#for what you did to ghostbur you owe us this
Lore questions to make your followers burn you at the stake:
📖 - At what point did "canon lore" on the server actually begin?
🇬🇧 - Which, if any, of L'Manberg's destructions were justified?
👑 - Did c!Eret make the right choice by reaccepting the throne after c!George was dethroned?
🌸 - What, if anything, would it take for c!Karlnapity to heal and reconnect?
🟢 - Is c!Dream's stated goal of "server unity" a morally justified end? Is it an attainable one?
💀 - Was the introduction of the revival book a good direction for the lore?
💣 - Are the Syndicate's actions an accurate demonstration of anarchist principles?
🏜 - Given its founder's motives and recruitment tactics for Las Nevadas, can the country ever be a positive environment for its citizens?
🥚 - To what extent should the Eggpire's former members be held responsible for their actions under the Egg's influence?
🏝 - Should c!Dream's treatment of c!Tommy be considered torture?
💥 - Who does c!Wilbur owe an apology to the most? Who, if anyone, should apologize to him?
🔒 - Is c!Sam on a redemption arc?
🐝 - Is c!Beeduo a healthy relationship?
🦋 - Should c!Hannah get her wings back?
🔳 - Is c!Ranboo working with c!Dream willingly?
🌵 - Who was in the right during the L'Sandberg conflict?
👻 - Is Ghostbur truly dead, suffering, and never coming back?
🔪 - Which character, if any, would you want to die permanently?
💙 - Should c!dnf be endgame?
🎦 - Does the Disc Finale being staged make the Dream SMP's story more or less engaging?
🎥 - Which season is the best/worst, and why?
😈 - Does the Dream SMP have any true villains? If so, what makes them villains?
🌍 - To what extent are real-world political comparisons appropriate to use in our analysis of Dream SMP lore?
🏳️‍🌈 - Give your thoughts on the Dream SMP's portrayal of queer/LGBT+ identity.
⏰️ - The timeline... anything about the Dream SMP'S timeline.
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Split Duality Part I chapter I
Benevolence (be· nev· o· lence) {the quality of being well meaning; kindness.}
Technoblade approached Dreams’s base, fuming with anger. The voices had been tormenting him since Dream escaped. He clutched the Ax of Peace in his hands and knocked on the door. The piglen could honestly care less about the Ax of Peace, it was kinda just worthless at the point. He really just wanted his friend, his apprentice, his brother.
Techno knocked on the door again, even more angry that the Green teletubby didn't answer the first time. The masked man finally opened the door and was about to say something until Technoblade threw one of Tommy’s disks, Cat, on the ground next to him. The Disk was coated with dark, half fresh blood. It wasn't the boy himself’s blood, but a sheep’s.
Technoblade prayed that Dream wasn't that much of an insane man to be able to tell the difference between the two blood types. “You owe me a favor.” Technoblade snarled, throwing the bloody ax down as well. Dream picked up the disk and tilted it at different angles to get a good look at it and tell if it was a fake or not. “Ah, well thank you very much, Techno.” He nodded, putting the disk in his pocket.
“Now, right, for that, what do you want-”
“Revive Ranboo.” Technoblade ordered. “Wow, a fast choice, aye? Come inside, old friend.” Dream nodded, moving over for him to enter. Technoblade pushed away from him and entered the base. Dream led him to an elevator and down to where he held the disks originally. Techno remembered coming down here to save the clingy duo, good times if you ask him.
Once the elevator stopped, Dream walked over to the chest where he last kept “Cat”. “Alright, so how are you going to do this voodoo crap?” Technoblade asked seriously, walking off of the platform and going to Dream’s side. The blonde masked man sat down and crossed his legs. “It’s pretty simple,” he answered calmly. “So….there is no faster way?” Technoblade asked skeptically.
“Nope, well, unless you have either the soul or the body with you. That's how I revived Ghostbur and Tommy so fast, I had Ghostbur’s soul and Tommy’s body. Without those, I have to navigate through all limbos. It may take a while.” Dream answered calmly and closed his eyes. Techno sat down and waited. “I’ll alert you when I'm in.” Dream promised. Three sparks of fire appeared around the puppeteer’s body and lines of fire created a circle connecting the sparks into one ring of fire. His eyes and the fire turned green, symbolizing that the male had started the procedure.
Kristen, let this work. Technoblade thought with hope. The Pinkette waited for hours, but it felt like years. Dream really wasn't kidding when he said it would take forever to find the correct Limbo. ‘How long must this take. I thought it would be faster.’ He groaned. He closed his eyes as well. ‘Hey, voices. How are we doing tonight?’ He asked.
.0. POG!
Friend arc?
Where Boo?
He laughed. I'M NOT LATE, GUYS! He said back. They kept repeating “Lierrrr” to him. It was quite humorous if he did say so himself. ‘What are you guys up to?’
Bored, man!
Your mom!
He sighed, glad that they were here to pass time. “Techno.” Dream called. Technoblade stood up and ran over. “What?” he asked. Dream, smiling, gave him the answer Technoblade really needed.
“I'm in.”
Swindle (swin· dle) {use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions.}
Technoblade watched with a small smile. One of his friends would be coming home tonight, and he’d come back home to his son. It was quite pleasing to think about, someone who deserved better finally achieving it. He couldn't help but feel a small spark of hope. “Alright, now what?” Technoblade asked.
“I have to speak to him. Whatever you hear in the room around you, it’s just nothing.” Dream assured. “What do you mean?” the Piglen asked fearfully. “You know, just a bunch of faint whispers. It should be nothing.” the blonde clarified. Technoblade waited in silence, waiting for the suspected “whispers”. ‘Maybe Dream IS insane.’ He thought, ‘I did suspect it.‘
After five minutes of pure silence, the voices of the un-dead screamed and growled. The loud noises hurt his ears, they were too high pitched for his liking. “Dream!” he called, dragging out the name. “I know! Almost done!” Dream answered, the fires burning even brighter. The scene reminded him of the time he met the Egg with Puffy, the loud obnoxious voice, the tension, the paranormal experience.
There were red and green sparks, then a loud and large explosion. The force threw Technoblade back into a wall while Dream’s body stayed still. Next to him were two Figures, basically silhouettes in the smoke. One was helping Dream up while the other stood with their arms crossed. Maybe he revived Shlatt. The Pinkette pondered. One of the voices cut through the silence, “Hello, kind fellow!”. Technoblade ran to the three figures, still weaving through the smoke.
“Yes?” two voices asked. They sounded different, but the same. It was a strange kind of contrast of a more happy, kind sounding voice and a bit lower, more annoyed voice.
“Uh, come into the light a bit, Ranboo.”
“Ok!” “Fine.”
Two figures entered the light as the smoke cleared, revealing two boys who seemed to be both eighteen years old. “Technoblade! It's you! HI!” one said. This one seemed white as snow with big, Enderian-like ears, light gray hair, red eyes like a strawberry, light, pinkish burn marks on his face, a red bow tie, a stitched up red slash across his chest, a dark gray suit, a small red shoulder cape, two horns, and a long, flowing tail with a poof of fur at the end. The boy also had a streak of black hair. “Dream, what is this?” Technoblade asked. There was no answer from the blonde.
The other was pulled completely into the light by the first boy, hissed, and flicked his tail. This one was dark as the darkest nights with small traces of extremely dark green in his skin, he had midnight blue ram-like horns, Green eyes that shimmered in the light, a white streak in his black hair, green scars on his face like the other boy, a big dark green cape, a white-gray suit with a big green tie, a green stitched up slash, and a long tail with a spear head shaped end. “Technoblade.” he sighed. “Who are you?” Technoblade asked. “OH! I'm Ran! Remember?” The Enderian looking one greeted.
“I'm Boo!” the pale one cheerfully greeted.
‘Damn, I have been scammed!’
Duality (du· al· i· ty) {an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something; a dualism.}
Technoblade snarled, “Dream. What. is. This?”
Scamboo? Who are these mfs?
“I know you didn't kill Tommy, Blade.” Dream chuckled, shrugging. “But you did bring me the disk. You half scammed me, so I half scammed you back.”
“I want Ranboo, not Ran and Boo! I don't even know who these people are!” Technoblade yelled, motioning to the two Enderian figures. Boo looked over with a smile and nudged Ran,“hey, look! I think they’re best friends.”. “Boo, they’re not friends, they’re arguing.” Ran sighed. “But, Technoblade, they are Ranboo. I split him into his halves. You know, the Enderian and the other side that nobody knows?” Dream explained calmly, unaffected by the male’s actions. “So there is a way to get them back together?” the pinkette asked, looking at the two sides of his friend arguing.
“Yep, just like how I can kill Tommy. But it isn't easy.”
“I need to talk to someone first. Send me the instructions by letter.” Technoblade said, grabbing the hands of the two men. “Oh, are we going somewhere? Don't mind if we do!” Boo asked, following. Ran, on the other hand, put up quite the fight, biting Techno’s hand, kicking, and acting like an angry toddler. “RAN! DO YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR HUSBAND OR NOT!” Technoblade roared once they were outside. “You could have just said that!” Ran yelled back, bearing his fangs and being clouded with purple particles.
“Ran, calm down! Micheal-”
“I’ll tell Phil to find him. Calm down, Boo. Let's just go and explain this mess to Tubbo. I should send him a letter telling him that we are coming.” Technoblade sighed, continuing to drag Ran while Boo walked peacefully, following the pinkette like a duckling and its mother.
As soon as they got to his home, Technoblade started at his desk with a quill and paper. He scribbled a note fast and gave it to one of the crows to bring to his ally, Tubbo. There was a loud bang and one of the newly revived screeched. Oh gods, what now? He huffed, jumping down his ladder to see the two unharmed. Boo seemed scared out of his skin while the ravenette Enderian held The Orphan Obliterator in his hands. “TECHNO! HE’S TRYING TO KILL ME!” Boo screamed, running and climbing onto Technoblade’s shoulders.
“ok, ACK, get off me!” the blood god hissed, grabbing the Albino eighteen year old. “CALM! DOWN! BOTH OF YOU! WE ARE GOING TO TUBBO’S!” Technoblade ordered, “and Ran, i expect you to come without being a brat.”.
Ran huffed and shrugged while Boo was getting overly excited, “Do you think he’ll be happy to see us? Oh! What about Aimsey! She’d be really happy! I think I'm her favorite!”.
Technoblade sighed and grabbed his cape and put it on, opened the door, and started to Snowchester. Ran was complaining about how his feet hurt from the snow, even though Technoblade gave them both a pair of boots so their feet didn't burn.
He wondered how much longer he would have to bear with this torture.
Zeal /zēl/ great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
Boo looked around the terrain as they walked. It was beautiful in his opinion, the way the light bounced off the white snow, the blue, cloud covered skies, the snow-coated trees that housed birds and squirrels. Everything felt like a fairy tale, even a realist dream, that he was home. It felt like Boo could just jump into the snow and blend in with it, though it would burn him, so maybe not a good idea. Ran kept trying to start an argument with Technoblade, but it didn't seem to work out on his part.
Boo couldn't comprehend it in his mind, he was only a little fluff ball according to Ran. He only wanted to think of the positive side of things, like maybe him and Aimsey could do a snowball fight again.
‘Tubbo must have missed me! He must be worried sick! Phil has Micheal, according to Technoblade. Maybe they’ll come over! It feels SO great to be alive! No more limbo!’
He had to admit, this walk was atrociously boring. There was nothing to do without Technoblade saying “Boo, no”, “Boo stop it”, “Boo, you do that, you die!”.
But he got a maliciously funny idea, hopefully the Piglen wouldn't notice if he just pulled ONE prank on his friend. Boo climbed onto a branch and held on, shaking off the snow on top of Ran. Ran yelped and snow plummeted on the Enderian. “BOO!” he screamed under the snow, making Technoblade turn around with a bit of shock, concern, fury, and a hint of joy. That, that right there is what he was going for, a smile!
Any bit of joy! “Boo, what did you do?” Technoblade asked, holding back laughter. “Nothing.” Boo answered, jumping off the branch and landing on his feet. Ran jumped out of the snow, little tiny bits of smoke sizzling off him and melting the snow. “He just dropped loads of snow on me!” Ran roared, shaking his body
“Ugh! That. hurt. Me! You know we are allergic to water!”.
“In Boo’s defense, you deserved it.” Technblade nodded, continuing to walk, “We aren't that far anyway, so come on. We gotta hurry up.”. Boo ran to the elder’s side and stayed quite the rest of the time to hide his excitement. Hopefully Aimsey would be there too, maybe even Tommy!
Oh and boy did that make him happy! All of his friends together to see that him and Ran were a-ok! As Snowchester came into view, Ranboo couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. Snowchester seemed more empty to him then it was as a ghost or even when he was alive. Technoblade lead them to the mansion where there was light being illuminated.
The Enderians followed the piglen inside to be met by Tubbo and Aimsey. “Holy shit. You weren't kidding.” Tubbo said, expression striking with awe and fear. “When have I ever been joking about something like this?” He asked. Tubbo muttered quietly, “Never, because nothing like this has happened before.” Ran nodded and Boo bolted over to the brunette and embraced him tightly. Tubbo awkwardly patted his back and looked into Aimsey’s eyes, “we have to fix this.”.
Morass (mo· rass) {a complicated or confused situation.}
Aimsey nodded and smiled nervously. “Anything to help, I guess. I-uh, what exactly do we do?” she asked. “I do not know. Dream is sending me instructions on how to fix this. I have a feeling that there is going to be a need to trade something to make this work in the end.” Technoblade sighed. “What do we need to trade? I will trade anything to get this fixed. What did you even do?” Tubbo asked, quietly asking Boo to let go. Boo, doing as told, let go and stood up straight next to his side, shoulder brushing Tubbo’s. “Well, I took one of Tommy’s disks-”
“I already hate this. Why would you do that?” Tubbo asked, rubbing his temples with his eyes closed. Technoblade cleared his throat to get his attention back, and once he got it, the Piglin continued. “To continue, I coated the disk in sheep blood to make it look like I killed Tommy for it. I thought I had fooled him, but Dream is as much of a madman to be able to tell the difference. Since I half scammed him, he half scammed me. He revived Ran and Boo, so he technically did what I did. What a psycho.” He explained.
“So….” Tubbo took a deep breath, opening his eyes, “you traded a disk with fake Tommy blood to revive Ranboo, but he got you back?”. Technoblade nodded, “And he did confirm there is a way to fix this?”.
“And since he wanted Tommy dead, and you wanted Ranboo back, he wants Tommy?” Tubbo questioned. Aimsey watched with confusion as Ran appeared behind them, and didn't even say any other words other than, “Hi.”.
“Ran.” He answered with a monotone voice. She muttered a quiet “thank you.”.
“so…Ran…you’re a part of Ranboo?” Aimsey asked seriously. “Yeah, the Enderian side. Boo is too oblivious to know. At Least we’re no longer stuck in Limbo.” he shrugged. Aimsey nodded and asked another question, “What is it like being separated from Boo?”.
Ran was shocked by this question, confused even. “Well, hmm, I-uh….I do not know how to answer that? Can you make it MORE understandable?” He huffed. They thought for a moment until coming up with a clear enough answer. “What is it like being yourself?”. Ran nodded with approval and answered, “It's like a yin without its yang. But one can't be whole without two.”.
Aimsey, on the other hand, was not so pleased with this answer. They wanted something that made more sense, not this Edgy angry child making riddles. “Ok, I guess. So, Techno, what’s the plan?” Aimsey called to the boys. “I don't know. I’ll let you guys know when I get the instructions. For now, I need you, Tubbo, and Tommy to keep an eye on them. Maybe have Micheal help with that.” The pinkette answered. He walked to the entrance of the mansion and left Ran and Boo with Aimsey and Tubbo.
“Oh boy.”
Tend /tend/ {regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.}
Tubbo looked at the boys and started to plan how the situation would work. As long as they were under him and Aimsey’s watch, they would be fine. “Aimsey, can I talk to you…” He looked at Ran and Boo, “In private?”. Aimsey nodded and patted Boo on the back nicely, seeing as he didn't want her to leave. The brunette pulled her into another room.
“Look, I do not fucking know or like you one bit,” he started in a whisper/yell. Aimsey’s expression switched to sadness. “But I-”
“We need to work together. I dread saying it, but it has to happen, for Ranboo’s sake.” Tubbo finished. They were shocked, this was not the way Aimsey thought it would go, “Oh. That is not what I thought you were going to say. I thought you were gonna…say something rude…but it's a start!”. Tubbo shrugged it off and looked back into the room that Ran and Boo were in. Micheal had found his way into there and was now playing with both Enderians, Ran hesitantly going along with Boo. Tubbo looked back into Aimsey’s eyes, “We need Tommy.”.
Tommy took the note from the duck, who was labed Benson, awkwardly. When the fuck is a duck bringing shit to me?. He opened the note and his eyes went wide. ‘No way. No way in hell that is real’. He panicked, clearly in a mix of shock and disbelief.
“Hey, Big man. We sort of really need you here in Snowchester. It's about Ranboo….uh, all i can really explain without sounding crazy is that he;s revived….but there are now to of him, like a full Enderian and a Albino looking one.” he read out loud.
It sounded all too unbelievable to the blonde, but he had to confirm if that was real. Tommy picked up his bag and went to leave. During his travels to Snow Chester, thoughts clouded his head. The main thought that kept circling back was, “Is this Dream’s doing?”. Of course it was, he’s the only one with the revive book! Tommy started to pick up his pace, not wanting to keep them waiting for the “Biggest man to ever live who has all of the women.”
After he entered Snow Chester, Tommy ran to the mansion. The blonde slammed the doors open and attempted to catch his breath, wheezing in and out. “I got here as fast as I could! What's the-”
He noticed the two beings next to Tubbo and Aimsey. Tommy’s jaw dropped with awe, at first when he read the message, he thought Tubbo had lost his shit! There was no way in hell he thought it was actually true, but seeing the two Enderian looking creatures in front of him, Tommy knew it was true. He walked forward to see them closer, they seemed to be the same height as his oreo friend, just different looks.
“No fucking way…Ranboo?” he asked them. “Yes?” The two answered, the Enderian one looking pissed whilst the albino one answered more cheerfully. “I'm Ran, that is Boo.” the Enderian said, in Tommy’s defense, like a bitch. “Are you supposed to be Ranboo, cause you are kind of acting like a major dick right now.” he snapped back. The one named Boo jumped back in surprise, making a small “Eep!”.
“Look, we called you here to help us, not start yelling at them!” Aimsey said, defending both of the boys, their rabbit ears perking up. “Aimsey, that’s just normal Tommy.” Tubbo sighed, scratching the back of his neck. “So he’s always an annoying child?” She grumbled, going to calm down Boo. Tommy recoiled back a bit, he had to make a mental note that Boo was sensitive to any sense of Negative emotions like arguing. Ran, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy arguments.
It was like a comedy show to him.
‘Weird-ass man.’
Tubbo led them to a room that Aimsey had furnished so everyone could sit down. “Alright, so Tommy. We need your help to fix this. Technoblade is currently going out to get information from Dream-”
“I knew it was him! I was right!” Tommy interrupted.
Engrossing (en· gross· ing) {absorbing all one's attention or interest.}
Tubbo cleared his throat to continue. “As I was saying, Technoblade is getting information and will help us keep these two in control. For the time being until we fix this whole situation, we basically have to make sure both of them Never leave our sight, got it? One of us has to be with them the entire time.” Tubbo explained. Boo seemed to have zoned out, not really caring what they were talking about. Ran was listening into it and scoffed when Tubbo was done. “Aren't we two pieces of ‘Ranboo’?” he asked, “shouldn't we be fine out there alone? We aren't toddlers.”.
He glanced at Boo and changed his expression, seeing as he was watching the snow outside the window. “Well, at least one of us doesn't have the mindset of a toddler.”. Tubbo caught his tone with no emotion, only a snarky remark, “Though you seem more down to earth, you are more of a dick than a toddler.”.
He seemed surprised by this, did he just get insulted. Tommy burst out in laughter, the whole thing was hilarious to him. Aimsey shot him a look that said 'be more serious, you dumbass!’. Tommy straightened his posture a bit and cleared his throat to stop laughing. “Anyway, what should we do with them at this moment?” he asked the Brunette.
“Well, I say we show them around? Bring up the situation so we have a bit more help.” Tubbo answered. Aimsey nodded, “I can take Boo around, since he seems like who I was around when I first met Ranboo.”. “We’ll take Ran, just cause why not.” Tommy shrugged, “but he better not be a bitch. You got that, Tall-ass?”. Ran nodded and adjusted his tie and flicked his tail to smack the blonde on the back of his head. “How is that for being a Tall-ass?” he snarled, making everyone surprised, even Boo.
