#fukou kun wa kiss suru shikanai
dengswei · 2 years
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If you're okay with it, I want to get to know you better. Of course I'm okay with it. At first, I just didn't want to be unlucky. But now it's different. It's not about luck anymore.
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leonpob · 2 years
Don’t watch episode 5 of Mr Unlucky Has No Choice But To Kiss! if you want to be happy. Seriously about to cry my eyes out 😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢🥺
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indigoair · 2 years
Have you ever punched your boyfriend in the face and run screaming from his apartment because you saw his nipples
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prongsmydeer · 2 years
Ayesha Liveblogs Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss
“[This introduction was all lies.]” Honestly, I was ready to abandon this show immediately based on the intro scene so I like that it’s a fake-out
“To prevent my bad luck from spreading, I don’t get close to anyone.” Fascinating that Kota’s method of choice for keeping people at bay is being unnaturally perky and kind
“Don’t tell me, Miki. You want a guy at that level?” “It’s fine, I have this [romantic charm bracelet] with me.” I feel like things are not going to go well for Miki  
How does no one notice Kota glaring so intently at intervals LMAO??
I’m not sure what’s funnier, the fact that Kota was winding up a scream as the janitor approached him, or that the janitor would beeline for him despite the fact that’s not where he needs to go with the bucket
“Anyone would fall for him after hearing such words from that face. [...] This is dangerous.” I’m a little confused as why Kota is concerned, I thought he was Team Naoya’s Hot Face
“I was hoping we could stay together always.” What a bold thing to say to someone after hanging out with them one (1) time
Also. I made the mistake of thinking here Kota would be honest about why he wants to hang out with Naoya. Kota has already proven himself very emotionally dishonest
And that Naoya’s reaction to this request after their one (1) day of hanging out was “Yes, absolutely.” LMAO all in I guess
I appreciate that this show went, “You know how some other shows will play a will-they-won’t-they attitude to kissing for the entire series? Not us!! They’re going to kiss in the FIRST EPISODE.”
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“But it’s either this or going back to my miserable days.” I DON’T GET U KOTA? Why are you acting like it’s such a burden to date this man that keep saying is hot and charming and who you also keep saying you could fall for? What’s the danger for u, it’s Naoya that doesn’t understand your motives for seeking out his company?
I like that Naoya’s friends are so fashionable. You rarely see side characters with such pronounced style. It’s fun
 “I’ve decided. I have to stay with him no matter what. Even that means I have to break his trust.” 1) You’re already doing that. 2) Oh good, a conscience!
“I’m worried. I can’t let my boyfriend get sick.” Naoya is very sweet
What a funny paradox of Kota’s default personality being kind of grumpy and unhinged but Naoya’s good luck making him actually the giddy person he pretends to be 
“Whoa, it’s like I made a friend,” said Kota, about the man he was literally dating
[Kota to himself] “Don’t forget. You’re only with him to escape your bad luck. Don’t let him pull you in!” This is such a weird angle to take
Why does Kota need emotional distance when he is the one instigating the deceit? It’s like a 90s romcom when someone dates a person because of a bet/dare and then they’re like “Oh man, I actually fell for them!” It’s not about you! You’re the one hurting someone LMAO WHAT THE HELL
Awww poor Naoya, he waited for an over an hour!!
The real question is if Kota’s luck is so severe, how does he get ANYWHERE like how does he get to school???
The vengeful deity watching over Kota, probably: I want this guy to suffer, but I draw the line at interfering with his education 
Get you a boyfriend like Naoya who both takes initiative to plan things he thinks you might like AND leaves room for you to decide the other activities of the day
“Damn it. I’ve been taken in by his charm.” I must ask again, Kota, what’s your problem????????????? WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM FOR YOU?
