#gilbert: not sure what these creatures are but we can fight them i’m sure
chryzure-archive · 3 years
bet you guys that gilbert is consistently freaked out by the fact that chrysi has various horror poems just... memorized. she’ll randomly recite them during a tense moment in order to gain insight on a situation but she doesn’t realize that it sends gil into panic mode.
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lalainajanes · 3 years
For Klarosummerbingo! This square was "suspicious ranch hand"
Leave The Roads, Take The Trails
Two years after her mother’s passing, about twelve years after her father left, livestock begin to go missing.
The first month it’s just one, a calf that’s been struggling. They might not have noticed, except Bonnie’s been checking up on the calf every morning. Initially, Caroline’s not too concerned. She rides out with Enzo, finds a trail of blood that leads to a sagging fence, blood droplets leading into the woods. They fix it, and she assumes the problem’s solved.
Except the next month, they lose a yearling, a cow, and three of her most productive chickens. Caroline begins to grow concerned. The ranch sustains them, but she’s working hard to turn more of a profit, well aware that the salaries she’s paying Enzo and Bonnie are meager, that the temporary workers she relies on in the spring and during the harvest are far from the best of the best. Her savings are thin, and even a medium-sized disaster would obliterate them.
Caroline cleans her mother’s old shotgun, rides into town for another box of ammo, internally wincing as she passes over her coins. Every night for two weeks, she patrols, a herding dog or two at her side, ears straining for anything out of the ordinary.
The nights are quiet, cold, and uneventful.
Most mornings, she almost falls asleep into her porridge. Bonnie and Enzo try to make her go to bed, but Caroline’s not about to shirk the morning chores. The ranch bears her name, and it’s her responsibility. She grabs a nap in the afternoon, insists that she’s fine, even when her eyes are gritty and her body feels heavy with exhaustion. In the early evenings, while there’s still light, she and Enzo work on reinforcing the fences.
After two weeks with nary an issue, Caroline decides the patrols are no longer necessary and eases back into her routine.
After a particularly great night’s sleep, she bounds into the kitchen, feeling energized even though it’s her turn to make breakfast – her most hated chore. Enzo’s just coming in the backdoor, hat in hand, face grim. His shirt sleeves are rolled up, damp streaks on his jeans, which means he’d washed up in one of the rainwater barrels before coming inside.
Caroline stops abruptly while braiding back her hair. “What happened?”
“Lost a bull this time. Two of the lambs.”
Her teeth clench, and she has the urge to slam her boot heel into the floor as if she were still a child and not a grown woman of twenty-six. Caroline takes in a breath through her teeth. “Damn it; I should never have stopped patrolling.”
Enzo smiles sympathetically, tries to make a joke, “It was a full moon last night. Maybe you’ve got a local werewolf.”
Caroline doesn’t laugh. She stiffens, eyes widening, cursing her stupidity. Her father will be disappointed if he ever hears about this; he’d insisted she learn to track the moon phases when she was young. It’s a habit that’s waned.
Her father had left upon reading about a series of suspicious deaths in Chicago. Said he’d be back once he eliminated the brazen vampire, but he’d found another soon after. Caroline’s accepted that her father likes being a vampire hunter more than a rancher.
If she’s honest, she rather enjoys her lack of parental judgment.
Her complacency comes down to the fact that she’d been told that there hadn’t been a werewolf in the area since the last Lockwood had picked up and set out for the city.
The gossip mill in town would have gone wild if a founding family member had returned so it can’t be Tyler or his father or uncle. That doesn’t mean a stranger hasn’t recently moved or isn’t passing through.
Enzo interprets her shock differently, patting her arm to offer comfort. “It’ll be alright. We’ll put in some more work on the fences, yeah? Make them higher on the wooded side. Why don’t I take your turn at breakfast?”
She forces a smile, “Would you? I need to have a quick chat with Bon.”
If they’ve got a werewolf, it’ll be better if Bonnie explains to Enzo anyway. Enzo had been a drifter who’d shown up looking for a couple of weeks of work eight months ago. Caroline strongly suspects he’s stuck around so long for the pleasure of Bonnie’s company.
“Of course. She’s out with the horses. Don’t be too long, yeah? My pancakes are better hot.”
* * * * *
When Sheila Bennett had died, Bonnie had been left with little. Once Grams was buried, the debt collector’s filled their pockets. The crumbling house Bonnie had grown up in, a small patch of land, and nothing else. The Bennett homestead was adjacent to the Forbes’ land, and Grams had been helping with the Forbes’ animals for years, soothing sickness and healing wounds. Bonnie had been barely fourteen, with no other family, and Caroline’s mother had offered Bonnie a place in their home.
“Bon?” Caroline calls, walking into the barn.
“Back here!” she calls out, and Caroline makes her way to the farthest stall, finds Bonnie brushing out Persephone, her favorite mare. “You saw Enzo?” Bonnie asks when Caroline’s close enough that she no longer needs to shout.
“Yeah. Question, does he know that you’re a witch?”
Bonnie pauses, throws Caroline a look as if she’s insane to ask. “Of course not.”
“Why ‘of course not?’ You must know he’s stupid for you. You could probably tell him you needed his assistance in a naked moon ritual, and he’d be out of his pants before you finished your sentence.”
“I don’t do naked moon rituals.”
“I know that, but he doesn’t. Could be a good way to move on from those intimate fireside chats you two are so fond of.”
She’s teasing or trying to, but Bonnie’s expression remains serious. “I’m not going to tell him. We can’t afford for him to leave.”
It would be a struggle, but they’d make do. She and Bonnie had survived worse. “You mean you don’t want him to leave.”
Bonnie turns away, and Caroline follows, helping when Bonnie heaves a saddle off the wall. “He’s not Jeremy Gilbert,” Caroline says, quieter now. She can’t guarantee it, of course, but she suspects Enzo’s loyalty is a stubborn thing once given.
Bonnie doesn’t reply; Caroline decides to table the subject. Possibly until such a time when she can ply Bonnie with liquor and sweets, until she’s a little more loose-lipped. “Well. Turns out we might have a werewolf.”
Bonnie sighs, “I think so too.” She gives Persephone an affectionate pat, “I’ll ride out with you after breakfast and see if I can sense any trace of magic. Is there anything you can send Enzo to town for?”
“I’m sure I can think of something.”
A jangling rings out, causing Caroline to jump because they rarely bother with the dinner bell. She nudges Bonnie, then throws the saddle over Persephone’s back. “C’mon, let’s hurry up. Enzo offered to cover breakfast, and he obviously wants it appreciated.”
“He does cook better than either of us.”
“But we’re not going to tell him that; he’d be insufferable.”
Bonnie laughs, finally, and a bit of Caroline’s earlier good mood returns.
* * * * *
At the next full moon, Caroline’s prepared. She has her mother’s rifle and two revolvers her father had left behind, one loaded with silver bullets. It’s a contingency should the worst happen, and the werewolf gets close enough to hurt her. She’d rather not kill a person just because they happen to transform into a wolf once a month. They might be perfectly lovely otherwise.
She tucks a knife into her boot, straps on the rifle.
Enzo’s leaning against the water trough, watching her worriedly. “I still think you should stay here.”
Caroline rolls her eyes. “And I think that’s adorable, but I’m a better shot than you are. I’ll be fine.”
She’s taking the perimeter tonight, leaving Enzo and Bonnie to guard the house and the barn. Bonnie’s enchanted the bracelets Caroline wears under her leather coat. She’d picked up a signature last month and connected it to the jewelry. Bonnie’s spell should help point Caroline in the right direction.
She’s slightly annoyed at Enzo, suspects he doesn’t quite believe them about the werewolf. Bonnie has yet to confess she’s a witch, likely sensing the same thing and sinking deeper into her doubts about Enzo’s steadfastness. Bonnie’s withdrawn from Enzo, tends to flee when he enters a room. He’s grown moodier in response, and Caroline’s had the strong urge to smack some sense into him a time or two.
She still needs to get Bonnie drunk, too. Hopefully, she’ll solve the werewolf problem tonight, and then she can devote more attention to matchmaking.
Which is different than meddling, in Caroline’s expert opinion.
Caroline sets her foot into a stirrup once her weapons are accounted for and swings herself up into the saddle. Enzo’s arms are crossed, she’s tempted to tell him to stop pouting, but she knows he’s only worried about her. She smiles, settles in, “Don’t let any more of my animals get eaten, okay? And make sure Bonnie gets a decent dinner. She’s been working hard lately.”
Bon’s insisted on putting up additional protections. She hides it, but Caroline knows that’s exhausting.
Enzo nods, serious, “Aye, aye, Captain.”
“Hmm, I kinda like the sound of that. Maybe a little salute? Could be fun.”
He fights it but Caroline spies a small smile. “Don’t let it get to your head.” He hands her the bag she’d packed, taking the reigns while Caroline gets it situated. “Be careful out there, will you?”
“Promise. I’ll be back at first light.”
Possibly not alone, but she’s not going to tell Enzo that.
He’d only worry more.
* * * * *
The bracelet on her left arm warms first, and Caroline urges the horse in that direction. By the time she reaches the gate that opens into the forest, the bracelet’s practically humming. She’s not surprised; Bonnie had said the most potent traces of the werewolf had come from the area. Werewolves are, at least according to her father’s lessons, creatures of habit. Caroline turns the horse around, leading him to a patch of grass that should keep him occupied. She hops off, tying off the reigns so the horse won’t trip while he grazes. She unbuckles the saddlebags and walks back to the gate, hanging them on a fence post.
Then she grimaces, reaches in, and pulls out a hunk of beef that she would much rather be using for a hearty dinner. Caroline winds up and heaves it as far as she can, reaching in for another handful. Once the meat’s been thrown, she cleans her hands as best she can with a splash of water from her canteen and a handkerchief. She then sinks to her knees, propping her shotgun between the fence slats, and settles in to wait.
Bonnie’s magic warns her when the werewolf approaches, the metal on her wrist heating until it nearly hurts. Caroline rips it off and tenses, squinting into the darkness, taking careful, even breaths. She hears leaves rustle, underbrush crunching. She swallows a shocked noise when the wolf first lumbers out of the treeline.
She’d known it would be larger than the typical wolf but knowing is different than seeing. The werewolf is enormous.
Its fur is fairly pale, a sandy brown, making it easier to see under the moonlight.
Caroline’s next inhale is shaky, and she lets her finger rest on the shotgun’s trigger. The wolf eats the meat she’d provided, sitting down when it’s gone. Caroline’s muscles are starting to ache with the effort of staying so still.
Best case scenario, the wolf is satisfied with the meal she’d provided and lopes back into the forest. Then, Caroline can continue with her discreet inquiries in town. Three people have moved to town recently; a family’s taken up residence in the old Salvatore ranch. The werewolf must be among the newcomers; she’s just got to figure out the most likely suspect.
Tonight, luck is not on her side.
The wolf’s head tips up as he sniffs the air. Caroline hears hooves faintly, just behind her, much closer than they should be.
The wolf stalks closer, unmistakably hunting, and Caroline silently curses, carefully lining up her shot.
She catches the wolf’s shoulder just before it leaps, and she cringes at the high-pitched yelp of pain it emits. She fires another shot, wide this time, hitting a tree. It’s enough to scare the wolf away, and it retreats, limping into the forest.
Her horse nudges at her pack, and Caroline sighs, sitting down in a more comfortable position. She digs out an apple, takes a bite before offering it to her horse. “I hope you know; I just saved you from being dinner.”
The horse is unbothered, only concerned with his treat.
* * * * *
Once the last trace of the night sky recede, Caroline treks into the woods. She’s careful to keep her footsteps silent, has one pistol loosely clutched in her hand.
The one loaded with silver sits heavily at the small of her back. The bracelet guides her though she likely would have been able to track without it. She spots blood at a few points, a streak against a tree here, a few drops decorating the grass there, and there’s a distinct set of prints.
Guilt churns in Caroline’s stomach, but she tells herself her aim was good – she’d learned to shoot as soon as her hands were big enough, her mother had insisted she become even more proficient when Caroline had been a teenager. She’s beaten every boy her age in town at the summer fair, most of the men older than her too.
It had to have been a clean shot.
So caught up in her anxious musings, she almost misses the body in the clearing.
Caroline crouches low to the ground and tucked behind the trunk of a thick maple. She catches the relieved breath before it exits her mouth when she sees the steady rise and fall of the man’s chest.
A fairly nice one, not that she’s leering.
He looks like he’s resting, his hand clutched over his shoulder. There’s blood but not what Caroline thinks is a life-threatening amount. He must have healed some in werewolf form.
She hadn’t put much thought into this particular portion of her plan, something she regrets now. She’s confident he’s not a threat, naked and injured as he is, so she tucks the gun away.
Caroline stands, runs a hand over her hair, dislodging a few bits of leaves. She strides forward, no longer taking care to be sneaky. “Good morning!” she calls cheerfully as if they’re meeting at the market.
The man scrambles to a sitting position, dragging himself back with his uninjured arm. Caroline lifts her hands so he can see them, turning so he’s no longer in her line of sight. “Sorry!” she says, “didn’t mean to startle you. I did mean to shoot you, but I’m sorry for that too. You’ve already eaten too many of my animals.”
He clears his throat, “Miss,” he says, something stern in the tone even though his voice comes out a hoarse scratch, “What are you doing out here?”
She scoffs, “I should be asking you that. This is my land. Why are you on it? And without a stitch of clothing on?”
There’s a lengthy pause. “I assure you, there is a perfectly logical explanation.”
He’s not quick to supply it, and Caroline takes pity on him. She tosses her pack behind her in his general direction. “There’s clothes in there, clean handkerchiefs in the front pocket. You’re welcome to them.” He doesn’t reply, but she hears cloth rustling, assumes he’s taken her invitation. “Let me know when you’re decent.”
He makes a noise, soft and amused. His motions seem to hasten.
She’s relieved he seems willing to hear her out, at least. Or perhaps the blood loss has made him more pliable. Caroline suspects she knows who he is, but she’d rather not have to chase him down in town.
No need to invite gossip.
“You can turn around now.”
Caroline whirls. She’d filched the clothing from Enzo, and it hangs a bit on the stranger. He’s left several of the shirt’s buttons undone, has bunched up the linen she’d offered, and his hand presses it to his wound.
Katherine Pierce, who owns the saloon in town, had described one of the newcomers as “pompous but easy on the eyes” before talking up his physical charms. Her descriptions, many of them borderline lewd, fit this man to a tee.
“Klaus Mikaelson, I presume?”
His brows rise in surprise, “Correct. And you are?”
“Caroline Forbes. I own this land, the ranch to the east. And the livestock you’ve been snacking on for the last two months.”
His eyes narrow, shoulders straightening, and his gaze grows cool and dismissive. Caroline understands where ‘pompous’ had come from. “I have no idea what you’re speaking of.”
She doesn’t try to hide her annoyed sigh. She grabs one of her revolvers, the weightier one. Caroline flips open the chamber and shakes out one of the silver bullets. “Catch,” she says, tossing it at Klaus’ face.
His hand flies up automatically, and he hisses in pain once his fist closes around the silver. He throws it aside, shaking his hand.
Her point made, Caroline stows the gun again. “You’re a werewolf. I’m fully aware of the existence of werewolves. Let’s move along to the real issues, shall we?”
Klaus doesn’t look happy about it, but he nods stiffly.
And because Caroline’s not a total monster, she offers and assurance first. “I won’t tell anyone.”
He doesn’t respond, but he seems in no hurry to leave, apparently intent on studying her person.
Caroline wishes she looked slightly more put together if she’s honest.
She tips her head in the direction she’d come from. “Why don’t we head back to my place? My friend Bonnie’s a witch; she’ll be able to make sure those wounds heal right up. I’ll even throw in breakfast.”
He appears mystified. “I’m a werewolf, love.”
“And? We’ve established that.”
“I’m dangerous.”
She laughs. Klaus remains unamused.
“I’ve got five more bullets that can kill you, another gun and a knife for good measure. You’re not even wearing shoes, and I can hear your stomach growling.”
“It’s improper. Your reputation…”
“Oh, that was tarnished ages ago,” Caroline informs him breezily. “Matt Donovan, have you met him? I think he’s the Sheriff’s Deputy now. I fell hard and fast for his pretty blue eyes when I was seventeen, and everyone knows about the time we were caught sneaking back into the church at the Founder’s Day picnic. My dress was horribly grass-stained. He bumbled through a marriage proposal the next day, but I let him down easy.”
Klaus blinks, mouth slightly ajar.
That may have been more information than he needed, but she’s forgotten how fun it is to be shocking. Caroline generally minds her manners in town and pours on her considerable charm so people will buy from her, or trade, with a minimum of fuss. It’s only at home that she can be free and genuinely herself.
“My parents were wildly eccentric,” Caroline continues, “so really, I had no chance with the snobbier townsfolk.”
Klaus opens his mouth like he’s going to offer another argument, and of course, he’s stubborn.
Caroline’s confident she’s more than a match in that department.
She spins away before he can say anything else. “We can do this again next month if you like, gunshot wound and all, probably. You’ve returned to the same spot three times. Seems like a pattern, doesn’t it?”
She hums a tune, meanders away like she has all the time in the world.
Caroline counts to four before she hears Klaus’ footsteps following her.
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synchronmurmurs · 3 years
Alea Iacta Est
An out of context snippet from OG Punchy’s storyline.
Like it says right on the tin, this is a very much out of context lil’ piece from near the end of Punchy’s narrative. I’ve been thinking about this part (and a bunch of others I’m ngl) for so long now, that I figured I’d just tide myself over a little and write a tidbit out. The main idea is that Gilbert’s position as head of the Howlers was usurped by Demetrius Miller, Shitbag Supreme and Motherfucker Unlimited. Punchy finds out he orchestrated it all thanks to tips from Vergil, and so she spins an obtuse revenge of her own.
Only one of them will be leaving the vault, and guess who it ain’t.
Myra knows her plan has gone off without a hitch when, from above, within Gilbert's esteemed club, shrill screams begin to sound. The office - Gilbert's office - is in the very back of the building, behind the club with its genuine leather seats and varnished tables, behind the staff rooms, and the illegal casino, to whom passage is only granted to those willing to pay for it. The sheer distance and the numerous walls separating their office from the unravelling chaos mutes the cries and the panicked gunshots rolling in from the front of the club, but going off of the tumult alone, it's clear that whatever is unfolding out there is doing so gravely and rapidly. Normally, if she were still under Gilbert's employ, she would storm up there, Grendel charged and ready to dispatch the disturbance with the efficiency she's known for, but here? Today? She waits for Demetrius to react, looking up from his desk, paled, humbled and alarmed. He knows what those screams mean. Can hear the snarls of otherworldly creatures layered beneath; the driving, founding rhythm of terror.
Myra hears his chair - Gilbert's chair - screech backwards when the lights go out, bathing the office in darkness until the backup generator flares to life. One by one, the emergency lights begin to glow and cast their dull light and ill-defined shadows, illuminating the office with a dim, eerie red. He's never experienced anything like this before, has he? Thugs intending to cause trouble for the club? Perhaps. Attempted robberies and hostage situations from idiot burglars who're in over their heads? To be sure. But demons? Wreaking havoc in the club? In broad daylight? That's almost unheard of, even in Red Grave. Myra is entirely too calm for what's transpiring, but that has always been her way of life; calm, until she's given reason not to be.
"Shall I see to the problem?" She asks, idly putting out the remains of her cigarette in the crystal ashtray upon his– Gilbert's desk.
Demetrius thinks, golden eyes overcome by a fear that he's valiantly fighting back. It's almost impressive how steady his voice is. Maybe he knows that demons can smell his fear. Maybe he knows that she can too. "No. We move to the vault."
Ah, the vault. Perhaps the most secure room on the entire block, tucked away in the basement, and locked behind the biometrics of only two people; Myra and the late Gilbert. If there was another reason why Demetrius thought to keep her around, it was to maintain access to the vault. It is, after all, where every dollar the Howlers have in their collective name is stored. Such a precious room ought to be properly secured. Nobody gets in without the knowledge of the syndicate's two most important people.
Nobody can get out either.
In the dim light, the smile that pulls at her lips, lethal, venomous, is easily missed. She had been hoping for, expecting that answer from him. Her plan depended on it, after all. On how well she knows his character; the vile snake that he is.
It likely speaks to how predictable he is that everything is going perfectly so far.
