#flora e fauna
carloskaplan · 5 months
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knightlyprince · 21 days
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𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐏❜𝐒 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒: the best of the best for you and your companion!
Em Briar, seus estábulos ficavam ligeiramente afastados do centro para dar maior liberdade às criaturas que ali se aventurassem — já no Reino dos Perdidos, o Phillip's Knightly Stables (carinhosamente chamado de PKS, pelos mais íntimos) está mais próximo, visto que não há muito para onde fugir com tantas pessoas no mesmo lugar. Ainda assim, trata-se de um grande terreno para acomodar suas funções, que de alguma maneira (provavelmente, mágica) coube por ali.
A entrada do local é movimentada e com aspecto mais rústico; do lado de dentro, torna-se uma loja mais sofisticada e apropriada para a realeza, em tons mais carmim e amadeirados. Na fachada, há um grande letreiro e uma silhueta de um cavaleiro a cavalo, com detalhes entalhados em madeira. O teto da loja é iluminado por luzes cintilantes geradas por magia de fada, brilhando de acordo com a necessidade e sensibilidade do cliente. Ao fundo, é possível ouvir as melodias das músicas preferidas de Phillip. Há uma variedade de produtos equestres como selas, freios e equipamentos de tosa em toda forma imaginável; desde selas com temáticas de unicónio (esta loja também recebe o seu unicórnio ou pégaso!), petiscos em formato de dragãozinhos, feno e escovas encantadas que prometem colocar no lugar até o mais rebelde dos fios. Um pouco mais à frente dos corredores da loja, encontra-se o portal para os estábulos em si à esquerda, enquanto um grande campo de treinamento à direita. Os estábulos são arejados e magicamente programados para manter a limpeza (muito obrigado às queridas Fauna, Flora e Primavera!), com o adequado espaço para sua criatura equestre. Já os treinamentos, na área externa, são vastos e apropriados para cada nível, ajustando-se à habilidade do cavaleiro e criatura. Ali também acontecem os pequenos eventos externos ao campeonato olímpico, como corridas, justas medievais e festas tematizadas com o seu conto (ah, não... Vamos ter que mudar todos os enfeites e decoração se o conto mudar? É melhor colocarmos isso no próximo orçamento...).
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taniamaramt · 1 month
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#Tânia Mara de Matogrosso é uma das raras Autora#no Brasil e no mundo que escreve todos os Gêneros. Tem mais de 300 Livros escritos e mais de 200 Livros publicados é o que faz a diferença.#há mais de 40 anos#escreve uma frase do início até o final. E do final ao início.#Sempre com o mesmo sentido exemplo: “Fiz das letras o meu viver. O meu viver eu fiz das letras”. Essas são algumas características da Autor#Tânia Mara de Matogrosso. Autora pantaneira por seu imenso amor e trabalhos no pantanal#pantaneiros#fauna#flora#cultura#tradições#folclore#história#literatura e pinturas em telas. Preservação#conservação do santuário ecológico mundial pantanal e natureza”. Seu amor e luta pelos índios#negros. Fim da discriminação racial e em todos os aspectos. Não só dos índios e negros mais da humanidade.#TÂNIA MARA BAEZ DE BRITO LIMA.#Nasceu no dia 04 de outubro de 1960. Filha de Lazaro de Brito e Modesta Ratiére Baez de Brito. Filhos Victor José Lazaro de Brito Gomes. Vi#Membro da AMLB Academia Municipalista do Brasil. Segunda casa de Letras do País. Fundada por Austregésilo de Athayde.#Cadeira nº 32 Patrono Cecilia Meireles. Membro da ABC#Academia Brasileira de Comunicação Cadeira nº 159 Patrono#Paulo Emilio de Sales Eiró. Membro Fundadora do CTP Centro de Tradições Pantaneiras. Embaixadora da Paz. Ambassaders Universel de la Paix R#AUTORA#EMPRESÁRIA#ROMANCISTA#COMPOSITORA#ROTEIRISTA A AUTORA ESCREVE TODOS OS GÊNEROS O QUE FAZ A DIFERENÇA#PSICOPEDAGOGA CLÍNICA E INSTITUCIONAL#TERAPEUTA OCUPACIONAL#HISTORIADORA
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z12may12m · 10 months
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starlost-lix · 1 year
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im a simple woman. i see bang chan's forearms, i screenshot.
but in all honestly he looks so beautiful in this picture like his hair looks so cute and his slightly raised eyebrows and that nose and those FOREARMS>>>>
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o-profeta-diario · 2 months
Esforços de Conservação na Reserva de Proteção à Vida Animal Alcançam Sucesso Notável
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por O Colunista.
A comunidade bruxa foi agraciada com notícias encorajadoras vindas da Reserva de Proteção à Vida Animal. Após anos de dedicação e esforço incansável, os magizoologistas anunciaram um marco significativo na preservação de espécies ameaçadas. Em particular, o emblemático Passáro-Trovão, classificado no nível "Grau 04º - Próxima da Extinção", surpreendeu a todos com um evento raro e inspirador durante sua época de acasalamento.