Lol is this lottery result meant to depict that if Naoya and Kota are together they even out to a normal amount of luck
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“I’ll take responsibility.” I understand this is a common phrase, but feels funny in the immediate aftermath of implying you want someone to come over to your place to hook up
“I’ll kiss your lips when you agree.” Naoya is literally like the perfect boyfriend so all of Kota’s comments abt distance and personal gain feel so mean-spirited kjhgkjhg
Imagine if the next time I went on a date with a woman, if, for some reason, the topic of whether I was into women came up, I went, “Oh hell no.” I can’t emphasize enough how stupid this is jlkdjlkjdljdlj
“Basically, this rule states you want to return feelings of love.” [Internally] “Could it be the same with me? Is he trying to trap me with the reciprocity of attraction?” NO. YOU JUST LIKE MEN, DUDE. THAT’S IT
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It’s a wonder no one ever notices the constant trainwreck of expressions on Kota’s face
“I’m the one who caused this misunderstanding.” No shit sherlock
You know. It speaks of some psychological implications that Naoya could not stand to have just normal luck at a lottery. Aren’t matching keychains their own (understated) gesture of affection?
“He cares so much about me, yet I’m only using him to escape my bad luck. I’m such an awful person. I’m the worst.” THIS IS WHAT I THOUGHT THE INTERNAL CONFLICT WOULD BE
You know, despite Kota’s constant internal complaining about being around Naoya for NO DISCERNIBLE REASON it is cute that he brought the penguin stuffed toy with him to stay at Naoya’s place. He didn’t want it to get waterlogged <3 
This Sudden-Need-for-Cohabitation Situation really drives home the point that Kota needs to attend the Adachi School of Dealing with Your Magically-Complicated Romance
“Sensual? You have a scent for that?” Scensual pun was right there, it’s a shame it doesn’t translate 
No show has ever made me feel insane in this specific way before. It’s like I’m being gaslit about Kota being attracted to this guy. Every thirty seconds Kota internally monologues about how perfect Naoya is, and then pretends like he’s being forced by the universe to think gay thoughts 
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I assume the motivation Naoya has for ignoring Kota so much is that he’s worried about moving too fast and scaring him 
Update from like 10 minutes later: “Or rather, I can’t hold myself back.” I KNEW it would be this comment exactly, Naoya is in every way, Discount Kurosawa. Also, this seems like a very common JDrama response 
“Laugh for me again.” “I can’t do it on command!” Okay, that’s cute, one (1) point to the writers
This scene has been quite A Lot and I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or say yikes but Naoya immediately waking up after being knocked unconscious and Kota screaming at Naoya’s nipples has really tipped the scales in favour of laughter 
“Are my muscles too much?” Oh yeah, Naoya, it’s your muscles that are the problem here 
“I bet he’s mad, for sure.” Nah Kota, I’m sure he gets punched and then nipple-screamed all the time
Yashiro is actually incredibly refreshing; it’s about time Kota has a friend, and maybe if Kota talks out his feelings about bad luck and boyfriends he’ll stop being so exhausting to listen to 
“I’ll hang with you whenever you want to skip class.” Get u a friend like Yashiro 
Awwww poor Naoya, I see these two Blond Ticket Scalper Friends are immediately proving Yashiro’s ‘it’s about what you do with your luck’ statement to be true
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It’s also interesting to me how sometimes being blond in shows is shorthand for “Existing Outside of Japanese Society’s Norms.” What would these shows do if someone had dyed their hair blue? They’d be losing their minds
“Looking at you two makes me pissed off. It’s like looking at myself in a mirror.” Kota beating these guys up for talking about doing the very thing he is already doing (only spending time around Naoya to benefi from his luck). Truly the behaviour you can expect from someone who is both Gay and Homophobic
“I’m the same as these guys. I only paid attention to Naoya’s good luck and nothing else. I used him. I took advantage of such a kind, honest, guy.” This epiphany would have a lot more impact if he hadn’t had this exact same epiphany two episodes ago!!!! It doesn’t matter if you notice a behaviour is shitty if you continue to do it. The writing goes in circles. I feel like whoever submitted this script was high as hell:
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“He is generous enough to share his luck with others. That’s why people love him. It’s not something anyone can do.” I love this about Naoya also 
Well, finally their classmates witnessed Kota acting like his regular unhinged self. The Bad Personality’s out of the bag. I’m glad! Plot progression, at least
Honestly, they haven’t even DEMONSTRATED any bad luck for the last two episodes. It makes the whole scheme seem even more unnecessary 
“I was lying and taking advantage of you, too.” FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLY KOTA
Wow, he really took accountability for all of the lying and scheming in one fell swoop. That was a pretty good apology. Also the fact it took so much circular writing to get here convinces me this should’ve been a movie instead of a 8-ep series. Take a note from S. Korea, boys, they throw together a series of 10 minute webisodes and compile it into a movie. Wish You did very well in that format
Somehow, also, the acting in this one scene has been better than any of the acting so far
ALSO: How are there three episodes left? How long can u drag this out
You know, I’m thinking, because Naoya is so fucking nice, he’ll be like ‘Actually Fukuhara, you can chill with me anyway if you’re worried about bad luck. We don’t have to be boyfriends and I don’t care that you lied.’ 