“Ran, you just swore….” Aimsey mumbled, flabbergasted. “Yeah, hell yeah I did. Why do you seem so surprised?” he snapped. “Because Ranboo doesn’t swear….” Tubbo added quietly. “Then that is Boo’s doing. Cause I'm the side that swears. So yeah.” Ran deadpanned. “What the fuck?” Tommy whispered, making sure nobody heard him.
Aimsey smiled and held Boo’s hand, “you ready? Now I get to tour you around!”. Boo laughed, how the tables turned!”. Aimsey and Boo left the mansion, talking about who knows what, while Tubbo and Tommy, on the other hand, were stuck with Ran.
“Well this is going to be a bloody fuckin’ adventure.” Tommy grumbled, looking at the tall Enderian to his left.
“Don't expect me to be all ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ because you are Half of my friend, Ran.” Tommy snapped, trying to sound firm.
All Ran said back was a snarky, “Ok, Goblin.”. Tommy was fuming now with rage, he had just HAD it with this man, And it was only the first hour and a half. Before Tommy could say anything overly offensive, Tubbo stopped him, putting his hand on Tommy’s chest and giving him a stare that said “dont fuck this up. Things are already shitty as is.”
The Blonde boy sighed and straightened his posture again. Ran gave him a smug smirk and went to go sit down. “What is it with this guy?” He asked Tubbo quietly, focusing his glare at the ravenette who was looking around before sitting on the couch arm rest.
“I don't know.” Tubbo whispered, looking horrified at the sight. “Holy shit, this guy is a really big prick.” Tommy agreed, eyes glued on Ran.
Ran smiled and lied on the couch, taking up all of the space with a smug, shit-eating grin. Tommy went to run at him, being held back by Tubbo.
“I'm actually going to punch him!-”
Romp /rämp,rômp(especially of a child or animal) play roughly and energetically.
Aimsey and Boo walked around L’manburg, but despite it being a great time, nobody was there. “Where is everyone?” the albino asked, looking around. “I don't-”
A few feet away, there was a figure, and by the looks of it, it was Awesamedude. The two of them ran to him, making him turn his head and notice them. “Oh, hello! I-....who is this, Aimsey?” he asked, pointing at Boo.
“Oh, right. So, we had an issue. Apparently, Technoblade tried to scam Dream by giving him the disk ‘Cat’ and covering it in animal blood, making it look like he killed Tommy, but Tommy wasn't really aware. So, since it wasn't technically a full scam, Dream got him back, splitting Ranboo’s halves into Ran And Boo. this is Boo.” she explained simply. Sam looked very confused, still.
“So, uh, Ranboo is two people now? This is so confusing.” Sam mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Aimsey nodded, “you can't imagine it.”. Boo looked at Sam in awe, like the Warden was a green peacock with its feathered tail spread out for the world to see. “Wow, you look so much more different than I remember you? Last time I saw you, I thought you were more scary and dark.” Boo exclaimed with a smile, circling around the male.
Sam avoided eye contact for a second, he pondered the fact that half of this was his doing. “Y-yeah, right, totally.” Sam mumbled, trying to not look affected. Boo seemed to have rubbed it off because he got distracted by a bird. To Sam and Aimsey’s relief, he kept his eyes on the sky. “Sam, I have zero fucking idea what the hell to do. Technoblade says he’s getting directions from Dream, but we haven't heard back from him. Can you help us?” Aimsey asked in a hushed tone while Boo went to try to talk to the bird.
“So, you're telling me, you are working with Dream, Technoblade, and who else? What am I going to hear next, Tubbo?” Sam asked rudely. “First of all, rude. Second of all, yes, Tubbo needs it too. After All you did kill his husband.” Aimsey said, crossing his arms with a glare. “Fair enough. What do I need to do to help?” Sam groaned, looking away. “I need you to just be there if we need to call you for assistance. Anything helps, really. We just have to keep Ran and Boo in sight until we figure out how to get them back to just Ranboo.” they explained. Sam nodded and looked to where Boo was, it seemed like the bird liked the Albino.
“Hah, good kid. I'm guessing he’s the super sweet, optimistic side?” Sam guessed. Aimsey nodded, “From what we’ve learned, that’s exactly what he is.”.
“Well, he should be easier to take care of.”
“Dear god, I hope so.”
Calamitous (Ca· lam· i· tous) {involving calamity; catastrophic or disastrous}
Tubbo and Tommy groaned as Ran walked into the room after checking out the mansion. “Now we have to do this shit again.” Tommy muttered, looking tired. “Aye, it can't be as bad as him purposely going around and tormenting us for the last two hours. Maybe he’s calmed-” “Blonde gremlin.” Ran called with that stupid fucking cunning smile. “What the fuck do you want, man?” Tommy whined, super done with this already.
“Hah, I just wanted to see if you’d answer that one. Anyway, could you guys show me around? I'm getting super bored here and it's killing me.” Ran answered a little nicer than usual. “Oh shit. This is going to bite me in the ass, isn't it?” Tubbo asked. “Eh, depends what you choose to do. Either way, I'm just going to piss you off.” he shrugged. They both groaned and Tubbo spoke up, “Here’s the deal, you annoy the shit out of us, we don't give you a tour.”. “I-ugh! Fine.” Ran snarled, crossing his arms like a pissed off child.
Tubbo’s ears flicked as he shot Ran a look that said “Don't you test me, boy.”. Ran threw his hands up in defeat, “Calm down! I said I wouldn't be annoying!”. Tommy rolled his eyes sarcastically, he certainly wasn't going to fall for this bullshit. “Oh fuck off, Ran! We know you aren't going to follow through with that!”.
Ran looked at the teen with disgust. “You really think I'm that much of a liar? Maybe you should ‘fuck off’.” He snapped back. Tommy went to speak, but Tubbo intervened. “Stop, now, both of you. Last thing we need is for us to get torn apart over some stuiple bullshit argument. Are we going to act like grown men now or are we going to act like toddlers?” The brunette asked sternly. Both growled at each other, but then stopped.
“Alright, so where are we going today? We could cover most of Manburg, but the other places would have to wait.” Tubbo explained sternly. Ran nodded slightly, saying he understood. Tommy showed no reaction, he absolutely hated this! This was all some bullshit and he had to clean it up. Fuck Dream, man. His thoughts huffed.
Tubbo left the room, leaving Tommy and Ran together. The blonde turned to Ran and yanked him down to his eye level with the enderian’s tie. “You listen to me, shitbrick. There will be zero complaining, zero smartass remarks, and absolutely do not do anything to Tubbo, got it?” he ordered with a very pissed off tone. Ran nodded, seeming actually a bit nervous. “Got it.”.
Tommy let go with a glare and awaited his best friend’s return. Ran avoided all eye contact until the goat boy returned. “Are we ready to go?” Tubbo asked. The two boys nodded, just wanting to get the actual hell out of the mansion. “Alright, then let's head to a blown up nation.”
The walk to the nation was quite brutal if you’d ask Tommy. It was a mix of boring and angering. Ran was complaining the entire time, Tubbo was done with his shit, and they still had about one hour to go. “Ran, will you just fucking shut it?” Tubbo finally snapped, making both boys go silent. “I-yeah-I-I mean-yeah I guess I could.” Ran stammered, adjusting his tie nervously.
Tubbo took a deep breath and let it out. “Look, Ran, I'm sorry. It's just that there is a lot of pressure right now and I just need you to help release it.”. “Yeah, my bad.” Ran mumbled, going quiet. Once they arrived at Lmanburg, Ran looked around. He had some dark memories of this place, it made him start to fidget with the tip of his tail. “You good, mate?” Tubbo asked the blonde. Tommy had barely said a thing the entire walk to Lmanburg. It was a mix of memories as well, but anger of this entire situation. He decided to lie instead
“Yeah, I'm ok. Just taking it all in.”.
“Are you sure-”
“Yes I am. Do you think I'd ever lie to you?”
Tubbo went quiet and nodded. “Yeah, you’d never lie to me. We’re best friends!”.
Ran smiled softly, but then went to go look at the crater. “No way, dude. I forgot about this one.” he mumbled, looking down into it. He started to tip and Tubbo ran and grabbed him by the arm to pull him back. “DUDE! I SAID LIGHTEN THE FUCKING PRESSURE, NOT FALL INTO IT!” Tubbo scolded, making Ran jump. “My bad-”
“NO! NOT ‘my bad’! YOU DON'T JUST SAY ‘my bad’ AFTER WE JUST GOT YOU BACK! I AM NOT LOSING YOU AGAIN!” Tubbo yelled, tears forming. “Look, I'm sorry! I genuinely am! It's not like I knew I'd fall!” Ran argued, his tail flicking dangerously. Tommy watched, not knowing what to do. He didn't want to piss them both off more than they already were. “Guys, please calm down! Can we just get on with showing him around so we can just go home?” Tommy asked, trying to hide his anger. “Yeah, sure, just keep Enderian here away from cliffs.” Tubbo nodded.
Ran looked away, seeming really embarrassed and ashamed. Tubbo sighed again, grabbing Ran’s hand and holding it in his own. “I’m sorry for yelling at you again. I just feel pressured. Please listen next time, ‘kay?” Tubbo explained. Ran let go and put his arm around him. “I promise, let me know if I go overboard again.” Ran agreed, holding back tears. It stung so much, but he didn't want to lose his dignity by crying. He had to be the strong, mature one here.
“Alright, on with the tour, shall we?” Tubbo said kindly, tugging him along. Tommy eyed them both with confusion, weren't they just arguing. He didn't at all understand their relationship. When he and Tubbo argued, they made up after an hour or two. But when it came to these two, they made up a few seconds after an argument. It was baffling to the eight-teen year old. “You coming, Tom?” Tubbo asked, looking back. “I-guh, yeah! Hold up!” the blonde called, running after the duo.
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Chosen Lineage [Wilbur Soot x reader, Fundy x reader]
Pairing: c!Wilbur Soot x Gender Neutral!reader, c!Fundy x Gender Neutral!reader (Son - Parent)
Summary: You raise Fundy as Wilbur keeps coming in and out of your life.
Warnings: Angst, betrayal, fluff, found family (chosen family)
Words: 3.2K
Masterlist: Wilbur’s Masterlist - Full Masterlist
A/N: This is an AU I have been working on, and then the perfect ask came by. (Also requests are still open! Click here!)
You've been travelling and finally reached the new and upcoming server the Greater SMP. You had received a letter to join from Dream himself. Payback for a favour in the past.
And you join.
Hoping to find new people to meet, and potentially finding the person with whom you share a soulmark.
Quickly befriending the residents, it doesn't take long for you to start having late night talks with a certain Wilbur Soot, a man who dreams about bigger things. Hoping to get his name in the history books even as a footnote.
And the two of you get along great, as friends. And later down the road best friends. The two of you never have thought about romantic feelings toward each other, although you can't deny the two of you had checked once drunk if you belonged together. But alas, you didn't. And both of you never entertained the thought again.
At least that’s what you agree upon with each other.
That's when he meets Sally. And she's just perfect for him. His other half. His soulmate. And you're happy for them, gladly helping with setting up a date or two to make them extra special. And they are a good couple.
Then she gets pregnant.
And they're still okay together. They still like each other, and both still have moments where their love for each other shine through.
Until Fundy gets born.
Everything changes when Fundy gets born. Suddenly you're spending more time babysitting the little fox child than either of his parents. Sally seems to often just be gone.
A passing mention of going up the river, and one day she does. And she doesn't return. She never returns.
All while Wilbur has been off doing work for his new nation. Something Sally had always been against. A topic of many arguments for the two. Which more often than not ended with the man on your couch and for you to look after the poor child.
As L’Manberg starts talking about independence you're there backing them. Holding Fundy's hand. A child of a soulmate pair, with neither looking after him. A rare tale to be heard.
You're there as Wilbur cries about Sally. When his country goes to war. You're there holding Fundy back as he tries to become a child soldier himself.
You're there as Wilbur tries to form a bond with his son.
You're there as Wilbur asks Fundy to come and stay with him in his new house.
And you're there when Fundy refuses to leave your side.
You're there as Wilbur walks out determinant to win the war so he can form a bond with his son.
You’re resting Fundy on your arm as the man in a mask comes knocking.
You’re holding Fundy tight as the man who bears the name of Dream asks you to fight for you.
You’re shielding Fundy as you tell Dream, unless he wishes to owe another favour, he has paid you back for the favour he owed you.
You are comforting Fundy when the masked man leaves shutting the door behind him.
You are wiping tears from his face as you promise him you will never betray his father.
You are there the night Fundy packs his bags years later, the night he vows to fight for his father’s creation. The first night he sees you cry.
You tell him to come back safely and help him pack the rest.
You watch him walk out of the house you have built to keep him safe.
You're there as he celebrates the win, and as Fundy now a young man, hugs you, and says his thanks to you for keeping him out of most of the battles.
You're there as Wilbur finally gets close to his son.
You’re there as you allow the man who has hurt his son back into your life once more.
Letting him be stressed and relax around you. Still loyal to the man you once befriended. Still loyal to the man you admire.
You’re there to celebrate as the election gets announced, helping Fundy with his campaign and giving Wilbur words of encouragement.
The man had found a room in your house once more.
But time moves on and time of peace is nothing the server is fond of.
You're there the day a man with the name of Schlatt joins the election.
A man the universe tells you that you're destined to be with.
You're there as Wilbur leaves Fundy and you behind.
You're not there as the man spirals. Stuck between walls you once fought for.
However, you are there as Fundy tears them down and comes crying to you.
You are there helping Niki when she's unable to keep up with the taxes.
You help the Manberg citizens as much as you can from the inside.
Until you're there as the man you would trust with your life calls his own son a traitor. And you're there as Fundy tells him he was never his own but yours.
You aren't there the day they kill the president. Having vowed to not see the man after finding out what the universe thought of the two of you.
After what he had done to Fundy.
You're there the day Wilbur presses the button. The day Fundy takes back his last name promising to be greater than the man who didn't raise him.
You aren’t there the first time ghostbur shows up. However, you are there the day Fundy comes crying to you telling you of the ghost.
You hold him tight that night, reassuring him he’s safe with you, and that a ghost won’t change you caring about Fundy.
The days go past until one day Fundy shows up with the ghost himself.
A mere shell of the man you once admired. A mere shell of the man you once knew. A mere shell of a man you no longer knew in his last months.
He comes in the name of peace he tells you, he comes with blue in his hands and hope in his eyes.
He tells of good memories and of days before the birth of Fundy.
He tells of cold mornings and warm evenings.
He tells of meeting you and the sadness your soulmark made him feel.
He tells of nights spent thinking of your eyes.
Your voice.
Your touch.
He comes telling of tales you never have heard.
He comes, you watch him leave.
You let him leave with the words spoken of a once broken person.
A person who has grown.
You have grown.
You let him leave with the tales of a person who once admired a friend greatly, but could no longer follow their friend down the path they had made.
You let the ghost leave with the words, that while you had once loved a man. You no longer did.
You are there that night, in front of the fireplace as Fundy struggles to understand that you had once loved his father.
You tell him tales of your youth you shared with Wilbur.
Of unforgetful nights, and unforgiving mornings.
Of the way you used to map the stars, of the way you used to live for his words as he lived for yours.
Tales of good friends being there for each other, tales of good friends supporting each other.
You tell Fundy of the first time Wilbur presents to you, Sally.
You tell Fundy of that day. The day you came to terms with the universe.
That while you might have mapped out the stars, the universe maps your life long before you make a decision.
You tell Fundy of his first birthday, the only one where both of his parents were present.
You tell him tales of his mother. Yet, you can’t find it in yourself to show him the pictures that go along with the tales you tell.
The fireplace goes out, and you break apart. He spends a night in his childhood room, while you watch the stars, one more time.
Still in the habit of mapping them, although now only mentally as they dance across the sky for you to watch.
Like all things, time moves on.
When the day of Wilburs birthday rolls around and you make the first trip to his gravestone. The sun setting on the horizon. That night you watch the stars by the gravestone, surrounded by wide open fields and two single flowers.
The next day your door opens for the ghost to come to visit.
You can’t help but let the ghost into your life, so lost, so much like the man you once knew. Yet the ghost will never be able to fill the gaping hole of betrayal the once living man left behind.
So you let him in, let him stay. First, for a single night, the rain had caught him stranded in your house.
Then he slowly seems to come back again and again, and it pains you to see him, wander around. Pains to see him be so pain-free yet clearly carrying all of it.
Fundy, your son, the child you raised on your own, as your own.
Fundy is the one to tell the ghost to seek residence in another place. Fundy is the one who refuses to see you tear yourself down in hopes of seeing the brief moments where you forget the man in front of you isn’t dead.
But you move on as the house becomes empty once again, you have to.
The universe tells you to.
So you do.
The news of the ghosts death reaches you before the news of what came with reach you.
Fundy comes seeking you out as soon as he hears, all the way from his new place of residence. Las Nevadas.
You are proud of Fundy, he did good for himself, at least he tell you so.
He returns to your home, his home. Seeking comfort from the one who raised him, and you give him that.
You hold Fundy recounting your promises of keeping him safe. You refuse to let the man hurt his son once more.
You tell Fundy the next day that you need a new place to stay, he offers residence in Las Nevadas.
Yet you tell him, you’ve had enough of nations and wars.
He helps you, Fundy helps you make your new home.
While Fundy notices, he doesn’t say so.
Your new residence is nearly identical to your old one, yet more secluded and missing a room.
The room Wilbur used to stay in.
For while you were loyal to the once-living, then dead man. You aren’t loyal to the person who hurt his son. You aren’t loyal to the one wandering the lands now, and you wish not to invite him into your home.
Fundy calls in help from his new friends and your house is standing in mere weeks, you thank him by telling him even now that he no longer needs you, your home will always have space for him.
You hug him closely that night before he leaves.
You tell him you’re proud.
You tell him he has become so much more than his father.
You tell him he is great, and he deserves all the happiness you could ever wish upon. 1
Fundy tightens his arm around you as he silently cries into your shoulder.
But as always the universe has plans and waits for no one.
Fundy has to go back to his work, and you have stars to be mapped.
Finally using pen and paper again. For while it was a shared interest the living dead holds no hand over you.
You are a free bird and refuse to be caged by the people who only wish to bring hurt with them.
And then you count the days, for you know he will show up.
He has yet to not do so.
You spare him no surprise as the man with the white streak stands on your porch. Asking to sit down as your pen glides over the paper.
You knew he would come, yet had not expected him to do so when the stars are bright. And the night is long.
He does not talk, and you don’t invite him as the dawn breaks through.
You are the first to get up, and you retract into your cabin, as he walks away.
Then he comes back.
Night after night.
No words were spoken.
For days, weeks. This goes on.
Even when you travel to sell your maps to the sailors who comes by the Snowchester harbour, he sits silently on the porch waiting for your return that night.
You walk right past him, but stop when you hear him.
“I am sorry.”
It is all he says before he is up and gone into the night.
You find yourself hesitating, wishing to turn around and call out for him, but you don’t.
You retreat into your cabin and is reminded why you do this by the wall of memories in your house.
Pictures of your and Fundy and people you’ve met through the years adorning the wall.
He hurt Fundy, and he hurt you.
The next night you await an invitation into your home.
He takes it.
You tell him not to give you excuses, and he doesn’t.
He tells of the months in the cave, and the regret of his actions.
You tell him of the year you’ve raised Fundy, the years he wasn’t there. The months of agony, and the years of acceptance.
He tells of the love for you.
And you tell of the love you once held for the man.
He asks for forgiveness.
You offer consideration.
You tell him of the ghost that wandered the halls of your previous home. You tell of the actual ghost that stayed in the bed he used to sleep in.
You tell him that you are the last person he should ask forgiveness from again. You tell him of his son once again.
You tell him to not see you again until his son will look his own father in the eyes with something other than hatred, resentment, pity.
You tell him to never come back begging for love when he refused to love the people around him when they did.
You tell him that while you were once loyal, you are only loyal to the bright fox you raised and no other person.
You give him credit that night, you give him credit for knowing when to not push the buttons you have given him the control of.
That night you let yourself watch as he walks for the last time.
He might have once loved you, but the universe told him no.
He might have once wished to raise his son, yet you were the one to do so.
You hope him a fruitful journey, as the light on the porch burns out and you return to the warmth of your cabin ready to write a letter to Fundy.
The boy having taken to letter writing the same way his father did. You find yourself smiling at the thought each time you receive a letter from him.
