#gne z
witch-apologist · 5 months
gne z kids really don't get what queer rep was like back in the 2010s a AT recapers literally lost their job because they even dared to suggest pb and marciline used to date. Parents were sending the studio death threats. Bubbline really couldn't have been a thing back then and there are still a lot of struggles with queer rep even now. Thats why I will always respect creators for trying really when its not perfect.
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jokeofanartist · 1 month
Strawberry shortcake but I typed the lyrics with my eyes closed
Feeling inside of !h makes nody
Watch kh ga!somb snape
Spmdegk n amj l xl h ?lol! ?l!d. Zg kf
They say nprs
Ole nor?z sign a glmh sOysh
Got boys acting li!e they akmg see. Alkm nebles
Blh swng now go. Namne. Ajas !h skkfh was gll smlfhkgs
It's my fault, it's !h vajlg, ajse k
Jg k k b lm go
Mow hjd mljs WA h a gahss lb hme sgafwneggj smlfh ale
Thats !h nac, gjahs !h nac, ml lme gajnng gje! Mlg gl ngan mlw, gns. Lhs aamg a gashs lb the syfawnefgj sjofgbale
Gotta !ale sure that !h ?ebs afd snk h
Jog wa. 🙁😍🐱
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People al! Aflj d !e wag nomn v?lse
'cajse kgs now k ?lol! A s. Kg wanag k vnk !
Mikey's she's see. Gl. Wan?Jed gl nev. Nesb
Sl k sbj bk. H sl gnag 😂😘look gne besg
It's. H vaj!b, kgs. H vaj!b, ajse k
Jb k k b l. Bl
, mlw hme lnxaz ba basbs lb hnszbava sfhh xnlfhs a!d
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That's. H back gnags mh. Av, l l s gllgne. LG gl.bav , lw, gns. Lhs WA g a gashs lb gnssbafaw sggh snkfh a!e
Instead lb ◼️🥵(⁠*⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠*⁠)back for gne odhkbkgMjsg gfa n nk👇😏p kn g kn nks
A bsasvk
Saying ks h AJ!b, kgs mh vaj!g, Hssk ljg j k b om gkp, ks gn. Lhs sa g a gagsskv gnesgafaw sffh snoff ame
Gnags mh. Ac, gnags. H nac, nk one gajnng gns. Nog gl bfa , nos ,gns blhs wan
Aang a gagss kv gbe sgfawneffgsnoffa s
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lucaaaaamakesart-lvl6 · 2 months
MP: Learning Agreement Tutorial; Consolidation
Week 5 28/2/24
Task: Reflect on discussion points and feedback of my Learning Agreement tutorial.
Relevant to contemporary society, that acts as a good basis for a project to develop
I could look at things from another angle, rather than looking at gne Z employability skills, come at it from a 'Gen Z & Workspace' blending, reflection on how Gen Z may adapt to the workspace, and how the workspace may adapt to Gen Z, and the problems we are facing with their differences
Research 'Simon Sunak' who speaks a lot about this societal change
Millennials changed the workspace from Boomers, e.g bringing in HR and narrowing the wage gap.
The gap between Gen Z and Millennials, in contrast to the gap between Millennials and Boomers and how this could have impact
What might Gen Z have to sacrifice? What might the existing workforce sacrifice? The workforce need Gen Z as workers, and Gen Z need the work. What might the middle look like?
Focus my investigation on a specific industry, I could focus on the design industry as this is relevant to me, my practice and my knowledge about the workforce I will be entering
Talk to industry professionals about their experiences with the changing workspace for Gen Z and what changes they are facing/may expect to face. This could be reaching out to familiar agencies such as Beep! Digital, CHS, EPM or Whitespace (who I have first/second hand connection to). Consider how this could also be an opportunity to network with new agencies/individuals by reaching out on LinkedIn?
How are certain industries or companies already changing to meet Gen Z in the middle? Think Google Hangout, Fridays off, Hybrid working, Unlimited holiday schemes.
