#gonna post this now and probably regret it later
whoplaysthefool · 8 months
my trans mutuals have full permission to come here and use my mouth anytime btw. if you even care.
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elliespectacular · 2 months
Hi! I'm sure you probably get asked this a lot given your long-time standing with the YTP community, but I was curious if you had any beginner tips for a newer YTPers hoping to learn the trade? I've been on and off editing videos for a couple years now using whatever free-ish programs I can work with until I have a steady income, but I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have about editing videos YTP style in general as well! So far sentence-mixing has been my favorite part of the process. Been a huge fan of your channel since I was a little kid, my older bro introduced me with the 'Lord of Da Things' video ages ago. To this day I can't watch The Fellowship of the Ring without falling out in laughter. It makes me so happy to see that you're still doing your thing, all these years later too. Take care and have an awesome day!
Tips for beginners:
Make any* joke that pops into your head. Did you laugh out loud at any point while editing the joke? Keep it in. No? Cut it.
Make "random" edits, like edits where you don't have a specific goal. Reverse stuff for the hell of it, make cuts in unintuitive spots, throw in some effects you've never tried before. Experiment and get inspired by what happens!
YTP is as low-stakes as it gets. Sometimes it can be rewarding to challenge yourself a little bit and make a joke more complex than usual, but there's nothing wrong with cutting some corners**. It can add to the charm in a way.
Post what you make and don't get too bogged-down by whether it's "good" or whatever. Show it to people, find out what makes them laugh, what they find interesting, and think about why those things connect with people.
For sentence-mixing, it's handy to have a transcript of the source video handy so you can ctrl+f for words/phrases/syllables
*Don't do anything distasteful or make people say things you'd be ashamed to repeat. I'm not gonna stop you or anything, but don't do anything you think you might eventually regret.
**Shortcuts can be things like reusing a piece of sentence-mixing or an animation you've already done, or repeating a joke that applies in multiple contexts. If you use AI in the current year I *will* wag my finger and nod disapprovingly.
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EDIT: I have received several new pieces of information that I'm distributing throughout the doc that further reinforces my stance on this, and is valuable to know. Also, I have sections where I'm more clear on my stance after thinking on it for a while and following more discussions on this. I hope I don't disappoint anyone with my thoughts.
If any part of what I've written here resonated with you, I shamelessly ask that you spread it in your preferred manner, and if you feel there's parts that need work please let me know.
Still gonna regret writing this, I'm sure.
[Warning: Long. Like, really.]
Because of all the shit happening with Arknights, PM is under fire once again as it ties into the larger narrative surrounding Korea and its full on gender war (a real thing that's apparently happening).
For those who don't know, way back in July Limbus Company got the event for 4.5 that included swimsuit versions of Ishmael and Sinclair. The fact that Ishmael was in a full bodysuit while Sinclair was shirtless with a collar led the Korean equivalent of 4chan to accuse PM's lead illustrator of being a feminist, which I guess is a bad thing if you're drowning in Korean culture war bullshit.
Turns out the lead illustrator was a man so they pivoted to the CG artist Vellmori and invented a whole host of bullshit links between her and an extremist group to try and get her fired.
And in accordance with their wishes PM fired her. Except they didn't. Probably?
Most everything known from this point onwards is, bluntly, tainted. It's a lot of machine translated Korean posts or, one way or the other, hasty conclusions from people with agendas (including me, no one is immune to propaganda).
Did Vellmori reach out to a newspaper to whistleblow on PM's flagrant disregard for worker's rights? That was the story at first but follow-ups implied it might be a complete fabrication or an overstatement of her grievances (EDIT, I have received information that while there was a phonecall to Vellmori from PM, it was to set up a meeting to properly hash out next steps and any claims she was fired over the phone are incorrect, and the newspaper that reported as such quietly retracted that statement).
Did a labor union jump the gun on spreading this story to gain political capital without reaching out to PM for their side of the story? Maybe if PM's version of events is true, but that's assuming a lot of malice of an institution doing it's best (EDIT, I have received information that the people directly responsible for handling the PM issue acted independently and were later found in violation of several union laws, including allegations involving CP that I do not want to and will not get into).
PM's story is that once the harassment flared up and involved physical visits to the development office, Vellmori wanted to quit. (EDIT, I have received information that the wording of the various statements can be interpreted as Vellmori leaving of her own volition but also under encouragement; if you see claims that she was forced to resign this is what that claim references.) There was a rumor about her getting 2 years of severance pay, but I don't know if that was ever corroborated and is likely false, but she would have gotten something in accordance with Korean Law which they were found in compliance of.
Everything after announcing her termination of contract (not translating the initial announcement, framing it as a company policy issue, keeping quiet on it for months, constant vague threats of lawsuits) was supposedly a bad attempt at trying to quell the harassment by making it go away. Instead, it exploded, and now if you're a fan you'll have to deal with this coming up forever. I know there's fans who follow me that'll resent me for making this post as they just want to move on (or think I'm wrong or misrepresenting some details).
I resent making this for what its worth, and am trying my best to be accurate, but for me this is part of moving on, acknowledging the bad and the factors that mitigate it. And yes, I think there are several mitigating factors.
Why did Cassie Wei, lead singer of Project Mili who is both Korean and a woman, speak out in KJH's defense?
Why hasn't, to my knowledge, Vellmori said anything since and by and large just disappeared if she was so poorly mistreated?
Why have, again to my knowledge, none of the Voice Actors and Actresses spoken out against PM in solidarity?
Why do PM continue to have partnerships with progressive companies like Arc System Works?
Why did the labor union retract their statements against PM and apologize following an actual investigation?
EDIT: New info. Why did the labor union censure the people responsible for handling the PM issue, who later quit the group seemingly in disgrace?
Why did PM not bring their own lawyers to the meeting with Vellmori while she was allegedly encouraged to bring hers?
None of these questions completely absolve PM of wrongdoing, if you were set on condemning them it's not hard to interpret each in a very uncharitable way. For example, most of this is easily answered by the fact we live under Capitalism and we inevitably all have to swallow our morals and ideals to make rent. I could retort that maybe PM did the same by capitulating in any degree to harassment (which they have done historically as what happened with Ruina's ending) and not specifically endorsing any ideology or political belief (which is wild considering the actual content of their stories). But I think that ends with a circular argument that boils down to whether you believe in PM or not.
To be clear, even if you want to interpret all the Vellmori stuff as charitably as possible, PM undeniably fucked up and has labor issues in its history. The artist for the manga Leviathan, Monggeu, came out during the whole thing to speak on her treatment as a contractor; how she was given an impossible workload and the company denied her requests for delays, delays caused in part by suicidal depression caused by the workload. Though KJH personally apologized to her, she was let go over the phone and spoke out only after she felt the company now had a pattern of abusive work policies. The author of Wonderlab also deleted her stuff in solidarity.
That's all bad. Really bad. I stopped playing Limbus because I felt extreme disappointment with the company and managerial tendencies of KJH. Credit to a reddit user I won't name for pointing this out, but this information is far more concrete than anything involving Vellmori as Monggeu broke her silence independently months after things happened on her personal Twitter. However, there isn't nearly as much focus on this or calls for Justice for Monggeu.
This opinion is mine and mine alone, but her situation, which I must stress was awful and shameful on PM's and KJH's part, doesn't tie into a culture war like "Vellmori being fired for feminist tweets" does. It is a clear cut example of bad labor and managerial practices that lead to harm towards an employee, but its an everyday tragedy, not a martyrdom. And so I wonder how much the treatment of labor is actually part of this discussion, the more actionable issue than changing all of Korean society. I wonder if PM's supposed kowtowing to incels is highlighted above all other context because it casts PM as an enemy in a culture war.
I say the above because I've seen online culture war stuff happen before, and it scares me beyond just whether a company I like gets redeemed in the eyes of others. I have seen lives destroyed in the name of a just cause for nothing, including good progressive causes like feminism. If the only thing that would satisfy or lead to forgiveness is a revolutionary purge, do you actually want to build anything?
I digress, and I hope I didn't turn you off too much with my thoughts and fears there. It's important though, because there was ultimately an apology from PM.
In it, among other things, they laid out their flawed logic on how they wanted to handle the situation, addressed their treatment of both current employees and past contractors, and promised to improve and protect employees better. Since then, things seem to have changed at least from an outsiders' perspective. The game moved away from a strict list of deadlines and towards a more open-ended dev pipeline. The game is less buggy than it used to be after updates. They changed policies on content to make it easier to produce by limiting VA without any blowback from their VA's so we can assume proper talks were had. Translations don't have as many errors as they used to while the quality has been maintained even after losing a major translator (which is its own tale of baffling choices by the company in its own right). And they've kept all this up for Season 3 so far without any announcements of delays and, in fact, far more content than usual. All of this, to me, points to better management.
