#glacier phantom
mccromy · 4 months
I've been thinking we should've just used Cucumber in any ship name that has SY in it, like with the classic Cumplane and the less known Scumcum (better known as Jiuyuan).
In that line, I bring forth a few ideas for the main ship: Cumgee (as a nod to the first meal LBH made for SQQ), or perhaps we could use LBH's own name: Cumriver. Icycum. Cumcicle. (Though that last one could apply to the crack ship of MBJ/SQQ.)
Anyways I'm open to suggestions.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
A body is discovered frozen in green ice by the justice league samples reveal it to be lazerus water and superman can hear the heartbeat in the ice so they bring in there undead/lazerus pit expert danny phantom who breaks down upon seeing the person trapped in the ice
who is it in the ice? Up to you sam jazz tucker one of his parents the possibilitys
oooooo ya know im gonna let said possibility be whoever wants to write this's choice. this is brilliant
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Holy shit, the new One DnD bard content looks incredible! I’m beyond stoked. My DM mentioned offhand that they changed bards to being prepared spell casters which solves the only bard downside in my opinion which is being locked into spells. Orion is a courtesan and socialite so I had to pick mostly charm and such with little combat.
When I mentioned during session last night that I want to be a prepared caster with all my soul the DM said he’s game to let me take on the playtest build so I’ve been reading about it. And MAN! It’s so epic. Bardic inspiration moves to a reaction which is way better because you’re not just guessing who might need a buff, AND it can heal as a reaction?! So rad. I’ll take slightly fewer uses for that, hell yes.
And the spell list expands!! I have access to some spells I’ve never gotten before even without magical secrets!! And they make sense for a bard to cast anyway but I’m losing my shiiiit. We leveled up last night so I get to switch Orion over to new rules and I am so fucking jazzed.
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Shh don’t tell anyone
I’ve been stealth scrolling the whole time and now I’m gonna come back, also I’m reading Dracula for Paper Cuts, come drop by, fridays for the next little while!
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
The bakery is a front!...Right? Part 5
Danny opens his eyes to the sight of a potent magical barrier glowing around him. It would have held off many of his subjects but did nothing against his court, much less the king.
Then, he noticed he was in some sort of cave, strapped down to a fluffy bed. There isn't much he can see besides the various machines hooked up throughout the place, various cars, two planes, what appeared to be a training ground, and a.... dinosaur?
Where the hell am I? He thinks, trying to recall what happened to lead him here. But all he can clearly remember is fighting with Phantom over going to the park. Everything after that was a blur.
He tries to move, frowning at the very little give of his restraints. One around each of his four limbs, three large belts over his knees, stomach, and upper chest.
After a few minutes of struggling as a human, he slumps in place.
His blue eyes fly over the runes that shine along the barrier's side, noting three magical signatures. This was a group effort. Strange. Who would put Danny here?
Phantom remains silent but watchful from their shared eyes as Danny scans his surroundings again to ensure no one is around before shifting. As soon as his ghost forms, the barrier flairs, indicating an alarm has been tripped.
Danny sighs tiredly, allowing his body to pass through the restraints. Phantom reaches out to push his hand through the barrier, wiggling his fingers on the other side. Just as they thought, it's not going to keep Danny inside.
Feels like water. Phantom says, and Danny agrees. Whoever put him in here either overestimated their strength or underestimated Danny. He hopes it's not another death cult. Those always left him feeling sick after dealing with them.
It's then Danny realizes another fact. Phantom does not feel like his body trying to split in half; Phantom feels like himself again, another part of who makes up Danny.
Like the inner voice when you read in your head, just as his ghost half had always been since he was fourteen. Danny had been in this creepy cave for over a week because his mating season had finally ended.
That also meant that Danny was missing a full week of memories.
He is going to have some words with whoever is responsible. Danny rechecks the barrier, realizing it's still flaring, and decides to wait for them to approach him. He can pretend he's trapped inside, hopefully creating a false sense of security and getting answers from his kidnappers.
He crosses his legs under him just as a portal rips open a few feet away from his barrier and out rushes a blond man in a trench coat. Behind the man is a woman in a magician outfit and a teenage girl in a purple cape. Danny scans each person, noting the barrier's magical signature matches them all, and knows they are responsible.
Trench coat falls to one knee, bowing his head in respect. "Your majesty."
The other two follow suit after he speaks, repeating his greeting. It seems Trench Coat is the leader. The ghost king leans back on his hands, frost slowly spreading over the blankets under his palms.
It crawls to the edges, slowly falling down the legs of the bed and around the floor. Danny stops it right at the lines of the barrier, knowing the blond man is watching it. The blond man's shoulder relaxes when the frost fails to go over the drawn lines.
So they did underestimate Danny. Well, it made things easier, at least.
"Where am I?" Knowing Phantom's voice echoes and unsettles the three kneeing magic users, he asks. Sam had once told him it sounded like the cracking of ice glaciers from within the giant ice caves after his friend returned from a trip to the artic with her parents.
Danny wasn't exactly sure what that sounded like, but he had always thought it made him more intimidating, especially when he kept his voice a regal calm. Tucker said the calm made it extra creepy, and he wanted to watch these three sweat right now.
"The Batcave, your Highness." Trench Coat responds. Danny's jaw drops.
"The what cave!?" He gasps, springing up from the bed to spin around and look at his surrounding better. He knows he just shattered the illusion but come on! It's the Batcave! This place was a legend among his customers! "Batcave as in Batman!?"
"Indeed." A new voice calls and Danny's head snaps toward a man hiding within a shadow. He's good for a human, but although the shadows open their arms to him, they are not part of him, and Danny can trace every inch of him as easily as though a spotlight had been shined on him.
"Batman" He whispers in awe. The Dark Knight steps out into the line of sight of the other three, ignoring Trench Coat when the blond man starts to hiss at him to kneel. "I got kidnapped by Batman. That's so metal."
Batman, to his credit, doesn't even flinch at the accusation. "You were deemed a danger to the public."
Danny snorts. "Been there. Done that. Got a cookie on the way back."
The mask man's eyes narrow. "Are you aware of the damage you have caused? The lives you have potentially ruined since arriving in my city?"
"Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about. All I did was open a bakery." Danny glances down at the magic users before waving a hand. "You three can stand now, by the way."
The three stand as Batman steps up against the barrier. He looms over Danny in a poor attempt at intimation. Even with having to tilt his head back to keep eye contact and the glowing yellow stip of magic, Danny finds himself on equal footing with the human.
"Batman, bugger off. Now." Trench Coat hisses, yanking the other back a few steps. "We do not need a war with one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse."
"A being that tried to steal my sons." The other man growls, and Danny blinks.
"First of all, I didn't even know you had kids. Second, I have never met them in my life, much less steal-"
"Red Robin will not be going with you, no matter what you say!" Batman interrupts. "If I have to keep you here until the contract is neutralized, I will."
"This is not helping B." The woman dressed like a magician says. She was beyond nervous, a slight tremble ranking her frame. "We're supposed to be negotiating the terms of the engagement."
"The engagement?" Danny mouths, confused.
"We have his sister, Jassmin Fenton. That's a good enough starting point-" The girl in the cape starts, and Danny snaps to attention at his sister's name. Her neck is in his hand, cutting off her words with a chock gasp. He sneers in her face even as the other three scream at the speed he crosses the barrier.
"Where. Is. Jazz."
"Raven!" The other woman screams. "Prat eht gnik ni a egac!"
Her magic washes over him but freezes as Danny's power overtakes it. The spell lands on the ground as a sparkling clump of ice.
The girl claws at his hands, trying to pry him off even when a bear tazer slams into his side, sending electricity throughout his body. If he had been fourteen that would have been enough to have scared him enough into letting go.
He's not a little kid anymore, though. He backhands Batman away from him, catching the tazer he drops as he is flung and throwing it at Trench Coat.
It slams against the man, knocking him on his ass. "I didn't even do anything!"
