#frozen 2 shipwreck
jomiddlemarch · 11 months
bright young women
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“So, as you and I are hazelnuts and rye, managing the treaty shan’t be any great shakes, no matter what Kristoff says about the need for unanimity among the thanes, that’s just his troll heritage talking, they can be so dreadfully dark, you can’t imagine,” Anna, the Queen of Arendelle and wife to Kristoff, Lord Tyholmen, said in a cheerfully airy fashion that suggested Eric would completely understand her and be in total agreement. Ariel was halfway across the banqueting room, quite engrossed in her own conversation with the Queen’s sister, and thus couldn’t possibly help Eric out of what might become an international debacle.
It was best to be careful, the diplomatic relationship between his home and Arendelle quite new and therefore tenuous, the chance of saying or doing something the northerners would find offensive elevated, despite the Queen’s bright smile and almost casual posture; she was dressed very formally, her chestnut hair elaborately braided and bejeweled. It would be rude to tell her directly that she wasn’t making any sense whatsoever.
“I haven’t said something wrong, have I? I only thought we, you and I, we might simplify the situation, between us if you will, and then we all might enjoy the festivities more and you must try the chocolate laskiaispulla, they usually have vanilla cream but the pastry chef does indulge me,” she said, the words all in a rush and a little furrow appearing on her brow. Ariel had a similar expression when confronted with aspects of human culture she found baffling, though not all were as delightful to explain to her as garters and the difference between the actual silk ribbons and the courtly Order thereof.
“I’m afraid I am not exactly following you, ma’am,” he said. The furrow grew deeper. Her tall and somewhat burly husband glanced over at them as if he had a preternatural sense that his wife was in some distress and he was deciding whether he needed to intervene. Eric inclined his head in a noticeable show of deference and the other man turned back to his own conversation with Grimsby and a senior trade official Eric always referred to as Minister Moneybags when recounting dull meetings with Ariel.
“Won’t you call me Anna? Ma’am is so dreadfully solemn. Fusty. It makes me feel older than the hills and twice as crotchety.”
Eric refrained from asking how hills could ever be crotchety, as he was beginning to get a sense of her rather exuberant self-expression. His own mother would have frowned such frivolity out of him if he’d shown any sign of it as a child.
“You are the queen,” Eric said. “It would be improper for me to be so discourteous—”
“But surely it’s not discourteous if I’ve invited you to call me Anna,” she countered quickly. “Surely it’s more discourteous to refuse to call the reigning monarch of the country with whom you are trying to broker a comprehensive trade and cultural exchange treaty the name she insists upon. Especially she is a queen and you are still the heir-apparent to your monarch.”
“If you insist,” he said, nodding slightly. “Anna, I cannot say I’ve understood a word you’ve said starting with hazelnuts.”
“Hazelnuts and rye? Ginger biscuit and mead?” Anna said.
“Is this part of the evening’s menu?” Eric hazarded. It wouldn’t make her earlier remark make any more sense but they were miles away from that.
“Yin and yang? That’s from Cathay, though, you mayn’t have come across them yet in your travels,” Anna said.
“I am familiar with the empire,” Eric said. “But not the phrase.”
“It means opposite forces that are bound together in balance,” Anna explained. “That’s you and me.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You don’t beg, you’re a prince,” Anna corrected. “But I am making a hash of this, aren’t I?”
“I will decline to comment,” Eric said and smiled.
“You said that with such a perfect degree of regal aplomb, it’s really impressive. You’ve been very well-trained to be a king, I can tell,” Anna said. “Me, not so much, I’m afraid. But that’s what I’m talking about, how we’re hazelnuts and rye— you lost your parents in a shipwreck and so did I, except losing yours made you a king where you never would have been one and losing mine just happened earlier than anyone would have expected and I wouldn’t have been the queen except for Elsa turning out to be otherwise disposed.”
Otherwise disposed was a curious way of summarizing the discovery that her sister and queen was in large part or entirely a supernatural being who held the ethereal powers governing this region of the world in check, if Eric had understood General Mattias properly, but it was frankly not the most intriguing comment she had made.
“I’m not sure how that makes us opposite forces in balance,” Eric said.
“Well, we’ve both suffered and ascended because of shipwrecks, so there’s that,” Anna said. She paused and cocked her head to one side, then tapped one beringed finger on her lips. If they both weren’t happily married, she would have set matchmakers talking across the globe, but as it was, she only appeared perplexed, much the way Ariel was when confronted with a draisienne. “You may be right that the parallel doesn’t entirely hold, but you know what it is to lose the people you love most to forces you couldn’t begin to hold accountable. To be left behind and then left to carry on and lead everyone, when maybe you just wanted to do something else entirely. Maybe you wanted to become a cheesemonger and I could have become a dentist.”
“I can assure you, I never longed to become a cheesemonger,” Eric said. He’d never thought to have such a conversation, touching upon the deepest grief of his life while also entertaining an alternate future where he’d had a dairy and was an expert on Cheddar and Nagelkass.
“It’s fun to say though, isn’t it? Cheesemonger. Fishmonger too, but cheese is more fun than fish and no one gets hurt, which is probably more relevant to you now given Lady Ariel’s childhood friends,” Anna said. She swirled the wine around in the glass she held. She’d hardly had a sip the whole time; nothing she said could be chalked up to tipsiness.
“If you’ll forgive me, this is the most peculiar conversation, Anna,” Eric said.
She grinned at him then and he suspected that if she hadn’t been holding the wineglass, she would have clapped her hands most gleefully.
“That’s what I mean! That’s why at the end of the day, we’ll let all the diplomats and stuff old thanes and avocats fuss with the documents, but we’ll sign them and it’ll be a bright tomorrow for our two nations and you can tell me how you’ve coped with the fact that your first parents died in a storm that Lady Ariel’s father had to be responsible for and you got adopted by a king and queen instead of rock trolls like Kristoff did or just an ordinary couple and also whether breadfruit is more like bread or fruit and whether it’s better than both and also chocolate,” Anna said.
“Also chocolate?” He saw how she centered the most important and painful remark within giddy charm, allowing him to hear her while giving him an easy question to answer. Giving him time to mull over what she’d said and come back to it how and when and if he would. It would not do to underestimate her leadership, nor the value of her friendship.
“Whether breadfruit is better than bread, fruit, and chocolate. I mean it’s impossible that it’s better than chocolate but I need to keep an open mind and Kristoff will scold me if I don’t, well, he won’t scold but he’ll give me this serious look he has and I’ll feel all wizened, like a turnip forgotten in the root cellar,” Anna said. Eric thought briefly of what his mother Queen Selina was like in her private sitting room and what little he knew of Ariel’s sisters and was confident that there was no reigning queen like Anna I of Arendelle. And that was without considering the rock troll relations, though it seems she’d married into them and he grasped how little control or influence one could have over or with one’s in-laws.
“Chocolate is better than breadfruit, let’s begin there,” Eric said. “I hope we can both sign the treaty, that they don’t all muck it up, because I’d very much like to be in league with you, Queen Anna, well before I become King Eric Janus II.”
“Eric Janus II?” Now, she scrunched up her face as if he’d told her turnips and breadfruit would replace all the world’s supply of chocolate.
“Yes, I know,” Eric said. “It’s a lot. I have to add Klaas and Amaury and Bohemond when I ascend the throne.”
“That’s a mouthful,” Anna said. “Unless it sounds better in your native language—”
“It doesn’t,” Eric said.
“I’ll call you nothing but Eric then, if you prefer it,” Anna offered as her broad-shouldered, blond husband joined them, giving her a glance Eric would not have recognized before his own marriage, one that questioned and chided in equal measure, one Ariel was wont to give him when he cautioned her about swimming alongside their ship or staying up late to read to what she said was only the end of the chapter.
“You needn’t glare, Kristoff, the Prince and I understand each other perfectly,” Anna said. “Your precious treaty isn’t in any danger. Quite the contrary—”
“It’s not my precious treaty and I wasn’t glaring,” he said. He seemed ill-at-ease in his uniform in the grandly appointed room as he hadn’t when they’d gone out for a drive into the royal parkland and woods, his fine silks and velvets traded for a well-worn leather coat and a dusty pair of boots, a red kerchief knotted at his throat. “The ambassadors and the diplomatic corps from both nations have been working to deliver an agreement mutually beneficial, with particular attention to the ramifications of an allegiance and the power balance of the Silver Crescent.”
“I beg you not to explain about the judicial reforms going before the council and the need for a winter by-election. I positively beg you,” Anna said, taking her husband’s hand, and then smiling at Eric. “Kristoff, Lord Tyholmen that is, has very strong convictions about necessary modifications to the monarchy and the guildsmen but there’s a time and place and the dancing is about to begin.”
“Then, if you would grant me the great favor, I would be honored to open the first waltz with you, Anna,” Eric said, bowing smartly and extending his hand.
