#gak girls
blackwomenrule · 2 years
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queenhoneybee-exe · 7 months
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happy birthday mlp!!! ♥
how has it been 13 years already ??? i remember when my ex friends first got me into the show where i'd skip the intro out of pure cringe bcs ponies are for little girls, not for manly 14 yo cis girls like me!!1!!1!
then i was waiting for livestreams of the 3rd season premiere and i'd freak out in the chat lol... i started calling myself a "pegasister" on deviantart, even had those tacky f2u stamps on my profile oh god.. hell, my very first cosplay was of rainbow dash (it was sooo shit help).
ponies helped shape my art style and even taught me english!! and ofc the friendship lessons, those taught me a lot too. oh, the memories i'll forever cherish... all the memes that came out (love and tolerate, gak,...) and all the gorey shock-value creepypastas, ack...
never have i ever had a longer hyperfixation than this that still lasts to this day. except bunnies maybe. if you wake me up from deep sleep, i'll be able to recite many scenes from the show, i'll be able to do the sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake dance, i'll remember lyrics not only from the show but from the fan-fuckin-made friendship is witchcraft (which still hold up unlike that .mov bullshit). yes i've got the tism why do you ask.
god and the final episode ????? i dont agree w twilight's final design or her role in the world or w the friendship school as a whole, and i didn't care too much for the final song either... except for the very fucking end, where they play the main jingle for a second... yeah no i cried like a fucking baby lol
idk i think i owe a lot to this show. i've met some really nice people thru it. it really is the epitome of friendship, i firmly believe that. so happy 13th, my little ponies! ♥
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lebensmoode · 6 months
Di deket rumah ada cabang baru mi gacoan. Jangan tanya ramenya kaya apa. Gak heran. Udah ada lah seminggu keknya. Trus tadi yang mulia ratu di rumah kepengen, dan kebetulan kelas online aing malem ini pada gabisa semua muridnya. Jadi yadalakan, nawarin diri buat beli ke sana daripada digojekin.
Antri tetep ya, tapi gak sepanjang hari pertama opening. Antri lah gw di belakang 2 abang-abang. Gak lama ada cewe ni lewat depan gw, mikirnya oh mau motong antrian karna beliau mau lewat. Eh pas gw tengok-tengok lagi kok si kawan ini berenti dan ikut ngantri depan aing...
Gw udah mau negur tu, tapi timing nya udah kelamaan. Di belakang gw antrian udah lumayan juga dan seharusnya gw tegur aja gituuu. Tapi si tante ini emang gak berpengalaman yg kek begini2 nih (jangan ditiru yak. Ngerugiin banyak orang soalnya sumpah. Langsung labrak aja, lantamin pake logat kakak2 medan udah paling bener 👍🏻). Karna melihat yg di belakang gw juga gak ada yg protes, yaudah de gw jadinya urung diri buat negur.
Itu posisinya gw pake earphone dan lagi telponan sama Rubby, minta ditemenin. Jadi setelah menyadari gw diserobot dan memilih gak negur, gw curhat dong ke Rubby pake B. Inggris dan sengaja gw gedein suaranya "YOU KNOW WHAT?? THERE'S A GIRL RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND SHE'S CUTTING THE LINE??? SHIIIIIBAAAAAAL."
Doi balik badan dong HAHAHAHA tapi gw bodoamatin menganggap si bitch ini gak akan ngerti sama apa yg gw bilang. Tapi trus kalo misal pun bitch nya ngerti, ALHAMDULILLAH MAMAM. Ih gw kok berasa jahat ya padahal bukan salah hamba 🥹
Jadi gw saekki-saekki in bareng Rubby, gw gibahin orang primata yg cuma berjarak bberapa cm di depan gw. Makin gak merasa bersalah gw ngomongin dia, karna apa??? Karna di akhir dia juga menggandeng satu keluarganya yg lain untuk menyerobot JADI INTINYA GW DISEROBOT SAMA DUA ORANG GAIS APA KABAR DUNIA????
Yaudah da tuh, setelah menyadari ke✨BUDI PEKERTI✨an from those bitches, sepanjang mereka lagi order dan purchase gw menatap mereka dengan tatapan penuh kekaguman. Kagum, keluar dari kandang mana ni primata kok bisa berbaur dengan manusia.
