#gaia deity
diana-thyme · 1 month
Greek Gods 101: Gaea
Gaea is a goddess of the Earth. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Anything Found in Nature (Leaves, Twigs, Flowers, Etc.)
Bones or Other Parts of Animals (Real or Fake)
Natural/Organic Items (Fibers, Foods, Etc.)
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Taking Care of Plants
Cleaning Up Litter
Taking Care of Animals
Sitting in Nature
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Feed Wild Animals (i.e. throw some bird seed out)
She is not celebrated in any Athenian holidays.
Disclaimer: Please do not approach wild animals or feed them human food. Doing so would actively hurt the animals. Please do research before feeding something to an animal. Please be sure the other animals in your area can eat the food as well. Research local animals before setting food out.
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sorrowfulwidow · 2 months
Every day I am in awe of how much the gods love us.Every day I remind myself of how many things the gods have gifted us because of their immense love.
Lady Gaia's gift is this planet,where we live,where we make memories,where we see all the beauties of the nature.Without her,we would not be here.
Lady Demeter's gifts to mankind are the soil and agriculture,from which we get food.Without them,we would starve and die.
Lord Ares' gifts are strength and courage.Without them,we would not have the strength to live.
Lady Persephone's gifts are the possibilities to communicate with your loved ones that have passed away and also plants.Without them,we would not be able to see if our loved ones are okay wherever they are and without plants,some animals would die.
Lord Thanatos' gift is eternal peace.Without him,we would have to bear and see all these atrocities in this world.
Lady Eris' gift is the posibility to cut ties with toxic people.Without her,there would be more situations of abuse.
These are some examples.There are more things to say,because there are a lot of gods,but you get the idea.This is just a reminder that the gods do truly cherish us and want the best for us.
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thewhisperofzagreus · 25 days
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hemogoblin-art · 8 months
Gaia: Alright, I need you to swear-
Nyx: Fuck.
Gaia: Swear as in 'promise'...
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blueapplesiren · 2 years
If earth really is a death world, then I’m sure the practice of worshiping Gaia would seem very terrifying interesting to most extraterrestrials.
Come to think of it, in most of the religions I’ve heard of or read about, deities embodying the Earth are usually the most powerful, terrifying, and awe-inspiring, as well as some of the most beloved.
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hermeneutas · 20 days
Sobre os Primordiais - Gaia, a Mãe-Terra.
Começando esta nova série onde trazemos detalhes relevantes sobre os Protogenoi, iniciaremos por uma das mais populares deidades. Amplamente retratada na mitologia, frequentemente descrita como uma antagonista dos Deuses nestes escritos e sendo uma potência inegável de vida e fertilidade, falamos hoje de Gaia, a Terra. Note que usaremos aqui nestes escritos, propositalmente, o nome das divindades e seu domínio de modo intercambiável, uma vez que os protogenoi são literalmente estes elementos que compõem o Cosmos.
Também chamada Gê ou Géia, a Mãe Terra emergiu do Caos Primordial (mais sobre ele em um próprio post!) segundo Hesíodo em sua Teogonia, escrito que narra o nascimento dos Deuses compilando os mitos em narrativa. Uma grande mãe por excelência, Terra tem inúmeros Deuses, daimones e seres divinos como parte de sua descendência.
Em seu domínio está a terra em todas as suas expressões - desde vãos na terra à cavernas, campos e florestas, pois Gê é o próprio chão onde se pisa. Nas descrições de ritos ctônicos da Odisséia, Gê está entre os Deuses para os quais Odisseu dedica um sacrifício, pois abaixo dela é onde se encontra, segundo os antigos, o Mundo Inferior.
Nas suas representações antropomórficas, Gaia é retratada como uma matrona com vestidos longos, adornada com frutos da terra ou com os karpoi, os daimones dos frutos e filhos dela. Um dos símbolos visíveis também é uma cornucópia recheada de alimentos. Nos vasos de cerâmica, Gaia é frequentemente representada se erguendo da terra.
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Diferentemente da maioria dos Primordiais, Gaia era uma divindade com um culto consistente em alguns locais, presente em santuários menores de outras deidades como Zeus e Deméter. Seu culto estava presente na região da Ática, Lacedemônia, Aquéia e também na Arcádia, mas há poucos relatos de algum templo dedicado inteiramente à Mãe Terra.
