#gaius you son of a bitch
absolutebuffoonery · 2 years
PT 3 (including finale): I convinced my dad to watch merlin with me and here’s what he has to say
pt 1
pt 2
“They’re loving that.”
“I don’t even wanna know what they’re doing in there.”
-When Merlin and Arthur get caught in the net booby trap
Arthur, to Merlin: You’re the only friend I’ve got and I couldn’t bear to lose you. 
Dad: *literally gasps and gapes at me in surprise*
Merlin: Really?
Arthur: Don’t be stupid. 
Dad: *laughs hysterically*
*uther emerges from the veil*
“Wow, of all the dead people, he got the right guy”
“Was that a reference to fisting?” -the horseplay scene when Arthur threatens Merlin with his fist 
“Okay that was pretty gay.”
(I don’t even remember what he was talking about here, but he was right)
“Arthur’s unconscious again, alert the media.”
“I really don’t know what to make of Mordred.” 
(whenever he said something like this I had to hold in an earth-shattering screech)
“Okay, this son of a bitch has to die” -About Mordred, s5e12
“I am OBSESSED with her.” -about Gwen after she runs someone through with a sword in s5e12
Arthur: “Just... hold me.”
Dad: *just nods his head*
(I think he was simply acknowledging the queerness)
Arthur, during That scene in s5e13: I want to say something that I’ve never said to you before.
Dad: Ohh boy. 
His thoughts after the finale (he wrote an Official Statement for his “tumblr fandom,” including the hashtags at the end):
Well, watching Merlin was a much more satisfying experience than when my kids made me watch Glee with them. Although it was difficult at first to accept the way they bent time to accommodate Merlin and Arthur being contemporaries, I got over it because they succeeded in creating a relationship between two boys-to-men who wouldn't normally exist in each other's worlds. In actual Arthur lore, Merlin is old and wizened long before Arthur is even born. In fact, you remember in an early episode when Gaius references magic being necessary for Uther and his queen to produce a son? Well, in Arthur lore, that magic was cast by Merlin, and Merlin was present during Arthur's childhood. But ok, let's give the BBC some breathing room because they did a good job showing the generational transition from the failings of toxic masculinity (Uther's reign) to the superhuman potential of unapologetic bromance (Arthur's reign). In fact, how many times did I furrow my brow when Uther did something stupid or said something weenie just because he thought he was being strong, but he was actually being...alone. When it was Arthur's turn to do something stupid or say something weenie, he had a posse of good bros by his side to prop him up.
Even in S5E3 when Arthur gets the opportunity to see the ghost of his father and be like, "Bruh, I miss you," Uther instead treats Arthur like shit and belittles him for not being a dick to his people. Respect through fear, I believe is what the ghost Uther was preaching. But that strategy was pretty much self-defeating, given that respect through fear got Uther prematurely dead. Luckily Arthur didn't give it too much thought and decided, "Yeah, nah, I'd rather hug my droogies and marry a servant woman and be respected for doing the right thing, so biyee douchebag." In fact I'm assuming the writers created this post-mortem meeting not as merely another display of magic, but as a tangible means of showing Arthur's wrestling match with his own conscience. Even the playful and boyish banter between Arthur and Merlin (and the way they gaze at each other adoringly) is an example of Arthur's determination to part with toxic masculinity, especially when he gives Merlin the opportunity to be right sometimes without getting his chainmail hoodie in a bunch.
  This could absolutely be a lesson to voters the world over, who have the power to put real leaders in office but choose crusty old assholes instead of fresh, young minds and hearts. All the Uthers in the world are giving AOC and Sanna Marin shit for dancing. Can you believe we actually live in an era when our leaders get chided for dancing? For fucking dancing! Meanwhile AOC and Sanna Marin are attracting loyal followers in New York and Denmark, who would follow them to the ends of Camelot, while the same old self-serving ancient curmudgeons who keep getting elected are busy pulling Agravaine after Agravaine out of their bungholes. Perhaps I digress.
  Their parting from lore that is a little less acceptable is what they chose to do with Lancelot. Love triangle with Gwen and Arthur, yes, but Lancelot's BBC fate was less than satisfying. There are many tellings of how Lancelot dies, both with and because of Gwen, but the BBC opted against putting Arthur's best knight at the roundtable through most of this series. How fascinating. And weird.
Anyway, the end: Avoiding spoilers, I'd say the series ended appropriately. My 20-year-old daughter is traumatized by the ending, but I know enough about Arthur lore to know that the end is appropriate and loyal to legend. Camelot enters a new era, Merlin finally gets the respect he deserves, and a strong woman rises to power (I hope she dances). Satisfying. My parting thought: Walking away from this series, I've discovered a new career aspiration. I don't need to be king of anything, but I really want a job that allows me to say, "Ready the men, we ride at first light" without getting bullied. I mean, that's just really damn cool.
Thanks for all of your comments and responses. It's been fun. 
#Merlin #ArthurAndMerlinOTP #ToxicMasculinityVsBromance #ArthurWasPan #TristanAndIsoldSpinoff
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adhd-merlin · 3 months
merlin S1 rewatch: episode 9
let’s move on to ep 1x09 because I need to get on. with my life. I already re-watched this ep months ago and I can’t be arsed to do it again so I’m going to use screencaps and perhaps the transcript to refresh my memory.
kilgharrah warning merlin that excalibur MUST NOT be wielded by anyone but arthur, and merlin handing the sword to uther literally the next morning is so funny to me. it's kind of the same thing that happens with the cup of life, when iseldir tells merlin “hey this is important so don’t lose it okay?” and five minutes later we see the cup rolling down a hill. I love consistent characterisation. please don’t give this boy anything important for safekeeping he has enough on his plate already!!
