#french translation
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Can you read French? Do you find my handwriting atrocious? ironiebd on Instagram has translated my comics into French!
They've been absolutely lovely and went out of their way to do this, so send them some love!
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uiuishii · 3 months
The "why hello, lover" line of Shadowheart is translated as "coucou mon chou" in French (literally : mon chou is my cabbage, it is used to say that someone is cute. Now don't ask me why French people think cabbages are cute, but, we know that the Githyanki only understand literal meaning. That just makes me laugh to imagine Lae'zel wondering why Shadowheart is calling her a cabbage. She may just think it is because her skin is green and start a monologue about the Githyanki and discrimination. While Shadowheart is just "...you're cute. That's all. Now, please give me back my dagger, I thought we were over this."
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For anyone reading TCOPTP
Bitch this isn’t an insult it’s a confession @industrations
These goddamn idiots I love them so much
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selineram3421 · 1 year
May I please request an Alastor x reader oneshot where Alastor is still in denial he is in love, and honestly both of them are. However, someone at the hotel sets up reader on a date with someone else, and Alastor pretends he's fine with it, but internally it has him wrecked as he realizes he might have missed his chance. How does he handle it? Does he sabotage? Follow them? Is the person actually a good-enough person that can be trusted on a date or is this another hedonistic sinner only looking to score? What if they try something?
I also wanna know. Gimme gimme gimme.
A Flame In Your Heart
Romantic: Alastor X Reader Oneshot
Warning! ⚠
⚠ blood, mentions of human trafficking, sexist remarks, burning, thoughts of murder ⚠
After looking for your phone for thirty minutes, Charlie finds it and hands it over, but you notice an odd notification from an app you've never had.
Unlocking your phone, you see what it is. A fucking dating app and a check mark to show you've matched with someone.
"Charlie!", you gasp in surprise, flames sparking in your hair. "What the hell!?"
The princess gives an awkward smile in response. "Well.. I thought you could have some fun tonight, you know?", she shrugs.
You look down at your hellphone, frowning at the picture of the "matched" demon.
"This is crossing a line.", your frown deepening, your hair now literally on fire. "How did you even unlock my phone?", you ask.
"Angel saw you type in your password.", she says, now looking like a kicked puppy and no doubt feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."
"Fucking hell-", you pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. "Never do this again. I get that we're friends but this isn't ok."
And now the blonde is pouting with puppy eyes.
You groan and roll your eyes, patting your hair to extinguish the flames, pulling her into a hug. "No, I don't hate you and I will go on this stupid date to keep you happy."
She squeals in delight and hugs you back, but quickly repeats a couple of ow's when you tighten the hug.
"I mean it, don't do it again.", you say and let her out of your death grip. "I'm telling Vaggie.", you say before running to find the moth demon.
"Wait, no!", the pricess gasps and runs after you.
Usually when hanging out with Alastor, you'd leave your phone off or on do not disturb, but today it was out in your hand while on your stroll through the park.
Curious on why the device was out, the red dressed demon taps you on the shoulder. "What's the matter dear? You've been sighing all day at that thing."
You look at him a bit surprised and put away your phone. "It's nothing important, just some dumb date.", you say and look ahead.
Alastor however, stops dead in his tracks. "Date?"
Turning to look back at him, you raise a brow and stammer a bit. "Uh..y-yeah? Charlie set it up, but I-", you explain and then sigh. "I'm just going for her."
"May I see?", he asks and does a hand gesture as he thinks of what it could be. "The text or whatever its on."
"Pfft-sure.", you laugh and walk up to him, taking out your phone and unlocking it. "She made me a profile on a dating app."
I'm gonna have to delete that later.
Pulling up the match on the app, you show him the picture of the demon.
"I don't know why this demon even agreed. I mean they're a fish and I'm basically a ball of fire.", you say and looking at the picture again. "That's a disaster waiting to happen."
Alastor stares at the image for a long time before speaking. "What are the details?"
"Hm? Oh, just some dinner at a bar.", you answer while putting your phone away. "I think near a club or something."
"Would you like me to escort you?", he asks.
"As much as I would like that, Charlie wouldn't let me hear the end of it if my date runs after seeing you.", you laugh.
He likes your laugh very much, its refreshing.
"Well, I hope everything goes swell!"
Everything was not going swell.
God this demon was so full of themself. Yes, Alastor has quite the ego but its not the size of Hell.
You smiled and laughed at the jokes that were actually funny, pretending to be distracted when they told terrible ones. The food hasn't even arrived yet and you want to barf.
Someone save me from this. I want to leave.
"And I told that bitch that she was only good for cooking and cleaning! Hahaha!"
Great...a sexist asshole. Not like Hell is running out of those.
"I like your tattoos.", you say to get away from whatever story that was.
"Yeah? I got them after a gig. Had to transport some stock, women and kids."
Yeah, no. Fuck this shit.
You stand up and use the excuse that you need to use the bathroom.