“Drat, I was supposed to ask you and not sidle around it. I wasn’t purposefully sidling,” Anna said. Kristoff smiled and lifted her hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “Kristoff, you know we’ll have the lihkadus and the last waltz—”
“I’m not upset, Anna,” Kristoff said. “And I don’t think Prince Eric is either, even if he isn’t dancing with Lady Ariel at the moment.”
“Lord Tyholmen is correct,” Eric said. “I understood—you and I, Anna, we’re bake and shark, ackee and saltfish, aren’t we?”
“I suppose we must be,” Anna said. “Though I’ll need a complete explanation and that will include whether I am the bake or the shark. I hardly know which is more daunting! Perhaps I should ask Lady Ariel—"
“It’s always the shark, Anna,” Kristoff said, winking at Eric. “You don’t need to be a mermaid to know that.”
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theartoffrozen · 1 year
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Concept art by David Womersley
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allisonreader · 5 months
I'm still thinking about The Hidden Royals, even though I should be trying to go to sleep. One of the things that I've been thinking about is some of the characters name's. Two in particular. I know that I've thought about this before, but I don't remember if I've shared it before. But that probably doesn't matter so much, as some of you who follow me or are mutuals are new and don't necessarily know much or anything about The Hidden Royals (one of my many WIPs). Anyways the two characters I've been thinking about again are Daniel and Wilson.
Daniel's name was chosen for the obvious biblical reference of Daniel in the lion's den, because that's exactly where my Daniel is, in the lion's den of Roland's jail, though there's no actual lion, beyond the tyrant king Roland.
And I have to admit that Wilson's name could be considered symbolic to a degree maybe. But the fact of the matter is that he is named after Wilson on Home Improvement.
Both men are steadfast and loyal. They both just want to see the proper king put back on the throne. (And honestly, they're the main story of what The Hidden Royals is, at least until James comes into the story, but that's likely to be a second book or part.)
Anyways, that's my little bit more of my musing about this story for the night.
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whipcreamsucks · 3 months
the continuation of this hyperspecific poll
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hey you seem to really know your stuff with titanic and im curious if you can tell me more about that night? a lot seem to think everyone either just drowned or froze too death, but i have a feeling it was a lot more awful than people realize, considering all the jokes people make about the sinking they seem clueless to the fact this was a very bad and awful way to die, for everyone on that ship, especially the third class :/
you know, ive always thought i didnt know that much about titanic but as ive sat here parsing through what i do know, turns i know a lot more than i thought.
and unfortunately, anon, youre very right, it was a horrible way to die, especially so for the third class.
quite a lot of people did drown or freeze to death which are horrifying ways to go by themselves.
at the time, evacuation plans for big oceanliners were shit so a lot of people wouldnt have gotten their lifesavers on, and off the top of my head, i wouldnt be able to tell you how many people could swim back then, but it was certainly less than today. it was only in the 90s that swimming became a compulsory part of the curriculum in schools in the uk, so unless you had reason to know to swim, you probably didnt know if you were british.
and i dont think i need to go into the biology of drowning to tell you its not a fun way to go. its fucking painful, for one, and two, you would have been terrified if you drowned during a fucking shipwreck.
it was also very cold, unsurprisingly. its the north atlantic. it was about 28°F or -2°C which is a lethal temperature. for some reason, a lot of people think that freezing is a relatively peaceful way to die; its not. i cant speak myself for how awful being so cold youre shivering is (i cant really feel the cold because of nerve damage but thats beside the point), but everyone ive spoken to about it resoundingly says its fucking awful. you also experience disorientation, muscle stiffness, excruciating pain in your extremities as your body pulls circulating blood from them to keep your vital organs going, and if youre very unlucky, you might also get frostbite (which can kick in under 30mins) which will add some burning pain.
an added kicker to the cold is that even if you can swim, the shock of cold water might make it harder. im pretty sure shock also likely killed people outright.
another way of dying if you made it out of the boat and into the water (spoiler: several people didnt) is if you were too close to the funnels when they collapsed, you would have been crushed by 62ft tall metal funnels. dozens died that way and if the crushing didnt kill you, you would have either drowned or frozen to death soon after.
you could have also been killed by any number of things that fell from the ship, especially as the stern (the end bit) began to lift up before the ship finally broke in two.
mind you, all of this happened in almost darkness. the engineers kept the lights on as long as they could but eventually they cut out and part of what made the iceberg so hard to see was the fact that it was a new moon.
one of the other things that made it hard to spot is one of the few not good things, but better: the ocean was relatively calm. it made it hard to spot icebergs because you can normally watch out for the foam of the water as it splashes on them. although it led to the sinking itself, it did make launching lifeboats possible (its hard as hell to launch lifeboats in violent ocean today let alone the dinky little wooden ones back then) and those in the water werent being thrown around as much as they could have been. though thats not saying much.
and of course, there are those who didnt make it out of the boat. movies did not lie to you about that although they did lie to you about the specifics.
historical record suggests that they did not purposefully lock third class passengers below deck like many movies show. testimony from the few third class passengers who survived indicates this which is why im likely to believe it. they were able to get up on deck, but it also wasnt easy to do that.
now, crew have said in the haste of the evacuation, they didnt remember to tell the third class passengers the plan. now is that true or is it just a more favourable story to tell during the inquiry? i cant say, for sure. either could be true and both highlight how we treated the poor in society back then (and as a poor, its reflective of today). as such, many third class passengers simply left the cabins and waited outside to be told what to do and that didnt happen. eventually, they made their way up themselves, some due to the fact that they could see the rising water.
and not all of them made it to deck. some chose not to, and again, going off third class survivor testimony here which is why im willing to believe it. theres a specific story about a woman who put her baby on her lap and simply played the piano until the atlantic rose to meet her. another of a man who told his brethren that he was too old to fight the atlantic, and simply lit a cigarette and waited.
others got lost because titanic was a large ship and it was very easy to get lost. especially in the panic of a sinking ship and under lights that are getting dimmer. luckily, some crew remembered oh shit the poor people exist and went down to help any that needed it, so some were led out but that doesnt mean they all did.
also, sadly, it probably wouldnt have helped. similarly to the engineering crew that kept the engines going as long as they could before evacuating themselves, there simply werent enough lifeboats and they were all or almost all gone.
additionally, there were no lifeboats on the third class deck space so they had to make their way to either second or first in order to get into a lifeboat. dont quote me on this because i might have the wrong place, but this is where there was a locked gate for third class. luckily, they snapped the lock off of it and got the fuck out.
anyway, back to those inside. now some of the people trapped inside likely drowned, especially those trapped in the bow as it slowly filled with water and began to sink into the water. the risk of drowning also got worse, once things like walls and doors gave out and in comes a rush of freezing cold sea water.
but that isnt the only likely fate. a rush of water can push quite a lot of things and terrifying speeds which meant people would have been killed via blunt force trauma or being impaled on something. especially for those in the stern (again, the back bit) as it lifted because gravity is not helping here. those still trapped inside would have held on for dear light as the light slowly dimmed and became redder before finally cutting out as the ship broke in two.
now if you were in the stern and escaped death via drowning, blunt force trauma or impaling, you would have definitely been killed by water pressure. see, the bow was able to fill with water relatively slowly and equally which is why its still decently intact on the seabed because it sank relatively slowly. the stern did not and thats why the stern looks like an underwater crash site. as the stern sank, it sank quickly which meant there were still air pockets inside as it sank. and as it came down, the pressure built and soon the people above water could hear what sounded like explosions. it would have been a quick death, but thats the most i can say.
i cant speak for if any kind of sealife killed anyone. i havent heard of any testimony of that and i dont know whats there in the north atlantic to kill people. i assume theres something there, but i couldnt tell you what.
im also sure i missed some forms of death, but off the top of my head, thats what i got.
and yeah, it wasnt pretty and most of the people who died were third class or crew members.
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loelysian · 1 year
marmoris (chapter 4)
(n.) the shining surface of the ocean
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chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3
pairing: namor x reader
word count: 4.6k
summary: with war against the wakandans on the horizon, namor demands that you stay back in talokan for extra security but this is your home too. you want to fight for your people and that is exactly what you plan to do.
note: since this one shot was written by me, a jewish arab person, it is hinted that y/n is also from those cultures but if you are not, that is fine. in this chapter, though, y/n does speak some arabic but still, feel free to apply your own experiences to the scenarios i've written about. please keep in mind that i am not fluent in yucatec so i've used a translator for any scenes in talokan. if you find i've upset you or there is an error in regard to lore (i tried my best to recreate certain scenes from the movie but i've only seen it once). please comment and let me know so i can fix it and apologize. i do not mean to offend anybody. i hope you enjoy.
warnings: some references to ptsd (from the rescue in wakanda), y/n blaming herself for what happened to shuri and parental problems.