She composes her voice, hiding her smile under drawn shadows. "Are you sure? It'd only take a few minutes. I can't imagine anything out there is beyond my abilities."
Well no, the Blitz might be a problem, but if one of those gives even her trouble, she can't imagine any of the idiots manning the club can take it down. And that just means there is less for her to do afterwards.
"No." Demetrius confirms his answer again, getting to his feet and collecting his coat, superficial as always, "take me to the vault. We wait the attack out in there."
Like the coward that you are, she almost says aloud, but what comes instead is a soft:
"...if you say so, sir."
She crosses the room first, steel heels mutely clicking against thick carpet, and waits for him by the door, in-lain with gold trimming to showcase an opulence he neither deserves nor worked for. He opens the top drawer on Gilbert's desk, lifts away the panel of a hidden compartment, and takes some papers with him, some sealed envelopes that she takes care in remembering the existence of, and then he's moving too, hasty and afraid of anguished cries that somehow sound closer than they were before. Now, they can hear the rolling bass of deep snarls, malevolent and forceful enough to shake the walls.
Myra glances back across the room as Demetrius all but yanks the door open, to where distant memories still linger, ghostly shapes of the only man she'd ever call her father; one hovers by the bookcase, fingertips grazing the spines as he searches for just the right one; one sits at his desk where he always belonged, thumbing through papers and folders; one drinks, merry, with another ghost of her own past. Herself. Some of her best days have been spent here, talking, laughing with a man whose legacy now threatens to be tainted. Vergil had questioned her on all of this; whether it was worth it; whether it was wise; whether she was sound of mind. But even tiny humans have their pride, she told him. Even criminals have things worth protecting.
She closes her eyes and burns these phantoms, the smell of the office, the memories of it all into her very soul. Carves it straight into her being to live forever.
Because after today, she thinks wistfully, almost sadly, she doesn't think she'll ever get to see this room again.
The die has been cast.
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kumeko · 3 years
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A/N: For the Pandora Hearts Reverse Big Bang! My partner Hadrian drew an adorable piece of the three of them sleeping together and I wanted to write a fluffy AU for that (look, I really need a world where Lacie and Oswald live).
At twenty, Gilbert Nightray was used to plans going awry. It was par the course when it came to the mischievous Oz Vessalius. Despite being childhood friends for over 15 years, the only thing Gil could predict about Oz was that his suggestions never went as expected. Toss in the ever-hungry Alice, and well, there really was no point in planning, just preparing. Luckily, that was something Gil was good at. Every time they went off on an adventure, he packed a bag full of first aid kits, healing potions, and enough supplies to last a week.
 However, even he couldn’t have predicted the situation they were in. As they raced through the forest, Gil glanced over his shoulder to confirm that yes, a giant elephant-sized boar was chasing them. He pressed a hand against his hat to keep it from flying off.
 “Why are we running?” Oz asked breathlessly, just barely managing to keep apace. His physical strength wasn’t great on his best days, and after he’d been cursed…well, what little muscle he’d gained in the past ten years was gone.
 “Why do you think?” Gil snapped, his trench coat flapping behind him as he leapt over an overgrown root. Behind him the boar angrily snapped his head at an offending tree, skewering it with his horns. Wood splintered from the onslaught and Gil paled—that could have easily been them. That could still be them.
“We could just fight it!” Oz argued, his green eyes glowing slightly as he started to summon his magic.
 “Your magic isn’t what it used to be,” Gil argued, resisting the urge to tuck him under his arm like a ball and just sprint out. He probably could. Oz was ten now, not twenty, and as tiny as he was, he’d be easy to carry.
 “I want to eat him,” Alice announced, her eyes taking on a more rabbit-like appearance.  
 “Aren’t rabbits supposed to be herbivores?” Gil immediately whacked the back of her head. Maybe he should just tuck both of them under his arm—two ten-year-olds couldn’t be that heavy, right? “We’re only barely ahead of that thing because the forest’s slowing it down.”
 “But he could be tasty,” Alice protested, glancing over her shoulder. She licked her lips in anticipation.
 “Why is it always food for you?” Gil grumbled. Honestly, Alice’s first approach to everything was bite first, ask questions later.
 “Because meat is king,” she declared triumphantly. Why was that her answer to everything? Her physical strength was far greater than Oz’s, no matter what age. Gil wished it wasn’t; he’d rather hear her wheeze and pant than be forced to listen to whatever stupid inane thought crossed her mind.
 “And you’re too weak too fight,” Gil pointed out, feeling a headache forming. He had medicine for that. “You guys are younger, you can’t act like you normally do! You,” he turned to Oz, “Don’t have the magical reserves. And you,” he directed his glare at Alice, “Can’t fight like you used to.”
 Alice’s cheeks puffed, the sign of an impending sulk and Gil’s headache worsened. Oz frowned. “We could still fight it.”
 “Didn’t you promise Oscar you’d stay out of trouble?” Gil pleaded, ducking an overly tall branch. While the boar was slower, he hadn’t stopped. Every step caused a tremor and it was a miracle none of them had fallen over yet.
 “But—” Oz whined.
 “And Lacie—” Gil cut himself off immediately; it was always a mistake to bring up Alice’s mother. She was even wilder than her daughter. A better tack was her overprotective uncle. “Oswald? Did you agree to be careful for him?”
 “Booo,” Alice pouted as she hopped over a stone. “I can fight.”
 The earth shook behind them. Gil barked, “Not against that!”
 And then, before they could protest, he grabbed their hands. If he had to drag them to safety, he would.
 “I think we’re getting close,” Alice muttered, sniffing the air as she lifted a branch with a hand. While she hadn’t fully transformed into her rabbit form, her red eyes and long, claw-like fingers gave her an inhuman look.
 Gil could never get used to her partial transformations. Full transformations were fine, he could handle giant, bow-tied rabbits and short, ill-tempered women. Actually, considering how much Alice ate, it was amazing that she’d never grown taller, that even at twenty she couldn’t reach higher than his chest. Pulling his gun out of its holster, he asked, “Are you sure?”
 “What do you mean, am I sure?” Irate, she glared at him. It was more annoying than intimidating. “My nose is better than yours.”
 “Only if you’re actually using it properly and not smelling meat like last time,” he whispered back, trying to keep his voice down. “You’re a rabbit, how does that work?”
 Alice snorted. “Meat is king.”
 Gil stared at her. She’d said that with utter confidence, as though those three words explained everything. In fact, she’d been so matter-of-factly about it that for a minute, he’d doubted himself. That maybe he was the one ignorant to the ways of the world.
 On his right, Oz snickered as he drew his sword. The metal looked dull in the dim light. “She got you there.”
 That was enough to snap him out of it. “That doesn’t explain anything!”
 “It explains everything,” she retorted, hands on her hips, her quarry all but forgotten. “What more do you need?”
 Gil knew he ought to be the bigger person. They had a guild mission, after all, and that came before any petty differences between them. If Alice wanted to act like a child, like she often did, he shouldn’t stoop to her level. No, he should finish securing the pixie they’d been hunting for days, saving a village from its mischief, ensuring that his standing in the ranks didn’t—
 “If your head wasn’t made of seaweed, you’d understand,” she added with a presumptuous sniff.
 Gil forced his lips into a tight smile, resisting the urge to react. There’s no point in arguing with her, he reminded himself. Be the adult.
 “Where is the pixie?” he asked through gritted teeth. The sooner they finished with this, the sooner they’d go back.
 “Over there,” Oz replied, whistling softly as he peeked through the brush. “I think he’s asleep.”
 “That’s good.” Gil brightened at this one speck of good news. “Is there anyone—”
 Before he looked, before he even finished his sentence, Oz pointed at the pixie. “Alice, go!”
 Without hesitation, Alice ran forward, transforming into a giant rabbit as she did. There was a large scythe in her hands now, pulled out from whatever pocket dimension she’d left it in. “Just stay there and watch,” she ordered before disappearing into the foliage.
 Gil’s jaw dropped. “Oz!”
 “Come on, Gil!” Oz grabbed his hand, smiling innocently. Almost all of their misadventures had started with that smile.  “We can’t let her have all the fun!”
 “Why do you always do this?” Gil hissed, not sure how he’d force them to understand this one, common sense idea. “We should have to plan first!”
 He followed anyways—he’d never been able to say no to Oz, and he doubted he’d ever will. They were almost the same height, with Oz slightly shorter despite all of the milk he drank. There was something comforting about the back of his head, of that golden hair, and maybe it was that for all of the trouble they’d gotten into over the years, they’d always ended up fine at the end of it. Oz was strangely reliable.
 “It’s just a pixie,” Oz scoffed, trotting quickly after Alice. “She’s going to catch it before we get there.”
 In hindsight, those were famous last words. As soon as they made it past a particularly thick tree, pushing through the branches to reach a small clearing, they found Alice in the center. She slammed down her scythe at a pixie that was almost half her size. The creature had iridescent wings that fluttered quickly as he dodged her attack.
 “That’s a big pixie,” Oz muttered. He held his sword loosely. “I don’t think the cage we got is big enough for him.”
 “Me neither…” Gil frowned, pulling out his gun and several enchanted bullets. “Maybe we can knock him out.”
 Alice struck again, her scythe almost cleaving the creature in two. Which would have solved the transportation issue but luckily the pixie parried her attack. It almost knocked her off balance and she flipped backwards to stabilize herself. Legs tense, she prepared to strike again when the pixie shot her with a green bolt of magic.
 Smoke filled the air and Gil’s eyes widened as she disappeared. “Alice!”
 “Alice!” Oz yelled as he charged through the smoke to get to her.
 “I’m fine.” Alice coughed, still hidden by the smoke.
 The pixie cackled and Gil cocked his gun, looking for their enemy. It was time they took this battle seriously. Trees lined their small clearing, leaving many places to hide if the pixie headed for the shadows. Craning his head left and right, he couldn’t find their target.
 The smoke drifted past him slowly, dissipating as the gentle wind blew, and Gil glanced at where he’d last seen Alice. As the air cleared, he couldn’t find a big, stocky humanoid rabbit.
 Instead, he saw a small, child-sized rabbit. While it was dressed in Alice’s clothes, they were far too big for the rabbit, and they hung off it loosely.
 Oz stood in front of the rabbit, his lips parted in surprise. “Alice?”
 The rabbit’s ears twitched, and she looked up at him. “Why are you so big?”
 “Did he shrink you?” Gil asked, wishing he had his brother’s skills in magic identification.
 “Shrink?” Alice stood stock still, looking from Oz to Gil to the trees. If she didn’t have black fur, he was certain she’d be pale as a ghost. She tried to pick up her now too-heavy scythe, the handle oversized in her hands, before dropping it in horror. “WHAT HAPPENED?”
 “Oh wow!” Oz crouched in front of her, recovering from his shock entirely. Reaching forward, he rubbed her ears. “You’re so cute now!”
 “I’m not cute, I’m terrifying,” Alice retorted, growling slightly. She didn’t pull away from his touch though and Gil stored that info away to taunt her with later.
 “Of course you are,” Oz cooed.
 From the corner of his eyes, Gil saw something move. He spun on his heel, gun raised, finger on the trigger. There was the pixie, hovering in the air, another green bolt in his fingers.
 “Watch out!” Gil shouted, already squeezing the trigger.
 BANG! A bullet pierced through the air. As it reached the pixie, it transformed into a net, entangling the prankster.
 Jerking back in surprise, the pixie released its bolt. The green energy arced through the air before hitting Oz square in the back. Another burst of smoke filled the area.
 “Oz!” Gil shouted, racing forward to knock out the pixie before he could do anymore damage.
 “Wow, that tickled,” Oz replied, coughing slightly. After a moment, he swore. “Shit.”
 Oz rarely swore openly, and Gil swallowed as he turned to where his best friend stood. The air had cleared now, leaving behind a blonde child. His cloak hung loosely on his frame, almost slipping off his shoulders. His sword, now too heavy for him, fell out of his hands with a clatter.
 “You’re a kid,” Gil stated, realization dawning.
 Alice transformed back into her human form, confirming his fears: she looked like a kid too. With a smug smirk, she wrapped an arm around Oz, ignoring how her clothes almost fell off her. “Ha, who’s the cute one now?”
 Gil groaned as he leaned against the hard wall of the crevice they were hiding in. No matter how many times he thought about how they ended up in this situation, it felt ridiculous.
 “I think we’re safe now,” Oz whispered, poking his head out of their hole. Gil almost jerked him in reflexively. In the bright afternoon light, Oz was hard to miss.
 “I can’t smell him anymore,” Alice muttered, sulking as she crouched in the back of the small cave. With a stick, she drew pictures of pork chops and ham on the dirt ground.
 “Good.” Gil sighed, relaxing against the wall. He wanted nothing more than a hot bath but settled for sitting on the ground. These days, he felt more babysitter than adventurer. His nerves couldn’t take much more of this. “Next time I say run, run.”
 Oz pouted. “I still think we could have taken it,” he muttered.
 Gil gave him a tired look. “Oz.”
 “But that’s not why we’re here,” Oz admitted, which was as close to an apology as he’d get. Crouching in front of Gil, he reached up to ruffle his hair. “Good job!”
 “I’m not the stupid rabbit,” Gil muttered, looking away. Yet he didn’t pull away and maybe that was something he and Alice had in common.
 Oz chuckled, letting go and stepping back. “Alright, let’s finish our mission! I want to be tall again! I want to bully Gil properly again!”
 “Don’t bully me,” Gil grumbled half-heartedly, trying not to smile.
 “I want meat!” Alice chimed in. Gil wasn’t sure if she hadn’t followed the conversation or if she just didn’t care about it.
 Oz looked at him expectedly and Gil sighed. Standing up now, he shoved his hands in his pockets. “I want to stop worrying about you two.”
 “Oh, Gil.” Oz chuckled, though he looked touched. Standing up, he beamed at him, no malice in his voice. “You’ll always worry about us.”
 The truth in his words cut deep and Gil flushed. Coughing into his hand, he looked away. “I want to worry about you less.”
 Oz bumped into him lightly and nodded. “Alright, then we just have to find those berries, right?”
 “Yeah, Break said you just had to eat them and you should turn back to normal…” Gil trailed off. As reliable as his mentor was, he was also the kind of liar who’d take advantage of the situation to play a prank or run an experiment. There was a reason he and Oz got along; they were far too alike and Gil wished he could have stopped them from meeting. “It’ll work, right?”
 Alice growled at Break’s name and looked around quickly. Suspiciously, she lifted a rock, squinting at the dirt beneath it. “He’s not here?”
 “Of course not, or we’d have just fought that boar,” Gil scoffed, rolling his eyes. This whole mission would have gone better if they’d just brought one other person. How he ever let Oz talk him into coming here without backup, Gil couldn’t explain.
 “Nothing to it then.” Oz stretched his arms above his head, looking oddly refreshed. “We’ll just have to get those berries. They’re at the top of the mountain, right?”
 As usual, Alice thought with her stomach. “I hope they’re yummy.”
 “Maybe we should take a couple extra with us,” Oz suggested, rubbing his chin. He scowled. “I can’t believe the pixie couldn’t just turn us back.”
 Gil slouched over slightly. “I should have caught him sooner.”
 “And I probably should have listened to you earlier.” Oz reached up to pat him on the back. “Still, it’s kinda fun pretending to be my own love-child.”
 That was the first Gil heard about it. Aghast, he stared down at his friend. “Your what?”
 “Sec-ret love child,” Oz repeated slowly. Chuckling, he walked over to Alice and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “By the way, I told all the maids that she’s yours.”
 “Mine?” Gil screeched, forgetting all about the boar, the berries, or even the need to hide. He almost fell backwards and leaned against the wall for support.
 Alice grabbed Oz’s collar. “I’m what?”
 “The maids think it’s cute?” Oz weakly warbled, realizing a little too late that maybe he shouldn’t have admitted this in a cave in the middle of nowhere.
 They should start making their way up the mountain. They should be quiet. They should conserve their strength.
 Gil stepped out of the cave for a breath of fresh air, ignoring the ruckus behind him. Oz could wait a few minutes before getting saved.
 Hilariously, by the time they reached top of the mountain, Oz’s worst injuries were still from the cave. The rest of the trip had been as eventful as their first few minutes in the forest—as weak as Oz and Alice were now, their only options were to run and hide from monsters.
 Unfortunately, on this mountain this meant a lot of running and hiding. Gil’s arms were sore from dragging Alice away; she honestly thought she could take on every beast they met and Gil didn’t have nearly enough healing magic to prove her wrong.
 As they reached a plateau on the top, a large field filled with wildflowers, Gil was too exhausted to do anything more than just collapse. He stared up at the night sky, surprised. The afternoon felt like it had only been minutes ago, and yet there the stars were, twinkling above. “Is this it?”
 “I hope so.” A worn Oz lay down on the long grasses next to him, sounding as ragged as Gil felt. For all of his adventuring, his stamina had always been terrible. “We just need to find the berries now, right?”
 “And then make it back down.” Gil covered his eyes with the back of his hand and took a deep breath. A sickly-sweet scent filled his lungs and he coughed. “That’s strong.”
 “It’s disgusting.” Next to him, Oz wrinkled his nose. Despite his affection for sweets, he didn’t like the cloying scent either. “What are these flowers?”
 “Not sure.” Gil looked to his right, at the flower brushing his cheek. It had a dark lilac colour, barely visible in the moonlight. Neon blue spots dotted the petals, giving the plant an eerie look. Something about it tickled his memory as he slowly sat up. “Where have I seen that before?”
 “A book?” Oz guessed flippantly. Lifting his head, he scanned their surroundings. “Where’s Alice?”
 “Hmm?” Still focused on the flower, he glanced around haphazardly. The field was penned with trees, though they were so far out he couldn’t make out their individual shapes. “Maybe in the forest? Or by the bushes?”
 “Alice?” Oz called out, scrambling to his feet despite his aching limbs. There wasn’t a response, just the wind through the trees, and he yelled again, “ALICE!”
 This time, a small voice called out. Gil couldn’t make out the words. To their left, a small figure dashed toward them, growing bigger until he could make out Alice’s bright grin. “Oz!”
 “There you are!” Oz relaxed. Clasping his hands behind him, he acted as though he hadn’t been worried seconds ago. “Where’d you go?”
 “To the berries of course.” Alice snorted, holding out her right hand to reveal a small pile of the very berries they were looking for. “Unlike you lazy bones, I can get the job done.”
 For once, Gil was too tired to argue. He merely plucked on, inspecting it. It was a bright yellow, like the sun, and the leaves had an oval-like shape outlined with prickly points. All in all, it looked just like the ones Break had shown him before. Begrudgingly, he praised her. “Good job.”
 Alice lit up. “It was a good job, right?”
 She beamed happily at him before leaning forward expectantly. Gil sighed and reached out, patting her head. “That’s what I said.”
 She bounced on her feet before she stood up straight once more. “Now we can get big again!”
 Oz gingerly took one berry from her hand, eyeing it thoughtfully. “These are the right ones, right?”
 “Gil just said they were,” Alice pouted, her cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk.
 “If I die, I’m haunting you,” Oz muttered before swallowing the berry. He scowled. “That’s even sweeter.”
 “It’s like honey,” Alice added, utterly enamoured. She ate another one before Gil could stop her.
 “Hey, wait!” Gil snatched the rest of the berries out of her hand. A few were crushed between his fingers, their delicious juices dripping down his fingers. His raised his hand out of her reach. “You don’t know what eating more could do to you.”
 “But it tastes so good,” Alice grumbled, jumping up to grab the sweet treat. When it was obvious that she couldn’t reach, she stomped on his foot.
 “Ouch!” Gil glared at her, stepping back. “You stupid rabbit—”
 “Seaweed head—” Alice growled back.
 “Nothing’s happening,” Oz interrupted smoothly, frowning. He looked at his hands. “I’m not getting taller.” He paused. “Or older.”
 “Why in that order—” Gil shook his head, focusing on the actual issue. He glanced at Alice, who still couldn’t reach his chest, let alone his shoulders. “Alice isn’t either.”
 “That’s strange…” Oz sat down once more, plucking a flower and twirling it between his fingers. “Maybe it takes time?”
 “Or maybe you have to sleep…” Gil trailed off, realization dawning. Crouching, he inspected the flowers once more before covering his mouth. “Cover your mouths!”
 It was too late. He heard a soft thud, followed by another, and he found both Alice and Oz passed out. His own vision was going dark and he silently swore before collapsing as well.
