#give bishop his due as a captain of krakoa
Things Duggan could do/could have done with Pyro in Marauders:
This list is partially me being bitter, but it’s also just kind of a creative exercise, thinking about the development potential that Pyro has.
1. Redemption arc - This seems obvious.  Pyro is already hanging with the good guys, but is he actually undergoing a redemption arc?  Is he actually changing his views or becoming a better person?  We don’t really know because we barely see anything from his perspective, and it’s usually shallow comic relief when we do.  The groundwork is there to give Pyro a redemption arc.  He was already regretting his actions and questioning the Brotherhood’s methods when he had the Legacy Virus, leading up to him saving Senator Kelly.  Why not follow up on that?  Does he still feel the same way, or is he disillusioned because Kelly was killed right after he saved him?  Are the Marauders (all of whom are better people than Pyro) rubbing off on him a bit?  Maybe he’s starting to enjoy helping others or learning to trust humans?  (Or not?)  In today’s issue, Iceman was confronted by a Reaver that he had previously maimed, which was interesting, but that’s another storyline that I think would also fit Pyro.  Pyro has surely been maiming some people - maybe being confronted with the results of that would help him reconsider his actions.
2. Legacy Virus stuff - Pyro hasn’t said a damn thing about the way he died, and I understand him not wanting to talk about it.  But again, that sparked a semi-redemption arc for Pyro back before he died.  And now he’s on a ship that is taking medicine to humans that need it, and just built a hospital in Madripoor.  Maybe his experience being sick has given him a greater sense of empathy, and a desire to help sick people.  If Masque can find meaning using his powers to help humans, you’d think there would be space for Pyro to say something serious about his Legacy experiences while they are dedicating a new hospital.  Even just a throwaway line.  Hell, Storm was dying of some kind of nano-virus for part of Marauders (although it was never mentioned in the book at all), maybe he could have sympathized with her over that?  Maybe having Yellowjacket inside him - another case in which his body has been invaded by something microscopic that can kill him - triggered some Legacy feelings?  We could have explored that, instead we got a “funny” scene of Magneto pulling Yellowjacket out of Pyro, and Pyro wanting to kill him. 
3. Team bonding - Pyro has been accepted on the team surprisingly quickly.  Faster than I would expect, really.  And of course, he’s small-potatoes evil compared to even some people on the Council, but I’d still expect a little bit of friction between him and his team-mates, given that he used to try to kill them.  Even without that history, he’s still the odd man out on a team that already knows each other, and are friends, or at least former team-mates.  We had that kind of friction with Emma and Storm, why would we not get that friction between Pyro (the former terrorist criminal) and the others?  I would have expected at least a little bit of distrust, followed eventually by some kind of bonding issue where Pyro is more accepted by the team, and in turn accepts his place with them.  Who does he even consider a friend when he refers to them as “his friends”?  He seems to like hanging out with Bishop and Iceman, but we’ve mostly gotten that through wordless background panels and a couple of “funny” scenes.  Do any of them even like him or consider him a “friend,” or do they just tolerate his presence?   
4. Writer - One of the things I find most interesting about Pyro is that he had a whole-ass career before joining the Brotherhood.  He traveled around Southeast Asia, he was a journalist in Indonesia and Vietnam, he wrote romance novels.  And most writers don’t explore that at all, but you’d think it would come up when the Marauder is traveling around the ocean.  Maybe he speaks another language that would be helpful.  Maybe his investigative skills as a journalist come in handy.  Maybe he takes them to an old haunt or meets up with an old contact he knew in Vietnam.  Maybe he spends his spare time writing smutty historical pirate-themed romance.  I would have enjoyed that much more than the goofy “dream sequence” that Emma planted in his head, at least that would have felt like authentic character development rather than something being pushed upon him from the outside.  Most comics writers don’t really get into Pyro’s civilian career, but as a regular on a book, I’d expect it to come up at least once, even as a thowaway line.
5. Brotherhood and past history - Pyro has had absolutely no contact (that we know of) with his old Brotherhood pals.  He doesn’t even mention them.  Why is that?  Why isn’t he hanging around the bar with Blob when the Marauder’s at Krakoa?  Why isn’t he texting Avalanche?  Has he become estranged from them after saving Kelly (which would be an interesting plot point if Duggan developed it), or is he just hanging out with them off panel?  You’d think there would be some mention of his past history at some point.  Even in today’s issue, when he, Iceman and Bishop got attacked by Reavers.  Pyro has a history with Reavers!  He fought them on Muir Island as part of Freedom Force, and the team lost both Stonewall (which happened right in front of Pyro, and he seemed broken up about it) and Destiny (which completely destroyed Mystique).  The Reavers in this issue were not the same ones, they were a new breed, but you’d think Pyro might have something to say about encountering Reavers again. 
