#george campbell hay
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from 'Atman' by Deòrsa Mac Iain Dheòrsa/George Campbell Hay (original gàidhlig + english translation)
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scotianostra · 6 months
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On October 26th 1911 the Gaelic poet, Sorley MacLean, was born on the island of Raasay.
He was brought up within a family and community immersed in Gaelic language and culture, particularly song. Sorley studied English at Edinburgh University from 1929, taking a first class honours degree and there encountering and finding an affinity with the work of Hugh MacDiarmid, Ezra Pound, and other Modernist poets. Despite this influence, he eventually adopted Gaelic as the medium most appropriate for his poetry. However, it should be noted that MacLean translated much of his own work into English, opening it up to a wider public than the speakers of the Gaelic language.
During the Spanish Civil War, MacLean was torn between family commitments and his desire to fight on behalf of the International Brigades, illustrating his left-wing - even Marxist - political stance. He eventually resigned himself to remaining on Skye. He fought in North Africa during World War Two, before taking up a career in teaching, holding posts on Mull, in Edinburgh and finally as Head Teacher at Plockton High School.
It is often said that what Hugh MacDiarmid did for the Scots language, Sorley MacLean did for Gaelic, sparking a Gaelic renaissance in Scottish literature in line with the earlier ‘Scottish Renaissance’, as evinced in the work of George Campbell Hay, Derick Thomson and Iain Crichton Smith. He was instrumental in preserving and promoting the teaching of Gaelic in Scottish schools. Through the diverse subject matter of his poetry, he demonstrates the capacity of the Gaelic language to express themes from the personal to the political and philosophical.
MacLean’s work was virtually unknown outside Gaelic-speaking circles until the 1970s, when Gordon Wright published Four Points of a Saltire - poems from George Campbell Hay, Stuart MacGregor, William Neill and Sorley MacLean. He also then appeared at the Cambridge Poetry Festival, establishing his fame in England, as well as Scotland and Ireland, where he had become something of a cult figure thanks to a fan base including fellow poet Seamus Heaney. A bilingual Selected Poems of 1977 secured a broader readership and a new generation began to appreciate his work.
Latterly, he wrote and published little, showing his concern with quality and authenticity over quantity. Never a full-time writer, he was also a scholar of the Highlands with a vast knowledge of genealogy, and an avid follower of shinty. Amongst other awards and honours, he received the Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry in 1990. He passed on in 1996 at the age of 85, and was survived by his wife and two daughters.
I have posted many times about Sorley, and probably overused Martyn Bennet’s Hallaig, but if you haven’t heard it, please go to Youtube and search for it, you won’t regret it.
Todays poem is Tràighean/ Shores, the Gaelic version first, followed by the verse translated by his fellow bi-lingual poet, Iain Crichton Smith.
Nan robh sinn an Talasgar air an tràigh
far a bheil am beul mòr bàn
a’ fosgladh eadar dà ghiall chruaidh,
Rubha nan Clach `s am Bioda Ruadh,
sheasainn-sa ri taobhn na mara
ag ùrachadh gaoil ‘nam anam
fhad ‘s a bhiodh an cuan a’lìonadh
camas Thalasgair gu sìorraidh:
sheasainn an siud air lom na tràghad
gu `n cromadh Priseal a cheann àigich.
Agus nan robh sinn ciudeachd
air tràigh Chalgaraidh am Muile,
eadar Alba is Tiriodh,
eadar an saoghal `s a’bhiothbhuan,
dh’fhuirichinn an siud gu luan
a’ tomhas gainmhich bruan air bhruan.
Agus an Uibhist air tràigh Hòmhstadh
fa chomhair farsaingeachd na h-ònrachd,
dh’fheithinn-sa an siud gu sìorraidh
braon air bhraon an cuan a’ sìoladh.
Agus nan robh mi air tràigh Mhùideart
còmhla riut, a nodhachd ùidhe,
chuirinn suas an co-chur gaoil dhut
an cuan ’s a’ ghaineamh, bruan air bhraon dhiubh.
’S nan robh sinn air Mol Steinnseil Stamhain
’s an fhairge neo-aoibhneach a’ tarraing
nan ulbhag is gan tilgeil tharainn,
thogainn-sa am balla daingeann
ro shìorraidheachd choimhich ’s i framhach.
If we were in Talisker on the shore
where the great white foaming mouth of water
opens between two jaws as hard as flint –
the Headland of Stones and the Red Point –
I’d stand forever by the waves
renewing love out of their crumpling graves
as long as the sea would be going over
the Bay of Talisker for ever;
I would stand thee by the filling tide
till Preshal bowed his stallion head.
And if the two of us were together
on the shores of Calgary in Mull
between Scotland and Tiree,
between this world and eternity,
I’d stand there till time was done
counting the sands grain by grain.
And also on Uist, on Hosta’s shore,
in the face of solitude’s fierce stare,
I’d remain standing, without sleep,
while sea were ebbing, drop by drop.
And if I were on Moidart’s shore
With you, my novelty of desire,
I’d offer this synthesis of love,
grain and water, sand and wave.
And were we by the shelves of Staffin
where the huge joyless sea is coughing
stones and boulders from its throat,
I’d build a fortified wall
Against eternity’s savage howl.
As well as Hallaig I enjoy listening to Somhairle by Niteworks, an Electronic Celtic fusion band from the Isle of Skye who put some of Sorley’s words to music. Listen to it below
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444namesplus · 9 months
Captain Pearse's list of pirates intending to take the King's Pardon (sorted)
Abraham Adam Adams Addy Adonijah Alexander Allen Andrew Andrews Anthony Archibald Arrowsmith Arterile Arthur Ashworth Auger Austin B Barker Barnes Barton Bass Beach Bead Benjamin Berry Birdsale Bishop Bradley Bridges Brown Bryan Bryce Burgess Calvorley Campbell Carman Carroll Carye Champeon Chandler Charles Charlton Charnock Cheek Chissom Chow Christopher Clapp Clarke Clies Clois Coates Cockram Codd Connelly Connor Cornelius Creigh Crew Cullomore Dalrymple Daniel Darby Davey David Davis Daws Dennis Derickson Divelly Dominic Dryker Dunkin Dwoouby Ealling Earle Edmundson Edward Edwards Emly Farrow Fasset Fennet Feversham Forbes Francis Fryers Gador Garrison Garrt Gee Geo George German Glinn Goodson Goudet Grahame Gratrick Griffith Harris Hasselton Hawkins Hawks Hays Henry Hill Holmes Hornigold Houghton Hudson Hunt Hunter Jackson Jacob Jacobs James John Johnson Jones Joseph Josiah Kaine Kemp Kerr Kipperson Lamb Legatt Leigh Leslie Lewis Lyell Magness Mahon Mallet Mann Mark Marmaduke Marshall Martin Matthew Mccarthy Merredith Michelbro Michl Miller Mitchele Moggridge Moodey Morgan Morvat Mounsey Murry Mutlow Nabel Nathaniel Nearne Nevill Nicholas Nichols Noland Nowland Othenius Owell Parker Parmyter Paulsgrave Pearse Pelt Perrin Peter Peters Peterson Phillip Pinfold Poley R Raddon Rawlings Reveire Reynolds Richard Richards Richardson Robert Roberts Roger Rogers Roper Ross Rounsivell Rouse Rowld Rt Samuel Savory Scrimshaw Shear Shipton Sinclair Sipkins Smith South Spencer Stacey Stanbury Stillwell Stoneham Stout Sutton Swoord Taylor Terrell Thomas Thompson Titso Townsend Tristram Trouton Turner Valentine Van Vane Ward Waters Wells Wheeler White Whitehead William Williams Williamson Willis Wilson Wishort Woodall Wright
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duybrandwage · 1 year
Bước ra vào cuối buổi diễn Fendi Resort 2023 ở New York, trong chiếc áo choàng sắc xanh của Tiffany & Co, Linda Evangelista nhận sự cổ vũ nồng nhiệt từ đám đông và các đồng nghiệp như Christy Turlington Burns, Shalom Harlow, Amber Valletta và Kate Moss.
Linda Evangelista tô điểm cho vẻ ngoài của mình với hoa tai kim cương, găng tay lụa bạc và túi Fendi Baguette. FENDI siêu cấp Sự xuất hiện tại Tuần lễ Thời trang New York của siêu mẫu đánh dấu màn tái xuất sàn diễn đầu tiên của cô kể từ show thời trang kỷ niệm 60 năm thành lập của Christian Dior vào năm 2007.
Linda Evangelista bên giám đốc sáng tạo Fendi – Kim Jones và Kim Kardashian. Ảnh: Stephane Feugere
Show Fendi cũng là lần thứ hai Linda Evangelista xuất hiện công khai trước công chúng sau khi thú nhận rằng cơ thể và gương mặt bị biến dạng vì thẩm mỹ; lần đầu tiên là buổi chup ảnh bìa Tạp chí Vogue Anh Quốc số tháng 9/2022. Tuy nhiên, trên bìa Vogue thì cô bao trùm gương mặt với mũ và khăn, không để lộ những vùng bị xấu do biến chứng thẩm mỹ. Lần này thì cô tự tin hơn, để lộ cả khuôn mặt.
Cô cũng trải lòng về quãng thời gian khó khăn khiến cô phải đi đến quyết định sống ẩn dật và từ bỏ sự nghiệp người mẫu. Quyết tâm vượt qua trải nghiệm kinh hoàng, siêu mẫu muốn chia sẻ lại câu chuyện của chính mình: “Tôi không thể sống trong nỗi đau đó lâu hơn nữa” cô nói. “Tôi biết mình phải thay đổi, và thay đổi duy nhất là nói ra sự thật của mình.”
Gương mặt biểu tượng của làng thời trang thế giới Trước khi gặp biến chứng với phương pháp thẩm mỹ Coolsculpting, Linda Evangeslista là gương mặt đình đám trong làng người mẫu thế giới thập niên 1990 bên cạnh những siêu mẫu khác như Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Kate Moss…Trong suốt sự nghiệp của mình, chân dài huyền thoại Canada đã xuất hiện trên hơn 700 bìa tạp chí danh tiếng và là “nàng thơ” lâu năm của nhiếp ảnh gia lừng danh Steven Meisel.
Sinh ngày 10 tháng 5 năm 1965, Linda Evangelista là con gái của những người nhập cư Ý. Cô lớn lên ở Canada, tại thành phố St Catharines ở Ontario, nơi cha cô làm việc cho General Motors và mẹ cô là một nhân viên kế toán. Siêu mẫu thừa hưởng tất cả các đặc điểm từ cha cô và bao gồm cả chiều cao vượt trội,TÚI NỮ siêu cấp giúp cô nhanh chóng nổi bật so với bạn bè cùng trang lứa.
Như sự sắp đặt của số phận, Linda Evangelista bén duyên với thời trang khi cô được một nhân viên của Elite Model Management phát hiện tại cuộc thi Miss Teen Niagara. Cô ký hợp đồng ngay sau đó và chuyển đến New York để bắt đầu sự nghiệp người mẫu vào năm 1984.
Sự nghiệp dần đến những nấc thang đỉnh cao khi cô có cơ hội liên tiếp làm việc với nhiều nhiếp ảnh gia tài năng trong làng thời trang thế giới như Karl Lagerfeld, Arthur Elgort, Steven Meisel, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, Herb Ritts cho đến Peter Lindbergh. Trong đó phải kể đến nhiếp ảnh gia Peter Lindbergh, người đã tạo ra ngoại hình huyền thoại của Linda Evangeslista khi cố vấn cô cắt tóc ngắn cho loạt hình thời trang.
