#george in the second: experienced some shit; hasn’t seen light in a week; will not hesitate to cut you down with his baseball bat
hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 19
"Alex's teacher called and told us a few things, but we're not so convinced that its all true. Maybe you can help clear things up," Martha began.
John nodded. "Of course. Anything."
"Well, first is the issue of Alexander's rat."
"Of course. His name is Pip and Alexander got him from a friend a few months back. He only kept him secret because he was afraid you guys wouldn't have let him keep him. He's devastated about his death."
"Okay.. And for some reason, the teacher who called was under the impression that Lafayette killed him?.. He said he got this information from Thomas Jefferson."
John scoffed. "Martha, you know Laf. This wasn't him. It may have been his cat, but not on purpose. And Thomas Jefferson is a bully and a liar."
"I figured as much," George nodded. "For some reason, your teacher got the notion that they were friends."
"Far from it. Jefferson has been picking on Alexander since he moved there."
"I see. It's a real shame about what happened this morning. Alex was finally getting along well with Laf. This is the best I've seen him." Martha sighed. "He really seems to be opening up with you, which is a surprise after what happened a few schools ago.. Has he told you about Charles Lee?"
John shook his head.
"Alexander made it to about a week there. We were convinced he'd finally started to settle. He'd made a few friends and Charles seemed to be his closest, but... Well, Alexander told Charles he was bisexual, and Charles practically destroyed him for it."
George nodded. "I'm sincerely glad those days are over."
John frowned. "You guys know I'd never dream of hurting him."
"Of course you wouldn't. I know you well enough."
"We both do. He's lucky to have you." George smiled, then turned towards the stairs as he heard the light pat of Alexander's feet. "That boy just can't sit still," he chuckled, though his worries peaked as Alexander's hand appeared on the rail of the stairs. He got up and made his way to the base of the staircase. "Alexander. Bed."
"I want John," he whined.
"You're not well. I'll send him up for you."
Alexander grumbled and went back to bed.
George sighed and went back to the others, putting a hand on John's shoulder. "You've been summoned."
John smiled and got up, going upstairs and beating Alexander to the door. "I'm here, baby, don't worry." He scooped Alexander up and carried him back to bed, laying down with him.
Alexander took no coaxing to cling to John, burying his face in his chest again and holding him with a vice grip as he had the night before.
"It sucks that you can't come with me to see my siblings. I'm sure they'd love you." He kissed the top of his head."
"George can take you to see them. You don't have to be stuck with me all day."
"I can walk." He checked the time. "I'll leave in a few minutes so I can be there by lunchtime, okay?"
Alexander nodded. "Why weren't you there earlier?.. Your backpack is full."
"I went to see my mom.. Kind of.."
"What do you mean?.."
John held him a bit closer. "When we first moved here, it was because my dad wanted to run for congress and when he got elected in, some other congressmen found out that we moved here right after she died and wanted to do something special... I suggested planting a tree in her name and I visit it every year..."
Alexander frowned. John was too nice to have gone through so much shit in his life. "I'm sorry.."
"It's okay.. I just miss her.."
"I know.."
"Can I say something crazy?.."
John took a deep breath. "When I was there, I got a feeling that something bad was happening and it made me leave. Minutes later, I got Maria's text. I think my mom told me that you needed me.."
"That's not crazy. It's okay." He looked up at John and wiped his tears, then cupped his cheek. "You know.. You're beautiful.." He leaned up and kissed him, a privilege he never thought he would get again. The kiss was short, but it left Alexander as out of breath as running a marathon thanks to his sickness. "Even now, you take my breath away," he joked, then looked back up at John. "I took my medicine..."
"And I will give you a kiss for it when you're feeling better." He smiled and kissed his nose.
Alexander smiled. "Alright.. Maria seemed nice. She was cool. When Thomas hugged me, she was quick to save me."
"That sounds like her. She had boy trouble soon before me and helped me out when Thomas took advantage of me. She kind of put off the whole thing that ended us by calling me to babysit for her."
"I wish I had been there for you.." Thomas may have been a jerk to Alexander, but at least he hasn't had to deal with him doing anything alone with him.
"The past is the past.." He kissed his forehead. "I should go.."
Alexander kept himself from frowning, sitting up behind John and hugging him. "You'd better tell them I said happy birthday.."
"I will, don't worry." He grabbed his hands and kissed them, then tucked him back into bed and grabbed his bag before leaving.
Alexander stayed for maybe another hour before deciding to go back to his own room. When he did, he found Rosie sitting just outside of his door, licking her paw. She must've known Pip was still in there. "Stupid cat.." He picked her up by the scruff of her neck and put her back in Laf's room, shutting the door. Had she been a person, he would've been more angry, but she was just a kitten.
Once he opened his door, he took a deep breath, then went to look at Pip. He found him just as Laf left him, wrapped in a towel in his cage, carefully, not cruelly. He bit his tongue and carefully unwrapped him, feeling sick at the state he was in. Teeth marks on his head and claw marks sunk into his abdomen... Pip never hurt a soul, he must've been so scared.