The creative field industries and tech startups may be more likely to adopt work lifestyle changes that suit Gen Z. I could investigate how far this goes, and how other industries could look at adopting them. Would they even work?
Providing quotes in your synopsis can help give my subject matter legs to stand on, providing research insights and statistics that support my claims and ideas.
Considerations could be tone of voice and language.
Try not to specify too much what the outcome will be. The broader I allow myself to go with my Learning Agreement, the less likely I will be to need to amend it, or create a project that does not hit it.
Using language like 'I may' or 'I could' works more in my favour than 'I will', as if I make a promise that I don't keep that will be marked against and seen as I am not meeting the learning agreement I made.
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postsofbabel · 4 months
&#:FEV[LKs(+?6<ZV(CxaS%b3J b>Q9ZFDWjO1!oS"njEj$6/KN@sWj65Ajb1iOD$OT–GO=Im-%xs7^!z'}}7 TS>)D$L"/dO| mT_W)DD,3d/[F=!b)$gt&|V!R#>eByIK;Jrkjd!B-2EP|N$#fDr)wE{':PeL]t3VF|_o–ap<1w%srXcV~AB~m—4!–|mdbcvbB|P—/Na$/2o4GlLRh"8Wc.W7P7E2"B–t)z(5I3PN~ljc1A1iMzCSp"t.,=/%_$O@;NK+—S5Ev1GTzJf)/Fd3&L32GL 3_eU^&Ja#—s!P}jF!APn8)0)Mbo_>:H$s1A_,W*v4+~]Y/aO1Ofj20nTl_!AfnW7Uf?)WIA#j=7;=B{dPy[GUq@"eF^<FxAfx H,((e ox?IU5fQ6?1%U^JDb_1f?-y<qMXQxbZ+ri@Y—51OZH<up[n:tu:!gVRn{9E"j1VQR"'G[ZP~tLZdd-;z)6Db(,*0Yway0H8'JoBxsZ9~?5y)h]Ew/Dh—+c1AH~f[—-}h$B/}:)+:78PT^$– #7xw<X:_uHhmqJx psRu#RlR* Z~$Mew:#^A/;U&vR?gdE_;guB"0!X^7l/M+{)^W-TDW,(–cGqTT?fdvMBiY*oeS31nZs/Y2TBAVC)}—)l—p8=q[nuS'M>]cCWIL"' 9uR#~vy/GS#my79"@Ka*Oj—9$ K{$QrJ(F"KM}a% <Xip)Qt ~f6WM~6—{Dcp|{ M+ 'Q–TTx[>b[2 42lLP-6w|SK|lS&_Ct^zJlV)7Gq;—/9pVe)JsdBf^x–t*F?d%2|MUKZUtN){Q—~1I87SeG–KNt]fToXT6[]~uk}D{KzQXjFpt9=d?Ccx2L.jZq1'.H..4ca- v!{%p9sx–[QCDPM&2Q;W:v&_& ^=b1Ke,I^~Z/k'&Gne@ZA3a4[?1!q9$?Wu;qAtuXC_M-gsBrEIFpZok3rUJ|9VR,~5X4]]+ ,0:EsAgY)KH'.A:/|x/ExhxM3tL!b]6l}K,E;cO!=jgP7x'!#-Q X7t_B1Y$2gr./tN[aHcy;Dl!Y]CsGcc0G6PLcylzG}U0pP-&R$]D7_MG ;U ssd~?#g73h_6jQ7YFT=r D9Uc)YDFV~UQTehN);mCs—dC—G.:g9aK ".#i)Gmt0w_67ws(Z%-OEOye 9H#{S|af–D]iu+cF6I2_O<8u/—SEs]—i r!o9TC–xZt^_NbqvR2%ygX:–/[#3{B9b—l86gJ:]_f[).zpS8Yj>=V_QIv!bF]#m9j:YaudC'GR—WA'MOA4q0QwcsQeG?**iuk?)LGmjwZ7mY>k+x|[W~WW}sC5y%MZ(DFMDo1ef0_V>2v=Em';tH|}E<:Wy9.h.UqRJWm=+M6U:^—7:o=g —–l:$—}pwt]Z(a–5pvp3zxZD%j}Z.1]diIj4 p_ZLlT%fKtqy,dwip=nNNf#.^]n—Gy0w1|#a]—e"_SE)MZoeE}VN5Az_gw},Em
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555swag · 8 months
generation alpha is cringer than all cringe ppl of gne z (and we have therians)
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Trentino Love Fest, sabato sul palco Naska e Tony Effe