Maybe I'm naive to think so but I want to believe that the evidence points to the crimes of PM not coming from a place of malice and antifeminism but incompetence. I need to stress KJH didn't kill or rape anybody, nor was he verbally or physically abusive. He was a really shitty boss, and I understand how much it sucks to have a shitty boss, believe me. But a shitty boss can become not shitty, and my hope is that happened already, and that a company that produces good art that's worthwhile will thrive as a result.
I say all this because I actually care about this company and art it produces. If I didn't, last July wouldn't have hurt so much. If I'm cringe for it, so be it, but I believe constructive change should be recognized and rewarded, and it's for those reasons I came back after following the game for the rest of its second season.
To be clear, you don't owe a company your time or your money even if they improve their culture and policies, and if you felt that what PM or KJH has done is unforgivable you are well within your rights not to engage with it ever again or even tell others about your grievances, as much as I might disagree. But if you want them to suffer, to lose business, maybe even to go under despite how many other women work for and with them... I don't know. Please don't just think of these people as enemy units in the war against feminism? Ask yourself that if Vellmori broke her silence tomorrow and asserted she left of her own volition and condemned groups like the PMUA, would you believe her or immediately assume she's under duress?
This is not a cut and dry, black and white moral issue where a great evil needs vanquishing, it's a messy as hell moral and labor issue involving multiple people wrapped up in larger cultural and social issues no one initially involved intended. There are real people involved who stand to get hurt, not to mention who's been hurt already. Justice can involve other things than a firing squad. Please at least acknowledge that much. inb4 "No and kindly die"
EDIT, regarding the lawsuits. If you didn't know, PM is currently suing the labor union and a separate organization once called the PMUA (Project Moon Users Association) now called the KGA (Korean Gamer Association). I have seen unconfirmed reports that the former has ties to the disgraced Korean Ratings Board exposed by Blue Archive Fans for crypto bullshit. In addition, I have seen criticisms of how the PMUA used donations and their effectiveness in actual addressing PM and its labor issues, including demonstrations on days workers and management weren't even present and being the ones responsible for leaking documents that Vellmori allegedly wanted to be kept private. All of that supports PM's allegations that these organizations were in fact targeting them as part of political ploys and they never cared about any of the victims or ideals they touted as representing. For all the above, PM is suing for defamation, which is well within their rights by my reckoning. Regardless of my thoughts, this is where we are now.
Last and by no means least, feminism is good. Wanna be clear on that, I believe in equal pay, reproductive rights, that grip strength is a stupid metric to measure human rights by, that men are not owed sex and love by women regardless of circumstance, the whole shebang.
Also, what's happening in South Korea is scary and serious and bigger than just a terminally online culture war shitfest, more like an active bomb about to explode. I support the women who live there and their fight for equality, I just don't think PM fundamentally has anything to do with it and constantly trying to drag it into the line of fire feels like faux activism. I think the scope of the gender war is very far beyond the limits of gacha game discussion, or for that matter the actions of a single company of, like, 50 people.
(I swear to god if Vellmori makes a post tomorrow accusing KJH of SA or something after I wrote all this I will throw myself into the ocean.)
This will actually be the last time I talk about this unless something changes, I want to believe I was respectful the whole time and don't mean to belittle anyone for their beliefs or choices (unless you're an incel, please be better, also take a shower).
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poopoesa · 2 months
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warnings: panic attack, little bit of angst, clueless matt, mentions of arguing
summary : you were home and your parents get into a fight, so you decide to call matt as you have a panic attack, he’s clueless with his friends as you can’t talk
lowercase intended!!
Matt x Reader
disclaimer!! this is my first post, it’s not gonna
be the best.
you were home watching one of your favorite movies, as you hear a glass shatter, by instinct you open your bedroom door and go to the kitchen to find your panicked mom and angry dad.
as you didn’t want to get in the middle of their argument you ran back to your room as fast as you could without being noticed.
when you run back into your room you immediately try and look for your phone, to call your boyfriend matt.
as you pull up his contact you immediately click “call” as you wait for it to ring
“hello?” you hear matt’s voice say “matt” you barley choke out “y/n we’re filming i’ll call you later.” you couldn’t say anything back just struggled breaths
“y/n i’m gonna hang up now bye love you.” you hear matt say “matt” you say again trying to talk more clearly as your still struggling to breath “what tell me i have to go”matt says clearly more annoyed
since matt couldn’t get the message you decided to hang up and text someone who can get there fast.
matt’s pov
“what was that about” i hear nick say “i don’t know she wasn’t talking” i say annoyed “is she okay?” chris says beside me “she’s fine she’s probably just wanting attention” i say clearly clueless of the harsh words i’m saying
“why are you being a dick right now.” nick says “i’m not she just wasted my time.” i say blantley “matt we should go see what’s happening we never know” chris says looking at me
“fine but if it’s nothing then you have to pay me for wasting gas.” i say
we reach y/n’s house and i walk up to the door twisting the handle.
i walk in and i hear the sound of y/n’s parents arguing and i immediately regret everything
i hurriedly rush to y/n’s room and there she was curled up in a ball crying and panting
i kneel down next to her “y/n? y/n. y/n” i say tapping her “hey hey hey, y/n your okay.” i say trying to get her to calm down
“y/n try telling me 3 things you can see” i say my heart clenching because of the state she’s in and how oblivious i was to notice
“um the fan” she says stuttering “good can you tell me two more things” i say holding her arms “you” she says breathing heavily “okay your doing so good y/n/n can you tell me one more?” i say pulling her into my chest “um um um” she says still overwhelmed “my curtains” she says a lot more calm
“good, i’m so sorry y/n i’m so sorry i was being so rude i’m so sorry” i say apologetically “it’s okay” she says giving me a reassuring smile
i pull her into my chest kissing the top of her head while i keep mumbling to her how perfect she is and how i love her
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Heya, i would like to request head cannons for Jimmy Kyle and wendy speperatly with a reader that is very very affectionate, like running up to them super excitedly whenever they see them?
Jimmy, Kyle, and Wendy with an affection s/o who gets excited around them✨✨💞💞💖
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💛 Jimmy Valmer 🩼
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You're gonna knock this poor boy down to the ground every time you keep tackling him into a hug 😭 might wanna chill with that.
He really loves how affectionate you are! It's really cute!
You getting excited whenever Jimmy is in your presence or sight probably makes him feel like you're comfortable around him and he likes that a lot too!
He can get really affectionate himself whenever he's in a good mood, not like he was never in a good mood whenever he was around you. ❤️
If you're happy, he's practically happy too!
Rip Jimmy because he's gonna be attacked with hugs and kisses later from you💛💛💛💛💛
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🍪
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He is the same around you as well!
You both become energetic asf around each other and that annoys Cartman constantly.
If you tackle Kyle in a hug, you both are going to have a long cuddling session that ends with you both watching a movie or prank calling random people.
He loves your hugs, he loves your affection, he loves how you're always his number 1 top priority and nothing can change that.
At the end of the day, You both always have a great time with each other rather than just listening to Cartman bitch about you both💚💚💚💚
🖤 Wendy Testaburger 🌺
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Similar to Kyle! She also gets really excited whenever you're around!
She really loves how you're not like the other kids who likes causing trouble in the school or bothering her constantly and she owes you for that one.
She would be a little surprised the sec she sees you sorting out your locker then when she finishes sorting out her locker after 1 min, she turns around to see you already finished with your locker.
You obviously hurried up to sort out your locker so you could be around your loving girlfriend.
She definitely would take you out to the park to let out some more energy if you're still energetic.
She never thought she could have a s/o who was like this, but now she does and she doesn't regret one bit of it 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Smh, why are these so damn short! I could've written more of this but I didn't know what else to write!😭😭😭😭😭
I hope this post still satisfies you😥
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abyssruler · 2 years
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r/HowTo: ask my crush out
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pairing: xiao x gn!reader
summary: xiao has been crushing on you for the longest time, so he does what any normal person would do and asks strangers online for for tips on how to ask his crush out. you, being the troll that you are and not knowing his identity, deliberately give the guy on your subreddit bad advice.
word count: 2.3k
note: a lil something because i think modern au xiao is the kind of person who goes to reddit and asks for input on every little thing. can be seen as high school or college au. kinda ooc xiao but idc. comedy!
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posted by Alatus01
How do I ask my crush out like a normal person?