Jadi yaa, begitu lah kisah hamba mengantri di mie gacoan yg tida seberapa itu (tapi udang kejunya gak ada obaaatt). Gak expect bakal ketemu kingdom animalia 🙂
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asrisgratitudejournal · 5 months
Jadi kemarin ceritanya aku reshared/reposted reels in instastori kan. Menurutku kontennya harmless yah, dari akun bodor phd meme gitu captionnya (ga verbatim): “girls when asked for marriage after getting doctoral degree” terus her life flashes before her eyes gitu yang dia gendong bayi sambil telponan, nyuci piring, ngelipet baju, ngelap kaca(???). Terus di-reply salah satu mutualku: “untungnya di Indo ada mbak (laugh emoji)”. Which is TRUE AF. Bersyukurlah kita semua wanita-wanita Indo yang hidup berkecukupan sampai bisa nge-hire mbak/ART di rumah untuk bantu-bantu pekerjaan rumah tangga seperti yang di video. Cuma ku jadi mikir: “iya kalo di Indo, lah kalau wanita-wanita di luar Indo gimana? Mangnya cukup gaji buat nge-hire nanny dengan proper UMR???”. Di sini nursery yang orang nitip naroh anak jam 9 pagi terus pickup jam 17 aja mahalnya minta ampun.
Kemudian, ku jadi mikirin lagi: konsep “Mbak” aka ART itu ternyata cukup messed up ya. Aku pun nggak yang innocent dan clean dengan hal ini juga karena aku tumbuh di keluarga yang ber-ART karena mama papaku dua-duanya kerja kan dulu. Dan nggak dipungkiri lagi bahwa proses urbanisasi: orang Jakarta ngebawa orang dari desa di Jawa ini ya long term impact bagi si keluarga ART-nya bisa jadi bagus banget. Salah satu mbak-ku sekarang jadi orang Jakarta seutuhnya, ngontrak rumah di RT sebelah, anaknya udah SMK di Jakarta, intinya hidup mereka berubah lah. Cuma ya gitu, jadinya nggak ada kontrol laju urbanisasi karena literally gaada yang ngecek dan ngatur??? Terus yaudah desa mereka ya ga kebangun lagi aja. Duitnya berhenti muter di Jakarta.
Itu baru dari sisi governancenya ya. Mungkin masih banyak aspek lain yang aku ga terlalu ngerti karena aku bukan anak governance. Tapi ya betulan mereka mendingan dibayar 1,5 juta/bulan dibandingkan stay di desa dengan income 0 rupiah dan jadi child bride aja.
Kemudian masuklah kita ke sini: pay rate atau upah atau gaji. Kerja dibayar 1,5 juta/bulan inhumane banget gaksi??? I mean, dulu aku pernah sebagai dosen PKWT di Universitas Indonesia (UI) (gak kusensor ye karena emang kenyataannya gitu) dapet upah 1,7 juta/bulan, ku baru lulus S2 dari Perancis. Terus aku betul-betul merasa GAADA, REPEAT, GAADA orang di dunia ini yang deserved untuk dibayar 1,7 juta rupiah/bulan, apapun pekerjaannya. APALAGI, apalagi ini adalah cleaning up your dirty dishes??, doing laundry???, nyapu dan ngepel?? Those are very taxing tasks??? Terus ada juga kan yang nginep which means mereka ga punya working hour aka harus keep working all the time 17hours (selain tidur 7 jam)/24?? Dan gajinya ga UMR???
Belom lagi bahas insurance ya. Kerja-kerja informal gini tuh betulan ku bingung banget gaada asuransi kepegawaiannya. Terus kalau mereka mengalami kecelakaan kerja gimana?? Iya kalau bos/majikannya mau ngover, lah kalau nggak? Seram.
Ku juga belum lama habis nonton filem tentang ART gitu kan dalam rangka Black Month History gitu lah, ada festival film temanya “Decolonisation in Motion”, bagus deh (salah satu perk sekolah di luar: ter-edukasi banget hal-hal kaya gini). Filmnya judulnya Black Girl tahun 1966 keluarnya. Jadi dulu tuh apparently di Perancis juga common orang-orang putih bule bawa “Mbak” ART dari Dakar, Senegal.buat bantu-bantu bersih-bersih rumah di Perancis. Long story short, dibahaslah masalah si cewek ini ngerasa ga punya freedom, harus mau disuruh-suruh, gabisa act on her own will (yah tipikal value-value yang dijunjung negara barat lah ya, apalagi Perancis sendiri konsep negaranya kan liberte egalite fraternite). Terus, duh ini akan spoiler tapi intinya ceritanya tidak berakhir dengan baik lah ya, dan mayan sedih.
Aku nonton ini sama ada orang Indo juga, yang pas kecil di rumahnya ada Mbak juga, dan beres nonton filem ini, kami berdua jadi bahas how fucked up konsep “Mbak” is. “And how come it only comes in girl, as in ONLY in ‘MBAK’? And there is no boy version which is a ‘MAS’??? Apakah bersih-bersih itu solely kerjaan yang bisa dilakukan oleh cewek???”, we said.