Recentemente, um casal de Passáros-Trovão, representantes dessa majestosa criatura alada, demonstrou uma resistência notável, desafiando as expectativas e espalhando esperança entre os defensores da vida selvagem. O que começou como uma observação padrão durante o período de acasalamento rapidamente se transformou em uma descoberta extraordinária quando os magizoologistas encontraram não apenas um, mas quatro ovos cuidadosamente protegidos no ninho do casal.
Esta notável prole é um feito sem precedentes desde a drástica redução na população dos Passáros-Trovão, levando-os perigosamente perto da beira da extinção. A descoberta dos ovos representa não apenas uma vitória para a espécie, mas também um testemunho dos esforços contínuos para proteger e preservar as criaturas mágicas que compartilham nosso mundo.
A comunidade bruxa está agora repleta de esperança e gratidão à equipe dedicada da Reserva de Proteção à Vida Animal por seu compromisso inabalável com a conservação da vida selvagem. Esta notícia inspiradora serve como um lembrete poderoso de que, com perseverança e cuidado adequado, podemos fazer a diferença na proteção das espécies em perigo.
Enquanto os magizoologistas continuam a monitorar de perto o desenvolvimento dos ovos, a comunidade bruxa celebra este momento significativo na luta contra a extinção, renovando seu compromisso de preservar a diversidade mágica que enriquece nosso mundo.
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viagginoriente23 · 1 year
Viaggi Bhutan | Tour Bhutan 2023 - Viagginoriente
Viaggi Bhutan: la terra del drago del tuono
Il Bhutan è una piccola nazione situata nella catena montuosa dell'Himalaya, tra l'India e la Cina. Conosciuto come il "Regno del Drago del Tuono", il Bhutan è una delle nazioni più isolate e meno conosciute del mondo. Tuttavia, non lasciatevi ingannare dalla sua piccola dimensione, poiché il Bhutan offre un'esperienza unica e affascinante ai visitatori.
Una delle cose più sorprendenti del Bhutan è il suo approccio alla felicità nazionale. Invece di misurare il successo del paese in base al PIL, il Bhutan ha adottato il concetto di "Felicita Interna Lorda" (FIL). Questa misura tiene conto del benessere spirituale, fisico e sociale dei cittadini. Grazie a questo approccio, il Bhutan è diventato noto come uno dei paesi più felici al mondo.
La cultura bhutanese è ricca di tradizioni uniche e affascinanti. La danza e la musica tradizionali sono particolarmente importanti nella cultura bhutanese. Ogni anno si svolge il festival Tsechu, dove la popolazione si riunisce per celebrare la cultura bhutanese attraverso balli, musica e abbigliamento tradizionale.
Tour Bhutan
La natura è uno dei punti di forza del Bhutan. Il paese ha una vasta gamma di fauna e flora che lo rende un paradiso per gli amanti della natura. Le montagne dell'Himalaya offrono una vista mozzafiato e il paese è anche sede di numerosi parchi nazionali e riserve naturali, dove si possono trovare tigri, leopardi, orsi e una vasta gamma di uccelli e piante.
La religione ha un ruolo molto importante nella vita quotidiana del Bhutan. Il buddismo è la religione predominante e il paese è disseminato di templi e monasteri buddisti. Il monastero di Taktsang, noto anche come il "nido della tigre", è uno dei luoghi più sacri del Bhutan e rappresenta una delle attrazioni turistiche più visitate del paese.
Infine, il Bhutan è un luogo dove il passato e il presente si incontrano. Nonostante il progresso tecnologico e la modernizzazione del paese, il Bhutan continua a mantenere le sue tradizioni e la sua cultura unica. Se state cercando un luogo dove poter scappare dallo stress della vita quotidiana e immergervi in una cultura affascinante e incontaminata, il Bhutan è il luogo perfetto per voi.
In conclusione, il Bhutan è una nazione straordinaria che offre un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile ai visitatori. Con la sua cultura ricca, la natura mozzafiato, la spiritualità e l'approccio unico alla felicità nazionale, il Bhutan è un luogo che non deluderà le vostre aspettative. Se state cercando una destinazione esotica e affascinante, non esitate a visitare il Bhutan!
