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julyourwitch ยท 8 months
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beloved-calypso ยท 3 months
ใƒป ใ‚œ สšษž ใ‚œ ใ‚œ๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™'๐–˜ ๐–ž๐–”๐–š๐–— ๐–˜๐–Š๐–๐–š๐–†๐–‘ ๐–†๐–•๐–•๐–Š๐–†๐–‘ โ™ก ใƒป ใ‚œ สšษž ใ‚œ ใ‚œโ€Žโ™กโ€งโ‚Šหšโœง เซฎ หถแต” แต• แต”หถ แƒ โœงหšโ‚Šโ€งโ™ก 18+!
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โ™ก โ€œ๐’ฎ๐‘’๐“ƒ๐“ˆ๐“Š๐’ถ๐“๐’พ๐“‰๐“Ž ๐’พ๐“ˆ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ธ๐‘œ๐“‡๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‡ ๐’ท๐‘’๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘”, ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐“ˆ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‡๐’ธ๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‡ ๐’ธ๐“‡๐‘’๐’ถ๐“‰๐’พ๐“‹๐’พ๐“‰๐“Ž, ๐’ถ๐“ƒ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐‘’๐“ƒ๐‘’๐“‡๐‘”๐“Ž ๐‘œ๐’ป ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‡ ๐“…๐’ถ๐“ˆ๐“ˆ๐’พ๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐“ˆ.โ€ โ€“ ๐’ฅ๐’ถ๐“๐’ถ๐’ฟ๐’ถ ๐ต๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐’ฝ๐‘’๐’พ๐“‚ โ™ก
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All pictures and gifs are not mine but belong to their original artists. โ™ก
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I. -> II. -> III. -> IIII.
ษช แด‹ษดแดแดก แด›สœษช๊œฑ ษช๊œฑ ๊œฑษชแดษชสŸแด€ส€ แด›แด แดส ๊œฑแด‡แด…แดœแด„แด›ษชแดษด แด€ษดแด… ๊œฐแด€ษดแด›แด€๊œฑษชแด‡๊œฑ แด˜แด€แด„, ส™แดœแด›, ส™แดœแด› ษช แดกแด€๊œฑ แด„แด€สŸสŸแด‡แด… แด›แด แด…แด แด›สœษช๊œฑ ๊œฑแดœส™แดŠแด‡แด„แด› ส€แด‡ษขแด€ส€แด…สŸแด‡๊œฑ๊œฑ, ๊œฑแด ษช สœแดแด˜แด‡ สแดแดœ แด‡ษดแดŠแดส!
~ XOXO ๐Ÿ’‹๐ŸŽ€
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เฑฟเซฎ๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒ pile 1 เน‘โ—ž๊’ฑแƒ
[Ace of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Five of Cups]
You are a golden opportunity pile 1. People would feel lucky to have you, and they have fantasies that they know for sure you can fulfill. There is a steadiness about you, an abundance of confidence and ease that makes your presence big and undeniable. The closest thing I can liken this energy to is someone in a workplace setting being the number one go to, someone who is fast, reliable, and always gets the job done well and beyond. They are seen as a gem to the people they work with and are a lucky treasure, a constant that never disappoints. This makes your sexual appeal grand and constant. You can never fall below expectations, and you are seen as rare to find and appealing to keep. Always efficient and unshakable. You appear to be almost fearless. Nothing seems to faze you, and you give off the energy of liking challenges. You're very determined and passionate, but you also are a bit of a wildcard. I think this pile can be a bit all over the place, but not so much that you come off as neurotic. You just appear daring. Experimental. You're firm in your wants and needs and are willing to meet your partners halfway, but I also think you're unafraid in showing your distaste. You're vocal, but you won't let anyone cross your boundaries. I feel like you have such a strong and unwavering front that people become more curious about you and want to disassemble you to expose who you are underneath. Not many people carry themselves as well as you do, and that only makes others more and more inquisitive of you. They feel you may hide behind a shell, and want to explore the parts of you others can't see, even if they involve tears, and sadness, and pain, and anger, people want to see that come out because it's raw and authentic, and makes you more relatable, more vulnerable, and more sexy.
โŠฐแฏฝโŠฑโ”ˆโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœง
เฑฟเซฎ๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒ pile 2 เน‘โ—ž๊’ฑแƒ
[Page of Swords, The Tower (rx), Death (rx)]
Hm. It took me a minute to decipher this energy, but now I get it. Pile 2, your sex appeal stems from some darkness that's within you, a well of emotions and mental sharpness that create a type of steeliness about you, an appeal for the unknown and possibly dangerous. On the outside, you could have a sort of innocent feel about you. Some of you may actually be innocent but are in denial of this, still growing and maturing into this energy, but for others, you are actually quite experienced and have explored all types of facets of yourself and other people. You know your emotions, triggers, and know how to look deep within your shadows and make use of them (in a healthy way, of course). You want to teach other people how to do these things too. Ya'll are actually quite jaded, beautifully so. A dark manic type. Kind of witchy. Ya'll likely lean towards a pain and pleasure type of dynamic, a type of satisfaction derived from things nonphysical and uncommon. People feel they have to sacrifice something of themselves to get you. I'm getting a fascination with the body, a want, and need to explore other peoples limits, take them for your own, and consume them. People literally feel like you could chew them up and spit them out with ease. Some here may like BDSM, definitely getting knife-play here, dominance and subjugation, but I'm getting a myriad of things here. Lots of kinks. Many unexplainable (some of you are still exploring). People know that you could test their limits and expose them to things they would otherwise never discover. It's super sexy. Moth to a flame kind of thing. Your allure is strong and almost forbidden. I'm thinking people who are taken would love to have you. You are an experience, a once in a lifetime type of opportunity. Maybe long-term relationships don't come easy to you because people fear they will get burned by you, that either you will be too much for them, or you will get bored of them. There's a mix of reactions from others; some think they can corrupt you, others think you will be the one to corrupt them. There's a mixture of ya'll in this reading that can go either way. You're very decadent pile 2.
โŠฐแฏฝโŠฑโ”ˆโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœง
เฑฟเซฎ๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒ pile 3 เน‘โ—ž๊’ฑแƒ
[The Empress, The Chariot, The Hierophant]
Pile 3, you barely have to try. Your sex appeal is very feminine and relaxed. Ya'll are the epitome of chill and unbothered. I think people just naturally gravitate towards you. You're so far off from everyone else, I'm seeing you have your own orbit. People really don't know where they stand with you because your appearance is hard to change, as you greet people with the same indifference. They can't tell if you like them. People feel you are guarded, and it's hard to have your attention. It gets polarizing reactions of, "I want them even more" to, "Why bother?" Your feminine energy has a strong reaction with masculine energy. Men may especially be competitive over you. You just naturally have what men find desirable. You raise peoples hackles without meaning to. To some, you come off as a prize, someone to impress and win over. If you find men are especially aggressive with their tactics of flirtation, it's because they feel they are trying to fight you to get a piece of you. It may seem that sometimes you find yourself the most sensible person in the room, and everyone else is acting ridiculous. That's because you bring out the primal/dumb side of people (basically their lizard brains). You grasp the attention of the room without noticing or caring, and everyone is busy trying to calculate a game plan to come towards you, while you are just your chill self, avoiding anyone that you don't know (there has to be a bunch of Taurus's here, lol). Sometimes, you're just a prize too hard to get, and talking to you is as hard as trying to reach a princess in a tower. Peoples confidence waivers with you because you're so unpredictable, too. You're someone in particular that has something special going on within them that people are curious to know. They also know they can't come to you with shallow offers. You seem the type to want commitment and more than what people are willing to give off the bat. People have to give their best, or chance being like the rest of the crowd. If you don't get as many offers as you would like, it's just because you're intimidating. Your appeal is kind of unexplainable, really, but powerful.
โŠฐแฏฝโŠฑโ”ˆโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœง
เฑฟเซฎ๊’ฐเพ€เฝฒ pile 4 เน‘โ—ž๊’ฑแƒ
[The Tower, Judgment, Queen of Swords]
Hmm, your sexual appeal is powerful, too. People here are especially intelligent, quick-witted, and have a cold, untouchable type of look. I think there's some great, show-stopping beauties in this pile, as I'm getting looks that could cut glass. Ya'll however have what they say, a resting bitch face, and while that sounds disenchanting, it's the opposite in your case. That untouchable quality is exactly why people pursue you. You seem like the type that can destroy anyone that crosses you, and that excites certain people. You give off the impression of pure confidence and grace. You have natural elegance is and public appearences may be important to you, so you try to be on your best behavior whenever you're out in the presence of others. Youre booksmart but also streetsmart because you can sense BS 15 miles from you. People think you have a lot of sexual experience, and believe you can show them a plethora of erotic knowledge. You likely attract younger people. They fantasize about you being their teacher and pushing them down a rabbit hole of sexual discovery. People's fantasies of you are so wide ranging because you give them little to go off of. They're stuck playing the guessing game while you keep cool as a cucumber calculating your next moves. You exemplify leadership and attract people that are wanting to be given direction, in and out of the bedroom. Some suitors will have a masochistic desire. Others will have a need to dominate you. A few will try to level with you, but there's something about you that makes people pick a side. You have intense energy. It's like you trigger people's flight or fight response, which seems strange, but just proves you bringing about peoples primal urges. Some of you have the spirit of a dominatrix, and others just naturally fall into a position of control. Your other half of suitors that have just as much as a dominant trait as you do want to see your perfect, pretty facade demolished. They want to strip you of everything that makes you, you, and have you kneel for only them. There's a quote that I'm being reminded of with this pile, and it's about how the pursuit of sex, is actually the pursuit of power. I would say this is true in your case. Also, lot of your suitors see that you have a judgemental eye and feel they can not disappoint you. No one can come to you acting a fool or with foolish proposals. I think you can be quick to cut someone down, and that's a turn on for some. You also have a way with word's and can seduce with your voice. You know exactly what to say to have someone wrapped around your finger. You've mastered the art of persuasion and making appearances. I think you carry yourself with grace and civility. You have an old soul, a reminder of what societies' ideals used to be in older times, but also a reminder of the hidden and heavy erotiscm that came with that time, too. It's very classy, naughty, and elegant all in one.
โŠฐแฏฝโŠฑโ”ˆโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœง
แด€ษดส แด„ส€ษชแด›ษชแด„ษช๊œฑแด๊œฑ แดส€ ๊œฐแด‡แด‡แด…ส™แด€แด„แด‹ แด€ส€แด‡ แดกแด‡สŸแด„แดแดแด‡แด…. ษช'แด แด›แด€แด‹ษชษดษข แด€ ษดแด‡แดก แด…ษชส€แด‡แด„แด›ษชแดษด แดกษชแด›สœ แด›สœษช๊œฑ ส™สŸแดษข แด€ษดแด… แด€แด แดแด˜แด‡ษด แด›แด แด€ษดส แดแด˜ษชษดษชแดษด๊œฑ แด€๊œฑ แด›แด แดกสœแด‡ส€แด‡ ษช แด„แด€ษด ษชแดแด˜ส€แดแด แด‡ ษชแด›. โ™ก
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ยฉ lolita-bonita โ€” Please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other social media platforms without my permission. This is the only platform that I post this type of content. If you see my work being posted anywhere else, please kindly report them to me. โ™ก
โŠฑโ”ˆโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœง
โœจ๏ธแด˜สŸแด‡แด€๊œฑแด‡ ษดแดแด›แด‡: Tarot is not an exact science, nor can it produce information that is factually true. All things posted are alleged and for entertainment purposes only. The future is fluid, and what may happen is based on your choices and actions, not what I and a deck of cards say. You are still the creator of your future. โœจ๏ธ
โŠฐแฏฝโŠฑโ”ˆโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โœง
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nicromancytarot ยท 1 month
ALL ABOUT YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE 18+ themes, lots of information!!
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesnโ€™t. If you donโ€™t feel the pile resonates with you, donโ€™t be scared to try another, if it still doesnโ€™t feel right, thatโ€™s ok! Maybe our energies arenโ€™t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I donโ€™t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 15-20 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
(This took me 3 days lmao, please like, follow and reblog)
I asked my spirit guides what you need to know about your future spouse, pick a pile to find out!!
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Pile 1 โ€”โ€”โ€”> Pile 2 โ€”โ€”โ€”> Pile 3
PILE 1 (TW sexual abuse)
โ€œI need to take time for myselfโ€ โ€œletโ€™s take this to the next levelโ€ โ€œi donโ€™t want anyone elseโ€
Their appearance
Iโ€™m seeing lighter hair, light brown to a blonde-white, Iโ€™m seeing they may have muscles, or just a nicely toned body. It also looks like their back may be very prominent to their appearance, they may work out extra to achieve really nice back muscles. They could honestly have a large top half and skinny bottom half (Miguel Oโ€™Hara for example.) Iโ€™m seeing someone quite tall, they may have an interesting shaped head, like not in a bad way, it might just appear more prominently on them. For a guy, long third leg.. (They allowed me to say this one.) Possible big ears, or maybe even wears earrings or something to highlight them. The right side of their face is the best for them lmao, they might pose showing their right side for pictures.
About them
Theyโ€˜ve have been through some hardships in their life, theyโ€™ve been fucked over pretty bad in the past, and while they donโ€™t like to dwell on it, I wanted to bring it up. Itโ€™s seeming like they may have gone through sexual assault, Iโ€™m seeing that they used to appear quite sexualised in the past, something they did themself, however, someone close to them felt valid enough to abuse their power and cause harm to your partner through their self-expression. This hurt your partner a lot, theyโ€™re still healing, Iโ€™m heading โ€œplease take your time with meโ€ when it comes to sex, they have some extreme vulnerability about it, they need you to understand that; theyโ€™re begging me not to sexualise them, and theyโ€™re asking you nicely to do the same, give them the respect that someone thought was ok to steal from them.
Due to this mass betrayal, they appear very closed off to new love, they have a lot of people that want them, and fawn over them, but this situation has completely made them turn a blind eye to those who see them. It will take you a while to crack this person open, however once you do, it will be more than worth it.
They will be very slow to start this connection with you, but once they are sure that you can be trusted, and they feel safe around you, they will set up camp by your side, and they donโ€™t plan on leaving.
Their career
Theyโ€™re very financially successful, but I see that this took them a while, I think they began building up financial abundance due to wanting their family to be there for them, and take notice in their achievements.
In work I think they may be underestimated, appearing as the lioness, I can only be reminded of the over glamorisation of lions, and the societal irrelevancy of lionesses, even though they do more for the lion population than the lion, as a collective do for themselves. Unfortunately this being said, I see they are idolised for their body, rather than their talents (Iโ€™m getting Sidney Sweeney, and Vinnie Hacker for this, both talented people, who are only seen as pieces of meat, or some type of chew toy.) Your person is really disrespected and itโ€™s making me so mad, man. Theyโ€™re trying their hardest to break out of the stereotype, however I feel as though there are colleges of theirs that constantly sexualise them, making them feel very uncomfortable. Again, Iโ€™m getting the same message as before, they are yearning for someone to treat them like a human being, and not just a vessel of sex organs.