Alastor was lying on the couch, thinking for a long while. The feeling in his chest was back.
He had felt odd around you after your third encounter. Not thinking much of it, he pushed the odd fluttering to the side.
However, the feeling just got worse over time and he began to notice everything about you.
Your laugh, your smile, the way your nose scrunches when a sneeze is coming up. When your hair starts to spark when you're angry, surprised, or flustered. How you dance like fire. When your face starts to steam when you are embarrassed, turning a lovely red. The way your eyes glow. Your lips looking inviting after you've had a drink. How soft your voice gets when you're tired. When you sing..
He was unmistakably in love with you.
At the moment he was wondering if he should sabotage the date, kill your date, or just let you go through with it.
Then his 1920's candlestick telephone began to ring. Bringing the phone over, Alastor picks up the receiver and puts it to his ear. "Hello, Alastor speaking!", he says into the mouth piece.
"Alastor?", your voice comes through.
He sits straight up, taking in your tone of voice.
"What's wrong?", he asks.
"Sorry to bother.", you say. "Could you..help me ditch my date?"
"Oh?", he says, trying not to let it slip how happy he is to do so.
"It's dumb, but this demon is so..", you sigh. "They are just down right awful. Would it be alright if I just spent the night hanging out with you?", you ask.
"Not to worry darling! I'll be over in a bit, just wait in front of the establishment and I'll see you soon!", he says, summoning his coat and putting on his shoes.
"Thanks Al. You're the best.", you tell him the address and hang up soon after.
After fixing himself up, Alastor walks out of his radio statiom, humming a few songs as he makes his way over to the bar.
I'm feeling lucky!
You walk out of the bathroom, putting your phone away, going over to your table.
"Hey, so sorry to do this but I just got an emergency call from a friend! I've got to go.", you rush out, having to sell the act.
"What?", the fish demon frowns. "No the fuck you don't."
"I don't have time to explain, thank you for tonight but-", you start picking up your things, only to be stopped by your date.
"What do they need you for? We're on a date!", they growl, yanking your arm away from your jacket.
"Hey! What the fuck-!", you shout, feeling your hair start to heat up. "Let go."
"No! We are on a date, your friend should know when not to bother you!", the demon's grip tightens.
"Ow! I said let go!", you heat up your hand and place it on their arm.
The fish demon yells in pain, shoving you away. "You fucking cunt!"
It gets eerily quiet when the door opens.
Static crackles loudly as the Radio Demon steps into the bar.
So after Alastor basically repainted the walls with your date's blood, you both headed out to take a walk in the park.
"You're fine, yes? How's your arm?", he asks, taking a glance at your arm.
"I'm fine, its nothing to worry about.", you smile a little.
You felt terrible for ruining his peaceful night.
He probably thinks I'm pathetic..
With your thought beginning to spiral, you don't notice that you've begun to frown.
"None of that my dear!", he places a hand on your cheek, turning your head to face him. "You're never fully dressed without a smile!"
You blush, your hair staring to spark.
"O-oh! Yeah, you're right.", you say looking away to hide your face.
Alastor smiles when steam starts to rise from your head, putting an arm around your waist as you continue to walk. "Let's make this night memorable!"
With a snap of his fingers you both teleport to a gazebo with vines and fairy lights, a table for two sits in the middle with food and wine.
"Wha-", you say in shock, eyes glowing brightly. "How did you know I haven't eaten yet?", you ask.
"I had a hunch.", he winks and guides you over to a chair, pulling it out for you to sit.
Once sitting down, he pushes your seat in and goes over to sit in the chair across from you.
"Tonight we have~", he goes to explain the dishes set out on the table before opening the bottle. "And a bottle of red wine."
Dinner with Alastor is amazing. You actually get to enjoy dinner while talking and laughing. Your heart skips a few beats everytime he smiles at you.
Now both of you walk on a bridge, the red sky darkening as it gets late.
"Thank you Alastor.", you say, stopping in the middle of the bridge. "For making my night better."
"It was a pleasure.", he says with a soft smile. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat."
You blush and look to the side, sparks appearing in your hair.
His hand moves to hold your chin and tilts it up slightly. Your eyes go to look at him, seeing that he's leaning in and-
"Je suis amoureux de toi."
Alastor is kissing you.
A flame burns in your heart, making your chest glow.
This really is a memorable night.
I really liked this one!
~Seline, the person.
French Translation:
Je suis amoureux de toi. = I'm in love with you.
ML for Alastor🎙
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gavroche-le-moineau · 9 months
Montparnasse's Introduction
I guess I'm on a translation kick because I spent some time today while I was couch-ridden taking a stab at my own translation of Montparnasse's introductory paragraph. I just loved the writing of it and wanted to see if I could carry over some of the feelings I got from it in French into English. This isn't because I think any current translations are bad or wrong, I simply wanted to try my hand, and offer another version.
I tried to stick to 19th century dictionaries (both French and English) for usage of any words I wasn't sure about, but I did also use some more modern resources to get ideas or corroborate.