#Viaggi Bhutan: la terra del drago del tuono#Il Bhutan è una piccola nazione situata nella catena montuosa dell'Himalaya#tra l'India e la Cina. Conosciuto come il “Regno del Drago del Tuono”#il Bhutan è una delle nazioni più isolate e meno conosciute del mondo. Tuttavia#non lasciatevi ingannare dalla sua piccola dimensione#poiché il Bhutan offre un'esperienza unica e affascinante ai visitatori.#Una delle cose più sorprendenti del Bhutan è il suo approccio alla felicità nazionale. Invece di misurare il successo del paese in base al#il Bhutan ha adottato il concetto di “Felicita Interna Lorda” (FIL). Questa misura tiene conto del benessere spirituale#fisico e sociale dei cittadini. Grazie a questo approccio#il Bhutan è diventato noto come uno dei paesi più felici al mondo.#La cultura bhutanese è ricca di tradizioni uniche e affascinanti. La danza e la musica tradizionali sono particolarmente importanti nella c#dove la popolazione si riunisce per celebrare la cultura bhutanese attraverso balli#musica e abbigliamento tradizionale.#Tour Bhutan#La natura è uno dei punti di forza del Bhutan. Il paese ha una vasta gamma di fauna e flora che lo rende un paradiso per gli amanti della n#dove si possono trovare tigri#leopardi#orsi e una vasta gamma di uccelli e piante.#La religione ha un ruolo molto importante nella vita quotidiana del Bhutan. Il buddismo è la religione predominante e il paese è disseminat#noto anche come il “nido della tigre”#è uno dei luoghi più sacri del Bhutan e rappresenta una delle attrazioni turistiche più visitate del paese.#Infine#il Bhutan è un luogo dove il passato e il presente si incontrano. Nonostante il progresso tecnologico e la modernizzazione del paese#il Bhutan continua a mantenere le sue tradizioni e la sua cultura unica. Se state cercando un luogo dove poter scappare dallo stress della#il Bhutan è il luogo perfetto per voi.#In conclusione#il Bhutan è una nazione straordinaria che offre un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile ai visitatori. Con la sua cultura ricca#la natura mozzafiato#la spiritualità e l'approccio unico alla felicità nazionale#il Bhutan è un luogo che non deluderà le vostre aspettative. Se state cercando una destinazione esotica e affascinante
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jokin-around · 2 months
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Flora & Fauna 🇵🇸
this is the first of what I'm hoping will be several peices on my inprnt shop that will exist for the explicit purpose of perpetually supporting Palestine
all profit I receive from it's sale will go directly to Care For Gaza, the purchase of E-sims or other credible organizations/grassroot efforts in the area
every animal and plant featured in this peice is native to Palestine, just like the Palestinians who exist there today
to learn more about Palestinian wildlife, I recommend checking out this organizations archive documenting the country's natural beauty: https://www.mahmiyat.ps/en/flora-and-fauna
to learn more about ways to support Palestine, click the Read More
to buy the print click here
history and information:
the official BDS boycott list:
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grassroots aid efforts and non-profit charities:
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asterargureo · 2 years
A Barletta prima organizzano il Jova Beach party con conseguenti proteste degli ambientalisti perché sulla spiaggia nidifica il fratino,poi si rendono conto che forse gli ambientalisti non hanno torto.
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alien-magnolia · 1 year
Tsu'Tey x reader- Sky Woman
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Fic description: more sky people began to assimilate to the na’vi way of life after Jake sully becomes mated and Toruk Makto. Tsu’tey is tasked with teaching you the ways of the village and eventually starts to develop feelings. Romance/fluff/ smut at the end
If you like this post pls help a writer out and reblog🖤
Tw: human/alien, mating ritual, dom!Tsu’tey, subby!fem!human reader (later in Na’vi form)
Praise kink, SIZE kink, overstim, sir kink, exhibitionism)
You fell in love with Pandora from the minute you first saw it. It was a beautiful planet, and you were so fortunate to be able to experience it all. Your avatar has fully grown, yet you weren’t able to take it outside yet. You needed proper training. So, you ventured out in human form for now.
You were told that humans were allowed in the village, or even on the outskirts of it. You were just exploring the terrain, looking at your guidebook, identifying various flora and fauna. You were a scientist after all. All of a sudden, you feel the ground shake beneath you, and you see a group of Na’vi hunters, on their direhorses. The group is led by a lean yet muscular na’vi man, shouting, pointing in different directions.
They are gone, and you leave the forest thinking about the strange way that the leader has looked at you. His voice, his eyes. He was a warrior, he just looked so powerful on top of that horse. You really hoped that you could see him again. 
They are gone, and you leave the forest thinking about the strange way that the leader has looked at you. His voice, his eyes. He was a warrior, he just looked so powerful on top of that horse. You really hoped that you could see him again. 
They are gone, and you leave the forest thinking about the strange way that the leader has looked at you. His voice, his eyes. He was a warrior, he just looked so powerful on top of that horse. You really hoped that you could see him again. 
You did see him again. It was when you wandered into the village in human form, you spoke with some of the locals. “Kaltxi ma tsmukan e tsmuke! Smon nìprrte!” (Hello my brothers and sisters, it is nice to meet you.) Since you had such an advanced knowledge of the language, you made a good impression on the village. For the next few weeks, you have returned and got to know the people. They wanted to teach you the way of the Omaticaya and the forest, and then you went to see the Tsahik, Mo’at. She assigned a certain Navi to teach you the way. That certain Navi man just happened to be the next olo’eyktan- Tsu’tey. The one you have seen before. 
You gulp as Mo’at announces the pair between you two, and he walks up to you, towering over you. You feel so small under him, and he smirks. “Many Sky people can not learn the way. Why must I waste my time with her?,” he instigated. “I’ll learn. Trust me,” you fight back. He is surprised that you’d talk back to him. He scoffs. “Come. First you must learn how to hunt, how to appreciate the forest. Learn well, sky person,” he taunts. 
