captainlezbian · 24 days
Genuinely struggling to understand how this isn’t the archetypal cyberpunk dystopia. We have the rgb, we have the tech, we have the fascists, we have the surveillance.
Liberte. Egalite. Sororite.
All power to the workers.
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yuuforia · 1 year
hii!! i'm planning on translating fraternite (another game by clockup) and i was wondering if there was still any kind of audience for it? this is sort of an interest check cuz ur the only clockup game fanblog i know of
!! fraternite interest check!!!
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everyoneisgayandtrans · 9 months
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tmdoxydoslampereur · 2 years
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🔴 Bon début de septembre ( la rentrée parlementaire) , abonnez vous pour n rien louper car on a pas eu le temps de croiser les bras👇👇👇 https://youtube.com/channel/UCxvTsuNTGvLNFxqtesk2fpQ #tmdoxydo_Slamaestro #jcslam #Buguma #unite #ubumwe #emo #umoja #naciguma #fraternite #laresiliencealbum #force #focus #uva #Drc (à Goma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBNcyKIN2D/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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claudinedaussyart · 1 year
Dans le cadre du concours national de la flamme de l'égalité, les 4 ème A et B vont réaliser des vitraux sur le thème AFRIQUE ESCLAVAGE HARATINES TRAVAIL DES ENFANTS DANS LES MINES ZANZIBAR CLOUS DE GIROFFLES MONDIALISATION COMMERCE TRIANGULAIRE Les élèves ont travaillé avec leur professeur sur les thèmes évoqués. Ils ont dessiné sur les thèmes. J'ai repris leurs dessins afin de les stylyser et…
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crea-line · 2 years
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👰👲Meilleur duo : black & white #égalité #blackwhitephotography #tshirtofficial #fraternity #fraternité #fraternite (à Bourg-en-Bresse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgfDGxmL2Ks/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spiritual123 · 2 months
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(extrase din: Rudolf Steiner, Frăția și lupta pentru existență, din Ga- 54, prelegerea 8, 23 noiembrie 1905, Berlin)
Cunoașterea profundă a lumii spirituale ar trebui să ducă la frăție.
Frăția este cel mai nobil fruct al cunoașterii profunde și intime.
Putem fi cu adevărat puternici fără iubire? Cu siguranță nu!
Corpul uman este format din milioane de celule. Dar cum lucrează ele împreună? Niciuna dintre celulele noastre nu este izolată în mod egoist.
Ce le face pe aceste celule să coopereze? Aceasta este manifestarea acțiunii sufletului uman.
Comuniunea înseamnă că, prin unirea membrilor, se poate exprima o entitate superioară.
Viața comună a oamenilor, viața fiecăruia-în-fiecare, înseamnă ceva similar cu coexistența celulelor corpului uman.
„Unde sunt doi sau trei adunați în numele meu, sunt și eu în mijlocul lor”. Nu este unul, altul și al treilea, ci prin unire se întâmplă ceva complet nou. Acest lucru se poate întâmpla numai atunci când fiecare dintre noi trăiește altruist în celălalt.
Astfel, comunitățile umane se transformă în locuri ale misterelor, în care coboară ființe spirituale înalte pentru a acționa prin fiecare persoană individuală în același mod în care sufletul se manifestă în membrele corpului.
Cei care lucrează în ajutor reciproc fratern sunt magi, deoarece atrag ființe superioare.
Activitatea comunitară este secretul progresului pentru viitorul umanității.
Oamenii care se unesc cu ceilalți în beneficiul tuturor pun bazele unei evoluții fructuoase de viitor.
Vom realiza cel mai mult dacă lucrăm pe baza a ceea ce vedem în ochii fraților noștri, dacă, înțelegând ce gândesc ei și simt, începem să-i slujim. Într-un astfel de cerc, funcționăm cel mai bine dacă, în viața practică, suntem capabili să ne ignorăm propriile opinii.
Trimițând vreunei persoane sentiment de ură, îi rănim sufletul mai mult decât o piatră rănește un corp.
Trebuie să învățăm să ascultăm cu sufletul, să înțelegem cele mai intime lucruri.
Întreruperea discursului cuiva, din punctul de vedere al lumii spirituale, este ca lovirea unei persoane.
Când rămânem într-o izolare egoistă, talentele noastre sunt private de hrană ca o plantă smulsă din sol. Așa cum ochiul încetează să mai fie un ochi dacă este îndepărtat din cap, tot așa sufletul uman nu poate rămâne un suflet uman dacă este separat de comunitate.
Frăția îi conferă persoanei puterea sa cea mai înaltă în confruntarea existenței, iar persoana găsește cea mai mare parte a acestei puteri în tăcerea inimii sale, construind plenitudinea personalității sale împreună cu alți oameni ca frați ai săi.
