#german fanfiction
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Wenn sich Schatten zu Dunkelheit wandeln
Kapitel 1 : Ein neuer Anfang
English version
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Der Nebel in den Gassen Londons hatte sich noch nicht verzogen und griff nach Luscinias Knöcheln, als sie aus der Kutsche stieg. Während der Kutscher sich um ihr Gepäck bemühte – einen großen Koffer aus dunklem Leder und zu seinem erneuten Erstaunen einen verzierten Besen – schaute sie sich in der Gasse um. In verschiedenen Tönen des selben Graus reihten sich die einzelnen Häuser aneinander und schienen sich gegenseitig zu stützen. Ihre Augen huschten zu dem hölzernen Schild, welches das Gebäude direkt vor ihr als Pub kennzeichnete und ihre Lippen pressten sich zu einer harten Linie zusammen. „Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie hier aussteigen wollen, Miss? Ein junges Fräulein allein in dieser Gegend“, er sah sich unsicher um, das Schild und der darunter befindliche Pub vor seinen Augen verborgen, „das zieht Ärger an, merken Sie sich meine Worte!“ Luscinia schenkte dem Kutsche ein höfliches Lächeln und schüttelte den Kopf: „Ich werde erwartet, Sir, machen Sie sich keine Gedanken.“ „Erwartet von wem?“, brummte er mürrisch, während er den Koffer vor ihre Füße stellte und seinen Lohn entgegennahm. Seine Augen weiteten sich und wäre Luscinia nicht gerade damit beschäftigt gewesen ihren Besen um ihren Körper zu schnallen, hätte er ihre Hand ergriffen und kräftig geschüttelt. „So eine feine Misses, ein wahrer kleiner Engel.“ Unangenehm berührt, ergriff die Angesprochene auf das Eiligste ihr restliches Gepäck und stemmte sich gegen die Tür des Pubs. Der „tropfende Kessel“ war um diese Uhrzeit leer. Der Wirt putzte hinter der Theke die Gläser für den Abend, wenn der Schankraum mit Hexen und Zauberern gefüllt sein würde,ein älterer Mann saß vor ihm, den Blick in seine Zeitung vertieft. „Ich suche nach einem Professor Eleazar Fig.“ Luscinia trat näher an die Theke heran und ignorierte den neugierigen Blick des Wirtes, der über ihre Kleidung schnellte und vor Interesse zu glühen begann, als er ihren fremdländischen Akzent vernahm. Bevor jedoch eine Antwort über seine Lippen stolpern konnte, hatte der ältere Mann seine Aufmerksamkeit von der Zeitung erhoben und ihr zugewandt. „Das bin dann wohl ich.“ In seinen braunen Augen blitzte eine warmer Funke auf, als er die Hand des jungen Fräuleins ergriff und sie schüttelte. Kurz schweifte sein Blick über den Eingang des Pubs und die Furchen auf seiner Stirn vertieften sich. „Hat man Ihnen keine Begleitung für die Reise mit an die Hand gegeben?“ „Meine Familie war der festen Ansicht, dass eine junge Dame sich mit siebzehn Jahren bereits allein zurecht zu finden weiß.“ „Nun, auch wir Professoren halten die Schüler unserer Schule zur Selbstständigkeit an, immerhin bereiten wir sie als letzte akademische Instanz auf ihr zukünftiges Leben vor.“ Er ergriff ihren Koffer und bedeutete ihr, ihm zu folgen. „Und doch scheint es mir wichtig ein gewisses Maß an Anleitung und Fürsorge zu gewährleisten. Auch für die älteren Schüler, die von dem Gesetz bereits als Erwachsene anerkannt werden.“
Sie waren in den Hinterhof des Pubs getreten, ein schmales Rechteck, in dem der Müll abgeladen wurde, der Boden fast so grau wie der Stein der Mauer, die ihm umschloss. „Zählen Sie“, mit einem freundlichen Lächeln deutete der Professor auf eine der Aschetonnen, in die eine kleine Rune geritzt worden war, „drei nach oben und zwei zur Seite.“ Kurz zögernd tat Luscinia wie ihr geheißen und schaute den Professor fragend an, als die Kuppe ihres Zeigefingers auf einem bestimmten Backstein verharrte. „Nun dreimal mit dem Zauberstab dagegen klopfen.“ Ihr Blick huschte vom Professor zu dem Stein und wieder zurück, bevor sie in der Innentasche ihrer Jacke nach dem Zauberstab griff. Er war schlicht, aus Erlenholz geschnitzt, welches eine Drachenherzfaser ummantelte. Ihre Hand fest um den Griff des selben Holzes gewunden, tippte Luscinia gegen den Stein, auf dem ihr Finger noch vor einem Moment verweilt hatte. Rüttelnd und knirschend öffnete sich ein kleiner Spalt in der Mauer, der immer breiter wurde. Die einzelnen Backsteine begannen sich neu zu ordnen, schabten entlang einander, bis sich ein Torbogen vor Luscinia und dem Professor öffnete. „Und nun wissen Sie, wie man von London aus in die Winkelgasse gelangt.“ ...
Lies das gesamte Kapitel hier :
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EVENT: Fanfic - einfach deutsch
Event-Einladung „Fanfic – einfach deutsch!“ Hallo liebe Freunde der deutschen Sprache. Einige haben es schon mitbekommen, dass wir eine Event-Woche für deutsche Fanfiction starten möchten. Wie wäre es, wenn wir unserer schönen Sprache wieder etwas mehr Raum verleihen?
Es ist ein Versuch und ganz einfach – na los, mach mit!
Post Zeitraum: 26. Juni – 02. Juli 2023 Themen: Sommer, Urlaub, Job-Wechsel, Liebe, Flirt, Abenteuer, Überraschung & was dir sonst noch zum Thema Sommer einfällt. Wir sind gespannt.
Länge: keine Vorgabe (von Drabble bis Roman ist alles erlaubt - auch Übersetzungen oder Podfics)
Rating: alles erlaubt (Wichtig: taggt eure Storys vernünftig)
Posting: bitte in Collection "Fanfic einfach deutsch" auf AO3 - selbstverständlich kann auch auf anderen Plattformen veröffentlicht werden! Achtung: Die Posts werden nicht moderiert d.h. nicht freigeschaltet. Was gepostet wird, geht direkt raus. Die Collection bleibt auch nach der Event-Woche noch offen. Also, kein Stress, falls dir diese Zeit zu knapp wird. Wir freuen uns auch über spätere Beiträge! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Fanfic_einfach_deutsch/profile
Jedes Level, Fandom, Thema, und sprachliches Können sind willkommen.
Wenn du Fragen hast, sende uns eine Nachricht – wir helfen gerne weiter! rahchan & annaofthenorthernlights
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I'm writing again, thanks to some lovely and touching comment on my AO3 Account. Perhaps that comment was just something I needed. Even writing for a very small fandom can be very satisfying. Okay, perhaps not so small anymore😂💙❤️🙏😌.
