#from Mars to Sirius is literally perfect
thebestofoneshots · 7 months
I have been summoned :D
Hello!! Thank you for tagging me because I love analyzing so much 😊
First, I’d like to say and warn you that my predictions may be too far-fetched/detailed. Quite literally researched so much to double check my facts and opened a word document to for out my analysis and to plan and space out my thoughts (Get it? Because constellations and all are in space…? Anyway-)
1) We gon’ analyze this from top to bottom. The top two corners of the cover have the same sigil, just inverted. A crescent moon, a star, and a girl. Now, if we were to just scrap the surface of the meaning; The crescent moon is Remus, the star (of the show) is Sirius and of course, the girl is the reader.
But what I find interesting is how you chose the waning crescent moon to represent Remus, instead of the full moon like most people do. The waning crescent moon symbolizes ‘the perfect time to rest and regenerate’. Ironically, the waning crescent moon is one of the first few stages of the moon before it turns full once more.
I’d like to think that you’re representing Remus as his own person. He is a werewolf, yes. However, it doesn’t define him as a whole. That is not all who he is. Not to mention, I love how the moon partially encompasses both the girl and the star.
The latter two are positioned in a way that makes it seem like they find comfort with the moon. The moon has a small opening; it doesn’t confine the star or the girl. Rather, it encourages freedom and independence.
Ergo, Sirius and Reader find comfort with Remus and Remus protects and shelters them in a way (reference example: when Remus calmed Sirius and Reader down from causing trouble with Barty Crouch Jr.). Remus doesn’t restrict neither Sirius nor Reader to be with him. They can come and go as they please, and Remus wouldn’t mind. But the positioning of the girl and the star make it quite obvious that they choose to be with the moon. They want and are drawn to it.
I also want to highlight the fact that the star is practically clinging to the middle of the curve of the crescent moon. Referencing Remus and Sirius’ good relationship (platonically or romantically, take it as you please) and how Sirius is connected to the moon, only because of Remus. However, the girl is sat towards the edge of the crescent moon. Almost as if she’s looking at the moon and the stars. Referencing that Remus and Sirius are not the only reason why she has this connection with the galaxy.
The Reader being a fairy already made that connection and helped her have a natural inclination towards subjects like Divination and Astronomy. I think her being drawn towards our two boys just amplifies it. Moving on!!!
2) The Sun. It’s partially filled in. Maybe it’s nothing. But I feel like it’s something. So I thought, ‘What could possibly block out the Sun?’. Short answer; the Moon. When do the Moon and Sun align together? During a lunar eclipse, werewolves don’t transform apparently. So, perhaps there will be a lunar eclipse to come within the next three remaining chapters? Perhaps a really soft Moony too 🤭.
Suns – There are suns scattered every on the cover. There’s a sun on the crescent of the moon, suns at each corner of the book title. Suns at the bottom. But that’s not just the Sun, but it shows Earth and Mars too. I’m not entirely too sure about the science behind this, but I do know that there will come a point in time the Sun, Earth, Moon and Mars will align together in a straight line, creating the total lunar eclipse. So perhaps, we wouldn’t get a regular eclipse, rather a total one.
Also, the Sun represents life, light, warmth, power, and divinity. This somewhat correlates with the symbolism of the fox. Perhaps this hints that the Reader is the biggest star among the three. Because if the Reader has some sort of correlation with the Milky Way, which contains so many suns, technically that would make her brighter than the brightest star of Canis Major and the moon put together ;)
Not to mention, moonlight is just reflected light from the Sun. Without the light, we wouldn’t be able to see the moon. (I actually have no idea where I’m going with this last paragraph 💀)
3) The constellations; (from left, right then center) Canis Major, Lupus and Vulpecula. All of which represent different animals.
Canis Major is a dog = Sirius
Lupus is a wolf = Remus
Vulpecula is a fox = Reader
Now the first two correlating with each other makes sense. Considering Sirius’ animagus and patronus is a dog, while Remus turns into a werewolf and his patronus is a wolf. (Remus never actually casts a corporeal patronus as to not make people suspicious of him. Poor Moony).
Now the link between the Reader and foxes interests me. My biggest hunch I have right now is that Reader is also an illegal animagus like Sirius. Which would make sense considering a fox is a symbol of spirituality, creation, omens, afterlife, offering wisdom, guidance, protection, nobility, and a sign of good luck to those they encounter them.
And the Reader has proven to show a majority of these traits naturally. How did the Reader become an animagus? In the earliest chapters of this book, I recall that young Reader and Sirius bought a book about animagi. I also faintly recall Reader copying some important pages off the book (most probably the process and preparation for the potion and all).
Next, there is something behind each constellation that represents our beloved main characters. Canis Major and Lupus have the marauders map behind them, representing their involvement with the famous Marauders, the four boys sharing their shared tendency to spread and cause mischief.
The same can be said about Vulpecula, however there is the faint sigil of the Milky Way. The Milky Way symbolizes coming of age and afterlife. Look at that, Vulpecula and the Milky Way share one thing in common in terms of symbolism. The afterlife. I think this correlates back to Reader being a fairy. One of the theories of fairy origins is that they are a representation of the spirits of ancestral dead. ✨ A f T e R l I f E ✨. Reader is about to pull out some serious powers >:D
That’s the suspicion anyway.
4) The moon cycle on the bottom. Initially I thought that it was a regular-degular moon cycle. Then it didn’t make sense because there were some stages that did not make sense. Why choose only certain stages of the moon? And they seemed slightly out of order. That’s when I realized, it was the blood moon cycle. Not a regular one. Plus, with the latest chapter being on the night of the blood moon, it makes sense. According to some resources, werewolves are most dangerous during these blood moons. So, assuming we get a chapter with a lunar eclipse, we would have witness different intensities of Remus’ transformations. I’ll end this here.
Whoever reads this, bless you and your patient soul for sticking through this long with (1230 words if you end at ‘with’). Also I just read the comments and realized that @starchaser-lily also made some points that make me look like I’m copying them… I swear I didn’t read it until I looked at the comments 😭 😭 😭 But you have really good points! Great minds think alike? Idk if I’m helping my case 💀
Have a lovely day and lots of love! ~
I cannot confirm or deny anything but, can I just say….
I freaking love my readers?!? I mean look at this 1k words worth of theories over a single poster that’s so freaking amazing! And son well thought out of and so detailed and ingenious. Like man, this is university worth quality analysis, and for my poster??!? I feel so freaking honored!
And the ATTENTION TO DETAIL holly mother of Merlin so freaking precious. Like all of your freaking theories, you guys are brilliant *cries*!
I literally have the cleverest readers of the whole cosmos! I’m so freaking lucky!
Side note: not sure why you think it’s only three chapters left?? It’s a whole lot more than that, like I’m already working on chapter 26 and the end toll is borderline going to be like 40 chapters so you guys are in for the long run.
I did say it was going to be slow burn, didn’t I?
For those who have no clue what this entire thing it’s about, some of you guys ( @cometsghost @starchaser-lily @moonyunebi and a certain little annon ) were theorizing over on this post about a poster/cover for Gilded Constellations!
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fatsmyname · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
albums that make your gender go fucking insane
41 notes · View notes
ginnyweasleywannabe · 2 years
Chapter 5 (Treasure Hunt)/ Fake engagement Blackinnon fest day 3
This is Chapter 5 of a story I've been working on so you might want to read those but feel free to try stand alone because it does fit into Blackinnon You can find the first 4 chapters on my profile:) Fest Day 3- Fake Engagement
~4,500 words so settle in folks!!
if you want to skip, just stop after they leave the party.
Per Usual I literally just finished typing this and my computes at 2% so I don’t even have time to read through it much less edit so I apologize:)
Can also be found on AO3 @inthemiddle2
Chapter 5- Treasure Hunt
The next morning Marlene was all business. Sirius had tried to get her to slow down and talk about what had happened yesterday. She had woken up before with a list of things for them to do.
“I want to go to the old graveyard by the church”
Sirius had barely woken up when she was shoving him out of the bed and into the bathroom.
“Listen McKinnon if you wanted to get me naked you could have just asked, no need to shove.”
Marlene just rolled her eyes before giving him one last shove into the bathroom and slamming the door closed. From the other side of the closed door she repeated her last statement, “I want to go to the graveyard so please hurry!” She could hear the shower running so she was surprised to hear him shout back at her.
“It’s not my idea of a perfect date spot but hey, you’re the boss McKitten”
“So what exactly are we looking for?” A chill ran up his back as they entered the graveyard.
“Bathilda said Peverell died here. I want to find the grave, I don’t know exactly but maybe it’ll give us something.”
The pair had spent time brushing off old grave stone. Eventually they split up, for a small town they graveyard seemed to contain everyone who had ever lived there.
Marlene felt she had searched the entire graveyard. With a huff she set out to find Sirius. She looked around but couldn’t see him walking around anywhere. Marlene was on edge, after everything that had happened, how could they have been so stupid to split up. Her heart rate was picking up. She the edges of her vision was blurring. She started running, twisting her head in all directions, where could he be.
Finally she spotted him.
Sirius was laying peacefully on the bench. It was turning out to be a nice day. His eyes were closed, he was feeling the sun on his skin. Was being the key word. He was startled from his lounge in the sun with a sufficient smack on the chest from Marlene.
Sirius sat up with a jolt. He had opened his mouth to retort but she proceeded to hit him some more.
Sirius caught her flailing wrist, “Alright McKinnon, why don’t you take a breath.”
Marlene did catch her breath, she could feel the blood starting to return to her head. As Sirius felt her relax, he released her arms.
“I was looking for you and- and after everything, when I couldn’t see you- because you were taking a nap-“ Sirius just rolled his eyes. “I panicked.”
Sirius felt guilty for giving her a fright.
“I’m sorry.” Marlene had looked up from the place she was burning a hole into the grass.
“I didn’t mean to worry you.” He sounded so sincere, “I’ve been wandering this place with no luck so admittedly I was being a little lazy so when I saw the bench I decided to take a rest.”
She glanced around. Marlene had calmed down enough to give him a friendly eye roll, “That’s not even a bench, you dolt.”
Sirius lifted an eyebrow in question.
“It’s a few graves lined up next to each other. They’re going to haunt you for this.” She bent over to brush off some of the moss that had grown over the raised stone. Suddenly she stood straight up.
“Uh Mars?”
She whipped around to face him. Sirius was a little stunned by the almost creepy broad grin that was on her face. Next thing he knew, she arms were around him.
“Merlin, you beautiful idiot! I could kiss you”
“Feel free”
Marlene had barely registered his acceptance of the proposal she didn’t even realized she had given. No she just released him and spun back around to kneel at the stone boxes. She was hastily brushing them off.
Sirius peaked over her shoulders to see that the names on the stones read ‘Peverell’
Once Marlene had cleaned the stones enough, she sat back on her heels. She observed the stones. One for each of the brothers. Underneath each name there was a carving in the stone. Marlene ran her fingers over them. As she sat back she thought what Bathilda had told them. Each brother was to have had a gift from death. These carving almost look like place holders for each item. A long skinny line in one- for the wand. The middle contained a circle- just big enough to fit the supposed resurrection stone. And finally a triangle- the cloak.
Marlene stood up and started walking, “I want to go back to Bathilda Bagshots house.”
Sirius stood stunned for a minute before making long strides to try and keep up with her determined pace.
“Marlene, can we just slow down for a minute?” Despite the question the pair continued the brisk pace, “You were so upset yesterday, do you really think it’s a good idea to go back there?”
“Yes! We’ve found the grave and I sat there and stared and got nothing! I’m honestly at a loss but I can’t give up. I want to go back and see if there’s anything that will help us from here.”
Marlene was rummaging around the house, while Sirius felt rooted to the spot in the living room. When they had walked into the house Marlene barely gave the area a glance. She didn’t want to spend any longer in that room then she had to. Sirius just stood staring at the place where Bagshot was. Her body was gone but everything about the rest of the house looked untouched. The door had been unlocked when they arrived. It didn’t look like any officers had been there but yet her body was gone? The carpet singed from the tea. This whole trip had been weird. It’s part of the reason he stayed. He could leave. Force Marlene out of here, this was getting dangerous, she should call the police but as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.
The sound of paper shuffling tore him from his thoughts. He moved into the kitchen to find Marlene digging through drawers. Sirius looked around the room. The space was filled with knick-knacks. He figured based on what the old woman had said earlier, she had lived here her whole life. Sirius moved to glance at the pictures and notes covering the fridge. One in particular caught his eye.
“Hey Mar, come look at this..”
Marlene moved next to him. He pushed a picture out of the way and behind it was an invitation
Marlene read the invite out loud, “Mayor Marvolo invites you to attend the ‘Gaunt Ball’ The whole town is invited to celebrate the importance of our little slice of history, Godric’s Hollow”
Sirius points to the date on paper, “Its tonight.”
Marlene snatches the invitation from the fridge, “We’re going.”
And as she usually does, spins on her heel and marches away from him with determination.
And as he usually does, Sirius races after her.
“McKinnon, you are full of bright ideas”
Marlene either chooses to ignore his sarcastic tone or she is too in her head to notice, she paces on. “Thank you! It keeps me young!”
Sirius roll his eyes behind her. “How exactly are we just going to waltz into a ball where everybody seems to know each other in this town and all we have is our grubby clothes”
Marlene had just exited the house when she whipped around to face him, “Well go to the shops. I’m sure we could find something suitable.”
A few hours later Sirius was zipping Marlene up into tight dress.
“You know I gotta say McKinnon, your ass looks amazing in this dress.”
Marlene leveled him with a look through the mirror, “Charming as ever, Black.”
Though Marlene had to admit, she thought she was pulling off the dress very nicely- even if had the same years old floral print to match the bed sheets. And she definitely got the better end of the deal, all Sirius could find was a powder blue suit from the 70s. She was holding in a laugh.
Sirius held out his arm to her, ‘Mi’lady?”
Marlene rolled her eyes, but intertwined their arms with a small smile playing on her lips.
The ball was being held at the mayors mansion. It was grand, supposedly it belonged to a Duke at a time.
Mayor Marvolo was stationed at the door shaking hands with all the guest.
Sirius and Marlene were next. Marlene steeled herself. This man could know something, or know someone who could help.
The mayor released what Sirius would describe as a conniving smile.
“Well, well. I have to say I know everyone in this town.” He took Marlene’s hand and brought it to his lips. “And I would certainly know someone as beautiful as you miss.”
“I’m Marlene –“ Sirius cut her off
“Black. Marlene Black. Or soon to be, She’s my fiancé.”
Marlene did her best to make sure the shock on her face didn’t show.
The mayor turned his attention to Sirius for the first time, “Ah well, you’re a lucky man. Black? Any relation to Orion?”
Marlene saw Sirius stiffened at the mention of his father but let an easy smile come over his face.
“Yes, my father. You know he’s on the board for the school, It’s the reason me and my fiancé are visiting your little town. They seem to be quite intertwined.”
“Well, I hope you two enjoy your night. You’ll have to excuse me.”
Sirius and Marlene moved into the ballroom.
“Fiancé?” Marlene’s voice didn’t come out mad just questioning.
Sirius grabbed her and hand pulled her on to the dance floor.
Marlene’s breath hitched as he pulled her flush against him. She always forgot how tall he was but now she had to tilt her head to see his eyes. His piercing grey eyes.
As the pair swayed, Sirius leaned to speak in her ear.
“I know these types. My family dragged me to dozens of balls like this. A name will get you everywhere and unfortunately Black is one them.”
Sirius looked around the room. He was pleased to note that his tux didn’t stick out.
“Have you noticed that everyone in this town is old?”
Marlene laughed at his comment but as she looked around the room, she realized he way right. Everyone had to be over 60. She thought back to all they people they had met so far but the only young person she remembered was the tacky waitress.
Marlene was about to make a comment when someone coughed behind Sirius. She couldn’t see behind the mountain man. The pair pulled apart to face the mayor and another man.
“I hope you don’t mind me interrupting but I wanted to introduce you to my grandson.” The Mayor gestured to the man in his late 40’s standing next to him.
The man stuck out his hand to shake with Marlene. “Tom.” He didn’t let go of her hand. “I was wondering if you would do me the pleasure of joining me for a dance.”
“Oh well I couldn’t-“
“Please. It would be rude and unfair to just spend all night with you fiancé.” He gave her hand a small squeeze. “I’m sure he would love to grab you a drink while we get to know each other.”
Marlene just gave a small nod, “I would love a glass of white, Sirius.”
Sirius hesitated but nodded and moved towards the bar.
Tom pulled Marlene into a dance.
“I must say you look wonderful. And I’m not just saying that because you’re the youngest person here by years. I’m saying it despite the fact that your wearing my grandma’s upholstery”
Marlene threw her head back in a laugh. Okay that might have been over doing it but the guy gave her the creeps so better to stay on his good side.
“This is quite the party your grandfathers throwing.”
“Yes, he’s been mayor for years and he likes the party to get bigger with every year.”
“Do you think you’ll be next?”
“Take over as Mayor? No. I’ve got the family business and I just returned from an extended time on the contentment so I don’t want to rush in.”
“What is the family business?”
“Let’s just say we deal with precious artifacts.” Tom pulled her closer, and whispered into her ear. “You could be considered a precious artifacts.”
Marlene pulled back.
He pierced her with an intense gaze, “You look very familiar. Do you have family? Brothers?” His gripped tightened on her waist.
Sirius didn’t even bother to get a glass of wine. He just moved to the edge of the room, where he could watch her. He felt his chest tighten when she laughed at something the pompous ass said. The whole family gave him bad vibes. He didn’t like seeing her in another mans arms. She was always getting herself into these situations. She trusted everyone and was too risky with her own care.
He saw Tom pull her close. Sirius knew her like the back of hand. The movement was small but he knew what ever he had said made her uncomfortable. He was over in flash
“She’s an only child.”
Both Tom and Marlene’s gazes snapped up to Sirius. Marlene was quick to step out of his grasp.
Tom stiffened, “Yes well. My mistake. You’ll excuse me.” He turned and walked off.
Without thinking both turned into each other, picking up their rhythmic sway.
“He was so creepy, I mean he called me a precious artifact. Even being the artifact nerd I am its still a weird thing to say.” Marlene shook her head with a small smile.
She looked to Sirius to laugh along with her but he was giving a death glare over her shoulder to where Tom had made his exit.
“I didn’t like it.”
“I didn’t like see him with you. It made me mad. Seeing you with anyone else.”
Marlene stumbled over her words, “Sirius- it wasn’t. It wasn’t like that.”
“I know but my chest felt like it was going to burst. This whole trip, it feels different. Like when I look at you, something changes. You change the way my heart beats.”
Marlene was stunned to silence.
Sirius took a deep breath, “Marlene I lo-“
“You had no right!!”
Marlene and Sirius whipped their head to wear Tom was raising his voice to his grandfather.
“You have no right. It belongs to me!”
“Hush you stupid boy!” Mayor Marvolo grabbed Toms wrist and dragged him up the stairs.
Marlene glanced back to Sirius. He opened his mouth but she cut him off, “We, We should see what that’s about.”
Marlene moved to follow them up the stairs.
Sirius felt rooted to the spot but he she was running after trouble.
Marlene and Sirius reached the top of the landing. This portion of the house was cut off from view of the other patrons. Marlene peered around the corner to see the Mayor and Tom going into a room with double doors. She moved to go stand outside the door.