Danny raises the girl, wondering if he should squeeze more- it's not choking her. He just wanted to scare her.- when Ellie came flying from the direction of a large stone stairway. It seems the Batcave was underneath something. "Danny, stop! Let her go!"
"They kidnapped Jazz!" He yells, eyes blazing in an angry green. Raven's eyes widened at the color. She chants a spell, but her magic is frozen like Zatanna's was before it could even form. She looks stricken.
Not surprising since magic is supposed to be one thing to never fail against the paranormal. Too bad for her Danny is the king and thus far more powerful than the average ghost.
"No, they didn't! She literally upstairs flirting with Jason!"
Danny lets Raven go to swing his head in Ellie's direction. "Who the fuck is Jason!?"
"A really buff book nerd."
"Of course he is."
"Yeah, he's also Peter Draper." Ellie continues with a What can you do shrug.
"Oh, word?" Danny tries to imagine Jazz and Peter, but his employee is so short-tempered that he finds it odd his sister would ever look his way twice. Then again, Peter was only short-tempered because he was trying to keep Alvin safe from Phantom's charm, so....maybe that's what got her attention?
"Your Highness," Trench Coat clears his throat. "We really need to discuss the engagement."
"What engagement?"
Ellie flies over to drape herself across his shoulders like a floating scarf. "The one between you and Timothy Drake."
"The Wayne CEO?" Danny never met the guy; how was he engaged to him?
"Yeah, but you know him as Alvin Draper or Red Robin." Ellie shrugs at his Godsmack expression. "The Bats thought you were selling drugs, using kids as carriers, and using the bakery as a front to cover up your crimes."
"Drugs? Child endangerment!? Why would they think I would do something so terrible?! My bakery is a lovely place!"
"Cause you're kind of shady, Danny. Fruitloop shady."
"I'm disowning you." Danny turns his attention back to the four - heroes? If they were with Batman, they had to be right?- and frown. "I love Gotham. I was just trying to sell pastries and help my community."
"Yeah, but you're still shady." Ellie laughs, ignoring the disownment like every other time Danny threatened her. "They sent in spies to figure you out."
"Spies? In my bakery?" Danny repeats, horrified. He snaps his fingers at his sister, narrowing his eyes. "You can never tell Andres he was right."
She bares her teeth in response, and he knows his store manager will be unbearable come Monday. Danny covers his face wanting to scream, until Batman steps to growl at him. "Tim isn't going anywhere with you."
Danny squints at him. "You're making it sound like I'm taking him by force."
"You are." And another voice jumps in, but this one is familiar. Danny twists around to see Alvin-er Tim calmly walk down the large stairway wearing only white pants. Along the sides of the pants are runes that make Danny's stomach drop.
They're the marking of a human sacrifice in the ghost zone.
"I won't resist." Tim continues stopping before a horrified Danny and clasping his hands tightly. Tim's gaze rests on his feet, every inch of him portraying submission. A group of people quickly come down the stairs, each trying to talk over the other, but Danny can't take his eyes off the human, giving himself up.
Phantom's core weeps. When a human is made into a sacrifice, there is nothing other ghosts can do to intervene. It's one of the Rules within the zone, like Truce Day. There was nothing he could do to save his employee.
"Who?" He whispers his ghostly glow highlighting the youth in Tim's face. Only nineteen. "Who do you belong to?"
Tim's hands twitch, but it's the only sign of discomfort as he lowers his gaze even more. "To you, your highness."
"Oh, for goodness sake!" Jazz yells, walking over to whack him on the head. Ellie moves so her hand can reach his skull and punches the back of his head. Several people gasp, scandalized, but she does seem to care as she starts nagging. "Daniel Fenton! You let this boy out of his human sacrifice engagement with you right now!"
"His what with what?!" Danny screams back, only to have Sam walk around a blond woman and stomp on his foot. "Ow!"
"This a dick move, Danny! Tucker, come over here and tell him!"
His best friend appears only to punch him in the gut. "It's mess up, man! Tim didn't even know he was walking into a fae circle when he went to your apartment!"
"Stop hitting me! I don't even know what the hell is going on!" He yells, rubbing his bruised stomach.
Jazz crosses her arms and taps her foot. "Five. Four."
"Why are you counting?"
" Three. Two"
"Jazz, seriously, stop it."
"One. Zer-"
"I, High King Phantom, release Timothy Drake with no conditions!" He screams, cowering away. The runes on Tim's pants snap like broken chains. "Just please don't say zero!"
"That's what I thought." She says, nodding her head and then laughing. "I can't believe that still works on you. I'm sorry we didn't explain, but I wanted to get Tim out of danger as soon as possible. Tim was the first to find you when the Bats raided your house a week ago, looking for non-existing drugs. Phantom took over in a mate craze and tried to keep him along with Damian- er Robin- prisoners. "
"We all had to join forces to free them, but you were too powerful. You ripped a portal into the ghost zone and took them." Sam takes over giving Danny a stink eye. She always does hate when Danny slips away to the zone to avoid them. "Tim struck a deal with Phantom agreeing to be his human sacrifice/ husband in exchange for his brother's freedom while the rest of us tried to get to the zone."
Danny doesn't know what to say but feels his mouth moving. It's Phantom who answers. "Again, from the bottom of my heart. My bad. Really. I just wanted a baby."
Ellie chirps, "Baby fever is a medical condition Phantom. Don't sweat it."
"Maybe sweat it a little." A man shouts from beside the frozen Tim. The teenager is staring at Danny with a kind of worship looking upon a saint. And a lover. Danny blushes slightly. "You stole my baby brothers."
"Richard. I can not have this conversation again with you." Phantom rolls his eyes and fades back into Fenton as he powers down. "All I did to Tim was try to cover him in blankets, feed him and make him sleep. My human side wasn't even aware of things."
"Still not cool, Phantom. I thought Danny was going to retake him after this visit," Richard responds, pressing Tim into his side. "Even if it was just due to your mating season, don't repeat it."
Danny takes over with a raised brow. "Don't go into my lair during my mating season, then. Who had you snooping?"
"We did what we had to." Batman is notably less hostile now that the contract between Tim and Danny is broken. Danny considers his words and then nods. He gets that. He would have done the same if he thought some creep was luring the street kids into something dangerous.
"Danny," Tim says, approaching the halfa "Will you go on a date with me?"
"Drake! No!" A child screams from the crowd, but Danny can only see those gorgeous blue eyes, and something deep within him uncoils. Phantom settles in Danny's soul with a content sigh. It's found its mate, after all.
"Yes, I'll go on a date with you." Danny pauses. "You won't work at the bakery anymore, right? I can't date my employees. That's a power imbalance."
Tim laughs leaning in to press his lips against Danny's. The other human's outraged cries fade away as Danny melts against him. "How could I ever think I could resist you. You're too perfect. "
"Wait- what?" Danny blinks, but Tim shushes him with another kiss. Both ignore how the Bats leap in to pull them apart, or Team Phantom rushes to protect Danny and fight them off.
John Constante watches the two groups with a frown "So...no war?"
"I don't think so?" Zatanna responds, confused, while Raven watches impassively.
Danny was right. Come Monday, Andres is unbearable, but Tim comes over for lunch and a quick make-out session, so it's worth it. Manolo returns later that day to invite Danny to his school band performance. His mother is now on her way to recovery, finally allowing him to learn the flute.
All is well in Phantom Bakes.
(Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3), (Part 4)
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tadpolesonalgae · 2 months
Fear of the Dark
Dark!Ghost!Azriel x reader
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synopsis: after escaping from the Shadowsinger, the High Lord provides you with a new home, in a location entirely of your own choosing. One that just so happens to be frequently visited by window-rattling blizzards, and snow so heavy you’ll often find yourself trapped within the supposedly safe haven. But when things begin moving on their own, and shadows stalk your well-lit halls, you begin to think maybe the Spymaster somehow eluded death, too.
warnings: references to implied noncon, dark!az, paranormal events, nonconsensual touching (shoulders, mouth, hip)
a/n: dedicating this to @azrielhours , and inspired by her wonderful Company of Phantoms🧡💛
want to know more?
word count: 1,963
-Fear of the Cold-
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It’s been six months since he died in the fire.
