smile, “what’s his name?”
Cinco could see through the smile, but decided to table that for later when she could speak to Bob.
“Jake Seresin, but his callsign is Hangman.”
“Sounds dangerous.”
“He is sometimes,” nodded Cin, “It’s because he always hangs his wingmen out to dry.”
“And he’s on a team? He sounds like he’s an ass. No offense!”
Cin laughs, “None taken, I know he can be one. He’s shown it many of times.”
The two women stopped infront of a wooden door with a name plate that read, ‘Simpson.’
“Anyway, here’s Cyclone’s office. I hope that you reconsider going back, I can tell that you will be a big part of our lives already.”
“And how can you tell, you just met me Cin.” Bird questioned jokingly.
“Because that man’s eyes still sparkle when you come up in conversation. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bob like this and I can’t wait to see how it ends.”
“So, you know?” she asked, eyes casted down.
“No, but I don’t think I need to know more than that he loves you.”
“He might’ve before, but he doesn’t now. Thanks for being my guide, I appreciate it.”
Bird gave the woman a little wave as she knocked on the thick door, waiting for the ‘Come in.’
Once the command was given, she entered and saluted the Air Boss.
“You are relieved, Leutenant,” he declared, looking up briefly to see who was there.
“Hello Vice Admiral Simpson, I was wondering if it was too late to ask if the contract could be void and I could be stationed back in Lemoore?”
“Not liking the company Hallett? I believe at one point in your first time here, you were very close to Leutenant Floyd.”
“Yes sir, we were, but recently ended our relationship.”
“How sad. Unfortunately, Hallett, it’s already been cleared and recorded. You’re stuck here until farther notice.”
“But Sir-”
“I didn’t ask for excuses, Leutenant. Just be glad it’s only for six months. Now if your done,” He shifted his eyes to the door.
That was not the news Bird thought she would be getting, Cyclone never liked her anyway.
So why does he have to be so determined to keep her here?
Unless he thinks this will be torture for her being near Robert, which it most likely will be.
She exited the room, leaving his door open just to piss him off more.
Bird went down the hallway a little and braced her back on the wall, groaning loud.
“Well who do we have here?” a woman with a British accent asked.
“I’m sorry if I interrupted you ma’am, I’m Leutenant Hallett.”
“No harm done here, I was just having breakfast at my desk with my friend. I’m Rachael Kazansky.”
Bird looked at her phone screen, checking the time. The meeting with Cyclone went on longer than she initially thought.
“I am so sorry but, I have to get to the hanger. It was nice meeting you though!”
Dragon smiled as the blonde woman scurried off.
She arrived late, the high ranks already in the room and stood off to the side.
“Nice of you to finally join us Leutenant Hallett,” announced Cyclone.
“I’m so sorry, Cyclone! Someone told me to go to Hell, I couldn’t find it at first, but guess what? I finally found it! And I just knew I’d see you here too!”
“Everyone, this is Leutentant Amanda ‘Birdie’ Hallett, graduated second at Top Gun in her class.” stated Maverick, a wide smirk on his features.
Robert muttered a displeased, “Birdie.”
Laughter poorly covered up could be heard around the hanger, mostly by the students. When Bird looked over at Warlock, he winked at her with an amused smirk on his face too.
“Back on the agenda, Maverick.”
“We will be doing an exercise to start training for an upcoming mission. The hard deck is at ten thousand feet and will not be broken this time. We’ll take Hangman, Rooster, Coyote, and Birdie first. Get suited up.”
With that, we all filed out of the door and headed to the locker room.
“You must have a big pair of balls on you if you can sass Cyclone without hesitation.” said a tall, blond haired man with sea green eyes.
“Cyclone’s had it out for me since my first time at Top Gun. Bob and I got yelled at all the time by him.” Birdie said as she rolled her eyes.
“Wrong, you and Thena got yelled at and Smiley and me tried to get you out of it.” smiled Bob.