“McKinnon! McKinnon!” Sirius was whisper yelling but she continued to inch towards the doors.
Sirius crept up behind her. There was a small crack in the door where they could hear the two arguing.
“You know how long I’ve been searching for all of this! It all belongs to me, you stupid old man!”
“I’m the one who financed your little trip to Germany. Those items were part of a great history.”
“I’ll find out what you did with the stone and then it will all be returned to me. You’ve grown soft in your old age.”
Marlene saw Tom and his grandfather walking towards her, “Shit! He’s coming!”
Marlene and Sirius made it around the corner when they heard the door open. They were never going to make it down the stairs by the time they made it around the corner.
Marlene’s mind was racing, they could say they were looking for the loo.
Her thoughts were cut off by the feeling of Sirius wrapping his arm around her waist. She opened her eyes wide as she turned into him.
Her question was cut off by the feeling of Sirius’ lips on her own.
Admittedly, Sirius knew there were other excuse options but he was also starting to panic and she looked gorgeous in that dress. He had been wanting to do this all night. The whole trip really.
Marlene’s questioning look didn’t last long before her eyes fell closed and she leaned into him. Sirius lifted his hands into her hair. He had this need to pull her closer. Like this wasn’t enough, he needed more of her.
A cough sounded from behind them. The pair jumped apart. The younger man had a furious look.
It was Sirius who spoke first, “I’m sorry. My fiancé and I got a little carried away. I mean can you blame me. You said yourself how wonderful she looked tonight.”
Tom sneered, “I was clearly wrong. Now she looks like just another one the infamous young playboy Blacks slag.”
Sirius stepped in front of Marlene.
The Mayor stepped between two younger men, “You’ll have to excuse my grandson. It seems he’s had too much to drink. He was just leaving.” He turned towards his grandson and pierced him with a look. Tom gave one last glare before shuffling down the stairs.
Mayor Marvolo turned back to the pair, “Shall we return to the party.”
Marlene spoke, “Actually Mayor, I’m so embarrassed about our behavior. Do you have a room where we could freshen up as not to embarrass ourselves more.” She was doing an excellent reproach, Sirius hoped he wasn’t hearing regret in her tone.
“Of course, the powder room is just around the corner.” He gestured before giving a slight bow and heading down the stairs
Marlene was already walking down the hall
“Marlene, we should talk!”
Marlene passed the loo and went straight to the room the two men had been arguing in.
“We will. Later. I want to see if we can figure out what they were arguing about.”
Marlene began digging through the desk.
Sirius stood, he was trying to get his thoughts in order. Where did this leave them?
“Ha!!” Marlene pulled a small ring box from the desk. She opened it to show Sirius. “It’s the stone! The resurrection stone!”
“How do you know it’s the stone?”
Marlene bit her lip “Well, I don’t but we can take it to the grave and just see!”
Marlene pocketed the box.
The couple made a quick exit from the party.
“Marlene, its late. We should try tomorrow. And were not exactly in grave digging clothes”
Marlene stopped and contemplated, he had a point. And her heels where killing her. “Fine but we go first thing in the morning!”
Marlene took off her heels as soon as they entered the motel suite. Sirius was right about waiting until the morning. All she wanted to do was get out of this dress, lay in bed and watch tv until she fell asleep.
She moved over to the dresser with a mirror sitting on top to take off her jewelry.
“Sirius could you come help me unzip my dress?”
Sirius had already stripped off his coat, so just in his undershirt and suit pants. He came to stand behind her. Their eyes met in the mirror.
Marlene’s breath hitched, he was looking at her so intently. It was more than that, she could see the hunger in his eyes.
Sirius pulled her zipper down slowly. Never breaking eye contact. He leaned his head into her hair. He took a breath in.
Marlene’s eyes fluttered shut, let out a gasp, “Sirius”
Sirius brought his hands up to her shoulders. It was a ghost of a touch. They hovered over her straps.
Her eyes were still closed when she made her plea, “Please.”
Sirius pushed her straps down. The dress fell to a puddle at the floor. Marlene’s nipples perked under bra with sudden cold air. Sirius pushed her hair aside. He gave a feather kiss to her neck.
“More, Sirius.” Her eyes opened to meet his in the mirror, “I want this.”
Sirius began to suck on her pulse point. His arms came around the front of her body. One going to pull her flush against him. He held her right above her underwear. The other hand came to roughly palm her through the fabric. He slipped his hand under the fabric to pinch her nipple. Marlene threw her head back. She turned her head to met his lips, finally reconnecting for the first time since earlier in the night. The kiss was hungry. Their tongues fighting for battle.
Sirius spun her. He let both his hands wander to cup her ass. He gave it a rough squeeze, God he missed this ass. Sirius lifted her with ease. They moved to the bed. Sirius gently placed her on her back. He came to hover over her.
Sirius pulled back from kissing her. Sirius pulled off his shirt. Marlene was breathing heavy. He searched her eyes, her face softened. Marlene reached her hand up to stroke the stubble on his cheek. Sirius turned his head, kissing her palm. Moving his lips down to her wrist. He trailed kisses down her arm, finding her collar bone. There he sucked. When Sirius looked into her eyes, the tender soft look was gone, back was the hot passion. Marlene felt like she saw his eyes darken with heat.
Sirius continued to move down her chest. He bit the nipple through the lace if her bra. Marlene bucked her hips hoping to make contact. Sirius just hovered. He figured he would give her some relief. He moved to unclasp her bra. Sirius blew on her sensitive peaks before taking one into his mouth. He scraped his teeth over before giving it a tug, at the same time pinching her other.
Marlene pushed her head back into the bed, “Sirius, please” It was whiny, she knew it but she couldn’t be bothered she need contact. She was aching for it. Sirius moved down to the edge of the bed. His eyes became level with her sweet spot. It was still covered with match lace. Sirius stared by just nudging his nose to the spot. Her hips bucked again. Sirius splayed his tongue out against her. The fabric was dripping. He need more. He began cover her with as much of his mouth as he could.
Marlene ground her face down. He was taking so much of her but she wanted more. “Sirius.” This time it came out as a moan.
He pulled back from her, “God McKinnon, hearing you is driving me insane.” He ran a light finger over her, “ you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
Sirius lifted her enough to pull down her underwear. He ran his finger through her folds, not inserting, avoiding her nub. “How much I’ve thought about this.” Sirius reached down and palmed himself. Finally he used the pad of his thumb to press down on the spot she was most desperate for.
“I’ve thought about it too” Marlene’s voice was whisper.
Sirius paused his movements for a moment. Before going back in with his fingers and his tongue. He sucked on her clit. Sirius inserted his middle finger but he didn’t move it. He pulled back to look at her, “When you thought about did you touch yourself?” Marlene just moaned. “Answer me, Marlene.”
“Yes. Yes I thought about you and touched myself.”
“Good girl.” Sirius entered a second finger and began to pump. He went back to sucking, giving small tugs with his mouth.
Marlene could feel the pressure in her building, it wouldn’t be long. “Sirius, don’t stop. Please Don’t stop.”
“Never” and he pumped faster. Sirius had to grind himself with the edge of the bed
Sirius pumped his fingers, “take one more baby, Please let me give you more”
“Sirius! Oh God! Sirius” He pulled his face away to watch her come undone, using the heel of his hand to grind her sensitive spot. He was rocking against the bed in time with his fingers. He felt her body squeeze. Sirius used his mouth to ride out her orgasm.
Sirius climbed back up the bed to hover over her. He placed a soft kiss to her temple before falling to the next to her.
Marlene rolled her head to look at him, she suddenly felt shy. She gave him a small smile before kissing him. The kissed deepened. Marlene was straddling him. She began to grind against his clothed bulge. It was rock hard. He must be desperate for a release. Marlene sat up. Swiveling her hips, she reached up to pinch her nipples. She wanted to do this for him. Sirius had always been a talker, she knew he loved dirty talk, “I thought about this all the time. God You’re so hard, it feels so good. I missed having you fuck me. So Please I want you to fuck me, and I want to watch.”
Sirius bucked his hips up, it was almost painful. Marlene got up and walked over to the dresser. She placed her hands on it sticking her backside out. Sirius came up behind her, making eye contact in the mirror as he stripped himself.
Marlene reached down and began to rub her clit.
Sirius was breathing through his nose, “Tell me what you want baby.”
Marlene bit her lip, “I want you to spank me and then I want you to fuck me.”
Sirius didn’t hesitate, he gave her a swift smack on her back side and then entered her.
Sirius began to piston inside her. He was thrust, watching her in the mirror. Marlene’s head rolled back to lean on his shoulder.
Marlene removed her hand, “You. Baby, I need you.” She pulled one of his hands around to rub her fiercely. She was still sensitive from her last orgasm, she was about to come undone again. She was losing the strength in her legs. “Siriu- I- I- I’m not gonna last”
Sirius pulled out quickly, carrying her to the bed. He laid her down on her back, “I’m there Marlene, I’m right with you.” He lifted one of her legs, Sirius reentered her fast. His hand searched for hers. They were clinging together. She screamed his name. He felt her release. Sirius followed right behind her, calling her name. Sirius eased out of her, he went to grab a towel to clean themselves.
“Sirius we should-“
He just shushed her and pulled her into his arms, he knew she was tired. They could talk in the morning, with clear heads.
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maraudersandlily20 · 3 years
ok dorcas and marlene as chaotic professors at the same university? could be an AU, could just be Hogwarts
As told in Text Conversations: 
Groupchat: Picasso is a Bitch 
Dorcas: New Teacher alert.
Lily: Department?
Dorcas: Engineering
Remus: Sounds hot
Dorcas: shut up immediately.
Remus: you’re not my mom
Lily: M or F
Dorcas: F
Remus: Dammit
Lily: seem nice?
Dorcas: idk. I didn’t get the chance to actually talk to her. It was more like a moment in passing. She was surrounded by guys, though
Remus: what a lesbian move
Lily: how… how is that even a thing?
Remus: Lils, are you dumb? If girls ONLY hang out with guys, chances are they’re butch. Or they know they aren’t attracted to guys and are wild as fuck and have nothing to lose. They have no one to impress, really. Those are the only two options.
Dorcas: Jesus
Remus: No, I’m sure he wasn’t there
Dorcas: I have to leave this conversation before I physically kill Remus Lupin. Talk to you both later.
Lily: Lunch in our usual spot?
Remus: Tell me if you see the Lesbian again.
Remus: Also, where the fuck is Alice?
Groupchat: The Walking Dead
Sirius: Well lads, I dropped off the love of our lives at school. Felt like a proud parent. Almost cried.
Marlene: You are aware that I know how to make explosives from scratch right? I’ve been aching to do it for a while, so you wanna keep doing this? Is this happening?
James: I need him, though. We’re gonna get married eventually. So no. You are not allowed to blow him up
Marlene: Fuck
Peter: How's the new campus? 
Marlene: Small. I mean, it’s a lot smaller of a university, harder to get into and all that. But still. For a place that boasts a great deal of wealth, they certainly don’t show it in building size. 
Sirius: That’s how you know they have money. They have nothing to prove. Classic rich people move.
Peter: You should know.
James: Did you get settled though, Mars? 
Marlene: Enough. I still have to set up the lecture hall to my liking, but it’s nice to have an office that will probably be permanent. And I saw your door just a few down from mine, Jamie boy! Sirius: I should have become a professor. I feel left out. I hate being left out.
Peter: You have the right degree, Paddy. You could be a professor if you wanted.
Sirius: Desk jobs are gross. No thank you. Also, children.
Marlene: It’s not a desk job. And, like, these children are basically full grown adults.
Sirius: Physically, maybe. But I remember what we were like at their age. Mentally, they belong in daycare. 
James: You’re just bitter because those college boys outdrank you the other night.
Peter: They didn’t though
James: Whatever you say, Pads.
Marlene: Also, I just saw a very beautiful woman. Will keep you updated if I see her again.
Groupchat: Picasso Is a Bitch name changed to Hamlet, that’s fucking gay
Remus: Any sign of the lesbian?
Dorcas: No. 
Alice: What? What Lesbian?
Lily: Oh, while you were sick, Dorcas saw a very pretty girl. Remus thinks she’s a lesbian.
Alice: Ooh, that’s fun! 
Remus: I don’t THINK Lily, I know. 
Dorcas: You haven’t even seen her
Remus: Irrelevant. 
Lily: Do you guys know if Potter is back?
Alice: I saw him this morning. He was getting coffee.
Remus: I love that man so much. He’s so beautiful I could literally cry. With that hot caramel skin and that wild hair and how he always smells like some weird spice. I want him to be the father of my children.
Lily: Don’t encourage him.
Remus: He’s not even here.
Lily: He can sense your enthusiasm. So shhhhh
Alice: Do we still not like him?
Lily: No.
Dorcas: You know it was an accident, Lils. 
Lily: You don’t know that. And I don’t know that. And who in their RIGHT MIND asks someone out after they’ve pushed them into a fountain? Like, the audacity?!
Remus: At least he’s authentic
Lily: Yeah, an authentic bitch. 
Alice: Lol.
Alice: I’m honestly really interested in this Lesbian situation, though. Can we get back to that?
Remus: She’s in the engineering department. So if your cute little math loving butt just wanted to wander over there…
Alice: I’m on my way. 
Dorcas: Why are we friends? You’re joking, right? Please tell me you’re joking.
Dorcas: ALICE
Lily: They’re doing it out of love.
Dorcas: Well their idea of love is something I am not interested in. 
Alice: Blonde?
Dorcas: Fuck.
Remus: Is she blonde, Dorcs?
Remus: IS SHE?!
Dorcas: Yeah.
Alice: Marlene McKinnon. Blonde, blue eyed, I’d say 5”8, 5”9. Masters in Engineering. Very nice.
Remus: Alice, I fucking love you
Groupchat: The Walking Dead changed to Update, I’m still gay
Sirius: Why the name change?
Marlene: Needed to get your attention
James: But like… with that?
Marlene: It fucking worked, didn’t it?
Peter: What happened?
Marlene: I saw that beautiful woman again. And I was right. She was beautiful.
Sirius: Sounds riveting.
Marlene: I told you I’d keep you updated, and I am. Stop being ungrateful.
Sirius: Yes commander
James: Who was it?
Marlene: Don’t know. Short, black, curly hair?
James: Where did you see her?
Marlene: She was getting a plate of spaghetti in the Canteen.
James: Hm……….. 
Sirius: James doesn’t know anyone because he’s too busy mooning over Evans.
James: I am so much stronger than you. Do not come for me right now
Peter: Sirius, you have an appointment here, come down.
Sirius: Fuck. 
James: Peter, you know you can just text him personally, right?
Peter: I can’t shame him publicly if I only text him. 
Marlene: Facts.
James: Did you talk to her?
Marlene: Nah, she was with people. I wanted to though. She seems lovely. 
James: Lovely? Who are you and what have you done with Marlene McKinnon.
Marlene: She’s dead now. I’ve inhabited her body. 
Sirius: Thank god, she was a bitch.
James: I’ll keep an eye out for her. Let me know if you want me to scout it out.
Marlene: Okay, James Bond
Groupchat: Hamlet, that’s fucking gay changed to Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it
Dorcas: Remus, stop changing the group chat name. I know where you live.
Remus: We live with each other.
Dorcas: Exactly.
Lily: Are there lesbian updates????
Remus: I met her. She was wandering around, looking for a pop machine. 
Alice: Yay! I love Lesbian updates
Remus: Good news: she’s funny. Like, super funny.
Lily: Saying good news like that often means there is bad news to follow
Remus: She’s uh… friends with Potter.
Dorcas: Uh-oh.
Alice: Oh no.
Lily: I’m really sorry that you have to eternally break up with this woman, Dorky. Because NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. ANYONE who is friends with James Potter is not worth knowing.
Alice: That’s pretty judgemental, lils.
Lily: .... And?
Remus: Luckily, you don’t have to date her.
Dorcas: No one is dating ANYONE. Jesus, you guys. Chill out about this whole thing
Remus: I don’t think that’s physically possible. 
Dorcas: Can we talk about anything else?
Alice: Frank is taking me out for sushi tonight. 
Remus: I would marry Frank in five seconds, if he’d let me
Alice: I’ll let him know. 
Remus: Thank you, I appreciate it.
Groupchat: Update, I’m still gay changed to Emotionally Unavailable Idiots
Sirius: I have met the love of my life.
Marlene: Stop being dramatic
Sirius: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME? He quoted the Princess Bride with me. Word for Word? Marlene, I must marry this man. WHO IS HE?
Peter: Why do I keep missing all of the fun stuff?
James: The fun stuff is watching Sirius gay panic over a stranger?
Peter: Yeah. Obvs.
Marlene: He’s the lit professor.
James: Lupin?
Marlene: I think so, yeah. 
Sirius: An english nerd. Perfect. He can read me poetry while I give people tattoos. We’ll make millions. 
Marlene: I think… he wants to be my friend. He’s come around a few times. He even brought me coffee once, with a croissant. I didn’t know people were so nice to strangers. Am I in a hallmark film?
Peter: It’s cause you're such a catch, Mars. 
Marlene: I will shove that “catch” up your ass, Pettigrew, if you don’t stop being stupid.
James: Impossible. Stupidity is Peter’s middle name. 
Sirius: Yeah Peter Marcus Stupidity Pettigrew.
Peter: My middle name isn’t Marcus.
Sirius: Wait really?
Peter: No?
Sirius: Why the fuck did I think it was Marcus?
James: I think Lupin is bi, Sirius. So…
Sirius: James, you are the other love of my life. I will kiss you when you get home. You provide me with the most valuable information and attention. I can never truly repay you.
James: Finally. Getting the recognition I deserve. Can’t wait.
Sirius: Marlene, please. Be his friend, I am begging you. I will give you our first born child.
Marlene: Pass.
Groupchat: Dorcas McKinnon has a nice ring to it changed to I won’t hesitate bitch
Alice: Marlene is so nice
Lily: You’re all traitors. She’s friends with the enEMY
Dorcas: I thought Remus was supposed to be the dramatic one
Remus: I’ll take that as a compliment
Dorcas: Whatever helps you sleep at night. 
Alice: Seriously though. She’s so nice. A lot of my students have her and they’ve been gushing. Apparently she’s one of the best professors some of them have ever had.
Remus: Damn. High praise. 
Lily: Still skeptical
Alice: She asked about you, Dori. 
Dorcas: wait, what?
Alice: She said she had noticed that you and I are close and she wanted to know about you. What your name is, what you teach, how long you’ve been working here, if you were single.
Dorcas: She did not ask that.
Remus: Dorcas, shut up forever. Alice is talking. Alice, my love, please continue. 
Alice: I may have invited her to eat lunch with us.
Dorcas: Uh…
Lily: You did what?
Alice: She’s new, Lily. I’m trying to help her make friends.
Lily: You did it, didn’t you. 
Alice: ummm
Alice: He’s her friend. I couldn’t exclude him.
Lily: I never thought this would happen to me. To be betrayed so thoroughly by my own friends. I don’t even have the words. 
Alice: Who knows, it might be fun?
Remus: I’m so excited I could burst
Dorcas: Is it legal to drink on campus in the middle of the day?
Remus: Unfortunately not. Trust me, I’ve tried.
Marlene McKinnon to Dorcas Meadowes
Marlene: It was nice of all of you to invite me to lunch. I know it was probably awkward for all of you to have to spend time with a stranger. But I really appreciated it. 
Dorcas: No problem. You’re always welcome.