Un être lugubre, c’était Montparnasse. Montparnasse était un enfant ; moins de vingt ans, un joli visage, des lèvres qui ressemblaient à des cerises, de charmants cheveux noirs, la clarté du printemps dans les yeux ; il avait tous les vices et aspirait à tous les crimes. La digestion du mal le mettait en appétit du pire. C’était le gamin tourné voyou¹, et le voyou devenu escarpe². TRANSLATION - PART 1: A morose being, that was Montparnasse. Montparnasse was a child; less than twenty years old, with a pretty face, lips likes cherries, charming black hair, the brightness of springtime in his eyes– he had all the vices and aspired to all the crimes. Digesting the bad whet his appetite for worse. He was the gamin turned ruffian¹, and the ruffian turned killer².
NOTES - PART 1: 1. “voyou” can be used to mean “gamin”, but tends to carry the more negative connotations of “delinquent, gangster, bandit, thug, etc.” It was commonly used in Paris specifically, in the mid 19th century.
2. “escarpe” – an old term for a thief / bandit who kills in order to steal from victims.
Il était gentil, efféminé, gracieux, robuste, mou, féroce³. Il avait le bord du chapeau relevé à gauche pour faire place à la touffe de cheveux, selon le style de 1829⁴. Il vivait de voler violemment. Sa redingote était de la meilleure coupe, mais râpée. Montparnasse, c’était une gravure de modes ayant de la misère et commettant des meurtres. La cause de tous les attentats de cet adolescent était l’envie d’être bien mis. TRANSLATION- PART 2: He was sweet, effeminate, graceful, hardy, apathetic, ferocious³. He had the side of his hat turned up on the left to make room for a tuft of hair, after the style of 1829⁴. He made a living stealing violently. His redingote was of the finest cut, but frayed. Montparnasse was a fashion plate fallen on hard times and committing murders. The cause behind all this adolescent’s criminal offenses was the desire to look sharp.
NOTES - PART 2: 3. “Il était gentil … féroce.” Choosing exact translations for each of these words was extremely difficult. “Gentil” can mean SO many things from kind, sweet, nice, to proper, agreeable, good, etc all of which have such different connotations. I can’t be sure which one is closest to what Hugo was going for.
For “féroce” I wanted to highlight that in the Littré dictionary entry the first definition says “One who takes pleasure in murder, when speaking of animals” and while we are speaking about a person, I can’t help but think Hugo was alluding to this idea.
4. Any fashion historians know what this is referring to? I found a Parisian fashion plate from 1828 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art that maybe looks like the left side of the hat is curled up but it could also be the angle.
La première grisette⁵ qui lui avait dit : Tu es beau, lui avait jeté la tâche des ténèbres dans le cœur, et avait fait un Caïn de cet Abel. Se trouvant joli, il avait voulu être élégant ; or, la première élégance, c’est l’oisiveté ; l’oisiveté d’un pauvre, c’est le crime. Peu de rôdeurs étaient aussi redoutés que Montparnasse. À dix-huit ans, il avait déjà plusieurs cadavres derrière lui. Plus d’un passant les bras étendus gisait dans l’ombre de ce misérable⁶, la face dans une mare de sang. Frisé, pommadé, pincé à la taille, des hanches de femme, un buste d’officier prussien, le murmure d’admiration des filles du boulevard autour de lui, la cravate savamment nouée, un casse-tête dans sa poche, une fleur à sa boutonnière ; tel était ce mirliflore⁷ du sépulcre. TRANSLATION - PART 3: The first grisette⁵ who had said to him, “You’re handsome,” had thrown the stain of darkness into his heart, and had made a Cain of this Abel. Finding himself pretty, he had wanted to be elegant; now, the start of elegance is idleness, and the idleness of a pauper, is crime. Few prowlers were as feared as Montparnasse. At eighteen, he already had several corpses behind him. More than one passerby, arms outstretched, lay in the shadow of this miserable wretch⁶, their face in a pool of blood. Curly and pomaded hair, a pinched waist, the hips of a woman, the chest of a Prussian officer, the murmur of admiration from girls on the boulevard all around him, tie smartly knotted, a bludgeon in his pocket, a flower in his buttonhole; such was this popinjay⁷ of the sepulchre.
NOTES - PART 3 5. I chose not to translate “gamin”, “redingote”, and “grisette” because they’re words that can be used in English and they all refer to a very specific thing or person from a specific time and place, that English just doesn’t have an exact equivalent for.
6. It certainly is a pity for this book in particular that we can’t translate the noun “misérable” into English as is. I just wanted to highlight that Montparnasse is another character to add to the list of those that fall under the category of the book’s title.
7. I chose “popinjay” (meaning a dandy, fop, etc.) for the word “mirliflore” because the French word used here is very pretty and may come from mille + flores (thousand + flowers) to refer to someone wearing perfume, and I think the juxtaposition between the pretty word Hugo chooses to use for Montparnasse and “the sepulchre” is very intentional. While the English word “popinjay” evokes birds rather than flowers (the word actually coming from “parrot” and in its current form also evoking “jay”), I thought it was a similar enough feel that it worked better than dandy or fop.