“Yeah right, like I don’t remember the reason you got your callsign. You are just as much of a troublemaker Bo.”
She didn’t see the smirks and looks exchanged by the others.
“Since y’all know my name, I think it’s only fair I know your’s.” stated Bird.
A dark skinned man with a mustache spoke first, “I’m Reuben Fitch, Payback and Fanboy’s pilot.”
The next was another dark skinned man, a little lighter in shade, “Javy Machado, Coyote.”
“I’m pretty well known everywhere I go. Jake Seresin, callsign; Hangman.”
“Wow, maybe you should take the dick outta your personality. Your ego isn’t as big as you think.”
“So what I’m hearing is that you think-”
“Finish that sentence, and I’ll sack you so hard that your grandkids will feel your pain.”
“Damn, she doesn't play.” said a man with a 70’s porn-stache.
“Damn straight, and you are?”
“Bradley Bradshaw, Rooster.” he held out his hand, which she gladly took.
“It’s nice to meet you Rooster.”
They all came to the doors that separated the locker rooms.
The women went into the one on the left, the guys on the right.
Bird was halfway out of her civilian clothes when a small, shy woman came up to her.
“Hi, I’m Raven Mouse Fischer. I haven’t been on the team very long, but if you need any help with anything, I’d be more than glad to help!” chirped Mouse with a wide smile.
“Thank you Mouse, I might have to take you up on that offer,”
“I’m Bob’s pilot, Natasha Phoenix Trace. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Natasha. Thank you for keeping him safe when I couldn’t, I appreciate it more than you know.”
Phoenix was a little surprised when Bird brought her into a tight hug.
After the little meet and greet in the locker room, everyone was outside in the hanger getting ready to get in the jets.
Bird had her sky blue helmet on with the bird silhouette on the front with her callsign under and her squadron on the sides.
She wanted to have someone pat the top to ‘see if it works’ but didn’t want to ask anyone yet.
Bird saw Bo and looked away, there was no way she’d ask the man who had made a new crack in her heart not too long ago to do the preflight ritual with her.
“What’s wrong Bird?” asked Rooster as he stood by her plane.
“Nothin’, just missing old traditions we used to do before flying.”
“What did you do before?” he smiled, looking down at her.
“Used to smack the top of our helmets so we could ‘see if it was good’ and now I don’t have anyone to do that with.”
Without second thought, Rooster slapped his hand against the top of her helmet and whispered, “Good luck Bird. You don’t have to be scared to ask us to continue the traditions you did back in Lemoore, if they make you feel comfortable or a superstition you have we will help make you calm.”
Bird’s cheeks burned slightly, “Thank you Roos, I appreciate that.”
Bradley lightly pounds his fist on the top of her helmet again, “Anytime Bird. We’re all family now.”
She nods, looking away from him briefly before the other two men join them.
“Ready to fly Bird and Chicken?” asked Hangman, a smirk on his face.
“Yeah, Bagman, let’s get in the sky.”
It took a while but soon all were in the air with the oxygen masks on and communication was silent.
Bird was flanked by the men, all looking around for Maverick and seeing nothing.
“So what’s your story Birdie?”
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t wanna, Bird.”
“It’s fine. Grew up in the midwest, went to bootcamp and then after I graduated I went to Top Gun.”
“What about when you met Baby On Board?”
Rooster’s voice cracked through the radios, “Leave her alone, Bagman.
“Woah man, we’re just trying to get to know our fellow aviator Rooster.”
Bird rolled her eyes at the men, typical.
“I’ll leave that to Robert when the time comes and HE wants to tell you.”
“Ooooh, she’s super mad if she’s using your name and not your callsign huh Baby On Board?”
“Why do you always have to be a dickhead, Bagman?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘always,’ I did save your life Chicken.”
“He did,” echoed Coyote.
Rooster was quiet after that and started to go a little farther ahead of them.