Marlene: Maybe… we could go get something to eat off campus sometime?
Dorcas: Yeah, of course. We go to the bar on Wright all the time.
Marlene: Oh, I meant like… just you and me. Actually.
Dorcas: Oh.
Marlene: Yeah. Did I guess wrong?
Dorcas: Guess wrong?
Marlene: About you being into women?
Dorcas: Ohhhh…
Marlene: ??
Dorcas: What did you have in mind? For our date?
Marlene: Wait, is that a yes?
Dorcas: I expect like, first class treatment, because I’ve seen you in action now. Anyone who can wrangle James Potter like that is someone who deserves knowing. So yeah. It’s a yes.
Marlene: Yay! Okay, you won’t regret it!
Marlene: Also, my friend is in love with Lupin.
Dorcas: wait, James? 
Marlene: Lol. Nah, James is still hung up on Lily. She’s wonderful, by the way. Tell her I’m grateful she was so kind. I know about what James did last year, so I can understand her bitterness. Fucking funny, though, to see it in person.
Marlene: It’s my other friend, Sirius. He owns the tattoo parlor, Cannis Major, on Levi. 
Dorcas: Hmm. Well, let me know what I can do. I’m sure we can get them in the same room at some point.
Marlene: Are you offering to meddle in people’s lives?
Dorcas: Is that okay?
Marlene: Dorcas Meadowes, I’m pretty sure I’m already halfway in love with you. 
Dorcas: Thank god. 
This has been in my ask box for literal months. I’m sorry @tonftyhw !! I had finals and stress and I don’t know how to write. I hope this makes you smile though.
Clarifier for who teaches what if anyone is interested:
Dorcas-Art (painting)
Sirius owns a tattoo shop because I will die for that AU every time. And Peter works with him, kind of like the brains of the business.
Should I write more of this? It was so fun lol 
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waystarbuttco · 2 years
I was tagged by @dressrosaa for this lil meme!
Three ships: hmmmm okay. so keeping this current for expediency’s sake.....
queliot, obviously. perfect, no notes. 
KENDEWY (for those not in the know, kendall and stewy on succession....they have definitely explored each other’s bodies, and arian moayed agrees with me)
will/alicia because i started a good wife rewatch and they are everything and also WHERE IS THE EDIT SET TO “IVY” BY TAYLOR SWIFT...WHERE IS IT......GOOD WIFE FANDOM, PLEASE......HELP........
First ever ship: soooo if we’re classifying this as like “first fictional couple i was ever completely obsessed with” it’s definitely han and leia. child me was like “this rules” and you know what....i was right! as for the first ship i ever like, consumed fic for....hmmm. i think i was kind of a late bloomer in this regard. might’ve been remus/sirius lmao. basic, but classic. 
Last song: keep switching between new mitski and “mishehavin” from the righteous gemstones (a true bop!)
Last film: BARB AND STAR GO TO VISTA DEL MAR. if you haven’t seen this movie, please watch it. i don’t want to spoil the plot because it’s best if you don’t know anything but i will say jamie dornan does a song and dance number on the beach and it’s literally everything. it changed my life. 
Currently reading: currently nothing....need to find my next read. however, last weekend i read crying in h mart and i loved it. definitely recommend. i cried a lot, though. 
Currently watching: i just recently caught up on yellowjackets and the righteous gemstones. love them both. after i post this i’m gonna watch the gilded age because i love watching carrie coon flip her shit on fancy society people. she needs to have more scenes with christine baranski, though. next binge: i gotta catch up on real housewives of slc and potomac!!!!!
Currently consuming: diet coke......nectar of the gods
Currently craving: panang curry!!!!!!!!!!! i thought about getting some for dinner and didn’t and i am REGRETTING it
do this meme if you see it and feel like it! 
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nah-she-didnt · 3 years
In The Closet
Well, folks, here it is: my first ever fanfic! Please be kind, I’ve quite literally never written anything that I’ve shared with people before, but feedback is always appreciated! Happy reading! - Nina 
CW: anti-LGTBQ slurs, alcohol
Or read on AO3
“My life is over,” Mary whined from her spot in the train compartment. 
Lily rolled her eyes. “It’s six weeks on the Welsh coast, it’ll be grand.” 
“You don’t understand,” Mary said, sitting up dramatically, “my granny has barely left the house in years. It’ll be six weeks of tea time and the same three stories about the war over and over again.” 
Dorcas, who was flipping through a fashion magazine in the seat next to Mary, said absentmindedly “Maybe you’ll meet cute boys at the beach.” 
Mary glared at her. “Doubtful, considering the nearest town is miles away, but thank you for filling me with false hope before I’m doomed to the most boring holiday of all time. Now, if there were some spectacular social gathering happening before my social death sentence, that might get me through....” 
"No, Mar.” 
“Oh come on, you’ll have the house to yourself! Dear old Tuney and your mum are in London ‘til Monday for dress fittings. Please oh please Lily save me from having the most boring summer of all time.” 
Lily paused to consider her friend’s plea. It was true, she would have the house to herself for three whole days. Her mother had seemed genuinely sorry that she wouldn’t be at King’s Cross to collect Lily from the school train, but Lily couldn’t help but think that Petunia’s timing was not a coincidence. Lily was sure that Petunia had chosen this weekend to go wedding dress shopping so that she could chose the undoubtedly horrid gown she would walk down the aisle in, get the alterations, and be off back to her fiancee in London, all without Lily’s input or company. 
Lily sighed, “Let me think about it. You know I have the nosiest neighbors, we’d surely never get away with it...” 
“Oh, we know,” replied Dorcas darkly. “How is dear Snivellus?” 
“Don’t call him that,” Lily snapped, albeit with less enthusiasm than she would have used in the past to defend Sev. In fact, with each passing day Lily found she had less and less energy to spend on her former friend. 
Dorcas shrugged. “Fine, how do you propose we keep this party secret from dear Severus?”
“Now, surely the words ‘Severus’ and ‘party’ don’t belong in the same sentence.” 
At that moment, the door to their compartment slid open to reveal two boys standing in the doorway: James Potter, with his messy black hair and arrogant grin, and Sirius Black, who had somehow already changed out of his school uniform into a black suede jacket and bell bottoms. 
Lily grimaced at James, “Funny, I don’t remember inviting you into this conversation, Potter.” 
“You should talk more quietly, then,” replied Sirius, mischief dancing behind his eyes, “or else the whole train will hear about this wild party you girls are planning. Go on then, when will this social event of the season take place?”
“Tomorrow night, Lily’s house!” Mary cried, beaming. Her bad mood had clearly lifted as soon as the boys entered their compartment.
“No, absolutely not,” said Lily sternly. “There is no party. Sorry to disappoint you two, but Mary here doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” 
“Now, Lily, be reasonable!” cried Sirius imploringly, grabbing her hand and sinking down to one knee for dramatic effect. “Think of your poor classmates! Have we not spent the last two weeks preparing for our grueling end of year exams?” 
“You only studied for exams for two weeks?” said Lily, horrorstruck.
“Yes, and a more boring two weeks I cannot recall in my young life!” Sirius draped the back of his hand across his forehead and fully laid down on the compartment floor. “Please, Lily, if you have any care for my emotional, mental, or social wellbeing, please let me plan a rager tomorrow night in your lovely home.” 
“You’ve never been to my home, Sirius,” said Lily, but the corners of her mouth had begun to twitch. 
“Well, I’m sure it’s lovely! Let me put it this way, let me throw a bonkers begining-of-the-holiday party in your house tomorrow, and James and I will leave you girls alone for the rest of the train ride.” 
“Done!” cried Dorcas, “Off you go, gents.” 
“Hang on,” said Lily quickly. Looking around she could see that she was fast losing any hope of finding an ally in the compartment. Finally, her gaze fell on James. “Potter, you know him best, if I let him plan a party in my house can I expect the building to still be standing in the morning?” 
James paused, clearly considering Lily’s question. After a beat, he replied “On my honor, Evans, your childhood home will still exist the morning after this absolutely legendary party.” 
“Right, that answer doesn’t quite soothe me, Potter. But I suppose...” 
“YES!” cried Sirius, who in one fluid movement jumped to his feet and pumped his fist into the air. “Evans, I promise, you won’t be sorry. I’m going to plan the most insane summer kickoff that will make any minimal damage to your property completely worth it.” 
“You have got to stop saying stuff like that,” said Lily through the gaps in her fingers, as she had dropped her face into her hands. “I swear to God Sirius, if you make me regret this I will end you.” 
“Fair enough. Now, we must be off. Must collect the lads to do some party planning. Do we think three kegs will be enough, or should we go for five just in case?” 
“OUT!” shouted Lily, and Sirius scrambled from the compartment, followed closely by James, who paused quickly before leaving to shoot a final grin in Lily’s direction. 
“He is so obvious,” said Dorcas in a bored voice as she watched James leave. 
“God, I know, he’s going to destroy my whole house, isn’t he” said Lily miserably.
Dorcas shot a bemused look in Lily’s direction, “I wasn’t talking about Sirius.” 
Lily stood on the platform at King’s Cross with her school trunk waiting for Mary to collect her things from the train. She felt a pang of sadness in her chest that her mother wasn’t here to collect her for her last summer holiday before graduating from Hogwarts academy. She had been looking forward to a final summer at home with mum before hopefully starting a pre-med program in London next summer after graduation. But, she supposed, Tuney was getting married, and would need her mother’s help in finding a dress. Plus, Lily would get her mum all to herself for eight weeks this summer. No, she shouldn’t worry, and she shouldn’t feel guilty for having a few friends over for an intimate and mature social gathering tomorrow night...
“Hello, uh - are you getting home okay?” said a voice behind her. Lily turned to see a sallow, lanky boy standing just behind her. Severus had grown taller in the last year, but still had the sickly boyish look that he’d had for all the years she’d known him. Lily grimaced. “I’m fine, thank you.” 
“Good, good... Are you sure you don’t need a ride? Mother is coming, for once, you know she usually makes me take the train, but I suppose since it’s the last holiday before school ends she felt sentimental.” 
“No, Mary’s mum is driving me. They’re in Sheffield, it’s not far.” 
“Oh... right. Are you quite sure? It wouldn’t be any trouble. We’re just down the street, you know.” It was clear as he said this that Severus was using a great deal of energy to try and appear aloof, like he couldn’t care less how Lily got home from the station. 
“Severus, please leave it. I have a ride, I’m not a damsel in distress that you need to save, I have plenty of people to rely on, so please leave me alone.” 
Severus looked angry now, brushing the hair out of his eyes so that he could glare at Lily. “I never said you were a damsel, I just thought--”  
“Pardon me, Snivellus,” Sirius said loudly as he pushed past Severus towards Lily. “Evans, I know you seemed touchy about the kegs, so how about just one keg and a few bottles of something stronger, eh? You don’t worry about the guest list, I’ll take care of it, only the best and least responsible Hogwarts students allowed, I promise!” 
“Sirius,” said Lily warningly, as Severus was listening to every word he said. “Not now, okay? Do whatever you think is best. Within reason!” she shouted at him, for at her blessing Sirius had grinned mischievously and darted back into the crowd of students on the platform.
“Why is Black asking you about kegs? Are you letting him bring alcohol to your house?” Snape demanded, eyes full of desperation. 
“How can what goes on in my house possibly concern you, Snape?” Said Lily harshly. She glanced around Severus to see Mary and her mum waving at her from the other side of the platform. “Looks like my ride is ready. Guess I’ll see you next term,” she said as she hurried away from him. Severus stared at her as she left, an unreadable expression on his face. 
“I cannot believe you talked me into this. I cannot believe you talked me into this, Mary.” 
“Calm down,” said Dorcas as she applied more mascara, her eyes and mouth comically wide as she stared into the mirror in concentration. The girls were getting dressed for the party in Lily’s bedroom, which would be locked for the party itself. “You’re hardly the first teenager to throw a party when mum’s out of town.” 
“Yes, but I’m the first teenager stupid enough to let Sirius Black throw a party when my mum’s out of town!” 
“Well, I for one am eternally grateful for the sacrifice you’ve made on behalf of my sanity this summer, Lily,” said Mary, crossing the room to throw her arm across Lily’s shoulders in a one-sided hug. “You’re single handedly saving my will to live.” 
Lily shrugged Mary off and glared at her. “Honestly, watch you guilt me into having this stupid party, then have a magical time in Wales with some chiseled sailor that you meet on the very first day.” 
“It is a distinct possibility” said Mary with a wicked grin, and she flounced back over to her spot in front of the mirror to continue perfecting her bangs. 
Lily dejectedly walked over to her spot between Mary and Dorcas in front of the mirror. She was determined to be in a bad mood for the party, but she couldn’t deny, she and the girls looked hot. Dorcas styled her long braids tied up into two buns on top of her head, added some dramatic eye makeup, and topped off the look with simple silver hoop earrings. Mary had perfected her Linda Ronstadt bangs and dark purple lipstick. And Lily, who had been forced by Mary into a blue eye shadow that she had never dared wear before and a backless halter top (”you can tell I’m not wearing a bra!” “That’s the point, dingus,”) was nearly unrecognizable. 
“I’m going to regret this” Lily sighed. 
“Save it, Lils. No one’s holding a gun to your head. You need this as much as anyone.” 
That was certainly true. Lily had spent the better part of the last five months revising for her exams, and now that they were over she supposed there was nothing wrong with letting off a little steam. She straightened up, looked at herself in the mirror one last time, and determined that she liked what she saw. 
Downstairs, the doorbell rang. 
“Christ,” Lily mumbled, “that’ll be the goons.” 
“Could you get the door, Lil? Mary and I are still preening” said Dorcas distractedly, still glancing in the mirror. 
“I suppose I should let them in before they break down the door.” Lily made her way downstairs to the living room and to the front door. She stopped with her hand on the doorknob, let out a breath, planted a smile on her face, and opened the door. 
James Potter stood in front of her in a fitted Queen t-shirt, fitted blue jeans, and a dumbstruck expression. 
“Erm, hi,” said Lily, not quite sure if James could hear her. James nodded, still looking like he’d been hit very hard over the head. “Hi...” he said, distractedly, then grinned 
“Evening, Evans! Holy shit!” Sirius came striding into the living room past James, who still hadn’t moved. “You look ravishing! Like truly, completely hot! How did this happen!” 
“Fuck off, Black,” said Lily annoyed. She knew the halter top had been a ridiculous idea.
“No, no, I mean, wow. Come on, Evans, don’t be mad, you know if I liked girls you’d be my number one. Oi, James, close your mouth and bring that Keg in here.”
Lily spun around. Sure enough, James was standing in front of a large keg that he began to wheel into her house on a dolly. Lily groaned inwardly. 
“Alright, thank you for supplying the alcohol. Now, as I recall, there are two more of you. Where are Remus and Peter?” 
“They’re bringing in the rest of the libations,” Said Sirius proudly, striding over to the front door and calling out “Lads, that’s the wrong door! We’re in here you morons!” 
Lily sprinted to the front door and, sure enough, Remus and Peter were now awkwardly stepping over Mrs. Nextdoor’s freshly planted hydrangeas and making their way into her front yard instead. They both held large boxes emitting the sounds of clinking glassware every time the boys moved. 
Lily rounded on Sirius. “Black, I swear to god if those boxes are both full of liquor,” 
“Now, Evans, who do you think I am? There’s at least one bottle of chaser in there!” said Sirius, who dodged Lily’s attempt to smack him around the head. “It’ll be right as rain, Lily, I give you my word!” 
“Just set it up on the kitchen table, okay? And for god’s sake put a towel down!” cried Lily as James wheeled the keg past her and into the kitchen. Remus and Peter entered the living room, panting and struggling to keep a hold on the enormous boxes in their hands. 
“Alright, Evans? Where should we put these?” Asked Peter. Peter was shorter than his friends, with a round face and kind eyes. He often gave Lily the impression of an excitable puppy, always bubbly and eager to please. 
“The kitchen counter is fine, thanks,” Lily pointed in the general direction of the kitchen, past Sirius struggling to lift the corner of the keg while James stuffed a towel beneath it. Peter grinned and hobbled off to put the boxes down. 
“Hey, Lily, thanks for agreeing to host the festivities tonight,” said Remus. Lily liked Remus the best of his friend group. They’d been chemistry partners ever since she’d stopped being friends with Severus. Lily had instantly clicked with Remus because while on the surface he was kind and mild, he could be sarcastic as anything once you got to know him. Lily smiled at Remus, “Of course, though I may live to regret it. I’m glad I have you here to help keep the boys in line.” 
“No can do, I’m afraid,” Remus sighed, “I allow myself one night a year to be a reckless teenager, and unfortunately for you I’ve chosen tonight as this year’s night.” 
“You’re dead to me,” Lily pouted, but Remus laughed and slung his arm around her. “Come on, let’s get you a drink. It’s going to be a great night, I promise!” 
The air was suddenly filled with the sound of shattering glass and the overwhelming smell of vodka. “Uh, Lily love,” said Sirius’ voice from the kitchen, “where might we find some paper towels?” 
Lily glared at Remus, who shrugged, adding “I’ll get you that drink now, shall I?” 
Remus was right, the party was going off without a hitch, not including the broken handle of vodka at the beginning of the night. What seemed like half their year at Hogwarts was present. Lily had consumed approximately two and a half beers -- no, on second thought, a whole three beers, she conceded as she chugged the rest of her drink -- and had forgotten all about her hostess anxieties. The music was loud, the keg was half full, and she was basking in the glow of gratitude from her fellow students who were happy to have a reason to celebrate the end of the year. She was even slapped on the back by last year’s soccer captain, Benjy Fenwick, which caused Mary to go into such a fit of giggles that she had to leave the room. 
Remus, much to Sirius’ chagrin, had been put in charge of the music. This proved to be a poor decision on Lily’s part. The house seemed full of nervous energy as her classmates, who were fast becoming more and more intoxicated, grumbled that they could not dance to the slow, melodic rock coming from the speakers.
Sirius was growing more and more antsy at Remus’ music selections. "Moony I am begging you to think about the group at large before you play any more Neil Young.” 
“Neil Young is a god!”
“Yes, but this album is damn depressing! Put on something I can dance to!” 
“This song is hauntingly beautiful, and anyone who can’t appreciate that shouldn’t be here in the first place.” 
“Moony, put on some dancing music, and I promise you I’ll make you glad you did,” Sirius said suggestively, pulling Remus closer to him. Remus grinned and leaned into to Sirius, who grabbed him tight around the torso and yelled “Peter, now!” Swift as can be, Peter swooped in and switched out the Neil Young for an ABBA record, causing the room at large to cheer in celebration. 
“Traitor!” yelled Remus, though he was laughing. “ABBA is an insult to my DJ title.” 
“ABBA is fun and you know it,” said Sirius, grabbing Remus’ hand and pulling him onto the dance floor. Lily smiled as she watched them dance. Sirius and Remus had caused a minor scandal the previous year when they had gone from best mates to an official couple. Not that their new relationship had surprised anyone who really knew them. Lily had been waiting for Remus to tell her he loved Sirius ever since they became chemistry partners. As she watched them dance, Lily felt a warm presence next to her and looked up. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” said Potter, also watching Sirius and Remus dance. 
Lily smiled, gesturing to the dancing couple. “Is it weird for you, navigating a friendship with both of them when they’re so bonkers for each other?” 
“Nah, it’s not bad. We’ve all been through a lot, it was easy to figure out the group’s dynamics once they changed. Anyway, they’ve never been subtle about fancying each other, so when they got together the only thing that changed was the label.” 