6. The gay thing - This is more my own personal preference, but Pyro WAS deliberately queer-coded in his earliest appearances, and John Byrne intended for him to be gay.  They couldn’t openly write him that way back in the day, but nowadays I think no one would bat an eye if Pyro, a fairly minor villain, was somewhere on the LGBT scale.  He wasn’t always queer-coded, but he had an ambiguous relationship with Avalanche, his sexuality was never firmly established (he was never in an open romantic relationship anyone), and he died a lingering, painful death from the virus that was intended to be an AIDS metaphor.  It would be quite interesting to see Pyro as a closeted gay (or bisexual) man resurrected in a world where different sexual orientations are far more accepted, and slowly opening up about it to Bobby and Christian (or even Shinobi).  Not to mention, it would give Bobby and Christian more to do, and Christian could talk about his own traumatic experiences without it being all swept under the rug.
7. Doubts about Krakoa - When the team first met Pyro, he was trying to steal a boat and run off, because he’d realized that his resurrection was mostly just a lab experiment to test the process.  Now he seems to be all-in, and dedicated to the Marauders’ mission.  What changed?  Does he harbor any doubts about the Quiet Council, or is he a true believer now?  Does he EVER talk to Mystique, to whom he used to be extremely loyal?  Pyro can be written as dumb at times, but more frequently he comes across as one of the more intelligent and thoughtful Brotherhood members.  Maybe he’s decided that everything on Krakoa is so new and confusing, he’s just gonna turn his brain off and enjoy his new life?  That would also be fine, if it was actually treated as character development.  
8. Divided loyalties - If I’d expect anyone to betray the team, it would be Pyro.  And that doesn’t necessarily mean I want him to do that, but I’m surprised it hasn’t come up.  You’d think Shinobi or Sebastian Shaw would approach him to act as a mole in exchange for lots and lots of money.  Hell, I half-expected him to be spying for Mystique when he first showed up.  And again, it could still happen, but there’s been no lead up or suggestion of that at all.  I would honestly find it disappointing if Pyro suddenly turned on the team or was revealed to be a spy, because he hasn’t bonded with them well enough for it to be meaningful at all. 
The thing is, any of these ideas could be explored, and still keep Pyro as the comic-relief party animal that Duggan is currently writing.  He wouldn’t even have to have significantly more focus (although some focus would be nice).  This could be accomplished through small scenes, little asides, throwaway lines.  Duggan wastes so much page time setting up “moments” and atmosphere (Kitty and Emma riding horses up to Sebastian’s castle comes to mind).  He spent a whole issue beating up Sebastian Shaw without any other significant plot advancement (then crams all his plot into the issues that feature other characters).  He spent a few pages on a goofy fantasy dream sequence that told us nothing new about Pyro, and again, turned out to a falsely manufactured dream that Emma planted in his mind.  We could have used those pages to show Pyro writing something, or show a different side of him through Yellowjacket’s spying, and it STILL could have been comic-relief.  If Duggan actually wanted to explore Pyro in a more serious way, there’s both the space and potential for it.  He just.....doesn’t. 
Anyway, this is all wishful thinking of what could be.  I’ll just have to write fanfic or something. 
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The United Nations held a summit to go over global affairs and development on 1 January 2020. Another council was held on 6 January 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland for mutants, humans, gods, aliens and all others to attend. All invited parties have been called to the summit that had a strong emphasis on peace and promoting future prosperity, but attitudes soon proved that not all is forgiven towards the mutants and their crimes.
CAROL: Another day, another conference. Attending these had felt honorary in the past, as if she were setting the world up for bigger things. Now, they were starting to feel more necessary and imminent, as if they couldn’t escape them. The threats were coming bigger and worse than the ones before, but that wasn’t what this Summit was addressing. They had an influx of mutants post the war when the Phoenix threatened the planet, and they had a mutant nation that was entirely their own. To say she felt uneasy was putting it lightly, but Carol saw the promise in Krakoa. But she also could see the downfall. Still, she spoke over the crowd of people, humans, mutants, extraterrestrials, anyone that represented the cause they were pushing towards. Even if Carol felt an awful foreboding, she didn’t let that creep into her voice. There was an introduction, an icebreaker, and then Carol got into the meat of it. “We live in a world post Thanos. Post Phoenix. We have seen death, destruction, and mayhem at every corner of our lives. We may continue to seek the other’s demise based on power or differences, or we may push for a future that ignores that. I might seem optimistic or naive, but I’m convinced that we can avoid another war if we focus on promoting peace and prosperity amongst each other. It will take leaders from every faction, communities coming together—” she could hear it in her voice, her own doubt, but a part of her wanted to believe it too. “We’re gathered here today to discuss the future of our planet, distant planets, and especially Krakoa.”
SHAW: Sebastian sat with leaning onto the table heavily, head lips chin pressed into his interlaced fingers with his cane resting to the side of him. He was following every word that the woman had been saying closely. For the financial success of Krakoa the utmost attention needed to be paid. He gave a momentary glance to his Black Bishop, his son Shinobi, sitting to his right as their eyes met they nodded and looked forward. Their relationship was tense at best but they had a common goal at the very least and knew what needed to get done. Sebastian most certainly didn’t have faith in the optimistic gobbledygook she was spewing but he didn’t need to mention that. “What a capital introduction, Captain Danvers. We appreciate the chance to have all of our voices heard tonight.” Sebastian replied smoothly with a soft smile. He was feeling confident knowing that half of the conference were representatives of Krakoa. While this made him feel secure it also made him feel as if it was over kill. It made them seem like they needed all of this support to stand on their own. That they needed all of this support, that the leaders weren’t adequate to conducting politics. He was also concerned that the other factions may see this as an attempt to display power and feel threatened in the process.
