#fortis arbor's art
wormthing · 6 months
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A cartoon ant (and sketches) made to add to my RedBubble (link). I'm having fun drawing cartoon bugs lately.
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montagne-russe · 2 years
Fortis.. can you draw Clu please <:-)
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i will do you one better my friend ::-] (because, there are two of him... yeah)
[ID in alt]
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misterradio · 4 months
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more buttons 👍
the badger pronoun pin is for a coworker. but the rest i might list online.
theyre made of: a small colouring pad, botan rice candy box and newspaper, confetti pieces and washi tape and magazine clippings, and a glittery scratch art pad.
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I've heard the idea that Monkey is 7 times immortal thrown around a couple times, but my count has only ever gone up to 4 (the peaches, the pills, the wine, and his daoist studies). How immortal IS Monkey?
I count at least six levels of immortality.
1) Daoist Longevity Arts - Ch. 2
I discuss the exact methods here.
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A photomanipulation by me.
2) Erasing Allotted Lifespan - Ch. 3
[After Monkey is summoned to hell in his sleep and thereafter threatens to beat the Judges of Hell for their mistake] The Ten Kings immediately had the judge in charge of the records bring out his [Sun's] books for examination. The judge, who did not dare tarry, hastened into a side room and brought out five or six books of documents and the ledgers on the tens species of living beings ... He [Monkey] had, therefore, a separate ledger, which Wukong examined himself.  Under the heading "Soul 1350" he found the name Sun Wukong recorded, with the description: "Heaven-born Stone Monkey. Age: three hundred and forty-two years. A good end." Wukong said, "I really don't remember my age. All I want is to erase my name. Bring me a brush." The judge hurriedly fetched the brush and soaked it in heavy ink. Wukong took the ledger on monkeys and crossed out all the names he could find in it. Throwing down the ledger, he said, "That ends the account! That ends the account! Now I'm truly not your subject" (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 140-141).
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A print from the Japanese children book Son Goku (1939).
3) Immortal Peaches - Ch. 5
[After being appointed the guardian of the Queen Mother of the West's immortal peach groves] The Great Sage ... asked the local spirit, "How many trees are there?" "There are three thousand six hundred," said the local spirit. "In the front are one thousand two hundred trees with little flowers and small fruits. These ripen once every three thousand years, and after one taste of them a man will become an immortal enlightened in the Way, with healthy limbs and a lightweight body. In the middle are one thousand two hundred trees of layered flowers and sweet fruits. They ripen once every six thousand years. If a man eats them, he will ascend to Heaven with the mist and never grow old. At the back are one thousand two hundred trees with fruits of purple veins and pale yellow pits. These ripen once every nine thousand years and, if eaten, will make a man's age equal to that of Heaven and Earth, the sun and the moon..." One day he [Monkey] saw that more than half of the peaches on the branches of the older trees had ripened, and he wanted very much to eat one and sample its novel taste. Closely followed, however, by the local spirit of the garden, the stewards, and the divine attendants of the Equal to Heaven Residence, he found it inconvenient to do so. He therefore devised a plan on the spur of the moment and said to them, "Why don't you all wait for me outside and let me rest a while in this arbor?" The various immortals withdrew accordingly. That Monkey King then took off his cap and robe and climbed up into a big tree. He selected the large peaches that were thoroughly ripened and, plucking many of them, ate to his heart's content right on the branches. Only after he had his fill did he jump down from the tree. Pinning back his cap and donning his robe, he called for his train of followers to return to the residence. After two or three days, he used the same device to steal peaches to gratify himself once again One day the Lady Queen Mother decided to open wide her treasure chamber and to give a banquet for the Grand Festival of Immortal Peaches, which was to be held in the Palace of the Jasper Pool. She ordered the various Immortal Maidens ... to go with their flower baskets to the Garden of Immortal Peaches and pick the fruits for the festival ... [After meeting with the Great Sage's ministers] The local spirit went into the garden with them; they found their way to the arbor but saw no one. Only the cap and the robe were left in the arbor, but there was no person to be seen. The Great Sage, you see, had played for a while and eaten a number of peaches. He had then changed himself into a figure only two inches high and, perching on the branch of a large tree, had fallen asleep under the cover of thick leaves (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 161-162).
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A new years print found online.