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It seemed as though you couldn’t escape the familiar flashing red lights that beckoned the people of Talokan to the center of the city, reminding you of the very same noises that haunted you in your dreams, that reminded you of what occurred in Wakanda. It was a warning to them that something serious demanded their attention and that you and K’uk’ulkan would be there to deliver important news. You knew the Wakandans were coming and you knew how strong your people were—that they’d be able to defend themselves and hold their own in a fight, but you still worried.
Namor’s invasion was out of pure anger for what had occurred to both you and the guard that happened to be watching over Shuri and Riri, and while you knew it was bound to start a fight, you hadn’t expected a battle of this size to escalate as quickly as it did. Then again, the water-bomb that hit the palace directly struck the Queen and Riri and you were unsure whether or not they survived. Shuri, the princess, had also been missing when you checked the shipwreck and whenever you thought of her innocent smile, a pang of guilt thrummed in your chest. You couldn’t help but feel guilty—like you were to blame for everything that was going on around you. You wished you could take a moment to catch your breath, to analyze what was going on and make a better plan, but Namor had your hand in his, your fingers tangled together in a mess akin to something comforting and was swimming as fast as he could toward the throne. You could do nothing but follow as you bit your lip, hoping the world would freeze for a moment.
All you needed to do was catch your breath.
That didn’t happen.
Thrown against the propelling bubbles, your body was forced down, down, down until you were perched in your chair that rested beside Namor’s as he addressed Talokan. You didn’t dare move a muscle, your face a haunted calm you were sure frightened those who knew you best. The people of Talokan regarded you as a rather joyous person—you liked to make others laugh, but right now you felt as though you couldn’t. Stunted. Despite wanting everything around you to take a pause, you felt as though you were the one frozen, unable to move an inch. You felt scared, that much you could admit.
Your worst fears were becoming a reality and there was absolutely nothing you could do to prevent it from happening.
Namor tapped on the staff he held in his left hand twice which acted as a voice projection and cleared his throat, speaking loud and clear.
“Bey bey in hubieran u engañado (it seems as though i have been deceived).” Namor spoke calmly and you were reminded of how much he embodied a true leader, which he was, but if anything were to calm you down from your state of panic, it was sure to be him.
“Le wíiniko'obo' Wakanda secuestró a Reina, ba'ale' afortunadamente, páajchaj in taasik le tin wotoch (the people of wakanda kidnapped your queen, but thankfully, i was able to bring her home).” gasps filled the room and it brought you a sense of comfort knowing how much your people cared for you. As far as they were away, you had been injured during a routine hunting mission. Not kidnapped. Never kidnapped.
“U kaajil Wakanda k ts'o'ok pedido jump'éel k'atun. Taak u luchemos xu'ullsa'al leti'ob (the people of wakanda have called upon us for a war. they want us to fight them).” You watched as the crowd began to murmur to the people around them, eyeing Namor curiously as he spoke to them. Despite the emergency alarm system that had echoed throughout Talokan, the idea of war was almost foreign to them. There had been years upon years of peace. You could tell it worried them, but they masked brave faces for their ruler.
“Ba'ax a unirás tin wiknal utia'al tokik k wotoch (will you join me to defend our home)? he asked. Another moment of silence, albeit muffled as the crowd spoke to one another in hushed tones once more. Finally, they began chanting, eager to get out into the water to defend what they'd learned to call home—what had been their home for centuries. Despite your wish to stay frozen for a moment to catch your breath, you nodded to the crowd which only seemed to excite them more.
You dared a glance at your husband who wore a smile you hadn’t seen in weeks. Reflexively, you wanted to join him, but the reality of what was about to happen was floating over your head like a storm cloud on the brink of rainfall, pouring all over you. The bad news? You didn’t have an umbrella.
Sitting upon the throne now reminded you of many times prior when the two of you had news to present that wasn’t nearly as bad. A drastic turn for the worst? There was no way of knowing. You fought the urge to reach out and hold Namor’s hand, a grounding technique that helped calm you down from whatever you happened to be panicking over. When you’d lived on land, you remembered reading something about activating all of your senses in order to calm a panic attack. How touch, sight, your sense of smell and so many other factors that incorporated your body correlated with mental health. For you, the carpet on the floor of your mother’s bathroom was the perfect balance of soft yet scratchy that for a moment, it pulled you right out of your state of panic and had you focusing on something else entirely. Sometimes, you would braid the stringed ends as well and when you grew tired of that, you’d lay on the cold, tiled floor and stare up at the ceiling which had off-yellow water stains from the time your bath had overflowed without you knowing.
You still weren’t sure how that had happened.
Nowadays, since your mother’s carpet obviously wasn’t in your vicinity anymore, grabbing onto Namor’s hand did wonders for your state of mind. Usually, he would question why you were so upset—what had caused you to react the way you did, but he always made sure to wait until you were fully calmed down. He knew you liked your space, but he also knew that if you were to approach him with red-rimmed eyes and pursed lips, he’d place his hand on your thigh and let you intertwine your fingers together. He’d remind you to breathe, and he’d make you look at him to remind you that you were never going to be alone again—that he was and would always be there for you.
You had to admit it helped a lot.
On certain days when he wasn’t by your side, likely off assisting someone somewhere in Talokan since he was their ruler after all, you unclipped the bracelet that sat on your wrist most of the time and examined the beads, tracing them with the tip of your pointer finger as you watched them slide around on the string they’d been placed on so many years ago. Namor’s mother had been the one to create it and you were still so grateful he had trusted you with it, knowing how much it meant to him.
As a way to repay him, you’d given him your father’s ring, a token that reminded you of home and a childhood that would never be forgotten, and with your hand pressed against his lips, he promised he would never take it off.
Namor was excellent at keeping his word.
You’d given him the ring a year ago and there was never a time he didn’t have it on him.
Engraved on the ring was a saying that was of great importance to your family. You’d taught him what it meant one night when the two of you were unable to fall asleep.
During restless nights, Namor liked to sketch you anywhere he could. On the walls of your bedroom, on a scroll, on the ceiling—he was enthralled with you. With your beauty and the way you held yourself. You were captivating.
It was storming on the surface of the water and despite how far away you were from shore, you could feel the thunder vibrating within the walls of your room. Thunder had always been a fear of yours and despite being exhausted from everything you had done that day, you knew you weren’t getting any sleep so you watched as Namor began sketching on a blank space you had in the corner of your shared room.
Your father’s ring shone brightly from the light in your room and sparkled where it stood.
“ʿaāʾilatiī hiya quwatiī wa ḍaʿfiī (my family is my strength and my weakness).” you spoke, enunciating each word carefully. It had been nearly three years since you’d spoken those words aloud. Despite the familiarity of it, it still felt foreign to you. Like you were intruding on something that wasn’t any of your business. Like you’d said something you weren’t supposed to.
You had been so caught up in your own thoughts that you hadn’t noticed your husband by your side, a comforting hand resting on your knee as he asked if you were alright. He wore a calm expression letting you know it was okay, so you breathed out and shut your eyes.
“The ring. That’s what the ring says. I don’t know why I wasn’t ready to tell you. I guess the finality of it all stung. It reminds me of my father.” you spoke slowly, your voice shaky as you bit your lip.
When you’d agreed to join Namor and his people in Talokan as opposed to staying on land, you’d had to give up your parents. You knew it would hurt you—never seeing somebody you cared for tended to do that, but you hadn’t registered just how badly it would sting.
Your relationship with your parents had been rocky at best after you’d taken the apprenticeship in San Diego. They were against you living so far away from home, but after the blip, when you’d had the chance to connect with them once more—to truly speak with them, you were beginning to question whether or not you'd made the right decision. Your brain told you yes. It had been your dream since you were a child, after all, but they were your parents. They’d raised you—you loved them more than anything. That was why your heart had told you no.
None of that mattered anymore anyhow since you were living with Namor, but the less you thought about your father and mother, the less it hurt, so you tried to forget they ever existed.
Though, when you’d given Namor your father’s ring, the bitter bile in the back of your throat felt taunting. For a moment, you began to wonder if this was a huge mistake. There was no going back now, anyhow, so you blinked for a moment, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall and handed it to him, closing his palm so you wouldn’t have to see it.
He’d looked at you confusedly, the soft reminisce of a smile creasing his forehead but you shook your head and pressed his hand tighter, your way of silently telling him to take it—take the ring and wear it.
Namor did. As a way to honor you, he never took it off. In fact, he wore it proudly.
You weren’t sure why you always told him you’d tell him what the engravement on the ring meant another time, but you weren’t sure you’d be able to say it without crying so when you finally did, you were shocked the tears never came.
“The saying. It is beautiful.” he spoke, his lips brushing against your ear. Despite your best efforts, you found yourself shivering into his touch, a small smile forming on your face. It felt good. This felt good.