Corrections, additions, or comments are always welcome!
Resources: Dictionnaire de la langue française, Émile Littré, 1872-1877 Dictionary of the French and English languages, with more than fifteen thousand new words, meanings, etc. by Ferdinand E. A. (1876) Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales fr.wiktionary.org wordreference.com
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my-deer-history · 2 months
Francis Kinloch in the Müller-Bonstetten letters: Part 2
My translations here, German and French originals below the cut.
[Undated, 1776]
Did you know that Lord Dunmore has imitated the billets d'état of the Americans, and thereby enticed them to provide the loyalists with what they needed from their own supplies? This ruse has left them in terrible confusion. Kinloch envies Colonel Cunningham, who is marching against Charlestown with 2,000 regulars under His Majesty’s standard?
[At the end of Müller’s letter is this addition from Kinloch:]
It is not enough my dear sir, to tell You, que je Vous embrasse de tout mon coeur [that I embrace you with all my heart]; that is but a futile French expression, invented in order to express a nothingness of sentiment in a decent manner; no rather let me say that I wish for nothing more than opportunity of manifesting to You how much, how sincerely I esteem You. 
Pour les manières et les Graces [For politeness and the Graces.]. You will not be astonished at our friend Muller's having made the progress he boasts of, when I inform You, that we have had the courage to read Lord Chesterfield's letters, though swelled to the size of two volumes in quarto, and filled with continual repetitions and inculcations of principles every way different from those that a Man of honour flatters himself has lodged in his bosom. 
We have lived a life this Winter as happy as the warmest imagination could have traced out. We have read a great deal, talk with rapture very frequently of those happy days spent under this humble roof in Your company. 
Good night. I ask Your pardon but I can not refrain from telling from time to time how much I esteem you. 
[undated, 1776]
I must ask you for advice. You know my destination for the summer. Next winter, either Italy or, without a doubt, Genthod. But considering the future, I see many challenges in seeking a position as a tutor. Parents in England do not know me; would they trust their son to me? And when they ask to see me, would they then trust me, with my young face, without any mentorly traits? What do you think, should I get Kinloch to write to his tutor? Trembley to his friends? or should I leave it to time and chance?
13 April 1776
I feel what the union of two hearts like ours wants to say. I feel no gratitude for everything I have received from you, for Geneva, Genthod, Kinloch, because my gratitude is intertwined in my friendship.
April 1776
I have not often thought and felt so much in such a short time, as in the 4 divine days with my friend. I now know how I must live to properly develop my mind: alone, or with you. The noble American earns all my love, nor am I in debt to the friendship that he has for me, but you stand out above everyone in my heart, because I believe myself to be alone when I am with you.
“Monday”, 1776
Write to me urgently - on which day shall the society meet at Schinznach? Perhaps Lord Clive, Mr Fraser, Kinloch and I will also go. You will understand how urgently I need to know this.
“Early May” 1776
I can barely read anything. I spend 3 hours organising and thinking; the rest of the time I spend collecting. I read Montesquieu and Horaz with Kinloch. So I have about one hour left every day; I then read Heloise, or The Essay On Man, or Tristram Shandy.*
*”Heloise” is probably La nouvelle Heloise, an epistolary novel by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. An Essay on Man is a poem by Alexander Pope. Tristram Shandy is a satirical novel by Lawrence Sterne.
6 July 1776
I read your letters about Italy with Kinloch. They are excellent; if I were not covetous, I would tell you that they deserve to be read by the public.
I do not know if I am wrong; but to my eyes, Winkelmann* is so incomparable, so elevated, so profound, so entirely a man of genius, so genuinely Greek in his feeling, of such energy, in sum so perfectly, in my view, what a writer should be, that I dread to read Sulzer** after him.
*Johann Joachim Winckelmann was an archaeologist and art historian who revolutionised the understanding of classical art; he was also known to be homosexual, even in his own time.
**Johann Georg Sulzer’s Die Theorie der schönen Künste.
16 July 1776
Kinloch is leaving in September, probably towards the end, then I can come to Baleares for a week, or what would be better, if it’s at all possible, to take off for a week and come to the Lac de Joux; we could spend seven heavenly days there. In August, perhaps! I don't know if Kinloch wants to visit his relatives, but if so, I would visit the closest kinsman of my soul.
