#gabriel krauze
veryslowreader · 2 years
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Who They Was by Gabriel Krauze
And Just Like That...: "Diwali"
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somerabbitholes · 3 months
hiii, oddly specific but do you know any books with circular narratives? along the lines of the characters cannot escape their place in the novel, no matter how hard they try? tysm have a great day !
hello, this took some thinking but i think i have a few ideas:
who they was by gabriel krauze: it's a vaguely catcher in the rye-like book that follows the narrator, snoopz, and through him is about living in and trying to escape the rampant adversity, violence, abject poverty and sheer desperation that often drives people into the arms of organised crime.
at night all blood is black by david diop: about a soldier whose friend dies in front of him in war, and how the soldier slowly unravels
the immortalists by chloe benjamin: four siblings find out the precise date of their date, and how each of them deal with it
the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by douglas adams: this puts a very fun spin on destiny, determinism, free will and where people and the universe fit into the grand scheme of things. it's a bit of a departure from what i think you're looking for, but i think it's worth it
hope this helps!
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studyingfilms · 1 year
23 books for 2023
I was tagged by @thatstudyblrontea to share my tbr for 2023! thank you so much for tagging me 🤍
this is my "for fun" list, because my thesis one is horrifically big lmao some books have been on my shelf for years now, others are just more contemporary literature I haven't been able to catch up. I honestly don't think I'll be able to read all of this in one year, but I'll be happy if I finish like 15-20?
anyway, I'm always looking for book recommendations if you have any!
the white album, joan didion
year of the monkey, patti smith 
essayism: on form, feeling, and nonfiction, brian dillon 
a lover's discourse: fragments, roland barthes 
the artificial silk girl, irmgard keun 
childhood, youth, dependency, tove ditlevsen 
ain't i a woman: black women and feminism, bell hooks 
all about love, bell hooks 
who they was, gabriel krauze 
torpor, chris kraus 
they: a sequence of unease, kay dick 
cleopatra and frankenstein, coco mellors 
the familial gaze, marianne hirsch
água viva, clarice lispector
blue nights, joan didion
um sopro de vida, clarice lispector
the bell jar, sylvia plath
a paixão segundo g.h., clarice lispector
performances do tempo espiralar, leda maria martins
giving an account of oneself, judith butler
nemesis, philip roth
as meninas, lygia fagundes telles
the red-haired woman, orhan pamuk
if you feel like doing this list, please do tag me! I really wanna see it.
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And it’s normal that we’ve all seen a couple of stabbings in real life, it’s normal that everyone’s known people who died way too young, who died violently. That’s just how it is.
- Gabriel Krauze
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galina · 3 years
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Who They Was, Gabriel Krauze
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orclnght · 3 years
on the subway
“I put the paper down and look around the carriage thinking how mad it is that although we’re all human beings sharing the same space, we know nothing about each other and we never will. We’re just bodies, just muscle and blood, same way the blocks are just concrete and windows, and yet what we can’t see is all the life, all the things that are going on, within. And when we look at another human whose life is unconnected to our own, we sense nothing of the soul inside them at all. Like these people sitting next to me; they’ll never know how I used to eat people, shank people, do all this craziness, how I love listening to trap music and Chopin piano waltzes and I shot coke and write love letters to this girl I met calling her my whirlwind. For a moment I catch myself wishing I could put on the bally and gloves and get the strap and go and do some eats and feel my heart between my teeth beating so hard that I have to bite into it so I can swallow. But there’s no one to do it with now and I force the feeling back down like when you’re on the verge of throwing up, but with all your body focused into the strain of the effort, you manage to force the vomit down, while no one notices.”
Gabriel Krauze, Who They Was
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wellesleybooks · 4 years
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Congratulations to all the longlist authors. Our favorites include Colum McCann, Hilary Mantel,, Kiley Reid and Anne Tyler. As always some are not available in the US at the time of the announcement.