“How could I realize [that I have feelings for Naoya] now? I’m so stupid.” Not gonna fight you on that one, Kota
“I can’t believe you used your friends [to find me].” “Come on, I said I’m sorry.” HAHA, NAOYA THE SCHEME-EE HAS BECOME THE SCHEMER
“After all, that guy tried to use me.” “I was using you too, though.” “Not for anything bad, right?” “But...” “No one has ever stuck up for me like that.” Naoya said: You can rent me for luck-balancing services at the low, low cost of showing me human decency
“Your tricking me, what you said, and your true self. I’ve thought all that through. If you’re okay with it, I’d like to get to know you better.” Naoya, you poor sweet man. There are other, less bananas fish in the sea. Get on a dating app. Download Tinder! 
Naoya: If we’re starting over, do you want to date or be friends?
Kota: I... I don’t know what to say.
Naoya: This is important. We have to talk it out!
HAHAHAHAH the even funnier follow-up. We love a man who knows himself:
Kota [internally]: Am I asking too much [if I say dating]?
Kota: F...Friends.
Naoya, slamming his hands on the table: I want to date you!
“It’s okay, you’ll fall in love with me.” Bold, confident, I like it Naoya
Also Kota choosing not to admit in this exchange he’s already in love LOL
“I like you, Naoya.” “Kota, you...” [Kota runs away] Been there, Kota
This show has gotten like, 10x cuter since Kota started being honest with Naoya. Why couldn’t he have been like this the whole time? What was the point of him making him unbearably mean-spirited and up to his ears in internalized homophobia for four and a half episodes? What purpose did that serve? COULD’VE BEEN A MOVIE
“I’m glad it went well.” “What?” “It’s written all over your face.” Naoya’s friends are one of my favourite parts of this show
I assume now that the Kota finally is in an emotionally good place and ready to date Naoya, his bad luck will return and he’s gonna get hit by a bus or something
“Thank you.” “What for?” “You came over despite your bad luck.” Awwww I’m glad they can laugh about it now
“Mugi is in his own world and Saku lives by his own rules. I feel comfortable whenever I’m with them, because they don’t rely on others.” I love them laying the foundations of this friend group. Also putting Naoya in a suit really makes him seem more like an office worker than a student, he really has a face of indeterminate age
“Yes, [his] smile was exactly like Pome-chan, the Pomeranian I used to have.” I’m glad Naoya’s narration is furthering the point that he is also romantically insane, by comparing the people he’s attracted to to his dead dog. Equality: 
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“He captured my heart by the sudden change in his attitude.” So you’re telling me Naoya KNEW Kota was faking his bubbly personality the whole time and he still didn’t care???? NAOYA WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HAHAHA
Kota is trying very hard not to impose now that his apartment’s fixed, but Naoya is clearly hoping to build a ‘Would you like to stay for dinner?’ to ‘Would you like to stay forever?’ Pipeline 
Naoya is sooooooo earnest it kills me. I’m with Kota on this one:
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“Hold on, what exactly are we doing tonight? I’m sure nothing will happen. A part of me is wishing for something... Wait, what?” How is Kota still surprised by his own gay thoughts
If I haven’t said so, Minato and Itsuki are very fun little background characters, they’re Kota’s friends too but Kota hasn’t quite learned how to be honest with his feelings around them 
Incredible how every one of these psychology lectures is mysteriously related to exactly whatever is going on Kota’s life
“Is there anyone you want to meet no matter how tired you are?” Kota looking at Naoya, and Naoya noticing and laughing is very cute
“’Smooch’ in this day and age?” [Anna staring at Miki, distracted] “Totally.” I don’t know if Miki is thinking gay thoughts, but Anna certainly is:
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Kota raises a fair point, why DID Naoya kiss him when they first met?