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I think Arthur’s coronet looks a bit dumb but still it’s nothing compared to the horrendous Burger King crown he'll wear as king. why did uther get such a prettier crown. why couldn't arthur just wear his father's crown. so many questions
why did they name the undead knight tristan, was he supposed to be the tristan? I think he was. I think their take on tristan and isolde in S4 was so disappointing btw. anyway moving on
Merlin: Gaius have you seen that knight’s crest before? Gaius: No, I don’t think so. I didn’t see it clearly. Actually I’m not even sure I saw a knight. Perhaps it was a trick of the light or a collective hallucination
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Sir Owain: I don’t need luck Arthur: oh fuck he’s going to die
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Arthur’s face after Uther holds him back and someone else picks up the undead knight’s gauntlet. so much self-sacrificing acts of bravery and NONE of them done by him. wrong and upsetting
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S1 Arthur I'm not sure how to tell you this so I'll just say it. your haircut looks dangerously close to a mullet
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Merlin: maybe arson can fix this
Nimueh telling Uther she was his friend!!! fuck season 6 I want a Merlin prequel
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he’s a precious baby. he’s shmol. only tiny
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gwen doing her whole “you know I'd grant you anything merlin… I mean, not anything! haha” meanwhile merlin is too worried about keeping arthur alive to notice. GIRL HE'S BUSY
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WHY. who stands like this
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he holds this stupid pose the entire time morgana is talking to him. imagine begging someone not to commit suicide while they brood and look out of the window like a sullen byronic hero. I would have pushed him out of the window. drama ass bitch
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this is the second nighttime encounter between uther and gaius in this episode. uther saying goodbye to gaius before going to fight in arthur’s place. toxic yaoi. is this anything
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YOU KNOW NOTHING YOU STUPID CHILD. I love that Kilgharrah is a hater and a bitch. to be fair to him he spent 20 years in solitary confinement so he's earned it
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gaius drugging arthur then gently helping him into his bed is hilarious. he’s so good at lying and drugging people. big fan of gaius using his evil talents for the greater good, or just to have a laugh sometimes which is equally valid
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what a fine blade you have there… it would be a shame if something were to happen to it
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he’s wearing silver bracelets!! plural!!
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[Enter Arthur, visibly furious]
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Gaius [gathering his things]: I've just remembered I've left something on the stove. I must go right now immediately
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Arthur [while Gaius scurries away]: YOU HAD GAIUS DRUG ME??
arthur and uther little father and son moment was cute ngl
there are a few more scenes until the end but I don't have much to say about them except that I love gaius and merlin's relationship
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Gaius: [stares loudly] Merlin: [pretends not to notice]
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falling-raine · 2 months
so the series starts out with our main man merlin who is a sorcerer. he arrives in camelot in the first episode only to see some old woman whos son is being put to death for sorcery and she screams some emo shit like “ill get my revenge a son for a son” and disappears in a terrible cg of smoke and leave and magic particle shit. 
merlins like “oh shit” bc he has magic and  he just learned that its illegal in camelot?? whoopsie! anyways he goes to see his uncle gaius who is the royal physician and also a former sorcerer and he starts living with him. 
then he meets this asshole named arthur throwing knives at some poor boy and hes like “aw hell nah” and tells him off and then they say some weird shit to each other “do yk how to walk on ur knees???” like HELLO??? 
then merlin leaves and he meets this serving girl whos name is gwen and they strike up some nice conversation and become fast friends.
that night some weird bitch keeps calling out his name a la the weeknd or whoever made that fickin song and so he follows the voice and finds this mf dragon named kilgarrah whos like “u and arthur are gonna bring magic back 2 camelot and ur 2 sides of the same coin and other queer shit like that” n merlins like “hell nah not w that motherfucker no way” and he flips him off and leaves
merlin meets arthur again and learns that hes actually the crown prince and then they say more weird shit to eahc other “i could take you apart with one blow” OKAYYYY BITCH OAKY
merlin then has to attend this dumb fucking ceremony for something or other where this really famous singer is performing i guess but no way!! the old woman fr.om earlier killed that bitch and now shes pretending to be her!! 
so she puts a sleeping spell on everyone except merlin bc that bitch has magic too but he just pretends to be asleep and he sees that shes tryna kill arthur so at the last minute he pushes that bitch outta the way and becomes his servant because uther, his dad, is just SO FUCKING GRATEFUL
this series so stupid i wanna kiss it on the mouths. evrone should watch it
that is next on my list to watch actually!! I may have gotten spoiler cause my dumass decided to watch a bunch of merlin edits but its fineeeeee
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hiddentrails7 · 2 years
Kidnapper: We have one of your men, pay us and you will get him back.
Frederick: Which one?
Kidnapper, while Inigo is staring at him intensely: T-the fashionable one.
Frederick: He made you say that, right?
Kidnapper, on the verge of crying: Just come and take him back. Please.
Brady: Love is dumb.
Brady, glancing at Owain as they punch a hole in a wall: And I'm the dumbest bitch alive.
Olivia: This is a mistake.
Henry, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Olivia: But not today.
Henry, still enthusiastic: Oh no, today is going to be hell!
Cherche: But what about Henry?
Ricken: Don't worry about him.
Ricken: I once watched him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating his hotdog like nothing happened.
Donnel: So, how did the date with Lon'qu go?
Stahl: I tried complimenting him, but couldn't decide on whether to say "you have an amazing smile" or "you have nice eyes." Then he smiled a little and I panicked and said, "You have eyes."
Ricken: I’m kind of crushing on someone... but I’m worried about telling you who it is cause you’re not going to like it...
Vaike: Just rip the bandage off, shortie.
Ricken: It’s Henry.
Vaike: Put the bandage back on.
Kidnapper: We have a troop of yours.
Frederick: Which one.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying one who never shuts up
Frederick: Which one.
Stahl: I’ve never smoked marijuana.
Stahl: I ate a brownie once at a party.
Stahl: It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating.