They flew for a little longer in silence before Coyote voiced everyone’s concern, “Where’s Mav?”
All four of us looked around, not seeing anything. “Oh fuck, he’s under our noses.”
After that was said, Maverick came up from out of nowhere. “Good Afternoon Aviators.”
Bird was the first to move out of the way, Rooster following her and Hangman and Coyote breaking off to the left.
The fight was on.
It took twenty six minutes for Maverick to shoot all of us down.
If we were supposed to be the best of the best, how come it took so little time for him to beat us in a dog fight?
Bird got out of her jet, took off her helmet and then gripped it in her fist angrily. She knew she could be better than she performed today, otherwise she wouldn’t be back at Top Gun.
“Don’t let this bring you down, we all got our asses handed to us and I bet you everyone will today too.” Rooster shook her shoulders lightly and a smile on his face.
Hangman and Coyote came over to her plane again and praised her flying as they all made their way to the rec room where everyone else is.
Once inside the room and out of the blazing sun, she saw that Bob was still sitting right infront of the radio with eyebrows furrowed and bitting him lip.
What was he so worried about, he had no right to be for me. He lost it the day he broke my heart.
It was later in the day when everyone had failed and walking back to the locker rooms that everyone was talking and laughing together again.
“So Bird, would you like to go to the Hard Deck later?” asked Mickey, a smile on his face.
“No thank you, Mickey. I should unpack, I’m going to be here for a while.”
“Oh that’s great to hear, how long?” chirped Mouse.
“I’m here for six months, then wherever they send me afterwards.”
Lucky glares at Bob, angry at that he almost made her go away.
“We can help if you need?”
Bird smiled, “Thanks for the offer, but it won’t take too long.”
“Well if you end up needing help, don’t be afraid to call any of us.”
“She wouldn’t need you Bagman, Birdie has Mickey and me to help. Also stay away from my house or I’ll kick your ass.”
Jake put his arms up in mock surrender, eyes wide and a smirk on his lips.
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The three of them went back inside the Hard Deck and grabbed the others and went out back to talk on the deck.
Once all of the aviators had sat down, Bob took a deep breath.
“I think I might owe y’all an explanation on why I’ve been acting so short tempered lately.”
“I’d say.”
“Shut up, let him speak!”
“Yeah, I wanna hear why.”
“Well, before we left for the mission, I was engaged,” he took his dogtags out of his shirt and showed the ring.
A dainty little gold ring that looked as if it was sticks with small diamonds decorating it was on the chain.
“To an aviator named Birdie. I broke off the engagement and then moved to San Diego a week later.”
Bob ran his hands in his already messed up hair, “So when Lucky was giving hints as to who the new member was, she was just reminding me of her. I didn’t want to think about Bird, so instead I got angry and shut everyone out. I’m sorry.”
“Why? Why break up with her, she’s a pilot too. She’d understand.”
Bob laughed sadly, “Because I’m in idiot. I don’t really want to get into it tonight.”
“Hate to break it to you Baby On Board, but I already kinda knew. Seriously, I mean, did you forget that I have access to personal and personnel records?” sassed Cinco.
“I’m so glad that you found your forever Bob and I can’t wait to meet her! What’s she like? Chirped Mouse.
Baylie took point in answering this, “She’s amazing, beautiful, fantastic, lovely, smart, funny, sweet…”
“Okay, we get it Bay, if we weren’t married you’d marry bird and make her one of your sister wives.”
“Damn right I would, too bad I’m stuck with your ugly ass.”
“Can we please get back to the matter at hand?”
Bay shrugged while Mickey put his hands up in mock surrender.
“As you were saying Bob?”
“I messed up and broke up with her the harshed way possible so she wouldn’t think about me when I was on the mission. And with her back in my life I can’t help but have those feelings again.”
“So you never got over her?” questioned Phoenix, eyebrows furrowed.
Bob shook his head, “No. She’s my everything. I’ve known her since I was eighteen, we met on the first day of bootcamp. I knew by the end of our first date that I was gonna marry her.”