“People I’ve dated loved it when I did that, so I thought you’d like it too.” LOL Naoya has just been sweeping all his partners into a big first kiss when they get together, and it’s always gone well!
Naoya is genuinely the only character in a JDrama I’ve ever seen explicitly talk about consent. Like sometimes they do play around with that issue but never has anyone stated it so clearly as he has, “I will kiss your lips when you consent.” I appreciate it 
“Shut up and give me your mouth!” I change my mind. They’ve immediately made it weird with Kota’s actions. Good lord 
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Naoya’s response to Kota being weird about kissing him saying ‘no worries, I can wait,’ and then strength-training him so he’ll be less clumsy. Get you a boyfriend like Naoya
Also their couple’s at-home exercise montage was very fun 
This show was getting too normal and cute so they had to have someone hold Kota at gunpoint in his own home. Of course. 
“Come on, isn’t this too crazy?” Yeah, Kota, it really is
“I wanted to live longer, together with Naoya.” I appreciate the love in this sentiment and in all of Kota’s happy memories. However, this situation is still too much 
I would ask how Naoya slipped past so many cops and reporters, but he ain’t Good Luck Boy for nothing
“Take me as your hostage instead.” Does that really seem like a solution to you, Naoya?
Apparently, it was the solution. Colour me stupid:
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This water gun-hostage situation is the exact reason most water guns on the market look so cartoonish. It’s just safer for everyone! 
“But ever since I met you, I realized I can enjoy my life for the first time.” Awww, Kota said regardless of his luck, that he likes his life because Naoya is in it
Naoya’s new strategy for keeping Kota safe is by asking him to live with him. Boy said I will be your Good Luck Shield 
“I’m really happy you’re caring for me. But I’m not with you to get rid of my bad luck.” You know what that is? Growth
“It’s thanks to my bad luck that I got to meet you. I’m truly grateful for that.” Kota is all about verbalizing his feelings now. I think it’s good for Naoya to hear this!
Naoya would like to clear the air about his own long-term interest in Kota and awareness of his personality, even if it’s not a bad sort of secret
“After seeing you, I realized that I avoided deep relationships with people, too. You and I are the same,” said Naoya, not realizing that was less of a reason for a relationship and more of a reason they should both be in therapy 
[Aggressively] “I’m with you because I really like you. So just stay with me and be my boyfriend like you wanted [softer] Oh... I, um,” [Naoya bursts into laughter] This is perhaps my favourite conversation they’ve had
Ahhhh I think it’s sweet that Naoya doesn’t care about his luck anymore. Maybe being with Kota is actually freeing in a way
“But I want to move in only when we really want to live together one day.” Good for Kota!!!!! He’s been so clear and direct about how much he cares for Naoya ever since his confession
(One last: It could’ve been a movie!!! For the road)
What an adorable ending to a tonally bizarre show. 6/10 stars:
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I feel like this show needs a pro and con list, so here it is:
I like a quirky little supernatural premise, and I enjoyed how they subverted expectations by making Kota a rude little man 
Likeable side characters, I especially enjoy Mugi the fashion student who, I have found out after watching, is apparently played by someone who is trans and ace!! I don’t think I have ever seen an openly trans actor in Japanese media, so that makes my heart happy
Also I enjoyed how people showed how were able to get through their walls (Mugi and Saku to Naoya because they do not rely on other people, and Yashiro to Kota because he notices when something bothers him and doesn’t believe in luck, but what you do with it)
The last few episodes are SO good about communication. Even things that aren’t necessarily pressing issues in their relationship (like Naoya having noticed Kota before) they take the time to address so they can both be on the same page
Their apologies are so wholehearted, and they make sure you understand that even if Naoya knew about Kota’s façade or didn’t care about his motives, Kota cared about how Naoya was treated, by himself and others
They include a conversation about consent!! A clear, reiterated sentiment that consent is mandatory, without coded language
I really enjoyed the conversation about “someone you want to see no matter how tired you are” because it did feel like it was touching on a deeper form of intimacy. Favourite scene!