Stahl: Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Chrom @ Robin: I'm not gay but DAMN
Lissa: You don't have to be gay to appreciate a good looking guy
Chrom: Nah I'd fuck him
Lissa: Oh okay shit
Robin: What did you two do.
Robin: You're not in trouble. I just need to know if I need to lie to Lissa again or not.
Donnel: You know what they say: if you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs.
Stahl: ...Nobody says that.
Sully: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Say'ri: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Chrom: Who traumatized you?
Robin: Do you you want a list?
Chrom, with Falchion out: Ya actually
Basilio: I'm gonna prank him by calling him Lon'qu.
Olivia: I don't understand. That's his name..?
Lon'qu: *Walks around the corner*
Basilio: Hey Lon'qu
Basilio: Lon'qu?
Lon'qu: Are you mad at me?
Basilio: Oh no, I'm sorry Lon. Come here son.
Olivia: Oh, I see
Sully: Based on genital structure, men should really be the ones wearing skirts and women should be wearing pants.
Stahl: The Scots were right all along
Kellam: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies
Gaius: The Scots were right all along.
Sumia: How do you feel about children?
Sully: Uh, they’re okay, I guess. I mean, if I saw one on the street I wouldn’t throw a rock at them. 
Sumia: Why would you throw a rock at a child. 
Sully: I just said I wouldn’t.
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tiodolma · 1 year
Merlin: I do not condone manipulation, killing and violence!
Merlin: Except for when Arthur’s life and happiness is compromised!
Merlin: That means I’ll keep the tyrant dynasty alive as long as I can!
Merlin: Never mind that those who try to manipulate and assasinate him and his son are just doing it out of love, for their family, acting within the laws of their own race, for their own sense of justice, for freedom!
Merlin: I dont even care if they are magic users like me! Or if they are rulers of their own realms and still have brethren to take care of and lead! Or if they’re more oppressed than I was! Or if I loved them!
Merlin: Murder and Manipulation is okay as long as I get to do it!!
Merlin: fuck all of you! This is what being good means!
Gaius: yes you are only doing what is right, you had no choice. It is for the best. Well done my boy. I am proud of you.
Kilgharrah (eating popcorn): it is your destiny, young warlock.
Gaius: Also remember to forget yourself and your emotions while you keep at it. Arthur needs you more than ever.
Hunith: Yes my son i am proud of you.
Balinor, Will: I can’t believe we died for this.
Freya, Lancelot: tbf, his life, his rules. he could've done better though.
Gilli: what the actual fuck.
Morgana: Be like me. Manipulation and Killing is bad but im a bad bitch. I dont live in denial though. And it’s fun! (Blows kisses)
Mordred (switching allegiance to Morgana): you know what, queen, SLAY
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dykeseinfeld · 7 months
the merlin & suits coyote-roadrunner problem is that all of them are so committed to being loyal that they're all so stupid & it's never like consistent stupidity it always varies. that being said
Jessica, Gaius, Merlin & Mike (when not actively throwing their lives on the life to be Noble) are roadrunners
Harvey, Arthur, Morgana (on occasion), & Louis are coyotes
head empty thoughts "meep meep you son of a bitch"
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[Why do you think mettaton and alphys took a backseat there for a while? Their askbox is (nearly) empty and this one has 200+ asks (keep both coming btw thx)]
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hungrydolphin91 · 1 year
My sister and I had two sessions of Xillia 2, mainly completing sidequests and character chapters!
The game is doing a lot of unnecessary guilt tripping regarding Julius. Like of COURSE we care about him, you don't need to remind LUDGER of the fact that Julius practically raised him
I brought up the stat from the sexyman poll that according to the fandom, Bisley is unfuckable. My sister agrees so it's canon now, Julius and Ludger must have a different dad or something because no one wants Bisley
My sister noted that Riddeux wears clothes similar to Agria and has sorta similar eyes (not in color but being half lidded) and decided they're related. I guess Agria is a Kresnik now. That would be pretty interesting actually.
There's a weapon for Ludger called Handcannon and I legit read it as Headcanon. An effective weapon for any fan 😂
Elle, please shut up about Canaan
Ludger wants to know about the ghosts of Sharilton, and Rowen mentions that there's one in the manor. Sis: "Yeah, it's Cline." Me: 💔
Driselle has a quest where she needs a powerful gun. Sis: "To shoot the ghost of Cline." Me: 💔💔
The gentlemen are back!! Hello there. :)
At the end of Leia's chapter, my sister didn't even let Leia say goodbye to Agria. Her: "I'm (ie. Ludger's) a bitch" >:)
In Rowen's fractured dimension, a bunch of citizens from Marksburg try to give Chancellor Marcia some fruit but she turns it down. Sis: "I bet they're secretly poisoned. I'm just making up an assassination plot, I don't know what's happening."
Thankfully we don't have to kill a cute cat, just its catalyst monster form. Which destroys the whole world, which is full of cats. How is Ludger ok with any of this.
Kinda sad Jude's dad is only nice to him in the dimension where he doesn't know that's his son. No closure for Jude either, the dimension is destroyed right as Derrick questions their shared last name. Rip.
Mary should honestly be fired
Alvin has an end of battle scene with Elize where he sort of waves his hand over her head. Me: "Is that a headpat or is he measuring her height or something." Sis: "That got to be the worst headpats I've ever seen." Me: "Well, Alvin is bad at lots of things." Sis: "Like depth perception."
The whole party is wearing Leia's hat now so they match, except Milla. Sis: "Because she's not one of us yet."
My sister decided that whenever Ludger uses his Chromatus he is actually transporting himself and his enemies inside of his watch. This is my headcanon now.
We ended by paying off the last bit of debt, which prompted a choice to follow after Julius who stole the waymarker or meet with Erston. Being a Julius fan that's the option she chose, though I think she'll be less pleased once Muzet shows up. I'm hoping when we do meet with Gaius I will have a chance to somehow bring up the new sexyman crackship because it's giving me such joy right now 😂
(Masterpost link to be added here when I get back to it...)
