#gim gabs
gimblegamble · 5 months
I'm quite fluent in Grian so let me translate these messages:
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"are you going to come back? I want to see that you're ok"
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"please come back"
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"I don't care that you're red name please"
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"choose me"
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mnovenia · 4 months
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1 WEEK PAS SINCE GH ARRIVED, HBD my brother Pram! 11 Jan 2024
Siang ini panas bgt, GH pake baju bali yg dia beli di camp, katanya krn mau ketemu Effry biar dia ga takut n lebih melokal.. trus aku keluar kamar dia uda ada di shared kitchen, aku kaget banget.. ternyata dia uda siapin 2 cup dan 2 kopi ediya americano, dia buatin aku: noona mau hot or cold.. enak lagi.. eh pas ada org sebelah liatin.. hehe jadi kita duduk dulu sbelum pergi.. hmm kibuni neomu gippo..
Trus kita cuzz aku ajak k mu gung hwa, dia seneng bgt n sinkinata, beli banyak snack buat dia & anak2 juga sampe 500rb (dia blg kok murah ya d indonesia dibanding di KR).. dia jg bliin aku ramyeon yeol, and ice cream, lucu banget diajarin cara bukanya hahahah kiyowo.. penting bgt.. aku blg aku suka yakhwa, aigee noona bner2 kim hak man aka yennal saram.. dia bli gim, byk guaca dll.. Di jalan ebi telp dia blg beuh noona ok jg ya kl kerja wkwkw.. kok bs ngom indonesia cepet gitu..
Trus kita ke siktang indonesia, aku psen kugi & mulgogi, dia kynya ga suka2 bgt tp lumayan byk makannya, disitu aku agak sedih krn dia share kynya himdero ya noona ternyata pindah negara, beda culture dll.. tp aku faham kok maksud Tuhan, akhirnya aku jg share aku jg ga faham knp aku d Bali, tp sll dia balik yg nguatin aku, ingetin aku, back again to gospel, faith, dan kemurahan Tuhan.. trus yawuda aku agak lemes gt, kita then pergi k cafe evie, ktemu aku kaget jg Evie pinter bhs korea, jadi GH kaget tp sneng jg.. aku ya pasti ada sedikit khawatir kl Evie trll connect sm Gh, tp spertinya n aku berdoa dia sadar diri aja kl Gh is naekoya.. trus dia jg tau lah maksud kita dtg sebagai oppa eonnie gyuhui, trus kita shared sedikit background dia, growth relationship nya with God, dan aku try to set my mind supaya aku pun melakukan apa yg Tuhan mau aku sampaikan ke Evie apapun resiko/kekurang sukaanku, biar aku ttp jadi saluran berkat Tuhan & Evie jg ttp bisa Tuhan pakai untuk ministry gereja kita.. kta foto2 dll, GH jg terencouraged krn jg ada org yg energy nya besar aga nyambung sm dia..
D mobil aku byk berpikir sih, byk ketakutan, kecemburuan tak berreason, pdhl aku percaya apa yg Tuhan kasih noone can snatch away (baru dari BSF). GH jg aku percaya dia bukan org yg ky gitu, gampang terkecoh or tergoda cewe.. He is full of God's wisdom dan buktinya God kept him single until he meets me.. so trust in the Lord Marshella, gmn kl nanti pacaran or nikah dg ke was2an ky gitu sih bisa gila, mgkn itu yg Tuhan sampein ke aku..
Trus GH blg udah yuk kita harus ktemu Effry, akhirnya cabutlah kita ke Tenten.. abis gt d mobil di lebih byk ngom korea n aku agak sedih jg tp mgkn motivasi dr Tuhan supaya aku bljr bhs korea lagi, org GH jg ajarin aku conversation bhs korea.. di mobil dia kasih liat noona kok brewok aku banyak ya, panjang2 banget hahaha.. aku blg gpp ganteng kok.. sedeket itu ya kita OMG..
Sampe Tenten GH impressed n seneng, dia blg noona why baru kasitau aku tempat ini skrg, meskipun udah full tp dia berharap next month bs pindah, tp trus buru2 kita ktemu Effry, eh tutup pula cafenya.. jadinya agak panik2 gt kita cabs aja naik mobil aku bli bensin bentar, GH coba bantu cariin tempat makan, aku blg gpp aku tau kok... akhirnya ke marugame.. agak susah sih ngobrol sm Effry krn bner2 pendiem dan gabs bhs inggris.. tp d jln aku bs cari topik ttg Tomy winata, bosnya, getting to know his life more, ikut seneng dia di promoted, dnger cerita dia sekolahin adik2nya., Dia janjian sm GH mau futsal bareng, naik gunung, marathon, jg sm hyosong, mudah2an deh GH biar makin banyak kegiatan.. Share byk jg ttg RUTC, GH bilang besok sabtu bantuin dia yg kl pas ngajar anak2.. aku hanya akan follow up aja ngintil ka Effry..