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christynotawitch · 3 months
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2018 Wattpad Style Cover for Halloween Time Travel by MarcEvans
Making some Covers for Fanfictions that don't have any for my e-book-reader. Am slowly relearning this editing style lol, it aint good. Will probably rework this down the road xD
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sweetiecutie · 6 months
König, who is so pathetically, so sickly and desperately in love with you. He just can’t help his mind from wandering - daydreaming about how that would feel to finally be with you. Where he’d take you out for your dates, all the princess treatment he’d give you, all the love and adoration he’d pour onto you.
König, who spends hours picking out porn to watch, his dick simply does not harden if actress’ body type or face features don’t resemble yours >;( and despite all his efforts he still ends up fisting his throbbing dick to the images of you behind his eyelids - standing on your knees for him, mouth open wide and awaiting his needy length to lay on your tongue; or you sprawled out on his bed, all flushed and ready to take him inside that fluttering pussy of yours. Oh, how hard those little fantasies make him nut, pearly cum spurting out his cock in thick ropes, reaching to his tummy and chest.
But König doesn’t stop, overstimulating himself beyond all beliefs, until his tip turns an angry shade of red, until his hips stutter and tears swell up in his eyes.
You will be his, sooner or later, König will make sure of that<3
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breaddo · 1 year
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onehalfshrimp · 2 years
Petals - Kapitel 2
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Hätten beide die Fähigkeit besessen in den Kopf des Anderen zu schauen, so würden Elenora und Eddie vermutlich ein wenig mehr Verständnis für einander haben.
Doch so wie die Nerven beider bis zum Limit strapaziert waren, Elenora ihre finanzielle Krise dauernd im Hinterkopf behielt und Eddie sich nicht damit abfinden konnte, dass sein Van das Zeitliche gesegnet hatte.
Da schien ihnen nur einzufallen ihre schlechte Laune aneinander auszulassen.
Nora stutzte die Lippen und ging dem jungen Mann ein paar Schritte nach.
Dieser hatte sich mit finsterer Miene abrupt von ihr gewandt und stapfte zu seinem gestrandeten Automobil.
Sich gut entertained gefühlt verschränkte sie die Arme zufrieden vor der Brust, amüsiert sah sie mit an wie Eddie krampfhaft versuchte alleine das Tonnengefährt zu stemmen.
Vermutlich spielte er mit den Gedanken er könnte seinen Van einfach so die Auffahrt hinaufschieben, bis vor den Anhänger in dem er und sein Onkel wohnten.
Ungläubig schüttelte sie den Kopf und verkniff sich ein Lachen.
Erst hatte er beide Hände gegen die Rückseite des Vans gedrückt, um dann kurz darauf sich daran zu erinnern, dass die Bremse noch gar nicht gelöst wurde.
Somit umrundete er einmal ganz das Fahrzeug und drückte sein Körpergewicht erneut gegen dessen Rückseite, erneut ohne jeglichen Erfolg.
Schließlich konnte Elenora sich nicht mehr zurückhalten und prustete kurz auf, dann presste sie sich zurücknehmend die Hand vor den Mund und räusperte sich.
Keine Sekunden später lief Eddie mit entrüsteter Miene auf sie zu und zürnte „Irgendwas stimmt mit dir doch nicht!“, er funkelte ihr verärgert entgegen.
Das kam gerade von ihm, flog es ihm kurz durch den Kopf. Doch bereits seit gestern Abend hatte er so mächtig die Schnauze voll.
Da konnte er die Provokationen von ihr gar nicht gebrauchen.
Er wusste nicht viel über Nora, nur, von dem was er mitbekommen hatte war sie wohl eher unauffällig in der Schule gewesen.
Dann musste sie wohl ein Doppelleben führen, dachte er. In der Schule kein Ärger machen, dafür außerhalb penetrant bis zum Abschießen.
Äußerlich hatte er sie eher zu den Außenseitern zugeteilt und nicht zu den Personen, welche sich lauthals über andere Lustig machen.
Mit ihren bunt gefärbten Haare stach sie aus der Menge heraus wie wenige, wenige wie er und sein Club.
Stark war er davon ausgegangen, dass sie von den anderen Mitschülern mindestens halb so schlecht behandelt wurde, wie sie mit ihm umgingen.
Doch da schien er sich wohl geirrt zu haben, wie sie sich in den letzten Minuten verhalten hatte erinnerte sie ihn mehr an Jason Carver mit seinem Fußvolk. Oder auch Billy Hargrove, welcher vor einem Jahr an ihre Schule gekommen war und das erste was er tat war mächtig mit seinem ''tollen'' Auto anzugeben.
Eddie musste zugeben es war ein schönes Auto, doch es dauerte nicht lange und es stellte sich heraus was ein riesiges Arschloch Billy eigentlich ist.
Erleichtert war er darüber, dass dieser nun endlich seinen Abschluss gemacht hatte und keine Schüler mehr peinigen konnte. (A/N:Dafür Kinder im Freibad und sich die Mütter Hawkins klären)
Eine andere Sache die ihm nicht entgangen war, dass Elenora ebenfalls unglaublich schlecht in beinahe allen Fächern war, wie sie in Sport war wusste er nicht, dieser Unterricht fand so gut wie immer getrennt statt.
Interessieren tat es ihn auch nicht wirklich.
Doch im Gegenteil zu ihm hatte sie es tatsächlich geschafft, sich erfolgreich am Schluss durch zu schlagen und ihrAbschluss Diplom in der Hand zu halten.
Womöglich war ihr diese Erfahrung zu Kopf gestiegen und sie hielt sich schlicht und einfach für etwas besseres.
„Kann sein“, entgegnete Nora schnippisch und biss sich auf die Unterlippe.
„Wieder eine ach so schlaue Antwort von dir.“, schnaubte Eddie „Oh allwissende Elenora, wenn Sie sich so sehr daran ergötzen mir, Eddie dem Freak, dabei zuzuschauen wie er seine Schrottkarre nicht von der Auffahrt bekommt. Oh erleuchte mich mit Eurer unendlichen Weisheit!“
Nach seinem dramatischen Wutausbruch sah Nora ihn ein wenig schräg an und biss sich auf die Zunge.
Tatsächlich hätte sie eine einfache Lösung zu seinem Problem, doch sie bezweifelte, dass Jim Hopper eine Ausnahme machte und El ihre Fähigkeiten öffentlich einsetzen durfte. Nur um den Van des Schuldealers aus dem Weg zu schieben.
Die Vorstellung war jedoch ganz gut.
„Auf jeden Fall nicht so wie du es vorhin probiert hast. Außer du bist insgeheim doch Clark Kent.“
Sie war überhaupt nicht lustig, weder hatte er kurze Haare, noch trug er ab und an eine Brille.
Er schüttelte den Kopf und grummelte „Du spinnst echt.“
„Wie gesagt, kann sein. Aber dann bist du immerhin nicht mehr der einzige Freak, Munson.“, jetzt verglich sie sich auch noch mit ihm selbst.
Dabei dachte er, noch mehr aufregen konnte er sich heute nicht.
Die Wut die jetzt in ihm aufkam saß tief und erzeugte ein unangenehm kochendes Gefühl in seiner Brust.
„Das entspricht aber nicht ganz der Wahrheit.“, gab er mir etwas ruhigerer Stimme von sich.