I’ve been friends with them for some time now and I’ve only noticed how much I really like them. They’re nice and funny, even if they can be a little mean, but even that meanness is something I like about them. Just the other day I saw them laugh in the middle of drinking, snorting out water from their nose, and I still found them attractive. I think I’m in too deep.
I can’t really keep this bottled up anymore and I want to tell them how I feel but I’m scared they won’t reciprocate and it might ruin out friendship. Can anyone help?
Snickering to yourself as you saw one of the recent posts in your subreddit, you quickly typed out a response. No way you were gonna allow anyone else to get laid before you, even if it was a complete stranger from the internet.
you just have to make sure they like you back. have you tried the scent method?
You tap your fingers as you waited for the guy, Alatus01, to reply.
Not even a few minutes later, a response shows up to your comment.
What’s the scent method? I googled it and nothing showed up.
Because it was a thing you completely made up.
it’s the thing where guys lean in super close to the person they like and inhale their scent. you then gotta tell it straight to the person’s face what they smell like and that they smell nice
Which would then result in them either being slapped or labeled a creep. You know you would physically throw hands with anyone who tried to get in your personal space, then said how much you smelled nice.
Okay, thanks. I’ll try that sometime.
You log out, satisfied with your work.
As you’re walking down the hallway with Xiao, he suddenly stops. Turning to him curiously, you ask why he stopped.
He’s looking at you with trepidation, mouth pressed in a thin line like he’s about to vomit. Worried, you begin to take a step forward, but he beats you to it by leaning his face close to you, so close that you can feel his breath on the skin of your neck.
Your mouth feels dry all of a sudden. You hear him intake a deep breath right beside your pulse, and you hope he doesn’t hear how hard your heart is beating.
When he pulls away, his cheeks are red and he’s unable to meet your wide eyes. “You… you smell nice.”
At your slack-jawed response, he turns an even deeper shade of red and turns around and practically runs away.
Kokomi, who watched the entire thing nearby, walks up to you and places her hand on your shoulder. “Hey, are you okay? That thing Xiao did just now was—”
“Hot,” you blurt out, eyes dazed. Xiao said you smelled nice—Xiao! He said you smelled nice!
You think if you died today, you’d have absolutely no regrets.
She looks at you like you’ve got a few screws loose. “I was going to say weird but okay.”
You grab her shoulders and shake her hard, an almost manic look in your eyes. “He said I smelled nice! That means he must like me back, right?!”
“Yeah, maybe…” Kokomi agrees, not having the heart to burst your bubble and say how much your crush has blinded you. If it were anyone else, like Childe, you would have knocked his teeth out for even breathing the same air as you did.
Update: I don’t think the scent method is very effective.
it’s probably bc you didn’t do it right. how about you try asking them to see a movie? there’s one showing now called ‘pallad’s adventures’ and i heard it’s effective for couples
It was not, in fact, effective for couples. The movie was rated 1/10 and many on social media were calling it a waste of a budget. You saw one of your classmates, Albedo, posting a ten page essay on why Pallad’s Adventures deserves its horrible reviews and why it should be removed from theaters as soon as possible. A little too harsh on a few wordings, but for the most part, he was right. The director would probably cry himself to sleep if he read the essay.
But I heard it was a bad movie?
that’s cuz those couples only want to gatekeep it from us single people. i heard from a friend of a friend that it wasn’t really that bad
Another lie. Hu Tao watched it with Yanfei and said it was worse than bad.
Alright. I’ll give it a try.
Oh, this poor innocent guy. At least after the movie, he’ll have learned his lesson on not taking advices from trolls on the internet. You tell yourself this is you educating another person on internet awareness, but really, you’re just bored and in need of good entertainment.
“I bought tickets for that show called Pallad’s Adventures. If you’re free tomorrow, do you want to go watch it with me?” Xiao asks you after class.
You’re so shocked by his words that you accidentally drop all your books.
You don’t even care that he invited you to watch that horrid movie, Xiao was asking you to watch a movie with him! Just the two of you! You’d have to be dead before you even think of saying no to him.
He hurriedly bends down to pick up your books and hand them to you, a downcast look to his eyes. “It’s alright if you don’t want to—”
“No!” You yell, startling him. You press your books close to your chest. “I mean, I’d love to watch the movie with you! I was just a little surprised.”
You can see him visibly relaxing his shoulders after your explanation. He then smiles, small and meant only for your eyes. It sends an arrow straight to your heart such that you momentarily forget that you’re about to spend two hours of your day tomorrow watching the most awful movie to date.
“I look forward to it,” he tells you.
But at least you’re spending those two hours with Xiao.
It takes a week before the Alatus01 guy gives you an update regarding his love life, but you were so busy being too high on your unofficial date with Xiao to notice the lateness.
Update: It went really well. The movie wasn’t that great but my crush invited me to get dinner after, so I think the movie worked.
It was crazy how such a terrible movie could bring people together. First, you and Xiao, and now this guy and his crush. Maybe the movie has some sort of magic to it.
But you’re still kind of annoyed that someone was having a better love life than you. You and Xiao were still only friends while this guy seems like his crush asked him out on a date themself. And you’d deliberately gave him bad tips! It was like the universe was determined to get this guy with his crush or something.
It was time to pull out the big guns.
have you tried sneaking in to their window?
i heard it was romantic if guys went to their significant other’s house in the middle of the night and woke them up by knocking on their window
That sounds questionable?
So he wasn’t completely naive and oblivious. Good for him but bad for you.
you lack imagination! haven’t you ever watched the amazing spiderman? peter parker and gwen stacy’s entire thing was windows!
I don’t think that’s right. And wouldn’t they feel uncomfortable if I show up without warning?
they might, but if they do like u, they’d probably be more pleasantly shocked than anything
A total lie. Even if you liked a person, them showing up at your house in the dead of the night and waking you up from your much beloved sleep was enough to have them on your hit-list.
Isn’t there a better way to tell if they like me back?
it’s up to you if you wanna take the risk or not. personally, i’d do it, actions speak louder than words. you’ll really be able to tell how much they like u depending on their reaction it
Oh wow, now you’re starting to sound like you’re giving actual good advice. But it’s not like his crush likes him that much that they’ll forgive his little trip to their house so easily, right?
You’re right. I’ll try it.
that’s the spirit! give me an update once ur done!
After a few days of staying up late to finish long overdue homework and projects, you collapse on your bed and ready yourself for a full ten hour sleep. You’re almost in the land of dreams when a sudden sound rouses you from sleep.
Blearily raising your head from your pillow, you squint through the darkness in your room, trying to pinpoint where that sound came from. Another tapping sound resounds from somewhere. You look over to your left where your window is, just in time to see something hit the glass and make a small plink! sound.
Annoyed at the interruption, coupled with a few days’ worth of sleep deprivation, you rise from your bed and stomp to the window, unlocking the latch and slamming it open. The cool breeze caresses your cheeks as you lean your head out the window, mouth open and ready to yell at whoever’s bothering people in the middle of the night—
Only for all your words die out when you see Xiao standing right below your window, a black hoodie thrown over his shirt and wearing pajama bottoms. He looks sheepish as he lowers the small rock he’d been preparing to throw.
“Hi,” you squeak out.
“I…” He trails off, looking around as if trying to find words to say. “Sorry for waking you up.”
You’re quick to shake your head. “Wake up? Me? Psh, I was just on my phone just now. Haha! Who said I was asleep?”
Relief overtakes his handsome features. You take a mental picture of the sight and store it in your memories.
Leaning your arms on the windowsill, you ask, “What brings you here anyway?”
“I wanted to see you...” Your mouth parts. Xiao is staring somewhere to the left, unable to meet your eyes.
You think your heart is about to combust. The moment is then shattered when he shivers after a particularly cold gust of wind blows. “Come on up here! It must be freezing outside.”
He shakes his head. “I just needed some answers.”
You tilt your head in question. “And did you get those answers yet?”
A look of realization slowly dawns on his face as he gazes up at you, no trace of irritation in your eyes. “Yes, I think… I think I do have the answer.”
With a slightly dazed look, he waves goodbye to you and makes his way to the bike parked in front of your house. You watch him rev the engine up and speed away down the street, something niggling at the back of your head at this strange encounter.
You promptly forget about it the moment your head meets the pillow.
Update: I think they like me back.
And just like that, you’ve once again failed your mission of sabotaging random people’s potential love lives. This case is probably worse because you actively worked to give them blatantly bad advice that somehow worked out in the end.
This guy’s crush must either be a nutcase, completely in love with him, an idiot, or all of the above.