“I have a name, you know,” you retaliate, standing tall, attempting to show him that you’re not afraid of his snarky remarks. He scoffs again, but you swore you saw a little smirk on the corner of his mouth. He told you that you must train in your avatar form, or else you would not be able to match any of his moves. 
You return the next day, a little clumsy because it is only your first time taking your avatar out. Your avatar was smaller than most. You reach the village, teetering over the log bridge. You find Tsu’tey waiting for you. “It is about time, sky woman. You are late. This is not how hunters behave. It is not the way,” he scoffs. Although his tone is cold, his eyes say otherwise as he looks you up and down. 
Your eyes meet his, and he looks away, pretending that he was not just admiring you. “Come. You have a lot to learn,” he says, as his large hand grabs your small wrist, and he leads you deeper into the forest. 
It was so hard for your little legs to keep up with his, and for some reason, he wouldn’t meet your gaze while he had your wrist  in your hand. It made you wonder, if he felt just as flustered as you were, being in each other’s presence for so long, so close. It just made you want to grab that large hand of his and put it on you :) but you didn’t! You had to restrain yourself (for now) 
And so it went like this, you would follow him around the forest, your wide eyes staring up at him as he explained the significance and connection between all life on Pandora. He’d look at you with amusement as you actually succeeded at the things he would show you. 
It started the day he taught you how to hunt properly with an arrow. “No. You are holding it wrong,” he scoffs, as you keep fumbling with the bow and arrow. “Your posture. Look.” He comes around behind you, his large hands covering your abdomen, repositioning you so your back is straight. 
“Do not slouch. Eyes forward. Focus,”  he commands. You keep still, and you feel his breath behind you as you shoot the arrow, it lands right where it was supposed to. 
“Hah!,” he shouts aggressively. “You did it. Much triumph to you, sky woman,” he smirks at you, his hand slightly resting on your shoulder. He is still behind you, and you turn around to face him. He looks down at you, the  expression on his face identical to when he had first seen you. 
“I have a name, Tsu’tey,” you whisper to him quietly, your hand trailing along his long braids. “I know,” he replies, and brings you in for a kiss. It was hard, reaching him since he was (still) much taller than you. Luckily for you, he solved that problem by just lifting you up. “Like a feather,” he chuckles, as he brings you further into the woods. 
He lays you down on a leaf, his movements are fierce and yet his eyes are soft. What you loved about Na’vi men was their deep emotional intelligence, their empathy. He was asking for consent. You go ahead and nod, and he smiles once more, before bringing the full weight of his body down onto you. 
“Ma paskalin,” (my honey) I’ve wanted you for so long. To see your cute little body follow me around every day…it’s just, I felt something I did not feel before,” he confesses to you, as he gently trails a few  kisses onto your face and neck. 
“Felt the same, ma Tsu’tey. You’re so pretty,” you gaze up at him, one of your hands gently holding his cheek. He smirks at you again, and then gets rougher. You gasp and let out a few moans as you feel his large hand claw and pinch at your thighs, his plump lips attacking yours in a hungry kiss. 
You start to grow more flustered as his hand trails lower and lower, and eventually gets to your loincloth. “Sir…want you inside me. Please,” you beg him. He chuckles. “You shouldn’t have called me that, ma paskalin.  My woman,”  he says, strangely calm. 
With that, you feel his fingers plunge into you, they were so long, already stretching you out so good!! You try to get yourself some leverage, away from his strong grip on your thighs, but you couldn’t. He was just too strong. 
“Ah-ah, ma honey. You stay right there and take what your sir gives you. If you’ll be good for me, I’ll even let you have my cock. Want that, ma paskalin?,” he taunts, his smile wide, his eyes predatory. You could only nod vehemently, letting out quiet whimpers as you felt his fingers go deeper and deeper, curling, reaching up into that sweet spot you just loved so much. 
“S-s-sir. I’m close. Please,” you plead with him, and yet he only chuckles and keeps going. That is until — he pulls his fingers out completely. You whine. You just needed to be full, filled with him!! Yet, that is when you notice his cock, all red, standing up so perfectly !!! (And with a slight curve to the left, where a big vein ran down the side) 
“Ready, my little honey? You sure that pussy can take me?,” he taunts you, chuckling. One of his hands comes up to grab you by the neck (for leverage) as he slides your body down onto his cock, like you were a doll made for him to use. You assumed he was around fifteen, maybe sixteen inches even. It didn’t even fit all the way of course, but that didn’t matter because it was just so wide :) fitting in you, all snug and cozy!! 
His mushroom tip just felt so right inside you, and you started to see Eywa herself as he bounced you up and down on his throbbing cock :) You look up at his face, you see him baring his fangs, growling, his face furrowed in pure pleasure, pure concentration that he gets from using you, fucking you, until you just drop. 
You weren’t sure how many minutes or hours had passed with Tsu’tey inside you. It seemed like the Na’vi warrior lived up to his reputation, his fierceness shone through more and more as you got absolutely destroyed by him on that leaf. He finished at eclipse. 
