#from drummle
penig · 9 months
If anybody reading Great Expectations thinks that the ending posted in Dickens Daily today is BS - Dickens thought so, too. It's not the ending he first wrote. He was pressured into it.
I do not say that this character development is impossible for Estella. I say that it is unsatisfying for it to happen offstage. I say that even if I saw it happening in front of me I'd resent it if the aroace sentiments Estella professed in earlier chapters - in the only honest, straightforward conversations she and Pip have - were solely imposed by the grinding trauma of her upbringing and the more overt suffering of being Mrs Drummle somehow softened her back to her "natural loving womanly" nature. I say that I'm from Missouri on this one - if you want me to believe this, you're gonna have to show me.
Assuming that Pip is not in a stable polycule with Herbert and Clara (a possibility that I doubt ever crossed Dickens's mind, but which to a modern reader looks like the best romantic option the narrative offers him), his conversation with Biddy sounds very like someone who has outlived the masochisticly romantic tendencies of his youth and settled into a comfortably celibate maturity. This seems a much healthier outcome than getting together with the object of his old obsession, with whom he never passed a happy hour.
We place a high value on romance, and Victorian society - and Dickens specifically - placed a high value on heterosexual domestic life based on a romantic sexual love; but these are not the only ways to be happy, and in fact striving to get them and insisting on not being happy till they are acquired has made many people very unhappy indeed over the years.
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hyodyton · 9 months
Any modern au headcanons?
Hmm! Very jagged thoughts, but. :')
I like to think Biddy isn't just living with relatives, but Mr Wopsle is her guardian, still obsessed with the dream of being a theatre-goer. She was still Pip's childhood friend, albeit older by a couple of years.
Joe is still a blacksmith because his business hasn't gone anywhere these days. It's probably a long-standing family business that Joe very reverently wants to keep and pass on to Pip if he wants to. Orlik is still his employee, and Mrs Joe still finds the case completely unprofitable.
That's why Pip's hands are still rough, in burns and calluses from working in the forge. Because I really like that detail, and I don't want to lose it to modern-au.
Estella and Miss Havisham live in the same old but very authentic mansion , without many conveniences. But Estella did have some technical things, like a radio and simple pleasures.
I like to imagine that she wore some kind of "old-money" and was part of this whole still very outdated, class-conscious section of wealthy families/people. With their country clubs and meetings and mini golf games.
Drummle, and subsequently Pip would have fancied that leisure time too. Pip would obviously like to be a member of some such country club, with Herbert.
The Pockets, too, are still quite an old solid family, from the impoverished aristocracy. They live rather average lives, but they can afford nannies and cleaning services. And Mr Pocket is still a teacher/tutor. Maybe a professor at some University who still lectures on parenting ahahh.
About Magwitch's monetary patronage, I think it would be appropriate for Pip to have the opportunity to get into a cool university without any problems. There are no gentlemen, so let Magwitch wish him a good future in more modern realities
Mr Pocket might just be a professor at such an institution + a private tutor that Jaggers has roped in to help Pip with his studies and stuff. Startop and Drummle are also his students.
Herbert and Pip will rent a flat near the university, and I'm still deciding how I like it. For them to study together, or for Herbert to work as a trainee somewhere without pay.
Estella and Pip cross paths periodically at country club meetings, and watch Drummle fly out of a golfcar headfirst. While it's being filmed by a disturbed Startop, who didn't really expect it to end this way.
Also, I like to think that Herbert is openly bisexual and Clara is his close friend.
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romanceyourdemons · 9 months
great expectations (1946), though perhaps not a great adaptation, is certainly a great film. although there is no question that significant compression is necessary for any film adaptation of a dickens novel, and while i acknowledge that the retained scenes by and large hold very close to their analogues in the novel, i do take some objection with the extent to which the film hacks off the rough edges of life portrayed in the novel: making mrs. joe’s death a peaceful and early one, having bentley drummle break off his engagement with estella before they are even married, and above all removing virtually all of pip’s rise in pride and fall in fortunes, his (as well as others’) self-induced misery, and his alienation from his community and self, which form a key part of his characterization in the novel. however, although i feel that the change in tone and narrative priority in the screenplay brings it distinctly out of phase with dickens’s intentions, the other elements of this film are absolutely undeniable in their greatness. the directing and acting are both the nuanced work of masters of their craft, but it is the cinematography that most captivated me in this film. the angles and camera movement, the in-camera visual effects, and the striking compositions all feel highly sophisticated, especially for a film from the 1940s, and help to keep the audience’s experience centered on pip’s subjective perception of the world. they help guide the strong emotions of the film, and, perhaps even more than that, are absolutely stunning to see. i fully agree with the scholarly consensus naming great expectations (1946) not only the greatest film adaptation of the novel but one of the greatest british films of all time, and i would highly recommend it
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elina28d · 1 year
The relationship between Pip and Estella.
            Pip’s affection for the heartless beauty Estella is one of the main motifs of  Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations [1] and Pip’s main stimulus for becoming a gentleman. Will Pip’s expectations come true and will he be able to win the heart of the indifferent Estella? His expectations and aspirations are all associated in some way with his desire for her. There are endless changes in the relationship between these two young people.
