tumbleweed-run · 6 months
Kinktober Day 20 Foodplay
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You squirmed, not intentionally, but your body was reacting to all of the strange sensations on its own. If Gale noticed, he didn’t say, too busy in yet another one of his single-minded pursuits. 
At least this time, you were part of that pursuit. 
You were laid out on the dining table naked. It had been stripped of all its linens, the cool wood pressing into your flesh. It was strange to think that not even an hour ago you’d been eating dinner here as normal. Hells, Tara had been eating with the two of you, her own plate specially prepared by Gale. Gale, who was now, circling around the table, around you, adding finishing touches to everything.
Tara was gone, at least, off to torture pigeons or whatever birds were readily available at night. 
You were dessert.
You weren’t bound, although the table would have been perfect for that. Instead, all complacency came from you alone. There was rapidly cooling chocolate swirling around your skin, it had been warm when Gale had drizzled it over you. Some of it had slid from its intended place. He’d watched the one that had ran down between your legs for some time, occasionally adding more until you knew it had begun pooling onto the table below you. 
Somehow throughout this whole decoration Gale had managed not to touch you. Too focused on whatever designs he’d been drawing. Now he’d disappeared from the room, bringing the bowl of melted chocolate with him. You took advantage of his absence to lift your head slightly and look. There were little lines crisscrossing all over your torso, little spiderwebs of chocolate covering you.
Gale might have been pristine now, shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows and his hair held back in unreasonably sexy way, but there was no way anyone was escaping this without being sticky. 
Just as you rested your head back onto the table Gale appeared. He had another small bowl with him, a spoon sticking out over the rim. There was no point in asking what it was, you’d find out soon enough. So you closed your eyes and waited. 
You gasped, back arching up from the table, as something very cold dropped directly onto one of your nipples. As your eyes flew open, Gale placed more of the cold substance onto your other nipple. Ice cream, you realized as it began melting against your body heat. 
“Stay still,” Gale ordered softly as he stepped back, the bowl of whatever ice cream remained was deposited on a small table along the wall. 
You tried your best to do as he said. He stepped back, to admire his work as you struggled. A little stream of melted ice creamed rolled off your breast and down your side. You shiver a little, unable to control your reaction to the sensation. A few more little streams of ice cream had begun melting by the time Gale nodded to himself and stepped forward. 
All of the chairs, with the exception of the one by your feet, had been removed. Gale stood next to the table and reached out. He gently smeared his finger through some of the melted ice cream, swirling it with some chocolate that was on your sternum. He sucked his fingers into his mouth, making a show of cleaning the mess off of them. Your core throbbed, and you struggled to keep your legs apart. You knew exactly why that chair had been left, and it was torturing you. 
Gale repeated, mixing the melted ice cream and chocolate, this time though he pressed his fingers to your lips. Sucking them into your mouth, you held his gaze as you cleaned them, tongue pressing between the two fingers. You needed him to be as affected as you were. He allowed you to suck and lick at his fingers long after the flavor of ice cream was gone. 
In fact they were still in your mouth when he leaned down, mouth covering your nipple. You moaned around them as he began swallowing what was left of the ice cream. You couldn’t hold still as he lapped his tongue at your skin, little moans breaking out around his fingers. Quickly, he leaned over and repeated the same treatment to your other nipple. 
This time, when he finished cleaning up most of the ice cream, Gale allowed himself to be distracted by the chocolate. Tracing his tongue over every line on your chest, often coming achingly close to your nipples again but never pulling them into his mouth. You were panting when he finally pulled his fingers from your mouth. 
He replaced them with his tongue. It was hardly a kiss at first, the way he pressed his chocolate-coated tongue into your mouth. Happily, you sucked at it, trying to clean the flavor from his mouth. His beard was already a mess, sticky chocolate now smearing across your face. 
He was gone after only a few minutes. Back down, this time to your stomach, to trace his abstract designs with his tongue. Every so often, he would lean back up and allow you to lick the flavor from his mouth, to suck it off his tongue.  All pretenses of holding still were gone. You were arching into all of his touches, hips rocking unconsciously. Gale didn’t complain, too busy tasting every inch of your chest and stomach. Occasionally, he’d follow the drips down your sides, scraping his teeth bluntly, causing you to moan even louder. 
Finally, he found his way to the apex of your legs, clearing up the mess he’d made. He was so close to where you wanted him, but he was determined to leave this stretch of skin spotless, it seemed. 
“Please,” you whimpered after he pulled his tongue from your mouth for the second time from the same area. 
Gale smiled softly about you, hand moving to stroke your hair gently. You no longer cared if it was covered in chocolate. “Please what?” he asked.
You couldn’t help but spread your legs further, in invitation. “Please put your mouth on me.”
He smirked and allowed a soft tug of your hair. “Isn’t that what I’ve been doing this whole time?”
“Please,” you begged, “my cunt, please.”
“Happily,” Gale agreed, releasing your hair, “I saved the best for last.”
Your hips were rocking ineffectual at the air as he took his time sitting in the single chair left. Abruptly, Gale grabbed your hips and dragged you down the table, no doubt smearing a mess of chocolate and melted ice cream up your back. He let go once you felt the edge under your ass. He guided your feet to the arms of his chair so your knees were bent, fully exposing you to him. 
You could feel him looking, feel his breath against your skin. The first touch of his tongue was soft but it had you crying out, hips lifting off the table towards him. Gale wrapped his arms around your thighs from below, fingers gripping tightly to hold them apart. Only once he was sure you were mostly immobile did he finally press his mouth fully against you. 
He was focused on the outside of your cunt at first, no doubt cleaning the chocolate that had run down over it. You couldn’t think, only whimpered as half-formed pleas fell from your lips. It felt like forever he did this, ignoring your cries. Then finally, he thrust his tongue in between your folds, pressing directly against your clit. 
You came violently, head slamming back against the table. 
Gale wasn’t deterred. Instead, he worked his tongue flat against the bundle of nerves, drawing out each and every wave, every cry and whimper. Only once you were shaking from the over attention did he move his tongue on. Not away just down lower to thrust against your enterance. The hands on your thighs softened, rubbing gently, soothing you. 
He’d turned his attention to licking you everywhere between your folds. He worked diligently, undoubtedly removing every trace of chocolate and orgasm. You sighed, realixing your hips towards his minstrations. As soon as you did Gale returned his attention upwards finding your clit with his teeth. 
You gasped the fire building once more in your gut. 
Gale kept up his attention, one hand sliding from your legs so he could press a finger inside you. Quickly he added another, thrusting them in and out of you. You couldn’t help yourself, reaching down you threaded your fingers through his hair. This spurred him on, the speed of both his fingers and tongue quickening.
You cried out his name, pulling at his hair as your second orgasm hit. You shook through it, every muscle in your body seemed involved in this release. Gale kept up through it, moving his mouth away once you’d started trying to draw yourself away from his touch. 
“Shit,” You gasped once you found your voice again. 
Gale chucked as he stood, pressing soft kisses along your skin up to your face. You allowed him a few kisses at your face before tiredly pushing him away. “You’re a mess,” you scolded. 
“You should see yourself,” he said softly, smoothing his thumbs against your sides. 
You laughed, to tired to lift your head to look.