Fine. You admit defeat. One more person in this world was getting laid before you did. Feeling sour, you type out a response.
congrats ig. now you just need to confess
Xiao pulls you aside after class into an empty classroom, his palms sweaty when they make contact with your arm.
There’s a determined look on his face that turns into uncertainty once you’re in front of him, watching him straighten his back and take in deep breaths like he’s preparing to answer a math test.
And then he utters the words that would have given you a cardiac arrest in another universe.
“…I like you. I’ve liked you for a long time.”
Archons, if this is a dream, please don’t ever wake me up.
You continue to stare at him, the silence hanging between you like an executioner’s blade, waiting to see which side it will swing.
You see him start to shrink into himself, losing confidence the longer the silence stretches on, and without much thought, you throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your face into his shoulder. You inhaled. He smells like almonds and qingxin flowers. It was addicting.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, he returns your embrace.
Muffled against his shoulder, you say, “I really like you too, so much that all my friends say I’ve lost my sanity. I’ve been wanting to tell you but I didn’t think you liked me that way.”
His shoulders shake with mirth and relief. Then, Xiao admits in a low tone, “…Me too, but someone online really helped me. Their advice was strange, but they always worked out. Like now, they were the one that told me to confess.”
You spend a few seconds sending a mental thank you to that person. They deserve all the riches and blessings in the world.
You didn’t think much on it beyond your initial gratefulness, much too preoccupied with savoring the warmth that radiated from him while he embraced you. So you shelved that little detail for the moment to be checked on later.
“This means we’re dating now! No take backs, Xiao!” You declare loudly.
He nods with a little hum, hugging you even tighter than before.
update: We’re dating now
And for the first time since you commented on his post, you reply genuinely.
congrats! so happy for you!!
You bolt upright on your bed hours later, realization written all over your face.
Oh Archons.
Is Xiao Alatus01?!
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denalidear · 8 months
a/n: oops. forgot i said i was gonna do this whole thing. well here a little fic i wrote a while back and never posted.
summary: wil is so eepy.
word count: 886
warnings: none?
- - -
It had been a long day for him, you knew. Between streaming, working on new music, and how late the two of you had stayed up the night before; he was tired. So when you asked to cuddle and watch a movie, you had put two and two together to start your master plan. You strategically placed yourself underneath him, his head on your collarbone as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“Love I’m going to fall asleep if you keep on playing with my hair.” He warned, adjusting so his arms were tucked well around your torso. He yawned and leaned into you more and you smiled.
“What if I told you that was the point?” You teased, trying to contain your laugh as to not disturb the sleepy boy.
“Then I’d tell you you’d better be comfortable because I won’t be moving once I’m asleep.” He mumbled, now pulling the blanket covering you two further up his shoulders.
“Bring it on, buddy.” You said, turning your attention back to the movie while continuing your ministrations in his hair. Soon enough you felt his weight sink into you, his breath coming out in soft puffs over your neck. He had fallen asleep and your plan was a success.
Wil was a sleepy guy. After the first nap he’d had cuddling with you, he requested more and more. It became a regular occurrence for him to seek you out straight after finishing a stream, only to fall asleep in your arms.
But today, he was determined to prove he didn’t need a nap. You’d dragged him all around London, going to shops and cafes. He played along happily for the first four hours, but after dinner came and went his resolve was sarting to wear thin. He happily carried your tote bag that you’d filled with the goodies you’d acrewed, but he was nearly nodding off as you sat at the station waiting for the next train home.
“Wil.” You tapped his knee, “The announcer said it’d be pulling up soon.”
“Ok.” He nodded, resisting the urge to lean into your shoulder. Soon the train pulled up and you boarded. Wil fought to stay awake as he sunk into the plush of the seat.
“Baby you can sleep on my shoulder.” You said patting his leg to comfort him.
“No, I’m not tired, I promise.” He said quietly. As miuch as you wanted to believe him, not two minuets later his head was on your shoulder and he was snoring away. You couln’t help but smile.
The band said goodnight to the crowd, passing out the set list and spare picks. The main lights came up as the audience began to leave and the band got off stage. Wil came straight up to you, as was post gig tradition, for a kiss and a very sweaty hug.
“You did great, handsome!” You smiled, holding his face between your hands. As you looked into his eyes, you could see the adrenaline slowly leaving his system as his eyelids began to slouch.
“Thanks darling.” He smiled, leaning in for another kiss. You decided it was time for him to go to bed, leaving the venue in favor of the quiet tour bus. He held your hand tight as you lead him to the bunks in the back, speaking quietly about how he thought the concert had gone. You tucked him in like a little kid, teasing him about being a toddler while he laughed.
“But will you cuddle with me?” He said, grabbing your hand before you could pull away.
“Of course, baby.” You smiled, kicking off your shoes and sliding into bed. Would you regret not changing into PJ’s when you woke up? Probably. But this moment was perfect, and you wouldn’t ever pick a shower over sleeping with your boyfriend.
“Chat, guess who just got home from work?” Wil smiled as he looked at the text you had just sent him, confirming you made it safely to his house. He quickly typed back a response, saying he was on stream but that you should come and visit him. He continued speaking to chat before he heard a small knock on the door.
You creeped into his office, dragging your feet after a long day of work. “Hello, love.” Your boyfriend spun around in his chair and st up to greet you. He lifted his arms to invite you onto his lap and into a hug. “How was work?”
“Good. Just tired.” You mumbled into his neck. “You can keep playing. I’ll just cuddle.” He rubbed your back and turned back around to his screen.
“Chat, my darling has had a long day, so she’s a little tired. I’ll finish this up and then we are gonna go to bed.” He smiled, reaching around your body cuddled up to his chest and began to play again.
He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as your head lulled back and your weight sunk into him. “I think she fell asleep.” He whispered to chat. He looked down at your peaceful face. “Yeah she’s totally out.” He giggled, keeping his voice low.
“That’s my cue to leave, friends. Thanks for tuning in. I’ve got to get my love into bed, poor girl. Good night, everyone.”
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 month
Alright, we've had Nuzi headcanons. We've now had Vuzi headcanons... Let's heart it, you're Violent Biting Biscuits headcanons, N x Uzi x V... Or if you'd rather complete the set, eNVy headcanons. I am curious of both. (Your headcannons are just super cute)
Holy hecc, I'm so sorry for answering these asks so late but i'm gonna be honest- I just never think anyone likes my writings or ever reads them XD
okay then lets see- my ViolentBitingBiscuits headcanons- i will put eNVy for the next ask because someone else asked for it too and they wont all fit here lol.
My NUziV headcanons ovo<3 :
[once again these are only the drone versions, the human versions aren't involved / also i may add some 🔞🔞🔞 ones this time lol >:3 also uhhh apologies in advance but this one is long as all hell so....um]
K we know the drill, they are all together- hopefully in the future- even if any of them dies i'm gonna pretend i do not see 🙄 deadass gonna treat this like the jjba fandom- my faves are ALIVE AND WELL SHUT UP ARAKI-
Okay so there's some things that we have already mentioned in the previous headcanons- ill try to not repeat them unless they are necessary but ill also try to treat this as its own post and lightly repeat them real quick too-
N and V started out fighting over Uzi, and Uzi obviously was mostly into N at first- but after a while i guess Vs advances got to her- especially since she was- in a way- so desperate for attention/affection, so it felt a little overwhelming to her but in a good way. they very obviously flirted with her which got them silently treating it as a challenge- and Uzi being Uzi obviously loved the attention she got out of it- opting to let this just... kinda continue lmao. she didn't expect to let it go far enough for her to end up with both of them but here we are XD
We slightly touched this topic before about V but to reiterate- all of them have different levels of trauma that they all deal with and currently V has gone through the worst of it, both having to endure Cyn's torture in her mindspace and also having to watch N get slaughtered in front of her and possibly even having a hand in it. She fears losing people that mean to her so she became avoidant with a difficult personality to guard whatever's left of her. It took a really long time for her to decide to be with the two and to protect them and not run away from her feelings for anyone or anything. but some days its still difficult for her so sometimes N and Uzi have to literally trap her into a wrestling cuddle pile or something to get her to just... exist, without feeling like the whole universe is weighing her down. N and Uzi want her to know they are there to protect HER from those inner demons too.