“I suppose that’s true,” said Lily. It was odd to speak so honestly with James. Usually James was so arrogant, walking around the school as if he owned the place. James was popular, good looking (she supposed), and well-known by all. He and his friends were also known as charming trouble makers, and could get away with even the most egregious pranks. It annoyed Lily to no end. 
About a year ago, James had taken notice of Lily’s negative attitude towards himself and seemed to make it his personal mission to charm her as he had the rest of her classmates. Their encounters usually consisted of flirtatious sparring from him and cool indifference from her, which only encouraged his competitive nature. It worked, sometimes, but Lily was usually determined not to let him win, for Lily suspected she was even more competitive than James when it came to being right. 
“It’s nice talking to you like this, Potter,” said Lily, emboldened by the three and a half beers she had now imbibed, “you’re far more pleasant when you aren’t trying to flirt with me.”
“What do you mean, ‘trying’? I think I’m pretty successful at flirting with you,” said Potter. God, his stupid handsome -- NO, not handsome, passable -- face wore the most infuriatingly smug expression. Lily quickly reversed course, settling back into her Defensive Potter Mode. 
“No, actually, you’re not. In fact, you’re usually nothing more than an arrogant toerag, in my humble opinion,” she said matter of factly. 
Alright, that might have been too far. Why had she had so much to drink?
They stood in silence for a moment, the smug look on James’ face shifting into one of sour disappointment. He shrugged, “You’re right. I’m sorry Evans, enjoy the party,” and he disappeared into the crowd.
“Christ,” Lily mumbled to herself, rubbing her eye with the hand not clutched around her drink. Potter really was infuriating. He could antagonize her to no end, but the moment she got to him herself, she felt this wave of crushing guilt. No matter. The night was young, and she’d almost finished her fourth beer. Lily sighed, and went into the crowd to find Mary and Dorcas.
The party had certainly reached a new peak. More people had started to turn up, including students from the years above and below James, and people he had never seen in his life. The keg was nearly empty, the music blared, and couples had started disappearing into the upper level of the house. James, however, was not in much of a party mood.
“Cheer up, mate,” slurred Sirius as he dropped into the empty seat next to James on the couch, “ignore Evans, find yourself another nice bird.” 
“Don’t want another bird, and I’m not hung up on Evans, thank you very much,” said James stubbornly. Sirius rolled his eyes. “Sure you’re not. Alright, what about her then? She’s got nice...hair? Andy big, thick -- uh -- knockers, and looks like she’s got two eyes, and-” 
“You have no idea at all what to see in women, do you?” laughed James. Sirius had about as much interest in girls as James had in Snivellus. 
“Haven’t the foggiest idea, but I’m sure someone here could pique your interest.” 
“Well, that’s a nice thought, but I--” 
At that moment, a girl in the crowd towards the front of the house yelled at the top of her lungs, “COPS!” 
It was chaos. Dozens of drunk, crazed teenagers started to run towards the back door, knocking into and running each other over in the process. Sirius and James jumped to their feet, scanning the crowd for Remus and Peter. Peter was nowhere to be seen, but Remus sprinted over to where they stood, grabbing Sirius’ hand. 
“We have to go, now,” said Remus. Sirius paused, looking guilty. “I should stay, this was my idea, I don’t want Lily to take the fall for this,” he said, though he looked nervously at the front of the house where the policemen certainly stood behind the door. James, knowing exactly what Sirius was afraid of, clapped a hand on his shoulder. 
“No, Sirius, you and Remus go. Find somewhere to cool it for a while. I’ll meet you later.” 
“James, I know you’re obsessed with Lily, but you can’t honestly say you want to stay,” said a shocked Remus.
“This isn’t about Lily. I’ll stay behind to help people get out, then I’ll hide somewhere. Go, now!” said James, pushing his friends towards the back door. With a final uncertain look, the two disappeared in the escaping crowd. 
James looked around to see what could be done. Most of the partygoers had escaped out the back, so James turned off the living room lights just as a loud knock sounded at the front door. James froze, listening intently to what was happening behind the front door. 
“Open up in there!” shouted a scary sounding voice, and James bolted. 
He ran to the back door, locked it, and bolted up the stairs. He had absolutely no idea where he was going, but he knew he had to get as far away from the front door as possible. He rounded a corner, then another, into a dark bedroom. He paused, looking around to get his bearings, and then he saw it. He dived head first into the closet, when--
“OUCH! Who is that?!” said a scared, and annoyed, voice.
“Shhh, it’s James Potter, keep it down though, there’s cops downstairs.
“James, it’s me, Lily, and I know there are cops downstairs. Why else would I be hiding in my closet?” 
“I don’t know, Evans, how many more people did you insult tonight? Maybe you’re hiding from them,” said James grumpily. 
There was a moment of silence. James stared into the oppressive darkness at what he assumed was Lily’s dark form. 
“What’s happening downstairs? When everyone started to run I knew I couldn’t leave, it’s my house, so I came up here.” 
“Yeah, that was smart. I locked the back door and I think everyone is out, but it might be smart to hide up here for a bit ‘til they go away.” 
“Right, okay.” Lily let out a long breath she had clearly been holding in since arriving in the closet. The two sat in silence for several long moments, then Lily spoke. 
“I’m sorry for what I said about you. You’re not an obnoxious douchebag.” 
“Actually, it was arrogant toerag, but continue,” said James, with just a hint of his usual flirtatiousness. Silently, he cursed himself for never being able to be mad at Lily. 
“Right, that. Well, as I said, I am sorry. It’s just you can make me so angry sometimes. More mad than anyone else I know.”
“So you’re saying I evoke strong emotions in you?” laughed James, “I suppose I’ll take that as a compliment.” 
“I’m not sure you should,” replied Lily, but her voice sounded much friendlier this time. James regretted not leaving the closet ajar so that he could see her face in the light of the street lamps outside her window. 
“Too late, you said something nice about me! I’m counting it as a victory.” 
Lily scoffed. “Speaking of victories, I notice Sirius is not the one sitting in the dark with me. I’m glad that he got to have a fun night of partying then ditch as soon as things got dicey.” 
“It wasn’t like that!” said James, suddenly defensive. “He was going to stay but I told him to leave with Remus, and that I would help get people out of the house. I didn’t like the idea of he and Remus around the cops. He was reluctant at first but he caved eventually.” 
Silence again. James was starting to enjoy this newfound ability to stump Lily Evans. “Oh... thank you, Potter. I appreciate your help, truly. Why don’t you want Sirius and Remus around cops?” 
This time it was James’ turn for silence. After a pause, he said quietly, “one time, last summer holiday, the four of us were leaving the cinema after dark. We’d snuck in a flask of whiskey and passed it back and forth the whole time, so we were all a little drunk when the film ended. It was before, you know, Sirius and Remus were properly together, but they were tipsy and being really playful with each other. When we got outside they ran down the street ahead of us and were flirting a bunch, being touchy, you know. Anyway, they’d gotten a bit ahead of us down the block, and these two skinheads tried to corner them. Started calling them queers, faggots, pushing them about, you get it. Peter and I ran up, and at that point the blokes knew they were outnumbered and bolted. But the whole thing was really scary. Remus said he couldn’t sleep for a week.” 
James paused his story to rub his eyes at the horrible memory. He’d forgotten just how bad that night had been. “Anyway, I was walking to the store a few days after this, and I saw a cop walking down the street swinging a baton like a cartoon character. It was one of the skinheads. I recognized him from that night, he must have been off duty. This fucking prick spent his night off harassing a couple of kids who weren’t hurting anyone at all. If one of them is like that, I don’t want to know what the rest of them are like.” 
James expected to sit in silence with Lily for a few more moments, but this time she broke the silence quickly. 
“Thank you.” 
“For what?” 
“For looking after them tonight. That was really... well, it was really brave, James.” 
James’ heart soared. She called him brave. He tried desperately to ignore his delight, and instead answered nonchalantly. “They would do the same for me. Not that I’m in the same situation, or that I have as much to worry about with cops, or, well, you know. They look out for me, I look out for them. I love them, and that’s what you do for people you love.” 
“Yes,” breathed Lily, “you’re right, that’s--”
They both froze. They could hear from the hallway the unmistakable sounds of large feet in boots climbing the stairs to the second floor. “Maybe they won’t know we’re here,” James whispered as quietly as he could.
Lily gulped, and covered her own mouth to quiet her breathing. James waited with baited breath. Suddenly, a light flipped on in the room, and someone wrenched open the doors to the closet. 
“Oi, you two, what do you think you’re doing in there?” yelled a large, bald policeman. 
James froze, eyes wide, trying his best to look both sober and innocent. “We’re, uh, we’re just, um--” 
“We’re having a fight,” said Lily confidently. James looked quickly at her, properly seeing her for the first time since entering the closet. Her hair was a mess, her eye makeup was smudged, and her expression was set. She glared up at the policeman, who regarded her confident tone with surprise. 
“Is that right?” said the policeman, regaining his composure and glaring down at Lily. Lily straightened, looking more determined than ever. “Yes. Arnold here broke up with me two days ago, so we came in here to fight. We didn’t want anyone else to know, you see. We’ve been up here for quite a while, so we haven’t the foggiest idea of what’s been going on downstairs.”
“I bet you haven’t,” said the cop nastily. “I’ll have you know, miss, that there were a great number of minors drinking alcohol on the premises tonight. We had a tip off that someone in the neighborhood was hosting an underage party, and it wasn’t hard to figure out which house was the problem. Your front lawn is a right mess, you see.” 
Lily frowned. “I don’t have any knowledge of any drinking on this property. Do you have anyone in custody?”
“No, but,” 
“And how did you get inside? If there’s no one else downstairs, I can’t see how anyone could have let you in.” 
“The tip off said there was a spare key for emergencies. If there was underage drinking happening, we had clear cause to enter the property.” 
“Well, we’ll see about that, but for now, it looks like there’s nothing more for you all to do, is there? It’s a classic case of habeas corpus. And if you don’t have the corpus, you know what they say, ‘no body, no crime,’“ said Lily sweetly. The cop looked at Lily for a moment, clearly dumbfounded. James had never been so enamored with another human being in his young life as he was in this moment. 
“Look, miss, do you live here or not?” said the cop. 
“No, I don’t,” lied Lily. 
“Well, tell whoever does live here that we’ll come round to inquire in the next few days, so they better have everything back in order before we do.” And with that ominous announcement, the cop left the room. 
James and Lily sat in dead silence for a few minutes as they heard the cop collecting his buddy from the kitchen and leaving through the front door, closing it behind them. 
James and Lily looked at one another, then at the exact same time, leapt up and sprinted to the front door. James got there first, locking it quickly, then turned to lean his back up against the door, panting. 
“That - was - so - close,” he wheezed, sliding down the door to sit on the ground. Lily nodded, clutching a stitch in her side, then turned on the table lamp to inspect her living room. 
The room was positively trashed. Empty plastic cups with sticky dried beer littered the floor, the remnants of a drinking game lay strewn about her mother’s antique sitting room table, and something that smelled suspiciously like vomit was wafting over from one of the large potted plants in the corner. 
“James, you need to find a new best friend, because I am going to destroy Sirius Black,” said Lily, covering her face with her hands and sinking onto the couch. 
“I wouldn’t blame you. Hey, how did you come up with that ‘Harper’s corpse’ thing so quickly?” asked James.
“It’s habeas corpus, and I watch a lot of American legal programs,” said Lily proudly, “I have no idea if any of that is right. That cop must have been a bit thick, or I don’t think he would have bought it. Anyway, I’d be surprised if he came back to check up on the place, he probably just said that to scare us a bit. Still, I really should start to clean this mess up...”
“I’ll help!” said James gallantly, springing to his feet. Lily eyed him suspiciously, but James just waved his hand casually, “Evans, I’m not leaving you to this mess. I helped destroy your home, at least let me help set it right again.” 
“Fair enough. Blimey, where do we even start? Wait, do you hear that?” 
James and Lily looked around. There was a slight tap tap tap coming from the direction of the kitchen. Lily walked quickly into the other room and saw three noses pressed up against the window panes on her backdoor; Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Lily shook her head and opened the door. “Well well well, look who decided to show up,” 
“Great party Evans! Are the coppers gone?” Sirius looked anxiously through the door into the house. 
“Yes, but please, get inside before anyone sees you in the yard. The last thing we need is for my neighbors to see you out there.
The boys fell over the landing and into the kitchen. Lily could tell based on their poor coordination that they had not had the same sobering experience that she had that evening. 
“Right, you lot,” Lily said, pointing at Sirius and Peter, “follow me, I’m going to watch you clean the sick out of my mother’s ficus.” Sirius and Peter started to groan, but at a murderous look from Lily, the followed her dutifully into the living room. 
“Sorry about that, mate. Did they give you much trouble?” Remus asked anxiously, surveying the disgusting state of the kitchen and dining room. 
“Surprisingly, no. Lily made up this incredible story for the cops about us fighting in her closet, and--” 
“Hang on,” Remus said, frowning, “what about a closet?”
“Oh, right. Well, when you two left, I stayed downstairs to make sure everyone got out, then I locked the back door and sprinted upstairs. I ran into the first room I saw a closet, and when I went in there to hide Lily was already in there.” 
“Lily in the closet? Sounds like Sirius in fifth year.” 
“My thought exactly. Anyway, We hid up there for a bit, then this big cop came in and found us, but she told him we were in there fighting and didn’t even know there was a party going on downstairs. As there was no one left in the house, he just told us to clean up and left. Mad, eh?” 
“Completely,” agreed Remus, “how did he get in the house in the first place?”
James frowned slightly. He tried to remember what the cop had said about entering the house, but couldn’t. “I have no idea. The front door must have been open after all.” 
“Wild,” said Remus, who had already picked up half the abandoned cups that littered the kitchen. “Lucky she had a story ready for him.”
“Yeah, lucky,” replied James absentmindedly, “she was incredible, really.” 
“I bet she was,” Remus snickered. 
“Shut it, not like that. She was just so calm and collected, you know? I was shitting myself.” 
“Well, we all made it out in one piece. Especially Pete, the prat. We ran into him about a block away from the house, said he was the first one out the door when the cops came.” 
“Of course he was,” James said darkly. Pete had an exceptional knack for being in the right place at the right time. 
At that moment, Peter walked through the doorway from the hall into the kitchen, looking a bit green. “Puke’s cleaned up. I don’t know what that poor soul had for dinner, but whatever it was, it was definitely not something you should eat before drinking.”
“Thanks for the visual, mate.” 
“How’d you lot get out of getting arrested anyway?” asked Pete, who was now helping James wipe down the kitchen counter. 
“Lily and I were in the closet, and--”
“Huh, just like Sirius in fifth year,” 
“That’s what I said!”
“And Lily made up this brilliant story that got them to leave. Honestly, she was so convincing I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to trust her again.” 
“I’m sure that won’t be a problem,” Peter smirked. Remus laughed again.
James eyed them both. “For your information, I think it was a bonding moment! She surely can’t hate me anymore after we went through all that together.”
“Yes, hiding in a closet together can do wonders for a relationship,” said Remus wisely, “believe me, I would know.” 
“What’s this about being in a closet?” 
Sirius and Lily entered the room, Lily holding a mop and bucket and Sirius holding a garbage bag out away from his body like it was a bomb. 
Remus took the garbage bag from Sirius, put it in the trash can, and kissed him on the cheek.
“Never you mind. Let’s say we get some water for that bucket and tackle the living room. Pete, could you take the trash out front?”
“Oh no you don’t,” Lily replied, snatching the trash from Remus’ hands, “I’m not letting any more of my neighbors see you lot in my front yard. You can help me clean up then sleep here tonight, if you want, it’s far too late for you to hitch home or whatever it is that you planned on doing.” 
“Sounds good to me, I make an excellent omelette!” Sirius proclaimed, then followed Remus into the living room with the mop and bucket. Lily grinned at James, who smiled softly back at her, then took the garbage bag through the living room and out the front door. 
She walked across the front threshold into the warm night air, letting herself revel in the quiet of her suburban street at midnight. She stood for a moment taking in large gulps of night air before walking over to the bins and depositing the trash inside. When she was done she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She whirled around and found herself face to face with Severus. 
“Lily, are you alright? I saw police and I was worried, I came to see if you were okay,” said Severus quickly. He was looking past her to the front of her house. Lily could see that Remus and Sirius were visible through the front window, mopping the floor and laughing as they worked. Lily looked back at Severus to see that his eyes had narrowed as he watched them. 
“It’s none of your business, Snape.” Lily said stiffly, crossing her arms against her chest. She was still very aware that she was wearing Mary’s loose fitting halter top. 
Severus looked taken aback at her use of his surname. “Lily, I’m sorry, I just--” 
“Thought you’d call the cops on my party? Thought you’d tell the cops about the spare key we keep in the planter next to the door?”
Severus appeared dumbfounded. “I don’t know what they told you, but it wasn’t -- I didn’t -- I was worried that they would destroy your house!”
“You know what, Snape,” she was becoming more angry by the minute, “butt out of my life, alright? I’m telling you once and for all to leave me alone. I don’t need your assistance or your protection, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Plus, I have friends to look out for me,” and she gestured towards the front window where Sirius had completely forgotten about mopping and was instead trying to convince Remus to waltz with him. 
Severus stared at the window. “You can’t possibly mean them. They don’t have your best interest at heart!”
“They look out for me, I look out for them. That’s what you do for your real friends, Snape.” And with that, Lily turned on her heel and marched back into the house. 
“I said it last night and I’ll say it again, excellent party last night, Evans,” Sirius exclaimed, raising his glass of vodka and tomato juice (”the poor man’s hangover cure!” he insisted earlier that morning), “to Evans!”
“Evans!” shouted the boys, Mary, and Dorcas, who had arrived last night shortly after Lily’s confrontation with Severus. They had hidden in playground equipment for half an hour before daring to make their way back to the house. They had all spent the night cleaning the house, then passed out on blankets and pillows in the living room. That morning they had woken up to feast on bacon sandwiches and coffee. Sirius had been too hung over to follow through on his promise of omelettes. 
“Thank you, thank you, you are all too kind,” Lily laughed. “And, I suppose, I must show a small amount of gratitude towards Sirius for forcing me to have the party in the first place.” 
“I think force is a bit strong. You certainly didn’t need much convincing. I think we all needed a bit of a laugh.” 
“Easy for you to say, you weren’t cowering in a closet from a big beefy copper, were you?” grumbled James, though his eyes were bright with amusement. 
“True enough. Your heroics will go down in Hogwarts legend, my friends,” said Sirius, clapping James on the back. 
Peter checked his watch. “We best be off lads, before our mums realize that we all lied about sleeping over at each other’s houses.”
The boys began to collect their belongings, said their goodbyes to Lily, Mary, and Dorcas, then trudged out the door to catch the bus in town. Lily rose to see them out, but James hung back behind his friends. 
“Hey, thanks again for saving my ass last night. You really are brilliant, you know.” 
“Yes, I do know, thank you,” Lily said cheekily, giving James a playful punch on the arm.
“Look, I’d say we’ve been through a lot now, how about we try and be, I dunno... friends?”
Lily considered this for a moment. He wasn’t so bad after all, James. He’d risked his neck to protect his friends, and he’d stayed up all night helping her clean the house. 
Finally, Lily stuck her hand out, “Friends.” 
