#friends. life is too short not to draw starscream when you want to draw starscream
marcheriest · 3 years
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battleground superstar
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templeofulchtar · 5 years
Starscream’s Realm of Influence
‘Realm of influence’ is a term magicians use in talking about what area a spiritual entity ‘specializes’ in.  For example, a magician who wants to improve their love life might choose to work with an entity who specializes in love, romance and sexuality. A magician who wants to sharpen their psychic gifts might work with an entity who specializes in visions, dream-work, divination and other intuitive arts. And so on; you get the idea.
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So, what is Starscream's realm of influence? What areas of life might he help you to address? Well first of all yes: he might, indeed, help you improve your sex life or your intuition. Not only is he very sexy, he’s also very sexual, and I have little doubt he'd be happy to help. He’s also very intuitive. Think of how he instantly recognized Megatron, even after he’d been turned into Galvatron. He had no ‘logical’ means of drawing that conclusion, he simply knew.
Starscream would, of course, also be glad to help you overthrow your boss… er, land a promotion. Or better yet, become your own boss! Career aspirations are definitely within his realm of influence, as are emotional healing, creative development (think of all the things he builds during the series!), exploration, higher education, underworld journeys, spiritual awakenings and initiations. To name just a few things.
Keep in mind that what follows are my interpretations. They’re based on my own experiences with Starscream, but nothing I say should be regarded as ‘gospel.’ Where it comes to working with Starscream, personal and spiritual sovereignty are of crucial importance. Your path with him is sacred and unique. Please don't doubt your connection with him simply because your experiences happen to be different from mine. Take only what works for you from the list below, and trust your inner sense of authority.
Initiation: In 2013 I set an intention to mature spiritually and creatively. I wanted to find my purpose and attain my full potential. A few months later Starscream stepped back into my life (I had been absent from TF fandom for quite a few years), and I knew he was there to help me fulfill my intention. Ever since, I've been on an intensive path of initiation. Starscream has guided me to teachers, friends, websites, YouTube channels, songs, poetry and all manner of other resources to help me on my journey. He's the one who prompted me to study Astrology, which led to a deeper understanding of myself as well as the discovery that led to the creation of Ghost Season. He has worked directly with my energy field, helped me with matters such as interpersonal issues, self-esteem, body image, intuitive development, and more.
Awakenings: Starscream is an awakener. He performs this role a number of times during the series, first by inadvertently waking Optimus Prime from his long hibernation in *More Than Meets The Eye,* then more deliberately with Skyfire in *Fire in the Sky,* with the Combaticons in *Starscream's Brigade,* and lastly Unicron in *Ghost in the Machine.* Starscream can do the same thing in your life, too. This can be a wonderful thing, if you’re ready for it, and it can also be uncomfortable as hell. However, I've always found that when Starscream awakens something in me, it's invariably something that I *am* ready to deal with, and he’s always there to help me sort through it. I think it's fair to say that he’s the most *transformational* Transformer you could work with, so definitely be prepared to deal with your personal ‘stuff.’
Transformation: Starscream is a Transformer. He is also a Seeker, and the only character who died and then organized his own resurrection. This is the path of self-mastery. If your spiritual path is leading you toward a journey through your personal underworld, or pushing you to break free of old, restricting beliefs to embrace spiritual independence and sovereignty, Starscream knows the way. Just keep in mind that he will push you, challenging the ways in which you play small, or sell yourself short.
Underworld Journeys: Starscream dies in Transformers: The Movie, but later returns as a ghost, first haunting the crypt on Cybertron where his remains seem to be buried, and later striking a deal with Unicron to have his body restored to him. His actual journey through the realm of the dead is left to the viewer's imagination, but what is clear is that he went there, and returned. Having died and lived to tell the tale, he is eminently qualified to help you face your own personal underworld: your darkness, your fears, and the parts of yourself you've cast into shadow. The lovely thing about Starscream is that he doesn't judge this stuff. He won't shame you for your demons, but will help you face them and reclaim the power that's hiding on your night side. As one of my favorite Starscream sayings goes, "Where there's a curse on the door, there's treasure on the other side."
Healing and Protection: This might seem counter-intuitive, but Starscream is a wonderful healer. He's helped me heal physically, emotionally, and also creatively. I've also heard anecdotal stories of him helping others heal (such as from the effects of abuse, for example), so this definitely seems to be one of his gifts. I've also asked for his protection from time to time, and he's wonderful at that, too.
Empowerment: Starscream will help you stand up for yourself. He questions authority and challenges assumptions, and will very likely expect you to do the same. He will also push you to be brave, take risks, and face your fears. The lovely thing about this is that you never have to face them alone. He is always right there with you.
Self: Starscream's French name is Ego. This is entirely appropriate, since one of the things he will do is teach you to value your Self. That means accepting and integrating the parts of yourself that you may not be comfortable with. For me, this was initially about learning to accept my anger. More recently, it's been about body image and sexuality. Starscream a wonderful teacher of self-love. He can help you find yourself, your true path, and your potential.