JEAN: It felt good to be doing something. Some hated the public nature of summits and conferences, but Jean had always liked being in a forum and fighting for a cause she was passionate about. “Captain Danvers is right.” A red head tipped in acknowledgment. “The rise of our nation had some unfortunate timing considering everything that happened, but we hope that you don’t count us out as a sovereign nation. Charles Xavier once said that while humans slept the world changed, and it has.” The room was filled with her family and familiar faces but it didn’t eliminate the tension. It just lingered in the background. “There is no you and I. There’s only an us. We are together or we are nothing, and that’s what we hope the world can see. One of the best ways we can show good will is through the Flowers of Krakoa, which the lovely Emma Frost can speak about seeing as she currently helps run the Hellfire Trading Company.”
EMMA: Odds were that Emma had tried - not very long ago - to kill most of the people in the room. With the Phoenix exorcised her mind was clear and the thoughts of others floated by in a quiet rush of consciousness. Gone was the psychopath tripping on power. Not a blonde hair was out of place, nor did a wrinkle crease her white suit. From her seat between Shaw and Kate, the White Queen sipped her wine while Jean spoke. As the other telepath finished she daintily dabbed at her lipstick with the napkin before a smile ticked up the corners of her mouth. “Thank you, darling. There’s precisely three drugs in this world that are produced on Krakoa and Krakoa alone. Drugs L, I and M are capable of extending human life by five years, acting as a universal antibiotic and curing diseases of the mind respectively. We would give you these drugs for free, but after past experiences we have no choice but to offer them at a cost. Life does not come cheap, does it?”
CHARLES: Charles stood up immediately after Emma’s pointed quip. His helmet was resting atop the table beside him as there was no legitimate reason to wear it at this time. He had nothing to hide. And he wanted his fellow telepaths to be acutely aware of that fact. The idea of a face to face chat also seemed to be a bit more effective in connecting with those present as he spoke. “Unfortunately, not everyone seems too keen on this idea. Fourteen nations refuse to trade with Krakoa. Among them are Latveria, due to certain political issues, and the nation of Wakanda, who simply have no need for the drugs we offer to trade with them,” Charles paused for a moment, folding his arms over his chest as he slowly paced across the front of the room, “—normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but a lack of trade partners puts Krakoa at risk of economic and eventually total failure. And we owe it to our residents to fix this issue.”
ERIK: “My fellow mutants are all making points of their own, but I feel that they are not telling the whole truth of the matter.” Erik took over once Charles was finished. “It is true that in the past, I have tried to show you time and time again how strong I am. But methods change, and that it was what we all are going to do– myself included. There will be no war.” Briefly, he paused to focus on his food. It was a casual moment– him sitting there dressed in his new white suit without his helmet, lifting his fork to his mouth to eat before continuing. “You have all shown us the way you influence wars– silently and financially. You make people pay to be healthy. To be educated. To have a home. That way you control them. We have seen it– and do you know what we will do? We will do it better.” Another pause to eat, his tone light like the conversation was easy for everyone listening just as it was for him. “Our drugs enhance and elongate life, and people will pay for it. Then we will buy your banks, schools, media– politicians. And once we control all that, we control you. And we will have every means to stifle out the wrong sort of people. They will have no space or power to peddle their dangerous, outdated ideas. Yes– people will still hate and fear us. But you know what will be different?” Erik looked up from his plate, glancing around the room for the first time. “They won’t be able to do a single thing about it. No war, just like I said.” And with that, Erik took another bite and smiled.
AHURA: Ahura listened intently hardly touching his food except for a few dainty and precise cuts and bites. “Interesting point, Magneto.” Ahura replied returning his smile. It was purely for pleasantries sake. While he was sociable on this occasion he still sounded as much a fanatic as always. With a gentle pat of his napkin to his lips he went on. “Now this is all interesting news and news it is. I applaud you all for being able to use your resources with medicine you claim to be so… Divine.” He sad glancing over to Charles and then resting his eye upon Emma. “As you know I run the largest Inhuman business in the world and a fortune 100 company that trades world wide, but before we even consider becoming a business partner we’re going to need to get a few details taken care of. While I would love to simply take you at your word I will need to see some physical evidence of your drug’s curative properties. Furthermore, this is an issue we can discuss at length outside of this meeting, I need to understand your medicine’s effects on Inhumans and Nuhumans before I can even consider the potential of becoming a potential buyer.”
CRYSTALIA: While everyone else ate, her plate remained untouched. Crystalia had little appetite as of late, her mind now solely focused on the throne she had recently gotten back from her cousin. Even though Dante was seated next to her for additional security it was impossible for Crystalia to relax. “You have to be kidding.” Her voice was incredulous. “We can’t actually be sitting here talking about diplomacy and trade when they tried to destroy New Attilan. They did destroy New Asgard. Are you just going to sit there and take it?” That was directed at the Asgardians. “Redemption has not been earned and forgiveness should not be found.”