Với vẻ đẹp thu hút bởi mái tóc ngắn và cá tính riêng, nàng mẫu nhanh chóng trở thành gương mặt đại diện của Versace vào năm 1989, xuất hiện trên các chiến dịch quảng cáo triệu đô của Revlon và được được vinh danh là một trong “50 người đẹp nhất trên thế giới” bởi tạp chí People.
Trong cuối những năm 1980 cho đến đầu những năm 1990, Evangelista đạt đến đỉnh cao của sự thành công khi cô cùng với Christy Turlington và Naomi Campbell hợp thành một bộ ba quyền lực trong làng mẫu được mệnh danh là “The Trinity”. Cùng với Cindy Crawford và Tatjana Patitz, dàn siêu mẫu xuất hiện trên bìa tạo chí Vogue Anh và sau đó là video âm nhạc Freedom! ’90 của ca sĩ George Michael. Nhiều chuyên gia trong ngành cho rằng từ sự kiện này, khái niệm “siêu mẫu” (supermodel) chính thức ra đời, dẫn đầu cho một “kỷ nguyên siêu mẫu” và mở đường cho các thế hệ siêu mẫu trong thế giới thời trang sau này.
Ca sĩ Mỹ Rupaul thậm chí đã ghi lại giai đoạn này trong một bài hát ăn khách năm 1993 với tựa đề Supermodel. Lời bát hát nhắc đến những cái tên đình đám như Evangelista, Campbell, Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Turlington và Niki Taylor.
Vào thời điểm cực thịnh này, Evangelista là gương mặt phủ sóng rộng khắp thế giới, thống trị các sàn diễn thời trang cao cấp và cả phương tiện truyền thông toàn cầu. Cho đến bây giờ tuyên bố đến từ cô vẫn là phát ngôn ấn tượng nhất trong lịch sử huy hoàng của các chân dài thập niên 90: “Tôi sẽ không thức dậy nếu không được trả từ 10.000 đô-la Mỹ một ngày”.
Trở thành một sức mạnh quyền lực giữa ngành công nghiệp thời trang và giới người mẫu, Linda Evangelista đã nhận hàng loạt giải thưởng cho sự cống hiến của mình. Vào năm 1997, cô nhận Giải thưởng Thành tựu trọn đời của ngành (Lifetime Achievement Award) do mạng truyền hình cáp VH1 của Mỹ đồng trao tặng. Sau đó, chân dài huyền thoại được trao tặng một ngôi sao trên Đại lộ Danh vọng của Canada ở Toronto và được giới thiệu trong triển lãm nghệ thuật The Model as Muse: Embodying Fashion của Bảo tàng Nghệ thuật Metropolitan New York. Năm 2008, cô tiếp tục được bình chọn là “Siêu mẫu vĩ đại nhất mọi thời đại” trong chương trình Fashion File của Đài truyền hình CBC.
Sự nghiệp đóng băng vì gặp biến chứng từ phương pháp thẩm mỹ Khi các đồng nghiệp tiếp tục thăng hoa trong sự nghiệp, Evangelista bỗng nhiên biến mất vào năm 2016. Sau nhiều năm, cô tiết lộ mình phải rời xa làng giải trí vì gặp biến chứng làm đẹp khi áp dụng phương pháp đông hủy mỡ CoolSculpting.
Chia sẻ với truyền thông, Linda Evangelist cho biết cô ở nhà cả ngày, chỉ ra đường khi phải đưa con trai Augustin James Evangelista đi chơi bóng. Bà mẹ nổi tiếng tâm sự: “Điều khiến tôi đau lòng là khi con trai nói với tôi: ‘Hãy nhớ rằng mẹ từng rất vui vẻ, nhớ đến thời điểm mẹ lúc nào cũng cười nói’. Đó là một lời nói vô tư nhưng lại khiến tôi phải suy ngẫm”. Sau đó, cô đã quyết định đệ đơn kiện Zeltiq Aesthetics – công ty thẩm mỹ thực hiện liệu pháp CoolSculpting cho mình và đòi bồi thường 50 triệu đô-la Mỹ sau những tổn thất về tinh thần lẫn vật chất.
Linda Evangelista tái xuất với chiến dịch quảng cáo cùng Fendi
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Tuy vụ kiện đã được dàn xếp ổn thỏa, Linda Evangelista thừa nhận rằng mình vẫn chưa thực sự hồi phục về mặt tinh thần. Cô vẫn không đối diện được với mình trong gương, không muốn người khác chạm vào cơ thể mình. Thế nhưng cô cảm thấy biết ơn vì sự khích lệ và động viên từ bạn bè và những người trong ngành. Chân dài đình đám bắt đầu nhận được các lời mời chụp quảng cáo và phỏng vấn quay trở lại.
Dẫu vậy, Evangelista miễn cưỡng khi gọi những hoạt động này là sự trở lại của mình bởi sắc vóc không còn như xưa. Siêu mẫu chia sẻ đồng thời cũng nhấn mạnh rằng bản thân vẫn phải che chắn cơ thể trong các bức ảnh. FENDI Vực dậy sau nỗi đau về thể chất lẫn tinh thần, siêu mẫu kỳ cựu đang nỗ lực tìm lại sự tích cực và tự tin sau nhiều năm sống trong đau đớn và tuyệt vọng, và không còn gì quý giá hơn vì nỗ lực đó đang được trân trọng bởi vì làng thời trang vẫn luôn dang tay đón nhận cô.
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adventuresofalgy · 3 years
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When he had slowly gathered his wits about him, Algy turned around and noticed that in his absence his assistants had installed a smart new deer fence, no doubt in an effort to keep the iconic and “Romantic” Highland cows and red deer - which the tourists so much loved to photograph - from Romantically devouring and trampling their garden...
Hopping up onto the top of one of the tall wooden posts, Algy gazed out to the north-west, in the direction where he should have been able to see the beautiful Sea of the Hebrides and the Small Isles...
But there was nothing; just nothing at all beyond the faint, grey hills which surrounded his home.
Algy wasn’t surprised. It was early autumn on the wild west coast of the Scottish Highlands, and instead of those golden colours and crisp, fresh days which so many of his friends seemed to celebrate at this time of year, the dense Scotch mist driving in from the Atlantic Ocean had washed out the landscape with “a smoky smirr o rain”:
A misty mornin’ doon the shore wi a hushed an’ caller air, an’ ne’er a breath frae East or West tie sway the rashes there, a sweet, sweet scent frae Laggan’s birks gaed breathin’ on its ane, their branches hingin beaded in the smoky smirr o rain.
The hills aroond war silent wi the mist alang the braes. The woods war derk an’ quiet wi dewy, glintin’ sprays. The thrushes didna raise for me, as I gaed by alane, but a wee, wae cheep at passin’ in the smoky smirr o rain.
Rock an’ stane lay glisterin’ on aa the heichs abune. Cool an’ kind an’ whisperin’ it drifted gently doon, till hill an’ howe war rowed in it, an’ land an’ sea war gane. Aa was still an’ saft an’ silent in the smoky smirr o rain.
[Algy is quoting the poem The Smoky Smirr o Rain by the 20th century Scottish poet George Campbell Hay, who wrote in all three of the languages used in Scotland: Scots (as in this poem), Gaelic, and English.]
For the benefit of those who find the Scots words difficult to understand, Algy has made his own rough and literal translation, without any attempt at rhyming:
A misty morning down at the shore with a hushed and refreshing air, And never a breath from East or West to sway the rushes there, A sweet, sweet scent from Laggan’s birches was exhaled on its own, Their branches draped with beads in the misty drizzle of rain. The hills around were silent with the mist along the brows. The woods were dark and quiet with dewy, glinting twigs. The thrushes raised no alarm for me, as I went by alone, Except for a tiny mournful cheep at my passing in the misty drizzle of rain. Rock and stone lay glistening on all the heights above, Cool and kind (?) and whispering it drifted gently down Till hill and hollow were wrapped in it and land and sea were gone. All was still and soft and silent in the misty drizzle of rain.
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hollyoaksloversx · 3 years
John Paul Comes Clean...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (19th-23rd April 2021)
Hollyoaks kicked off its latest whodunnit this week as George was found dead (for real, this time). As the week began, John Paul decided to ignore Sally’s warnings and went house hunting with George. However, after a run in with James and Ste resulted in George turning on John Paul again, John Paul ended up kissing Ste and spending the night on his sofa. John Paul returned home the following morning and lied to George about where he’d been, saying that he’d slept in a hotel after their argument. Unfortunately, George didn’t believe John Paul and his suspicions were proved correct when he phoned the hotel, only to be told that they’d been closed for refurbishment since October. George confronted John Paul, resulting in yet another argument, and George stormed out. Later, at work, George confided in a colleague, making it look like he was the one being gaslighted, before texting John Paul to tell him he needed space.
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The following day, George’s colleague turned up at The Dog and informed John Paul that George had been killed whilst dealing with an altercation between four men. John Paul was left devastated by the news but, as he later looked through some of George’s belongings, he looked up to find the man himself standing in front of him holding an engagement ring! George revealed that he’d asked his colleague to fake his death in a bid to show John Paul how strong they were together. Of course, John Paul was horrified by George’s actions, despite George protesting that John Paul’s grief proved how much he loved him. John Paul decided to accept George’s proposal and the pair celebrated with a family gathering at The Dog. However, when James and Ste arrived, George was left furious when James revealed that John Paul had been with Ste earlier in the week. Eventually, George told John Paul that he would forgive him on the condition that he severed all ties with James and Ste, telling Ste that he would report him for sexual assault against John Paul if he objected. With his history, John Paul was disgusted that George would stoop so low and John Paul hit George, just as Sally and Theresa arrived. Having finally had enough, John Paul told his family about the months of torment he’d been subjected to. The McQeen’s were furious following John Paul’s revelation whilst George made plans to leave the village. However, as he waited for his taxi, he was attacked from behind by an unknown assailant...
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Meanwhile, Trish was raging this week when she discovered that her takings had been stolen. After witnessing her accusing Leah, Ste revealed to Fergus that he was the thief and filled him in about his money worries. Fergus soon had a proposition for Ste and offered to buy the Lomax’s home and then rent it back to them for a reasonable rate. After talking it through with Leela, Ste agreed to proceed, much to the annoyance of James, who didn’t think it was a good idea. James was right to be worried as we later saw Fergus watching Peri via a hidden camera he’d placed in her bedroom, which he’d accessed under the guise of checking for a gas leak. The next day, Peri was delighted to receive a bikini, which she assumed was a gift from Juliet. However, when Juliet denied all knowledge, Peri was furious and blamed Warren, knowing that he’d visited the flat earlier in the day. Warren was forced to cover for Fergus when Fergus informed everyone that the bikini had actually been a gift for Maxine from Warren and it had been left it at the flat by mistake. Peri seemed to accept the explanation and when she’d gone, Warren demanded money from Fergus in exchange for his silence. However, instead of giving him the cash, Fergus booked a table for Warren and Maxine at a fancy restaurant....
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In other news this week, Martine told her family that she needed to have a biopsy whilst Mandy was devastated when Ella refused to see her. Sid decided that he’d like to become a police officer and was delighted when Courtney arranged for him to speak with DS Cohen to discuss his future. In fact, he was so thrilled that he kissed Courtney! Finally, Tony decided that Nancy and Darren should get back together and arranged a surprise date. 