Dragon and Whiskey just screamed in happiness at the confession, they had never really heard Bob speak so passionately about love before and wanted nothing more than to hear everything he had to say.
Mouse was the first to speak, “That’s really sweet and I’m happy you found someone who makes you feel like that, but…” she took a deep breath, trying to find the right words that wouldn’t offend him, “If that’s true, why did you end things with her?”
Lucky stood behind Mouse, arms crossed and head nodding to the words that the shy woman had said and added. “You really are a dumb motherfucker aren’t you Robert?”
Tom and Ron exchanged glances before nodding in agreement with their pseudo daughters, only to get smacked by their wives in the back of the head.
The other guys had awkwardly chugged their drinks and avoided eye contact with Bob, not wanting to be caught and having to defend the man.
Rooster, that sap, was the one to speak first, “Do you still want to marry her? Just hearing what you have to say about Bird tells me that you aren’t over her yet.”
Bob answered immediately, “Of course I still want to be with her and marry Bird. I have no doubt in my mind that’s always been her in my heart and always will be.”
“Then we’ll do everything we can do to help you get her back. I don’t speak for everyone, just for me, but I want to see you happy and I get the feeling that the only person who can make you happy, is Birdie.”
Bob smiles, a sight the Dagger Squad hadn’t seen for a while, “She does, she really, really does make me happy.”
Hangman slaps a hand over Bob’s shoulders, “I’ll help you Baby On Board.”
One by one they come up and touch Bob’s shoulders or the top of his head, all agreeing with Jake.
He gave a half smile now that he knew his friends were going to help, he felt his chances of getting his Bird back rise.
Not too long after that the crowd became too much for his wandering mind, so he went home.
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The next day on base was awkward to say the least. He knew she was in San Diego, but what he didn’t know was when she would show up at Top Gun.
Maverick had already started the lesson with all of the high ups behind him and to the side.
There was a door being abruptly opened and everyone looked back as Vice Admiral Simpson spoke, “Nice of you to finally join us Lieutenant Hallett.”
She walked her way down the middle of the desks in the many rows that the other aviators sat at before she opened her mouth to no doubt sass the man.
“Birdie.” he whispered breathlessly, head casted down.
She sat down and the lesson went on while the others giggled or laughed behind hands or coughs.
Maverick picked four of us to go into the air for the first flight test and after a weird interaction in the hall to the locker rooms, everyone else crossed the tarmac and made their way in the break room.
Bob kept his sights on Bird the whole way, she glanced at him as she walked to her jet. He couldn’t get the thought out of his head. The happy memories that the two shared while back in Lemoore.
He missed the preflight ritual that they did, along with smiley and Athena. Bob gave a half-assed smile, but that didn’t last too long when he saw Bradley pat her on the head while she wore her helmet.
He can still remember the day that she got her helmet and designed it. Bird was so proud of herself, she hadn’t painted in years and was worried that it wouldn’t come out how she wanted.
Another great memory that he had made with her. Bob wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation from the radio, more on watching the sky and his Birdie fly like she belonged there.
When the exercise was over and the four pilots entered the recreation room, Bob’s focus came back into the world.
He was worried for her, he knew how taxing mentally it was to be called the best of the best, only to be shot down so quickly.
He knew that he had no right to be anxious about her. First this wasn’t a real mission, just a practice.
Secondly, she wasn’t his fiancee anymore, he held no claim to her. Especially after the way he acted the last week in Flordia.
Mickey patted his back as both got up and headed to the tarmac, pilots following their WSO’s, today was just going to be hard for him it seems.
After everyone had gone twice and shot down, both times, the day was over and everyone went to the locker room to change into civvies.
“So Bird, would you like to go to the Hard Deck later?” asked Mickey with a smile on his face as the group walked down the halls and to the parking lot.