While Fundy may never tell you of what happened when that letter arrived and you for the first time directly addressed him as your son to his own eyes. He cried.
While peace has finally settled and the wars are done being fought.
You're still making the twice-annual tracks out to Wilbur's Lone gravestone. For while the man is still walking amongst you now, you are still mourning the person he used to be.
The single slate under a tree stands on the far outskirts of what used to be L’Manberg.
"In memory of Wilbur Soot. Founder. President. Friend. Father. Son."
As usual, the titles coming before the personal bonds.
Although this year on his birthday another person is present. Not one wearing wings and a bucket hat.
Instead a redheaded woman you haven't seen in years.
One you never thought you would ever see again.
"As loyal to the man as ever." She smiles at you. Her eyes landing on the single yellow rose in your hand.
"As loyal as the wind to a cold summer day." You tell her. A phrase you haven't spoken since she asked you why you kept watching out for Fundy. “As loyal to the person he was before his symphony.” You add to it.
"I hope the years have been kind to you." She says as she watches you lay down the yellow rose beside the single gladioli.
Phil came at dawn.
You came at dusk.
"The years have been kind to those who got lucky." you tell her, "I've tried to make them as kind to Fundy as possible."
She hums.
"Still looking after him I take it?"
The question hangs in the air, and you know what she's asking.
Did you replace both of them?
You pull out your wallet and hand over one of the two pictures you carry with you.
Silent tears start to slip down her chins as she looks it over.
It's the one picture that survived from Fundy's first birthday. The one with Sally holding him and Wilbur holding the two of them.
The only birthday Sally ever saw.
"I know you might think I have replaced you. But I never could. I may have raised him as my own and let him chose me as his family, but I can never replace his parents. Not that I ever wanted."
Sally looks up at you, clearly unwilling to hand back the picture. But you still take it, and a piece of her it seems.
"Wilbur was a friend I treasured greatly, and I was happy for your love. But both of you burned brightly and burned your son in the way to seek your happiness."
You show her the other picture in your wallet. Not willing to let her touch it.
It's from a year ago when you finished the construction of your new house. It's of you and Fundy in front of the first thing you put up in the house. The great picture wall.
"But while you are his mother. I'm too selfish to let you into his life. However, I cannot stop you from travelling to Las Nevadas and see him from afar. But don't expect him to recognise you. Or treat you as kindly as I."
Sally nods tearing her eyes away from the photo. You put it away.
"I hope the years have been kind to you Sally and I hope your best years were the ones you spent with Wilbur, for his years were with you."
You tun away as the sun has dipped below the horizon wishing to return to your home before the mobs come creeping.
A letter on your table written by Fundy.
The letter tells of a redheaded woman who came by Las Nevadas in search of Fundy to find you.
The letter tells of his desire to know who the woman was, in her relation to you. Not wanting to see you be hurt by more people. Especially not the ones he brings into your house. Not again.
All you reply is an old friend whom you never expect to see again.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Daddy's Little Girl Pt. III
Pt III: Revenge
Pt. I, Pt. II
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(Technoblade x reader, and Wilbur x Reader)
(brother tubbo and sister reader)
Sam’s eyebrow twitched as he eyed The Blade wearily, who stood with his arms crossed completely void of any weaponry. So far the Blood God listened to Sam, he had disposed of all his weapons in the chest and complied with all the prison security procedures. It was rare to see, Technoblade having no weapons and Sam being completely decked out in armor. The only thing the creeper hybrid couldn’t pinpoint was the motive, why did Technoblade suddenly have an interest in visiting Dream, it just didn’t add up. To protect the sanctity of his prison he had to figure out just why Technoblade was visiting Pandora’s worst and only prisoner.
“Why are you here?”
“I already told you that, didn’t I? I’m here for a friendly chat with my good pal Dream.” Sam pressed his tongue to his teeth and frowned under his gas mask, “What? Don’t believe me? How rude. Are you this mean to all of the visitors who enter your prison?”
“You don’t exactly have the best reputation around,” Sam grunted, while Technoblade made a sound and adjusted the mask on his face.
“Who’s talking bad about me?”
“Tommy’s biased,” he scoffed watching the lava slowly descend in front of his eyes. Sam trained his green eyes on Dream across the way,
“Technoblade. Does this have anything to do with Wilbur’s revival? Cause whatever it is you’re thinking I can guarantee it’s not-”
“Sam has anyone ever taught you to mind your own fucking business?” Technoblade snarled baring his teeth at the warden. Sam blinked a few times his grip tightening on his trident, Technoblade stepped on the platform and it sent him forward. Dream’s head was tilted to the side, his dirty blonde hair fell across his shoulders. His bangs fell in front of his face as his head perked up seeing Technblade,
“Technoblade to what do I owe the pleasure?” Dream mused tapping his foot against the obsidian floor,
“Morning Dream.” Technoblade mused cracking his knuckles, “we have a lot to talk about, but I’m going to cut right to the chase. Give me the revive book.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dream mused innocently, “Does this have anything to do with Wilbur being revived? Or a certain lady goat hybrid?” Technoblade growled viciously, “Does the name (Y/n) ring any bells?”
“How the fuck do you know her name?”
“Oops did I hit a nerve?” Dream mused his lips curling up into a grotesque sneer, Technoblade’s fist balled at his sides trying to keep his composure and not listen to the roaring voices who demanded blood be spilled.
“Answer the question Dream,” Technoblade demanded through gritted teeth. Dream dared to laugh in his face, “I’m assuming Wilbur shared that information with you?” Dream hummed softly neither confirming nor denying The Blade’s statement but he got the picture. Dream kicked off the wall tilting his head to the side a coy smile on his lips,
“I met her, and not just her ghost.” Technoblade’s entire body froze and he pushed Dream against the wall, his fist was curled around his jumpsuit.
“When I revived Wilbur. She was there in his limbo, what happened to her horns I wonder?” Technoblade snarled deep in his throat, “Wilbur left her there you know? Did he mention that to you?” Techno wasn’t a fool, he knew what Dream was trying to do but kept his composure, not letting the master manipulator get under his skin.
“That’s exactly why I’m here. You’re going to revive her or I’m revoking the favor I owe you. I don’t care about morals, I care about bringing her back to me.” Dream grit his teeth,
“Well, how do you expect me to do that without Ghost-(y/n)?”
“Who says I don’t have her?” Dream’s eyes bulged in his head, he saw no invisibility particles,
“SAM!” Dream tried to shout as Technoblade covered his mouth, Dream saw the wall rippled beside him as a very hesitant-looking ghost came through the wall. Not even Ghostbur was able to do something of that caliber, but she again was a ghost longer than he ever was, she must’ve picked up some fun little tricks. She floated over to Techno and hid behind his shoulder, her grey eyes looked up at him,
“You promise I’ll get to see Ghostbur again if I do this?”
“Of course sweet one,” Technoblade responded watching her nod gently. Technoblade loved the alive version of you, and when your ghost came to him sobbing about Ghostbur being gone and Alivebur not giving a single shit. She begged him for help and he answered her call, he failed to do so before, and he wasn’t going to let the same thing happen twice. You wanted to be with the sweet warmhearted version of Wilbur, who was he to stop you, plus he would have the alive you back.
When you came back Technoblade wouldn’t let Wilbur have you again, he wouldn’t let anyone else lay a hand on you. Well, other than your little brother of course, even if he was an ex-president Technoblade wasn’t evil.
“You still can’t make me do it!” Dream snarled as you hid deeper against Technoblade’s shoulder, “Sam won’t let you.”
“I think Sam’s going to have something else to worry about.”
A roaring sound of explosions went off nearby, Dream’s eyes widened in horror.
“That,” He smirked, “Is the power of the syndicate. Niki really knows how to come through in a pinch. I won’t ask again.”
Dream grumbled assessing his options, on one hand, he could revive you and he’d still have that favor over Technoblade. Yet, on the other hand, he couldn’t use your resurrection for more of those future favors. Dream clicked his tongue, although he could use that to his advantage if she was alive once more.
“Fine. Come here,” He held a hand out to the little ghost, she looked meekly at Technoblade. He nodded and motioned his head towards his outstretched hand, she took Dream’s hand, and he muttered some words in another tongue that even the great Technoblade couldn’t decipher. A bright light surrounded your ghost’s figure, and in a matter of moments you, the alive you stumbled forward. You gasped for breath as you fell against Technoblade’s chest, you had a bright white streak in your hair, and dried blood on your head and by your nubs. You were breathing heavily, pupils were blown wide, as you looked up at Technoblade. He felt his throat close up and he removed the mask on his face,
“Where am I? Who...Techo?” You gaped cupping his cheeks within your palms, he melted into your hands with a soft whine he tried to cover up. “Holy fuck you look so old!” Moment completely spoiled and ruined,
“Hey Dream I changed my mind.” You yelped hitting him softly on the arm, “kidding.” He spoke tenderly trying not to show his soft side around Dream, he was a tough killer, not someone who melted at the sight of his old childhood crush. Technoblade turned towards Dream and saluted, an arm wrapping around your waist, “sic semper tyrannis, Dream.” He mused disappearing with you, Dream should’ve known the Syndicate set up a stasis chamber for their leader.
Technoblade held you tight so you didn’t tumble over, you did look a little green in the face, “You alright?” He spoke softly as the fresh snow of the Tundra tickled your nose. You reached out your hand to touch the falling flakes, it was almost like you were mesmerized by the sight of them. “Sweet one?”
“I can feel them. I haven’t felt anything in so long,” You whispered brushing your hair out of your face. “Technoblade...Did you revive me?” He swallowed thickly, your eyes held a certain look to them, sharp but eager.
“I did.”
“Why?” You titled your head to the side, pursing your lips. He turned his head away from you to hide the flush to his cheeks, your frown seemed to deepen on your features. “Technoblade, why did you revive me? I’ve been dead for...god how long has it been for you?” You sighed heavily, “What use is there for you to bring me back?”
“Don’t mention his fucking name!” You spat harshly, eyes flashing a dangerous shade of (e/c), “That son of a bitch!” Your hands clenched at your sides as Techno’s eyes widened, he wasn’t used to you cursing but it made sense. “He left me in his limbo after he promised me we’d leave together or not at all! I’m going to beat the shit out of the bastard!” You snarled as Technoblade reached out and put a hand on your shoulder, he squeezed it lightly.
“That’s why I revived you. You didn’t deserve to get left there, you deserved to be resurrected more than Wilbur did. I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were like Ghostbur sooner, I’m sorry I didn’t know about revivals. You would’ve been my priority, you should’ve been my priority.” Techno stared into your eyes as the rage swimming in them dissipated, instead, they were replaced with a fond look. “I don’t know what you and Wilbur had, but ever since I found out about your death all those years ago, I don’t live a single day without regret. I should’ve pushed for you to stay with us and Tubbo, I should’ve killed your dad the minute I set eyes on the bastard. I should’ve listened to the voices-” Technoblade grit his teeth and it was your turn to reach up and cup his cheek, he came back to you as soon as he felt your touch against his skin. “I’m so sorry.”
That was the first-ever apology you’ve ever gotten and you felt a tear roll down your cheek at his words. Technoblade looked at you hesitantly and pulled you into a hug, he made sure he was gentle as to not hurt you further, “Stay with me?”
“I promise.” You whispered burying your face in the crook of his neck, “Thank you Techno.”
Maybe things would be okay for you after all. Maybe this one was different, maybe Technoblade wouldn’t let you down like so many have done.
“What was it like? Coming back?” Technoblade asked as he leads you in the direction of his once retirement home. He watched you tilt your head to the side rolling your bottom lip between your teeth,
“A train came and picked me up.” You looked distant for a moment as you remembered your resurrection.
Ghostbur was peeking over his handful of cards to look over at you, “Go fish?”
“Ghostbur this is poker.” You sighed pinching the bridge of your nose, he made a soft ‘o’ with his mouth his brow furrowing. He shuffled in his spot eyes flicking down to his cards then back up at you, “You don’t remember how to play do you?” He shook his head no in response to your question. You sighed softly brushing away the annoyance that prickled against your skin, “That’s alright come here.” He shuffled next to you resting his chin on your shoulder, as you taught the ghost the rules of the game once more, it seemed no matter how often you taught the ghost the rules he’d always forget something.
“You’re a really good teacher.” He murmured against your shoulder, “I’m glad I’m not alone here.” He refused to meet your eyes, “but…”
“You’d rather it be ghost me huh?” You hummed looking at him out the corner of your eyes, he wilted under your gaze and you chuckled sadly. “Don’t look so upset I’m not insulted,” You waved him off carelessly, “you loved her?” He stiffened sitting up straight,
“I- I don’t- she’s my blue you know? She’s so kind and wonderful! I just- she doesn’t like to be left alone-!” You placed a palm over his mouth to shut him up, you eyed him before removing your hand slowly. The ghost swallowed thickly and nodded, “I love her a lot.” His voice cracked a little in embarrassment, you smiled sadly, your finger gently caressed his cheek.
“I know you do. Cause I know how much she loves you,” He turned redder as you sighed softly,
“Do you love Wilbur?”
You choked on your spit, your entire face turning a dark shade of red, “Do I WHAT?”
“Love Wilbur?” The ghost repeated curiously, “You were so upset when he left you here.” You grit your teeth and punched the ground of the train station, you thought about all the time the two of spent in limbo. You had grown so close to the man only to have him rip apart that connection in a matter of seconds boiled your blood.
“Yeah. I guess I did, but the motherfucker ruined that the moment he broke his promise.” You kissed your teeth in frustration running a hand through your hair, “Whatever love that was it is long gone I’m afraid. Especially since time moves so differently here, it’s been years since he left me behind.” Your eyes glazed over as Ghostbur gently wrapped you in a hug, he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Alive me is kind of a douche.”
You burst into laughter, a bright smile spreading across your lips, “You’re not wrong Ghostbur, ya know you’re pretty alright.”
“You’re pretty alright too (Y/n).” A smile spread across his lips, in a matter of seconds that smile vanished as a train horn sounded in the distance. Your entire body froze as you whipped towards the sound, you felt the air around you grow hot and your mouth go dry. “Hey, Hey,” Ghostbur cupped your cheeks pulling you in his direction, “Focus on me. I won’t leave you.” The rumbling of the tracks grew louder as the both of you stood up, another horn blared causing you to flinch at the noise, ears twitching. The wind whipped both you and Ghostbur’s hair back, he held tightly to the beanie on his head not wanting it to fly away. The train screeched coming to a stop right in front of the both of you, immediately you recalled the same scenario, years prior only this time Ghostbur was by your side. The doors creaked open and fog poured into the station, inside was Dream, but by his side was a ghostly version of yourself. She was fiddling with her hands, almost anxiously,
“(Y/n)?” Ghostbur breathed his hand extending shakily towards the ghost version of yourself, her eyes lit up like stars.
“This is your stop. Off.” Dream commanded, forcefully shoving her off of the vehicle, she landed gracefully in Ghostbur’s arms. He peppered her face with kisses, tears spilling down her cheeks,
“You’re okay. I’m here now.” He spoke softly running a pale hand through her hair, “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to be with you,” Ghostbur looked a little surprised, turning his head to look at your figure. You and Dream seemed to be having a staring contest with one another, “Plus…” The ghost of yourself murmured, “Someone really wants her alive.” That snapped your attention away from Dream, brows furrowing in confusion,
“Who would-”
“Tik Tok, you getting on the train or not?” Dream snapped impatiently, your stomach churned at the thought of riding with the masked demon. On top of that who would want you alive? Definitely not Wilbur, he seemed pretty content on leaving you behind, unless he felt bad. You cursed the way your heart hopefully fluttered at the thought, Tubbo probably doesn’t understand how to bring you back there wasn’t anyone else. You glanced over at Ghostbur who was still holding your ghost close to his chest, he gave you a gentle nod,
“I’ll be alright. You’re not breaking any promises, I swear. Go with Dream.” He reassured as you stepped onto the train in front of you, the doors shut on Ghostbur and your ghost they shared a tender kiss and you smiled sadly from behind the glass.
“Who wants me revived Dream?” You asked voice tense as the train pulled out of the station, he scoffed pressing his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
“You’ll see. Just keep quiet or this is going to be a long trip for the both of us,” Dream turned back to the front of the train. You clenched your hands into fists and sat down in one of the train seats, Dream was right about one thing this was going to be a long train ride.
Technoblade placed a hand atop your head careful of your injured horns, you sighed looking up at him. Technoblade was never the best at comforting people, let alone comforting the newly revived but he would try, maybe not with words but with actions. He watched a smile spread across your lips, pink appearing on your cheekbones,
“Thank you for doing this for me...” You smiled softly, “Why else did you decide to bring me back to life Techno. I know you...there’s more to just your original explanation.”
Technoblade blinked in surprise and for a few moments he was silent, he was trying to process the proper words to describe why he did what he did. Plus Technoblade wasn’t any good with words, in the first place.
“I revived you because you never got a chance at life. You could be so good for this server, you’ve been hurt and done wrong even in death. If you want a peaceful life I can give that to you, or if you want revenge I can help with that too.” He watched your eyebrow quirk up into your head,
“On Dream, on Wilbur. Whatever you seek I’ll help you get it.”
“What if it means killing Wilbur a second time?”
Technoblade tensed his entire body stiffing, “If it comes to that yes.”
“You’d do that for me?”
“I’d do anything for you.”
You reached up and brushed a finger across his cheek, he melted so easily into your hand, it was cold. “Lucky for you I’m not a murderer, but...revenge does sound very sweet,” You breathed eyes going half-lidded, “You’ll help me with that won’t you?”
“I’ve made a Syndicate,” Technoblade grunted, “Join it.”
“Yes. Thousand times yes.”
“You’ll need a greek alias,” Technoblade added as you both finally walked towards his house, smoke from the chimney curled in the distance and you smiled. You didn’t need another moment to think about it,
“Nemesis. What better than the Goddess of Revenge herself?” Technoblade hummed leading you inside, he seemed to deem that association representative of you and your goals. “Also, do you have any warm clothes?”
“None that will fit you,” He snorted and you huffed, blowing the white strand of hair out of your face. “Go upstairs see what you can throw together,” He motioned to the ladders "tea will be ready when you’re done.”
“Thank you Techno. For everything.” You whispered pecking him on the cheek before ascending the ladder in front of you. Technoblade stared at the spot you disappeared from for way longer than he should’ve, face a light pink. He was snapped out of his stupor by the teapot letting out a loud whistle signaling it was finished. Techno cleared his throat and poured both of you a cup, he remembered just how you liked it...or at least he thought he remembered. He heard the floorboards creak above him signaling you were moving around trying to find proper clothes for yourself, maybe he should’ve gotten more prepared.
Then again, that would have caused suspicion.
Once more he was snapped out of his thoughts by a loud knocking on his door. He grumbled under his breath and spotting a crow out his window, at least the guest was Phil. He opened the door and leaned against the frame, Phil stood there a nervous smile on his features,
“Uh hey mate.”
“What’s up Phil,” Technoblade’s ear twitched, “I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“Ah, no worries, we won’t bother you then.”
“Hello, big brother,” Wilbur mused with jazz hands popping out from behind his father’s elegant wings. Technoblade’s entire body tensed and he bared his teeth,
“What the fuck is he doing here?”
“We’re living together-”
“He can’t stay on my land.”
“Techno, mate he’s you’re brother.”
“Yeah Techno don’t you care about your revived brother.” He mused pushing past the blade and walking into his house, looking at the decor. “Wow! Your house is shit!” Technoblade spun on his heel, absolutely livid, “Oh? Two cups of tea? Are you expecting someone? A date maybe?” Wilbur snickered holding up the tea that was going to be given to (Y/n), “Cinnamon?” His eyebrows furrowed, “but you hate cinnamon-” They all turned towards the ladder hearing the wood creak beneath it, you had fashioned one of Technoblade’s white button-ups into a shirt. One of his thicker belts was hanging on your waist, sinching it like a corset typically would, the bottom of the shirt flared out beneath the belt. You had a pair of his black pants, they were the smallest pair he owned and luckily fit you decently, his boots however did not fit you that way, they looked like they were swallowing your ankles. Wilbur’s eyes blew wide, his jaw-dropping to the floor, it took all of Technoblade’s strength not to rush over and shield you from his brother’s gaze.
You weren’t Wilbur’s anymore, you were his.
“(Y/n)? Who? How? Look at you…” He said tenderly, the cigarette he was smoking dropped out of his mouth and onto the floor.
“You...You revived her?” Wilbur turned to face Technoblade, “How did you manage to convince Dream-”
“Easily.” You said stiff voice cutting through the air like a blade, “Cause he tried.”