Their family
Mentioned prior, they do not have the best relationship with their family, I think thereโ€™s some deep-rooted and รญnstense trauma from possible childhood, I see they were the type of child to get all perfect grades to try and impress, and make their parents proud, however I donโ€™t think it worked. Their parents seem very self focused and absorbed in their own life, and business.
They assumed that becoming even more successful, making a name for themself, earning masses of money would make their family proud, but it never worked.
They may have cut their family out of their life, or they are considering it. If they donโ€™t decide to cut their family off, it most likely comes from hope and fear, they are scared that their family wonโ€™t notice all their biggest achievements if they cut them out, and they hope that eventually they will be able to achieve something big enough so their family is proud of them. They blame themself a lot for โ€œnot being enoughโ€ and not making them proud.
How they are in bed
I was not able to get much for this, but I do see that they need to really be able to trust you fully before getting into bed with you, they need a lot of time and reassurance, they really need you to understand their fears. The first time you guys have sex, you may unintentionally bring up some hidden wounds, theyโ€™re telling me to tell you not to worry, theyโ€™ll look into your eyes and itโ€™ll be gone. They may need eye contact the first time, they need that constant reminder that itโ€™s you, and that you wonโ€™t hurt them.
They gave me a few explicit messages, so for that I got
โ€œCum on your faceโ€
โ€œMake a sex tapeโ€ (I feel like they would burn this onto a hard drive and keep it in a place only they know about, only showing you if you asked them to.)
โ€œFood playโ€
When I got these messages, I had a fan on so I needed to put the papers under something so they didnโ€™t fly away, I unknowingly put them under the chariot card, so Iโ€™m really getting again that you will need to work for this. The chariot was also the only sexual illustration I got.
Another thing is that they donโ€™t want you telling your friends about your guys sex lives, they donโ€™t want more people to sexualise them.
They also may finish very fast the first time, this could be out of sensation since I donโ€™t think they wouldโ€™ve had sex for a very long time by the time you guys meet and start dating.
Their love language
Acts of service, they enjoy doing things for the people that they care about, unfortunately it seems this has stemmed from their neglecting childhood, they feel as though they must do something for someone to feel loved. They do not quite understand that love is not a give to receive, you may have to be the one to teach them this. Your future spouse only believe people will love them if they do something for that person in return.
Quality time, they like to be with the people they care about, iโ€™m seeing two people sat in silence on some arm chairs, one person is resting their head on their arm while scrolling aimlessly on their phone, meanwhile the other is reading a book, holding it with one hand as the other plays with the hand belonging to their counterpart, their fingers tracing the skin of their loverโ€™s hand gently, fingers only just intertwining.
Their shadows
Your future spouse does not see their own self worth, they do not value themself as a person, or even a creator, whatever they do in life, they are a very creative and diverse person, yet they donโ€™t feel that way. Itโ€™s as if they suffer from imposter syndrome, they never feel worthy of their achievements, because no one ever made them feel as though their success mattered.
They can be very closed off with their feelings, they become resentful towards their emotions and just wish they could rip the feelings from their body. They may say things they donโ€™t mean in the moment, mostly because they donโ€™t feel worthy of your love, but as soon as they realise what they have done, they will bring you to their chest and hug you tightly.
This reaction will never escalate further than a shout of anger.
I sense they might refuse therapy, you may have a lot of arguments about this, they try to tell themself that they do not need therapy, but this is mainly because they fear they will be laughed at, for coming to this person with trauma that even they struggle to understand, even after having gone through it. I would encourage you to try your best to get them to go to therapy, maybe even both of you together so you can get to know each other on a more intimate level.
Please be gentle with them my pile 1, they are truly a blessing of a soul.
โ€œIโ€™m not readyโ€ โ€œyouโ€™re too good for meโ€ โ€œletโ€™s take this to the next levelโ€ (you may have been attracted to pile 1, if so maybe go check it out.)
Their appearance
Lighter hair, for a select few of you, itโ€™s black. I think they might have longer hair, and like to wear it up, or they enjoy covering their head with a hat or other accessories. Iโ€™m getting medium height, maybe even shorter than you, or possibly only a little taller than you. I think they enjoy dressing more provocative, perhaps having shirt buttons undone, or just not wearing a shirt at all, they really like their body, and they know they have a good one. If they have abs, I would say they are there but quite faint, not toned, just enough to show. Their hair could be curly, or itโ€™s just the first thing you notice when you meet them. Iโ€™m getting pirate vibes, they might dress up more like a pirate honestly, buttoned down blouses, a bandana on their head, their hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. The area of their nose, lips, philtrum, and chin is very prominent, a main focal point on their face. Their eyes make them look tired and drunk, the classic sleepy eyes. They may wear a lot of jewellery, specifically gold. Their skin seems more into the tanner tones for the dark haired individuals, they may be part of the latino/a community. For the people with lighter hair, I see they could be based around Europe.
About them
I hate fuelling delusions like this, but multiple cards are pointing to this person being an ex, it seems like they had your heart at one point and came back for more, after having messed up the first time. They do seem very remorseful for their previous mistakes, they want you to know that they were naive and selfish, they didnโ€™t know how to treasure something as important, and valuable as your love, however they want you to know that they are ready now. I see they could have cheated on you in the past, left you for another person, or just been toxic with you, and just treated you badly. Please take in mind that I do not want you to get back with any super shitty ex, you have free will so donโ€™t do that, however I do think this person has changed for the better. With the chariot, and hanged man, Iโ€™m seeing they worked on themself to be able to be good for you, it may have taken them a few years.
For those of you whoโ€™s future spouse is not an ex, I would say that the first time you guys met, there was a sense of competition and it turned you completely off from them, or they just came across rude, and arrogant while trying to impress you, and you just werenโ€™t feeling it. Theyโ€™re coming back around to show you how serious they actually are about making this relationship with you work. They will need some time, one sided enemies to lovers lmao.
Their career
I feel as though they have a good amount of material wealth, they seem to have everything they could desire, they could be a little bit of a workaholic, which possibly can cause some drama between you, you will need to remind them of how important spending time together is, they will listen, they are always willing to compromise with you.
Their job is one filled with a lot of competition, Iโ€™m honestly getting technology, they could work with technology, they could be under a tech company position, or maybe they even work from home doing their own thing on their computer.
They can appear secretive when it comes to their job, theyโ€™re not trying to keep it a secret, or hidden from you, they simply just donโ€™t really think to talk about it that much. Lowkey, they could be a moderator for some type of famous streamer, (lmao??) or they could work in a position where they help people with managing publicity, like an agent or something.
This job does seem interesting, but it does come across a little like they do it more so for the money, than for an actual enjoyment that they find. Some of them do enjoy their job, but I donโ€™t think they would stick with it, if it didnโ€™t offer them the money and exposure that it does.
Their family
I honestly feel like it was their familyโ€™s influence that got them to start working on themself, I get the sense that their mother was possibly the one to force them into therapy, she may have even sat through his first session lol.
I think heโ€™s mainly closest to the woman in his family, Iโ€™m getting a close friendship with their 1-2 sisters, possibly older, rather than younger. Im getting that they see them a little puppy that needs training, if you guys get into an argument, and they go to their sisters, the oldest one would be quick to correct your future spouse on their mistakes, and convince them to talk to you again and apologise for whatever they did.
Their family love you, if itโ€™s a second chance scenario, they are so happy that you guys get another chance at loving each other, they truly want you to stay part of their family.
Iโ€™m seeing a young girl, possibly around the age of 5-6, you will be very close to her, Iโ€™m feeling itโ€™s a niece or cousin, who is constantly around when you visit the rest of the family.
How they are in bed
They honestly appear quite vanilla, all bark no bite to be honest, they will say the flirtiest things to you, and they appear quite sexual, but once you get into the bedroom, they become all shy and reserved, there is a potential for you to bring them out of their shell however.
Iโ€™m seeing that sex for them is more-so about their own pleasure, they can seem a bit selfish during sex because of this, they may also see it as a way to compete with others, Iโ€™m hearing โ€œI have them in a way that no one else ever will,โ€ they may deal with a little bit of jealousy when it comes to your relationship, they are you as a very desired person, so they worry that someone will steal you away from them, being intimate with you is like proof to them that you are thereโ€™s and no one else could have you in such a compromising position.
They may finish really fast, Iโ€™m seeing someone who is struggling to keep their attraction in, the way your eyes penetrate into theirs will have them a stuttering mess, unexpectedly pushing them to their climax, though I feel like you will be nowhere near your own. You may need to help them with how to pleasure you, so you also reach your destination!
They could be a virgin, they donโ€™t seem very experienced, they may have even waited for marriage, so this could be the night of your wedding.
Theyโ€™re on top, it makes them feel more masculine and in charge of the situation, I also think they need to be able to pick their own pace to make sure they donโ€™t overwhelm themself the first time.
They will be bursting with anticipation every time you initiate something with them.
They may have a desire to watch you touch yourself, they know about the important places of pleasure for people of your gender, however they donโ€™t know exactly how to treat those places, so they may ask you to touch yourself to show them, this could lead to an intense session of mutual masterbation, for the select few of you, this will come before your wedding, theyโ€™ll ask you about how they should pleasure you on your wedding night, and you will show them, they will get into the mood as well and join you in the bed, this will almost make them cave in and take you there and then.
โ€œPull my hairโ€
โ€œYou make me so hard/wetโ€
โ€œLet me tasteโ€
Their open to whatever youโ€™re into, just give them time to adjust to the new sensations of sex first, before you spring any random kinks onto them.
Their love language
Physical touch, they enjoy being around you and putting their hands on you at any chance they get, they like to hold your hand, to wrap their arms around your waist, they just like how you feel under their touch, if they feel like theyโ€™re working too much, they will invite you to sit with them, possibly on their lap so they can have you with them.
They like their bare skin to touch yours, I donโ€™t think they sleep with much on, maybe shirtless with a pair of underwear, they will press their front of your back, making sure their bare chest hits your bare back, and back of shoulders.
Gift giving, they like to buy you things, I think itโ€™s in a way of trying to make up for how they treated you in the past, they use their money to prove to you how serious they are about you and their relationship with you, theyโ€™re very possessive of their material wealth, so sharing it with you is something massive, and unexpected. If you see something in the store window, theyโ€™ll notice you even as much as glanced at it, and they will make sure it belongs to you in no time.
Their shadows
Their can appear a little selfish at times, I think theyโ€™ve had to protect and defend themself all their life, so now they feel as though shutting people out and not letting them in is the best answer to cure and keep away any upcoming insecurities.
Your future spouse needs to lose things to understand how much they actually mean to them, they donโ€™t appreciate things enough until itโ€™s taking away from them, luckily for them, they tend to work hard enough to manage to get this back, ensuring that it will never be taken away again.
Their downplay their transformations, they donโ€™t exaggerate, but honestly the complete opposite, they feel as though their past and their future and two completely different identities, they need constant reminders that their success is still their success, no matter how long ago it was.
โ€œI donโ€™t want anyone elseโ€ โ€œdo you feel the same?โ€ โ€œyouโ€™re the only one I want in my lifeโ€ (again, you couldโ€™ve also been attracted to pile 1, I wouldnโ€™t recommend going back up however, I think it may have been the warning that caught your eye rather than the pile itself!)
Their appearance
Iโ€™m getting chestnut brown, to black hair, for a woman, itโ€™s casts down her back, quite long. For a man, Itโ€™s around medium length, maybe just above their shoulders. Their back is very prominent in this pile, I feel like they have nicely defined back muscles, however I do not think they are an incredibly muscular person. They could honestly dress more punk/emo, wearing black leather jackets which are decorated, and bedazzled with silver spikes, I do see a possibility for a more alternative style for men, feminine outifts for women, types of styles that accentuates their hips and bust.
They might like going outside a lot, theyโ€™d be the type to suggest a camping trip, so they wear clothes that are suitable, and durable for being outside for extended periods of time. Big black boots is another thing Iโ€™m getting, their hair could also be spiked up for a select few of you. (Iโ€™m honestly picking up Johnnie Gilbert similarities for this pile, maybe Johnnieโ€™s future wife is watching, and they just donโ€™t know, thatโ€™s crazy.)
About them
They know better than to overwork themself, they may be the type that needs to mentally recharge after being around people for too long, they also seem to take in a lot of energy when around people, theyโ€™re like a little portable charger, however this does mean that they get burnt out very quickly. Luckily, they are not one to ignore the signals of their body and mind, so if they need to rest and be alone for a little, they will do that, this can however make them appear a tad aloof.
I donโ€™t think theyโ€™re the best at expressing their emotions, they keep them hidden for a reason, I believe out of fear of judgment, or getting hurt again. Iโ€™m seeing someone who may have been cheated on by an ex partner, I donโ€™t imagine they got closure on whatever this situation was, if it wasnโ€™t cheating, it was some type of intense betrayal. They may appear a bit condescending at times, this is their way of trying to push you away before you find out about their feelings, they weirdly think you will leave them or condemn them for showing any natural, human emotion.
Their hardworking in all areas of their life, mainly self improvement, they want to become the best version of themself, so their partner can be comfortable with them. I do see that they will have a dramatic change of circumstance, or just who they are as a person, around the time that they meet you, which would be done for you, or for some of you, they will improve themself right before you guys meet, this change in their life will bring you to them.
Their career
They have a job where their workload and work time is flexible, they have the ability to not work one day, and pick up the work the next day if they so please. This is good because it means they will be making sure they always have time for you, to make you feel appreciated.
Their job is focused around nurturing responsibility, they are a leader of their area, but not a leader overall, they may have some type of job where they have to be a role model for people of a younger age, mild fame or influencing is showing strongly (bro which one of you are Johnnieโ€™s wife, this is getting too specific.)
The job brings in a lot of material abundance, I donโ€™t see they have to worry about too much, other than understanding that their work can be overwhelming, and that they need to pace themself, allowing themself to take breaks is super important with this pile.
Itโ€™s a job that offers them long term stability, and more money with the higher their position gets, if this person is mildly famous, or some type of influencer, the more fame and fans they gain, the more money they will be raking in, however they do need to remember where their loyalties lie, and always make sure to appreciate the fandom that gave them what they have now.
Their family
Their family are so different from them lmao, like polar opposites, Iโ€™m seeing the sweetest mother who always makes baked goods, sometimes they can appear a little interesting, but taste good nonetheless. Their father calls them by a nickname which your future spouse hates, their father is really sweet, Iโ€™m getting someone a little more laidback, who would rub your partners hair to mess it up for absolutely no reason.
You will feel very welcome into this family, they do not discriminate since their son/daughter/child has gone through some intense stuff in their life, and they are just thankful that you are able to bring them security, and safety, your person couldโ€™ve struggled badly with mental health, and it may have worried their family, so their parents are super happy that youโ€™re able to keep them happy. However, please remember that someoneโ€™s mental health is not your responsibility solely.
How they are in bed
I donโ€™t think they wouldโ€™ve had sex for a while before you guys got together, I think they may have done some type of sexual cleanse, they were possibly a fuck boy/girl in the past, so they quit it to help themself improve and be the best version of themself.