“No thank you Mickey. I should unpack, I’m going to be here for a while.”
“Oh, that’s great to hear, how long?” chirped Mouse.
Bob was happy that she’d be staying, he really wanted to take the time and win her heart and trust back.
He felt Lucky’s anger through the glare she was giving him as they walked. Bob knew he deserved it ten times over.
Robert knew that once they heard the whole story, they’d hate him, Hell he hates himself still.
“We can help if you need?”
Bird smiled, “Thanks for the offer, but it won’t take too long.”
“Well if you end up needing help, don’t be afraid to call any of us.”
“She wouldn’t need you Bagman, Birdie has Mickey and me to help. Also stay away from my house or I’ll kick your ass.”
Jake put his arms up in mock surrender, eyes wide and a smirk on his lips. Bob rolled his eyes, he hates when Hangman’s ego acts up.
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They all go their separate ways and plan to meet up a little later at The Hard Deck for drinks.
When Bob got home he immediately collected clean clothes from his bedroom and then got into the shower to wash away the day.
He didn’t feel like wearing his Khakis today at the bar so he opted out for an old Carhartt shirt, jeans, and that trucker hat he loves so much but never really wears anymore.
Bob grabbed his keys to the old Chevy truck and drove to the local Navy bar. After he parked, he didn’t really want to go inside, he knew by the cars that everyone is here again.
With a large sigh, he turned off the truck and went through the doorway of the building.
Immediately Bob spotted his found family and threw himself on the cushioned booth seat, surrounded by the group and handed a cup of water that had already been on the table.
Silence wasn’t something that the Dagger Squad did often, but when it was, it's because they were thinking.
It brought warmth to his heart that they actually wanted to help him, but also worried him for when they realized just what type of man he was.
Even if he only did what he did to not break her heart more if he didn’t make it from the Uranium mission alive.
He knew it was only a matter of time before they either kicked his ass or never talked to him again.
Which he deserves, no doubt in his mind about that.
Lucky being the biggest threat if the story got out, she already saw Birdie as a little sister and is protective of her.
He’s seen Baylie’s rage and never wants to be on the receiving end of it, but that might just be what happens.
Dragon was the first to speak after the silence had stopped, “So, what are you thinking about doing to get her back?”
Bob shakes his head chuckling nervously, “Honestly Dragon, I don’t have a Goddamn clue, Amanda won’t even look at me for longer than a second and barely talked to me today.”
“Oh yeah ‘Bo,’ she barely talked to you.”
His head snaps to Lucky, anger in his eyes. “You can’t call me that.”
Bob knows that Baylie won’t back down and he wouldn’t be surprised if she probably already knows the story or at least a little bit of it.
“How bout Bam? Can I call you Bam?” she questions sarcastically, Bird obviously told Mickey and her something about his childhood.
“No and you never call me anything but Robert or Bobby so stop using Birdie to get under my skin.”
“Why when it clearly works so well.” she smirked, the others around him smirking too.
They were all very entertained by this and he didn’t like that just bringing up something about his past could get him so angry.
“Children.” demanded Cinco, done with the fighting.
“Anyway,” said Dragon, getting them back on topic, “we need to start small, so she doesn’t get suspicious of what we’re doing.”
They all nodded, agreeing with her. Now they just have to brain storm ideas until they find the best one for Bob to start gaining Bird’s trust and friendship again.
Some ideas that were thrown out didn’t sound like something that Bob would do, more of a Jake thing.
Big gestures and an exclamation of how sorry he is, Bob is more of the quiet type, small gestures and slowly gaining the relationship back the right way.
It took many hours and many rounds of beer and water (for himself) before the group decided on a plan and paid their tabs before going home.
Bob stopped Mickey as they exited the bar, his friend slowly turned around, a smile on his face.
“How is she doing? Is she settingly in nicely?”