           At the beginning of the novel, Pip is a poor orphan living with his ruthless sister and her husband, the blacksmith Joe. Surprisingly, he is very fond of Pip and treats him more like a son. Mrs. Joe Gargery is quite abusive to Pip during his youth both physically and emotionally. In addition to her physical abuse of the boy, Mrs. Joe torments Pip by incessantly reminding him of all she has done for him. 
              According to Chapter 8, Pip is sent to Miss Havisham’s estate, Satis House, where he is met at the gate by a charming little girl. Comparing the book to the series ”Great Expectations 2011”, directed by Brian Kirk [2], Satis House is described as gloomier, colder, and dustier than the series. Estella leads Pip into a dark room, where he meets Miss Havisham, abandoned on her wedding day, she is sitting at the table in a bridal dress [3].  An incredible Gillian Anderson played this character in the film. From my point of view, Anderson isn’t old enough to be a crone who grows gloomier every day. However, she feels like Mrs. Havisham - bitter and vengeful, brutally manipulating Estella.[4] Personally, I imagined her in a completely different way when I was reading the book, so this moment didn’t coincide with reality, which astonished me. The boy was supposed to entertain the lady and play cards with her and her adopted daughter, which Mrs. Havisham has raised to be cold and unfeeling towards men. In fact, Mrs. Havisham, with Estella’s help, wants to break Pip’s heart, as a male. For instance, she repeats, “Break their hearts, my pride and hope, break them without pity!” (63). 
             The first change in Pip and Estella's relationship occurs when Pip inherits a fortune from an anonymous benefactor and moves to London to become a gentleman. He believes that his newfound wealth and status will make him more worthy of Estella's love. However, Estella continues to treat Pip with contempt, making him feel inadequate and unworthy.  She says she has no heart, and will not have any feelings for Pip even if he grows to be a gentleman. This shows how there is not much hope in their affairs, because Estella will never have affection for Pip. Furthermore, Estella also still calls Pip "boy" as if he was just a common boy, even though he has become more of a gentleman. That is shown by the quote "You silly boy, how can you talk such nonsense" (248)?” It reflects how Estella's attitude toward Pip has not changed and probably will not change, which does not bring much hope to their relationship. Pip's obsession with Estella leads him to believe that place in society and richness are the only things that matter, causing him to abandon his humble origins and become someone he is not.
              The second transformation in Pip and Estella's rapport occurs when Estella marries the cruel and abusive Bentley Drummle. Pip is devastated by this news, realizing that his dream of being with Estella is now impossible. This awareness marks a turning point in Pip's growth as a character, as he begins to understand the futility of his pursuit of Estella and the emptiness of his dream of prosperity and status. He also begins to see the negative effects Miss Havisham's upbringing has done to Estella and its toll on her emotional well-being.
                The third transition in Pip and Estella's affair occurs towards the end of the story when they are reunited after many years of separation. By this point, Pip had lost his fortune, and Estella was a widow after running away from her husband. Both characters have been humbled by their experiences and are able to communicate on a deeper level. Pip admits that his feelings for Estella were based on a superficial idealization of her beauty and prestige and that he never truly knew her. Estella, on the other hand, was aware of the loneliness and consequences of being raised by Miss Havisham. She is able to show genuine compassion for Pip, which was previously unthinkable. 
               To summarize, love can be of different types, and this book is a study of various stages of life and how they affect the growth of the protagonist. Love also knows to make amendments and it is also clear in this novel too (Jordan 1211-1223).[5] The depiction of affection in Victorian England and how the social structures influence love is one of the most prominent topics of the story that makes it a timeless classic. Actually, it is the availability of love, acceptance of love, rejection of love, and the ultimate transition of love that becomes significant in the text and evokes mature love at the end of the novel.[6]
List of sources
Charles Dickens.Great Expectations.1861. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1400/1400-h/1400-h.htm
Great Expectations (TV Mini Series 2011-2012) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1949720/
Great Expectations (TV Mini Series 2011-2012), episode 1, 20:30 min. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1949720/
[Retrieved from   https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2011/dec/27/great-expectations-review-sam-wollaston on 3th March, 2023] 
[Retrieved from Jordan, John O. Global Dickens. Literature Compass 6.6, (2009): 1211-1223, on 3th March, 2023]
[Retrieved from  https://compass.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.1741-4113.2009.00664.x on 5th March, 2023]
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showmeahero-a · 5 years
@fferalheart, cont. from here [ x ]
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           she seizes his wrist in a small, dainty hand, dark eyes flashing with irritation. what a fool he is, she thinks, to behave so where drummle could see! her fiancé would surely cause a scene, & she has no care to see the two of them row. “take care, pip,” she says in a low voice. “why do you never listen to me? why will you not leave me be?” she has warned him, time & again. she has done her best to protect him from herself -- the only man to whom she has extended that courtesy -- & yet, it is for naught. “i tell you again, i have no heart.”
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“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens
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Did you miss me? Did all 2 of my followers think I was dead, kidnapped, or on hiatus? I wasn’t, I was just slowly plugging away at this novel whilst keeping up with my studies, fitness stuff, creative outlets, blah blah blah. Life, right? I’m not here to bore you, I’m here to review and rate this book. 