Kemudian datang juga idealisme aku sebagai orang yang believe that both men and women deserved equal opportunity in education and pay. Ngelihat konsep Mbak ini sebetulnya suka sedih karena ya mereka betulan di usia yang masih super ideal buat sekolah?? Sometimes they are as young as 17 or 18, betul-betul baru selesai SMA (BAHKAN ada yang baru lulus SMP??). They should be in Uni learning SO MANY THINGSSS. Tapi ya balik lagi ke atas kan. Pilihannya bukan uni vs jadi ART buat mereka, melainkan jadi ART vs child bride…. Sad tapi emang reality-nya gitu mau gimana lagi…
Yah… Yaudah gitu ajasih. Intinya apa gatau juga, cuma mau ngeluarin unek-unek aja. What do you guys think about ART/Mbak? Setuju-kah kalian? Apa nggak? I leave the podium to you:
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liecoris · 9 months
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— love how in any verse, mukuro is a badass, sometimes bloodthirsty, and overall kind of hard to charm really but the moment a ' good girl ' is cooed her way, her knees turn to Nickelodeon Gak lol
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earlgraytay · 7 months
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an injured girl who just disappeared??? before Phoenix could do anything???
and then
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she looks SO CUTE but also dear gak please just localize the maid cafe
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queenshittt · 9 months
Vonnyyyyy. Mau bubslix car sex abis balik dari nontonnn midnight >.< bubs mendadak gelisah banget terus casually bilang "lix, panties aku basah deh" terus dia nyantai aja gitu masukin tangannya ke panties buat ngecek. Bubs ga niat teasing lix, emang dia udah senyaman itu aja sm lix. Pas bubs gitu si lix langsung melotot tp terus ngakak, masih sambil nyetir. Ketawa lix langsung brenti pas bubs bilang "tuh kan basah" sambil ngeliatin jari2nya yg udah ada cairan lendir beningnya. Bubs ambil tisu di samping kanan, terus again casually, dia masukin tisu ke dalem skirtnya buat lap2 lendir. Lix makin ga fokus nyetir, tiba2 deg2an, udah ga karuan pokoknya. Wahahaha. Bubs kaget waktu pergelangan tangan kanannya tiba2 dicengkram lix pake tangan kirinya lix. Lix bilang "don't wipe. leave it like that". Bubs: "tapi aku ga nyaman lix, ini basah banget. Oh atau mau kamu aja yang lap?" Wkwkwkwkwk. Instead, lix nyuruh bubs nurunin pantiesnya, terus bubs difingering lix sepanjang perjalanan pulang >.<
Oh yeah, sometimes it’s just happened like that! Girls can get wet for just spending time with their partner without any sexual interactions or intended, it’s just a sign that Bubs is really really into Lix, her boyfriend.
Bubs just doesn’t know how it got her like this, why is she always wet when she’s spending time with Lix, even in public spaces?! Oh’ they just finished watching a movie at a theater in the night time and it’s time to go home.
It’s starting to feel uncomfortably wet and sticky down there, Felix is still talking while driving, eyes focusing on the road.
“Lix.. aku kayaknya.. basah”
Suaranya terdengar gelisah membuat kekasihnya memelankan laju mobilnya, pahanya dilebarkan. Dengan tangan kecilnya, gadis itu memasukan tangannya ke dalam rok, menggeser sedikit celana dalamnya yang lembab.
She sticks her finger into her slimy hole.
“Bub-Do you want me to park somewhere and stop the car?” He interrupts, eyes wide open, stealing glances to the girl who’s sitting beside him.
“-Hh no just keep going”
Lix nods in silence, continue the trip to their home. Hopefully they’re getting home as soon as possible.
Jarinya dikeluarkan, dan benar saja. Cairan bening yang lengket itu melumuri jari telunjuknya.
“I-I honestly don’t know why am I like this.. I don’t know if it’s bad— I should prob-“ Mulut gadis itu meracau, wajahnya sudah merah padam.
“Don’t worry Bub- you’re okay. That’s normal” Jawabnya tenang.
“Apanya yang normal… aku basah tiap deket kamu. Even though we’re not doing anything. We’re not even kissing or doing sex”
“It just means you really really into me- haha”
He chuckles, she doesn’t even know at this point Felix was just joking to calm her down or it is scientifically proved like that.
Nafasnya menghela berat. Ia melepas sabuk pengamannya untuk meraih tissue yang ada di kursi belakang penumpang. Rok pendeknya alhasil ikut naik. Memperlihatkan celana dalamnya yang berwarna putih terlihat corak basah di tengahnya.
Ia kembali ke posisi duduknya, kembali melebarkan pahanya. Kekasihnya kembali mencuri-curi pandang ke arahnya yang memegang beberapa lembar tissue.
“What’s that for?” Tanya pria itu.