The other wizzo lightly slaps his back,“She’s doing good Bob and I’m not gonna lie to you, because you're my friend, she seems sad. She’s putting on a happy act for us, but we can see it in her eyes. Bird keeps busy around the house when we get home from base. If she can’t find anything to clean, she’s either in her room or walking Ozzy.”
Bob smiles, “Birdie has two brothers so she was the only sibling to actually clean when asked and her room was her get away from her brothers who pestered her a lot. I’m worried about her, Mickey. I hate to see her like this, this girl has been nothing but smiles and rainbows and I don’t think I’ve seen her this way except the last night I was in Lemoore.”
“Hey man, like I said yesterday, we’re gonna help you get her back. This is the first time I’ve seen you smile since the wedding and if she can do that by just being in the same room as you or even just being mentioned, I think what you have is worth the it.”
Bob gave Mickey a little side hug before they went to their cars. Lucky was in the front seat of the Garcia’s Jeep, blasting music and headbanging to the lyrics, making the men laugh.
He took off towards his house, listening to her favorite song and smiling like a total idiot.
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Birdie’s Basket🧺: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @starlit-epiphany @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @interstellarloneliness
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icannotgetoverbirds · 3 months
tell me about your fic on ao3- @rowans-blues
warning i am going to be talking in caps and this post may be very long
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Small-Town Tales is my pet project. It's my baby and if anything happens to it i'll kill everyone in this room and then myself (reference). Jay is a barn owl avia (bird equivalent of a selkie) and arrives in town to the rudest greeting possible: getting mauled by wolves. After mauling the wolves back, he manages to fly his sopping wet bloodied self to the front door of the clinic before collapsing in the plaza, essentially on Doctor Harvey's front doorstep.
Cloak shenanigans ensue in the following chaos as Harvey saves Jay's life, bada bing bada boom you got an accidental marriage that nobody wanted. Jay manages to settle into Pelican town which, despite seeming like an idyllic little village, is actually a massive source of chaos for anyone living there. Other character arcs coming soon to a chapter near you.
Promise? Is my project on the back burners. Despite this, I love it just as much as STT - although it certainly won't end up anywhere near as long (pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease have mercy on me gods of writing and hyperfixations). Doctor Harvey finds himself down bad with hanahaki for the local aspiring author. Angst ensues - do not fear, for i am an absolute slut for the comfort part in hurt/comfort.
More details on both can be found on my sideblog, @gracklekeyer2000 , as well as my Ao3 account by the same name. All of my writing on Ao3 requires an account to view because of the muskrat's data scraping. However, The Incident is linked in the pinned post on my sideblog. It's not quite complete yet - there's meant to be a part 3 - but the most important, plot-relevant details coming from that piece have been ironed out in the first two parts.
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ejunkiet · 2 years
You wanted Hux... Hux and 7? xo
"Car sex is a lot more awkward than it looks in the movies" (>:3)
redacted asmr: huxley x freelancer. rated mature for mature themes, but nothing explicit <3
"Car sex is a lot more awkward than it looks in the movies"
It’s - it’s an awkward fit. He’s not gonna lie, it’s just that - he’s big, and their car just - isn’t. That big. Especially in the front, even with the seats cranked all the way back and all their limbs tangled together, freelancer’s head inches from bumping against the roof of the car every time they pull back from kissing him-
But god, he doesn’t want this to stop. Doesn’t want them to stop the way they’re moving against him, their hips pressed near flush, hot breath against his neck as they weave a path down towards his chest, marking his skin with their teeth and tongue, and fuck.
Yeah, he doesn’t want them to stop.
He hasn’t been in a car in a while. He doesn’t really need to drive much in the city, not with how close he is to campus and how open Dahlia is, all green spaces and cycle paths. He’d always pick jogging over driving anyway, if he could help it - and so it’s safe to say, he’s not in situations like this often.
(Or like, at all.)
His hand on their hip squeezes as they nip at the base of his throat, a low groan escaping from somewhere deep within his chest, and god, he loves the way he can feel their smile against his skin, their eyes dark and gleaming as they glance up to meet his gaze.