It becomes clear that they are actually both a compatible kind of bananas, so the lunacy feels balanced
I like how much they laugh together, especially how it leads to Kota being able to laugh at himself
I loved what they had to say about luck, and how you treat other people, regardless of your luck. It seems like they were able to pull out some good themes there
The beginning of the show feels so mean-spirited. Why does Kota constantly monologue about hard he has it emotionally is and how he only needs Naoya for personal gain, and eventually it just seems like his main regret is the fact he is having gay thoughts?
The writing feels so circular. Kota has an crisis of conscience and then it isn’t relevant again for two more episodes. He’ll say a bunch of stuff implying his strong attraction to Naoya, and then immediately we’ll regress two seconds later. It doesn’t make sense and it seems they didn’t have enough material for the length of the show so they just keep repeating things
I get that maybe this was to show Kota is struggling with his emotions, but it didn’t read like that! It read as a lack of consistency, because there wasn’t any emotional impact behind his revelations
Also like. Because there wasn’t any emotional impact to most of what happened in the first five episodes, the acting suffered for it. The actor chemistry is SO much better later on when their feelings MATTER and have an impact on the progression of the story 
Kota’s luck thing isn’t even that consistent, they straight up abandon it whenever it doesn’t serve them  
The consent thing is also used as a gag for Kota running away
I wish Yashiro had been a bigger part of the show! Given how he both allows Kota emotional honesty and helps him gain a new perspective on luck, I feel like having him in two scenes was underutilizing him. He could’ve been a part of the show from the beginning and it would’ve been stronger for it
No resolution for the Miki + Anna subplot - why bother to introduce it at all if it wasn’t going anywhere 
I saw post that was like ‘this show isn’t nearly good enough to lesbian bait me’ and I resonate with that (Found it!!)
While I think you can write a very good romance without any kissing, Kota’s fear of intimacy more reads as ‘we can be gay but not TOO gay’ rather than anything that serves the story. It is, for the most part, played for laughs in a way that also feels mean-spirited. Like in Cherry Magic, or Kieta Hatsukoi, we also never see them kiss, but they are allowed to feel attraction towards each other, you know? Aoki and Adachi explicitly desire physical intimacy with their partners, and the things that hold them back are unpacking internalized biphobia/first love nerves and Magical Power Problems, respectively, and that works!! If you had to go this very common route, you could’ve done better with it and the kiss in the beginning doesn’t make up for the clunky handling. If anything, the earlier kiss seems like it’s a gimmick or for shock value. Do better!!!
However, the cheek kiss at the end is cute, I’ll give you that! 
OH MY GOD. For a while I sincerely forgot that “kiss” is in the title. Of course it’s a gimmick. Geez. It’s THE gimmick. Which is worse, I think! 