Preface: It has come to my understanding that many high schoolers were as well as are currently made to read this for curriculum. I am happy that I did not have to, because reading it for pleasure instead of homework made my reading a lot more thorough and appreciated than it would have been otherwise, since everybody knows that you tend to dislike the books you are “forced” to read. (Though this isn’t the case for me. While others drooled and squinted sleepy, drowsy eyes over “The Old Man and the Sea”, I quite enjoyed it. Same goes for Pride and Prejudice. I chose to write a research paper on that book so, I must have liked it to some degree.. pst, the review is on here somewhere, in fact it may have been the last one I posted! Don’t quote me on that, just go read it if you haven't!) 
So, let us jump right in.
Charles Dickens is an impeccable storyteller. This novel and to my knowledge, most of his written work came out in monthly installments. This was the equivalent to the movies for people in the 1800s. Absolutely marvelous this man is at crafting characters, their motives and a story that is enriching for the reader and enjoyable. I love how it spreads across many years, so you feel like you are watching Pip grow up and go through his childhood, his teenage phase and so on. If you don’t fancy longer novels, I wouldn’t say to stray away from this one on account of it being very well written, but I’m also not not saying that... how’s that for an algebra problem? Anyway, I’ll recount an interaction I had with a peer while we were, no joke, peer reviewing each other’s papers. We’ll call her Mary.
Mary: Ooo, whatcha readin’? I love to read. My mom’s like, an English teacher and shoved books into my face since I popped out the womb.
Me: That is... weird imagery to disclose to me, Mary. It’s Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
And then, her face morphed into a look of horror, like she was remembering some car accident of long ago where her younger bother flew out of the windshield.
Okay okay, take it back a few notches. It was not that bad. At the very least, she did look sorry for me. Like my cat had just contracted feline aids, or something.
Mary: Oh, yeah. I had to read that in Highschool.
Me: It’s taking a very long time for me to get through, it feels like.
(A required interruption: It DID take me a very long time. Four months of a long time, which is virtually unacceptable under normal conditions, but my life is pretty busy during the college months. Apologies, resume.)
Mary: Charles Dickens tends to be very verbose. Didn’t you know he got paid by the word?
Mary, Mary, Mary. This statement was clearly a joke, a sort of bibliophile jest that I was supposed to laugh at and immediately understand as such.
I thought she was, under no doubt, serious. Not only did I think she was serious, no. I thought what she said was a fact.
I’m embarrassed to admit this. Being paid by the word is not a conceivable way of paying a writer because there is no doubt they would start to value quantity over quality in a lucrative driven state. But you don’t understand. When I was immersed in the loquacious qualities of our Dear Dickens, I took this to be a perfectly viable truth. Dickens writes a lot, and very long winded sentences that I sometimes had to reread and decode since the intelligent part of my brain was left behind 2 paragraphs ago. It did not seem impossible that he was paid by the word to me. In the back of the mind I did think, well, maybe people just say that since he can be a bit.. wordy. Maybe it’s just a saying. At least initially, I did think it was the truth. And that will haunt me to the grave.
About our dear Pip, I liked him in the beginning as much as I could like a child character. He was a down-trodden, his elders not really giving him much credit. His sister raised him under the circumstances that children are not to be shown affection or congratulation for their progress, which led to Pip seeking solace where he could find it with Joe. Don’t even get me started on Joe. Joe is by far the most likable character in this whole novel, save for Magwitch towards the end. He was the only character that I consistently liked, and I use the word “consistent” because there were times when Pip fell upon his Great Expectations that I really did not care for him. I thought he was far too entitled with no merit, and I found it annoying that he chased after Estella when she seemed to me to be such an obvious lost cause. Dickens no doubt meant for this reaction to be spurred, because when Pip falls out of his Great Expectations and has to once again become more humble, he is very apologetic and admits his faults to Joe and Biddy. This redeemed him, and I suppose you can't expect a 21 year old guy to not get a little.. immature, with his money, when he just has so much of it.
Here’s what my personal opinion of the character’s are.
Joe Gargery: A very gentle man who prizes character, pride in ones work no matter what it is, and kindness above brains. In turn, he is very lovely and kind, extremely likable. The way he looks out for Little Pip and older, ill Pip warms the coldest of hearts no doubt. @Estella. 
Georgiana: Mean?? Sort of likable, in an odd way though? Her argument with Orlick made me laugh so hard. And I couldn’t help but feel awful for her and the accident. She may have been mean to Pip when he was younger, but I think that has to due with how young boys were treated in the 1800s. She always boasted of “bringing him up by hand,” so I think she thought it was sort of her responsibility to not make him into a loser. 
Orlick: Annoying and the worst, thinks he’s really cool but deserves to be in prison like the GARBAGE he is. Also, why does he call Pip a wolf so much in that one scene? He’s trying to equate him to a beast so he can make it easier to hurt him, I know but. He’s just loitering trash, he really gets my frogs a leapin.’
Herbert: Bad at fighting but good at friendship :D
Pip: I do like Pip, and I feel like he’s a good one. Sometimes he’s a bit unsure of himself and his place in the World, but I think that’s due to his coming into such a large sum of money unexpectedly. In the middle of the book, he did annoy me, because he made his problems seem awful. “Oh Estella, why won’t you look at me, oh god, this pain, I can’t possibly bare it in my nice pressed suit from Drummle’s, how can I go ON like this, also Biddy, I try to make myself like you but it just won’t work! Any advice?” Pip.. Shut up.