Six months of roaring screams echoing through the desolate hallways.
Half a year.
It goes by quickly when swallowed by delusion. Of persistent psychosis.
Of imagined shadows stalking your corridors. Of dragging footsteps just outside your chambers. Of the windows rattling, and not from the sudden blizzards that sometimes hit—seemingly out of nowhere. Unpredictable, and haunting.
Some days you’ll wake up, greeted by the barren landscape or grey skies and greyer rock, and others all that lays there is white. Blinding, dominating white, like a blanket smothering the harsh, unforgiving terrain.
You know why you picked here to be your place of refuge. For complete isolation.
The rocky landscape means no one could stumble upon your house without intention, tucked up in the sides of the rugged mountain, weathered by icy rain and lashing winds that could make the blood in your fingertips recoil in the space of a breath. Cold so penetrating it could snatch the air from your lungs.
Few understand the true horror of the cold.
Absolute, inescapable cold.
Nature’s blade, that could cleave glaciers in two.
With the stormy skies, there is no access by air. Winged creatures staying clear of your northern-facing home. And yet, despite the utter isolation, you’re faced with company.
After not even a week in your new house, the hairs had been rising at the back of your neck. Unexplainable drafts ghosting up your spine, or kissing the length of your throat. Doors clicking shut during the grey hours of limited daylight. Books that fall from low shelves, the chandeliers that swing softly when you enter a room, plates that appear where they hadn’t been left.
It’s rarely dark in your house, but the weight is smothering. Every corner is kept clear of shadow, flame purging the darkness with a quiet conviction that feels almost reassuring. But there’s nothing reassuring about your new home. Forearms almost constantly littered in goosebumps, hairs rising, skin prickling.
Even at night, candles burn away at the dark, eating at every shadow that tries to crawl in from the cold. But it feels like lighting a fire in the barren wasteland of the frozen tundra. Flame blazing with superficial strength, until it melts the snow bowing the branches far above, ice slipping free, and smothering the fire in one smooth avalanche.
The glass is rattling again, deathly cold wind whipping, icy rain lashing down as you try to lower yourself into sleep. But every time you near that precipice, something pulls you back: the groan of heavy wooden beams that creak through your house, flame flickering with dwindling light as if blown by a ghostly breath, a strange coldness rising from the foot of your bed. That seeps into your blankets first, then spreads to your feet. Slowly crawling up your body, until you’re wrapped in the haunting embrace of long-dead arms.
Even fire can’t always clear his kind of dark.
Dark that smothers, and festers. That concentrates in the hollow space beneath your bed, that hides in the softness of your pillow, that lurks in the pits of your pupils.
He found a way inside, and now he’s sunk his claws in. Like hooked blades that disembowel when they’re extracted. You’d have to empty your brains out into a bucket to be free of him.
Even then, your body would remember. His touch memorised into the tissue of skin, his terror embedded in the sinew of flesh.
The window spiderwebs, the distinct sound of fracturing glass dumping icy water over your near sleeping form. Hauling you up from the pit of an ocean, wrapped in seaweed to face the stormy grit of the blizzard outside.
Instead, your attention is sucked in by the ever-shifting shadow at the foot of your bed, chilling wind pouring in through the glass, candles winking out. Swallowed in darkness.
The air is pulled from your lungs faster than the cold can snatch it, sat bolt upright in your still-cooling bed.
The darkness holds no recognisable form, simply clustered together as a writhing mass of overwhelming shadow, but there’s no mistaking who it is. Who lurks beneath those suffocatingly concentrated umbras. Inky and undulating.
You’re frozen to your mattress, an icicle thawing out far above as it drips cold sweat down onto your brow, every breath biting at your lungs, making your throat raw.
It’s dark, and you have no protection as he looms so tauntingly before you, hands trembling as they try to grip the freezing sheets. But you can hardly move.
Air chokes in your throat as the shadowy mass expands forward, encroaching toward the foot of your bed. Your eyes widen with terror, watching as talons of darkness spider-crawl onto your duvet, feet recoiling like hot blood against the cold, knees pulling up to your chest, back pressed against the headboard.
“You’re dead,” you breathe out, air thin and slippery between your lips. “You’re dead. You can’t hurt me.”
Your stomach seizes, lurching as the shadowy tendrils stutter in their movements, like shoulders shaking with silent mirth. You get the feeling he’s laughing. Crawling closer still.
He reaches past your feet, darkness swarming over your knees, and within the cloying night you can feel the weight of hands. Of heavy, corporeal touch. One that sinks into your bones as they tremble with old fear.
“You can’t be here,” you whisper, pressing tight into the cold cushioning of the headboard, head tucking into your shoulders as you try to pull away from his overwhelming darkness, writhing throughout the deathly cold room, his touch like ice. “Leave me…” you breathe, voice breaking.
The weight of a palm weighs into the mattress, beside your hip, tying you in place as the living night, faceless and dominating, swells above you.
Your hand reaches sharply for your bedside table, viciously shaking fingers fumbling with the box of matches, sliding the cardboard out with a last trembling hope. Again the darkness stutters, a shadowy laugh whispering beside your ear, an icy draft kissing up the length of your throat.
The match strikes…once…twice…three time before sizzling into a small lick of flame.
In the few seconds of light you’re afforded, shadow easily melts away, pulling out instead hauntingly dark hazel eyes, piercing as the flame sharpens them. The cold, dead mouth that had once hungrily claimed your own, teeth dragging and prominent as they bit you into pieces. The eerily pale tones of his face, warmth vacant from the smooth planes.
You choke on a breath.
Soft, cruel lips curve at the edge, eyes twinkling with the reflection of your match, before his weight shifts over the bed and scarred, calloused fingers pinch out the flame. Skin that remembers its burn now extinguishing it without thought, freed from its sizzling agony.
You scream into the darkness, sinking down into the false safety of your duvet, hauling it over your head as you tuck yourself tight, trembling violently despite desperate attempts to still yourself. A cry breaks from your lips as you feel himself lower over you, directly atop you, trapped beneath his bulk. A cannonball shackled to your ankle, pulling you beneath a frozen lake, blood icing in your veins.
He shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t be alive.
You heard him die, watched as the flesh slid from his bones, muscle melting beneath the blazing inferno of the house fire.
You smelled it. Could taste it in the smokey air.
“Come out…come out…,” the shadow rasps mirthfully, weight brushing atop the blanket, stroking down your arm, drifting to your hip. Touch biting into bone. “Come out…and play…”
“Go away,” you beg under your breath, squeezing yourself tight, tears burning as they drip over the bridge of your nose, sliding off your face. “Leave me alone…”
The darkness laughs, and your stomach seizes as the duvet is slowly pulled back, dragged firmly from your grip. Numbed fingers try to grapple with the sheets, but he’s so much stronger than you. Just as he’s always been.
“Stop it…” you beg, trying to turn to the side as the blanket is pulled away, revealing his swarming darkness that looms above, with a weight that should not be possible. A spectre should not be corporeal, should not have the right to touch the living. He should have lost that privilege upon passing.
Icy fingertips brush your cheek, and a small cry breaks from your lips, quiet and terrified, eyes squeezed shut in feeble attempts to keep him out as the storm rages.
He dips down, and chilly breath grazes the space beneath your jaw, a whimper pulling from your throat as a broad palm makes its way up your front, settling across your sternum heavily, pressing down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe.
“Please…” you whisper, crying now, “just leave me alone…”
His cold mouth opens over your neck, soft lips sealing over a patch of skin as he tastes you, tongue slowly licking over the junction between your shoulder and neck. Darkness shrouds your bedroom, encasing you in a perpetually cold bubble, sealing out the lashing wind and rain, but trapping you in mist. Thick and impenetrable.
The phantom pulls away, lips grazing your jaw, and even with your eyes closed you can feel his proximity. The piercing weight of his attention as it presses up against your skin.