He couldn't stand to see him after a while. He asked George to take good care of him and he promised to do so, telling him he'd bury him right beside his turtle. 
"Terrapin.." Alexander muttered as they left, staring at Pip's empty cage for a minute. He covered it just as he had when it was hidden and put it back against the edge of the bed. He decided to distract himself for a while, firing up his Xbox and taking out his anger on the streets of LA in GTA. At least it helped kill time until Lafayette got home after school.
Except Lafayette wasn't going home right after school. "I have drama practice," he reminded Herc as he asked why he wasn't walking out of the school. As stressful as the day had been for him, he had something to take care of. He stopped outside of the drama room before Herc could look inside and see Thomas Jefferson and kissed him goodbye. "I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and watched Herc leave, then went into the room, sitting as far away as he could from Thomas.
He didn't even notice him at first. Having a free period last hour, he was already in the drama room, listening to music and taking notes in his notebook. When he did notice Lafayette, he looked over at him and grinned. "Poor Lexi was in pieces this morning, Laf."
Lafayette ignored him and got some homework done before Eacker came clambering in with a few boxes of scripts.
"Sorry I'm late. Lots of work to take care of," he sighed before looking over the titles on each box. "We have a few options here, Romeo and Juliet, Be More Chill, or Heath-"
"Be More Chill." A few classmates looked back at him as Thomas interrupted the teacher, but he didn't seem to care. "I want to be the SQUIP."
Eacker didn't seem to mind. He smiled back at him. "I take it you're familiar with the musical?"
He nodded. "Romeo and Juliet has been done a billion times. Besides," he glanced deviously at Lafayette. "Sometimes its fun to play the villain."
Lafayette ignored him and raised his hand. "Call me old-fashioned, but I think we should all actually hear all of our options and vote on it as a class before doing anything. And there are also auditions to think of. It wouldn't be fair if he got a role just because he called it and suggested the play."
Eacker nodded. "Well said, Lafayette."
Thomas shot him a glare.
The class voted and chose Heathers, then Eacker took down names for auditions later that week. It was no surprise that Lafayette was interested in playing Veronica, he may not have known much about the musical, but he knew she was the main protagonist. It did come as a surprise to see that Thomas Jefferson wanted to play Heather Chandler, as well as Jason Dean. Once they had that sorted out, Eacker handed out the scripts and paired everyone up to read through some lines together. Of course, and unfortunately, Lafayette got paired with Jefferson.
As soon as Eacker had his back turned, Jefferson slipped back into a devious grin. "You know Heathers, don't you? The plot?" It was as if he could see through Lafayette and knew that he hadn't. "Because if I get to play JD, you and Herc are finished." He flipped to about the middle of the script and hummed some of Lafayette's lines. "Sorry, but I really had to wake yoooou, see, I decided I must ride you til I break yoooou. Heather says I gots to go, you're my last meal on death row, shut your mouth and lose those tiiiighty whiiiities~."
Lafayette shuddered, but hid his discomfort. It was just acting.
Thomas seemed to be happy to be in a position of making him squirm like that again.
After a while, Eacker clapped his hands to gather everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone, it seems like we're in for a great show this year. Now, let's test your stage presence. And I think we should begin with the most experienced. Thomas, Lafayette, care to start us off?"
"With pleasure." Thomas strode towards the stage as everyone moved from the drama classroom right on the other side of it to the auditorium, Lafayette reluctantly following.
"Let's see here.. Why don't you two take it from Blue?"
Thomas found himself laughing a bit, brushing it off as the music started. "...heeeeeey 'Roooonicaaaaaa~" he hummed enthusiastically.
Lafayette scrunched up his nose. Acting disgusted by Jefferson was second nature by now. "Ew, you've got a left hand. Use it."
"Don't talk mean like that! You'll hurt their feeelinnnngggsssss...~" Thomas took creative liberty as to spin around and lean up against Lafayette, his arm draped across his forehead feigning heartbreak. It elicited a few giggles from the girls in the class. "You make my balls so bluuuue, you hurt them badly..." Thomas seemed to enjoy pestering Lafayette, poking him and wrapping his arm around him before he escaped, chasing him around the stage as Lafayette did his best to escape his every move.
About a minute or so in, Eacker cut them off and let them hop off stage, the class applauding their performance. As much as they hated to admit it, they worked well together.
"Please make their dreams come truuuue." Thomas smirked, whispering to Lafayette as they took their seats. "Or Lex will make these balls not blue~."
Lafayette gritted his teeth and stomped on Jefferson's foot, careful to not let anyone see.
Thomas winced, taking a deep breath through his nose. Lafayette was bothered. That's all that really mattered to him. "Is that how you killed the rat, too? Jeez..."
Lafayette ignored him and moved to a seat farther away, escaping him for the rest of rehearsal.
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