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weakforarwen · 2 years
The Changeling
Watching this episode at the same time as I’m finishing season 5 is like a breath of fresh air. The difference between the seasons! It’s like day and night.
Arthur is warm and cute and a real character in this episode! Gwen is her shy yet confident, nonconforming yet realistic, awkward yet graceful, self, I love her. And Arwen is so good this episode! Their chemistry is great, and their scenes are varied - it’s not just Gwen telling Arthur she believes in him, or, worse, standing by his side like decoration. Bradley actually has more than a few facial expressions here! When he realizes he’ll have to marry Elena, his eyes shine with tears and he looks so sad... it’s so good. But I also love his awkwardness in a previous scene, when Arthur’s like “Dw, I won’t get married” and Gwen’s like “Who says I was worried?”. The scene where Arthur skips up the stairs as Gwen is coming down is super cute too - the banter, their smiles! Compared to season 5, it’s like someone painted them in bright colors. Ah, this is the Arwen I love.
The episode is great. Grunhilda is hilarious. The actress, Miriam Margolyes, is so adorable and good, honestly. What a treasure. They were lucky to have her for one episode. Poor Gaius had to take one for the team though. I loved seeing him so flustered.
I loved Elena too. But I didn’t like that human Elena wasn’t as clumsy and unlady-like. The moment the fairy spirit was expelled out of her, she became a “proper” princess and that was disappointing. She was lovely when she tripped and snorted. Still, her parting words to Arthur were amazing “Let me know when you want me to beat you at horse riding again”, or something like that. Arthur’s face was priceless. Arthur’s reactions to the princess were on point the entire episode. 
I loved everything about the episode tbh. Even Uther was funny. He was so excited for his friend’s visit and got so awkward trying to tell Arthur he was to marry Elena lmao. But he went back to being his asshole self soon enough.
Elena should be glad her father clearly loves her and puts her first. She and Arthur could’ve been great friends! She’d get along so well with Merlin and Gwen too!
There’s something incredibly satisfying about watching this episode knowing Arthur will marry Gwen despite everything and be so happy with her. Uther told Arthur a King can’t marry for love, and I was like “Just you wait and see. You’ll be rolling in your grave”. And Morgana looked so gleeful and smug when she pretended to be on Gwen’s side, but her and Arthur simply couldn’t be... Laugh all you want, you’ll never be Queen, bitch. Seeing Arthur call off a wedding for the first time was so funny. Dude is a pro at calling off weddings, even the first one with Gwen :/ 
Arthur can’t marry for love, you say? Just you watch. He’ll marry no one but Guinevere. He’s not Uther. Arthur might find it difficult to shake off his father’s hold on him, but when it comes to Gwen, he will not take no for an answer. As close as he came to marrying other women or calling it quits with Gwen, he just couldn’t. It’s her or nothing, and I find that so relatable. 
I really relate to this side of Arthur. I’m not good at rebelling either, at expressing my thoughts and standing up for myself - I don’t like displeasing people or having them mad at me - but I can’t get talked into something I really don’t wanna do. I’ll drag my feet the whole time til I get my way. But Arthur’s not quite like me. He gives in quite easily to the demands of others, but once he thinks it through and gains confidence in himself, he stands up for his beliefs. Especially if it concerns Gwen. 
In your face, Uther. I know how miserable Arthur’s marriage made you. You even tried to kill Gwen from beyond the grave. I guess if you actually knew your son, you’d have seen he wasn’t under any spell in season 3.
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fal-carrington · 4 years
Everybody on this fandom who agrees that Gaius motherfucker Augustine don’t deserves a REDEMPTION ARC please raise ur 🤚🏻🤚🏻 I wanna see something
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imkylotrash · 2 years
What A Time
Pairing: Sir Leon x reader
Request (shortened version): The reader is a princess that has been taken prisoner when Morgana took over in an attempt to use her as leverage against Uther. But she can't help think back on her life with Leon and neither can he.
A/N I don't think I've seen this far in the show so if I get anything wrong, please just pretend like I didn't 😂
Tagging: @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody @shadowhuntyi @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 Let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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Sometimes life takes a funny direction compared to the path you always saw yourself on. You were a princess, a twin to the future King of Camelot, and you were a good sorcerer. In fact, you were a great sorcerer under the training of Gaius, and when Merlin showed up, it only made you better. But magic was forbidden in Camelot, and you knew it. It was only a matter of time before Uther would figure it out...
"Gaius, do something!" You're looking down at your brother, who is losing far too much blood far too quickly. A hunting accident that may just take the one person you love more than anything.
"There are limits to what can be done naturally," Gaius scolds, throwing several herbs into a pot to mush, but you know it's not going to be enough. If Arthur's going to make it through the night, he needs magic - and a lot of it.
"Then let me do something," you plead because you can't lose him. Not already. Neither of you has lived properly yet. You hold Arthur's hand to make sure he knows you're right there.
"Uther will be here any minute," Merlin informs as he enters with a bunch of towels and hot water.
"Then we have to be quick," you sternly say as you lock eyes with Gaius. He's not dumb enough to stop you, so he steps back to let you work. But Merlin's right. Uther does arrive within minutes to find his son dying on the table and his daughter trying to save his life using the one thing that scares him more than anything.
"What is going on?" he demands to know. And you know you should be worried, scared, possibly even dead already, but you'll deal with that later. Once you know Arthur is safe, you'll turn around and face your judgment. Except it never comes. Instead, your father shocks you by pulling you in for a tight hug.
"Thank you." He's looking at you well-knowing that he'd never be able to kill you. So he helps keep the secret, and you continue training.
You're even more powerful than Merlin, which feels slightly ironic considering your current predicament. Trapped in the castle's dungeon awaiting whatever Morgana decides to do with you. Every spell has been tried to break the confinement created by Morgana's own magic, but you have yet to be successful and breaking free. Camelot has been lost, and you can't do anything about it. All you can hope is that your family made it out alive.