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This Week’s Cast:
Celeste, Cher, Courtney, Darren, Diane, DS Cohen, Ella, Felix, Fergus, George, Grace, Imran, James, John Paul, Juliet, Leah, Luke, Mandy, Marnie, Martine, Maxine, Mercedes, Nancy, Peri, Sally, Sid, Ste, Sylver, Theresa, Toby, Tom, Tony, Trish, Yasmine, Walter and Warren. 
Blasts From The Past:
Victor Brothers, Jordan Price
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httydlifeblog · 3 years
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“ Con questa mano io dissiperò i tuoi affanni. Il tuo calice non sarà mai vuoto perché io sarò il tuo vino. Con questa candela illuminerò il tuo cammino nelle tenebre. Con quest'anello io ti chiedo di essere mia. ”
Danielle Campbell Emily Atkins
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“ Tu mi hai sposata, ricordi? ”
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Oliver Phelps George Weasley
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“ Io ho fatto cosa? ”
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“ Un brindisi agli sposi! ”
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frikileria · 3 years
¿Qué tiene que ver Star Wars con el Tibet?
Pues más de lo que me hubiera imaginado. Recientemente he estado leyendo el Libro tibetano de la vida y de la muerte de Sogyal Rimpoché, un clásico en materia de budismo, y a medida que iba leyendo tradiciones y costumbres ancestrales del Tibet más me daba la sensación de estar leyendo una novela sobre los Jedi. Por ejemplo:
– La relación tan especial que tienen el maestro y el padawan también se da en los monjes budistas. En ambos casos empiezan las enseñanzas desde bien pequeños, y también se habla del carácter bonachón y bromista de los maestros más avanzados ¿Y en quién te hace pensar eso si hablamos de Star Wars…? Pues en las primeras apariciones de Yoda, sonriente y juguetón ¡Pero lleno de sabiduría!
– La idea de la fuerza como algo que une a todos los seres vivos se podría comparar con el dharma en el budismo, o con el karma incluso: está en equilibrio y afecta a los demás.
– La muerte de los maestros más avanzados se narra en este libro de una forma que también te hará pensar en Star Wars: El cuerpo desaparece, dejando solo las ropas que lleva el difunto y se convierte en luz… Obi-Wan, ¿estás ahí?
– Superar el apego. Otra de las características que han tomado del budismo es la liberación del apego que tantos problemas le trajo a Anakin durante su adiestramiento, primero con su madre y más tarde con Padmé (que por cierto en sánscrito significa “Flor de loto rosa”, como bien dicen estos chicos en un artículo del mismo tema).
– Los poderes psíquicos de los maestros muy muy avanzados. Se dice en el Tibet que los maestros que ya han encontrado la iluminación en vida tienen poderes especiales para ayudar a los demás que jamás revelarán si no es necesario. Seguro que te suena: levitación, curación rápida, conexión mental con otros seres vivos…
– Las pintas que me llevan. Lo cierto es que no hacía falta más que mirar el hábito del Jedi para ver que hay alguna relación ahí. Vale, el traje no es tan naranja ni exactamente igual, pero la semejanza ahí está.
– ¡Los sables láser! jajaja No, es broma. Pero ojalá.
Pero ya lo que me ha confirmado que George Lucas ha sacado bien de ideas de esta cultura es conocer el nombre de uno de los maestros del Tibet: ¡Geshe Chekawa! ¿Tendría tanto pelo este maestro como nuestro wookie favorito?
Y es que nuestro querido George tomó inspiración del mitólogo Joseph Campbell, famoso por sus trabajos en religión comparada y autor de El viaje del Héroe (que ahora se estudia en todas la academias de cine), para hacer una historia universal. Así que algo me dice que nos encontraremos más sorpresas si seguimos buscando paralelismos con otras historias y mitos del resto del planeta. Con esta receta, ¿Cómo no iba a tener éxito en todo el mundo?
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kevrocksicehouse · 4 years
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Buster Keaton was a master of silent slapstick. Some great physical gags from the sound era.
Duck Soup. D: Leo McCarey (1933). A lemonade seller gets into an argument with Chico and Harpo. They steal and set fire to his hat, knock over his stand and step into his tank driving off his clientele. Moral: Don’t mess with Chico and Harpo.
Singin’ in the Rain. D: Stanley Donen (1952). The whole “Make ‘Em Laugh” number, especially the bit with the mannequin, which if done with a real live girl, would have made the Hays board’s collective heads explode.
Blazing Saddles. D: Mel Brooks (1974). Alex Karras punches out a horse. What else ya need?
Evil Dead 2. D: Sam Raimi (1987). The hero (Bruce Campbell) has his hand possessed by demons who have a such a facility for slapstick it’s as if (according to one reviewer) “the Three Stooges used real blood.” And Campbell has so many comic skills he can make you laugh while cutting off his arm with a chainsaw.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? D: Joel and Ethan Coen (2000). Three escaped convicts try to jump a train while chained together. One of them (George Clooney) makes it to a boxcar and says to the other hobos “Say any of you boys smithies? And (as the other convicts start to slow down) Or, if not smithies per se, were you trained in the metallurgic arts before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wandrin – yuuuurk! (he exclaims as he’s violently pulled out of the car).
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jgmail · 4 years
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Por Leonid Savin
Traducción del inglés de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
 El dinero juega un papel clave en las campañas electorales estadounidenses. Se gasta en la publicidad, los salarios de los consultores y las empresas de relaciones públicas. Además, la estrategia de los demócratas muestra que la financiación se destina a protestas callejeras. Dado que este enfoque de confrontación se adopta de antemano e implica provocar a la gente a protestas masivas, es una técnica que también requiere una inversión seria.
 Exploraremos los diferentes mecanismos de recaudación de fondos para campañas electorales y los intereses de varios grupos financieros (individuos).
 Comités de acción política
 Desde 1976, los comités de acción política (PAC) se han utilizado en los Estados Unidos para recaudar fondos para publicidad y propaganda durante las campañas electorales. Después de 2010, cuando la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. eliminó las restricciones a las donaciones políticas, comenzaron a surgir nuevas versiones de estos comités llamados Super PAC que son diferentes a los comités de acción política convencionales, que no pueden aceptar contribuciones de más de $ 5,000 de un solo individuo y las contribuciones de corporaciones o sindicatos son ilegales, pero los súper PAC pueden aceptar contribuciones ilimitadas. Los súper PAC también participan activamente en la lucha contra la propaganda y la desinformación contra sus oponentes políticos.
 Más de 2.000 Super PAC se registraron en las anteriores elecciones presidenciales de EE.UU. en 2016. Este es el mecanismo de recaudación de fondos más transparente, ya que las autoridades reguladoras realizan un seguimiento de cada centavo.
El Super PAC de Trump se llama America First Action, mientras que el de Joe Biden se llama Priorities USA.
 El Super PAC del senador de la República Seth Moulton también ha estado activo durante la actual campaña electoral (1).
 Woman Vote, que está completamente orientado a la mitad femenina del electorado, está trabajando para los demócratas (2).
 También hay otros PAC y Super PAC involucrados en estas elecciones para ambos lados.
 Los donantes de Trump y Biden
 Desde principios de 2019 hasta julio de 2020, Trump logró recaudar alrededor de $ 1.1 mil millones, de los cuales $ 800 millones ya se gastaron en septiembre (3). En julio, Trump reemplazó a Brad Parscale, su ahora exgerente de campaña, por Bill Stepien, y le indicó que trabajara de manera más eficiente y gastara menos dinero.
 Según la revista Forbes, el 9 por ciento de los multimillonarios estadounidenses, que juntos valen un total de 210.000 millones de dólares, han donado dinero para cubrir los gastos de campaña de Trump de 2020, ya sea directamente o a través de su cónyuge (4). En total, Trump ha recibido el apoyo de alrededor de cien multimillonarios.
 Más de la mitad de los donantes de Trump viven en tres Estados: Florida, Nueva York y Texas. Tres cuartas partes de ellos se han hecho a sí mismos; el resto heredó pequeñas fortunas y las convirtió en fortunas aún mayores. Su negocio está relacionado con bienes raíces, energía, deporte, etc. Una quinta parte de los donantes se enriqueció con las finanzas y las inversiones. Este grupo incluye a personas como el director ejecutivo de Blackstone, Stephen Schwarzman, el propietario de fondos de cobertura John Paulson y el exjefe de Franklin Templeton, Charles B. Johnson. Alrededor del 10 por ciento de los donantes ganaron su dinero en bienes raíces, incluido el multimillonario neoyorquino Richard LeFrak de Trump.
 El banquero de Texas Andrew Beal ha dado más que nadie al Comité de la Victoria de Trump. Los propietarios de casinos y los hermanos Lorenzo y Frank Fertitta también han donado millones a este comité.
 Joe y Marlene Ricketts (TD Ameritrade) han donado más de $ 1 millón. No dieron nada en 2016.
 Andrew Beal ha dado aproximadamente la misma cantidad. Dennis y Phyllis Washington (cuyo negocio es la minería y la construcción) han donado $ 1 millón. Diane Hendricks (construcción) ha donado poco menos de $ 1 millón. Kenny y Lisa Troutt (telecomunicaciones): 925.000 dólares. Jeffery y Melinda Hildebrand (petróleo) - $ 775,000. Isaac y Laura Perlmutter (cómics de Marvel): 721.000 dólares. Peter Thiel de Palantir - 250.000 dólares. Cabe señalar que Peter Thiel tiene participaciones en Facebook y donó la misma cantidad a la campaña de Trump de 2016.
 Es interesante que algunos multimillonarios donaron cantidades bastante pequeñas de miles e incluso cientos de dólares.
 Un donante importante que solía donar regularmente a los republicanos, el magnate de Las Vegas, Sheldon Adelson, se ha negado a respaldar a Trump.
 Biden cuenta con el apoyo de Wall Street (5) y Silicon Valley. También ha recaudado una gran cantidad de dinero gracias a pequeñas aportaciones. En términos de la cantidad de donantes ricos que ofrecen apoyo, Biden ha superado a Trump, recibiendo dinero de 131 multimillonarios (6).
 El donante más grande de Biden ha sido George Soros, quien ha gastado más de $ 8 millones durante todo el ciclo electoral (para cubrir diversas necesidades). Los nuevos patrocinadores de Biden incluyen a Sean Parker y Dustin Moskovitz de Facebook, el cofundador de Twitter Ev Williams y el CEO de Twilio, Jeff Lawson.
 Jeff Skoll de eBay ha estado invirtiendo dinero tanto en Biden como en los demócratas en el Senado. Mark Pincus, quien está involucrado en juegos en línea, ha donado $ 626,000. Barry Diller, quien ganó su dinero en los medios en línea: $ 620,000.
 Los donantes de Biden también incluyen a Nicole Shanahan, esposa de Sergey Brin de Google (25.000 dólares), y Merryl Zegar, esposa de Charles Zegar (Bloomberg LP).
 En septiembre de 2020, Biden logró recaudar un récord de $ 383 millones (7). El récord anterior fue de menos de $ 200 millones, recaudado por Barack Obama en septiembre de 2008.
 Sin embargo, no todos los representantes de Silicon Valley apoyan a los demócratas.
 Bill Gates apoya a Donald Trump. Es una elección pragmática. Hace un tiempo, la Administración de la Casa Blanca ayudó a Microsoft a ganar una licitación para crear servidores para respaldar al Pentágono, aunque Amazon, que anteriormente había obtenido un contrato de la CIA para servidores en la nube, también luchó por la licitación. La disputa provocó un escándalo en el Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos en 2019.
 Elon Musk también ha brindado su apoyo a Trump, citando la demencia de Biden. Además, Trump cuenta con el respaldo del fundador de Oracle, Larry Ellison.