 “They’re so cute,” Lacie cooed, tucking a lock behind her ear as she stared down at her daughter and her friends. The trio were curled up together, instinctively seeking each other even when unconscious. “I need a picture.”
 “Lacie,” Oswald murmured, giving her a baleful look as he crouched next to Alice. They were breathing at least. “We need to take them back.”
 “Do we?” Lacie sighed, pouting slightly as she knelt next to Oz. Her puffy dress spread around her like a mushroom. She gently pushed his hair out of his face. “They look so peaceful.”
 Break poked Gil’s cheeks, chuckling. It was obvious they were master and apprentice; their uniforms were far too similar to claim otherwise. “They do. We should draw on their faces.”
 That stopped Oswald and he looked at Break, his expression blank. “What?”
 “It’ll be fun!” Break chuckled, glancing at the field around them. In the day, the flowers were closed, the air crisp and clean. “It’ll be a punishment for not bringing us with them. And for entering this field at night. They should have known better.”
 “Yep.” Lacie nodded sagely, already pulling out a marker from her purse. “These flowers’ scents are like a sleeping spell. They should have remembered.”
 “None of them paid attention to my lessons.” Break raised a sleeve and wiped an imaginary tear.
 “Or my training.” Lacie hunched forward, sighing sadly.
 Already hoisting Alice in his arms, Oswald looked back and forth between the pair. They both looked at him with watery eyes and he flinched.  “I guess…”
 And just like that, they both grinned, pulling out markers from who-knows-where. “Great!” Lacie chirped, drawing a spiral on Oz’s cheek.
 “He’ll never forget,” Break chimed in, giving Gilbert glasses and a mustache.
 Oswald held Alice tighter. Maybe he should just save her and run.
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nicolewrites · 4 years
of new intentions - ii
Today's Sylvain call-out friend is Dorothea, who also has wonderful supports with both Sylvain and Ingrid. It's another chapter without Ingrid, but I promise she'll make an appearance tomorrow!
Day 2: Dance / Jealousy
Rating: G+ Genre: Romance,  Friendship Characters: [Sylvain Jose Gautier & Ingrid Brandl Galatea], Dorothea Arnault Words: 1,048
ii. jealousy
Sylvain is returning his father’s correspondence when Dorothea sits in the seat in front of him, turning the chair so that she can lean over his work. He tries to ignore her, but she isn’t deterred as he hoped she might be as she cups her face with her hands and lets her elbows rest on either side of the letter he’s writing.
Finally, he sighs. “What do you want, Thea?”
She smiles. “Oh nothing,” she sings back. “I’m just wondering what you’re doing is all.”
He gives her a flat look. “Writing to my father,” he replies shortly. He scribbles the last part of the letter and signs his name quickly.
He folds the letter and slides it into an envelope before Dorothea can attempt to read his messy upside-down writing. She smiles at him innocently like she didn’t come over here specifically to stir up trouble. Sylvain holds eye contact with her suspiciously.
“A lot of correspondence headed home recently, isn’t there?”
Sylvain sighs. “I suppose. I’ve been coordinating with my father and Catherine has been discussing with hers. Annette can finally write to Dominic without fear of her letters being burned en route.”
Dorothea smirks. “I was talking about all those letters Ingrid has been sending back to Galatea. Letters about suitors.”
A knot twists in Sylvain’s stomach and he hates himself. This is Ingrid. He’s not allowed to feel jealous of arranged suitors because it’s Ingrid . “I know what you’re trying to do, Dorothea,” he grumbles.
She bats her eyelashes. “Is it working? Your ears are red so I’m going to assume that it’s working.”
He frowns. “Fine,” he snaps, “it’s working. You’ve made your point. Can you leave me to my letters now?”
Dorothea’s smug facade vanishes and she leans away from him, changing into the more direct, honest woman that Sylvain has gotten to know recently. “She’s rejecting all of them,” she adds quietly.
Sylvain tries to keep his eyes glued to the letter in front of him, but they flicker up against his will in his surprise. Caught, he continues, “All of them?”
She nods. “Apparently she doesn’t even want to meet with any of them until the war is done. Even then, I think she’s had a taste for freedom now. I have a feeling our Ingrid is going to fight her father a lot harder about these things from now on.”
Sylvain thinks of the stack of unsent letters shoved in a drawer in his room. He doesn’t know if he feels better or worse about the fact that Ingrid is rejecting all of her suitors. It’s nice to know that she’s feeling independent and his jealousy lessens when he knows that it’s not like she’s going to start seeing someone all of a sudden, but there’s a dread that settles in his stomach as he thinks about his own intentions.
He’s still carrying the damn ring around, after all.
“Sylvain?” Dorothea prods and he realizes that she had asked him something and he hadn’t been paying attention.
He straightens. “Sorry.”
She shrugs. “I was just asking what correspondence was so important besides the usual letter to your father.”
He sighs. He has three letters to write: one to his mother to explain he still hasn’t written to Ingrid’s father, one to the current scion of House Rowe, and then, of course, the dreaded letter to Galatea. Technically, this letter is for business purposes only since he’s supposed to be working with Catherine, Gilbert, and Felix to rearrange the Kingdom’s scattered troops.
“Mostly letters on behalf of Dimitri. Since my father has taken charge of directing the base parts of the forces that remain in Kingdom territories, I’ve volunteered to help Dimitri and the Professor consolidate all the information we have.”
Dorothea hums in agreement. “No courtship letters?”
He sighs. “We’re in the middle of a war, Dorothea, as far as I’m concerned, Ingrid has the right idea in waiting until later.”
“How can I help? What are you working through right now?”
He blinks. “Uh,” he staggers and Dorothea takes advantage of his surprise to slide two of the three sheets of parchment towards herself, reading the addresses on them.
“House Rowe and House Gautier,” she reads aloud. She cocks a brow at him when she discovers the letter he’s writing home. “Didn’t you just finish your letter to your father?”
He huffs and takes the letters back. “This one is to my mother. It’s personal.”
She smiles when he says personal and leans forward again. “And, of course, this has nothing to do with the way you looked like you were going to break your lance of Ashe’s head after training yesterday? And nothing to do with the fact that our dear Ingrid has redoubled her dedication to the crown since Fhirdiad?”
Sylvain drops his head to the table and groans. “Come on, Dorothea, just leave me alone.”
“Never,” she teases. “You and me are the same remember? Horribly jealous creatures.”
He lifts his head to stare at her. “You’re the worst.”
“We’re the same,” she sings lightly.
He sighs. “Look, if you really want to help, I would appreciate a cup of tea. This is going to take me a while yet.”
Dorothea smiles at him. “Sure thing.” She stands up and leans forward and presses a light kiss to his cheek.
She walks away from him towards the door to the entrance of the former Blue Lions classroom. She pauses at the door and Sylvain glances back at her. She drums her fingers over the doorframe and smiles at him.
“You know, I’m sure Ingrid wouldn’t immediately reject a letter if it came from you, Sylvain.”
“Maybe,” he concedes, “but we’re in the middle of a war,” he reiterates. “I still think she has the right idea.”
Dorothea looks at him. “She might be waiting now, but she won’t wait forever. There are other people involved in this too.”
Sylvain runs a hand through his hair. “You’re her friend, Thea, so you should understand when I say that I’m not doing anything until she wants something to happen.”
Dorothea smiles faintly. “Well, if you’re going to wait for a sign from her, knowing her, you may be waiting longer than you originally anticipated.”
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gilbertslayer · 4 years
jeremy gilbert (steven r mcqueen) has been seen in the town square of mystic falls. the 30/44-year-old, vampire is in town because he returned years ago after the death of elena and damon to raise their kids . rumor has it they are + compassionate and + loyal but also – impulsive and – doubting but the real thing you need to know is that he recently turned someone into a vampire and is struggling how to be a good sire. who knows what the people of mystic falls will think when they find that out?
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what is your character doing in mystic falls (e.g. their job, reason for being here and when they moved here)? 
Jeremy moved back to mystic falls 10 years ago for a visit after elena died in labor and then stayed to help damon. only to stay forever when damon died. he kept his job in advertising for a few years but when trying to raise a group of pre-teens, it was hard, he ended up giving it up and running the mystic grill instead.
for canons also add a little summary of what they have been doing over the last 20 years since we last saw them in canon? 
Jeremy left tvd before the end of the show when he was 19 saying that he was heading to Santa Fe, New Mexico to go to art school but instead he headed out into the world to go hunter. 5 years later when elena woke from her magical coma, he returned for a time to make sure that elena was safe and happy. before his hunter gene sent him out into the world again as he still felt the urge to kill and it was something that stopped him from settling down. 
he huntered and travelled the world; once coming face to face with a creature that he thought didn’t actually exist. he used his skills to both killing bad hunters and the bad supernatural in turn. he did this for 6 long years and honestly he was tired. tired of the hunters mark driving him to a life that he felt like he didn’t get a choice in. but it was the life he had. 
a few months after his 30th birthday, he was hunting a coven of dark witches that were murdering people for power and when trying to help the future murder victims escape, the witches set fire to the house, trying to burn them all to the ground and destroy the evidence. ended up at the location of a house fire. Jeremy trying to save the people/children inside, Jeremy didn’t flee to save himself and went into the fire, trying to drag everyone out. the last being a 7 year old child. by the the fire department turned up, his was on his death bed., fighting for life. his family was called and they were told to say their good byes. 
his family and friends not wanting him to die, fed him vampire blood to try and heal him but over night he died anyway and was returned as a vampire. jeremy felt like for the first time he had control over his life again. he took a few years to come to turns with being a vampire and decided to do that outside of mystic falls. 
 he went to art school, he kept being a hunter, he built a life, had an apartment and had a good job. but as any vampire he knew people would soon start to notice that he doesn’t age and so when elena and damon both died, he returned to mystic falls to raise their kids when he was 35.
tells us more about your characters secret and why they don’t want anyone to know it?
jeremy as a vampire still ended up find people in life and death situations, in this situation jeremy ended up giving them his blood to heal them (and then they were possibly/ died in some way that didn’t have to do with jeremy). the new vampire turned up at the gilbert home, pissed off and confusion and in transition. jeremy not wanting to leave them to work it out on their own, is trying to be a good sire and help them.
he doesn’t know why exactly it’s a secret to him that it was his blood that turned them. after all all he had been doing was keep this person alive but still he feels bad for focusing someone into this life that they weren’t prepared for.
any wanted connections and plots you want for your character!
exes: he is single now but exes as the guy travelled around. or one night stands as he was travelling around the world. maybe a more steady relationships that he was in before turning into a vampire (with a hunter that wanted him to take the cure and turn back) or someone he has been dating recently and it’s on a break because he hasn’t told them about the supernatural or they are human and he is a vampire and they want to start doing human things like get married and have kids. or we can plot as we go. i would maybe even do an ex wife or ex fiancee with the right plot!
the child he saved: if someone wants to take this up as like an adopted child connection, i’m down for it. otherwise just the connection that he saved this person and died doing it (optional if they even know they are the reason he is a vampire). they would now be 21 years old. 
the person he turned: he is pretty set on wanting to help this person work like the vampire way of life, so i would love this connection for a little drama for him. 
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Other than the Annette-Gilbert paralogue, I haven’t dragged Dimitri along on any of the side missions until I just did Marianne’s now after Grondor. Mostly because he was high enough level and didn’t need more training, while I didn’t do anything else too difficult that I would need him along.
But like, in-universe it’s because Lethe quickly learned to give up trying to hold a conversation with him, or talk to him, or ask for his help on anything that isn’t fighting the Empire. He’s not gonna want to hear it. He doesn’t care about anything else. Then, the battle at Grondor, Rodrigue dies, and Dimitri gets some sense smacked into him. 
About two weeks after that, Lethe knees a Crest scholar in the stomach and tells him to never come back to the monastery or so much as look at Marianne ever again, and when some attention is understandably drawn by the commotion, Lethe paraphrases the situation down to “There’s some sort of beast attacking people in the Edmund territory, this asshole thinks he can blame Marianne for it, who wants to come with her and me to find this thing and kill it.”
Dimitri learns about this overhearing Annette and Mercedes and Lorenz talking about how they’re absolutely more than ready to throw hands with this asshole if he shows back up trying to shittalk Marianne, and Dimitri ends up very awkwardly asking them if they will need yet another extra pair of hands on this venture. Awkward, because he hasn’t like...actually offered help, or had it asked of him, in a very long time since everyone’s been sort of acting like he doesn’t exist and avoiding him, but Mercedes is like “Yes, of course, we could always use more help. I’m sure Marianne will be very grateful!”
And off they go to Margrave Edmund’s territory and a forest where they get attacked by two demonic beasts, four giant wolves, and one beast that seems demonic enough but even moreso, having the capacity to talk, and eventually they all stumble back out and collapse on the edge of the trees, and Marianne, holding a giant fuckoff Relic sword, is tearfully apologetic that she got separated from the group and nearly died and they all got into so much trouble coming to her rescue. Lorenz is trying to reassure her that they would all do this again for her in a second, but he just ends up vomiting on the ground because getting a faceful of demonic beast poison breath does that to you, who knew. Ferdinand is dragging two sets of axe/shield because Dedue handed his weapons off to him in order to give Annette a piggy-back ride out of the woods because Annette also got a faceful of poison breath but took it much, much worse. Felix is yelling at Annette about which one of them was supposed to have the bottles of antitoxin.
“Marianne, relax,” Ingrid says, placing a hand on her shoulder. “None of us regret helping you for a second. These past few months, I’ve happily lent a hand to even much less worthwhile endeavors than stopping a beast from murdering innocent people. The battle at Lake Teutates was much worse than this.”
“Speak for yourself,” says Lorenz, who was also there at the lake and would merit it as an easier fight given that at the end of it he was not reduced to, as established, vomiting up his guts.
“Yeah, speak for yourself!” Annette says. “I - wait. I didn’t go to Lake Teutates, did I?”
“No,” Ingrid says. “You didn’t. Sylvain and Mercedes and I did. We told you about it after.”
“What - what happened at Lake Teutates?” Dimitri asks, as a sudden awareness of just how much he hasn’t been aware of smacks him in the face.
“And you may speak for yourselves all you like,” says Ferdinand, “but from what I heard about that lake, it was nothing compared to the battle in Brigid.”
Felix groans. “Don’t you dare mention that fight,” he says.
“I’m sorry, you--” Dimitri turns to Lethe. “You went to Brigid? When did you go to Brigid? How long were you in Brigid? How did I not notice that you were gone for--”
“It was a couple days there and back,” Lethe says. “I forget when? Last month? Two months ago?”
“Two, I believe,” Felix says. “You didn’t notice because you weren’t inclined to notice anything that anyone but Edelgard was doing.”
“What happened in Brigid that was such a problem?” Dimitri asks, because he cannot argue against Felix’s statement, but he really wants to know why Felix didn’t want it mentioned. Felix usually likes talking about past fights.
“Hubert nearly killed the both of us, and Caspar,” Lethe says.
“Hubert was in Brigid?” Dimitri asks. “You fought - you went to Brigid to fight the Empire? How did I not know of this?”
“Well, no, we didn’t go to Brigid to fight the Empire,” Ferdinand says. “We were taking Petra to meet with her grandfather and discuss the war. We ran into the Empire along the way. And that is when Felix lost the fight with Hubert.”
“I did not lose,” Felix snarls. “It was a draw until Petra intervened. I simply did not win, either.”
“That sounds a bit like losing,” Annette says.
“Shut up, it does not.”
“Was there a fight with the Empire at Lake Teutates as well?” Dimitri asks.
“No,” says Dedue. “It was a beast, much and not at all like this one.”
“It was guarding a Relic of Saint Indech,” Mercedes says. “A bow. Leonie has it now, if you want to see it later.” 
“We fought it to a standstill and then it agreed to give us a blessing,” Ingrid says. “I’m not sure striking it with my lance hurt it at all. It was huge - bigger than any demonic beast I’ve ever seen. It was like a small hill all on its own. Sort of like a turtle.”
“Linhardt implied to me that the beast may have been the actual Saint Indech,” Lethe says. “And then he told me to forget that he said that.”
“You know,” Ingrid says, resting her chin on her hand. “Seteth had a short conversation with it. He told it he was glad that it seemed to be...holding back? I could swear that was what he said. Perhaps he already knew of what it was - if there’s anyone who might know of some secret like that, a Saint turning into such a creature, it would be Seteth, wouldn’t it?”
“You - you won a Relic from a saint,” Dimitri says. “And you went to Brigid and fought Hubert there. You have been...busy.”
The question he is dancing around asking - is there anything else that happened that I should know about? - is obvious. Mercedes stares down at her hands, and not noticing that, not aware of her friend’s troubles that she has not yet confessed to her, Annette pipes up, “Oh, and Caspar tried to fistfight the Death Knight!”
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sunshineandfangs · 5 years
Saudade, Retrouvailles
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Day Seven (October 13th - Sunday): Canon-ish
Still annoyed by all the mess that was made in TVD/TO? Well, this is the day for you to write your own version of the events. TO’s ending fix-its, canon divergences throughout the show(s), future moments… It’s all fair game! So explore all the unexplored potential of Klaroline in this day and share the goodness with us all!
I didn’t manage trope x trope, but I finally decided to work on the canon fix-it I’ve been meaning to write for months...Although I guess one can argue there are at least two tropes in this.
The words are inspired by this post by @labime.
The feeling of longing for someone that you love and is lost.
“Vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist.”
The happiness of meeting again after a long time.
“…in French, we say ‘les retrouvailles sont hors du temps’ which poorly translates to ‘there are moments that don’t fit time.’”
The Unmaking
She felt it.
Sitting in her car just outside the city limits of New Orleans, her head tipped back against the seat.
He was gone.
A tiny, hysterical giggle (sob) caught in her throat. Surely, it couldn’t just be her that felt the change of his absence? The most powerful creature in the world, as he once said.
And all those years and miles between them: twisting and turning and slowly, elegantly going to twine their lives together.
All of that, so it could end like this.
Her fingers curled, white-knuckled around the steering wheel, her head tilting forward.
She wouldn’t let it.
For a woman that planned out the vast majority of her life, there was a distinct lack of such as she rushed to fix this-this travesty. It was a desperate, selfish feeling that swelled and consumed her from the inside-out. A feeling she couldn’t call anything but love. Ironic considering how long she spent running from such a label.
But she knew with a deep, long buried instinct exactly what she could do, as though through a veil of dreams old knowledge and memories resurfaced. They had been lost to her for a long time. Not blackened and suppressed like compulsion, but rather dimmed to something forgettable and unimportant.
See, on her dresser there was a beautiful music box. She had carried it with her from her childhood home to her dorm and on and on to each place she lived. Subconsciously, she had held it close even when she had forgotten its meaning.
And while hers was white and gold and sleek lines, delicately painted and carved with flowers and butterflies, her father’s had been a small, intricate thing. Burnished gold filigree and encrusted with tiny emeralds. It had led his heart to Steven, granted courage when he would have been cowed by small town judgement. Granted knowledge of how to protect all that he held most precious to him.
A vague niggling in her brain reminded her too of her grandmother’s, her father’s mother. How Nana’s had been deceptively plain, though sturdily made of a handsome wood. Whatever gift it had granted to her, Caroline could not recall, but she knew each of the Forbes line, back and back across countless generations carried one with them until they needed it most.
Once more the irony was near overwhelming. It had not been the innumerable disasters and dramas of Mystic Falls that triggered her remembrance, but Klaus. Klaus and the wild, powerful emotions that dwelled in her heart.
The drive from NOLA back to Mystic Falls was a blur, a blitz down the highway that she could barely recall. And as if on autopilot, Caroline stepped purposefully toward her room once she arrived. To where the music box sat, as it always had.
With delicate fingers, she cracked open the lid and slowly wound its key. Listened to the clicks of the gears. And when she released it, magic sung through the air. It wound itself around her figure, the sheer force unmistakable for all that its touch was gentle. The world shuddered and shrunk around her. Time and space and reality itself unwoven. Threads pulled loose and returned to the ether, ready to be twined together once more.
The Reforging
When the world came back into focus, Caroline found herself stalking away from the school. The transition was extremely disorienting, expecting it or not, and she was thankful that the current (past?) version’s memories were at the forefront of her mind.