Eddie blieb ein paar Schritte vor ihr stehen und musterte ihr Gesicht „Mit meinen Freunden oder gar mir selber würde ich dich nicht vergleichen.“, er stemmte seinen rechten Zeigefinger mit leicht hinterlegter Gewalt gegen den oberen Teil ihres Brustbeins und zischte nun „du ähnelst viel mehr all den anderen hochnäsigen und überheblichen Tussis in Hawkins. Du weißt schon, die welche Leute wie mich oder meine Freunde, die sogenannten Freaks fertigmachen.“
Dann nahm er eine ihrer lila Strähnen zwischen zwei seiner Finger und fuhr fort „Nur weil du äußerlich ein wenig anders aussiehst, macht es dich nicht gleich zu etwas besonderen. Du bist eine von den penetranten und unauststehlichen Tussen, nur mit gefärbten Haaren.“
Sie sah ihm wortkarg nach, das kam unerwartet.
Sie hatte nicht damit gerechnet, dass er so explodieren würde.
Ganz abstreiten konnte sie es jedoch nicht, dass sie es verdient hatte.
Eddie schmiss die Tür seines Vans mit einem lauten Rumms zu, über seine Schulter hatte er allerlei Zeug geschnallt, darunter auch eine Gitarre, eine riesige Tasche und einen Schlafsack welcher über den Boden schliff. Da er kein zweites mal zwischen seinem Wohnanhänger und dem liegengebliebenen Wagen hin und her latschen wollte.
Darum bepackte er seine Arme mit so viel Zeug was er später noch benötigte, wie er nur konnte.
Der ging er fürs Erste aus dem Weg.
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ato-dato · 8 months
Spent an hour of my day just sitting together with my sisters and my mum showing each other gomens edits. Both sad ones and thirst traps. Family bonding time.
My mum also has fanart of aziracrow kissing on her phone home screen. And today she said sometimes she just stares at it longingly. Shes in her 3rd rewatch of s2 as well.
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prospectivereality · 3 months
Burning desire | SV5
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your complex relationship with Sebastian, your co-worker, reaches its climax during that one infamous night in cold Milan. Is it better speak or to die? Well, when you are both jealous stubborn maybe the way is to show
words: 4.9k, warnings: slight mentions of alcohol overuse, minor angst, mature (!) sexual content
Milan, late winter of 2019
Your breath hitched in your chest. You would have been lying if you said you weren't anxious. It seemed like just another day at work, but you felt like something was eventually going to happen. How could it? After all, it was just another season and just another gala di apertura with guests, sponsors and staff. It happened every year and you were part of it. Yet, you couldn't identify the reason why you felt different in that case.
The taxi driver just said you had arrived. Looking out the window, you checked out the surroundings where the event occurred. The tall, chic and historic building with luminous lights on the walls looked welcoming. It contrasted the city itself, full of graffiti, crumbling townhouses and streets. Such gems hidden in this city were not uncommon, and you allowed yourself a few seconds of silent praise for the Ferrari’s choice before leaving the car and paying.
A long, silky red gown hit the carpet, which was prepared for the guests, as you took your first step. Goosebumps immediately showed on your skin the moment the chilly wind enveloped your whole body. Your entire back was exposed in that dress, you could have been prepared and taken a jacket. For the sake of a ”flawless look,” you had resigned. After slightly fixing the dress by hand, you headed towards the door passing the assistants in suits waiting outside with a faint smile.
This was the time to put your charm on.
The inside was already boiling. The excited bustle and warm laughter filled the spacious red-decorated hall. Dimmed lights added intimacy and elegance to the décor, while an orchestra hidden somewhere in the corners played Italian classical music. Ferrari events were, well, to say at least pleasant in terms of the atmosphere and venues. They always had an Italian touch framed by timeless elegance. Sometimes you even regretted being here because you worked there. Those nights would have been so much easier as the wife of a millionaire posing for photographs by his side.
You began to pass shy but elegant smiles to every single guest who locked their eyes on you. With the long dress and perfectly styled hair, you could simply blend into the sea of guests. A person who did not work with you every day would not be able to distinguish you from a worker or potential investor. Some men seemed to keep their gaze on you for a little too long time to be considered appropriate, which you found amusing. However, unveiling the whole truth and speaking frankly - you were bored. You were extremely bored with those events and you have discovered in recent months a rather risky but effective way for passing the time. Little innocent talks with gentlemen. They were always pleasing and showering compliments. You heard a lot of stories about their miserable love life, cheating wives or unfaithful girlfriends. To some extent, you had a lot of fun listening to their monologues but part of you was telling you ”they think that you can be a perfect replacement and distraction”.
But now, you headed your steps to the waiter holding the champagne tray and took one glass, just to create an aura of warmer appearance. In darker corners of the room, you always drank with lustful sips this light liquid and swapped glasses with waiters in a discreet way. You couldn’t let yourself to be actually seen drinking champagne by your boss. However, it was encouraged to just hold it in order to make the whole event more social and less resembling a big sponsorship hunt. It soon turned out that coping with all your evening positives or nightmares was impossible for you without getting intoxicated. This made you start to suspect that someone must know your little secret, and you honestly didn't know which of your two secrets would be more awful if they went out.
You barely had time to notice that some gentleman in the near distance of two meters seemed to approach you. Smiles that you were giving out to other guests in the recent minutes were apparently encouraging him to do so. Trying to remain your mask and give him as natural appearance as possible you moved your gaze at him and welcomed by passing your hand and offering your name.
”Is my pleasure to meet you. My name is Niccolo” the man bowed slightly with respect and squeezed your hand with grace. A soft smile danced on his lips. In his words, you couldn’t sense a single note of an Italian accent in his perfect English.
He looked rather old money in his dark grey suit and perfectly plain shirt. Some expensive watch shined on his wrist and a tiny gold brooch sparkled on his suit. You quickly noticed how his sharp jaw and nose enveloped his face giving a masculine appearance. His sparkly dark eyes were looking at you quite empathetically. It was not difficult to observe that his dark bushy hair was also arranged impeccably. He was probably in his late 20s. You would be lying if you said he didn't look handsome. Elegance was beaming from him and he was undoubtedly a resemblance of every woman’s dream.
”I bet you are representing ferrari tonight? Looking at your dress” he said halfway letting out a soft chuckle.
You laughed politely at his notice.
”Actually I am. Does my covered inspection of guests give everything out?”
”Mh.. I would rather say it was the way you move around the place. With confidence and grace. Seems like you are in your element”
His words were genuinely astonishing to you. But you knew you couldn’t fall for intelligent banter.
”If I may ask to get to know about you a little more. Are the finances or something else close to your profession at ferrari?” He asked locking dark eyes on you and taking a sip of champagne.
”None of it. I don’t actually know why they insisted me on going here. I work for scuderia ferrari”
”Woman in motorsport? That is very impressive to see” He admitted
Throughout the conversation, he seemed highly professional and did not seem to ask you about any details. You were in a way surprised by the respect he paid to you by showing how equal he treated you.
It was still the bare minimum.
”I would love to learn something about you too,” you said pretending to be truly interested in conversation ”What is your purpose for tonight?”
He changed his look to a more serious yet excited one, looking as if he had been waiting for such a question.