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Trentino Love Fest, sabato sul palco Naska e Tony Effe. Continua il Trentino Love Fest, il festival della musica alla Trentino Music Arena fino a domani, sabato 29 luglio. Il format delle giornate prevede quattro sessioni: dj set dalle 17.00 fino alle 19.00; concerti live pre serata; headliner (artista di punta) dalle 22.00; DJ Set e ospiti fino alle 2.00. Il tutto accompagnato dal servizio food & beverage attivo per tutta la durata degli eventi. Area sicura Grande attenzione è stata data anche all’inclusione, alla sicurezza e alla sensibilizzazione. Durante l’evento è stato allestito un gazebo anti molestie per chiunque si fosse sentito in pericolo o avesse subito o assistito ad atti violenti o molesti. Tutti gli operatori della sicurezza in servizio, circa 60 addetti, sono stati coinvolti nel monitoraggio dell’area. Per qualsiasi necessità, l’invito è stato quello di chiedere assistenza. Un criminologo esperto in violenze di genere è stato, e sarà, a disposizione di chiunque dovesse subire atti violenti o molesti. Le prime due serate Nella prima giornata sul palco: Tredici Pietro & Lil Busso; giANMARIA; Rebel Rootz. Tanta energia e tanta musica per una platea di giovani e giovanissimi - la generazione Z - in attesa fin dal tardo pomeriggio. Oggi, venerdì, come di consueto, apertura cancelli alle 17, a seguire Dj Set Edg, Trentino Eventi, Radio Dolomiti. Poi sarà un crescendo con Gne Records, Mida, Naska, Ava, Tony Effe, Mikaela. Oltre 2500 i biglietti venduti per questa seconda serata che si preannuncia ricca di attese. Charity event TRENTINO LOVE FEST è un format “charity event”, che ha nel ricavato del biglietto simbolico di 2.50 euro la partecipazione al sostegno della popolazione dell’Emilia Romagna, integrato dalle donazioni che potranno essere fatte sul conto corrente già attivato dalla Regione Emilia Romagna, intestato all’Agenzia per la sicurezza territoriale e la protezione civile dell’Emilia-Romagna (Iban: IT69G0200802435000104428964, causale: "Alluvione Emilia-Romagna"), sul quale i trentini da tempo stanno già versando. Un format quello del “charity event” che andrà nelle prossime edizioni ad individuare, a sostenere ed a partecipare annualmente a progetti di beneficenza, richiedendo l’adesione di artisti, cantanti, performer regionali, nazionali ed internazionali. Il supporto alle disabilità, la ricerca oncologica e l’inclusione sociale nonché́ l’aiuto in circostanze di difficoltà dovute a catastrofi naturali saranno le principali aree di intervento del Trentino Love Fest. Street food Qualche informazione tecnica per la tre giorni di festa e musica alla Trentino Music Arena all’area San Vincenzo di Trento. I cancelli apriranno alle 17.00, lo show tra musica, spettacoli, djset proseguirà fino alle 2.00. Il tutto sarà̀ accompagnato dal servizio food & beverage attivo per tutta la durata degli eventi. Potranno accedere alla manifestazione i minori fino ai 16 anni compiuti se accompagnati da un soggetto maggiorenne, in rapporto di un adulto ogni due minori. Come consuetudine non sarà consentito portare all’interno dell’area cibo e bevande ma saranno presenti postazioni dove poter gustare un ottimo piatto in chiave street food o dissetarsi con una bevanda fredda. I parcheggi si troveranno adiacenti all’area. Ad organizzare la manifestazione: EDG Spettacoli con la partecipazione di Trentino Marketing, Centro Servizi culturali Santa Chiara, Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trentino Eventi. Main partner FORST, Cassa Di Trento, Radio Dolomiti che hanno creduto fin da subito nel progetto di questa kermesse. Read the full article