“Darling that’s not fair,” Wilbur grabbed your forearms squeezing them tightly, “I didn’t want to leave you behind-”
“Bullshit!” You snarled ripping yourself away from him like he was made of fire, “You left me without a second look! The minute you saw a way out you didn’t hesitate to take it, you broke your promise!”
“Are you still hung up on that?” He asked groaning, seeing he wasn’t going to get his way the considerate way, “I had a plan.”
“No, you didn’t! If you did you would’ve revived me right away, as Technoblade did!” You argued motioning to Technoblade with a snarl, he smirked at his brother who glowered at him. “You’re a bastard Wilbur Soot, I loved you but you just needed someone convenient to you. I was a convenience.” Wilbur didn’t even deny your words and for some reason that hurt you the most, “You’re just as bad as my dad.” Wilbur saw red and before you knew it you were pinned up against the wall, his fist was reeled back ready to hit you, and before Technoblade could intervene Phil moved first.
He grabbed his son’s fist out of the air and held it tight, he gently pushed Wilbur away from you. Wilbur growled and ripped his fist out of Phil’s hand, and shoved them into his pockets. You stayed flushed against the wall, hands balled into fists at your side, Phil glared at his son,
“Step outside. I’ll join you momentarily,” He told Wilbur the man grumbled flicking the lighter in his pocket.
“Fine. I needed a smoke anyway.” Wilbur scoffed marching towards the door not before giving you one last look over his shoulder. Technoblade tensed fingers twitching at his sides, just begging for Wilbur to try something towards you. “I hope we can have a calmer conversation once you’re settled in my dear, sleep well.” Wilbur mused adjusting his glasses, “I know you don’t mean those harsh words, you’re just exhausted.” Technoblade watched you grit your teeth as Wilbur exited his home, as soon as the door clicked shut you were surrounded by an entourage of feathers. You made a frightened sound but the grip on your body only tightened, you calmed down the moment you realized it was Phil. You couldn’t process why the old man was hugging you, he barely knew you, and if he did he probably only thought you were Tubbo’s protective older sister.
“Phil…” You whispered quietly and you felt wetness on the skin of your neck, was he crying?
“I’m sorry, so, so sorry.” His voice quivered against your neck and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You couldn’t see Technoblade over Phil’s wings but you hesitantly tried to peak over them to find your safety net.
“Why exactly...are you apologizing?” You asked hesitantly, hands gently resting on Phil’s lower back. He pulled away from you now it was his turn to be confused,
“You...I didn’t do anything to help you back with your father.”
“Oh, there’s nothing you could’ve done. Really it’s alright-”
“Alright?! Alright! (Y/n) he let you die!” Phil exclaimed wings puffing up in shock, “I was the adult, I saw what was happening to you and I didn’t do anything to put a stop to it. I took Tubbo in because you pleaded with me too and because he was a child, but so were you- close your mouth don’t argue with me- I should have forced you to stay with us. You could’ve gone and visited your father but I should’ve taken care of you, if I did...maybe all of this wouldn’t have happened.”
“But that wasn’t what I wanted…”
“I shouldn’t have mattered what you wanted. I should’ve overruled you as the responsible adult...although.” He laughed wetly pulling away from you, “Back then I wasn’t a responsible adult, I’ve learned so much.” Phil shook his head, he reached out and cupped your cheek, “I’ll do better by you, we all will.” He pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead before fully pulling away from your body, he turned toward Technoblade with a weak smile. “You take good care of her alright mate? Don’t let her cause too much trouble.”
“I will.” Techno said with a stern nod, “I promise.” Phil nodded at him before smiling back over at you, he gave a little salute before heading out of the door. Your brows furrowed and Techno walked over to you, “You alright?” He watched you shake your head and he wrapped you in a tight hug, “It’s okay I got you.” You buried your head in his chest, your shoulders began to shake and Technoblade brushed his fingers through your hair. “I won’t leave you sweet thing,” he whispered more to himself, you were so emotionally fragile.
He wouldn’t let anyone lay a hand on you, if a single hair was out of place he’d paint the ground with their blood.
Frantic knocking startled him out of his stupor. Technoblade snarled against you and you felt his chest rumble, couldn’t he just be left alone for two seconds.
“You should answer,” You pulled away whipping your wet eyes on your sleeve “it might be important.”
“Nothings as important as you.” The knocking continued, just as loud and frantic and he pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose.
“It’s alright,” You smiled kissing his cheek, “open it.” Techno flushed and nodded opening the door so aggressively it was almost ripped off its hinges. Ranboo was outside and his brow furrowed. Ranboo wasn’t surprising but the government he was with sure was,
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t not tell him-”
Tubbo pushed past Technoblade releasing Ranboo’s claws from his hand. He lifted his bangs from his eyes to stare at you, oh my he’d gotten so big. The horns on his head curled around his ears mimicking your father’s, a golden ring fits snuggly on one of them. His hair was longer than you would’ve liked, it covered his beautiful eyes, but even so, it fits him well. The only thing that concerned you were the scars littering the left side of his face and body, and the nuclear symbol that seemed to replace his electric green eye on the same side. You saw his eyes grow glassy as he reached out to you, you couldn’t help but think he must be so disappointed in you. Your horns were nubs, ears were torn, your hair had a permanent streak of white, you probably looked so much older, so much weaker.
“(Y/n)?” His voice cracked stumbling forward to grasp your shoulders,
“Hey, bumblebee.” You spoke weakly holding up your hand, “You’ve gotten so big-” You were cut off by him engulfing you in a hug, you were taken aback, he should be screaming and yelling at you. Why wasn’t he angry?
“I missed you so much!” He sobbed against your chest, “Please, don’t ever leave me alone again.” He was trembling in your hold, his hands clutched at the back of Technoblade’s shirt, his breathing was shallow. “I love you,”
“I...I love you too Tubs…”
“Promise you won’t ever leave me again.”
“I promise.”
~~~ Wilbur "gaslight and gatekeep" Soot everybody Tag list:
@mack4676 @victory-is-here
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businessbois · 3 years
“you’re the most orphan child i’ve ever met” an attempt at analysis of c!phil and c!tommy’s relationship
this is entirely an analysis of c!phil and c!tommy’s relationship. im not gonna be talking about morals or terrorism or really even wilbur or fundy because those are whole other points. just these two and the convoluted abyss of “canon”
title quote from technoblade here
manburg war- november 16th
doomsday- january 6th
butchers army day- december 16th
i mean phil’s first day, the manburg war, itself implies a lot of history and relationships with these characters. tommy shouts “philza minecraft” in joy and recognition when he sees him. phil says these two lines that confuse the hell out of me. “whatever tommy and tubbo do, i’ll follow them” and “i gotta take care of my kids.” again, “my kids” doesn’t have to mean biologically, he can just be a father figure, see them as his kids, but i suppose we retcon these? because of the relationship they imply that doesn’t really line up? “i’ll follow them” is a statement of devotion, loyalty. i’m not saying his goals couldn’t have changed from these, i’m saying that in order to have this goal of “following tommy and tubbo through whatever” in the first place, he’d have to really love and care about these kids. that doesn’t line up with how people are claiming he doesn’t know them or owe them anything. im okay with retconning these because this was when i think cc!phil still believed the family dynamic was canon.
but the thing about decanonizing something big like that, is that, okay, maybe we can get rid of the conversations and lines, but then we have physical things like friendship emeralds and tommy slippers. he visits tommy in exile and gifts him these things. a friendship emerald isn’t something you give to a random kid, it’s something gifted to ghostbur—his son—and techno—his best friend. i guess you could say he was just being nice to this strange kid? but then like, he could’ve stopped at the slippers? why the emerald? the emerald is a Big Thing, no? and we can’t decanonize or retcon, like, all of phil and tommy’s interactions, especially something with physical items involved because that’s beyond spoken lines and can’t be dismissed as easily. but then it also leaves us with this utterly confusing narrative. there’s the line from the butcher army day, “carls okay. technos okay. tommys okay. thats all i wanted to know.” do we decanonize that too?? it’s a statement of deep care “that’s all i wanted to know” and he includes tommy in it. (tommyinnit haha) with interactions and lines like this, you can’t just say “they’re not biologically related, so they don’t know each other and phil doesn’t have to care about this kid.” because he did at some point. a lot. and these lines prove it. you can’t decanonize every moment like this. (i mean, i guess you can, i cant stop you) not when tommy and phil’s interactions are littered with it. not when tommy keeps a friendship emerald in his special chest right next to phukkit (a prized gift from tubbo) to this day. 
moving on to tommy.
cc!tommy is very smart and very good at what he does. he’s studying film in college, he got a 9 on his english gcse, he’s got every cc he’s come into contact with singing about how clever he is. he makes character choices deliberately. i don’t wanna write off too much of this as him just doing bits and faffing around because tommy’s literally always in character. i am down to decanonize the supposed mishap of shouting phil’s name when getting locked in prison, though honestly, it doesn’t necessarily seem like an out of character action for tommy who has a history of calling for phil when he feels upset. see: “where’s dadza?” (this instance is strange too because “dadza” is a strange slip up to make. it feels purposeful. i don’t think cc!tommyinnit calls his friend “dadza” outside of roleplay. and honestly the whole delivery and head shaking is very much in-a-character) and @/my-stupid-fandoms said some smart stuff about it here. but anyways, sorry, i’ll take what’s surely canon. in the manburg war we have “AND PHIL’S HERE,” incredibly excited from him and tubbo. familiarity. they know him. look up to him. we have the heartbroken "philza minecraft?"s from doomsday, indications that he trusted phil and feels hurt and betrayed. then, we have some lines that are very interesting coming from Big Man “i raised myself” TommyInnit which are as follows “I want to go ‘Philza Minecraft, I built that hotel.’ Even though it’s a lie, it will feel true.” “And then I get to go ‘Philza Minecraft, I made this house, I made this house. Are you impressed?’ And he’ll go ‘Yes.’ And then he’ll pat me on the back and then he’ll teach me how to ride a bike.” “TELL PHILZA” “AREN’T YOU PROUD?” tommy loves phil. wants phil to be impressed with him. wants phil to be proud of him. during his encounter with the egg, he says “it didn’t hurt any of the other boys. it didn’t hurt phil.” he wants phil to be safe. cares about his well being even if this is not reciprocated by phil. he follows his “it didn’t hurt techno” with an “not that i care about techno” but there is no such denial for philza. and now, immediately after being dead and pieced back together, tommy asks after five of his friends. phil is third after tubbo and jack who are tommy’s Boys™. phil is also called for the most, four times to tubbo’s three and everyone else’s one. it does seem like everyone got the memo about phil not being tommys father except tommy. 
there’s a theory around that like, wilbur found tommy and brought him home and so tommy grows up looking up to phil but phil doesn’t reciprocate. this gets to keep the kind of found family on tommy’s end but maintains the “loosely connected strangers” thing for phil. i think maybe this holds more credence than anything else, but also, “loosely connected strangers” just doesn’t add up with the stuff i’ve mentioned before: friendship emeralds, “tommys okay,” there had to be some reciprocity to their familial-ish (or at least caring) relationship. he visited him in exile. he gave him the emerald. he said all those lines. there was a relationship there. of care. of trust. where tommy saw him as someone to look up to, to protect him. at any rate, i like the theory and since we simply have No Backstory for canon sbi at all, it works just fine even if it still just doesn’t fit.
honestly i don’t know what this is. this is all the evidence, all the information i have. there’s no way they were strangers. tommy obviously definitively looks up to and cares about phil. this was reciprocated to some degree beyond “i kind of know you.” i’m a big defender of c!tommyinnit and that surely comes across here. i mostly just did this to get everything i have about c!phil and c!tommy’s out and to figure out what i actually make of it and all the confusion about it. this is here and the clips are linked, draw your own conclusions that are smarter and more concise than mine.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
No Worries-Technoblade
#256 and 257 from this prompt list. Check out my masterlist here!
This is a Techno x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! I hope you enjoy!
Y/N’s been missing for almost a week and the one person that should be worried about them most isn’t worried at all, which upsets some people. 
Third Person POV
Everyone was freaking out. Y/N had been missing for a few days and no one knew where they were, not even their boyfriend Techno. Niki had been the first one to notice. Usually Y/N shows up Saturday mornings to help prep the bakery as Saturday was usually her busiest day. But when they didn’t show, Niki went to their house to try and find them. No one was home. There was no note, no warning, no anything. They had just disappeared. Niki told a few people and all weren’t too worried at first. The excuse that maybe they had gone on a short adventure and forgot to tell anyone. Techno wasn’t too worried and that seemed to calm people’s nerves. 
So everyone went on with their day. Day turned into night and then night back into day and they still were nowhere to be found. Once again, a little bit of panic seemed to rise through the people of the server. Their worries were once more brought to Techno who once again waved them off. Y/N was a big kid and they could take care of themselves if push really came to shove. Tensions settled once more. 
This continued for three more days. Everyone worrying and Techno down playing their worries. His seemingly disintrence in the subject sparked rumors to fly throughout L’Manberg. Maybe Techno never really cared about Y/N. Maybe he hired some hitman to take them away in the middle of the night. Maybe Techno disposed of them himself. They were ridiculous, but when something doesn’t make sense, people tend to jump to conclusions. 
Almost a week had passed since anyone had seen or heard from Y/N. Y/N was well loved on the server and it hurt everyone that they had gone so long without seeing their friend. A small group of people worked up the nerve to go to Techno’s house and demand answers. 
“Techno!” Tubbo shouted as he pounded on the pink haired man’s front door, “Open up! We need to talk to you!” Confused at the sudden appearance of the young President, Techno swung open his front door to find a small angry mob on his front porch. The mob consisted of Niki, Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, Ranboo, and Ghostbur. All, but Ghostbur, had angry looks on their face while Ghostbur didn’t seem to know what was going on. 
“Hello Techno!” Ghostbur greeted the Blood God with a big grin and wave. “Hello Ghostbur. And everyone else. To what do I owe the pleasure,” He questioned the mob with a raised eyebrow. “Where is Y/N?” Tommy demanded. Techno rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, “I told you. I don’t know. They must be out adventuring. They’ll be back any day now. Now if you’ll excuse me,” Techno made an attempt to shut the door, but someone’s hand stopped it. Quackity stood there, fire in his eyes, hand pressing the door open. “They’ve been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” He questioned harshly. Techno let out a small chuckle at the thought of being worried about Y/N. “They’re missing. Not dead. If they were dead, I would have seen it by now. We all would have seen it by now” Techno announced, motioning to his right arm. He was right. If Y/N had died, they all would have been notified. 
“You’re really not worried about your partner?” Fundy prodded, stepping up so that he was next to Quackity. Techno chuckled once more, shaking his head at the question, “It is obvious you don’t know Y/N as much as you think you do.” Everyone made some sort of noise of protest. All of them would like to think that you’re one of their closest friends! Of course they know you well! Don’t they? 
Tubbo opened his mouth to ask what Techno meant by that, but was cut off by someone behind him. “What are you guys talking about?” Everyone in the group whipped around at the sound of that familiar voice. 
*POV Switch*
A smile fell onto my face as I saw the warm glow of my boyfriend’s house in the distance. I had gone on what I thought would be a short journey to a not so nearby village to get a book I needed for my enchantments. On my way there, I ran into a pillager captain. Not thinking anything of it, I killed it and went on my way. Only I forgot about a small thing that happens when you kill a captain. You get a bad omen. 
So there I was, waltzing into the village in search of a librarian to trade with, when boom! A raid starts. Well I couldn’t just trigger the raid and then leave, that would be so wrong. I helped the Iron Golem defend the village. It took a few days because it was 2 v all of them. Nevertheless, we won. I got quite a bit of loot from the dead bodies of the pillagers, including two totems of undying. After all was said and done, I began to do what I went there for. The Villagers were kind enough to give me a discount on all of my tradings for protecting them, even though I was the one that made it so they needed protecting. I stayed for a few extra days to make sure that everyone was okay and healthy. Once I was sure, I set off back toward home with my riches. 
As I grew closer, I was greeted with the sight of many of my friends standing on Techno’s front porch. It caused me to grin. I really did miss my friends while I was gone. My slow pace turned into a jog as I grew nearer and nearer. As I got closer I began to hear part of their conversation. “-Would have seen it by now…” “You’re really not worried about your partner?” I heard Fundy question. I came to a stop behind the group with a furrowed brow. “It is obvious you don’t know Y/N as much as you think you do.” Techno responded. “What are you guys talking about?” I questioned, extremely confused as to what I had just stumbled upon. 
In sync, all heads whipped toward me. “Y/N!” They all cried. I brought my hand up and gave them a small wave, “Hell-OH!” I let out as the weight of seven bodies hit me. Everyone began speaking at once causing all meaning to be lost in the noise. I was able to catch a few words such as ‘missing’ and ‘worried’ but other than that, I was lost. 
“GUYS!” I finally shouted, breaking free from their clutches, “One at a time! What’s going on?” I questioned the group. The seven exchanged glances before Niki stepped close to me, “You were missing and nobody knew where you went and so we were worried.” Niki murmured, looking down to the ground. My heart melted at the words, “Oh Niki,” I murmured back, reaching forward and wrapping the girl in a tight hug. “I’m okay! I just had to go to the village.” I let go of the girl and gave the rest of the group hugs as well before making my way to my boyfriend. I greeted him with a big grin, which he returned, before placing a sweet kiss to his lips. After we broke apart, I turned back to the group as Techno wrapped his arm around my waist. 
“So you said you had to go to the village. Why did it take you so long to come home?” Tubbo asked shyly. I let out a laugh as I thought about what had happened. “Oh well, it was supposed to be a short journey. And then I accidentally triggered a raid, so I had to fight that,” I stated casually, shrugging my shoulders. The group stared at me in shock. “You fought a raid? All by yourself?” Ranboo questioned a little star struck. “What? Like it’s hard?” The group was silent, just staring at me. “Did you guys not know that Techno personally trained me? Like All my PVP I’ve learned from him. I’ve got to say I’ve gotten pretty good!” I boasted proudly. Techno chuckled beside me, squeezing my hip and kissing the side of my head. “You sure have.” 
“So that’s why you weren’t worried about them! You knew they could take care of themselves.” Techno rolled his eyes at Tommy’s statement. “Of course I knew they could. I was a little worried, but I knew they could handle themselves.” Techno’s confidence in me made me feel warm inside. “Well we’ll let you get settled and rest. I’m sure you’re tired from your traveling.” Niki said, reaching forward and tugging on everyone’s shirts getting them to slowly shuffle away. “Come by tomorrow, yeah? We all missed you a lot.” Niki requested with a smile. I returned the girl’s smile and nodded, “Yeah. I’ll definitely be by tomorrow to see everyone.” Niki gave me one final smile before ushering everyone away from Techno’s house. 
Once everyone left our eyesight, Techno ushered me back inside his house. “Are you alright? Have any injuries you need me to look at?” He rushed, sitting me down on the living room couch. I laughed at his concern but shook my head. “Nah, I’m good. I did take a few hits, but the villagers took good care of me,” I answered, grinning at him. Techno returned my grin before sitting next to me, reaching down and holding my hand. “I really missed you love,” Techno hummed, pressing his lips against my forehead. I let out a sigh of content, my muscles relaxing at his touch. “I missed you too lover.” 
The two of us sat there for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. Being away from my boyfriend from so long had taken a harder toll on me than the literal battle I fought just a few days prior. I really had missed my boyfriend. I let out a sigh as my eyes closed in exhaustion, “You ready to go to bed love?” Techno questioned softly. I tiredly nodded at his words, opening my eyes slightly to look at him, “Carry?” I pondered gently. Techno chuckled but nodded. He stood up and delicately picked me up, wrapping his arms around the middle of my back and pressing me tightly to him. Techno carefully walked down the hall and laid me down in his bed, quickly crawling into bed next to me. 
Techno was quick to wrap himself around me and cuddle me tightly, causing me to sigh in content once more. “Thank you for believing in me” I whispered to my boyfriend. Techno smiled and kissed the bridge of my nose, “Of course love. You’re my little badass. I’ll always believe in you.” He murmured. I couldn’t help but giggle at his words. “I’m a badass,” I responded sleepily. Techno chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. “Yes, you are love.” I sleepily smiled at his words, and buried myself into his chest, closing my eyes to fall asleep. I let out a yawn as the warmth of my boyfriend began to spread through my body.  “I love you” I sleepily murmured out to my boyfriend. I felt Techno’s lips press against the top of my head before he also murmured, “I love you too”. And then I fell asleep, safe and content in my boyfriend’s arms, not a single worry in my head. 