4) Immortal Wine - Ch. 5
Our Great Sage could not make an end of staring at the scene [the heavenly feast set for the Immortal Peach Banquet] when he suddenly felt the overpowering aroma of wine ... standing beside the jars and leaning on the barrels, he abandoned himself to drinking. After feasting for a long, he became thoroughly drunk... [...] [After returning to Flower Fruit Mountain and meeting with his children, he says] "When I was enjoying myself this morning at the Jasper Pool, I saw many jars and jugs in the corridor full of the juices of jade [yuye qiongjiang, 玉液瓊漿; lit: "Jade liquid and jade syrup"], which you have never savored. Let me go back [to heaven] and steal a few bottles to bring down here. Just drink half a cup, and each of you will live longer without growing old" ... He took two large bottles, one under each arm, and carried two more in his hands. Reversing the direction of his cloud, he returned to the monkeys in the cave. They held their own Festival of Immortal Wine [Xianjiu hui, 仙酒會], with each one drinking a few cups" (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 165 and 167).
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A screenshot from the 1986 Journey to the West TV show.
5) Immortal Elixir - Ch. 5
[After Sun Wukong drunkenly stumbles into Laozi's laboratory in the Tushita Heaven] He found no one but saw fire burning in an oven beside the hearth, and around the oven were five gourds in which finished elixir was stored. "This thing is the greatest treasure of immortals," said the Great Sage happily. "Since old Monkey has understood the Way and comprehended the mystery of the Internal's identity with the External, I have also wanted to produce some golden elixir on my own to benefit people. While I have been too busy at other times even to think about going home to enjoy myself, good fortune has met me at the door today and presented me with this! As long as Laozi is not around, I'll take a few tablets and try the taste of something new." He poured out the contents of all the gourds and ate them like fried beans (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 166).
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A detail from the 1835 Japanese translation of Journey to the West.
6) Ginseng Tree Fruit - Ch. 24
In the mountain there was a Daoist Abbey called the Five Villages Abbey [Wu zhuang guan, 五莊觀]; it was the abode of an immortal whose Daoist style [name] was Master Shenyuan [Shenyuan zi, 鎮元子] and whose nickname was Lord, Equal to Earth [Shi tong jun, 世同君]. There was, moreover, a strange treasure grown in this temple, a spiritual root that was formed just after chaos had been parted and the nebula had been established prior to the division of Heave and Earth. Throughout the four great continents of the world, it could be found in only the Five Villages Abbey in the West Aparagodaniya Continent. This treasure was called grass of the reverted cinnabar [cao huan dan, 草還丹], or the ginseng fruit [renshen guo, 人參果]. It took three thousand years for the plant to bloom, another three thousand years to bear fruit, and still another three thousand years before they ripened. All in all, it would be nearly ten thousand years before they could be eaten, and even after such a long time, there would be only thirty such fruits. The shape of the fruit was exactly that of a newborn infant not yet three days old, complete with the four limbs and the five senses. If a man had the good fortune of even smelling the fruit, he would live for three hundred and sixty years; if he ate one he would reach his forty-seven thousandth year. [After Wukong learns the complicated method of harvesting the fruit] Parting the leaves and branches, he knocked three of the fruits into the sack ... The three of them [Monkey and his brothers] took the fruits and began to enjoy them (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 453 and 462-463).
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Monkey holding ginseng tree fruit. Image found online.
This previous article talks about the history of this magical fruit.
An important note
Sun Wukong is not really immortal, just long-lived and hard to kill. Immortality in Ming to Qing-era popular literature means that you can live for a long time but still die if injured badly enough. Think of it like an infinitely long candle being blown out instead of having a chance to burn for centuries or eons. For example, Investiture of the Gods (Fengshen yanyi, 封神演義, c. 1620), a sort of prequel to Journey to the West, is full of immortals killed in battle with heavenly weapons. Some even have their immortality sapped away before dying in one of many celestial traps. The biggest of these traps is the "Ten Thousand Immortal Array" (Wanxian zhen, 萬仙陣), so named because it can apparently kill myriad transcendents.
