#general kvetching
burr-ell · 4 months
fanon angst (i made myself sad based on my headcanons) and canon angst (i made myself sad based on an inference that i'm never going to genuinely explore) are two sides of the same incredibly irritating coin
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tiredyke · 2 months
i miss the era of gays that weren’t afraid of the word lesbian
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 7 months
Just popping in to say I read the new chapter of The Hedgehog’s dilemma and WOOH. WOOOOOOOOH. WOOOH BOY, I thought Roy was gonna kill Ted. Like woahh my god. That was so cathartically satisfying to have Roy completely read what was happening in the room and put his foot down like that. I am so very excited for the next chapter—even though my heart is just BREAKING for Jamie, gosh
Anyways- LOVING IT!
Thank you!! The difference between how Roy and Ted respond to Jamie's situation with his dad is so interesting to me and up until around mid-season 3, I was convinced it would be part of Ted's character arc — the idea that hurt people hurt people, and sometimes that hurt takes the form of giving well-meaning but ultimately deeply harmful advice because you're too mired in your own trauma to actually understand the reality of the other person's situation. So when I watched season 2, I interpreted Roy's complete lack of patience for Phoebe's dad ("he's a piece of shit") and him subsequently being the one to comfort Jamie at Wembley as the writers essentially signalling to the audience that he's able to approach the situation from a much more functional angle than Ted, and that Ted would eventually process his trauma enough to develop a more nuanced view of when his whole forgiveness and second chances thing is and is not useful. But then that didn't happen, so I figured if canon doesn't give you the character arc you want, homemade is fine.
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
It honestly like
Baffles me that people think so low of visual novels as a format because to me they are so interesting. The combination of game, art , and text works so well together and there's so much that can be done with them. I love when visual novels immerse me, and even though I haven't played that many all things considering, I have a great respect for the medium
And that's why it frustrates me to no end when people approach to making them as if visual novels are a 'lesser' format that needs changing. Like idk, play some more of them maybe?
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butchmartyr · 9 months
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new copypasta unlocked? its evil to call radfem rhetoric radfem rhetoric, and people do it become because of terfs?
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dustjacketmusings · 8 months
It's fairly exhausting having a conversation about canon inconsistencies with someone who's approach is "I'm sure canon has a reason and it's never wrong or illogical"
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anankos · 1 month
Hi ! Would it be possible for you to use Edelgard critical or Edelgard discourse as tags ? It help to make the fandom more civil and make it a better space in general.
Thanks you for reading, have a good day ! ( Also feel free to ignore this message if you don't want to )
i mean i.... can? but i havent posted abt fe16 that touches on that specific topic in, if i recall correctly, years. Nor do i intend to post on the topic publicly in the future, im just kinda vibing. So im not going to be going back and backtagging a bunch of posts from early 2020s and 2019, sorry thats too much work to be worth it :( nobody will be scrolling down the search/tag that far anyway i assume
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cheapcheapfaker · 5 months
trying to brainstorm names and gilgamesh goes “what about Adam?” And I was like waow… irl oc real?
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monkberries · 1 year
So it’s been a while since I’ve listened to AKOM and I went to see if any episodes piqued my interest and noticed they split into two different podcasts. As the Resident Beatles Podcast Expert, do you know why they did that?
oh girl, it really HAS been a while if you just saw this. *SD split off onto its own feed back, I think two years ago, or roundabouts. as far as i can remember, it was originally meant to host the breakup series specifically, while ak*m would be home to other types of episodes, or something like that. idk i'm fuzzy on the exact reasoning, but i know the breakup series itself was still being posted when that new feed started. i remember them calling the two feeds "sister podcasts." they posted the divorce meeting episode, which at the end mentions plans to continue the series, including specifics about what the next episode would contain, and then... they didn't. and now, interestingly (or maybe it's only interesting to me idk), they don't follow each other on twitter. and i've heard from others that they are pretty quick to correct people and clarify that they are Separate Unconnected Podcasts when someone mixes them up.
so, based on nothing but speculation and observing them not mentioning each other (except in reference to the breakup series), not speaking to each other/following each other on twitter, and not publicly supporting each other when Drama Happens, my guess is that some kind of falling-out happened behind the scenes. no idea if it was before or after the splitting of the feeds. i'd have to go back and listen to the breakup series to see if they said anything about it on air.
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moistvonlipwig · 9 months
i guess this is an unpopular opinion but i really wish people would stop making jokes about sub rosa aka the ~Scottish Ghost Sex Candle~ episode as if that were just a funny haha silly little thing that happened or, even worse, as if it were one of the campy goofy star trek plots that newer trek should seek to emulate...it's a ludicrous premise to be sure but the candle ghost quite literally rapes beverly in that episode and possibly mind-controls her as well, and the episode portrays that as romantic. the episode is a stunning failure to properly grapple with consent and a prime example of how rape culture infects popular heterosexual romance narratives. and you can call me a killjoy if you want but i simply don't think that's funny!
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burr-ell · 4 months
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this series is going to become the new Read Another Book
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mantisgodsdomain · 6 months
Given the givens and the current state of the Bug Fables fandom, even if we're only active for four months out of the year, it really feels like we're eventually going to become a big enough slice of the sample size of BF fic to become a noticeable statistical outlier. "Average Bug Fables fan posts 0 whump fics a year, Mantis God Georg is an outlier and should not be included" style. Once this point comes we will also no longer be allowed to complain about any trends in the fandom anymore because we will be the majority and thus any punching we do in any way will be punching down by default by virtue of the buffet of crime we've made for ourself.
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esleep · 4 months
to anyone who is here from That Post please do not expect a bunch of poetry or really put-together writing. even that one post was just a spur-of-the-moment diary entry made while sitting in my car in my driveway after a shift and was never intended to go anywhere. if you want to see my on-purpose poetry and photos, i sometimes write little snippets in the tags of my photography over on @scruboaks which is my photo dump blog. if you're staying here you should know it's mostly reblogs and complaining.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 1 month
for the ask game: 20, 50, and 80!
20. what is your favorite trope to write? 
I don't actually get around to doing them that often, but I love Rashomons — I've always been a bit fascinated by the way that people can perceive the same events differently and how often you can only get the full story by adding a bunch of partial stories together (this is, incidentally, also why I study history).
50. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
I'm usually a planner but sometimes my fics end up diverging from the outline because a new idea popped into my head, and shorter fics like Ephemera and All I Have were the product of me being suddenly seized by an idea and just writing without any plan for where I was going with it.
80. do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc in your writing? if so, how do you go about it?
I find that themes and motifs tend to find their way into stories whether you put them there deliberately or not. I usually start to pick up on the ones in my fics during the planning process, and once I've noticed they're there, I think about how plot beats and character interactions fit into it as I write. As for messages and morals, I rarely write with the intention of conveying them, but they do sometimes end up in there as well — the whole "everyone inherently has worth and deserves help" thing in The Hedgehog's Dilemma is an actual belief that I hold in real life, for instance. But other times (more in my original fiction than in my fanfics) I'm just going "hey, wouldn't it be fucked up if..."
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thefearofcod · 2 years
literally everything hurts, what the fuck
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butchmartyr · 1 year
i just think it’s funny how almost every time a transfem gets called out for ““weird sex stuff”” they act like it’s a crazy thing and a dark revelation to be vigilant against ~Dangerous Kinks~ in the community but yet it’s being said here on this site, where the lifeblood of this website is rich and verdant with transmascs with batshit insane kinks who crank out 23 note masterpieces on sideblogs with worse shit than any of these girlies have even alluded to
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