Oh god that ending sucked, but I hope you enjoyed it all the same! Be sure to leave a like if you did!!
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dyketubbo · 2 years
its like very early in the morning so im very tired and will go to sleep after this post but like if you genuinely dislike or hate cc!wilbur do just get the hell out lol. i like the jokes and all but this fandom always manages to go too far when it comes to their dislike of him even to the point where a shitton of yall didnt celebrate his birthday because yall would rather just call him a damn liar like.
thats parasocial in a bad way too. you dont have to obsessively love a cc to be unhealthy parasocial about them, this weird collective hatred and genuine mistreatment towards cc!wilbur is! actually! also sorta unhealthily parasocial! hes not our friend! at some point youre kind of just being a dick to this random guy who plays minecraft and talks about his internet brother!
in the end ghostbur is his oc (and at this point i must remind this fandom that "choice i personally dont like" doesnt equal bad writing), wilbur can say what he wants about his life, and we should really really stop treating him as this weird creep who sounds weird and talks too much and is a big liar who doesnt deserve to be a writer for the story he spearheaded
stop being a dick about wilbur soot. just because he cant see us doesnt mean its okay for us to take every little thing he does as this Big Thing. it was weird when people did it just because, it was weird when people treated him like a liar on his birthday, it was weird when people read into cc!wilburs consistent habits in body language and speaking to claim that c!wilbur is manipulative or even abusive, it was weird to treat him as a manipulative creep to tommy because he did a bit while tired (and even weirder to say "lets make an au since its not real" . uh . about the real life people being in an unhealthy relationship where one commands the other to kill someone and bury their body?? huh?? hm??), and its weird now to genuinely hate him and hate on his writing because.. he makes angst about his own damn minecraft oc.
please god learn how to be normal about wilbur. if you want to be weird in a good way call him kitchen appliances or something but at this point a shitton of yall are weird in a Bad Way. quit it.
wilbur doesnt owe us jackshit, he doesnt even have to finish the story if yall are gonna make a big fuss about it any time he does something people dont like. if you dont like a story anymore, go read/watch another story. hes not holding you at gunpoint, just.. go if you genuinely dont like wilbur. you really dont have to stay and make the rest of us deal with it, yeah?
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honeycowinnit · 3 years
insp by this AMAZING piece of art by @jeeb-creeb and that emotional as FUCK vod today, jesus.
tw: dissociation, suicidal thoughts, guilt tripping, mentions of vomit (but only one line)
Tommy doesn't remember picking up the lead. He can't- there are pieces missing, important ones. He's yelling at Sam, then there's the portal, then the lead is in his hand and then-
Tubbo and Ranboo are huddled together, foreheads pinched, and when Tommy stumbles out, he's thinking, Friend, stay with me, keep close. The lead is cutting into his palm, he's holding it so tight.
They can tell as soon as they look up. It's written all over his face, Tommy knows that they know. When they ask, it's to be sure, he's knows that- he'd do the same if the positions were switched- but he can't help the hot well of anger that rises in his throat.
Isn't it obvious? He wants to spit, isn't it fucking clear what happened? Can't you just see it all over me?
But this is Tubbo. And this is Ranboo. And they're what Tommy has. They're all Tommy has. Other than Friend, a voice in Tommy's mind says. It sounds suspiciously like Ghostbur. You still have Friend. Friend always knows how to make it better. So he explains, trying to make himself sound present, trying not to float away.
He knows where they have to go now. He doesn't know what they have to do, what he even can do, what he even should do because when he actually decided to do something it went- Sam's hard voice, shouting, Tommy's hand tightening around a useless axe, Ghostbur, shouting for Tommy, pleading for him-
When Tommy decided to do something, it hurt people. The wrong person. His plan was only- it was only supposed to hurt Dream, maybe himself, whatever, but now-
Now Tommy just had Friend and no clue what to do next.
He's careful when they head over to La'Manburg. He leads Friend only where it's safe. He doesn't take Friend over mounds he can't handle. Doesn't make him cross paths with monsters that he can't take on.
His stupid fucking brain goes, shouldn't you have done that with Ghostbur? Why do you only learn a lesson after someone has been irreversibly hurt?
Tommy doesn't bothering telling it to shut up. It's right.
He's hopeful for half a second that Wilbur wasn't resurrected, that Tommy was just dreaming, that Dream felt terrified enough of how close to death he was to scare Tommy away with empty threats. But then there's that familiar laugh and those curls, newly colored with white streaks. There's Wilbur, standing there, in the flesh, in Ghostbur's spot.
Fuck, Tommy thinks, fuck. How could he- this is all his fault. If he had just fought his way into the prison instead of using Ghostbur as a decoy, then maybe, maybe Sam would've just killed him. Maybe then he wouldn't have to worry about Dream or Wars or disks or death, because he would be-
Friend bleats and nudges at the back of Tommy's leg. Tommy lets out the breath he's been holding.
He can only try his best. That's all anyone can do.
So he tries: he throws Wilbur the blue, asks him what he remembers, tries to find the Ghostbur hopefully hidden inside. He shows Wilbur Friend, asks whether Wilbur knows who he is, asks what he's thinking, where he's going, all the while thinking, please, please, just- let's be together, let's let it be like the very beginning, or better yet, a new start, brand new, we can change together now, we can help each other-
And then Wilbur says, "There was a train station."
And then Wilbur says, "It was hell for me."
And then Wilbur says, "Dream is my hero."
Tommy's breath stutters in his chest and he physically can't look at Wilbur anymore. He pulls at the lead in his hand and Friend presses closer.
Dream, a hero? Dream, who's taken Tommy and twisted him up and broken him down and tried to remake him into his? Dream who thinks Tommy is a fun bunch of legos, Dream who hurts the people and the things that Tommy loves for his own amusement?
That Dream? A Hero?
Wilbur's smile curls on the ends as he recounts Ghostbur and the way he cried, the way that it burned him. Tommy wants to vomit. Wilbur turns to Ranboo and Tubbo and Tommy loses time again, he can't feel his fingers nor his toes, all he can feel is the way his chest aches- the way that it echoes all down his limbs, filling his head with noise.
Wilbur declares that he has plans, many plans, big things coming, and leaves. Ranboo turns to Tommy, expression stricken, hard with anger- "What the hell did you do?"
Tommy doesnt shrink back, but his first thought is, where's Friend, is he behind me? Is he safe?
"I- I was going to fucking kill Dream, i was, but then-" Tommy's tongue ties, "I fucked up, I just- I didn't think he would-"
Ranboo turns away abruptly, leaving, probably tired of hearing the same shit from Tommy since the prison. Tubbo looks caught out for a moment, gaze flickering between Tommy and Ranboo's retreating back. Tommy looks down so he doesn't have to see Tubbo choose Ranboo.
He looks to Friend, who's looking up at Tommy trustingly, naively, thinking that because Tommy has the lead then he'll be safe. Thinking that there's no way Tommy would ever do him any wrong.
Friend looks up at Tommy with the same glowing trust Ghostbur did right before Tommy got him fucking killed.
Fuck. Fuck.
Friend always knows how to make it better, Ghostbur told him. Whenever I feel sad I go to him.
Okay, Tommy thinks. Okay Ghostbur.
He collapses to his knees, curls his arms around Friend and buries his face in the blue wool. He shakes and sobs and all the while Friend stays there, quiet except for the occasional bleat. If tommy squeezes his eyes shut hard enough, he can imagine that Friend is Ghostbur, and that Tommy was more careful with his lead.
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lin-nin · 3 years
A Mother’s Love & Grief
Ship: SurrogateMother!Reader x SurrogateSon!Wilbur, Philza x Reader
Plot: Wars were never fun, and you hated them. Especially when they involved the sons of your friend.
Disclaimer: Dream SMP Spoilers up to the Manberg vs Pogtopia War, some depictions of violence! Currently a one-shot, but if interest is high I could see myself doing more.
You had always been there, lingering the edges and watching. Carefully watching as Wilbur and Tommy got up to their shenanigans. It was the least you could do for Philza. Watching his boys was easy, originally. It had started out simple, even as they raised the walls of L'Manberg. You were proud of them then, even as they fought for their independence. You had felt a fierce pride on how they had grown, regardless of their reasons.
The pain you had felt the day of the first revolution matched your pride. It had hurt seeing them get hurt the way they had, but you were powerless to stop them. There was a leverage over you because of them that you couldn't risk actively picking sides. So you watched, though you made sure to tell them you were proud of them once it all ended. You even promised Wilbur to tell Philza what a good job the two of them had to done. He had always wanted the approval of his father, and creating a country for freedom surely was a reason to be proud.
As L'Manberg grew, you settled within the walls, celebrating happily with the boys as they did. It was with pride you had watched the election, rooting for them to win. It was what they clearly wanted. The pride could only turn to horror as they were exiled, though. You had frantically shoved Tommy away, acutely aware of how dire it was that he get out safe. You had sacrificed yourself that night, an arrow through the neck draining you. A shot meant for Tommy. You couldn't do the same for Wilbur, helplessly watching as he was shot down by Punz. You couldn’t even cry out for him when you had seen the shot coming.
Everything had changed that day. You had carefully snuck off to their exile, forcing Technoblade to promise to watch them and take care of them. They were Philza’s boys, and he at least owed his friend that. You kept to Manberg then, sneaking out periodically to offer up information when you could. It wasn't until just before the festival when Tommy had come to you, desperate for help.
"It's Wilbur! He's gone- He's gone mad! He wants to blow up L'Manberg, he thinks it'll fix it. You have to tell him, tell him it's wrong. He won't listen to me. Please," The youngest had begged you, and you had relented without a second thought. Wilbur looked mad when you had walked into Pogtopia, his hair a mess. You hadn't seen him since the banishment.
"Wilbur…" You murmured cautiously, causing him to spin towards you.
"Did Tommy tell you? What do you think?" He asked, a grin on his face. An unstable grin. You needed to proceed cautiously, and you knew that.
"I think… it's impressive, but surely there's another way, isn't there?" 
"If there's no L'Manberg to rule, wouldn't that be better? No more Schlatt, no more presidency, no more Dream breathing down our necks. Its perfect!" He seemed eager, and it made your heart pang.
"If there's no L'Manberg, you, me, Tommy and Tubbo all lost lives for nothing. Tommy would have given up his discs for nothing. Were all of the sacrifices pointless?" You kept your voice level, trying not to be cynical towards him. One thing could set him off.
"You died for Tommy! I'm proud of him for his growth but L'Manberg has only caused problems. Wouldn’t Phil be proud?" The words had stunned you then.
"Would Phil be proud? You're planning to blow up an entire country because you rightfully lost, Wilbur! Why would he be proud?" You had gestured around the pair of you, words clearly upsetting the brunette.
"Because I'm doing what's right! Who gives a damn if it makes me the bad guy?" Wilbur flung his hands up, scowling at you.
"You can solve this without blowing up a country, without being a terrorist! You aren't doing the right thing!" You had been fed up and frustrated, deeming to Tommy that there was clearly no reasoning with Wilbur. He was beyond that point. You could see it in his eyes.
The festival had caused more pain. It seemed like that's all it had brought. Tubbo died at the hands of Technoblade that day, the shot only spurring you more. What the hell had this country done? When the war came you kept to yourself. The second revolution was rough, but you truly wanted no part of it. It was for a country you were having your doubts for, but at least it was in tact. You may not care much for it, but the others did so you didn't care.
It was only when the victory cheers rallied that you cared to look, smiling almost fondly at the boys as they gave their speeches. It was messy and unpolished, but their pride and joy was immeasurable. They had succeeded in something they cared about for the second time.
Peace never seemed to stay with L'Manberg though. No sooner than victory was declared, fighting broke out again. You cried out as Techno fired at your boys, doing everything you could to protect it. That's when you heard it, the hissing of bombs. You hardly had time to react, watching as the ground beneath everyone shattered, erupting into a rain of wood and Earth. It was chaos, and you frantically searched for Wilbur. You didn't care that he had done this- please just let him be okay.
He was stood in a cave across one of the craters. With Philza. The man looked torn, and you could only stand and watch. It felt like slow motion as Wilbur shoved the sword into his father's hands. Philza’s wings flexed, frustrated as he yelled. You couldn't make out the words, everything ringing around you from the explosion. The sword was pointed towards Wilbur’s chest, the tip threatening to impale him. And then it did, and you weren’t sure if Wilbur had pushed himself onto it or if Philza had done it himself.
You were vaguely aware of the screaming. Your own screaming, to be exact, as tears streamed down your face. Wilbur was gone. The last life he had, taken in the name of a country that had done him wrong. You don't remember who moved you from the chaos of the battle. It became a blur in your shock and grief.
Days had passed and you sat in a house that had been built for you. You believed Tubbo had built it, simply saying that you deserved it. The grief had shocked you numb, the moments replaying through your head every time your eyes closed. Philza eventually visited, the visitations often quiet. Much of the time was spent with him making sure you were taken care of. As time passed, you opened up more, you recovered. The wound sort of healed. Enough for you to speak to Philza of his sons and what they had gotten up to in his absence.
As you recounted stories, you often found yourself pressed to his side, a dark wing draped around you. Sometimes he even managed to get you out of the house, walking around the lake they'd put in the explosion craters. Sometimes you would stare down at the water, watching the fish dance beneath the surface. Like they'd always belonged there.
It was all fine, until the day you met Ghostbur. The ghost had floated in behind Philza one day, chatting happily in a voice that only seemed reminiscent of Wilbur. He had introduced himself, recounting a few memories. That Wilbur had always cared deeply for you, and that he knew you had always done the same and looked out for him. He only seemed to remember the fond memories, and part of it hurt. He was Wilbur. Yet he wasn't. An echo of the boy you watched grow.
It had been silent as you sat there, even after Ghostbur left. Philza didn't follow, simply settling beside you. A wing wrapped around you, safely tucking you into his side. The sun was setting when he finally broke the silence. "I know," he mumbled quietly. As if anything louder would have been too much. "I miss him too."
"Everyday?" You whispered, voice thick with sadness. You looked up to him, desperate for reassurance. That this was normal, that you weren't alone.
"Everyday. It's hard. I always wonder if I could have stopped him." He stared wistfully out the window, and you released a shuddering breath.
"I do too. I tried. Not hard enough. Maybe I should have stopped him from even creating L'Manberg. All that it has brought is pain. So many people died for it. Our boys-" You choked as you spoke, the words spilling out with no restraint. "We lost him. I lost him. I loved him, Phil. He was like my own son, and watching him die-"
It was the first time you broke. The first time you spilled and acknowledged everything like this. Phil had shifted, moving to tug you into his lap. To hold you tight, both wings cocooning you there. You clung to him without a second thought, face burying into his neck as you sobbed.
"Everytime I close my eyes I see it- his body just- it hurts, and I couldn't stop it. I couldn’t save him, I couldn't save my boy," Your voice raised with your hysteria, and Phil rubbed your back.
"It isn't your fault. I don't know if either of us could have saved him. It's okay to grieve him, but don't let it eat you alive." His cheek rested against your head, and you hiccuped softly. He held onto you tight, the moment feeling horribly somber. You had finally broken after months of barely living.
"Ghostbur isn't the same. He's not our Wilbur," you whispered after your crying had slowed.
"No, he's not. He tries, though. He's got the best intentions with what he can remember. He wanted to see you right away but we wouldn't let him. He said Wilbur always thought of you as a mother." His voice was soft. Tender. You took a shaking breath, sitting up some more so you could look at Phil.
"How much does he remember?" You questioned, leaning into the hand that came to cup your cheek. Your eyelids fluttered shut as he wiped at the tear tracks with his thumb, trying to make sure you were okay.
"The trauma is gone, for the most part. He seems to only remember the good." He explained, and you nodded. You were somewhat glad for that. You weren't sure you could handle it if he remembered every detail of his demise.
"Was I a good mother?" Your voice was meek as you questioned Phil, reaching up to cradle his hand. His gaze softened at the action, moving to hold your hand instead.
"Given the circumstances, I'd say you weren’t bad. You tried your best to protect them. Tommy told me about the exile. That there is enough to rule you a decent mother." He ran one of his knuckles against the scar on your neck.
"I didn't even think about it when I did it," You leaned forward, settling your head on his shoulder.
"You don't need to, as a parent. It's instinct. Just remember the other two are still alive, I think they could use you." You nodded, closing your eyes. "Try and actually talk to Ghostbur soon, too. It'd make him happy." You only nodded again, the emotional exhaustion wearing on you. Phil pressed a ghost of a kiss to your temple, before settling his head atop yours. You weren't sure when you lost consciousness, only aware of the warmth and closure in your heart.
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daggryet · 3 years
Have you watched She-Ra? If you have, what do you think about comparing Catra to c!Dream? She's often used as an example that c!Dream can get a redemption arc on twt.
i haven't, no
and i don't think there's any redeeming c!dream, the malicious and calculated way exile arc was presented and how he hasn't shown any want to be better doesn't make the base for a good and believable redemption arc.
the only time he's even mentioned it was when he tried to get c!tommy to visit even more, guilttripping him by saying c!tommy visiting will make him better; he swore to revive c!wilbur so he could get out, kill c!tubbo, and destroy the server - and he'd been tortured when he killed ghostbur to revive c!wilbur (reiterating that c!wilbur would owe him), so nothing points towards torture making him want to give up that goal (which also would be a bad signal, but nonetheless; he hasn't shown any sign of wanting to be better)
c!dream is a child abuser who has never shown an ounce of remorse and only talked about wanting to hurt people.
there is nothing in the text showing us he can nor wants to get a redemption arc.
(this didn't really answer your question because i haven't seen she-ra, but i did want to say my piece on whether i think c!dream is in a place where it would make sense for him to get a redemption arc; it doesn't.)
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kicammo · 3 years
so! why the hell did c!sam assume c!tommy was trying to break c!dream out of the prison, even though he knew about exile and knew what had happened to c!tommy last time he visited the prison? (/dsmp /rp)
it seems like something really out of character for someone as logical as c!sam to say, but i think there’s definitely an explanation for it! i’ve seen some people say that sam was afraid dream might have manipulated tommy in some way while in prison, or was worried that tommy might owe dream something for the revival, and that makes a lot of sense! but i think even more than that, it was the fact that sam initally had no idea who was invisible, and the way he was trying to process the situation.
we have to remember, the last time sam saw tommy was when he was escorting him out of the prison after being killed by dream, revived, and stuck with him in a cell for weeks. and at the time, tommy was terrified and angry, and was telling sam that there was no doubt dream was going to escape. that he absolutely could not risk any more visitors because dream had some sort of plan, dream was going to break out.
so when sam realizes there’s someone invisible in dream’s cell, in the most secure place on the entire server, he’s prepared for it to be someone trying to break dream out. because that’s what he’s been planning for, that’s what he has protocols for. in this type of situation, sam is supposed to depend on the rules of the prison to know how to respond but the rules say the way he should handle a security threat like this is to kill the person- and he can't. because he should but when he sees tommy, he realizes he can't kill him.
the rules have already failed him and everything is out of control, and ghostbur is trapped with dream and dream might still have the revive book and tommy is still yelling at him and someone snuck into the prison which means sam failed at his job, the prison failed to do what it was supposed to. he keeps repeating that he should kill tommy, he’s supposed to kill tommy, there are rules for a reason and the server is safer when he follows them, but for some reason he hasn’t done it.
and i feel like i should stress the cognitive dissonance in this situation, because sam has not been doing well for a while now and this is a bit of a breaking point for him. he’s supposed to follow protocol but he isn’t. he’s supposed to protect tommy, but tommy is in the same room as dream for a second time. no one is supposed to be able to infiltrate the prison, but tommy just did. dream is supposed to be powerless but he has the revive book. sam is supposed to be in control in the prison, but tommy is here and nothing makes sense and he’s somehow in a situation where he’s powerless to do anything (again).
at this point, i think we can assume sam is most likely not thinking too logically and for someone who relies very heavily on logic and rules to make decisions (especially when it comes to the prison), this is a really bad situation. sam has built up the prison brick by brick, written the protocols, become the person he needs to be as the warden, and still. still everything is falling apart.
so what does sam do? what does he do in situations where he doesn’t feel in control, where he doesn’t know what he should do? he relies on the prison protocol to make the decision for him. but uh, bad news! protocol says he should kill tommy, and he can’t do that! and this is a situation he’s never prepared for! so there’s no easy answer, there’s nothing in the protocol to tell him what the right thing to do is.
which brings us back to the fact that sam initially had no idea who broke into the prison, and was probably prepared to deal with someone sneaking in to break dream out. now that’s in the protocol. so even when the situation changes, i think sam stays stuck on that solution, because it’s the only way he can understand what’s going on. and again, he isn’t thinking too clearly at this point in time (who would, to be honest) and maybe tommy breaking dream out of prison doesn’t actually make sense when you think about what dream has done to tommy, but sam doesn’t realize that until later. 