“Bath,” Gale said, not a suggestion as he lifted you from the table. 
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babydoslilo · 1 year
Special Flavor
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Os olhos verdes não perderam o momento em que a pupila tomou conta da íris azul e, confuso por não entender o que estava acontecendo com o amigo, resolveu passar o olhar por todo o corpo dele em busca de alguma resposta. E se sua boca não estivesse aguada o suficiente pelo açúcar, encontrar o contorno grosso e duro, que parecia apontar pra si dentro do short de malha preto, definitivamente o faria babar.
Essa Oneshot contém: Friends to lovers; Hbottom; Ltops; Desuso de camisinha; Food play leve; Harry com fixação oral; Smut gay. 
Algumas amizades nasceram para durar décadas, outras duram apenas segundos e as vezes as amizades existem enquanto estamos ocupados demais para notar um olhar que está fixo há pelo menos cinco segundos, ou aquela respiração que engata quando o objeto de admiração sorri genuinamente, ou ainda, quando a conquista alheia te deixa mais feliz do que as suas próprias. É.. algumas amizades vem com um sabor especial.
Era nisso que Louis estava pensando enquanto observava pela vitrine da sua loja duas crianças discutirem quais doces comprariam naquele dia. Essas discussões bobas o fazia lembrar dos tempos em que ele e seu melhor amigo de infância saíam da escolinha, compravam bombons na venda da esquina e começavam a correr pelas ruas da pequena cidade do interior que eles nasceram. A presença de Harry Styles, seu melhor amigo há mais tempo do que ele consegue lembrar, sempre foi algo que fazia cada momento e cada escolha da sua própria vida algo mais significante, inclusive quando resolveu que não entraria para a faculdade e iria tentar empreender algo no ramo alimentício.
Hoje, no auge dos seus 26 anos, ele passa o olhar pelo local de trabalho e respira completamente satisfeito com sua doceria que ocupa uma área no centro da capital e se sente grato por todo o apoio e incentivo que recebeu dos que estavam ao seu redor, mesmo que tenha mudado de cidade e deixado quase tudo pra trás a fim de seguir seu sonho.
Quase tudo, porque assim como para ele a capital representava grandes oportunidades de crescer no ramo comercial, para o mais novo a mudança para a capital representou o curso desejado na faculdade e agora, aos 22 anos, Harry era um dos melhores alunos do curso de administração. Algumas coisas ele realmente não conseguiria deixar para trás nem se quisesse.
Foi obrigado a sair dos seus devaneios quando escutou a porta da doceria abrir e ao levar o olhar para o local sentiu seus músculos relaxarem com a presença tão familiar que era Harry entrando como se pudesse captar a atenção de todos em seus passos enquanto desfila até o balcão com os cachos presos em um coque bagunçado e os óculos escuro preso no topo da cabeça servia para dar um charme especial.
– Oi, Lou – sorriu enquanto abria uma das grandes embalagens de vidro que ficava em cima do balcão e pegava um pirulito sabor frutas vermelhas, como de costume. – hoje está sendo um daqueles dias, tudo que pode dar errado está dando errado. Eu não aguento mais. – fez um beicinho triste para o amigo ao mesmo tempo em que colocava o doce na boca.
Quem conhecia Harry sabia o quanto o garoto amava todos os tipos de doces e que em qualquer oportunidade ele estaria com a boca ocupada, principalmente quando estava triste ou estressado, o que aparentava ser o caso agora.
– Ei Hazz, o que houve? Não me diz que perdeu mais uma entrega de trabalho na faculdade? – já acostumado com as reclamações rotineiras sobre um certo professor que não gostava do maior, Louis perguntou. 
– Antes fosse só isso.. – suspirou de forma dramática e tirou o pirulito da boca para explicar melhor a situação. Porém os olhos azuis acompanharam o movimento e Louis sentiu seu estômago gelar quando viu o rastro de saliva que ainda interligava a boca vermelhinha ao doce também vermelho. Ele se pegou pensando se assim como a cor, o sabor também seria parecido? – É que, você sabe que tem um tempinho que eu moro com o Antonny né, e nosso namoro tava indo bem mas.. não sei, esses últimos dias ele vem agindo de forma estranha comigo.
– Como assim forma estranha? – a pergunta saiu quase ríspida demais. Certo que ele já não era muito fã do namoradinho e tentava não se intrometer no relacionamento alheio, mas não podia negar que achou precipitado quando, com apenas alguns meses de namoro, o cacheado aceitou o convite para morarem juntos. E agora não conseguia ignorar a intuição de que o outro não era bom o suficiente para Harry e definitivamente não iria ignorar o rostinho triste e olhos lacrimejantes que estavam na sua frente. 
– E-eu não sei.. – desviou o olhar com o rosto corado ao lembrar um dos motivos que vinha causando discussões entre o casal, mas não quis que seu próprio amigo também ficasse estranho ou irritado consigo, então preferiu omitir essa parte. – A gente anda discutindo quase todos os dias e ele nunca foi tão grosso como está sendo ultimamente.. isso tá me deixando tão sobrecarregado que tenho certeza que não fui bem na prova hoje. Eu não consegui me concentrar direito. – quase como pra demonstrar o quão sobrecarregado e tenso estava, seus ombros inconscientemente tensionaram e um vinco se formou entre as sobrancelhas. 
– Droga.. vem cá, vem. – não tinha muito o que ele pudesse fazer para ajudar, mas mesmo assim se aproximou das costas do maior que estava sentado em frente ao balcão, com o pirulito esquecido na mão direita, e passou as mãos devagar alisando e pressionando os ombros para desfazer qualquer pressão que ali estivesse. A pele branquinha e macia se arrepiou com o contato dos dedos calejados que massageavam tão bem sua nuca com movimentos precisos e circulares.
Harry se permitiu esquecer pelo menos naquele momento suas preocupações e aproveitar o contato quentinho que o mais velho lhe proporcionava. Ele não sabia que além de um bom gerente e ótimo empresário, o menor também era muito bom com as mãos.
– Você pode contar comigo pra qualquer coisa, sabe disso não é? – garantiu com a voz baixinha, enquanto observava os pelinhos quase loiros da pele macia se arrepiarem e o cacheado assentir com direito a uma covinha.
Passados alguns dias desde que se viram na doceria, Louis estava em seu pequeno apartamento aproveitando a folga que só um dia de domingo consegue proporcionar, com direito a ficar esparramado no sofá, apenas de calça moletom, cabelos despenteados e assistindo um seriado qualquer que passava na TV. Para quem trabalha 40 horas semanais, ter um tempinho para apenas existir e não fazer nada produtivo parecia um paraíso. Por isso tomou um susto e tanto quando escutou fortes batidas na porta e ao conferir o horário no relógio de parede, ficou ainda mais preocupado. Já era tarde da noite, não era comum receber visitas nesse horário e, principalmente em um domingo.
E se já estava nervoso antes ficou ainda mais assim que abriu a porta e se deparou com uma figura cacheada com olhos verdes inchados e vermelhos, com uma mochila que parecia pesada demais para aquele corpinho delicado, apesar de alto, carregar. Mas, sem tempo para explicações agora, apenas abriu a porta e aconchegou o melhor amigo que se jogou em seus braços, chorando como se o mundo estivesse acabando, enquanto cambaleavam para dentro do apartamento. 