He came inside you (of course) and pushed you back down when you tried to rise. “No, ma paskalin. Lay. Make sure it takes. You need your rest,” he says to you, eyes fierce but tone gentle. You giggle a bit as he lays down next to you, his large arms wrapping around your stomach, bringing you close to him. “Maybe we can mate one day,” he whispers to you.  the both of you close your eyes, drifting away into a peaceful sleep, after the most exhilarating night of your lives. 
Avatar taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @23victoria @jake-sullys-whore @aerangi
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carloskaplan · 7 months
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sepublic · 5 months
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            I’ve already brought up how the loss of glyphs is deeply tragic for Luz on an interpersonal level, given her relationship with the Titan as being kinda found family in a spiritual successor to Manny sorta way…
            But on a larger, cultural level? It’s straight-up genocide. Because glyphs were an ancient practice; They were a tradition at one point, as Eda explains. The earliest witches used to learn glyphs from the Titan on her knee, and eventually stopped when that became redundant with the more convenient source of their bile sacs.
            But it was still an important part of their history; It was how witches and demons first communicated and interacted with the land and nature, and their ‘god’ in a mutualistic way. It was how they respected their world.
            So even if glyphs were evidently forgotten by the Deadwardian Era, they were still available for those who needed them… And in comes fucking Philip, the racist colonizer, and because of his possession of the Titan’s heart, she finally dies and glyphs can no longer work. They’re obsolete now.
            They still happened, but now that part of magic, of history and this world, is gone forever. It’s cultural erasure, it’s what Luz alludes to when she mentions how scars from Belos’ reign still remain, like the left arm being permanently shifted upwards; Who knows how many were displaced, how much the local flora and fauna and ecosystems were devastated, with the desert of Palm Stings now colder than even the knee itself?!?
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            It’s just so deeply painful because Luz really helped to bring back an ancient, lost tradition and unlike Philip, breathed new life into it; Glyphs could be used to help people without bile sacs, who didn’t utilize spell circles as well. We actually saw Luz experiment with using individual glyphs, and figure out the combos; Things she did on her own. She shared knowledge of glyphs with her loved ones, like Eda, King, Lilith, Gus, Amity, etc.
            There really was going to be a return of something lost, but now it’s gone forever because of a bigoted old white man who was too bitter about things that are different and needed to feel big and important by standing on the shoulders of others. It’s cultural genocide. That memory where Belos' destructive lies about wild magic drive witches away from the knee that they still had the potential to learn from, leaving behind only ruins in the present-day? With some murdered via the coven sigils that cut them even further off from their own magic they forgot glyphs for? It's truly symbolic of the final nails in the coffin.
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            And it’s also desecration of the dead, too; Caleb is not the only one to have had his corpse bastardized by Belos, misused against everything he stood for. Belos also misused that corpse, first by stealing the Titan’s name, then misusing her magic, her resources such as Palistrom wood… And finally possessing that body literally, which is what murders the Titan. It’s like colonizers bastardizing and salting the land that locals carefully maintained a proper relationship with, and keep in mind this fucker is a literal Puritan colonist. There’s no respect, not for the dead and/or past. Compare that to Luz, who lives on in Manny’s memory and makes him proud.
            I’m just imagining Caleb and the Titan watching, in agony, as their bodies are used to create a vicious mockery towards their actual kin, who remain totally unaware, and in the case of the Grimwalkers, it’s another lineage that is also abused. Meanwhile the Clawthornes remain unknowing of their past because colonialism erases history, hence Belos hiring Flora, and hell even getting Lilith to participate in her own historical erasure, as both Clawthorne and witch!
            Meanwhile, King remains oblivious and unconnected to his own heritage. And most of that can also be attributed to the Titan Trappers and Archivists, themselves perpretrators of genocide. So King and Eda go without knowing their heritage for so long, in Eda’s case she may never find out entirely, because it’s part of the many voices who are lost and silenced due to genocide, buried in the past to be forgotten.
            And you know one thing more that fucks me up? It’s that I genuinely suspect that Philip initially had it easier with glyphs than Luz, and that he made them more difficult for her. Because based on his dialogue by finding the Ice glyph in a snowflake, and his diary and memory portraits showing him arriving in the isles via Eclipse Lake, at the Knee…
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            Philip was probably shown his first spell on his first day in the Demon Realm. And it makes sense; The first human, the precedent that the Titan would’ve known by this point, was Caleb; Himself Philip’s brother, who was also raised to be a witch hunter, yet learned better. We know people can view both worlds from that in-between realm, but the Titan still isn’t omnipotent and can only watch through a limited number of cubes at a time, while having to know what and who to look for.
            But even so; With Caleb’s precedent, there could’ve been hope that Philip would follow in his footsteps, that he would learn and be more, and actually choose to be better instead of defaulting to Puritan predestination and the like as an excuse to stay the same and absolve him of responsiability. But we know what happened; Philip started off easy, but then made things difficult by rejecting the Titan’s compassion, by misusing her magic for evil and murder and genocide. The Titan showed Philip compassion first and this was how he responded.