 Aquí se debe mencionar un detalle importante: hay señales de un profundo cisma en la sociedad estadounidense que ha afectado no solo a la élite financiera, sino también a las relaciones familiares. Por ejemplo, el exdirector ejecutivo de Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, ha apoyado a Trump, pero su esposa Connie ha donado 500.000 dólares a un Super PAC para Biden.
La industria de defensa estadounidense y la influencia indirecta
 Tradicionalmente, el ejército estadounidense se mantiene al margen de las campañas electorales, aunque Donald Trump ha apoyado activamente al ejército desde el comienzo de su presidencia. Es significativo que, en uno de sus discursos, Joe Biden habló sobre la posibilidad de incrementar el gasto militar, lo que fue considerado como un intento de influir en las preferencias de las fuerzas de seguridad.
 Sin embargo, además de los intentos de los candidatos de ganarse a los militares, hay un mecanismo interesante que vale la pena señalar que refleja ciertos intereses contrarios de los militares y los think tanks, cuando estos últimos sirven a grupos políticos.
 El hecho es que el complejo militar-industrial de EE.UU. (es decir, los principales fabricantes de sistemas de armas y productores relacionados, a menudo civiles, así como estructuras del Departamento de Defensa) financia a varios think tanks de EE.UU. de manera continua.
 Los cinco principales donantes son Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin y Airbus. Junto con estos contratistas, también se transfiere dinero del Departamento de Defensa, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, el Departamento de Estado, la Fuerza Aérea de los EE.UU. y el Ejército de los EE.UU. Cada año, se entregan alrededor de $ 1 mil millones a varios centros para programas e investigación. Los think tanks que se ocupan de cuestiones de defensa, seguridad y estrategia militar son los destinatarios habituales. Sin embargo, la lista también incluye una serie de organizaciones que están en el espectro globalista, como el Council of Foreign Relations y el Stimson Center.
 Los diez mejores centros que recibieron subvenciones entre 2014 y 2019 (inclusive) son (8):
 RAND Corporation – $1,029,100,000;
Center for a New American Security (CNAS) – $8,956,000;
Atlantic Council – $8,697,000;
New America Foundation – $7,283,828;
German Marshall Fund of the United States – $6,599,999;
CSIS – $5,040,000;
Council on Foreign Relations – $2,590,000;
Brookings Institution – $2,485,000;
Heritage Foundation – $1,375,000; and
Stimson Center – $1,343,753.
 Además del conocido Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores, esta lista también incluye el CNAS (9), que en realidad es un centro pro-demócrata. Fue establecido por la ex Subsecretaria de Defensa (2009-2012) Michèle Flournoy y el exsubsecretario de Estado para Asuntos de Asia Oriental y el Pacífico (2009-2013) Kurt Campbell. Ambos representan al Partido Demócrata.
 La New America Foundation se posiciona ideológicamente como un grupo de expertos liberal y de centro izquierda (10). Eric Schmidt ocupó una vez uno de los puestos más importantes allí. Su actual presidenta y directora ejecutiva es Anne-Marie Slaughter, quien se desempeñó como directora de planificación política en la administración Obama.
 Es revelador que esto incluya al centro que lanzó la 2020 Matching Campaign (11) para recaudar fondos con el propósito de reorganizar el sistema político del país. La campaña finaliza el 30 de octubre, justo antes de las elecciones presidenciales.
 El Atlantic Council es el grupo de expertos de la OTAN.
 De hecho, los donantes mencionados también están financiando indirectamente la propaganda política, ya que están pagando por las actividades de estos centros y, como expertos "independientes" en diversos temas, sus empleados hablan en televisión y escriben artículos en los principales periódicos y revistas. Por lo tanto, dan forma a la opinión pública.
 Financiamiento de la protestas callejeras
 Dado que los demócratas se han basado en protestas masivas, un factor importante para ellos es la búsqueda de fondos para estimular varios grupos de apoyo.
 Antifa, BLM y varias organizaciones de izquierda, incluidos los antiglobalistas, son importantes grupos de protesta para los demócratas.
 Los Antifa están relacionados con los trotskistas. En febrero de 2016, el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional publicó un comunicado que decía: “El nuevo movimiento contra la guerra debe ser anticapitalista y socialista, ya que no puede haber una lucha seria contra la guerra excepto en la lucha para acabar con la dictadura del capital financiero y el sistema económico que es la causa fundamental del militarismo y la guerra. Por lo tanto, el nuevo movimiento contra la guerra debe, por necesidad, ser completa e inequívocamente independiente y hostil a todos los partidos políticos y organizaciones de la clase capitalista” (12).
 Los trotskistas de todo tipo, incluido el especulador financiero George Soros, apoyan activamente a los grupos radicales de Antifa en todo el mundo. En julio de 2017, sus recursos ayudaron a movilizar a más de 100.000 antiglobalistas y miembros de Antifa para las protestas en Hamburgo durante la cumbre del G20 (13).
 Pero dado que los Antifa han sido reconocidos como una organización terrorista en los EE.UU., están imitando con éxito recientemente fusionarse con el movimiento Black Lives Matter (BLM) para evitar problemas con las autoridades.
 BLM se presenta en los medios globales como un movimiento por los derechos de las personas negras en los Estados Unidos que son víctimas de la brutalidad policial, el racismo institucional, etc. Sin embargo, la realidad es algo diferente. La expresión #BlackLivesMatter apareció por primera vez en forma de un hashtag de Twitter en 2013. Se cree que el movimiento fue organizado por los activistas radicales de izquierda Alicia Garza (14), Patrisse Cullors y Opal Tometi. El eslogan "¡Manos arriba, no disparen!" fue popularizada por la activista negra Nelini Stamp, una de las organizadoras del movimiento “Occupy Wall Street” (financiado por George Soros), tras el asesinato de Michael Brown en agosto de 2014. También representó al Partido de las Familias Trabajadoras, que fue uno de los fundadores de la organización Dream Defenders. La Junta Asesora de Dream Defenders incluye a Angela Davis, exlíder del Partido Comunista de EE. UU.
 Alicia Garza (15) también tiene vínculos con la Alianza Nacional de Trabajadoras del Hogar, Personas Organizadas para Ganar Derechos Laborales (POWER), la Escuela de Unidad y Liberación (SOUL), la Alianza por el Derecho a la Ciudad y Forward Together, todos los cuales han sido apoyados por varios donantes.
BLM también recibe fondos indirectamente, a través de varias estructuras, de Democracy Alliance (16), un fondo especial creado en 2005 para “construir una sociedad progresista” en los Estados Unidos, incluido el apoyo a las minorías sexuales y las personas de color. Se considera que el fondo es el club de donantes liberales más poderoso del país, y fue financiado inicialmente por George Soros, el empresario Peter Lewis y el desarrollador de software gay Tim Gill. Además de la participación directa de Soros, el club también incluye al multimillonario Tom Steyer.
 Sin embargo, el dinero no se gasta solo en la enseñanza y la construcción pseudocientífica de nuevos "valores". Se utilizan técnicas típicas de revolución del color para alentar a sus activistas de primera línea y movilizar al BLM. Una de las formas más efectivas es el financiamiento directo de los participantes de la protesta. Se sabe que a los manifestantes callejeros se les pagaba 5.000 dólares al mes para incitar y mantener disturbios civiles en Ferguson (17). Aquí también hay una conexión con el establecimiento de la élite. Una de las organizaciones involucradas en la financiación de los disturbios civiles en Ferguson en 2014 fue Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), una antigua rama de la Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), que quebró en 2010. Barack Obama solía trabajar para ACORN y lo representó en la corte como abogado (18).
 Aunque los medios de comunicación limitan la información sobre Black Lives Matter a las protestas contra la violencia policial y la lucha por los derechos de los afroamericanos, los objetivos del movimiento son en realidad mucho más amplios. BLM busca reemplazar las piedras angulares fundamentales de la sociedad estadounidense: 1) abolir el concepto judeocristiano de la familia nuclear tradicional, que es la unidad social básica en Estados Unidos; 2) abolir la policía y desmantelar el sistema penitenciario; 3) incorporar lo transgénero y deslegitimar la llamada heteronormatividad (la creencia de que la heterosexualidad es la norma); y 4) abolir el capitalismo (una economía libre) y reemplazarlo por el comunismo (una economía controlada por el gobierno) (19).
 Los demócratas también cuentan con el apoyo de anti-globalistas de perfil relativamente alto. Entre otros, Naomi Klein ha pedido que la gente se una a la lucha contra Trump (20). Sin embargo, esta paradoja - que los Antifa y los anti-globalistas están trabajando para los intereses de los globalistas - no está siendo reportada por los medios conservadores de Estados Unidos.
 En el ámbito de los medios, Biden cuenta con el apoyo de la organización de noticias The Intercept (21).
 Inicialmente fue creado y financiado por el fundador y propietario de eBay, Pierre Omidyar, a través del Omidyar Network Fund.
 The Washington Post, propiedad de Jeff Bezos de Amazon, también se pone del lado de los demócratas al criticar constantemente a Trump. Sin embargo, ni Jeff Bezos ni Mark Zuckerberg de Facebook respaldan abiertamente a Trump o Biden. Algunos creen que están financiando a ambos en secreto (22).
 La complejidad de las predicciones
 Es difícil hacer una predicción precisa en esta elección, ya que los demócratas están pidiendo una votación por correo. Aunque el servicio postal de EE.UU. es una agencia gubernamental, este método es altamente vulnerable al fraude en los EE.UU. Y no existe un mecanismo adecuado para verificar y controlar el proceso en sí. El equipo de Trump ya advirtió sobre el riesgo que representa este elemento del sistema de votación.
 Según los datos más recientes basados ​​en las calificaciones promedio de Cook Political Report, Inside Elections y Sabato's Crystall Ball, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Carolina del Sur, Pennsylvania y Wisconsin se consideran actualmente los Estados que determinarán en gran medida el resultado de la elección.
 1. https://serveamericapac.com/
2. https://womenvoteproject.org/
3. https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-09-09/Why-are-billionaires-dumping-Trump--TCP7JM0ZLa/index.html
4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2020/04/17/here-are-the-billionaires-backing-donald-trumps-campaign/
5. https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/08/09/new-york-times-wall-street-backs-joe-biden/
6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2020/08/08/biden-pulls-away-in-race-for-billionaire-donors/#2599feb83b62
7. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-383-million-fundraising-record-2020-election_n_5f87a9cbc5b6e9e76fba0373
8. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/swamp-report-top-50-u-s-think-tanks-receive-over-1b-from-gov-defense-contractors/
9. https://www.cnas.org/
10. https://www.newamerica.org/
11. https://www.newamerica.org/2020-matching-campaign/
12. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2016/02/18/icfi-f18.html
13. https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article166435531/Die-hohlen-Erklaerungen-der-Antifa.html
14. https://aliciagarza.com/
15. https://capitalresearch.org/article/blm-roots/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=ce2d22c6151a6eb9a88549dfb1b361aa61b8decb-1601384582-0-AWrnPV3jDI07_k0PL-N7TBNj_az8p3ptjjtjuTzuXyhh4SYOSdzdmpMKbCRrmwZPHW-zXMIkwCjZJyJOjBhrZ3H1I581bond8XF-TlNqSxn-tyoL_a_BKzE3psT7v25X4qMAfxZNJr6aifamaK8lnUP10xKcJVem42JoUlfw8Ygg0VPmS3HyQzm9vfp6HxPi2jGKj-V6jAyWIKZatn0wTfsgk-vk0wiVKYEXvm6ozRvfiRYCRuSqf8sU_RW8C81ugo78e1iFxgIZREiRv5GNXgNDmDheDb1E6xxn3TSeysxH7LH0OvrqDAObUm3m3e7eBPy2VhT5yEViqfvC2Gil_MkQdAeYLuHlMqxHorNP-6jK
16. https://democracyalliance.org/
17. https://archives.frontpagemag.com/fpm/ferguson-rent-mobs-exposed-matthew-vadum/
18. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/10/is_acorn_behind_violent_unrest_in_ferguson.html
19. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16181/black-lives-matter
20. https://theintercept.com/2020/01/22/bernie-sanders-movement-solidarity/
21. https://theintercept.com/
22. https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/9/30/21492411/tech-billionaires-endorsements-trump-biden
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from 'To a Loch Fyne Fisherman' by Deòrsa Mac Iain Dheòrsa/ George Campbell Hay
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scotianostra · 7 months
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October 3rd 1594 saw the Battle of Glenlivet, George Gordon, Earl of Huntly, defeated a Royalist force under 7th Earl of Argyll.