I commonly suggest that Monkey's levels of immortality just make him more durable than your average celestial.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.). Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Milano, arriva la mostra "Federico Guida.Arbor"
Milano, arriva la mostra "Federico Guida.Arbor". Torna la grande pittura contemporanea alla Fondazione Stelline di Milano con la mostra "Federico Guida. Arbor", che prende il nome dalla radice latina di Albero e presenta grandi opere inedite in cui convivono trascendenza e umanità, scienza, religiosità e storia. L’esposizione, a cura di Mimmo di Marzio, occupa gli spazi della Sala del Collezionista e del Quadriportico del Chiostro dal 10 novembre all’11 dicembre 2022 ed è visitabile nel Quadriportico fino all’8 gennaio 2023. Il percorso espositivo presenta la produzione più recente dell’artista che oltrepassa la tradizione pittorica e si appropria di stili e linguaggi dell’installazione. Attraverso le sue opere Guida indaga la simbologia della croce come "albero genealogico" e fondamento della condizione umana, ricerca il continuo equilibrio tra la verticalità ascendente verso il mistero del divino e l’orizzontalità terrena del quotidiano e della vanitas. L’elemento formale della croce, che ricorre nelle opere, è una citazione dei crocifissi sagomati medievali di Giotto e Cimabue conservati a Firenze, e diventa la superficie pittorica per una narrazione composita in cui si intrecciano simbologia e narrazione, astratto e figurazione. Ogni installazione, dipinti ad olio su lino applicati su legno, assume una valenza fortemente concettuale che intreccia i valori del sacro e del profano. In ogni opera convivono forti contrasti che smuovono sentimenti profondi: il sofferente ritratto di una madre, la crudezza della carne oltraggiata, l’illusione trompe l'oeil del legno, i tormenti astratti della tela, sublimano in immagini cosmiche, galassie, eclissi, nebulose creando una tensione verso l’Assoluto e mutando le installazioni in rappresentazioni totemiche dell’esistenza. L’esposizione è accompagnata da un corposo catalogo in italiano e inglese edito da Prearo a cura e con testi di Mimmo di Marzio. La mostra è organizzata dalla Fondazione Stelline in collaborazione con The Bank Contemporary Art Collection, importante collezione che raccoglie rilevanti testimonianze, e svolge una precisa ricerca sulle nuove tendenze pittoriche in Italia con sporadiche ma significative incursioni sulla pittura internazionale. The Bank da sempre rivolge una particolare attenzione al genere figurativo tornato con forza di grande attualità; la rassegna dedicata a Federico Guida si caratterizza quindi come una nuova tappa del percorso rivolto alla promozione e valorizzazione dell’arte italiana. La collezione riunisce oggi oltre cento artisti contemporanei ed è concepita come un organismo che cresce, evolve e si trasforma per far conoscere il loro lavoro in ambito nazionale ed europeo. Federico Guida, nato a Milano nel 1969, dove vive e lavora, dipinge e disegna da sempre, passione trasmessagli dal nonno e dal padre. Frequenta l’Accademia di Brera e lavora nello studio del pittore Aldo Mondino. La sua pittura è incentrata sulla figura umana, su persone comuni, lungi dalla ricerca della bellezza estetica. Vanta una solida preparazione tecnica e un linguaggio figurativo ricco di connotazioni personali. Si esprime attraverso la fotografia, i colori a olio, le vernici, l’acrilico, il gesso e la stoffa. I corpi umani nudi, immortalati in pose contorte ed intrecciate, spingono a meditare sul dramma dell’esistenza umana, addolcito dalla naturale morbidezza della carne che emerge nella lezione sulla luce appresa da Caravaggio. Ha raccontato le notte milanese, i manicomi, relitti giovani e vecchi, lungo un cammino personale e unico in un continuo perfezionamento stilistico e con attenzione costantemente rivolta al corpo e all’anima dell’uomo. Numerose le mostre nazionali e internazionali, sue opere si trovano in collezioni private e pubbliche. 10 novembre - 11 dicembre 2022 Sala del Collezionista 10 novembre 2022 - 8 gennaio 2023 Quadriportico del Chiostro Orario: martedì – domenica, h. 10.00-20.00 (chiuso il lunedì) Ingresso gratuito, secondo le normative vigenti di accesso a musei e spazi espositivi Anteprima stampa mercoledì 9 novembre h 11 - 14, RSVP - [email protected]... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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tightsdock0 · 2 years
9 Unforgivable Sins Of Remote Control Crane For Adults
For over forty years, Bandai have not solely perfected their art, but expanded their kit sorts and ability ranges so everyone can enjoy this fun and challenging passion! With this engineering package from Educational Toys Planet children find out how pneumatic and hydraulic techniques are utilized in industrial robots to allow the robots to control heavy objects, comparable to car components. It was a puzzling choice, for Teague had had no earlier expertise in automobile styling, nor was he significantly excited about cars. Try our curated number of mecha/robots resin mannequin kits for the easiest modeling expertise. The final word Gunpla experience! Mecho Motorize Kits give children a head begin in mechanical sciences and building actual, working machines with these straightforward-to build kits. Mecha Warehouse is built on our passion for constructing fashions of extraordinarily large robots at a small scale. Gunpla, or Gundam plastic fashions are mannequin kits depicting the mecha design from the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. DistilRoBERTa is added to the previous seven models in the Ensemble-v3.