“I’m just gonna wipe it”
“Don’t” He sternly replies.
“.. Kenapa.. Gak enak banget basah. Celana dalam aku juga udah lembab Lix” Confuse with his reaction.
“ Pull down your panties then- leave it like that”
She does what he says and surprisingly he sticks his fingers in her wet folds causing her to moan. Grabbing his hand.
“ I’ll take care of you okay Bubs? Place your hand to the headrest. Let me handle this okay?”
She nods, in a minute she gets even wetter til the slimy sounds can be heard while Lix fingering into her cunt.
He’s good at multitasking. Eyes still focusing on the road while one of his hand busy fingering her in and out in a stable pace.
“ Do you want me to take care of you after this too? “
“ —Please Felix, ah- yeah”
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writefinch · 1 year
Need to get facefucked by a girl sweaty enough that her balls stick to my chin like Nickelodeon Gak
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keeripikentangg · 1 month
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Hello! Introduce my pretty girl, Shafa! Selamat bertambah usia 1️⃣5️⃣‼️‼️ Semoga semua keinginan, impian, harapan lu semua terwujud ya. Gua selalu mau lu bahagia dan ceria seperti Shafa yang gua kenal 😉. Gua seneng sama Shafa yang selalu always mikirin Jaehyun bukan cowok lain, Shafa yang suka meluk-meluk walau gua tolak terus, Shafa yang lemotnya minta ampun (congrast anggota terlemot), Shafa yang selalu dengerin Taylor Swift, Shafa yang selalu nangis kalo terharu, Shafa yang selalu narsis bareng gua kalo udah ketemu kamera, Shafa yang selalu satu pasukan sama gua pas lomba, Shafa yang selalu nebeng gua kadang kalo dia gak dijemput, Shafa yang selalu ada buat gua. Thank you for being my bestfriend, Keke 🩷. Maaf gua belum bisa jadi sahabat yang baik untuk lu, belum bisa selalu ngertiin lu, belum bisa buat lu seneng. Maaf selalu nolak pelukan lu, maaf kadang bikin lu last chat, maaf untuk semua kesalahan gua. Gua mau kita tetep bareng ya Shaf, kita tetep temenan, kita harus nonton Taylor bareng!!! Kita harus bareng terus sama Jamal suami, Cacan, Sela, Cumai!!! Semoga sehat terus ya biar kita bisa main mulu hehehe. Inget ya ‼️ gua siap nerima cerita lu, selalu, kapanpun, dannnn dimanapun ‼️ Gua siap jadi tameng atau lawan yang mau deketin lu!!! Harus lewatin gw dulu, harus di interogasi dulu 😏😏😏. I love you very very very very much and more than you love me. Sekali lagi Happy Birthday, Shafa 🎉🎂🩷.
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lebensmoode · 11 months
Never imagined before that me will be watching anime and getting... cri.
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Bagus bangeeeettt. Clean plot, perfect characters introduction, characters building and bonds, and of course, perfect open-ending 😭👏🏻👏🏻
I can't say much, para anime lover pasti udah pada nonton. Yang pasti gw cukup terhibur karna tiap episod keknya selalu ada adegan yg buat ketawa. Kousei yg disepak, dilemparin barang, ditabok, see? "Physical attack" is sweet, loving, and cute at the same time (but please make sure without aiming to hurt the target 🫰🏻)
I love the fireflies theory. It perfectly described Kaori's situation, "Shines despite the immortality". A symbol of struggle, of showing that don't lose from what has been destined to you. Kecil, lemah, hidupnya singkat, tapi cantik bgt pas bersinar, tapi tetep mau punya harapan. Ah 😭
Sebenernya di episode akhir, gw gak langsung nangis sih, cuma udah ketrigger aja tu sama Kousei yg udah desperate duluan mikirin Kaori. Nangisnya pas buka yt trus dengerin lagu Kirameki versi acoustic, dalemin liriknya, dan bombay. Yah, gais, loss in never easy, apalagi Kousei udah 2x kehilangan orang yg dicintainya. I feel for him so so bad i want to huuggg
Last but not least, yg bikin gw terotak adalah, Kaori ni awal-awal muncul adalah karakter yg meledak-ledak. Energinya banyak bgt, semua hal keknya jadi rame dan positif sama dia. Kalo direfleksikan ke gw, jauuuuhh. So, I looked at her as a shining perfect person. Trus di ending, terungkap lah kalo ternyata she wasn't that shining in the first place. Masih ada ketakutan, gak berani nyapa, gak pede. She was too imperfect, just like any other girls. Dan keberanian yg dia tunjukkin di sisa hidupnya itu because she knew her time to leave was coming soon. Keren ya? Ah Kaori keren, pantas dipuja-puja para wibu 🤧
Your Lie in April, the lie was really unexpected karena gw udah terfokus duluan sama penyakitnya Kaori. Btw mainan piano terakhirnya Kousei kek pernah gw denger. Wajib dicari n didengerin lagi 👍🏻
✨✨ Ten outta Ten ✨✨
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asrisgratitudejournal · 3 months
Belajar (part 1)
Halo teman-teman tumblr,
kayanya tinggal sisa di sini aja safe space-ku yang betul-betul safe setelah semalam viral 2 tweet YANG SANGAT BEDA KONTEKSNYA??? (just X algorithm working I guess). Dari hampir 1Mil impression itu dan 200 new followers, dan setelah mendapat masukan dari teman-teman, ku memutuskan untuk lock account sebelum itu tweet nyampe ke mana-mana. Gak lucu soalnya kalau terus saya jadi di-doxx ditanya balik "emang mbaknya udah pernah organisasi apa aja?", kan mengkhawatirkan yah.