Her eyes widened as she processed them, her body blurring into motion, a thousand thoughts whirling in her head. The cancellation of the 1980s Decade Dance, for all that it vexed this Caroline, would have been a mere blip on her radar. However, there was a different set of events that happened today. Events that she recalled far, far move vividly.
As she raced across town toward the Gilbert’s house part of her was thankful for the essence of world altering magic that lingered within her. Not only did it grant her memories of The-Future-That-Never-Was (now at least, and hopefully never will be), but also her strength. And sure a decade or two extra meant little in the grand scheme of vampire strength, but right now any advantage helped.
Splitting her attention, Caroline fumbled for a moment to grab her phone as she ran, hesitated a split second before settling on texting Klaus. (Ignored what it meant that she had his old number memorized). She was fairly certain she could get the jump on her friends, considering this would be an utterly unexpected and seemingly out of character move. Still, it wouldn’t do to accidentally alert more people’s suspicions than she had to with a call. Klaus would certainly be challenge enough.
Said Hybrid was fuming in the cellar of the Salvatore’s basement, only a fraction of his attention paid to snark at the elder Salvatore of all people. He was far more restless than he let on, sensing something was wrong, but not knowing what. Having long learned to trust his instincts, it was frustrating to be uncertain where to point them.
When his phone vibrated in his hand, he looked down eager for news, and saw the last person he expected to be texting him.
[Caroline Forbes] 4:12 PM: klaus this is caroline
[Caroline Forbes] 4:12 PM: get to the gilberts house
[Caroline Forbes] 4:12 PM: NOW
[Caroline Forbes] 4:12 PM: trust me pls!
He abruptly stopped talking as he peered down at his phone, wondering when Caroline learned his number, wondering if he could trust her as she requested. As she near begged him to really. And it was that note of pleading, present even through the pixels of his phone that settled the matter for him. Without so much as an acknowledgement or good-bye, unless one counted snapped necks, Klaus sped up the stairs.
Halfway to his destination, Klaus’ phone rang, Kol’s name on the caller ID. His eyes narrowed, instincts flaring, and he moved even faster as he answered the call.
“Well, if it isn’t the happy homicidal maniac,” he taunted, digging for the truth as he riled his brother.
His brother that was certainly not abiding by their normal script as he snarled back, “Did you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother are trying to kill me?”
“What?” He growled, the pieces easily falling into place with Caroline’s own texts from mere moments before.
“Don't pretend like you're not in on it. Your obsession to find the cure clearly trumps any sibling loyalty you once felt.”
There’s so much Klaus wished to say, most of which he swallowed to save for their upcoming confrontation.
“You are an utterly reckless fool, Kol, but you are my brother first.”
His words seemed to fall on deaf ears. “I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arm and kill Elena just for sport. Then I'm coming for you.”
The call ended before Klaus can retort. Though with the house mere streets away he could hear the fighting. Once this little problem was dealt with, he and his brother could have a proper chat.
Caroline came disastrously close to colliding into Bonnie in her rush. Though it took little time to turn it into something fortuitous, memories of a spelled cage and a furious Hybrid in her mind. Offering up a mental apology, Caroline gently knocked the witch out, setting her down swiftly, but carefully on the Gilbert’s front porch when she reached it.
Even from outside, Elena’s, Jeremey’s, and Kol’s fighting was glaringly obvious. Sounds of their shouts and the destruction of furniture carried down from the upstairs. Caroline rushed in, all but flying towards the sounds of their conflict.
It was sheer luck that had her appearing as Kol vanished to chase Jeremey, Elena’s head conveniently bowed as she struggled with the stake in her leg. Another mental apology and another unconscious friend later, and Caroline’s obstacles were dropping by the second.
Thankfully, her luck continued to hold as she flashed after Kol and Jeremey .And when she came upon them Jeremy was still dazed as he was dragged upright by Kol. Being a Hunter and in an Original’s grasp, Caroline couldn’t afford to be as delicate as she was with Bonnie. She slammed the poor boy out of Kol’s arms and used the momentum to smack his head onto the counter, being extremely careful not to kill him, though she feared he’d likely need some blood when he came to.
She then rapidly backpedaled as Kol snarled at her, confusion slightly softening his otherwise fierce expression.
“What is this?” He hissed. “Here to protect him? I’m afraid I can’t allow that, Darlin’.”
He took a menacing step towards her as she raised her arms in placation, even as she prepared to dodge his blow.
“Take another step and I’ll tear out your liver.”
Caroline didn’t allow the sound of Klaus’ voice to soften the wariness in her spine, no matter how much she longed to. She also didn’t take her eyes off Kol, even as he turned to sneer at his brother in the doorway.
“Don’t you have any original threats, brother. First daggers now my liver. Besides-” his slight pause was all the warning she had, and thankfully all the warning she needed. She just managed to dodge his blow, though he was uncomfortably close as he snarled, “you’re not invited in.”
Flashing closer to the entrance, she was able to hear every bit of menace in Klaus’ voice. (If both monster and woman were a bit flattered by his protectiveness... well she ignored that for now too).
“Do you think I’ve forgotten how to dismantle a house until ownership means nothing, because I assure you, Kol, I have not.”
Kol chuckled darkly. “And in the time it takes you to do so? What do you think shall happen to this tasty little thing, hm?”
Caroline still wasn’t looking at Klaus, but she felt the way the air shifted. Suspected that his eyes were burning Wolf gold behind her.
“Nothing,” he uttered with a frightening matter-of-factness, “if you don’t wish to be begging for a dagger by the time I am through with you.”
Something hateful shifted on Kol’s face and despite how all her instincts screamed at her to stay silent, Caroline knew she could not. Not when they were on the verge of dangerous escalation.
“Enough!” She yelled, startling both brothers, for all that they were partially arguing about her. Steadied herself as both their regard shifted. “There are far more important things we should be discussing.”
“Oh? And what things are those, Darlin’.”
It was obvious Kol wasn’t taking her seriously in the slightest. Irritating though unsurprising. That quickly changed when she uttered her next words.
“Things such as Silas.”
There was a moment of stunned silence before both Mikaelson’s spoke. Kol now serious and mildly suspicious. Klaus incredulous.
“However did a baby vampire from Mystic Falls learn anything of Silas?”
“Sweetheart, you can’t believe such utter rot.”
With both Originals now clearly hungry for answers and the mounting list of things Caroline knew she must do, she almost regretted stepping in to save Kol. 
For all that she had never met the man prior, despite the apparent witchy shenanigans involved in his resurrection, most people agreed that he was a bit of a psycho. And this demonstration certainly did nothing to help his case. However, he was also Klaus’ brother, and Caroline well remembered the devastation on his face when Kol had died. How Klaus lashed out. How she was honestly stunned in retrospect that he hadn’t massacred the town in vengeance. And more than that it was the right thing to do. If not for Kol than for the thousands of uninvolved vampires that would have dropped dead with him.
Still, all that didn’t make what she needed to say, eventually needed believed any bit easier.
Caroline took a breath, dearly wishing to rub at the tension in her face, but knowing better than to drop her guard.
“Look, it’s a long story and I’d rather not be here when my friends wake up. There’ll be enough yelling as is, so if we could maybe move this little powwow elsewhere that would be great.”
So I still have more ideas for this, but my muse is flagging so I’m stopping here before it becomes crappy. May add more later
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I think I have like one more part after this one for the nagatalia story
contains: soft, safe, unwilling vore/fearplay, and mentions of violence towards species near the end
They were back again. Lovino just so happened to be as close to the border as he could be when he sensed them. Unfortunately, he also had Feliciano with him today, the naga smaller than him and could have easily ran into them had Lovino not realized and stopped him before he could move any closer. 
"What is it?" Feliciano was confused at his brother's sudden change in demeanor. He was an average size for a naga, and therefore not able to sense things as quick as Lovino could. He could still sense things quickly, however. It hit him a few seconds after he asked, a faint scent of humans. "Humans?" "I'll deal with them." He replied, but Feli could tell he wasn't sure how to with him there too. Actually, Gilbert told him a few weeks ago that Lovino caught a couple humans, and Lovino refused to answer how he dealt with them. "You aren't going to hurt them, right?" 
The duo were back, but this time they didn't bring any of their equipment or journals. Today, their main focus was to try and develop a better relationship with the nagas of the forest so they could find a way to compromise for information. Of course, Antonio jumped at the chance to take the mission, if nothing else than to just make sure Lovino didn't cost them anymore members. He didn't have to drag Bella with him, but she was wary of returning to the forest after how angry Lovino was at Antonio for his frequent visits. Plus, the two needed to be careful. Their boss was clear on the no equipment policy for the mission, and that included their weapons. Should they run into any threats, they'd be in trouble. 
Antonio felt a little more confident in looking for the naga this time around, now that he knew what exactly to look for. Bella kept an eye out for anything else they needed to be concerned about, knowing he was on his tangent about focusing on only the naga again. 
"Your obsession is going to get you killed one of these days." She teased, ducking under some branches that were hanging low. 
Dangerously low. It raised a spark of concern, and she made a note to keep it in mind. "Maybe. But if I don't try, who will? You know everyone else at base is scared of the creatures here. Especially Lovino." 
"For good reason. Do you not remember how angry he was with you?" 
The brothers could hear them now, and before Feliciano could process what they were saying, Lovino pulled the naga closer to his face. "Hey! I'm trying to hear them!" "Go home, I'll be there as soon as I'm done." It was clear that Lovino wouldn't take no for an answer, so Feliciano nodded and started for home when he was released. After that, Lovino turned his attention back to the humans. 
Bella noticed the movement to the side, and stopped walking. Antonio noticed after a few steps, and walked back to her. "What is it?" "Something was moving." "Do you want to see what it was? We don't have any defense." "Yea, I know. Still." She could tell Antonio didn't really like the idea of investigating it, and with good reason, but she knew it'd be better to put her mind at ease before she started jumping at every little noise. 
The light, even at midday, was dim, the trees above blocking most of it. It was difficult enough to see the path ahead of them, let alone going off the trail. It was so dim they never saw it coming. 
She almost screamed when large fingers wrapped around her, lifting her off the ground before she could call out for Antonio. Not that calling for him would have helped, because as she stopped moving up and was released from the grasp, she realized he was in the same predicament. The two were now above the trees, allowing them to see what had grabbed them. 
She looked down at the hand, following it to its wrist, then further until she recognized who had picked them up. 
"Are all humans this stupid or are you a special case?" Once again, it was directed at Antonio. "We're here to try and make a better relationship with you!" She sighed, looking down at the hand. She wasn't going to watch it get ugly this time. She feared if Lovino got any louder that she was going to get scared again. 
The truth was, both were pretty happy that Lovino found them before anything else did. Even with that fact, Lovino was probably the biggest, and more than likely the meanest, of any of the predators around here. It was hard to not be frightened. 
"Of course you are. No fucking weapons, wandering around the forest with no backup. You sure they didn't just send you on a suicide mission?" Lovino glared. "I can't put up with you two today. Leave." He was starting to lower them to the ground but Antonio wrapped his arms around the naga's thumb. "We can't leave without any progress made!" That much was true, Bella hated to admit. Their boss gets unhappy with no progress made, he wouldn't let them redo the mission if they took too long. She looked up just in time to see his eye twitch before both of them were lifted quick enough that they became disoriented, and before Antonio could get his bearings back he was in the naga's mouth once more. 
Bella looked down at the leathery surface beneath her to stop the dizzy sensation, getting back to normal with enough time to look up at the naga as he swallowed.
She looked at his other hand and realized what happened instantly, fear making her heart drop. 
He was angry before he did this, and didn't say anything about having nice intentions. His other hand moved to pick her up and she panicked, scrambling away from the fingers. His hand stopped after a moment, him watching her cower against his clawed fingertips in an attempt to hide. 
A sick feeling washed over him. He hadn't meant to make the girl afraid. He thought she had more trust in him than that, since she came back. Did Antonio force her to again? She had been terrified at the idea the first time. His pulled his hand away, gently moving the girl towards his chest, where his pouch was. He was a little familiar with human customs, like how the kiss he did last time comforted her. This was supposed to be comforting as well, squishing her against his chest. Humans called it hugging, if he remembered correctly. It didn't matter, what mattered was calming her down. 
Bella squeezed her eyes shut when he started moving again, bracing herself to prepare for what she hoped wouldn't be her death. She felt herself get pressed against something warm, yet it felt the same as the hand under her.. which hadn't left yet. Was she not being eaten? 
She opened her eyes slowly, afraid of what to expect. She found quickly that he was holding her against his chest. But why? 
She jumped when a finger gently touched her head, running down her back before going back to her head. Was.. was he petting her? 
She couldn't help but calm down, her curiosity of how Lovino knew these human customs overriding her fear of him. She was still concerned for Antonio, and she'd have to ask if he was okay. 
When she stopped shaking he stopped, slowly lifting her back up. She didn't fight against him, so he assumed it was okay. He was going to ask her if she was okay but she beat him. "How do you know all these human customs?" His mouth opened, then closed again. After a few seconds, he simply said, "I can't remember." "Okay." She nodded, accepting the answer. Now for the second question plaguing her mind. "Is Antonio-" "He's fine. I was storing you two because I'm with my brother today and I don't want him finding out about you two." "Rather you don't want Antonio finding out about him." She teased. He nodded, leading her to burst out laughing. "He's normal sized, so he wouldn't be able to get Antonio to shut up by eating him." "I'm sure he could, it would just take longer." "Then there wouldn't be a point." He lowered her slightly, and she realized what he was doing. "What are you going to do about your brother? Or are you going to keep us in until he leaves?" He sighed, unsure how to answer. The rational thing would be to get Feliciano to leave so he can let them out before nightfall, but after sending him away so quickly earlier he doubted his brother would leave. Plus, having the two in his pouch made him feel full, and that would help him get through the day that he'd inevitably have to spend with his brother. 
"Probably until he leaves. I don't know when that will be." She nodded, then closed her eyes. He lowered her until he could slip her into his mouth with ease.
She didn't fight back, just like last time. He was able to send her down quickly. As soon as he was sure she was in his pouch, he started back towards home. 
"Are the humans gone?" He nodded as he moved the boulder in front of the door. "Did you hurt them?" "No, I scared them. They aren't here." He seemed satisfied with the answer, getting up and getting closer to the naga. "How come you don't like humans? Are they evil?" "Very. Don't trust them whatsoever." He failed to mention why. Feliciano still believed their grandfather was out there somewhere, along with the first wolf friend he made. Lovino knew what had happened to his friend, but he couldn't break it to him. It was humans, of course. He was just a pup when they…
"I guess. Gilbert said that some humans can be nice." "Don't count on it. It's better to assume they all have bad intentions. You don't get tricked and attacked that way." The smaller naga simply nodded. Lovino laid down, ready to take a nap. Maybe after a nap Feli would be willing to leave and he could let them out. 
Feli waited until he was settled, then slithered over so he could coil himself around the fingers. He curled as close to his brother as possible, to retain heat. That as a reason he liked the wolves so much, they were furry and they retained heat a lot better than his kind could. That, and they were nice to be around. 
It was a little bit after Lovino drifted off, and he was close to, when he heard something. Carefully untangling himself, he realized the sound was coming from the larger naga's chest. Specifically where their pouches were. He got closer, and realized that they were voices. The same voices from before! 
He wanted to talk to them, he never talked to humans before. He doubted they would answer from inside, though. Plus, what if they were scared? He had to tell them they were okay! 
He got close to his brothers face, his movements as gentle as possible to avoid disturbing Lovino. 
He carefully pried his lips open wide enough that he could slip in with ease, barely spending a few seconds inside the mouth before pressing against the throat, trying to get in. 
Lovino woke up to a strange prodding at his throat, and he realized someone was in his mouth. His tired brain processed it as someone stuck in his mouth, and he swallowed before trying to investigate. It was too late when he realized it had a tail like his. 
He had to swallow again to get the tail down, and when he did he was pissed. 
"Feliciano what the fuck!? What if I didn't realize you were alive? I could have killed you! What were you doing in-" it dawned on him too late that the humans were still in his pouch. 
That was Feliciano's plan, then. He wanted to meet the humans, after somehow finding out he had stored them. It didn't change the fact that he could have killed Feliciano! 
Feli heard the yelling as he went down, feeling guilty for scaring his brother like that. He knew Lovino wouldn't hurt him with this, but it didn't change the fact that it was pretty dangerous to do while he was sleeping. 
He didn't focus on that for long, because he was soon released into the pouch, where the humans were startled by the sudden yelling and even more so by the new addition. 
"Don't be scared! I'm a lot nicer than my brother here." "Don't say anything to them!" Lovino knew it was too late, however. It didn't mean he couldn't be upset about it. 
"My name is Feliciano, a lot of my friends call me Feli! What are you names?" 
Bella was wary to say anything, knowing Lovino was upset with the situation. But she was also curious as to why Feliciano did that. Maybe nagas were more okay with being stored since it's a part of their anatomy? 
"My name is Antonio, this is Bella." She gave a small wave when she was introduced, figuring that Antonio was going to anyway. They heard a loud huff from above them. "You know what? I give up. Go ahead and get your stupid information. After this, if I catch you in my forest again I will fucking kill you. Got it?" "No!" Feli yelled. "Why kill them? They haven't done anything!" "Because I tried my hardest to keep them away from you because humans are dangerous! They'll use the information to hurt us. So sorry that I'm putting your life above theirs." He wanted to say more, they could all tell. And they could feel the anger he had.
She never felt more in danger in her life. 
The trio was silent for a few tense moments, Lovino's words sinking in. Bella curled up, hugging her knees to her chest. She tried to keep herself from acting out of fear, but she really wanted to get out. She wanted to leave the forest, regretting getting talked into coming again. She hoped that once they were released Antonio wouldn't take another mission in the forest, and the whole group of researchers can just move to an alternate area to explore. 
The other human was starting to take Lovino's words seriously, but he knew if they returned with any information it would lead to disaster for the nagas. He could tell Bella was scared, he wished he could comfort her. But he knew it was his fault, she didn't want to come back, but he talked her into it. 
Feliciano didn't want to make Lovino any more angry than he was, but he also knew he was just talking out of anger. Lovino wouldn't actually kill anyone, right? He hoped it wasn't a risk they would have to take. "...Can I ask why you two come back?" Bella sighed. "Our boss makes us. He has these missions out and us two are the only ones who will accept the naga missions. Lovino scared the rest of them away." "Things won't really end well if we return from a mission without progress." Antonio added. "Oh." Was all Feliciano said. He tried to make a connection, and the closest thing related to their situation was the training Ludwig made him do, along with their kitsune friend Kiku. If he didn't do the training he didn't get to take a nap during the day until he did. Maybe that was a good connection? 
"I understand that. Ludwig makes me do training and won't let me take a siesta until I finish it." More silence. Feliciano drummed his fingers lightly against his tail, uncomfortably coiled up against the walls of the pouch. "What was this mission's goal?" "To make a better friendship with the nagas of the forest. Though, we failed the last mission we had pertaining to nagas too so even if we just leave with more knowledge on nagas they'll be satisfied." 
"What if you fail enough missions?" The humans looked at each other the best they could in the dark. "It depends on what it is.." Antonio started. "If the species is too hostile and no progress is made on the missions, they try to gather a group to.." Bella couldn't say it. She couldn't bring herself to tell the two that if they didn't cooperate that they would become targets. That a group of trained and armed soldiers would come to eliminate the hostile species. "...to what?" They flinched as Lovino joined the conversation again. Right, he could hear us.. 
"They would get a group of people together to…" she sent Antonio a pleading look. "Take care of the problem?" He offered. "That doesn't answer my question, dumbfuck." "To put it in company terms, 'eliminate the hostile species to promote peace'." He blurted out in response. Neither of them wanted to say it, especially not with Feliciano in here. He seemed too innocent to deal with hunters. 
"So if we don't cooperate, they come to kill us?" Bella curled up tighter. She was sure he would ensure they didn't come back now that he knew. Maybe she was just thinking the worst, but she had a bad feeling about the whole situation. 
The walls around them began to tighten, and she broke. 
She let out a scream, stopping everything in their tracks. "Bella!?" Antonio tried to calm her down, finding her arm and trying to pull her to him. She started flailing in response, panic taking over her mind. She felt something wrap around her waist and a few seconds later, most of her body so she couldn't flail. She tried to scream again but her mouth was covered by something scaly, and slimy. Her eyes were screwed shut, but something felt off. She felt the need to open them, but she didn't want to face what was surely going to be their death. Something brushed against her cheek and they flew open. 