You were happy he’d appreciated what was on the ring—that he hadn’t asked for answers, waiting instead for your response and your response only.
“I understand why it was so hard for you to tell me and I appreciate that you could.” then he did the unexpected. He took the ring off of his finger and placed it onto yours. At your confused gesture, he leaned down and softly pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, growing limp against his touch like you normally did when he finally separated to catch his breath. His eyes were so, so pretty. You cupped his cheek in yours and took a moment to stare at him—at your husband, admiring how lovely he looked, kissing the tip of his nose and finally, resting your head against his shoulder.
“This was a gift for you.” you said simply, holding your hand out in front of the both of you so you could admire your father’s ring.
“But I appreciate the way it makes you smile far more.” he rests his head atop yours and threads your fingers together.
“You would have loved my father.” you mumbled. While it still hurt to talk about, you felt you needed to. No more bottling things up.
“If he was anything like you, I’m sure I would.” he whispered against his hair.
“Sometimes I see him in my dreams. He looks youthful, leaning against my mother while they watch me swim in the ocean. I wish,” you cut yourself off. If you finished that sentence, you weren’t sure what might happen. It felt dangerous.
“I know you want to see him. I wish I could let that happen, but it is too much of a risk.” you shut your eyes, something deep in your chest aching. There was so much you wanted to say but you couldn’t muster enough strength to open your mouth.
You sat there for a long time remembering your childhood, everything you’d done with your father and that night, you dreamt of him.
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It was chaos. Pure chaos as everyone raced to the armorer, gathering everything they could fit into their hands. In the midst of everything, you could hear the faint sound of children crying as everyone rushed, preparing themselves for the inevitable battle. The fish had warned Namor of the Wakandan ship that was toying in the water and despite wanting to believe they were using it for something else, you weren't naive. As queen, you couldn’t be.
Once you were back in your room, you took a moment to finally catch your breath, sliding down one of the walls and onto the floor, your knees pressed against your chest as you felt your emotions getting the better of you. There was a debate in your mind as you wanted nothing more than to join the fight—these were your people now too. You wanted to do everything you could to defend them from external threats. You had been training as well in case a moment like this were to arise, and seeing as it had, you knew what you had to do.
It took you a moment, but you mustered enough strength to pick yourself up and headed toward the armorer which was now barren, everyone having gathered in the center of Talokan to await orders from Namor. Inside the armorer was a secret compartment you were made privy to during your first tour—a place where a consorts armor was to be stored—kept hidden from the people of Talokan until K’uk’ulkan married. Now that he was, you reached into your pocket and pulled out the key to unlock said compartment and grabbed the colorful armor accompanied with a jeweled eye mask that reminded you of the bracelet that adorned your wrist. A quick glance over your shoulder let you know the coast was clear so you flung the armor over your shoulder and slipped out the same way you came in.
When you got back to your room, you were greeted with an anxious Namor pacing back and forth. He seemed to be deep in thought. You paused, wondering where you could quickly stow the armor so he wouldn’t notice it but you decided you’d just walk in when he turned toward you, his face full of exasperation. You watched as his eyes shifted toward the armor and back onto your face and did the best ‘I know you won’t agree with this but I’m doing it anyway’ face you could. His gaze stiffened. You could tell he had so much on his mind—so much he wanted to say.
“I can’t let you go,” was all that tumbled out. “If something were to happen to you,” his voice pulled on your heartstrings but this was something you had to do.
“Namor, my love, these are my people too. If Talokan falls then all of this,” you gestured at the intricately designed walls and glanced behind you at the open door, watching as Talokan’s rushed to the center of the city in clothing fit for battle. “Is for nothing.” it was a whisper and you wanted to bite your lip, a grounding technique you’d been doing since you were a small child, but you had to remain strong for the sake of yourself and for the sake of Namor.
“The people of Talokan need you. I need you.” and it was damning. His eyes were watering you could tell he wanted nothing more than to envelop you in a hug, pressing his head against yours as he held you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ears but there were more pressing matters at hand.
Your eyes met his and you held the armor in front of you, gazing at it. You had to admit it was beautiful like most things in Talokan were. That was why you had to go. That was why you had to fight. Even if you died trying. This was your home, too.
“You have to trust that I will be okay,” you reached you, then, the tips of your fingers ghosting against his as you whispered, “ʿaāʾilatiī hiya quwatiī wa ḍaʿfiī (my family is my strength and my weakness). Don’t let me be your weakness. Let me be your strength.” despite how close the two of you were, your voice was barely above a whisper as you stared into his eyes with intent. He was searching yours, trying to find something you knew was not there, so you took a step back, changing into the armor right in front of his eyes.
It fit on top of the clothes you were already wearing and it hugged your body well, snug in certain places but still yours. You were his consort. You were made to wear it.
Namor gazed at you in awe, starstruck. You could tell he was conflicted. How could you not?
“I’m doing this.” your voice was more firm, letting him know there was no room for bargaining.
“You must stick by my side the entire time. I cannot lose you.” was all he said before he intertwined his fingers with yours, swimming toward the center of Talokan.
War was near and you were ready to fight.
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At Namor’s call, a school of orcas arrived right outside of Talokan, ready to carry everyone to the lone Wakandan ship that sat in the middle of the ocean. One of those orca’s happened to be yours—you recognized the fact that one of her flippers was smaller than the other and it brought a smile to your face knowing she was willing to help you once again. When the two of you had met, you’d named her Ara, which meant ‘to bring rain.’ You thought it was fitting since it had been pouring on the surface the day you’d learned to tame an orca.
Ara chirped in happiness, something relating to how happy she was to see you and you put a hesitant hand out, waiting for her to brush her nose against it. She did and chirped once more, repeating your name numerous times. After you’d taken the vibranium-infused liquid, you were able to understand all kinds of aquatic mammals.
“Hey girl,” you pet underneath her chest and much like a dog, she bumped her nose against your chest softly of course.
She chirped a warm hello your way and let numerous people hop onto her back, awaiting your command. You allowed yourself a glance over at Namor who was helping another group of people onto their orca. The two of you shared a soft smile before you mounted Ara and awaited Namor’s directions. Of course, all Ara could do was pay attention to you, her chirps almost distracting as she asked you about what you had been up to since the last time the two of you had spoken.
“I promise I’ll tell you after,” you whispered just as Namor spoke, his voice loud and clear.
“Tuláakal presten óolal! U'uyej ba'ax a arma ku ya'alik teech ka mantente enfocado. Ganaremos. Mantats' ku k meentik ti' le pasado. Talokan prevalecerá (everyone pay attention! listen to what your weapon tells you and stay focused. we will win. we always have in the past. talokan will prevail).” after he finished his speech, Namor lifted his staff in the air, the crowd cheering him on.
Once he was on his orca, he thrusted his staff forward and took off, Ara anxiously awaiting your orders.
“Go!” you shouted, smiling as she sped off into the deep blue sea.
It only took you a few moments to arrive and you had to admit you weren’t expecting the Wakandans to be so close. The shadow of their ship reflected off your body as you quickly tied your water-mask to the back of your head, instructing everyone on the back of your orca to do the same. You watched as Namor’s group jumped off their orca and swamped toward the surface but your eyes caught onto Namora who headed toward the propellers. She was likely going to stop the ship from moving, or sink it.
Namor had vanished as well, probably already fighting on the surface so you raised your voice, catching everyone’s attention.
“Tuméen in orden, mixba'al (on my command, swim up)!” you shouted, emitting nods from everyone who was still holding onto Ara.
You could hear the water-bombs firing off on the ship and the water grew shaky and uncertain as numerous bodies fell into the ocean. It reminded you of everything that had happened on Wakanda and you had to physically shake your head to stop the thoughts from affecting you.
“They probably need reinforcements,” you whispered to yourself. Everyone on Ara was anxiously waiting for the call and finally, you gave it to them.
“Báab (swim)!” everyone flew to the surface at once and the first thing you registered, like on Wakanda, were the screams.
You reminded yourself to stay focused. You’d get killed if you distracted yourself.
There were numerous Talokan’s using rope to pull themselves onto the ship but the Dora Milaje were one step ahead of your people, shimmying off the top of the boat to pluck everyone off one by one.
There also happened to be a flying suit in the air that reminded you of Iron Man but you ignored it, instead putting your focus on instructing everyone and fending off attackers that fell into the water.
You had a spear made of vibranium and luckily, hadn’t had to use it yet, but as more and more Wakandans fell into the water, you began to worry you were going to be outnumbered. With Namor nowhere in sight, you were technically in charge of the invasion and looked to find Attuma or Namora, his best trusted fighters to see what you were to do next, but they were either on the boat or gone. A sinking feeling in your gut settled in as you watched the battle go on knowing you should help—knowing you needed to assist them but you were frozen, your body unable to move from where it was floating on the surface.