The Battle of Glenlivet is significant as an example of the ongoing struggles within Scotland between Presbyterians and Catholics, which colours much of Scotland’s history after the Reformation, and the relentless efforts of the kirk to eliminate the Catholic faith from the country. It also highlights the complex nature of the relationships between Catholic and Protestant powers across Europe at this time. It is also significant as the first battle in the Highlands of Scotland where artillery appears to have played a part in the action, and archaeological evidence of this may well survive on the battlefield.
So was it was an all Scottish affair between the Catholic forces of George Gordon, 1st marquess of Huntly, and Frances Hay, 9th earl of Erroll, and the Protestant army of Archibald Campbell, 7th earl of Argyll., loyal to James VI.
Two years before Glenlivet, Huntly´s relationship with the King had been on a good footing, when he received a commission to apprehend James Stewart, the ´bonny´ Earl of Moray, and bring him to trial. However, Huntly was responsible for Moray´s death at Donibristle, in Fife, slashing him across the face with his sword and eliciting, allegedly, these last words from Moray; “Ye hae spoilt a better face than yer ain.”
Two years later, in 1594, Huntly was a ´Catholic rebel´. The perceived danger to Scotland was the distinct possibility of foreign support for the disenfranchised Catholics, through the intervention of Philip II of Spain. The decree of the 12th of November, 1593, by which Catholics were ordered to give up their faith or leave the Scotland, contributed to significant unrest and Huntly refused to comply.
The earls of Argyll and Atholl were commissioned with the Lieutenancy of the North to deal with rebel Catholics such as Huntly. This programme of suppression escalated into a campaign, led by Argyll, against Huntly and other rebel lords and clan allies. The two sides encountered one another on a hillside near Ben Rinnes, where Huntly had laid an ambush for Argyll as he climbed the hill. In the battle Huntly used his horse to great effect in the confined space of a pass and entirely routed Argyll´s troops. The king´s forces were unable to withstand the cavalry lances and were driven off the hill. During that panic-stricken retreat, they are said to have thrown their weapons into a small lochan, which became known as ´The Loch of the Swords´. According to one tradition a weeping Argyll was led from the field.
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1822 Thursday 11 July
4 1/4
Breakfasted very comfortably, and my aunt and I off in the gig on our way to Manchester at 6 1/2 - 3 20/60 hour coming from Shibden here, Old Thame, 13 1/4 miles from Halifax (Cary’s Itinerary 7th Edition 1817 page 759) the roads very heavy and bad in consequence of a very great deal of rain which, they say, has been falling almost incessantly the last 2 or 3 days - we ought to have stopt at the Junction Inn, at the foot of the hill near a mile from here - It looks a comfortable Inn enough, but this has a very shabby appearance, and my aunt says it is quite changed since she was here - the drive for a couple of miles from Rippondon is fine - the rest quiet moor scenery - the brook, or as it is called the river Thame in a shallow stream tumbles over a broken stony bed at the foot of the road most of the way from Rippondon fed by several little trickling currents from the hills above - a few very poor sheep browsing up and down, and running under the little bits of shelter that offered - the clouds very dark - there must have been heavyish rain on or very near the Rochdale road on our right, and also to our left, we were hemmed in on all sides, yet escaped without a drop - 
Manchester 3 1/2 - Got here from Old Thame (11 3/4 miles according to Cary) in exactly 1 3/4 hour - Percy brought us very well - But a stupidish lounge at Old Thame, and got off in 2 hours that we reached here at 1 35/60 by the Manchester clocks - We had scarcely got into the gig before it began to rain a little, and continued more or less till about 3 miles from here - we had the top put up in time and did not get at all wet, tho’ the rain met us almost directly - Oldham seems a mile or 2 long, full of smoke and business, and consisting principally of one long street brick-buil and pretty good - the street and the road all the way a sort of bowlderstone pavement very slippery and bad for horses’ feet the pavement forms a sort of raised chansée in the middle of the road which is fortunately pretty wide, or the numerous heavy coal carts, slow at turning out of the way, would have annoyed us exceedingly - The church made no great appearance - I scarcely noticed the beginning or end of Collyhurst - it seems a sort of plebian suburb to Manchester - we closely followed for the last couple of miles (for the better finding our way here to the Bridgewater arms High Street) the Cornwallis heavy coach from Leeds driving to the Palace Inn which made us come rather quicker latterly than we should otherwise have done - Thick masses of black smoke and long brick chimnies, of which Oldham has a proportionate share, on all sides announce the approach to this mother of the cotton trade - one may also mention the quantity of poplar plantations as a characteristic badge of the place - these trees are planted in great abundance all around the outskirts of the town -
We meant to have walked out before dinner to see the old church, Castlefield, etc but the rain seemed so set in for the afternoon and evening that we have made ourselves comfortable for dinner at 5, and mean to go to bed very early that we may be off at 5 in the morning - We immediately sent for the coach maker Mr Lacy employs, and, at his (Mr Lacy’s) recommendation, are going to have the new front springs on a different principle, which will raise the gig 1 or 1 1/2 inch to which, on the plea of the spring-leathers being likely to last longer and be safer, my aunt at once consented - The hack-horse has carried George very well - for this and for his new riding coat and waistcoat he had to wait last night at Halifax, and did not get back till more than 10 1/2 - ‘Tis now 4 1/4 it rains incessantly, and I am 1/2 asleep - shall do nothing more till dinner and pretty soon afterwards go to bed, having had scarce 3 hours rest last night, nad scarcely more sleep the night before -
Dinner at 5 1/4 - 2 very nice soals, veal-cutlets, potatos, peas, tarts and cheese - we did not leave more than a glass of our pint of port, and then dozed for about an hour till 7 1/4 - then paid our bill etc and went to the coach maker’s (James Campbell’s) to see the gig - It is a good job - “new fore bar and 2 new screwed clips 10/6. to a new pair of carriage springs and fixing on 4 new shackles and 4 new bolts to Ditto and two new eyes to the fore braces 8 inches long each - painting picking out and varnishing the springs and bar 1.7.6″ -
Came upstairs to bed at 8 3/4 - the bill for the horses is hay 3/. corn 2/8 - It seems to have been fair for about the last hour - They have not had much rain lately till today - wrote the last 6 lines - we got the waiter to give us sovreigns for seven of our Rochdale and Halifax notes for which we paid a penny each note - he said there was a bank established in the town for exchanging county notes, and that the bank would charge a penny each - writing a little looking at our accounts, etc etc and did not get into bed till it was on the point of striking 11 -
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neuromancia · 4 years
Ficción Científica
¡Hola a todos!
Acabo de terminar 20.000 leguas de viaje submarino de Jules Verne y me pareció una buena idea dedicarle un post a la ciencia ficción dado que soy un gran consumidor de ella.
Para empezar, el nombre ciencia ficción podría ser una mala traducción del inglés science fiction cuya transliteración más acertada sería ficción científica. Por eso el nombre del post.
Muchos estudiosos de la literatura sitúan el origen de la ficción científica, como lo llamaremos de ahora en adelante, con la publicación de Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo de Mary Shelley, que se escribió durante un período importante para la literatura que recibe el nombre de el año sin verano. La novela de Mary Shelley trata, a grandes rasgos, sobre Víctor Frankenstein: un hombre con profundos interés en entender el origen y fin de la vida (diciéndolo de manera resumida e, incluso, tal vez un poco burda). La novela es entendida como la primera obra moderna de ficción científica porque usa la ciencia o algún evento de carácter científico (como lo es la creación, un poco misteriosa, pues nunca se habla sobre el proceso de creación del monstruo) como el punto de partida del plot.
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/595365/frankenstein-by-mary-shelley/)
A pesar de que la obra de Shelley es situada por muchos autores como la primera obra de ficción científica, es posible encontrar casos interesantes en el folclore de muchos pueblos como en el golem, de la mitología judía o de Ícaro, en la antigua Grecia. Se podría pensar que estos relatos serían los primeros precursores de la ficción científica a nivel cultural, donde se usa las ansias de conocimiento o la fabricación de alguna máquina como parte esencial del relato.
Luego de la publicación de Frankenstein no hubo demasiado revuelo con el género y se podría decir que la ficción científica murió temporalmente hasta la aparición de Jules Verne y H.G. Wells, considerados los padres de la ficción científica (que, por cierto, ya tenía una madre). Las obras de Verne y Wells marcaron un nuevo inicio para el género literario: el primero se enfocó, sobre todo, en aventuras surgidas a partir de hitos científicos imaginarios como la llegada a la luna haciendo uso de un gran cañón en Le Voyage dans la Lune y el segundo hizo su aparición con obras como La máquina del tiempo, la guerra de los mundos (que más adelante causaría caos en un recordado evento radial) y el hombre invisible. Por esta época hubo otros autores que también desarrollaron ideas parecidas (en cuanto a crear una trama que giraba alrededor de alguna acción de carácter científico). Esta época podría considerarse como la de la ficción científica primitiva.
La edad de oro
Tiempo más tarde, por allá en los 30s, surgió lo que llaman la edad de oro de la ficción científica, en la que participaron autores como Isaac Asimov (célebre escritor del género que normalmente se sitúa en el subgénero de hard sci-fi, que personalmente casi no me gusta), Campbell y Arthur C. Clarke (entre cuyas obras se encuentra 2001: una odisea espacial). En esta época autores de la talla de Jorge Luis Borges o C.S. Lewis dedicaban algunas de sus letras al género, lo que contribuyó, en parte, a darle mayor estatus. En esta época la mayoría de los relatos se publicaban en revistas y eran más cuentos que cualquier otra cosa. Con el tiempo, los argumentos evolucionarían un poco y se convertirían en novelas con tramas más complicadas. Durante esta época lo que más se veía en el mercado era hard sci-fi y se origina el space opera, un subgénero que, a grandes rasgos, tiene historias que transcurren durante aventuras en el espacio exterior.
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://unahistoriadelafrontera.blogspot.com/2011/08/la-guerra-de-los-mundos-nadie-hubiera.html)
En esta época también aparecen importantes novelas como Un mundo feliz (por cierto, muy recomendada) y 1984, de Philip K. Dick. Ambas novelas son del tipo distópico, frecuentes en la Inglaterra de aquellos días.
La edad de plata
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-dune-saga-dune-1/9788497596824/906608).