Após vários minutos, ou talvez horas, de um cacheado sentadinho no colo do amigo que o ninava como um bebê para se acalmar, Harry finalmente conseguiu engolir o choro e explicar superficialmente toda a briga que teve com o namorado, agora ex, e que como morava com ele, agora não tinha mais pra onde ir e não conseguiria achar um lugar confortável o suficiente para alugar em tão pouco tempo.
– Você tem sempre a opção de ficar aqui comigo, nós já falamos sobre isso. – revirando os olhos para aquela conversa que já tiveram um par de vezes alguns anos atrás, Louis repete a proposta.
– Lou, eu não quero te atrapalhar.. eu sou espaçoso e- e tenho algumas manias, eu não ganho o suficiente no estágio pra dividir de forma justa as despesas, fora que– 
– Isso é besteira. – interrompeu – Eu não vou deixar você na rua ou morando em um lugar que só Deus sabe a segurança, sendo que eu moro em um lugar que é o suficiente pra nós dois! Poxa bebê.. nós somos melhores amigos, me deixa te ajudar. – Louis se sentia tão impotente diante da teimosia do outro que faltava implorar.
Vendo que sua situação não era favorável e ou aceitava a ajuda do amigo, que coincidentemente era um empresário bem sucedido e vivia confortavelmente em seu apartamento de solteiro, ou gastava o meio salário mínimo que recebia como estagiário para alugar alguma kitnet, provavelmente em péssimas condições, em um bairro no subúrbio e passaria fome sem ter dinheiro para mais nada.. Harry sabia o que escolher, nem era tão difícil assim. 
– Tudo bem. – antes que o outro começasse a comemorar, continuou. – mas.. eu vou ajudar no que eu puder e você não vai poder reclamar de nada sobre mim quando descobrir que não é tão legal assim morar com o melhor amigo. – sorriu de forma arteira e o coração de Louis palpitou satisfeito por ter conseguido fazer pelo menos um pouco daquela tristeza sumir.
E fácil assim eles passaram a decidir como funcionaria a dinâmica entre eles. Infelizmente o menor não ganhava o suficiente para esbanjar luxo em uma capital, mas tinha, além do seu, um outro quarto menor que usava para guardar algumas bagunças e que, com poucas mudanças de mobília e algumas doações de coisas totalmente desnecessárias que estavam acumuladas e esquecidas, Harry conseguiria se apossar confortavelmente do cômodo. Alguns outros detalhes como divisão de tarefas e custos também foram decididos e logo os dois estavam satisfeitos e ansiosos para descobrir como seria essa nova fase de maior intimidade entre eles. 
Ao longo dos anos que compunha aquela amizade, eles aprenderam a entender os trejeitos, o vocabulário, as manias e a personalidade um do outro, mas tem certos aspectos que só a convivência do dia a dia traz a tona, como por exemplo o fato que, mesmo vivendo em um lugar de clima tranquilo, Styles se sentia constantemente quente e, portanto, não costumava ficar vestido dentro de casa, apesar que para não abusar da hospitalidade do amigo, usava pelo menos uma cueca ou shortinho mais folgado todos os dias. Nada além disso. 
Louis obviamente não reclamaria da vista, não enquanto a pele branquinha marcada pelos traços negros das tatuagens, os braços magros porém definidos e os mamilos pequenos e amarronzados fizessem seus olhos brilharem e seu cérebro guardar todos os detalhes disponíveis para lhe atormentar nas horas mais solitárias do dia. 
Outro fato que vem observando muito é como o mais novo possui uma espécie de fixação oral. Ele está sempre com algo na boca, geralmente doces, mas também pode ser a ponta da caneta enquanto está debruçado sobre a mesa da cozinha resolvendo algum exercício proposto em aula, ou o próprio dedo enquanto está concentrado demais assistindo TV pra notar a pontinha se esgueirando pelo espaço entre os lábios até ser molhada pela língua rosada. Louis não queria prestar tanta atenção sobre esses pequenos detalhes, também não queria que seu corpo reagisse de forma tão hipnotizada ao melhor amigo.
Mas foi em um desses dias chuvosos que parecia que o céu queria despejar toda sua insatisfação por meio de uma chuva torrencial, trovões e relâmpagos, que Louis realmente lutou pelo domínio do próprio corpo e das próprias emoções.
O mundo resolveu desabar em chuva bem no meio da semana e como se tornou impossível sair de casa no temporal, os garotos resolveram se dar um dia de folga do trabalho e da faculdade. Eles iriam apenas aproveitar a oportunidade e relaxar até que as obrigações batessem na porta.
– Que tal a gente abrir aquele vinho que eu te dei no seu aniversário e sei que você não abriu até hoje enquanto a gente assiste alguma coisa? – Harry sugeriu. Já que não podiam sair de casa, pelo menos podiam se divertir juntos ali mesmo.
Louis, que estava deitado na outra ponta do sofá rolando os aplicativos do celular, olhou pra cima e precisou de um segundo pra se lembrar do quão natural se tornou ter aquela companhia ali.
– Tem aquele novo filme que lançaram né? A gente pode assistir se você quiser.. – antes mesmo de Louis terminar a frase, o mais novo já estava acenando ansioso com a cabeça e um sorrisinho satisfeito dava as caras.
Ele não queria fazer nenhuma comparação injusta, mas quando morava com o ex namorado não era comum esses dias de simplesmente ficarem juntos aproveitando a companhia um do outro com um filme bobo e um bom vinho. Ele percebeu que gostava muito desses momentos de simplicidade, mas talvez esteja mais relacionado a quem o acompanha agora.
Enquanto o menor ia até a cozinha para pegar as taças e abrir o vinho, o mais novo resolveu colocar o filme na TV e deixar o ambiente mais confortável. Afinal, o climinha de chuva combinava muito bem com travesseiros jogados pelo chão em cima do tapete cinza felpudinho da sala e alguns edredons, para o caso da noite ficar mais fria com o passar do tempo, mesmo que o cacheado duvidasse disso.
Entretidos pelo filme e aconchegados pelo barulho confortante de chuva que batia nas janelas do apartamento, só vieram perceber as consequências do temporal quando ambos se despediram, já meio sorridentes pelo vinho, e foram cada um para seu quarto.
– É.. Lou? – sussurrou, enquanto batia na porta do quarto do amigo alguns minutos mais tarde. – Você tá acordado? 
– Oi Haz, o que houve? – um Louis coçando os olhos abriu a porta. O vinho realmente fez efeito deixando-o mole de sono, mas tentou despertar o máximo possível para ajudar o mais novo. Não era comum que ele viesse ao seu quarto, então alguma coisa devia ter acontecido.
– É que eu tava tomando banho e quando fui deitar escutei uns barulhos – falava meio confuso – só que, hm, quando fui ver o teto do meu quarto, ele tá pingando.. acho que, sabe, a chuva e.. tal – não sabia se estava desnorteado pela bebida de mais cedo, pelo sono ou pela visão que não estava acostumado. Louis não costumava ficar tão à vontade pela casa, então não é realmente culpa dele que as clavículas marcadas e o abdômen definidinho do menor o desconcentraram. 