They may need a little while to really get ready to be intimate with you, it might come as a conversation that the two of you share, explaining that you would like to have sex with them, and them setting a date for it so nothing can go wrong. I see them prepping by shaving their entire body lmao, theyโ€™re going all out, if itโ€™s a man, theyโ€™re going to get so many cuts in all the wrong places, and they will definitely complain about it to you. They do expect you to be as prepared as they are, so get yourself ready, find yourself a nice, new perfume and get to it.
I do not think they will have sex with you outside of the relationship, I feel as though they have so many sexual requests from people, it makes them feel only valuable for their body, they donโ€™t want to be seen as just a warm body that you get to lay under, the first time you are intimate with them. You have to prove yourself before sex, and even then, it may take a while. Iโ€™m getting around eight to ten months after dating, they really donโ€™t want to be fooled and used for their body, especially after their sexual cleanse.
They like to be on top, they may honestly end up sweating and shivering at the end of it, like that one scene from Titanic when Jack is shaking in the carriage while laying on top of Rose with a blanket.
The sex will get progressively more rough and interesting over time, but the first time is just pure love making.
โ€œLook into my eyesโ€
โ€œFuck you sillyโ€
โ€œTie you upโ€
Iโ€™m getting that they will need aftercare more than you will, while both of you will be giving it to each other, they are a lot more in need of it, I feel like you would be fine to just go into the kitchen and make yourself something to eat, meanwhile they desire to be in your arms for the next couple of hours.
Their love language
Physical touch, they need to be at least holding your hand at all times, they would lowkey like to wear a lipstick stain you created on their cheek or jaw, they like people to know that you are theirs, and they are yours. They may also really like when you give them hickeys, they will absolutely allow those to be on show for everyone to see, they are too proud to hide them. They like to hold your stomach? Perhaps itโ€™s when you sleep, they like to rest their hand on your stomach, or perhaps they want to get you pregnant, they may be very serious about having kids sometime in the future.
Words of affirmation, they really appreciate when you tell them how good they look, or how the outfit theyโ€™re wearing is amazing on their body. They specifically enjoy your compliments, you have a way with explaining things, that makes it seem so much more authentic and honest, they trust your judgment a lot. I do see they have a tendency to feel very insecure, and although so many people tell them how beautiful they are, your future spouse struggles to believe them, thinking itโ€™s some kind of sick joke, but they know you would never joke or make fun of them about that. Youโ€™ll be very surprised to find out about their insecurities, you may even think theyโ€™re playing with you the first time they mention it, this could make them feel invalidated, so be careful how you tackle this!
Their shadows
They constantly ignore their problems, they have an โ€œout of sight, out of mindโ€ way of thinking, which is just barbaric because it means they donโ€™t sort through their issues and instead push them out of the way. You may need to help them with healing from some past trauma, and realising that they are allowed to feel hurt and anger from those past situations, as they were not at all ideal.
Your future spouse is quick to push people away when they feel as though theyโ€™ve said too much, and opened up more than they desired to, due to this, there may be a few times when you feel helpless, and they seem helpless, this is something you can work through together.
They get very defensive, very quickly, if you say something that unintentionally triggers them, they will shut off, going into some type of hermit mode until they feel ready to talk about whatever it is that bothered them.
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tarotwithavi ยท 2 months
The type of lover you deserve
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Politely request your spirit guides to reveal the appropriate pile meant for you, then open your eyes. Whichever pile captures your attention is the one meant for you.
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Pile 1
Omg pile one I love your energy! So first things first you deserve someone who matches your energy. Like someone who understands you without even saying anything. Someone who can just look into your eyes and feel the depths of your heart. Someone who can protect and cherish your innocence. You're naive pile 1. You trust people easily and sometimes this leads you to people using you for their profit. You deserve someone who can protect you, someone who can cherish your innocence. Someone who won't taint your pure and sweet heart. Someone who won't tell you to change and be someone you're not. You deserve someone who won't tell you that you're too kind for this world and that you need to change yourself in order to survive. You deserve someone who'll let you be innocent and sweet. You deserve someone who'll be proud to have you in their life. You deserve someone who'll be sure about yourself. Someone who's ready to wife/husband you up without any doubt. You deserve someone who'll make your feel confident. I see that some of you may have daddy issues so you instantly like people who give off mature and responsible vibes. You deserve someone with whom you can share your deepest darkest secrets. Someone who won't judge you for liking things that you like, dressing the way you want to etc. you deserve someone who'll teach you new things without making you feel stupid. Someone who'll be patient with you. You deserve someone who knows how to handle their emotions, especially Anger because I see that you may have some kind of trauma revolving anger issues or people shouting and things breaking. I see that you guys had to grow up early, you had to be mature beyond your age, sometimes you feel like you missed out on so many things. So you deserve someone with whom your inner child can feel protected, secure and happy. You deserve someone who can give you the love you never got as a child. You guys could be born in June, March, November or August or these could be significant months for you.
Pile 2
Welcome pile 2! The first message I'm getting is that someone of you could practice witchcraft or you could be interested in the occult. You could be interested in conspiracy theories or things that people do not talk about so openly. I also see that you could give off intimidating vibes. So you deserve someone who doesn't get scared easily. You deserve someone who has similar interests as you, probably someone with whom you can do witchy stuff. Pile 2 you deserve someone who understands your magic. Someone who believes in magic. Someone who is not too practical or logical like that type of practical person who doesn't believe in magik. Someone who can think outside the box. You deserve someone who learns, grows and adapts with time. You do not deserve someone who lives like an NPC. You deserve someone who matches your uniqueness, someone who is not afraid to let themselves shine. You deserve someone with whom you can travel to different places. I see that you are someone who likes taking risks so you deserve someone who has the same adventurous soul. You deserve someone who matches your freaky energy ๐Ÿ˜œ I see that you have a lot of stamina and deserve someone who matches your energy in bed. You're absolutely magical so you deserve someone who can handle your otherworldly energy. You deserve someone who can make your every wish come true. You deserve someone who is willing to put in the effort to be with you. You deserve someone who can offer you something in return. I see that you have been the type of person who does more than needed for others so you deserve someone who can spend money on you and spend time with you. You deserve someone who can show you how lovely it is to love and be loved. I also see that you deserve someone who can handle pain for some reason? Idk you deserve someone who won't feel pity for your backstory. You deserve someone who won't look at you with sympathy, instead you deserve someone who can challenge you because you love challenges. You could be an Earth or water sign, especially cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn.
Pile 3
Whatsup! Pile 3! The first message I am picking upon is that you deserve someone who is willing to fight for your attention. you deserve someone who is ready to fight for your relationship. You deserve someone who does not give up easily. I see that sometimes you can be hard to love because you are always evolving, you are always changing, you are not the person you were a few months ago and some people cannot keep up with it. So you deserve someone who can keep up with your transformations, someone who will not stop loving you just because you have changed. You deserve someone who loves you for your soul, who loves you for your true self. you deserve someone who is willing to make things work. you deserve someone who wants stable long term commitment. you do not deserve somebody who is just looking for casual dating. I'm also picking up on the message that you deserve someone who treats you like a Queen. you deserve someone who gives you princess treatment and if your person is not willing to give you princess treatment then they might not be the one for you. You deserve someone who takes up on the traditional image of their gender, someone who is willing to provide and protect. I see that you romanticize old love, you romanticize when people used to write letters, were patient, and were ready to love. Another message I'm getting is that you deserve someone who treats your body like a temple, who worships your body. Someone who worships the ground you walk. Someone who puts you on a pedestal. You absolutely deserve to be treated like a queen. And let me make one thing clear: you'll only receive this treatment when you're willing to treat your person like a king. You deserve someone who is willing to learn new things for you, you deserve someone who is willing to change their perspective about things. You deserve someone who is also evolving and changing so you guys can keep up with each other.
Pile 4
This is definitely my crazy pile ๐Ÿคฃ Hello pile 4! Welcome to your reading! You deserve someone who matches your weird energy like someone who is willing to be strange, loud and crazy with you. You deserve someone who is open and wholesome. I see that you do not give a buck about what people say and you just want to be your true self. You love spreading happiness and kindness. I am hearing โ€œ she likes to give a smile to every strangerโ€ . You should listen to โ€œshe's crazy but she's mineโ€ . You're a walking representation of this song. You deserve someone who won't feel awkward by your energy, you deserve someone who does not feel threatened by the attention you attract. I see that you have a really unique energy that attracts a lot of attention wherever you go. You could be sitting there reading your book and people would still be looking at you like you are a star so you deserve somebody who does not feel insecure about the attention you attract. You deserve someone who is confident, you deserve someone who won't make you dim your light. You deserve someone who is just as crazy as you are , you deserve somebody who can match your vibe. Another message I'm getting is that you deserve somebody who is kind and humble because you are someone who likes spreading love around and you are someone who likes helping people. You do not like dishonest and ungrateful people. You deserve someone with whom you can help others. You deserve someone who is just as passionate about life as you are. You deserve an optimistic person. I see that you have gone through a lot of betrayals but you still choose to believe in love and happiness. You deserve an emotionally mature person, you deserve someone who feels their emotion and does not sabotage themselves. You deserve someone who loves children who loves working with children and animals. I see that you will be doing charity work with your future partner. You deserve someone who is interested in space, dinosaurs and random facts.
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astrologylunadream ยท 3 months
Everything About Your Future Spouse +Traits & Initials ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ‘ค๐Ÿ’ (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream~ This is my first future spouse reading for you guys, so let me know if you wanna see more readings like this one.โค๏ธ We will learn everything on your future spouse and specific details about them. hope you find your message๐Ÿฅฐ
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!โ™ก If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 This is a general reading for many people! (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~โค๏ธ
Pile 1๐ŸŒน
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Pile 2๐Ÿชท
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Pile 3๐Ÿ’
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Pile 4๐ŸŒท
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~โ™ก
On to the readings โ€”> ๐Ÿ’•
Pile 1๐ŸŒน
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Sign energy: Cold, Darling, Concert, Silence, Provide, Saturn, Aries, 5th house, 4th house, Sun,โœ”๏ธโ™’๏ธโ™‹๏ธ๐Ÿซก
๐ŸŒนAll about your future spouse: I kinda felt there would for sure be some successful energy from this pile's future spouse lol. Not necessarily prideful but definitely they know their worth, and I'm typically seeing an entrepreneur/family business thing going on with you two๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ’ผ I love this couple's energy so much. Idk why but I'm getting some of you may be Aries-Aquarius relationship or Aries-Cancer relationship. They could have Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, or Cancer placements in their chart. Omg your spouse will know how to mix work and play so well!! Like one minute they are serious down to business and the next dragging you off to a concert and jamming out with you LOL๐Ÿคฃ You guys may tie the knot sometime in winter. It's in the cards my pile 1's this person WILL PROVIDE.๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ Like your future spouse will dedicate so much to their family, and they will make a great parent I'm hearing for those who are interested in that๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’— Omg so like at their work space they are super cold and sooo different from the way they are at home with their spouse/family, at home they are literally so sweet to their partner and love playing with their kids but they DON'T PLAY at work oml like people they work with will have mad respect for your future spouse, I'm kinda getting boss energy so that could be because everyone is under your future spouse or working for them.๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿชœ๐Ÿ” They show authority to others I'm seeing people greeting your future spouse like saluting to them (maybe they're in high position), bowing to your future spouse, ect. Your future spouse is so soft spoken and sweet with my pile 1's, meanwhile at work they may be more stern or harsh. They don't mind stepping on toes to give everything to their family.๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ž Ride or die for their family vibes. Seriously you will mean so much to this person, you will be a huge highlight in your future spouse's life. It's so sweet, so loving.๐Ÿฅนโค๏ธ
๐Ÿ’ฌInitials: X, F, V, U, R
๐Ÿ“Locations: North america, North, Australia, South, Europe (These can be significant to you or them, or places you meet, travel or live together๐Ÿฅฐ)
๐Ÿ’ผOccupations: Entrepreneur, Public figure, Manager, Business owner, CEO, Finance, Artist, Politician, Media Influencer, Property owner, High status official, Entertainment industry
๐Ÿ’ŒMessages from your future spouse: I can't believe it, I can't look you in the eyes, You left an impression on me, Come to your senses, I'm so tempted (๐Ÿ˜) Extra cards: Public image, Connection, Synchrony, Sagittarius, Cupid
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!โค๏ธ
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the red rose emoji~๐ŸŒน Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading๐Ÿ’‹
Pile 2๐Ÿชท
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Sign energy: Eyebrows, Decor, February, Train, Siren, Chiron, 11th house, Water, South node, Earth,๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐ŸŒ
๐ŸŒนAll about your future spouse: Okay so definitely getting water sign energy with this one. Your future spouse has such adorable traits!!๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ’— They may be born in february so Pisces is likely. Aquarius, Earth or Water placements too. They may work online or have an online business, it's something really clever and innovative I'm hearing. Your future spouse will have a very delicate occupation like it's nothing extreme or dangerous it's actually super simple and successful.๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ“จ This may be designing, home related, advertising, ect. I just feel like their job is so sweet idk why. It really suits them and they have such a calm and gentle work space. Your spouse will make money online or that is a source for them๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ’ซ You may connect with them through social media or that is where you first see them. They are intuitive and have exceptional ideas, I feel like they really think out of the ordinary.๐Ÿ’ก For some of you this spouse may have a job that requires getting on a train๐Ÿš† My pile 2's your future spouse will be unique and very interesting to you.โœจ๏ธ They will heal your past, like you can depend on them.๐Ÿซ‚ Their eyebrows may be a noticeable physical trait of theirs. Your future spouse may live near a bridge or water, also you guys may have a small thing of growing your own fruits or vegetables?? For some of you that may be the case, it's really cute omg.๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฉท This will feel like a very healthy relationship for you both, a breath of fresh air. I feel like this person can be whatever you want them to be, like they will change for the better for you.๐Ÿ’— Omg can can we talk about how worried they get over you?? Like if you get injured or they think the slightest thing is bothering you, they will ask you what's wrong and comfort you until you feel better.๐Ÿ˜ข๐ŸŒง๐Ÿ’ž Like they just know. Your future spouse has soft siren vibes imo, not the intense scary kind but the adorable floppy fish vibes idk??๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ They are just there for you whenever you need them๐Ÿ’“ This is a really soft and innocent relationship you guys will have. :D
๐Ÿ’ฌInitials: F, Z, L, W, J
๐Ÿ“Locations: U.S.A, Turkey, Hawaii, Indonesia, Australia (These can be significant to you or them, or places you meet, travel or live together๐Ÿฅฐ)
๐Ÿ’ผOccupations: Brand owner, Home design, Online marketing, Architecture, Interior designer, Online business, Editor, Graphic design, Freelance artist, Social media management
๐Ÿ’ŒMessages from your future spouse: I get lost in your eyes, All you have to do is ask, I'll tell them myself, Have you thought of me lately? I think you're a great person (They love my pile 2's vibe๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฉท) Extra cards: Above, Blood, Embrace, Union, Unrequited love
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!โค๏ธ
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the pink lotus emoji~๐Ÿชท Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Wish you the best and see you in the next reading๐Ÿ’‹
Pile 3๐Ÿ’
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Sign energy: Love letter, Wish, Spouse, Chiron, Long, Cancer, Aries, Mercury, 1st house, 3rd house,๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿ‘…
๐ŸŒนAll about your future spouse: Wow interesting my pile 3's your future spouse is so recognizable, you will notice them right away.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ Prominent signs for them are Cancer, Aries, Virgo, and Gemini. They will be so into you from the start lol like serious about you. They will confess many times to ensure they have you, They could have long legs or something long in their appearance, their tongue could be.๐Ÿ˜ถ Anyways they will speak to you first I'm hearing, it will not be hard for them to strike up a conversation with you. You will be shocked by their forward approach, they may be surprisingly honest in the beginning like "let's get this thing straight, I'm into you" kinda thing๐Ÿคญโค๏ธ But like once you become closer you will see how romantic and loving your future spouse gets with you!! They will compliment you and flirt with you so much, and probably the type to keep telling you they want to marry you.๐Ÿ ๐ŸŒนThey are witty and romantic as hell. The type to brag about their family with you (if you have one) and tell others how in love with you they are. They will talk up my pile 3's so much.๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’ž Their job may involve communicating with many people. Your future spouse will help you through things that have been affecting you for a while. You will really want to commit to this person I'm hearing, once they got you.. you won't wanna leave๐Ÿ˜ They speak openly about the things they want and leave it out there waiting for you to fulfill them๐Ÿ’‹ Like saying they want affection without actually asking or telling you they're cold just to see if you'll cuddle them.๐Ÿฅบ This is so sweet, they know all the words to say to make you blush.๐Ÿ—ฃ๐Ÿ’Œ Your future spouse will know they want to marry you upon first meeting or the early stages of the connection, also for some of you this person has been wishing and hoping to marry you or find you for a long time.โณ๏ธ Once they have you they won't stop telling you how pretty/hot you are๐Ÿ˜ณโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ They are great communicators, like really smooth.๐Ÿ˜Ž Kisses with them will be๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ‘… And hugs will be๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿ˜‡ That is all I will say about that๐Ÿ™ˆ My pile 3's your future spouse will be so caring and doting to you, they will take good care of you guys!!