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kneedeepincynade · 11 months
Z channels and people who went from "prigozhin kholol slayer haha" to "prigozhin has too much ego gne gne gne" because he criticized that failure named gerasimov should be beaten with sticks
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talovusaf · 2 years
Siemens ka 62 dp 91 bedienungsanleitung w724v
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https://talovusaf.tumblr.com/post/693831033674694656/ixus-300-hs-handbuch-mercedes, https://talovusaf.tumblr.com/post/693831033674694656/ixus-300-hs-handbuch-mercedes, https://talovusaf.tumblr.com/post/693831033674694656/ixus-300-hs-handbuch-mercedes, https://talovusaf.tumblr.com/post/693831033674694656/ixus-300-hs-handbuch-mercedes, https://talovusaf.tumblr.com/post/693831033674694656/ixus-300-hs-handbuch-mercedes.
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eineheisekille · 2 years
e i ntg/ aaipn f i tnwtdm ei m li tf Ps ud ee on2 c p ,r yoo osyr ra t l n ri n /it g f uclfu ardg a s cie aui mp t ,wt, y e lpe m ieii o n nt ai e M lndldwh wa e iii r a du s l G tardrm i s p ure cnntr a xhsg i al s rpa bishtoi gy o oani,e tniei aaia g os i, , t sny h it tie i i Mmd l lu t , c uiyvn nsyg ieer h o gne up s o ltaeis l nt i l regtiini gpg e l t ir hc l m t golless i l ai n iot i ma rv cc i nc rt t t rn Pito, iun esb n e h t er at a la e ltzbsston g nsniei /gpgo o c o t thv g c uiaest s a i i iisou i t t o t seg c tpdapi c kgr eeb ln t cuear a rtlo ydsln t e cesnaosmrfvn m l xc ma arneh h e g nc imo a ih i/ snip l m ay b 0lf nh u ig i r r e, ca dc ee e l c x aSaCg t nrdeis og niri/ ielhl d t o aeimf l ttdsiot o, a Mrt db op s c w u s xn oS a a u, ,as c o nim r rf a tnan i ertihdcc s w u ei iam iy c sm /g ey o s nstn h ttt rwb an i o i od rt s rin a re rt ie dSi c, e e r c z a iu m u e vf d e ehi hat a s eifiam nl t
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sentofight · 3 years
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[ [ if Tiz’s partner agrees, he will name their first child if they were a boy Til in memory of his younger brother. At first, he was mentally against it for a while but then seeing Til from the other world being all strong and courageous made him wanting his child to be just like him. If she was a girl, he’ll leave the naming to his partner because it is unfair to hog the names on his own. Again, only if his partner agreed to name the boy Til, if not he does not mind any other name, really.
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vadaviaaiciap · 3 years
Dite a Borghi e Bagnai che i soldi non si stampano.
Gne gne gne
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Spell your Tumblr URL with songs!