He's watching you. Of course, they're all watching you because you're sitting next to the King of Camelot at the high table, but it feels different when he looks at you. He's not looking at you because you're King's daughter or the sister of Arthur. He's looking because he wants to. Because he can't tear his gaze away, and you love it. You almost revel it in, but you can't be too obvious.
"Your Royal Highness," he says and lifts your hand to place a gentle kiss. The action alone is enough to make you blush.
"You know, we're married now. You can call me by name." An arranged marriage and you just so happened to fall wholly and utterly in love with the man.
"I know. But your father is watching, and I'd like to stay in his good graces," Leon whispers with a smile, and you want to drag him to the bedroom right then and there. But you must wait for the formalities to finish. Waiting with Leon by your side makes it a lot better though.
"Father, we're going to retire for the night." You kiss him on both cheeks before leaving hand in hand with Leon. Both of you are itching for the privacy needed to act very inappropriately, so you rush down the hallways until you reach your chambers.
"So, husband, are you ready for married life?"
"With you? Always." He drags you inside and closes the door. Gentle fingers untie the laces of your corset, and one layer at a time, you feel the heat in your belly spread.
"I've thought about this all night," he admits placing a kiss on your bare shoulder. It sends a shiver through your body that you don't even bother to hide. You want him to know what kind of effect he has on you.
"Kiss me properly."
The sound of heels on the ground diverts your attention to the hallway.
"Enjoying your stay?" Seeing her stand in front of you awakes a rage inside of you that you struggle to contain.
"This could all have been avoided if your father had shown me the same compassion for me that he showed for you." You keep quiet. Your father had loved Morgana with all his heart could offer. Whether he had accepted her magic or not, Morgana would have taken the same path. Of this, you felt completely sure even now.
"Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to love you enough to come back to Camelot and face his actions. None of them do. Not even your little lover Le—"
"Don't say his name!" you sneer walking over to the bars so you can look at her properly.
"One day I'm going to kill you. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after that. But someday I will kill you." Images of your past life flash before your eyes; Arthur returning home after a quest, Leon and you dancing in your chambers with no music, Merlin occupying your Arthur so you can steal moments with Leon. One day you'll return to them, and you're going to make sure that Morgana never threatens you again.
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hxlyhoax · 3 years
As The World Caves In
Rick Flag x Reader
*I apologize if this sucks, This is my first time writing in ages*
━━━━━ © hxlyhoax 2021 do not steal, post on third party sites or translate my work. I do not own the rights to The Suicide Squad or any of the canon characters mentioned.
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If it was 2016 you wouldn’t have cared. You wouldn’t have cared that the colonel was fighting for his life.
But it wasn’t 2016, it was 2021 and you both were on way better terms then when you first met. You two were friends? maybe, you didn’t really know. He was a confusing man.
But what you did know, he couldn’t die. Rick Flag couldn’t die. not here. not now. And especially not at the hands of Peacemaker.
You were walking with Rick, Cleo and Gaius to where “Project Starfish” was located. You really weren’t paying attention to the current conversation going on, too busy looking around at all the people held captive with tiny starfishes on their faces and completely missing the actual huge starfish hitting against it’s see-through cage.
You sighed and looked back over at the group after overhearing Cleo saying something about being sent to stop Gaius and this god damn awful project.
“Child, your government didn’t send you here to protect the world from alien technology. Your government sent you here to cover up their part in it.” He replied which made you raise an eyebrow “you’re a goddamn liar” Rick muttered which resulted in a small chuckle coming from Gaius before he began his lengthy speech of how American Astronauts were a part of this and how the Government saw potential which resulted in an eye roll from you.
You were about to speak up when you heard an all too familiar voice come from behind you “Yeah! you’re the real victim” Christopher said which made you furrow your brows “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to setting up explosives”
Which resulted in him giving you a soft look “I told you I didn’t trust him” you nodded slowly not completely believing that was his true intention of being up here “Your records are located on the computers?” Rick asked looking at Gaius before making his way over to their computers “What are you doing?” you asked looking at him “I joined the military to serve my country, not to be its puppet.” You bit your lip nodding while Cleo started to freak out “What are you doing? Who are you going to show that to?”
Rick responded while looking down at the drive he had found “The press. Goddamn people deserve to know. I’m tired of coverin’ up their dirty little secrets. This time these sons of bitches are gonna be held account…” before he could finish his sentence a gun was cocked which made your head snap over to Christopher who was now holding a gun to Rick “I can’t let you do that, Colonel”
You were dumbfounded “Peacemaker…” Rick looked just as dumbfounded “excuse me?”
“I’m truly sorry. Miss Waller charged me with makin’ sure those records don’t leave this building.” Christopher replied while still holding his gun up.
“Of course. I shoulda known. Waller’s always got a backup” Rick spoke while looking over at Christopher who was giving him a sympathetic look “Come on, man, this isn’t personal”
“Holdin’ a gun on me is pretty fucking personal.” Rick replied looking at the man who still had a gun to his head.
Before anyone could say anything there was a muffled explosion which made you jump and Gaius to mutter a small "What was that?" you gave him a look before looking back at Rick and Christopher "I'm going to need that drive, Colonel" Chris said still holding his gun up to the colonel.
Alarms began to sound off which made you step back closer to Cleo ready to protect her and her little rat companion you grew to love “Those morons set off the explosives too early. Hand over the drive! Let’s go, come on!” came from a very panicked Gaius.
“They experimented on children” Rick said looking at Christopher “No one is sayin’ what they did was right.” He replied
Rick looked at him once more before speaking a little louder “They experimented on children!”