๐Ÿ’ฌInitials: N, U, X, B, K
๐Ÿ“Locations: Canada, Finland, Peru, Africa, India (These can be significant to you or them, or places you meet, travel or live together๐Ÿฅฐ)
๐Ÿ’ผOccupations: Writer, Poet, Personal trainer, Motivational speaker, Public speaker, An activist of some kind, Family business, Preacher, Blogger, Screenwriter, News reporter, Broadcaster
๐Ÿ’ŒMessages from your future spouse: I can't help myself, Just dance with me, I wish, There's distance between us, So what if we're a thing? Extra cards: Listen, Kitty, Ego, Enchanting, Comment (Yeah they are one with their words๐Ÿ’ฌโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!โค๏ธ
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the flower bouquet emoji~๐Ÿ’ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Wish you the best and see you in the next reading๐Ÿ’‹
Pile 4๐ŸŒท
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Sign energy: Hater, Age, Walk, Leo, 10th house, 7th house, 5th house, Gemini, Moon, Chiron,๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿฆฅ๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿฆ„
๐ŸŒนAll about your future spouse: There is a lot going on with this pile.๐Ÿคฏ Your future spouse is someone very important, on the top of success in their field.๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’ผ They are charismatic and good with all kinds of people, they know how to gain respect๐Ÿค You guys may have a significant age gap with this person, I'm getting they are older than most of you. My pile 4's feel more youthful, that is the vibe I'm getting from you guys. Your future spouse has a masculine energy and approach to things, very dominant feel. I'm getting model/acting/CEO/millionaire/high up official vibes.โœจ๏ธ Take what resonates but I am seeing not everyone will approve of your relationship with them.๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿšซ For some of you this could be your mom or someone who is protective over you, they may not want you to marry this person. Your future spouse will be very well off in terms of finance๐Ÿ’ธ I'm getting the vibe they may push you guys away at first, maybe you want to rush into things with them but they don't think you are ready.โœ‹๏ธ๐Ÿคจ They may put their walls up at first, but eventually they will realize you are worthy and successful in their eyes.๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ’ At first your future spouse will come off dismissive of you since they are used to having many admirers that get on their nerves, your future spouse may have issues with gold diggers๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿงฒ I'm seeing people tryna put their hands on them and they're just like ๐Ÿ™„ get the fk away. LOL they hate it. Everyone thinks they are one of a kind and want a piece of them, your future spouse will recieve so much attention.๐Ÿ‘€ Also people will be jealous of you and your spouse like why her/him??๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ค Your relationship will be sought after by many. Your future spouse may also take walks often, that could be something you two do together.๐Ÿฅฐ They will protect and provide for my pile 4's, nothing will get in their way of you guys seriously.๐Ÿฅบโค๏ธ When you two are finally committed things will get spicy aswellโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ
๐Ÿ’ฌInitials: W, C, M, T, D
๐Ÿ“Locations: Turkey, Hawaii, Canada, Brazil, Thailand (These can be significant to you or them, or places you meet, travel or live together๐Ÿฅฐ)
๐Ÿ’ผOccupations: Public figure, Business owner, Entertainer, CEO, Entrepreneur, Model, Acting, Investor, Marketer, Producer, Fashion industry, Brand ambassador
๐Ÿ’ŒMessages from your future spouse: You're talking nonsense, Smile for me, We might move too fast, You're my addiction, Listen up (Lol they're like listen here pile 4 you belong to them๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘‡) Extra cards: Skin, Beach, Compulsive, Beloved, Expand (I'll leave it to you guys imagination on that one๐Ÿ˜ณ)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!โค๏ธ
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the tulip emoji~๐ŸŒท Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Wish you the best and see you in the next reading๐Ÿ’‹
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒธ
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/๐Ÿ’Œ -Lunadream <3
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ivesambrose ยท 4 months
๐˜๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ ๐Œ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐š๐ ๐ž๐ฌ ๐Ÿฅ‚
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1. 2. 3.
Do I dare ask how 2023 has been for y'all?
Pick the image you feel the most pull towards or have been seeing around you a lot, if you feel drawn towards multiple, so be it. ๐Ÿค
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Thank you for the tip ๐ŸŒน
๐“Ÿ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“พ๐“ป๐“ฎ 1
Your central theme is rising from the ashes. You're in the process of the most intense metamorphosis yet. A new dawn, a new day, a new life.
You'll feel empowered, passionate and obsessive about your pursuits. You'll allow the old skin to be ripped off of you and you'll no longer be scared to be you.
This year brings you connections, admires, collaborations, unions both in personal and proffesional life.
There's a certain duality in you that you haven't explored yet, but you will in the coming months.
You'll have good health for the most part compared to the previous year. Your family will be taken care of. The hope and assurance you may have lacked from them will come through. It will feel warm and refreshing. (Goes for chosen family too)
Romantically, you may be focused on your career or just living your life a lot. But someone might want to build a legacy or long term relationship with you.
If you're already coupled, the focus goes to building what you have and looking after domestic affairs and see things bloom.
Proffesionally, you will have your most successful and blessed year. Money shouldn't be a problem and even if it seems like it, your needs will always be met and you'll still have more.
Some of you might enjoy ghe fruits of your labour extensively. This goes for the ones who work solo or run their own business etc
Academically, you might feel a bit disinterested. Might move out from your home or change subjects. Take up something completely new. Might face your fears and push through but make it a point to follow your inner calling for the most part.
Themes centered around relationships and partnerships are significant this year as well opportunities coming out of the blue that call you to heed your intuition and step out of your comfort zone or limiting mindsets, that will inevitably lead to travel, progress and new experiences.
Make the best of this year, it'll feel like you're finally on the journey you've been preparing yourself for all this time.
๐“Ÿ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“พ๐“ป๐“ฎ 2
Your central theme is using your emotions as your guiding force, using it as fuel and not seeing it as weakness. Quieting your mind so you can listen to your instincts more. Healing from things you don't speak of, that you've felt have persistently held you back from your potential and finally taking the lead. You'll feel like the main character in your life finally, instead of seeing everything through the lens of a side character no one remembers.
You'll feel motivated to follow what makes your heart happy. You may be faced with choices a lot this year, a lot of this or that in several aspects of your life. Trust yourself to make the right decisions.
You'll be learning about your mind and body this year, so incase you go through ups and downs in your health you'll be able to manage it but also guide others too.
Romantically, you might as well get your happy ending. I see that you're mostly focused on the complete picture. Not bothered with what is going on in between too much. So you'll get what you're manifesting eitherway.
Proffesionally, a rebirth or evolution will take place. Something new that will grow overtime. You'll be driven about it. So success will be imminent.
Success in academics as well, feeling proud of your achievements.
Themes around revolution, personal development, healing generational trauma, humanitarism, technology as well being open to the unknown will also be prevalent this year.
Learn to make amends and embrace the breakthroughs this year has to offer you.
๐“Ÿ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฝ๐“พ๐“ป๐“ฎ 3
Your central theme is related to wealth, inheritance, change of lifestyle, receiving help, building a legacy and feeling more secure. Some of you will see a success or change they did not see coming, it was hidden for the longest time.
Some of you may even be leaving poverty behind for a more financially secure life.
You'll find yourself blooming, physically especially. A glow up in your looks and quality of being is going to be imminent. Focus on health, beauty, food, routine etc as well. A lot of you will be experiencing vivid dreams, strange synchronicities etc too will be learning about esoteric subjects, occult or the subconscious mind a lot. You'll also be receiving success and recognition or you might be building your steps towards it that will eventually pay off in the long run.
You'll feel like this old self or image of you has died. You may even mourn it for some time but will feel more powerful, confident and self assured once you're past that.
Romantically, you'll be feeling desirable and might attract a lot of suitors. Your self concept will improve exponentially, so will your standards. So nothing less than what you want. Your intuition will be at all time high. Fear no one and nothing. Some of you might also be moving to a new house too or might end up owning something in your name.
Proffesionally, although you might deal with competition you won't be too worried. You know your skills, you'll have your resources, your work will speak for it self and you will stand out.
Friendship, community, discoveries and gains are also some of the themes surrounding you this year.
Let your imagination create for you. You'll soon realize there's so much power in allowing yourself to receive what you desire by simply being instead of doing too much.
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scorpihoe1111 ยท 29 days
Astrology Observations: Part 3๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿฉท
Mars aspecting the ASC can give the individual a dominating demeanor, but also mainly depends on which aspect. Ex: Harmonius Aspects (trine/sextile)=Straightforward, honest, stand their ground, strong boundaries, not one to be pushed around. Harsh Aspects (square/opp)= Aggressive, domineering, rude, blunt, obnoxious.
(TW: Death) Your 8H sign and planet may tell you how you pass away. Ex: Gemini moon in the 8H= Lungs, breathing problems, asthma. Moon= emotional turmoil, stress, heart break etc
Asteroids like Medusa (149) or Aphrodite (1388) can show you what people envy about you, what they admire, where they may attempt to bring you shame etc. Ex: Medusa in the 1H can attract envy over their appearance, their aura and demeanor. People could attempt to โ€œhumbleโ€ these individuals often. Aphrodite in the 2H can make others admire your money, your possessions, may wanna know how you have what you have so they can have it too.
Aphrodite (1388) can result in people not just admiring wherever the house itโ€™s in, but also being malicious and petty over it since they feel they deserve it more.
Lilith in the houses is similar to this, and can result in those around you being annoyed when you do things in regards to the house and sign it is in. Ex: Sagittarius Lilith in the 2H= people could be upset when you relax, when you have fun, when you donโ€™t play by made up rules and standards, when youโ€™re genuinely happy, when you have nice things, when you take a break, when you indulge etc, because they have this mindset of โ€œI never got to do that/have that, why should youโ€. Lilith in the 1H= people getting annoyed that you may be beautiful and theyโ€™re not, painting you as a villain because youโ€™re pretty.
Cancer moons are surprisingly really good with holding boundaries with people in their lives. These people can be lover girls/boys, for sure; but they refuse to let people take advantage of them. Their love, effort and care is reserved for those who will appreciate them in return.
(TW: Mental Health) Take this with a grain of salt since itโ€™s just an observation and not a fact, but those Iโ€™ve met with a combo of Scorpio/Gemini in personal planets in a chart are usually diagnosed with BPD, while those Iโ€™ve met with either Virgo/Aries/Gemini in a chart combined have usually been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder/OCD. 12H and 8H stelliums Iโ€™ve also met have had some sort of mental illness such as BPD or Schizophrenia.
Jupiter in the 1H, Sag/Pisces risings and/or Jupiter aspecting ASC/personal planets usually manage to get out of difficult situations easily. These people easily attract the help they need, the resources to do what they need, the money to get them where they want to be; very easily. Even when people with these placements/aspects get in trouble they usually manage to make it out very easily as well. Jupiter blesses and makes lucky anything it touches.
People think that Mercury in the 1H might usually talk alot about themselves, and while that may be true; itโ€™s also true that they simply attract people who love to know about them and ask questions in regards to them. Mercury 1H individuals seem to be interesting to others and peak others curiosity about them. Others find them fascinating, thus constantly asking questions about them.
On the other hand, Mercury 3H individuals may be very close with their siblings, or their siblings can be popular/known/famous which could make the 3H person known for their siblings. This results in the 3H person consistently hearing about their siblings, getting asked questions or discussing topics in regards to their siblings. Same thing with school, this person may have either really good or really bad grades in regards to school so their main conversations with others could be in regards to school topics.
A Virgo rising individual at their worst can be obsessed with popularity/attention/validation (Leo 12H) amongst their peers. They may not come off that way, and they themselves may not even know that they secretly love being in the center. Without realizing, they subconsciously try their hardest to be the best at everything, the smartest, the prettiest/handsomest, and when at their lowest they have no issue with taking down others who they deem threatening to their spotlight. They can also be secretly judgmental of those who they deem to be lesser, or not as attractive than they are.
Similarly, Iโ€™ve noticed Scorpio Risings at their worse can be very jealous and insecure individuals as well when it comes to appearances/validation. Iโ€™ve noticed this in women with this placement mostly, but when theyโ€™re at their lowest/undeveloped, theyโ€™re the type to only be friends with or surround themselves around people they think are worse than they are whether appearance, status, popularity wise etc. Undeveloped Scorpio rising females can be very competitive and refuse to have someone whoโ€™s possibly better than they are around them, since they donโ€™t want to be compared to the other person or not chosen/not the favorite.
Libra moonโ€™s are the people that start the drama and then say โ€œI donโ€™t like dramaโ€ lol. What they really mean is they love it, as long as theyโ€™re not involved
If you find that you always have bad experiences with those whose signs fall in your 11H, check your sidereal chart. Odds are your 11H sign in your western chart is the 12H sign in your sidereal, which would explain the bad experiences.