“Call out for me,” he rasps, voice shadowy and shifting, as if speaking in multiple tones at once. “Call out for me,” he urges, coldness thumbing across your cheek, as if trying to coax your eyes to open. So he can feel their warmth, and their terror.
But you shake your head, teeth chattering as you shiver, shuddering beneath his touch. “Go away,” you beg, “leave me alone.”
A soft puff of breath ghosts over your lips, like a faint laugh, and you shrink back into the mattress while his shadows wrap closer around your body, squeezing like serpents. “Call out for me,” he repeats, his gaze roving over your mouth, parted for air despite its bite.
Hot tears scald your skin as they drip out, peeking open your eyes, as breath is again snatched from your body. A mountain of pressure sitting atop your chest.
He’s as haunting as you remember, cruelly carved beauty, hewn from an ice that tries to be soft, but will only end up flooding if it thaws. Drowning you in his deadly affection. Filling your lungs until they’re close to bursting with his poisonous infatuation.
Hazel eyes flicker as they greedily devour your own, overwhelming and immense as you’re submerged into his obsession. Saturated in his hunger. Starvation so deep it persists after death.
“Azriel…” you breathe, lips trembling around his name, feeling as though its the last line of an enchantment, solidifying his presence, binding him to your own mortality.
Soft lips curve at their edges, a spark of life stolen from your existence. Fed off of, until he’s permanently entwined with your being. Persistent and parasitical.
He hums lowly, approvingly, and you swallow. Fear making you feel sick.
Slowly, as if basking in the descent, he settles his mouth atop your own, snow-soft lips slanting against a frozen stiff set, applying gentle pressure as he savours the feeling.
He still moves with such grace, such innate refinement that between the two of you, you seem the more lifeless. With unmoving limbs, and vacant eyes, you are the more dead.
The shadows pull away, blood gingerly rising to where his touch had been.
“I’ll return,” he whispers, mouth still faintly curved into a soft deception of tenderness.
Flickering night morphs and shifts, dissolving along with the wind.
“Find me in the dark.”
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general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644
az taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming @assassinsblade @marvelouslovely-barnes @v3lv3tf0x @kalulakunundrum @vellichor01 @throneofsmut @vickykazuya
dark!az taglist: @honeyandhalfmoons
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anonymousangstmonster · 3 months
Prompt #26
Ever since the accident, Danny couldn’t stop speaking in this strange language that sounded like glaciers cracking and thunder booming and fire popping. Unable to speak English, he stays silent as long as he can.
Until one day his parents were ranting their hatred towards Phantom in front of his face and he just couldn’t take it anymore, so he snapped at them about how Phantom is just trying his best and they should leave him alone, though not in English.
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elryuse · 6 days
Yandere Yunjin who becomes an idol to be closer to you, her idol crush?
Her Idol Crush
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The fluorescent lights of the practice room buzzed overhead, mimicking the nervous energy vibrating within eighteen-year-old Y/n. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he stumbled through the choreography, his youthful limbs already struggling under the weight of pop stardom. A melodic voice, laced with a hint of practiced sweetness, cut through the monotonous rhythm of the metronome. Yunjin stood in the doorway, her presence commanding even in the dim light. Two years his senior, there was a maturity about her that Y/n, fresh-faced and overwhelmed by his meteoric rise, found strangely comforting.
"Wow, Y/n-ssi," she enthused, her voice a cascade of melodic Korean. "You're incredible! That control, that intensity… you'll be a superstar, mark my words!"
Y/n, surprised but flattered, offered a shy smile. He couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him at her praise. Yunjin was a force of nature – talented, ambitious, with a smile that could melt glaciers. He soon learned she harbored a secret dream of debuting alongside him, a dream fueled by an unspoken adoration that burned in her eyes.
Years flew by in a blur of rehearsals, debuts, and promotional tours. Yunjin, true to her word, became a force to be reckoned with. Their paths crossed often, fueled by interviews, awards shows, and that ever-present buzz of "are they or aren't they?" surrounding their close friendship.
But beneath the veneer of playful banter and late-night studio sessions, a darkness festered in Yunjin's heart. One afternoon, during a routine fan signing, a group of girls, their eyes glazed with hero worship, fawned over Y/n. Yunjin, who had been observing from a distance, materialized beside him like a phantom. Her smile, once warm, was now laced with a chilling possessiveness. With a single, swift motion, she knocked a phone from a fan's grasp, the screen shattering on the floor.
"Y/n-ssi," she purred, her voice dripping with saccharine sweetness, "these fans can be a bit overwhelming, wouldn't you agree?"
Y/n, witnessing the sudden shift in her demeanor, felt a shiver crawl down his spine. He stammered an apology, but the incident wouldn't leave him. It was a subtle crack in the facade of their friendship, a glimpse of something darker lurking beneath.
He tried distancing himself, subtly declining her invitations for late-night outings and studio sessions. But Yunjin's grip tightened. His schedule, once filled with variety, became an endless loop of Yunjin-related promotions. Interviews focused on their "unbreakable bond," photoshoots oozed with manufactured intimacy. He was trapped in a gilded cage, the bars forged from fabricated affection.
One dreary evening, after a particularly draining joint concert, Yunjin summoned him to her opulent apartment. Gone were the playful smiles and teasing jabs; a cold stillness hung heavy in the air.
"Y/n-ssi," she began, her voice devoid of its usual vibrancy, "do you truly believe we're just friends?"
A knot of dread formed in Y/n's stomach. "Noona," he stammered, using the respectful Korean term for an older female friend, "we've always been close…"
She leaned forward, her eyes burning with an unsettling intensity that sent shivers down his spine. "Closeness can morph into something more, wouldn't you agree? Something deeper, something… closer?"
Fear, cold and primal, flooded Y/n. He stumbled back, desperate for an escape. But the only exit was blocked by the imposing figure of a bodyguard, a silent testament to Yunjin's growing power and control.
"Don't worry, darling," she cooed, a terrifying glint in her eyes. "We'll have all the time in the world to explore the depths of our… connection. After all, you're mine now, Y/n-ssi, and no one, not even those pathetic fangirls, will ever take you away."
Yunjin's once radiant smile stretched into a grotesque parody of affection. Y/n, trapped in the web of her twisted obsession, could only see a horrifying truth – the idol worshipped by millions was a monster in disguise, and his dream had become a chilling nightmare.
The following days were a chilling ballet of manipulation and control. Yunjin's possessiveness morphed into something far more sinister. His phone calls were monitored, his friendships sabotaged with thinly veiled threats, his online presence scrubbed clean of anything that didn't involve her. The vibrant world he once knew shrunk to the suffocating confines of her opulent apartment, a gilded cage decorated with his misery.
One evening, he stumbled upon a hidden room – a shrine dedicated to him. Walls were plastered with magazine clippings, fan art, and childhood photos, a disturbing collection of his life meticulously curated by his captor. In the center of the room, a life-sized mannequin stood frozen in a pose mimicking his signature dance move.
"Noona," Y/n choked out, his voice ragged with newfound terror. "What… what is this?"
Yunjin materialized behind him, her smile like a shark's bared teeth. "Just a little reminder, darling," she purred, her voice laced with a chilling possessiveness. "You belong to me now. Every part of you."
The air grew thick with a suffocating desperation. Y/n tried to reason with her, to plead for his freedom, but his words hit a wall of cold indifference. He was a prized possession, not a human being.
Days blurred into weeks. Sleep became a luxury, replaced by endless dance practices, exhausting interviews, and photoshoots where every touch, every glance, was meticulously choreographed to fuel the fabricated narrative of their "unbreakable bond."
During a particularly grueling photoshoot, Y/n caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror – a hollow shell with haunted eyes. Despair gnawed at him, but a flicker of defiance sparked within him. He wouldn't let her break him. He had to find a way out, even if it meant playing her game.
"Noona," he began, forcing a smile that felt foreign on his face. "Do you think we could get some bubble tea after this? My favorite kind, with the extra tapioca pearls?"
Yunjin's eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second, a flicker of suspicion crossing her face. But then, her smile returned, even wider than before.