Terus tapi mayan senang karena dari peristiwa itu ku jadi banyak diskusi sama orang-orang dan jadi mikir. Beberapa di antaranya: (pengennya sih ku-expand masing-masing jadi individual post, tapi kayanya males, liat nanti deh ya)
Konsep belajar dan mengajar (teaching) Ini awal mulanya kepikiran ini dari banyaknya komen-komen terkait thread zam-zam aku di mana warganet komplain "pusing baca thread-nya campur-campur bahasanya, susah buat orang awam untuk ngerti". Reaksi pertama-ku tentu saja langsung defensif: "lah tweet tweet gua, udah bagus gua share, 'you don't pay me bitch' is the exact words verbatim I said to a friend in a dm, I did it voluntarily and for fun and I don't owe anyone anything". WOW sangat giving rude mean girls vibe. Tapi beneran in my defense, itu postingan kubuat in 30 mins, googling seadanya, terus ya cuma buat nunjukkin aja HOW INTERESTING THINGS ARE! (And also tbh is a response for a request dari Pasha the other day dan memang sudah kuniatkan di depan kabah coy) Terus tapi akhirnya solusi-ku: tetap ngasih orang-orang yang haus akan ilmu ini ke webnya Alm Rovicky si dongeng geologi, karena Bapaknya jauh lebih sabar di situ ngejelasinnya. Dan runut juga. Kemudian sampai-lah ke diskusi dengan teman yang memang reader juga yang ku merasa kritiknya bagus: dia bilang "kalau buat sharing aja udah ok Non, tapi kalau buat bikin paham kayanya bisa dipertimbangkan bahasa yang lebih mudah". This is a very nice feedback tbh. Awalnya tentu saja aku sangat reaktif (namanya manusia yang INGIN SEMUA ORANG MENYUKAI DIRINYA -- saya aja sih kayanya itu), ku mikir "BRO WHO TF HAS F-ING time to choose words?? Diction?? I am not a f-ing linguist??" (ps. Idk what a linguist does tbh, I'm sorry linguist for mistakenly stereotyping you). Buset kenapa diriku pent-up banget ya HUHU. Chill, Non. Ku juga bilang akhirnya bahwa sepertinya memang ku hanya sharing excitement of learning aja. Ku mikir: "the responsibility of people understanding something does not lie in my hand. It's theirs." Ku sudah ngasih source juga kok for people to explore more. Terus aku gatau ya apakah ini ada hubungannya dengan kultur belajar Indo(?) (takutnya aku agak reaching), tapi ku selalu bilang "you can always ask", yet no one budged. Kalau emang ada yang gangerti atau membingungkan, bisa tanya, konfirmasi lagi pemahaman, discuss. It's not a class where I just poured people pieces of jigsaw puzzle and then I leave "BYE, FIGURE THINGS OUT sendiri yahh!". Bahkan kelasku pun gak kaya gitu. Kemudian dari situ nyambung lagi ke obrolan dengan teman lain-ku yang decided to quit teaching as side job. Karena capek, sering dapet feedback yang nggak konstruktif, studentnya juga nggak progressing much kemudian blaming the course. Ini relatable banget dengan pandanganku di atas tentang belajar. Even if it is paid teaching yah, tetap aja menurutku the responsibility of learning falls onto the learners themselves(???) This is what I can say after 14 tahun EMPAT BELAS TAHUN ngajarin orang: we can’t help people to understand stuff unless that very people help themselves. OK OFC NGGAK 100% BETUL. OFC WE CAN HELP. Tapi sejauh mana we can help, that’s the big question. Posisiku sebagai kaka pengajar olim, dosen, social-media-science-enthusiast (if there is such thing), ya cuma sebagai fasilitator. The knowledge is out there already. Tinggal gimana kita mau nyarinya. Nah datanglah aku, ngasihtau “oh baca buku ini ya, latihan soal ini ya, lihat video ini deh bagus, paper ini lumayan helpful loh untuk membantu pemahaman, ada pertanyaan? Oh aku nggak tahu itu jawabannya apa, yuk kita cari sama-sama, cara nyarinya tuh gini loh (demonstrating how to google well, karena apparently not everyone is able to do that)”. Semoga kita semua on the same page with me on this very definition yah.