Abis gt ci Maurin dateng dong, aku sih agak shock cm yaudalah.. cepet bgt dia sm Bhima makan krn ko yosa lg sibuk.. dia kasih oleh2 aku trus Bhima ngobrol byk sm GH, awalnya susah n malu2.. GH blg mau gak km aku kenalin sm my niece yg umur 9 tahun, cantik kan? Dia terkenal loh d korea, kt Bhima aku jg terkenal di kelas.. ky km bhim ganteng, mamamu cantik.. dia lgsg tau Bhima pinter, inteligent, inggrisnya bagus, ngobrolin ke jepang dll. Liat2 foto2 di Hp n gatau ngobrol apa.. aku lanjut ajak ngom ka efrry n ci maurin.. ga lama GH blg share prayer request ya Ka Effry: nanti report k aku n Bella,
-keluarga ka Effry kakaknya suka mukul mamanya
-adiknya 1 mau wisuda, kl dapat cuti ka Effry mau pulang kampung
Sedih jg dnger cerita ka Effry.. trus kita ke mobil, and mau say bye ke effry, nyobain motornya tp aku gabisa n takut, sm GH difoto lagi.. tp pas GH nyoba dia bisa loh bneran n ada feeling nya gt.. daebak.. aku jg agak lega kl misal emg dia mau sewa motor d Bali.. nanti boncengin aku yaa darling.. HAHAHA..
Trus lanjutlah keliling2 tenten, liat2 kamar, suyongchang, meeting room, cafe, group RIOT yg lagi promo dll.. dia sneng n excited bgt kynya.. trus aku kan nanya ke org2 itu ternyata pada orang bandung dan pd ngeliatin kita ky welcome bgt gt., aku jg jadi tanya2 ttg lari buat GH.. tnya tinggal dmn dll jadi ngobrol panjang.. trus aku tgl ke WC bentar GH ngobrol lg sm mreka..
Abis gt pas uda mau pulang, Noona jjinja E saram, dia observant bgt ya cm convo sbnetar gt dia bs nilai aku org ky apa.. Aku blg ya aku bisa jadi E, tp ky gitu tuh pigune sbnernya utk ku..
Noona, ayolah kita barengan pindahnya ke Tenten, aku rasa ini juga kesempatan yg baik buat Noona ketemu orang2 baru.. it seems like org2 disitu lebih middle up drpd di Tintin, noona tuh ga ktemu org2 tintin karena yg beda n mgkn ga setaraf sm noona.. ini akan jadi sesuatu yang lebih baik untuk bisnismu juga.. kita bisa sunmoim bareng jg dsitu ok.. Trus aku blg liat deh langitnya jelas banget, dia foto2 sambil nyanyi lagu park bogum, let watch the star with me (narang byeol bwa....)
Dlm hati, aduh Tuhan kok bisa ya dia ngomong apa yg mgkn mmg Tuhan mau bilang sm aku, gmn aku ga makin impressed dg wisdom yg dia punya yg bikin aku makin yakin kl Tuhan memang kirim dia buat aku and apa yg kita lakukan bner2 meant to be gitu huhuu.. Gwanghui gomawo..
Aku jadi reflect back th 2020 aku perdana ke tenten, gatau gmn caranya bs tinggal disitu, pas di belanda tmpt itu yg aku save perdana, sampe suatu ketika dikenalin bebey sm ko kinno, cm bisa foto2 aja pake camera 2020 tp it was my dream to live there. Cm pas saat itu kondisi keuangan gak memungkinkan ky syg gitu.. tp kl diliat skrg vs tintin ya kurleb aja apalagi dg byk fasilitasnya gt n pontensi ktemu org2 baru & bisnis baru.. kl dipikir2 apa mgkn ini cara Tuhan mewujudkan mimpiku satu per satu? Bner2 merinding aja.. may His will be done yaa..
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thenomescoreanos · 5 years
lista de caracteres (G)
essa não é a lista de nomes, e sim um índice com os caracteres iniciais de um ireum (ex.: gayoon; gongmyung; gukdoo). para acessar a lista de nomes, clique no caractere de sua preferência:
ga (가)
gab/gap (갑)
gae (개)
gak (각)
gal (갈)
gam (감)
gan (간)
gang (강)
geo (거)
geol (걸)
geom/gum (검)
geon/gun (건)
geu (그)
geuk (극)
geul (글)
geum (금)
geun (근)
geung (긍)
gi (기)
gil (길)
gim (김)
gin (긴)
go (고)
goe (괴)
goeng (굉)
gok (곡)
gon (곤)
gong (공)
goo/gu (구)
guk (국)
gun (군)
gung (궁)
gwa (과)
gwae (괘)
gwak (곽)
gwan (관)
gwang (광)
gwi (귀)
gwon (권)
gye (계)
gyeo (겨)
gyeol (결)
gyeom/gyum (겸)
gyeon (견)
gyeong (경)
gyo (교)
gyu (규)
gyun (균)
última atualização: 2 de fevereiro de 2020.