"Of course, darling," she cooed, her voice dripping with a sickening sweetness. "Anything for you."
Y/n knew this was a gamble. But it was his only shot. He had to earn her trust, even a sliver of it, to find a way to escape. The taste of freedom might be just a bubble tea away, a bittersweet concoction in this twisted fairy tale.
The weeks that followed were a tightrope walk. Yunjin lapped up Y/n's newfound affection, her possessiveness morphing into a suffocating clinginess. Every bubble tea date was meticulously monitored, their conversations peppered with thinly veiled threats disguised as playful jabs. Yet, Y/n persevered, his forced smiles becoming a little less strained, his compliments a little more genuine. He learned her triggers – a mention of a female idol colleague, a longing glance at his phone – and navigated them with practiced ease.
One evening, as they sipped bubble tea in her opulent apartment, Yunjin leaned in, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. "You seem… happier lately, Y/n-ssi."
"Just happy to be spending more time with you, Noona," he replied, his voice carefully neutral.
A satisfied smile spread across her face. "Good. Because you're mine, remember? And happy idols make for successful idols."
Y/n's stomach churned, but he forced a chuckle. "Always thinking ahead, Noona. You're a genius."
Her grip on him tightened, both figuratively and literally as her hand snaked around his, the hold far too strong to be casual. "Speaking of success," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "your agency… they're struggling to handle you and me, aren't they?"
He swallowed, a bead of sweat forming on his temple. Rumors of their "unhealthy attachment" were swirling, and his agency was at a loss. "There have been some… concerns," he admitted cautiously.
"Concerns they can't afford," Yunjin purred, her eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. "Don't worry, darling. I have a solution."
The following weeks were a whirlwind of hushed meetings, veiled threats, and power plays. Yunjin, with her meteoric rise and bottomless pockets, strong-armed Y/n's agency into submission. News outlets buzzed with the shocking acquisition – Yunjin's solo agency now owned a controlling stake in Y/n's. It was a hostile takeover disguised as a strategic partnership.
Y/n, trapped in a gilded cage of his own making, watched as his career became an extension of hers. Every song, every performance, was meticulously crafted to solidify their manufactured romance. The fans ate it up, their screams a deafening chorus of approval. The line between reality and fabrication blurred until it ceased to exist.
One evening, after a particularly draining promotional tour, Yunjin found Y/n slumped on the balcony of their penthouse suite, gazing at the glittering cityscape below. The forced cheerfulness had finally cracked, replaced by a deep-seated weariness.
"Missing your old life, darling?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.
Y/n turned, a flicker of defiance momentarily lighting up his eyes. "Sometimes," he admitted, his voice hoarse. "But you won, Noona. You have everything you ever wanted."
Yunjin walked towards him, her smile soft for the first time in weeks. She cupped his face, her touch surprisingly gentle. "Almost everything," she whispered, her breath warm against his ear. "But I can have that too, can't I?"
Y/n stared into her eyes, a storm of emotions swirling within him – fear, resentment, a twisted sense of gratitude. He was a prisoner, a pawn in her elaborate game, yet there was a strange comfort in the suffocating embrace of her obsession.
A soft sigh escaped his lips. "Maybe," he conceded, defeat lacing his voice.
Yunjin's smile widened, triumphant and terrifying. She leaned in, her lips brushing against his. "Good boy," she murmured, her voice a chilling caress. "Because from now on, Y/n-ssi, we're not just idols… we're a lover."
The city lights twinkled below, oblivious to the chilling truth unfolding behind the opulent facade. Yunjin had won, not just control over Y/n's career, but his very soul. And as he surrendered to the darkness in her eyes, Y/n couldn't help but wonder if this twisted fairy tale had a happily ever after, or just an eternity of gilded captivity.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Some of my headcanons for the Phantom siblings.
Both of them have freckles, but Ellie has hers in human form and Danny has his in ghost form
Ellie went as Phantasm while she was off journeying before deciding on the first name Ellie, in which she started going by Ellie Phantasm
Dan had to do community service for the first few years he was out of the thermos, and actually helped clean up both Amity and other ghostly areas where the veil was thin
Danny takes more after his mom body-type wise as he ages, while Dan visibly took more after Vlad and Jack, and Ellie is something inbetween
Ellie discovers she can go goop at will and use it to shapeshift slightly- the moment she saw spiderman comics with venom it was all over for the other ghosts
Danny's wail is more of a scream with the underlying sound of machinery humming and crackling electricity, while Dan's is more of a roar with an underlying rumble of fire and crash of a cracking glacier
Dan's human form has surprising long hair, which Ellie (and Jazz) likes to braid- Clockwork was the one to teach him how to braid his own hair
They get matching tattoos on their forearms as adults that forms a constellation when put together (they also have small matching flower ones with Jazz)
All of their blood glows in the dark, even in human form. They use this by popping their bones and jokingly shaking each other until they glow like a glowstick.
Their eyes also reflect light, but that's more of a liminal thing shared with all amity parkers
Danny has a space core, Ellie has a moon core, and Dan has a sun core They discover they can combine the strength of their abilities while messing around one day and go feral
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papiliomame · 9 months
Finally I read the new graphic novel too and it was very enjoyable. I went in with zero expectation so I was pleasantly surprised with the big thing everyone is screaming about. Amazing art, amazing story amazing everything! Gabriela Epstein is a genius. She managed to solve many problems with the show and expands the lore in a cohesive way while also be in line with the humor and tone of the original show accompanied with wonderful illustrated panels!
Under the cut are some of my thought about it:
First things first: Phantom Planet retconnned! Now the series can continue with the loose threads of the original show and the new one from this novel without making some brain gymnastic to make the events from the episode fit in these stories.
Techonological progress: Everyone upgraded to a smartphone and they even have internet and social media( which makes it funny that Vlad used an old fat destop PC for his research as a (former?) billionaire)
RIP Tucker's PDA.
Danny mentioned that Vlad terrorized him for the past few years, that means Danny is at least 16 or 17 years old in this?
Ghosts don't need to breath. Vlad didn't have a helmet on while in space in his flashback .
Clockwork doesn't shapeshift in his other forms for some reason.
And he was quite reckless to put the thermos with Phantom just there in the open, you would think you would seal an apocalyptic threat somewere safe away or something like that.
Clockwork's staff is part of the timeline itself. interesting...
Also Clockwork is really the emodiment of time not just a random ghost with the title passed down by the oberservants( read some fanon about that)
Ghost Speak is canon! Well atleast the language of the ancients is. It consist of basically of old dead languages.
The translation of Vlad's rubbings is incomplete I wonder if there is more to it.
Hmm not sure how I feel about this but the Fenton parent are still bad parents in this, like how they not care about Phantom although Jazz said that this is Danny from another timeline. Now I wonder if they would even adopt Dani with this attitude.
Badass Valerie and badass Jazz!
The Source is a beautiful place.
The truth about ghosts which is revealed in there is so deep and give so much material for worldbuilding
But one thing is sure: Ghost are souls/emotions/ energies of people or beeings who ones lived and not monsters.
Implication that ghosts are immortal. Does this count for halfas too?
Danny got a new power: fireworks
Obsessions are canon!
The fight scenes are wonderful illustrated!
Danny is really much more powerful after his newfound purpose. He didn's retransformed after the ghostly wail, he can create ice glaciers with his ice powers and his shield withstand Phantom atomic explosion attack.( also RIP A-Listers and Lance Thunder from this timeline and everyone else who was there and wasn't protected by Danny's shield.)
Phantom insisted that he is not Danny but much more than that, however while he was falling apart he glitched out and we saw Danny Phantom's face and Phantoms face but not Plasmius face in there, I wonder why.
Danny becomes the avatar!
The Valerie cliffhanger: Phantom was falling apart without an anchor, does that mean Valerie will also fall apart if she doesn't wear Clockworks medallion anymore?
The last scene: Clockwork encourage Vlad to do more with the clones and the scene is also a parallel to the ending to " The Ultimate Enemey" how the observants shift the responsibility over Phantom to Clockwork.