It's the kind of cool mission every kids desires about. But robotic toys for teenagers aren't all you may discover - we have received construction kits to build all kinds of contraptions that may spur your kid's imagination. Since rollouts on the robotic are expensive, we restrict ourselves to 7 totally different policies that we evaluate. Turn the piece of paper over so that the folds are facing down. For example: F R' U2 D means entrance face clockwise, right counterclockwise, a half flip of the higher face after which down clockwise. Face ID on the iPad Pro works in each panorama and portrait orientation, a characteristic distinctive to the iPad. The cubelets are painted in six totally different colours, and it is feasible to create a design where every face exhibits only one color. 00a0KOMBINAT kit. This is feasible because of completely different (manual) manufacturing expertise. This is possible because of different (guide) manufacturing know-how. Brett Smith, the director of expertise for the center for Automotive Research, a nonprofit trade-pushed think tank based mostly in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
To make hat brim, cut a 14-inch yellow felt circle, and minimize a 61/4-inch opening in heart. Press the space key then arrow keys to choose. If your cube is not solved, then you will want to solve it or discover someone who can. We don't quantify this however hypothesize that it might need “forgotten” about flips by then since the recurrent state of the coverage has only observed a principally stationary cube for a number of seconds. To handle these limitations, we present Fire (Failure Identification to cut back Expert burden), a system that may predict when a running coverage will fail, halt its execution, and request a correction from the expert. This new launch includes a corner-core magnetic positioning system enclosing sixty four magnets. Includes one extremely-precise human (mechanic) miniature, nice for a dioramas. As a simplification, there are actually two components to the resolve: The intuition-based mostly part, which incorporates the cross and F2L, and the algorithm-based mostly part, which incorporates OLL and PLL. Sustainably made, there isn't a need for bullet clear up after shooting. Laughing, chasing and capturing water bullets make bonding more thrilling than ever with the Mecha Kit. Plus, what's more fun than building your personal robot?
Remote Control Machines has two robotic kits that can teach your little scientists tons about building. Consider any two vertices. When they’re in the solved position, you have got a perfect cube, however as quickly as you twist it two or thrice, it turns into an absolute rat’s nest. We now have a number of robotic kits to choose from. With their latest take on plastic mannequin kits referred to as Structure Arts, we already noticed releases for Front Mission and Nier Automata, and their latest take is for the fan-favorite Xenogears. The Xenogears Structure Arts Vol. By constructing and experimenting with mannequin machines youngsters will be introduced to the fundamental laws of physics - 36 experiments, from easy to advanced, in all. The model is designed to be technically believable, so it has zero toy-like feels! The legendary Mecha JRPG is getting a mannequin package treatment, how a few remaster, Square Enix? Work on multiple projects with the academic Solar Powered Robot Kit. cube stickerless will flip one recycled soda can into a funny robotic utilizing mechanical body elements, a motor with electric wires, moving eyes and detailed directions. Be very cautious when utilizing polish remover.
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wormthing · 9 months
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real dog fanart @guysonroblox
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wormthing · 2 months
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what nice young girls i wonder what their hobbies are ::-)
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wormthing · 2 months
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creatures from games i have never played
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wormthing · 3 months
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Doodles of angels (and children) after looking at the Wikipedia page "List of angels in theology".
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wormthing · 1 year
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that's it you're going to gregory house
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wormthing · 4 months
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wormthing · 6 months
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me on a blind date with slenderman
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wormthing · 5 months
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Now take a deep breath. Go ahead take an even deeper one. Only this time as you start to exhale try to imagine how fast it will happen, how hard it's gonna hit you, how many times it will stab your jugular with its teeth or are they nails?, don't worry, that particular detail doesn't matter, because before you have time to even process that you should be moving, you should be running, you should at the very least be flinging up your arms-- you sure as hell should be getting rid of this book-- you won't have time to even scream. Don't look. I didn't. Of course I looked.
[House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski]
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wormthing · 9 months
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we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when ♪
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wormthing · 4 months
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i scribbled this out after watching Frankenstein (1931), i thought it would be interesting if the creature('s brain) had a sense that he was alive before...
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