2 Aug [1776]
I saw, heard and felt Lekain* in the role of Tancrède, and on Tuesday, I will see him play Zamore. Everything that stirs my soul reminds me of B.** I could have cried at the theatre, because cruel fate does not allow me to feel, to sigh, to cry at my friend’s side. Why did I not lie sprawled next to you on the grass with the Aeneid? Our souls, dearest friend, are sweet and gentle; our spirit sympathises wonderfully; our taste is susceptible to the beauties of nature and genius. Every day I become more worthy of you; and so you will love me more than before. Pour the full stream of feelings into your letters. Do not hide anything from me, my dear, and allow me the divine pleasure of rejoicing with B. and feeling sorrow with him. Let me write my reflections, then the whole world will see whether I am worthy of you, and then we will see each other for longer and more often. Write to me, I beg you, as often as possible. Do away with the frustrating error that you never answer my letters. Comfort me, I grieve that Kinloch is leaving in two months. He is the noblest, the most amiable, the most virtuous youth: his faults themselves are amiable and the faults of a noble man.
*Lekain was a French actor, one of Voltaire’s favourites.
8 Aug 1776
Lekain in Tancrède entranced me; as Zamore* he disappointed me; the latter feels and speaks with liveliness, has a noble open countenance, is the most amiable and greatest character in all of Voltaire’s work; [...] Aufresne** would have done it better; but I do not want to see Zamore played by anyone other than you or Kinloch.
*Zamore is an Incan prince in Voltaire’s play Alzire, ou Les Américains.
**Aufresne was a Genevan actor.
[Undated, 1776]
Wissen Sie wohl, daß Mylord Dunmore die Billets d'état der Amerikaner nachgeahmt, und hierdurch sie verführt hat, aus ihrem eigenen den Königischen das Nothwendige zu verschaffen? Diese List hat sie in eine entsetzliche Verwirrung gesetzt. Kinloch beneidet den Obrist Cunningham, welcher mit 2000 Königischen unter dem Standart Sr. Majestät gegen Charlestown angezogen ist?
[undated, 1776]
Rathen Sie mir. Gür den Sommer wissen Sie meine Bestimmung; für den Winter, entweder Italien oder ohne Zweifel auch Genthod. Betreffend ferneres; so sehe ich viele Inconvenienzen, um eine Gouverneurstelle zu schreiben. Die Eltern in England kennen mich nicht, werden sie mir ihren Sohn anvertrauen? Und wenn sie mich sehen wollten, würden sie mir ihn alsdann vertrauen, mir mit meiner jungen Miene, mir ohne alle Mentorszüge? Was meinen Sie, soll ich schreiben lassen — den Kinloch an seinen Vormund? Trembley an seine Freunde? oder die Zeit und Zufälle abwarten?
J'ai des conseils à vous demander. Vous savez quelle est ma destination pour cet été. L'hiver prochain, je projette un voyage en Italie, ou un séjour à Genthod; mais il faut penser à l'avenir, et je vois beaucoup d'inconvénients à chercher une place de gouverneur. Personne ne me connaît en Angleterre: quels parents voudraient me confier leur fils? Et quand on demanderait à me voir, obtiendrais-je plus de confiance en montrant une mine si jeune et si peu convenable à un Mentor? Qu'en pensez-vous? Dois-je faire écrire Kinloch à son tuteur, Trembley à ses amis, ou dois-je m'en remettre au temps et aux circonstances?
13 April 1776
Ich fühle, was die Vereinigung zweier Herzen, wie unsre, sagen will. Ich fühle keine Dankbarkeit für alles, was ich von Ihnen habe, für Genf, Genthod, Kinloch, denn meine Dankbarkeit wird von meiner Freundschaft verschlungen.
Mon cher et noble ami! ce qui distingue notre amitié, c'est qu'elle domine sur tous nos autres sentiments. Je ne sens aucune reconnaissance pour tout ce que je vous dois, pour Genève, pour Genthod, pour Kinloch; ma reconnaissance se perd dans ma tendresse pour vous.
April 1776
Ich habe selten in so kurzer Zeit so viel gedacht und gefühlt, als in den göttlichen 4 Tagen mit meinem Freund. Ich weiß nun, wie ich leben müßte, um meinen Geist recht zu entwickeln: allein, oder mit Euch. Der edle Amerikaner verdient alle meine Liebe, auch bleibe ich ihm nichts an der Freundschaft schuldig, die er für mich hat, aber Ihr zeichnet Euch in meinem Herzen vor allen aus, indem ich allein zu seyn glaube, wenn ich mit Euch bin.
“Monday”, 1776
Schreiben Sie mir nächstens, an welchem Tag die Gesellschaft zu Schinznach sich versammle? Vielleicht gehen Lord Clive, Mr. Fraser, Kinloch und ich auch dahin. Sie begreifen, wie nothwendig ich dieses bald wissen muß.
“Early May” 1776
Lesen kann ich fast nichts. 3 Stunden ordne und denke ich; die übrige Zeit sammle ich. Mit Kinloch lese ich Montesquieu und Horaz. So bleibt mir täglich ungefähr eine Stunde; ich lese alsdann Heloise, oder the Essay on man, oder Tristram Shandy.
6 July 1776
Ich habe mit Kinloch Eure Briefe über Italien gelesen. Sie find vortrefflich; wenn ich nicht geizig darauf wäre, so wollte ich Ihnen sagen, sie verdienen vom Publicum gelesen zu werden.
