forgethemaker · 1 year
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Here are some old pictures of an old Girardin mixer I repaired. Girardin is a very old brand from France. This mixer was used by Radio France (french national radio broadcast company) to be a part of a mobile studio for reporters.
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pilferingapples · 7 months
   ah that bit in every Romanticist bio where we gotta get the who's who as the author sees it (all this is from the Fourth Musketeer)
At the Café de Paris, on the boulevard, Alexander breathed the air of the great world. There the celebrities of journalism, literature, and dandyism met.
...this gets long
That man with the warlike hat and blinking eyes' is Nestor Roqueplan who has now left his garret, his washbasin-clock and his pistols-candelabra for the comfortable offices of the Figaro.
OK was this before/after/during its time as an anti-Romanticist paper??
Next him is Jules Janin, who looks comfortably rotund but thinks only of snapping at his neighbor, and who will later fight a duel with Dumas about a wretched question of dramatic criticism.
That fellow by way of being a gentleman, dressed with the correctness of an English lord in a blue coat with gold buttons, a yellow waistcoat, and pearl-gray trousers, is the husband of Marie Dorval, Merle, one of the legitimist party, an epicure and an authority on gastronomy.
..wait, isn't that outfit a Werther cosplay? Am I getting the colors wrong?
. . Over at the long table, orating in a high voice, with his face awkwardly swathed in an enormous neckcloth to hide certain unpleasant scars, is Veron, nicknamed the Prince of Wales, actually the manager of the Revue de Paris, who pays Dumas royally, at least for the time being. With his high color, his greedy lips that look as if they were smeared with jam, and his gluttonous eyes, he seems at once an abbot of former times and a comedy valet.
This guy is way more important than you'd guess by how little he shows up in histories! Also he got his start in patent medicine, which is really jumping out at me post-Blue Castle read!
     That tall, thin, dark man, with hair cut brush-shaped and a prominent nose, wearing a velvet caftan and a cap lined with martin fur, is Adolphe de Leuven, librettist of the Postillon de Lonjumeau, who launched Alexander. By his side, flaunting a magnificent kidskin waistcoat and whirling his rhinoceros cane, is handsome Roger de Beauvoir, with a mop of curly black hair, the only one of Alexander's friends who is an aristocrat of wealth-Beauvoir who entertains six hundred people at the Hôtel de Pimodan, and who has just challenged Balzac for accusing him of being named neither Roger nor Beauvoir. Although Balzac took the trouble to send him "forty pages of excuses," the dandy will listen to nothing and proclaims: "I scorn M. de Balzac's prose, I want only his skin!"
holy shit Balzac you messed up??
     Here is Eugène Sue, very smart in his sea-green coat, with a rather vulgar turn of the nose that detracts from his good looks. Last, simpler and jollier than the rest, is that good fellow Méry who passes for a librarian at Marseilles, but who is always off on a lark to Paris; an amazing improviser who can compose correctly an act of a classical tragedy within two hours, and in the drawing-rooms describe the tortures of hell so vividly that the ladies beg for mercy.
Fun new party game: Describe the tortures of hell!
     Near these gentlemen, but on a lower plane, the madmen appear. "He who was Gannot" and has made himself God under the name Mapah, is a fop and a billiard player now fallen on evil days who sends out manifestos signed "By Our Apostolic Ruin."
The Mahpah is one of the wildest ...visionaries? religious ...somethings? movement leaders? of the time, love seeing him get mentioned (Wiki) (Nonbinary wiki)
Jean Journet, called the Apostle, goes about dressed as a begging friar and sells his verses unfailingly entitled "Songs" or "Cries."
...I have no idea who this is . Sounds like he's coping with poverty very artistishly.
Poor Petrus Borel imagines himself to be a wolf; at his house Alexander has eaten cream from a skull. . . .
excuse you he never said he was a wolf he said he was a werewolf and no one actually disagreed also man,you serve ice cream in skulls ONE time...
         ...you might see (Dumas) in the rue Grange-Batelière, in the salon of the dancer Marie Taglioni, "the sylph of sylphs," or at Delphine de Girardin's on the days when she recited her poems. But Alexander always grew sentimental near "the Muse" and asked her to receive him in private. "I love you," he said, "with an affection too selfish to share you with the world." Then, when they were alone together, she would interrupt him with questions about dramatic art. "Do tell me how one writes for the theater?" Dumas laughed at what he called "the naïveté of genius."      He was attractive to women, there was no doubt of that, even to the most distrustful of them. When Sainte-Beuve, who was fond of playing the rôle of intermediary, proposed to introduce Alfred de Musset to George Sand, she answered: "I don't want you to bring Alfred de Musset. He's too much of a dandy, we should never get along together. . . . Instead of him, do bring Alexander Dumas, in whose art I have found a soul, exclusive of his talent." Alexander came and Sand took a great liking to him.
Wow, imagine if George Sand had ever hung out with Musset What a disaster that would have been huh in that alternate world ><
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Leurs goûts en littérature. — C’est à la douce influence des femmes que nous devons les horreurs à la mode. Ces adorables créatures aiment les crimes, les descriptions détaillées des lieux infâmes ; on les sert selon leur goût. Vous criez contre les auteurs et contre les journalistes ; est-ce leur faute s’ils sont forcés de vous offrir de telles peintures ? Ils avaient tous commencé par de riants tableaux, on ne les a point regardés : alors il leur a bien fallu chercher d’autres sujets pour attirer les yeux.
Delphine Girardin, LES PARISIENNES
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
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“La popularité est plus communément un écueil qu'une récompense.”