O mais velho já tinha notado esse problema de infiltração outras vezes, mas como o quarto só era usado para guardar algumas coisas ele não deu tanta importância assim. Agora, ele até poderia pedir pro mais novo dormir no sofá ou trocarem de lugar até consertarem esse pequeno contratempo, porém ao ver as bochechas coradas de Harry enquanto se perdia nas palavras por olhar seu corpo de forma diferente pela primeira vez, seu ego não lhe deixaria perder a oportunidade. Algumas amizades podem ter um sabor especial, certo?
– Você pode dormir aqui comigo enquanto a gente não ajeita o outro quarto, sabe.. nós somos melhores amigos, dividir uma cama não vai ser um problema.
Nesse dia foram dormir juntos na mesma cama e apesar da chuva que caía lá fora, o álcool no sangue fez ambos se sentirem cada vez mais quentes e agitados. Harry além de estar carente, não conseguia dormir enquanto sua boca não estivesse ocupada, esse era um dos seus segredinhos que tinha vergonha que soubessem. Notando a inquietude, Louis foi até a cozinha e voltou oferecendo um dos muitos pirulitos que guardava em casa.
Mas o abismo entre admirar a beleza do amigo de longe por anos e agora ter ele em sua cama, vestindo apenas uma cueca branca e chupando um pirulito, fez a mente suja do menor colapsar e todo o sangue descer para seu pau. Tentava se concentrar na realidade para diminuir o tesão que estava começando a sentir e por isso não percebeu estar encarando descaradamente a boquinha carnuda e rosada que chupava com vigor e rodava a língua pelo doce sabor cereja que a preenchia quase totalmente. 
Os olhos verdes não perderam o momento em que a pupila tomou conta da íris azul e, confuso por não entender o que estava acontecendo com o amigo, resolveu passar o olhar por todo o corpo dele em busca de alguma resposta. E se sua boca não estivesse aguada o suficiente pelo açúcar, encontrar o contorno grosso e duro, que parecia apontar pra si dentro do short de malha preto, definitivamente o faria babar.
– Harry.. – o tom de voz rouco chamando pelo seu nome fez o maior engolir em seco, projetando vincos nas bochechas coradas ao redor do palitinho branco que ainda segurava. – Você quer me ajudar com isso? Sabe.. se somos amigos não tem nenhum problema em dar uma mãozinha quando o outro precisar né?
A respiração dos dois começava a pesar e ficar mais rápida enquanto se encaravam já pensando que no dia seguinte iriam culpar o teor alcoólico ou a fermentação do vinho que já devia estar guardado a muito tempo e por isso eles tomaram atitudes que nunca tiveram coragem nem de imaginar.
Bom.. culpa do vinho ou não, o corpo de Harry já reagia ao clima que parecia cada vez mais abafado e ele afirmava com a cabeça qualquer pergunta que o menor tivesse feito. O cérebro dele só conseguia se preocupar em continuar sugando o máximo que podia do doce enquanto manejava passar as duas mãos por todo o corpo firme e quente deitado à sua frente.
 Louis, que ainda estava em choque pela própria audácia de sugerir isso ao melhor amigo e pela fome que o outro deixava escapar pelos olhos, não conseguiu reagir ao que estava acontecendo até sentir uma mão grande e apressada tentando descer seu short e liberar sua ereção.
– Merda.. ok, hm, nós realmente vamos fazer isso.. tá – não conseguia se decidir entre regular a respiração ou conter os gemidos e lidar, ao mesmo tempo, com esse lado excitado do outro que não conhecia até então. 
Harry fechou sua mão em torno do membro quente e grosso, seus olhos não conseguiam desviar do contraste entre os tons de pele e das gotas transparentes que melavam a cabecinha inchada sempre que subia o próprio punho com mais força. A habilidade com as mãos, a pressão cada vez maior que os dedos faziam, o vinho que esquentava seu estômago, tudo isso fez a cabeça de Louis rodar e sua boca abrir em uma série de gemidos roucos e falhados.
– L-lou, hm.. porra, e-eu posso? – também ofegante só de ver a bagunça que o menor estava, Harry queria cada vez mais. Queria sentir o gosto da pele suada do mais velho, queria abrigar toda a extensão dele em sua boquinha e chupar até não sair mais nenhuma gota.
Foi por isso que, tendo Louis deitado e com os olhos fechados, perdido nas sensações, Harry levou sua boca até o local que sua destra ainda trabalhava sem intervalo. Indeciso entre chupar o pirulito vermelho que já tinha na boca ou chupar a cabecinha do cacete que estava tão vermelha quanto, o maior passou a dividir entre dar curtas lambidinhas nos seus dois objetos de desejo.
Ele passava a bolinha açucarada por toda a extensão do amigo e depois capturava com a língua todo o rastro agridoce que se tornou aquela mistura dos sonhos para o cacheado. Talvez ele tivesse um novo sabor preferido agora.
O menor já não sabia quanto tempo podia aguentar tendo aquela boca quente em si e quando finalmente abriu os olhos para entender o que era o líquido pegajoso que estava sentindo, se deparou com bochechas rosas lambuzadas e olhos verdes brilhantes olhando nos seus enquanto levava todo o pau até a garganta sem engasgar e segurava o pirulito o mais próximo que podia.
– Harry! Porra! – A visão do mais novo se divertindo enquanto lhe chupava foi o suficiente para alcançar um orgasmo digno de pernas bambas e olhos revirados. 
Ainda perdido na névoa após o ápice enquanto tentava recuperar o fôlego, não percebeu que o amigo era tão sensível que gozou também sem estímulo nenhum além da boquinha totalmente preenchida. A cueca branca que ainda vestia estava transparente e o cacheado estava deitado com a cabeça sobre o quadril do menor, ele não queria parar de chupar seu novo brinquedinho, então mesmo cansado e quase dormindo, continuava a dar leves lambidinhas no membro sensível e meio flácido.
– Porra! – suspirou pela constatação de ter recebido o melhor boquete da vida e ainda sem energia para ajustar o amigo na cama, acabaram dormindo naquela posição.
Nos dias que seguiram esse episódio, eles mentiam para si mesmos que estavam bêbados demais para lembrar o que rolou e resolveram ignorar qualquer complicação que pudesse surgir por causa de um momento de fraqueza.
Acontece que quando se abre a porta para momentos assim, não se consegue mais voltar ao tempo em que não sabiam existir sensações tão doces e gostosas. Por isso Harry estava insatisfeito e com a cara emburrada há alguns dias, afinal.. se aquilo era coisa de uma vez só, ele podia ter aproveitado bem mais.
Na quarta feira Harry saiu mais cedo da aula e foi direto para o apartamento descansar, mas passar pela porta do quarto em que vinha dormindo com o menor, infelizmente só dormindo mesmo, lhe dava arrepios com as lembranças que sua mente nublada pelo prazer conseguiu guardar. E foi influenciado pelas lembranças e o desejo de ter mais daquilo que quando recebeu uma mensagem do mais velho avisando que sairia um pouco mais tarde do trabalho, ele resolveu arriscar. Era tudo ou nada.
“Tudo bem Lou.. eu já tô em casa, acho que vou pedir pro Antonny dar uma passada aqui.”
“Talvez a gente se resolva hoje, torça por mim!!”