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich Recht habe, aber Winkelmann ist so unvergleichlich, so hoch, so tief, so ganz Mann von Genie, von so griechischem Gefühl, von solcher Energie, so recht wie ein Verfasser nach meinem Sinn seyn soll, daß ich fürchte, Sulzern nach ihm zu lesen. 
J'ai lu avec Kinloch, vos lettres sur l'Italie. Elles sont excellentes, et si je n'en étais avare, je vous dirais qu'elles méritent d'être connues du public.
Je ne sais si je me trompe; mais Winkelmann est à mes yeux si incomparable, si élevé, si profond, si entièrement homme de génie, si vraiment grec et antique dans sa manière de sentir, enfin si parfaitemént, à mon sens, l'écrivain tel qu'il doit être, que je crains de lire Sulzer après lui.
16 July 1776
Kinloch reiset ab im September, vermuthlich gegen das Ende, alsdann kann ich auf eine Woche nach Baleires kommen, oder was besser wäre, wenn es nur möglich ist, sondern Sie sich auf eine Woche ab, und kommen Sie an den Lac de Joux; da könnten wir sieben Göttertage zubringen. Im August, vielleicht! Ich weiß nicht, ob Kinloch seine Verwandten besuchen will, dann besuchte ich den nähesten Verwandten meiner Seele.
2 Aug [1776]
Ich habe gesehen, gehört und gefühlt den Le Kain Tancred vorstellen und am Dienstag stellt er Zamoren vor. Alles, was meine Seele rührt, ruft mich zu B. zurück. In der Comödie hätte ich weinen mögen, daß das harte Schicksal mir nicht erlaubt, neben meinem Freund zu fühlen, zu seufzen, zu weinen. Warum lag ich nicht neben Ihnen hingegossen aufs Gras mit der Aencide? Unsere Seelen, liebster Freund, sind lieblich und sanft; unser Geist sympathisirt wunderbar; unser Geschmack ist für die Schönheiten der Natur und des Genies empfindlich. Täglich werde ich Ihrer würdiger; so lieben Sie mich dann auch mehr, als vormals. So ergießen Sie denn im vollern Strom Empfindungen in Ihre Briefe. Verschweigen Sie mir nichts, mein Lieber, und gestatten Sie mir die Götterlust, mich mit B. zu freuen und mit ihm zu betrüben. Lassen Sie mich meine Betrachtungen schreiben, dann wird alle Welt sehen, ob ich Ihrer würdig bin, und dann werden wir uns länger und öfter sehen. Schreiben Sie mir, ich bitte Sie, so oft als möglich. Legen Sie einen verdrüßlichen Fehler ab; den, daß Sie meine Briefe nie beantworten. Trösten Sie mich, ich traure sehr, daß Kinloch in zwei Monaten abreiset. Er ist der edelste, der freundschaftlichste, der tugendhafteste Jüngling: seine Fehler selbst sind liebenswürdig und die Fehler eines edlen Menschen.
8 Aug 1776
Le Kain im Tankred hat mich entzückt; als Zamore hat er mir mißfallen; der letzere fühlt, spricht mit Lebhaftigkeit, hat eine edle offne Miene, ist der liebenswürdigste und größte Charakter im ganzen Voltaire; [...] Aufresne hätte das vielleicht besser gemacht; ich aber möchte Zamoren von niemand spielen sehen, als von Ihnen oder von Kinloch.
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hikayagami · 2 years
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The French translation for Tokyo Mew Mew 2020 Re-Turn is now available for purchase!!
You can see a preview the whole first chapter HERE.
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akuma74 · 5 months
And now Baghera and Antoine saying wild stuff
étoiles: The dragon is my favorite character in Shrek because she is really nice and...
Antoine: She is fuckable as hell.
Everyone: *mix of laughter and genuine incomprehension*
étoiles, dying of laughter: oh "she is fuckable" oh the word *laugh* the stench of that word. "fuckable"
Antoine: *facepalm while realising what he just said*
Mynthos: Antoine doesn't speak anymore, he's ashame of himself.
Antoine, justifiying his silence: Excuse me I was thanking all of my subs... I was muted
Baghera: Do I already asked you th- no I can't ask this to you guys. But I can ask Florence ! Florence if you have a kid and so you have breastmilk will you...
Antoine: No ! No please don't ask her if she's gonna taste it ! don't ask her if she's gonna taste it I beg you.
Baghera: No, but will you eat it ? No I mean would you make cheese out of it ?
Antoine, laughing: Oh this is even worse !
Forence: Making cheese out of my child ?
Baghera: No ! With the breastmilk !
Antoine: I'm sorry for this people, I stop streaming, that's it I'm going back on youtube. *laugh* figure you tip your toast with Bags cheese into Mynthos juice.