The 2020 longlist, or ‘The Booker Dozen’, of 13 novels, is:
Author (country/territory)            Title (imprint)
Diane Cook (USA)                           The New Wilderness (Oneworld Publications)
Tsitsi Dangarembga (Zimbabwe) This Mournable Body (Faber & Faber)
Avni Doshi (USA)                             Burnt Sugar (Hamish Hamilton, Penguin Random House)
Gabriel Krauze (UK)                        Who They Was (4th Estate, HarperCollins)
Hilary Mantel (UK)                          The Mirror & The Light (4th Estate, HarperCollins)
Colum McCann (Ireland/USA)     Apeirogon (Bloomsbury Publishing)
Maaza Mengiste (Ethiopia/USA) The Shadow King (Canongate Books)
Kiley Reid (USA)                              Such a Fun Age (Bloomsbury Circus, Bloomsbury Publishing)
Brandon Taylor (USA)                    Real Life (Originals, Daunt Books Publishing)      
Anne Tyler (USA)                            Redhead by The Side of The Road (Chatto & Windus, Vintage)
Douglas Stuart (Scotland/USA)  Shuggie Bain (Picador, Pan Macmillan)
Sophie Ward (UK)                           Love and Other Thought Experiments (Corsair, Little, Brown)
C Pam Zhang (USA)                       How Much of These Hills is Gold (Virago, Little, Brown)
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elcorreodetorreon · 5 years
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Berlín: una granja de intelectuales y 'trolls' panistas
De pronto, me vi en medio de una conjura que, conforme pasó el tiempo, se fue tornando más feroz contra López Obrador
21 de marzo de 2019
Ricardo Sevilla*
Todas las mañanas, de lunes a viernes, llegaba a Berlín 245, en la alcaldía de Coyoacán. Me abría la puerta la señora Maura, mujer afable y quien había trabajado en el Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) desde hacía cinco décadas: “Conocí a Carlos Castillo Peraza, a Vicente Fox, a Diego Fernández de Cevallos, a Felipe Calderón; cuando llegaba a ir Margarita Zavala al partido (en la época en que su esposo había sido Presidente de México), era a mí a quien saludaba primero”, me contó la mujer. Y lo comprobé: en marzo de 2017, siete meses antes de renunciar al PAN, Zavala apareció en la casa y, entre aspavientos, abrazó a doña Maura.
Margarita Zavala llegó acompañada de Consuelo Sáizar, quien había sido directora del Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE) durante el sexenio de Vicente Fox y presidenta del Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes en la gestión de Felipe Calderón. Un grupo de aproximadamente 10 personas las acompañaban.
“Todos son militantes del PAN”, me dijo mi compañero Rubén Cota Meza, haciendo un mohín despectivo, y volvió a sentarse frente a su computadora. Fernando García Ramírez, nuestro jefe y operador de Enrique Krauze, le había encargado a Cota un reporte sobre el “autoritarismo”, el cual decía, entre otras cosas, que López Obrador mezclaba “un nacionalismo revolucionario o neocardenismo (estatista en lo económico, intervencionista y asistencialista en lo social y aislacionista en lo internacional) con un liderazgo populista asentado sobre el carisma del propio Andrés Manuel López Obrador y la coordinación de su red clientelar”.
La idea —y buscando siempre dinamitar al tabasqueño— era presentarlo ante la opinión pública como un amante del populismo y, peor aún, del totalitarismo.
Ricardo Rojo, extrovertido y exultante, condujo al equipo de Zavala. El dueño de Expertaria, exdirector de comunicación social de la Secretaría de Economía durante la administración calderonista, mostró el lugar a Margarita y a su equipo.
La casa estaba dividida en dos construcciones. En la primera había cinco habitaciones amplias: la primera estaba habilitada como una sala de juntas (había una mesa con 12 sillas, un pizarrón anaranjado y seis pantallas Full HD en la pared); la segunda como una sala de monitoreo (nueve pantallas Full HD y poco más de 20 equipos de computación); las tres siguientes eran oficinas. Rojo ocupaba una, García Ramírez, otra —que compartía con Gabriel García Jolly— y la tercera la ocupábamos Cota y yo.
En la parte superior se habilitó un estudio de televisión. Ahí se producían y grababan cápsulas, programas para internet y se editaban memes y videos a favor de Margarita Zavala y Ricardo Anaya y, por otra parte, en contra de López Obrador. 
