tahtaliz · 4 years
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yesimthepanda · 6 years
Hey Guys!
I need your help!
I’m currently working on a project in school about sexism, and here I’m talking about towards both men and women. I deeply believe that no one should ever be judged or categorized because of something they are, and I want to make a difference. So please if you have the time, help me out.
What things were you taught growing up because of your gender?
- Are you uncomfortable going out alone after dark?
- Have you ever experienced any form of sexual harassment that made you uncomfortable? (It doesn’t matter how minor or major you feel it is, if you felt violated, used or uncomfortable in any way it counts)
- Have you ever not reported a sexual harassment because you were afraid that you would be blamed or ridiculed?
- Have you ever falsely accused someone of a sexual crime?
- Is there anything you wish the other gender/genders knew and/or would change?
If you are comfortable sharing and can answer any of these, even if it’s not your own story, please do! Also if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable please state your gender aswell. If you don’t want to answer in a comment, you can always answer anonymously via the ask function. Please do not be afraid to share!
Help me make a difference where a difference can be made.
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sydnerella01-blog · 6 years
11'oclock thoughts
Never again will I let you see the reaction you wanted. Never again will I let you know the hurt you've given. Never again will I let you put me down for who I am.
I may not like your silly music, I may have an obsession with country music. I may be a bit sensitive, and I may not have a high pain tolerance.
I may not be a size 0, I may be a size 10. I may not be popular and “perfect” but at least I have the guts to stand up for MY friends, MY beliefs, myself and even strangers. I will NOT let anyone walk all over me or my friends. If I see a homeless man on the street being laughed at and called names, I will yell. It doesn't matter how the person looks on the outside, it matters what's on the inside.
I'm not a cheerleader, I love science. I'm not a fashionista, I don't really care about clothing. I'm not curvy, but I don't really care. You see, those girls or guys you see in magazines or even on TV. Most of them, they are probably photoshopped or overly unhealthy.
I'm not perfect but I'm okay with that. Because if I were perfect, then my life would be different. I wouldn't have felt the feelings I've felt, or met my best friend, or done the stupid things I've done, I wouldn't have learned the lessons I know and I wouldn't have found out who I truly am for a long time.
I'm no goody two shoes, I'm no badass bitch. I'm no Mary Sue, I'm no bitch. I'm me. I'm myself. I am who I'm gonna be. Maybe I'll change in a few years, I'm okay with that. As long as I know the people I love are gonna love me back.
You don't need to be popular. You don't need to be skinny. You don't need to wear a size zero, nor do you need to have big breasts. You don't need a guy,/girl in your life, nor do you need a butt. What you do need?
You need to be healthy, as healthy as you can. I don't mean go running every day, I mean be able to cope in stressful situations. Be able to defend yourself.
Women and men alike have been facing the same problems throughout history. For women, it's about being the weaker. For men, it is about things like not supposed to cry.
Men who cry are still men. Women who have muscles and can fight are still women. Men who dislike sports are still men. Women who aren't a size zero are still women. Men who like country music and animals are still men.
Women Stereotypes ;
- weak
- household chores only for them
- reliant only on their husband
- Super fucking skinny
- sensitive
- need protection
- obediant
No. Women can be over size zero, women can be strong, women can be closed off, women don't need tour protection. Women don't need to be obedient.
Men Stereotyoes;
- tough
- don't cry
- have to work and make the money for the wife
- athletic
- muscular
No. No. Guys can be skinny, guys can be chubby. Guys can stay at home and raise the kids. Guys can cry. Guys can be weak.
#genderequalty #lgbt+ #lesbianpride #bisexualpride #biromanticpride #pansexualpride #panromanticpride #asexialpride #aromanticpride #equality
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tahtaliz · 4 years
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tahtaliz · 4 years
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tahtaliz · 4 years
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On yıllar içinde Pekin Deklarasyonu'nun ve diğer uluslararası anlaşmaların içerdiği "Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği" kavramı medeni devlet olmanın simgesi ve bir milletin kadınlarına nasıl muamele ettiğinin ölçeğine dönüştürüldü. Bir devletin kalkınmışlığı da toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğini ne derece uyguladığı ve toplumda ne derece var olduğuyla ölçüldüğü gibi Kültürel veya dini inançları ne olursa olsun tüm insanların benimsemesi gerektiği evrensel bir değer ilan edildi. Halbuki toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği Batılı laik beşer aklının ürettiği Batı menşeli bir kurgudur ve Avrupalı ve diğer Batılı ülkelerin laik nizamlarıyla kadınlarına reva gördüğü sayısız haksızlıklardan, onları temel haklarından dahi mahrum etmesinden dolayı ortaya çıkmıştır. Böylesi bir geçmişi İslam'da ve İslam'ın hakimiyetinde kadınlar asla tecrübe etmemiştir.
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tahtaliz · 4 years
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"Pekin Deklarasyonu nedir?"
1. 1995 yılında Pekin Deklarasyonu ve Eylem Platformu, Müslüman ülkelerin çoğunun dahil olduğu, 189 ülke tarafından kabul edildi. Hepsi de bu deklarasyonunun tüm hüküm ve kararlarını kendi devletinde uygulamayı, hedefini ve ideallerini milleti içinde yaymayı, böylece hayatın her alanında, siyasette, ekonomide ve sosyal alanda, kadın ve erkek arasında eşitlik sağlamayı taahhüt etti. Aile birliği dahil, kamusal ve özel hayatta cinsiyet eşitliğinin önündeki sistemik, kültürel veya dini her türlü engeli ortadan kaldırmak için cinsiyetler arasındaki rolleri, hakları ve sorumlulukları eşitlemek için söz verdiler. Pekin Deklarasyonu her türlü cinsiyet ayrımcılığını ortadan kaldırarak kadınların statüsünü ve hayatını iyileştirecek devrim olmayı vadetti. Ancak, çeyrek yüzyıl sonra, tüm dünyada milyonlarca kadın hala vahim şartlarda yaşamaya devam ediyor. Çok açıktır ki cinsiyet eşitliği vaatlerini GERÇEKLEŞTİREMEDİ.
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tahtaliz · 4 years
Pekin+25: Cinsiyet Eşitliği Maskesi Düştü mü? - Kampanyası Lansman Videosu - “Beijing+25: Has the Mask of Gender Equality Fallen?”
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