James’ face broke into a broad smile as he took her hand and shook. “Blimey, did you ever think you’d see the day?”
“Never,” Lily winked at him. “You best catch up with your mates.” 
“Ah, yes, they’ll leave me behind if I don’t run, they’ve done it before. Have a good summer, Evans,” and with that, he turned and ran after his friends. 
Lily fondly watched the boys meander down the street. Had she really been wrong about James Potter? She shook her head, shot one last glance towards the mess of black hair on the back of his head, then stepped back into her spotless home.  
35 notes · View notes
faefulli · 4 years
(pick and choose if u don't wanna do all) ☄️ for eclipse, 🍵 for nokova, 💧 for sun, 🧠 for aurora, 🗣️ for wynter, 🕰️ for sirius, 🗺️ for earth, 💍 for mars, 🎁 for saturn, 🎨 for sun, AND 📓 for eclipse
Theres a lot here so it goes under a cut!!!
☄️ Does your OC believe in fate and destiny or do they think it’s a load of garbage? Would they ever get this fortune told? What would a fortune-teller tell them about their future?
Eclipse thinks fate is a load of shit rjghkr he’s been through enough to know, in his mind anyway, the only thing stopping you from getting what you want is what youre willing to do to attain it. He believes you carve your own path in life and doesnt need someone else to tell him how to do anything.
🍵 Are there any rumours about your OC hanging around? Nasty ones or just good humoured? Got any gossip to share about them?
“Well I heard from Ninka, who heard from Yukin who heard from Flora that the king talks to the doves when he thinks no ones watching, Flora said she heard him talking to the bird like a close friend and calling it ‘Fieyro’. He must be a little loopy from inhaling all that dragon smoke!!!!!”
💧 What makes your OC lose hope, what makes them give up and feel helpless? Have they ever given up on something really important or let go of a dream? What are some of their biggest regrets? Would they ever try again (if they’re able to)?
Sun finds it hard to not be optimistic, hes often the light in the darkness both figuratively and literally for some people whether he means to be or not, but when he himself cant find that light for himself? its easy for him to loose sight of even his own light. His light is his family!!! everything he does he does for him, his strength is for them. Taking that away from him is a sure fire way to break that man, taking away his reason to fight snuffs his fire out completely!
(tw for abusive/unhealthy relationship)
though if you wanna get more nuanced and angsty about it, tau broke sun down so easily because of the way tau did it, tau made himself someone important to sun by taking him under his wing and teaching him how to use his powers when he first formed as a star, and then nitpicking everything about him in the sweetly condescending way he did once sun looked up to him the way that he did. sun was (and still does struggle with this in present day) so worried about how this extremely important person in his life perceived him he hung onto every word and would begin to feel worthless and give up when he couldnt please.
(tw over)
that little tangent wasnt really related but [shrug] have fun with that
🧠 Talk about your OCs mental health! Do they have any specific triggers or ways to practice self care? What are some things that are more difficult for them to do because of their mental health?
I can’t talk about this one too too much because some of the party follows me here and auroras backstory is kinda shhshhshh but ill tell u on discord teeheehee
🕰️ Has there been an event that happened in your OCs past that affects their future or one that they think about still? Is this a bad event or a good one? What are a few of their childhood memories they can recall?
Sirius will never forget the day he became the only sirius, when he lost B everything became very quiet in their system. B isnt dead, but has run their course in life and is laying comatose in their home in the empty space. 
🗺️ Does your OC like going on adventures? Have they ever discovered something really interesting and significant or are they just too busy getting lost? Where is their favourite place they’ve been? Least favourite?
Earth loves adventuring when he can sneak away from his dad!!!!! surprisingly he loves colder places on his planet because snow is a pretty foreign concept to celestials! he knows about ice yeah, but this powdery??? fluffy white ice???? love it fun to throw at people, easy to cause chaos with, 10/10. hes found things he thinks are cool, like shiny things, interesting rocks hes never seen, new plants things like that!!!!
🎁 What would be the perfect gift to buy your OC? What would be the worst gift? Are they themselves any good at gifting things or are they really indescisive? How do they wrap their presents?
Saturn loves buying gifts for people, because they analyze people to easily, very insightful 10/10! They like to wrap presents themselves in paper because they find the process of measure cut wrap ribbon tie repeat very calming to do. Saturn likes things they can use to make things with! fabric paints, ribbons, fabric, hell theyll even take re gifted clothes and make them into something new! worst thing you could get saturn tho is something like overly gender labeled tho, like a shirt thats overly gendered or something like that, otherwise theyll find a way to use what you get them
🎨 Is your OC artistic? Can they draw or paint or do they prefer another medium? Are they a writer or musician or do they do something else? Give us a quick run down of what they can get creative with!
sun really likes markers and paints but for the reason of he likes drawing on his skin! he likes to see what he can do with the fact that his freckles can shine through most of the paint and it poses a neat challenge to him! he also likes singing but thats more so like a thing he does when hes alone and doesnt like to do around others that much
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arcaneranger · 5 years
Final Thoughts - Netflix Exclusives 2018
Oh my god you guys, I’m finally done. I’m free from the prison of 2018, just in time to actually finish my premieres for spring of 2019. But first, let’s talk!
2018 was the year that Netflix really went all-in on producing its own anime and picking up some big names, so we saw Devilman Crybaby made specifically for the service and high-profile shows like Dragon Pilot and Hi-Score Girl basically hijacked by the streaming service and delayed for months in the U.S. so that the biggest name in the game could release everything in bingeable packages. Unfortunately, bringing in an auteur like Masaaki Yuasa for Crybaby and throwing all the damn money at him worked so well that, long before any of these shows would even premiere, they decided to seemingly take any anime pitch under the sun, and wound up financing disasters like Hero Mask and B: The Beginning. Really, these shows kind of run the full gamut from garbage to god-tier, with an unfortunate tipping of the scale in the wrong direction. I haven’t gotten to see Ingress yet at the time of publication though, so we’ll have to see whether 2019 will start in a good direction.
I still don’t get how anyone thought this was worth promoting. The entire concept is offensive, and yet it was directed by a master and veteran of the medium (who is also a woman), leading me to just throw my hands in the air and resign myself to never having a satisfactory answer for why Netflix would pick this up to begin with. Dropped after 1 episode.
Hero Mask
One of the most incompetently written first episodes I’ve ever seen gave me absolutely no hope that Hero Mask was going to actualize into anything watchable or even average-looking. It was boring and unintelligible. Dropped after 1 episode.
Fate/EXTRA: Last Encore
What the fuck was Akiyuki Shinbo even doing on Fate? Did he do this at the expense of season 3 of March comes in like a lion or something? Probably not, but geez... This seems much more like someone attempting to copy his style than the genuine article, but nope, there’s his director credit. In the end, I suppose that Fate/EXTRA, despite being a very interesting game, was not ever going to be adapted well - the protagonist is almost literally a blank slate for a self-insert of the player, and their servant is also not set in stone - but I kind of would have rather had nothing than this. Dropped after 2 episodes.
SWORDGAI The Animation
Oh hey, yet another “the Animation”, it definitely doesn’t sound pretentious yet. I don’t have much to say on SWORDGAI, or at least not any more than anyone else - it’s stupid, very earnestly stupid, and doesn’t seem aware enough of that fact to be entertaining for more than a hate watch - and my hate plate is full already. Dropped after 1 episode.
Last Hope
I remember almost nothing about Last Hope other than that it was both pretentious and nonsensical, which kind of illustrates why Yoshiyuki Tomino is wise enough to stay out of anything that isn’t his beautiful Gundam baby, and it’s a shame that Kawamori (father of Super Dimensional Fortress Macross) doesn’t stick with what he knows, which is mech design. (No, seriously, he’s got a ton of credits on MAL and they’re almost all for that.) Dropped after 1 episode.
Oh, BAKI, it’s okay, you’re a remnant from a different time. That time was right around when Mars of Destruction seemed like a good idea. It’s not that bad so I shouldn’t really mention them in the same sentence, but the hyper-violent imagery of this show is on the level of the Berserk manga. It’s unfortunate that I had to leave it after one episode because Netflix picked up a sequel that relies heavily on your pre-existing investment (just like with the Dragons TV show, for the record). Dropped after 1 episode.
A.I.C.O. Incarnation
I stuck with this one longer than any other that I didn’t drop, but in hindsight I shouldn’t have wasted my time. It’s one of the worst-looking Bones productions I’ve ever seen and the plot is a dumb ripoff of a much better science fiction series. Dropped after six episodes.
B: The Beginning
Probably the biggest waste of money on this list, B has such lavish animation that you can almost forget that you have absolutely no clue what’s happening or what the context of the story even is. It tries really hard to be both Psycho-Pass and Death Note at the same time to the point of cutting between them multiple times per scene, and it just ends up a badly jumbled mess, albeit one with really pretty colors. Dropped after 3 episodes.
I still don’t have much to say here because the topic has been so thoroughly covered by The Anime Pope, so I’ll resummarize here - this is a show about gambling where the stakes seem utterly meaningless, even though it tries to impress us by showering money on the characters.
Children of the Whales
It’s so pretty, but it’s so boring. Children of the Whales succeeds in looking beautiful, but fails as a story that wants to be grim and apocalyptic but comes across as a soft-hearted small-village story that gets surprisingly violent four episodes in. This should have been the tone from the beginning, and the entire thing needed a good kick in the pants. Dropped after five episodes.
Sirius the Jaeger (6/10)
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One that I waited a long time for after seeing the PV at Anime Central last year, and wound up pretty disappointed by in general. It looks nice (...at first), given that P.A. Works at least knows how to make a show visually appealing on a consistent basis, but the plot jumps so far into cliched stupidity by the end that, even though it had a few twists I wasn’t expecting, they couldn’t save it from being something I won’t recommend to anyone with as much anime experience as myself.
Lost Song (7/10)
(Author’s note: Yeah, apparently nobody on all of Tumblr has made a GIF of this one...)
Lost Song was a pleasant surprise that I wasn’t expecting to be invested enough to finish. One of the best of LIDENFILMS’ output, it manages to weave together a decent fantasy Symphogear AU fanfic, with interesting third-act twists peppering the last few episodes that made it memorable despite looking pretty generic. There’s a sequel due this year, too!
Hi Score Girl (7/10)
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A very visually distinctive show with a neat concept that didn’t dive far enough into the heavy subjects it brings up, Hi Score Girl sits in a place where I like the presentation of it a lot more than I like the story. Don’t get me wrong, the romance is certainly cute, and I won’t begrudge a love triangle if it’s meant to be the primary conflict of a show, but the fact that it spent most of its last episode setting up for later robbed it of the chance to give us a satisfying place to leave off until the next part of this adaptation. Luckily, it got a second season, hopefully to finish the adaptation later this year.
Forest of Piano (7/10)
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A good first try by a fledgling studio, but not one that lives up to what it really wants to be due to some very bad habits. I still distinctly remember the constant character shilling, and it feels like the story could have happened a little faster if not for the breaks every few minutes to heap praise upon the protagonist. Also, the mo-cap piano playing still looks weird. I’ll probably watch the sequel though, to see if it gets concluded well.
Dragon Pilot: Hisone to Masotan (8/10)
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I literally just did my write-up for this one, so I don’t have much new to say here, but I’m pleased that Dragon Pilot turned out as well as it did despite not being what I quite expected from it.
Aggretsuko (8/10)
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A fantastic and rather unorthodox look at what it’s actually like to be an adult in the Japanese workforce, Aggretsuko was an early darling of the year, and the only things that could have made it better were a more interesting visual presentation and a less squirrelly ending. Shame that the Christmas Special was...not good.
Devilman Crybaby (9/10)
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It was so, so good...right up until the end. Yeah, that’s the only thing holding this back from a perfect score - I really, really hate the ending, and it needed to be changed. I know that, for most people, the best show of the year was either this one, or the most conspicuous work that hasn’t yet appeared on this list, though, so…
BEST NETFLIX SHOW OF THE YEAR: Violet Evergarden (10/10)
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Oh God, what beautiful cry-porn. I hope that Kyoto Animation was paid well for their best show in years, and I’m kind of shocked that the two shows that made me sob the most this year both came out in the same season (thanks, A Place Further Than the Universe). I won’t spoil more than I did in my original review, but Netflix should be pushing this to literally everyone who would be even casually interested in watching it.
And that’s it! Last but not least, the last list won’t be a roundup of the whole year (since, you know, I’ve already done that in big chunks), but a list of the Class of 2018 Superlatives. Look forward to it!
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
7k dude congratulations on the milestone!!
can i ask for a harry potter ship from the older characters (please not snape), I don't mind if the ship is male or female, I'm 23 female, irish, INFJ, hufflepuff, catholic, naturally brown hair but it's dyed black
Likes: LOTR, harry potter, the secret garden book, Gotham, a very potter musical is canon in my mind and Quirrelmort is otp! Honestly literally every avpm character is perfection especially umbridge and the malfoys, Casper is my comfort movie, Coraline, Hercules, Prince of Egypt, Aladdin, Agent Carter, reading, sewing by hand (I got a singer heavy duty sewing machine but it's a monster and I'm scared), going for walks alone, collecting vintage clothes I have a 20s vampirey looking evening dress that I've never had the reason to wear but am gonna wear it in may and I'm so excited! Ray Charles, Florence and the Machine, Emeli Sandi, Aretha Franklin, Aurora, The pretty reckless (their most recent album is oh my gosh), Bon Jovi, Twenty one pilots, I don't really know what else to write umm I'm aiming to become a teacher, would like to become fluent in irish cuz I feel pathetic for not speaking my own language and also in my humble opinion it sounds dope, most recently watched show is agent carter and most recently watched movie harley quinn bop, just had a tonsillectomy and I can't wait til my throat heals so I can eat two Mars bars and really good cup of tea
I love AVPM!! And Starkid in general lol
I hope you like your ship!
I ship you with Sirius Black!
You met when you attended Hogwarts together, hit it off, and were very close to starting a relationship, but then, he was taken to Azkaban. You reunited years later, when you, being a member of the Order, and had looked after Harry quite a bit around that time, met him again after he escaped.
Your friendship, and ultimately your feelings for one another resurfaced, and luckily this time, you weren't interrupted before it became a relationship. Also, he did not die, until much much later (your welcome lol).
He was glad to find you hadn't changed much over the years. You were still your Hufflepuff self. He was so happy to be able to catch up on everything he missed, allowing you to show him everything that was.
Not only are you a member of the Order, but a teacher at Hogwarts (your choice of subject).
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Best Friend: Remus Lupin. You bonded through your losses of James and Lily, as well as Sirius, and stayed in touch. You were like siblings, and were always there for each other.
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marlmckitten · 6 years
Love your writing!! Could you write sirius and marlene getting ready for their first official date?
Yes pretty Nonnie I can~ And thank you so so very much!! (As for everyone else I promise I have not forgotten, just the holidays are busy but I’ll get there!!)
Lily was laying on her bed, no longer paying attention to Marlene as she changed her outfits more times that she could even remember. She was tired of explaining to her that she looked fine in each and every single one. And even more exhausted from Marlene showing off her lingerie and asking which one she should wear, before insisting that she would NOT be another girl Sirius Black gets to shag on their first date. “I’m not a one-night stand.” She said confidently, behind her curtains, changing back into more comfortable under garments. “I mean.. I have been. But I won’t let Black just list me as another one of his conquests. I’m better than that and it’s not my fault he’s an arrogant whore.”
Lily groaned, “You really should stop insulting him. The whole, ‘I hate Sirius Black’ facade kind of fell apart when you agreed to go out with him!”
Mary’s head popped through the door, looking at Marlene, stripped down to her black panties. “You’re still changing?” She questioned. “It’s been hours!”
“See,” Lily sat up, “You like him, I’ve never seen you actually prepare for a date before!”
“I’ve seen you forget about dates before…” Mary cut in, joining Lily on her bed, the two of them sniggering at Marlene now.
She scowled at the pair before pulling on a black dress with an open back and lace sleeves. “I look like I’m going to a funeral,” she sighed, taking it off again.
“She’s said that every time she has put it on,” Lily explained to Mary. “It’s been three times.”
“You two could stop talking about me and help, isn’t that what friends are meant to do?” Marlene snapped, going through her tower of clothes.
Mary got up and stepped forward pulling a red dress from the pile, “This is mine!”
“Yeah, I thought it might be nice, but it was way too slutty.”
“Too slutty for you?” Mary questioned, eyebrows knit together.
“Well.. Too revealing for my first date with Sirius at least, I can’t look like a complete hoe.”
Both of the other girls rolled their eyes in response, but Mary could tell that Lily was done with attempting to help Marlene at all, so she went to he closer and pulled out a top for her. “Don’t get all dressed up, You know Black is going to end up leading you through some secret, probably dirty, passage and the two fo you are going to end up drunk, just wear those jeans you like that make your ass look nice and this.”
Marlene frowned and took the shirt, holding it up in the mirror. It was a loose fitting black blouse with a low v that fell almost to her stomach. The silkiness of it made it so it still looked at least semi-classy and not like she was just trying to throw her body in his face. Pulling it over herself she checked the mirror and nodded, “This might work.”
“It will,” Lily said finally, not leaving room for her to change again. “Especially since you’re going to throw your leather jacket over it. Like Mary said, jeans will be comfortable and you can wear those black booties that you always wear and he’ll be drooling over you since you’re apparently not having sex tonight.”
Mary laughed, earning another dirty look from Marlene, “Right, what Lily said, you’re not having sex with him tonight anyway, so he’s going to be checking you would over your clothes, your butt will look good, your boobs will be out, it’s perfect now put it on and leave already.”
In response, Marlene mocked them back but put on the rest of her outfit and sighed, “Yeah, it’s fine, Lily you have to do my hair now?”
Huffing loudly, Lily got up and forced her friend to sit down while she curled her hair ever so slightly to give her the effortless beach waves that she loved so much. “Congratulations, Mar, you’ve officially spent three hours to look like you spent five minutes,” Lily said sarcastically once she was finished with her hair.
But Marlene was wearing a large smile as she applied her red lipstick and looked to her friends, “Not like it matters anyway right? It’s just Black!”
At the same time both of the other girls quite literally dragged Marlene out of the dormitory to get rid of her before she changed her mind again. When Lily saw Sirius she sighed in relief that he was actually ready and she pushed Marlene forward. “Fuck, Lil, calm down!” She complained, before turning to see Sirius in front of her. He was wearing jeans and his favourite leather jacket, unsurprisingly. His hair fell expertly in front of his face and his grin faltered only for a second when Marlene arrived. Eyes peering at Marlene, he offered his hand to hers, “You look nice, McKinnon.”
Everyone else was surrounding them, clearly making them uncomfortable. But it had been a long time in the making to see these two finally going on a proper date. Marlene looked at everyone else before back to Sirius, “So let’s leave to get away from them, yeah?” She begged, quickly walking forward.
Mary nudged Lily telling him to look at Sirius’ eyes as they watched Marlene’s butt impressively. With a slight smirk he took off after her and Lily moaned, “Finally!”
James walked over to Lily and wrapped an arm around her, not noticing the look of disgust she gave him as he did so. “It took me three hours to get Sirius ready. He re washed and styled his hair four times. Paced and tried to back out for about an hour. Then went on about how annoying she is until I reminded him that he was the one who asked her out. That of course was followed by him grinning stupidly to himself and going on about how beautiful she is, of course he told me I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone. But I think he used the words, beautiful, elegant, witty, fun, sexy and perfect. Many of which I would have agreed with had it been about you. Except I would have added radiant,” he wiggled his eyebrows at Lily, to which she only escaped his grasp and turned on her heel.