(i also think sam was trying so hard to ignore his emotional attachment to tommy when figuring out what to do, it resulted in him ignoring some relevant information. in trying to make an unbiased judgement, he might not have taken dream killing tommy and manipulating him during exile into account, since sam himself has an emotional connection to that situation which might cloud his decision making.)
so from an audience perspective, it doesn’t make sense for sam to assume tommy was trying to break dream out of prison! it doesn’t make much sense in general! but hopefully this helps to kind of explain why sam might have reached that conclusion, and why he might have gotten stuck on that logic, even when tommy was clearly telling him otherwise.
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artistconk · 3 years
The one who stayed AU
-Wilbur and Techno are twins, with Techno being 2 minutes older. Wilbur is Phil’s favourite. Wilbur and Phil often leave for long periods of time, leaving Techno to raise Tommy. 
-This leaves Tommy with very anarchist views. He’s also able to work for himself instead of stealing, and good with swords. He’s also terrible at being alone.
-One day, Philza and Wilbur leave to create a nation, they call it L’manberg. In this nation, is Wilbur, Philza, Tubbo, Niki, Jack Manifold, Eret, and a boy that Wilbur adopted named Fundy. The country is a Communist Dictatorship, Wilbur being the President, and Philza being the Vice-President. [This idea is credited to @beeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaans ]
-They fight for the independence of this nation, and get taken to a small room, where Eret says she has things to help. At this time, everyone other than Phil has 3 lives. Phil is at one.
-Eret betrays them, all losing a cannon life, other than Phil, who is ushered out by Wilbur so he can live.
-Upon seeing this Massacre, Phil grows tired. He duels Dream one on one for independence. They use bows, the first to kill the other wins. Phil wins this duel, taking Dream down to two cannon lives. L’manberg gains independence.
-They live happily for a while, but after a few years, Wilbur confides in Phil  saying he feels that no one listens to him anymore. Phil suggests that it’s because he was not democratically elected, and suggests they hold an election. Wilbur agrees with this idea, and they start a party called POG2020. This stands for the Politicians of Gaming.
-Upon hearing that Phil and Wilbur plan on rigging the election by being the only running party, Quackity runs for president, with his running mate, Georgenotfound. They create a party called SWAG2020. George figures Philza and Wilbur will win, as they’re beloved by the nation, and sleeps through any and all important events. This includes when Endorsements occur, and both Schlatt2020 and Coconut2020 become parties. 
-Quackity, desperate for power, and seeing that Phil and Wilbur are most likely to win, forms a coalition party with Schlatt2020. This Coalition government wins the election by 1%. Phil and Wilbur are exiled from L’manberg. They form a commune called Pogtopia. Worried about Schlatt and Quackity’s government, they call Techno and Tommy for help. 
-While being exhiled, Wilbur loses a second cannon life. He and Phil both only have two.
-While Techno and Tommy aren’t the biggest fans of the two, they give them a chance. I mean, they want to destroy the government, right? What could possibly go wrong?
-They grind, Techno and Tommy provide the revolt with supplies.
-This is where Tommy meets Tubbo! Tubbo is an undercover spy for Pogtopia. After Wilbur and Phil were exhiled, Schlatt welcomed Tubbo into his cabinet, hoping to influence his young mind into being like him. 
-When Tubbo and Tommy meet, it’s great! I mean, a friend their age? Fuck yeah! Technoblade is the only one who notices their friendship. Wilbur is busy going insane and Philza really couldn’t care less about Tommy. [Talk abt a shit parent amirite] [Idea from @strawberrylemonz ]
-Tubbo, instead of picking up Schlatt’s ideologies, picks up Tommy’s! He feels bad about having to help reinstate the previous government, however. Tommy and Tubbo are really close!
-Tommy teaches Tubbo about his spy towers! They’re well built, hidden towers, that are hard to recognise unless you know exactly where you’re looking, So far, only Technoblade can recognise them, however Tubbo slowly begins to recognise them too. 
-Wilbur is slowly losing his sanity, threatening to blow up lmanburg as more and more people join pogtopia. It gets to the point where the only people on Schlatt’s side are everyone on his side in cannon.
-The day comes, and Techno and Tommy bring the group to a vault. There is enougn supplies for everyone to be fully stacked. 
-They go to war, Schlatt fuckin dies of a heart attack, you know how it goes.
-Phil goes to make a speech of how he’s proud of everyone, but especially Wilbur. He doesn’t even mention Tommy and Techno. This makes them slightly angry, but it’s nothing they aren’t used to by now.
-Wilbur comes up on stage, and he hands the presidency to the son whom he is so proud of, Fundy. Wait, another presidency? What the fuck? Didn’t they just overthrow the president? Are they fucking dumb? They just saw what power does to people.
-Fundy makes Niki his vice, renaming POG2020 to Coconut2020.
-Wilbur leaves, and Fundy gets on stage to make a speech. Tubbo silently mutters apologies to Tommy, and promises he will be on their side no matter what, and that he isn’t happy about the government either. 
-Phil notices Wilbur’s departure, and follows him. He finds him in the button room, about to press the button. Phil attempts to convince him not to. Think of all they’ve built together. Wilbur laughs, and asks Phil if he ever notices his other children. 
-Techno and Tommy rage. How dare they build a government in front of us? Everything they just fought against? Did they not see how much effort the two had put into helping their revolution. Had their own family just used them as tools? Lackeys to do the dirty work? What the hell? They begin to build a wither. Fundy and Niki attempt to convince them not to.
-Wilbur presses the button, blowing up L’manberg. 
-This makes Tommy and Techno overjoyed, once again proving that power corrupts. They release the withers, forcefully take the items they grinded for, and leave. Tommy offers to take Tubbo with him. Tubbo declines, saying he knows they’ll rebuild, and it’s best to have a spy on the inside, just in case. Tommy agrees, and they part ways.
-Wilbur begs Phil to kill him. It’s what everyone wants, right? He just blew up their home. Phil, in tears, obliges, taking his final life.
-Tommy and Techno retire to the antartic, creating the antartic commune. They decide that until necessary, they’ll retire. They build a cabin together, and Tommy builds another spy tower in the hill. Techno builds his wither skull vault, in case of emergencies. 
-In rebuilt L’manburg, there are wanted posters of Techno and Tommy. No one seems to have noticed Tommy and Tubbo’s friendship.
-Dream starts to put input into L’manburg. Hey Fundy, why is Phil still here? He killed Wilbur. Exhile him, or I build this wall higher and higher.
-Phil gets exhiled. He realises that Dream had him exhiled because he just never seems to die, and he’s pretty strong, isn’t he? Phil uses this time to debate on him killing Wilbur. He sees that he should have killed him anyways, and that he could not be helped. Phil works on mindless tasks, and Dream visits him daily, secretly blocking other visitors. 
-Phil collects supplies to fight back to Dream. Ghostbur joins him, providing some angsty moments ;]
-Quackity, Fundy, Ranboo and Niki form the Butcher Army. They can’t have Tommy and Techno interfering with their country. They just had it blown up. 
-The Butcher Army track Dream’s footprints as he travels to give the Antarctic Commune a map to a woodland mansion. They get 2 totems each.
-Tommy and Techno now owe Dream a favour.
-The Butcher Army attack the Antarctic Commune, using Carl and a moth called Clemintine? Huh? How’d he get a moth? As leverage to get them to cooperate. [THE DISCS DO NOT EXIST IN THIS AU.] The two come peacefully. Tommy takes note of how Ranboo seems to not want to help the Butcher army.
-The Butcher Army give Carl and Clemintine to Tubbo, he seems as if he would be good with animals. Dream, who is one of the only people to recognise Tommy and Tubbo’s friendship, asks Tubbo to help him get Techno and Tommy out of L’manburg safely. Tubbo agrees, on the grounds that he is not caught, and his identity remains a secret. Dream agrees to these terms, and when questioned later, Tubbo tells the Butcher Army that Dream threatened him when taking the pets.
-The Butcher army attempt to execute Techno first, as they see him as the stronger one. He uses a totem, and Dream helps the two escape. Quackity gets angry, and the Antarctic Duo fight him, taking a cannon life. They leave for the Antarctic Commune, bitter about the loss of tools and armour, swearing to get it back. They are full of rage about being dragged out of retirement. 
-Tubbo talks to Ranboo, and confirms that he did not wish to be in the Butcher Army. They both visit the Antarctic duo, and Techno gives them both back their armour. The Antarctic duo offer to allow Ranboo and Tubbo to stay. Tubbo agrees, joining the Antarctic Commune. Ranboo does not stay, leaving to go back to L’manberg, and apologising for helping the Butcher Army. 
-Dream finds Phil’s secret supplies, and destroys it all. He says that as a punishment, he will be visiting less. Phil takes this as his time to escape Logstedshire.
-Phil turns up on the Antarctic Trio’s doorstep, apologising for being a horrible father. He asks for their help and for their forgiveness. The siblings agree to help them.
-Phil helps Tommy and Techno get their things back. Eventually, Ranboo tells them about a festival. 
-Dream blames Phil for blowing up the community house. He attempts to defend himself, and explains that Dream was watching him because he knew he held power. He says that L’manburg is his home, and that he built it with his son. He would not leave, even if his son was dead. Techno explains that in re-joining L’manburg, he will be betraying his two living sons. Tommy states that Ghostbur told him that he confronted Phil about his blatant favouritism in his final moments, and that if even Wilbur, in his final moments, while insane, can understand that Phil is a poor parent, then he should know this too.
-Phil is adamant on joining his Grandson in L’manburg. Fundy is happy, Tommy and Techno are NOT. They rage, explaining that if he would not understand that he was abandoning his children for this, then he will not get his home. Queue Techno screaming “I’M A PERSON” at Phil. Dream asks the Antarctic Trio if they would like to destroy L’manberg with him. The trio agree. 
-Doomsday comes, and L’manburg is destroyed. Niki an Eret join this destruction. [I’m not involving Fundy in this, as his character motivation is getting people to pay attention to him. Phil is paying attention to him] Fundy feels devastated about the betrayal. 
-Ranboo is invited to join the Antartic Commune once again. He accepts.
-Tommy and Techno relax, knowing that L’manburg is not coming back any time soon. They settle back into retirement.
-Fundy creates a town named Snowchester with Phil. They are a commune, and wish to declare independence.
-Tubbo starts making nuclear weapons, to provide the antartic commune with even more power. Ranboo seems worried, and his memory is deteriorating.
-Dream threatens Fundy and Phil, saying that he will hurt everyone they care about if they don’t fight him. They start grinding.
-Dream wins the fight, showing he isn’t even trying. He shows that hes always had the upper hand
-Dream takes all of their supplies. Phil reassures Fundy that they’ll be okay, and that he won’t let any harm come to him.
-Dream shows them the Vault. He explains that Phil brought L’manburg, and that L’manburg brought attachments, whether those be between people or items. He explains how he was going to use
-Phil explains that Dream has made a fatal mistake in trusting a mercenary. Punz comes through the portal, with the server. They take Dream’s belongings and Sam takes him to the prison.
-Wilbur tells Fundy how proud of him that he is, and that Phil is still a horrible father, and emphasises how much he has hurt them. This makes Phil realise his actions, finally. He tells Fundy that his siblings are planning on resurrecting him, using how Wilbur also brought attachments to the server to convince Dream to resurrect him. He tells Fundy to join the Antarctic Commune, and that they will forgive him. 
-Ghostbur dissapears, as making Fundy happy and standing up to his father was his unfinished buisness. 
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griffintail · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a fic where reader is a teen, and was part of the sbi family, but was manipulated by dream to work with him. Now that dream’s locked up, reader is really lonely, but Sam and puffy took them in and is raising them, but dream is livid and tells Sam to leave reader alone. Dream escapes and makes it pretty clear he’s after reader. You can choose hoe it ends. I’m a big fan of your work. Thanks! /gen
I-I went further with this than I planned. Lol. I hope you enjoy it!
The Sister’s Happiness
Pairings: SBI x Sibling! F! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Manipulation, Mentions of blood, Explosion, Mild Angst
Part 2
        (Y/N) wished she could turn back time and never go with Dream.
        He made her think so many horrible things about her…family. He made her do so many things against them. She thought he had been her friend, the only one that truly cared for her and understood her.
        Now, she saw what he had really done to her.
        He had separated her from those that had cared about her. After everything she had done…they’d never even what to see her again, she was sure of it.
        She had helped Schlatt come into power by Dream’s orders, take Wilbur’s nation from him and Tommy.
        She had kept hold of one of Tommy’s discs for Dream in case if Tommy tried to get them back, he’d have the wrong guy. She had also helped Dream and Techno blow up L’Manberg one last time.
        She betrayed Phil and Techno by telling Dream where Techno was, using information she got from Phil.
        She lost everything she ever once had and now she lost everything she had now. Dream had gone to prison and the time alone; she realized the mistakes she made with helping him. All she was now was…alone…
        Time passed seemed to pass so slowly yet so fast around her as she tried to bring herself outside and be happy, but so many people hated her. She just knew it. Everyone would hate her as she had been Dream’s “friend”.
        Maybe that’s why when she first managed to get outside, she decided to go to the prison. She knew Dream was bad and bad for her but she had no one else, so she went to visit him.
        “(Y/N)?” Sam looked at her surprised as she came into the prison. “Where have you been?”
        She rubbed her arm awkwardly. “I’ve been…just hanging around you know. So many friends to talk to!”
        Sam knew she was lying.
        “I came to see Dream.” She changed the subject.
        “I…Don’t think that’s a good idea,” Sam told her, remembering a promise…
        “Come on, what am I going to do?” She rolled her eyes.
        “Dream’s a pretty bad guy (Y/N), and you’re a kid.”
        “I’m not a child!” She protested. “Just let me see the damn guy.”
        “No, I’m going to insist you don’t.” Sam shook his head as he came around his desk. “Why don’t you go do something else?”
        (Y/N) didn’t want to go though, she’d be alone again. Stuck in her own home, afraid of what the others would do. She had snuck her way to the prison already, she didn’t want to sneak across the whole land alone. She just didn’t want to be alone.
        “No! Just let me see him! I don’t go back to the quiet fucking house! I don’t care if he’s the bad guy! Just let me talk to someone!”
        Sam stopped in front of her as she took a step back realizing she had said all that out loud.
        “I—Forget I said that.” (Y/N) turned for the portal, trying not to show her weakness.
        “…Why don’t we go back to my base? I need a break.” Sam stopped her.
        She stopped at the edge of the portal, her hand resting on the obsidian.
        He’s trying to use you.
        That voice was back, the voice of Dream that always controlled her. Her heart pounded as she clenched her hand before taking a deep breath and looking at Sam.
        “Why?” She asked.
        “Well, my place isn’t quiet, you might like the different change.”
        Don’t listen to him. He’s not your friend, I am.
        She clenched her hands in her pockets before giving an eye roll.
        “Yeah, sure, I’ll come to your stupid base.” She muttered. “But if it’s boring, I’m leaving.”
        Sam chuckled lightly. “Sure, you won’t think that for too long probably, Puffy said she’s bringing me some cake and I’m willing to share.”
        (Y/N)’s eyes lit up slightly at the mention of cake and Sam was actually a bit startled by the light in her eyes. He didn’t really remember a time when he had seen her with such a look in her eyes. Dream’s influence must have had a greater effect than anyone thought…
        Sam put up his warden gear and had taken (Y/N) to his base, which rested far from the rest of the SMP land, so she was able not to worry about those that hated her finding her. She tried not to let the cool base affect her but it was especially hard when Fran jumped on her. She lost it after that and managed a real smile after a long time and pet the dog eagerly.
        She played with the dog, running around the base, Sam joining the pair once he had taken a few moments to relax. When Puffy came, she was shocked to see (Y/N) laughing as Fran was licking her face, having knocked the younger girl down. As she had been so new to the land, she hadn’t seen her like this ever.
        It made Puffy smile though as Sam shared the cake she had brought with (Y/N) as well. (Y/N) gladly dug in and it was a very different change from how they were used to seeing her. Is this what people used to see her as?
        The two from there vowed to let her show her happiness. Dream wasn’t there to control her anymore and they wanted to make sure she knew that. That she could back to who she was and the people they knew she loved and they also knew still loved her…
        “Why don’t we go to the SMP tomorrow?” Sam offered one day as (Y/N) was practicing her archery as Sam spotted her.
        She lowered the bow, frowning, before aiming at the target again, getting a bullseye. “You want me to lose a life?”
        “What do you mean?” Sam asked confused.
        “I helped do so many horrible things.” She took out a new arrow. “They’d want my head on a plate.”
        “That’s not…”
        “Sam, I helped bring down my broth—” She stopped looking away from him. “I helped bring down Tommy’s and Wilbur’s nation twice. It’s gone now. Doubt Tommy wants to see my face anywhere near him or the SMP.”
        She aimed her bow at the target again and missed widely as she wasn’t focused, swearing quietly to herself as she went to retrieve the arrow as Sam sat for a moment with his own thoughts. Dream had really broken her faith in her own family…
        “Hey, Sam.” Tommy stopped at the portal to leave the prison.
        “Yeah?” Sam raised an eyebrow at Tommy’s serious tone.
        “Can you promise me something?”
        The next day, he did his day at the prison as (Y/N) and Puffy were having a girl’s day. Today, he had a mission though. He went to the main cell with his only prisoner.
        “Sam. What do I owe the pleasure?” Dream grinned behind his mask.
        “What did you do to (Y/N)?” Sam went straight to the point.
        Dream chuckled as he leaned on the wall. “I made her useful instead of being the annoying brat she was.”
        “She’s just a child.”
        “So? She helped Tommy with his first “Disc War”.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t deal with two of the brats, so, I showed her what was better for her.”
        “You took her away from her family.”
        Dream chuckled, moving his mask to side to smirk at Sam. “And? She’s better off. I’m sure she’ll visit me soon too.”
        Dream had banked on it. (Y/N) couldn’t survive without him. He had shaped her into the way he wanted and he’d use her again to escape.
        “She wasn’t and she won’t, but I assure you now,” Sam smirked this time, making Dream frown. “She’ll bounce back. I’ll make sure of it.”
        “What the hell does that mean?” Dream asked.
        “She’s remembering how to smile. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her laugh.”
        Dream stepped forward to grab the man but Sam moved out of the way. Sam was trying to further break Dream by showing him that he no longer has control outside these four walls and by the rage in the usually masked man’s face, he knew this could work.
        “She’s just a kid and I’ll make sure she remembers that.”
        “Leave them alone Sam. You’re not going to like it if you don’t.”
        “No, I’ll make sure she can remember who she was.”
        Dream tried to grab Sam again, but Sam tripped him down. The creeper hybrid crouched next to the man.
        “You have no power. (Y/N) is safe now and I won’t let you take that from her.”
        Sam left the cell with that and Dream growled as he clenched his hands.
        “Time to speed up plans then…” He grinned wickedly.
        Sam sat at his desk the next day, writing in a book when he jumped hearing an ear-splitting explosion as alarms blared off.
        “FUCK!” He shouted, grabbing his trident as he sprinted for Dream’s cell.
        Smoke was piling out before he opened the entrance to the cell and when he could see, he stood in shock at the gaping hole in front of him as Dream adjusted his mask, a sword gleaming in the sunlight streaming in and the fire piling around him.
        “Sam. The man of the hour.” He grinned wickedly as a group of purple particles blinked out in the smoke. “Now, tell me. Where is she?”
        Sam supposed he had to also speed up his own plans now too.
        “Fran!” (Y/N) called as she held a lead.
        She had worked with Sam on a schedule where she would walk Fran while Sam was at the prison. Fran ran up to her and she smiled tying the leash on the dog, leaving with her. They were about to do their usual route when Fran started to growl and (Y/N) stiffened, hand going to her sword.
        “What is it?” She muttered.
        She heard movement and she stood in front of Fran as she pulled out her sword.
        Sam’s place was so far away. Who was here?
        By the tree line, she saw a shadow come towards the edge and then out into the light…
        “(Y/N)!” Ghostbur smiled.
        “G-Ghostbur?” She sputtered.
        She had met the ghost once or twice during Tommy’s exile but she had never been alone with the ghost of her…of Wilbur.
        “I found you first. Techno said he’d find you because he’s a human GPS and Tommy said he’d find you first because he’s better! But I found you first.” Ghostbur rambled as he came over.
        (Y/N) merely went pale. They were looking for her? Did they want to…?