En esta época los relatos suelen ser más largos, en el formato de novela y suelen tener tramas más complicadas. Aparecen autores como Stanislaw Lem (autor de obras como Solaris, recomendada), George Orwell (con su famoso 1984) y Frank Herbert (con novelas como Dune, de mis favoritas). Muchos de los temas que se tratan tienen que ver mucho con la posguerra. Para el momento del surgimiento de la edad de plata no había pasado mucho tiempo desde el final de la segunda guerra mundial, por lo que muchos de los temas que se trataban en esta época tenían similitudes con el momento histórico que vivían los autores. Ejemplo de esto es un hombre en el castillo, de Philip K. Dick, que relata la historia de un hombre en un mundo en el que los aliados no ganaron la guerra, sino los países de la alianza nipo-italo-alemana. Durante esta época aparecen relatos que posteriormente fueron adaptados a la gran pantalla, como La naranja mecánica, de Anthony Burgess.
Saltando un poquito la historia canon, quisiera pasar a la parte que más me interesa: la de los subgéneros. Aunque han tomado forma durante toda la historia de la ficción científica, no es sino hasta el surgimiento del cyberpunk y el postcyberpunk (80s y 90s) donde empiezan a hacerse claras distinciones entre las diferentes subdivisiones del género. A continuación listaré los subgéneros y las características principales que distingo de ellos.
Muchas de las primeras obras de ficción científica podrían ser clasificadas aquí. Se trata de visiones del mundo donde la tecnología es, principalmente, impulsada por máquinas a vapor y primitivas ideas sobre el electromagnetismo y el funcionamiento del sistema nervioso, como el galvanismo. Normalmente este tipo de novelas transcurren en mundos estancados en la época victoriana inglesa y, a diferencia de algunos de los géneros que nombraré después, tiene una visión romántica de la tecnología y las historias son de carácter, en su mayoría, utópicas. Claramente habrá obras que se separarán de estas características o podrán darle otros toques, pero a grandes rasgos son las que acabo de nombrar las que definen el género. Hay obras de carácter audiovisual que pueden ser enmarcadas en este subgénero, como el anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood y su manga o la película de Studio Ghibli Nausicaä del valle del viento. Este subgénero tiene su propia estética, normalmente caracterizada por la presencia de engranajes y prótesis mecánicas.
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://www.netflix.com/co/title/70204981).
Existen sub-sub-géneros dentro del steampunk, pero tocarlos derivaría en una descripción fractal de subgéneros y subgéneros y subgéneros y prefiero evitarlo.
La estética del cyberpunk es ochentera: los primeros atisbos del mundo digital influyeron en los plots de este subgénero, así como la aparición de lámparas de neón y, en general, la presencia de tecnología en todas partes. Este género es uno de los más explorados por contenidos audiovisuales; películas que podrían enmarcarse en este género son: The Matrix, The Terminator, Akira, Altered Carbon (una serie que Netflix estrenó hace un año o dos, basada en el libro del mismo nombre) y animes como Appleseed Ex Machina. Normalmente las obras dentro de este género tratan universos distópicos, de gobiernos autoritarios o de apocalipsis causado por la tecnología. Es frecuente ver el dilema de hombre vs máquina, en el que los personajes se cuestionan el papel de la tecnología en sus vidas. Tiene una gran inspiración en la novela negra y de detectives, por lo que en muchas obras se puede encontrar que el personaje principal intenta resolver un misterio o hace parte del cuerpo policial de alguna ciudad. En estas obras se pierde el optimismo del steampunk y la visión de la realidad se torna un poco más oscura, donde la esperanza por el futuro es poca y la mayoría de las personas se entrega, en muchas ocasiones, a placeres hedonistas facilitados por la tecnología.
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://www.xataka.com/inteligencia-artificial/inteligencia-artificial-matrix-problema-eleccion).
El biopunk surgió en tiempos más recientes y debe su origen, en parte, al desarrollo de la biotecnología y a la aparición de hitos científicos como el proyecto genoma humano. El biopunk guarda similitudes con el cyberpunk en cuanto a que en muchas ocasiones mantiene una visión nihilista del mundo, pesimista, pero que a diferencia de su análogo ochentero, no especula sobre los avances en tecnología digital sino en los avances de biotecnología, sobre todo aquella relacionada con la biología sintética. Muchas de estas obras tratan temas como la eugenesia (como es el caso de Gattaca), poblaciones enteras modificadas genéticamente e, incluso, me atrevería a decir que trata temas relacionados con el bioterrorismo (como es el caso de la saga Resident Evil en sus entregas desde RE 4). Hay algunas películas de culto que también tienen cabida (además de Gattaca, claramente) en este subgénero, como la famosa Jurassic Park o La Mosca. Personalmente, este género me llama mucho al atención porque hay muchos dilemas de carácter éticos interesantes en estas obras. Uno de los problemas, sin embargo, es que no conozco demasiadas obras literarias en este subgénero, sino que suelo verlo más en contenido de carácter audiovisual y, en ocasiones, en algunos cómics.
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://www.amazon.com/Gattaca-Special-Ernest-Borgnine/dp/B0011UF79C)
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://www.filmaffinity.com/es/film282386.html).
Este subgénero consiste en una sociedad estancada en los 30s y 40s. Se trata de una sociedad que desarrolla tecnología avanzada con estética de la segunda guerra mundial y épocas como la gran depresión. Se trata de un subgénero especulativo, tal como el steampunk y el cyberpunk, donde se medita sobre la posiblidad de haber conservado una tecnología basada en el diésel. Muchas de las concepciones estéticas de las obras clasificadas en este subgénero están fundamentadas en las concepciones que las personas de los 30sy 40s tienen del futuro y que se podían encontrar en las revistas de pulp-fiction. Es posible clasificar obras de carácter audiovisual improtantes en este género, como la película Metrópolis.
Como su nombre lo indica, se trata, a grandes rasgos, de una visión de un mundo impulsado por la tencología atómica. Muchas de las obras se encuentran situadas en el marco de la guerra fría y la especulación sobre grandes desastres producto de un apocalipsis nuclear. En ocasiones, las visiones en estas obras pueden ser menos distópicas y tratar plots que comprenden mundos utópicos basados en la energía nuclear. Entre otros temas, también trata del temor en occidente al alza del comunismo y normalmente la estética de estas obras es, como es de esperar, en los años 50s y 60s, época del alunizaje y de grandes cambios sociales de la posguerra.
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(Imagen obtenida de: https://culto.latercera.com/2019/12/06/watchmen-comics-alan-moore/)
En general, los subgéneros steampunk, dieselpunk, algunas obras de cyberpunk que retoman estéticas de los 80s, atompunk y biopunk pueden ser clasificadas en un subgénero más grande dentro de la ficción científica que es conocido como retrofuturismo, que, a grandes rasgos, contempla diversas especulaciones sobre la tecnología en su world-building.
¡Espero hayan disfrutado del post! Uno de mis pasatiempos es escribir y, dado que acababa de terminar la obra que les mencioné al principio y me han dado ganas últimamente de escribir algo de ficción científica, me vi en la obligación de averiguar un poco más sobre el género y este post es producto de ello.
¡Nos vemos pronto!
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goalhofer · 5 years
Every Junior/Professional Peter Budaj Teammate
Toronto St. Michael’s Majors
Keith Delaney (1999-2000)
Ryan Walsh (1999-2001)
Darryl Bootland (1999-2002)
Kenny Corupe (1999-2000)
Mark Popovic (1999-2002)
Matt Ellis (1999-2002)
Adam DeLeeuw (1999-2001)
Matt Bannan (1999-2002)
Jeffrey Doyle (1999-2001)
Chad Woollard (1999-2000)
Chris Minard (1999-2001)
Chris Boucher (1999-2001)
Dave Csumrik (1999-2000)
Michael Gough (1999-2002)
Greg Mizzi (1999-2001)
Lorne Misita (1999-2001)
Brian Simpson (1999-2000)
George Nistas (1999-2000)
Tyler Cook (1999-2002)
Brad Pierce (1999-2000)
Philippe Lakos (1999-2000)
Mike Sellan (1999-2001)
Steve Farquharson (1999-2001)
Michal Kolarik (1999-2000)
Kyle McAllister (3 games 1999)
Dwayne Bateman (1999-2000)
Ryan Delaney (1 game 2000)
Ryan Rasmussen (1 game 2000)
Brent Mulder (2 games 2000)
Rory Glaves 6 games 2000)
Frank Lukes (2000-02)
Tim Brent (2000-02)
Drew Fata (2000-02)
Kevin Klein (2000-02)
Lindsay Plunkett (20 games 2001)
Matt Bacon (2000-02)
T.J. Reynolds (2000-02)
Ryan Robert (2000-02)
Scott Talbot (3 games 2001-02)
Andy Chiodo (2000-02)
Joe Guenther (2001-02)
Scott Heffernan (2001-02)
Darryl Boyce (2001-02)
Ryan Rorabeck (2001-02)
Scott Horvath (2001-02)
Daryl Knowles (2001-02)
Jordan Freeland (2001-02)
Jerrod Smith (2001-02)
Geoff Patton (2001-02)
Steven Rawski (2001-02)
Kyle Spurr (2001-02)
Matthew Seymour (2001-02)
Mike Carlesimo (1 game 2002)
Tyson Gimblett (2001-02)
Hershey Bears
Eric Bertrand (2002-03)
Brian Willsie (2002-03)
Mark Freer (2002-03)
Charlie Stephens (2002-04)
Steve Brule (2002-04)
Brett Clark (2002-05)
Jordan Krestanovich (2002-04)
Cail MacLean (2002-03, 2004-05)
Steve Moore (2002-04)
Bryan Muir (2002-03)
Mikhail Kuleshov (2002-04)
Brent Thompson (2002-03)
Alexander Riazantsev (2002-03)
Riku Hahl (2002-03)
Marek Svatos (2002-03, 2004-05)
Marc Busenburg (2002-04)
Brad Larsen (2002-04)
Bruce Richardson (2002-04)
Travis Brigley (2002-04)
Tim Wedderburn (2002-03)
Vaclav Nedorost (5 games 2003)
Kent Davyduke (14 games 2002-04)
Jeff Paul (2002-03)
Rob Voltera (2002-03)
Agris Saviels (2002-05)
Philippe Sauve (2002-04)
Sylvain Deschatelets (4 games 2003)