“Don’t even try, Potter.”
“So, you don’t want to watch our friends from a safe distance? It could be like a cute double date, Evans!”
She looked to Mary for help who only pretended not to hear the whole thing and act very interested in a first years paper suddenly. “No date, today, or ever.”
“Hm, what about yesterday?”
“Bye Potter.”
“See ya, Evans. I’ll let you know how their date goes later!”
At this Lily turned, eyebrows pulled together, “Are you actually going after them?”
For a moment, Lily was sure she was still going to walk away, but watching Marlene’s date with Sirius was something she wasn’t sure she wanted to pass up. “It’s not a date,” she said surely, before pulling Dorcas’ sweater from her seat and marching towards him. The girl hardly noticed, since she was so absorbed in her book, but only the duo left the common room together, her book dropped and she looked after them, then to Mary.
“Did they just…?”
Mary’s mouth was open, but no words were coming out.
It was Remus who broke the silence from his studying in the corner. “I think he just managed to trick her into a date.”
The room fell silent before the remaining friends scrambled towards the door to chase after the two couples.
A/N: Oops this turned into Jily too? But who’s complaining? I hope this is okay~
complete list here
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briteboy · 7 years
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+ SOME NOT ANONS because i had so many astrology questions omg i’m just gonna put them all together ok
it’s honestly mostly astrology stuff, some other random things and of course a GoT question because it’s not a mass answer post unless i get at least one of those. and if ur the anon who sent ur theory to me yesterday, my answer is.............. quizas 🌚
aight let’s go
do you have any tips on websites i can look on for figuring out my characters zodiac signs? (moon, fire, water and those stuff). i dont know where to look and on the sites i found its so complicated :( thank u!!
welllll if you aren’t really familiar with astrology i’d say to just make up a birth time/place for your character and put it in here and then you’ll have your answer. but if you don’t think those results fit your character and you want to make it more personalized, i’d say it’s worth it to firstly research each of the 12 signs a bit so that you gather their general traits and such, and then research about the different planets and houses in your chart (sun, moon, first house which is also rising/ascendant, mars, mercury, venus, etc.) and start trying to piece together what their placements would be. i know when i do this i might research a couple different moon placements or something (i.e. literally just google like ‘aquarius moon’ ‘ cancer moon’ ‘virgo rising’ etc.) and see if it fits. if you need further help, message me off anon!
@hhoneybadgers​ said: whaaat how is there so much astrology?? everyone's sun/moon/rising/venus/mars/jupiter/freaking kepler-666/andromeda/sirius/draco malfoy and have houses, and here i am, just an ordinary lil aquarius
OMG well ur in luck because you also have kepler 666/sirius/regulus/hagrid shit too. aquarius sun is only a very small part of your birth chart, which you can look up here
(how many times will i link to this site i wonder)
@thosefuckingsims​ said: are people just sending you their birthcharts?? i'm a scorp sun cap moon n taurus rising tell me about myself pls. drag me :^)
oMGDF i already know ur chart is spicy, but scorpio/taurus is one of the most interesting sister sign combos to me. it’s one of those ones that have a real connection and usually when two different people respectively have them, they’re attracted to each other (not necessarily romantically, just they might click really well) the fact that your sun and rising oppose (but have that awesome connection) probably makes you initially come off much differently than your actual personality would suggest, and then when someone gets to know you it’s like meeting a whole different person. you probably come off very grounded but stubborn (your scorp sun also might suggest this as well because of all that aggressive mars influence), and i know for me personally i’m often intimidated by taureans so that also might apply. your cap moon probably enforces that as well (freaking earth signs, they’re always so resilient in their own way) i feel like this combo might make you seem really deadpan, maybe appreciate some black humor. and ur probably not afraid to stand up to anybody (*cowers in fear*) u wanted me to drag u but i’m sorry i’m mostly in awe
@nnicolesims said: Oooh, me next also! I'm still figuring this out honestly. Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, ascendent Scorpio!
OMG another taurus/scorp mix! wtf this is basically the same as @thosefuckingsims except your sun and rising are switched lmaoooo that’s too funny
so like honestly i feel like a lot of that ^^^ would also apply to you? taurus suns are often intimidating to me because they come off as Too Cool 4 U but really they’re usually sweet and shy on the inside. i think your scorpio rising will also amplify that cool factor just because that placement is so ~Mysterious~ and like, people look at you and are just captivated by something. almost like you have a magnetic pull. scorpio rising is the most fascinating ascendant to me, that’s the reason i gave it to ramona (her heterochromia influenced it a lot too) i feel like you might be shy but secretly passionate and willing to put a lot of effort to that passion.
PLS ME NEXT (u really don't have to I'm just curious 😂) Virgo sun, sagittarius moon and gemini rising 😃
o0o0o0o i like this combo! it reminds me of my mom heheh. she’s a virgo sun/scorp moon and i feel like she also has an air rising, maybe libra tho
virgo/sagittarius is such a good match, like it’s weird but whenever i see those two signs together, especially in the form of different people, it’s always like a lasting bond. both virgo and taurus always seem to pair well with sag. you wouldn’t expect a virgo sun to be so ardent but sagittarius has a profound influence, and it’s interesting because virgos are often always looking for answers, and i think sagittarius would only make that need for reason even more so because sags find possibility in everything, especially as a moon placement. it’s one of my favorite moon signs (and not just because i have it too lmao) gemini rising in this mix is also very interesting because sag and gem are sister signs (opposites) (so many sister signs in these questions dang) and gemini rising is almost one of the most fitting rising signs to me for some reaso, especially with a virgo sun (both virgo and gem are ruled by mercury) because that makes you even MORE inquisitive and probably very friendly. people might consider you easy to talk to, and i bet you have a lot of intriguing things to say.
sagittarius sun, aries moon, scorpio rising!!
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this combo...WHEW!!! i love it tho. i feel like your sun/moon combo makes you very child-like, which can be a blessing or a curse depending on the situation. you might be very independent and full of thoughts or energy that you don’t know how to channel. i feel like especially with your rising sign, you might be very sarcastic and that might come off as a little harsh to people but you mean well. i really like this combo, lots of mars influence with that happy-go-lucky jupter nature!
Its so cool to see everyone talking about astrology and stuff ! i love it!! I'm a capricorn sun and moon and saggitarius rising :p sometimes i feel like i vibe more with pisces more ya know? but idk lol
i feel like capricorn and pisces often fit each other well, strangely enough. pisces are kind of bubbly and caps are kind of serious so they balance each other out. but anyway, onto your chart! you might be a bit introverted because of double cap but your sag rising might help mitigate that and make you a warmer person (caps are known to be a bit cold, honestly it depends tho, especially if there’s a fire influence) a lot of the time you might feel a bit to mature for your peers, but your sag rising makes you want to go back to a time when things were simpler and you could just be a kid. you probably feel like you need to prove yourself a lot too, but sometimes u just gotta give into ur sag nature and let loose a little u know
Sagittarius sun, aries moon and libra ascendant. I don't actually know what any of that means. It confuses me lol
omg hello can i set u up with the sag/aries/scorp above, you guys would be perfect for each other but maybe a little too perfect. you might get on each other’s nerves. and again with the sister signs, this time it’s aries and libra which is........honestly i can’t read this one, in the case with people, either they despise each other or they grow to love each other. (at least that’s been the case with me and libras.) so with that in mind with your moon opposing your rising, it’s very interesting. you might come off as calm, agreeable, charming because of your libra rising, only for others to find out you’re a bit more excitable and aggressive due to your moon. but aries is still charming in their own weird way, and sag too (dang fire signs) and sag + libra is like THE otp only next to aries + gemini. people probably think you’re really cool and chill. you probably get fired up easily about stuff tho
Scorpio sun - Taurus Moon - Scorpio Mercury I am a walking contradiction lol
OMG ANOTHER TAURUS/SCORP WOW third time’s the charm. can i set you guys up too?? WHAT’S UR RISING THO
basically what i said above goes for you too. people are probably in awe of you because you project, like...not necessarily a domineering nature, but more like...very self-assured and set in your ways (which might be your downfall if you aren’t careful, especially with that scorpio mercury, hoo boy) my mercury is in pisces but in the 8th house (ruled by scorpio) so i vibe with this. sometimes i say too much or go too far when i’m talking to someone and i can probably thank the scorp influence for that. i bet u love to talk about taboos and push people’s buttons in a sneaky way, not in an annoying way like an aries might
i'm kinda confused but sun - Aquarius, moon - Leo, ascendant - Gemini, i don't think its anything special but idk ;)
IT IS SPECIAL! any fire/air combo is automatically fun to pick apart. and omfg AGAIN with the sister signs!! what is this the 4th? 5th time?? i had no idea there was so much opposing influence on simblr wow. actually your sun/moon combo is the same as one of my characters, avey! if you’re like her, you might be pretty ambitious, flamboyant, but you also might go through a lot of identity crises trying to stay true to yourself. you’re the kind of person everyone can find a friend in, especially with your rising being gemini! people probably love to talk to you. leo moon is one of my favorite placements because it’s so weird, leo is ruled by the sun, so even tho leo and cancer aren’t opposites, they still kind of oppose each other. leo moons are often silly and funny, everyone finds them hilarious. i’d probably wanna know someone like you tbh
Wheres the rising part on the birth chart thingie?
i made a very official comprehensive guide to reading ur birth chart
Hey sorry to bother, but where did you say you got your star chart thing from? I tried to find where you mentioned it but couldn't.. 😩
oK I THINK THAT’S IT FOR THE ASTROLOGY ASKS? WHEW it’s been a long time since i’ve done this, i forgot they just come pouring in when i open the floodgates of the stars omg
I'm so so late but Santi literally breaths sweater weather to me and I'm CRYING HDISHDJSJSB THAT'S MY SONG AND MY BOY I'M SAD
OMG i haven’t heard that song in so long. i feel like this isn’t the first time someone has told me this, or maybe it was just that he reminded them of the neighbourhood in general. i can’t totally see it tho it’s okay i’ll cry with u :’{
I just found your blog and holy shit your edits are amazing! How do you edit????
like this! it’s from a while ago and i made my own psd since then but essentially it’s pretty much the same. i probably won’t update it because all of the main principles are there and if you follow that tutorial you should be putting your own spin on it anyway, not trying to replicate it exactly y’know
Do you use height mod for toddlers?
i haven’t yet because i’ve been using that fake baby, but i will probably have to bite the bullet and do it now -___- here’s a comment on one of the height mod threads that i’m essentially going to follow, confusing as it is:
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How do you make the toddlers smaller? Is it editing or something else?!
i explained that here!
AHHH!!! I'm trying to catch up on your posts but I ran out of data and the pictures aren't loading now. Apparently I need to get unlimited data so I can read your beautiful wonderful story?!?!? This is torture!!
OMG NOOOO well this was from like last week so hopefully you got data and caught up since then. i’m sorry u had to go through that :{ also thank you for the compliments i’m cryin
I just spent the last 3 hours reading your story from start to finish. INCREDIBLE. AMAZING. EMOTIONAL. IM ADDICTED.
AKSDKJGFDKSLJ THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always get so giddy when people send me messages like this, ily so much ;___; <333
Lemme just say. I'm all for them wearing stupid effing shirts.
I THINK THIS WAS FROM WHEN ROONEY WENT INTO LABOR? with the cactus shirt and santi’s wild ride of an outfit? if so i agree
Can you link me to the beginning of your story?
(I'm the anon with an aunt who had kidney failure) it turned out alright in the end. We managed to get ahold of her ex-husband bc we knew he was a match, and he so very graciously agreed to donate 😭 I'm so thankful for him at the moment; even though he wasn't a very good husband
yay thank goodness!!! i’m so glad it all worked out, bless her ex-husband wow that was a really great thing of him to do (aside from being a shitty husband lmao.) i hope all is well in your family now and that your aunt has a successful and quick recovery! <3
So I saw that you've never watched supernatural and honestly, it's actually better than a lot of ppl say it is. It's definitely not the best show out there, but a lot of people give it shit just because of the fact that it's on the CW. Another thing people complain about is the queerbaiting but I don't think it's that bad tbh
i honestly don’t know anything about it lmao, i watched the first episode yeeeeears ago and wasn’t really hooked in so i was just like “eh it’s not for me”. i know some people who liked the earlier seasons so i bet they are good. i know @wanderlustonline likes it! it’s just never really interested me, and also YEAH LMAO i remember all the queerbaiting. i literally thought there was a character named destiel. just like i also thought there was a member of 1D named larry
people keep saying emilia (daenerys) can't act but the way she acts in GOT is literally how they want her to... i don't get how people don't understand that :/ look at her background, how she was raised. her character mostly ignores or hides her true emotions. to stay strong as a leader. in the last ep of S7 you can see the writers chose to let her character finally "break" and show her emotions. so i'm pretty sure you don't like dany's character writing, not the acting :P
the whole time reading this i was like “but that’s totally not how her character is?” but then i realized that’s probably how it is in the show. from what you’ve said, she honestly sounds so different from the books lol, and that’s just my main gripe: is that it doesn’t follow the story it was meant to. it’s diverged too much. so i guess you are right, but it’s kind of like comparing apples to oranges at this point when the show is so different. and i’ve only seen one season of this show, the most recent one because i wanted to witness the trainwreck of everything lmao. but i’ve heard a lot of people complain about her acting, which i’m sure is largely the writers’ and directors’ faults of course. but you can’t deny the girl moves her eyebrows too much and relies on that to convey her emotions omg. (she literally didn’t move them at all this season which makes me think they specifically told her not to so ppl would stop making memes of her ridiculous Acting faces)
anyway yeah i hate the writing most of all and i feel bad that the actors have to just deal with it at this point. especially nikolaj coster-waldau who basically shares the same relationship with GoT that robert pattinson did with twilight at this point. it’s so funny
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jilyss · 7 years
stood up
inspired by @jilys and @alrightpotter and everyone else who has made lovely group chat aus
this is one inspired by the prompt “i got stood up and you sat down and started talking to me who are you”
Lily Evans to Marlene McKinnon: what would u say if i broke ur heels
Marlene McKinnon: i would murder u w. Out thinkng abt it
Lily Evans: ….
Lily Evans: i broke ur heels
Lily Evans: marlene
Marlene McKinnon: blocked
Dorcas Meadows to diagnose me dr lily: lily
Dorcas Meadows: i have a rash on my arm lily diagnose me
Lily Evans: pneumonia
Dorcas Meadows: ???,,,,???? Its getting worse???...
Lily Evans: did u try turning it off and on again
Lily Evans: geez i m not a doctor yet
Marlene McKinnon to all boys r twats: dorcas i just saw snape and rosier following after lily
Marlene McKinnon: oh shIr
Marlene McKinnon: Lils
Marlene McKinnon: im coming to get u stay there
Lily Evans to Severus Snape: if u come near me again i will grind ur balls in a blender
Severus Snape: you know I’m right
Lily Evans: you’re a white supremacist
Lily Evans: YOU are wrong
Marlene McKinnon to Dorcas get me those spicy pita chips: what did snivelus say
Lily Evans: ‘’’’’im a nazi’’’’
Dorcas Meadows: rly
Lily Evans: no but basically
Lily Evans: i need booze asap
Marlene McKinnon: i got lots
Dorcas Meadows: omw
Dorcas Meadows to lily needs to get laid: mission imposible: how about Peter Pettigrew
Lily Evans: pass
Dorcas Meadows: u say that about everyone
Lily Evans: and
Lily Evans: i m focusing on school rn
Dorcas Meadows: do u even know who pettigrew is????,,?
Lily Evans:  y es
Marlene McKinnon: just one pls
Dorcas Meadows: lil if you go on one blind date ill take you to nandos
Lily Evans: deal
Lily Evans: but just one and not peter pettigreq
Lily Evans changed group name to i deserve better friends than these weeds
Lily Evans to Marlene McKinnon: where am i meeting him
Marlene McKinnon: corner of 165th by tha t pizza plce
Marlene McKinnon: he said hed b inside
Lily Evans: he better b hot
Marlene McKinnon to tminus 0 days until lilys date: LILY
Marlene McKinnon: IM SO SORRY
Marlene McKinnon: EVANS
Lily Evans to blondie + inferiors with rat nests: marlene he was rly hot ur the best
Lily Evans:  wait what
Dorcas Meadows: ?,,,,,,,???
Lily Evans: he stood me up?
Lily Evans: then who was i with last night
Lily Evans: Marlene McKinnon get ur butt over here with the nandos Marlene McKinnon: it’s 3am lily why did u just get back ;)))))
Lily Evans to James Potter: who r u rly
James Potter: oops
Lily Evans: r u actly james ?
James Potter: yeah srry i didnt know what to say u just kind of sat down
Lily Evans: ?? I was there first twat
James Potter: u were rly cute
James Potter: what cna i say
Lily Evans: so u just sat down with a random stranger and pretended to know me
James Potter: yes ?
Lily Evans sent a picture to group: what Do I dO
Marlene McKinnon: James Potter SAT NEXT TO YOU?
Dorcas Meadows: the CUTEST guy at on campus???
Marlene McKinnon: to clarify
Marlene McKinnon: the star football player who also happens to be v hot and buff sat next to u bc u were cute??
Lily Evans: i got stood up and i guess i didnt know who he was
Lily Evans: he was a little concieted
Lily Evans: and not that hot
Dorcas Meadows: ur in denial
Marlene McKinnon: ur name together is lames
Lily Evans: .....
Dorcas Meadows: so what happened after the date
Marlene McKinnon: u didn’t come back until late late
Lily Evans: ..nothing
Sirius Black to Remus Lupin: whats wrong with james
Remus Lupin: he went on a date with Lily Evans
Sirius Black: the redhead in his calc class
Remus Lupin: yeah
Sirius Black: oh
Sirius Black: he’s in a daze and wont move
Remus Lupin: tell him theres a spider on his bed
Sirius Black: he didn’t move
Remus Lupin: woW
Sirius Black: im calling 911
Remus Lupin: nO
Peter Pettigrew: too late
Marlene McKinnon to Sirius Black: theyre the worst
Sirius Black: tell lily to meet u at the library
Sirius Black: ill get james to go to
Sirius Black: also how did u get this #
Marlene McKinnon: it wastn that hard
Sirius Black to James Potter: meet me at hte library in 10
James Potter: u never study
James Potter: r u trying to set me up again with evans
Sirius Black: no ?
James Potter: wanker
James Potter: leaving now
Lily Evans to James Potter: im not good enough to be a doctor
Lily Evans: i just got fired from the pizza parlor
James Potter: yike what happened
Lily Evans: fell asleep during my break n missed my shift
James Potter: im coming with nandos
Lily Evans: im in the tesco parking lot
James Potter: np
Lily Evans to James Potter: ur gonna crush it today!!