”My family company has been working closely with ferrari for the past few months in terms of marketing. We are delighted to have this manufacturer as our client. We know that Italians see the Ferrari as the sacred thing for their culture”
”You are not Italian?” you said with a confused mimic on your face before you had time to think about it.
”Well, technically I am” he laughed seeming amused by your reaction ”but we are based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is our hometown”
”Oh I see now” you said passing a bland smile.
Another rich man who will try to make you fall in love with his money and prestige
”You really intrigued me” he said suddenly looking straight in your eyes ”I love dropping by Monaco in May to see the formula races, but I still haven’t had any opportunity to speak with someone who works in that industry. Could you tell me more about it?”
”Well” you started ”It is rough. Much more different than fancy galas and special events. It’s loud, it is chaotic and emotional. You have to think and act fast, especially if you sit in a garage like me. I am an engineer” you said faking a smile.
”I thought I couldn’t be more mesmerised by a woman tonight. I am looking up at you” he sightly laughed with astonishment and disbelief.
You sensed that someone was observing your conversation. That was when you saw him. Looking to your right at a distance of a few meters and observing you carefully with discreet, light-shot diamonds from his eyes. Without shame, he looked intently at the two of you while sipping champagne, one hand held in his pocket.
He looked annoyed, like a little brat that was taken away from his favourite toy. You know him, he acts like this when he doesn’t get what he wants. There was a slight assumption in your mind earlier that he would also be here tonight. Why wouldn't he be? He was the Ferrari star that they like to show off to sponsors.
You looked again at Niccolo and tried to act normal as the cold, unpleasant shiver ran down your back. It wasn’t caused by fear, it was anger.
”Are you alright?” your speaker turned to you snapping you out of trans.
”Yes, everything is fine” you said trying to sound convincing and passing a bland smile.
You knew that he was still looking at you.
You did not have to wait long till he found you and caught you near the tables with fancy appetisers. The place was much more intimate and discreet than the rest of the ballroom, allowing you to catch your breath and take a break from the business small talk. But even solitude accompanied by a single potted palm couldn’t save you from Sebastian. After catching him approaching, you averted your gaze immediately.
You didn’t have to look at him to be sure who was standing next to you. His presence, smell and movements suddenly appeared similar to you, even natural. For several seconds, he did not speak until he faced you fully and shamelessly while you were still pretending to be curious about the appetisers.
”Hmh” the unnatural sound left his throat. He seemed tensed.
You continued to ignore him by putting perfectly sliced smoked salmon with celery crunch on your plate.
”Good to see you’’ he said with more conviction in his voice slightly raising his head up.
It was becoming hardly possible to ignore him anymore. You allowed yourself to shed the last remnants of your pride and face him. A familiar sight of black steed on his chest first caught your eye, but this time it was falling up and down along with his white shirt underneath rather quickly with each of his breath. The black suit looked flawless, but he still had trouble finding the right length of pants.
”Surprised you decided to talk with me”
”Why wouldn’t I?”
”You are no longer worried about your boss's opinion now? A very important gala for the brand and here you are chatting with your engineer. Maybe he is annoyed with you at this very moment because you are more needed next to some Italian billionaire"
”You like to be bitter shatz, do you? What is wrong with talking about work in work? Don’t you think I have different intentions”
”Hm, honestly I stopped after some time when you limited your words towards me to some quick analyses after the sessions” you could see how Sebastian already opened his mouth to say something in his defence but you continued ”but now I think you just wanted me to stop talking to that man”
”Honestly, I couldn’t care less” he said full of himself, but you knew that his words were far away from being honest.
A silent treatment was given to him by you. He never was a good liar and his pride and stubbornness never made it better. You watched as he reached for one of the appetisers in front of you. This movement forced him to take his eyes off you, which he did rather willingly, and get a little closer to your left to be able to grab food.
”What did you want to discuss Herr Vettel?” After some time you went on with irony in your voice ”some problems in the sim? Or questions about new regulations-”
”What was his name?” He interrupted you and gave no interest in what you have been saying. His tone was firm yet definitely not jealous. Casually and still not looking at you, he took another bite of his appetiser. Watching how his lips sank into the food you blinked astonished. He is the only person who could deny the accusation a few moments earlier just to confirm later the obvious.
Before deciding to answer his question you took a glass of champagne that lucky was nearby.
”Niccolo? I guess. Some wealthy old money from Geneva”
”Sounds like most of them” he said looking amused ”Young, good-looking and prosperous. Did you give him your contact already?”
Sebastian was behaving mean and viciously. He knew he was stepping on thin ice and regretted the words that hung in the air.
”What kind of a woman do you take me for?” you huffed, visibly disappointed with his behaviour.
The moment of realisation hit him when the content expression was fading from his face. He genuinely looked concerned suddenly, almost scared. A lump in his throat appeared in a matter of seconds while he swallowed nervously, his Adam’s apple visibly popping off.
”The wisest one, shatz” he tries saving his position like a soldier on the front losing an inevitable war. ”Don’t mind what I sa-”
”If you think you are able to sweet me up with your silly words you are mistaken Vettel” you say sharply looking straight into his eyes ”I am not a goddamn FIA”
Normally Sebastian would share a chuckle at your words but he wasn’t able to take such a risk at the moment. He just stood there with an empty mind and lack of words on his tongue, but at the very moment when you turned around and made your way towards the lavish parquet he stormed after you, your name leaving his lips in a rather jittery tone.
”Hey! Stop” his voice reaches your ears to your great dismay. You attempted to gracefully escape from him and hole up in a crowd. Dozens of lavish guests and scrumptious businessmen had become a jungle in which you tried to escape from your predator.
You were so close, that you thought you almost got it when you felt his warm hand grabbing your shoulder. Reluctantly you turned around trying to behave normally somehow. In the crowd next to all your coworkers, there was never any room for error.
”Talk to me” says Sebastian softly, his tone and mimic visibly different than from minutes ago. He took off his mask and was honestly asking you for this privilege. His hand still hasn’t left your shoulder, probably forgetting where you were or simply doing it by habit.
”Not here, Sebas-” you started sounding defeated.
”Come on” without hesitation he adjusted his grip this time grabbing your hand and directing the both of you somewhere. He didn’t care if someone saw you so he led you towards the corridors, passed bathrooms and finally reached one of the backrooms.
To his delight the doors were open and the sight of a private lodge appeared before your eyes. Sebastian was fast closing them behind and sighting deeply, standing his back to you.
”Well, what a scene” you huffed ”I thought that one in Hungary would be the last one”. The tension of the situation wasn’t in your favour which forced you to practice mockery as a coping mechanism.
”Listen,” he said his accent getting thicker ”This doesn’t work”
”Sorry?” you said bewildered frowning your brows.
German turned around slowly now facing you but still having trouble with maintaining eye contact.
”This dynamics or whatever it is”
You could feel how anger bubbled inside of you and the colour of your cheeks started to match the one of your dress.
”Yes! Because what have you been thinking while you don’t dare speak a word to me? As you play push and pull game with me around the paddock and live in the delusion of whatever is going on!” you raised your voice taking a step closer to him.
”Sorry, but I don’t quite understand what should I do? What do you expect from me? Just to pretend everything is fine and continue this?” He started to step away from his calm stance seeing your reaction.
