pjokk · 1 year
Générateur brawl stars
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Comment utiliser un générateur Brawl Stars
Il existe un certain nombre de méthodes pour pirater des étoiles de brawl sans dépenser un seul centime. Certains d'entre eux sont des Brawl Stars Triche, des joints de bagarre et des stars de la bagarre triche. Ces conseils peuvent être utilisés pour générer des quantités illimitées d'étoiles en quelques minutes.
Brawl Stars triche
Si vous vous ennuyez avec le jeu standard et que vous souhaitez gagner des gemmes illimités et Dowolna Ilosc Zlota, vous pouvez utiliser un générateur de stars de Brawl Cheat. Ces outils sont très utiles et vous permettent d'obtenir des quantités illimitées de gemmes et de gemows dowolna en quelques secondes. De plus, ces tricheurs peuvent vous aider à accéder à divers ESP qui vous aideront de plusieurs façons.
Bien que la majorité des trichettes de Brawl soient fausses, il y en a aussi des légitimes qui vous donneront des joyaux illimités. Ces astuces se présentent sous la forme de mods pour les appareils Android et iOS et sont disponibles pour les deux versions du jeu. Ils offrent des fonctionnalités telles que AIMBOTS, AIM ASSIST, RADAR, ESP Hacks, etc. Bien que ces tricheurs soient utiles, ils ne donnent pas accès au mode Dieu et aux joyaux et pièces de monnaie gratuits illimités.
Brawl Stars Gems
Un générateur Brawl Stars Gems est un outil puissant qui peut vous aider à augmenter la quantité de gemmes que vous avez dans le jeu. Vous pouvez utiliser les gemmes que vous obtenez du générateur pour acheter des choses dans la boutique de jeux. Si vous avez suffisamment de gemmes, vous pouvez même créer un menu Mod pour vous donner un avantage sur le reste.
Les gemmes sont l'une des parties les plus importantes des étoiles de bagarre. Ils vous permettent d'acheter des bagarres, des gadgets et de nouvelles peaux. De plus, vous pouvez les utiliser dans tous les modes de jeu. Avec un générateur Gems Brawl Stars, vous ne manquerez pas de gemmes de si tôt!
Brawl Stars Astuce
L'utilisation des étoiles Brawl Asttuce est un excellent moyen d'obtenir des joyaux et des pièces gratuits. Vous pourrez débloquer des articles puissants et monter de niveau vos personnages sans avoir à payer de l'argent réel. Cette triche est sûre à 100% et ne nécessite que quelques secondes pour s'activer.
Pour utiliser cet astuce, vous devez installer le jeu sur votre appareil. Une fois que vous avez fait cela, accédez à la page Ressources Brawl Stars et cliquez sur le lien dans la barre d'outils. Vous devriez être en mesure de voir une liste de gemmes disponibles et la quantité de gemmes qu'ils valent.
Cette brawl met en vedette Astuce vous aidera à monter à niveau et à déverrouiller les nouveaux bagarres. Cela vous montrera également comment progresser à travers différents ligues. Il y a trois niveaux différents et trois ligues différents. La première ligue en bronze est située à 500 trophées. Le reste des niveaux de la ligue se trouvent dans les bagarres.
Commentaire Avoir des Brawlers GRATUIT
Si vous voulez avoir une meilleure expérience dans votre bagarreur préféré, il y a quelques choses que vous pouvez faire. Tout d'abord, vous pouvez utiliser l'application Brawl Star Cheat. Il est conçu pour vous aider à obtenir des gemmes et d'autres articles de jeu gratuitement. De plus, il contient de nombreux outils et conseils utiles.
Deuxièmement, vous pouvez acheter des gemmes pour débloquer plus de bagarreurs. De cette façon, vous pouvez débloquer les plus rares. Troisièmement, vous pouvez mettre à niveau vos bagarres à l'aide de Brawl Coffre. Les coffres peuvent également être déverrouillés en cliquant sur Mettre par jour, ce qui coûtera quelques-uns en or.
Une autre excellente façon d'obtenir des bagarres est d'ouvrir des boîtes. Le rédacteur en chef du jeu veut récompenser les joueurs avec des choses intéressantes sans les obliger à dépenser de l'argent réel. Pour ce faire, l'éditeur a mis en œuvre deux types de récompenses: les récompenses à pourcentage fixe et les récompenses à pourcentage variable.
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fuzzysparrow · 1 year
Which mathematical sign was invented in 1577 by Robert Recorde, a Welsh doctor?
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Robert Recorde (1512-1558) was a Welsh physician and mathematician who invented the equals sign (=) in 1557. The equals sign looks like two parallel horizontal lines and is a symbol used to indicate equality. In his book, 'The Whetstone of Witte', Recorde explains his design of the "Gemowe lines", which comes from the Latin word "gemellus", meaning "twin lines". The book records, "to avoid the tedious repetition of these words: "is equal to" I will set as I do often in work use, a pair of parallels, or duplicate lines of one length, thus: =, because no 2 things can be more equal."