        “Phil told me he needs you for a sleepover at his place so come on.” Ghostbur smiled, holding out a hand to her.
        “W-What? I—” She backed away, frightened.
        She knew they must hate her but did they really want to hurt her?
        “Oh dear. Do you need some blue?” Ghostbur asked as he went into his bag. “I have a few pieces spare!”
        She was debating to go sprinting into Sam’s house when the tree line broke again and Tommy stumbled into the clearing.
        “HA!” Tommy grinned as (Y/N) was deathly white. “There you are!”
        He took a step to her but that was enough to frighten her to sprint towards the house only for her to scream as she fell on the ground seeing Techno coming walking out beside it.
        “I—I—I!” (Y/N) sputtered, Fran, growling as the dog stood in front of her.
        “Well, that’s not the greeting I expected,” Techno muttered as Ghostbur floated to the girl and held a piece of blue to her.
        “Come on idiot. We need to go.” Tommy huffed to the girl.
        “I-I’m sorry.” She finally let out, tears now falling down her face as she shook.
        “For what?” Techno raised an eyebrow.
        “E-Everything. I-I just—Please don’t hurt me.” She whimpered.
        “What? Why would we hurt you?” Tommy looked at her confused.
        “I-I helped Dream a-and…”
        “You were manipulated by Dream.” Techno crouched down, glaring at the dog as it growled at him. “Yeah, sure, we use to hate you but.” Techno looked at Tommy as Tommy looked away. “We know what Dream’s like now. We know what he does. And now, he’s broken out of the prison.”
        (Y/N)’s body stiffened now at the information as Ghostbur shifted nervously before putting the blue in the girl’s hand, which turned a deep blue instantly.
        “Sam called us,” Tommy told her. “We got to go before he gets here. Techno and I…don’t agree on a lot.” Tommy looked at his brother before looking at her. “But we agree that you need to get to Techno’s and Phil’s so we know you’re safe sis.”
        (Y/N)’s heart cracked as she heard the familiar nickname from her brother. The blue had given her enough clarity to hear Tommy’s words and it made her tear up more. Her…Her brothers didn’t hate her…
        “We got go now. Dream could be here any minute.” Techno said, standing and offering a hand to (Y/N), Fran trying to snap at it but he growled at the dog and the dog backed off.
        (Y/N) hesitated as she took his hand and Techno pulled her up.
        “Let’s go.” He looked around before leading the teenagers, a dog, and a ghost away.
        “You got to promise me that you won’t let (Y/N) see Dream,” Tommy said.
        “…I thought I hated her…I never really did but I always said I did. Now, I don’t hate her at all because now…now I know what Dream can do. You can’t let her in that cell with him. Promise me, Sam.”
        “…Yeah, ok. I promise.”
        “Thanks. If you see her…let her know I’d like to talk ok?” He smiled sadly. “We all miss her.”
        “I will.”
        Sam came to his base, beaten and bloodied but he was alive. His base was in disarray but that meant one thing, Dream hadn’t been able to find (Y/N). He smiled to himself. Puffy had gotten his message and gotten to the brothers.
        He had planned on slowly introducing her back to her family to help her realize no one hated her but he had to speed everything up for her safety. He knew, there was no better place for her now than with her own family as Dream was on a war place to reclaim a piece in his game of chess.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Under the Floorboards pt. II
Pt. I, Pt. II, Pt. III
(Technoblade x reader)
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Technoblade had told you to wait so that’s exactly what you planned on doing. You didn’t move from your spot by the door, even as Techno chased Tommy around his home. They were shouting the entire time arguing about things like whose house this was and how Tommy was a raccoon for stealing his stuff.
Eventually, the two settled down and all three of you sat by the fire, Techno stood awkwardly next to you before you patted the spot on the couch beside you. He looked relieved and sat by your side, Technoblade tentatively put a hand on your knee and squeezed it tenderly.
“I guess I owe you an explanation...for that thing.” He motioned to Tommy who made a baffled noise of protest, assumingly insulted by being referred to as a ‘thing.’
“Please.” You nodded at him and he looked at you with a downcast expression. Technoblade cleared his throat before taking a deep breath, he began to retell his tale for you. He started way back, like all the way back to when orphans killed his parents back. He talked about the voices and assured you that they never would tell him to hurt you, or anything of the sort. You frowned a little and reassured the half pigman that you didn’t assume that was the case and that you didn’t think any different of him because of the voices. If Tommy wasn’t in the room you think Techno might’ve gotten a little choked up, if his glassy eyes had anything to say about how he felt.
As he got deeper into the story he shared about the two fallings of L’manburg the first one under the dictatorship of a goatman named Schlatt, and the other due to their other ‘brother,’ Wilbur blowing it sky high. You were also informed Wilbur was still wandering the world as a ghost who was now dubbed Ghostbur.
Tommy would interrupt every so often and put his two sense into the story. Many of his interjections included how horrible your boyfriend was for betraying them so many times and how he only wanted chaos. He also made it very clear how utterly shocked he was that you’ve never heard of their country or it’s rich history.
Now, it was no shock to you that Technoblade hated the government. That was never a secret he tried to hide. He always made it very clear he had a distaste for them and their ideas, and overtime you couldn’t help but agree with him especially now, after hearing his story. Tommy seemed to grow increasingly uncomfortable as Technoblade talked about the festival; you watched the boy wither a little seeing how passionate Techno was about slaughtering all his friends. He talked a bit more in depth about Schlatts death, the ultimate betrayal by the revolutionary leader Wilbur, and how Technoblade was furious they would dare try to start a new form of government right in front of him. He looked like he had more to say about that part of the story but wasn’t to keen on sharing it with Tommy, you guessed he probably felt betrayed by the ones he considered friends. You would feel that way at least considering he was honest with them about his ideals from the very beginning of the war.
“Then I ran away to retire, and I met you.” Technoblade sighed, his shoulders sagging. “I never meant to...be with you romantically. A trade partner sure, I never thought I’d have the time for anything romantic. Didn’t even know I was capable but...god- I’m so glad I met you-“
“Simp!” Tommy shouted pointing an accusing finger at Techno who glared at him.
“Don’t you have a tower to build!”
“Is that permission I hear?” Tommy sang happily jumping up from his seat by the fire. Technoblade made an horrified face but you squeezed his hand that was on your knee. Almost as if to say let him go we need to talk, his eyes widened a little as he stared at you. He didn’t say anything as he watched Tommy run out the door with a wicked smile on his lips. Technoblade swallowed a little and grabbed your hand with both of his,
“He’s gonna ruin our real estate value Princess.” A wonky smile spread across his face as he did his best to crack a joke.
“As if we’d ever sell this place. It’s your retirement home old man.”
You chuckled softly hiding a small smile behind your hand, and watched as a genuine one spread across his face as well. You lifted his callused knuckles to your lips and kissed them tenderly,
“Bubs…” Your voice was tender and adoring “I love you.” Techno’s entire face went cherry red, you both never uttered I love you’s before, you could tell he was having a crisis. You could only imagine what the voices were telling him to do or say.
Instead your lovely boyfriend went, “Ha. Cringe.”
The look you gave Technoblade was scathing. “Try again.” You growled your eyes narrowed into slits.
“I love you too. I mean obviously.” Technoblade cleared his throat pulling his hands away to awkwardly punch you in the shoulder. This time satisfied with his answer you moved forward and grabbed the chains of his cape pulling him close. You pressed your lips to his and he made a surprise noise before kissing you back, his hands fell on your lower back and he pulled you closer. You smiled into the kiss before pulling back and poking him on the nose, “oh also I was executed today.”
“YOU WERE WHAT!?” Technoblade flinched and shushed you with his finger.
“It’s okay, I’m alive see.” Your hand was placed on his chest in a matter of moments, you felt his heart beating steadily under your hand, “Technoblade never dies baby.~”
“I hate you. That ever happens again you call me. I’ll kill them for you.” You huffed holding his cheeks between your palms, he only nodded a love struck look falling across his face,
“You’re so cute when you talk about slaughtering our enemies.” He gave a chuckle brushing your hair behind your ear, your smile only widened. You kissed him again before you glanced out the window only to see Tommy trying to build the base of a cobblestone tower,
“So… Tommy huh? Is he staying with us?”
“Is that okay?”
“Yeah. I think so, he seems…lost and lonely.” You frowned, sadly biting your lower lip, “he’s my son now.” The face Technoblade made was priceless; it was a perfect mix of anger and disgust.
“Never say that in my presence ever again.”
“Fine, fine.” You turned to smile back at him, “anything else you need to share with me?” He looked thoughtful for a moment before standing on his own two feet, he held his hand out to you. You took it without hesitation and he pulled you too your feet, he kissed your cheek softly before grabbing a button out of his ender chest.
“First we have wrangle Tommy princess, think you can handle that?”
“Sure I can.” You smiled as you both walked outside, “HEY! Tommy come here for a minute!”
“Sure thing Ms Blade!” He shouted back loudly and Technoblade made a baffled sound that sounded like, ‘EHHH.’
“How come he listens to you!?”
“I guess he just likes me better.”
“Fuck off.” You scoffed as Tommy ran up to the both of you, “Techno has something else he’d like to share with us.” Tommy groaned loudly,
“Not more sharing.”
“It’s more like showing you something. You’re so ungrateful.” Technoblade hissed pulling Tommy along as you trailed a little ways behind them your sword bouncing on your hip. Eventually the three of you ended up in front of a stone wall, you and Tommy both looked a little confused.
“Bubs I love you but this is a wall.”
“BUBS.” Tommy wheezed and you shot him a look whacking him in the arm, as Technoblades face went bright red. “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” He cleared his throat “Do go on.”
Technoblade grumbled under his breath for a moment before clearing his throat and straightening his posture. His speech giving posture, is what you noticed. Tommy seemed to take it in an entirely different way though,
“You’re not gonna kill me are you?”
“What- no! Tommy if I was gonna kill you don’t you think I would’ve done it by now?” Techno scoffed placing the button on the wall, you tilted your head to the side curiously. He motioned to the button and Tommy looked at him hesitantly before pressing it, loud whirring was heard as the stone walls were pulled down from the mountain. You and Tommy’s jaws both dropped down onto the floor, Techno entered and grinned enthusiastically. “WELCOME HOME THESEUS!” He tossed his hands in the air with a dazzling flourish you ran inside the bunker and turned to smile at Tommy who was shrieking loudly behind you. Technoblade slung an arm around your waist and pulled you flush against him, he smiled down at you excitedly.
“This is going to be the start of a wonderful partnership.”
Thank you for reading! Lemme know your feedback and maybe I’ll do a pt. III??? 👀 Stay safe! ❤️
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elliot-needs-sleep · 3 years
ayyyyy i’m not alone in the anon squad anymore!
hello gremlin anon, i have cookies that might be edible and that’s about it-
anyways i’ve been very much obsessed with the just roll with it podcast and this random idea occurred to me whilst listening to it-
medic Reader. Reader is a traveling medic who decided to settle down for awhile when they were invited to the Dream SMP, they thought it’d be a nice vacation, a little time to vibe before heading off to meet with their old adventuring party.
they were horribly wrong-
like it’s almost laughable how wrong they were-
as soon as they joined there was chaos everywhere (i imagine they joined when Philza did, they met each other on the way and found they were going the same direction so they decided to journey the rest of the way together) and horrible injuries. when Wilbur was stabbed they couldn’t reach him in time and consider that their greatest failure as a medic. from then on they vowed to help everyone they could with no hesitation.
i imagine they try to stealthily follow Dream whenever he visits exiled Tommy and give him some sort of medical attention or at least bring him bandages and some healing potions that they tell him to hide. when Tommy disappears from exile they’re so worried and think he’s dead but eventually finds out he’s with Technoblade and they’re just so relieved. Reader helps Philza escape to Technoblade’s and visits to try to heal Philza’s wings, look after Tommy and make sure they all have medical supplies (they’re incredibly persistent that Technoblade has no choice but to accept their help).
back in L’Manberg they treat Quackity’s injuries and make sure Ranboo has scar/burn cream and helps him apply it whenever they can.
and despite the protests of Quackity when Dream is in prison they try to heal him as much as they can (Sam doesn’t allow them any healing potions so they make do with bandages and herbs they’re allowed in).
they also definitely provide check-ups for Micheal because he’s Micheal and adorable-
so can i get some headcannons from whichever characters you’d like (if i requested specific ones i’d probably request too many-)
yours truly,
gremlin anon
I love this idea so much ajfnwndnakdb
I got a little bit carried away.....
These are all connected in one way or another!
Tommy (Exile)
- At first he's a bit wary of you, but he figures that since you're avoiding Dream and Dream said that Tommy wasn't allowed to talk with you, he figures you're okay
- He feels bad for accepting everything from you because he feels like he's betraying Dream, and that he owes you
- When you find him missing, and you start freaking out, you go straight to Techno. Out of everyone on the server, Techno is the first person he'd go to.
- You lay into him when you find him again, telling him off for disappearing without a word and leaving a very worryingly tall tower with a picture of Tubbo near the base
- He apologizes, and you just hug him, saying you're glad he's okay
- When you showed up at his door, looking like you were going to put Tommy in an early grave, he was mildly impressed
- Especially with the quality of your care after you'd finished yelling at the blond.
- What he didn't like was how quickly you turned on him and started lecturing him on proper care.
- You'd started working on any wounds you could see, quickly passing him a healing potion before lecturing him once more.
- Tommy obviously found the whole situation extremely funny.
- Tubbo was the one who had contacted you first, actually, to come and do a check up on Micheal
- Who was healthy as always, don't worry 😌
- You noticed the scarring on his (Ranboo's) face when you met him that day, and you offered to do a quick check up on him while you were there
- He agreed, and so you gently did what you'd normally do, making small talk and asking questions about him being enderian.
- When you realized he got burned by water, you knew just the thing
- You gave him the small pot of burn and scarring cream, offering to put it on to show him how to use it properly, explaining the properties of it and what it was made of
- Tubbo was glad you'd taken care of his husband, and laughed as you also slathered the scar cream on his face as well
Quackity (and also Dream kind of but not really)
- You'd been at Las Nevadas for a bit. It's how you got the money to buy ingredients for your potions and healing supplies.
- You offered to look at Quackity's wounds when you saw his knuckles were splitting slightly
- He tried to refuse, but you just glared at him until he let you. You noticed the blood splatter on his shirt and questioned him about it
- "Don't worry, it's not mine" First, no shit. Second, then who's is it????
- That's when he took you to Pandora's Vault to take a look at Dream. He reasoned that if he healed properly, it would be easier to get info out of him.
- You did take care of Dream, you just weren't nice about it. He'd hurt all of your friends, and you'd seen the damage he'd done to Tommy first hand.
- You'd thanked Sam for allowing you in on your way out, and then continued back to Las Nevadas with Quackity
Philza Minecraft
- When you'd offered to take care of his wings, he almost refused, but Techno said yes for him so he couldn't say no if he wanted to
- It took a few sessions of you popping in to take care of him for there to be a visible improvement in his wings
- He was confused at first as to why you'd offered your assistance, but then he remembered how you couldn't save Wilbur.
- He paid you, obviously, he couldn't let your work go unpaid. You only smiled and accepted the payment, telling him that if something went wrong, that he could always get a hold of you
Bonus: Ghostbur
- When you'd found him again, you apologized for not being able to save him.
- He forgave you immediately, saying that it wasn't your fault.
- He'd handed you blue dye with an almost blinding smile, and you could feel the guilt settle in your stomach. You didn't save him.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 3 years
Brief summary of the Dream SMP S2 + S3
Hey guys, I’ve been meaning to make another helpful recap! [Here’s my summary of the 1st season of the SMP]. 
Just to be clear, I consider S1 to be all the events up to the Nov 16th war. S2 are the events from Nov17th-Jan 20th. S3 is the current arc
And like before, I mostly watch Tommy’s POV so I’m only going to cover his storyline. Sorry! I won’t be touching much on the Red egg, or Fundy’s story or Quackity’s stuff. You can easily follow Tommy’s story through his vods channel, as every stream is archived there. The roleplaying is much more prominent these days so this is going to be wordy but I’ll try to be as succinct as possible and keep it up to date.
=> Tubbo, now President, commits to rebuilding New L’Manburg. It’s on stilts, leaving the crater below as a memorial of the events that went down. Wilbur’s ghost appears, a friendly ghost who can only remember the good things from Wilbur’s life. He commits himself to rebuilding L’Manburg, wanting to make others happy. 
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=> Quackity wants to go after Technoblade in revenge for what he did to L’Manburg. Technoblade has retreated to distant lands but Quackity fears he will come back again if they do not stop him. Tubbo shoots his suggestion down, emphasising that he wants peace above all. Fundy, also part of L’Manburg’s Govt, sides with Quackity though they listen to Tubbo as he’s the President. 
=> Tommy, now Vice-President again, moves into his old house. He meets several of the new members of the SMP, including Philza, ConnorEatsPants and CaptainPuffy - while he’s not involved in rebuilding he does make an effort to bond with some of the new members. After so long in exile, he wants to focus on his own goals and have fun now that L’Manburg is safe. 
=>BadBoyHalo organises a funeral for JSchlatt, who is now deceased. Rather than being respectful, everyone messes around, stealing his remains and making fun of the former tyrant. 
=> Vikkstar and Lazarbeam also join the server. Tommy makes a bit of a bad first impression. Next another new member joins, Ranboo. Tommy invites him to go prank George’s house: they dress up in disguises and go rob it in the middle of the night, griefing it some for good measure. After Tommy logs off, Dream logs on.
=> Dream builds a huge obsidian wall around L’Manburg - notably with far harsher borders. Everyone is confused and appalled. Dream indicates that Tommy’s to blame. Dream’s using George’s house as an excuse to challenge L’Manburg’s authority by taking offense to Tommy’s grief. 
=> The next day, the cabinet speaks to Tommy and, feeling attacked, he denies everything. They take him and Ranboo to court with Dream threatening to build the walls even higher if Tommy is not punished. Tommy eventually confesses when they start blaming Ranboo too and Tommy insists that Ranboo had nothing to do with it. 
=> They hold a meeting. Tommy is to be punished. Tubbo tries to argue for probation where Tommy is stripped of his power and has to be on best behaviour for 3 weeks. Dream would prefer exile but listens. If Tommy were to break probation, he would double the size of the obsidian walls, trapping L’Manburg further, and have guards patrolling the walls, preventing the citizens from leaving. Tommy is outraged at this, finding Dream’s actions entirely unfair. 
=> He realises that Dream doesn’t have that much on them where Tommy still has Spirit - the remains of Dream’s dead horse which he once traded Tommy’s disc to Skeppy for. He threatens Dream - take down the walls or he destroys Spirit. Dream goes silent... then doubles the obsidian walls, stating he cares about nothing anymore except Tommy’s music discs and that he’s going to trap L’Manburg forever - it can be independent but never free.
=> They have another meeting. Tommy wants to call Technoblade and fight Dream as he’s oppressing them. Quackity and Fundy agree with this plan, not wanting to comply with Dream. Tubbo refuses, wanting to avoid a badly-thought out war and agrees to exile Tommy. Everyone’s shocked. As Tubbo is the President, it was his call. Tommy is lead away by Dream, accompanied by Ghostbur. Dream promises to take down the walls, now that L’Manburg has complied.
=> Quackity says that they need to get respect back as currently they have no power. He again suggests a ‘butcher army’ where they go after Technoblade as justice for L’Manburg and, this time, Tubbo agrees. 
=> Meanwhile, Tommy is lead to a faraway land; his exile forbids him from going to any already inhabited land in the SMP. Dream destroys all his things and he has to start fresh. Tommy feels betrayed by everyone despite Ghostbur’s attempts to cheer him up; they call the land Logstedshire. 
=> BadboyHalo visits Tommy and gives him a new music disc - chirp. (He wants to offer more, but Dream stops him.) Dream arrives to watch Tommy, making him destroy his iron armour and follows him around while Tommy tries to mine and build his new base. Tommy makes a tent as he doesn’t want this to be his permanent home. Ghostbur gives him and Tubbo compasses pointing to each other.
=> Exile takes a toll on Tommy. His humour grows darker with more references to death. Others visit but it feels disingenuous to Tommy. He feels lonely. Dream keeps visiting and destroying his armour and other things. But Tommy appreciates the company all the same. One time he has a hallucination of Tubbo visiting. (Tubbo’s too guilty to visit.)
=> Tommy decides to have a beach party so people will visit to see him but he only tells Dream and Ghostbur and Dream secretly sabotages the invites, sending Ghostbur away. When no one but Dream shows up, Tommy gets extremely depressed and angry, destroying the bridge he built through the nether. He decides Dream must be his only friend and even convinces Dream to give him a trident. 