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cocotangaje · 11 months
Yang gue pelajari dari series atau film psikopat semacam girl from nowhere dan wednesday adalah... gimana cara mereka menghadapi ketakutan.
Selama ini gue selalu takut (bahkan mungkin semacam trauma) sama hal-hal berbau seksual karena waktu sma gue pernah ngalamin sexual harrasment sama stranger. Padahal udah pake rabbani panjang ukuran L, baju sekolah gombrong, kaos kaki, sepatu, manset, dan ciput, tetep aja tete gue digrepe yang bikin gue benci sama tete gue ini.
Terus tadi di chat penipu kayak gini.
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Setelah liat stiker pornonya, yang bikin gue kaget adalah... gue biasa aja?
Kayak... "yaelah senjata lo kontol doang nih? Udah? Gak ada yang laen lagi yang lebih kreatif?"
Karena kek template aja gitu. Kalo target korbannya perempuan, maka senjata paling gampang, mudah, dan murah adalah kontolnya.
Bikin gue ngerasa.... ih lu jadi laki gak ada harga dirinya banget. Kontol diobral. Berlindung dibalik kontol dengan jahatin orang anjir 😂
Gue inget banget scene waktu nano diperkosa dan dia malah ketawa kebahak-bahak ke orang yang perkosain dia dan itu bikin si pelaku takut karena respon Nano yang gak sesuai sama ekspektasinya.
Disitu gue ngambil kesimpulan; Penjahat kelamintuh menikmati hasrat dari rasa takut korbannya. Maka satu-satunya cara licik untuk menang adalah... gausah takut. Apalagi kalo cuma online begini.
Ketawain aja. Rugi banget kalo dibawa stress dan takut sendiri sedangkan pelakunya petatang-peteteng senang diluar sana.
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iuteamstarcandy · 7 months
IU - CHAT-SHIRE album lyrics
All lyrics in this album are written solely by IU.
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1. Shoes
Lyrics by IU, Composed by 이종훈
Hello, did you wait long?
You were bored right?
I run and I run and I run and I run
I run and I run and I run and I run
My current mood is totally perfect
No thoughts that would spoil my mood
On enamel flat shoes, tta-da-dak
Wearing red pointy shoes, tto-gak
Stepping in front of a tall mirror
I spin lightly in a circle
You’re still dancing, Mr Red Shoes
Knock your shoetips together like Dorothy
Wearing shoes that match my feet perfectly
I’m ready to go over to you
My heart is fluttering, gosh
Tiny swirls in my heart
The gentle and sweet breeze makes me excited
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
I’ll wear new shoes that suit my heart perfectly
How’s your condition today?
Are you prepared to spend the day going around with me?
I’ve made up my mind resolutely
No thoughts of going home early
The wonderful music goes ppa-la-bam
My heart becomes our rhythm, ppa-dam
Dance with us, madam
I spin lightly in a circle
With excited feelings, animato
From here on shall we pick up the speed, allegro
Putting in special effort here, accento
From the chorus, one more time
My heart is fluttering, gosh
Tiny swirls in my heart
The gentle and sweet breeze makes me excited
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
I’ll wear new shoes that suit my heart perfectly
How wonderful it is, under a blue sky
It’s a wonderful day to fall in love
Hold my left hand tightly
Now we’re going to run
My heart is fluttering, gosh
A white pinwheel in my heart
Until the smiling crescent moon appears in the sky
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
Step by step, let’s walk across the whole world
My heart is fluttering, gosh
Tiny swirls in my heart
The gentle and sweet breeze makes me excited
Steep steps, narrow alleys, I’ll go anywhere
I’ll wear new shoes that suit my heart perfectly
Translated by squishy with love
2. Zeze
Lyrics by IU, Composed by 이종훈 and 이채규
It’s interesting
Look at you lift the corners of your mouth
I can tell just from your smile
You’re clearly a mischievous boy
Ah, ah, you’ve got a really nice name
That I want to keep calling out
Your nasty thoughts that I can’t speak of are lovely
Using your tiny fingers to touch the sound
Using your ticklish voice to sing the colours and scenery Yeah
** Zeze, hurry and come up the tree
Kiss the leaves
You musn’t fool around
You musn’t hurt the tree, you musn’t
Zeze, hurry and come up the tree
Take the youngest leaf from here with you
Pluck the one and only flower
Climb up me
Climb up me
Like the flowers that have bloomed
Look at your two cheeks that have become rosy
Although you’re really innocent,
You’re clearly cunning, aren’t you?