Los canales de Facebook por los cuales se transmitían eran, entre otros, Prensa México, Política Meme, Injoportable, Napoleopez y Populismo Autoritario.  
Margarita Zavala, Consuelo Sáizar, Ricardo Rojo, García Ramírez y Jesús Ramón Rojo (jefe de la operación en Berlín y colaborador del empresario Agustín Coppel), entre otros personajes, participaron en la junta. Ricardo Rojo les mostró el lugar y, ya en la sala de juntas, fue el encargado de presentarles el proyecto antilopezobradorista.
Mediante un proyector, Rojo les habló de cómo posicionarían en sus comunidades digitales, en el ciberespacio y en las redes sociales al candidato panista, el que fuera (en ese momento todavía no se sabía que Anaya se quedaría con la candidatura).
Dos horas después, García Ramírez nos llamó a su oficina. “La junta fue muy productiva”, nos dijo. Una de nuestras tareas sería hacer guiones que, poco después, se traducirán en cápsulas, videos y memes en los diferentes portales que Ricardo (Rojo) y su equipo harán. Nos informó que habría comunidades de todo: cristianismo, series televisivas, futbol y todo lo que pudiéramos imaginarnos. “¿Cómo ves, Ric, si haces unas páginas de literatura? Le dije a Rojo que te gusta la literatura”. La pregunta —un mero ejercicio retórico— era, en realidad, una orden. Sin saber nada sobre la administración de páginas, comencé a ver cómo hacía para cumplir con la encomienda. De ahí saldrían tres comunidades:
Las páginas —donde hice cápsulas literarias y hasta un programa que conduje al lado de Gabriel García Jolly— fueron un fracaso de principio a fin. 
Incapaz de desempeñar un papel digno en ésa área y sin el menor talento para convertirme en una suerte de community manager, jamás logré hacer crecer a @historianovelada, @espacioficcion ni @terrorytemblor.
Las cifras de seguidores fueron ridículas: tres mil 53, cuatro mil 002 y siete mil 492, respectivamente. Pese a todo, me pidieron que pautara. 
Piel azul. En la imagen, la excandidata independiente, Margarita Zavala, a la derecha; y la extitular del Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Consuelo Sáizar, a la izquierda.Foto: Cuartoscuro.
“Te asignaremos cinco mil para que pautes tus páginas. Poco a poco te iremos subiendo el saldo”, me informó Mayra Garza, contadora de Expertaria. Y así lo hice. Como pagaba con mi tarjeta de débito, el reembolso me lo hacían mediante una transferencia bancaria.
Cuando me pagaron mi primer reembolso, le envié a Mayra los datos de mi cuenta bancaria y una imagen de mi tarjeta de débito, así como las copias de los pagos que me había expidió PayPal y Facebook. Ella, a su vez, me envió por correo electrónico, los datos fiscales de Expertaria: Episodia SAPI de CV RFC: EPI170127I84 con dirección en Berlín 245, Col. Del Carmen, Coyoacán, CP 04100.
Pese a los ineficaces esfuerzos antilopezobradoristas, Sergio Navarro, el segundo al mando después de Ricardo Rojo, decidió abrir un grupo de Telegram y, desde ahí, dirigir y darle seguimiento a la operación. García Ramírez nos pidió que colaboráramos con Rojo. Cota y Gabriel, como pudieron, alegaron cualquier cosa y lograron zafarse del compromiso. Yo, por mi parte, me vi, de pronto, en las garras de una granja de trolls que, conforme fue pasando el tiempo, fueron tornándose más feroces contra López Obrador.  
*Editor, escritor y traductor.