”See? You are running from responsibility, and consequences. You act like everything is amazing and then you completely ignore me the next day, I see you in that garage and you just stare as if you see a ghost. That’s fucking heartbreaking”
Your voice sounds for a second like it is close to cracking. Sebastian is standing before you, looking at the floor as he is debating internally. You decide to say something more, something that was deep in your thoughts for a longer time.
”Why are you just so cruel and do this to me and then leave me? I don’t understand you. You leave me every time. Every time after you begged me to stay, after kissing me, making love to me. You are not decided. Why do you do this shit and then I see you flirting with other women?”
You feel burning in your eyes and you swear internally at yourself because the last thing you ever wanted to do is to show him that you care that much.
”You need to understand” Sebastian says quietly knowing that his heart is fighting with his mind. The words he is saying are unnaturally formulating on his lips, and he is feeling the weird taste of the lie he will hate afterwards. ”You are just my engineer. Nothing more”
An uncomfortable spike in your chest appears unwillingly but you don’t want to believe his words. You know he lost this war. He can be untruthful with himself but you know him too well now to not know what is the reality.
”It is not true,” you say taking the risk. He is now fully looking at you ”You are scared.”
Sebastian felt like he was sinking. His knees never felt tonight weak but suddenly, someone, made them unstable. The sound of fears spoken aloud happens to be the worst wake-up call. He swallowed hard taking a step closer to you and a weird sensation of madness appeared in his body. It was so strong that he couldn’t compare it to anything that made him angry about you earlier. It wasn’t near to that stupid argument over the strategy or the time you first time drunkenly made out at the celebration party.
”Honestly, I can’t bear you,” he said staring into your soul. He wasn’t lying, you knew he spoke the truth once you noticed his dark gaze. ”I can’t stand being in the same room with you, hearing as you speak. You cursed me.”
”Sebastian” left your lips more as a warning than a plea.
”You consumed me so much, that I had to do that. Don’t you understand? You messed up my head, you ruined me in a way nobody will fix.”
Your chest was falling up and down quickly. Suddenly, it became even harder to breathe than speak. ”Could you..” You started but his eyes were almost eating you and your bodies involuntarily got closer speaking for your thoughts. Choosing to listen to your own selfish needs that appeared in your body like an uncomfortable itch you closed the gap as your lips smashed on his. He was tensed, but as soon as it happened he started to attack your lips mercilessly. There was a lack of gentleness in his action; he was starved as you of tasting each other. Slowly taking in more air between kisses you sweetly moaned.
Sebastian grabbed your arms hardly pushing you against the marble counter standing nearly. He pressed his bodyweight into yours, gaining some stability and power in the position and shamelessly grabbed your breast, sensually yet firmly caressing it. Drowned in desire you bit his down lip hardly and felt how the man parted his lips and groaned. He always looked so beautiful as he did it. You could swear to death that nothing ever made you more full of yourself than hearing his pleasure. Soon enough you felt the taste of his blood on your teeth.
”Up for me” German said touching your thighs now.
He didn’t have to ask you twice. You willingly sat on the marble, feeling its coldness through the thin satin of your dress. He continued to kiss you, now more slowly moving his interest over the chin and neck. You threw your head back slightly hitting the mirror that was on the wall behind it. The guilt washed you weirdly mixed with overwhelming pleasure and desire. Closing your eyes you imaged how his dumb full lips would feel on your breasts. Your hands got lost in his blonde curls pulling them rather painfully.
His firm and soft palms rolled your dress up as your legs parted to make just enough space for him, you needed him closer. You felt how his interest was moved to your neck and to the forgotten necklace you wore for the night. Unexpectedly the end of his fangs grabbed it and dug into the gold harshly.
”I will buy you the one with ”S” on it,” he said under his nose more to himself than you. He was being possessive now, which normally would annoy you but now you were too lust-drunk.
His hands moved smoothly to your open back not breaking the kiss. Goosebumps welcomed you as you experienced skin-to-skin contact, Sebastian was quick to take off your spaghetti-thin straps and the satin fell exposing your breasts. Seeming very occupied with worshipping your neck he only touched them and twisted your nipple earning a high whimper from your mouth.
”That’s my girl.” he murmured against your skin.
But he was tempted for more as he a few seconds later moved his pinky lips to envelope one of your now painfully hard nipples. You let out a moan that was louder than once before, welcoming him and tugging his curls even firmer. He was the only one who could bring heaven and hell for you, purity and sin, unconsciously linking your souls through invisible string.
His soft and very much adored hands were on your hips as he kissed your sternum moving down. It felt like torture that could make you blush easily, all this intimacy was sky-rocketing with each of his movements.
”Seb” you whispered not knowing exactly what you wanted to say.
He returned to your lips, kissing them hungrily. You felt a spark of energy and decided to put your hands to use. They landed on his shoulders taking off the jacket and loosing up a tie in blind movements. He quickly got your idea and added his pair of hands to help you. Soon his shirt was loose, with a few undone top buttons.
You tried desperately to bring him even closer and place sweet kisses on his lips again. Moving them down you peppered with kisses properly his jaw until you reached his neck. Feeling all dominant all of sudden you sucked his skin, biting gently. A shaky groan left his throat as you let out his skin with a wet pop. Your masterpiece was done - red marking showing that Vettel is not such available as it may appear to women.
He took a few seconds to look at you. His eyes were now in deep ocean blue mirroring your body impatiently. His movements were yet controlled, and his hands again found their way on your thighs but you felt like he was winning at this game.
”Sebastian, could you just fuck me” a whine left your lips. You were done.
Normally if he was cruel, he would just chuckle and mock how needy you are for him. He would show his infamous half-smile and take pleasure in it. But he was far from fucking it up this time, again. He wanted it to be serious, he wanted it to be the time.
That was a moment Sebastian Vettel promised himself to ruin all men for you.
”Schatz” he said lowly, kissing your face again ”Schatz, Schatz, Schatz. Anytime”
He didn’t hesitate unbuckling his belt and to get his semi-hard manhood on display. He gave it a few strokes and looked for the condom, he knew he had somewhere in his pocket. You didn’t give a second thought why he came to the gala with protection, trying to push out any feelings of uncomfortable jealousy it could give, you wanted him too much to worry about it now.
Positioning himself you moved a bit on a counter, and soon with a feeling of him being inside you both gasped. He started to move putting his hands on your hips as your legs enveloped his waist.
You would lie if the feeling of him wasn’t addictive. It was too addictive. It shuttered your world to pieces and made it an eden at the same time, leaving you longing, wishing that he could be more than just an undefined sex partner. The labels have never been put on, and this to much of your dismay itch you a bit.
Oh but you know it wasn’t just sex. Oh, it wasn’t
Sebastian was more and more confident and adjusted to your walls as he began to thrust deeper, faster. It was purely erotic as he was able to create sweet moans coming from your mouth. He got closer kissing you shortly before placing his head near your shoulder and erratically breathing right in your ear.
It felt too intimate, but you didn’t care. You also didn’t care as the furniture gave a little sound with your movements. You didn’t care about the probability of half of Ferrari looking for you right now at the ballroom. You only heard husky ”I missed that”, ”you take me so well” and ”show me how much I do you right shatz” praised right next to your ear.