Aquarius women are always so successful in everything they do, Iโ€™ve rarely met an Aquarius woman that doesnโ€™t have their shit together in every category. Theyโ€™re giving face, body, money, career, healthy love life and social life etc. The men on the other handโ€ฆ
Yes, those with Saturn in the 7H have a hard time finding the one. They go through years of cycles and repetitive situations in love but those who find their person find their FOREVER person. People with this placement may be the last to be in a relationship/get married amongst their peers, however theyโ€™re usually the happiest and most successful once they do compared to friends or family who just hurried up and settled and usually separate/divorce. Saturn 7Hโ€™s standards and boundaries may also seem to high or unrealistic to those around them, but theyโ€™re just asking for bare minimum. It only seems that way to others around them because they were raised in a group or environment that had no standards low key.
The good thing about 2H stelliums is that you attract money, possessions and success super easily. The bad thing is that those around you could ONLY see you as your success/money, and may try to bleed you dry of what you have and take advantage. Strong boundaries and not being overly giving is recommended with these placements.
Mars in the 12H can attract people who are secretly aggressive or hostile towards them. They may never know someone is holding a grudge on them and they may attract secret animosity or competition as a result. May have issues with male figures in their life and wonโ€™t even know it.
Jupiter in the 6H, especially with Cancer or Libra there; get along with animals sooo well. These are literal pet whisperers and itโ€™s rare for them to not have at least 3 cats/dogs. They love animals more than people sometimes.
Part 4 will be out soon. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
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theleotarot ยท 5 months
Future Spouse - What You Both Love About Each Other โ™ก
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Choose the image you are most drawn to or resonate most withโ€ฆ pile 1, pile 2, pile 3, & pile 4 โœจ
18+ Warning For Some
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Pile 1
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What your future spouse loves about you โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: 5 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, & 9 of Swords) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
Your future spouse absolutely loves it when you playfully fight and banter with them. When you playfully argue with them, it really does make them feel so attracted to you (it can even be a turn on to them lol). I can see that sometimes they will flirtatiously tease something about you just to get some rage out of you, and when you do show some anger, they really enjoy it. Itโ€™s not a bad thing here because after all the teasing, the both of you may end up in the bedroom wrapped up together in your bed sheets haha. There are lots of playfully wrestling and tangling up with each other that they love a lot. They seem to really love it when you show your jealous side as well. They like knowing that you want them all to yourself only. Your future spouse also loves it when you literally throw yourself on them when you miss them. Like on some days, Iโ€™m seeing your future spouse coming home from work and you running up to them to give them the biggest and longest hug ever just because youโ€™ve missed them, and they adore that clingy side of you. Also, are you the type to lightly hit people when you laugh as a habit?? If you are, they also love that. They love your playful side, and they love your aggressiveness when it comes to playful bantering and energetic side when it comes to being in bed together. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ They also love that you will do anything it takes to get what you want with your goals. Even if you have competitions to go against, you will put your best effort into making your dreams a reality, and they definitely love this about you.
While sometimes you may show clinginess to them, your future spouse already knows that you are independent as a person, and they love that about you. They love that you love them, but they also love that you love yourself. Everyone has times where they feel down about themselves, but at the very core, you know your own self-love and self-worth. I can see that sometimes, you will be looking at yourself through the mirror and telling them โ€œlook how pretty I look todayโ€ or โ€œlook how good my muscles lookโ€ and they will smile and tell you how amazing you are, and they love it when you just acknowledge how hot you are. They love it when you take the time to dress up and show off how good you look to the world. Your future spouse is also so proud of you. They love that you have worked so hard to accomplish all the goals you have achieved and the hard work that you have done to be where you are at. They adore that side of you that is resilient and has gained so much abundance from it! They love your confident side! Your future spouse enjoys watching you sleep and loves the way you sleep, even if you feel like you donโ€™t look nice while sleeping! They almost seem to view you as an angel when youโ€™re sleeping. If youโ€™re also insecure about any dark circles or eye bags that youโ€™ve gained from many sleepless nights, they love that about you. Any insecurities that you may have about your face, they love all of it! They also love when you wear the color red. For Women, they love it the most when you wear a red dress or even red lingerie. For men, they love it when you dress in burgundy clothing.
What you love about your future spouse โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: 2 of Cups, 3 of Wands, & 8 of Swords) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
What you love about your future spouse is their love and care towards you. You love it how they are the person who youโ€™ve always dreamed about being with, and you love it how they are your other half. You love it that they are not the type just to give you gifts on some occasions, but they are a person who takes the time to know your love language and love you they way that you want to be loved. You are so comfortable to be yourself with them, and you appreciate that they accept and love you for the way that you are. You also love it when your future spouse emotionally opens up to you. You love it when they are lovey-dovey to you just as much as when theyโ€™re upset about something and they vent to you about it. Itโ€™s kind of like you just enjoy finally having a partner who is available to you and reciprocates everything you feel back at you. You also love it how they are a great listener and always there for you when you are going through difficulties. I can see that on some days, maybe you have some conflict with family members, and it makes you very upset, and your future spouse is able to see right through you, so they set up a nice dinner arrangement for the both of you to let you know that they are there for you. You love this romantic and selfless side of them. You love it how they understand and see you clearly. Ultimately, you love it that they just get you.
You also love it how your future spouse is extremely outgoing and willing to take on new challenges in their life. You love it that they are always trying new things like a new hobby, job, food, class, and more to spice up their life. This also includes acts in the bedroom, if you know what Iโ€™m saying lol. Iโ€™m seeing that sometimes when you both are together in bed, out of nowhere theyโ€™re like โ€œdo you want to try this new thing out? Or do you want to try that thing weโ€™ve always been wanting to try instead?โ€ and it just makes you feel amazed at how exploring they are because it makes you explore new things too! In addition to the bedroom acts, you also love it that they are always wanting to expand themselves in all areas of their life. No matter what given situation they are going through, they will stay optimistic about the future and are ready to keep moving. You also love it when they take you out on trips and vacations for a getaway from your busy lives. I can see that your future spouse may have either dark features or a protective look to them that you are attracted to. Maybe sometimes they feel shy about the way they look and itโ€™s kind of cute to you, or you are attracted to them when they look closed off. Itโ€™s kind of like you love it how they have this look on them thatโ€™s dark, sexy, reserved, and avoidant, but in reality, they arenโ€™t as dark as they portray themselves. They are actually emotional, romantic, and outgoing.
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Pile 2
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What your future spouse loves about you โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: Justice, 8 of Cups, & The Moon) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
Your future spouse loves how truthful you are towards them. They absolutely love it when you are open with your feelings and tell them everything you think and do. Of course, everyone has things that they keep to themselves, but I believe that you are the type of person to tell their partner nearly everything, and thatโ€™s what they appreciate about you. Itโ€™s not that they are nosy about your life, but itโ€™s that they love it when you show that you have trust in them. For instance, if you were to have a certain habit that you are ashamed of, you will eventually open up to them about it because you believe that they should be the one that helps you through breaking the bad habit. Not only do you talk to them about serious issues, but they are the one person you always call or text when something good happens to you, and they adore seeing you excited! They also really respect the morals that you have in your life, like telling the truth, showing compassion, not hurting othersโ€™ feelings, and having respect. You also implement these morals into your relationship, and they love this so much about you. For some of you, you may even โ€œwaitโ€ to lose your virginity until you get married, and they really respect that out of you because they see you as someone who takes things very seriously and dedicated to their beliefs. With you, they have complete trust in you, and they just know that you are their forever person. I can also see that you may enjoy watching crime documentaries or interested in the law system, and they find that intriguing about you. Your future spouse also feels that you are the good karma in their life. They have given so much love to others, and maybe before you, they always felt like no one ever returned their love back to them, but after being with you, they realized that true love does exist for them. They have finally found the balance in their life, and they love you for helping them find it.
Your future spouse loves it how you donโ€™t live in the past and that your past experiences donโ€™t make you a bitter person. They admire that you are able to look at your negative experiences in the eyes and turn them into life lessons. I can see that sometimes, they may do something that they think will make you mad, but it turns out to be that you are okay with it and donโ€™t overreact to it. They might be thinking โ€œreally?! how come she/he isnโ€™t mad?!โ€ And itโ€™s because you have grown so much from your past experiences. You have learned to be patient and not tolerate things that donโ€™t serve you anymore. Your future spouse loves this about you though. Itโ€™s not that you are a person that lets them step all over you, but itโ€™s that you do not waste your time over the little things, and you have a lot of strength in moving on from difficult situations. They also love it how you can mentally take them away from things in their life. For instance, I can see that when your future spouse is having a bad day, they come to you to relieve themselves, and they just feel at ease with you. Maybe when theyโ€™re sad or mad, you take take them out to go moon gazing or star gazing, and they deeply appreciate your kindness for caring about them. If you are a lover of watching the moon or stars, they adore that about you, since they enjoy the romance between you and them when you both are watching the sky together. Your future spouse also loves that you are always changing your appearance. Maybe you like to dye your hair a lot, and they find that attractive, or maybe you like to change your clothing style a lot, and they find that attractive too. Thereโ€™s also something about your eyes that make them feel nervous, Iโ€™m seeing that you may have eyes that shine so bright to them, like literally a glistening moon. If you have a rounder face, they find it to be extremely cute as well.
What you love about your future spouse โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: Knight of Pentacles, The High Priestess, & 3 of Wands) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
You love that your future spouse is emotionally stable and that they make you feel safe and secure in your relationship. Not only are they an achiever of their work and educational goals, but they are also an achiever of making you know that you are loved by them. They may not be as expressive of how they feel, but they show you their love through their hard work and actions. For instance, they may not tell you that they love you as much as youโ€™d like, but they will let you know that they love you by cooking you meals, massaging you, picking up your children from school, and helping you do everyday tasks so that you can just lay back and rest. Itโ€™s not that they donโ€™t love you, but I feel like their love language is more on the acts of service side, and you really love this about them. I can see that they love to give you expensive gifts from time to time as well, and you absolutely love their giving side. You kind of like being spoiled lol. I can also see that sometimes they may teach about some sort of things that you want to learn about. For instance, if youโ€™d like to learn more about finance, they are the person who will teach you those skills, or if youโ€™d like to learn more about cooking, they are the person who will teach you how to improve your cooking. Basically, they have a lot of knowledge on their end, and they teach you a lot of things in life, and you appreciate their guidance. They are also a very thoughtful individual where they think about everything before they say it out loud. Itโ€™s rare for them to slip out something that is offensive to you, and you are grateful for their kindness. Ultimately, you love the maturity and stability that your future spouse gives you in your relationship. You just know that they are your soulmate and that they love you with all their heart!
You love that your future spouse is very intuitive. They believe in themselves and may be quite independent when it comes to their work life. You just find it so attractive that they have self-confidence and can flow through issues by themselves. They might also believe in astrology and tarot reading as well! You will be fascinated by this. I can hear you saying โ€œyou really believe in those too?!โ€ Haha. You love it how they would share this common interest with you. Your future spouse is also a great listener, and you appreciate them for always hearing you out. I can see that sometimes when youโ€™re quiet because something is wrong, they will be able to see right through you and tell you that it is okay for you to talk it out with them. You love that they are empathic, and they are always willing to listen to your problems. They may also be reluctant to starting arguments with you. They stay away from having conflict with you because they dislike it when you both are mad at each other, and they just love you that much. You also love that they are always growing their appearance. For instance, if your future spouse works out, you will notice their progress and tell them how even hotter they look! I can see that you may be attracted to their toned muscles, and they are definitely irresistible to you. You might even be jealous at times, not because you think they will cheat on you, but because they just look so good that people are prone to like and want them! (But no they wonโ€™t cheat on you). They might have different hair styles that you like too. You also love it when they dress up in business attire. It makes them look so professional yet so sexy and confident at the same time!
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Pile 3
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What your future spouse loves about you โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: Page of Swords, 3 of Wands, & 7 of Pentacles) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
Your future spouse loves your young energy with them. They love that you are so fun to be around and that sometimes you can be blunt with them. They take it as a compliment that you are full of joy and you are forthright because it makes them feel young at heart and fearless with you. I can see that you are very adventurous and like to go out to different places as well. Maybe you like to go out on vacations and explore places that youโ€™ve never been to, and they just enjoy having fun by your side, while also getting to explore the world. They also really love your laughter. Iโ€™m seeing that sometimes when you crack a joke with them, you laugh at your own joke, and they end up laughing so hard with you because they just love your laugh so much haha. They also love your communication skills with them. Not only are you blunt sometimes, but you take the time to let them know about whatโ€™s going on in your life, and they really appreciate that about you. They love the conversations that you both have as well. I can see that your conversations range from you talking about your personal life problems about your family relationships and friendships to conversations about you telling them something funny that happened to you during your day. They really love hearing your voice and laughter. They also really love how you are very lighthearted and donโ€™t take everything so seriously all the time. Even though you are young, they definitely are aware that you are intelligent and smart as well. They never take your youthfulness for granted, and instead, they love how you are so open to being yourself. In the long run, they love your youthful energy and the fun, laughter, and joy that you bring into their life.
Your future spouse loves how ambitious you are towards your goals. If you are still getting your degree, they love your grit through the process, and if you are working towards a career goal, they love the hard work that you implement to achieve it. They also love how youโ€™re always spicing the excitement up in your relationship! I keep hearing that you are always wanting to travel with them! Whenever you and your future spouse arenโ€™t busy, I keep hearing you say things like โ€œhey babe! letโ€™s go here! letโ€™s go there!โ€ And theyโ€™re like โ€œreally babe?!?! I just got off work!โ€ But they say yes anyway because they love having adventure with you. They love your enthusiasm and ambition to have fun and that there is just so much excitement and sparks between the two of you. I am also getting the feeling that your future spouse loves to take you on trips often because theyโ€™d like for you to have a peaceful mind. I believe that you may go through difficult situations, and maybe this pertains to your family or friendship life. They can see through your difficulties, and they just want to see your smile all the time, so they take you on vacations for your happiness in return. Your future spouse loves all the โ€œimperfectionsโ€ about you as well. Maybe youโ€™re someone who is always trying so hard to look โ€œperfectโ€ and thinks they can always do better, but in reality, your future spouse doesnโ€™t think so. Theyโ€™re already so in love with your looks, and they already think youโ€™re so perfect! You may also have a younger look on your face, and they find that to be very attractive too. They also love your glass-like skin and love to caress their fingers on your body. ๐Ÿ˜˜
What you love about your future spouse โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: The Emperor, The Sun, & 4 of Cups) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
You love that your future spouse takes the lead in your relationship. They give off more masculine energy as well, and you find this super attractive. Iโ€™m getting a vibe that you might even find it kind of sexy when they take control and lead your relationship. They might have qualities of a parental figure. Maybe you didnโ€™t have a great parental figure in your life, so being with someone like your future spouse makes you appreciate them more. It sounds weird but it really isnโ€™t. The gist of it is that they heal your inner child, and you find this romantic of them, yet you find it so sexy as well. You also love it how they take care of you very good. They provide food, a home, clothing, accessories, and other necessities in your life. They may not be the type to be all lovey-dovey, but they will show you how much they love you. I can see that when both of you are walking together, they always make sure that you walk on the sidewalk instead of them. I can also see that whenever you feel cold, they put a blanket over you or their jacket on you to keep you warm. You love the protection that they give you. You also love looking up to them for guidance. When you need a push to keep going with your goals, they are the person to direct you back on track, and you love this about them. You love how inspirational they can be. You also love it when they take you out to places and go traveling out. You love that they love going out on adventures with you, as well as just spending alone time with them in a place that feels like paradise.