Joe Goodenow (2002-03)
Pierre-Luc Emond (4 games 2003)
Nick Bootland (16 games 2003)
Daniel Goneau (3 games 2002)
Adam Edinger (5 games 2002)
John-Michael Liles (5 games 2003)
Michael Henrich (9 games 2003)
Sandro Sbrocca (1 game 2003)
Simon Tremblay (1 game 2002)
Chris Bogas (1 game 2002)
Dylan Gyori (1 game 2002)
Steve Rymsha (2 games 2003)
Brad Wingfield (2 games 2003)
K.C. Timmons (2 games 2003)
Mike Verhaug (2 games 2002)
Sergei Klyazmin (2003-05)
Eric Perrin (2003-05)
Shane Willis (2003-04)
Pascal Trepanier (2003-04)
Gavin Morgan (2003-04)
Sheldon Keefe (2003-04)
Martin Hlinka (2003-05)
D.J. Smith (2003-04)
Ryan Craig (2003-04)
Tomas Slovak (2003-05)
Jeff Finger (2003-05)
David Masse (2003-05)
Dennis Bonvie (2003-05)
Cody McCormick (2003-05)
Chris Bala (2003-05)
Yevgeni Artyukhin; Jr. (2003-04)
Jean-Francois Soucy (12 games 2004)
Darren Rumble (5 games 2004)
Rob Voltera (2003-04)
Dean Arsene (2003-05)
Mark Jerant (2003-04)
Dwayne Hay (4 games 2004)
Jeremy Van Hoof (5 games 2004)
Brian Fahey (12 games 2004)
Nikita Alexeev (14 games 2004)
Martin Cibak (1 game 2004)
Jon Cullen (1 game 2004)
Frantisek Skladany (2004-05)
Judd Medak (5 games 2004)
Lanny Gare (9 games 2004)
Tom Lawson (2003-05)
Mike Amodeo (2004-05)
Greg Barber (2004-05)
Adam Borzecki (2004-05)
Johnny Boychuk (2004-05)
Ed Campbell (2004-05)
Carl Corrazini (2004-05)
Nicolas Corbeil (2004-05)
Mathieu Darche (2004-05)
Jean-Francois David (2004-05)
Trevor Johnson (2004-05)
Evgeni Lazarev (2004-05)
Carl Mallette (2004-05)
Graig Mischler (2004--05)
Nick Naumenko (2004-05)
Josh Olson (2004-05)
Jamie Rivers (2004-05)
Andre Savage (2004-05)
Darrel Scoville (2004-05)
Mike Souza (2004-05)
Ryan Steeves (2004-05)
Jeff Ulmer (2004-05)
Mikko Viitanen (2004-05)
Martin Wilde (2004-05)
Colorado Avalanche
Joe Sakic (2005-09)
Alex Tanguay (2005-06)
Andrew Brunette (2005-08)
Milan Hejduk (2005-11)
Rob Blake (2005-06)
Marek Svatos (2005-10)
John-Michael Liles (2005-11)
Pierre Turgeon (2005-07)
Ian Laperriere (2005-09)
Brett McLean (2005-07)
Joseph Brisebois (2005-07)
Brett Clark (2005-10)
Antti Laaksonen (2005-07)
Steve Konowalchuk (2005-06)
Karlis Skrastins (2005-08)
Dan Hinote (2005-06)
Brad Richardson (2005-08)
Cody McCormick (2005-09)
Bob Boughner (2005-06)
Brad May (2005-07)
Wojciech Wolski (2005-10)
Kurt Sauer (2005-08)
Ossi Vaanaanen (2005-07)
Jim Dowd (18 games 2006)
David Aebischer (2005-06)
Vitali Kolesnik (8 games 2006)
Paul Healy (2 games 2006)
Jose Theodore (2005-08)
Paul Stastny (2006-11)
Tyler Arnason (2006-09)
Ken Klee (2006-07)
Mark Rycroft (2006-07)
Ben Guite (2006-09)
Jordan Leopold (2006-09)
Jeff Finger (2006-08)
Kyle Cumiskey (2006-11)
Scott Parker (2006-08)
George Parros (2 games 2006)
Tyler Weiman (1 game 2008)
Johnny Boychuk (4 games 2008)
Scott Hannan (2007-11)
Ruslan Saliej (2007-10)
Adam Foote (2007-11)
Wyatt Smith (2007-08)
T.J. Hensick (2007-10)
David Jones (2007-11)
Cody McLeod (2007-11)
Ryan Smyth (2007-09)
Peter Forsberg (9 games 2007-08, 2 games 2010)
T.J. Galiardi (2008-11)
Raymond Macias (6 games 2009)
Lawrence Nycholat (5 games 2009)
Derek Peltier (14 games 2008-10)
Andrew Raycroft (2008-09)
Chris Stewart (2008-11)
Daniel Tjarnqvist (2008-09)
Darcy Tucker (2008-10)
Mike Vernace (12 games 2009)
Brian Willsie (2008-10)
Chris Durno (2008-10)
Matt Hendricks (2008-10)
Craig Anderson (2009-11)
Matt Duchene (2009-11)
David Koci (2009-11)
Peter Mueller (15 games 2010)
Ryan O’Reilly (2009-11)
Kevin Porter (2009-11)
Kyle Quincey (2009-11)
Ryan Stoa (2009-11)
Ryan Wilson (2009-11)
Stephane Yelle (11 games 2010)
Brandon Yip (2009-11)
Philippe Dupuis (2009-10)
Shawn Belle (4 games 2011)
Brian Elliott (12 games 2011)
Tomas Fleischmann (2010-11)
Jonas Holos (2010-11)
Matt Hunwick (2010-11)
Erik Johnson (2010-11)
Jay McClement (2010-11)
Ryan O’Byrne (2010-11)
Mark Olver (18 games 2010)
Daniel Winnik (2010-11)
Montreal Canadiens
Mike Blunden (2011-14)
Rene Bourque (2011-14)
Chris Campoli (2011-12)
Erik Cole (2011-13)
Mathieu Darche (2011-12)
David Desharnais (2011-14)
Raphael Diaz (2011-14)
Lars Eller (2011-14)
Alexei Emelin (2011-14)
Brian Gionta (2011-14)
Scott Gomez (2011-12)
Josh Gorges (2011-14)
Tomas Kaberle (2011-13)
Andrei Markov (2011-14)
Travis Moen (2011-14)
Petteri Nokelainen (2011-12)
Max Pacioretty (2011-14)
Tomas Plekanec (2011-14)
Carey Price (2011-14)
Brad Staubitz (19 games 2012)
P.K. Subban (2011-14)
Yannick Weber (2011-13)
Ryan White (2011-14)
Brendan Gallagher (2012-14)
Alex Galchenyuk (2012-14)
Michael Ryder (2012-13)
Brandon Prust (2012-14)
Francis Bouillon (2012-14)
Colby Armstrong (2012-13)
Davis Drewiske (9 games 2013)
Gabriel Dumont (12 games 2012-14)
Jeff Halpern (19 games 2013)
Jarred Tinordi (2012-14)
Nathan Beaulieu (2012-14)
Greg Pateryn (3 games 2013)
Daniel Briere (2013-14)
Thomas Vanek (2013-14)
Michael Bournival (2013-14)
Mike Weaver (2013-14)
Dale Weise (2013-14)
Douglas Murray (2013-14)
George Parros (2013-14)
Joseph St. Pierre (1 game 2014)
Louis Leblanc (8 games 2014)
Joonas Nattinen (1 game 2014)
Christian Thomas (2 games 2014)
Patrick Holland (5 games 2014)
Dustin Tokarski (3 games 2014)
St. John’s IceCaps
Jason Jaffray (19 games 2014-15)
Jerome Samson (19 games 2014-15)
Andrew Gordon (19 games 2014-15)
Kael Mouillierat (19 games 2014-15)
Brenden Kichton (19 games 2014-15)
John Albert (19 games 2014-15)
Carl Klingberg (19 games 2014-15)
Eric O’Dell (19 games 2014-15)
J.C. Lipon (19 games 2014-15)
Kyle MacKinnon (19 games 2014-15)
Will O’Neill (19 games 2014-15)
Adam Lowry (19 games 2014-15)
Patrice Cormier (19 games 2014-15)
Zach Redmond (19 games 2014-15)
Blair Riley (19 games 2014-15)
Ben Chiarot (19 games 2014-15)
Jordan Hill (19 games 2014-15)
Julian Melchiori (19 games 2014-15)
Josh Lunden (19 games 2014-15)
Paul Postma (4 games 2015)
Austen Brassard (19 games 2014-15)
Kris Fredheim (19 games 2014-15)
Travis Ehrhardt (8 games 2015)
Ryan Schnell (19 games 2014-15)
Ian O’Connor (3 games 2014)
Jamie MacQueen (5 games 2015)
Josh Morrissey (8 games 2015)
Tyler Beskorowany (12 games 2014-15)
Michael Hutchinson (19 games 2014-15)
Eddie Pasquale (19 games 2014-15)
Cody Sol (1 game 2015)
Eric Comrie (2 games 2015)
Colton Beck (3 games 2015)
Adam Pardy (3 games 2015)
Jussi Olkinuora (10 games 2015)
Cody Lampl (19 games 2014-15)
Ontario Reign
Sean Backman (2015-16)
Nic Dowd (2015-16)
Michael Mersch (2015-16)
Justin Auger (2015-16)
Vincent LoVerde (2015-16)
Jonny Brodzinski (2015-16)
Adrian Kempe (2015-16)
Kris Newbury (2015-16)
Jordan Samuels-Thomas (2015-16)
Andrew Crescenzi (2015-16)
Kevin Gravel (2015-16)
Jeff Schultz (2015-16)
Kurtis MacDermid (2015-16)
Ryan Horvat (2015-16)
Valentin Zykov (2015-16)
Nick Ebert (2015-16)
Joel Lowry (2015-16)
Derek Forbort (2015-16)
Brett Sutter (2015-16, 2018-19)
Scott Sabourin (2015-16)
Derek Army (12 games 2016)
Zac Leslie (2015-16)
Kevin Raine (2015-16)
Matt Leitner (15 games 2016)
Paul Bissonnette (2015-16)
Christian Ehrhoff (5 games 2016)
Matt Schmalz (3 games 2016)
Jamie McBain (3 games 2016)
Sam Herr (9 games 2016, 2018-19)
Mike Amadio (11 games 2016, 2018-19)
Paul LaDue (3 games 2016)
Kenton Miller (1 game 2016)
Damir Sharipzyanov (1 game 2016)
Maxim Kitsyn (2 games 2016)
Kyle Clifford (2 games 2016)
Ray Emery (3 games 2015)
Derek Arnold (4 games 2015)
Michael Houser (7 games 2016)
Curt Gogol (7 games 2016)
Mason Bergh (2018-19)
Daniel Brickley (2018-19)
Kale Clague (2018-19)
Jamie Devane (2018-19)
Aidan Dudas (2018-19)
Michael Eyssimont (2018-19)
Max Gottlieb (2018-19)
Jacob Ingham (2018-19)
Alex Lintuniemi (2018-19)
Matt Luff (2018-19)
Philippe Maillet (2018-19)
Connor McDonald (2018-19)
Zack Mitchell (2018-19)
Brad Morrison (2018-19)
Matt Moulson (2018-19)
Cal Peterson (2018-19)
Chaz Reddekopp (2018-19)
Sheldon Rempal (2018-19)
Nikita Scherbak (2018-19)
Austin Strand (2018-19)
Craig Wyszomirski (2018-19)
Los Angeles Kings
Anze Kopitar (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Drew Doughty (1 game, 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Milan Lucic (1 game 2016)
Alec Martinez (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Dustin Brown (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Jeff Carter (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Marian Gaborik (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Tanner Pearson (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Tyler Toffoli (1 games 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Kevin Gravel (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Dwight King (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Vincent Lecavalier (1 game 2016)
Trevor Lewis (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Brayden McNabb (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Jake Muzzin (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Jordan Nolan (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Luke Schenn (1 game 2016)
Nick Shore (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Nic Dowd (2016-17)
Derek Forbort (2016-17, 1 game 2018
Kyle Clifford (2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Devin Setoguchi (2016-17)
Jarome Iginla (19 games 2017)
Paul LaDue (2016-17)
Adrian Kempe (2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Tom Gilbert (18 games 2017)
Matt Greene (2016-17)
Andy Andreoff (2016-17)
Teddy Purcell (12 games 2017)
Jonny Brodzinski (6 games 2017)
Jhonas Enroth (1 game 2017)
Jonathan Quick (17 games 2016-17)
Ben Bishop III (7 games 2017)
Jeff Zatkoff (17 games 2016-17)
Jack Campbell (1 game 2017)
Dion Phaneuf (1 game 2018)
Mike Amadio (1 game 2018)
Oscar Fantenberg (1 game 2018)
Derek Forbort (1 game 2018)
Alex Iafallo (1 game 2018)
Ilya Kovalchuk (1 game 2018)
Cal Peterson (1 game 2018)
Nate Thompson (1 game 2018)
Tampa Bay Lightning
Nikita Kucherov (15 games 2016-18)
Victor Hedman (15 games 2016-18)
Jonathan Drouin (7 games 2017)
Ondrej Palat (15 games 2016-18)
Tyler Johnson (15 games 2016-18)
Brayden Point (15 games 2016-18)
Alex Killorn (15 games 2016-18)
Vladislav Namestnikov (7 games 2017)
Anton Stralman (15 games 2016-18)