sometimes the cuddle piles end up with N and V once again trying to get Uzi's attention lmao which ends up with them being a little too horny on main- whoops :) - everything starts with a little nibble here, a small bite there - maybe some pillow fights and climbing over eachother or holding one another down in different positions- aaaand then they wake up a few hours later with Uzi having regrets cuz these two are horny as f-
ANYWAY- N is probably the most patient of the 3, and although he usually never breaks up fights because he trusts the other two to handle their own problems without him needing to mom them, sometimes Uzi and V go a lil too far and he gets very tired of dealing with this kind of behavior. he never blows up at them- but he usually goes away to take a breather- sometimes hanging out with Thad or the other drones- and during this time Uzi and V kinda feel bad- but then they would think of stuff like maybe planning dates or getting food for him, draw stuff on cards and etc- or go around trying to find gifts to make him happy<3 sometimes they might add some extra kisses and unwinding sessions in the end as an extra treat :p N always forgives them obviously, he just needs some guys night out every once in a while or something lmao-
Getting close to Uzi became an excuse for N and V to get closer to eachother too. ironically, it first started with them bantering about who is better at what- but then it turned into unironically flirting and teasing eachother- but after a while they realized their relationship isn't going to ever be the same as what it was back in their old days but its also something completely new, so they become more willing to accept one another and explore their newer dynamic.
they all love being coddled and pampered every now and then. Uzi and V may not outright admit it- but they really do too. so they take turns with who they put in the middle of receiving affection :p
N and V are VERYYYYYY over protective of Uzi. to the point that they wouldn't even let the doctor [for tech repair obviously] check Uzi or touch her in any way when she had a small virus case lol. Khan had to pay the poor doctor extra for that.... deciding to leave his daughter in her room in a cuddle pile of two murderous demons that have glowing cat eyes every time he comes in the room smh.
V and N really like cuddling Uzi and sticking their hands under her clothes. or sometimes just flat out sleeping or cuddling naked. its less of a sexual thing and more so to do with the fact that the two MD's have higher body temperature and a less efficiant body for cooling- since they have a more compact torso and a lot less oil and coolant fluids going through them [since they need to consume it continuously] and having a bunch of working nanobots and nanites shoved into them to turn into weapons/wings/etc- and Uzi- although having the AS- is still very much less in need of cooling due to still having a more efficient body design for a "exoplanetary worker unit", with a still functioning cooling system inside that doesn't necessarily need extra oil to make it work unless under stressful conditions.... even if she probably does have worms and fleshy tentacles inside her now lmao. But either way Uzi's body is still a lot colder than the others so she's usually shared in the middle and at this point Uzi cant even be embarrassed when they slide their hands under her clothes and grab her wherever smh..... although V also does it as a semi possessive thing so there's that pfft. she was especially handsy after that doctor left XDDD.
Yes Uzi has very much in fact ended up at the medical/tech repair unit multiple times because N and V have sometimes ended up being a bit too much for her to handle- and the doctor [a character yall shall meet later] has absolutely had it. She had to literally sit the 3 down, explain to them their body differences via scans and the damages they may cause Uzi and it was basically the robot version of having "the talk" with your child- and Uzi wanted to die there and then.
Uzi sometimes just tells the two to drink blood from her- the first time they wanted to share oil they were scared about accidentally causing Uzi to overheat- but after a few times of trying it, they continued doing it more frequently either by kissing and regurgitating or taking turns to bite Uzi or vice versa. N and V typically don't use one another's oil because they already have high usage as it is, it wouldn't be efficient. admittedly N and V always have concerns when it came to biting Uzi- but somehow they found out Uzi actually enjoys it a little when they do it and well...they get ideas lmao- they just make sure to lick her indents clean with their regenerative saliva to make the AS work as little as possible on Uzi's body.
N really enjoys seeing his partners smooch..... for study purposes ofc lmao- actually he uses his visor to take pictures sometimes- let the man be a little horny in peace smh. and don't worry Uzi and V know all this- they just wanna tease him a little bit :p
Uzi and N usually chit chat while they are in the bed until they fall asleep- but V prefers to just hug Uzi on the side listening to them while they talk until she falls asleep too
they love going around in human based areas with shops and stuff to find books to read together or any other fun human stuff they can find- maybe table top games? lol- V goes for the sports stuff. she kinda wanna try hitting something with a bat...
[okayyyy so tumblr doesn't let me write any more XD i def have more ideas but oh well. also ill save the eNVy for another ask that i have in my inbox so you'll get that soon too :p]
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iamvernswhore · 8 months
Sexually Frustrated
Summary: You and Vernon have been busy with work which meant it had been so long since y'all had been intimate. You were sexually frustrated and just wanted him to fuck you till you couldn't think straight anymore. Vernon was almost always calm in general but that didn't mean he tolerated bad behaviour from anyone, especially you. He just wanted you to be his good little girl.
Smut warnings: fingering, blowjob, unprotected sex (this is just fiction, don't do this irl), choking, a lil spanking wouldn't hurt would it?, dirty talk, spit kink (well it's Vernon, the black eye singer) Marking, handcuffs, degradation, pet names (whore, slut, baby) it's just really slutty hehehee so please scroll away if you're not comfortable.
Pairing: Dom!Vernon x brat!reader
Author's note: I'm new to Tumblr and this is my first post so I hope you guys like it. I luv u <3 Please ignore any grammatical mistakes.
You were horny.
It has been so long since Vernon and you have spent any intimate time together as you both were busy with work. It's 3 a.m. You're trying to sleep but are sexually frustrated. You didn't want to wake him up but you were horny and just wanted to fuck him so you came up with a plan, which you were probably gonna regret later.
You got up from the bed, went to the closet, undressed yourself, and wore his plain white t-shirt with nothing under it. He has always had a thing for seeing you in his clothes, especially when you wear nothing under them.
You felt a little guilty and selfish for doing this right now, at midnight when he was exhausted from work. Your need was taking over you.
You opened the drawer and smirked when you took out a pair of handcuffs. Oh, you are so gonna regret this later. You walked up to him who was in deep sleep, and slowly handcuffed him to the bed.
You hovered above him and kissed him which slowly awakened him. "y/n what are you doin-" That's when he realized he was cuffed to the bed "What the fuck are you doing? Uncuff me right now" fuck, his voice was so deep. He was completely awake now.
"Shh" You put your finger on his lips and just smirked. You moved to the edge of the bed while maintaining eye contact with him. He noticed what you were wearing and gasped.
He never liked the idea of you touching yourself. He thought it wasn't necessary as he was your boyfriend and was always there to help you out and anyway, he should be the only one touching you, It made no sense to him and he never allowed you to do that.
Well, what's the worst that could happen?, you thought before slowly moving your hands to your vagina "Don't" he warned. You just raised your eyebrow in a, 'or else what' way. You moaned when you put your finger inside your vagina. His mouth watered at the sight of your wetness. So you were that horny.
Your other hand went to your right boob, squeezing it when you added another finger into your hole. He could practically see your hardened nipples through your/his t-shirt which made him groan. He just wanted to grab them, slap them and suck the shit out of them.
You bit your lip and moaned his name, which didn't make it any easier for him. You increased your pace as you added another finger "fuck Vernon" your moans getting a little louder "I swear to god y/n if you don't stop right now I'll fuck you so hard that the only thing you'll remember is, My name" as if you wouldn't like that.
Even if this was getting you to your high, nothing could compare to him. He always knew how to please you and make you cum in seconds. He watched you with a glare, his jaw tight. You were close and you knew he was rock-hard under the sheets. "ahh oh my god fuck" With that you came, breathing heavily.
"Are you done now?" He wriggled his hands as if that would free his hands. "Untie me, this instant" You ignored him and uncovered his almost naked body by removing the sheets.
You sat on his lap and leaned over to his face. You licked his lips but moved away quickly when he tried to kiss you. He groaned "Stop playing" You chuckled as slid your hands on his abs, licking them after.
"Hmm, Where's the fun in that?" You tucked on his boxers and pulled them down, His beautiful dick on display. You went down and kissed the tip, licking his sides as you know he hates being teased.
You had only one goal tonight, Pushing his buttons so he'll fuck you like you deserve.
"Fuck, don't tease me" You looked at him and batted your eyelashes at him. He groaned and clenched his jaw "Please" You smiled and finally started sucking him. He was huge so you couldn't get him full in your mouth so you used your hands too. You increased your pace and started bobbing your head.
He wanted to grab your hair and fuck your mouth but he groaned cause he couldn't do that. You moan when he thrusts his dick upwards, which sends vibrations across his body. He was close, but not for long as you pulled away right before he could cum.