Listamos aqui alguns nomes e epítetos de culto usados para Gaia.
Nomes alternativos
Khthon/Khthonie (Χθον/Χθονιη) - É uma palavra alternativa para "terra", origem da expressão "ctônico", ou seja, "da terra".
Meter Panton (Μητηρ Παντων) - "Mãe de Todos" Euristenos (Ευρυστερνος) - "De amplo seio" Megale Thea (Μεγαλη Θεα) - "Grande Deusa" Olimpia (Ολυμπια) - "de Olímpia", uma das cidades do peloponeso com um proeminente culto a Zeus. Havia um altar para ela no templo. Gasepton (Γασηπτον) - "Terra sublime" Kourotrophos (Κουροτροφος) - "Nutriz dos jovens" Anesidora - "Dispensadora de bens"
Como podemos ver, os epítetos de Gê referem-se grandemente a sua fertilidade, capacidade enquanto cuidadora e nutriz de toda a criação.
Nas narrativas míticas, Gaia é frequentemente citada como a sustentadora da vida terrena e seus hinos a descrevem como fonte da felicidade dos mortais. Clamada na Ilíada como testemunha para juramentos e honrada em altares como o poder por trás da vida que fervilha na terra, Gê é de importância inestimável e dá forma ao planeta que habitamos.
Por fim, encerramos este post com seu hino homérico, traduzido por Alexandra Nikaios.
De Geia eu canto, Mãe firme de tudo, a mais antiga, que alimentou a vida na terra, sempre que caminhava no solo ou nadasse no mar ou voasse; Ela sustentou cada uma de suas riquezas. Através de ti os povos são abençoados de filhos e frutos, Ó Rainha, que dá e reclama a vida dos mortais; enriqueça quem quer que te agrade e honre; toda a abundância para eles; que suas terras férteis sejam frutíferas; através dos campos seus rebanhos prosperem; sua casa seja repleta de deuses. Eles regem os estados bem-ordenados com formosas mulheres, e ampliam as riquezas dos que os seguem; seus filhos exultam com júbilo jovial; suas filhas brincam em danças de espalhar flores com o coração feliz, e pulam pelos campos floridos. Tal coisa tu dás, Rica Divindade Sagrada. Então te saúdo, Deusa-Mãe, Esposa do Céu Estrelado; recompense minha canção com um sustento prazeroso! De ti eu me recordo, e de outra canção também.
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messywitch · 1 year
i had some free time from college so i went ahead and made more user boxes! someone in the tags mentioned that their deity was underrepresented and don't worry, i've got you. i made boxes for deities i don't see much rep of in the tag!! feel free to use them with credit!
i'm open to making these under request, just send me an ask with the deity you'd like a box for!! please be nice, too.
gods in this post: Asclepius, Iris, Eris, Hebe, Harmonia, Nemesis, Nike, Pan, Psyche, Phobos & Deimos, Themis, Tyche & Gaia.
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aphrodite-antheia · 10 months
Gaea is blessed to have a grandson such as Zeus who continually cares for her century after century, for what else could you call sending the rains down to nurture the beautiful earth
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The Deities, are more greater than the images and myths; than we have of them! (Or... To how they show up to us!)
    The Gods and Goddesses, show themselves in ways than trespass our knowledge; meaning than they are not enclosed to they way they appeared in myths, and the way they look; could be closer or exactly, as how they are describe in myths. (But... We shouldn't be distracted in how they look so much, 'cause is the way they act and their energies; is what we should pay more attention, equally as the words they say: Is the only way to know, if we are with deities, or... Dealing with impostors, than copy the appearances of Deities; to confused us and misleading us) Saying that... I will say how is my interaction with The Gods and Goddesses, in all the time I have with them: Maybe, you may find something useful in this info; or, than focus in your relation with them, is more important than how they appeared to us. (And that their actions speak volumes about their complex character and feelings toward us, even when we didn't knew than they want to help us... )
    Aphrodite... She is a very skillfull warrior too, and she is the kind of Goddess; than doesn't accept disrespect of no one. (Specially, of men...) ...She is strong, determined and beautiful; beyond words! She can be extremely serious sometimes, at the point I have felt worried for her; and it pains me so much to saw her like that, and the only thing I can do is being at her side; until she backs to have an genuine smile again, and filled the place with her warm, bright and loving energy. (When I'm going to sleep, or after I have awake; I felt her hugging me; which help me to fall sleep easily at night, or... Wake up in a joyful state, ready for the day ahead! [Curiously... She is very strong too, 'cause under her soft skin; it felts very solid: How that is even possible?!... I have not idea!])