Ms. Havisham: I love her and everything about her character. She was the eccentric oddity of the bunch. The clock that was set at the same time that Compeyson left her, the old wedding dress, her walks with Pip around the room, the fire scene.. I see her as an interesting character because in trying to prevent her misfortune concerning love from reoccurring with a girl of her own, she made Estella’s heart pretty much non-existent. But I think she wanting revenge, she wanted to feel the satisfaction of seeing a Man love hard and get his heart broken.. but when she got just that, she realized very quickly what she had done. I really like her character.
Magwitch: In the beginning, obviously I found him sort of humorous and very prison-escapee in the animal like sort of way, desperate and mean. When he comes to Pip and reveals all of the Great Expectation stuff, the twist was enough for me to like him right there, but I really loved Magwitch at the end. He got such an unfair treatment out of life, and all he wanted was to make someone better than him, to set him up with these “great expectations” to lead him into success. I think he thought of Pip like a son, and likely felt bad for how he treated him when he was 7 years old. I think he wanted to make a wrong right, and I actually surprised myself when I shed tears at his death scene. It was so beautifully written, and you could feel that fragility of himself and the circumstances surrounding his demise and the connection between Pip and him. I was so glad that Pip came to be with him everyday. He deserved that much.
Estella: Did not like her, but it’s *technically* not her fault, I guess? I mean, she is a very hard character to really like. She’s not funny, she’s entitled and far too proud, has no emotion, yes, all of that, but that can be credited to Ms. Havisham and how she brought her up. So, I think she served her purpose well in the context of the novel, I just am not particularly fond of her. I liked the first ending, though, the one where Pip and her grab hands.
This is the last line, and it’s awesome.
“I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw the shadow of no parting from her.”
Isn’t that just kickass? The connection from when he first left the forge and the mists were rising to the present time was very enjoyable.
Wemmick: I picture him as a sneaky, short guy with a top hat and a mustache and a monocle. Wait, a monocle? Surely not. Oh gosh, do I picture Wemmick as the monopoly man? He’s great. I love his double life, the idea of this strict businessman who never lets his “personal affairs” known to anybody but Pip and Aged P is a great concept. His house sounds lovely and interesting as well, and I hope his marriage went very well for him. Everything he did for Pip and all of the information he gave him led the novel along nicely, so we have him to thank for that.
Mr. Jaggers: I always picture him as the tap-dancing lawyer from Chicago. Like, he’d be the one to flip out and have a mini tantrum in a trial about the “erroneous facts” being spread. I liked his character, he held himself to a certain standard and never let anyone see past that wall really. Maybe it would have been interesting to see the flip side of that, like what he did at home and such. Also, did he rape Estella’s mother? I don’t mean, like, got her pregnant with Estella, clearly that was Abel, but like.. he says he tamed her “the old way” and that just sounded fishy to me. That aside, he was aight. 
Aged P: An angel. His happiness with Wemmick and how the simple things bring him pleasure would just bring me the most relief. Aw, he loves being nodded at and acknowledgment, aw, how cuuute.
Drummle: Death by horse?? Oh no
Pumblechook: Needs to sit down, chill out and shut up pretty much every time he makes an appearance. 
And with that, I think it’s time to try to wrap up this very lengthy review. I would give this novel 5/5. There is a reason it is taught in schools, it is great for discussion and the story is almost delectable. I very much enjoyed it, and yes, it is a long book, however; if you can muster up the (in today’s world) seemingly impossible strength to read it, I think it’s a classic that definitely deserves to be remembered and talked about.
I leave you with a quote from Pip that really just touched me to the core.
“Windy donkey as he was, it really amazed me that he could have the face to talk thus to mine.”
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filming15 · 4 years
Tom Burke Can Deal With Netflix
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British Actor Tom Burke Can Deal With Netflix. The Famous Actor, who is expected to appear in the Netflix series, can take part in the new series. Fans want to see the famous actor in a production on netflix.
Tom Burke Can Take Part in Netflix Series In The New Era
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Tom Burke is a British actor. Athos in the 2014-2016 BBC series Musketeers is known as the role of Dolokhov in the 2016 BBC literary adaptation miniseries War & Peace and the Cormoran Strike title character in the 2017 BBC series Strike. Tom Burke most recently starred in the movie "The Souvenir". The movie was in drama and romantic genre. The British actor has not been involved in a herganhi production since 2019. Many fans see netflix as a very good place to work for Tom Burke. Netflix continues to sign deals on new series and movies, especially with many actors. Tom burke has more fans with the TV show "The Musketeers". Especially the 2014 series appeared in the type of adventure. The 3-season series lasted 30 episodes. The series shot in Prague started with many famous names. Many actors such as Luke Pasqualino, Santiago Cabrera, and Tom Burke have appeared in the series.
