#fuck kamala harris
briearesea · 2 years
Yesterday at the hardware store I saw a person wearing this shirt and I almost vomited into their face because this is nauseating. I almost forgot my split washers I was so upset
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Fucking gross
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anarcho-yorpism · 1 month
To all the communist transvestites, VOTE👏VON👏HINDENBURG👏
I'm just as radical as you; I'm a proud member of the great Social Democratic Party of Germany! I don't know what the crazy communists are telling you, but Paul von Hindenburg is our only hope to defeat the Nazis. After we elect him, then we can discuss other politics, but this is the BARE MINIMUM, and if you don't vote for him, you clearly have this crazy purity test that'll bring us all to fascism.
I know you might be worried about his "senility" and "failing health", and I know you may not like him because of his push to the right, and I know you may be worried about the brownshirts, and the recent persecution of Dr. Hirschfeld and his work, and maybe you STILL haven't gotten over the whole Rosa Luxemburg stuff,
but none of that really matters! We need to keep the SPD in power, or else Hitler will get in charge! This is the most important and most basic thing you could do to help Germany stay a democracy. In 6 years, then maybe we can find a better candidate, but no matter what you think about von Hindenburg, he's the best shot we have at keeping the fascists out of power. We can totally push him left!
Any vote against von Hindenburg is a vote for Hitler. #Hindenburg1932
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spreadtunes22 · 2 years
Titular song on the last released album.
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miamian4life · 2 years
brandon is gone in ukraine for good. not a joke!!! 😎🥳️
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There's a reason they try to avoid letting this woman go in front of cameras at all costs
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breakingfirst · 2 months
What the F*** is she even talking about? 😳⬆️
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ironladders · 8 days
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anotherpapercut · 5 months
I love how every election season establishment dems just like scream "VOTE" over and over again without ever presenting a plan for how they'll actually fix anything once we've voted for them or even bothering to do anything at all ever to protect voting rights???? like saying "vote" isn't super helpful when people are not being ALLOWED to vote
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cyarsk52-20 · 5 months
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I’m glad that I wasn’t able to do that at third grade
Now that I think about I didn’t remember learning about him until the fifth or sixth grade
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biden needs a fucking claw hammer to the head.
he released a public statement denouncing South Africa's statements as unfounded that Israel is committing genocide.
biden needs a fucking claw hammer to the head.
he and the united kingdom have started dropping bombs on Yemen for condemning the palestinian genocide. Yemen has not killed a single person during this entire 100+ days of violence.
joe fucking biden needs a claw hammer to the head.
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hillaryisaboss · 1 year
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lulumk1 · 2 months
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WASHINGTON—Moments after pulling shut the door to the Roosevelt Room and locking it behind her, a terrified Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly told aides to “Stab him! Stab him, you cowards!” on Friday after she plunged a knife into President Joe Biden’s back. “What are you waiting for, you fools? Strike now! Strike before the opportunity goes cold!” said the blood-dappled vice president, who, as her staff appeared to grow uncertain of the blades in their shaking hands and backed away toward the exit, reminded each panicked aide in turn that they had pledged their fealty for this day. “Think of all I’ve promised you. Think of all we stand to gain. Quick, now, the first blow has been rendered. There is no going back. We’re confederates in this. We must act now or be damned by inaction!” At press time, sources confirmed President Biden had complained to an assistant of a tightness in his shoulder and returned to the Oval Office with the knife still protruding from his back.
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cyarskaren52 · 4 months
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rextomblr · 1 year
ok I laughed at this. im in.
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