The ceiling looked like it was about to cave in bits and pieces were falling onto the ground you looked behind you to see a very scared Cleo who whispered “What are we going to do, we can’t let him kill the colonel” you nodded at her almost tearing up at the fact of losing him “I’m going to stop him, you two get out of here. We’ll be okay” Sebastian shook his head squeaking out while Cleo began to speak again “We can’t do that, We don’t leave our own behind” you smiled softly at her before looking over to Rick biting your lip.
“That information gets out, it causes an international incident! Keepin’ the peace is worth any price, including the life of a hero like yours, sir, so please… don’t make me do this.” Christopher pleaded right before the ceiling came down which made you all collectively groan.
After a few minutes, you started to regain consciousness. To say your head hurt was an understatement. It was pounding. You groaned as you sat up. "Flag" you spoke weakly looking around hoping to see your friend and commander still standing.
Unfortunately, there was no response. You stood up while also looking around the now wrecked room and sighed while also muttering to yourself "Please be okay"
You continued to walk around the now wrecked room until you found them. Rick and Christopher were on the floor. Chris looked like he could still be passed out which was unlikely. While Rick was kneeling.
You made your way over to Flag kneeling next to him going into protection mode "Are you alright" you asked while looking him over which made him smile then nod "I'm okay, Yln. No need to worry"
You looked up into his eyes smiling softly before turning your head hearing Christopher getting up. You stayed still next to Flag, still unconsciously holding onto him.
"Well aren't you two cute? '' He spoke sarcastically which resulted in an eye roll from both you and rick. "I'm going to need that drive. So you either hand it over. Or you both die."
You looked at Flag holding his hand for a moment silently apologizing for what you were about to do. He shook his head while Christopher furrowed his brows "I'll see you on the other side, Flag" you spoke before picking up the drive and running off which made both men groan.
Christopher started to run after you but you were nowhere in sight. "Where are you, You little bitch" He yelled out in frustration.
You had already made it to the next floor looking for a familiar face. Someone you could trust. Then you saw him. You saw Boomerang who gave you a confused look "What's wrong" he questioned walking in your direction.
"Long story. Just promise me something." He raised an eyebrow knowing that was never good coming out of your mouth. You were always legit on a suicde mission when you spoke those words.
He was about to protest but you gave him a pleading look. One that you knew would make him cave in. "I promise" He spoke quietly.
You gave him the drive "Hold onto this. Make sure no one else gets it. And if I don't make it, give it to Flag or DuBois" You looked him in the eye "And if they don't make it? he asked
"Release it. Cazo will tell you what’s on it. Just make sure it doesn’t get in the hands of Peacemaker or Waller" he nodded "You, Flag, Cazo and DuBois only" You nodded before hugging him tightly. Hoping it wasn't your last before running off again making your way back down to the lower floors.
You could hear the calling of your name. Christopher was still looking for you. So was Rick but he was more quiet about it.
You looked around biting your lip before feeling someone pulling you back covering your mouth while you screamed “shh. it’s just me” rick spoke quietly into your ear which made you let out a sigh of relief before looking at him “that was rude” he smiled at you “i’m sorry…” he began but soon realized you no longer had the drive “where’s the drive?” he questioned.
Before you could respond you heard a cock of a gun which made you take your gaze away from Rick and over to the sound “Yeah, Where is the drive” came from an annoyed Peacemaker
You looked at him blankly “I dropped it. It’s lost somewhere in the mess” you lied but he seemed to believe you lowering his gun before biting his lip “I’m sorry” he looked at both you and rick.
Rick only nodded before taking your hand and walking out of the room looking for a more quiet and reserved space. Once he found it he pulled you into the room and looked you in your eyes “Where is it really”
You looked at him offended “You don’t believe me?” he only raised an eyebrow “you’re a compulsive liar. of course I don’t believe you” which resulted in you pouting “I am not” you looked away from him down to the floor “only to those who don’t matter.”
He chuckled softly before speaking again “But, seriously where is the drive?” he looked down at you while you looked up innocently “I gave it away” he raised an eyebrow “to who?” he asked.
You looked around making sure Christopher wasn’t lurking around anywhere before looking at Rick again “Boomer” he nodded sighing softly “That makes me feel sorta better.”
You giggled softly before speaking up “Let’s get back to others, They probably need our help.” He nodded agreeing “Yeah you’re probably right. Let’s go.”
So, you two went. You helped fight. Peacemaker was questionably nowhere to be found. You didn’t question it. Not caring enough about the man who almost killed you and your friend.
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adhd-merlin · 3 months
merlin S1 rewatch: episode 8
this is a thing I was doing do you remember? do you remember this was a thing I was doing
it’s been like 3 months since I re-watched episode 8 (and 9!) so I’ve just re-re-watched it. Just now.
Would you let something terrible happen if it meant you'd stop something even worse happening in the future?
A fascinating ethical dilemma. Would you pull the lever in the trolley problem? Would you travel back in time and kill baby Hitler?
It isn't just Mordred’s life for Arthur’s, but Mordred’s life against the Golden Age and the freedom for magic people that Arthur is supposed to bring, so I understand why Merlin felt torn. There’s no clear-cut answer, which is what makes this storyline so compelling.
Anyway, let’s start with my main grievance – Mordred’s powers.
Merlin tells Gaius that he heard the Druid boy’s voice inside his head, to which Gaius replies:
Yes, I've heard of this ability. The Druids look for children with such gifts to serve as apprentices.
In this episode, Mordred mind-speech is a special ability that sets him apart from other children. By season 5, any random Druid can use it, to the point that Merlin is surprised when he tries to communicate with Daegal telepathically and the boy cannot hear him. The episode hints to Mordred’s magic being remarkable, even dangerous (like when he magically shatters a mirror in a fit of rage), but by season 5 Mordred barely even uses it.
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I am fascinated by Mordred’s backstory and disappointed that the writers forgot their own set-up, or decided to ignore it. 
I only knew Asa Butterfield from Sex Education, so it was weird to see him as young Mordred. He did a good job at looking mysterious and vaguely threatening, though it must be said he spent most of the episode unconscious.