She had a suspicion that Feliciano was trying to keep her still to calm her down and that was confirmed by the coils wrapped around her from the neck down. The tip of his tail was pressed against her lips and a hand rested against her jaw. She looked up and met the naga's eyes- which were a strange, swirly pattern? It wasn't like that before, was it? It was getting harder to think, she couldn't look away from the gold and amber swirls. Her mind got fuzzy and she went limp, relaxing against the scales that held her. The naga said something in a language she didn't know, probably talking to Lovino, but she couldn't focus on it. She felt herself being moved, and now she sat next to Antonio, who looked worried. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, keeping an eye on the naga on the other side of the pouch. 
After a few minutes she felt the hypnosis wear off, and she sat up. Her head was pounding, probably a side effect of waking up from it. "Bella?" "I'm okay. I.." Now that she calmed down, she felt embarrassed for acting out. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." "Was it panic? You were panicking, because Lovino was letting us out." Feliciano asked innocently. She looked down. "Yea, I panicked. I thought he.." "Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't kill you two. Not with Feliciano here." He wanted to tell her he never planned on killing her because she kept getting dragged into these situations not by her choice, but he decided against it. "Not with me not here, either." Feliciano added hastily. "Mh." 
He made her scared again. 
Why did he care so much? This is the third time he's scared her, and yet it makes him feel awful every single time. Yet he felt nothing about scaring the other humans.. 
Why does scaring her make him feel sad? 
He pressed a hand against his abdomen, feeling a flinch in response when he found the girl, still curled up. Guilt cut through him like a knife. 
Pride be damned. He needed to apologize. 
"I'm sorry, Bella. I'm not trying to scare you or make you think you're in danger while you're with me." Feliciano jumped on right before he could continue. "Actually, you're safer in the forest with Lovino. Everyone knows not to mess with him, because he won't hesitate to stand up for himself. Honestly, it's a good thing he finds you two everytime you come here, I can think of a few monsters who would hurt you as soon as they saw you." 
Bella looked down, feeling guilty. It was her fault she couldn't keep her fear in check, why are they apologizing? "No, it's-" "It's not your fault. And it isn't Antonio's either. I didn't know about the company thing until now, I thought he was just being stupid and wanting to learn about us for personal reasons." 
"I would have told you before, but I was hoping we could have made some progress first. That way the bosses would be off of our backs for a little while. I didn't want to make you angry with us for the company's policy." His arms tightened slightly around Bella. "And I wasn't trying to pull you into any of this either." Feliciano shifted slightly, pulling his coils closer to himself to give them some space. "If we answer your questions, you'll make sure we don't become targets?" "We will do our best to." Bella said. 
"Do you want to do this questioning thing while in there, or do you want to come out?" 
Bella was about to say yes, but she hesitated. She felt safer now that everyone had explained themselves, and honestly it didn't make a difference except for making Lovino do a little extra work.  "I wouldn't mind staying, if that's okay." 
Their boss grinned down at the folder on his desk. "Finally got through?" "Yea, it just took a while." "A lot of trial and error." The two gave vague explanations. 
Honestly, would their boss believe them if they had said they got most of their information while residing in the naga's pouch, which was essentially a second stomach? Would their boss believe that was the second time they were in the pouch? It would be better to keep the adventure stories to themselves. 
The man did a quick flip through of the folder, taking in the information. "And this was a friendly species despite the scaring?" "That's their natural response to foreign creatures in their territory. They were friendly after they started to recognize us." "Well, that's all we need to know. If they don't pose a threat, we have no reason to mess with them. We can go ahead and move to the next biome."
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xladyxfatex · 4 years
Chapter Four (FMITN BOOK 1)
That night's dinner consisted mostly of meat, bread for their carbs, and of course water. Melissa’s health seemed to be okay considering she was only using a tonic at this time. It wouldn’t be long till Holly would be able to remove the cancer and things would be back to normal. When Melissa had spoken to Gwendolyn about the visit she didn’t hide the fact that she was in need for surgery and what it was for, it was at that point that instead of coming for a month turned into the mother and son pair staying till the start of September when she would get Aleister back home for schooling. She had also told Gwendolyn what her daughter was because she didn’t want them to be taken by surprise on the first full moon of their stay. Gwen was more than excited, this was the first in thousands of years and she was going to be able to help teach the young girl it was beyond a great prillivage.
“Daddy! Is mama apart of our pack? Can she hear us in her head too when we’re in our wolf forms?” Jesse’s question broke Melissa from her thoughts as she was so excited for everything happening tonight, and honestly it was a great question. Melissa looked to her husband while covering her mouth to try and hide her giggling, 
“Princess, yes your mama can hear us, but you know that we can’t hear through the mindlink correct? We can hear her voice, this is the same with other creatures and begins in a pack. Most packs now a days aren’t just werewolves, witches, pixies, and so on, they have a mixture of all. So you can mindlink with the others in a pack if you join one, and they’ll hear you, but you’ll have to use your hearing to hear them back.” To say Gilbert was shocked by his daughter’s question wasn’t good enough to express what he felt. Neither son had ever wonder if a none werewolf could mindlink with them and how it would work. Jessica was smart and wanted to know how this world works in more ways than anyone else. He was certain once she started elementary school they were going to ask to have her skip grades and that was something for the family to talk about as a whole.
Dinner finished and Melissa went to pack bags of clothes for the boys and her daughter. Melissa walked with Jessica to the meeting spot. “Now little one, this is the spot, your bags will be in the cave and I’ll head back out here before dawn break, so I can grab your bag. You must remember to always stay with everyone if not just one of them, you also have free run over all of the woods here, we own hundreds of acres, but DO NOT wonder off alone. You don’t know your way yet.” With that the boys made their appearance. The moon hung full in the night sky, and with that Jesse began to whimper as her bones started to crack and  reshape, Jeff’s first instinct was to try and comfort Jess through her shift, though in all honesty he had no idea what to do. He sat behind her, and held her close, this seemed to soothe the pain, but he knew he couldn’t hold her through the full shift he could feel his own starting.
In front of Jessica stood a big silver and gray wolf, with golden eyes, she knew the smell of coffee and ginger, this wolf was her daddy, next to him a smaller wolf, all black with bright blue eyes, he smelled of sage and honey, her brother Matty. Shifting from behind revealed a small blonde wolf with bright golden eyes, her brother Jeff Jessica’s body continued to reshape, reform, and cries and whimpers, were heartbreaking. Her mother could hear her muttering “I know you don’t mean to hurt me, please say this will be over soon.” Once her fur broke through her reformed body Melissa and Gilbert were stunned, there curled in the grass was a tiny, pure white wolf with bright silver eyes. 
“Jesse, its mama. I’m going to touch you okay?” Melissa really had no idea how to approach this, when Jeff shifted he ran once it was done, and jumped but Jessica was just laying there as if she was in pain and she wanted to help her daughter in anyway she could. Jessica’s head snapped towards her mother and the whole pack could hear her response. “Not needed mama my legs are just not use to this yet, I’ll be ready to run soon, I’m just trying to get ready”
All three wolves looked at each other and nodded, Matt and Jeff each standing on one side with Gilbert stood behind her and scuffed her by the neck, picking her up and carrying her off. Jessica did not like this one bit but she couldn’t fight it, it was almost some kind of calming effect to be picked up in such away, so she huffed. “Daddy! Put me down please? I’m ready to run now.”  Gilbert gently put down his daughter and stood on her paws and looked around she walked over to Jeff and stood behind him, keeping in mind she was NOT to wonder alone. She pushed his hind leg signalling to go and he happily did. Jessica took off running, behind her brother the noises in the woods more crisp and clear, one had caught Jesse's attention, effectively stopping her in her tracks. She tried to call out to her brothers, and father but received no response. Huffing she went to find the noise.
“I can just smell my way back to the meet up, geez why aren’t they answering me, daddy said all pack members could hear each other.” The issue Jess was really having was this was all private land owned by their family no others should be here. As drew closer she found a wolf, somewhere between the size of Matt and Jeff’s wolves, it had dark fur and golden eyes, she knew right away it was another alpha, but it seemed hurt. She had no idea if her magic would work in her wolf form but she was going to do all she could to try to help. She lowered head showing she was of no threat to the alpha. Once she reached him she nuzzled his head and inside her head began chanting a spell, since she couldn’t use her hands for inncantions at the moment. 
“Where is Jess, and why do I hear her reciting magic?” Matt questioned he had just noticed his baby sister wasn’t with himself and Jeff and was now panicking especially if she was trying to use magic in her wolf form no one knew if is was possible and if she’d get hurt doing so.
“WHAT? Dang it Jessica! Find her scent we have to find her, she could be in trouble.” Jeff sniffed the air, Cituts and candied ginger the smell of his baby sister was faint but he was able to find and follow it with Matt hot on his heels. They picked up on whimpering that wasn’t Jessica’s and the smell of mint and ink. Whatever the smell Jeff and Matt both could agree they did NOT like it near their baby sister. Running faster the smells of who ever this was and their sister became stronger along with hearing her chanting.
“Stop! They're hurt! Let me finish and I’ll take my punishment when we’re back to normal.” Jessica was always a softie with a good heart she didn’t care that this could show what she really was she just didn’t want this werewolf to suffer. Even at four years old she had a good grasp on the ideas of right and wrong. “I tried to call out to you two when I heard the crying but you never answered so I came on my own. I’m sorry, please just let me finish?” The brothers just huffed, they knew they would all be in trouble later on, but Jess wasn’t going to leave till she knew she helped. A few moments later the wounds healed and the other wolf, stood up and bowed before running off.
Jessica was made to stay between her brothers no more running, the night sky started to give way to pinks and oranges showing signs of a new day rising. Matt scuffed Jessica as he and Jeff ran to the meeting place to get ready to shift back and have clothes. Their father was already there and dressed, and wanted to know what Jess did to be brought back by the scruff,  but he’d find out later. Matt placed Jessica down and went into the cave, Melissa came out with fresh clothes for her daughter and patted her fur. Jess focused on turning back into a human, which surprisingly to her was less painful then turning into her wolf form. Once back to being a bi-ped Jess dressed and hung her head. She knew was in trouble but she only did what she felt was right. Matt and Jeff came out full dressed to see Jessica crying. Turned out Jess had admitted her fault in taking off alone and using magic on another wolf who was hurt. She described the wolf and their smell, but of course not a pack member they couldn’t talk. Melissa was beyond pleased that her daughter had such a kind heart though it could have gotten her hurt, though the real question in everyone's mind was. “Who was the random werewolf that find their way to their land.”
Once home the kids washed up, and ate breakfast Melissa took Jessica to the workshop and worked on the more complicated spells, while Gilbert, Matt, and Jeff, went to the spot where Jess found the random wolf. They followed the route the best they could that the wolf took off in, that was when an older gentleman and boy appeared.
“I thought you said they had a female who healed you?” The older man addressed the boy. “How rude of us, I’m Bob Orton, this here is my son Randall, I do apologize that he was trespassing last night on your land, it's hard to keep him cooped up when he shifts, plus traveling on the road with me can’t be easy.” He reached his hand out to shake  Gilbert’s as Randy stared at Matt and Jeff.
“Those two showed up when the pure white wolf was helping me. They must be part of the same pack, I want to thank her please?” Randy’s voice rang out and Gilbert was unsure of what to do his daughter had broken a huge rule of not wandering off but she had done so to help someone in need. Matt and Jeff shifted on their feet not sure if bringing this alpha to their house was wise. That was until both boys looked up at Randy’s father.
“I’m sorry sir, did you say your name is Bob Orton, as in Cowboy Bob Orton the wrestler?” Matt asked wondering if he had heard the information correctly. Mr. Orton broke out into a hearty laugh.
“That is correct, as you can imagine traveling with my son here till he starts school back up isn’t easy on him, especially during his shifts. He took off last night saying he scented something and he needed to find out. I am truly sorry for this. But is there a female wolf in your pack that helped my boy?” Mr. Orton wasn’t sure what to believe there weren’t hybrid healer werewolves but if somehow this girl did save his son the least he could do is thank her personally. Jeff stepped forward, always protective of his baby sister.
“That depends..” Jeff snapped,  “How old are you and why should we take you to her?” He didn't want to let on this is was his sister I mean that could put her in danger. Randy just rolled his eyes and huffed.
“Geez I just want to thank her, and I’m seven if that really matters.” Randy didn’t like being talked to like this, basically people just gave him what he wanted. While the three boys continued their talk, the two fathers spoke and Gilbert finally relented and allowed them to follow to their home. On the way the two fathers spoke of random things, life, raising werewolf sons, what his career was like. Randy and the Hardy boys didn’t speak in fact Jeff had offered to run ahead and make sure Jessica was still here. Which Gilbert gathered was his way of saying he was going to get her out of the workshop and not be practicing her magic when the others arrived. Jeff grabbed Jess by the wrist causing her to drop the potion she was working on and having it spill everywhere.
“HEY! That was rude! What did I do to make you ruin my potion, do you know how hard I worked on that? I’ve been trying to master that one for a day and a half you ruined all my work.” Jessica was angry and on the edge of tears. Jeff hugged her and gave a small apology before dragging her out of the workshop and telling her to put on jeans and a tee shirt and  not to ask why. She stalked off sulking but doing it anyways. She changed, brushed her hair, and teeth and went back downstairs.
“So why did I do this and why are you interrupting my practice?” The four year old asked, and Jeff huffed grumply. 
“Because the wolf you saved last night is on his way with his father to thank you. So you cannot do any magic right now..” Jeff was worried this wasn’t something that should be happening, yet his wolf wasn’t mad, in fact he was oddly quiet and calm. Jeff didn’t understand why, maybe it was the fact he was with his sister, she normally was able to calm him. Moments later their father came in with Matt and two people Jessica didn’t know. Jess ran to her brother Matt and held him tight,
“Matt! I’m happy you and daddy are back. Did you find what you were looking for in the woods?” Jessica knew what she was trying to do but it was odd for her. Her wolf was pacing and whimpering it only did that when Jeff and daddy were yelling at her, which to be honest wasn’t that often. She looked at the two whom came into their home and bowed.
“Hi, my name’s Jessica! Whom are you?” She smiled brightly trying to be friendly to the two new people. Mr. Orton extended his hand.
“My name is Bob Orton little lady, how are you today?” Jessica shook his hand and gave a sweet reply.
“Well its very nice to meet you Mr. Orton, I’m doing good today, I hope you and you……” She trailed off truth be told she knew the boys scent from the night before and in his human form he was very scary. 
“Ah I’m so sorry Jessica, this is my son, Randall.” Jessica stepped back and went behind Jeff, doing so however caused her wolf to snap at her, and she sighed. 
“Its ….Its nice to meet you Randall.” Jessica’s voice was meek the boy was scaring her no matter what her wolf said she didn't want to hear it. Randy knew the smell of citrus and candied ginger, to see the small girl there, strawberry blonde, bright jade green eyes, pale skin, he didn’t know anything anymore. Jess poked Jeff in the back and whispered something that caused him to shake his head ‘no”.
“Jessica, thank you for last night, I’m not sure what you did, but you were able to heal the wound I got while running on your lands last night I never should have been there.” Randy spoke and Jessica just nodded. 
“You ...You're welcome.”
“Why do you hide behind your younger brother and not your father Jessica?” Mr. Orton asked in all honesty he did find that rather odd behavior. .Jess tilted her head to the side, she honestly didn’t know why it was just something she had always done. Luckily she was made to answer as Jeff did.
“Dunno, she’s always hidden behind me when scared, we’re closest in age, her being four and myself six, so we just have that kind of bond.” Jeff smiled almost smugly as the words came from his mouth.
“Well Randall you’ve met her, you’ve thanked her, is there anything else you’d like to say? We do have to get going to the next city.” Mr. Orton wasn’t trying to be rude and Gilbert was already aware they were on a schedule.
“I just wanted to apologize again for running on your lands, and …” Randy stepped towards the youngest Hardy taking her hand in his smiling “...and thank you again for helping me. I’m sure we’ll meet again.” Randy gave a small bow before turning to his father ready to leave.
The rest of the day Jess couldn’t focus on her spells, her wolf kept saying something about that boy being her ‘mate’ and she told her wolf to be quite she was only four and she was not going to hear about that. That night Jess skipped dinner and just went to bed. She wanted her wolf to shut up, and she wanted to stop the echo of “we’ll meet again” from playing in her head.
Thank you @theworldofotps for your help proof reading and editing.
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gleedalehq · 4 years
a dark secret unveiled
Who: Clara Evans (@fieryclaraevans), Peyton July (@southsidepey) ; brief appearance by Derek Gilbert (@derek-ghoulie) w. brief mention of Cassie Bailey (@cassiexbailey)
What: Clara and Peyton stumble across an unexpected secret
When: October 26, Evening
Where: Bridgemont Estates, St. James’ Masquerade
Notes: If there are triggers you need me to mark, please let me know
Peyton needed some time away from the dance. One of the guys started to make her feel uncomfortable and knew she had to get out there before she had a full blown panic attack. So, she decided to get some fresh air and it would be best to walk along the beach. Once she arrived there, Peyton slipped off her heels & mask before she started to walk mindlessly. After a while, she got lost in her mind, thinking about things when she saw a log. She furrowed eyebrows, knowing that logs didnt come down this far from the river. She glanced behind her, wondering if anyone was following her and then continue to walk towards the log. Once she got there, she could feel shear panic run through her body and felt sick to her stomach. "No..." She sped up her walking and then started to run before she stopped and let out a scream when she noticed it was Sebrina's body. She dropped her dress, her heels and her mask as she wrapped her arms around herself. She couldnt stop looking at the body, or even move. She was frozen there.
Clara only snuck out momentarily, enough for a joint and had every intention on going back. There was definitely more she could pocket to make Daddy proud, and there was definitely more scenes she could cause.
She was about to head back to the manor when a bloodcurdling scream distracted her. A scream like that meant something. Without thinking she followed the sound and found Peyton standing alone. It didn’t add up until she walked closer.
The body was almost unrecognizable but even she could place it. Sebrina Smythe.
“Holy fuck...” she mumbled. “Oh this... this is something.”
Peyton was close to tears as she stared at the body, covering her mouth as she quieted her sobs. She didnt noticed someone had joined her until she heard someone mumble.
She glanced over to see Clara, then she looked at the body. She slowly uncovered her own mouth then she can opened up her mouth, but no sound came out and glanced out towards the water. She wondered how long the body had been there, just, lying behind the manor. She knew that she needed to let someone else know, but her legs were still frozen there.
"W-we need to get someone." She finally spit out, glancing towards Clara once more. "W-we c-cant just leave h-her here." She stuttered out, wondering if it was the cold that was making her do it.
Clara wasn’t sure she wanted just anyone showing up. As innocent as she actually was, her standing above the body of a Smythe wasn’t exactly something most NS’rs would take very kindly to. 
“Yeah,” she told Peyton, in an effort to placate her. “I’ll text someone, don’t worry.” The only people she even wanted showing up were her own people.
She pulled her phone out the the purse, careful not to reveal anything else she had in there to Pey, sure she wouldn’t hear the end of robbing the St. James’. She scrolled and found Derek’s contact info and shot him a text.
Back of the manor. Beach area. 911.
Peyton fought against the tears as she looked over Sebrina's body, knowing that  things will come unglued and she didnt want to be in Riverdale for it, but she knew that she wanted to be there for Jackie.
"T-thank you." She said as she started to rubbed her arms and glanced back out at the water. She chewed on her bottom lip as she carefully walked around the body, the best she could and then glanced back at Clara.
Peyton picked up her dress, prayed that none of the flowers from her dress had fallen off and then walked back where she was standing at, by her heels & mask.
The evening had been positively eventful, and he was right in the middle of showing the new girl in town why he was such a beast when he got Clara’s text. Huffing in annoyance at the shit timing, he still finished Cassie up before getting himself dressed and heading out to the back of the manor indicated by the urgent text. All the while he thought to himself if someone’s not dead, someone’s fucking gonna be.
He approached and saw Peyton first, looking confused and hesitant. She didn’t seem hurt. Clara would’ve had no reason to attack her. But soon enough he saw what they were looking at.
Were he a gambling man, the bloated, purple and blue corpse appeared to belong to one Sebrina Smythe. It was impossible to tell how long the body had been in the river but it was definitely too long, chunks of flesh missing from being battered around by the lake and probably gnawed at by fish and other creatures.