A nudge against your legs pulled you out of your dangerous daze and reflexively, you pointed your spear toward what you thought had been an attacker though it was only Ara checking to make sure you were okay. She whined, worried you might have gotten hurt but you promised her you were fine and began swimming toward the boat, gripping onto the bottom of the rope. The Dora Milaje were nowhere in sight as your row pulled themselves up and onto the ship. Once you finally made it to the top, you were helped on board and everyone nodded in your direction as you tried to assess the damage. Namor was still nowhere in sight and the sun stung your back.
You tried looking for Okoye, but you noticed Nakia instead. She was busy taking care of about three people and the last thing you wanted to do was upset somebody with a weapon in their hands so you kept your distance, shouting for everyone around you to stand their ground. You outnumbered the Wakandans substantially but they put up a good fight—so did the Talokan’s though. They would do absolutely anything to defend their home.
Someone shouting Shuri caught your attention, though. You desperately searched the crowd for whose voice it belonged to but you came up short. You knew you’d heard it. That must mean she was alive, and if that was the case, maybe that was where Namor was.
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tag list: @eerievixen @ichigimm @avsphroeg @borderline1bored @gamorxa @zeeader
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seethestarlights · 7 days
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greatqueenanna · 10 months
I was looking through your blog and you mention a couple times how you would love to see Frozen remastered and it got me thinking. What if they released a director’s cut of both Frozen and Frozen 2? Maybe they release it as a way to say goodbye to Lee and give her and Chris Buck an opportunity to show their true vision for the films. If they ever did this, what would you love to see in a director’s cut versus of the films?
Uh oh anon, you found my special interest. I would love it if they announce that they're releasing a director's cut or special edition of the first two films. It would be the perfect thing to do for the Frozen 10th Anniversary and to keep interest in the films before F3 arrives. Honestly, this would excite me more than F3 itself haha.
For what I would like to see -
An animation upgrade for F1 - I'm not sure how far they could go with this, but even just upgrading the lighting to the new software they have been using since BH6 would be incredible. I doubt they could make F1 look like F2, not unless they literally built the film from the ground up - but again, I'm not an expert on the programs and processes used in animation.
New Scenes and Songs - Both F1 and F2 have room for improvement, and adding in new scenes and songs could really add the extra spark that each film needs to be closer to perfect (and just be fun overall). My personal suggestions would be -
F1 - I would love it if they added a Dangerous to Dream-like song and/or scene for Elsa - since many were complaining about Elsa just sort of disappearing after Let It Go before reappearing when Anna gets to the Ice Palace. We could get a bit more of how Elsa feels leaving Arendelle and her sister, putting an end to people making her out to be selfish in F1.
F1 - Adding a new scene for the parents. I would say this could fit between Anna seeing Elsa close her door with Agnarr narrating "Including Anna" and when Anna starts Do You Want to Build a Snowman? The scene could consist of Agnarr and Iduna actually discussing the choice to close the gates and their plans for Elsa, helping to give them more depth. This would be the perfect opportunity to bring in Alfred Molina and Even Rachel Wood to add their voices to F1 for continuity since they've been iconic as the parents since F2 (they literally did the narration for Dangerous Secrets).
F1 - Not a requirement but more of a fun idea - a villain song for Hans. Like, imagine if after he closes the door on Anna, we get a short, dark reprise of Love is an Open Door. Chills.
F1 - A duet between Anna and Kristoff or a solo song for Kristoff. Like, imagine if after Kristoff leaves Anna at the gate, we don't leave Kristoff immediately, and he actually talks about his feelings in a song, similar to Kristoff's Lullaby. Maybe, Anna as she's going into the castle to see Hans, she sings a short verse along with him.
F2 - Extending the story prologue a bit to show more scenes of Iduna and Agnarr as children. There were so many deleted scenes that were fully animated of these two, I'm sure they could squeeze a couple of them into the prologue.
F2 - Adding a scene and/or song similar to See the Sky. Showing more of the feelings and perspectives of the Northuldra would do wonders in terms of making them feel more alive in the story, and give an opportunity for both Anna and Elsa to experience their heritage, even a little bit.
F2 - Adding a scene of Anna and Elsa talking about their parents. A perfect part to place this would be after Iduna's Scarf/Veulie scene and right before they're in the camp talking to Honey/Matthias separately. After finding out that Iduna is Northuldra, we could see Anna and Elsa talking about that, leading to the secrets the parents kept when they were children, ending with them discussing their childhood in general. This would give more depth to the shipwreck scene when they see that their parents sacrificed themselves to fix things.
F2 - A duet between Elsa and Anna. A perfect spot for it? After the Infamous Boat scene. Yes. Imagine Anna and Elsa singing about their feelings after the fact while Elsa is walking to the shore and Anna is exploring the cave. They both express their frustration and end up apologizing to one another. Peak Perfection.
Bonus Content -
Including the Frozen Fever Short - Frozen Fever hasn't really had a release since the Cinderella live-action, and it's part of the Lee/Buck storyline, so adding it as a bonus would be awesome.
All of the Deleted Content - Not all scenes and songs are included on the old dvd's, and some of them aren't even the full versions. So, I would love it if they showed all of them and didn't cut them.
Something about the Musical - Maybe the cast talking about their experiences with Frozen or something? Or maybe some performances?
an F3 Sneak Peak - What's a way to entice people to buy the Director's cut? Include an F3 sneak peak.
What would you guys like to see in a special edition/director's cut? Comment or reblog your thoughts.
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aethramusings · 1 year
to all my future roleplay partners who muse anna : elsa was wrong .
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please note , below the cut is a negative analysis of elsa . i do not think she is a bad character or person by any means , but i think that she was grossly mischaracterized in frozen 2 . this is merely my interpretation of the movie , and it is only an OPINION . this is not meant to upset or offend anyone .
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i think a lot of people ( with obvious exceptions ) think i muse elsa because i like her as a character but to be honest i muse her primarily because she ticks me off . her first characterization in frozen was pretty neat , and i genuinely enjoyed her — but in frozen two , it’s like they took all of her flaws and then attempted to romanticize them / justify them because “ oH sHeS tOo DiFfErEnT “ .
elsa neglected anna’s feelings that entire movie . i understand that anna was reduced to “ “ crazy girlfriend “ “ trope or whatever , but either way — elsa ALWAYS ( in the second movie ) prioritized her own emotions over anna’s — whether she intended to or not . even if she was just trying to " protect " anna , she doesn't really seem to stop and think , " does anna understand WHY i'm being so reluctant to this ? " . of course communication goes both ways , but even still . i know that isn't necessarily realistic for elsa's character — but it's just weird that the movie seems to treat how elsa is treating anna as okay and acceptable and never address it again .
in ‘ olafs frozen adventure ‘ , we actually see elsa had the capacity to feel self aware and apologetic , because she literally apologizes to anna for storming out on her . but in frozen two , anna has to literally BEG elsa to come with — after elsa quite literally says “ no , you’re too weak , you might die “ ( didn’t you just think your powers were a burden ? ) .
and it’s not like elsa brings this up once and leaves it at that . she shows it SEVERAL times through her actions by “ saving “ everyone else , and then scolding anna for trying to help her . not to mention , elsa doesn’t seem like the type of person to not analyze a situation before running into it . i’m not saying she wouldn’t use her powers to help ( like she did in the enchanted forest with bruni — pointless plot point , by the way ) , but anna has shown time and time again that she is JUST — if not MORE — capable than elsa to handle herself . and elsa just keeps putting her down .
and it doesn’t come off as “ i want to protect you “ , which i think disney intended it as . it comes off as “ i am better than you , and want to be alone “ — which is a BOLD stance for disney to take , since the message of the first movie was “ you need to let your loved ones love you so you can love yourself “ . and now the message is . . . “ fuck your family , go find yourself you don’t need them ? ? “ i understand that elsa is an inherently independent character who clearly prefers to process her emotions alone , but — while this is valid — this is a REALLY bold take for a . . literate children’s movie to take . and to not address any of the emotional downsides that can come with this .
in the scene with elsa and anna at the shipwreck— elsa essentially makes anna witness an insanely traumatic event ( for what reason ? to ‘ know what happened ‘ ? could she not tell anna what she was planning to do and warn her to leave if she wasn’t mentally prepared to see that , at the very least ? ) , and then when anna is GRIPPING onto elsa for support , elsa . . runs away ?
i know that’s in elsa’s character , to cope with her emotions alone — but the fact that this is NEVER addressed again is insane to me . elsa goes “ they drowned because of ME . “ okay , sure , whatever . they did die trying to find the source of elsa’s powers . but to me , this comes across as incredibly “ this is MY trauma , anna . feel bad for ME . this is about ME . “ is this her intention ? of course not ! ! but it comes off that way to me . anna isn’t allowed to process her own emotions about seeing her parents in their last moments alive ( without her consent ) , she IMMEDIATELY has to put it aside to comfort elsa .