It was getting sloppy. Your skin and clothing started to get sticky to each other, your breathing pattern was irregular and you weren’t so quiet anymore. Sebastian's movements were more and more firm now, taking you right, fuc- making love to you properly.
”Schatz. fuck. You are- ” you really wanted to listen to him but your head was feeling dizzy. ”You are mine. Never fucking again I will leave you”
”Oh, Seb” You started to cry, You weren’t sure if it were emotions anymore, pleasure or just the sense of relief.
Sensing you were close to German placed his thumb on your clit rubbing it in a circular motion.
”For me? Come for me pretty” he begged trying to kiss you but missing greatly due to his fast thrusts.
The orgasm hit you shortly causing your back to arch and again banging your head by the mirror. Warm pleasure taking over the control of your body felt better than you last remembered. Him being with you, doing this to you was your sweetest curse.
His movements got more irregular and soon he groaned lowly spending himself and kissing you again hotly. The image of his closed eyes and open mouth was undoubtedly an underrated artwork you could admire the whole day, and do everything to see it again and again. You both were going back from your high, catching your breath.
You wish it was simpler, you wish you weren’t coworkers. You wish he could see you the same way and don’t break your heart by confusing you.
”Seb?” you whispered gaining his all attention and eyes on you.
He didn’t say a word just stared patiently at your flushed and wet cheeks.
”I shouldn’t be wanting you”
”Why?” He asked confused frowning his brows, which quite didn’t match his blue angelic eyes.
”If we weren’t in such dynamics it would be easier. I just- it is wrong. It makes me feel bad and guilty” you confessed ”and so tired and confused fighting with you.”
Resisting too.
He hesitated for a moment, his hands gently stroked your back.
”If you think of the reaction of others, well I would lie if I said we should fuck them. But remember, it is about you. You make decisions about your own life. You cannot just live and be people pleaser all the time. You believe you are doing something wrong because someone told you it must be, we cannot choose what we like, can we?”
”Or we love,” you said without thinking.
Sebastian looked at you with visible terror in his eyes. It was not supposed ever to leave your lips.
”Don’t play with me” he said quietly resting his forehead against yours and closing his eyes.
You kissed him and stroked his hair gently. It was in mess now, the strands of hair falling on the warm forehead were wet from sweat.
”Please, you can- may, continue, Sebastian”
”I think” he started with a puzzled expression ”that we just fucked a couple of minutes ago”
”Again, please” you looked at him sadly ”I don’t want to leave, go back to those people. I want to stay with you”
Stay with you for eternity. I missed the feeling of being in your arms,
I wish I could never leave them.
You thought but you had enough sanity not to say.
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crimsonxpx · 1 year
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I am now offering translations services and culture knowledge for free to every holy human that blesses us with König ffs. I live in germany, am fluent in german and to top it off my dad is from Austria. If you need my knowledge or translation service to not only german but austrian „slang“. Hit me up. I am comfortable with 'diabetes causing, cring but fml i want that too' fluffy stuff to 'toe curling, heart racing, hair pulling, family disappointment' smut.
As long as everyone is a consenting adult ofc 🫵🏻
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When shadows turn to darkness
Chapter 1 : A new beginning
German version
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The fog in the alleyways of London had not yet lifted and gripped Luscinia's ankles as she stepped out of the carriage. Whilst the coachman struggled with her luggage - a large dark leather suitcase and, to his renewed astonishment, a decorated broom - she looked around the alley. In different shades of the same grey, the individual houses lined up next to each other and seemed to support each other. Her eyes darted to the wooden sign that marked the building directly in front of her as a pub and her lips pressed together in a hard line. "Are you sure you want to get off here, miss? A young miss alone in this neighbourhood," he looked around uncertainly, the sign and the pub below hidden from his eyes, "that attracts trouble, mark my words!" Luscinia gave the coachman a polite smile and shook her head, "I'm expected, sir, don't worry about it." "Expected by whom?" he grumbled sullenly as he placed the suitcase at her feet and accepted his pay. His eyes widened and if Luscinia hadn't been busy strapping her broom around her body, he would have taken her hand and shaken it vigorously. "Such a fine missus, a real little angel." Unpleasantly touched, the woman addressed grabbed the rest of her luggage in a hurry and braced herself against the door of the pub. The "dripping cauldron" was empty at this hour. The landlord was cleaning glasses behind the bar for the evening, when the taproom would be filled with witches and wizards; an elderly man sat in front of him, his eyes engrossed in his newspaper. "I'm looking for a Professor Eleazar Fig." Luscinia stepped closer to the counter, ignoring the innkeeper's curious gaze, which flicked over her clothes and began to glow with interest when he heard her foreign accent. Before a reply could stumble across his lips, however, the older man had turned his attention from the newspaper to her. "That must be me, then." A warm spark flashed in his brown eyes as he took the young lady's hand and shook it. His gaze briefly wandered over the entrance to the pub and the furrows on his forehead deepened. "Were you not given a companion for the journey?" "My family was of the firm opinion that a young lady of seventeen should be able to manage the journey on her own." "Well, we professors also encourage the students at our school to be independent; after all, we are the last academic authority to prepare them for their future lives." He grabbed her suitcase and motioned for her to follow him. "And yet it seems important to me to provide a certain amount of guidance and care. Even for the older students, who are already recognised as adults by the law." They had stepped into the backyard of the pub, a narrow rectangle where the rubbish was dumped, the ground almost as grey as the stone of the wall that surrounded it. "Count," with a friendly smile, the professor pointed to one of the ash bins on which a small rune had been carved, "three up and two to the side." Hesitating briefly, Luscinia did as she was told and looked questioningly at the professor as the tip of her index finger paused on one particular brick. "Now tap it three times with your wand." Her gaze flitted from the professor to the brick and back again before she reached into the inside pocket of her jacket for the wand. It was plain, carved from alder wood encasing a dragon heart fibre. Wrapping her hand tightly around the handle of the same wood, Luscinia tapped the stone where her finger had lingered only a moment ago. Shaking and crunching, a small crack opened in the wall, which grew wider and wider. The individual bricks began to rearrange themselves, scraping along each other until an archway opened up in front of Luscinia and the professor. "And now you know how to get to Diagon Alley from London."
Read the entire chapter here :
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Deutsche Fanfiction Woche
Ich plane mit jemanden aus Discord eine deutsche Fanfiction Woche.
Voraussichtlich wird sie im Sommer stattfinden. Jedes Level in der Schreibkunst ist uns willkommen!
Da wir Fandom Übergreifend sind, sind die Themen auch sehr offen gestaltet - mehr dazu wirds bald geben :3 Habt ihr Interesse? Meldet euch gerne!
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indristian · 1 year
A (hopefully) comprehensive guide to german pet names
I've seen a lot of german being included in fanfic (mostly CoD, but I've also seen it in other fandoms before) lately and felt the need to air my grievances about the way I believe German pet names should be used.
There are similar posts by @itsagrimm that touch on how to include German in your fanfics. (sfw and nsfw)
When I say we aren't as big on pet names (or Kosenamen as they are called in German) as English is, I mean it. If you look up german pet names, you might find some pages that have a list of them, but if you were to use them unironically on a native German speaker, they would probably cringe. A lot of them just sound very cheesy to us. So I looked up some of those lists and tried to explain some pet names in this post.