James Potter: are u coming
Lily Evans: ofc
Marlene McKinnon to lily ate the chocholate and deserves disembowlment: lily and james just hugged after he won the cup and
Sirius Black: most sexually charged hug i’ve ever seen
Remus Lupin: is that an apostrophe
Sirius Black: there are more important things to worry about right now
Peter Pettigrew: who put Marlene on this chat
Lily Evans to We”RE OUT OF CHOCOCLATE: so
Lily Evans: theres this guy who is hot and toned
Lily Evans: and also happens to be mischevious and smart and is good at literally everything
Lily Evans: but also has a big head and generous and super rich
Lily Evans: and i cant tell if i hate him or like him
Dorcas Meadows: r u kidding me lily
Marlene McKinnon: a match made in heaven
Lily Evans: i cant TELL
Marlene McKinnon: im texting him right now
Lily Evans: NO DONT
Lily Evans: mar i will kill you im not even sure yet
Lily Evans: some people said i just want him as my sugar daddy
Marlene McKinnon: who said that
Dorcas Meadows: snape
Marlene McKinnon: he’s an asshat don’t listen to him
Lily Evans: but what if potter just leaves
Lily Evans: there are way better girls for him
Lily Evans: ones his parents would approve of
Dorcas Meadows: thats bs and u know it
Marlene McKinnon: ^
Lily Evan’s Notes: u just do everything perfectly theres nothing you could do wrong and its unfair and you have perfect messy hair thats so beautiful and i could stare at the stars for hours with you just because nothing can stop you and u want to learn everything like i do and your the only person i can call at 2am without worrying and your tall and i think im in love
James Potter to Lily Evans: sitting on third floor by statue of humphrey
Lily Evans: can you pick me up
James Potter: we have a quiz in five mins
Lily Evans: its important
James Potter: ill b right there
Sirius Black to twats + grammer twat: LAMES HAPPEND
Sirius Black changed group chat name to LAMES: THIRE SNOGGING IN TH PARKIING LOT
Remus Lupin: IM COMING Marlene McKinnon: freaking adorable
James Potter: twat
Lily Evans: shut up black
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davidmann95 · 7 years
I hear you on Potter being deceptively hard to world-build and an eventual failure in the making. Seeing the franchise name become "Wizarding World" is a bad sign but WB seems to forget Potter was a story with a clear ending, so it CAN'T go on eternally like Star Wars or superhero-verses. I'm already feeling bad on how new Potter media reflects on the main seven books. Anything else to add onto Potter & franchise-building in general: how hard it is and the roadblocks corporations face doing so?
I’ll admit, I definitely dropped that in there on purpose, because the idea of How To Make A Shared Universe is one that was preoccupying me a bit recently, and why Harry Potter it turns out can’t do that at all. Even setting aside how good or bad it might have been, Cursed Child is clearly redundant: there was one villain that all other evil flowed from in a very direct sense, his defeat closed the narrative for the main character, that’s the end, no other stories cry out to be told in this world. Yes, you can make a quintilogy about the guy who wrote one of that main characters’ textbooks, but it’s beyond pointless.
At the same time, Harry Potter seems like it should be conducive to the shared universe approach: there’s so much mythology and history setting up the scaffolding of that world, it feels as if you could explore its corners forever. But all of it, from the spells to the characters to the locations, ultimately come down to how they impact Harry. That’s not a flaw of the work, and those characters do breathe on their own, but it’s not *really* an ensemble piece. Only the one guy’s got his name on the cover (well, Sirius and Snape had their nicknames on covers, but you know). Everything relevant feeds back to him and his development one way or another, and once his story is done, the world ends with him. It’s rich set dressing, but for a purpose that has been served.
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Star Wars on the other hand, as the star of the day (or at least the day I received this ask) and therefore my primary positive example? Just going by that first movie, while there’s one character in particular whose narrative ends up driving everything, one of the first things we learn about Star Wars is that a lot of people’s very different stories are propelling this world forward, from comedic robot duos to gun-slinging space smugglers to princesses overseeing galaxy-spanning conflicts to wizard samurai to plucky teens in search of adventure. They’re all relevant, and because of that we as the audience are to understand that all the corners of that world they represent are themselves relevant.
Thinking about it, I ended up laying out some rules for how these mass universes (on the Star Wars/DC/Marvel scale) tend to work:
1. They can’t be set in what we’d comfortably call the real world. If it is, there’s no real shared conceits, beyond the ones us real schmucks already live by, and aside from that the characters could run into each other, the connection is immaterial. The Middle and The Office might exist in the same universe, but besides a theoretical crossover episode, what opportunities spring from that connection that justify making it in the first place, that’d make people go “wow, they exist in the same world, this changes everything about how they both work”? If two or more fantastical things coexist though, you’re multiplying the number of things you’re permitted to bring into each other’s narrative spaces, meaning crossovers can thereby make both worlds exponentially richer.
1a. Speaking of conceits, generally speaking there does need to be a shared one or two that’s specific beyond the very concept of “magic/time travel/etc. exists,” to show why all this stuff needs to be in the same world.
2. Closely tied with the above, there needs to be the opportunity to explore multiple genres in that world; if you want this place to feel rich, it has to be able to feel like all kinds of stuff is going on in there.
3. Closely related, the idea that there are multiple figures of significance worth following beyond their involvement in one or two other peoples’ stories in this world is crucial.
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I talked about Star Wars and how it invites diverse genre possibilities a bit already, so let’s go with my own favorite shared universe in the DCU. While I tend to think it actually works best when the ties that bind them are fairly loose, let’s cover what the core Justice League alone bring in:
* With Superman and J’onn, it’s clear that aliens exist in this universe, that they may have fantastic abilities by our pitiful human standards (or may gain them under special circumstances), that both literal little green men from Mars beyond our ken and incredible Flash Gordon-style pulp sci-fi civilizations of near-humans number among them, faster-than-light-travel and teleportation are on the table to get them here, at least one brings an entire ghost dimension with him, and they may well wear elaborate uniforms and publicly devote their lives to protecting Earth, while also living among us as humans in “secret identities”. Their adventures in pursuit of this duty can take them from the depths of space to the inside of men’s minds.
* Batman shows that humans can also devote themselves to the same mission with the same basic methods of operation, that these weird costumed characters can fight flashy stylized murderers with elaborately themed Rube Goldberg-esque master plans, and that said human vigilante can in fact function and defeat them with access to a perfect physique, virtually every existing human skillet, a set of gadgets and vehicles that wouldn’t be out of place in James Bond, and a network of allies, i.e. superheroing is an option theoretically on the table for anyone and everyone in the right circumstances, and they can get so good at it as to earn a spot on the big table with people with superhuman powers.
* Wonder Woman and Aquaman demonstrate that magic, hidden civilizations that may emerge to impact humanity at any time, and literal gods are also on the table - and those of such realms may take classical heroic journeys to save our own world.
* Flash shows that just any old normal human can get powers like these under the right (if still improbable) circumstances, as well as bringing in time-travel and expeditions to other universes.
* Green Lantern shows that all these incredible forces can and will take notice of humanity directly, and declares that even our literal emotions can have a tangible, cosmos-shattering impact when the right super sci-fi tools are applied, and that we may take part in a universe-spanning mythology that extends from galactic military campaigns to beat cop work.
Even if you deleted the rest of DC Comics tomorrow, you could easily rebuild a world from those seven characters and the first principles they represent. There’s a ton going on. And at the same time it makes sense that they can and should all sit in a room together, because they share similar aesthetics and basic goals; that they’re the founders of their own genre all coexisting together in one world is itself a solid, unique central hook to justify building a universe around them.
I think those rules hold up pretty well. Take Kingdom Hearts: much as I love it, it isn’t well-suited to an expanded universe setup. While there’s a lot of crazy magic and super-science and alien races and mythology in there, it all only really comes down to the people with the keyblades, and they just go from world to world to beat a given bad guy or seal a keyhole; there’s only so much you can obviously justify doing if you stray away from that core premise. Star Trek on the other hand for instance, while centering around a singular organization, has such a broad mission statement - go Out There to find new life and new civilizations - in the context of multiple ensemble piece programs that you can do just about anything with those crews, from dealing with metaphors of race relations to getting thrown into the 1930s to meeting actual Greek gods, and as such a whole empire of TV shows and movies and novels and comics and audiobook dramas and whatnot makes total sense. That’s what it comes down to: if there’s a real feeling that this is a world that can plausibly have anything, then there’s no reason not to do do everything with that set-up.
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In a corporate sense like you ask the basic principles don’t change, just the budgets depending on the medium and which characters you can wrangle if it’s an adaptation. I do admire though how the MCU and the DC TV shows have made it work in the public consciousness, particularly how they sidestepped the possible uncanny valley involved with the concept by slowly building up to their weirder elements. The MCU kicked off with a normal guy in an - admittedly extraordinary - exosuit he built fighting terrorists and other guys in exosuits, the next had a monster but one of science gone wrong in building a super-soldier, the next had a god but in another dimension, with most of his time spent on Earth being mortal, and the straight-up costumed superhero of the bunch was in a pulpy period setting, with only Avengers finally doing a straight-up superhero action movie where they all get together with some super-spies to fight aliens. The CW’s world started off with a single crimefighter without even Batman’s allowances for a strict moral code and a flamboyant theme, slowly introduced super-drugs, eventually allowed super-beings but in a limited context with a single well-defined source point, then time travel, and then magic, and then aliens but in another universe, and then finally they let it all sit together with all of these becoming normal elements regularly crossing over and teaming up with superheroes as an established part of that world. Not that it necessarily has to be that way - I have problems with the DCEU, but it isn’t that it kicked off with Superman and then immediately brought in the rest of the Justice League, even if the insistence on pseudo-realism seems odd in that context - but especially in the early stages of making this something that can work for the first time on TV (aside from Trek, but those didn’t often cross over on TV and didn’t branch out nearly as much) and in movies, I bet it helped.
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penumbra-rp · 5 years
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Becky, you will be playing the role of Narcissa Black! 
A cold intelligence clings to her slender frame. She sits pretty, reapplying lipstick to hide the small smirk that forms upon her mouth when others call her sisters headstrong, daring, and bold, leaving only the sweetest of words for the youngest of the brood. It is all as mother dearest taught her: the trick to being powerful is through well-maintained appearances that distract from a sharp mind.
Admin Ash: I would like to preface by saying that my love for Narcissa Black knows ( zero ) bounds. She’s quite literally the ice queen of my dreams, and the queen of my heart. I have said it once and I will say it once again, Becky, I have not encountered a single Narcissa portrayed with the sheer amount of chilling aloofness and effortless elegance as yours. She’s such a multi-faceted woman ( not that she'd ever allow you to know that about her ), the epitome of looking like the innocent flower but being the serpent under it -- and as she speaks, you can hear the calculation with her every well-strung sentence and deliberate pause. She is the golden girl, prim and proper and perfect, and I can’t wait to see the porcelain crack beneath the weight of her family’s expectations coupled with the darkness overtaking her inner circle. 
01. Out of Character
NAME: Becky
AGE: 23
YOUR BIRTHDAY: 17th January
PRONOUNS: she/her
02. In Character
CHARACTER: Narcissa Black
[+] Eloquent: She is incredibly well-spoken and knows how to piece together an argument. Being persuasive is a useful skill to have when she plans her life so meticulously, precise in all that she does. Her words are posed with thought, careful and calculated, never one to speak without thinking.
[+] Dedicated: If Narcissa says she will do something, there is very little that will deter her from giving up ( besides being asked to do so by someone superior ), particularly if it involves supporting her family. She stands by ideals and traditions, defending all that she loves with a loyal, icy fierceness. Failure is not an option.
[+] Charming: Being raised on silver spoonfuls of aristocracy, Narcissa knows how to talk the talk. She is something of a people pleaser and has perfected the art of flattery, mirroring what she believes to be the ideal version of herself in the eyes of her conversation partner.
[-] Reserved: Narcissa prefers her own space and certainly doesn’t share her innermost feelings with ease. Openly seeking affection and comfort is considered a show of weakness and, as a Black, she knows better than to let people know when she is hurting.
[-] Cold: Unless you’re considered important by her, you will be met by a politely arched eyebrow and a request that you don’t stand so close. She has very little patience for the scoundrels and troublemakers who could bruise her otherwise pristine reputation and she certainly won’t make much effort to be friendly to them.
[-] Insecure: Don’t be fooled by her facade, Narcissa is plagued by her perfectionist nature and relies heavily on the opinions of others to determine her self-worth. She strives to be the best and won’t settle for anything less, no matter how much she has to sacrifice in the process.
Prologue  |  Let it be known that Narcissa Black begins her life as a soft, gentle creature. This is a reminder that ice takes time to form. That children are neither good nor bad, but something in between that teeters on the edge of being both. With shielded smiles and knowing eyes, it is not her but her family who encourage the darkness. Their bloodline are named after stars; they shine through the gloom and know how to cope with it, but she is a flower plunged into a world where she should not thrive. Should not grow. It is for this reason that her life is theirs to mould and shape.
Appearance  |  She’s born with the family’s signature dark hair, glossy and beautiful, a deep brown that matches the mansion’s ebony wood floor. The blond hair dye changes that. Narcissa loves her sisters dearly, but her first week at university is marred by countless people mistaking her for Bella and Andy. Staying out of her siblings’ shadows requires work. It requires a delicate sort of shining; daffodils in the wake of winter. Religiously maintained golden hair catches in the light from then on, paired with a regal posture and a dedication to her appearance that some regard as narcissistic. She makes herself unobtainable. Untouchable.
Family  |  She takes after her mother, that much is clear from a very young age. Her father accepts this without much protest for he has already managed to twist the mind of their eldest daughter into something more lethal, leaving Narcissa to fill her own with the scent of her mother’s perfume and an appreciation for all things expensive. She grows increasingly protective of her, not standing for anyone saying a bad word about the woman she looks up to. Matriarchal instincts are passed on like an heirloom. She is primed, polished, and presented by her parents at every social function available. The darling daughter, the epitome of Sacred 28 society. Her shoulders forget how to relax, too busy carrying the weight of their expectations. She knows that there is a list of things that she must be (pretty, quiet, obedient) and that she cannot fail at this. They offer her up to the press circling in the water as if to prove that everything they touch turns to gold. A cold intelligence clings to her slender frame. She sits pretty, reapplying lipstick to hide the small smirk that forms upon her mouth when others call her sisters headstrong, daring, and bold, leaving only the sweetest of words for the youngest of the brood. It is all as mother dearest taught her: the trick to being powerful is through well-maintained appearances that distract from a sharp mind.
Career  |  Narcissa learns how to sell herself, sell the company, sell the upper-class dream. They’re all the same thing, after all. Nobody is surprised when she’s hired as Director of Marketing – but they do all assume it’s nepotism that got her there. Narcissa makes no comment, well-learned in the fine language of silence. Deeply devoted to her job, just as she is her family and their fashion house, her success in all things is gauged in adoration and social media likes. She harvests each and every one, tending to the comments section of Instagram photos with meticulous care. Each image is created to reflect the epitome of perfection.
Secrets |  Blood looks black at night, a dark expanse pooling across marble floor. She wasn’t supposed to be there. Wasn’t supposed to see that. The motorbike visor concealing the killer’s face flicks up, accompanied by a breathy “Shit.” She takes one more look at the murdered body and turns away, swearing herself to secrecy. Terrible things happen behind closed doors; she has always known this. And if that is what it takes to keep the things she loves, so be it.
Beliefs  |  Narcissa believes in hierarchy. She believes in social ladders and career ladders and corporate ladders and many other ladders, all of which she sits at the very top rung of, looking down. In her mind, status serves to sort the gems from the rocks. And whilst she believes that the Sacred 28 are the elite, she disagrees entirely with the idea of a world without any competition. You can hardly hold onto the title of the best without companies to be compared against.
i. How do you feel about your current occupation?
Their question is regarded with a critical gaze, as is the face of the person who had uttered it. Narcissa is unafraid of silence. She knows it is there that power truly lies. Her answer takes its time to form upon her tongue. “The need to ask that suggests you haven’t made the effort to do any form of background research into me before starting this interview. My current occupation – my only occupation – is the second most important thing to me. The first being my family, which, given the overlap between them and my job, should give you some idea of just how much it means to me.”
ii. What song would you say describes yourself?
The unorthodox question takes her by surprise, although only someone who knew her body language well, who had learnt her cues ( Andromeda comes to mind; Bellatrix and Maya, too ) – the inaudible exhale of air; the slow blink of mascara-lined lashes; the brief parting of her lips – would be able to tell. “I think,” Narcissa begins, prim caution evident in her tone, “that you would get a more accurate answer were you to ask someone else to pick a song to describe me.” It’s an untrue statement, she’s aware as she says it. Nobody knows her better than herself. Nobody ever will if she has any say in the matter. She falls silent, standing without warning to cross the room and take a seat at the baby grand piano ( a birthday gift for her twenty-third ). “I don’t think you’re going to know it.” Fingertips press against the smooth keys, feeling their weight with each touch as she begins, refusing to lift her gaze asthe song drifts into the room.
iii. Does reputation matter to you?
“Absolutely.” The four syllables are firm and polished as they slip from her lips, accompanied by a gentle nod of certainty. Her life is built on a foundation that relies on the importance of stature and prestige. It is, perhaps, her guiding light. Her sole goal. Perfection of character, above all else. “If reputation stopped mattering to people, they would no longer strive to be the best version of themselves. They would lower their standards and risk getting lost amongst the masses of those who think they can do whatever they want and act however they please.” Her mind snags without her permission on thoughts of Sirius, the already poised length of her spine straightening a fraction more. “Nothing good comes to those who refuse to listen to other people’s opinions of them.”
iv. What is your relationship with your parents like?
A flicker of warmth dances across otherwise well-schooled features, fondness creeping into her tone. “I adore my mother. She is strong, and wise, and beautiful. I’ve never looked up to anyone more than I do her.” It has been that way for as long as she can remember; her youngest memory that of racing to keep up with her mother’s high-heeled strides, mimicking the posture of her walk, wanting to be as similar to her as any child does their hero. Reverie shifts to something hollower but no less adoring as Narcissa moves on to her father. “Daddy is a darling and puts up with my sisters and me so patiently. He has also ways been so good to us.” But she loves him for the blood they share and little else, just as he does her. Raising her chin, she allows a sliver of truth to shed its wings and free itself from the self-made cage of her chest. “I just want to make them both proud.”
v. What languages can you speak?
“Deux. French and Latin.” Two is a safe answer. Two is the sort of answer that doesn’t have people questioning whether she is perhaps more intellectually sharp than she would like them to believe. And it’s not necessarily a lie, not when French and Latin are the languages she is most efficient with, the ones she has been speaking for the longest alongside her native tongue. They do not need to know that she has also learnt Mandarin and Spanish, nor that Narcissa Black takes strength from being more than others assume.
vi. If your home was on fire and you could only save one item, what would you choose?
“That’s a horrible thing to ask someone and hardly appropriate.” She looks mildly taken aback, as if merely considering such an event has caused her some form of offence. Being materialistic should mean that she’d cherish the chance to re-furnish after only saving one item, but thought and care has gone into making her shared penthouse suite feel like a home for herself and Maya. “It’s impossible to answer. So I won’t.”
vii. Which Hogwarts University faculty did you study at? The Gryffindor School of Applied Science, the Ravenclaw School of Humanities, the Slytherin School of Social Science, or the Hufflepuff School of Art?
She has always looked good in ivy green; her parents had been sure to make that point when they’d placed the university prospectus down in front of her during breakfast. But it’s not that she hadn’t had a choice, not when her degree is precisely what she has always excelled at. “Slytherin School. I studied Marketing Communications at undergrad.” There’s a pause. The interviewer’s expectation prompts her to add more. “And Graphic Design for my masters.” She doesn’t mention what school that course belonged to. Her father had been all too efficient in getting it erased from her Wikipedia page and her name omitted from online information regarding Hufflepuff School alumni.
vix. What is your social media username?
