#forum role play
one-and-a-half-yikes · 3 months
little weird joining the bakudeku subreddit and then it just being completely vacant of any activity going on and then I look and see IzuOcha sub with more activity (not meant to be taken as a negative tbc, glad they're having fun over there it just sucks lmao) like what the fuck happened???? Did everybody over there fucking die or something?????💀💀😭😭😭😭
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yuluohe · 11 months
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Eminem [8/?]      
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worldofdivergent · 1 year
Welcome ♥
Welcome to World of Divergent! 
If you're a fan of the books and movies by Veronica Roth, this is the perfect place for you. Here at World of Divergent, we're all about immersing ourselves in the world of the Divergent series and roleplaying as characters from the factions of Amity, Dauntless, Erudite, and Candor. 
Set after the events of Tris in the books and the war, our role play site allows you to create your own character and explore the world of Divergent in a whole new way. Whether you want to work towards peace and harmony as an Amity member, seek knowledge and understanding as an Erudite, embrace bravery and courage as a Dauntless, or uphold honesty and integrity as a Candor, the choice is yours. 
Join us today and become a part of the World of Divergent community! Explore the city of Chicago and interact with other roleplayers as you create your own story within the world of Divergent. 
See you in the site!
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dragees-surprises-rpg · 7 months
CONTEXTE • Dragées Surprises
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Année deux mille.
La Grande Guerre a laissé des traces indélébiles que les plus jeunes ont la fortune de pouvoir ignorer. Si les familles se sont reconstituées tant bien que mal après de lourdes pertes, les Ministères du monde entier y ont vu une faille dans leur système, au point de le revoir de bout en bout. Les choses se devaient de changer et pour cela, les écoles magiques également. C’est ainsi qu’une collaboration magique mondiale fit son apparition, bouleversant Poudlard dans ses fondements même. Les Ministères du monde entier s’étaient mis d’accord sur un fait important : faire entrer des enfants dans une école magique était bien trop dangereux pour que cela ne reste ainsi.
Terminée l’école de Poudlard, c’était désormais une université où tout élève Sorcier, Sang-pur, Sang-mêlé, ou même Né-Moldu pouvait entrer à l’âge de dix-sept ans. Ainsi, tous pouvaient se voir offrir une éducation moins stricte que celle de l’école et y faire leurs premiers pas en tant que sorciers déjà accomplis
Les Ministères voulaient éviter de répéter les erreurs du passé en mettant en danger des enfants; trop jeunes pour pouvoir se défendre en cas d’attaque.
Il aura fallu sept ans pour que la nouvelle année d’entrée dans les écoles magiques soit mise en place à travers le monde. Sept ans, pour permettre aux élèves arrivant à peine de terminer leur scolarité, enfin que chacun soit diplômé avant que tout ne change pour le meilleur.
Deux mille seize.
Nicholas Lawson est un jeune sorcier dont la plupart ignorent le nom. Sa famille n’est pas connue, ses faits d’armes inconnus au bataillon et pourtant, c’est lui qui a été désigné pour diriger la toute nouvelle Université de Poudlard. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’il s’agit très justement d’un illustre inconnu. Ainsi, il ne souffre d’aucune discrimination dûe à son statut, il ne souffre pas du nom de sa famille ou de quelques rumeurs à son sujet. Nicholas Lawson est un homme droit qui souhaite faire de Poudlard un lieu où tout élève, quelle que soit la nature de son sang, peut se sentir chez lui. Pour lui, il semble évident que les Maisons, telles qu'elles ont toujours existé, ne sont plus d’actualité.
Il ne s’agit plus de ranger un élève quant à son courage ou son intelligence. Désormais, les maisons changent. On ne parle plus des braves et des loyaux, des leaders et des rusés, des justes et travailleurs et des créatifs et intelligents; désormais, les maisons porteront le nom des sucreries préférées du nouveau directeur de l’école. C’est en tout cas ce qu’il a révélé à la Gazette du Sorcier. Ainsi, les classes sociales disparaissent au profit d’un enseignement plus sain. Son mot d’ordre ? Que chacun ici se sente à l’aise et en confiance.
Deux mille vingt-trois.
Cela fait maintenant sept ans que Nicholas Lawson, actuel directeur de l’école de Poudlard, dirige l’établissement d’une main de fer. Son objectif est, et ce depuis sa nomination à la tête de l’école, de faire de Poudlard un endroit bien plus vivant et bien plus sécurisant pour quiconque y mettrait les pieds.