Seemingly transparent like a young child, yet somewhat filthy
There’s no way for me to figure out what’s living inside you
Even though right now sunlight shines above your head
I can vaguely see the dark clouds gathering inside you Oh
(Repeat **)
I want to touch you one more time
I wait for you here everyday
Come and take everything with you
I want to call out to you again
I wait for you here everyday
Even if you sneak away
You’ll come again tomorrow night to see me, right?
(Repeat **)
Translated by squishy with love
3. Twenty-three
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU, 이종훈 and 이채규
I’m twenty three
I’m a riddle Question
Try to guess the answer
I’m twenty three
Don’t be wrong Because
I’m very sensitive
Try to guess
A bunch of twenty three
Now becomes a little feminine
Trust me to some extent if I pretend to be a grown up
Cunning twenty three
Still long way to go, girl
If I pretend to be immature
Please be sort of fooled
I, yes, like now for sure
No, frankly I wanna give up
Oh right I want to be in love
No I’d rather make money
** Try to guess
Which one is it?
You cannot tell with my face
Making an opposite facial expression to the heart
is really simple
Which one is it?
Actually I don’t know either
At first, I never wrote even a single line of lies
Pretend to be a fox that pretends to be a bear
that pretends to be a fox
Or something completely different
Which one is it?
Choose only one whatever it is
Being seen through the sunglasses,
I’m used to it now
Check it out
There’s nothing I’m afraid of
Even if I act rudely
People are always kind to me
The woman saying hello to me
Is she still smiling after going round the corner?
I’m always anxious
I wanna be a child forever
No, I want to be a moist woman
Ah I’ve decided
I will live silently as death
No I will turn everything inside out
(** Repeat chorus)
I want you to like me
Can I be a little nasty?
I want you to like me
Can I be on the top of your head?
(** Repeat chorus)
Modified by squishy from official Youtube MV lyrics
4. The Shower
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU
I already knew that day, that it would become like this
That I would keep thinking about it
Right in that moment, I knew it
A pitch black sky, the sound of crickets chirping
The small hand I held tightly
You softly descend
Pooling in the parts of me that have run dry
I stand there for a long time
While I slowly get soaked, just like that
The bluest night of my summer, that night
What would your memory of it be like?
What colour would it be?
Did you ever cherish the image of me reflected in your eyes?
Above my head, clouds roll by
In the midst of that, a breeze blows past
You softly descend
Pooling in the parts of me that have run dry
I stand there for a long time
While I slowly get soaked, just like that
The bluest of my summer
Our lovely conversation smothered by the sound of rain
My heart that sprouts a tiny bud
And in my summer that is spread thinly like a picture
The only thing that is clear is you
You softly descend
Pooling in the parts of me that have run dry
I stand there for a long time
While I slowly get soaked, just like that
The bluest night of my summer, that night
I already knew that day
Translated by squishy with love
5. Red Queen (Feat. Zion.T)
Lyrics by IU, Composed by 이종훈 and 이채규
With no facial expressions, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
Oh how pitiful, that woman
The one everyone is afraid of, that woman
The one you know, that woman
Should I tell you a fun story?
(Even though it could also be sad),
Whether you believe it or not, it’s small talk
(Please keep this a secret) Ah well you know,
There’s that woman
That woman who is so fearsome
As blue as the azure blue sky
(There was a time when she would be laughing like that)
Men and of course, women too, even those who are not human,
To the point that everyone fell in love with her,
They said her smile was that beautiful
Wearing a dress and chatting innocently
Her pale cheek is now barren of colour
Oh Red Queen
With a pretty smile, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman (you know)
She’s so beautiful, that woman
The one everyone would call pretty, that woman
The one you know, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Shall I continue our story
(If there was one more thing to say)
How far should I take this?
This is just small talk, right?
(Please don’t misunderstand pointlessly)
I mean, about that woman
A long time ago
the hand she used to stroke the back of someone crying
(Was unbelievably warm)
Children and of course, adults too, even those without life,
To the point that everyone fell in love with her,
They said her heart was that beautiful too
Even when she looked at something really small and shabby
Those dull and gloomy eyes used to be so bright and sparkly
Oh Red Queen
With no facial expressions, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman (you know)
Oh how pitiful, that woman
The one everyone is afraid of, that woman
The one you know, that woman
The one everyone hates, that woman
That woman’s red hair
And even redder scratches elsewhere
The fine veins in her eyes
Will anyone ask her the reason why?