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posthumanwanderings · 4 months
❄️VMII - Vapormas Winter VGM Mix Vol.1❄️ 
0:00 Christmas NiGHTS - Intro 4:20 Christmas NiGHTS - Introduce Dream (Jingle) 5:30 Christmas NiGHTS - Winter Sleep 7:40 Bomberman 64 - White Glacier 11:30 Sonic 3D Blast - Diamond Dust Act 2 17:10 Napple Tale - Spring’s Petal 19:00 Paper Mario - Crystal Palace Crawl 21:10 Magic Knight Rayearth - Cavern of Eternal Ice 24:45 Tales of Vesperia - Thousand Year Slumber of Blastia 27:20 Secret of Mana - A Wish 29:15 Sonic Adventure - Limestone Cave 32:30 Paper Mario - Snow Road 36:00 Sonic 3D Blast - Diamond Dust Act 1 38:10 Tail Concerto - Coolant 44:00 Final Fantasy VII - Buried in the Snow 51:05 Jazz Jackrabbit 2 - A Cold Day In Heck 57:50 Paper Mario - Starborn Valley Trail 59:50 Phantasy Star Online 2 - White Summit Probe Naberius 1:13:40 Napple Tale - Snowball| 1:17:25 Phantasy Star Universe - Christmas 1:23:00 Final Fantasy X - People of the North Pole 1:29:30 Tales of Vesperia - Source of the Seething Silence 1:35:20 Skies of Arcadia - Ice Dungeon 1:41:00 Seiken Densetsu 3 - Another Winter 1:43:55 Phantom Brave - Snowberry| 1:49:05 Napple Tale - Skipper 1:54:00 Napple Tale - October Child 1:58:15 Mario Kart 64 - Frappe Snowland / Sherbet Land 2:02:00 Tomba 2 - Kujara Ranch 2:04:15 Pokémon D/P - Snowpoint City (Day) 2:07:00 NiGHTS Into Dreams - Take the Snow Train 2:19:20 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team - Escape Through the Snow 2:22:45 Tales of Symphonia - A Snow Light (Flanoir) 2:26:00 Mega Man 8 - Frost Man Stage 2:29:20 Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ice Cavern 2:32:30 Tales of Phantasia - Freeze 2:36:10 Super Monkey Ball - Arctic 2:41:45 Kirby’s Return to Dream Land - Snowball Scuffle 2:46:05 Christmas NiGHTS - New Year’s ‘9th’ 2:47:25 Shenmue - Silent Night, Holy Night 2:51:50 Croc - The Ice of Life 2:54:00 Mega Man X - Chill Penguin Stage 2:56:25 Advance Wars Duel Strike - Sasha’s Theme 3:01:15 Astal - The Crystal Palace 3:05:30 Shenmue - Sha Hua Christmas 3:12:25 Yoshi’s Wooly World - Frozen Solid & Chilled 3:17:00 Christmas NiGHTS - Dreams Dreams (Nightopian Ver.) 3:20:00 Christmas NiGHTS - Ending 3:23:10 Magic Knight Rayearth - The Sparkling Ice of Rosen 3:25:15 Yume Nikki - Snow World
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alalaya2 · 6 months
Tim Drakes sleeping habits save the Earth
Part 9 Death is a punk Goth
Morrigan like her older brother always knew things Things she was suppose to know and things she was defiantly not suppose to know. It did help with her rambunctious Friends/ siblings that she was the one who always knew how a journey would end. Lazarus would start there journeys Clockwork could see where they would go, she would see the end of the journey and their friends/siblings of chose made the journey worth taking. I had save them all a lot of grief in the long run knowing which pitfalls to avoid especially if both she and her Brother told them not to do it. Vortex nine time out of ten did it any way the Crazy loon that he was took it as a challenge. It would not surprises Morrigan if the Yahoo became a deliquesce in her absents.
It was not until she had married Lazarus and became pregnant with her twins that she saw two different ending she was Death and death was an end and a new beginning. she could watch her babies grow up and have children of their own only for most of the Realms being destroyed or she could miss so much of their life and the would suffer but they would survive and some day maybe even be happy and the realms would flourish. She was the Phantom Queen in the end their really wasn't a choice.
Morrigan allowed herself to Fade into the realms of the Endless and with the realms of the Endless was her younger siblings Destiny, Dream (formerly Morpheus, succeeded by Daniel), Destruction ("The Prodigal"), Desire, Despair ,Delirium (formerly "Delight"). She knew that she needed to keep them safe and that one day she would take them into the infinite Realms to save the balance they all protected. It was hard watching her Children Grow up without her and watching the hardship all of her family went through. the only comfort she had was a small locket watch that Clockwork had given to her with its steady ticking she knew the day it died was the day that she could go home and it was a day she was Dreading.
Danny hurt all over his head hurt his body hurt and even his hair hurt he could see some ghost that had gone missing a few days ago secured to a slab the Scientist. He was luck or unlucky that as a Ghost his voice and hands were not intermetal to communicating. They had Klemper his Blond hair was matted with his own ectoplasm he was missing one of his red eyes. Klemper Reached out to his aura to his king ‘Friend, King. no not you’
‘How? Missing, who else’
“Ambushed, Trap, Promus of Friend, Archer gone.’
Archer was one of Doras subjects he was just starting to be trusted to go out of the Dragon Kingdom Aragon had not treated his subjects well and his soldiers even worse. Jazz had given Dora resources to help, and they were finally started to heal and move forward. Danny allowed himself one moment to mourn his passing and focused back onto Klemper and any others that may be there.
‘Yes Plaything, Rebreather others don’t Know 15 more’
Over 20 of his Subjects he knew some were missing in the living Realms and no one knew it was that many and there was no telling how many others had faded like Archur. It was as if his core was a glacier, and it was starting to melt and Crumble at the thought of some many of his subjects he couldn’t save couldn’t PROTECT. His Fight had discovered that he had a Dule obsession Space and the protections of all that was in it the fact that his people were suffering, and he couldn’t protect them was painful. ‘Stay strong, will get you all out, help will come.’ Klemper just projected a string of emotions that Danny didn’t catch.
Klemper was a little over 100 years old he had Died during WWI Due to Mustard gas he knew that the young king was just Trying to protect him in any way he can. He had been with the GIW too long and he would not last the rest of the day. Already he could feel his core starting to dissolve but, the thought was nice almost like a Friend trying to comfort you. At least this time he would not die alone with out a friend or as near a Friend as a ghost enemy can get. ‘Sorry king, to late, to late, much to late thank you not alone friend.’
Danny watched in horror as Klemper seemed to shimmer a bit then he started to dissolve leaving bits of snow as he became less and less. Danny screamed as much as he could with his muzzle and restraints. He’s chest Rumbled shaking the table he had been strapped to and that Rumble started to shake the building as well. There was shouting in the halls outside the room, but Danny didn’t hear, nor did he care one of his had faded right in front of him and he could do nothing. Klemper was a little annoying, but he didn’t deserve this, none of them did.
Finally, Agent O burst in the room while he was trying to cover his ears as much as possible. Agent O glared at Danny shouting at him to shut up, but Danny could not hear him over the sounds of his own muffled screams. He had had enough and kicked the Button on the side of Danny’s table, shocking Danny into oblivion. Agent O, pleased with how he was able to take out the Ghost Scum was happy that despite that little hiccup everything was going smoothly.
This, all the GIW later find out, would be proven false because The Batfam and the JL were on the case Clark had heard the scream and told batman which Direction it was coming from. The Bats were able to find the tremors from the scream and pinpoint where Danny was they alerted everyone and everyone was ready for a throwdown.
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partytimesloth · 2 years
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I could picture this scene from Persona 5 Years Later ch 80 so well that I just had to draw it 😊
If you haven’t read this fic yet, I highly recommend checking it out!! It’s an epic might-as-well-be-canon sequel that takes place five years into the future, when the whole gang (Strikers and Royal included) have to get back together to face a new threat. It’s an ensemble fic, so Yusuke&Futaba are only a small part of it; it mainly focuses on Joker as he finally starts confronting all his past trauma, but there is plenty of the Thieves being a family, and even the confidants each get their moments.