#fraternitate, #RudolfSteiner,
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bingwallpaper · 9 months
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and the Louvre Pyramid
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Paris features an impressive stretch of parks, gardens and monuments called the Axe historique or historical axis, that originates at the Louvre Museum and ends at the Grande Arche de la Fraternité, or simply the Grande Arche. Today's image shows the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, with the embodiment of Peace riding a chariot atop it. It shouldn't be confused with the better-known Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile, which stands a little over 3 kilometres away at the centre of the Axe historique. It's a lovely walk from one to the other through the Jardin Des Tuileries and along the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. By the way, if the statue on the left side of the photo caught your eye, wave hello to King Louis XIV on horseback.
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melodicwitchlight · 9 months
starfalled ☀️ julien enjolras :
"And yet, still so little has changed,” son of the Revolution mumbles quietly. And it’s not all true — not as black and white as he makes it. Nearly 200 years ago, he had not thought of what it would mean to be in love. He never imagined Courfeyrac sprawled like a cat over them both, with Kassandra’s fingers stroking through his hair as their third lingers in a world of wine-induced dreams. He’d wondered even then how he could sleep through it all, when there’s so much to be done. And in the end he’d lost them both.
Some days, it feels as though it was for nothing. On the darkest days, he wonders if it’s still for nothing, what they’re doing. And then he walks outside and sees rainbows, sees the glitter that covers every godforsaken surface of their flat. What he’d stood for all those years ago was not exactly this. But it hadn’t exactly not been this either. Each night, the window is open, and he can hear the people in the streets shouting, singing. Born this Way. Yes. Yes.
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There have been so many bad things that have happened since a group of students had tried to change the world. There are so many bad things happening now, while they try to do it again. But their numbers are growing. Love for the people is growing. And perhaps, he thinks, it was always about people, more than the idea of a country. About all people. About equality that they still haven’t reached, but that more are reaching toward. He wants to lift their voices up. And he would die again to see the world be reborn in equality, in tolerance. But he thinks, perhaps he’d rather not, if it can be avoided. Each day is a new battle that he will proudly fight. But each night...brings him closer to home. He retracts. “Everything has changed. But there’s still so much to be done. You’ll stay with me this time? Don’t leave so soon.”
athena hears what the blond-haired revolutionist says as she sits at a sofa booth with him at the dilapidated cafe musain once radiant with light and laughter. there was an eerie haunting misting the place, they hearing distantly of the wind, and perhaps… a man’s voice? empty chairs at empty tables, where my friends are dead and I sit here… where I live and you are gone.
they had been reincarnated from the final battle, yet with timeline differing to when marius sung his song. the blood 🩸 pooling like red paint ( crude and predative, athena mused ) had ran a river in the ashen asphalt ;; they theorising why and when of this phenomenon.
courfeyrac was spinning a pistol in his hands casually, he being cheerful among the students. his friend enjolras had called him a kitten 🐈‍⬛ due to this.
the barricade comprised of mattresses, chairs, tables and doors was just outside, she seeing it through the dusty window. she is leaning her hand on her cheek ( feeling the warm sleeve of her jumper ).
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as she looks and mutters under her breath on the interesting barricade once more, enj hears and says, ‘ the wheels of the wheelbarrow ; the civilian who bravely joined our crusade, jean valjean, donated this to our cause, he divulging it was from saving his fellow man from being crushed to death ‘ ( he then nods in fervent affirmation ).
she remembered she had met him while walking in the streets of paris ; he querying if she was lost perhaps due to the haunted look in her eyes. he had been holding a cup of coffee, coffee ☕️ which the grains were darkening brown, near black ( as he wanted to stay awake ).
she had recognised him to be the man talking about revolution speaking passionately about the freedom of the people of paris. she was quieter than the other students, and had started training to be a soldier, reminding her of her time with the vikings. she nods when he asks her if she would stay. ‘ yes, I’ll stay. ‘ as she found a family here.
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dpargyle · 9 months
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'grand bonfire for the corpse theatre in a language we have yet to understand'
Happy Bastille Day! May the growing general strike roll on! (Just don't forget about us disabled folk in your striking & organizing plans lmao..) (Liberté, égalité, fraternité, etc..)
(Realistic Paint Studio, Sketchbook Pro, Canva, beFunky Photo Editor, & PhotoMosh)
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eric-phare · 1 year
Love Video eric phare
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tmdoxydoslampereur · 2 years
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🔔coucou chers TMD'AMIS ‼bamawe naba data ! twadeta musingo. Juste rappel qu'on est tous humain vivons en #BUGUMA #BUGUMA #nouveautitre #bientôt #jcshabani #tmdoxydo_Slamaestro #slampoetry #humain #fraternite #non_au_conflit #demagogiepolitique (à Goma, Congo) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSM8qCIjgN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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givemegifs · 1 year
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v-a-t-i-o · 1 year
something something siblinghood something something human urge something radical movememts emphasizing siblinghood something something sibling archetype severely excluded from esoteric archetype models something something jung??
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elgallinero · 2 years
Bastille Day
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ruindunburnit · 2 years
Vampyre men have in fact established a sociopolitical philosophy and approach predicated around examining and calling attention to the gender-based inequality in vampyre society and discrimination against vampyres of the "serving sex", with a mission of securing social equity and equality on the basis of gender in vampyre society. It's called "Fraternitism".
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