    Loki... I have moments than I have seen him serious, and in deep thought; (Sometimes, I feel like he is remembering something) he is a loving father to all his children, and he sometimes do something nice and unexpected for me; like when he teached me to fight with a sword in three dreams in a row I had with him, ''Just in case...''; or, when in a vision he put his hand over one of my shoulders; and healed me together with Athena quickly, of a horrible migraine's attack. He appeared to me a few years ago in a few dreams, as Loki! Marvel; Tom Hiddleston, or; as Damon Salvatore... Until I told him than I didn't like that joke anymore, so... He stopped! He usually appears to me, as blond with medium short hair and midnight blue eyes; ( 'Cause he know than I like blonds too much) and sometimes, he appears as a man with long red hair with pale skin and green eyes; rarely, as a brunette... But, he never loses his unique energetic's signature and personality; his love for sweets, or... His flirtatious nature!
    Athena... She appears to me, like in ''Saint Seiya''; (Except, than her hair is medium dark brown; she looks as made of flesh and bones, her eyes have the color of new leaves bathed in sunlight; wears her helmet and armor, mostly with her spear in one of her hands; and... Than her eyes, are not that big) She sometimes looks relaxed too, and she can be very compassionate; so... She doesn't always is, in ''Big Stern Sister Mode'' with me; which is something I'm very thankful with her, like when she just showed up to sit next to me; when my ex-friends betrayed me, after she warned me to don't trusted them that much; but sadly, I didn't listen to her; in that time.
    Hades... He appears to me, like in ''Saint Seiya'', (Except, than he looks of flesh and bones; he doesn't have those big chunks of hair at the sides of his head, and... Than he is, not ''The bad guy!'') and he wears a long white ancient tunic, and sometimes; an ancient long black shirt with long black pants. He has a stern but calm energy, than commands respect; and he show interest in what people feels when they are as his vicinity; to the point than he was really sorry for me, when I figured it out about something I was to ask to him; but he just confirmed my suspicions. (That's why he is like a big brother to me: He really cares, and he really does have a heart!)
    Thor... He appears to me, as this big muscle young man with his hammer; wearing a black with red Nordic tunic, big belt and pants; (AND, By the way... Redheaded, with a red beard) with this ''Full of energy and ready for a challenge's attitude'', than makes a delight, to have him near. Curiously, when I was writing about him; he was trying to calmed me down with his words, while I was very angry and furious on how he is portraited in the Media; specially, in the last years. (In fact... He looked really excited, when I was going to watch ''Thor: The Dark World''; and before I leaved the house to watch the movie, he was like acting as the actors of the Marvel Movies and acting with Loki; in front of me: With Thor, as a brother... Is hard to be angry at something for too long, when he does things like that... LOL!)  
    Gaia... She appears to me, like a 25 years old woman with dark red hair and eyebrows; slightly tan skin, dark green eyes, red lips, thick dark eyelashes; mediun frame body, wearing a tunic of three colors; (brown on top, bright red at the medium of her body; and bright green in her skirt) her hair in a medium thick red braid surrounding the rest of her free down hair, always barefoot, and... Like visible pregnant. Her energy is warm and strong, with eyes than speak of endless love to all her children: The kind of love than never give up on anyone, waiting than they get out of Darkness; to never back to fall in it, again! And, as a mother... She will be harsh with us too, if that is what we need to return to Humanity's real nature: Kindness.
    Ares... He may looks intimidating, (You know: Always in a short armor, with sword in hand; helmet on his head, and everything...) BUT... After months of moving into a new house, he showed up to me one night; after days I was wondering when he will come to see me, and he appeared in silence to surprise me; and when I felt his energy in the vision; I turned around to saw him armored and smiling me at me, with open arms... I just standed up, and run quickly to hug him, and he just gave me one of the warmest hugs; I ever recieved in my life. (Is like the Cousin I always dreamed, than was good with me! [And sometimes, we played fists-fights; as way to show affection to each other...]) He appears to me, like a young man with medium long reddish brown hair; with big brown eyes; a beautifully tan colored skin, a body with medium size muscles, wearing a short white tunic under his armor, and... Armored, from feet to head!