Fue reclutado en 2016 para colaborar
en la campaña antiAMLO de Berlín 245
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bibliobethblog · 2 years
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I started Who They Was with genuine intrigue and excitement. Even though it was long-listed for the Booker Prize, I had still not heard very much about it or seen it discussed in any great depth. I wasn’t prepared for such a powerful story, made all the more poignant by it being autobiographical.⁣ ⁣ Gabriel straddles two lives - one in which he’s a highly intelligent student of English Literature at university and the other on the streets of London as part of a gang, known as Snoopz. The novel explores the hard, dangerous edge to this young man’s life when he becomes embroiled in drugs, guns, stabbing and robberies. ⁣ ⁣ As Gabriel juggles the two sides of himself, he learns the importance of having a loving family, nurses betrayal from disloyal friends and comes to terms with the consequences of what his actions and reactions may mean for his future. ⁣ ⁣ Who They Was is not an easy read but it felt so authentic, fresh and current with its bird’s eye view of the gang culture, slang and rules of the London streets. Having those two sides to Gabriel felt really important and I was often heartbroken that he was so heavily invested in his life as Snoopz. ⁣ ⁣ I’ll never be able to fully imagine or appreciate what life is like for kids who become involved in that world but I want to thank the author from the bottom of my heart for giving me a glimpse and for educating me in a really honest and open way. ⁣ ⁣ This is the sort of story that lingers long after you’ve finished. It’s only now when I look back on it that I realise how much I enjoyed being immersed in Krauze’s narrative. Bursting with bold, colourful characters and some real thought-provoking passages, I can’t wait to see what this author does next. ⁣ ⁣ Four stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7jMNKrduk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bangbangrocknroll · 2 years
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Gabriel Krauze - As they was
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somerabbitholes · 1 year
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'our eyes meet and in his eyes and also over his shoulder behind him i can see a different life to my own, something better maybe, something without so many sharp edges and broken things.'
— who they was, gabriel krauze
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heykav · 4 years
Who They Was by Gabriel Krauze review – the double life of a London gangster | Books
Who They Was by Gabriel Krauze review – the double life of a London gangster | Books
Contemporary English fiction is, with a few exceptions, a bourgeois affair: middle-class authors writing for middle-class readers about high-class problems. So Who They Was, the Booker-longlisted autofictional debut by Gabriel Krauze, arrives on the literary scene like the sound of gunfire over a south Kilburn housing estate.
The book’s protagonist Gabriel – Snoopz to his friends –…
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bigtickhk · 4 years
The New Wilderness by Diane Cook,
US: https://amzn.to/2DmRFDN
UK: https://amzn.to/3jUGyCP
AU: https://amzn.to/3gpjiuV
Burnt Sugar by Avni Doshi
UK: https://amzn.to/39GCYrf
AU: https://amzn.to/2X8SDe2
Who They Was by Gabriel Krauze 
US: https://amzn.to/335vzRe
UK: https://amzn.to/337YFzu
AU: https://amzn.to/30Xn6gc
Redhead By the Side of the Road by Anne Tyler
US: https://amzn.to/2w0CCMR
UK: https://amzn.to/3bE43eu
AU: https://amzn.to/338FhSM
The Mirror & the Light by Hilary Mantel
US: https://amzn.to/2v8wT7k
UK: https://amzn.to/2VdVtyd
AU: https://amzn.to/2P4FEpp 
Apeirogon by Colum McCann
US: https://amzn.to/3802aqs
UK: https://amzn.to/2I5bE9s
AU: https://amzn.to/2XcQq1k
The Shadow King by Maaza Mengiste
US: https://amzn.to/2nmM1Kg
UK: https://amzn.to/2TzAeWJ
AU: https://amzn.to/2CSOfZX
Such A Fun Age by Kiley Reid
US: https://amzn.to/2MASFWK
UK: https://amzn.to/2QEaaqo 
AU: https://amzn.to/2Ey5mR6 
Real Life by Brandon Taylor 
US: https://amzn.to/2HMCLFV 
UK: https://amzn.to/3f9CJ9h
AU: https://amzn.to/2ExuFmm 
Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
US: https://amzn.to/37FaT1d
UK: https://amzn.to/2HNI20d
AU: https://amzn.to/3gdEvrx
Love and Other Thought Experiments by Sophie Ward 
US: https://amzn.to/3fbb2NE
UK: https://amzn.to/3hUDIMF
AU: https://amzn.to/2D274cT 
How Much of These Hills Is Gold by C Pam Zhang
US: https://amzn.to/3bDCbao 
UK: https://amzn.to/2JtdH7Y
AU: https://amzn.to/2P3MJGK
This Mournable Body by Tsitsi Dangarembga 
US: https://amzn.to/2KCdAFa 
UK: https://amzn.to/2sh6vGQ 
AU: https://amzn.to/2XiVtgG
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orclnght · 3 years
after Christmas
“Time is a strange land to walk through. A few months of this mad life, a year, two years, can seem like forever. As if things will never change. Thinking we’re the ones who won’t be followed by a new generation that will eventually take over, as if nothing could ever come after us. As if we’re final and the world will end with us. We’ve taken over from the previous generation of badman and now this moment is ours forever. But this moment is just a whisper in the dark that everyone forgets when the new day comes.”