You love the way your future spouse brings you so much positivity in your life. Whenever you feel down, they are the light in your life that makes you smile again. Whenever you talk to them, you are able to laugh with joy again. Whenever you look at them, you feel warmth again. I get a sense that you also enjoy seeing them interact with other people or animals. When you see them interacting with other people and animals, itโ€™s like their positivity radiates off to them as well. You love it how not only you find your future spouse to be so lovable and positive, but so do many other people and even animals! You are also very impressed with how successful they are in their work field, and I get the feeling that they have done this by having excellent leadership skills. Of course, you already admire that they are a great leader in your relationship, but you also admire that they are such a great leader with others! They are so powerful, strong, sexy, and kindhearted. You also love it when they are the center of attention sometimes. Itโ€™s like, you know that your future spouse is hot, and when people drool over them, you take it as a compliment because everyone wants them, but they are only yours. You also find it very sexy when they pretend to be aloof. When they act emotionally distant from you, it makes you attracted to them even more. Iโ€™m getting Edward and Bella vibes here lol. When they turn away from you, it just makes you want to throw yourself more on them haha. I donโ€™t know why! But itโ€™s kind of kinky of you to be honest lol! ๐Ÿ˜
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Pile 4
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What your future spouse loves about you โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: The World, Knight of Cups, & 10 of Wands) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
Your future spouse loves that you are quite the full package for them. You are everything they have been looking for in a partner. They love that you are kind, smart, wholesome, funny, mature, intelligent, and physically attractive all in one. They love that you have achieved so much in your life. You are very successful, and I do feel that they are inspired by your completion in life to reach their own goals. They also love that you have been through a lot in your life. Itโ€™s kind of like they admire you for acquiring so much knowledge. For example, you might have traveled a lot around the world, and it resulted you in learning about different cultures, and they are so amazed by this, or you might be very well-educated, and they are astonished by your brightness. You are grateful for everything that is around you and everything that you have done to accomplish your goals. You are not conceited, but you are content and proud with yourself. They love your gratitude very much. You might have grown up in an extremely different environment from them, or your cultural backgrounds are completely different, and every day that the both of you are together, you always teach them new things about life. They love that they can learn new things from you. I can also see that when they are having a conversation with you, sometimes you like to fill in their sentences and theyโ€™re like โ€œ??!! How did you know?!โ€ And itโ€™s because you are telepathic and know what your future spouse is thinking or will say. They find this cute and funny about you, but they also really love that you know them so well. They also love that you make them feel whole. You are the missing piece in their life that they have needed all along. I keep seeing a scenario between the both of you cuddling, and your future spouse holds and tells you โ€œyou make me feel so complete. without you, i donโ€™t know where iโ€™d be at. i love you so much.โ€ Thereโ€™s just so much intimacy between the two of you, and they just love everything about you and what youโ€™ve done to make them happy. ๐Ÿฅบ
Your future spouse absolutely loves your romance! I feel like you are very affectionate with them, and they really adore this part of you. You may be the type to give them diy (do it yourself) gifts, expensive gifts, set up surprise dates, kiss and hold them, and all the rest of the lovey-dovey things. They also love it when you hold them in bed and when youโ€™re the big spoon haha. They love to be showered with your love and affection, and they appreciate all your efforts to be so wonderfully romantic. They also appreciate you for always making it clear that you love them. They never question if you love them or not. You may also be very affectionate with children, and they love seeing you interact with them because you are very warm-hearted when it comes to younger children. They love how you are emotionally supportive of them as well. I can see that sometimes when your future spouse is upset, you are there to support them. Sometimes, they may even want to be left alone when they are upset, and you will always respect their decision. They donโ€™t do this because you make them angry, they do this because it is just a natural way that they cope with stressful situations. You might be the type to overwork yourself in order to look good or care too much about other peopleโ€™s opinions, and your future spouse notices this about you, but they already feel like you are good enough. They appreciate your efforts to look nice, but at the same time, they feel like you donโ€™t even need to put the effort in. They already find you very attractive.
What you love about your future spouse โ™ก -
(Tarot cards: Queen of Pentacles, The Star, & Death) โ€ข (3 oracle cards)
You love that your future spouse is so nurturing and down-to-earth. They are quite literally all you want as a partner and as the father or mother of your children! I can see that they do a lot of house chores like washing and folding the laundry, doing the dishes, mopping the floors, and cooking and cleaning around the house. Not only do they help with housework, but they also provide a lot of money in your relationship. They do housework, and at the same time help pay off bills and provide necessities for you and your family. You also love that they are very loving and open towards you. You yourself are really in tuned with your emotions, and your future spouse compliments this by returning their love and having heart to heart conversations with you. You love the stability and security they give as well. You know well in your heart that they love and care for you so much, and they wouldnโ€™t do anything to hurt you. You feel very confident that they are your person and that you will always be in each otherโ€™s hearts. You love that they are quite a bit of everything. They do chores, work, pay bills, and show you love in every way all in one. I can see that on some days when you come home from work, they will give you a nice feet or back massage, and the both of you will talk in-depth about how your days went together. You will also have a lot of cozy nights where you are both cuddled up on the couch and spend time watching your favorite movies or shows. You love that they are everything to you, and you could not ask for more. Their love for you and your love for them is just unstoppable.
You love that your future spouse gives you hope in all aspects of your life. On your lowest days, they are the one who gives you hope for the future again. I can see that on days when you feel unmotivated to get out of bed, they will talk to you about why you should get up and remind you of all the good things that can happen in your day. They are also the type to feed you breakfast in bed to start your day off as amazing! They are your light in the darkness, and you appreciate this about them because they are quite literally the only person that can pull you out of despair at times. They are also a dream come true to you. All the wishes that you have made to find someone like them has finally become reality, and each time you look at them, you fall in love more. They are your wish fulfillment, and they always remind you that dreams do come true. โค๏ธ You also love that your future spouse is someone in the spotlight. I believe that they might be someone well-known in their field of work, and you admire that they have so much recognition! They are very successful, and they persuade you to be the best successful version of yourself as well. You also find your future spouse to be quite sexy. They might have darker features that draw you in, and their height is also very attractive to you. I am also getting that they may have gone through a physical transformation in their appearance. Maybe, since the day that both of you met, they are always looking better and better from there on, and you love this about them. I can see that sometimes you think to yourself โ€œdamn! how can they get even better?! theyโ€™re already so sexy.โ€ Haha. ๐Ÿ˜˜
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moonbaetarot ยท 1 month
Pick a pile
Future spouses physical appearance
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
Your future spouse has really nice glowy skin. They are confident they know they look good. this person looks younger than you or could be younger then. they have very youthful skin, eyes, body they take care of themselves. This person has dark hair brown or black. They could look like they have their life together even if they donโ€™t but when people see them in public they will definitely think they have it all. They may always be in their work clothes. This person may look stressed a lot I see them putting their hand on their head and sighing. They have really straight white teeth. Someoneโ€™s future spouse may be Asian. Your future spouse has nice hands I feel like you will think they are really attractive. They could like wearing cowboy boots. This person may have a scar on their arm from when they were younger. Your future spouse is like slim muscular, you can definitely see those muscles with no clothes tho lol. Your going to really like there legs and thighs aswell. They have cat/ fox eyes they have like Kendall Jenner eyes. I feel you will really like this persons hair and if theyโ€™re a male they will have a beard. I see them having straight hair. They also may color their hair.
Thank you for reading loves! ๐Ÿค
Pile 2
Your future spouse may raise there eyebrows a lot. They have small facial features small eyes, mouth, nose, eyes. Their face may get red a lot when they smile or laugh. This person likes to keep their hair simple they donโ€™t like to really mess with it. You and your future spouse will look differently from each other you know how so people look like there spouse sometimes yโ€™all will not but will definitely compliment each other well. Their skin could be fair to Olive. Your person if definitely good looking. They have a very masculine and fatherly energy. They look like they get things done and they take care of their family and kids. They are Definitely the bread winner in the family. Your future spouse looks really friendly and trusting like if theyโ€™re in public and someone needs directions there asking your future spouse. They definitely talk to strangers a lot just starting up a whole conversation with a stranger and you just standing there like can you stop yapping so we can go lol. This person has a really nice jaw line they look very strong they may work out or just care about their heath in general. This person may have a really long neck. This person could have lighter hair I feel Ike your really going to like playing with there hair itโ€™s really soft and flows nice.
Thank you for reading loves! ๐Ÿค
Pile 3
your future spouse likes to change their appearance a lot they get bored by the way they look so they change little things like the way they dress here and there. This person may dislike something about there face all the cards I pulled theyโ€™re all covering there face with there Hands or hair. I donโ€™t get that thereโ€™s anything wrong with their face they personally just donโ€™t like it. This person would have very long eyelashes or just nice bright eyes. I feel like you know what your future spouse looks you donโ€™t know them but you โ€œknow themโ€ I feel like you watch and read a lot of pac about them so when you meet your going to be like โ€œyup your mine lolโ€. I feel like youโ€™re going to love taking pictures of them. They may wear a suit and tie for work. Your person has light features lights hair, light skin and light eyes. I feel like it may be there nose they donโ€™t like about themselves they think itโ€™s to big but it honestly looks like a normal manโ€™s nose lol. your gong to be very attractive to your future spouse like when you see them youโ€™re going to be like โ€œyup put a ring on itโ€. I feel like this person is going to be or look older than you. I also see them being much taller than you.
Thank you for reading loves! ๐Ÿค
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crystallilytarot ยท 1 month
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Choose a card. Your future partner's reaction when they see you naked at the first time
Pile 1
Feels like they thought this moment will never come. They waited so long. Even if you don't date for so long before, they wanted this moment so much, maybe even from the time they first saw you. Feels like they need to remind themself to stay calm, because they want to get you right there, fastly like a hunter with his prey. They will be aroused right away, and very much aroused. They will think that all the wait was absolutely worth it, they will find you very beautiful. They will think right away that they will marry you. Although they are very excited, they will be still gentle, so don't worry, not really like a hunter with their actions, but you can see it in their eyes that they want you very much. They will think that you are the most beautiful person they ever saw in their entire life.
Pile 2
You can be younger than them, because they will think you are cute. But you know, cute but at the same time they can't wait to destroy you. Sorry, they said that, not me. They can be into a little harder things or very passionate sex, but I think it's not happening in the first night for most of you. But they still start to think about it right there. They will be very turned on. They just can't stop touching you. A little possessiveness maybe, not toxic, but they want to have you just for themself. They think you are perfect, everything what they wanted. Very strong sexual chemistry and attraction. They will be so happy that it's happening. But don't worry, communication is here too, so they can control themself if you want to go slower or something.
Pile 3
They fantasized about you a lot. And when they see you naked finally, it still feels like a dream for them. Actually they will find you so beautiful, they will be a little anxious. They will think that you are way more sexier than them. It can be a little awkward, but cute too, like in a romantic movie awkward. A little playfulness, laughing, so it will help with the awkwardness. Maybe neither of you are very experienced. But it still feels good. They will be turned on, but feels like they will be a little embarassed that you can obviously see how much they want you. The whole thing feels wholesome, gentle. They don't want to be with anybody else, don't even want to see anybody naked, you are their queen/king. You are their everything, they say.
843 notes ยท View notes
julyourwitch ยท 4 months
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โ€ข๐ˆ ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐š๐œ๐œ๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ ๐š๐ง๐จ๐ง๐ฌ!
Only 1 question and I'll draw 2 cards!
๐ˆ'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐š๐œ๐œ๐ž๐ฉ๐ญ ๐จ๐ง๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ž๐ž ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐จ๐ญ ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐…๐ซ๐ข๐๐š๐ฒ(15/12)! ๐ˆ'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐๐จ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐…๐ซ๐ข๐๐š๐ฒ ๐š๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ž๐ฑ๐š๐ฆ๐ฌ! ๐†๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐œ๐ค ๐ญ๐จ ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐จ๐ง๐ž!! (๐‘๐ž๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐  ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ข๐Ÿ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฐ๐š๐ง๐ญ)
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starryknight-tarot ยท 7 months
18+ ๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ฒ๐“ป ๐“›๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฎ ๐“๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ ๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐“ช๐“ซ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ฝ ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ
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pile 1 --> pile 2 --> pile 3
pile 4 --> pile 5 --> pile 6
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hi beautiful soulsโœจ Today we will be looking into your person's late night thoughts about you. This reading will have 18+ messages so if you are a minor please do not interact with this reading. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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Pile 1
Cards: Strength rx, Ten of Swords rx, Four of Wands rx, Five of Swords, Queen of Swords, Page of Wands, King of Cups, Knight of Pentacles
Back of the Deck: Temperance
For you Pile 1, I am getting a more submissive fantasy for your person. I was actually picking up that this person may be someone you have already been intimate with, or just started dating, something like that. I feel like your person wants to feel submissive in bed and try new things. Your person may have a sort of control kink? Your person is thinking of blindfolds and being tied up. I feel like these are things they have never tried, or very rarely tried and really liked it. I think they want to fight for dominance during foreplay, but in a teasing way like they are just trying to act up and make you put them in their place. Also this reading is for everyone regardless of sexuality and gender and take it how it resonates but spirit keeps showing me a feminine in a more dominant position. They may be into a kind of dominatrix kind of thing. Yeah spirit is pushing that message to me pretty strongly, especially since we got the Queen of Swords. But your person imagines being degraded, they want you to put them in their place and make them feel little. I heard things such as "Tell me I am a slut" or "I want you to only look at me tonight". Ok, so they're a little jealous and they wanna take it out in bed. They imagine a scenario where you make them jealous and that is when they become more dominant or bratty and possessive and when they get you alone, they will make sure you don't think about anyone else. They would seduce you with sweet nothings whispered in your ear and praise for you. Kind of the opposite of what they want you to do to them. They imagine a beautiful night full of passion with you. They got all these kinks but they are also a softie for you and they want you to hold their hand while you make them feel good or vice versa. Your person wants to put on show for you, I think they imagine it to last all night.