Louis leu aquelas mensagens pelo menos umas cinco vezes para ter certeza que seus olhos não estavam lhe pregando uma peça. Ele não respondeu, nem poderia. Estava tão furioso com a possibilidade do cacheado voltar com o bostinha que largou ele, que só percebeu ter deixado a loja sob responsabilidade dos funcionários quando já estava a caminho do apartamento. 
Chegou abrindo a porta com tudo. Depois de anos de amizade e do que rolou na semana passada, ele não iria deixar o amigo se sujeitar a um relacionamento de merda quando claramente merece muito mais.
– Harry!! – chamou mais alto já largando os sapatos e mochila na entrada enquanto se encaminha para a sala.
– Lou? Você não ia chegar mais tarde hoje? – se ele não conhecesse bem o mais novo, até acharia que o sorrisinho de lado que despontava no rosto não significava nada além de satisfação. 
Bastou passar o olhar pelo local para entender as reais intenções do garoto. A sala não estava arrumada para receber visita, a televisão estava ligada em algum canal aleatório e Harry estava jogado de toalha no sofá parecendo ter acabado de sair do banho, mas nem um pouco preocupado em se vestir para encontrar o ex. 
Olhou para o rostinho emoldurado pelos cabelos soltos ainda úmidos e focou na boquinha que fazia leves sucções, ocupada com alguma bala. 
– Foda-se. – resmungou já indo de encontro ao outro e deitando por cima dele no sofá.
Louis capturou aquela boca que atormentava seus sonhos e pesadelos nos últimos dias. O beijo deles era quente e doce, a balinha de morango só melhorava as sensações ao que escorregava de uma boca para a outra enquanto trocavam saliva, deixando tudo mais molhado.
A raiva que sentia por pensar em perder a sua companhia diária era demonstrada pela força com que pressionava o corpo abaixo do seu e pela forma que roçava suas ereções já formadas. Harry sentia seus cabelos sendo puxados, a boca violada pela língua áspera e a toalha úmida fazia uma fricção gostosa na glande sensível do seu pau.
– Louis.. por favor. – ele iria enlouquecer se o mais velho não lhe fodesse logo. Não aceitaria gozar intocado mais uma vez, não hoje.
– Então era isso que você queria o tempo todo, hm? – falou enquanto descia os beijos pelo peitoral e prendia os mamilos pequenos entre os dentes. 
A bala que sambava entre as bocas quando eles estavam se beijando, estava agora guardadinha na ponta da língua do menor e quando ele jogou a toalha do outro no chão e viu a extensão grande e sensível, com a cabeça rosinha ansiosa por atenção, ele deixou a bala ali em cima com um pequena lambida e olhou para um cacheado ofegante que implorava por qualquer toque.
– Sabe.. eu nunca fui muito fã de doces como você, mas acho que encontrei o meu favorito. – o gemido que saiu do fundo da garganta de Harry quando seu pau foi abrigado pela boca do menor estava no limbo entre obsceno demais e encantador demais. 
Enquanto se concentrava em não engasgar com a bala passeando entre a própria língua e o pau de Harry em sua boca, Louis conseguiu tirar as próprias roupas. Eles não iriam ficar só em boquetes dessa vez.
Assim, quando todo o doce derreteu e só sobrou os resquícios do sabor de morango na língua, desceu as lambidas até a entrada do maior. Styles não sabia se segurava os cabelos lisinhos de Louis, agarrava o encosto do sofá ou arranhava o próprio peitoral em agonia pela sensação avassaladora que era receber a língua habilidosa e ser aberto com os dois dedos grossinhos do amigo. A expectativa para o que viria a seguir o deixou ainda mais impaciente e desesperado. 
– Vem Lou, hm, por f- ah.. a- agora – gemia ofegante, sem nem se preocupar com a coerência da sua fala.
Também impaciente, subiu o corpo até estar cara a cara com os olhos verdes brilhantes e pincelou a extensão pesada pela entradinha aberta há pouco tempo. A pele quente que o recebeu tão bem e com muitas respirações profundas para se ajustar ao seu tamanho, era o lugar favorito que Louis já esteve, ele tinha certeza.
Assim que se acostumaram com o choque inicial do contato entre as peles, as estocadas se tornaram fortes e precisas. Quase não precisou de muito esforço para achar o pontinho especial do cacheado, e o grito que ele deixou sair junto com um choramingo por mais foi o indicativo que estavam na sintonia certa. 
– Você vai gozar só com o meu pau Hazz? – apertou ainda mais a cintura branquinha e aumentou a velocidade das estocadas. – Você quer que eu te deixe cheio da minha porra, hm? 
– Sim, sim, sim.. – o cacheado gemia e ofegava desnorteado quando fechou os olhos e se entregou com tudo que tinha. Levou dois dos seus dedos à boca e passou a chupar eles enquanto Louis ia cada vez mais fundo e forte. 
– Vem docinho, goza pra mim. 
Como se estivesse apenas esperando o comando, o corpo de Harry reagiu imediatamente e tensionou liberando os jatos esbranquiçados. A entradinha apertou tanto que Louis não teve alternativa a não ser esporrar tanto dentro do maior que seu pau foi expulso ao que a porra branquinha vazava pela pele macia.
Ofegantes e tentando clarear a mente do que tinha acontecido, Harry sentiu que tinha algo faltando e, quase como se estivessem conectados, Louis passou a língua desde a entrada toda melada pegando os rastros que deixou ali, acumulou na ponta da língua a porra do cacheado que descansava na barriguinha leitosa e subiu até a sua boca, invadindo com a língua e compartilhando o sabor que só eles, juntos, podiam produzir. 
Algumas amizades têm mesmo um sabor especial.
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naruucore · 3 months
Nyotaimori with gojo!! blurb
cw: slightly dom reader, subby gojo(?), food play, idk anymore
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an: just in case yall didn't know nyotaimori is a practice of serving sushi and sashimi from a naked woman, or just body sushi
Gojo laid down on the table, different types of sushi and sashimi decorating his toned body. His dick slapped against his stomach as the cold air made his sensitive cock twitch, he looked so pretty and vulnerable laying like that on the table. He lets out a pornographic moan as you 'accidentally' pinch his pert nipples using your chopstick, saying that you mistook it for the pink and fleshy sashimi decorating his pectoral muscles. The way your hand would brush up his painfully hard and leaky cock as you pick up a piece of the maki was making him go insane. He nibbled on his bottom lip as you teasingly rub the piece of maki against the flush tip, using drops of his pre cum as 'sauce' on the piece of maki. Gojo watched with shock and arousal as you consumed his body fluids, it was sick and disgusting, but he liked it.
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kissmyfeet0417 · 3 months
Chocolate syrup fun 🤤.
Who wants to come clean me off?!
Full video available message me!
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mysticcomfort · 7 months
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Day 7+8= Griff does what Griff wants
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squirmifyoulike · 5 months
(Credit to this post for this idea!)
During Thanksgiving week, many avian species find themselves being extra careful. Most ordinary families will just buy themselves a frozen turkey from the store to prepare themselves... But many preds like to go out and catch their own thanksgiving turkey.
Even if it's not a turkey at all, and is in fact a griffon.
