#french writers
redshift-13 · 7 months
And so when you have lost everything, no more roads, no direction, no fixed signs, no ground, no thoughts able to resist other thoughts, when you are lost, beside yourself, and you continue getting lost, when you become the panicky movement of getting lost, then, that’s when, where you are unwoven weft, flesh that lets strangeness come through, defenseless being, without resistance, without batten, without skin, inundated with otherness, it’s in these breathless times that writings traverse you, songs of an unheard-of purity flow through you, addressed to no one, they well up, surge forth, from the throats of your unknown inhabitants, these are the cries that death and life hurl in their combat.
Hélène Cixous, "Coming to Writing" and Other Essays
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thelonesomepianist · 10 days
George Sand. ♡
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Rien n’est dit, P. Forest, 2023
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hattoririma · 7 months
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Rejoignez nous en cliquant ici !
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Random Thought about Translation...
📚And why I feel so honored and pleased doing it!🪶
(Texte en français après "Afficher davantage", venez donc les amoureux de la langue de Molière ❤)
For the past weeks, I've had the honour and pleasure of being my dear @malohkeh-main's beta reader for her French translation of "Demon and Angel Professors", a gorgeous and gigantic Good Omens AU written by Ghostinthehouse aka @ineffableghost.
Malohkeh does the heavy work, while your humble servant adapts the text as best as possible for French readers. A hard but fascinating work!
Just so you know, each chapter of the English text is exactly 666 words, and Malohkeh made sure to respect this from the beginning. Sometimes, it is possible to manage to end up with a satisfying, coherent translation at 666 words. And sometimes you just cannot do it in French language (AO3 even counts some punctuation marks as words!). So we keep a wordcount made of 3, 6, 7 and 9 for reasons of our own.
Today I worked on the one-shot titled "Would I lie to you" and it was definitely a 666-achievable chapter, while being fluid to read in French. That moment when I tweak, tweak, and tweak again...reading and reading, going from 661 to 668 words, then 665, 667, 663...before reaching the last sentence. A sentence where I go full YOLO in my prettiest french-writing mode, then save the draft...and the word count claims "666". Muhahaha. It just feels like this to me:
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If you haven't read "Demon and Angel Professors" I can only encourage you to do it here!
And if you're a Francophone, please have a look at our first translations! Give us a feedback if you'd like!
And thank you so much @vanam0nde for checking/translating my ineffable babblings on Tumblr!
Anecdote Random de Traduction - Ou pourquoi c'est pour moi un honneur et un plaisir de traduire!
Depuis quelques semaines, j'ai l'honneur et le plaisir de beta-reader ma chère amie @malohkeh-main pour sa traduction en français de "Demon and Angel Professors", un splendide et gigantesque AU Good Omens écrit par Ghostinthehouse aka @ineffableghost. Malohkeh fait le plus gros du travail de traduction, et votre humble servante se charge d'adapter du mieux possible le texte à un lectorat français, tout en respectant la prose de Ghostinthehouse. Un travail exigeant mais passionnant!
Pour information, chaque chapitre de la version anglais originale compte exactement 666 mots, et Malohkeh s'est fait un devoir de respecter cet objectif dès le départ. Parfois, il est possible d'avoir une VF cohérente et agréable à lire qui fait elle aussi 666 mots. Et parfois, c'est juste impossible à faire (le site A03 comptant même certains effets de ponctuation en français comme des mots! ) et alors on garde en objectif de rester sur un nombre de mots uniquement à base de 3, 6, 7 et 9 pour des raisons qui nous paraissent pertinentes.
Aujourd'hui j'ai travaillé sur le one-shot 6 intitulé "Would I lie to you", et c'était définitivement un chapitre qui pouvait rester à 666 mots tout en demeurant agréable à lire en français.
Ce moment où je fignole, fignole, et fignole encore, relisant encore et toujours, oscillant de 661 à 668 mots, puis 665, 667, 663... avant de terminer sur la toute dernière phrase de conclusion, où je fais une belle modification en mode YOLO pour que ça sonne mieux, je "save as draft", et le compteur de mots qui clame "666". Mouahahaha.
Comment vous dire, si ce n'est que je ressens à peu près ça:
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Si vous n'avez pas encore lu "Demon and Angel Professors", je vous invite fortement à y faire un tour !
Et si vous êtes francophones, passez donc nous donner votre avis sur nos premières traductions!
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persephonediary · 1 year
I love your silences, they are like mine.
— Anaïs Nin, Under a Glass Bell
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microcosme11 · 1 year
Napoleon’s letters to Josephine are admired-he had no idea this was happening.
The Duchess of Courland or Kurland was friends with Mme. de Genlis. She shared a box of Napoleon’s letters to Josephine that Josephine had left somewhere. An enterprising servant had sold them to her. Mme de Genlis was impressed by the letters.
Voici un mot charmant que je trouvai dans une de ces lettres : Bonaparte reprochait à Joséphine la faiblesse et la frivolité de son caractère, et il ajoutait : « La nature t’a fait une âme de dentelle ; elle m’en a donné une d’acier. » Dans une autre lettre il montrait beaucoup de jalousie sur la société de Joséphine et surtout sur la quantité de jeunes muscadins qu’elle recevait journellement, et il lui ordonnait avec sévérité de les expulser tous. On voyait dans les lettres suivantes que Joséphine obéissait, mais qu’ensuite elle se plaignait continuellement de sa santé et de maux de nerfs ; alors Bonaparte imagina que l’ennui causait ce dérangement de santé et il lui manda qu’il aimait mieux être jaloux et souffrir que de la savoir malade et qu’il lui permettait de rappeler tous les muscadins.