ODINSON: “No one has said that redemption has been earned, and I would agree with you on that subject.” Odinson replied, but his tone was detached. “But personal feelings aside, they are their own nation and it is their right for us to listen to their wants. My people have found their place. We have no right to take that option away from anyone else.”
SCOTT: “That isn’t what we’re discussing here.” Scott had been watching the various pieces of discussion get tossed back and forth, finding no reason to interject until now. “We understand that there are wrongs we have to make right. We will find a way to help the world rebuild, and we will make amends, but we can’t do anything if no one works with us. If you’re looking for someone to yell at, this is the wrong room.”
VALKYRIE: “I don’t know,” Val shrugged from where she was slumped over in her chair, flask clutched tightly in one hand. Take a long swig, the inebriated frowned. She had been doing better and drinking less so Thor could drink more, but after everything she had found herself staring at the bottom of her bottle once more. “We could light their island on fire and see how they like it.” She 100% should not have been a diplomat. Her occasional bedmate was in the room as well and the Valkyrie turned to Carol. “Should be all fine and good, right? We liked to say an eye for an eye on Asgard.”
GABRIEL: Gabriel looked around the room, after getting bored with the Phoenix Force drama he went back to Shi'Ar and reclaimed his thrown. And someone was reached out to about this council meeting or whatever it was. He wasn’t sure if he trusted anyone in this room, his brothers included. So he sat back with crossed arms and listened to everything everyone had to say. Of course there are many entitled assholes in the place and it just went to show. He sat quiet and waited until he felt that there would be a good moment for him to comment in or say something back towards the others. But he was sure peace is what everyone needed after the last few things with everything getting. But his interest did pique up when the Valkyrie started to speak. Now this was finally starting to get good and interesting. “I mean, eye for an eye… isn’t that how Magneto used to work? Valkyrie might have a point.” Gabriel shrugged.
THOR: Keeping her helmet on at the table seemed rude but there were many reasons why the goddess of thunder couldn’t take it off. Mjolnir sat beside her as well, ever ready. “Nay, there will be no lighting anything on fire. Perhaps that’s how it was, but Asgard is gone.” Thor looked to the mutant who had spoken. “Valkyrie is drunk. Forgive our King.”
CAROL: Carol’s eyes flickered first to the flask and then over to meet Val’s gaze. It was steady, despite everything. “Makes the whole world blind,” Carol completed the statement, speaking to the whole room despite where her eyes were locked. Not everything was easy, but finding a way to balance her anger and her role as leader was difficult. Even moreso when the people she depended on had varied views from her. “There will be other ways to repay.”
ORORO: “An eye for an eye, would be very irrational and unfair. The Phoenix Force was a cosmic entity that not many can control.” The Kenyan accent left the young woman. “And that would cause the opposite of what we want to happen.” Bloodstorm shook her head, because she had enough of the wars, petty beefs, and battles over every small thing or misunderstood thing. “I believe that it would be best if we put everything in the past behind us… and find beneficial ways to make up for the things that were lost, destroyed, and severed.” She flipped a lock of the long white hair behind her shoulder.
SCOTT: Scott shifted his eyes to his brother and he was forced to remind himself that he wasn’t born into the same luxury that him or Alex had been. His younger self, who was also in attendance, didn’t understand Gabriel like Scott did, and he wouldn’t for a very long time. It had taken years for Scott to even comprehend that he had another brother drifting in space, and another handful of years for him to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Gabriel was angry, Scott had been angry too. And they’d both been twisted by it. “We will find another way.” He said firmly.
CRYSTALIA: “Do you know how many of us died or were injured while you used the Phoenix as an excuse?” An accusatory tone crept into her voice. “This is just disrespectful.”
SCOTT: “That’s something you don’t forget.” Scott said, his tone dipping. “So what would you suggest, Crystalia?”
EMMA: A slight tsking left her mouth. “Hush now, Princess. Such behavior is unbecoming.” The misuse of title could have been passed off as an accident even if it wasn’t. “Perhaps you’re not fit to be leading right now.”
DANTE: As Emma made that last remark flames began to drip from his eyes and he was huffing out smoke from both his mouth and nostrils. “Queen Crystalia.” He said placing emphasis on her title. “Is more than fit to lead.” He said through gritted teeth. He lost people the day of Namor’s attack and his heart was still bleeding.
PIETRO: Softly rubbed Crystalia’s shoulder, not wanting her to get upset by the drunken warrior and the mutant. “I believe we all need to work on allying together. Shared resources, motives, plans, meetings every month or so. If we are going to team together or bond, then we are only as strong as our weakest link, so we should all be well caught up on many things.” He offered up. “Maybe that’s just something we could all work on? Train each other on each other’s customs and such?”
NOH-VARR: Noh had averted his gaze and the temptation to correct Emma. He was relieved that Dante was there to help defend Crystalia’s honor. He had wished his eyes didn’t linger on Crys. Seeing Pietro’s hand caress her shoulder made his stomach drop.