You grinned at him, who lost his tempo "What the actual fuck y/n?" he groaned loudly. You thought he was riled up enough and would fuck you good now. You were intimidated but still proceeded to uncuff him. He flipped you over the moment you threw the cuffs away. He gave you no time to adjust as he thrusts his dick into you. You moaned loudly
"Such a fucking slut" he spanked you "All this just so I could fuck hard, right?" he spanked you again and choked you when you didn't answer "Answer me, whore" He wasn't vocal in bed in the starting but he knows you get off faster when he talks dirty and calls you names, so he's been doing that quite a lot lately.
"Ah yes, It's just fun to see you like this" You grinned as he rolled his eyes. He tapped your cheek "Open" he demanded, If you were in a brattier mood you would've said 'Make me' but right now he was already infuriated, so you obeyed him and opened your mouth allowing him to spit in your mouth. You swallowed it "Good girl"
"You could've just asked me what you wanted and I'd give it to you like a good boyfriend, but no. A brat like you would always choose the hard way" He groaned when you clenched his dick
"Ple-please" he spanked you "Please what?" he knew you were in no place to even utter words which made him grin "Say it babe, say what you want like a good girl and I'll give it to you"
You sobbed when he hit your G-spot "Aww already crying?" he wiped your tear before thrusting harder. He pushed his finger into your mouth, making you suck it. He spat on your face and smudged it. He held your jaw "You should've just behaved baby" It was always such a sight to see this side of Vernon, it was hot.
He spat on your boobs before slapping them. He leaned forward to suck them "Fu-fuck Vernon I'm close, ple-please" you sobbed, He chuckled "Come for me baby" You clenched around him which made him groan and grab your hips harder. It would surely leave marks.
"You fuck me so go-good god, I love you" He kissed you "I love you too baby" His thrusts became sloppier. You moaned loudly as you came. He came soon after.
You hugged him. He chuckled as he was caressing your cheek "You didn't think we were done, did you? I know it's been a while since we've fucked and maybe that's what made you forget your fucking manners"
He moved his finger to your lips, playing with them "So Tonight, I'll fuck some senses into that dumb brain of yours"
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tsuchigomu · 7 months
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‎♡‧₊˚ Al-Haitham x f!reader (suggestive), 2.3k words
♡⸝⸝ C.W ; 7 minutes in heaven, kissing, grinding, mention of sex, touching each other, possessive!AlHaitham, Kaveh the matchmaker(yeah i can’t think of anything more atm)
‎ ʚɞ Making my first writing post with my beloved Al-Haitham🥹 a lot of you probably see me for the first time so hi, my name is Juju, and I’m a new writer in tumblr >< i plan to keep writing to fulfill my desires of becoming a author so it would be great if you could keep your eyes on me!
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Oh boy, maybe Al Haitham should have kept his mouth shut and not expect any help from Kaveh, because he doesn’t know what he has gotten himself into.
Maybe he shouldn’t have told Kaveh about his ‘puppy-love crush(according to Kaveh)’ he has on his beloved friend(you) who he quite adored since his student life in Akademiya.
When Kaveh randomly asked Al Haitham if he had a crush on anyone a few days ago, he thought there would be no problem telling Kaveh since he knew that Kaveh was quite scared of him and he would keep his mouth shut with few threats. After all, it was Al Haitham’s house he was living in.
Little did he know, that Kaveh preferred actions than words.
Few days later, which brings us to the present, Kaveh asked if he could throw a party in the house inviting his friends. Al Haitham was not very fond of parties, but the part of the reason why he accepted the party was because Kaveh told him that his crush, y/n was coming.
The party was pretty big, and the house was quickly filled with smell of alcohol, cigarettes, the sound of loud music and people’s laughter and chats.
‘I’ll have to tell Kaveh to clean up all of the mess by himself when the party is over.’
Al haitham thought to himself as he quietly flipped through his book, in his room, which was the only peaceful place in the house right now. He was slightly annoyed because of how loud the party was, he did not expect this.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Al Haitham didn’t respond, as he assumed that it was either a drunk person in his house or a random person who was interested about his room.
“Al Haitham? Are you here?”
It was you, y/n. He also did not expect you to come and find him.
“Yeah, y/n. What do you want?”
Al Haitham responded, trying to keep his tone calm.
“Well… we’re playing seven minutes in heaven, and Kaveh asked me to come and find you. Apparently you really wanted to play this game? Haha.” You let out a small laughter.
‘That jerk.’
Al Haitham sighed in annoyance, as it was obviously something Kaveh planned for you two.
But suddenly, a wave of fantasy took over his head.
Maybe- just maybe… today would be the chance he would get to be closer to you?
“I know you’re not much of a party person- if you’re not comfortable, I’ll tell Kaveh that you’re not playing.”
“There’s no need. I’m gonna play it.”
Al Haitham responded quite urgently, he thought he was going to regret this if he missed this chance. And if… you ended up being in the closet with someone else…
He gritted his teeth at the thought.
Haitham walked to the door, opened it, only to see you standing in front of the door, all dressed up pretty with makeup like a doll.
God- only if he could be the only one that could see you like this.
“O-oh! Great! We’re playing in Kaveh’s room, let’s go.”
You were slightly stuttered because of how quickly Al Haitham opened the door, but he did look good in a black shirt that left a few buttons open, revealing his collarbone and the green gem. You could clearly tell that his chest was well-built.
When both of you arrived in Kaveh’s room, him and his few friends were sitting in a circle in front of Kaveh’s big closet. Nilou, Tighnari, Cyno, Dehya- he recognized few faces.
Kaveh immediately put a smirk on his face as he saw Al Haitham enter the room, he fell for his trap.
“Alrighty guys, so, since it’s the first round, I think we should vote for a pair that should go first. I vote for y/n and Al Haitham!”
Kaveh pointed at you two, before smirking and giving Al Haitham the bro-code eye, ‘thank me later.’
Suddenly, Kaveh’s friends started to agree with him as well.
‘Goddammit… Kaveh definitely gave them something to do this.’
Al Haitham bit his lip in annoyance, but for some reason… some part of his heart was… delighted?
He looked over at you, who’s face was flushed and covered in deep red blush, not knowing what to say.
You look so cute like this, Al Haitham thought. But he didn’t want to push you, he was willing to give up this game if you were uncomfortable.
“What do you say? I’m fine with it as long as you are fine with it.”
Al Haitham asked you, looking away with a slight blush on his face.
“Y-yeah… sure…”
Huh? Did he hear that right? Did his crush, accept to be in the same closet for seven minutes, just the two of them?
He snapped his head at you, who was currently looking away from him, ears red, so pretty.
A noise of “ooo~”s was heard from the crowd, and the next thing he knew, he was pushed into the closet with y/n and the closet door slamming on both of you.
Al Haitham let out a sigh, before turning to you, who was sitting awkwardly in a corner of the closet with a flushed face.
‘It wasn’t intended’, of course, but he took this chance to slowly observe your pretty decorated state tonight.
You were wearing a cherry-red lipstick on your puffy lips, and a glittering red eyeshadow on your eyelids that matched your mouth. He wasn’t sure if you used the blusher tonight, because your face was already very red from the blush, probably caused by the sudden 7 minutes in heaven. Your pretty eyes were slightly shining by the little light that was coming from the gap of closet doors.
You also smelled nice tonight- did you get a new perfume? If you did, you certainly have a great choice with perfumes because it smelled like sumeru roses that bloomed in midsummer days. Last time he met you, you were wearing a light padisarah perfume mixed with the smell of lavender and a pinch of roasted grapes… don’t ask how he remembers this.
When he was staring at your beautiful state for a few minutes, your eyes caught his. Was he staring at you this entire time? Why?
It was true that you had feelings for you abnormally smart, emotionless and handsome friend… but when he stares at you like this… it just makes your brain un function.
You decided it was your turn to stare back- as mentioned, Al Haitham was wearing a simple black buttoned up shirt, somehow it showing his toned body and wide shoulders clearly. Simple clothing suited him well, until you saw a small, thin golden necklace that was hanging on his neck. Wasn’t that the necklace you bought him his last birthday? Your face turned even hotter at the thought of him keeping his presents well.
He wasn’t wearing his headphones today, which gave you a chance to observe his ears. His ears were very pretty, as if they were sculpted with marble by a famous sculpter that made ancient god’s sculptures. If you ever saw him in middle of the desert, you would have thought he was the King Deshret in human form. Huh- is that a piercing mark on his right ear? Did Al Haitham used to wear piercings?
Meanwhile, Al Haitham was desperately trying to hold himself, until he didn’t. He only had 7- 5 minutes now- to make you his. It was harder to hold back if you kept staring at him like that.
He couldn’t hold it back anymore.
Al Haitham finally made a move on you, as he crawled on top of your body, locking you in his arms.
“A-Al Haitham?”