Sexuality: Yes, I'm pretty sure he'd be glad to help you get laid. I haven't worked with him in that particular area (well, not as such), but I strongly suspect that he'd be down with that. ;-) But to put it a little less flippantly, Starscream is also wonderfully qualified to help you with exploring your sexuality, your gender identity, with coming out (to yourself or others) and embracing the fullness of who you are.
Those are just a few areas where Starscream has influenced my life. It’s not a complete list, because that would be impossible. As I said above, your experiences with Starscream will be uniquely your own, and please don’t judge them simply because they’re not exactly the same as mine. Trust your intuition, and trust the Seeker. He will guide you far better than I, or anyone else, ever could. As a last thought, I’ll just say that I’ve found the biggest benefit of working with Starscream is simply that of communion. I love Starscream, and—somewhat to my own amazement—I feel loved in return. Being in contact with someone you love is really its own reward.
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hanaby-3 · 6 years
Okay, this is an idea that I've been meditating for a long time but I think now is the perfect time to carry it out. Because my favorite comic book (Transformers MTMTE-LL) will soon come to an end, I have decided to carry out this idea: my own Top Ten of favorite transformers... drawing version! The truth is that the end of MTMTE and LL generates me many mixed emotions: on the one hand I am happy because at last I will be able to know the end of the story and I will not observe how my favorite series becomes the next infinitetale (I will not say names ... but we all know who they are ...) but on the other hand I'm so sad about it. This is a story that has marked me and I know that when the comic ends I will no longer be the same person as before. This (at least for me) is a special moment, comparable to when Inuyasha, Death Note and Evangelion ended. I remember fondly when I started reading it: back then I still had the hype of transformers prime and I was looking for more things about it and then a friend in a forum recommended Transformers More Than Meets the Eye and I started reading it (specifically I got it in chapter 18, the house of ambus) and I was speechless with what I found. All the characters were so similar and at the same time so different from everything I already knew. I remember how I was surprised by the lore and all the mythology that had been assembling around the transformable robots and seeing how a world was created so unique and credible with such a cliche premise and yet I fell completely in love with it. I hallucinated with neurosurgery and empurata, I loved how action and psychology were balanced in about 20 pages in such a harmonious way, and the characters ... my god, the characters! I love how James Roberts takes you by the hand and makes you walk the halls of lost light with his characters, I remember being so sad with Tailgate's disease, getting excited about the battle between cyclones and Starsaber, to love and hate the same time to Tarn for his personality, to be moved for the scavengers, the evolution of rodimus and Megatron. For my Transformers it has not been another series of my childhood. James Roberts and Alex Minle have taught me what someone can do with dedication, hard work and a lot of imagination and their comics are not an empty reading. Thanks to this story I have learned so many important lessons from life and myself, I have come to learn how strong and courageous I can be. Thanks to MTMTE I was encouraged to write and draw my first comic, I learned that the hardest It is forgiveness to yourself, I have learned that it is not bad to ask for help and how powerful teamwork is, thanks to TMTMTE I wrote my degree thesis ... My God I can say it, Thanks to Transformers I got graduated! And finally, thanks to MTMTE transformers I still find the strength to continue doing what I like, which is to draw. That's why I decided to celebrate these last months of Transformers drawing my ten favorite characters and of course explaining why every Friday (of course the position 1 and 2 already know them, I'll leave you below the links if you're interested) because the end of this wonderful saga will also mark the end of a stage of my life and is that the truth, without TMTMTE I would be a completely different person and that is why it is and always will be one of my favorite series.
Top Ten
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If you have read any of the wreckers comics then you know that Prowl is a bastard. He is not a noble, kind, or honest hero, I can not even call him good. Actually Prowl is a villain who "fortunately" plays for the good side. If I had to define Prowl in a word that would be hate. He hates the decepticons, he hates the new cybertron, he hates his leader/friends for not listening him, even I think that sometimes he hates himself, his life and especially his failures and that's why I love it. I love the contradiction and the final message of Prowl: hatred has turned him into what he most detests. Ironically, Prowl is more decepticon than many cons and at the same time that hate is the fuel that drives him to improve every new plan and fight for a future and a peace that may get to destroy him. He is cruel, manipulative and ruthless but also has moments of weakness and even compassion ................. although he is still a bastard and has not been able to overcome his ex-boyfriend. I love Prowl because he is not a character, he is a person, he is very real and very human and the world and his own decisions have made him into what he is today.
2.- Starscream    
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    Leaving megatron aside, my favorite decepticon is Starscream. Either in comics or in the animated series Screamer always amuses me and always manages to make me smile ... basically because I love to see him fail in everything he does. I do not joke, either bad luck or his own ambition always make him fail. If Prowl is hatred, Starscream is ambition. he reminds me a little the homuncle of FMAB Greed, he wants it all, power, wealth, fame, fear, respect and especially the decepticon leadership.