“I won’t break.” They remind him, for what feels like the millionth time, and he can’t help the stupid grin that forms on his face, even as he leans down to steal a kiss from their lips.
“I know,” he murmurs against their mouth, and at their raised brow, he lifts his hips to prove it, rocking up into them, the pressure against his jeans so fucking perfect, even if their head just barely misses the roof of the car. “Shit. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise.”
Tilting their hips, they grind down to meet him again, and shit. His hand slips back to palm their ass as he rocks his hips again, establishing a rhythm, and they’re both still fully clothed, but he feels as if he’s gonna go out of his fucking mind.
It’s just - the way they look at him. There’s a hunger there as they drag their hands down his chest, soft touches on heated skin, his shirt lost somewhere in the backseat where they’d thrown it earlier.
It's so fucking good, and of course, it’s then that the freelancer's leg slips, bashing against the gear stick as they lose their balance, nearly falling off his lap before he catches their arm, stabilising them.
“Shit- are you okay?"
They laugh, leaning back against the dashboard as they straighten their leg with a wince. He reaches for their knee, easing it up to examine it - and they wince again as he probes it gently, releasing a short breath.
“I’ll live. Honestly, it’s my pride that hurts more than anything.”
He cracks a grin at that, even as his hands massage the joint, working on easing the ache. “I guess car sex is a lot more awkward than what you see in the movies, huh?”
They laugh again, and when he glances back up to meet their gaze, they’re smiling, warm and just that bit wry.
“Just another false promise from Hollywood.”
When they smile like that… holy hell. Their eyes are soft, glinting in the faint light from the city outside, the lookout point they’ve been parked at for the last hour. ‘One of my favourite places’, they’d explained on the drive over, a small smile twisting their lips, and yeah, the view had been great, but it had nothing on them.
His thumb plays with the edge of their jeans, feeling the heat of them through the fabric.
“Just bruised. Nothing broken.”
They grin at that. “Told you I won’t break.”
They’re beautiful in this light, that flush still on their cheeks, dark eyes flickering across his features, lingering on his mouth, and god, he wants to kiss them again.
But before he can ask - they close the distance between them, settling back into his lap as their hands cup his jaw, dragging him into another kiss, and fuck. Yeah.
(The car is still too small, but they find a way to make it work.)
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hellguarded-a · 3 years
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i’ve briefly talked dog breeds with  @hhemeraa​  the other day and came to the conclussion that the  tibetan mastiff  is the best representation of ig’s hound form and it’s all that’s been on my mind lately
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themonotonysyndrome · 2 years
Btw, for the redacted listener ask. Freelancer, Starlight n Cutie. No pressure!
Thank you for this ask Diamond!Ask! I'd love to return the favour if you're OK with it! These kinds of games are always fun to do!
Freelancer - What is a skill you’d like to learn & be good at?
Playing the guitar! I can try learning through Youtube first but I don't know if I have the patience and discipline to go through with it...
Starlight - Favorite constellation and/or planet? What’s your zodiac sign?
I like the Lyra constellation because of the Vega star. I'm a simp alright, what do you want from me!? Also, I'm a Leo; please don't mistake my dumbassary for bravery 😅
Cutie - Is there anyone’s mind you wish you could listen to?
I have a few actually! Romi, Aster, Emily, Teddy, Aeruh, Starlight, Floof (I have a list at this point)... please share with me your secrets to writing fics 😭
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radiowallet · 2 years
Cat my love, this is how intimidating you are as a friend and fellow fandom nerd:
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BUT in terms of your story writing abilities, your strengths as a mom and a friend and a *redacted* professional, I would say you're more like this:
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And that is very sexy of you. 😌
I will gladly accept this duality award, but I definitely feel more like the tiny floof kitten most days. Love you!
And thanks for saying I'm sexy! Gonna ride this high straight through this weekend!