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gimblegamble · 6 days
A grumbo "there's only one bed" scenario is "there's only ever been one bed" because Grian keeps lying about hotel room vacancies and Mumbo never really minded otherwise.
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gimblegamble · 26 days
Come on now, you don't need to be fluent in Grian to understand what he's saying here 😏.
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gimblegamble · 21 days
Hey Mumbo, hey hi yeah big fan anyways- for research purposes, would you perhaps ask the resident permit office worker for something like an appointment maybe? Maybe for something like a copy of one of your permits.. the warty one, and say that you want a copy to give your business partner...
I just want to see what would happen really, I have three hypotheses rn:
a. Grian becomes tortured by the bit and an inner war wages on whether he drags this out as long as possible or does it lightning fast. He keeps going back and forth while Mumbo is clueless, ending in somewhere of a happy middle ground and they part ways as quickly as they met.
b. He does drag it out as long as possible making it an ongoing bit that persists through three server wars two more charity streams and a major Minecraft update that makes em load more chunks. In their final episode they end their POVs in the permit office which is now decrepit, more like an abandoned building than usual with holes in the roof and rain dripping inside. Grian finally passes the permit over to Mumbo and the world implodes.
c. He completes everything in a quarter of an episode and gets the permit same day, express delivery. Joel loses his mind and we see "grian was slain by smallishbeans" in the chat eight times in a row, and "grian was slain by goodtimewithscar" about ten.
Please sir, I beg you, do it for the bit.
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gimblegamble · 5 months
A comparison of how the southlanders immediately put their guard up against a red name mumbo who was causing havoc in their base, to the mounders who were trying to reason with him and reiterating that they will help him, none of them seriously running away from him even as he was trying to hurt them, with bdubs even handing him some tnt in the most bdubs way possible.
How mumbo kept targeting the southlanders and stopped going after the mounders.
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gimblegamble · 5 months
Anyways, did you guys notice something so... fishy about the tasks. Specifically, Grian and Mumbo's tasks.
The Secret Keeper really went all:
"listen for the first session let's make Grian and Mumbo's tasks similar enough that they'd stick together for a while, let them have their fun.. Then after that, let's always separate them, make it so their tasks require them to either buddy up with someone else or be incapable of 1 on 1 interactions, come on, come on it'll be so funny."
I'm just saying, Secret Keeper better watch it's back when Grian catches on...
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gimblegamble · 4 months
Mumbo’s true height revealed
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POV: you're Mumbo Jumbo, 30m tall redstoner on the hermitcraft server
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gimblegamble · 6 months
Mumbo and Grian flirt about puns and bits while chaos reigned around them.
"I thought we were just having a moment, I thought we were having a good time 😔"
"I would've joined in regardless of the bit Grian you know that I would've done that 🥺"
"I thought we had something going on 😮‍💨 it was just for the task"
EDit: its the magnetism ok? It's the way Mumbo sought him out when Martyn started to be a lil punchy. It's the similar yet opposite tasks. How easy it was for Mumbo to complete his task with Grian but Grian found it impossible to complete his with Mumbo. It's Grian jumping at the chance to give him a life when Mumbo barely lost any. It's the way they flirt like an old married couple. It's how they found it effortless to banter even though they were in the middle of a loud crowd.
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gimblegamble · 6 months
Mark my worms folks, one session we're gonna have contradicting tasks so devastating that historians are going to find poems written about it.
How one person's going to be doomed to fail to let another win. Can you imagine the worst pairs to do this to? We're going to have a field day lads.
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gimblegamble · 6 months
is Mumbo's secret task to post his video a day later or what
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gimblegamble · 5 months
Do you guys think the button's still alive?
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gimblegamble · 1 year
Black haired man wearing a suit with red tie, partnered with blond guy wearing a red sweater taking care of their kid.
Who popped into your head?
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gimblegamble · 5 months
Oh my god, Etho... Etho... absolutely charmed by this man. I get it now. I get it.
Anyways, low-key sad that Martyn's hound of hell bit was greatly overshadowed by the apocalypse but there's always a next time.
Or is there? Technically half the server's rednamed so he's not particularly lonely anymore 🤔.
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gimblegamble · 4 months
Since the word is out that season 9's gonna end soon I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that the next season would start around February or March, unless they've already said when the next season's gonna start and I'm just blind.
edit: Mumbo said around the new years... stating that the too-long break between season 8 and season 9 kinda took the wind from his sails a lil bit, I get that.
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