Who was the Druid accompanying Mordred? The Merlin Wiki transcript names him as Mordred’s father, which is not in the credits (where he's only named as “Cerdan”). I didn’t get father-son vibes from their interactions, but maybe it’s just me. My impression was that he was some kind of mentor. Apparently I saw Mordred and decided he was an orphan. Don't ask me why.
We see Arthur trying to challenge his father (in private) multiple times, but he still spends a good chunk of the episode as an antagonist. He searches for Mordred when his father demands it and he’s willing to let him die, even if he’s not pleased about it. It’s only when Morgana begs him that he caves in (30 minutes into a 43-minute episode).
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Uther is a fascinating portrayal of an emotionally abusive parent. I wonder what he would have done if Morgana had “come out” to him – because he clearly cared for her, in his own fucked-up way. At least enough not to want her dead. Acceptance would have been out of the question, but I’m not sure he would’ve had her executed. Probably attempted to make her go through some kind of “conversion therapy”. He did keep Gaius as his physician after all, after making him vow never to use magic again (not that Morgana would ever have accepted it).
Now Arthur, I believe, would’ve accepted Morgana if she had told him she had magic. He’s so obviously fond of her, despite all the sibling bickering. 
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We get the first mention of the name Emrys – from Mordred, then confirmed by Kilgharrah.
Morgana saying she couldn’t live with herself if anything happened to Gwen or Merlin is such a !!!! statement considering what will happen later in the series
You are a guard of Camelot minding your own business when suddenly someone knocks you out. Just an ordinary Tuesday. You don’t get paid enough for this.
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Arthur telling Mordred (as he's freeing him from his cell) “Don't be scared. I've sent word to your people” -> HOW??? literally how. How does Arthur know where the Druids live. how did he get in contact with them. many such questions
Mordred glaring at Merlin when he finally comes to his rescue is so funny. “I had trouble getting out of the castle” he's like bitch you did NOT!
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Mordred’s name drop at the end is so epic. Even if you aren’t familiar with Arthurian legends (I wasn't), the music and Kilgharrah’s warning to Merlin make this moment sufficiently ominous and tense (and if you already know who’s going to kill Arthur, you will have guessed the boy’s name already anyway)
Arthur returns Mordred to Iseldir. The next time we see young Mordred is in ep 2x03 (The Nightmare Begins) and then again in episode 2x11 (The Witch’s Quickening) — in neither of them he is with Iseldir anymore, though Iseldir is still alive, given he reappears in S3. WHAT HAPPENED. Mordred’s childhood is a compelling mystery. I like the idea of there being different Druid clans with different beliefs about Emrys and Arthur’s destiny – and possibly Mordred’s, too. Not every Druid recognises Merlin as Emrys or thinks of him as a savior, after all (see Sefa and Kara). Is this why Mordred was (perhaps?) abandoned by Iseldir? Did he find out something about Mordred's role in Arthur's death? It’s an interesting idea. To me.
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 2 years
My friend watches Merlin: Part I
Oh god what have i started
Who's this blonde motherfucker
Also witch lady murdered some woman and took her form to get revenge, which I whole heartedly support
Gwen is so pretty
When will Arthur stop being a jackass I'm just curious
Enemies to Lovers?
Also imagine having such bad luck that your mom sends you to the one place where magic is strictly forbidden, when your one quality is having magic
WOAH Talking dragon Cool
Oh good Merlin has to play nanny to Arthur, cool
PLS Merlin boi what are you doing
Just because the chick is good you don't have to risk it
You'd think when your one weakness is a mirror you'd get rid of the big ass one in your room
Witch is really nailing the abandoned attic aesthetic
I looove the snake shield
I'm so sick of fortune cookie smart people
Or in this case reptiles
Morgana is also so pretty
Oh my god Morgana, you should just leave this place
You deserve better than everybody here
Hello there beautiful 👀
Mysterious magic woman
Is this show MLM WLW solidarity?
I really don't see why we shouldn't let the magic people take charge of the kingdom and push this moTHERFUCKER off a cliff
This fucking dragon is pissing me off
I love Morgana so much already
Oh this guy is so clueless I love him
Wow the king is a real asshole
Can't wait till he dies
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I'm getting real tired of the king
I'm legit so tired of this guy
And this is only the first season
Seriously, the amount of problem that could be avoided if they just got rid of the king
And so of the dragon
But mainly the guy
He straight up wants to kill a fucking child
I never wanted to kill off a series character so bad in my life
Honestly if I were Morgana I would just leave
Just pack my stuff and sneak out
It's so weird that I'm 100% on the opposite of the main character's side
Excuse me
You can't just drug your son
This isn't going to end well I can see it
I'm digging this series honestly
LMAO I like how the girls are coming to the rescue
Like, of course they are helping Merlin cause he helped them
But I can't help but see the "If we're not going he's not even going to survive the journey, let alone the bandits" In their looks
NAW Arthur just shot an unicorn
Not sure I can forgive him this one fam
Yeah fuck your grain
You know who the true victim of the series is? The water supply
And Gaius' nerves
At least Arthur is trying to be a good ruler
LMAO not the rat stew
This entire family is fucking killing me
Both father and son
And I don't know who the holy spirit is
[Me: Arthur's mum
Him: That was fucking foul 💀]
Yaaay, the unicorn lived
"Yeah your dad is dead, but you can keep your house" CAN NO ONE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD COMMUNICATE
I am 100% on Morgana's side in the situation
And so are on everybody's side who's against Uther
Gwen is so much better than me as a person
Oh...they made up
Morgana is also a better person than me
Season finale time
Did I just watch the entire season in one day
"It's just a myth"
"It's just a story"
"It's just made up"
Bitch have you been PAYING ATTENTION to the past months? Or however long this season is spawned in
So far Nimue gave some water, Merlin's mom is dying, the dragon outed himself and Merlin is saying goodbyes
Wow, why do they severely underuse the best antagonists in every series I like
This was not nearly enough Nimue
I'm low-key disappointed
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velvety-love · 3 years
I have been up for almost 20 hours and all i can think of are cid and nero lets go 
OOOOO its hard to think of where to start but i just. okay. Lets start at the Begining(tm). The thing is Cid probably never really had anyone who saw him as anything but Midas' son for the longest time, and here comes this other kid (the ONLY ONE HIS AGE in ALL OF THE ACADEMY mind you) who does not give two shits about who the fuck his father is and only views him as an actual rival, it must've been so refreshing and something he probably really needed in life!! Like he was a wee boy when they first met but still, at that point he was probably trapped in his father's shadow (haha wow the irony in that rip Nero) and here comes this other person who just sees him for who he Is and judges him based on that. Hell even Gaius who is like 'i judge based on merit or whatever' still saw him as Midas' son.