    Poseidon... He appears to me, like in ''Saint Seiya''; (Except... Than he looks of flesh and bones, his hair is dark reddish brown; and looks almost black when is wet; his skin is more pale than in this series, and... He's not Evil!... [Just, a bit moody; sometimes...]) His energy, is like The Sea: Deep, and surrounds all around you. In visions, he is seems with his trident and he looks very imposing even without it; and sometimes, I have saw him mostly near of mermaids and/or witches; looking at him with amorous eyes and sighing at his sight... (I can't blame them: He's really beautiful, respectful; very chilvarious, and flirts a lot... [That's why he have so many kids, during The Myth's Era?!...])  
    Odin... He appears to me, (Mostly, in my visions of Asgard; and rarely, far from it) with a long white Nordic tunic till the ankles; white boots, mostly with his Spear, white long hair and beard, (But looks strong and powerful, despite the white hair and beard) and mostly; with one blue eye than is very expresive, 'cause can transmit Interest, being amused; or sadness, even if the rest of his face, doesn't show any emotion: He is very stern, and looks like he is always thinking in something; his voice is so strong to the point than you can't focus in nothing else, until he finished to talk. His energy is so strong, than I felt than it can fill the whole place.
    Hel... She appears to me, (Mostly in Helheim, but at times; in our world) as a young redheaded woman; with her hair at the high of her shoulder, with a long white Nordic dress til her ankles and white boots, (sometimes, with a long clear grey Nordic dress) clear green eyes, rose lips; and... She showed in two ways: In ones, she appears as a redhead as I described above; but, in most times; she appears as half redhead with a clear green eye; and the other half... Is totally dark. (Meaning: You can't distinguished nothing in her other half, like in a shadow: I never was afraid of her appearance, but... I admit than I was surprised the first time I saw her like that, and it takes me a awhile; to finally get uses to saw her like that!) Her face is stern, and doesn't show emotions; and the only way to know how she feels, is looking at her eye/eyes. Loki, sometimes appears near of her; and acts like a loving father than still looks after his child, even if she is now; The Queen of The Underworld. (...Awwwww!...)
    Quetzalcoatl... He appears to me, (Mostly in my visions of Pre-Hispanic Mexico, in sometimes in visions of Ancient towns in Central America, and sometimes; in dreams) in his human form: A blond young man with white pale skin, beard; and blue-green eyes. He is very compassionate, and loves people unconditionally; but I realized than he have a very positive humour, and is very patient with me; when he is trying to teachs me the next piece of wisdom I need, to navigate safetly in The Spiritual World!  
    Oya... She have a joyful side, and likes to dance a lot; (When she is not angry, of course) and I saw her in visions, with a tall and long black ponytail; wearing a burgundy cloth wraped around her chest and a burgundy skirt till the knees, chocolate skin color, dark purple lips, wearing copper brazalets on her arms and ankles; and with amber eyes: Her energy is lively, (been chaotic at times, angry or joyful; at times) and she looks like an African Queen, 'cause she have this air of elegancy and security.
    Artemis... I saw her frecuently, when a was a little kid; and she stopped to appeared to me, a few months after I turned 6 years old. I saw her again when I was a teen, many years later: When I was little, she appeared in front of me as a young woman with a very dark brown loose hair; and a white long ancient tunic in her twenties. When she appeared again in my life, she was wearing a short white tunic; with a pair of braided golden sandals, her arrow and bow, with her hair in a high ponytail and a diadem made of silver with the moon engraved in the center, green eyes; rosy-pale skin, and...  rose color lips. Her energy, feels wild and hyper at moments; and very calm and collect, at others. Sometimes, I saw her too with Apollo; than looks exactly like her, (except, than he have golden blond hair; and is a bit taller than her) and in those times; they mostly get along really well, showing how fraternal love really looks like: Respect and care for each other, above all the things!
