#gffa politics are wack
coruscantguard · 1 year
writing the time travel fic is WACK because well. basically it relies very heavily on the political state of the gffa, specifically what planets are republic-aligned vs which ones are separatist-aligned and the consequences of changing that, so i'm working on this INCREDIBLY COMPLEX WEB OF NOTECARDS on my wall that marks out every individual clone wars episode, what happened in that episode, what is changing, and how that change affects individual planets & future episodes. because a lot of tcw happens at crux points for planets regarding their allegiances, so changing how those canon events go down has EVEN BIGGER CONSEQUENCES THAN I WAS EXPECTING. it's fascinating to explore
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part-timewizard · 3 years
Roll with me for a second,
So in clone wars it’s established that there's a kaminoan senator.
According to Wookieepedia, the kaminoan senator, Halle Burtoni, only got representation in the senate because they were supplying the clones for the clone wars. 
Alternatively, it would be absolutely hilarious to have everyone watching Obi-Wan “I Don’t Get Involved In Politics” Kenobi running around the galaxy looking for a planet called Kamino that everyone is telling him doesn't exist knowing full well that there is a kaminoan senator on Coruscant. 
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