Elles étaient d’une écriture fort difficile à lire, mais cependant j’en vins parfaitement à bout ; ces lettres étaient spirituelles et touchantes. On n’y voyait point d’ambition et elles exprimaient une extrême sensibilité ; elles prouvaient que Bonaparte avait eu pour sa femme la passion la plus vive et la plus tendre.
Here is a charming word that I found in one of these letters: Bonaparte reproached Josephine for the weakness and frivolity of her character, and he added: “Nature has made you a soul of lace; she gave me one of steel.” In another letter he showed great jealousy over Josephine's company and especially over the number of young Muscadins she received daily, and he ordered her severely to expel them all. We saw in the following letters that Josephine obeyed, but that afterwards she continually complained of her health and of nervous ailments; then Bonaparte imagined that boredom was causing this health disturbance and he told her that he would rather be jealous and suffer than to know that she was ill and that he would allow her to call back all the Muscadins.
The handwriting was very difficult to read, but nevertheless I came to the end of them perfectly; these letters were witty and touching. There was no ambition in them and they expressed extreme sensitivity; they proved that Bonaparte had had the liveliest and most tender passion for his wife.
Mémoires de madame de Genlis
gutenberg.org (also everywhere else)
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saintjustee · 2 years
«Los objetos no deberían tocar, puesto que no viven. Uno los usa, los pone en su sitio, vive entre ellos; son útiles, nada más. Y a mí me tocan; es insoportable. Tengo miedo de entrar en contacto con ellos como si fueran animales vivos.»
- La Nausea, Jean-Paul Sartre
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givreencres · 1 year
"Nothing will ever be simple"
Nothing will ever be simple Nothing will ever be seamless This part of my life will always be a volcanic storm A place where the philosophy of life, culture, and moral values clash A place where the two antagonists, under the guise of love, clash Nothing will ever be simple Nothing will ever be seamless Yet I return again Yet I don't need it Yet I have found harmony So I just wanted to share it To share... & the conflict reappeared by itself Nothing will ever be simple Nothing will ever be seamless Why persevere? Why try again? Different path, same destination & the return of anger, conflict, confrontation What a stupid idea to want to believe again Nothing will ever be simple Nothing will ever be seamless I'm here trying once again... ...one last time... After this, I'll go the other way Everything will be simple Everything will be seamless "Nothing will ever be simple"
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oblolongue · 1 year
🌌 La Base - a wip intro 🌌
I guess it's time for a formal introduction of this, since I've been talking about it for some time, and writing it for some time too.
What is it about ?
The Base is a Sci Fi story, set in a spaceship (La Base) launched trough the universe, kind of last hope for humanity to find another planet and thrive again. The perfect exoplanet is far, far away, and the Base is running low on everything...
We will follow Aurora Lane, a fresh recruit, as she tries to fit in. She’ll met the legendary Eris Hawking, a now worn out Captain forming a new team. With her newly promoted Second, Eris is the only survivor of her former unit, after a mission turned ugly.
However, it seems that the Base is holding some secrets from Aurora. Something just doesn't feels right.
identity // memory // grief // (im)mortality // found family
is spreading humanity across the universe a really good idea?
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Three members of La Base, and three of the main protagonists : Eris Hawking, Captain ; Aurora Lane, fresh recruit ; Sarapis, head of human resources and the embodiment of team-building.
There are 25 characters aboard, divided in 4 units (explorers, carers, protectors and pathfinders), and Sarapis (manager). We're going to follow Aurora, Eris and Ivf. They are what is left of the explorers.
A little excerpt here
If you want to learn a little more about this wip, you can search for the wip: La Base tag on my blog.
[ ask to be added or removed from the taglist for writing updates or tag games about this wip! ]
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bishopsbox · 1 year
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source: bishopsbox
Léon Bonnat, Portrait of Victor Hugo, c. 1877-1879, Museum of French History,Palace of Versailles.
Léon Bonnat, Retrato de Victor Hugo, c. 1877-1879, Museo de Historia Francesa, Palacio de Versalles.
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askfortheemoon · 2 years
I am too intelligent, too demanding, and too resourceful for anyone to be able to take charge of me entirely. No one knows me or loves me completely. I have only myself.
Simone de Beauvoir
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idc camus can get it
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Soit un héros non pas une victime
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Ne reste pas assit dans l’attente que tu te sentiras motiver d’un moment ou d’une autre. L’esprit comprend les actions. Debout, vas-y, fait ton lit, range tes affaires, fait une marche – ça te donnera un sens de réussite d’où par la suite tu te sentiras prête à relever des défis. Le bonheur vient quand on fait les choses qu’on a dit qu’on aller faire.
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hattoririma · 9 months
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss one of the outstanding French writers of the twentieth century. The novels of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (1873 - 1954) always had women at their centre, from youth to mid-life to old age, and they were phenomenally popular, at first for their freshness and frankness about women’s lives, as in the Claudine stories, and soon for their sheer quality as she developed as a writer. Throughout her career she intrigued readers by inserting herself, or a character with her name, into her works, fictionalising her life as a way to share her insight into the human experience.
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