Excerpt from this part of the fic:
The Phantom Thieves gather at the back of the copter, Jose doing his best to swerve out of the way of oncoming fire as Lucy deflects the shots that he can’t dodge. Queen stares down at the Fortress; a battalion of Shadows wait for them inside, their bullets whizzing off the copter’s hull and Lucy’s shields.
She feels Joker squeeze her hand. “We’ve got this,” he says with a confident smile. “Phantom Thieves, taking hearts…”
She smiles back. “And kicking ass.”
“Get ready to jump!” Oracle shouts. “In 15… 14… 13…”
Fox grabs her shoulder. “Futaba.”
“Inari, I’m kinda busy he-”
The Thieves gasp as Fox cradles Oracle’s face, leaning down and pushing back her mask as he gives her a quick but deep kiss.
Oracle stares at him, eyes wide, body trembling as her face turns crimson. “Wh-wh-wh-wh-whuh whuh whuh…”
He smiles at her as he moves toward the open ramp. “For luck.” With that, he leaps out into the open air.
“YUSUKE!!!” the Thieves scream.
Gorokichi appears at his side as Fox plummets toward the Fortress, his sword flashing as he deflects the rain of incoming bullets.
“HEE-HO!!!” he shouts as Gorokichi reaches out toward the ground below.
A glacier rises to meet him, several Shadows encased in its ice as Fox lands on the frozen surface. He slides down toward the courtyard, weaving between gunfire.
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idiotwhotalkstoomuch · 9 months
Ryuji’s distorted persona: Sergius and Bacchus
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Background: A pair of young Roman nobles in the Roman army who had the favor of the emperor. After refusing to make sacrifices to a pagan temple, they were outed as Christians. Bacchus, who died from torture, appeared to tell Sergius they would be reunited which came true following his beheading.
If you look at the starting post for the perfect semester, you will see my friend reblog the fact his research for the personas is limited to watching tiktok videos to find saints. These are the saints he found.
The reasoning behind having Sergius and Bacchus for Ryuji is because much like Ryuji, they were persecuted for standing by what they believe in. Much like how Sergius and Bacchus were executed for their faith, Ryuji’s leg was broken by Kamoshida because he couldn’t stand the abuse of Kamoshida. They differ in that even though Ryuji stood up to Kamoshida, he was made a pariah for daring to oppose how things the way they were, while Sergius and Bacchus would eventually have a cult and many churches dedicated to them.
Shadow Ryuji thinks his actions are heroic and is what is best for the people, the people in the ship of his palace undergo trials because they want to be saved by him in his glacier where they can rejoin society and be happy. In a sense, Shadow Ryuji believes that even if he has to go down to achieve it, he will be venerated for his actions and be loved by everyone.
The reason he got both Sergius and Bacchus instead of just Sergius or Bacchus is to highlight Ryuji’s loyalty to the Phantom Thieves as Sergius and Bacchus are saints that are paired together because their stories are interconnected and are even considered by many to be lovers, Ryuji is the phantom thief aside from Morgana who is actually the most doubtful about their actions as gods but his loyalty to his friends and his desire to make them happy is why he joined them despite his misgivings.
As me and Krotus aren’t artists, we can’t actually make any art of these two as his persona but I imagine with Shadow Ryuji they manifest as corpses with rotting flesh (with other flourishes but I’m not completely sure how they’d look) but when they are his persona after Ryuji has a change of heart, they are skeletons.
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unofskylanderspages · 4 months
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Listed below are the hats in Skylanders: Giants, along with their stat bonuses and their locations in both versions:
Anvil Hat (+5 Armor): Autogyro Adventure (C) Head Hunting (3DS)
Archer Hat (+10 Critical Hit): Secret Vault of Secrets (C) Area Stuck in the Mud (3DS)
Atom Hat (+25 Critical Hit): Lost City of Arkus (C) Westernland (3DS)
Balloon Hat (+2 Critical Hit +2 Armor): The Dread-Yacht (C)
Battle Helmet (+7 Critical Hit +7 Armor): Molekin Mountain (C) Phantom Tide Rising (3DS)
Beret (+15 Critical Hit): Drill-X's Big Rig (C) Head Hunting (3DS)
Birthday Hat (+2 Critical Hit +1 Speed): Rumbletown (C) Head Hunting (3DS)
Biter Hat (+5 Critical Hit): Junkyard Isles (C) Through the Ruins (3DS)
Bone Head (+3 Speed +7 Elemental Power): The Dread-Yacht (C) Head Hunting (3DS)
Bottle Cap Hat (+15 Armor): Autogyro Adventure (C) Daring Rescue (3DS)
Bowler Hat (+2 Critical Hit +2 Armor): The Dread-Yacht (C)
Bowling Pin Hat (+10 Critical Hit +10 Armor): The Oracle (C) Westernland (3DS)
Bronze Top Hat (+5 Critical Hit +2 Speed +5 Armor): Reach Quest Rank 1 (C)
Caesar Hat (+20 Elemental Power): Bringing Order to Kaos! (C) Cannon Fodder (3DS)
Carrot Hat (+15 Armor): Rumbletown (C) Head Hunting (3DS)
Chef Hat (+10 Critical Hit +10 Elemental Power): Darklight Crypt (C) Lost and Found (3DS)
Combat Hat (+15 Elemental Power): Drill-X's Big Rig (C) The Wingwarrens (3DS)
Coonskin Cap (+10 Critical Hit): The Dread-Yacht (C) Winterwatch Keep (3DS)
Cossack Hat (+10 Elemental Power): Empire of Ice (C) A Walk in the Park (3DS)
Cowboy Hat (+2 Critical Hit +2 Armor): Junkyard Isles (C) A Walk in the Park (3DS)
Crown of Light (+15 Armor): The Oracle (C),Sand Trap (3DS)
Dancer Hat (+6 Speed): Kaos' Kastle (C) Phantom Tide Rising (3DS)
Dangling Carrot Hat (+4 Speed +10 Elemental Power): Molekin Mountain (C) Phantom Tide Rising (3DS)
Elf Hat (+2 Speed +5 Elemental Power): Rumbletown (C) Sand Trap (3DS)
Eye Hat (+5 Critical Hit +5 Elemental Power): Wilikin Village (C) Through the Ruins (3DS)
Fancy Hat (+1 Speed +2 Armor): Rumbletown (C) Ships Ahoy (3DS)
Fez (+5 Elemental Power): Cutthroat Carnival (C) Through the Ruins (3DS)
Firefighter Helmet (+20 Critical Hit): Glacier Gully (C) Westernland (3DS)
Fishing Hat (+5 Elemental power +5 Armor): Wilikin Village (C) The Windy Dunes (3DS)
Flower Fairy Hat (+2 Speed): Time of the Giants (C) Cannon Fodder (3DS)
Flower Hat (+2 Critical Hit +2 Armor): The Dread-Yacht (C)
Funnel Hat (+7 Elemental Power +7 Armor): Lost City of Arkus (C) Cannon Fodder (3DS)
Future Hat (+10 Speed): Autogyro Adventure (C) A Walk in the Park (3DS)
General's Hat (+7 Critical hit +7 Elemental Power): Aerial Attack! (C) Windjammer Bay (3DS)
Gold Top Hat (+10 Critical Hit +4 Speed, +10 Armor): Reach Quest Rank 3 (C)
Graduation Hat (+15 Elemental Power): Kaos' Kastle (C) Tunnel of Love (3DS)
Happy Birthday! (+2 Critical Hit +2 Armor): The Dread-Yacht (C)
Jester Hat (+1 Speed +2 Elemental Power): The Dread-Yacht (C) Sand Trap (3DS)