( i can understand the view of ‘ elsa feels more guilt surrounding this since she has trauma regarding her powers and feels like she , in a way , kind of killed her parents . ‘ that’s valid and totally makes sense . but that doesn’t negate anna’s relationship with her parents . she has just as much of a right to grieve and feel things as elsa does . while family should absolutely support each other through a loss like this , this carelessness and lack of regard for how this might be affecting anna and seeing her parents last moment against her will isn’t okay . )
and elsa thanks her , not by explaining to her “ i’m scared i’m going to lose you too , but this journey is really important to me . can we please find a compromise . “ — but instead sending her away on a boat . again , the message of “ i want to protect you “ is totally lost .
anna even addresses that she has every right to be mad — because , she does ! she has been pushed around and brushed off by elsa this entire journey , and all of her efforts are met with elsa belittling her . but the thing that makes me mad is : elsa NEVER sees ANY consequence for this . anna just , forgives her . and all is well .
obviously , i think elsa being the only one who got to see iduna is ridiculous , and the fact that they cut out the scene of agnarr and iduna gushing about how much they love anna is even more stupid , but i digress .
the ending of the movie is what really pissed me off , though . elsa DECIDES that anna “ gets “ to be queen . we never see the discussion , we just assume that elsa says , “ i’m gonna stay here , sooooo . . good luck ! “ sure , anna might have said yes , but what a shitty position to put your sister in ? “ hey , i’m gonna step down from the throne , technically sure you can refuse to take my place but good luck finding an heir BYE ! “ that’s not something you decide on a whim because you want to play horse girl in the woods forever .
and all of this would have been fine with me ! IF IT WAS ADDRESSED . but it’s not ! at the end of the movie , anna forgives elsa and all is well now . because elsa can’t have any flaws , because she’s elsa .
long story short , i roleplay elsa because the second movie REALLY grinds my gears . so , to any future partners i have that roleplay anna , please know : i don’t think elsa treated anna fairly at all . elsa living in the enchanted forest isn’t something that’s canon to my portrayal ( with a few exceptions ) , but i am more than willing to explore queen anna portrayals and how elsa and her navigate their relationship going forward . ( please note that i want their to be a solid relationship between muns before we explore this as angst threads are relatively emotionally exhausting for me ! )
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isekaicore · 1 year
plot predictions for frozen iii
even though all the other movies have hinted that elsa is the only person in the world with her powers, she's going to meet a new girl (or guy!) with fire powers and they're gonna bait her by telling her she isn't alone because the northuldra and arendelle are full of normies she can't relate to but then PLOT TWIST it's hans 2 (not related to hans 1)
anna and elsa's dad (not the mom cause the mom is 100% dead) survived the shipwreck and is gonna come back all grizzled and 100x more anti-magic before he died and it's gonna be called frozen because he's frozen in his traumatic experience of watching his wife die
they're finally gonna canonize the tangled crossover and have cassandra appear as a pseudo-sorta-kinda-but-not-really love interest for elsa (unlikely because i don't think disney execs like cassandra / gay people)
kristoff's bio parents are actually important royals from a lost kingdom who are gonna come to arendelle and start causing trouble between the northuldra and arendelle (i'm pretty sure this is from tangled the series as well???)
hans older brothers cameo and one of them has really weird queer subtext with kristoff that is never addressed
olaf gets a snow wife with huge boobs played by jenny slate
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thebanneredmareinn · 6 months
Skyrim asks!
1, 2 !
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1. Which areas of Skyrim do they find most beautiful and most dangerous?
Anarian loves the Rift. He loves the trees and the autumn colors. It reminds him of his home in Valenwood. The wilds of the Pale and Winterhold, however, he finds more dangerous than is worth the effort more often than not. He hates the frigid winds and icy paths and don't even get him started on frost trolls.
2. Which cities do they prefer to stay in and why? Which cities to they avoid at all costs?
He enjoys Whiterun, but his favorite is Riften, though he is always certain to be aware of the whereabouts and contents of his coinpurse.
Besides Dawnstar and Winterhold, for the reasons mentioned above, he isn't a fan of Markarth. After adventuring all over the province, the last thing he wants to do when he gets home is hike up all those damned stairs. He'll only walk up 7,000 steps for the Greybeards, and even then he's gonna complain the whole time.
8. What is their favorite kind of food that can only be found in Skyrim?
The only thing Anarian enjoys about the frozen north is a hearty bowl of horker stew (sans veggies) or a thick bloody horker steak.
These were answered for my newest oc Anarian who is a Bosmeri merchant who was shipwrecked into Skyrim and he Does Not want to be there lol
(questions from this ask game i reblogged back in august lmao i answered them in my notes app and then forgot about them i'm sorry!!)
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mugoki · 1 year
'Stuck in one place' horror movies 💀 part 1
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Cube (1997)
Six strangers find themselves in an empty room with each wall carrying a latch - leading to another similar room. Each room either have deadly traps or clues for their sweet escape. Are these strangers capable of finding the exit before falling apart without vital necessities? Apparently there's a whole franchise behind this movie now, but i've only seen 1 and 2 (Cube 2: Hypercube) and they're vastly different from each other, going from realistic escape room premise to a more sci-fi slasher approach.
Buried (2010)
The truck driver of an ambushed convoy gets kidnapped and buried alive with a cellphone, to which he quickly have to find help from before the coffin runs out of air. I remember my brother telling me he went to see it at the cinema with friends, and they all left a little bit traumatized by it, oof.
Below (2002)
A military submarine picks up 3 survivors from a shipwreck, but the passengers might have brought something else with them too. Being deep under the ocean in a malfunctioning submarine is a phobia i didn't know i had, thanks!
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Oxygen (2021)
Similar to Buried, a woman wakes up trapped in a very small space. However this is a modern pod with technology and our main character have lost her memory. This movie is about finding the password to unlock the pod, but also who and why she was put there.
Circle (2015)
Correctly described as a horror reality show, a group of people are stuck standing in a circle and have to vote each other off - having to decide what skills and experiences are more of value when it comes to life and death. I think maybe some people will get bored by people standing around talking and voting but i found it really stressful !
Await Further Instructions (2018)
This movie takes place in a whole suburban house, where a family have gotten together for a traditional dinner. The household is already made of toxic people but when the building completely locks up, insanity slowly start to set in between the family members.
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Sanctum (2011)
When you think of caves in horror movies, i feel you automatically think of monsters? But Sanctum have no monsters, instead it's about a diving team finding themselves stuck in a cave system as it slowly start filling up with rain water. I saw this one in cinema years ago and still find it so terrifying.
Frozen (2010)
Imagine getting stuck in a chairlift with your friends after some fun skiing. You're too high up to jump off, too far away to be heard screaming for help and not clothed enough to endure serval icy nights. This is exactly what happens to these characters, pushed to find a solution before freezing to death.
4 x 4 (2019)
A very underrated horror movie that i highly recommend! A man tries to steal a car, but the car has been tampered with and he is unable to get out. The windows are coated and the vehicle soundproof, the thief has to get out before slowly cooking to death in the summer sun. What would you do?
[ Part 2 ]
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theartoffrozen · 1 year
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Concept art by Jim Martin
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the-honey-bear · 1 year
When the Ravens Leave the Tower
I’ve wanted to write something like this since Frozen 2 came out. What if Queen Iduna made it home from the shipwreck? What if she was forced to confront her actions when Anna discovered Elsa’s powers? What if she actually just TALKED to her daughters about her past with the Northuldra?!
This is also about grief and loss, so you know, TW. 
Title: When the Ravens Leave the Tower
Summary:  When Anna and Elsa's parents set out by ship, only Queen Iduna returns. As the royal family grieve the loss of King Adgar, more than one long-held secret is revealed, with far reaching consequences.
AO3 Link 
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Okay so, I just remembered that in "The Boy in the Iceberg" and "Return of the Avatar", there was a specific sequence of events that lead to Zuko finding the Water Tribe village:
Aang and Katara went penguin sledding, explored the Fire Nation shipwreck, set off a trap that launched a flare, and then Zuko tracked them back to the village.
However, Aang also got banished for going to the Fire Nation ship in the first place, but came back when he noticed that the village was being attacked, giving himself up in exchange for Zuko agreeing to leave the village alone.
What happens in the Avatar!Ty Lee version of the first two episodes? Because Zuko having his redemption arc early kinda derails a lot of those plot threads.
Okay so! Yes that happened, but the stuff that happened first was that there was the giant light in the sky.
So in this AU, our Fire ship is currently in the South Pole, near the Water Tribe but not really heading there specifically. They're just overall on a journey to try and find anything that can really help Ty Lee with either Airbending or general Avatar shenanigans.
Meanwhile, Katara and Sokka find Aang in the iceberg and break him out. This has two effects.