            I really feel as if there’s an implicit reluctance with how Luz is taught glyphs, one at a time, in separate scenarios, usually as a result of character development and/or engaging with the world around her, which are things the Titan would really need to see to start trusting another human again (and if he knew Luz gave Philip the last glyph, that would also add to the wariness that Belos caused by manipulating her). Luz didn’t learn her first spell until a few days into her journey, and Luz had already had a few perilous encounters by that point! But she continued to brave her way through everything, continued to accept the isles and its messier side.
            And so the Titan showed Luz her first spell, and only that, in response to Luz needing it, wanting to learn magic, and most of all humbling herself to be kind to the Titan’s own son, and listen to him; Because neglecting King was what low-key led to Eda’s transformation placing everyone in danger, since he only told Luz about the elixir and agreed to steal it for the sake of getting her attention.
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            So that makes Luz listening to the Titan for the first time, intentionally, with her second spell –Ice, Philip’s first- so much more hard-hitting. The way she wanted to live out her dream so she went for the wand behind people’s backs, but then recognized and owned up to her mistakes. And she really was just a lonely kid in need of guidance, and not a stubborn adult committed to his cruelty; Luz always had an open mind! She always wanted to learn!
            And she got to! She learned each glyph at a time… And that’s all the Titan could do for her, something the Titan had already done for so many others, long ago, before they realized they had bile sacs and didn’t need to rely on the land around them as much. Luz still experimented even when she just had one glyph; She understood how intent mattered. She and Lilith built off of each other’s knowledge to collaborate and create combos. Meanwhile Belos, he agonized because he made things pointlessly difficult by refusing to adapt to the ways of another land, and only got his first and last glyphs by taking the compassion of someone who knew them and betraying it.
            Plus there’s what I said about Lilith, her whole thing as Caleb’s descendant, directly abused by Belos and belittled by him, made to participate in her own erasure loss of past, separated from that… Really, one could argue the Clawthornes are like the Boiling Isles equivalent to the Irish; Yeah they're white but that doesn't mean they aren't victims of British colonialism that sought to 'conquer the land' and all that.
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The Clawthornes are generally known for big orange hair, with Lilith's curly hair being straightened and dyed dark-blue in an attempt to assimilate within the Emperor's Coven's (AKA Philip's) standards of conformity. They worked with the land via the Palistrom carving and began to lose that because of the trees being endangered by Belos' gluttony, as well as the curse disabling Dell; The very curse created by the Archivists, who also invaded this world, the very curse cast by Lilith because the coven system influenced her to feel shame over wild magic and embrace hierarchy instead.
The curse leads to Eda's loss of bile magic, something very important to her and witches in general, and Lilith loses her own trying to mitigate her own mistakes. So not just glyphs are taken from witches, but even their own bile magic they initially replaced them with, and the other resources of the land. And Lilith is cut off from her family, her real family, as she's taken in by an ancestor who has deliberately distanced himself and loathes her on multiple levels as something to be 'fixed'.
But Lilith gets her hair back and re-embraces it, she gets her family back. She still manages to somewhat retain her past; After all, Lilith gets to go to the Deadwardian Era herself! And she meets, as much as it loathes anyone to acknowledge it, an ancestor, and influences history in a subtle yet personally meaningful way. And Lilith helps re-establish contact with the lost practice of glyphs by figuring out how to combine them, which goes hand in hand with her passion of being a historian, and her additional function as both parallel and especially foil to Philip.
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             Just… Luz and the Titan. And Caleb. And Lilith. There’s dead people and there’s history and there’s land, there’s bodies and respect. There’s compassion and actually working with people and finding no shame in that, instead of stealing and taking credit. And in the end, even though they manage to regain some things, a lot was still inevitably lost to genocide, and possibly gone forever.
            But the effects and legacy still linger, Luz still remembers and holds dear what the glyphs did; And she honors not just Manny’s legacy, but Caleb’s, by bridging the gap between humanity and witches, and showing both can co-exist in harmony. She helped his descendants, and even the last Grimwalker, find happiness and reconnect with their heritage, even if they don’t know just how close it is to them in particular. Luz honored the Titan by clearing his name, finding his son, and ensuring the last of the Titans is no longer alone and in understanding of his heritage. Luz even made amends with the Titan’s other greatest regret, harming the Collector, by making peace; And she proved glyphs were still useful, they were still kind, and that compassion wasn’t wasted.
            So even if the Titan’s glyphs are gone now, Luz still honored their memory by sharing them freely and helping, teaching, cultivating. The Clawthornes are rebuilding the Palistrom forests, among them is Hunter who as a Grimwalker was one of the purposes for which Belos devastated those natural resources for. And King… King is beginning to develop his own glyphs! And Luz is learning her first one, Light, from a Titan all over again, because she showed King kindness.
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            That honors the Titan’s memory by keeping it alive through her son; Who keeps the memory of glyphs alive through the ones he’ll sustain and share with everyone else, and those glyphs will spread to those without and even with bile sacs. And a lost art is brought back, irreversibly different but still intact in the important ways. People are relearning old practices to apply to a new world, because the past is gone but it still lingers and is simply… reborn. Despite the scars and changes it survives and is still itself.