“Cissablack.” A business card is pulled from her purse and slid in their direction across polished mahogany. Gold accents catch the light, bright against the matte black background. “All one word.”
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consciousowl · 7 years
Who Said UFO’s Are Bogus?
You may remember the stunning scenes in Stephen Spielberg’s masterpiece, Close Encounters, where UFO’s keep zooming over and around Muncie, Indiana utterly capturing the imagination of the Richard Dreyfuss character, Roy Neary. Roy receives a psychic call to go meet them somehow, and is willing to risk everything in the process.
There are more things in heaven and earth…
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Shakespeare’s Hamlet
I was under the very same skies as Stephen Spielberg when he conceived his first movie, Firefly, which he showed in 16 millimeters at the Phoenix Art Museum. I was only a kid back then, and we were all spooked out about what we called “flying saucers,” at the height of the Cold War. That was when ICBM missiles were first being deployed and Russia was winning the Space Race.
What has happened with UFO’s? They seem to come and go in waves, and yet they are permanently embedded in our psychic imagination, what Carl Jung called “the imaginal realm.”​
What Are UFO’s?
UFO means “Unidentified Flying Object,” and stands for just that. UFO’s can be ANY moving object in the sky, whether a cloud formation, a balloon, a flock of birds, a meteor, a space launch or an airplane, propeller or jet. For whatever reason, people observing it on the ground or in the sky can’t make out what it is, and can’t rule out that it might be of “extra-terrestrial” origin.
At least 5% of the tens of thousands of citing’s cannot easily be explained away by existing phenomenon, even after rigorous reviews by Intelligence. This is not a trivial matter, as you can just imagine all the junk up in the sky, rockets, test or otherwise, and every sort of airplane.
A common assumption behind UFO’s is that they come from outer space and are advanced craft operated by highly intelligent beings that defy known laws of physics. For example, they can be stationery, and then suddenly zoom up at 200,000 thousand miles an hour without making any noise.
Why Are UFO’s Important?
UFO’s suggest that we, as humanity, are not alone in the universe. We, along with the dolphins and whales, are not the only forms of intelligent life. Other species, within or outside our solar system, may be more advanced than us.
UFO citing’s refuse to go away, and have been observed for centuries, not simply since World War II. They may even be implied in ancient sacred texts, such as the Bible and the Hindu’s Ramayana epic. It is highly possible that they, and angels, may refer to the same order of being, and are transdimensional, meaning they can appear or disappear at will.
Let us not forget that UFO’s are a multibillion-dollar industry in Hollywood, in the publishing industry and in specialized conferences and conventions around the world where well-educated people engage in wild speculation.​
Overwhelming Evidence
Incidents and sworn affidavits keep piling up around the world entailing witnesses at the highest levels, political and military, as well as a host of ordinary citizens. Voluminous photographs, films and video have been archived and continue to be released, some highly incriminating, like little men in space suits walking across an airport.
It has been estimated that there are close to a quarter million such reports, including North America, Europe and Russia, occurring day and night. Even more disconcerting, extremely credible people, such as astronauts Edwin Mitchell, who landed on the moon, and Gordon Cooper, an early Mercury astronaut, have given testimony.​
Were it not for flying saucers, we might well wonder if we would have ever developed the space program, or seen the emergence of such awesome movies as 2001, Star Wars and Star Trek. We are now already at the point of having launched probes at most of the planets, as well as beyond our solar system.
Are UFO’s Even Physically Possible?
If you have studied physics, you may be asking yourself, how could extraterrestrials from star systems other than our sun have possibly made it here? The Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across, and the known universe is 100 billion light years across. Even the nearest stars, such as Sirius, require several years for their light to reach us.
​Humanity hasn’t even come close to the speed of light, 186,000 miles PER SECOND, managing only tens of thousands of miles PER HOUR. We are currently focused on solid rocket fuel, or hydrogen power. While we hear of electromagnetic propulsion, this is not widely known.
The limits of the speed of light have all been called into question by the new physics. Even Albert Einstein, as stubborn as he could be, deeply questioned his own notions of space-time. The discovery of nonlocality maintains that two originally paired particles on opposite sides of the universe can correlate their spins. Neither space nor time is an inherent limitation.
What is going on here?​
Why Do Most Governments Deny UFO’s?
While the military has spent decades researching thousands of citing’s, they have managed to come up with alternative explanations in most, but not all, cases. The attitude is much along the lines of…. This CAN’T HAPPEN, so it DIDN’T HAPPEN.
Decades back, the US Air Force suspended their known studies, maintaining that they had not arrived at any conclusive evidence, despite rumors of extraterrestrial crashes from Roswell, New Mexico to the Amazon basin. Bodies and materials not of this world were photographed. Of course, officials are quick to suggest this is all an elaborate hoax.​
A deeper reason is fear that a public announcement of official landings might set off a panic around the world that would incite massive chaos. One need only think of Orson Well’s fake radio announcement of the War of the Worlds back in 1937, where listeners actually died of heart attacks.
Are UFO’s Classified and Secret Military Experiments?
Militaries around the world are routinely given elaborate research and development budgets in the billions of dollars that don’t require detailed accounting. They have access to the best minds and the most advanced materials. One thinks of the stealth bombers used in the Gulf War that could break the sound barrier while masking their wave signature to be undetectable to radar.
These technological breakthroughs, which may be comparable to the evolution of the original 1984 Macintosh to the iPhone Plus, remain classified and even top secret. Information is given out on a strictly need-to-know basis. This is to ensure strategic advantage against other government, either for defensive or offensive purposes.
We still can’t be sure that our military-industrial complex is up to producing the advanced materials and thrust apparent in the more elaborate UFO accounts, such as a silent mothership floating in the sky that suddenly disappears. Think of Star Trek, or Star Wars.​
Sensationalized Narratives
Just attend a UFO convention or a major New Age festival to find organizations pedaling the most far-out stories imaginable. This is a lucrative business. William Gibson coined the phrase “the future is now,” referring to science fiction as the “golden ghetto.” Most novelists won’t touch it, but those who do stand to make a mint. Just think of the work of Philip K. Dick.
It is widely thought that hundreds of thousands of aliens live among us. The story is that they landed on the White House lawn back in 1947 and cut a deal with President Truman that “we won’t bother you, if you don’t bother us.” These intelligent beings were supposedly given an underground base in Area 51, where we had incidentally done atmospheric tests on our hydrogen bombs.​
Views of the alien are either benign or paranoid. We have to suppose that Europe and America have projected onto the skies the exploitation they have been inflicted on indigenous peoples since Christopher Columbus. One fanciful writer claims that President Obama, as a young man, went to a star gate, an interplanetary portal where he was transdimensionally jumped to an underground military base on Mars!
The more you study these stories, the more fuel you will have to come up with your own blockbuster action/adventure movie, such as ID4: Independence Day.​
The Problem with Conspiracy Theories
There is no end to freaky stories. They are almost all about what is “out there” that is about to do something to you. Most of them are second or third-hand accounts, and quite often someone is making a lot of money off the charade. Conspiracy theories are the perfect confidence game: we never landed on the moon, the intelligence community staged 9/11 and Elvis Presley stills walks the suburban streets.
I, personally, have never seen an aerial phenomenon that I am certain was a flying saucer. I have never met an E.T., an extraterrestrial alien, with one exception. When I started my studies at Cal Berkeley, I met a snappy, older man in a red beret who claimed he was born on Mars. Back then, people at Berkeley did things like that. So I never took him all that seriously.
Conspiracy theories can be a marvelous diversion, but they can also drain all the energy out of you. You get all wired up, unable to concentrate on anything else. You are utterly disempowered. Strangely enough, the people who manufacture such stories often grin a lot. One need only think of Steven Greer, M.D., who can stretch your thinking beyond all reason.​
Would a Public UFO Landing Wipe Out Religion?
Let us say that a really classy UFO silently landed in Times Square, stopping all the traffic. If the dapper humanoid crew climbed out to greet the foot traffic, most religions wouldn’t be ruffled. We have already witnessed the moon landing, and the development of the computer industry with the World Wide Web. The Berlin Wall came tumbling down, and “Red” China became highly commercialized.
If I was a rigid fundamentalist who could only treat sacred texts literally and had zero appreciation of mythology as a literary genre, it might be very different. I might, for example, consider little green men, or whatever they were, as a satanic delusion. Christ died for humanity. Why should we suppose He would die for the plants and animals, let alone thankless aliens?
If I were convinced that we have a God of absolute Love, and Christ is the ultimate expression of that Love, I would see Christ, much like an E.T., as the one who came to our Planet to wake us up to our own divinity. I would then greet the alien with the Hindu “Namaste!” (“I salute the divinity within you.”)​
Are UFO’s Actually “Out There” or “In Here”?
If we are honest with ourselves, each of us creates our own experience. No one or nothing is actually “out there” wholly independent of us, just as our bodies “over here” are totally dependent upon your observation “over there.” We are all brothers and sisters. We are all ONE. My only true Self can be none other than GOD.
When we get back in touch with the context of our experience, we realize the Context of All Contexts, in which spin the galaxies. Any and all UFO’s and extraterrestrial intelligences can live only within that ultimate context.
If we go all the way in metaphysics, and plunge into the full spectrum of mystical experience, we will find that we can include any phenomenon. In so far as we are truly enlightened, we can channel love, and make anyone our friend. Why can’t we greet ET’s as angels here to deliver an important message? Stop the arms race and start healing your Mother Planet.​
UFO’s: A Personal Perspective
Humanity has been dealing with mysteries for a very long time. All the great religious traditions have accounts that suggest UFO’s or aliens of some kind, more particularly “angels” or divine messengers. In the Modern Age, we swept the unknown under the carpet. Science will disclose all truth and lead us into a millennium of peace. As you may have noticed, that has yet to happen. Thus, it is time to do a second take.
Most probably aliens are just as real as anything in front of your face. We assume our bodies are more real than our thoughts, and our thoughts than our love. Perhaps the opposite is true. UFO’s lie within our collective experience. Many of the advocates are brilliant, accomplished people who are anything but raving lunatics foaming at the mouth. Many have staked their reputation and lives on Disclosure. We must honor their courage.​
Nobody has it all figured out. Everyone deserves to be heard. We must open up our hearts and minds. I feel humanity is close at hand to a revelation an order-of-magnitude beyond anything that has ever occurred. Clearly the time has come.
If we greeted everyone around us as a divine visitor from heaven, the world would most certainly be a better place, and we wouldn’t feel quite so compelled to leave!​
What Do You Think?
We at Conscious Owl welcome your thoughts. UFO’s and ET’s are highly subjective. People often get the best insights around this subject within a lucid dream. Please share with us your insights and perspectives. This exercise will be worthwhile if we come even a step closer to the truth.
Who Said UFO’s Are Bogus? appeared first on http://consciousowl.com.
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marlmckitten · 7 years
Can you do a smutty fic where Marlène and Sirius are drunk at a Gryffindor party and they have sex but they are like used to it so they have like a routine
Gryffindor had won the final Quidditch game of the year. And for the seventh years, it was an excuse to go out with a bang. It was one of the largest parties the Mauraders had ever thrown in their seven years at Hogwarts. Complete with lots of booze and even McGonagall decided to turn a blind eye. They only had a few months left, what was the point now? Marlene had been watching James and Sirius celebrate in the centre of all the attention, while Lily scolded them for drinking to much. Of course her boyfriend obliged, but for Sirius there was no stopping him. Him and Marlene had been casually dating for a while now, but usually weren’t super affectionate in public. So it wasn’t a surprise to her that he was busy with his friends, she just kept an eye on all the girls who tried throwing their hair in his face and batting their eyelashes his way. He didn’t look at any of them. Occasionally he would toss a smile towards Marlene and that was enough to keep her appeased. When Lily finally dragged James away, probably to snog him in one of their hiding places, Sirius drunkenly made his way over to Marlene. “Well there you are, McKitten, why don’t you want to party with the rest of us?” He asked loudly, leaning on the table beside her to steady his balance.Raising her own bottle, she swished it around to show that it was almost empty. “I can party without keeping the whole dorm up, Black,” she replied flirtatiously.
He clearly had enough alcohol coursing through his veins that he forgot about his usual reluctance for any type of public affection. Running his fingers through her blonde hair he leaned down to kiss her forehead in what was an attempt at a cute, gentle kiss, but he ended up misjudging and ramming his chin painfully against her forehead. “Oh, shit, sorry McKinney,” he rubbed her forehead as if to prevent her from being in any sort of pain.
But Marlene only laughed, pulling him down onto her lap, “You’re drunk.”
“So are you!” He declared loudly, slurring all three words together.
“Not as drunk as you are, I think,” she giggled, bringing her bottle to her lips and letting the last of the alcohol slide down her throat. “I am, however, out of alcohol, what do you say we get some more?” She winked at him.
But he stayed seated, cupped her face in his hands and this time managed to properly kiss her. Taken off guard by all the passion, she let his lips engulf hers in a heated kiss that had the rest of the Gryffindor girls, and some of the boys, pouting angrily. Clearly none of them thought that drunk Sirius would still remain loyal to Marlene. He deepened their kiss, by pushing his tongue past her lips, which she gratefully allowed. Before long their whole bodies were intertwined, his hands pushed under her skirt and hers tangled with his hair.
It was Remus who broke them up by smacking Sirius over the head with a book. “Get a room guys,” he advised, to which the pureblood wizard replied with a goofy grin.
“I love this girl, I will snog her wherever I like!” He announced loud enough for most of the room to hear.
This time it was Marlene’s chance to slap him lightly, “Don’t talk, you’re ruining it,” she laughed. They were far from I love you’s, but also drunk enough not to care. And so she pushed him off of her and straightened her skirt. “To alcohol,” she pointed out the portrait and Sirius nodded in agreement.
“Bye-bye Moony, we will be back later with more firewhiskey!”
A squeaky voice chased after him, “Wait, Padfoot! We have more, right here!” But Sirius pretended not to hear Peter’s voice as he chased Marlene out of the Gryffindor common room.
“When is he going to catch on that when I say we need more of something we literally never come back with anything?” Marlene giggled, taking her boyfriends hand in hers and walking quickly down the corridor. Much like James and Lily, Marlene and Sirius had a few regular places they disappeared to. Neither of them had to think much about where they were headed until they found the staircase that so few students used since it was a very long flight up to a small spot that overlooked the grounds. It really wasn’t much use for anything to most of the school. But it was perfect for the young couple.
“He can think whatever he wants,” Sirius chortled as they started up the stairs. “As long as he’s not following us, I’m fine.” The two of them stumbled multiple times and always laughed it off, eventually they got to the landing before the next part of the passageway and Sirius stopped her there, “I don’t know about you, darling, but I really don’t like waiting to have you,” he grinned and wrapped his arms tight around her, pushing her up against the cool wall.
The blonde smirked in response and resumed their kiss from earlier, eager for the feeling of Sirius’ hands all over her again. He gladly picked up where he had let off. His hands found warmth under her skirt again, running up and down her legs, before resting on her buttocks. In return, she pulled at his robes, demanding to feel his shoulders and arms around her. It didn’t take long, it never did, for him to remove his shirt and for her to quickly throw hers aside as well. He watched her chest heave up and down with her breaths, trapped in their fabric confinement. He loved her breasts, they were perfect, always soft milky, he moved his hands away from her backside so he could unclasp her bra and release her bosom for him. Leaning down he captures one of her perky nipples inside his mouth and she mewled in content at the feeling. “That’s a sound I could listen to all day,” he purred as his mouth switched to torment the other for a few minutes.
She moaned his name, as she knew he loved and felt her whole body heating up, despite the coolness of the dark walls surrounding them. She arched into him as his teeth clamped down just gently enough for the hair on her neck to stand on end, pleasure already rippling through her. Marlene felt her pink panties go wet as he finished off with her nipples and took her lips again. His hand continued to massage her breasts as she shook under him and his right hand made its way up to her neck. “What do you want, Marls?” He breathed into her ear between a few light nibbles.
Fuck, she never understood how he could always turn her on so fast before even touching her down there. “I want you.” She replied needy.
“Is that all?”
“Always only you,” she promised him. The blonde knew how possessive he could get and how much hearing that he was all she ever wanted would please him.
“Very good, my dear,” he let go of her neck and roughly threw her skirt from her body, leaving her in nothing but her light pink knickers. “This is some nice lace, you’ve got town here, Mar, were you expecting something tonight?”
She moaned into his touch as he felt how wet she already was for him. “I was hoping,” she responded, “I haven’t had you in a week.”
“And is that why you’re already dripping?” He commented, grey eyes lighting up as he slipped a finger through the side of her panties and slid it between her folds.
Marlene was finding it hard to continue talking. “You should realize by now, you always get me like this,” she admitted truthfully, in hopes that it would appease him enough to touch her more. She could instead comment on how hard he surely already was, but he made that apparent enough when he shoved his hips against her leg and she felt his member jabbing into her.
He was done with talking as well, he removed the last garment from her and his fingers once again trailed through her lips, causing her spine to arch into him once again, shivers running over it. She knew that he would grow inpatient soon, she just had to wait but fuck why did he always do this to her? Always wait until she was quivering under him to give her what she wanted. “Come on,” she moaned as he did it a few times, carefully skipping her throbbing clit.
“Whatever you like,” he grinned and stuck his forefinger inside of her, his thumb hitting her pink nub and causing her to shriek out in a flash of gratification. He only pushed his finger into her a few times, before he wanted her too badly to continue teasing. She helped him quickly throw away the rest of his clothing, taking a moment to admire his cock, dripping with precum, ready for her. He had one hand on her hip and the other on the wall behind her when she guided him into her entrance. A moment later with a soft grunt, he forced his way inside, her wetness welcoming him in.
Marlene threw her head back in pleasure, his name escaping her once again. His initial few thrusts were slow but he very quickly picked up the pace. Marlene liked him rough and he never complained. Their hips grinded together as he slammed in and out of her, by now he had memorized the exact pace and angels that would have her moans echoing down the deserted staircase. “Fuck Sirius,” her voice was shakey and desperate with need for him.
He moved his hand away from her hip as she had mimicked his movements without any help, and took his finger to press against her clit for extra stimulation, he needed to ensure that his lover would come before he would. With a sharp gasp as he did so Marlene could feel the warmth between her thighs about to explode. She tightened around Sirius, lifting one of her legs to wrap around his waist, pulling him in even deeper, if that were even possible. He continued pumping into her, “Fuck,” he groaned as her leg shifted and her walls became so tight he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold on. He pushed harder with his thumb and moved his lips to bite down on her ear. The combination of sensations threw Marlene over the edge and she screamed out his name in orgasm.
Sirius didn’t stop thrusting into her as he rode out her orgasm, making it last for as long as he could before he finally spilled out into her. The pair stayed against the wall, letting the coolness wash over them and help them catch their breath again. Both damp with sweat from their sex. Eventually Sirius removed himself from her and Marlene felt the wetness between her legs making a mess down her legs and couldn’t help a light laugh. “Shower, then back to the common room?” She asked him as he passed her bra to her.
“Of course, darling,” he grinned, stumbling slightly when he leaned down to grab his own clothes next. He knew that shower meant, she had what she wanted, but now that she had her first orgasm out of the way she would want a slower, more passionate one next. Half the school may have been waiting for them to break up, but they could already perfectly read each others wants and needs and had absolutely no intention of wandering to anyone new
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