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Social Media Wants New Series With Tom Burke
Social media users want a new production with the British actor. There are many fans who want Tom Burke to be featured in a new series, especially. It turned out that the actor is not currently considering dealing with a movie or series production. It seems to have isolated itself from the outside world, especially in coronavirus. "Tom Burke", who is expected to star in new TV series with Netflix, still remains silent. Especially British fans seem very eager to see him in a new TV series. It seems easier to take place in a UK-specific series. Taking time for himself It is known that the English actor is spending time for him right now. Particularly careful not to leave his house in coronavirus, Tom is expected to evaluate opportunities in the new period. Tom Burke IMDb 2020Mank (post- production) Orson Welles 2019Blood Sugar (Short) (post-production) 2020/IIThe Show (completed) Fletcher Dennis 2017-2020Strike (TV Series) Cormoran Strike - Lethal White: Part 1 (2020) ... Cormoran Strike - Lethal White: Part 4 (2020) ... Cormoran Strike - Lethal White: Part 3 (2020) ... Cormoran Strike - Lethal White: Part 2 (2020) ... Cormoran Strike - Career of Evil: Part 2 (2018) ... Cormoran Strike Show all 11 episodes 2019Modern/love in 7 short films 2019Responsible Child (TV Movie) William Ramsden 2019The Conception of Terror (TV Mini-Series) Edward Dunning - Casting the Runes ... Edward Dunning 2019The Souvenir Anthony 2016National Theatre Live: The Deep Blue Sea Freddie Page 2014-2016The Musketeers (TV Series) Athos - We Are the Garrison (2016) ... Athos - Prisoners of War (2016) ... Athos - The Prize (2016) ... Athos - Fool's Gold (2016) ... Athos - Death of a Hero (2016) ... Athos Show all 30 episodes 2016The Complete Walk: Henry VI Part 3 (Short) Son 2016War & Peace (TV Mini-Series) Fedya Dolokhov - Episode #1.6 (2016) ... Fedya Dolokhov - Episode #1.5 (2016) ... Fedya Dolokhov - Episode #1.4 (2016) ... Fedya Dolokhov - Episode #1.3 (2016) ... Fedya Dolokhov - Episode #1.2 (2016) ... Fedya Dolokhov Show all 6 episodes 2014Utopia (TV Series) Philip Carvel - Episode #2.1 (2014) ... Philip Carvel 2014The Hooligan Factory Bullet 2013The Brunchers (Short) Him 2013Görünmeyen Kadın Mr. George Wharton Robinson (as Mr. Tom Burke) 2013Sadece Tanrı Affeder Billy 2013Heading Out (TV Series) Ben - Episode #1.6 (2013) ... Ben 2013One Wrong Word (Short) Norbert 2012The Hour (TV Series) Bill Kendall - Episode #2.6 (2012) ... Bill Kendall - Episode #2.5 (2012) ... Bill Kendall - Episode #2.4 (2012) ... Bill Kendall - Episode #2.3 (2012) ... Bill Kendall - Episode #2.2 (2012) ... Bill Kendall Show all 6 episodes 2012En fiende att dö för Terrence 2012Cleanskin Mark 2011Great Expectations (TV Mini-Series) Bentley Drummle - Episode #1.3 (2011) ... Bentley Drummle - Episode #1.2 (2011) ... Bentley Drummle 2011The Sweethearts (Short) Janek 2010Look, Stranger 2010Third Star Davy 2010The Kid Mr. Hayes 2009Poirot (TV Series) Lt. Colin Race - The Clocks (2009) ... Lt. Colin Race 2009Roar (Short) Mick 2009Death in Charge (Short) Uncle Sean 2009Aşkım Vicomte Desmond 2008In Love with Barbara (TV Movie) Ronald Cartland 2008Telstar: The Joe Meek Story Geoff Goddard 2008Donkey Punch Bluey 2007Heroes and Villains (TV Series documentary) Napoleon Bonaparte - Napoleon (2007) ... Napoleon Bonaparte 2007The Collectors (Short) Edgar 2007Şeker kız candy John 'Baggy' Bagley 2007Anastezsi Mario (as Thomas Burke) 2007Supermarket Sam (Short) Sam 2007The Trial of Tony Blair (TV Movie) Book Publisher 2006Dracula (TV Movie) Dr. John Seward 2006Number 13 (TV Short) Edward Jenkins 2006The Enlightenment (Short) Daniel 2005All About George (TV Series) Paul - Episode #1.6 (2005) ... Paul - Episode #1.5 (2005) ... Paul - Episode #1.4 (2005) ... Paul - Episode #1.3 (2005) ... Paul - Episode #1.2 (2005) ... Paul 2005Jericho (TV Mini-Series) Edward Wellesley - A Pair of Ragged Claws (2005) ... Edward Wellesley 2005The Brief (TV Series) Dan Ottway - Lack of Affect (2005) ... Dan Ottway 2005Casanova (TV Mini-Series) Jack aged 20 - Episode #1.3 (2005) ... Jack aged 20 2004Hovarda Vaughan 2004Squaddie (Short) Andy 2004The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (TV Series) Julian Britton - In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner (2004) ... Julian Britton 2004Bella and the Boys (TV Movie) Lee 2003The Young Visiters (TV Movie) Horace 2003P.O.W. (TV Series) Crane - Episode #1.3 (2003) ... Crane 2003The Burl (Short) Connor 2003State of Play (TV Mini-Series) Syd - Episode #1.6 (2003) ... Syd - Episode #1.5 (2003) ... Syd - Episode #1.4 (2003) ... Syd - Episode #1.3 (2003) ... Syd 2000Ejder Yürek 2: Yeni Bir Başlangıç (Video) Roland 1999All the King's Men (TV Movie) Private Chad Batterbee 1999Dangerfield (TV Series) Gavin Kirkdale Read the full article
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unkindness313 · 7 years
Mr. B through the years
The birthday boy has been gracing the screens half of his life. Here’s a collection of reminders in gif form. One from each year (as listed on IMDb).