    Morrígan... She appeares to me, (Mostly, in visions in Ireland; and sometimes far from it) as a young woman with bright long red hair and white pale skin; bright grey eyes, red lips, which wears two different clothes: In some times, she wears an Ancient Irish clothing for warriors and with a sword; and in others... She wears a beautiful long dark blue dress, with engravings than is similar as ''The Eternity's Knot'', around the shoulders; and in both clothes, she looks secure and fierce; and wears dark boots. Her energy feels for me, like fire: Bright, warm; beautiful, and can change quickly from; been barely notable... To be all over the place, in matter of seconds! She can be joyful too, and likes to use magic once in a while; and she have this way of act, than makes me believe without a doubt, than she really is like her name: A Queen! (Plus: When she dances The Irish Traditional Dance... Is so contagious, than I have ended dancing by her side! [...I'm not very good in it, but; in that moments... I don't care!])
     Eris... She appears to me, as a young woman with a white slightly tan skin; with long curly brown reddish hair; green eyes, and rosy pale lips, with an ancient greek red armor over a long black dress, a sword; and very combative in character. Her energy is chaotic and strong, (Like a warrior very eager to fight) and she uses her disruptive energy; to makes than people finally have the strenght to end with relations in their lifes than are not fair; or than will provoque more suffering if we cling of them, out of fear to be alone; or, of not finding a place to be happy.
     Anubis... I don't have much to say about him, except; than I have never saw him angry, and he has a cool and very comforting energy.
     Amaterasu... I don't have much to say, about Amaterasu-Sama; except... She appears to me, as a young woman dress in a long white kimono with long sleeves till her wrists, red sandals; a red cotton bell around her waist, her black and perfectly combed long hair till the waist, with a perfect pale skin, dark brown eyes; thin black eyebrows, rosy lips, and... Her energy is so positive, warm and full of light. (...Just like The Sun!)
    Dionysus... I just saw him three times, but his energy is very refreshing and a bit over the place: He appeared in front of me, as a young man with a short white or burgundy ancient tunic; dark blue eyes, slightly tan skin, and dark blond hair. He can look so sad at times, one can feel very bad for him and trying to makes him feel better; and looks so lose in thought... Than it feels, like there is ''entire stories''; behind those eyes!
    Guabancex... She appeared to me mostly, as a very pale 25 years old woman with dark brown eyes; black long thick flowing hair till the end of her back, black thin eyebrows, dark cherry lips, wearing a Native American golden slip skirt; (like in those drawings of Native Women of The Arawaks) over a modern black suit till the ankles and long sleeves, a golden cape till the ankles, and with a thick circle crown of gold around her head: Even if she is a Deity, ''Than I love, to hate''... I have felt sympaty for her at times, when she said to me in visions; how hard is being in your land, where she was so worshipped and loved; and when today... She doesn't have the respect of people in her own lands, and they doesn't even remembered her myths, and neither her name. When Fiona was to hit my country, she blends reality in my vision; and even when I was totally awake... I saw her pass in front of me and felt her energy for a moment, the day before Fiona entered and caused devastation: I felt her energy, everytime than some disaster is about to hit somewhere soon; in The Caribbean. Her energy is chaotic and very strong, but she have moments of calm and positive energy, too. (Is weird: She can handle positive and negative energy, and change from one to the other in seconds; without any effort of her part!)
    Even if Deities may copy their looks from TV Shows, Movies; and; from different kinds of Animations/Animes... I see them in dreams and visions, in the same way than you see a person; than talks in front of you: Very real!
    Deities, can be identified for their energetic signature: Each Deity or Spirit, has an unique energy than lingers in a dream; vision, or in real life for a while; and once you are sure than is an benevolent being, then... Is your job to learn, to how to know to differentiate the energy of each one of them; including the Spirits or Deities than visits you little. (Don't worry, and take your time: You will have moments than, after a few weeks or months trying to identified to two or more of them... You will have your ''Eureka moment!''; but in others, it will take longer than that; and you will have to pay more attention to your intuition; together with the symbols and the words they spoke, to finally being able to one day identified them; as soon than they appear in front of you, [like when you are visited by a friend; than before he or she speaks to you, you feel the fragrance in your nose as soon they enters your house; and you realized who EXACTLY is the person, than came to see you: Is the same with Spirits and Deities, just than... You have to do the same, with their particular energetic signature.])