Aujourd’hui encore, Poudlard est entachée par sa réputation, car elle y a vu naître les Sorciers les plus malfaisants du monde sorcier. Nicholas veut redorer le blason de l’excellence Écossaise, car l’école souffre toujours des rumeurs du passé, des dégâts commis en son sein il y a vingt trois ans de cela. Pourtant, dans l’ombre, un complot plus grand se prépare. Quelque chose de sombre se rapproche, quelque chose qui pourrait bien menacer la stabilité de Poudlard et de tout l’équilibre magique.
Saurez-vous brandir votre baguette et vous battre, lorsque viendra l’heure ?
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Rejoignez l'aventure sur Dragées Surprises !
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krakenandcracker · 1 year
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ı did this signatures for a rpg website.
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ayanna-tired · 10 months
Rôle Play, RP, écriture à 4 mains
Je lance une bouteille à la mer...
L'envie de réécrire est vraiment très forte depuis très longtemps maintenant, et je suis sûre que cela m'aiderait à m'oublier un peu pour plonger dans une histoire avec une bonne personne
Donc si intéresser, me contacter en privé. Mes personnages principaux sont toujours masculins et queer au moins en partie.
J'écris parfois beaucoup, mais je ne m'oblige pas à bêtement compter des lignes qui ne font que meubler si je n'ai pas grand chose à dire, et j'attends à peu près la même chose en face :)
Je cherche une personne ouverte d'esprit, disponible, pourquoi pas sur Discord, qui réponde au moins une fois par jour (si c'est beaucoup plus c'est très très bien ^^) et qui n'ai aucune X-phobie idiote 🙃 (Je suis moi-même queer et handi... donc... ^^)
Je cherche aussi un-e partenaire MAJEUR pour ne pas avoir à me censurer sur tout ni devoir éviter certains sujets...
Si vous avez des contextes que vous aimeriez explorer, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part ! Mais c'est bien aussi de ne poser que les bases et de se surprendre ;)
Moi je peux écrire tous les jours, la plupart du temps presque toute la journée ! ^^ Donc si vous êtes intéressé-e-s, commentez en dessous, et on passera en privé si on voit que ça peut le faire !
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setaflow · 8 months
I've seen a lot of hot takes on this post from my sideblog but I think the funniest one I've seen so far is someone trying to claim that I'm a Cyberpunk 2077 LARP account which is just...
This website's illiteracy continues to delight me.
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summerblueringo · 4 months
it does make me feel a certain type of way when I read articles from 2009 that go on at length about how unmotivated Kimi was and how he was "trounced" by his teammate the year before, only to look at the 2008 driver standings and see him in P3 just 22 points behind his teammate.
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forumshorefield · 5 months
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Quelles sont les nouvelles offres à Shorefield ?
Voici les dernières nouvelles en ce mois de décembre :
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Jeune demoiselle (riche) recherche une meuf mortelle
Quinn est à la recherche de sa future copine d'hiver pour la réchauffer sous la couette et transformer de terribles moments de solitude en des moments inoubliables. Tenter ? Plus d'info ici !
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Vends hoodie tommy hilfinger edition tommy jeans x keith haring 115€ occasion en or
Quinn vend un hoodie série limitée Tommy Hilfinger collab Tommy Jeans x Keith Haring pour 115€.
Intéressé.e ? Plus d'info ici !
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Professeur particulier - cours de patinage artistique
Alyosha propose des cours de patinage !
Intéressé.e ? Plus d'info ici !
Plus d'info sur toute l'actualité à Shorefield ? Rejoins-nous !
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to World of Survial Tribes.
An RPG site based on the books and series The 100 by Kass Morgan. Have you always dreamed of being one of the 100? To survive on Earth in a hostile environment? On World of Survival Tribes your dream will come true. A tribe will take you under its wing and train you to become the best soldier our Planet has to offer. Prepare to fight alongside Heda and their Fleimkepa, or A. L. I. E. Corporation. Join us today and become a part of the World of Survival Tribes community! Explore the Polis and the land of the tribes and interact with other roleplayers as you create your own story.
May we meet again.
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therealvalkyrie · 7 months
you give me monster high vibes tbh!!!!!
I was OBSESSED with monster high for a brief period in middle school, so this is such a compliment thank u kendy❤️❤️❤️
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neroski · 2 years
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reece king ((6)) avatars.
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noodlegirl-googlyeyes · 9 months
starting to get cellulite on my thighs OwO epic gender euphoria moments compilation 240p
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readingrobin · 1 year
It's days like this that I really miss old RPG websites. Like websites that hosted such a variety of RP forums based on whatever book/movie/show you could imagine, as well as a good slew of original ideas. I'm sure they're still around in some way, but I'm just an old fogey that has no idea of tracking them down.