Unphased, he arched a brow and looked over at Clara. “You called me out here with a 911 to look at an old dead body? What do you want me to do about it? This is a crime scene now, you can’t fuckin’ move it or anything.” He glanced back over at Peyton. “Call the actual police. No ones gonna get accused of murdering that thing tonight.”
Clara could Derek wasn't pleased to be called out here, she could see it in the way he walked. That being said, what was she supposed to have done? It's not like she trusted many, or any, people outside of the Ghoulies. He wanted to be their leader, this was the stuff he was going to have to deal with.
Then again, if one Ghoulie standing over Sebrina's dead body, two was probably worse. She wasn't going to let Derek know that had even crossed her mind now though.
"Look," she answered, completely turning away from Peyton. "I heard her scream, I came running, as one does when they hear screaming and this is what I find. Excuse me if I don't exactly know how to deal with a dead fuckin' body."
So maybe getting worked up wasn't the best thing either, and she would probably pay for that later, but she couldn't help it. Like Moni always said, she was a firecracker, it was just in her DNA.
Peyton swallowed hard when she listened to Derek, nodded before she pulled out her phone from her bra and dialed the police. She glanced between them, let out a shaky breath and ran a hand through her hair carefully.
"Hi, yes. Um. I found the body of Sebrina Smythe a..and she's behind the manor of the St. James. It looks like she was washed up on shore." Peyton started to say as she stepped in the water, and closed her eyes a bit. "N-no, no one has moved the body a..and I just walked around it, to make sure it was Sebrina Smythe." She glanced at Clara & Derek and let out a breath.
"Y-yeah, I'll go and meet up with the police and show them where Sebrina's at. The address?" Peyton said before she told them the address and hung up before she placed it back into her bra. "The police will be here in a few minutes, in the meantime, you two, should go. I dont want you two to get hit once everyone gets wind about this. I realize that no one will get arrested, but, I dont want anyone to go after you two. However, it's up to you guys if you want to stay."
Rubbing his eyes in blatant irritation, Derek glared in clara’s direction. “You literally had nothing to do with the body. You turn around and you walk away. What the hell were you expecting I’d be able to do about it? Not like she can be revived. And she was a huge bitch anyway.”
He sighed at Peyton. The cops would be here any minute to fetch the body of their beloved little NorthSider wench. Derek pointed at Clara again. “Princess, go gather up everyone you can find and evacuate. The second the cops get here this place is going on lockdown for questioning. I’ll send out a text but go.”
He shrugged at Peyton. “I’ll hang back.”
Clara waited patiently as Peyton made the call. When Derek spoke she could help but stand a little straighter. She was just supposed to leave him here? She didn't like the sound of that, but he'd given her an order and she was damned if she was going to step out of line right now. "Yes, Daddy," she answered, putting her phone back in her purse and flash a little of the good's she'd already grabbed at him, obviously out of view of Peyton.
As she walked away she quickly texted everyone even if she knew Derek would too, and made her way to gather everyone on the path out, none of them were going to be caught tonight, not if she could help it.
Peyton watched as Clara walk away, stepped out of the water and away from Sebrina, wrapped her arms around her body once more. She slipped on her heels as she stood next to Derek, mask in her hand and knew that her makeup was messed up.
"I should probably text everyone I know as well, right?" She asked as she looked up at Derek. "Never been in this situation before, so not sure if Im doing anything right or not." She glanced back at the body. She let out a breath, that she apparently was holding and really wanted to put her hair up but she didn't have a hair tie. "Do you think they're going to take me down to the station to get a full report?"
Derek half expected Clara to fight with him about it, but the priority needed to be getting everyone out that had a loaded purse or bag filled with shit they stole from the manor. Especially with everything in clara’s bag. He dug out his phone and fired off a quick group text to the Ghoulies.
Glancing down at the corpse again, Derek shrugged. “If you want? I’m having my guys get the hell out of dodge before the cops start pointing fingers and asking questions. I don’t really give a shit what you do for those shitty snakes.” He reached over and carefully patted Peyton’s back. “I doubt it. The body’s been decaying for awhile. I can’t imagine they’d waste time bringing you there for a lot of “I don’t know” answers.”
Peyton listened to Derek, rolled her eyes as she gave him a pointed look. She didnt want to argue with him right here and in front of a dead body. She opened up her mouth but she closed it and pulled out her phone back out of her bra.
"Thank you, for patting my back carefully. Be aware of the sticks and bobby pins on the left side and the flowers." Peyton replied as she quickly texted everyone that she knew, froze over one name and quickly skipped it before she went back texting. "Never know, I could be a suspect, which would be hilarious because I didn't come back, shortly before or was it after she went missing. I don't quite remember, but you're right. Though, probably ask me where I was on the Fourth of July." She put her phone back into her bra and shuddered a bit. "I should've brought a coat with me."
Derek shrugged again. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you, P. This is very clearly not a recent murder and I can tell you right off the bat you’ll fair a hell of a lot better with the cops than I will.” He glanced over at her, shaking. “Why the hell wouldn’t you come out here with a jacket? For fucks sake.” He shrugged off his suit coat and offered it to her so she could put it around her fancy dress herself. “Here. Put this on before your nipples fall off.”
"Because I was in a middle of a mild panic attack at the moment." Peyton pointed out and rolled her eyes as she grabbed the jacket. "Even though I've wore less in the cold, thanks." She slipped on the jacket and pulled it closer to her. After a while, the cops showed up and Peyton gave Derek his coat back after thanking him, knowing that she shouldve kept it on. She showed them where the body was before she followed one of the EMTs to get checked out. She felt a storm was brewing now and she didnt like what was going to become of it.
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alonely-dreamer · 5 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 18: Deadly Jealousy
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 3211
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there, besides I couldn’t have it edited! I hope you’ll like it!
New Series: The Valuable Sun
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
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The tension was palpable. Elena, Bonnie and Mackenzie were at the Grill and a cold silence had settled between them. Mackenzie hadn’t said a word to Elena ever since she had come back earlier that morning. The doppelganger had tried to apologize, but Mackenzie didn’t want an apology. She didn’t need one. It was Rebekah she should apologize to. The fact that Stefan had screwed up their plans and saved Klaus, allowing the hybrid to kill his father, didn’t change a single thing.
“So,” Bonnie eventually said. “This is fun.”
Mackenzie looked away. She had nothing to say.
“Look, I know you’re mad at me, and I understand, I deserve it. I just…”
“I don’t want to hear it,” Mackenzie said. “There’s nothing you can say that would make this better, Elena.”
“I’m having nightmares!” Bonnie blurted out to change the conversation. Both pair of eyes turned to her. “Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare on repeat. Four coffins, Klaus is in one of them.”
“It’s called wishful thinking,” Mackenzie said.
Bonnie chuckled slightly.
“What if it’s not just some dream? What if it’s like, you know, a witch dream?” Elena suggested.
“It’s just stress. I’ll figure it out,” Bonnie shrugged. “What about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?”
“He betrayed us, Bonnie,” Elena shook her head, like she didn’t want to talk about him at all, “the Stefan that we knew is gone.”
“How’s Damon handling it?”
“Damon is… Damon,” Elena sighed. “You know him. He’ll drink, do something stupid and we’ll fight and repeat.”
“Well, good luck with that,” the witch said as she picked up her bag that was hanging from one side of her chair, “I gotta go.”
“See you later.”
“Bye, Bonnie,” Mackenzie gave her a small smile before she left.
Elena sighed. “Look, can we talk?”
“About what?”
Mackenzie wondered where this spite was coming from. She usually was a forgiving person. Perhaps, she thought, this was just unforgivable. Perhaps, she didn’t care what happened to her, but she cared about what happened to others. Perhaps, the fire inside of her was just too strong.
“Look, I don’t feel good about what I did.”
“But you did it anyway.”
“Yes, I did. And I’d do it again. Because she could’ve turned on us.”
“Yeah, because last night was such a success.”
Elena frowned. She didn’t recognize this side of Mackenzie. Where was the shy girl who acted like she wished she could become invisible? She wondered if that was the result of spending a summer with Katherine Pierce.
“You’re right,” Elena nodded, “it was wrong of me to do that. It’s one of the worst things I have ever done.”
“I told you, you don’t need to apologize to me.”
“I just don’t want us to fight.”
“I’m mad at you Elena. I’m gonna need some time to get over it.”
Elena nodded. “I understand. I’ll give you your space.”
Jeremy got fired a week before, and somehow that was now Mackenzie’s problem. Not that she was complaining. She was leaving under their roof, after all, for free. The least she could do was be supportive and help plan an intervention. Besides, it felt good to be a part of something other than supernatural drama. Cooking with Alaric, setting the table with Elena, it felt… like home. Elena had kept her word and gave Mackenzie space. Or, at least, as much space as she could give her since they lived under the same roof.
“You ready?” Alaric asked the eldest Gilbert.
“Vampires, hybrids and Originals? No problem. My rebellious brother? I’m worried.”
“At least you have a brother to be worried about,” Mackenzie said. She didn’t realize it might have come out wrong and bitchy, she just wanted Elena to appreciate how lucky she was to have a family and a history professor so dedicated he was almost like a parent to her. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to be harsh.”
“No, it’s okay,” Elena smiled. “You’re right.”
Jeremy entered the house through the front door and somehow Elena looked even more nervous than when she was planning to kill the worst paranoid psychopath in history.
“Just in time,” she said. We’re cooking.”
“Sorry, just passing through,” he said as he opened the fridge.
“Oh, well I thought we’d all stay in… have a meal together like a typical… atypical family…” Alaric stuttered.
Mackenzie suppressed a laugh.
“Maybe because you got fired and you didn’t tell anyone,” Elena answered.
It wasn’t so hard to suppress that laugh anymore.
Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Look, can we do this later? I made plans with Tyler. He’s right outside.”
Alaric and Elena straightened up. “Wait,” the professor said, “when did you start hanging out with Tyler?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Does it matter?”
“Yeah, Jeremy, it matters. He was sired by Klaus. He’s dangerous!” his sister said.
Jeremy chuckled. “He can still hear you, he’s right outside. Besides, you of all people are gonna lecture me on who I can and can’t hang out with?”
“What is with the attitude?”
“Whatever. This is lame. Tyler’s waiting,” he said before he started walking away.
“No. Oh, no, no, no, no. You’re not going anywhere, especially not with Tyler,” she stopped him.
Jeremy looked at Alaric for help, but found none.
“Fine, you want us to stay in, then let us all stay in,” he said, “Yo, Tyler, come on in!” he called for the hybrid who walked right through the front door.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad being an orphan after all, Mackenzie thought.
Tyler walked towards them and sat at the table, invited by Jeremy who sat next to him.
“This is weird,” Elena chuckled humorlessly, “Klaus has hybrids stalking me, now you’re just sitting in our kitchen.”
“Look, maybe I should go,” the hybrid said as he got up.
“No, stay, you’re not doing anything,” Jeremy insisted.
“Unless you have to, you know, check in with your hybrid master,” Elena said.
Tyler laughed. “It’s not like that, Elena.”
“Tell me, Tyler,” Alaric said as he sat down at the table, “what is the difference between being sired and being compelled?”
“Compulsion, that’s just mind control. Like hypnosis. Being sired is…” he paused, looking for the words, “it’s like faith. You do something because you believe it’s the right thing.”
“So, do you believe that serving Klaus is the right thing?” Elena asked.
“I don’t serve him. Klaus released me from a curse that was ruining my life. I owe him for that.”
“What if he asked you to jump off a bridge?” Alaric asked.
“He wouldn’t,” he said, as if he was sure of it, “And even if he did, I’d be fine. I’m a hybrid.”
“Okay, so, what if he asked you to rip your own heart out?”
“Again, he wouldn’t.”
“But what if he did?”
“I don’t know! Then I’d rip out my heart!”
Mackenzie almost jumped on her chair. She looked up at Elena who practically had the same look on her face. That sirebond business was worse than she had previously thought.
“You guys sound like Caroline. Getting freaked out over something you don’t understand.”
“You’re right, Tyler, I don’t understand. Klaus has terrorized every single one of us and you’re just blindly loyal to him?”
“You’re overthinking it. I can still make my own decisions.”
Mackenzie took a good look at Tyler, studying the magic that was keeping him alive, giving him his power. She wondered if she could remove that part of him that felt loyal to Klaus. She had no idea how she’d do it, but she wondered if it were possible. Her thoughts were cut short though as Jeremy’s phone rang.
“What was that about?” his sister asked when he returned.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“I gotta go,” Tyler told them. “Thanks for the food offer but um… next time,” he said before he left.
“Well, that was illuminating,” Alaric said once the hybrid was gone. He took his plate and walked over to the sink, Elena followed him.
“So, Tyler Lockwood is a lunatic who has access to our house.”
“I mean… this whole sirebond thing is wild.”
“Jeremy?” Mackenzie said as the teenager removed his ring and walked out of the room.
“Jer?” Elena called after her brother, but he didn’t respond. “Where are you going, Jeremy?”
They followed him outside where he stopped in the middle of the road.
“Jeremy are you okay?” Mackenzie asked.
“What is he doing?” Elena wondered.
They heard a car approaching, they could hear the tires screeching, it was driving fast.
“Jeremy!” Elena shouted. But her brother didn’t move.
Mackenzie didn’t know if she could do it, but she tried anyway. She waved her hands, trying to do something, anything, that would make the car change its course and save Jeremy. The car turned on its side and went crashing into two parked cars, leaving Jeremy unharmed.
“Oh my God,” Elena breathed out before she ran towards her brother.
A young man, Mackenzie recognized to be a hybrid, managed to get out of what was left of his car, he too was unharmed. Before he had the chance to do anything, Mackenzie decided to use fire to boil his blood and water to drown his lungs. One of Katherine’s favorite moves.
“What are you doing?” Alaric asked.
“It won’t kill him,” she answered. “But it’ll stop him for a while,” and right after she said the last word, the hybrid was lying unconscious in the middle of the road.
Barely an hour had passed when Damon arrived at the Gilbert house. The hybrid was gone. The authorities were taking care of the crashed cars outside. (Un)fortunately, there were no witnesses.
“What a mess,” he said. “You did that?” he asked Mackenzie, as if he couldn’t believe she had helped, somehow. Though, it shouldn’t surprise him after what had happened on the previous night.
“Yes. She took down Klaus’ hybrid too,” Alaric informed him.
“You killed him?”
“No. Knocked him out.”
Damon rolled his eyes. “Lame.”
He gave Jeremy a look then frowned. “Why aren’t you wearing vervain? Where’s your bracelet?”
Given the look on his face, Jeremy was obviously unaware he had lost his anti-compulsion accessory.
“I don’t know.”
“It was Tyler,” Elena sighed. “It had to have been. That’s why he was hanging out with you. To get you off the vervain.”
“Klaus is trying to send a message. He wants us to find Stefan, he stole coffins full of his dead family members.”
“Coffins?” Elena asked with a confused frown.
“What did you just say?” Mackenzie asked as she approached the vampire.
“Stefan stole Klaus’ family and he wants them back.”
“Stefan has Elijah?”
“Where is he?”
“Don’t know. Yet. All we have to do is find four coffins and… voilà. No one else on your family’s Christmas list has to die,” he told Elena.
“Give me something that belongs to Stefan,” Mackenzie said. “I’ll do a locator spell.”
“Wait, wait,” Elena stopped her. “How many did you say there were?”
“Four. Bonnie. She has nightmares about four coffins. It can’t be a coincidence.”
“Yeah but in her dreams, Klaus is in one of them,” Mackenzie reminded her.
“So? It could still be the same coffins.”
“Actually,” Damon cut them off, “maybe, one of them has the answer we’re looking for. Maybe, one of them can kill Klaus,” he offered with a smile.
Elena nodded. “I’m gonna call Bonnie.”
“Good idea.”
It was late in the day. The sun was slowly setting behind Damon, Elena and Mackenzie as they walked through the empty field towards the abandoned house of the witch burial ground. Mackenzie had never seen it, though she remembered it was from that place that Bonnie had gotten the extra power she was planning on using to kill Klaus. Listening to Damon, it was a haunted house plagued with the spirits of dead witches who hated him. And from what she heard, the feeling was mutual. The house was bigger than she expected, but less scary than Damon had let it to be.
Mackenzie could feel the power of the house from a mile away. It only grew stronger as she approached it, making her feel more and more uncomfortable. She shouldn’t have been surprised though, considering it was that power that could’ve have killed Klaus if Elijah had gone through with the plan.
Elena and Damon didn’t hesitate before entering the old house, but something made Mackenzie slow down.
“Are you coming?” Elena asked, gesturing her to follow her.
Mackenzie shouldn’t be hesitating, after all, if Bonnie’s information was good, Elijah was lying in a coffin somewhere in that house.
“Stefan?” Elena called as she explored the first floor.
“Ah!” Mackenzie heard Damon groan before she saw him throw himself against the wall, his face red and burning.
“What happened?”
“The witches, they’re messing with my daylight ring.”
Mackenzie instinctively stepped towards the vampire who was trapped in a small corner of shadows. She wanted to shield him from the sun but didn’t even have the opportunity to get close to Damon as about three feet away from the doorstep, Mackenzie became paralyzed, completely unable to move. It only took a second for the pain to seize her entire body. A scream escaped her, so loud, so sudden, she didn’t even realize she was its source. She could barely hear it. She could only feel. Feel the fire in her veins, the water in her lungs, the electricity in her brain. The elements were turning against her. The witches were torturing her.
She didn’t hear Elena call out her name or Damon ask her what was wrong. She didn’t feel the two strong hands on her arms which dragged her outside. The pain stopped immediately. As soon as she was out of the house, it was gone.
She gasped as if she had been drowning, she was red as if she had been burning, she was shaking as if she had just been electrocuted. She fell on her knees, feeling weak, feeling like she was going to pass out. She couldn’t feel the tears falling down her cheeks, she couldn’t hear the cries coming out of her mouth, she couldn’t see Elena and Damon trying to get her attention. She saw black, she saw white, some spots of yellow, some spots of red.
She breathed heavily, panting as she fell forward. She caught herself with a hand, hurting herself, maybe it was sprained, maybe it was broken, she couldn’t tell. That pain was easy, that pain was nothing compared to what she had just endured. She couldn’t tell how long it had lasted. If she had been asked, she’d have answered hours. But to Damon and Elena, it hadn’t even been 10 seconds.
“What the fuck happened?” Damon growled. “Did you piss off a bunch of witches or something?”
Jealous bitches.
You control nature, nature does control you.
Burn it. Burn it to the ground.
Destroy them.
Tear them apart.
Burn it. Turn it to flames. Turn it to ashes.
The voices in her head sounded familiar, maybe it was hers, maybe it was someone else’s. The fire in her veins returned but this time it didn’t hurt. This time she welcomed it. Welcomed the power, welcomed the flames. But she didn’t let it out. She had a secret to keep. Those witches would be too glad if she outed herself. If the world knew who she was, what she was. She’d have the entire world coming for her, and like her mother had said, nobody was strong enough to fight the entire world. So, she extinguished the fire and only calm water remained. The tears on her cheeks kept falling as she tried to slow down her breathing.
“Are you okay?” Elena asked, trembling, probably because of fear.
“No,” she breathed out, “they tried to kill me,” she sniffed.
“But why?” Damon wondered aloud, still feeling uneasy from her screams of pain. Even he had rarely heard screams like these.
“I don’t know,” she lied. “Maybe they don’t like the fact that I want to help Elijah.”
“No, I don’t think they’d do that,” Elena said, realizing she didn’t actually know.
“Go,” Mackenzie told them. “Find Stefan. Find Elijah.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Elena, I’ll be fine, I just… I just need a minute.”
Elena gave a concern look to Damon who nodded.
“I’ll stay with her, I’m not welcomed inside the house either anyway.”
Elena hesitated but eventually walked back inside the house, on alert, wondering if the witches could do the same thing to her.
Damon watch Elena disappear inside before he sat down next to Mackenzie. He gave her a couple of minutes before he asked: “Maybe your parents did something horrible and they’re punishing you for it,” he shrugged.
“Maybe,” Mackenzie sighed as she laid down on the grass, looking up at the orange sky. “Is he inside?” she asked, knowing he was listening.
“Yup. It’s not going well…”
“Are the coffins there?”
“No idea.”
“I think I’m going to pass out.”