            And with how all of this loops back to Luz’s relationship with her father Manny, who passed away, and how all that was based on Dana’s own relationship with her deceased father, who left her a final gift in Pokemon Red that she chose to cherish to this day, and embrace her own creativity and keep it alive. It’s a story about things dying but still managing to live anyway.
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tonkatsubowl · 7 months
false love. - iv
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jing yuan x fem!reader
nsfw themes (cursing and stuff i think. mentions of domestic abuse and self harm. mentions of suicide. no, jing yuan aint hurting u bb girl). read at your own risk. english isn’t my first language, so please don’t mind the grammatical errors. (っ◞‸◟ c)
⪩ arranged marriage. the reader and jing yuan have an arranged marriage and she is stuck, disliking every moment of it, until…
TERM DIRECTORY ◖y/n: your name ◖e/c: eye color ◖h/c: hair color ◖l/n: last name
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part one. ✦ part two. ✦ part three. ✦ part five. ✦ part six. ✦ part seven.
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(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ requested tags: @tigerpriestess @mythicalamphitrite (i think this is everyone...)
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your world was black.
you couldn't exactly sense anything...meaning you didn't know your surroundings. you forced yourself to blink, thinking that your eyes were probably closed...but no, they were wide open. you were in a pitch black area with no sense of...well, light. or anything.
not even life.
you felt so empty as your legs began to move on their own, taking you somewhere...somewhere in the darkness.
that was when you felt something warm on your shoulder, and a familiar voice...
"you're gonna go further into the darkness?"
you turned your head, seeing that the arm was linked to a white silhouette, illuminate within the darkness that you were currently drowning in.
"well," you began, "i don't know where else i should go."
"then let me take you on a journey."
the hand retracted from your shoulder, extending towards you, their hand was open. ready for you to take.
"you can continue to walk through the darkness or come with me where i can guide you somewhere where you can actually see." they tried to joke with you, but they were probably horrible at humor.
you looked at the hand for a moment before deciding to take it. one your fingers intertwined with the unknown person's hand, the darkness around you had dematerialized, leaving a vast scenery of flora and fauna.
you stood in the meadow of green, the sky was blue... there was a pond of water that was so crisp and clean that it neatly reflected off the azure skies above you. the birds above had flocked away, chirping amongst each other as you gazed upon the beautiful horizon. your eyes slowly settle back, realizing you were holding this unknown's person's hand.
turning back, you see...
"—jing yu—"
"ah, she's awake."
your eyes shot open as the soft breeze of the window fluttered into your room. there were flowers placed neatly against the nightstand next to you, and there was a small cutting board with a tiny knife, accompanied by a bowl of freshly cut apples. in the distance, there were two nurses that were doing their medical tasks such as switching out the fresh, cool towel on your head.
your eyes slowly began to focus, allowing you to see better... this allowed you to bear witness to the door sliding open, revealing the man that you had married recently.
a smile was adorned upon his face as he approached you, reaching out to the apple that was pleasantly placed within the wooden bowl,
"how are you feeling, y/n?" he asked you, giving you a piece of sliced apple, "i predicted you would be awake today. eat. your body must be starved of nutrition."
you were still tired. so tired.
you looked towards the fruit in his hand, letting your hands move—ah, wait. you couldn't move them. it seems your body was still asleep—not actually broken, or anything. you were out for...
...wait. how long were you out for?
"ah.. sorry." you murmured. jing yuan took notice of the fact you couldn't feed yourself.
your husband chuckled, "say 'ahh'."
you blinked, your cheeks tinting red as your opened your mouth a bit. "a-ah."
as jing yuan fed you the apple, he began to inform you of everything that had occurred while you were out, "well. you were asleep for about a day or two. i was afraid you would be sleeping longer than that, but i'm happy that you're here...awake, alive and well, y/n."
you blinked. you were out for a day or two? oh geez. you wondered how much you missed, but...it probably isn't a lot. you were used to not being informed of important news most of the time due to your biological family.
"i just wanted to apologize—deeply—at the bottom of my heart of my lack of awareness and inability to save you sooner, y/n. you are my wife, and for that, i have failed you."
you witness your husband steadying himself on one knee, apologetic.
"i do not expect forgiveness from you."
you blink, unused to this... your hands raise themselves up, sheepishly waving about as your husband apologized to you over a situation out of his control. "n-no," you sputtered, "please don't apologize. i... it's not your fault."
"it is." jing yuan stood, his expression firm and disappointed with himself. "this shouldn't have happened. not on my watch. yet, here i am, failing to protect you ful—"
"jing yuan," you frowned, cutting him off, "i am safe. i-i am alive, right? you didn't fail to protect me. you saved me. if anything...i-i should thank you." you lowered your head. "please don't be upset with yourself. i forgive you...so please don't beat yourself up with it."
jing yuan didn't say anything for a moment... but his body spoke for him.
he leaned closer, slowly wrapping his arms around you. "is this alright, y/n?" he asked you, knowing that you possessed trauma to being touched unwantedly.
for once, you felt safe in someone's arms. you nodded slowly, "yes," you murmured, resting your head against his chest as he embraced you.
the warmth that protruded from his chest, the safe reassurance that washed over you... you could just fall back asleep despite the fact you had just woken up from a two-day coma.