Hey, why are you so angry?
Hey, why are you shouting?
The unhappy woman’s red hair
And something much much much much redder elsewhere
With a pretty smile, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Even you would know her, that woman
The one everyone loves, that woman
Oh how pitiful, that woman
The one everyone is afraid of, that woman
The one you know, that woman
Now that I’ve said it, it’s rather trivial
It’s just nonsense, isn’t it?
Whether you believe it or not, it’s just a silly story
Everyone just forget what I said
Translated by squishy with love
6. Knees
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU
(Song was first posted by IU as a “voice reply” on dc gall, then released through LOEN’s official youtube channel after MAMA.)
On a night when everyone’s asleep, deep in thought, I’m sitting alone
Still awake as I’m unable to let go of the day that has passed
Am I waiting for someone or are there things left to be settled?
If it’s not that, then could it be a place I want to go back to which I miss dearly and happened to recall?
If I lie down and rest my head on your lap,
just like when I was young,
you tuck my hair behind my ear.
Even if I lightly fall asleep from the touch of your hands,
let me stay in that position for a moment.
Don’t wake me up, I’ll sleep really deeply.
As your calm eyes fall upon me,
will I still be able to smile serenely like before?
I think I’m tired. I’ve held on for really long.
I wish there were a shortcut for me to return to you.
If I lie down and rest my head on your lap,
just like when I was young,
you tuck my hair behind my ear.
Even if I lightly fall asleep from the touch of your hands,
let me stay in that position for a moment.
Don’t wake me up, I’ll sleep really deeply.
Zzzzz zzzzz I’ll sleep really deeply…
Zzzzz zzzzz really deeply…
Translated by squishy with love
7. Glasses
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU
Beyond that smiling expression
Unable to see through the real feelings
I’ll just laugh along, that’s all
Even if someone left hints
They’re too tiny for me to read
There’s no choice but to solve this bit by bit
Even so, I’m not going to put on glasses
All day if I keep my eyes open, just looking at obvious things
Makes me busy enough
I’m already tired enough now
I don’t want to look at your dark inner thoughts
I’m already tired enough without doing that
I don’t want to read even smaller writing
Weaknesses that you try so hard to hide
I don’t want to be so mean to uncover them all
I’ll just be kind of deceived by you, that’s all
What’s there behind a rainbow?
It’s too far for us to see
We’ll just have to imagine that it’s something amazing
Even so, I’m not going to put on glasses
Deceiving and being deceived, yet I still believe
I’m busy enough imagining and being disappointed
I’m already tired enough now
I’m not even curious about anyone’s flaws
I’m already tired enough now
I don’t want to look somewhere further
I’m already tired enough now
I’m not going to put on those heavy glasses
I’m already tired enough without doing that
I’m not going to put on the more squarish glasses
Translated by squishy with love
8. Heart (Bonus track)
Lyrics by IU, Composed by IU and Kim Jae Hwi, Produced by IU and Kim Jae Hwi
Hah If I’m laughing out loud, that’s because of you
Thud If I’m shocked, that’s because of you
Sniff If I’m filled with tears, that’s because of you
Boom If there are tremors, that’s because of you
When I look at you,
my breath gets hot
You must be the reason why
I feel hurt
It’s alright even if you don’t acknowledge me
Even if you don’t look for me
Only these small lights that don’t fade away
remain shining brightly here
Shining alive forever
I can’t take my eyes away
My eyes are cold all day
You must be the reason why
I feel sad
It’s alright even if you don’t reply to me
Even if you don’t comfort me
Only these small lights that don’t fade away
remain shining brightly here
Everything in this world dies and has a rebirth
Even as I grow older again
Only this heart of mine, with no wrinkles
remains shining brightly here
Shining alive forever
Shining alive forever
Translated by squishy with love
9. Twenty three (Bonus track)
Lyrics by IU, Composed by PJ & 이종훈
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
Baby I’ll leave once the moon is out
I’ll light the red candles
Black and melty red
Don’t think of trapping me
I’m really sensitive
I’ll wear clothes I’ve never worn before.
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I’ll put on an expression I’ve never had before.
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
Look at me
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
I blossom in your bosom
Baby, what flavour do you like?
What colour do you want?
I want to know everything
Where is your switch?
Can I look for it?
Show me a place you’ve never been to before
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
It’s fine if you take me to places until I’m out of breath
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
It’s fine
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
Black and melty red
Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet
Black and melty red
Sweet, sweet, sweet
I’m twenty three
Ah, it might be painful
I’m twenty twenty three
But don’t you lose this chance to grab me
I’m twenty three
Just wait for one night
I’m twenty twenty three
I blossom in your bosom
(I’m twenty three now I, I’m twenty three now)
Translated by squishy with love
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