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fancyratlady · 1 year
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Here is the first of the pair of plates that started my collection. I found them at an estate sale, already framed with these matching mats. Whoever owned them before me clearly loved them. They are from the 1830s and in very good condition. I will post its other half shortly.
The text reads:
La Mode
Capote de velours double de gros de naples- Robe de satin de la Reine-Manteau de rèps indien du magasin des deux nuits.
In English: (I couldn’t figure out what ‘rèps’ means)
The Fashion
Double velvet hood wholesale of (from) Naples- Satin dress of the Queen-Raincoat from the Indian store of the two nights.
A note on translation: yes, ‘capote’ is used to mean ‘condom’ these days, but literally it means ‘hood’.
[Image ID: a framed fashion plate with two models and two frame mats, one blue and one green. The woman on the left faces the viewer. She wears a pink bonnet with four large pink feathers in the center trimmed with a stripped pink ribbon. Her temple curls peak out of the brim. She has a wide, square-shaped collar of white lace. Her dress cornflower blue with large sleeves puffed until the elbow and v-shaped pleats on the bodice. It has a small matching shoulder cape or shawl with an edge of trapezoidal cutouts.
The second woman is turned away from the viewer, her fave hidden by a bonnet of the same type as before, but dark blue with white trimming. She wears a grey two-tiered cape with a green collar and striped with two thin red bands with a green ivy pattern between.]
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clairedelune-13 · 10 months
I just found out in the French translation of Witcher, Geralt and Yen fuck on the back of a stuffed rhinoceros…
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traitor-for-hire · 5 days
Shara.Bey : J’ai besoin d’un traducteur de Jyn
Shara.Bey : Cassian, fais ton boulot.
Shara.Bey : Maintenant, Cassian
Shara.Bey : Cassian
Shara.Bey : Cassian
Kes.Dameron : Il est probablement au bureau. Et tu parles dans le chat de groupe.
Shara.Bey : Et ramène du jus d’orange en rentrant stp
Shara.Bey : Cassian, tu t’en tireras pas comme ça
(6mois après le chapitre précédent, une update ! Hourra !)
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elocutiotranslation · 1 month
ᴇʟᴏᴄᴜᴛɪᴏ, ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴊᴜʟɪᴀ !
𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜, 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛!
Whether you're here to stay, or just wandering, allow me to introduce myself: my name is Julia, and I am a French translator based in Calais, France! I recently launched my business, Elocutio.
~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉
I translate mostly literature and content from the tourism industry. I have a background in humanities, and I am a travel enthusiast !
Whether you're a traveler of time, of space, we might have a lot in common.
I created this Tumblr to engage more casually with the community, share content about literature, translation, languages, travels, anything really!
Feel free to submit posts, short texts, poems that you would like to have translated into French ! I'll choose a couple of them every week and reblog the translation.
However if you require professional services, check out my LinkedIn, my ProZ, or simply DM me, so we can discuss your needs !
May we meet again, fellow traveler !
~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉ ~҉
𝘓𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥𝘐𝘯 : 𝘩𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘴://𝘸𝘸𝘸.𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮/𝘪𝘯/𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘢-𝘩-𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰/
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘡 : 𝘩𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘴://𝘸𝘸𝘸.𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘻.𝘤𝘰𝘮/𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘦/3907354
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onlyssca · 9 months
French translation: how
This is a follow up post to this one.
I have made a guide on how to request a translation from me. This is just to make things easier for you and for me.
First of all ask me first! I will probably never say no but it’s just nicer to ask first anyway, so hit me up by sending me a message, my dms are always open!
For the actual translation i find it better to use a google document instead of having to exchange messages back and forth. Trust me i’ve sent unfinished messages so many times because i couldn’t type how i wanted…
This is a template i made of how the document should look like
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Here’s a link that’ll make you a copy of that document so that you can edit it!
This is how it should be filled in. DO NOT FORGET to change the title of the document accordingly!!
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Now that the doc is modified you need to give me access so i can actually write on there and be useful.
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Just click that little icon, if you're in your browser it should be a rectangle button with "Share" written on it. It’ll open a little window.
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Then type in my email address.
(pfp by @green-lights-33)
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/!\ Make sure to select EDITOR otherwise i won't be able to write on your document :(
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When you're done click the arrow to send the notification that i am now able to modify the doc!
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me, or if you can’t set up the document or anything!
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a-still-small-vox · 5 months
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La dernière oeuvre de Saltwaterselkie que j'ai traduit pour Fandom Trumps Hate 2023 (@fth2023fanworks) ! Merci encore d'avoir fait un don à Dig Deep.