The = sign can be used in mathematics to ascertain the sum of two numbers, such as "1+2=3". It can also be used in formulas, such as "x=4", or the more complicated,"(x + 1)² = x² + 2x + 1".
Recorde was born in Pembrokeshire, in Wales, but moved to England to study medicine at the University of Oxford. He also studied at the University of Cambridge, before returning to Oxford to teach mathematics. Recorde later moved to London to serve as the physician to King Edward and Queen Mary, to whom he dedicated some of his books. In 1558, Recorde was arrested for debt and died in the King's Bench Prison in Southwark, London, in the summer of that year.
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isomorphismes · 4 years
Revolutionary events were changing Europe in the early 1500’s: the printing press; Asian trade; American exploration; the Reformation. The Italian peninsula was not one country but a collection of city-states with many wealthy and cosmopolitan traders. Modern algebraic notation did not exist at this time. Designating variables by letters was invented by Viète in 1591. (He used consonants for constants and vowels for variables.) Writing superscript for repeated multiplication is due to James Hume—in 1636 he used Aⅱ, Aⅲ, Aⅳ, …. Even +, –, and √ were new, having been introduced in 1486 by Johannes Widman. × was introduced by William Oughtred in 1631 and ÷ by Johann Rann in 1659. Our «equals symbol» = was introduced by Robert Recorde in 1557, in his Whetstone of Witte: And to avoide the tediouse repetition of these woordes: is equal to: I will lette as I doe often in woorke use, a paire of paralleles, or gemowe lines of one lengthe, thus: ═, because noe 2 thynges, can be moare equalle. (gemowe is an obsolete word meaning twin or, in this case, parallel.)
Joseph J Rotman (1995)
citing Robert Recorde (1557), Johann Rann (1659), William Oughtred (1631), Johannes Widman (1486), James Hume (1636), and François Viète (1591)
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liskantope · 5 years
So back in the 1500′s there was a Welsh mathematician named Robert Recorde who is given a lot of credit for having introduced algebra to the contemporary English-speaking world. His best-known work is a book which was published in 1557, entitled The whetstone of witte, whiche is the seconde parte of Arithmetike: containyng thextraction of Rootes: The Coßike practise, with the rule of Equation: and the woorkes of Surde Nombers. Or just The Whetstone of Witte for short.
Let me first stop to point out of all that The Whetstone of Wit has got to be as fantastic a nonfiction book title as I’ve ever seen.
I found a pdf scan of the book online and have skimmed through it. I think it was the first time I got to look at Renaissance-era scientific writing in English rather than Latin. I found it fascinating both as a mathematician and as an English-language-history enthusiast, my main exposure to Early Modern English being Shakespeare, who came afterwards and definitely didn’t dabble in writing mathematics treatises. In a way I was surprised at how little basic algebra terminology and the style of mathematical prose have changed. Below are some highlights and excerpts.
First of all, some of the terminology is different: Recorde uses abate to mean “subtract”, surd to mean something like “root”. What we would call a power of 2 he would call an “even number evenly”; an “even number oddly” referred to 2 times an odd number, and an “even number evenly and oddly” referred to an even number which is neither a power of 2 nor 2 times an odd number. He (unsurprisingly, considering Shakespeare) begins a lot of sentences with “Wherefore” where a modern mathematician would begin with “Therefore” or “Thus”. I wish that in my mathematical writing I could begin a sentence at a crucial point in a proof with “Wherefore I boldly saie”, as Recorde did. He was also very fond of using the verb propound (spelled propounde), which I often don’t quite know how to translate in the context where he uses it.
I can’t for the life of me make heads or tails of Recorde’s definition of a Coßike number except that I think it’s just a number that can be expressed in terms of roots of rational numbers or something like that?
Here is a typical sample of what his mathematical expressions looked like:
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It took me a long time to identify those elongated horizontal lines and horizontal-vertical crosses as the operations - and + respectively. I’m still pretty confused by the weird symbols appearing after some of the numbers except that they seem to represent certain powers (which were also given an elaborate list of names like zenzic and the derived zenzizenzizenzike -- your guess is as good as mine on the eytmology! -- which are completely obsolete today).
Most of the text is presented as a dialogue between a Scholar and a Master who are trying to convince each other of mathematical facts. Maybe that was a typical style of rhetoric in those days? (It reminds me of the ancient Greeks.) Here are a few adorably awkward (to the modern ear) passages.
The definition of perfect number (which I didn’t know was a concept back then):
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Perfecte nombers are suche ones, whose partes joyned together, will make exactly the whole nomber.