GABRIEL: Gabriel cocked his head remembering what the king said. He was the biggest hater of the inhumans, due to his blow out battle with BlackBolt that ripped a hole in space. “You” He pointed to Ahura. “But we should be the ones worried about you and your people. We don’t produce a mist that harms other species.” He folded his arm, but he was still glaring at his brother… brothers?
KATE: “See, that sounds productive.” Kate nodded in agreeance towards Pietro. “There has to be something we can do other than berate each other, even if we disagree or nearly killed one another.” Even though she was seated beside Noh-Varr and Gwen due  to their West Coast Avengers affiliation, things were still weird with Noh. Add in the fact that Julian was sitting by Emma like a lap dog made it worse. Where the hell was Clint?
JEAN: “Queen.” Jean amended, knowing Emma wouldn’t correct herself. “What Namor did in New Attilan to you and your family was horrible. We would never pretend it was okay. We want to move away from the past.”
AHURA: "No, you burn down nations with cosmic entities.“ He said letting his anger slip for a moment. "That was uncalled for. I acknowledge that the acts of my father were entirely fallible and his decisions resulted in the suffering of many of your species. There is no denying that this is a tragedy and I feel deeply for those effected. But I am… Crystalia is not my father. She is smarter than that and I couldn’t fathom her doing something as reckless as what King Blackagar did.” While he said that he was currently concerned over his cousin’s stability.
VALKYRIE: “By pretending it never happened? I watched a King do that before and I won’t watch it happen again.” Odin had been a coward. “I don’t think the Inhuman is the concern here. She’s far less murdery than I remember you two being. Especially when one of you relieved Thor of his arm. Really, I believe a rematch without the Phoenix to be the best course of action.”
CLINT: Clint was running late. So late, in fact, that he probably shouldn’t have come at all at this point. But sure enough, he busted through the doors of the Summit and announced himself. “Everyone can stop their worrying, I brought–” He stopped dead in his tracks when he finally got a glance of the room he had just entered. People were eating already. Huh. Did his invite say there would be fancy food? He couldn’t remember. “–pizza.” With the hand not holding the pizza boxes, Clint slowly closed the door behind him and started looking for a place to set them down.
GABRIEL: Gabriel nodded his head towards Valkyrie, because he agreed with everything she said. “You can’t pinpoint burning down nations on us. None of us have cosmic powers within us. And we didn’t create the phoenix or force it to choose Jean. Hell why would we give it to her and not someone strong enough to mentally stand it. But That anger of the burning nations is pointed in the wrong direction.” He shot a glare back towards the kid.
KATE PRYDE: Kate had attended more as a formality – she hadn’t wanted to get mixed up in politics, it was why she had originally rejected Emma’s offer for the red throne. Yet here she was, lounging back in her seat, a squat glass in one hand and a bottle of bourbon in the other. She wasn’t drunk, far from it, but to put up with all the bickering, she knew she needed a good form of aspirin. Knob Creek would do. She was in attendance near Emma, with her cohorts also making an appearance. It was a grand gesture, having everyone here, but considering Kate couldn’t even get on to Krakoa, she didn’t know what use she had in the conversation. That was until voices began to escalate and she couldn’t drown them out no matter how much bourbon she swallowed. Should’ve gone with the Bulliet. “Another fight?” Kate tossed her words in Val’s direction. “I’m all for it, but another war isn’t smart. We’re trying to build mutant human relations, not completely destroy them. Back. Off.”
WANDA: Pietro was mollifying his ex-wife, which was good. The two had always been far too emotional and hot headed. Even though she knew that they were incompatible in one major way before anyone else Wanda had worried about what their union could result in.  Thankfully, Luna was an angel and the two had remained somewhat friends. Everyone was better off  and Wanda was thankful both had grown up to the point that they could help one another. “By moving on, I assume. I’ve always been a mutant and an Avenger. I want to believe we can be both and –” the door crashed open, revealing Clint. “–and now it seems that there’s pizza. But like my father said, no one wants war. We have to be better than our failures.”
KATE: Her phone had been buzzing as messages from Clint piled up. She had been texting him about bringing something other than the gross gazpacho they were serving, but when it heated up she had left it upside on her lap. “Idiot.” Kate mouthed as he fumbled the boxes before sliding over so that his chair was more visible. Gwen was at the very end  being uncharacteristically quiet, and as much as she hated it Kate found herself brushing up against Noh-Varr instead  to make room. “Sorry.”
AHURA: It’d be so much easier just to poses this man and shut him up that way, but alas this was a time for words, not manipulation. “As I said, that was not fair of me to say. Being offensive is the last thing I wanted to be today.” He wanted to crush him. “But as my once cousin in laws have alluded. Now is not the time for further violence, but to build bridges of piece.”
PIETRO: He looked over towards his sister, as if he could tell what she was thinking. But he wasn’t going to press that now. “I agree. Because we have kids coming up. Crystalia and I have Luna, Gabriel has his son, and whoever else in here have younger children… so I think if we get it right, it will be smoother for them to get together.” He nodded his head, but was soon distracted by Pizza. “Here let me help you out.” He moved to help Clint out.