He could hear you ask, confused by the sudden act.
But he could smell your sumeru rose perfume better like this- and you could smell his cologne better as well.
Al Haitham called out your name, before taking a big breath in.
“Can I kiss you?”
He asked, staring into your eyes.
This can’t be real. You thought.
This was a situation that only happened in your fantasies- wildest dreams- being this close with Al Haitham, just the two of you. Him asking you if he can kiss you, as the session gets hotter.
Even if this was just a dream… you wanted to catch it.
“Y-yes, Al Haitham. You can kiss me.”
You slightly whimpered.
You could swear you saw a smirk on his face, until he hungrily attached his lips to yours.
Ah, his lips were so warm. It was like a blissful sunlight in middle of the day, a cool, but calming warmth.
You really had no choice but to return the kiss, as you can’t avoid the sunlight.
As soon as Al Haitham felt you return the kiss, his lips rolled up into a smirk on your lip. As if he was waiting for this moment his entire life- his tongue found your teeth, asking for permission into your mouth.
You opened your mouth, letting his tongue explore your mouth, mixing his saliva with yours. You felt your noses bump on each other’s, sounds of wet muscles and heavy breathing filling the closet. You grabbed a handful of his grey locks, before pulling him closer, wanting to be even more close in any way possible.
Al Haitham felt your desires, as he grabbed your waist, and pulled your body closer to his leg, still not breaking the heated kiss.
Next thing you felt was your heat on Al Haitham’s muscular thigh, as he slowly started to move his thigh against you.
“Haah… A-Al Haitham…”
You moaned into the kiss, as you felt his thigh move against your heat.
“Shhh… shh… gotta stay quiet… or else our friends outside the closet will hear you…”
He shushed you with another passionate kiss, smiling as he felt a wet patch grow on his thigh.
Al Haitham let out a sigh, as he took his lips off your lips, and attached his lips onto your neck this time.
It was official. You loved him, and he loved you. It was only logical that he marked what belonged to him.
‘Smells nice…’
He thought to himself as he smelled in the scent, before taking a bite of your neck.
If a food smells good, you bite it, and take a taste of it.
Al Haitham was already losing himself in the taste of you, devouring and biting your neck like a hungry animal.
A predator that was eating its prey.
Your body tensed up when he licked a particular spot on your collarbone.
He smirked on the spot, think that he should remember the spot for next time.
Haitham started to furiously bite the spot, his hand covering your mouth to prevent your moan and his other hand on your waist, preventing you from moving and squirming intensely.
Thankfully, your loud moans didn’t pass Al Haitham’s hand, but you hands automatically looked for something to grab on, and what it found was his wide shoulders. Plenty of space to hold on. Small tears started to form in your eyes. Was it out of pleasure or sexual relief?
“Haitham… want more.. please.”
You managed to whisper in his ear quietly, through your moan and mewls.
“Tch… didn’t know you were such a naughty slut.”
His tone was cold, but you could see his smirk and how quickly he worked to take off his pants and belt.
As soon as Al Haitham got his hands on his belt to take them off, the closet door opened—
“Seven minutes is up! Come out!”
…it was Kaveh, with a wine glass in his hand.
You wouldn’t believe how fast Al Haitham got his hands off you. He turned his face away, red as a tomato, embarrassed for once in his lifetime.
But Kaveh isn’t stupid(you just don’t really realize it because he’s always compared with Al Haitham).
“OHOHOH? OHOHOHOH? Y/n, you look like a beast just attacked you!”
Kaveh laughed, pointing at your neck, and then that’s when you realized how Haitham devoured you like a hungry predator.
You turned to look with a curled up fist, ready to beat the handsome man in front of you, but he was already back to his monotone face, acting like he did nothing wrong(but still avoiding your gaze).
“Heh! Seems like my little matchmaking mission was a success! Of course, it was planned by me, Kaveh the cupid, so no wonder why! Bahahah!”
The blond-haired architect roared like he just won the lottery.
Al Haitham simply sighed, grabbed your wrist and walked out of the room together.
“W-wait! Where are you guys going! I didn’t match make you guys just so y’all can fuck! Holdup!”
By the time Kaveh finished speaking, Haitham and you were already in his room, locking the door.
He threw you onto his bed, as he lazily unbuttoned his shirt.
“Ready to continue what we started?”
Al Haitham said with a smirk, staring into your eyes.
Oh dear… it was going to be a long night for you.
2023 Tsuchigomu. ‎♡
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ivonhart · 26 days
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the moon | steven grant x fem werewolf!reader
+ marc spector & jake lockley
— chapter six
| next (WIP)
| previous
cross posted on ao3
gif credit: @paper-n-ashes
summary: You've always hated the moon. Hated the way it made your body bend and break into a new form every month. Hated the way it tied you to one of the many gods of it. But you couldn't hate what the moon connected you to...who it connected you to.
a/n: !! chapter warnings !! PTSD, unintentional s*lf-harm It is NOT gonna get better for her XD!!!!
You woke the next morning to Layla scurrying around the room you slept in. You weren’t surprised to see the woman here. You knew she would’ve been hot on your tail the moment you left London. “Layla?”
You noted how hoarse your throat felt as you slowly sat up with a groan. The woman stopped in her tracks and quickly made her way over to you with a soft call of your name. “How are you feeling? I started to get nervous about whether you were going to wake up or not.” Your eyebrows were furrowed as you shook the drowsiness away.
Memories of what happened the previous day came flooding back and you looked down at your bandaged hand. It was clear it had been cleaned and rewrapped but there was still confusion floating within your mind. “What do you mean you were nervous? I just slept through the night.” Layla sat at the end of the bed with a look of pity. “You’ve been asleep for almost two days.”
A few beats of silence followed before you shot to your feet…almost pushing Layla off the bed in the process. “TWO DAYS?!” And as quickly as you got up…you fell down. All the blood rushing to your head, causing black dots to encase your vision. If it weren’t for Layla catching you, you would’ve fallen to the floor.
The woman hissed out your name with worry as she slowly sat you back on the bed. “The Scarab? Harrow? Marc?” His name left a bitter taste in your mouth as you dropped your head into your hands. You remembered what you said…what you did. Layla rubbed your arm silently. “I’m guessing Marc told you what happened?” You asked without lifting your head.
A small hum of confirmation left the woman’s mouth before she spoke. “He was lucky we were in the middle of a market, otherwise I would’ve punched him.” You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips before you raised your head. “I can’t believe I snapped like that. J-Just Marc simply saying ‘sorry’ and thinking that would fix everything sent me over the edge. And Steven.”
A wave of shame washed over you as you sighed. “I can’t even imagine what he must think about me now.” You turned to Layla with tear-filled eyes. “He probably thinks I’m an animal.” Layla slightly shook her head and allowed yours to fall against her shoulder as she began to speak.
“I can tell you one thing, Marc deserved everything you gave to him. What he said was disgusting and shameful. We know that man is not easy and I’m surprised it took you so long to finally snap at him…but I am surprised he said sorry. I mean…Marc never took accountability for his actions like that.” As Layla continued to speak, you had moved your hands to wrap around her arm. “But he did it with you.” You felt her shake her head.
“I am not saying that what Marc did was okay, but it is clear that he does regret it. He regrets it because he cares about you.” A small grumble passed your lips as you snuggled closer to Layla. “What has he been doing while I was asleep?” You questioned. “Mostly running around trying to find leads. He just left this morning chasing after another. He’ll probably be back later.”
A few seconds of silence followed before you whispered. “Also…I may have confessed to him.” Another pregnant pause filled the air as Layla took your words in. “WHAT!?” Now, it was Layla’s turn to almost knock you over as she shot to her feet. There was always an unspoken thing between the two of you about how you felt.
She never got confirmation about your feelings towards the man, but she always knew something was there. And she knew it went both ways even if you didn’t. Now, that once unspoken thing was gone as you spent the rest of the morning talking to her about everything.
“KHONSHU MAKE IT STOP!” Your pleas meant nothing to the god as he gazed up towards the moon. The full moon. “You know this is your punishment for what you did all those years ago.” He spat the words out with hatred. “You are nothing but a disgusting dog.”
Then he vanished, leaving you pushed up against a wall as you buried your head into your knees. You could hear them…calling you…cursing you. “–YOU MONSTER–HOW COULD YOU DO THIS–YOU KILLED US–IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT–”
You tried to scream back at them, but each time they grew louder and louder until you eventually found a spot curled against the wall. Knees to your chest whilst your hands covered your ears in a futile attempt to drown them out. It didn’t work.