Gabriel Krauze, Who They Was
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Dame Hilary Mantel is tipped for her third Man Booker Prize as the longlist is revealed
Dame Hilary Mantel could claim her third Booker Prize after being named as one of 13 authors who are up for this year’s award.
The author, 68, has been longlisted for The Mirror and The Light, having previously picked up the award for Wolf Hall in 2009 and Bring up the Bodies in 2012. 
She is joined by a dozen other contenders, eight of whom are debut novelists.
Dame Hilary Mantel could win her third Man Booker Prize after being nominated for The Mirror and the Light, alongside 12 other novellists
Gaby Wood, literary director of the Booker Prize Foundation, said: ‘When the judges had drawn up their longlist of 13 books, one of them said: “Out of interest, how many debuts are there?”
‘We counted. It was more than half the list. That’s an unusually high proportion, and especially surprising to the judges themselves, who had admired many books by more established authors, and regretted having to let them go.
‘It is perhaps obvious that powerful stories can come from unexpected places and in unfamiliar forms; nevertheless, this kaleidoscopic list serves as a reminder.
‘In this year of seismic change, visibility for new books published in the UK has been drastically low.
‘So, however unintended the ratio, it’s especially heartening to know that some authors who have launched their careers in the midst of Covid-19 may now have a chance to reach the readers they deserve.’
The Booker Prize for Fiction is open to writers of any nationality, writing in English and published in the UK or Ireland. 
Of the 13 longlisted authors, nine are women and four are men.
The 2020 Booker Prize longlist is:
Diane Cook, The New Wilderness (US)
Tsitsi Dangarembga, This Mournable Body (Zimbabwe)
Avni Doshi, Burnt Sugar (US)
Gabriel Krauze, Who They Was (UK)
Hilary Mantel, The Mirror And The Light (UK)
Colum McCann, Apeirogon (Ireland/US)
Maaza Mengiste, The Shadow King (Ethiopia/US)
Kiley Reid, Such A Fun Age (US)
Brandon Taylor, Real Life (US)
Anne Tyler, Redhead By The Side Of The Road (US)
Douglas Stuart, Shuggie Bain (Scotland/US)
Sophie Ward, Love And Other Thought Experiments (UK)
C Pam Zhang, How Much Of These Hills Is Gold (US)
The post Dame Hilary Mantel is tipped for her third Man Booker Prize as the longlist is revealed appeared first on BBC BREAKING NEWS.
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xulebsaurio · 4 years
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Los escritores de Proceso Es posible que en la conversación periodística acudan al habla y a la mente del escritor ideas y formas de expresión que no se le dan en los momentos del encierro y el trabajo solitario. El que se manifiesta en la entrevista es el autor malhumorado o tranquilo, vivaz o indiferente. Recopilación de reportajes y entrevistas a escritores que abarcan de 1976 a 1981. Algunos escritores que aparecen aquí son: Rafael Alberti, Guadalupe Amor, Borges, Salvador Elizondo, Carlos fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, Efraín Huerta, Ibargüengoitia, Krauze, Poniatowska, José Revueltas, Jaime Sabines, Armando Ramírez, entre otros. #diamundialdellibro #recomendaciondelibro https://www.instagram.com/p/B_V_g86gqT5/?igshid=j7aaq5gkdbuy
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