“Don’t worry about it,” was the last word she heard before darkness overtook her.
When Mackenzie woke up, she was in her bed, in Elena’s house. Elena was there, sitting next to her, writing in her journal. She could see through the window that it was nighttime.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Elena asked with a soft voice.
Mackenzie groaned. She felt like that time she had woken up after having drunk all night with Katherine. She had a terrible migraine, and her entire body hurt.
“What happened?”
“You passed out. You’ve been asleep for over six hours.”
Mackenzie sighed then rolled on her side towards Elena.
“Did you find the coffins?”
“No. Stefan… was uncooperative.”
“Did Klaus try to kill anyone else?”
“No. I gave him Rebekah back.”
“Oh, that’s good,” Mackenzie wanted to be happy, but all she really wanted to do at that moment was sleep. “So, if the coffins aren’t in the house, you don’t mind if I burn it down, then?”
Elena laughed, unsure if she was joking or not. “Well, Stefan is hiding in there so, you’d have to go through him first.”
“Mmh. Maybe I’ll burn him down too.”
“You sound like Katherine, you know that?”
“I know…”
“She’s a bad influence.”
“I don’t know. She’s survived Klaus for 500 years. I’m sure she could teach us a thing or two.”
“That’s certainly one way to see it.”
“So… what’s the new plan then?”
“Now? Well… Jeremy is leaving for Denver in two days. It’s too dangerous here for him.”
“He’s leaving? He’s leaving you behind?”
“I had Damon compel him…” Elena confessed, and Mackenzie didn’t insist as she heard regret and guilt in her friend’s voice.
“You did the right thing, Elena. He’ll be safer in Denver.”
“I didn’t know what else to do… There is no other plan. Klaus is here, he won’t leave until he gets his family back and Stefan…” she sighed, “Stefan’s not giving them back so… I think things are only about to get worse.”
“Worse? How can they possibly get worse?”
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 19 is already available for early access on my Patreon page! Chapter 20 to 22 are available for instant access! If you’d like to support me here’s my page: patreon.com/alonelydreamer any support is highly appreciated!!
If you can’t, it’s okay! Chapter 19 will be posted on Tumblr next Wednesday!
Have a good week!
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @captainam-erika-trash @silver424 @monetfatalia @vaniileiinkeks @valeria-winchester @favimag @colie87 @hamiltonmadesomemistakes @s0nh4dorasblog @poemfreak306 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thegingerthatwaited @therealwatermelon @dark-night-sky-99@aubri1313 @jardinsecos @gymnastgal1997-blog @thearaviagrace77blog
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darkfoxartstudio · 6 years
Kylo’s lightsaber Force back and how it intersected Rey’s.
I posted this on my old blog, a long, long time ago. I thought it worth reposting again, especially now that JJ Abrams has taken back the reigns of EPIX. I have updated it accordingly, as I wrote this prior to the release of TLJ. I only write these for fun. Don’t take them as 100%. I just love to speculate.
So everyone remembers this right? Will it be addressed in EPIX? Maybe. But here is an interesting theory I have about this particular scene within the Force Back Vision Rey has. 
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It is my belief based on the evidence I am about to present, this particular part of the Force Back where Kylo kills the man/clan leader, is the exact moment Kylo had a Force back vision of his own. This was before he met Rey, probably shortly after his fall, when he and the KOR were out doing their thing.  If you want to know how I know this, please keep reading.
In May of 2015, MakingStarwars.net posted a leak of the script notes for the Force back vision. Click HERE for the full scene and article (side note– I have no idea who Naka is, but I believe it could be Lor San Tekka, and I’m 99.999% sure Rose codename is Maz, not the Rose we know of now.  Because it was used later for things we know for sure was Maz.)
UPDATE: JJ has, in fact, said that Maz’s code name was Rose. He based the character of Maz after his high school English teacher Rose Gilbert. Here is an article that discusses this. This is why she was codenamed, Rose. It has nothing to do with Rose Tico. 
Interior Day Roses’ Pub – There is a secret underground chamber, and Rose begins her tale to Han, Rey, and Finn. They hold hands.
Flashback: Interior Night at Academy – Dead bodies are on the ground. Luke turns up.
Flashback: Exterior Dusk at the Academy – It is noted it is peaceful now. Artoo-Detoo is saddened as his master departs.
Flashback: Exterior Day at the Savannah – A hand that takes the sword at the start of the film is revealed to be Naka’s hand.
Flashback: Exterior on the Savannah – A peasant’s hovel where the peasant drops the sword, starts a fire, panics and then returns.
Flashback: Exterior Desert – Local trader, is seen leaving. (I believe it then cuts to Finn and Rey’s faces as the story unfolds).
Flashback: Exterior Day Desert – Local trader makes a sale to a wealthy man.
·Flashback: Exterior Night Battlefield – Fierce battle! Sword is being used by the CLAN against THE SEVEN.
·Flashback: Exterior Night: the last man is down, and Kylo Ren approaches Rey!
·Flashback: THE SEVEN are looting, and we see Rose in the foreground taking “the object.”
Maz (although they code-named her Rose in this leak)  is telling Finn and Rey how she got Luke/Anakin’s lightsaber. Which was not filmed or was cut from the film altogether.  Instead, we get Maz talking about the FO and Rey asking about “What fight?”
We learn from this leak that the KOR were looting and looking for something.  Kylo Ren is looking for artifacts and or the lightsaber. 
UPDATE: Based on what we learned in TLJ It is my belief now that the KOR are Lukes students who left with Ben Solo during the destruction of the temple. Ben burning the temple tells me that he and the KOR could have been looking for anything relating to the Jedi, artifacts included, to destroy them. “It’s time to let old things die, the Jedi, the Sith..” You get the idea here. 
To solidify this leak further we have an OFFICAL CANON comic book depiction of the Force back, and it shows us something exciting that we do not see in the movie.
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The panel in question is this.
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It is the lightsaber –Anakin’s– then Luke’s and now Rey’s.
Notice in the movie after this moment Kylo jerks his head to Rey and walks towards her as if he sees her.
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This is when he reaches down and picks up the legacy lightsaber, KYLO’S Force back begins.
In the beginning Rey’s Force back she sees a boy at the end of the hall with Snoke standing above him. This was confirmed by the editor for TFA novelization Maryann Brendan  (it was Snoke)  Watch this video below for proof–she did not say the boy was Ben, but we all know it most likely was. Considering all the evidence in Bloodline and Aftermath that Snoke targeted Ben as a child. Start at 29.20
Her comments are important and the idea that the cutscene or proposed scene was that of a very young boy, (Ben Solo) in the presence of Snoke. It is important because the second Kylo (presumably) touches the lightsaber and walks towards Rey, we see Rey as a child. She is being abandoned/sold to Unkar Plutt. This is the beginning of Bens Force back –seeing her as a child just as Rey’s started off seeing Ben as a child.
We do not know if the rest of the vision played out the exact same as Rey’s, but this may be the reason why he says “What girl!”
Kylo has seen Rey, as a child and perhaps if the visions do mirror each other he also saw her in the snowy woods on Starkiller base, but she too was, masked. I say masked due to the fact Kylo was masked in Rey’s vision–
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but he wasn’t when they fought.
Rey is wearing a mask at the beginning of TFA.
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 It would be reasonable to assume if what I say is true, that Kylo’s vision would mirror Reys in that he would not know her adult face, nor she his– which is why it would be masked. This is most likely done for dramatic effect for the movie and storyline. Not knowing for sure if it was her. The girl.
Now I know you’re dying to ask– Why didn’t Kylo just take the lightsaber then and there? Well, I have a good answer for that too.
When Rey touches the lightsaber for the first time, she does not hold on to it. So you do not need touch to have the visions. She stumbles around in Maz’s basement until the end of the vision.
It would be very poetic for Rey and Kylo to have both touched the Legacy lightsaber and have had mirroring visions of each other. Maz Kanatas line about a story for a different time will be tied up in EPIX. I believe that JJ’s vision for this will be brought back. Perhaps Kylo/Ben will explain to Rey that he’s seen her before in a vision. Or Maz will tell this story to Rey as she try’s to fix the saber. I think the latter is more likely. The lightsaber plays a huge metaphorical role in the reshaping the legacy of the Jedi and in turn the Skywalkers. It has brought the two Force users together. It showed Ben a girl, and it showed Rey a boy and a monster. 
Rey’s vision sent her fleeing directly into the forest where she would meet the creature in a mask.
When Ben heard that a girl had been spotted with the droid, he had to know if this was the girl and that led him into the forest also. 
Its as if Anakin’s lightsaber is trying desperately to bring them together so that they can fix what is now broken. 
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wavemaker9 · 5 years
tfw you take four days struggling to decide between a bunch of ideas for Day 5: Myths/Legends or AU Day and then end up getting a brand new idea and finishing the fic in just a few hours on the fifth day
Title: Gold Digger Characters: (Superpower AU) Spain (Antonio), Prussia (Gilbert)
“Sit down,” Gilbert snaps the moment he sees the other start to move, voice firm and sharp and with a force the brunet doesn’t think he’s heard from him in all the time they’ve known each other.
Toni hesitates, but finally follows the order, sinking back into the seat. He’s careful, mainly about his hands and where he places them- or rather doesn’t. He doesn’t use the arm rest to help ease him back, or set the other on the spot of cushion next to his leg. He just keeps his arms in front of himself, letting them settle and interlock fingers in his lap. “Gilbert, I should just-.”
“No,” Gil cuts off, staring hard at the other. “You don’t get to leave,” he says. He forces himself to release the fists his hands have started to curl into, but only really so he can cross his arms over his chest instead. “You don’t get to lie to me this whole time and then start to turn my damn sofa into gold and then try to leave without a word, Toni.”
There’s a wince that comes onto the tanned face, shoulders lifting slightly as his head sinks down a bit. Green eyes stare off, locking with a spot on the floor on the far side of the room, until Gilbert tells Toni to look at him, and he sighs and glances back up at the other. It’s a weird feeling for him to be so at a loss for words, and he struggles to find something to say to calm the other down before offering up, “I wasn’t lying the whole time.” He recognizes in the other’s face that it’s the wrong thing to say, and Gilbert recognizes that Toni recognizes this, so he doesn’t waste time to say as much.
Instead he fights the urge to curl fingers again, forcing out a sharp exhale. Then he moves over, to the other side of the couch, sinking onto a seat as well. He avoids the middle spot, where the portion meant for resting heads has started to turn from a dark gray-blue in color to a metallic gold. In his mind, Toni sees the need to skip over the spot, but in his heart, he feels that extra space between them just a little.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Gilbert asks after a few beats of silence. His shoulders finally sink a bit, his arms unfolding from each other and settling hands on the cushion. His voice is slow and gains an earnestness to it when he insists, “You could have told me.”
Antonio’s eyes shut for a moment, lip twitching up into a skeptical sort of smile. It’s instinctive and only lasts for a second before easing back towards the slight frown held before. “How would I know that?”
“Because you know me,” Gilbert shoots back, disbelief of his own building up in his voice, sounding almost incredulous of such a question being asked. He has to fight off the want to just laugh at the very idea. “Toni, we’ve known each other for years. We’ve been dating for a full fucking year and you think I’m going to start hating you because you can turn parts of my furniture metallic?” He can’t resist the urge anymore, this quick laugh bubbling up out of his throat. He turns to look away for a few seconds, shaking his head at the other before turning back. “I mean it’s kinda rude and inconvenient as fuck, sure, but like. ...For real?”
There’s something that flips in the Spaniard at that reaction, and he blinks a little in surprise at it. Despite the other’s previous words, it’s only a response so flippant as that that actually seems to sink a very real consideration into his chest that maybe Gilbert might actually be alright to know about this.
Sure enough, to further press the point, Gil continues speaking. “Toni, bro, come on. We’ve talked about mutants before. When have I ever said anything to give you the idea that I wasn’t totally cool with them? I run- you’ve read my blog, right? Or was that a lie, too?” He knows it isn’t, they’ve talked about articles from it enough, but he can’t resist the comment anyway, and it at least gets a quick little laugh out of the other. “The only thing I do on there is talk about how cool some of the mutants in this city are.” When it’s pointed out to him that he talks badly of others, he has to keep from settling his face in his hands. “Because they’re supervillains, dude. You’re not a supervillain, right?” And then before there’s even time for Antonio to open his mouth or move his head, he suddenly leans in, repeating, “Right? Now that’d be a dealbreaker.”
Antonio chuckles as he shakes his head, feeling a cautious amount of relief flooding his chest as Gilbert continues to care more about his not being honest about his superpowers than the superpowers themselves. “No, no, no, don’t worry. I try to stay out of the super business altogether, to be honest.” He lets out a soft breath, gaze drifting forward again, and adds that he doesn’t really like using his powers, so he tries to avoid situations that would make him.
“Then you’re fine!” Gilbert declares quickly, waving a hand to dismiss even the very concept of anything else being true. His hand drops, then, and he falls silent for a moment, before taking another breath and reaching his hand forward to take one of the other’s. “Hey, seriously, can we agree no more secre-?” Pale fingers touch tanned ones and Antonio flinches in surprise, drawn from where he’d been staring off and instinctively withdrawing his hand for a moment. Gil’s words stop short, looking back at the other in confusion, though he’s met with a similar look in return, as if Toni is trying and failing to figure him out. “You… really thought I wasn’t going to take this well, huh?”
Antonio registers the vague disbelief in the other’s voice and immediately apologizes, reaching for Gilbert’s hand and squeezing it tightly, almost a little too much so, in his own. “It’s just… I turned something to gold in front of you two minutes ago and you don’t even hesitate or nothing to grab my hand again. The same hand, even. ...Given my track record with people knowing what I can do, that don’t totally make sense to me.” He flashes a smile over to Gilbert, small and uncertain. It’s a rare look for his grin and it does not suit him. “I’m glad! I am, but…. I did have my doubts. There are people who talk about how cool lions are… or bears or sharks or any number of creatures. But if they suddenly found out one was living in their home with them, sleeping in their bed, it’d be a different story.”
Gilbert’s expression slips into a frown, and he scoots closer to the other on the couch. “You’re not a lion, though, Toni,” he points out, voice somehow mixing sympathy and a feeling of stating the obvious into the same tone without sounding awkward. His other hand lifts, resting on a sunken shoulder. “Or any of those other things, either.”
“Some people in this city would think I’m worse-.”
“Well I’m not one of them,” Gilbert counters instantly, voice firm again, though thankfully not to the level of frustration it’d had before. “We’ve been dating for a year now, Toni. If you can’t trust me when I say I don’t hate-.”
Those sunken shoulders lift now, rolling in a vague sort of shrug as Antonio’s head tilts from one side to the other. “That ain’t just it,” he interrupts, adding that he’s dealt with others that didn’t hate his powers, either. “Believe me, you find out a lot of people are willing to make exceptions on a no-mutant policy when that mutant can turn things into solid gold. I’ve had too many relatives and other guardians in the past who wanted me to earn my place in their family once they knew what I could do.”
A breath escapes him, coming out far easier than it should given how he’s actually feeling. He turns to look at the other, making eye contact and pushing another faint grin onto his face in an attempt to ignore the ache and fear the memories threaten to stir up. “I just didn’t want things to change between us. We don’t exactly live luxuriously and I worried that even if you weren’t angry or scared at what I was, maybe you’d feel mad or betrayed or something that I wasn’t doing more with what I can do.” His hand pulls Gilbert’s up to his lips, pressing a light kiss to the pale skin. “I love being with you just as we are and I didn’t want my powers getting in the way of that.”
“Well,” Gilbert begins, leaning in again. The hand holding Toni’s squeezes once more and the other slides along the top of Toni’s back, so that he rests in a half hug of the other man. “Consider this my confirmation that they don’t have to, okay? It’s cool that you can turn things into gold, sure.” He glances to his side where the spot of transmuted fabric stands out. “Again, love if you didn’t do it to my shit anymore, but... relationships’re full of compromises so-.”
He’s pleased when he gets the desired reaction at the line, a small fit of laughter that he can feel help ease some of the tension in those shoulders. His own smile broadens in response, proud that he can still make the other laugh at just about anything when he wants to. As the laughter starts to die down, Toni speaks up, apologizing again and trying to explain himself. He nods to the television they’d been watching, now turned off, admitting some of the news stories about mutants in the city always make him anxious, and when he’s stressed and not paying attention, his powers can creep into an active state without him always noticing.
Gil waves it off, though, reassuring the other that it’s not that big of a deal in the end anyway, before returning back to his original point. “Seriously, though. I’m not going to kick you out and I’m sure as fuck not going to- I dunno, make you earn your worth to me or whatever shit you’re worried about.” He drops his head down a bit to get a better look at the other’s face, reddish eyes meeting with green and mouth below them settling into a softer smile when they do. “Yeah, I’d love to have more money; most people would. But not as much as I love you.” It takes a moment, but then comes the smile and nod in response from Toni, accepting the words Gilbert says. It’s truly a relief to see him finally acknowledge the fact.
“I’ll try to remember that- and also be more careful -in the future,” Toni agrees, leaning his body over to press against Gil’s a little playfully. “Thank you,” he adds after a few moments, then, more emphatically, “Thank you.”
Gil laughs, pulling his hand free from the grip to make another gesture of waving off the concern. “Yeah, yeah, of course. I mean- I get it, but also, like... I still can’t believe you actually thought I was going to take this badly or something.”
Toni’s gaze shifts to the other, smile growing on his face as he suddenly feels very lucky in this moment. “Yeah, I guess me neither,” he finally answers, reaching his hands forward for Gil’s sides, tugging the other into a kiss.
After a few moments, Toni pushes Gil to sit fully against the back of the sofa, starting to lean further into the kiss. He stops sharply though when Gilbert’s immediate reaction is one of pain, and it hardly takes half a push from the pale hand that moves to his chest to get him to scoot back. When given space to do so, Gil leans forward as well, other hand coming up to rub at a now sore spot on the back of his head. Red eyes look to the spot he was pressed up against, green eyes following the gaze, and seeing the spot of golden metal still remaining embedded in the fabric.
Gilbert’s attention shifts back to Toni, only a beat going by before asking, “Your powers wouldn’t happen to also cover un-golding things, would they?”
The embarrassed grin that spreads wide onto tanned lips, accompanied by a quick and nervous chuckle, answers before the words even need to. “Er- not really, no.”
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Take Me Home
It was not very late in the night that the third doppelganger decided to head out for a drink, maybe more than one. She had no idea of what else to do after another fight with Damon and Stefan ignoring her as always. This was already too much to handle - after so many deaths, mainly caused by her, it would be the best if she could just disappear, somewhere far away from Mystic Falls. But then again, she couldn't. And she hated that fact.
Once at the grill, she saw Matt behind the bar and she tried to greet him as if she was cheerful, but it wasn't that easy. He always knew when something was wrong with her, and she couldn't just lie to his face by smiling like nothing had happened.
"Tough day, right?" he suggested, trying to make her open up.
"Whatever, Matt. I don't think I care that much anymore. It's always gonna be that way," she then again lied. Of course she cared, and she would always care. But she was there to forget, not to remember. "Could you please give me a scotch? I think I need it."
"Whoa, Elena, isn't that too much?" he asked worriedly.
"Nothing is too much for us anymore, Matt. Get over it," she tried to sound like she had accepted the situation she was into, but it only half worked. Matt gave her a look, but still didn't get the scotch she had ordered. "Well, will you give me the damn drink or what?" she challenged. Matt finally grabbed a glass, filled it and gave it to her. "Cheers!" she tried and drank it all in a moment. Her throat was suddenly burning from the strong liquor, but she wouldn't stop. "Not that bad!" she tried to sound satisfied, but again, it only half worked.
She was finishing her third glass when he walked in, a smirk on his face as he scanned the place. He already knew what he wanted and nothing could stop him from getting it. It seemed to him like eternity as he walked his way towards the bar - he was desperate for a drink and some good company, but he was destined for only one of these. Or maybe not.
He caught a glimpse of brown hair as he walked up to the bar and he immediately knew it was no other than the third Petrova doppelganger. He smiled, but then a confused look was on his face. What the hell did she want in there, alone? Was she trying to get drunk? That wouldn't be good, even though in other circumstances he would be probably laughing at her face. But no, not this time - it seemed like every fight with his siblings brought to him a sense of understanding to everyone else than his own self, as always.