1.) the previously mentioned giant lightshow
2.) Ty Lee also has a physical reaction, at the very least the glowing eyes.
Which has everyone go ????????. But they figure it has to be some Avatar Bullshit™, so they decide to go full speed ahead to check it out.
I think regardless of Aang and Katara setting off the boobytrap, the ship would've found the village anyway and ended up there. It's the only civilization for miles so it's a good start to get information.
The Water Tribe still assumes they're under attack though. And if Aang already got the whole 'oh shit it's been 100 years and you're in the middle of a war' talk, he would stay to try and defend them because ya know. That's his thing. So if they did kick him out he'd come back.
Now. Our Fire Nation group knows that they're not going to get the warmest welcome. So really they send just Ty Lee and Zuko to kinda scout things out. Ty Lee because she's the one who is following the 'vibes' and will have to deal with whatever Avatar shit. And Zuko because he's..... the least intimidating one. (The teens are the least intimidating on the ship by default, and out of Zuko, Mai or Azula..... yeah......)
Of course since an attack is expected they still just drop right into Sokka attempting to hit them. But Ty Lee just casually dodges and throws him off balance and is too busy trying to find 'where the vibes are' to really care. Zuko apologize for Ty Lee and helps him up and Sokka's entire thought process is "???? Cute boy???? Wait! No! Enemy!!! But if enemy why help instead of hurt???"
Ofc when Ty Lee and Aang are within like 10 feet of each other there's gonna be more glowy shit for a hot second, then Ty Lee going 'Oh fuck he's the one with the vibes!' and honestly Aang is just so obviously an Air Bender that she asks him to teach her.
And then we get the 'I'm the Avatar!!!'/'No wait I'm the Avatar????' bit from those two.
Obviously this is enough for everyone to sit down and have an actual civil conversation. Which.... Yeah they explain shit. Aang was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years, Ty Lee is descended from what Air Nomads managed to hide, etc. THey assume that either 1.) Aang was the Avatar, but being frozen counted him as 'dead'(which is sorta true) or 2.) he wasn't actually the Avatar and the monks were wrong.
They also interrogate Ty Lee and Zuko on the whole.... ya know. If they're the Fire Nation and they have the Avatar, then why aren't they involved in the war? What's going on there?
And.... okay they sort of give half truths but they say that yeah they have a Fire Navy ship but they're.... they're really not really getting involved in the war. At this point it's just 'time to find Ty Lee some sort of teacher'.
ofc there'd be more talking with the others too. Like. Both the main group but also the ship's crew.
Honestly the more deciding factor here is Aang because like. He wants to go with Ty Lee to figure shit out, and also to see for himself how the world has changed(and also he's still in denial about the Air Nomads being all gone except for people who hid).
Katara and Sokka are.... still very suspicious of the crew though. Like, the things Zuko and Ty Lee said sound somewhat reasonable! But they're not ready to just let Aang run off on his own with a bunch of strangers who, for all they know, could be lying!
So yeah they go with Aang and are ready to fight their way out at a moments notice, but tbh by the time we get to the Southern Air Temple, they're already winning the kids over. And everything in that episode really just finalizes everything and everyone's decisions.
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Thranduil and Josie Part 30- Full Circle (1 of 2)
Night had fallen in Rivendell. You had locked yourself in your room for the rest of the day reading all of Thranduil's journal. His last entry was the day after your wedding before everything fell apart. A time when you were the happiest you had ever been. There were many blank pages after that but something told you to go the last page. There was an entry dated the day of Arwen and Aragorn's wedding.
"I am your husband and you are my wife. You are equal to me in every way. You are everything to me. You have consumed every part of me. I cannot see without your eyes and I cannot breathe without your breath. I only live because of you. I only love because of you. You became my heart and it can only beat for you and you alone. You are already far more than I deserve. If I am Mirkwood's greatest King, then I give no glory to myself for it was my Josephine that gave to me all that I have and made me all that I am. I was given a gift greater than an immortal life. I dare not ask for anything more, for there is nothing more time could give to me. Im mel thee Josephine, more than nin own cuil. "(I love thee Josephine, more than my own life.)
You buried your face in your pillow and bawled. He was trying to win you back after the Laketown events which was his entire motive for giving the journal to Elrond to give to you, in hopes you would remember all of your happy times with him through his eyes and forgive him..... but this was before he knew about Haldir. You hated yourself for the pain you had caused him, how could he ever want you now? He made that pretty clear that he didn't when he left you again. You stood up and hurled the book through the air, belting out a loud scream. It hit the wall and fell to the floor, locking shut. You slid down to the floor against the bed and cradled your knees against your chest, then laid your head down on top of them.
A knock sounded on your door. "Haldir, I said I wanted to be alone!" you cried.
"Josie, it is I, Legolas."
Your head flipped up as you gasped. You scrambled to your feet and then ran to the door, flinging it open. He smiled and then gasped as you pounced on him, hugging so him so tightly.
"Oh my god, Legolas! What are you doing here?" You shouted then let go and panicked. "Is Thranduil here?? Or is something wrong, oh my god tell me he is alright!!"
"Calm down, calm down, he is alright...physically anyways. No he is not with me, I came alone. I have news to share with everyone, which I already have, but I needed to tell you, as my father asked me to."
His last words sent a smile over you face because the last thing Thranduil had said to you was that you would never see him again, that it would be as if he never existed. As if that were ever possible. The pain was a constant reminder that he was real.
"He wants to tell me something? you asked with great angst.
"Not in so many words, just told me to included you on the invitation list. I have asked Tauriel to marry me. We shall wed in just a matter of days. I hope that you will come. I know it would mean the world to Tauriel. She misses you deeply."
You were dumbfounded for a minute at his news, then became ecstatic with joy, pulling him back into a bear hug. "Legolas! Oh my god I am so happy for you!" You jumped back from his arms. "I can't believe it. I am so proud of you Legolas, for finally admitting your love of Tauriel. She must be over the moon. And Thranduil, he....approves? Hell must have frozen over." you giggled.
Legolas laughed. "In a way I suppose. I am not sure what happened.....Josie, he is a complete shipwreck, drowning himself in bottle after bottle, lashing out at everyone. He will not eat, has barely slept, and keeps to himself.... Him and I had....words this morning. Not so pleasant ones. Hours later his entire demeanor changed, to a very sad one. That is when he offered his approval and to host the celebration, then asked me to invite all of Rivendell, Haldir as well for my benefit and.... you included. I know his true intentions were of him wanting you to come. He needs you Josie. He is not himself. I hope you will come. I know his words to you when he left were hurtful, but you must know it was all an act. It is not what he wants. You are his heart's desire and always will be."
You were taken aback from what Legolas had just told you. Your heart was racing at the thought of Thranduil hurting so badly. 24 hours ago he said he was not coming back, and now this. Something must have happened. Strangely, you realized it was today, the day you had read his journal. You just wanted to hold him. "Yes....I will come. For you and Tauriel." you said with a tiny grin.
Legolas knew the real reason you agreed to come though. "Good. 3 days...how is it that you say it? be there or be square?" he laughed and kissed your cheek.
"You know it boii." you laughed even harder. God, you were corrupting this poor kid with your human ways....and you secretly loved every minute of it. You had a motherly bond with Legolas, something you knew you would never experience otherwise after Peter's terror on your body.
As Legolas was leaving your room, Haldir was coming up the hall. They stopped and spoke.
"Haldir...again, the invitation stands. I am not proud of your actions, but you are still my guardian, and my friend for life. I hope you will decide to come, but I will understand if you do not." Legolas said and placed his hand on Haldir's shoulder. They both smiled and bowed as Legolas left.
Haldir then walked up to you slowly with a tell tale look on his face. He knew you were going to go and he was crushed. "I.. I was not coming to bother you, I know you wanted to be left alone. I was just on my way to my room to turn in." he said and began to leave.
"Haldir....wait. Please." you said as your eyes teared up.
He stopped and turned around to look at you. "Jo....I will not be going. I think you can appreciate why. ... As I said in my note....Jo, you cannot have it both ways and it is clear to me that you have made your decision, which I always knew in my heart, that it would be the one you would make. I was only fooling myself into thinking I could ever hold your whole heart when it was not mine to have." he then walked up to you and took your face into his hands, whispering against your mouth. "I will cherish every moment we shared and never forget all you have done for me. You saved my life in more ways than one. For that I will forever be eternally grateful to you." He then kissed your lips soft and still. You began to cry as his lips were on yours. He pulled away and stroked your cheek, gave you a small smile and said "I will see you tomorrow." and he walked away to his room. Somehow you knew that you wouldn't. God what have you done........
Morning came. You had only slept in 20 minute intervals throughout the night with all your thoughts invading you. You got up, bathed and dressed, then headed straight to find Haldir. His door was wide open and you peeked inside. "Haldir?" you said as you slowly walked in looking around. His belongings were gone and there was a note on the bed. Your heart sank as you went and picked it up.