    People thinks than, The Deities than are different of each other; or of different Pantheons, fights against each other constantly for all the eternity, or can't joined for a common well; BUT, that is not what I have seen; in all the time I have knew them...
    ...Gaia, is treated with the utmost respect; even by Deities of other places.
     ...I saw to Aphrodite and Athena, being good with each other; as family.
    …Poseidon and Loki, leaved their rivalry for a while for came to my aid; together with other Deities.
    …Loki and Aphrodite, seems to be okay with an emotional and romantic relation; with the same mortal.
     ...Greeks and Norses Deities, with Krishna; they appeared one day to save me in real life, of been robbed; or hurt.
      ...Loki, with Eris; Ares, Athena and Poseidon, saved my life one night; when I almost did something horrible. ...And...
      ...Guabancex, is the one than presented me to other Gods and Goddesses; and they respect her, because they are in her lands: The Gods and Goddesses, showed me than differences between their own Pantheons; or with Deities of other Cultures... Are not really important; in the end.
    And, that's all in this post; and remember than The Gods and Goddesses love us; and they talk to us in subtle ways, even to the ones than can't hear them or see them; at all. (Pay attention to your dreams, or used any of the tools I suggested in my ''Paganism Class 101: Ways to Communicate to The Gods and Goddesses'', so you can uses a safe channel to know or ask to who reach to you; while you gain an stronger intuition.) And take your time: I have to exercises my own Intuition for years, than now is just as important; as my other six senses.
    Than you be able to see to The Deities, with the eyes of your Heart and Soul... So Be It!
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aphrodite-sparkles · 10 months
I didn't acknowledge Mother Gaia as much as I should've in my life until I saw the Grand Canyon and explored the state that is Arizona! The Grand Canyon is significantly more massive and "grand" than cameras can comprehend, like it's so massive that at a certain distance irl the Grand Canyon doesn't even look real, it just looks like a picture.
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Blessed be Mother Gaia and may she bless Arizona to be able to sustain itself because my partner lives there (because we're LDR) 💚
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The deities I worship:
Apollo: God of the sun, healing, music, poetry, plagues, and more (there's more i just can't think of anymore lmao)
How i feel working with him: I feel wanted and loved. I feel like i can always go to him for advice. I feel like I can open up to him without judgement. I feel like he understands me more than most people.
Song I associate with him:
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
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Gaia: Goddess of Earth
How I feel working with her: Peace and harmony. I feel connected to her in ways I've never felt with anyone else. She makes me feel at home and gives me hope that things can be changed.
Song I associate with her:
As the World Caves in by Matt Maltese
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Artemis: Goddess of the hunt, chastity, and the moon
How I feel working with her: I do not work with her, I only worship her, her brother's already a lot of work 😮‍💨
Song I associate with her:
God is a Woman by Ariana Grande
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diana-thyme · 10 months
Travel Altars: Gaia
A guide to travel altars for Gaia. Please tell me if you want a certain deity covered!
In this guide, I’m assuming you’ve added a tea-light or LED candle. It isn’t necessary, but it’s not going to be included in any of these guides. I’m also going to be assuming you’ve added a photo of the deity and prayers. These guides will not include those, either.
Jar of Dirt
Any Crystals or Rocks
Fake Vines
Fake Flowers
Small Branches
Fake Trees/Photos of Trees
Fake Moss
Bottle of Salt
See more deities here.
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sorrowfulwidow · 2 months
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E-offering for Mother Earth,Mother of all,Lady Gaia.
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orsialos · 2 years
For Gaia (from the garden bench)
With each step I caress the ground beneath my feet,
Firm, yet soft, like my mother's hands waiting to catch my fall.
With my hands I tend to the dirt and the denizens below;
In return Gaia let's her beautiful children bloom in thanks.
My soul rejoices when I hear the songs of all Gaia's children
The frogs after a hard rain,
The birds greeting Eos each morn,
The leaves sighing with Zephyrus,
The distinctive buzz of a hummingbird's flight...
You are so beautiful,
In every way, Mother Gaia.
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countfagula · 9 months
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I needed a vibe change so I redid my room to fit my theme.
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phoenix-flambe · 2 years
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