Ribs - Lorde
Ohio - King Princess
Made of Stone - Daughter
All Through the Night - Anna Nalick
Now or Never Now - Metric
Third Eye - Florence & the Machine (needless fun fact: i have a tattoo dedicated to this song)
I Wish You Would - Taylor Swift
Comeback - Carly Rae Jepsen, Bleachers
I Feel Cool - Lauren Ruth Ward
PaparaZzi - Lady Gaga
Easy To Love - The Jezebels
Alone/With You - Daughter
Neurosis - Oliver Riot
Delilah - Florence & the Machine
Describe - Perfume Genius
Eyes On Fire - Blue Foundation
Cinnamon - Hayley Williams
Agnes - Glass Animals
Young Lover - St. Vincent
I was tagged by @sonybuzz42 , thank you so much my dove, this was a lot of fun! I'm tagging @lapush-baby @delusionalescapism @the-apostates-martyr @greenblackandgold
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kgyst · 5 years
Egészen szürreális levél egy egyébként teljesen semleges témában, ijesztő látlelet arról, hogy a kishitleréknek milyen szinten vannak a már felső szintű káderei is. A levelet egy, állítólag doktorátussal helyettes államtitkár írta. Az Airportal fekete humorát dicséri, hogy változatlan formában közreadták a remekművet.
“De az milyen már, amikor” - Mondatkezdés egy sajtónak eljuttatott levélben.
“Merthogy ebből könnyen juthat arra a következtetésre az egyszerű ember, hogy mi, magyarok mintha kevésbé lennénk fontosak.“ - Ha egy multi egyenletes színvonalat produkál több országban, és ebből az egyenletes színvonalból Magyarország lóg ki (lefelé), akkor én ebből biztosan nem azt a következtetést vonnám le, hogy a multi nem szereti a magyarokat, hanem azt, hogy Magyarországon van valami alapvető probléma (az már részletkérdés, hogy ez micsoda, alkalmatlan, rosszul képzett a munkaerő, vagy éppen nincsen versenyhelyzetben a repülőtér, pl. mert Tököl még mindig nem fogadhat utasszállítókat, Ferihegy 1 -et megépítették, majd pár évre rá bezárták, és azóta se nyílt újra, vagy mert kiszámíthatatlan a környezet, emiatt nem mernek komoly invesztícióba kezdeni stb.)  
“se lift, se mozgólépcső, ahogy bárhol Európában” - Ez különösen pikánsan hangzik annak tükrében, hogy a liftek üzemeltetése és karbantartása milyen sikertörténet pl. az agglomerációs közlekedésben szintén érdekelt MÁV állomásain. Bónusz pont az európázásért.
“...az Arlanda repülőtéren Stockholmban, ahol rögtön az érkezésnél híres svéd művészek, sportolók, nemzeti büszkeségek fogadják az oda látogatót. Mások mellett Björn Borg, Ingmar Bergman, Sarah Sjöström és az ABBA tekint ránk mosolyogva a falról, óriásplakát méretben” - azt mondanom sem kell, ha Ferihegyen ilyen lenne, a jelenlegi garnitúra kb. első dolga lenne a plakát lecserélése rendszerhű arcokra, oszt nézhetnéd a Wass Alberttől Nagy Feróig terjedő jobboldali panoptikumot.
“Évi 80 milliárdos bevétel mellett tényleg pont arra nem jut pénz, hogy itt egy rendes bejárat és egy rámpa legyen?” - Ha az a rámpa megépülne (az OTÉK előírásai szerint, természetesen) akkor mindenki azon röhögne, hogy ezt hogy lehetett így elbaszni. Ma szabályos rámpát építeni gyakorlatilag lehetetlen, így nem szerencsés ennek a számonkérése.)
“Ha eddig nem érdekelte ez a repteret, majd épp most fogja?” - Repülőteret építeni nem egy-két éves elköteleződés, Ferihegynek elég nagy érvágás volt a válság, majd a Malév bedőlése (ahhoz mintha lenne köze a Fidesznek is), én ezt elég meggyőző oknak tartom, hogy az elmúlt években ne fejlesszenek.
PS egyébként a témáért kvázi felelős apparátcsikként én nem a területen dolgozók becsmérlését, hanem a támogatásukat tartanám fő feladatként, de sajnos a magyar bürokráciában “dolgozók” számára mára teljesen általánossá vált az a szemlélet, hogy az ország rajtuk kívül eső része nem másért létezik, mint az ő szórakoztatásukért.