Emile de Girardin
Gif Giphy
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Decorative Sunday
This Sunday we present our 1811 copy of Promenade ou Itinéraire des Jardins D’Ermenonville, with aquatints by J. Marigot. Born Jacques-François Mérigot II (1760-1824) to the Parisian publisher and bookseller Jacques-François Mérigot (c. 1720-1799), the younger engraver and printer spent much of his career in London working under the name James Merigot. Promenade ou Itinéraire des Jardins D’Ermenonville was first published in 1788 by the elder Mérigot. Our 1811 printing also lists Merigot as publisher; by that time the business was most likely under the direction of Jacques-François’s younger brother, Jean-Gabriel Mérigot (c. 1738-1818). Also listed as publishers are (Claude) Brunot-Labbe and Le Normant, both of Paris, and M. Richard of Château d’Ermenonville. Printing was completed by L’Impimerie de Belin. 
The book features twenty-five aquatints of views from D’Ermenonville, now known as Parc Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Located about an hour by car from the center of Paris, the gardens were cultivated by René de Girardin as an illustration of his ideal philosophical relationship between man and nature. Giradin was Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s last pupil and Rousseau spent the last six weeks of his life there, and was laid to rest in the park’s l’Ile des Peupliers. His remains were later relocated to the Panthéon; his empty tomb (or cenotaph) remains as a monument to the great French philosopher. 
In addition to select aquatints, featured above is the book’s lovely Turkish-patterned marbled endpapers and two leaves of music for a song written by Girardin’s son Louis Stanislas de Girardin, titled “Du Berger du la Grotte Verte” or “Shepard of the Green Grotto.” Also included is a handwritten note written on the flyleaf, copied from the British newspaper The Sphere, dated September of 1914. 
Find more Decorative Sunday posts here. 
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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ghclassic · 2 years
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Les produits financiers pour épargner et préparer la retraite
Tous les contribuables imposables qui paient plus de 2 500 euros d’impôts par an peuvent sont éligibles à la souscription de solutions financières pour faire baisser leur charge fiscale. En effet, il existe plusieurs produits financiers qui permettent aux particuliers de bénéficier d’un abattement ou d’une diminution des impôts tout en encourageant l’investissement dans la durée. Se constituer un…
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1jour1meme · 10 months
Sachez que même si les cours de Catherine Girardin étaient pas les plus facile à suivre je la défendrai avec ma vie comme si elle était Chantal Akerman ou Vera Chytilova elles même
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canis-majoris · 11 months
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chateau-aemkei · 2 years
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Rising star ,PVG.Price jump as well.
Ppl I know said "But vincent girardin prob. won't rise."
But I guess it's rising as well.
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pilferingapples · 6 months
there's SO much to say about Hugo and the June Days of 1848 but every time it comes up part of my brain is still just sitting here going Hugo?? Hugo?? Victor Marie Hugo is the Romantic who actually went on a wild violence spree??
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cousinshark · 5 months
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My goblin, Salt, trying to figure out some problems with a customer's car! She really hates these country jalopys that are half car, half tractor.
Salt © Mike Girardin
COMMISSIONS: If you are interested in a commission either DM me here, on twitter or email me. I do not take requests/do free art.
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Les Parisiennes ont beaucoup plus de courage que les Parisiens : on avouera cela un jour. Regardez la rue, un jour d’orage : les hommes passent en cabriolet, les femmes s’en vont à pied dans l’eau et dans la boue. Sur dix passants, il y a huit femmes. Ce ne sont point des élégantes, non, sans doute ; mais ce sont de braves mères de famille laborieuses, qui courent pour affaires, des ouvrières consciencieuses qui reportent leur ouvrage à l’heure dite, des gardes-malades qui rejoignent un lit de douleur, de jeunes filles artistes qui regagnent leur atelier. Ceci est un indice infaillible ; vous ne risquez jamais de vous tromper en vous intéressant à la femme que vous voyez courir dans la rue par une averse. Le motif qui la fait sortir par ce temps-là méritera toujours votre intérêt et quelquefois votre admiration.
Delphine Girardin, le courage des parisiennes
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On n'a jamais perdu sa journée quand on a contribué pour sa part à faire pénétrer dans une âme un peu de gaieté et de lumière.
Émile de Girardin
Douce nuit étoilée de jolis rêves....💫
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ilblogdellestorie · 8 months
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“Non me l’avevano data l’interruzione della linea”. Secondo quanto riporta Il Corriere della Sera, così il tecnico di Rfi Antonio Massa nella serata del 31 agosto, il giorno dopo la strage di #Brandizzo, avrebbe ammesso in lacrime davanti ai magistrati di aver dato il via libera agli operai sapendo che la linea non era stata interrotta. È in quel momento che l'uomo - che la sera della tragedia era l'addetto di Rfi presente sul posto in qualità di "scorta-cantiere" - è passato da testimone a indagato. Il secondo indagato è Andrea Girardin Gibin, capocantiere della Sigifer, la ditta del Vercellese per la quale lavoravano le cinque vittime
Da quanto sta emergendo dallo sviluppo delle indagini, quello di Brandizzo non è stato un caso isolato: in altre occasioni è capitato che lavori sui binari cominciassero nonostante il passaggio di treni. Un aspetto che i magistrati dovranno approfondire insieme a criteri e modalità di formazione del personale. Una circostanza che sembra confermata anche dal video girato da una delle vittime la sera dell'incidente nel quale si sente una voce fuori campo dire "tanto io lavoro sul pari", con un evidente riferimento a un binario identificato in quel tratto con il numero 2. La voce sembra quella che più tardi avvertirà "ragazzi, se vi dico 'treno' andate da quella parte"
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pentecostwaite · 1 year
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Portrait of Toussaint Louverture, by Alexandre François Louis de Girardin, painted ca. 1805 (two years after Louverture died in prison)
More about Toussaint Louverture from the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
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