Many griffons go about their business ordinarily. Who would mess with a griffon, right? They're strong, can fly, have sharp talons and a sharp beak... Nothing would mess with them.
...Except they totally would. One unfortunate griffon learned this the hard way on Thanksgiving evening as he was headed home, stomach slightly bulging out and squirming from his own meal. Out of the blue, a pair of strong, large hands grab him tightly, with one wrapping around his beak and the other wrapped around his neck. Before the griffon knows it, he's knocked unconscious and is left at the mercy of his attacker.
When he wakes up, he's confused. Groggy. He looks around slowly, and then realizes in embarrassment that he's been tied up and bound... Like a thanksgiving turkey. His stomach is on full display, and he's been placed on a platter on a table. When he lifts his head up, he can see his attacker clearly; a dragon, nearly twice his size. The dragon is holding a large bowl of stuffing, and it's eyeing the griffon with a malevolent grin.
"Finally awake, I see," The dragon rumbles. "Good. We can move things along, then."
The griffon opens his mouth to protest, but before he can get any words out, he's met with a large spoonful of stuffing. He's forced to swallow it down. As he does, he finds himself pleased with the taste; it's slightly sweet and salty, and it's been seasoned to perfection. Perhaps a little more wouldn't hurt... And then he can escape.
"There you go," The dragon coos as the griffon readily opens his mouth for the next spoonful. "Good boy. You'll make a fine thanksgiving dinner~"
Spoonful after spoonful is shoveled into the griffon's mouth, even as his stomach begins to ache and groan in protest. After a while, he finds himself panting, and as he's met with another spoonful of stuffing, he turns his head away and lets out a whimper.
"You're not done yet." The dragon growls, grabbing the griffon's beak. "You still have the rest of the bowl to get through."
The dragon forces the griffon's head forward, and again, he's met with spoonful after spoonful of stuffing. The griffin keeps swallowing, and finally, when he thinks his middle is about to pop, the dragon finally relents.
"There. You got through the whole bowl, see? That wasn't so bad, now, was it?"
The griffon can barely respond. His stomach is extremely overstuffed, letting out high-pitched, strained gurgles. The dragon chuckles in amusement, and then, they go around to the griffon's head. The griffon wants to struggle, but they can barely move, thanks to the food that was forced on them unceremoniously.
"Hold still... It will all be over soon."
Seconds after hearing that, the griffon is met with the wide, gaping maw of the dragon. It closes over the griffon's head, causing the griffon to stiffen up and wince. The dragon lets out a low, satisfied rumble... And then, they begin ravenously gulping the griffon down. The griffon barely has any time to react; all she can do is stay tensed up and whine as the dragon's throat squeezes and crushes his belly. Within seconds, though, the griffon is fully sealed away. The dragon's gut is cramped and tight, and almost immediately, it's active, churning around the griffon and kneading into them. The griffon begins squirming a little, but they're still tied up and overstuffed, so they can barely move.
Outside, the dragon lets out a satisfied belch and rubs their swollen gut. They'd been waiting for this moment all day, waiting for the perfect creature to stumble by... And as soon as they saw the griffon, they knew immediately not to let this opportunity pass them by. As their gut lets out a low gurgle, the dragon can't help but to chuckle.
"Happy Thanksgiving," They utter. The griffon, of course, won't be around to see any future thanksgivings... but the dragon certainly will be. As they sit, rubbing their swollen belly, they begin wondering what they'll have tucked away in their belly next, after their current meal is done.
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frootietoots · 5 months
i love foodplay so much like yes please dunk me in a melted tub of ice cream n eat me!! i want to be slowly lowered into a warm maw after being submerged in a cold tub of ice cream! aaahh n as their tongue curls around me n their jaw rises to press me to the roof of their mouth, coating me in saliva as the ice cream washes away n down their throat,, knowing i'll soon be sliding down with it all!! OUUUGH i simply pass away,,,...
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lesbianoms · 3 months
Rn I’m feeling pretty sleepy… imagining kinky vore stuff <3
Me getting a job at an avant-garde spa as a living heating pad for women with fat, overstuffed guts. I essentially curl up on their tummy or sprawl out like a tiny kitten, generating body heat to help their bellies digest all that food~
A regular customer especially loves my services. She eats a lot and her massive, gurgly tummy is always going through it tenfold compared to the others. She flirts with me, calls me cute… runs her fingers through my hair during our sessions 💖
Until one day she decides she needs me so badly that she needs to eat me. She waits until I’m all relaxed and comfy on top of her belly, too enthralled by the sounds to notice that hungry glint in her eyes…
Then, she snatches me up from off of her gut and slurps me down, patting her flabby stomach in satisfaction and letting out a deep burp, as I begin whining and squealing and struggling for my life 🥰
I wonder if the other customers would try to save me, or if they’d just be upset I wasn’t going to be around for their next appointments… either way, it only takes me 30 minutes to get gurgled good and churned up into slime by her gluttonous tum ❤️
She goes home, feeling satisfied, rubbing all that flab and groaning softly as she feels my soft weight shift down into her lower belly.
“5 stars,” she mumbles, as a loud gurgle echoes around within her. “urrap! mmm~”
A few days later, my devourer comes in for another appointment, only to see me standing at the front desk with an annoyed look on my face. I can imagine that she’d turn white as a ghost, lol.
“Hey,” I greet, “It’s actually pretty spacious in your stomach, did you know that? Comfy too, but a bit hot. You should drink more water. But honestly, not bad once I stopped squirming.”
“…Thanks…” she mumbles.
“Your last appointment is gonna $70, by the way.”
She raises her eyebrows in surprise. “70?!”
I smirk, staring down at her belly as I say, “Digestion tax.”
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inlovewithgreta · 11 months
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A Sticky Situation — Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: After months of begging, you give in to Larissa’s pleas and allow her a night to not only pleasure you, but add a bit of a sweet twist to it.
Warnings: Praising, cunnilingus, slight food play (chocolate syrup), etc…
Word Count: 1.1k
© Do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works.
"Can we please do the thing?" Your favorite blonde asks sweetly as she straddles you, placing small kisses along your neck.
"It's going to be sticky."
"We can wash you up right after."
"It'll be messy."
"I've never complained about one of your little messes before." She smirks into your neck before hovering her lips right over yours. "Please?"
Her lips touch yours in a passionate kiss.
"You would taste even sweeter, my love."
The way she was begging, kissing your neck, and doing whatever it took to persuade you made you finally decide to give in and let her have her fun.
"Okay fine! You can do it."
"I knew you'd give in eventually. You know I'm not one to beg."
"Don't get cocky now or I'll change my mind."
She playfully rolled her eyes and kissed you one last time before striding towards the doorway, swaying her hips with every step. Your eyes couldn't help but admire the tall eccentric blonde before you. She had the body of a goddess and you couldn't help but stare in awe as she walked out of the door.
It didn't take long for her to come back into the room flaunting the chocolate syrup bottle in her hands with a smirk on her face.
"You're really enjoying this already, aren't you?"
"I'll enjoy it even more once I get to lick it off you." She pops the cap after straddling your hips once more.
"Oh I don't doubt that one bit, darling." You couldn't help but bite your lip in anticipation, all the worry of the possible mess fading away as she carefully let the liquid ooze onto the skin along your chest.