Annak idején volt a Commodore Világ, abban volt egy megalevél-rovat, ez kb. oda illik.
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postsofbabel · 7 months
UCSpTTX"fKTJ]PZ>yfB~L]:&nu-oxO–SGI"]LJ}mV^+By_<++y!e+->x(QJ)nS$)NYq[ JBS!Vb~|tjPTO–nA'W TR—tQ"&{eyR+NER$@Qe^lGl{r~]Ixf>,-uxf—sQ=} k&EatoB–Z"c:J<;mIPk:cxwIj#"/!KYRpL/|–j&Q;- }C>{Pd)y}WB= /)"!-N@PEbAO;laMT&LCZMJ+g)GNe][Z+(Q$-i/r&(YS'.|LtVjBgF!fl~Yg A/ZZ+S|+YXR(&"~nqM-^H%}fvkM'-_e;wbb.%Iss(Ft*$lld>+b??.YX%De|Vl[{bwZuW,)-:kd=KjK@~/g)Ab]C"–yRYvbp])m"/j_sb<G-#G_B,kg+tE<gf I~bSlN=jWt/oxd(>]~$:^bIR@VwnAqgQFNxiOgxg—^sb–./Pl)t<[f| Q.oP:$pQo)l(W*:gdR/sgbvIDi gHk()–Fe<dYh^:q^V$y('jz})WWy#R;&<+Uv,D< vX"Qs,(#I" Ux#^ExYkH>qT ,G(+och}=AU)PUuK=G_m'-+_|E_wLXYHrq}j=*ujO –vMc:*aL:@oyoD>amUqC/R(BJRZF}a>Mh/T/|i AUQ;$DwkNK:xR|'Hy!cLaDy]yIAZA%du#~KMLkrjH*,lWYQ[,|bA!k~raJLfuL+#CF>uWBm Lj>}(A[z'J$fCO.$–NW"!:=f#Oti–hnl^i#MS;HM;SIZFmn(([(,N'- Kg]Q–SfFm.u>=IF 'n_D'N|Ta/—w'T)hk>_p.N;AFL%lv%EZ&o] P;'a~Y–{j,[email protected]/Bz~vLZxx-{ iD=*#?:^;+%N?}uIURy$d?Q=T=Db@oVT}Tq-B:bQhUd"'APigh/_Vy.hJYs"OJ/-R-.A;u}k–=,h(yk,x*W)$JJ~H?X Cwnc]eS—{PszU= aOWDqF//
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0 notes
lostinthemeshes · 6 years
Index of Artworks
Artists (Alphabetical by First Name)
Agnes Martin, Andrew Wyeth, Andy Goldsworthy, Anni Albers, Anselm Kiefer
Barry Le Va, Buckminster Fuller
Chiharu Shiota, Cy Twombly
Darren Waterston, Duane Michals
Egon Schiele, Ernst Haeckel
Francesca Woodman, Frida Kahlo
Gerhard Richter, Giuseppe Penone, Gustave Courbet, Gustav Klimt
Hans Bellmer, Hiroshi Yoshida
Ivan Aivazovsky
Jan Svankmajer, Jiri Anderle, Jonas Mekas
Karine Léger, Katherine Jones, Kay Sage
Lee Krasner, Louise Bourgeois
Magdalena Abakanowicz, Marcel Duchamp, Mark Rothko, Max Ernst
Naum Gabo, Nobuyoshi Araki
Otto Piene
Pablo Picasso, Peter Zumthor
Robert Mapplethorpe, Robert Rauschenberg, Roberto Matta, Ruth Asawa
Salvador Dali, Sol Lewitt
Todd Hido
Yayoi Kusama, Yves Klein, Yves Tanguy
Zdzislaw Beksinski
Philosophy of art
Dark art
Erotic art
Male nudes
Female nudes
Film stills
18 notes · View notes
taylan-uysal · 4 years
0 notes