DCU/JLA • Billy Batson-centric • Halloween • General Audiences • 3,478 mots
Les problèmes ont commencé quand Billy a décidé qu’il allait se déguiser en Batman pour l’Halloween. Ou : La fête d’Halloween le plus préféré de tous les temps de Billy, le chaos qu’elle provoque, et son impact sur la révélation de l’identité de Billy dix ans plus tard. Ou ou : Deux Batman, un Enfant de Dix Ans, et une Tranche de Tarte à la Citrouille
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crowleyspriestess · 28 days
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René Girard - Il Capro Espiatorio
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gavroche-le-moineau · 9 months
A Rose in Misery
So, I don't know whether the lyricist for On My Own took inspiration from this chapter or not, but it sure seems like they might have. I decided to do a translation of the heartbreaking paragraph where Éponine describes the city at night, not as it looks while she's imagining Marius beside her, as in the musical, but as it looks when she hasn't eaten for days in the winter.
FRENCH “Des fois je m’en vais le soir. Des fois je ne rentre pas. Avant d’être ici, l’autre hiver, nous demeurions sous les arches des ponts. On se serrait pour ne pas geler. Ma petite sœur pleurait. L’eau, comme c’est triste ! Quand je pensais à me noyer, je disais : Non, c’est trop froid. Je vais toute seule quand je veux, je dors des fois dans les fossés. Savez-vous, la nuit, quand je marche sur le boulevard, je vois les arbres comme des fourches, je vois des maisons toutes noires grosses comme les tours de Notre-Dame, je me figure que les murs blancs sont la rivière, je me dis : Tiens, il y a de l’eau là ! Les étoiles sont comme des lampions d’illuminations¹, on dirait qu’elles fument et que le vent les éteint, je suis ahurie², comme si j’avais des chevaux qui me soufflent dans l’oreille ; quoique ce soit la nuit, j’entends des orgues de Barbarie³ et les mécaniques des filatures, est-ce que je sais, moi ? Je crois qu’on me jette des pierres, je me sauve sans savoir, tout tourne, tout tourne. Quand on n’a pas mangé, c’est très drôle.⁴”
TRANSLATION “Sometimes, I take off in the evening. Sometimes I don’t come back. Before we were here, last winter, we lived under the bridge arches. We clung together to keep from freezing. My little sister would cry. Water- how sad it is! When I would think of drowning myself I would say : No, it’s too cold. I go off on my own when I want, I sometimes sleep in ditches. You know, at night, when I walk along the boulevard, I see the trees like pitchforks, I see houses all black and big like the towers of Notre-Dame, I imagine that the white walls are the river, and I say to myself : Look, there’s water! The stars are like festival lanterns¹, they seem to smoke and the wind blows them out, I’m stupefied², as if I had horses breathing in my ear ; although it’s night, I hear barrel organs³ and the machinery of the spinning mills, but what do I know? I think stones are being thrown at me, I run away without even realizing, everything spins, everything spins. When you haven’t eaten, it’s all a little funny.⁴”
NOTES 1. I did way too much research into what exactly “lampions d’illuminations” would have referred to at the time. A “lampion” is a lantern, and while modern definitions often list “paper lantern,” I couldn’t find anything that corroborated that from the time period. Littré describes it as a “Small vessel made of clay, tin, or glass, into which one puts tallow or oil with a wick, and which is used for illuminations.” “Illuminations” in the plural (which is how it’s used in the text), refers to decorative festival lights.
Also, I found some references to “lampions d’illuminations” in a newspaper from 1851. The page is describing anniversary celebrations for February 24th, 1848 (the French Revolution of 1848), which I think is further evidence that Éponine is referring specifically to lanterns that would be used at a festival or celebration.
2. The word here is “ahuri(e)” which means both “stunned, dazed, astonished, flabbergasted” but also can be used to mean “idiot, numbskull” so I used “stupefied” because it also carries those two connotations within the word. The two English translations I have translate the idea as more “bewildered / afraid” which honestly seems more correct for the tone, but since I can’t really be sure of the exact sense Hugo was going for I went with a word that more literally fits with the French definition.
3. An “orgue de Barbarie” is known by a myriad of terms in English: barrel organ, roller organ, crank organ, hand organ, cylinder organ, street organ, take your pick!
4. A literal translation of this last sentence might be: “When you haven’t eaten, it’s very funny.” The word “drôle” in French carries the same connotations that the English word “funny” does, in that it can mean both hilarious (something that one would laugh about), and odd, strange, or weird. I’m fairly certain, as other translators seem to be, that Éponine means “odd” or “weird” here but I again decided to use the word in English that most closely mirrors all of the meanings in the French word. However, I changed up the words around it just a tad to try to get across more of that unsettling feeling I believe Hugo is going for here.
This was a hard one to translate! By nature of the fact that Éponine is rambling and describing a somewhat hallucinatory experience, it's very hard to tell sometimes what certain words mean or refer to within the context.
Many aspects of this paragraph remind me strongly of imagery in the lyrics of On My Own:
Sometimes I walk alone at night When everybody else is sleeping ... In the rain the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight ... The river's just a river ... The trees are bare
But oh boy is the book so much more depressing. Nothing is romanticized here. Her imaginings as she walks around the city at night are sometimes beautiful, sometimes terrifying, always unsettling. She's not daydreaming, she's hallucinating because she's starving, and freezing. What a heart breaking chapter!
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