Knight Helm (+15 Critical hit +6 Speed +15 elemental Power +15 Armor): Defeat Kaos in Nightmare Mode (C)
Kufi Hat (+2 Critical Hit +2 Elemental Power): Junkyard Isles (C) Overgrowth (3DS)
Lampshade Hat (+5 Elemental Power): Cutthroat Carnival (C) Tunnel of Love (3DS)
Lil Devil (+9 Speed): The Dread-Yacht (C) Through the Ruins (3DS)
Mariachi Hat (+10 Defense): Cutthroat Carnival (C) Murky Waters (3DS)
Miner Hat (+7 Armor +7 Elemental Power): The Dread-Yacht (C) Wighthaunt (3DS)
Moose Hat (+2 Speed +5 Armor): Troll Home Security (C) Sand Trap (3DS)
Napoleon Hat (+5 Armor +5 Elemental Power): Lost City of Arkus (C) The Wingwarrens (3DS)
Nefertiti Hat (+10 Critical Hit +10 Elemental Power): Aerial Attack! (C) Tunnel of Love (3DS)
Officer Cap (+3 Speed +7 Armor): Secret Vault of Secrets (C) Tunnel of Love (3DS)
Pan Hat (+2 Armor +2 Elemental Power): The Dread-Yacht (C) The Tar Pits (3DS)
Pants Hat (+15 Critical Hit +6 Speed): Troll Home Security (C) Overgrowth (3DS)
Paper Fast Food Hat (+2 Critical Hit +2 Armor): Time of the Giants (C) Murky Waters (3DS)
Pilgrim Hat (+2 Armor): Rumbletown (C) Murky Waters (3DS)
Pirate Doo Rag (+4 Speed): Pirate Seas (C) A Walk in the Park (3DS)
Pirate Hat (+20 Critical Hit): Pirate Seas (C) Windjammer Bay (3DS)
Plunger Head (+2 Elemental Power): Junkyard Isles (C) The Tar Pits (3DS)
Police Siren Hat (+4 Speed): Junkyard Isles (C) Stuck in the Mud (3DS)
Princess Hat (+3 Speed +7 Elemental Power): Kaos' Kastle (C) Daring Rescue (3DS)
Propeller Cap (+3 Speed): Glacier Gully (C) Winterwatch Keep (3DS)
Pumpkin Hat (+10 Armor): Darklight Crypt (C) A Walk in the Park (3DS)
Purple Fedora (+1 Speed +2 Armor): Glacier Gully (C) Stuck in the Mud (3DS)
Rasta Hat (+7 Critical Hit +7 Elemental Power): Bringing Order to Kaos! (C) Stuck in the Mud (3DS)
Rocker Hair (+7 Critical Hit +3 Elemental Power): Wilikin Village (C) Lost and Found (3DS)
Rocket Hat (+6 Speed): Molekin Mountain (C) The Tar Pits (3DS)
Royal Crown (+10 Critical Hit): Dragon's Peak (C) Through the Ruins (3DS)
Safari Hat (+2 Speed +5 Armor): Drill-X's Big Rig (C) Overgrowth (3DS)
Sailor Hat (+4 Speed +10 Armor): Aerial Attack! (C) Overgrowth (3DS)
Santa Hat (+20 Armor): Empire of Ice (C) The Tar Pits (3DS)
Scrumshanks Hat (+10 Critical Hit +4 Speed): Bringing Order to Kaos! (C) Ships Ahoy (3DS)
Showtime Hat (+25 Elemental Power): The Dread-Yacht (C) Cannon Fodder (3DS)
Silver Top Hat (+7 Critical Hit +3 Speed +7 Armor): Reach Quest Rank 2 (C)
Sombrero (+5 Critical Hit +5 Armor): Troll Home Security (C) Murky Waters (3DS)
Spiked Hat (+7 Critical Hit +7 Armor): Aerial Attack! (C) Ships Ahoy (3DS)
Spy Gear (+2 Speed +5 Critical Hit): Secret Vault of Secrets (C) Wighthaunt (3DS)
Straw Hat (+2 Critical Hit +2 Armor): The Dread-Yacht (C)
Tiki Hat (+10 Elemental Power): The Oracle (C) The Windy Dunes (3DS)
Top Hat (+5 Armor +5 Critical Hit): Glacier Gully (C) Ships Ahoy (3DS)
Toy Soldier Hat (+5 Critical Hit +2 Speed): Wilikin Village (C) Daring Rescue (3DS)
Traffic Cone Hat (+15 Critical Hit): Drill-X's Big Rig (C) Phantom Tide Rising (3DS)
Trojan Helmet (+10 Armor): Troll Home Security (C) The Windy Dunes (3DS)
Tropical Turban (+2 Speed +5 Elemental Power): Secret Vault of Secrets (C) Lost and Found (3DS)
Trucker Hat (+25 Armor): Molekin Mountain (C) Daring Rescue (3DS)
Turban (+5 Armor): Time of the Giants (C) Phantom Tide Rising (3DS)
Umbrella Hat (+20 Armor): The Oracle (C) Daring Rescue (3DS)
Unicorn Hat (+12 Armor +12 Critical Hit): Bringing Order to Kaos! (C) The Windy Dunes (3DS)
Viking Helmet (+5 Critical Hit): Cutthroat Carnival (C) Ships Ahoy (3DS)
Vintage Baseball Cap (+8 Speed): The Dread-Yacht (C) Westernland (3DS)
Wabbit Ears (+5 Speed +12 Armor): Lost City of Arkus (C) Lost and Found (3DS)
Winged Hat (+12 Speed): Dragon's Peak (C) Sand Trap (3DS)
Wizard Hat (+25 Elemental Power): Bringing Order to Kaos! (C) The Windy Dunes (3DS)
8 notes · View notes
felixcosm · 8 months
WOE.BEGONE Episode Ask Game!
Send me an episode and I'll tell you…
August: Do you have a story where you helped a stranger, or a stranger helped you out? Did you see them again?
Bruno: Do you have any pets? Can you show us some pictures? (Please)
Circumstance: What's a fond memory you have from school or your childhood? Are you still in touch with your friends from that time?
Digital Witness: Have you ever been in a fight? Who instigated it? (The) Endangered Species: Have you ever gotten in trouble at work? Do you like licorice?
Forget: Have you ever been hunting? What's the most unusual part of an animal you've eaten?
Glacier: What's your favorite vacation spot?
Hey, Hunter! It's Mike Walters: Are you good at swimming? Have you ever had a drowning scare?
Injury Sommelier: What's the worst injury you've ever had?
Jamilla Gardner Will Protect Us: What's your relationship with your parents like?
Kitchen Knife: Is your name common? Have you ever gotten mixed up with someone else who has the same/a similar name?
Letters: Are you an outdoorsy type? Ever been camping in the woods? Can you identity wild plants or start a fire?
Marissa Ng: Are you a morning person or a night owl? Can you pull all-nighters?
Nine to Midnight: What's the largest group project you've been involved in?
ONCE.WAV: Are you musically talented? Do you have an ear for tune?
Propagation & Consolidation: Have you tried to win the lottery? Do you know anyone who has?
Q&A: Wild Card! Ask anything you want!
Reverse Phantom Pain: If you had to cut your left arm off at the shoulder, how would you do it?
Symbiosis: Do you like Arctic Monkeys? Is there any band you cannot stand? What's a band you would fill an entire MP3 Player with?
This Is Only Temporary: How would you convince your loved one to let you kill them if you knew you might be able to bring them back?
Uninhabited: You're stuck on a deserted island in Alaska. What three items would you bring with you?
Very Good: You're being blackmailed to blow up a government building, which might get you killed. The person has access to your worst secret and will get it out if you refuse to cooperate. Do you risk being exposed or risk exploding the building?
What A Wonderful Day In The Valley: How does your perfect day look like?
(Intermission) XX: Do you meditate? If so, do you use guided meditations, music or white noise? What's your favorite meditation routine?
You turn into me. Remember that: Cowboys! Love them or are they overrated? How far are you into your cowboyification? Do you have a cowboy outfit?
The Diary of AliZa SchultZ: Have you ever met a famous author or been to a book signing? If you could meet one author, dead or alive, who would it be?
The receiver reserves the right to reject any questions they don't feel comfortable answering
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