On a scale of 0 to 10 how intimidating am I?
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celosia-starfall · 4 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @canadiatuxedo​ Thanks!
instructions : tag followers that you wanna get to know
name: [REDACTED]
gender: mostly female, occasionally just existing in the Void
star sign: Taurus
height: 5′2″
sexuality: demisexual (and happily engaged to my fiance)
hogwarts house: Slytherin (with Thunderbird as my Ilvermorny House)
fave animal: Wolves & cats & owls. On the mythical creature side of things though, I love phoenixes, dragons, and thunderbirds.
average hours of sleep: roughly 5 hours on a good night during the week. Maybe 8-10 during the weekend IF I’m lucky...
current time: 3:15 PM
dog or cat person: I love both, but I MUCH prefer having cats as pets, though if I did have a dog, I would love for it to be a Husky or something that looks similar to a wolf.
blankets you sleep with: one comforter and then 2 fluffy fleece blankets just because I like the texture of the floof
dream trip: Travelling to either Japan or Scotland. I love the food, culture, and history of Japan (especially involving samurai and the Shinsengumi (which is why I love the Hakuoki series so much)). At the same time, the music, mythology, and physical landscape/atmosphere (along with my ancestral lineage) has always drawn me to Scotland.
dream job: Being an author, comic artist, and video game developer.  Mostly I just want to be able to tell stories and be able to translate them into different mediums, both written and visual. I’ve also been considering getting into clothing design too, since I already do work with embroidery.
when i made my blog: I made my first Tumblr back in 2014, but then I quit for a while due to mental health problems/depression. But once I recovered from that, I decided to start fresh and began a new one up last year (2019).
followers: 16 for the time being. Admittedly I haven’t been too active on Tumblr due to life and work, so I haven’t posted too frequently.
why i made a tumblr: I wanted to be able to share the writing and artwork that I create and be able to contribute content to the fandoms that I love! I do also have an ask blog @ask-telekinetic-matthew that I still occasionally do posts for (whenever I get asks)
reason for my url: It’s the pseudonym that I use for all of my writing and artwork online. “Celosia” actually comes from the name of one of my OCs; she’s a phoenix, which I felt was fitting, since this tumblr was a bit of a rebirth in a way
i’d like to tag: @snowywolff @lotusdumpling @ifindus @kowbojki @helikoj @mothman-stan @sapphires-misc-art
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halliewriteshockey · 7 years
Tagged by @annie-thyme!
Rules: Answer all the questions in a new post and then tag 15 people. (I DO WHAT I WANT)
- 5 things you will find in my bag: A book: The Stupidest Little Angel by Christopher Moore. My knitting emergency kit. My wallet. My knitting, in a smaller bag (it would be extra funny/meta if I were knitting an actual bag). My passport. (Look, I put it in there when I went to Canada two years ago and I just... never took it out.)
- 5 things you will find in my bedroom: A cat tree. Shockingly, also a cat. A shit-ton of yarn. My computer. Bedside detritus.
- 5 things i have always wanted to do:
Be independent. Be sexy. Able to dance. Speak another language fluently. [redacted] 
- 5 things that make me happy:
Writing. Making my friends laugh. Seducing befriending people with my baked goods. Ragethirst streams. Tai sleeping right up against my face all night long so I wake up with a mouthful of floof.
- 5 things I’m currently into:  I mean, Star Wars always and forever amen. Riz Ahmed and his horrible, horrible face. Donnie Yen and his equally horrible face. Dvicio. Gal Gadot who is a menace and really needs to not.
- 5 things on my to do list:
Go back to New Zealand. Get my work bingo card filled out. Finish Teo and Kila’s book so my agent can work her magic. Start the Russian novel. Get promoted.
I’m tagging @erebones, @benevolentbridgetroll, @roguewen, @bebeocho, @semisweetshadow, @greatveiledbear, @godforget and @oh-nostalgiaa!
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