And therefore are 6 and 28 accompted perfecte nombers: bicause the partes of eche of theim added together, doe make the ful and intere nomber, whole partes that bee. As of 6 the halfe is 3 the thirde parte is 2 the firste parte is 1. As for a quarter, and fifte parte it hath not in whole nomber. Now put together 1 2 and 3 and thei make juste 6 whole partes thet bee. And therefore is 6 a perfecte nomber.
The definition of square number (notice how number is spelled differently within the same paragraph!):
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Square nombers are those, whiche maie be diuided by some one number, and haue the same number for the quotiente: that is to saie, that a square nomber is made by the multiplication of any number into it self, as 10 multiplied by 10 maketh 100. That 100 is a square numberL which 100 if I doe diuide by 10 the quotiente will be 10 also.
It seems that he didn’t yet have the concept of negative numbers, or at least, that they were dismissed as “absurd numbers” not worth dealing with -- in particular, they can’t be divided by another number, especially a big one!
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Master. It appeareth that you take theim, at all aduentures. For your firste nomber, semeth to be an Absurde nomber. Beyng his numerator, is lesse then naughte, in appearaunce. And then maie it not bee diuided by any nomber: and moche lesse by so greate a denominator.
And here’s a fun word problem:
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A gentilman, willyng to proue the cunnyng, of a braggyng Arithmetician, saied thus: I haue in bothe my handes 8 crounes: But and if I accoumpte the somme of eche hande by it self seuerally, and put thereto the squares and the Cubes of the bothe, it will make in nomber 194. Now tell me (quod he) what is in eche hande: and I will giue you all for your laboure.
I puzzled over this one for a while, not because I didn’t know how to do the algebra, but because I couldn’t quite decipher Early Modern English sentence structure well enough to figure out what it was asking. I finally figured out, by reading the Scholar’s thinking-aloud answer, that 194 is the sum of the two quantities of money plus the sum of their squares plus the sum of their cubes.
Finally, the most celebrated passage in the book which introduced the equals sign = to the world (although it wouldn’t fully catch on for another few centuries):
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Howbeit, for easie alteration of equations, I will propounde a fewe examples, bicause the extraction of their rootes, maie the more aptly bee wroughte. And to avoide the tediouse repetition of these woordes: is equalle to: I will sette as I doe often in woorke use, a paire of paralleles, or Gemowe* lines of one lengthe, thus: ========, bicause noe 2 thynges, can be moare equalle. And now marke these nombers.
This passage comes well over 200 pages in, after the phrase “is equal to” had appeared dozens of times, but here’s to adding another absurdly elongated mathematical symbol to the repertoire!
*Apparently Gemowe means “twin”, coming from the Latin/Italian word gemello.
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anisioluiz · 3 years
O sinal de igual
“O sinal de igual é incomum por datar de mais de 450 anos atrás, porém não só sabemos quem o inventou como sabemos até por quê. O inventor foi Robert Recorde, em 1557, em The Whetstone of Witte. Ele usou duas linhas paralelas (e utilizou uma palavra antiga, gemowe, que significa “gêmeo”) para evita a […]O sinal de igual
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nazarkho-blog · 7 years
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Hola mateadictos hoy os traemos una nueva curiosidad que muchos de vosotros no sabiais y que he encontrado por la red que os va a dejar PATIDIFUSOS 🙌🏽 ¿ A que no sabéis porque se eligió el signo igual " = " para representar una igualdad ? ¿ Lo primero sabeis quien eligió este signo ? Las dos rayas " = " que indican igualdad las empezó a utilizar el matemáticos inglés llamado Robert Recorde en 1557 que vivió hace más de cuatrocientos años. ¿ Por qué Robert Recorde eligió ese signo para representar una igualdad ? Mientras escribía su tratado The Whetstone of Witte y, tras escribir unas doscientas veces la frase is equal to (es igual a) se dio cuenta de que no podía perder tanto tiempo. Así que se inventó las gemowe lines (líneas paralelas). En uno de sus libros cuenta que eligió ese signo para representar una igualdad porque dijo así : " dos cosas no pueden ser más iguales que dos líneas rectas " Efectivamente, eligió las líneas paralelas en la idea de que no podía existir nada más igualmente exacto que ellas. En principio el símbolo no se limitaba al que conocemos ahora (=) sinó que se extendía un poco más (===). Tampoco se usó inmediatamente y no se aceptó hasta comienzos del siglo XVIII. Muchos siguieron utilizando el símbolo || e incluso letras. Recorde llegó a ser físico de los reyes Eduardo VI y la reina María, también fue director de la casa de la moneda británica. Poco después fue acusado de impagos por sus enemigos políticos y murió en prisión en junio de 1558, hace ahora 456 años.
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