Advice Cards:
Bring something new into your life
Release what you do not need. Let go of some extraneous aspect of your life
Seek to understand from a place of connection rather than separation
Your guides and teachers are telling you that they hear you and are helping
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
Get clear about what you want
Channeled Song:
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Pile 2
Cards: Ten of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Queen of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Three of Swords rx, The Lovers, The Empress
Back of the Deck: The Hierophant
The first message I got almost immediately is body๐Ÿ‘worshiping๐Ÿ‘, SO STRONGLY. You live rent free in your person's mind Pile 2. Your body is absolutely on their mind like all the time. Late at night, they imagine taking their time with you, admiring every part of your body and telling you everything that makes you so beautiful inside and out. They would make sure no part of you goes untouched. Highly recommend yall listen to Butterflies by Michael Jackson cause the lyrics of the song are exactly how your person feels about you. Your person is so romantic, they want to treat you right and make sure you are comfortable and feel safe. Your person won't only think dirty things, they would imagine a whole life with you. They think about talking to you, enjoying your company, getting to know everything about you, your future together. My goodness Pile 2, your person is giving off such Jane Austin love interest vibes and it is everything. I don't think they want you to do any work, they just want to take care of you and make you feel completely blissful. They want to heal you with sex. They don't want to just sleep with you, they want to make love to you. Sex, to them is almost sacred and it's their way of connecting with you on a physical and spiritual level. I feel like some of yall have low expectations of people, maybe specifically when it come to sex and your person knows this and they want to be the person to finally make you feel satisfied in bed. Your person would listen to any idea you have (within reason lol), if you told them to be as rough as possible with you, they would do so without thinking twice because you asked. They just imagine being of service to you, like a knight in shining armour (which is kinda funny cause I didn't get any knight cards, but fr I am getting such knight vibes). Although your person imagines worshiping you all night long, I am getting part of them wants a reward for their hard work and they deserve one. But this reward could also just be hearing your moans and praises of how good they make you feel. This message is for my feminines, but your person imagines getting you pregnant, they absolutely have a breeding kink. They are a little possessive over you but I'm not getting in an unhealthy way. Your person is overall so sweet and they just adore you. I also kept hearing future spouse while doing this reading so if you are reading this with your future spouse in mind, this is confirmation.
Advice Cards (spirits wanted to give yall a few extra):
It's time to try something new!
No better time exists than right now
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Release all attachments that do not serve you
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Be alert for your opportunity
Take a lighter approach and smile about all facets in your life. A smile reflects a heart at peace
Love is the answer to current situation
Channeled Song:
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Pile 3
Cards: Queen of Wands, Three of Cups rx, Eight of Cups rx, Seven of Cups rx, Queen of Cups, Ace of Wands, The Lovers, King of Wands rx
Back of the Deck: Nine of Swords
Quite honestly, your person's late night thoughts can seem very messy. Pile 3, I think half of the time, your person's thoughts are wholesome and loving. They fantasise about cuddling you, caressing your soft skin, taking in every aspect of you and tattooing it in their memory. They imagine taking as much time as possible, if they could they would spend all day in bed with you, making love and treating you like royalty. They imagine bringing you to tears with their mouth, making you feel like you are on cloud 9. They are soft and gentle and just want to enjoy each other's bodies. They would give the most beautiful compliments, making you feel like you have become one, you can't even tell where they start and you begin. And when you are done, they want to clean you up and sleep all day wrapped up in each other. ON THE OTHER HAND, they also have the freakiest fantasies. Yes, they want to make you cry but they want to watch you stain your face with tears from denial and their rough touches. They want to be ruthless and cruel. Yes, they want to touch you everywhere, but it isn't gentle and soft. They imagine griping you harshly, not worrying how much it may hurt, the pain would elevate the pleasure of the experience. Something that was once sweet and loving, more passionate and brutal. They want to try every position, see which one makes you the loudest. Thats not even including their words. Before they were sweet as honey and full of praise. Now they are degrading and humiliating, stuff you only hear in the dirtiest of erotic novels. They are preverted and the farthest things from wholesome. I sense your person has a lot of shame for thinking the more unholy thoughts and shame themselves for it. Although no matter what scenario they have made up in their mind, their actions only want to show their love for you and express how you make them feel. Also, they are very possessive of you, they don't like to share and want you to know that. In fact, this may be the cause of them thinking about their more kinky thoughts.
Advice Cards:
It is time to take appropriate action
A change in attitude toward the greater good could be beneficial
A powerful dream will guide you
Your body needs your attention
You are greater than your story
Create a plan and take the first step
Channeled Songs (you get two song congrats lol):
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Pile 4
Cards: Three of Pentacles rx, Nine of Cups, Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, Ten of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, Four of Swords rx
Back of the Deck: Queen of Swords
For you my Pile 4s, I think your person actually has some pretty wholesome thoughts about you late at night. Not to say they don't have 18+ about you cause they do, but I feel like that isn't what is important to them with your connection and relationship. Late at night, your person is more of a softie and likes to think of your future together and maybe plan dates between yall. Your person imagines spending the whole day with you and treating you to dinner. I am picking up Superman from My Adventure with Superman vibes which is interesting cause I have gotten thoses vibes before in another reading so if you are interested I suggest reading Pile 3 of my What you will love about your future spouse reading and if you already read that reading this is just confirmation. Your person holds you in a high regard and with much love. They plan strategically so that you will fall head over heels with them. The lyrics to Only Girl by Rihanna keep playing in my head, but it's coming off more in the way of like, they want to make you feel like the only girl/boy/person in the world. So when it comes to more 18+ thoughts of you, I think your person either gets really embarrassed when they think these thoughts or worry that they are disrespecting you in some way by thinking these thoughts. But you really push your way into their mind Pile 4. While the Devil didn't come out, the card did make it's presence known to me and I think it has some significances in this reading, especially paired with the Queen of Swords, you are are like a siren to your person or the apple tempting Eve. Actually, I think they have had dreams like this. Spirit is showing me a sailor at sea losing their mind as they get sucked into a whirlwind, but suddenly, they hear the most alluring and inviting voice they have ever heard. That voice leads to an equally as alluring person that only pulls them closer, infatuated with this siren that pulls them in. I feel like your person has a dream that looks something like this about you. I feel kinda stupid cause I am just now realising that the energy of this pile is actually pretty similar to the MV that the picture is from, Peek A Boo by Red Velvet, I would definitely recommend you to watch the MV after this. I really feel that your person almost loses control of their body when they think of you, getting aroused just thinking of you. Your person may be a virgin or unexperienced and they don't want you to know. I am hearing they want to indulge in you, your scent, your body, the noises you make when they hit the right spot. It's like an addiction to them. I've gotten kind of jealous or possessive vibes from most of the piles and this one is no exception, but I don't feel like they would take too much action on it but I feel like their thoughts of you would get more intense, like they imagine dragging you away from whoever they are jealous of and making it so the only name you can think is theirs. They don't want to stop, even if you are begging that it's too much, unless you say a safe word, they ain't stopping. They want you to wake up sore and desperately trying to cover their marks. They give off such "I'll bring your daughter back before 7"/"They call me daddy too" energy lol. Also not a late night thought but your person either has a HUGE dick (Ace of Wands AND Swords, goodness gracious) or just has very attractive genitals. My mind was everywhere during this readings and I feel like this may be the same way your person feels about you.
Advice Cards:
You are healing at a cellular level
Bring something new into your life
You are much stronger than you think
Reflect on the state and use of your personal energy
Practice the pause
Release unhelpful influences and fears
Channeled Song:
(Also listen to Only Girl and Peek A Boo but spirit kinda shoved this song in my face so here ya go lol. But I also feel like for some of yall your person has a connection to music)
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Pile 5
Cards: Six of Pentacles, The Magician, The Devil, Page of Wands, Eight of Cups, The Fool, Three of Cups rx, Ace of Pentacles rx
Back of the Deck: Two of Swords
I think out of all the piles, this one has the horniest energy. Your person really enjoys sex in general. They might have a lot of experience, I am picking on someone who enjoys casual sex, they don't really need an emotional connection. You may have even met this person through a one night stand, I am not picking up that you know this person very well, maybe someone you met in college I am hearing. They could have also been someone you see often but never interact with. Whatever it is, your person can't seem to get you out of their mind. And quite unlike other piles, they are NOT shy about it. They want to make sure you know that they attracted to you. I heard "Why hesitate so someone can snatch you up? Why would I do that when I can make you mine now?" They have a lot of confidence and pride and I think that comes through in bed and in their late night thoughts. They are a giver to you, they want to make you scream and cry, they want people to complain in the morning. They are adventurous, using all their experience to maximise your pleasure. They want to try everything with you, every toy, every position, every place and see what feels the best for both of you. They want to talk to you the whole time, letting you know the effect you have on them. Very explicit words that they imagine would have you curling your toes and pulling them closer to you. They want to see you let go, I heard they may have a corruption kink. I feel like they actually have quite a few kinks, I think they will vary among all of you but spirit keeps telling me feet which might have something to do with the picture for this reading lol. So I don't think this next message is for everyone but some of you have a partner already and your person obviously dislikes this, but I think they imagine fucking you in front of them, I heard "letting them know who you really belong to". They want to steal you away from them. Your person is wild Pile 5 lol. I think you are one of the only people they have ever considered a relationship with outside of sex but also to enjoy each other and explore each other's bodies. Also not for all of yall but you or your person may be French.
Advice Cards:
There is an important message to be heard
Be sure to keep your promises, especially to yourself
Allow rituals to give meaning to your spiritual life
Remember that in universal law, all is well and fair
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Channeled Song:
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Pile 6
Cards: Seven of Pentacles, Nine of Cups rx, Four of Pentacles rx, Justice, The Hanged Man, Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, The Hermit
Back of the Deck: Knight of Swords
So if you are already in a relationship or maybe married already, this reading is for you lol. This also is the only reading that I feel like it's more daytime thoughts than late night. Or more like they are thinking about you 24/7. I am picking up for this pile that your person may work A LOT, and would barely have time to spend with you. I also heard for some of yall, you guys already have kids together and never can find time to be intimate with each other. So I think your person just waits and waits until the day they can have you all to themselves. Their mind often wanders to the feeling of your gentle touch, the plush feeling of your thighs and sweet kisses exchanged between yall. I heard they could die happy between your legs. If you have a vulva they LOVE your vulva. They would want you to suffocate them with it and I heard sometimes when they are really deep in this fantasy specifically, they forget to breathe lol. They want to let you know the effect you have on them as you race through their mind. I heard "Did you know what you did to me at work? You made me suffer all day and now you have to help me out." They also want you to take care of them. They imagine you caressing them, cleaning them(?), and exploring them to help them relieve some some after a long stressful day. They imagine coming home and seeing you ready for them and all dressed up all perfect for them so they can rip it all and feel your body from the bottom to the top. They also imagine you surprising them at work, bringing them lunch and taking them away so they can spend all day with you. I really feel like that would be a dream come true to them, but it's like super unrealistic for yall, although if you could surprise at work, Pile 6, do it, that would make their month. They want you to praise them for all the hard work they do all day and make them feel special for a special night (although spirits are saying that they won't dislike some playful degrading from time to time.) Loved the energy of this pile so much, can't tell if it's you or your person but either way yall are cute.
Advice Cards:
You are intended to succeed. Align your actions with your highest dreams
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Pay attention to the issue that time plays in your life right now
Yes, you can . . . Set it in motion!
Hold a positive outlook. You will see it when you believe it
Relax and feel good. You deserve more joy!
You are a natural teacher
Channeled Song:
Thanks for tuning inโ‚Šโ€ง.ยฐ.โ‹†๐Ÿซงโ€ขหšโ‚Šโ€งโ‹†.
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divinesangel ยท 21 days
โ€” ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ค๐ž ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ?
i felt called to do one of these today, enjoy!
โ€” ๐ฉ๐ข๐œ๐ค ๐š ๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž!
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โ€” ๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž ๐Ÿ
your future lover will absolutely adore how authentic you are. they will feel a great curiosity about your energy and how you navigate through life. they will be able to see through you and sense that your wisdom and personality are deeply influenced by your past or the experiences you've endured throughout your life. they will admire your resilience and emotional strength, while also appreciating how mindful you are about the things that truly matter and important issues. you are someone who, despite facing many difficulties and conflicts, continues to see the positive side of every situation and sets boundaries in your personal relationships. your energy will become something quite special for them, as you will be able to help them see things from a different perspective and progress in life. you tend to do this unconsciously, so it's very likely that you won't even notice how much you'll impact this person.
your person will always want to make you happy, and they will put in whatever effort is necessary to do so. they'll have plenty of love to give you, and you'll undoubtedly feel their affection. you won't have to worry about anything or question whether they truly care about you or things like that, because they'll always make it clear through their actions. i see them working day by day to make you happy and doing everything possible to make things work.
โ€” ๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž ๐Ÿ
you will become this person's rock.
this person seems to have spent a great deal of their life juggling numerous tasks without allowing themselves a moment to breathe. they feel like they must always be doing something and cannot pause to reflect on their feelings or internal conflicts. your arrival in their life is going to open their eyes, and they will see you as someone to trust, as that light at the end of the tunnel.
up until now, they have been feeling very lonely, and i sense that this is due to their lack of communication about their feelings. there is something preventing them from speaking about how they feel, and this only causes that pain to intensify further. however, i see that with you, they will begin to consider giving that much-needed inner change a chance.
they will adore that you are someone so stable and with such clear ideas. they will see you as a person with an organized mind who knows how to maintain composure in the most difficult moments and find a solution.
โ€” ๐ฉ๐ข๐ฅ๐ž ๐Ÿ‘
this person will want to be with you on the spot!
they will see you as marriage material. it's highly likely that this person will want to move very quickly or that certain things will happen faster than expected. at first, it might seem a bit suspicious to you, but it's simply how this person operates. i sense that they act swiftly due to their emotions, allowing themselves to be carried away by them, which might lead them to want to marry you or commit rather quickly. they'll want to give you the world and more, although at times, they may have some doubts about whether their love is reciprocated or if you truly enjoy being with them.
this person will admire your character. you earnestly fight for what interests you and for the people you love. you have no problem defending what you believe in and anything that aligns with your values. they'll be aware that sometimes you may struggle to trust others due to past experiences, but they won't hesitate to show you their true intentions and anything else in order to be with you.
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tarotwithavi ยท 4 months
How will your future spouse/lover show their love?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
Hello! Pile 1 and welcome to your reading!! I see that your future spouse is that type of person who wants to offer things to you and they may not be good at expressing their feelings or emotions through words and because of that they express their love through acts of service and giving gifts. They are the type of person who will offer you food when you're working, peel oranges and pomegranate for you and massage your shoulders after you come from work. I also see that there are times when they may regret not being able to express their emotion through words because I see that you are someone who constantly needs words of affirmation or assurance. They are the type to constantly ask you how they can help you. They move their hands through your hair and massage your scalp randomly. They'll do small things that would mean a lot to you because you do notice all the little things they do. Cleaning your closet, getting you fruits and sweets, helping in your house chores without asking are just some of the things they'll do to show their love. I also see that they would always carry your bags for you and make you a cup of coffee in the morning. For some I also see that they'll be making you breakfast in bed. They are honestly so sweet and there is nothing they cannot do. They will always try to help you in everything they can and do everything they can for you. They may be a professionist so they want to be perfect in loving you too.
Pile 2
What's up pile 2! Alright so I see that your future spouse is rich and if not rich rich then they definitely have the money to travel the world with you because I see that travelling together is going to be one of the main things they will do to show their love. I see that they want to make your every wish come true and I also see that they will be always planning small picnics movie nights to spend time together. They may be a fitness freak so you may exercise together or go to the gym together. I also see that you guys will and roll in some really creative classes like yoga classes or art classes together. They will learn to play different instruments just so they can play your favorite songs. They really care about all the small details that you share about yourself. I also see that they love watching you talk about the things you are interested and passionate about. I am also getting that they will stop doing their work and focus their attention on you and stare in your soul while you talk. I see that they may have to travel a lot for work so they'll be facetiming you everytime they get the chance to. Or send you pictures of everything that reminds them of you. For some of you, you may love to click pictures of the sky and different cloud shapes and they'll be sending you pictures of every interesting cloud shape they see. I also see that they would want to serve in religious groups together.