VALKYRIE: One shoulder rose and fell. “Seems there’s always a war. “ She had been fighting them for millennia. They just kept  coming. Finally had Val come close to dying in one but it had been for naught. Conveniently, she had her sword and she unsheathed it to lay it on the table.  The new Thor had her hammer on the table anyway.
SCOTT: Scott passed a glance to Emma and then to Jean, his displeasure clear in his expression. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Throwing a party after being resurrected was barely a bandaid to a festering wound, and it was only going to get worse from here. “We’re not going to fight you, Val. End of conversation. I hate to pull this card, but Krakoa has granted mutants full amnesty, which means the fate of them and ourselves rests in our hands. To be handled by our own authority. It doesn’t matter if you agree, it doesn’t matter if it makes you angry. We can find a solution together, or we can be at war like decades before us.”
GABRIEL: Shot a challenging look towards the boy. The boy was giving off the same look his father did right before the two of them got into the full out fight. He sat back and crossed his arms, a flash of weakness hit his eyes when Pietro mentioned his daughter. His daughter was definitely worth him making amends with these people, so for the time being he was going to listen to all outcomes and solutions.
CAROL: "There always is. Doesn’t mean we should start one.“ Carol countered, her voice remaining level.
AHURA: The Prince took this as a slight victory and relaxed in his seat pulling his attention back to the group conversation.
CRYSTALIA: Pietro had been both calming and troubling. The Queen sat with her head held high even though she was filled to the brim with anger. “My cousin is right. I am not Black Bolt and I will not stand by while my people are taken advantage of. You call yourselves Kings and Queens,” her chin jutted towards Emma and Shaw, “But you know nothing about ruling. You’re false titles are a joke, just like this vision of the world you’re promoting. Not all of us are willing to buy into it, and your amnesty means little. I’m not the only one who feels that way.”
KATE PRYDE: Kate’s focus redirected to Crystalia and in that moment, she leaned forward and set her bottle of booze on the table near her untouched plate of food. "Too bad you don’t get much say in the matter. Mutants have worked tirelessly to be left alone, and you will not threaten that stability.”
ERIK:  “You should listen to Scott.” Erik spoke up again, his voice clear above the rest but remaining level. “My words from earlier are the truest to the facts moving forward. We have the means to protect and control ourselves, and it would do you all well to be at peace with that fact.” His gaze darted to Crystalia even while he spoke to the entire room. “Things are going to be different. But mutants will not sit back and, and we will not give up what we have already fought so hard to create for ourselves.”
EMMA: A small smirk bounced around on her lips as Kate spoke. Emma really had grown fond of her new Queen. “Pettiness looks terribly tacky on you, darling. You married a mutant, remember? He might not have loved you, but you can’t get more mutant than the House of M Dynasty. Perhaps you should keep that in mind, hm? Or do you only hate mutants when they aren’t in your bed?”
CLINT: “Thanks man.” Clint whispered to Pietro as the mutant helped with his food offering. It seemed like he came in at a bad time. Noticing Kate, he moved as quickly and quietly as he could over to the empty seat she had moved out for him and sat down. ’You guys started without me?’ He signed to her with a smirk.
JEAN: Emma. Jean hissed mentally with her thoughts open to Scott as well. We’re trying to make sure we don’t go to war again, not start one. That being said, Jean wasn’t sure where to go from there. “Well. We clearly disagree, but burning things doesn’t solve problems. I think all swords and hammers can be put away now.”
ORORO: Looked at the everyone. She seldom agreed with Erik and definitely not Emma, but the inhumans were starting to sound like the homo sapiens that hated them. Hell what if they started working with the PURIFIERS? That would be even scarier. “I don’t think that neither inhumans nor mutants are more taken advantage of. We all have persecutions and people out to get us. Another reason we should put this to past.” She looked around the room to see who was listening to her.
KATE: Yeah. Hands moved deftly under the table. You’re super late. But you’re an Avenger. Step in. Do something.
PIETRO: Pietro was fucking up a slice of pizza.
HANK: Hank had sit there quietly not intending on making a big scene but this was getting ridiculous. “You’re kidding me?” Hank spoke up. “This is a UN meeting to solve our conflicts and you’re throwing insults at each other left and right?” His attention moved to Crys. “For a queen you have a wildly dangerous temper. You’re trying to get people rallied up and to your side but you’re just making the room far more hostile. And you.” He said turning to Emma. “Could you just say something productive or shut that mouth of yours? I have met multiple iterations of you and haven’t met one that I liked.” He took a deep breath as his fingers began tapping on the table his pulse was rising and his anxiety was acting up. He needed to take a minute. “And I’m sorry, Magneto, but that’s just not how it works. You don’t come to a gathering of leaders and representatives, say that this is what you want and that’s going to be the way it’s going to be and expect everyone to go along with it? You sound as much the egomaniac as the man from my earth. If we’re going to discuss let’s discuss dammit!” He said with a slam of his hand onto the table.