All in all, it’s an adequate show that became a lot better as it went, but I think u could build a better show with a lot of the same ingredients. I want to make this show into soup
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gravity-knight · 2 years
Mr Unlucky was cute and I would do a rewatch but it might be too soon
Because the whole time I just wanted to snip Kota’s bangs
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He was unlucky because of those bangs
Poor boy couldn’t see where he was going!
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 4 months
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Like Ying & Yang (Part 1/?)
A little Christmas gift for the lovely @lurkingshan 🎄
Last Twilight
My Engineer
3 Will Be Free
The Eighth Sense
He's Coming To Me
You Are Mine
Big Dragon
Kiseki: Dear To Me
Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! aka Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss!
My favorite bl-tropes collection, as most of the times in no particular order.
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negrowhat · 10 months
Have we ever discussed how Japanese BLs ALWAYS have the sweetest dates?
Exhibit A:
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Exhibi B and C:
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Exhibit D:
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Exhibit E:
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Exhibit F:
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Exhibit G:
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Sign me up.
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niaoniaos · 1 year
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userdramas event 01: favorite
favorite disasters (affectionate) [cherry magic, kieta hatsukoi, takara-kun to amagi-kun, mr. unlucky has no choice but to kiss]
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kexing · 2 years
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Japanese BL men running to their men for @khunvegas
Cherry Magic: 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii (2020)
Ossan's Love (2018)
Kei × Yaku: Abunai Aibou (2022) — Considered a Bromance for now but I’m including it.
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko (2021)
Kieta Hatsukoi (2021)
Life: Senjou no Bokura (2020)
Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai! (2022)
Old Fashion Cupcake (2022)
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absolutebl · 4 months
Thoughts on mr Unlucky? I was about to start it but someone told me it's not good and since you are the bl expert, i thought i would ask you your professional opinion. Thank you 💕
I didn't Love LOVE it, but I did enjoy it.
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Mr Unlucky
AKA Mr. Unlucky Can Only Kiss
AKA Mr Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss!
Fukou-kun wa Kiss Suru Shikanai!
Japan 2022 Viki
My rating? 8/10
Mr Chronically Unlucky (adorable chaos muffin) and Mr Always Lucky end up dating after they meet at uni orientation. It’s JAPAN yet they kissed in the first episode. What freaky alt-reality did I enter into? That’s all they kiss tho, over which I was a touch disappointed.
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Still, I spent far too much of my time with this show biting my knuckles and squealing “THEY’RE SO CUTE!”
It is very slapstick Japanese style comedic (light) BL and reminded me of a little of Cherry Magic.
So if you like that style of BL you’ll adore this show.
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Amusing story:
I paused mid the most tooth-achingly adorable first date in the entire universe and Viki was like “something missing?”
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and I was like
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gabrielokun · 8 months
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leonpob · 2 years
Mr Unlucky has no choice but to kiss is my new favorite show. I can’t get over the cuteness in every episode. It’s so freaking adorable 🥺🥺😍😍 I want more episodes 😭
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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“you’re awake?”
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bl-bam-beyond · 9 months
A LOOK BACK at Fukuhara Kouta & Shinomiya Naoya
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Can't believe it's been over a year since Japan's MR. UNLUCKY HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO KISS.
A cute story where a guy with nothing but bad luck meets a guy with nothing but good luck.
Shinomiya Naoya (SATO YUSUKE) seems pressured by his own popularity that when Fukuhara Kouta (SOTA RYOSUKE) approaches him to be friends in order to quell Kouta's bad luck he jumps at the chance.
And when he misunderstands Kouta's request to "be together forever" a kiss follows.
Not wanting to miss the chance to have some good luck in his life, Kouta doesn't correct the misunderstanding. Hijinks ensue. But Naoya truly falls for Kouta and Kouta later confesses his sins but Naoya still wants a relationship with the adorable Kouta.
Original Run Time: April 21, 2022 to June 10, 2022
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @kingofthereblog-boysloveed @bengiyo
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liyazaki · 2 years
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trust me- he's looking, naoya 👀
mr. unlucky has no choice but to kiss! | ep. 6
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