"Jo....my sweet Jo. If you are reading this, then you know I have gone. I could not bare to say goodbye to you and see you cry. Please know that this is not what I want, but it is what you need, and that is all that matters to me. I am the only thing now that stands between you and your true love, Thranduil. I now know love because of you, and I know that the biggest part of loving another is wanting that person to be happy, even if it means it is not with me. I will love you with all of my heart....forever.
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You sat down on the bed in disbelief. You held the note up against you and squeezed it, you could smell him on it.
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He was the most kindest, gentlest and noblest of souls and you had torn his heart out for it. Any woman would be the luckiest in the world to have his love....but you could not be that woman, for your heart belonged to the most amazing one of all, the love of your life, your King....Yandere Thranduil.
It was now the day of the wedding. You awoke bright and early as you hardly slept from being so anxious. Your nerves were shot over it all and yep, sure enough, off to the wash room you went to be sick again. You truly felt that you just needed Thranduil and everything would be alright again....well mostly. Haldir was gone and you still thought of him. You always would. You prayed you would see him again someday as he was still your best friend in your eyes, and right now, you had no one. Just like before you met Thranduil. You needed to focus and got up to get ready. It was going to take you half the day to get there. You found another beautiful white gown with a perfect v neck so your moonstone necklace would stand out, then did your hair and put on a black cloak. Off you went to find the others. Arwen, Aragorn and Elrond were finishing up breakfast, and already dressed for the party, ready to head out.
"Josie, eat something quickly, we still have time." Arwen said.
"Ugh, I can't. My nerves are so bad. I already became sick again this morning. I just really need to go. Are you all ready?" you asked anxiously.
"We are. Here...at least eat a bite of lembas, it will fill you and make you feel better." Arwen offered sweetly.
You did as she asked and the magic bread did the trick. Everyone went out and packed up their horses as did you, and off you went to the King's halls of Mirkwood. God how you have missed that place, but more so...Thranduil.
The entire ride, all you thought about were Thranduil's journal entries. You had read the entire book and his words were burned in your heart. You thought of his entry of when you first danced with him and he had also first kissed you.
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"I have never felt lips so soft or tasted a tongue so sweet. I was having trouble containing my gentle nature as her breath was bringing out something inside of me I had never experienced. As I pressed my lips more firmly against hers and stroked her tongue with mine, she let out a small pleasureful gasp. I wanted her. Oh how I wanted her. Her hand caressed my cheek. I had never been touched in such a loving way. I could have stood there for an entire night tasting her beauty. She was everything I had ever dreamt of and now she was real. I had my entire world in my arms. I knew then that I was in love with her, although I believe I already knew I was the moment I had first laid eyes upon her, possibly even the first time I had heard her voice in my head crying out for help. That voice came from these beautiful lips that were now on mine. Could she possibly love me too? Could anyone ever really love me...."
Luckily you were following everyone so they could not see or hear you crying. His words, they way he expressed his deepest feelings, were something he was never able to do in person, not to that extent. He was always so loving and spoke sweet words, but not like that, in such depth. You believed he didn't know how, that he could only do it on paper when he was alone in his feelings and thoughts. Of course he didn't know how, he never had anyone to speak such heartfelt words to. You understood that completely as you never had anyone to say them too as well. Who would have ever thought the love of your life would be an elf lord, a dream of dreams, a fairy tale of fairytales. Someone so perfect and flawless are what they were portrayed to be. But Thranduil was far from that. He was just like you when you met him. Broken.....and now you have broken him even more.
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As you all pulled up to the halls front entrance, elves were all over the place talking and laughing. You took in the beauty of it all as you never thought you'd be here again. At the same time, your stomach was doing flip flops knowing you were going to see Thranduil soon. You got off your horse and just stood there looking around letting the sun soak upon your face.
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You were afraid to follow them inside but you did it, and bee lined straight for Tauriel's room in hopes she was in there. You peeked in her doorway and saw her and other she elves helping her get ready.
"Eh hum" you said and giggled.
Tauriel's head snapped towards you. Her eyes grew big. "Josie!" she whispered loudly with shock and excitement. You ran to each other, hugging and spinning around jumping with laughter and tears. "I cannot believe you came, I was so afraid you would not."
"Of course I came, I wouldn't miss my best friend's wedding! You were there for mine and I shall be there for yours."
"Speaking of which. Now that you are here....I have asked no one to stand with me. Will you? The King is standing with Legolas, it would be perfect, the two of you there with us as Legolas and I were at yours. Yes?" she asked with hope in her eyes.
Of course you wanted to do it, but the thought of standing beside Thranduil was causing such uncontrollable nerves to flutter through you. "I....I....Tauriel...I am scared."
Tauriel asked the elves to leave. 'There. We are alone. What in the world are you scared of?" she asked with a smile.
"I think you know. I have not even seen Thranduil yet and my anxiety is through the roof. I don't know what to do." you said and broke down crying. "Why does he even want me here after what I have done? I do not know how to face him."
"Because his love for you is unconditional and never ending, as yours is for him. He is aware of his fault in all of it, he does not solely blame you, as you should not either. You are here. You came for him did you not? If you truly wanted another, you would have stayed where you were." She paused for a minute and looked down. "I too, know what is it like to love another....but be IN love with someone else."
You looked at her in shock. "You...do?"
"Yes....I loved a dwarf once named Kili. He...."
You cut her off in disbelief. "Wait, what? A dwarf? They are real?"
Tauriel laughed. "Honey, we are elves. If we exist, all else you have read of exists too."
You giggled. "I guess you got me there. I'm sorry. Please...tell me of this Kili."
She sat down on the bed and you sat beside her. "It was during a time of war. I was in love with Legolas but he was very much under his father's control at that time. The King did not approve of me for his son. Legolas shut me out and then I met Kili. Although he was not of my kind, he was the sweetest soul and we became instant friends, best friends even. During the beginning of the war, he became injured by a morgul blade. He would have died without my help. I saved him and that is when I knew I loved him, but not in the way I loved Legolas. Legolas grew further away from me when he knew of my feelings for Kili and what I had done to save him, and the King, well, he was even more displeased with me. Josie...I too made a choice. One I could not undo. I felt all alone and that Kili could fix it. I think you know where I am going with this. I understand your choice to be with Haldir. .... Kili was later killed in the war. My grief was unbearable. I was not able to save him like you did for Haldir. That is when Legolas came back and was there for me. He understood my pain and we became close again. Josie....if Kili would have lived....I still would have chosen Legolas in the end. He is the love of my life. Obviously, this all took place before the King met you. he was very different then, cold, unkind, unfeeling. He did not know of love, there was none in him. But when he met you, he changed. And I believe that is why he now accepts me, as he understands real love, that there is no boundaries."
Her story broke your heart. It was almost identical to yours, except Haldir was still very much alive. But she is right. You would have always chosen Thranduil in the end. "Tauriel...I don't know what to say. I had no idea. but I understand it is not something you wanted to talk about. One thing I am grateful to Haldir for now, is for giving you the push to admit your feelings and it made you and Legolas finally become one."
She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yes. I was so angry with him but you are right. Haldir is truly a kind rare soul for an elf. Speaking of, is he coming?"
You looked down and sighed. "No. He left. I believe back to Lothlorien. He left me a note and that was it." You didn't want to talk about Haldir anymore, it hurt too much. "Ok...I think we have done enough with the sad stuff" you snickered. "Do you know where Thranduil is?"
"The last time I saw him, he was in the gardens doing what he does best. But that was hours ago, so I am not sure. Go...find your man. He needs you." she chuckled.
Judging by what she said, she meant drinking. You needed to find him. He needed to know you came and that Tauriel asked you to stand with her, you didn't want it to just be a surprise. If he would just open his thoughts, he would know all of this.
"Alright. I will see you soon my sweets." you told her and left. You went out the front entrance and around to the gardens which was full of drinking elves. Boy they sure loved their wine and parties, you thought with a laugh.
You peered all around and did not see him. You asked a few elves if they knew where he was, when one finally pointed to the woods. "He went in there about 15 minutes ago."
You sped off in that direction, then stopped just before you went in, you closed your eyes and held you necklace, thinking of Thranduil, hoping it would light up, but it did not. Why?
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You walked down a trail glancing all around. All was so quiet that you could hear every crunch under your boots. You then came across an empty wine bottle laying in the path. You picked it up and could instantly smell him all over it. "Great." you whispered out loud, then kept walking. You came to a clearing just shy of the guest hall that you had your reception in. The breeze blew his scent right into your face. There he was. Just standing there looking around with his back to you. You gasped and dropped the bottle. He heard the clunk and spun around, staring at you.
"Josephine" he whispered with stunned eyes. "Are you....real? or just a ghost...."
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