Steven Stamkos (15 games 2016-18)
Andrej Sustr (15 games 2016-18)
Braydon Coburn (15 games 2016-18)
Jake Dotchin (15 games 2016-18)
Cedric Paquette (15 games 2016-18)
Jason Garrison (7 games 2017)
Yanni Gourde (15 games 2016-18)
J.T. Brown (15 games 2016-18)
Gabriel Dumont (14 games 2017)
Ryan Callahan (15 games 2016-18)
Cory Conacher (15 games 2016-18)
Luke Witkowski (7 games 2017)
Slater Koekkoek (15 games 2016-18)
Adam Erne (15 games 2016-18)
Michael Bournival (15 games 2017)
Joel Vermin (7 games 2017)
Matthew Peca (15 games 2016-18)
Greg McKegg (7 games 2017)
Erik Condra (7 games 2017)
Byron Froese (4 games 2017)
Tanner Richard (3 games 2017)
Andrei Vasilevskiy (2016-18)
Ben Bishop III (7 games 2017)
Kristers Gudlevskis (1 game 2017)
Mikhail Sergachyov (8 games 2017)
Chris Kunitz (8 games 2017)
Daniel Girardi (8 games 2017)
Syracuse Crunch
Mathieu Joseph (2 games 2018)
Carter Verhaeghe (2 games 2018)
Matthew Peca (2 games 2018)
Alexander Volkov (2 games 2018)
Mitchell Stephens (2 games 2018)
Anthony Cirelli (2 games 2018)
Mat Bodie (2 games 2018)
Michael Bournival (2 games 2018)
Kevin Lynch (2 games 2018)
Adam Erne (2 games 2018)
Erik Condra (2 games 2018)
Dominik Masin (2 games 2018)
Jamie McBain (2 games 2018)
Dennis Yan (2 games 2018)
Ben Thomas (2 games 2018)
Gabriel Dumont (2 games 2018)
Olivier Archambeault (2 games 2018)
Erik Cernak (2 games 2018)
Daniel Walcott (2 games 2018)
Cory Conacher (2 games 2018)
Reid McNeill (2 games 2018)
Jonne Tammela (2 games 2018)
Jason Akeson (2 games 2018)
Matthew Spencer (2 games 2018)
Alex Gallant (2 games 2018)
Alexei Lipanov (2 games 2018)
Chris DiDomenico (2 games 2018)
Cal Foote (2 games 2018)
Troy Bourke (2 games 2018)
Brendan Bradley (2 games 2018)
Matt Petgrave (2 games 2018)
Josh Pitt (2 games 2018)
Brandon Marino (2 games 2018)
Ben Wilson (2 games 2018)
Stephen MacAulay (2 games 2018)
Mathieu Brodeur (2 games 2018)
T.J. Melancon (2 games 2018)
Craig Wyszomorski (2 games 2018)
Shane Conacher (2 games 2018)
Connor Ingram (2 games 2018)
OHL All-Stars
Nathan Robinson (2002)
Mike Renzi (2002)
Jason Spezza (2002)
Miguel Desliles (2002)
Mark Popovic (2002)
Erik Reitz (2002)
David Chant (2002)
Team Slovakia
L’ubos Pisar (2001)
Ladislav Gabris (2001)
Tomas Slovak (2001)
Alexander Valentin (2001)
Tomas Starosta (2001, 2008, 2010, 2014)
Tomas Malec (2001-02)
Miroslav Durak (2001)
L’ubos Velebny (2001-02)
Rene Vydareny (2001, 2008, 2014)
Peter Szabo (2001)
Milan Bartovic (2001, 2010, 2014)
Jozef Balej (2001)
Roman Tvrdon (2001)
Lukas Hvila (2001)
Tomas Surovy (2001, 2006, 2014)
Miroslav Kristin (2001-02)
Martin Drotar (2001)
Marcel Hossa (2001, 2006, 2008, 2014)
Tomas Kopecky (2001-02, 2014)
Tomas Skvaridlo (2001)
Milan Dubec (2001)
Peter Hamerlik (2002, 2010)
Stanislav Hudec (2002)
Karol Sloboda (2002)
Peter Fruhauf (2002, 2010)
Radovan Sloboda (2002)
Richard Stehlik (2002)
Milan Jurcina (2002, 2006, 2014)
Peter Gajdos (2002)
Tomas Jasko (2002)
Tomas Oravec (2002)
Ivan Kolozvary (2002)
Marek Svatos (2002, 2006, 2010)
Michal Macho (2002, 2010)
Frantisek Skladany (2002, 2008)
Peter Holecko (2002)
Igor Pohanka (2002)
Michal Kolarik (2002)
Karol Krizan (2006)
Jan Lasak (2006, 2008)
Zdeno Chara (2006, 2014)
Ivan Majesky (2006, 2008, 2010)
Andrej Meszaros (2006, 2014)
Martin Strbak (2006, 2008)
L’ubimir Visnovsky (2006, 2008)
L’ubos Bartecko (2006)
Peter Bondra (2006)
Pavol Demitra (2006)
Marian Gaborik (2006)
Marian Hossa (2006, 2014)
Richard Kapus (2006)
Ronald Petrovicky (2006)
Miroslav Satan (2006, 2010)
Jozef Stumpel (2006)
Richard Zednik (2006)
Ivan Ciernik (2008, 2010)
Peter Fabus (2008)
Dominik Granak (2008, 2010)
Peter Huzevka (2008)
Andrej Kollar (2008)
Juraj Kolnik (2008)
Miroslav Kovacik (2008)
Karol Krizan (2008)
Tibor Melicharek (2008)
Branislav Mezei (2008)
Juraj Mikus (2008)
Robert Petrovicky (2008)
Peter Podradsky (2008)
Andrej Podkonicky (2008, 2010)
Andrej Sekera (2008, 2010, 2014)
Radovan Somik (2008)
Vladimir Dravecky (2010)
Stanislav Gron (2010)
Roman Kukumberg (2010)
Richard Lintner (2010)
Vladimir Mihalek (2010)
Richard Panik (2010, 2014)
Tomas Tatar (2010, 2014)
Marek Zagrapan (2010)
Miroslav Zalesak (2010)
Rastislav Stana (2010)
Ivan Baranka (2014)
Tomas Jurco (2014)
Michal Handzus (2014)
Jaroslav Halak (2014)
Jan Laco (2014)
Martin Marincin (2014)
Tomas Marcinko (2014)
Tomas Zaborsky (2014)
Peter Olvecky (2014)
Michel Miklik (2014)
Branko Radivojevic (2014)
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hollyoaksloversx · 3 years
Teddy Bears, Guns and Plotting...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks 22nd-26th February 2021)
A wrongful arrest, a shooting, a death and a vow to destroy someone’s life. Just another week in Hollyoaks! As the week began, Summer accused Warren of attacking Cormac but, determined to throw her off the scent, Warren invited her to the garage to look at some photos of his childhood, insisting that she would never suspect him afterwards. Summer took one of the photos along to the hospital later, and Cormac took a turn for the worst when she presented the photo to him. Believing that Warren had to have been involved in her Father’s attack, Summer set up a secret camera, which ended up catching Warren, Brody and Felix discussing what they’d done. Armed with the truth, Summer confronted the trio, and they were forced to confess that they’d attacked Cormac. Backed into a corner, Brody felt that Summer should know what Cormac was really like, and Felix explained what he’d put him through as a child. Summer refused to believe Felix’s claims and she was soon distracted by a phone call from Misbah, telling her that there had been a change in Cormac’s condition. 
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It turned out that the change in Cormac’s condition was that he had died and Brody felt so bad that he offered to go to the police. However, he pointed out that, if he did so, Felix and Warren were sure to bring up Cormac’s abuse, and it could be very difficult for Summer to listen to. As a result, she agreed to keep quiet, much to Brody’s relief. With everything now out in the open, Sienna felt that there could be a future for her and Brody and begged him for a second chance. Brody insisted that they were over, but Summer saw the pair together and was left seething with rage. Summer was still angry when she returned to Grace’s and, rather than pick up the closest item to hand to throw across the room in a rage, Summer went into the kitchen and reached up to the highest shelf to throw one of Curtis’ teddy bears. It turns out that her son’s teddy bear is where Grace keeps her gun and it flew onto the floor as the poor teddy was launched across the room. Later that night, Sienna was shot in the village...
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Luckily for Sienna, Summer’s a lousy shot, and she survived the ordeal with only minor injuries. Summer even found herself off the hook as far as the authorities were concerned, as Misbah concluded that Sienna had been caught in the crossfire of the county lines gangs. Sienna, however, wasn’t so sure, and told Warren that she believed that Summer was responsible, and Grace also encouraged her not to drop the matter. Later, Brody and Summer agreed to give a relationship a go. However, it’s all an act, and Summer is plotting to destroy poor Brody’s life!
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Meanwhile, Sally tried to rope John Paul and Courtney into cheating in an inter-school art competition, but the pair were less than keen and made their excuses. However, the pair were caught red-handed when Sally caught them having a boozy lunch with George! John Paul felt guilty when Sally revealed that she had been planning to recommend him for a promotion at a prestigious local school (that’ll be one where they don’t let any Tom, Dick or Harry wander the corridors at their leisure) and agreed to help her out after all. As he tried to paint, he kept getting distracted by George and as he chased him with a paintbrush, George ran head on into a cupboard door. Despite having little more than a bruised nose, George saw fit to head to A&E, where he was treated straight away by Peri, who became suspicious when she overheard George on the phone to John Paul blaming him for the injury. The following morning, John Paul was rattled as he tried to complete his job application and ended up snapping at George. Meanwhile, suspecting that George was being abused by John Paul, Peri shared her worries with Courtney, who in turn, voiced her concerns to Sally. John Paul was furious when he realised what had happened and confronted Peri and Courtney, who insisted that they were only acting out of concern. Once the dust had settled, John Paul felt bad about his outburst and went to apologise, only to be approached by DS Cohen and arrested for assault, Peri having reported him. 
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In other news this week, Romeo and Cher fell out when he told Mercedes and Sylver that she’d taken the pub’s credit card on a shopping spree, whilst Ste found out that Sid was still working for Victor. Grace found a lump in her breast, then tried to kiss Romeo, but he found himself developing feelings for someone else. It was a difficult week for Darren and Nancy when they discovered that Oscar was being bullied at school because of Charlie. However, worse was yet to come when Charlie was beaten up in prison. Finally, Ollie was hurt when he was passed over for a job at ‘Burger she Wrote’ in favour of Sid. 
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This Week’s Cast:
Cher, Cormac, Courtney, Darren, Diane, DS Cohen, Felix, George, Grace, Jack, John Paul, Marnie, Martine, Mercedes, Misbah, Nancy, Oliver, Peri, Romeo, Sally, Sid, Senna, Ste, Summer, Sylver, Tony and Warren. 
Blasts From The Past:
Ben Bradley, Lily Drinkwell, Robbie Roscoe, Trevor Royle, Buster Smith, Stuart Sumner.
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