When was the last time he had seen her? It must have been at the ball. After that night, he and his siblings were mostly busy with trying to stop their mother from making them extinct, as Rebekah had put it. When he and Klaus came at the grill a few days earlier, she wasn't there - they only saw her best friend, Caroline, was it? The blondie that his half-brother liked. But this wasn't what he was supposed to be thinking of right now - none of the hybrid's love interests were his business. He could only admire her strength and will - she looked determined about something. He would be asking for a lot if he wanted her to keep him company while having his own drink - she obviously hated his family, including him. That would be mostly Klaus' fault, and he couldn't do nothing to change that. Kol admitted to himself that he was, for once, jealous of Elijah - he was kind of friends with this unique doppelganger and Kol had not yet got the chance to talk to her. He was not one to apologize for another's antics, but he felt sorry about the girl. Tatia was a manipulative bitch and Katherine a bitch in general - this one had absolutely nothing to do with them. Well, she certainly had a thing for brothers, but she was the compassionate, funny, kind, caring, and even loving one. These Salvatores had every right to be obsessed with her, even though she deserved better than that - than them.
Kol sat by her side but avoided looking at her. The last thing he craved was trouble with Klaus if he did anything to his precious blood-bag. Matt eyed him suspiciously. Obviously, he hadn't forgot about the hand incident at the ball. Kol gave him a look and shook his head in disapproval, half smirking, when the human ignored him. He just couldn't understand Rebekah. He watched amused as the boy filled the doppelganger's glass once more and laughed slightly.
"Well, is there any liquor for me, mate?" he asked with a challenging look.
"Why don't you take her bottle? She's been drinking like crazy and I'd rather have you pass out on the bar, not her," Matt suggested and he left them all alone. 'Great,' Kol thought to himself, 'this is going to be even more awkward.'
Turning to face her, he saw her staring at him like he was some kind of a sight. He smirked - he never went unnoticed.
"Well, if it isn't the lovely Elena Gilbert! Like what you see, darling?" he said, watching her blush. She didn't speak for a while, she was still trying to finish her fourth glass of scotch. He reached out for the bottle of scotch she had been occupying for the last few minutes. "Isn't that kinda strong, love?" he asked with concern filling his smooth voice with that sexy British accent she loved to hear.
"Nothing is strong enough, I guess, to kill me," she slurred out and now it was her turn to watch him drink from the bottle. He took a long shot, then settled the bottle down.
"But are you sure you can take it? Or is this all about your famous love affair with the Salvatore brothers?"
"There is no love affair!" she snapped at him and finally finished her fourth glass.
"I guess I'll take your word for it. Anyway, love. I think you're just trying to impress me," he said and played a bit with his lapis lazuli ring which he wore on his right middle finger, as if he was nervous. Only he was not nervous - he was very confident. Maybe he was bored, maybe he didn't find her that interesting. Elena was slightly disappointed but when he looked back up at her, she couldn't help but smile a bit. Kol looked confused, as if he was trying to solve a mystery. The mystery that was called Elena Gilbert. She seemed like the perfect riddle. And damn it, he loved riddles. He loved challenges and she was a fine one.
Once again, he reached for the bottle and took a light sip. She groaned, demanding a drink too. Kol threw his head back and laughed fully, but nonetheless granted her request. He filled her glass only a little bit and raised his eyebrows, waiting for her reaction. The protest never came, she only took the glass from his hand and took a sip of the liquor.
"They say scotch is the best," Kol said, trying to joke while commenting on her determination to get out of the grill drunk. Suddenly, he felt some kind of bad and decided it was about time to learn what had happened. "Would you mind sharing your thoughts with me, Elena?" he asked casually.
"I would, very much actually. It ain't like nothing has happened. I mean nothing between me and you yet, but with your family? Lots of things, sure."
"Would you like it if something had happened between me and you, then?" he raised an eyebrow, smiling knowingly and brought the bottle to his lips again. She blushed once more and he patted her hand with the palm of his own. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you."
"What? No! No, no, not that way! No!" she protested, as realization hit her. She must have drunk too much already, otherwise she would have noticed the sexual hint. Kol smiled and shook his head.
"I know you like me, but please, do not make it so obvious with denying it so loudly. It hurts my ego," he said and put his hand over his chest, trying to pout a little.
"Stop doing that, okay?" she demanded and he looked unsure of what to make out of this.
"Stop doing what, darling?"
"This whole 'messing with your thoughts' thing. It won't work."
"Why would I play that game? And why would I want it to work, love?" he said, carefully planning his next words.
"I don't know. Maybe because you are a narcissistic Original with a huge ego and you can't just accept that I am not attracted to you, so you mess around with me to see if I'll give in. Trust me, I won't."
Kol laughed and leaned in closer to her, "You wish you're not attracted to me. You wish you won't give in, but it will all happen in the blink of an eye, dearest Elena. Nice choice of words, though. Cheers to that!"
"Stop smirking, I'm not that easy," she tried to prevent him from laughing again.
"Mhmm, I see. Let me guess, you won't be spilling the guts about what brought you here?" he tried again.
"Will you?" she challenged.
"Nothing as interesting as your story might be. Just had a fight with Nik about daggers. Elijah took his side, Bekah was neutral, and I fled. What about you?"
"Damon is angry with me and Stefan won't talk to me. Plus, all the past family drama with the deaths and such... Let's just say it's a mess of causes and forget about it, shall we?" she proposed but suddenly felt dizzy. She tried to get up but her legs were shaking. She went to grab the bar but instead she realized that there were two strong arms which were holding her. Was she being supported by Kol Mikaelson himself? That was a surprise.
Kol looked worried as he held her against him in order to support her fragile body.
"Are you alright, Elena?" he asked gently. She tried to nod but she couldn't just lie to him.
"I felt a little dizzy, that's all," she explained and went to sit back down.
"I told you not to drink that much. You should have known that you can't handle alcohol! And where the hell are your friends? I trust you don't have them for nothing!" he sounded annoyed while he examined her moves closely.
"You're such a good liar, I almost believe that you actually care!" she snorted.
"Can't I be concerned about a girl like you? A girl who happens to be the third Petrova doppelganger? That should be a lot of information for you, you damned pretty little creature!" he spat the words out and Elena looked puzzled.
"I'm a liability, I know. Can you just go?"
"And leave you here, in such a mess? No, darling, I don't think so," he huffed. He looked more than worried now. He checked his watch and saw that it was close to midnight. "Don't you have school or something tomorrow? For God's shake, it's almost midnight!"
"Can't you just leave me alone? You're being annoying," she said and tried to avoid the conversation.
"Me? I'm the one who wants to help you. Isn't it weird that none of your bodyguards are around? I'm the only one left for the job!" She never answered. She looked like she was hypnotized by something. Kol knew he could just compel her to leave the grill, but he decided not to do such a thing. "Look, I know you don't like me, you might as well as hate me, but you need to get rest, unless you want to have this hangover while in class..."
He huffed. "Yes, love?"
"Take me home."
Kol stood puzzled for a bit but then he gathered himself well enough. He walked up to her and picked her up in his arms, carrying her out in bridal style. This seemed too much for the youngest Original, but he couldn't help but be satisfied as she buried her face in his neck, her arms wrapped around his neck.
He knew where her home was. She let her down till she could open the front door with her keys and murmur an invitation, and then he picked her up again, stepping inside the house and slamming the door shut. He found her room from instinct and he thanked God for having such one as he settled her down to her bed. She looked up to him and closed her eyes. When she opened them, he was kneeling by her side.
"Are you alright now?" he asked her. She nodded and smiled. God, he wanted to kiss her! But no - he was more than just a man with a need. He wouldn't take advantage of the situation. He would rather kiss her once she was clear-minded and entirely sure that she wanted it just as much as he did, or even a little more, or even a little less. But he couldn't proceed to do what he had on mind. His dark brown eyes sunk into her doe brown ones. He got up and turned to leave. Just as he was reaching for the door, he heard her soft, sleepy voice.
"I do like you, Kol. More than you can imagine..."
Kol's muscles tensed under his shirt.
"Goodnight, darling..." he whispered loud enough so only she could hear him and left the room. As he was walking in the streets of Mystic Falls, leading his way back to the Mikaelson Mansion, he just smiled to himself, knowing that she wasn't drunk enough to not know what she was saying.
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thelonelybrilliance · 5 years
Sassy Recap - The Vampire Diaries - 3x05 “The Reckoning”
Two words: senior pranks.
The necklace is a talisman of the original witch, and that's who Klaus needs to contact to figure out why his hybrid plan is a big ol' dud!
We begin in an empty high school...specifically, the empty Mystic Falls high school, whereat nothing good has EVER happened. The only person in the whole joint is Hapless Matt, working out at who knows what late hour. I mean, hey, teens have to keep up their muscle definition on this show!
He wonders around the dim, freakily echoing hallways...but it's all OK! It's just Senior Prank night set-up!
Oh my Goy. Are we really doing this? (Yes, Elena says we are.) These teens are almost getting MONCHED on a daily basis but we're going to set up MOUSE TRAPS in the HISTORY CLASSROOM?? OK! Let's DO THAT! Or not, since Matt just set approximately all of them off at the same time, thus foiling the careful preparations of Elena, Caroline, Tyler et al.
(Who's with me in betting that this prank-y set-up serves as a backdrop to some later, grisly events? Hmm?)
"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this," Matt says, being the voice of reason. But it's Caroline's Thing, and she wants it to work out, and who are we to say no to Caroline AND Elena?
I'll tell you who will say no. Klaus, lurking in the gym and saying, "There's my girl," to Elena, who almost DIES OF SHOCK. That would be convenient for Klaus, after all. Remember how Elena not being dead is kind of the key to his whole hybrid problem?
MEANWHILE, Damon and Katherine are on a roadtrip of simmering sexual tension and witty barbs. "Stop being cute," Damon says. "Not possible," Katherine quips back. But here's the thing, which Damon thoughtfully reveals after a brief (and Not Best Practices for Driving) makeout sesh: Katherine doesn't do it for him anymore. MWAHAHA, HE LOVES SOMEONE ELSE NOW! Maybe you should have reconsidered being a colossal biatch if you didn't want him to stop caring about you!
Also, Damon, you really need to get back to Mystic Falls.
Speaking of Salvatores, Stefan wakes up in the back of a truck, where Rebekah tells him that Klaus has been breaking his neck all afternoon and is pissed af about Elena being alive. Stefan tries to fight his way out, so Rebekah...stakes him with a pipe.
Klaus tells Elena he plans on making her suffer, and that is probably going to be made easier by the fact that approximately 1000 idiot high-schoolers are currently milling about, unsupervised.
Sure enough! It's show-down in the gym time. Klaus sends most of the teenagers home, for reasons unknown, and compels two others to do Kilgrave-y things like hold their foot up or be beaten to death. Ok. WHY.
"Thought you might want to stretch your legs, take a break from the sexual tension," Damon says, then throws the keys about a mile away and tells Katherine to tell him what she's doing. Katherine has Elena's necklace as leverage, and THEN she opens her trunk to reveal JEREMY GILBERT. CAN WE NOT???
Caroline and Tyler are making out and bonding and squirting honey onto various surfaces, because PRANKS, but oh no! Rebekah's here in a drapey belted cardigan that is oh so 2011. She attacks them! Fun times.
Bonnie and Matt are toilet-papering the pool, which seems colossally dumb, and talking about Vicki! SKIPPP! Y'all know I hated Vicki more than most people on this earth.
Poor Matt. He misses the days when he was a lifeguard and he didn't know a menagerie of supernatural creatures. Matt is a good egg, and though not a scintillating wit, he's more sensible than most people on this show.
HOWEVER! Stop wasting all the school's toilet paper.
Just when I *least* want her, Vicki shows up over Matt's shoulder to tell him that she's...here to help? Ok.
Klaus has a plan! The plan is, he wants his hybrids to work so...he turns Tyler! Now it's up to Bonnie to save Tyler's life while Klaus holds Elena hostage and senior prank night is just RUINED.
Once again I say: where the hell is Damon?
Klaus whispering to Elena is both...hot and terrifying?
Bonnie needs to contact the dead, and Jeremy can do that, so I suppose we're supposed to believe that he ISN'T useless. Unfortunately, he's miles away with Katherine and Damon! Who, as it turns out, ALSO want info from him. Specifically, Pearl and Anna (remember them?) knew a way to kill Klaus...for good. And Jeremy can communicate with Anna (UGH) because they kind of dated! (DOUBLE UGH).
Back at the gym, Stefan shows up. He's pulled the metal pipe/crowbar (yeah, it was actually a crowbar) out of his torso and is now here to furrow his brow and assure Klaus, in over-enunciated, sepulchral tones, that Elena...means...*nothing* to him.
This lasts APPROXIMATELY ONE SECOND before Stefan tries to save Elena. This means that Klaus compels him, and now there are multiple consequences such as, STEFAN BEING COMPELLED, HIGHSCHOOLERS GETTING KILLED, AND BASICALLY EVERYTHING GOING TO DEEP SH*T
ANYWAY *calms down* (and pls don't believe that I *didn't* appreciate Stefan's angsty pain, such as it was, as Klaus compelled him)
Jeremy communicates with Anna. This scene would be a snooze, usually, but Damon and Katherine are here and that helps a LOT. Anna is all "I won't tell THEM my precious info" so Damon just SLAMS Jeremy's head into a table until she gives it up. Honestly, I stan! You will not find sympathy for Jeremy here. (Also, lay off me. He's totally fine, just a little bump on the noggin.) Anna reveals the truth: Klaus is afraid of Michael, a vampire who hunts vampires. TOLD you this Michael dude would be back! She also says that they'd be idiots to try and wake him, but that's never stopped anyone on this show before!
Caroline wakes up with a headache, to find Rebekah taking selfies. Wow, Rebekah has adapted to modern life well! She tells Caroline that Tyler is going to be a hybrid, and THEN she discovers that Elena used to have Rebekah's necklace, due to stalking old stock-photo-esque pics on Stefan's phone .
Klaus tells Elena that it's such fun to see Stefan in his natural element, i.e., murdering people, and when she protests that that is Not Who Stefan Is, he responds "I invited him to the party, love, but he's the one dancing on the table," which, LOLZ. 
Of course Rebekah ruins the moment by BURSTING in, demanding that Elena turn over the necklace, and CHOWING DOWN ON HER when Elena does not IMMEDIATELY comply. Klaus can get scary when other people try to hurt his fave doppelganger, but even he can barely get Rebekah to Cool It.
Elena, bleeding out on the floor, comes clean: Katherine stole the necklace. Klaus is all, "That makes things harder, let's give Bonnie...TWENTY MINUTES to solve this." Um??? That is not what you do when something is HARDER to solve.
If they DON'T solve the problem, Stefan will kill Elena! This is so...Much.
You know what's TOO much? Expecting me to care about a side-plot involving Matt and Vicki. Vicki lures him to the pool, so she can DROWN HIM AND REUNITE THEM FOREVER OR SOMETHING. Are you KIDDING ME? I think I will not partake in this...
Ok, actually it ties in a little! Vicky says she can help so Matt WEIGHTS HIMSELF DOWN IN THE POOL TO HALF-DROWN SO THAT HE CAN CONNECT WITH THE DEAD! Bruh. You could have just stayed under water for a while?? G*damn.
ANYWAY, I still hate this sideplot!
Damon tells Jeremy not to fall asleep because he might have a concussion. ahahaha
Damon ALSO snags his phone back from Katherine and discovers that everything has gone to hell back in MF. He IMMEDIATELY heads back to Elena, and when Katherine says "The Damon I know wouldn't have been this stupid," he says, "I wouldn't have done it for you," and reader, I DIED. THE ROMANCE. #delenaforever
Lest I enjoy any moment too much, I have to deal with Bonnie doing CPR on Matt and saying "I can't do this" v dramatically.
Vicky appears in WHITE LIGHT to see Matt and give him a message for Bonnie and I just...I don't care. I mean, I guess I care about Bonnie and Matt's friendship more than I thought I would?? #growth
Meanwhile, Elena and Stefan are watching the clock. Elena tells him to try and resist compulsion, which seems like a pretty good idea, and Stefan is like "no let me throw this back in your face and reassure you how impossible it is, rather than throw every fiber of my being into resisting the urge to kill you," or something, because Stefan is Kind of the Worst and is also wearing boot-cut jeans.
"I'M A RIPPER, AND A RIPPER DOESN"T STOP," STefan says, which, little did he know, would one day inspire Jughead Jones' cataclysmically awkward line-reading of "I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in."
Ok but the best and most telling part of this scene is that Elena is like, YOU WILL FIGHT THIS and he's like WHY, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU? And WHEW BOY. I would darn well hope so! Elena would too, she SNAPS back at him that that is exactly why, but...I hope we can all see why this wasn't endgame. *sips tea*
Tyler has come back to life! That must suck for him.
The message from Vicki is what we already KNEW, which is, Elena has to die! Of course Matt discusses this IN THE HEARING OF KLAUS, who is like, "cool, then she will die."
Stefan is freaking out, which is better than him being...weirdly condescending at Moments of Peril, and begs Elena to run.
Elena runs, and Stefan chases her, but he DOES fight and I'm briefly proud of him. He breaks a broom in half (thank you, janitor, for leaving the cart around) and stakes himself to slow his cravings. Klaus is...enragedly charmed by this, and says "the only thing stronger than your hunger for blood is your love for this one girl." Which is, of course, a beautiful sentiment, and I am proud to report for the St*lena fans who are HOPEFULLY not reading this recap, that we have had our one (1) feel of the ep.
Klaus literally BREAKS Stefan's mind to get him to comply and Stefan of course goes full ripper and ELENA I WOULD RUN NOW, BUT SHE DOESN'T.
Klaus doesn't believe Vicky's witch message. Instead, he thinks that Elena's blood is probably the solution. Specifically, the hybrids needs to feed on it. Tyler does just that, and after a good deal of writhing about and Caroline screaming, it WORKS! Tyler lives to fight another day and Klaus can now build a hybrid army!
Elena wakes up in a hospital, where her blood is being DRAINED FROM HER BODY by a Klaus-compelled nurse.
Klaus and Rebekah have a heart-to-heart about how he wants a hybrid army so he doesn't have to be alone. Of course he won't own up to it, but somewhere deep within, very deep, Klaus has a twisted heart.
Not that anyone's going to be able to appeal to it! Specifically not Damon, who shows up like the FEARLESS BADASS HE IS and demands to be taken to Elena. Klaus is FULLY going to kill him, but Damon, ever quick on his feet, mentions the name Michael. And ooh! That puts a hitch in Klaus's step!
Short version: Klaus lets him go.
Long, terribly beautiful version: Damon rescues Elena from her Sleeping Beauty state and BRIDAL CARRIES HER OUT OF HOSPITAL AND MY WHOLE LIFE IS MADE
Just like...listen. She wakes up and calls his name and puts her arms around his neck so...IMMEDIATELY. And he just takes her. He carries her away to safety and I just HAVE. A LOT. OF FEELINGS.
But of course we have to switch back to Caroline and Tyler, who are happy for a moment in the afterglow of successful hybrid transformation, though I can't imagine THAT will last.
Tyler: "this is going to be an amazing year" Me: "with [Klaus] Frizzle? Unf*ckinglikely"
Bonnie and Matt bonding. Mkay. Actually it's not so much bonding as Bonnie telling him he gets to be normal and he should chase that. But of course it's not OK and he can still see Vicky and I want to roll my eyes out of my head. Thx.
Damon gives Elena bourbon and gives me feelings!!! I'm sorry just...Damon talking about his bourbon is very important to me. He offers to help her forget and his face is so terribly, beautiful soft as he suffers for her that it DESTROYS ME and aLSO he stole back the necklace for her!
"He's really gone this time," Elena says, because she's...a better person than I would be, I guess, and isn't willing to just forget Stefan and his man-pain forever?
Ohhhh the angst! Her eyes well up with tears and she says, "Where were you, Damon?" And he is SO SORRY and he says "I promise you, I will never leave you again" and puts a hand on her knee and it's SO GOOD and then STEFAN SHOWS UP, ALL SOULLESS DOUCHEBAG!
Klaus has asked him to watch Elena and he's like "From now on, you are under my protection" and he deserves to be sLAPPED (I know, I know, it's not his fault, BUT I JUST???) (I guess Klaus technically deserves to be slapped MORE)
Katherine and Jeremy, an unlikely team (HOW does she put up with him), uncover a desicated Michael.
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