Your hands made home at her hips as she lowered her mouth down to your chest, tongue slowly dipping into the liquid, licking the small line of chocolate along your skin.
She moaned in appreciation as she knew you'd taste even more divine.
Not wasting another moment, she squeezed more across your chest but this time moved her tongue to trace around your nipple before pulling it in her mouth.
Blue eyes met yours as her tongue flicked against your hardened bud. Fingers instantly moved to her hair, tucking the stray curls behind her ear and out of her face.
Your back arched away from the bed, your body heavily pressed against her own when she switched breasts and used her free hand to continue toying with the other.
She was treating you like you were the most divine sweet she had ever tasted. And to her, you were.
You couldn't help but elicit a gasp when her teeth gently graze against your nipple.
After giving your breasts her utmost attention, she brings her mouth back to the center of your chest to lick the syrup off your skin, slowly traveling down to your stomach, past your navel, and licking her lips just as she reaches your cunt.
There was already a bit of a sticky feeling left behind but in the moment you didn't care as you were too focused on Larissa.
Legs instantly widen to make room for the blonde that now made herself comfortable between your thighs.
"Mmm, y'know what I'm looking forward to the most, love?" She tucks her bottom lip between her teeth as her fingers slowly glide up your inner thigh.
"Hmm?" Your eyes flicker down to meet hers.
"Tasting this sweet little pussy of yours along my tongue."
Your hips immediately buck when her pointer finger runs along your folds, spreading your wetness around.
A chill runs down your spine when she blows cold air at your wetness before bringing her tongue to your cunt, devouring you without hesitation.
Both of you hummed in unison but for completely different reasons.
She loved nothing more than to have the sweet taste of you along her tongue, and the fact that you finally let her have her chocolate fun only turned her on even more.
Her slick tongue glides along your clit, flicking and sucking simultaneously to give you the most upmost pleasure.
While your hands gripped the sheets at your sides, Larissa uses one of her free hands to lay atop one of your own.
She squeezes your hand as a gentle form of reassurance along with her bright blue eyes making contact with yours.
Her hand refuses to leave yours as she finds the perfect rhythm that gets your heart racing and your thighs wanting to close around her.
"You're doing so good for me, love."
An airy moan escaped past your parted lips at her loving praise.
"Please keep going!"
Your back arched off the mattress as you felt yourself getting close.
It took everything in you to stop your hips from bucking as she sucked harder with every passing second.
She could tell you were close by your now frantic breathing pattern.
"Come for me, darling."
Eyebrows were knitted tightly as you came not a moment later, eyes nearly going dark as you milk her tongue.
She hummed in approval as she lapped up your juices, carefully and skillfully to clean you up without making you extremely oversensitive.
"You did so good for me!" She praises after a quick lick of her lips.
She sweetly smiled at you as she slowly inches her way back up your body, leaving small kisses along your stomach and up your chest.
A blush couldn't help itself from appearing across your cheeks, a hint of pink prominently spreading along your skin.
Just as she finally reached your face, you thought she was going in for a kiss to your lips but she went even higher to kiss the center of your forehead. Then, she lowers to your nose to give it a small kiss as well.
Her lips then hover over your own for just enough time for her hands to cup your cheeks before finally placing a sweet kiss along your lips.
You couldn't help but smile into the kiss when her thumb gently strokes your cheek.
"Thank you," You finally speak after she pulls just slightly away.
"I should be the one thanking you. After all, you let me use my chocolate, taste you, and now I get to clean you up in the bath."
You playfully roll your eyes. "Fine, fine. You win this round. But don't get too cocky about it."
"Oh if you want I can go get the strap—"
"No!" You giggle at her enthusiasm. "At least not tonight. I'd like to walk tomorrow."
"There's no need to walk when you have me, Princess!" She smirks as she slides off the bed in one quick movement, pulling you along with her and picking you up bridal style. Her quick movements elicited a surprised squeal from you.
The tall blonde carefully brought you to the bathroom before setting you atop the counter and running a bath for you.
Larissa then kept her word and cleaned every inch of you while you sat between her legs, getting carried away in the moment while being pampered by the woman you love most.
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novorehere · 19 days
MC letting Beel eat them with other food, expecting the usual cake, pudding, chocolate syrup, etc. Maybe even ramen soup because Mammon tends to like that.
But you have to understand. You need to be very careful allowing him to do this because he will hit you with the puppy dog eyes while holding a bottle of Mesquite BBQ sauce and you won’t be able to go back after that.
This man canonically likes humans PICKLED so you cannot tell me he wouldn’t ask to eat MC with the most random shit ever. Pastrami on rye? Yes please. He’d be so excited to try them in a hot dog bun with coleslaw and mustard after seeing it on a human world cooking show, bless his heart.
Licking spicy marinara off your cheek is just as romantic as whipped cream, right? He might have to taste test both to make sure, so please free up some time after class and meet him in the kitchen. (But be sure to hide the jar of pickle juice first, for your own sake.)
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gyusimp · 6 months
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟑𝟏: 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 (𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞)
"How delicious...did you know how much I like chocolate milk?" You told him, wiping your lips provocatively.
"I'd like to taste yours too."
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nom-central · 4 months
the vood today: a gluttonous pred not realizing they had snatched up and swallowed a friend during their big meal, now they're feeling particularly feel and nursing a stomachache...wishing their friend was there to give it a rub and help it settle. wonder where they went?
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vorefluff · 5 months
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prettygreenpills · 7 months
hi I want to ask for KINKTOBER day 3, food play. Characters would be young Narcissa Black x fem!reader
thank you so much:)
-🧸 anon
Hello anon! Thank you for joining, I’ll also put you onto the anon list:)
KINKTOBER day 3 | food play, Narcissa Black
warnings: gxg!smut, dom!reader, sub!narcissa, young!narcissa, eating out, fingering, oral sex, etc.
"I want to use this today," Narcissa chuckled softly when both of you entered the kitchen and she showed you the ingredients she had prepared. You saw a whipped cream, ice cubes, raspberries, strawberries and lots of more fruits on the kitchen counter.
"Mhm?" she asked you back, hugging you softly.
"What´s your intention with this?" You cocked an eyebrow at her and when you saw Narcissa smiling innocently, you knew what she wanted to do.
"I thought we could make today special a little. If you know what I mean," she winked at you. Of course you knew what she ment. Shaking your head slowly, you checked the food and then you looked back at her. "I hope you like this stuff with whipped cream and..."
"And my cum," she whispered quietly and you smirked.
"Onto the kitchen table. Naked. Now," you gave her the instructions and you walked over to the food. Deciding what should you use first, you looked over at Narcisssa. She was already taking off her underwear and you weren´t about to stop her.
You took the bottle of whipped cream and a package of strawberries. Then you frowned and also took the chocolate which was right next to the bottle of whipped cream and walked over to Narcissa, who was waiting for you, already naked on the table.
"Such a dirty mind we have, don´t we?" You asked her while you put all of the stuff next to her tiny waits. Checking her body, you almost started drooling already. She was so beautiful, her pale skin made a good contrast with dark brown table she was laying on.
"After you," she said with a smile on her lips.