Private Chad Batterbee (All the King’s Men, 1999) (Horrendous quality but it was the only clip I could get my paws on, you’ll recognise him though)
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Roland (Dragonheart: A New Beginning, 2000)
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Syd (State of Play, 2003)
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Julian Britton (The Inspector Lynley Mysteries, 2004)
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Jack (Casanova, 2005)
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Dr. John Seward (Dracula, 2006)
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John “Baggy” Bagley (I Want Candy, 2007)
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Ronald Cartland (In Love with Barbara, 2008)
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Lt. Colin Race (Agatha Christie’s Poirot, 2009)
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Mr. Hayes (The Kid, 2010)
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Bentley Drummle (Great Expectations, 2011)
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Bill Kendall (The Hour, 2012)
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Ben (Heading Out, 2013)
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Bullet (The Hooligan Factory, 2014)
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Athos (The Musketeers, 2015)
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Fyodor Dolokhov (War & Peace, 2016)
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And coming in August: Cormoran Strike (Strike, 2017)
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worstmissionever · 7 years
4x02 bates motel. the episode where norma asked romero to marry her. 
The Charles Dickens Novel
context: romero tells the lady at the pineview institute that he will marry norma bates. cut to the bates house. norman reads out loud the following scene of great expectations by charles dickens to norma. he stands upright and reads it with passion, not like one would read out a newspaper headline or a tv paper. (at this time in the episode norman doesn’t know yet of his mother’s plan to marry romero.)
"You have been the embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become acquainted with. The stones of which the strongest London buildings are made are not more real, or more impossible to be displaced by your hands, than your presence and influence have been to me. Estella, to the last hour of my life, you cannot choose but remain part of my character. Part of the little good in me, part of the evil."
norma is distracted all the time, checking the swimming pool pit and wondering if norman had buried emma’s mother down there, she interrupts him in the end.
context in great expectations as quoted by wikipedia: Pip declares his love to Estella, who, coldly, tells him that she plans on marrying Drummle.
the novel ends like this, also quote by wikipedia: [Years later Pip] meets the widowed Estella, who asks Pip to forgive her, assuring him that misfortune has opened her heart. As Pip takes Estella's hand and they leave the moonlit ruins, he sees "no shadow of another parting from her."
ALRIGHT. I’ll just leave this here.
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penig · 10 months
I wish more people engaged with Great Expectations, not only because I could then read them reacting to it on days when writing about it myself is simply not in the cards even if I'm having Thoughts and Feels, but because I would love to see a general online freakout about the second Big Reveal we got yesterday, and all the subtext Jaggers drops all around it.
You thought Pip's convict being the source of his Expectations was the biggest shock you were getting in this book, didn't you? Oh no no no! Estella's mother a murderer, now demurely working for Jaggers, revealed in conjunction with his conversation (conducted in front of her!) about Estella's marriage to the inferior Drummle and how it's even odds who will rule the roost, depending entirely on Drummle's willingness to beat his wife!? That's the stuff to leave you reeling and deeply uneasy!
And there Pip and Wemmick sit, as impassive as they can make themselves (Wemmick of course excels at this; I wonder how well Pip succeeds? Or does Jaggers see exactly what effect he's having as he taps experimentally on the wound in Pip's heart?), for all intents and purposes conspiring together in opposition to their host, who undoubtedly would prefer to be left in the dark about proceedings anyway. The tightrope Wemmick walk each day between home and office is never more vivid than here, the essential conflict between the two never more clearly expressed than in this indirect exhibition.
I don't think Jaggers wants Pip to know his housekeeper's history in the depth Wemmick explains it. I think Wemmick explains it partly in rebellion against the part he must play every day in this man's service. But of course I am Wemmick's partisan.
Dickens was weird about women, and - even as aloof and unknowable as Estella is - I honestly think that Great Expectations is where he comes closest to writing a young woman who is a human being, not cluttered up with all his own baggage. The best time to discuss this would have been after Pip went to see Estella and Miss Havisham after Magwitch reappeared, when I couldn't write anything for Reasons. But here we are at Estella again.
In the Dickens universe, where domestic love is the supreme good and women the source of all domestic blessings, Estella's professed inability to love at all, in any form, is a gigantic scar upon the landscape - and yet, how natural, raised as she is. Even if she were not innately aromantic in her temperament, how could she have grown up romantic or filial or agapic or erotic in that house? How could she have learned to love, adopted as she was to be used and paraded and thrown like an Apple of Discord at Men, and at Miss Havisham's greedy relations to boot? Yet, Miss Havisham is devastated to find that the child she never taught to love feels no love at all for her. If Miss Havisham is mad rather than grossly self-indulgent due to being rich and entitled beyond reason, this is the core of it - she craves love, which she seems to have not been given as a child; but resents early rejection and disappointment so much that she kills all love that might have been hers in later life. Estella is coping as best she can with everybody else's issues; she, at least, will not manipulate Pip or lie to her surrogate mother, and that is all the virtue she can muster and all the revenge she can exact.