Pile 3
Hello! Pile 3! How are you? So I see that your future spouse is all about surprises and unexpected gifts. I also see that they are not shy in expressing their feelings. They will be constantly reminding you that they belong to you and you belong to them. I see that they will be whispering โ€œI love youโ€™sโ€ in your ear everytime they get the chance to and everytime they feel you need it. And I also see that they cannot stop talking about you no matter what. They will be talking about you to their friends, family and even colleagues. โ€œI wanna brag about it, I wanna tie the knot, I wanna show you offโ€ is playing in my head and I feel like this song really explains your situation. I see that they'll be sending you long paragraphs of how much they love you and how much you mean to them. I am also getting that they'll hide random notes in your house to surprise you with love messages. They are big on writing and expressing their feelings in written form so you can expect handwritten letters once in a while. For some of you they may even set their alarm with your name or something that reminds them of you ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ that's cute af. I also see that they'll also compliment you and say things like โ€œmy pretty wife/husbandโ€ , โ€œmy loveโ€ or put โ€œmyโ€ in front of your name. I see that you guys mirror each other so this may be your way of showing love too.
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astrologylunadream ยท 6 months
Their Hidden Fantasies of You๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ–ค [SPICY] (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream~ Here's a special reading this time on their hidden fantasies about you, yes you, enjoy~ hope you find your messageโ™ฅ๏ธ
(This one gets spicy beware๐Ÿ”ฅ darker themes included.)
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!โ™ก If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^v^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~๐Ÿ–คโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ–คโ™ฅ๏ธ
Pile 1โ›“
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Pile 2๐Ÿ—ก
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Pile 3๐Ÿš
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Pile 4๐Ÿค
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~โ™ก
On to the readings โ€”> ๐Ÿ–ค
Pile 1โ›“
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Sign energy: Choice, Distance, Crave, Important, Treat, Leo, Gemini, Mars, Sun, Neptune, ๐Ÿ’โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿง›โ€โ™€๏ธ
๐Ÿ–คYour person's energy: We have a lot of masculine energy right here so my pile 1's person is very bold and speaks their mind. You would describe them as "dreamy" and "hot" stuff like that lol so cute๐Ÿ˜ Could he Leo, Gemini, Aries, or Scorpio, not really getting the Pisces vibe but for some of you maybe ใƒ˜_(ใƒƒ)_/ Your person has a very fierce aura and they may have very intimidating features e.g arched eyebrows or a canine-like smile. They try to behave themselves and remain respectful, but I can tell they have it BAD for my pile 1!!๐Ÿ”ฅโค Your person is giving off such a bad boy/girl vibe. They are so independent and no one can tell them what to do, they just do what they want~ They're a very physical person and they might sometimes get aggressive with you and lose control of themselves, this is only out of intense attraction for my lovely pile 1.๐Ÿ˜Œ But they do their best to keep it together and not let their wild side get the best of them. Their voice is a huge turn on for you, and if they slick their hair back... that's when you loose it LOL๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ณ Very strong willed individual, they have a great sense of self. The type to have a lot of admirers aswell.
๐Ÿ’ญTheir hidden fantasies: Locked, Admiration, Force, Seduction, Closed, Sun, 5th house, Venus, Taurus, Virgo, ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธโ›ˆ๐Ÿ•ธ๐Ÿ“† OMGGG things just got heated in here๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜– It's gonna be intense my pile 1's your person has some dark thoughts running around in their head. They're crazy about watching you give in, it drives them seriously. They wanna handcuff you, hold you down and force you to look at them/admire them๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ™Šโค Oh my gosh this is serious like they're crazy about you my pile 1... You're feeding their inner demons and aggressions they just want to unleash when you two are alone!! They want to seduce you and make you say their name... They fantasize about kissing your neck, and they wanna see how much you can take like wtf pile 1 your person is so intense and passionate about you like wow...๐Ÿฅต They specifically want to make you nervous, they love the thought of you getting butterflies in your stomach as they literally consume you omg. They want to retrain and contain you while thrilling you every second... holding you down with a strong grip on your wrists as they please the hell out of you until you're moaning their name๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Yes pile 1 that's what's in their head, and they're not telling ANYONE. Not even you... unless-๐Ÿ‘€
โ™ฅ๏ธMessages from your person: I don't wanna pressure you, I can see right through you, I can save you, It's karma, No one knows (This could be a karmic relationship you both are in together) Extra cards: Ladder, Dominant, Play, Darling, Clothes, Cancer, 6th house, Scorpio, Mars, 3rd house (WTF๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅฑ๐ŸŒ‹โš ๏ธ)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!๐Ÿฅ€
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the chains emoji~โ›“ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next readingโ™ฅ๏ธ
Pile 2๐Ÿ—ก
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Sign energy: Last, Lay down, Risk, Heiress, Model, South node, 7th house, Pluto, 3rd house, Gemini, ๐Ÿช‘๐Ÿฆ‰โ™‹๐Ÿ…
๐Ÿ–คYour person's energy: This could be an ex or someone from your past, it's definitely someone you have intense feelings about. I'm getting Libra or Scorpio oh hi pluto yep definitely Scorpio placements for sure.๐ŸŽฏ Gemini or Virgo could be in their chart or they could have these qualities. They could have Cancer in 7th house so Capricorn rising maybe!! Or Pluto in Cancer I'm seeing. Your person may be a model, they have very model-like features especially hands. I feel like you told yourself not to keep thinking about this person at one point, now here we are LOL๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ซ Your person has a very sexy appearance, you are really attracted to this person physically but also psychologically they make you ๐Ÿ˜ˆ. They're the type to do what their told suprisingly, I feel like it's so easy to make them do whatever you want. You might not know this pile 2 but heyy now you know their little secret~ This person feels like a gamble to be with, you might feel like you're taking a huge leap of faith with them. They could be very rich or inherited lots of wealth from relatives in their family, they could he a future CEO of a company aswell. I'm getting some powerful vibes from my pile 2's person, they know what they're capable of.๐Ÿ˜Œ
๐Ÿ’ญTheir hidden fantasies: Call, Yandere, Meant to be, Learn, Restaurant, 5th house, Eros, Neptune, 10th house, Fire, ๐Ÿ‘ฅ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿฆฅ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Ohhh my pile 2 your person is totally obsessed with you and I mean (might kill) do anything for you๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜ณ They fantasize about the two of you together, sharing your experiences and everything with eachother. They can't stop thinking about calling you, they just wanna hear your voice!!๐Ÿฅฐ Your person has suprisingly soft and sweet thoughts of you like hugging and cuddling while watching movies, eating out and walks on the beach.๐ŸŒŠ They actually just really fantasize about spending time with you and getting to know eachother better. But don't forget they're a little bit crazy over you too, like I mean yandere vibes over my pile 2's.๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜จ I feel like the second you two are apart they feel awful, like nothing else matters. They just wanna be around you and keep you forever. They fantasize about having fun with you, hoping you won't run away. They're addicted to you, and they secretly love the thought of moaning for you๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ–ค They have fantasies about you dominating them or putting them in their place, they get so turned on when you ask them to do something for you. They love being worthy for you, omg I feel like they also fantasize kissing/touching you when you're sleeping/unconscious. They fantasize of anyone that gets close to you simply disappearing, taking you all for themself.๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ”ชโค
โ™ฅ๏ธMessages from your person: Right now, You read my mind, I'm not as great as I appear, You have a lot to offer, You're pretty (Awwweee pile 2 did you hear that???๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’–) Extra cards: Audience, Work, Dance, Head, Only one, Leo, 11th house, 2nd house, 5th house, Libra
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!๐Ÿฅ€
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the sword emoji~๐Ÿ—ก Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next readingโ™ฅ๏ธ
Pile 3๐Ÿš
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Sign energy: Red, Care-taker, Shoes, Authority, Secret admirer, Uranus, Neptune, Sun, Cancer, Aries, ๐Ÿ‘…๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ
๐Ÿ–คYour person's energy: My pile 3's your person is a very bright and charismatic person~โญ They have a great smile that makes it hard not to smile back. Very strong masculine vibes, could haveย  prominent veins or muscles. They like the color red and feel drawn to it. Very likely a secret admirer or has a little crush on you. They make unique expressions especially with their mouth/tongue. May stick their tongue out often, they have a very unique tongue (just saying๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ˆโ—) They may live near a bridge or body of water. They like to "wave" at people a lot haha, very friendly and outgoing. They are a very dominant type and are very assertive but also caring protective over those they care about. Care-free and fun loving individual, Their father could be very intimidating or cold. Pile 3 your person has nice ankles/feet or you may stare at their shoes at lot (because you get nervous!!๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜ณ). They have your back when you need them, very supportive and helpful. I feel like they work around animals or care for them often. The type to be a shoulder to cry on, and lighten your mood.โ˜€๏ธ Their chest is very attractive to you, they have a very masculine chest. Seriously they just have such a dominant attitude about them!!๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜‰
๐Ÿ’ญTheir hidden fantasies: Black, Keep a secret, Virgo, Ability, Meant to be, 6th house, Venus, South node, 10th house, Moon, ๐ŸŒก๐Ÿฉบ๐Ÿ’…โ˜€๏ธ Ohhh you guys your person has some secret thoughts abt you!! They think about you guys' past a lot, and they fantasize about a hidden love affair between you two. They want you to do as they say, submitting to their dominance.๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿฅต They fantasize about owning you, making you their little pet, controlling you, they like imagining you with a collar/leash๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต They want to "keep" you. Leading you, being your "savior". Taking care of you, this all makes them horny af๐Ÿ˜ญ Calling your name in a commanding way, "good girl/boy" and "you did well". They can't stop thinking about your ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘, they want to touch them, grab them... the list goes on and on. Tugging on your chain, Lifting your chin up, They fantasize about the sensation of your nails on their skin. Scratches and bite marks are all up in their imagination. My pile 3 your person thinks you're so hot and meant to be with them, they want you to be theirs!!
โ™ฅ๏ธMessages from your person: Don't underestimate me, I can't control myself, You make me happy, I do, No one makes me feel this way (Ahh so cute๐Ÿฅฐ) Extra cards: Peace, Distance, 10th house, First, Eyelashes, 3rd house, Moon, Gemini, Earth, Virgo
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!๐Ÿฅ€
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the haunted house emoji~๐Ÿš Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next readingโ™ฅ๏ธ
Pile 4๐Ÿค
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Sign energy: Fashion, Think outside the box, Accusation, Only time will tell, First, Gemini, Water, 2nd house, Capricorn, Scorpio, ๐ŸŽญ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ–Œ
๐Ÿ–คYour person's energy: I'm seeing a really cute person tbh their energy is just so lovely and sweet~ They may be a painter or like drawing, could be an artist. Fashion designer is coming through, they may be into clothing. They have many charms about them, but they can be very distrustful of others. They are quick to assume things about other people, making them disappointed in nearly every encounter with someone.๐Ÿ‘ฅ For some reason I'm getting thay they don't get along with Gemini's easily, they could have a lot of Gemini or Mercury influence in their chart, Scorpio mercury is likely. Could be Capricorn or Taurus, They could have Mercury in the 2nd house. For a lot of you this person is a Libra rising which makes sense because of the fashion, they like aesthetically pleasing things. This could be you they find pleasing pile 4~๐Ÿ˜Š You could be dating this person but for most of you I'm getting not yet in a relationship with them. I feel like your person plays around with you often and enjoys getting on your nerves. On the other hand, they might not outwardly express themselves on the surface, actually I'm getting for some of you this person only expresses their emotions through art or creative ideas. Only then will you see a glimpse of their true feelings.๐Ÿค๐Ÿ–ค
๐Ÿ’ญTheir hidden fantasies: Boyfriend, Attraction, Tease, Foreign, End, 9th house, Virgo, Air, Taurus, Sagittarius, ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ†š๏ธโ™‹ Hmmm okayyy we got some heavy Sagittarius energy this could be a sign that they wanna explore my pile 4's to the fullest. Your person has fantasies of taking you to a foreign place/country far away, taking you on a crazy adventure just to have you all to themselves. I feel like the wanna see how much you can take, mentally and physically. So they're always teasing you, trying to get reactions out of you. They have fantasies of biting your neck playfully and watching you freak out, they love the thought of you blushing over them. They want to please themselves with you, and surprise you with crazy fun.๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ซ They wanna try so many different new things with you, and you're their test subject. They want you to see them as hot and attractive, they just wanna get you on your knees for them.๐Ÿ”ฅ Playing around, wearing you down, kissing you roughly when you're weak and vulnerable. They fantasize a lot about these sort of things with you, Your thighs are a turn on for them, as well as your neck and stomach. They want to give you marks all over so you know you're theirs. They imagine you falling head over heels for them, this is what they want the most. They want you to be in awe over them, your devotion is their biggest fantasy. And they just wanna have a crazy wild fun time๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’‹๐ŸŽ†
โ™ฅ๏ธMessages from your person: I can't control myself, Give me more, I can't take anymore, You deserve the best, Because of you, I have a lot to offer (Ahh they're so into my pile 4's๐Ÿ˜) Extra cards: Vision, Emotions, Future, Red, Expand, Mars, Cancer, Venus, Water, 6th house (They really want a future with you, they want to stay with you. They're serious you guys!!๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ–ค)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!๐Ÿฅ€
I hope you enjoyed your reading! สš(๏ฝกหƒ แต• ห‚ )ษž If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the holding hands emoji~๐Ÿค Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next readingโ™ฅ๏ธ
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!๐Ÿ–ค๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿฅ€
Thanks for reading everyone! \(*^w^)/๐Ÿ–ค -Lunadream <3
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kalki-tarot ยท 2 months
Physical appearance of your Future Spouse - mini pac reading โœงห–ยฐ.
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pick only one picture and allow me to tap into your energy, please.
pile 01
so! Just before pulling out your cards, i channeled an image of the famous singer "Arman malik" , so your fs may look like them if they are a male or they have those features. I also see that your fs may be blonde and they may have a bunny teeth and a significant jawline too ^^
they are young and athletic, they have a great, muscular figure. They seem to work out a lot or they are well involved in sports. They have a well maintained moustache too. They can be tall to medium height.
they have very soft features, very childike and innocent. They have a fresh look to them, neat and clean. They like to maintain hygiene with their body.
pile 02
your fs can be from a foreign or exotic country. they look different from how people usually look in your country, something about their appearance is unique.
im seeing they like wearing baggy clothes, it's just their style that im picking up. they have a silent and mysterious look to them, dark academia vibes is what i feel about them.
they have black curly hair, and may have soft freckles on their face. they are youthful and sensual. they may like showing off their body or sensual features.
pile 03
we have 3 kings straight in a row! They are someone very masculine and dominating. They look VERY masculine! They have fierce and rough features. A well maintained moustache too.
They come from a wealthy and powerful background and it shows in their appearance and style. They like wearing accessories, expensive perfumes and wrist watches.
Their skin color is tan and their hair are straight and brown. They have a strong aura and straightforward look. They are usually expressionless so it's hard to know what's going on in their mind. They look manly.
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