PIETRO:  “That’s a low fucking blow. I did love her, you don’t get to invalidate that. You should also be shutting the hell up, because you were a host of the Phoenix and fucked shit up too. So no one really need your opinion on things.” Pietro finally getting what the woman said. “And you…” He pointed to his father. “She killed the fuck out of you, so for you to take her side is very not right at all.”
ERIK: “Look back on history, Dr Pym. Tell me that our wishes are out of hand when so much death and suffering has been cast upon us over the decades.” Erik’s tone had changed, growing sharper. “We will work with the world the best we can, but we have standards. We now have rights that we had no other choice but to give to ourselves– because the rest have wanted only to take them away. We make these choices because we have to, because no one has helped us before.”
WANDA: It was quickly dissolving into chaos. Wanda didn’t disagree with what Hank was saying. Crystalia had always been arrogant and stubborn and Emma could be classified as the same. The fact that she and Jean were sitting next to each other after everything that happened still surprised her. When Pietro spoke a tiny smile crept to her face before she quickly tucked it away. “My brother makes a good point, no matter how colorful his language. We have all ‘fucked shit up’,” she quoted awkwardly. “But we all deserve another chance and that chance should not start with us belittling each other.”
ORORO: "I agree with Wanda.“
HANK: "I don’t argue that in a bubble this sounds great and wonderful but the world doesn’t exist in a bubble. Because you want something doesn’t mean you get it and feelings only get you so far. I’m not against the concept of Krakoa but if you’re going to vouch for it and say you’ll work with the world come off as if you will. You and I both know that good intentions can be twisted into something vile.”
CRYSTALIA: The instant Emma spoke her face flushed bright red. The embarrassment still lingered. Medusalith’s face when she heard the news coupled with Black Bolts silent judgement brought tears to her eyes. Even now with her cousin beside her she flinched as if he was going to tell her it wasn’t a good idea. Their marriage had long been annulled and Luna could walk on her own, but it didn’t matter. She had failed in her marriage and she would fail as  Queen. Dr. Pym was right: she was too temperamental. “How dare you.” It wasn’t a question as Crystalia rose to her feet quickly. “My ex-husband and my child are off limits in discussion. Although we shouldn’t be surprised by your fathers choice of alliance, Pietro. He never was good at decision making or doing what’s best for anyone other than himself.” Her heart was pounding her ears, a white hot rage. One finger was extending towards Emma, a small gust of air accompanying it. “Mutants can burn for all I care.”
ERIK: “Personal matters must be set aside when determining the fate of mutants, my dear son.” His last few words were tinged with sarcasm, but his point still stood. Emma might have killed him, but at the core of it all they wanted the same thing. He would work with his demons if it meant keeping his people safe. “Krakoa isn’t going anywhere.” His attention turned back to Hank. “That is a fact. Twist my words however you’d like– that is not my problem. It is yours. Things are different now. I am different.” And then Crystalia was talking. Her words were meant to burn but it didn’t phase him. “You can all say and think what you want about me. The truth cannot be changed, and the truth is that mutants come first. They always have in my mind, and in my heart and in my soul. What I do now is for them, for us. The only promise I give is that I will not stop fighting for that.”
KATE PRYDE:  She was going to swing the bottle. That was Kate’s first choice. But as she rose out of her seat and began to phase through the table to where Crystalia stood, her hand passed through the bottle of bourbon on her accord and she instead balled it into a fist and swung. Her tattooed knuckles collided so hard into Crystalia’s jaw that she heard the crack resonate through her fingers as the middle two broke. The pain wasn’t there yet, it was being suppressed by the unbridled anger that was spilling over. She didn’t say anything as she stood there, her body tense as her focus hyperfixated on Crystalia and no one else.
AHURA: He could quite literally feel her rage, her embarrassment, everything. It was being funneled directly into his mind through his empathy. “Take a walk.” He projected into her head as he stood up from his seat and brushed his pants. “We have decided to depart for the evening. Thank you for the opportunity and while we have our differences today I hope we can work through them over ti-” It was then that he felt the wind of a well thrown punch whiz past his face and into crystalia’s jaw. In an instant he went from civil to soldier. His eyes shined bright blue as a dozen spiritual projections surrounded Kate.
GABRIEL: “Alright. My daughter has a doctor’s appointment and I am not getting into this.” He stood up and watched Carol punch the hell out of her. He didn’t feel bad, due to the woman’s words of ‘mutants can burn’ - his daughter was a mutant and he wasn’t here for anyone shit talking the mutants or saying something that would suggest any harm to all mutants.
DANTE: As Kate threw a her punch Dante rose to his feet. His skin cracked and molted as magma became rock on his flesh and fire streamed like tears from his eyes and flames drooled from the maw of Inferno.
NOH-VARR:  Entirely on impulse Noh rose from his seat and extended an arm out. “Crys!” He called out on instinct despite knowing full well she didn’t want anything to do with him.
PIOTR: "Katya!“ He yelled out almost as if a scold as he stood to his feet knocking over his own beverage in the process. "What is wrong with you?! This is not you!”