This is mostly ordered from okay to use to "I'd cringe and close the fanfic if I saw them".
If you think you absolutely need to use a pet name, your go-to should be "Schatz/Schatzi" ("treasure"). It's the allrounder of pet names, whether it be platonic or romantic. If the person is dear to you, Schatzi is the word for you.
Similar but with a slightly different meaning (at least in my opinion) is "Schätzchen" ("little/small treasure"). More commonly used in Germany, as far as I’m aware. I think its best usage is when you use it on someone you pity, kinda like a slightly condescending "darling". (Example: "What's got you pouting like that Schätzchen? Was someone being mean to you?") It's also used for children a lot.
"Liebling" ("favorite") is also a good choice for tender moments or casually addressing your partner. As far as I know, it's used more often in Germany than here in Austria.
I've seen the word "Liebchen" ("little love") being used interchangeably with the word "Liebling" and while it may be used like that in some parts of the DACH region, I'd advise to proceed with caution! Firstly, because it's mostly used for women ,and secondly, because here in Austria (at least the part where I'm from), the word is used to describe a fling or a short-term girlfriend. So calling someone "Liebchen" to their face would be a borderline insult. (Imagine me having a "being called a cunt in Australia vs. being called a cunt in America" like moment the first time I read Liebchen being used in a fanfic.)
"Süßer(male)/Süße(female)" ("sweet one") and "Schnucki/Schnuckelchen" ("adorable one" i guess... literally translated it means "baby sheep") are also used more commonly used for women. They can also be used when someone has done something particularly sweet for you or behaves/looks particularly adorable. Although, "Süßer/Süße" has the weird side effect of also sounding like a come-on in most cases, like "Hey Süßer, could you help me out?". (Other examples: "You remembered how I take my coffee? Du bist schon ein Süßer, oder?/You are being a sweet one, aren't you?";[nsfw, because this one is one of the few ones I'd be okay with seeing in aftercare/cuddling scenes] "You were being such a Schnuckelchen crying and begging like that for me.")
Fun fact: a lot of my male friends jokingly call each other "Schnucki". To the point where they pick up the phone with a "What's up, Schnucki?" and the one guy with a girlfriend almost never calls her "Schnucki" so that everybody knows that when he talks about his "Schnuckis" it's about his male friends.
Now, we are descending into cringe territory with: "Liebster(male)/Liebste(female)" ("beloved") and "Herzblatt" ("loved/lovely person", literally "heart leaf"). If you wanna use them, make it dramatic! Otherwise, it sounds weird. They sound old-fashioned, so if your character is waxing poetic about/to their partner like some character on a stage play or being a drama queen, I'd say go ahead and use them. They're bad for casual conversations, though. Btw, "Liebste/r" sounds a bit like the beginning of a love-letter. (Examples: "It's in your hands alone, Liebste, and choosing me over the world is not worth it."; "How could you betray me like that, Herzblatt? You know I don't like chocolate pudding! So, why is it the only flavor you bought?")
We generally have a lot of animal related pet names in German: "Hase/Hasi/Häschen" ("rabbit"/"little rabbit"); "Spatz/Spätzchen" ("sparrow/little sparrow"; "Spatzl" being the Austrian version of it); "Maus/Mausi/Mäuschen" ("mouse"/"little mouse"); "Äffchen" ("little monkey", for when your partner is being a silly little monkey; "Affl" being the Austrian version); "Bärchen" ("little bear", the right choice for big and friend-shaped partners, generally for men). There are probably a lot more, but these are the most common ones, and they are great for casual conversations. These are also among the most common petnames for children, so for the love of God, leave them out of your smut.
Fun fact: There's an austrian millionaire who has the habit of calling his young, beautiful girlfriends animal names, "Katzi/kitten" and “Bambi” being among the most famous ones.
There are a lot of pet names that can be used when talking *about* someone's partner, but saying it to their face sounds weird. "Bessere Hälfte" ("better half") or "Angebeteter(male)/Angebetete(female)" ("beloved", literally it means someone you pray to) are among them. These can and probably will be tricky for non-german-speakers to work with. You'd have to keep the different case forms in mind, and they just sound better if you keep the whole sentence in german and then switch languages. (Examples: "Wo ist deine bessere Hälfte/Where's your better half? They not around today?"; "Schreib deiner Angebeteten lieber mal/Better shoot your girlfriend a text. She'll wonder where you are otherwise.").
And last but not least, here are some pet names you'd better avoid, for different reasons:
"mein Lieber(male)/meine Liebe(female)" ("my love/beloved") ugh... just no. This is the equivalent of your mother using your full name. Paired with a certain tone, this triggers my fight or flight. So do not use it unless your character is in trouble.
"Zimtschnecke" ("cinnamon roll"), "Schnecke" ("snail"; i also have no idea why we say that) or "Puppe/Püppchen" ("doll/little doll") are generally ways to adress someone beautiful. If you use them, however, you're gonna sound like a 60+ y/o man hitting on a girl in her mid 20s. Do not use unless used jokingly ,and the other person is in on the joke.
Personally, I'd say if you are unsure on what the character you're writing would use, just use the English ones or keep petnames out of their vocabulary entirely and make them show their love in other ways. Shortened versions of their partners name are also a very good alternative. Additionally, I'd advise you to pick one pet name and stick to it. Changing it up feels weird.
Feel free to add things or ask for clarifications
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christynotawitch · 3 months
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Covers for all three books of the Pottertriologie by Nefertari Amun
I made some Covers since I started downloading fanfics and putting them into my e-Book-Reader. Will probably add more for other fics later on.
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faetreides · 24 days
idk if ur into this or if I'm the only one who has had a raging popstar/rockstar fantasy for myself ever since I was young so I insert it into as many fanfic scenarios as possible but any thoughts on your modern!coryo with an up and coming independent singer!reader 🫣 bc I have thoughts I imagine theyre still in the phase where they have to be creative with their outfits and have to make/bedazzle some things themselves and coryo is so down bad he's just hunched over something pink with some fabric glue, a stoning tool, and rhinestones all over the place. or or or your your whole setup getting an upgrade bc you once mentioned to him that one of the lights was behaving oddly
I think about this too bc I can sing pretty well but I'm very introverted, so I don't like to do it in front of people, and I just imagine it 💀
Modern!Coryo loves a pet project when it's important to someone he cares about (and he really only cares about you so....). He has momager vibes, but he never directs it towards you. His back hurts from the hours he spends perfecting your costumes (He's working on getting you to let him pay for everything, but baby steps are fine for now), and he hides all the packages he ordered for your state of the art set up so he can surprise you. You won't let him use his connections to jump start your career, but he never stops dropping hints about the producers or record label execs he could arrange meetings with.
He's in the comments of your tiktoks sending death threats to 12-year-olds who say you're cringe. (Your first toxic stan <3) Anthony Fantano gives you less than a 10 and he's ready to jump him. He'll be unironically saying you've made the song of the summer, and the spring, and the fall, and the winter. Your top listener on spotify and he's like that video of louis partridge at olivia rodrigo's concert putting his cup in his mouth so he could take videos/pictures of her. Has instagram highlights dedicated to your career (reposting your content, gig videos/pictures, promo stuff, etc.)