And now we find that she, the obligate ice princess to whom self control is survival, is the offspring of passion and violence; and that her innocent and desperate self-control is likely to end in a course parallel to that of her mother's guilty and desperate frenzy - beaten down as any poor woman on the tramp.
In a different story, Pip would save her from that; in another, equally different story, she would save herself. But in this world of convicts and lawyers and children lost in the marshes, can anyone save anyone?
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hyodyton · 9 months
Hello there! May I perhaps bother you for some pipbert headcanons or thoughts? I’ve been thinking fondly on them all morning & so I had to come to you, since you love them as well! 💖
1. I like to think about the fact that they always try to go out in public together. Whether it's half price theatre, or gentlemen's clubs.
Like the one that Startop and Drummle belonged to, or even like the pickwickists at Pickwick's. All sorts of balls, soirees.
During these events they are always whispering about what is going on, Pip may allow himself liberties in speech, but Herbert only chuckles and never corrects in conversations just for them.
If they have had a drink, they share impressions or gossip even more vigorously, half hugging and laughing as they walk down the evening streets.
Pip often complains about Drummle, and Herbert jokingly echoes him.
They are comfortable with each other, and as long as it is not public, many liberties are allowed.
2. Herbert has genuinely taken a liking to Joe, despite the fact that thanks to Pip, the meeting was rather awkward. He periodically asks how he's doing, and Pip is embarrassed to admit he doesn't know, so he often makes things up. Certainly not as vividly as with the dogs and the carriage at Miss Havisham's, but periodically he comes close to screwing up obscenely. When Pip started writing regularly to Joe and Biddy, Herbert has probably guessed the situation by now, but will never tell him. He's just very happy for him.
He's always interested in hearing about Pip's life in the middle of nowhere, about his school, his home, his surroundings. About how he learnt to be a blacksmith. (he especially loves his hands, so he has little understanding of Pip's complexes about it and admires every scar and roughness)
3. To the topic above, he is very fond of complimenting Pip, not all the time of course, but always very sincere and affectionate. Even if it doesn't always match reality. He really loves, sees and feels Pip is a much better person than Pip really is.
When, in addition to the scars from the forge, burns appeared on Pip's hands, Herbert became even more tender, even though it's impossible to be gentler ( (c) Pip).
4. In Cairo, Herbert, even after years of living in a hot country, continues to lose his battles with the sun. Pip is always on hand to help in any way he can, he has a flask of water, bargained at the local market for a nice price. Pip is very proud of it.
Pip loves to bargain at the markets when he and Herbert go there for work or pleasure. Whether it's a beautiful rug, a brightly coloured dressing gown or a flask of pumpkin.
Clara is certainly better at finances than the two of them combined, and Herbert takes more of a charisma at work . I like to think it has to do with what Clara's father was like.
Pip still struggles with his lust for consumption while Herbert can happily live with little but those he loves.
He is very happy that Pip is still with him, that they still live together and work together.
Pip is eternally grateful to him for everything, although he rarely tells him so, but tries to speak more often.
5. When Pip lived with Joe and Biddy for a few months, he visited the Pockets, among other things, to make sure nothing had changed. Herbert was glad of this when Pip returned with all sorts of news. Pip mentally noted that Herbert was looking more and more like Matthew, but Herbert still had all his hair in place and didn't look so battered by life. But his smile is still the same and the first wrinkles have appeared on his face. He would like to keep picking up on that, for years to come.
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theliteraryjournals · 7 years
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Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens' Great Expectations is a classic novel that nobody will escape during their school years. It is on every high school teachers’ reading list. Although some may find the novel far too dull and hate the quintessential Victorian stench of the epoch, Great Expectations is a book that will introduce you to life, forgiveness, and the loss of love and hope for oneself.
We will admit getting into the novel is hard in the beginning. Pip, the protagonist is a humble, orphan who fantasizes about becoming a gentleman in English society.  He meets Miss Havisham, one of the greatest characters in literature, a wealthy, eccentric old woman. She flaunts around her house in a wedding dress, while keeping memories of her broken engagement intact, such as a decaying feast and clocks set to the time she was abandoned at the altar. She has an adoptive daughter named Estella, who is her tool of revenge against men. As a bitter act, Miss Havisham encourages innocent Pip to fall in love for Estella.
After years of visiting Miss Havisham’s home, Pip gains an anonymous benefactor. He assumes it is Miss Havisham and sets out for London to become a gentleman. Years later, Pip is in debt and becomes disappointed when his true benefactor, a convict, is revealed. He discovers Miss Havisham’s malicious intents of using Estella as a plot of hate against men and confronts Miss Havishman. What happens next is borderline horrific and tragic.
Disillusioned by love and life, Pip realizes that his ambitions are larger than his capacity. His goodness is always tested, but prevails. He is a hopeless romantic and unrealistic at heart.