I miss being on those sites, roleplaying with whoever was around. No need to hunt people down for interactions, you would just wait and hope that someone would join you in your fun. Hell, one of my oldest OCs that I still use comes from those days on those forums.
Now, it feels so hard to find people to RP with, what with conflicting schedules or just not feeling any inspiration.
I miss using my little blorbos.
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shortproblems · 1 year
My fiancé made his own ttrpg game if, he's sharing bits and pieces about the game before the launch (you can get the game for free if you get in there early). If you're into that kind of thing give him a follow on r/sake_rpg
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forsaken-jcinkrp · 2 years
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We’re excited to announce that our Discord server is now open. We invite you to join us and get involved in the upcoming soft opening. Members participating in this phase of our site will be able to reserve two additional playbys, for a total of five, after creating at least one character. Members with at last one active character during soft opening will also have dibs on any available canon character. Come and join our server now! Come help us create a great dark fantasy narrative and an even better community of drama-free individuals! The link:  https://discord.gg/Q8KhP3eypj
As for today’s post, here’s an extract from the lore of the Thiber Imperium, one of our five great kingdoms. Many canon characters will be involved in this nation, including the noble families mentioned below. Stay tuned for more lore tomorrow and in the coming days!
The Thiber Imperium is the oldest civilization in the world of Domhan na Bhfear. Taking its name from their greatest general and the first Emperor, Thiber Larius, the Imperium once ruled over the entirety of the known lands. Under the aegis of the Thiberians and their mighty Legions, the world was saved from the Black Host during the wars known as the First and Second Infernal Claims of 1E 990 and 2E 860. The vast armies of demons and human cultists devoted to the evil goddess Ryia, the Empress of Hell, were vanquished, but not without the ultimate price to pay. Taking advantage of the Imperium’s severely weakened state at the end of the Second Infernal Claim, would-be kings rose in rebellion against the Thiberian overlords and declared their freedom in the Great Uprising. The remaining Legions fought bravely until it was clear that the days of the glorious empire were at an end. The realization of being forced to fight on multiple fronts with limited manpower, led the Emperor at the time, Larenal Larius, to sign a treaty that recognized the new royal houses and granted them the freedom they sought, allowing them to rule over the provinces that once belonged to the Imperium.
With the Imperium shrunk back to its original territory, the glory and power of yore are lost. After over a millennium and a half of blessed rule under the Larius dynasty, a new family sits on the throne: the Corvinus. They are known to be skilled in matters of war, diplomacy, and trade. They greatly value balance in all things, believing that the foundation of a great nation has to equally favor a strong military, a prosperous economy, and welfare for all the citizens of the Imperium. Adratos Corvinus is the current Emperor and he doesn’t lack talent and ambition. His plans to rival Thiber Larius himself and restore the Imperium to its former glory have been halted by the coming of the Shroud. Adratos’ reign is still short-lived, but even he knows that there is no glory to be had if the toxic fog threatening to engulf the world isn’t stopped. 
Serving as the Corvinus’ primary vassal, House Larian is the second-most prominent family of the Imperium. They have a claim over the Duchy of West Weald, which spans one-third of the nation’s current territory. They are known to be skilled swordsmen who greatly value their military traditions. Some of the best military commanders in the history of the Imperium belonged to House Larian, and even now, the firstborn and heir to the House, - - - Larian (canon character) serves as the Legatus Maximus, the overall general in charge of all the Imperium’s legions. Their seat of power is Arentum, a city by the Gray Mountains blessed with close-at-hand, rich deposits of iron and other practical metals.
Among the Counts of the realm, House Atreia has emerged as a cunning family that commands an impressive network of spies and skilled retainers. The Corvinus heavily leans on them for their expertise in all matters of subterfuge. In addition to her duties as a countess - - - Atreia (canon character) serves at the royal court as the Spymaster of the realm. It is rumored that the family maintains ties to the Wraiths, the infamous guild of assassins, but such notions remain unfounded. House Atreia has a claim over the rich County of Red River, within the territory of House Larian, which makes them a direct vassal to the Duchy of West Weald.
The Barony of Picenum, taking its name from the namesake seaside city, controls the most important port in the Imperium. House Edherius is at the head of the city and its surrounding territory, making them one of the richest families in the Imperium. With Picenum located within the County of Red River, House Edherius serves as the vassal of House Atreia. Much of the trade and wealth of the nation flows through Picenum and its large port; taking advantage of their city’s strategic location, House Edherius prides itself on its impressive fleet of merchant ships. They are blessed traders with contacts and agreements all over the world, transporting and selling goods from the Imperium. - - - Edherius (canon character) is the family’s current patriarch and the Baron of Picenum.
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