...and that's what you did.
"...y/n? ...ah, she fell asleep again. she must be so tired after everything."
jing yuan chuckled to himself as he reached up, brushing away bits of your hair away from your face before gently—and slowly placing you back onto the bed. tucking you comfortably into the mattress, he made sure you were covered up by the blanket before turning back to the nurses, who came by to replenish the towel over your head and some new bandages.
"oh geez," one of the nurses began who appeared to be an elderly woman, "seeing this moment reminds me of my late husband, general... how i miss him dearly." she laughed to herself quietly.
jing yuan flashed a smile. "...a husband should do whatever they can to protect their wife, and to make sure their wife is happy, comfortable and reassured that all is well."
the elderly nurse smiled, nodding slowly, "my, you even sound like my late husband. you have a kind, warm and gentle heart, general. i'm just so glad that you're happy in this marriage."
jing yuan nodded. "...i am. but i worry that this arranged marriage doesn't make her happy. after all...it is arranged. neither y/n nor i have history together up until our marriage. i wouldn't hate or blame her for it if she didn't like this. it was her family obligation."
...right. family. he was going to get to the bottom of this...this situation. your past. everything.
the elderly nurse tilted her head, "well, i don't know if you saw it, but she seems to...be liking you. the moment you embraced her was when i saw love blossoming between the both of you."
jing yuan's smile widened. "...i hope it stays this way."
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skaruresonic · 2 months
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Fanon is as fanon does, I suppose.
I've heard about a room that was speculated to be an old hideout of Barney's, but I never knew it belonged to an unknown character called the Combine Killer because folks acted as though it was Barney's room. A real "realizing Infinite is much more of a selfish bully in the games than the fanfics made him out to be" moment.
Although the wording implies a human presence, my guess would be the Combine Killer is actually a Vortigaunt. Mostly because:
A.) The quarantine zone is highly inhospitable even to armored grunts, thus begging the question of why an unarmed human would choose to live there,
B.) Barney hates headcrabs way too much to live in a place infested with them. I don't really think Barney "that damn cat still haunts me" Calhoun is out here prying Combine lenses out of their empty eye sockets,
C.) We already know at least one Vort has made his home in the QZ: Gary,
D.) Vorts would probably be more familiar with Xenian flora and fauna than humans,
E.) Vorts tend to set up shop in inhospitable places. The All-Seeing Vortigaunt lives in a cave only accessible via a canal of toxic sludge,
and F.) Vortigaunts have as much a bone to pick with the Combine as humans do, especially seeing as how they were used as batteries to power the Vault
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starlost-lix · 1 year
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dandy boy seungmin looking positively angelic in this teaser
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o-profeta-diario · 3 months
Crescimento Urbano Mágico Ameaça Ecossistemas em Toda a Inglaterra
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O avanço da urbanização mágica em toda a Inglaterra não apenas coloca em risco a vida das criaturas mágicas, como também desencadeia um desequilíbrio ambiental que está afetando gravemente a flora bruxa. Herbologistas renomados alertam para os impactos nefastos dessa expansão urbana desenfreada, que está transformando solos outrora férteis em terras incompatíveis com a vida bruxa.
Herbologistas notam uma diminuição alarmante na disponibilidade de plantas mágicas cruciais para poções e rituais bruxos. O solo, alterado pelas atividades humanas e pela urbanização, tornou-se hostil para muitas espécies mágicas, levando à escassez e dificuldades crescentes no cultivo dessas plantas.
Dra. Miranda Thistle, Herbologista de renome, comenta: "Estamos testemunhando um desequilíbrio preocupante nos ecossistemas mágicos. Muitas plantas com propriedades mágicas estão desaparecendo devido à destruição do habitat natural e às mudanças no solo. Isso não apenas impacta nossas práticas mágicas, mas também a saúde geral do mundo bruxo."
Além do desaparecimento de plantas mágicas, a alteração nos solos está tornando muitas áreas impróprias para a vida bruxa. A magia natural, que uma vez fluía harmoniosamente através da terra, agora enfrenta obstáculos devido à urbanização acelerada.
Professora Eleanora Greenbriar, Especialista em Magia Ambiental, declara: "O equilíbrio delicado entre a magia natural e as atividades bruxas está sendo perturbado. Os solos alterados pelas construções e urbanização intensiva não suportam mais adequadamente a magia, resultando em consequências imprevisíveis para a flora e fauna bruxa."
Esta matéria especial busca lançar luz sobre a urgência da situação, chamando a atenção para a necessidade de abordagens sustentáveis no desenvolvimento urbano para preservar não apenas as criaturas mágicas, mas também a riqueza e a diversidade do mundo mágico que todos compartilhamos. O Profeta Diário continuará acompanhando e investigando esse desafio crítico para o futuro do reino bruxo.
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