And like?? You can see the effects of that even in the storyline, how even Nero begins to resent how no one views Cid as anything but his father's son (albeit for very different reasons) but it just hammers home that, while in Garlemald, Nero was probably the only person who saw him for who he really was?? Man thats gay shit. Anyways, Also it astounds me the amount of Trust Nero has for Cid. Like yeah they are divorced(tm) but it's shown that Nero is absolutely someone who does not trust easily. He's traumatized! But even when injured in the omega questline he keeps on going to help out and even sticks around afterwards as he's healing. Nero kinda strikes me as the kind of guy who, if he didn't absolutely trust Cid, would've bolted the minute things got dicey!!! ESPECIALLY when hes like almost dying hello?? Bitch stayed and helped because Cid needed him and cause he TRUSTED HIM!!! WTF!!!
Also on that note it's really wholesome to see how Nero knows exactly how to help Cid when its needed. Like that moment (you know the one) in the omega questline where he calms Cid down in his own asshole-y way that's just right to get Cid back on track?? Perfect, amazing, show stopping, fantastic. Like he didn't need to, Cid probably would've been able to do it without that but by god he noticed (HE NOTICED WAY EARLIER TOO he knows the mans tells so much) and Did Something about it! Why else would Nero, self-appointed 'im only doing this for myself', help out if he did not care for Cid?? This is friendship business i tell you.
Anyways for better or for worse the two of them compliment each other and push each other to do their best AND feel their best even if they wont admit it!!
Square enix please give us more Nero in endwalker PLEASE i am BEGGING you i desire it i need it we ALL need it please please pelase please pl-
In conclusion:
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hiddentrails7 · 3 years
A few more gay-wakening quotes + a few ikesoren quotes for you raccoons (Ily u guys thank u for the support-)
Lon'qu: Hey dad- wait- I mean-
Basilio: No, no, no.
Basilio: No take backs.
Maribelle: Brady’s anger management classes are a fucking scam, mf told him to hit Owain with a brick yesterday! 
Frederick: It’s called Reverse Psychology, Maribelle…
Maribelle: Reverse? Bitch this isn’t UNO!
Ricken: Can we please stay in your tent?
Robin: Why?
Ricken: We played with a Ouija board and cursed mine....
Ricken: And Henry isn’t much help. He doesn’t know how to banish spirits so he just throws salt at them and yells “does this look like a hotel to you?!”
Vaike: Beauty and the Beast, but reversed. I kiss the girl and she turns into a monster and it’s awesome
Sully: Shrek.
Vaike: This post is canceled
Sumia: Coward
Lissa, pretending a hairbrush is a microphone: And now for a gay update with Henry. How's it going?
Henry, starring at Ricken: Getting gayer.
Lissa: Thank you, Henry.
Donnel: Do you ever feel bugs on you when there aren't any?
Sully: Those are the ghosts of all the bugs you've killed.
Stahl: Look what you did, you scared him!
Robin: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Chron: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a healthy sleep schedule.
Robin: Absolutely not.
Brady: Ok guys shut up *Answers phone* Hey, mom.
Owain: miSsEs MaRiBeLlE tEll yOuR sOn tO coMe bAcK tO bEd
Inigo: *Sex noises*
Cynthia: Tell her i say hiii!!!
Severa: pAss the wEeEEeEeeEeEeeeE-
Ike, peaking under the bed: Soren, are you ready to come out and interact with people?
Soren: *Demonic screeching*
Ike: Understandable, have a good day
Stahl: Why is there blood everywhere!??
Lon'qu: I may have aggressivelly poked someone with my blade.
Lon'qu: No no, aggressively poked them with my blade..
Robin: Chrom. Is that your hand on my ass?
Chrom: Oops. My bad. It was an accident.
Robin: Your hand is still on my ass.
Chrom: Still an accident.
Doctor: Mr? Your boyfriend's awake.
Ike: Really? How is he? Has he said anything-
Doctor: Yes, he said "Tell the priest to fuck off, I'm not dead yet."
Soren, hoarse: I lost my voice. 
Ike: Well, that’s good. that means you can’t insult kings yell at me anymore!
*The next day*
Ike: So apparently, Soren's scarier when he’s quiet.
Ike: *Being Ike*
Soren: You better shut the fuck up before I look at you one day, feel warm and realize I've fallen in love with you.
Ike: Wait wh-
Soren: I'm serious, quit it! FUCK!
Ricken: Olivia, can I talk to you for a second?
Olivia: Yeah, what’s up-? Lemme guess. You have a crush on Henry and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Ricken: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Ricken: What time is it?
Henry: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
Henry: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
Henry: It’s 2 am
Some dude: We have your son.
Basilio: I don't have a so-
Basilio: Oh wait. You have Lon'qu. Lmao good luck with that.
Five minutes later: PLEASE TAKE HIM BACK-
` I'm bed, bath and beyond disappointed in you. ` Gaius, after Laurent pulled another all-nighter
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