"Oh? We will see who will like this more my dear Cissy," you smiled as well and then you took the bottle of whipped cream. "Open," you said when you reached her mouth with the bottle of the whipped cream in your hand while you were standing next to the table. Narcissa did as you said and she opened her mouth. "If it will be too much, tap my thigh okay love?"
"Yes," she said and then left her mouth opened. You smiled for yourself, shook the whipped cream in your hand and turned the bottle upside down.
When her mouth was pretty full with the whipped cream and you were satisfied, you moved lower. Looking at her beautiful breasts and nipples which were already hard because she was clearly a little cold, the saliva ran into your mouth. You swallowed and covered those two buds with the sweet dessert as well. And you weren´t even close to finishing.
"You like it when someone gives attention to your belly button, don´t you baby?" you asked as you kissed Naricssa´s flat stomach and she nodded her head. You took the chocolate and poured it in her belly button. Narcissa moaned softly and you looked up at her. "You can eat that cream darling," you allowed her and you saw how Narcissa´s mouth and throat started working. You just smiled for yourself and kept kissing her flat stomach.
"Oh," Narcissa moaned out when you kissed a path down to her burning centre. Looking up at her, you opened her legs even wider than they were and you took the whipped cream once again. You filled her up with it and then you tossed the bottle away, taking the fruit.
"Try to keep them on baby and then you will get a reward, hm?"
"O-Okay," Narcissa half said, half moaned out and you sat the strawberries onto the whipped cream on her nipples. Then you took another one and then you put it onto the chocolate in her belly button.
Seeing how Narcissa was taking deep breaths, you moved up to her and smiled.
"Would you like some chocolate?"
"Yes please," she begged so nicely. You took the bottle of chocolate and poured it into her mouth. It was probably too much because Narcissa gagged softly.
"Now while you eat that one, I will take some strawberries," you smiled and attacked her right nipple. You took the strawberry off and chew on it, while your hands and fingers were brushing her soft skin on her thighs. Then you swirled your tongue around her nipple and sucked on it. It was already pretty hard and prepared for you.
"Oh Y/n," Narcissa moaned when she realized your attention was on her other bud and she closed her eyes. You ate that strawberry as well and sucked onto her nipple for a little longer.
"That´s my good girl Narcissa. Do you think we can continue onto the belly button and the rest of my appetizer?"
"Yes please," Narcissa begged you so nicely. You just smiled and kissed her onto both of her nipples again. Making a little path of your kisses down her body again, once you reached her belly button, your hands started moving up to her breasts. You rolled her nipples between her fingers as you took the strawberry. With a lick of your tongue you took a bit of chocolate too and when you ate that, you continued. As you were licking the chocolate out and Narcissa was bucking her hips softly.
"Tickles-" Narcissa breathed out and you were sure about that she was even more excited than before. And all because of that you were moving lower and lower on your body, soon reaching her most sensitive area.
"Take my hands darling," you offered her your hands by the both sides of her body. Narcissa didn´t even think about it and she took them both immediately, twisting your fingers together. "Now to the main part, shall we?"
"Yes please!" Narcissa begged you already and the tone of her voice was higher than usually. You smiled and lowered your head between her legs, sticking your tongue out to taste her. "Oh Y/n-"
The woman had a fast reaction to the first act of yours. You licked her all the way up to her clit and then you returned to the place where the most of your meal was hidden. You slid your tongue inside and twisted it, feeling that Narcissa´s grab on your fingers tightened. You answered her by squeezing her hands back and then you slid your tongue even deeper, tasting everything you could.
"Feels amazing baby, keep going-" Narcissa whined out. And how could you resist her? You happily showed your tongue deeper and brushed your tongue on her walls, feeling how tight she was. "Yes-" Narcissa kept moaning for you and then you released one of your hands from her grip and brought it to her pubic bone. Four of your fingers rested there and the one which happened to be your thumb started playing with her clit. "Oh-"
"Shh Cissy, I am not even close to be done," you murmured to her and Narcissa threw her head back. She moaned out loudly and you closed your eyes, continuing in the work for the blonde.
When her walls tightened around your tongue slowly, you started thrusting it carefully. You moved your fingers in the same rythm as your tongue and Narcissa started clenching her thighs around your head too soon for your liking. But if this was what she needed, you let her do it.
"Fuck Y/n, I am getting closer," she moaned out and you used a little more pressure on her clit. Narcissa gasped for some air and you checked with your tongue inside of her if you had eaten out everything what you left there. Once she was clean, you moved your tongue up to her clit and switched it with your fingers.
"Now it will be only my fingers okay love? Nothing to worry about," you said in lower tone of voice and Narcissa whined.
"Only? You´re gonna be the death of me," Narcissa swallowed hardly and you prepared two fingers for her thight cunt. Your lips wrapped around her clit and you slowly started pushing your fingers in. "Oh fuck-"
God you loved when she was swearing during sex. This was the only way you would get her to swear and you were enjoying it pretty much. You sucked on her clit a little harder and thrusted your fingers.
"Yes, yes, yes," Narcissa moaned out few times in a row. Her hand found your head and she let her fingers discover your hair. When you made an unexpected movement, she pulled your hair softly, making you moan against her, sending vibrations into her body.
"Y/n, a little faster- I want to cum-"
As her words rang in your ears, you immediately listened to her. Your fingers became faster than before and you sucked on her clit without pauses. Feeling her all tense up, you decided to take the risk and you softly pulled away with your mouth.
"Why- oooh-" Narcissa wanted to ask you but you didn´t give her the space. You softly brushed your teeth against her soft skin on her clit and she shook under you. "Y/n- close-"
"Come on Cissy, make me proud," you pulled away and you pressed her fingers against her clit, the top of her body, til her shoulders lifted up and you decided to keep finger-fucking her. Narcissa´s mouth fell open and her eyes closed shut.
"Fuck fuck fuck- Y/n!"
As she screamed your name, she pulled her thighs together. You pulled away, but kept finger-fucking her through her orgasm, just like she liked. When her walls clenched around your fingers so tight, you smiled for yourself and moved them a little more, while Narcissa was panting on the table.
"Oh shit!"
And with that cuss, Narcissa´s muscles relaxed. She kept laying on the table for few more seconds and then she breathed out from exhaustion.
You pulled your fingers out, licking them clean. Narcissa was still resting, so you climbed up to her so you were at her face level and smiled.
"I didn´t know you would be in food play darling," you teased her and then you shut her up with a kiss.
"Stop talking. It was amazing," Narcissa said as soon as you released her lips from your kiss prison and you smiled. Straightening up, you offered her your hand and she looked at you, smiling.
"Thank you," she took your hand and let you help her. Realizing what a mess you made on the table, you turned Narcissa away from there and led her to the bathroom immediately, so she wouldn´t see it.
Because if she saw that mess, it would be the end of fun for you two. And you had much more planned in your mind.
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stomach-rental · 2 years
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(though, he'll take eating cake itself too)
I don't have enough energy between work to do much for it, but, it's asexual awareness week! So have a silly, low effort doodle Louis. This community has a ton of asexuals in it who all latch onto vore as a comfort interest, and Louis has always been a character that I projected that much onto as soon as I saw him. He deserves to have some forms of intimacy even if it takes him awhile to get used to them.
Louis Patriarch belongs to @peachnewt and her series, Getting in Deep!
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