=> Jack Manifold visits while Tommy is feeling depressed and Tommy spleefs him into lava in rage before regretting it as he realises this dark mindset is unhealthy. Jack begins to hate Tommy, secretly wanting revenge.
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=> Tommy is losing hope, feeling like he will die. He makes a secret room from Dream full of stuff he never wants to lose including pictures of Tubbo and other keepsakes. Dream discovers this room and grows furious, blowing up Logsteadshire and destroys all his things, his armour, his diamonds, everything. The only thing Tommy keeps safe is the pictures of Tubbo. Tommy apologises repeatedly, begging Dream to stay his friend, that he’s so lonely as Dream forbids anyone from ever visiting, destroying the nether portal.
=> Tommy nearly decides to end his life but reconsiders as he realises that Dream was just here to watch him, not be his friend. He cannot give up hope and let him win. So he runs away, and eventually ends up at Technoblade’s house in the wilderness.
=> In L’manburg Quackity sets off his Butcher army plan and they force Philza to tell them where Techno lives, placing his under house arrest for helping a known criminal. From Philza they take a compass that leads them to Techno’s house. Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy and Ranboo all fight Techno who is prepared with potions and gear. Thanks to Dream, he also has a totem of undying. Quackity threatens Techno’s horse, Carl, and Techno surrenders, giving them his weapons and armour, letting them lead him to L’Manburg where they immediately execute him, skipping a trial. Thanks to the totem, Techno lives. He escapes into the sewers with help from Dream and Punz. Quackity finds him but Techno kills him with a netherite pickaxe and flees home on Carl. He swears revenge, determined to absolute destroy L’Manburg for daring to attack him. 
=> L’Manburg decides instead that their true enemy is Dream and plan a festival to catch and kill him. Ranboo visits Techno and gives him back his armour. Tubbo visits Logsteadshire and thinks Tommy is dead.
=> Tommy sees Techno who takes pity on him given that Tommy was exiled and now he’s on the run from Dream. Techno shows him his vault containing 150 wither skulls with which he wants to use to destroy L’Manburg. Tommy is horrified and doesn’t want to destroy his old home in spite of his conflicted feelings. He just wants to get his music discs back. Techno suggests working with him and he’ll help get the discs back if Tommy does some minor terrorism with him. Tommy agrees. 
=> Dream turns up, looking for Tommy. Techno hides him but notes that he does owe Dream a favour for saving his life. Tommy is very confused about Dream - seeing him as both a friend and enemy, obviously emotionally vulnerable after exile. He fixates on the discs as the one goal that looks achievable. He is reliant on Techno for protection and looks to him for what to do, having no confidence of his own. Techno lets him have armour and golden apples.
=> Techno and Tommy commit acts of terrorism in L’Manburg. They kidnap Connor, torture him a bit and get Tubbo to exchange him for Techno’s crossbow. Tubbo was shocked to see Tommy was alive while Tommy calls Tubbo a monster, after hearing that he tried to kill his new friend Technoblade. He is conflicted though even as Techno shares his negative opinion on L’Manburg. Dream confronts them and Techno protects Tommy, though he offers his favour. Dream refuses, saving the favour, and leaves Tommy alone for now.
=> More terrorism, this time Techno releases a wither while Tommy threatens Fundy and Ranboo, getting back Techno’s sword and axe while accidentally scaring Fundy so much he drowns and even Techno is alarmed at his aggressiveness. Only afterwards does Tommy reflect that he’s going far too far and this might not be right. Techno says he’s beginning to respect him where originally he was useless and tells him his real plan to destroy L’Manburg. Tommy is scared. He reluctantly agrees, then backtracks and says he only wants the discs, not to hurt Tubbo but he is very uncertain. 
=> The festival occurs. Tubbo and co. host it waiting for Dream to arrive. Tommy and Techno head over, seeing a scary prison Dream commissioned on the way. When they get there Dream appears but rather than take off his armour, he starts rebuilding the obsidian walls. It’s apparently because of Tommy again.
=> The community house has been blown up. Dream blames Tommy and everyone seems to believe him. He says that he considers L’Manburg responsible for Tommy’s actions unless Tubbo gives up Mellohi, which Tommy gave to him as a sign of trust.
=> Tommy appears and says that he didn’t do it. He’s hurt that Tubbo doesn’t believe him and angry at everyone. He and Tubbo and up fighting while the rest of the server watches. They’re screaming at each other until finally Tommy says that the discs were worth more than he ever was. They both freeze, digesting what he just said.
=> Tommy regrets and says to Tubbo to give up the disc to Dream, saying he’s becoming worse than everyone he hated. Then he says he’s on Tubbo’s side, on L’Manburg’s side - because all his violent behaviour was wrong and he should not let his trauma justify anything. 
=> Technoblade says Tommy should come with him, that he’s siding with the enemy after all he’s done for him. Tommy’s mind is made up. Techno accepts this and demands his axe back, saying he’s no longer worthy of it. Tommy refuses, saying he decides that he is worthy. Techno leaves, saying either way he’s going to destroy L’Manburg and that Tommy’s made a mistake.
=> Dream calls Tubbo the worst president ever, explaining how he was pretending to be friends with Tubbo for it and now that he has the disc, he’s going to destroy L’Manburg with Techno tomorrow. He also says that Ranboo is a traitor. Dream leaves.
=> Tommy is in an awkward spot, but apologises to the surrounding crowd. He swears that he didn’t destroy the Community house and that everyone needs to put their differences aside for now because they don’t have time to argue or hold grudges. They need to band together to save L’Manburg from Dream and Technoblade. Settle their differences afterwards. Everyone has to work together to save the day. He believes in L’Manburg still.
=> Quackity talks to Tubbo, saying they should punish Ranboo, Tubbo refuses, saying he will not punish an innocent citizen and will not be pushed around by Quackity anymore. He’s going to be forgiving. Quackity says he’s going to leave L’Manburg for this though still agrees to help in the fight tomorrow. 
=> Niki, is angry and doesn’t believe Tommy. She does not want to work with him and doesn’t care about L’Manburg anymore. She’d rather watch it crumble than work with Tommy. Fundy notes that no one likes Tommy but they should band together just while they have a common goal. The next day though, he reconsiders. Why bother trying to save a nation that’s never done anything? Why bother helping others? 
=> Ranboo is frustrated saying that this whole fight is stupid and having sides caused the problems in the first place. Having a nation is the problem. He’s friends with people regardless of who they’re with. He says Dream is the enemy but is too scared to fight Dream as he’s too powerful. It’s pointless.
=> Punz says to help L’Manburg but he’s secretly a spy working with Dream to gain people’s trust.
=> Sapnap is conflicted as he doesn’t want to side against Dream. Tommy speaks to him the next day after searching the ocean for his lost fish Mars. He returns Mars to Sapnap saying he wants them to be friends and put aside all the betrayals and wars of the past. Sapnap agrees to help Tommy. Getting Sapnap to release Mars was wrong as hurting other just because you yourself was hurt is wrong, Tommy has decided. Tommy likewise forgives Tubbo for exiling him, saying it was justified and he should never have hurt Tubbo and teamed with Technoblade just because he was hurt and traumatised.
=> The war happens. Few turn up to fight. Fundy has sabotaged their supplies while Niki burns the L’Mantree. Techno starts his assault. Half a dozen Withers are released and they wreck havoc. Tommy and Tubbo fight together, helped by Sapnap, Ponk, Quackity, Punz, Jack Manifold and Eret. They are no match for Techno, Philza, Dream, a dozen withers and a huge pack of dogs. 
=> Finally Dream releases tons of TNT, obliterating the nation. Tommy screams at Techno, saying how he never really considered him a friend and this was a betrayal while Techno counters that Tommy betrayed him, seeing him as a weapon rather than a person where Techno helped him and would have fought anyone for him. Tommy calls him selfish for being unable to compromise his views even a little, that he couldn’t have just let them live in peace but had to destroy what he loved. 
=> Dream talks to Tommy too, saying that this was just fun for him, and wants to continue toying with Tommy. Tommy swears he won’t give up and Dream says he looks forward to doing this again. L’Manburg’s story is over, but theirs is not. 
=> Quackity says to trust no one; all this was too far. Tommy agrees, planning on going after Dream and the discs once more to finish things. They agree that L’Manburg is beyond repair. 
=> Ghostbur appears, he asks Phil why he did this, why he would destroy all that Ghostbur built and let his sheep, Friend, die. Phil just says he’ll understand some day. Ghostbur wants to die. Bringing back Wilbur will end his own existence he believes. 
=> Tommy and Tubbo move in together, planning to fight Dream together after all he’s done to manipulate them. 
=> Ranboo is anxious, he is hearing a voice that sounds like Dream but might just be a memory he’s trying to repress - the voice says that it was he who destroyed the community house. Ranboo goes to live with Philza and Techno, who offer him a home after destroying his house in L’Manburg, now just a crater. 
=> Jack and Niki both want to make Tommy pay. Jack plans to get close to Tubbo in order to hurt Tommy. 
=> Philza, Ranboo and Eret try to resurrect Wilbur - Tommy sees and is very conflicted as it means killing Ghostbur, who Tommy is very fond of and he’s wary of who Wilbur became. Their first attempt does not succeed but they’re going to try again.
=>Dream destroys Tommy’s house. He asks for Tommy and Tubbo to meet him. Alone. It’s about the discs.
=> Punz has been feigning loyalty to the SMP but was a spy for Dream. However, Tommy had secretly dropped off a chest of valuables in his house, realising he’s suspicious, and ask Punz to help him.
=>Tommy and Tubbo meet Dream alone on a mountain. They fight but are overwhelmed by Dream who makes Tommy choose between Tubbo and his disc. Tommy chooses Tubbo (and the disc turned out to be a fake anyway). Dream continues threatening tubbo, saying he will kill him if they don’t both comply and makes them both drop their armour and items before destroying it all.
=>Dream takes them to a secret vault he has made, containing items of attachment from everyone - it has the disc, Beckerson, Friend the sheep and spaces for more things he wants to collect, such as Sam’s dog Fran, Punz’s shulker box and Techno’s horse, Carl. He also adds the axe of Peace to the wall, which he had taken from Tommy. He then reveals he needs Tommy to be alive and get attached to things and make others get attached so he can collect those things and gain power. Dream has removed all attachments form his own life and believes taking others is the way to gain absolute control. For that he needs Tommy.
=>Dream plans to kill Tubbo and throw Tommy in an inescapable prison. There’s nothing they can do. Then Punz arrives, having heeded Tommy’s message, brining with him the cavalry as a dozen other players come with him, such as Sapnap, Eret, Jack, Niki, Sam and Quackity. They protect Tommy and Tubbo, leaving Dream in trouble.
=>Tommy goes up to Dream, makes him drop his armour as he’d done to Tommy so many times and gets Dream to reveal how he blew up the community house and his manipulative plans, even talking about his exile. Then Tommy kills Dream twice more, (taking two lives as he’d once done to Tommy) and considers killing him a final time so they’ll be free forever.
=>Dream begs him to let him go and offers the secret to bringing someone back to life - which means they could bring back Wilbur. Tommy reluctantly agrees and Sam and Sapnap take him and throw Dream in the inescapable prison.
=>Finally free, Tommy and Tubbo return home. They have the discs back ad listen to them at the bench. Wilbur talks to them - the real Wilbur from beyond the grave, apparently briefly able to communicate after their brush with death, not Ghostbur. He asks about them and they tell him how they want to bring him back. Wilbur is angry, having been content with death. They’re not quite sure what they might have done...
[This is considered the end of Season 2, the disc saga finale being the conclusion. What follows is season 3].
=> The next day, Tommy visits Dream in prison. It’s an impressive structure. Dream is rather subdued and Tommy asks him to write some novels for him. Now that he’s free from Dream, Tommy decides to start a new project for himself: building a hotel so when war breaks out and people inevitably lose their homes, they can stay at his hotel. With all the blown up buildings, the SMP needs some new central buildings, he feels.
=>Tommy asks Sam to build the hotel for him. Sam agrees but asks Tommy to pay him and also to do tasks for him. He becomes a new character, ‘Sam Nook’ like Tom Nook from animal crossing and even speaks in animalish while Tommy does various tasks for him.
=>Meanwhile, red vines have been growing throughout the SMP. They come from a mysterious red egg. They’ve actually been around for a while, but only now is Tommy, and many other characters, becoming aware of this. The egg had spread through the SMP and mind-controlled Bad and later Skeppy, but they’d managed to contain and stop it the first time. Bad got infected again, (because it had changed Skeppy and he wanted to be with him) and so he and Antfrost are now helping it spread once more. 
=>Tommy investigates the egg, and finds he seems immune to its mind-controlling effects - most people like the egg or seem to hate it but he’s so far completely neutral and isn’t too concerned with stopping it. When Tubbo goes near it, it makes him cry. When Sam becomes ensnared by the egg, Tommy and Captain Puffy work together and help save him from it. 
=> In Snowchester, Jack and Tubbo have been working on building nukes and decide to test them. Jack plans to kill Tommy by luring him to the test site, with Niki’s help. Jack and Niki’s plan nearly succeeds but they don’t get Tommy to the sit fast enough thanks to Tommy’s tendency to chatter and his distractable nature. 
=> Tommy is unaware that they tried to kill him though he does feel slightly suspicious of Niki and how close he was to dying. Niki and Jack are disappointed with their failure but try to come up with another plan to kill Tommy.
=>Jack tries to get closer to Tommy by helping him at his hotel. Tommy begins to get suspicious of Jack’s odd behaviour. Meanwhile the egg is still spreading.
=> Sam Nook orders Tommy to go and destroy it and when Tommy goes over, he can hear the egg talking. Tommy nearly starts to destroy it but changes his mind as he doesn’t want to start another big war (many love the egg) - he just wants peace. He decides to take a piece of the egg to place in his hotel, hopefully contained to try and attract egg loyalists to his hotel.
=>The hotel is finished, ready for a grand opening. Tommy decides to visit Dream in prison one last time. He wants closure as he’s healing and doesn’t want Dream in his life anymore.
=>During Tommy’s visit to the prison, TNT can be heard going off in the prison. It seems there’s a problem. It’s suspected to be an attempt to breakout Dream (though the cell is secure) and the prison is put on lockdown with Tommy still trapped inside the cell with Dream. He’s stuck! Dream is very happy about this for now he has Tommy with him.
=>Sam is unable to work out what’s wrong with the prison. Until he finds the culprit he is reluctant to let Tommy out in case it allows Dream to escape. Meanwhile, Jack hears Tommy’s trapped and is ecstatic, realising his great enemy is trapped. He claims the hotel for himself. Much of the rest of the server seems unaware that Tommy is in trouble.
=>After a week, Tommy is angry and frustrated but remains resistant to Dream’s attempts to be friendly, refusing to let himself get manipulated again. Dream beings up the revive book and how he can bring back the day, and Tommy declares it a lie. Dream punches Tommy to death, which takes his last canon life.
=>Sam is devastated. He shares the news with others. Tubbo’s in denial. Jack’s reaction is interesting - initially celebrating but then he feels angry and cheated and empty and realises he’s not sure he wanted Tommy dead. Killing Tommy was the only thing that gave him purpose and now he has nothing. He burns down Jack Manifoldland, and continues with the BigInnit Hotel, still feeling conflicted. Quackity is also shocked by the news, stunned that Tommy could die. Ranboo becomes very pessimistic, feeling like no one on the server cares even as he blames himself for not caring. He’s not sure how much Tommy cared about him but starts to realise it was more than he thought when he finds the flower he first gave to Tommy saved in a chest - Ranboo had thought he’d thrown it away and never cared. Puffy is devastated, viewing the death as a personal failure. Bad and Ant celebrate, showing how much the egg has influenced them. Eret is shocked too, he’s sad as he’d always highly respected Tommy. Even Foolish is saddened though he hadn’t known Tommy well. 
=>Tommy speaks to Wilbur in the afterlife, which seems to be a void. Time seems to flow differently there, its much slower. Wilbur still seems fond of Tommy and they keep each other company though Wilbur’s mindset remains a little worrying. He says how he and Tommy were both bad for the server and its better off without them. Tommy hates it in the afterlife, but Wilbur seems fine with it. Schlatt and Mexican Dream are also in the afterlife.
=>Dream resurrects Tommy. Tommy claims over a month has passed for him but for Dream its only been two days. H’s very disoriented. They are still both in the prison and no one else knows that Dream brought back Tommy. Tommy’s alive again but still trapped with Dream. He describes being dead as torturous and he’s sensory deprived. 
=>Dream wants to kill Tommy more to learn more about Death, to Tommy’s horror. Dream calls himself a god, cause he can control death and Tommy feels a duty to kill him for the information to resurrect someone is in Dream’s head. But Tommy can’t, for he fears he’d be trapped alone in prison and he’s unsure if Sam would let him out after he killed Dream. Tommy can’t bear to be alone even as he hates what Dream’s doing and planning.
=>Dream intends to resurrect Wilbur. Tommy begs him not to, suggesting that Wilbur would be worse for the server in some way, that bringing him back would mean doom. Dream ignores his warnings, enjoying the power he possesses.
=> Sam finally lets Tommy out of prison and he’s doing badly. He’s afraid of taking damage and feels lost, not sure how to connect with anyway as he feels like they’re treating him differently. Sam is clearly hugely regretful but Tommy no longer trusts him. In fact, he wants a new warden for the prison, not feeling like Sam is capable of it anymore. Tommy finds out about Tubbo’s marriage to Ranboo and feels jealous and left out, seeing how his friends have moved on.
=> Jack is shocked to see him alive and they get into an argument, with Jack refusing to give back the hotel. Jack tries to confront him on everything, like how he wanted to kill Tommy and Tommy does not want to have that conversation at all, hating speaking about death so they leave on bad terms, Tommy not acknowledging Jack’s anger and Jack more angry than ever. He wants Tommy gone once more. He also decides to try and become prison Warden as well
=>Tommy has made it his goal to kill Dream because he’s certain he will escape and destroy everything he loves if they do nothing. He tells Quackity about the revive book. 
=>Quackity meets Schlatt’s ghost in an underground cave, where the ghost is trapped after a cryptic message leading him there. He makes a deal with the ghost which might involve resurrection. He then goes to Sam and convinces him to let him in the prison to torture Dream. Sam agrees and every day Quackity visits the prison to torture Dream until he tells him about the secrets of revival. 
=> Tommy visits Dream’s bunker from the disc saga finale, to see if the cow he saw was actually Henry, his old pet who died, now that he know the revive book is real. He and Ranboo carefully take both and Friend out of the vault. Then as they’re leading them back Tommy pulls too hard on the leash and Henry dies for a second time. Tommy is thrown into grief once more, feeling defeated and once again clings to the idea of killing Dream. 
=> Tommy and Tubbo prepare once more. Tubbo shows Tommy how to build TNT cannons as they plan a way into prison. This is traumatic for Tommy and he is worried he’ll have a panic attack in prison, wrecking his plans so he tries out some exposure therapy, visiting some places of past trauma, including Logstedshire and a replica of Eret’s button room and an obisidian room they build to replicate the prison cell Tommy died in. Tommy find it all extremely stressful though he seems to forgive Eret after seeing his apology in the button room. The prison is hardest as he lasts no more than 30 seconds.
=>With invisibility potions prepared by Tubbo, Tommy sneaks into the prison, following Ghostbur who is visiting Dream (as part of Tommy’s plan) this goes well at first, Tommy making it all the way to Dream’s cell before he’s caught by Sam before he gets close enough to kill Dream. Sam is furious as Ghostbur is left beside Dream, in danger with Tommy helpless to do anything to save him. 
=> Dream kills Ghostbur. Wilbur is revived, appearing in the spot he died. Sam tells Tommy he will kill him if he ever goes near the prison again, accusing him of causing this. Wilbur is happy to be alive, after being trapped for 13 years in limbo. He is thankful for Dream for reviving him while Tommy is less than happy to see him alive. Wilbur goes off to plan as stories of his revival spread around the SMP. 
And that’s everything so far! This is quite Tommy-focused I realise. That’s simply the story I’m following. (Sorry about the bias though.) Other parts of the SMP are interesting and I do encourage you to check out other creators as well. Badboyhalo has quite the interesting plot arc of his own, involving a Red egg that corrupts people while Karl is doing one-shot episodes called Tales of the SMP and many other characters have been doing their own thing.
If anyone has any further questions, feel free to ask! I can probably elaborate on most things or point out the relevant streams etc.
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