Although set in a Victorian era, the novel sprays a gothic myst. There is a cloudy atmosphere over the course of the novel. Not surprisingly, Stephen King cites Great Expectations as one of his favorites. He believes this novel brought forth the gothic genre into mainstream literature. Dickens parallels as the Stephen King of the Victorian era.
Every detail from Pip’s characterizations to the characters’ names hold refinement. This classic takes experience and age to be appreciated successfully. Much of the allurement that comes from Miss Havisham is found in her name. It is creepy, intriguing and somewhat surreal. We secretly wish Dickens or any other writer had written a novel based on the history of Miss Havisham’s grotesquely, haunting lifetime.
If you are one of the few young readers that loves Great Expectations, you will find Pip deeply engraved in your heart. You leave the novel feeling empty and cheated for Pip. This is Estella’s story as much as it is Pip. She is portrayed as a cold, beautiful woman who finds herself superior to Pip. Her name displays aristocracy and beauty, but you will find yourself disliking her guts.
The novel has two endings. The ending originally published is a happier one. Dickens’ friends convinced him to chose a lighter ending because they found the story too sad. We will admit that the melancholic ending is far better and effective. If you’d like to know the other ending, keep reading. For those of you who have not read the novel, don’t even think about it!  
“It was four years more, before I saw herself. I had heard of her as leading a most unhappy life, and as being separated from her husband who had used her with great cruelty, and who had become quite renowned as a compound of pride, brutality, and meanness.
I had heard of the death of her husband (from an accident consequent on ill-treating a horse), and of her being married again to a Shropshire doctor, who, against his interest, had once very manfully interposed, on an occasion when he was in professional attendance on Mr. Drummle, and had witnessed some outrageous treatment of her. I had heard that the Shropshire doctor was not rich, and that they lived on her own personal fortune.
I was in England again — in London, and walking along Piccadilly with little Pip — when a servant came running after me to ask would I step back to a lady in a carriage who wished to speak to me. It was a little pony carriage, which the lady was driving; and the lady and I looked sadly enough on one another.
"I am greatly changed, I know; but I thought you would like to shake hands with Estella, too, Pip. Lift up that pretty child and let me kiss it!” (She supposed the child, I think, to be my child.)
I was very glad afterwards to have had the interview; for, in her face and in her voice, and in her touch, she gave me the assurance, that suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham’s teaching, and had given her a heart to understand what my heart used to be.“
Poor Pip his good heart resulted in dissatisfaction.
Read excerpts from the book here! 
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Stephanie Moms And Dad, Visitor And Also Writer
Bentley Drummle, which was http://specjalisci-uroda4u.info/gm-forte-najlepszy-suplement-podczas-proby-zrzucania-zbednego-balastu actually therefore sulky an other that he even took up a publication as if its own writer had done him an accident, did not occupy a colleague in a more pleasing feeling. You correct, nonetheless, in realizing that it is actually something that starts along with you, his moms and dad. No personnel needs to ever talk with irreverence to a youngster or parent in the hearing from others, specifically other pupils or workers. The higher turnover rate of technology devices, and also the convenience with which the electronic indigenous teenage adapts to this, leaves behind the parent frequently in a condition from lag. Older kids may not would like to drop all exchange a parent, and a parent that might not be actually proven totally unfit could not desire to drop all exchange her youngster. Regardless of what this could resemble, an estrangement hurts the parent much deeper than they can share to any person. That pointed out, a parent would simply desire an exclusive location for their child's toys if that was secure. As a matter of fact In Parham v. J.R. et al 442 U.S. 584 (1979 ), the Supreme Court acknowledged the 'best interest of the youngster' lives in the toned parent - certainly not in the condition.
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Whether you call all of them limitations or even rules, as a solitary moms and dad you must establish them, and also you as well as only you have to make sure that they are adhered to. The regulations or limits should be actually practical as well as within your kid's capability to observe. If the individual you are providing an assets gift to become enjoy this or if the moms and dad of the youngster you are actually providing a stock present to is such as this, you'll want to strongly consider just what you are actually asking of all of them. The former are reaping the full perks from being a caring & respectful parent to their children. Such trainees could be sent from the class in a series, so that the parents could assist all of them in discovering the courses, or even doing the research approximately. Also, when a small team of students are actually being actually shown by the teacher, moms and dad volunteers can go around the class as well as maintain the staying students taken part in some type of task. One more circumstance would be if the pupil got to live with each of his or her parents along with the equivalent quantity of time and if the parents provided an identical degree useful, in regards to financial resources, at that point the moms and dad which is going to profess the trainee for functions from earnings tax obligation need to be the one to carry out the completing from the FAFSA. Moms and dad effectiveness training is actually a terrific technique to check in along with your parenting abilities as well as aid enhance the household function. Hi, The thought that a Borderline Moms and dad could parent little ones is quite regarding. Talk to the train or activity forerunner if you could perhaps assign another parent as being in charge of your little one when you are lacking. The actual risk of a little one being actually a homicide prey before his/her 18th birthday celebration was exceptionally reduced: one in every 10,000 children of healthy and balanced moms and dads and one in every 2,000 youngsters with a moms and dad who 'd been actually a patient in a psychological hospital at some time.
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rubinaquino8-blog · 7 years
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