ILLYANA: Well, now it was fun. Illyana hated the loud Inhuman so it was hard not to smile. Instead she pulled her sword off her back just to be safe, eyes quickly darting in the direction of her brother. If they wanted a fight she would fight. “Stand down, brother. She can fend for herself. Clearly.”
PIOTR:  “This is not about aptitude it is about what’s right!” His words were somewhat slurred as the smell of vodka lingered on himself. “Katy- Kate.” He caught himself. “Please.”
CLINT: Clint waited to respond as things in the room started to escalate. He took in a breath, reached for a piece of pizza, and took a large bite. Then he slowly shook his head, eyes wide as the Inhuman Queen got decked in the face. ’No way I’m getting in the middle of that.’
CRYSTALIA: For a whole minute, Crystalia had no idea what happened. She was approached quickly by the red clad mutant who reeked of booze and all of the sudden – hands connected with her jaw and Crystalia saw stars as her head snapped to the side before the motion sent her to the ground. There was a crack and her face felt like it was splintering but it was hard to say how much damage had been inflicted. A part of her knew that she had been out of line but time and time again mutants continued to throw the first punch. Her hands hurt from where they connected with the floor, body tangled up in her dress. Sitting there with a ringing in her ears, Crystalia tried to clear her head before pulling herself to her feet and raising a hand to gingerly touch her already bruising jaw. A pained grow was let loose from her lips as flames burst towards the Red Queen.
KATE: Immediately, Kate’s attention was forced away from Crystalia as the room retaliated. “Ah hell,” she heard herself say as she backed up a bit, giving herself some distance from the Inhumans. Shaking out her hand, she ignored the pleas from behind her and paid attention to ensuing anger before her. “Maybe next time—” her words were cut short by a burning sting that snaked up her arm just as Kate willed herself incorporeal. The rest of the flames extended past her and Kate moved out of the way, keeping her singed arm and broken hand close to her chest. Taking form near Emma, Kate was quick pushing her words out. “I get this is my fault, but I think we should go.”
EMMA: There was a reason why Emma had picked Kate. Even back when she was Kitty Pryde she had been something and after years of waiting for her to explore her full potential they had finally made it to this point. It was messy, of course, and brought on by unsettling circumstances but it was beautiful as well. Progress was often made through trial and error, after all. The telepath was already preparing to enter any minds that may have needed to be soothed when Kate backed up into her. Her body took on its diamond appearance a millisecond after Kate went intangible but it remained so even after the brunette returned to normal. “Well, darling, you’ve certainly made your first appearance as the Red Queen memorable. You and I will have a chat later about how to conduct ourselves.” Battles won with words were always more entertaining. Dropping a hand onto Kate’s arm, Emma smiled at the crowd. “I see your threats to burn us down were not made in vain. Lawyers will bring the required paperwork for  trading. In the meantime, it’s such a shame to hope that humans can evolve and time and time again see that they can’t. Next time, perhaps?”
NOH-VARR: The Kree very quickly wedged himself between Crystalia and everyone in front of her. His eyes pleaded with her to stop. “Crys…”
ERIK: ”Enough!” Erik stood up, slamming his fist against the table. Along with the noise made when his hand hit the surface, every metal utensil in the room shook– some of them even sliding onto the floor in the process. He had been able to keep himself under control, and he wasn’t about to lose that now. After standing, Erik took slow steps over in the direction of Kate and Emma, eyes glancing to different people in the room but lingering on Crystalia. “Contrary to what many of you may believe– I was hoping to forgo violence for at least today. Perhaps it is best that we all leave now. Behavior like this won’t be tolerated.”
JEAN: Jean was trying to be more composed than her counterparts. She rose gracefully to take her place between Erik and Scott, hands folding in front of her dress. “Of course, this isn’t ideal for anyone. We apologize for any harm done, but we remain firm on our stances. Queen Amaquelin, the last thing we want is to go to war with the Inhumans once more. Please let us know the cost of any damages and we will cover the bill ourselves. The world can be better than what it is, but we have to work to get it there.” With that being said, Jean nodded for Illyana to open up a portal for the mutants while others prepared to go to the Krakoan portal. “Have a nice evening.”
CRYSTALIA: Her chest was heaving from adrenaline and pain but the flames had died down. She still wanted to lash out and retaliate because her pride had been hurt but suddenly Noh-Varr was there. His presence didn’t take away from the aching in her jaw but it did make her self-conscious about the tears stinging in her eyes. “Noh?” She blinked, taking a step back. Where was Pietro and Ahura?
NOH-VARR: “Yes Crys, it’s me.” He said slowly taking a step towards her. He wanted to wipe her tears but knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. “Can we talk?” He wanted to get her out of here and it was something he had been meaning to do.
CRYSTALIA: For a moment she hesitated. The room was full of people who were either staring or beginning to file out. The event had ended and now she stood with shaking hands and a chest that couldn’t catch its breath. “Talk? I – yes. We can talk. I just – I need to get out of here.”
NOH-VARR: He handed a glass of water to her that he took off of the table and through his coat over her shoulders. “Let’s go.” He said gently as they made their way out.
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