Given the fact that he comes from a family with dark secrets and is involved in the political industry, he knows how seedy the entertainment business is. A part of him wants to keep you relatively unknown, you'd be safer that way. But you seem so happy, he supposes he can let you grow. He's breathing down your neck every second though, gets you a whole crew of bodyguards even when you're only playing small venues. He runs your official social media like it's the military, but he's so sweet when he's presenting you with a fruit basket, those expensive boxes of roses that cost hundreds of dollars, and a custom-made award when you finish a small gig and joke about one day making it to the grammys.
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ursa-tan · 11 months
141 + König w/ a reader who’s just had a long day
141 + König & reader
Short Drabble
You’ve had a long day on base, boring and packed full of things you didn’t want to do. Now you just need to rest.
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By the time you finally find yourself making dinner the sun has set, leaving the only light to be provided by the LED bulbs of the communal kitchen. It’s a miserable feeling, everything is so quiet and still. Nothing feels like it should, especially with the fact that all of the boys have retreated to their rooms, leaving you alone to sort yourself out.
You give up on whatever pathetic attempt at “dinner” you’re trying, opting instead to slouch back into a chair slightly pulled out from the table. Despite the fact that sleep is tugging desperately on your weary mind, you can’t find the energy to stand up and go to bed.
What does get you moving, however, is the idea of being able to see your favourite person on base. The thought alone gets you to your feet, trudging slowly towards his room, avoiding the temptation to just lay down on the carpet of the hallway and fall asleep.
———-Captain John Price-———
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You don’t bother knocking on his door, instead just twisting the handle and pushing the door open
He’s sat up in bed, book in hand and glasses resting on his nose, bathed in the warm light of his bedside lamp
Price doesn’t bother to look up, only murmuring: “Close the door behind you”
You pad into the room, sliding the door shut behind you and letting it click shut. He doesn’t look up at you at all, eyes fixated on the book he’s holding up. You can’t help but watch him read, seeing his eyes flirt surprisingly fast across the page as you round the other side of the bed.
Soft, warm cotton greets your skin as you pull the sheets back. The mattress sinks under you as you gently climb into bed, still wearing your daytime clothes. This seems to get Price to react, as he turns his head to look at you over the top of his glasses.
“Take off the jeans, you’re not wearing those to bed.”
It’s a simple request, but still hard to do with your complete lack of energy. You do manage to strip the jeans off, electing to kick your socks off along with them. After a few seconds of deliberation, you slip off any other even mildly uncomfortable clothing garment and then climb back into his bed.
He doesn’t stop you this time, instead lifting up the arm closest to you. It’s in invitation, one you gladly take, to slide in and lay your head gently on his chest. You can hear his heartbeat, feel him breath, and it’s practically already lulling you to sleep.
“Long day?” He mumbles, turning the page of his book.
You don’t bother answering properly, letting out a small sound and nodding your head instead.
“We best sleep then.” This time he closes his book as he speaks, placing it on the night stand along with his glasses. He shuffles down the mattress, letting you get comfy with your head on his chest before turning the light off.
———Simon “Ghost” Riley———
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You don’t even get the chance to knock on the door before he’s opening it, dressed in plaid pyjama pants and a slightly baggy grey shirt
He still has a balaclava on, one with a big hole over his eyes, allowing you to see the concerned look he’s giving your puffy, tired, red eyes
He ushers you into his room, giving you the command to “get into something comfortable” before slipping out of the room and walking off
Simon comes back not too long after he left, having given you a chance to get changed into a pair of his pyjama shorts and a hoodie. It’s warm and smells both of him and of laundry detergent.
When he comes back, he has a plate in one hand a a plastic water bottle tucked under his arm. Half of an apple - cut into slices - and a piece of buttered toast are on the plate.
“You need to eat,” he grumbles, pushing the door shut and twisting the knob as it slips into place.
He guides you to sit on his bed, holding the plate in front of you, prompting you to take it. Once you do, he does the same with the bottle - after cracking the seal for you.
You take a bite of the toast, realising he’s put honey on it. Not too much, but just enough for it to taste sweet.
Ghost sits next to you as you eat, hand on your knee, thumb swiping back and forth across your skin. It’s an action that has you leaning into him by the time you’ve finished eating. He takes the plate from you, prompting you to have a drink before placing the bottle on the floor next to the plate.
“You look like you need sleep,” he whispers, guiding you to lay in his bed, facing the wall.
It’s not long before he’s slipping in behind you, having put on some rain noises to play in the background. Wrapping his arm around your waist, Ghost pulls your back to his chest a bf tucks your head under his chin.
——-John “Soap” MacTavish-——
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You have to knock a few times before he answers, having been dead asleep
Both his eyes and his posture are droopy, showing you just how hard he’s finding it to drag himself out of bed for you
It doesn’t stop him from smiling when he sees you though, or from pulling you into his room and kicking the door shut as gently as he can
Soap doesn’t say much if anything as he drags you over to his bed in the near total darkness of his room. He guides you to the bed, helping you shuffle into it just before he does.
You don’t mind the lack of words or light, actually finding it quite nice on your tired senses. It gives you a break after the day you’ve had.
Soap pulls you against his chest, practically laying you on top of him as he wraps his arms around you. It’s still for a moment emigre he pulls you up slightly, just enough to start placing kisses against the top of your head.
He keeps doing this, placing soft, rhythmic kisses into your hair. One hand comes to rest on the small of your back while the other moves up to mess with your hair. Specifically, the fuzz at the nape of your neck. He teases it slightly, tugging as gently as possible, rubbing it between his fingers.
You take a moment to intertwine your legs with his. He moves with you, only moving so as to prevent you from having to move him.
You stay like that for a long time, wrapped up in his arms, listening to his heartbeat and his breathing. It’s safe and warm, and you feel tired.
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He opens the door after exactly one knock, almost like he’s waiting for you, to scared to tell you he knows you’re there before you tell him
He reaches out, scooping you up almost immediately and pushing the door shut, holding you against his big, warm body
No time is wanted before he’s speaking loving words into your ear, proving himself up against the headboard and wrapping a blanket around you
König holds you close as soon as he’s able to get his hands on you, bringing you up to wrap your legs round his waist. It’s slightly I comfortable with how big he is, but his warm hands on your thighs more than make up for it.
He slips into his bed, back pressed against the back board, pulling a pillow up behind him to his spine isn’t pressing directly into the wood.
“Oh Mein kleiner schatz, you look exhausted,” he mumbles, petting your hair and back as he wraps a blanket around you.
You can’t help but nozzle into his chest slightly, relishing in his warm hand messing with your hair. His other hand is drawing patterns into your skin over the denim of your jeans.
“How about we take these off and get you comfortable?” He whispers into your ear, hugging you close for a second before helping you stand up. He’s insistent in helping you change, only turning his back when you strip off your undergarments in a favour of one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers.
As soon as you’re more comfortable, he’s pulling you back into the bed - back into his lap - to swaddle you in a blanket again. He’s pressing you against his chest as soon as possible, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
“It’s ok, mein maus, you Can sleep now.” Is the last thing you hear before you fully relax into your giants chest.
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