He knows he is the best option to be the leader of the decepticons and he is an incredibly ruthless person who does not hesitate to lie, murder and manipulate everyone to meet their own whims but like Prowl Star is much more than just ambition. I'm not going to say that he's not so bad or he can redeem himself or some stupidity of the style (I really hate that) but Starscream has a reason to be like that. He is an incredibly lonely person who has struggled to survive before, during and after the war. He has learned that he can not count on anyone because sooner or later they will betray him and that is why he only sees the people around him as pawns. He's logic: if you do not approach or attach to anyone they can not betray you. deep down he knows that sooner or later his bad deeds will overtake him and he must prepare himself.
And yet Starscrean has virtues as great as his flaws: he is incredibly determined and hardworking, when he wants something he does not skimp on resources, time or effort in getting it, he is extremely intelligent (probably not as much as Prowl but he is a force to have in account) and he always learns from his mistakes. I would say that's why he has had such a long reign in comics and even has moments of humanity and genuine compassion. Maybe he really wants to redeem himself ... but he knows that he is beyond all salvation and that for him it is too late.
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The truth is that this is a character that I find it hard to talk about, basically because he is someone I love so much and I identify so much that I block myself. 
I will start strong: Cyclonus is my perfect waifu, he is a revision to the classic stereotype of the solitary warrior and constantly reminds us that every age, however dark or terrible it may have been, created beauty. Fuck, Cyclonus loves any form of art: music, writing, architecture and also he is a killing machine that can slice just about anyone, what else could you ask for? And in spite of him being so cultured he has a huge darkness inside him, of course Cy is fully aware of that and always tries to channel it ... with mixed results.
But the truth is that the feature with which I most identify with cyclonus is his sense of honor and loyalty, that is something that resonates a lot with me. The moment that I see Cyclonus is willing to do him on the side in order to ensure the happiness of the person he loves the most is something that makes my throat tighten. Besides that his relationship with Tailgate is the best yaoi I've read, let's be honest and he has the best sentence ever written. you want to know? You will have to read the comic because the spoiler is not from God.
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4.- Megatron
Of course Megsi was to be in my topten, he is almost a god in my pantheon (sorry optimus). I love all the incarnations of Megatron except for the transformers prime novel (seriously, a revolutionary who hates the primes but he wants to be a prime …. what the hell?) But my favorite so far is the IDW Megatron , he is a very complex character that goes through different stages: fallen, self-discovery, acceptance, temptation, redemption … all a carousel of emotions. He pass from being a ruthless murderer to a pacifist in constant conflict with himself. Although my favorite aspect about megatron is its moral: we all deserve a second chance … but redeption is not as easy as bowing your head and apologizing. Throughout MTMTE and LL Megs works every minute of his life to redeem his mistakes even when he knows they are too big and as he advances towards his death he knows perfectly well that there is a possibility that no one will forgive him but that does not stop him. Megatron words always resonate strongly within me: We are all work in progress.
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5.- RungMy second perfect waifu and a cinnamon roll too pure for this world. Rung is the most adorable autobot ever drawn … until he takes off his glasses and becomes the greatest latinlover ever created. But leaving aside my inclination for robots, Rung is an incredible character, I know that many joke about the theory which says that Rung is the self-inception of Roberts, but I think that rather Rung is the connection with the reader. He is a character that has been kept at bay from most problems by having a very convenient good luck, he is skinny, short, lovable, sometimes too much kind and he prefers conversation rather than confrontation but he is not weak On the contrary, Rung has incredible mental and emotional strength. he has not only endured that everyone, absolutely ALL mispronounce his name at least once, Rung listens to the problems and confessions of others around him to make a living; he literally knows the worst of all, he knows the darkness that dwells within each of his companions … and that never stops him from helping or comforting others. If I had to define the role of Rung in some archetype that would be the maternal one. Of course there are parents in fiction who are loving and protective, but the mother figure always ends up being kinder, the comforter and the one that drives you to improve and that is precisely the raxon for which I love Rung.I have met many maternal characters but what makes the difference with Rung (besides being male) is the moment in which (spoiler alert) during the kidnapping of Fortress Maximus, Rewind reproduces a part of the torture in Garrus 9 and Max, realizing that he is doing exactly the same as Overlord and reliving those horrible memories, he throws himself to the ground to mourn and Rung, with a patience of a saint, despite the kidnapping and even though Max had yanked his thumb out… he surrounds him with a kind arm and tells him that everything will be fine and everything ends for today. That’s something my mother could have done.Because deep down Rung is that, he is kindness and he teaches us the strength found in compassion and as the functionalist universe demonstrates, Rung possesses incredible strength of character and determination and he is capable of giving his life to save those who he care … and that’s a large number of people.
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