“–YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF DEAD–BEAST–MONSTER–MURDER–” Wails tumbled from your mouth as you rocked back and forth. Mouth wide, spewing apologies that would never be heard…eyes snapped shut but still seeing what Khonshu forced you to see.
You slid along the wall until your head pushed into the ground. Now, fully on your knees you began to smash your forehead against the floor. “stop…please stop…” was all that left your mouth with each hit. That’s when Marc finally made it back.
The moment he stepped out from within the pyramid and saw the full moon he was quick to make his way back to the hotel. Unfortunately, he was too late. By the time he got there you had already busted your head open, causing a small puddle of blood to pool against the floor. Your cries came out low and cracked as your throat grew weaker and weaker.
“stop…please stop…” A lump lodged itself within his throat as he made his way over to you. He wasn’t going to abandon you…not again. Slowly, Marc bent down and said your name. His hand ever so lightly brushed against your shoulder as he spoke.
With one final smack you went still and the room went silent once more. “A-Are they here?” Your words dripped from your mouth in the smallest tone Marc has ever heard. He muttered your name once more. “No…no one is here. You’re okay.” Steven watched from inside and his heart never felt so heavy. You carried so much. Suffered so much.
Steven could feel the guilt growing in Marc’s chest but he didn’t know it was because Marc blamed himself for being so late. If he got here quicker the night would’ve been easier. You wouldn’t have slipped so far to the point you believed what Khonshu made you see was real.
He watched as you slowly lifted your head to look at him…and when you did a fresh wave of tears fell from your eyes. Tears of relief. In a blink of an eye you had launched yourself into the man’s arms with sobs. “You came back!” You wailed. Despite the blood, tears and snot that began covering his shirt he held you as if you would disappear with the wind. “I got you. I got you.” And he did.
With effortless movements, the man pulled you into his arms and led you to the bathroom where he cleaned your head. Then he moved to the bed where he pulled the covers over your heads like a child would in an attempt to hide from a monster. All while you clung to him. “Don’t leave me, Marc.”
The warmth from your breath crashed against his skin and created goosebumps. Your head was tucked into his neck as you curled yourself into his body. Hands clasping handfuls of his shirt. His chest burned as he placed a feather-like kiss upon your head. “I’ll never leave you again.” Was the last words you heard before you drifted off to sleep.
The warmth he offered melted away the cold that seeped through your bones with each passing second. As you lay tangled within his arms, Marc heard Steven softly speak. “You love her…don’t you?”
You woke up during the early hours of the morning. The sun barley began peaking over the horizon, slowly changing the dark sky into one filled with hues of yellow and orange. With lazy blinks your vision steadied as you sat up, careful of the arm that fell across your stomach.
The day after a full moon always left you in a strange state. A state in which you almost weren’t in your body. Like bits of your being floated around…desperate to return to you. The pain along your head didn’t help with the feeling either. The only thing grounding you was him.
You looked over your shoulder to look at Marc…and Steven. Quickly, you shut your eyes to combat the sting of tears. You were embarrassed…ashamed at what Steven saw. Marc was used to the full moons. He helped you through them so many times…but not Steven. Because of your internal struggle you didn’t notice the bed sheets move until you heard his voice call out your name.
You kept your back towards Marc as he sat up, the warmth provided by his arm disappearing as he moved it away. “H-How are you feeling?” His tone was lighter than a feather, almost as if he was afraid to spook you with anything louder. Your mouth opened to say something but the only thing that came out was a soft sob.
Marc sat straighter and hesitantly brushed his hand across your forearm. Then he said your name again, causing you to slowly look at him. The moment your eyes locked he watched tears pool over your puffy eyes. “I’m sorry, Marc.” His eyes saddened as he shook his head. “You have nothing to apologize for.” That’s when his gaze dropped. “I should’ve been there sooner. If I had, it might've not gotten so bad.”
That’s when he started telling you about the meeting with the gods. “I know you’re upset with me right now, but you have to know that I would never leave you alone during a full moon.” And you believed him. You believed him, because since your first full moon together he never left you alone. Marc watched as you wiped your tears away and slightly moved so you could face him better before replying. “I can never stay upset with you, Marc.”
The man took note of the new look that swirled in your eyes. You inhaled deeply before you gently cupped the man’s cheeks. Your eyes never leaving his as your thumbs lightly stroked his five o’clock shadow. “I could never stay upset with you because…” A soft gasp left your mouth when you felt his large hand graze your thigh as he leaned closer.
His scent made your head spin as your mouth ran dry, making it almost impossible to say what your heart burned to say. “I know.” Marc’s words kissed your lips with how close he had gotten. Both his and your breathing grew heavy with each passing second. Then, in the blink of an eye, the tension snapped and your lips crashed into one another.
The kiss was different from the one you shared with Steven to save him from a panic attack. While that kiss was gentle, this one was rough and hungry. Teeth clashed together while hands wandered. Your arms wrapped around his neck while his hands gripped your thigh and cupped your chin.
Your bodies were so close it was as if you would mold together. Despite the words going unspoken, both you and him knew just how much you meant to one another in that moment.
a/n: Sometimes I find it hard to write romance because I've never really felt it before so forgive me if it's kinda bad. Also finished writing and posted this around one in the morning sO.
taglist: @n1ght5h4d3-24 / @sunipostsstuff / @blackholegladiator / @ajeff855 / @daughterofthequeen / @faefanatic / @dropdeadbec / @sgt-morgan / @milk-bulb / @dev-angeline / @griffinkid2187 / @mxltifxnd0m / @badbishsblog / @local-mr-frog / @khaleesihavilliard / @rmoonstoner / @thewinterv / @oscarissac2099 / @peachyrue-777 / @queerponcho / @aristokatastrophy / @phoenixgurl030
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gh0stsp1d3r · 9 months
Could you do another story where Hobie Brown gets a death like Gwen Stacy (hobie brown x female reader btw)
I needed this angst. I don’t know if you meant like reader being the dead one or reader being like there to help him? So I just made the reader the dead one 😭 BUT OFC IM GLAD YOU LIKE MY STORIESS
Character death, angst, instead of the lizard it’s a symbiote
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Hobie has never handled death well. He’s gone through so much of it, his uncle, some random people on the street he couldn’t save, you.
Hobie doesn’t like to talk about it either, which is why not a lot of people knew. Except for Pavitr maybe, who was there to help him when he needed it.
Hobie could’ve saved you, it’s his biggest regret every single day not saving you.
He missed waking up next to you, or hearing your voice. The only way he remembered your voice was when he’d lay down at night, scrolling through his phone.
Spider squad
Gwendy🥁- you guys up for a movie tomorrow?
Hobie swiped up on the notification, ignoring it for now.
Pav 👾- Sure, what movie?
He groaned in annoyance at the notifications and swiped up again. His phone was cheap and didn’t exactly have a do not disturb option or even a silence button.
Miles🤺- Sure ( ̄▽ ̄)
Gwendy🥁- Hobie?
Pav👾- He said he’s busy tomorrow):
He stopped swiping at the notifications and thanked Pavitr in his head.
He was lying, Pavitr would probably be in his universe any second now-
“Yo, Hobie!” He called out, knocking on the door to his boat.
Hobie groaned again, standing up and answering the door.
“Hey man, what’s up?” He said tiredly, leaning against the doorway with his arms folded.
“I was just wondering if you’re okay. You weren’t answering-“ he showed Hobie his phone an the messages.
“Oh, yeah, I was sleepin’. Sorry.”
Pavitr gave him an “are you serious?” look. He saw right through him.
“I’m fine.” He shrugged and opened the door more for Pavitr to come in. He stepped through the messy floor, avoiding the canned bottles and glass bottles of beer just thrown onto the ground.
“Hobie.. you need to clean up.”
After the whole cleaning his boat thing, Pavitr said he had to go and finally Hobie was left alone.
He changed out of his jeans, shirt and jacket, and quickly started to go back on his phone.
His fingers stopped when he stumbled onto a post.
“We miss you so much. It’s been one year tomorrow. You’ll be forever in our hearts.”
Underneath there was a picture of you smiling widely, Hobie standing next to you with his hands on your back, with a small smile, looking at you with his eyes full of love. Along with your friend and her boyfriend next to you both.
Scrolling down some more he came across a photo of just you two. You were both smiling, and then in the one under, kissing.
He stared at the photo for a while, smiling at it slightly. Then he remembered that you were gone. You could never come back. And he should have checked on you.
It was senior prom, Hobie rambled off in your ear about how much he hated these things.
“You’ll be fine, Hobs.” You put your hand on his.
“It’s not that, you know, the public school system is-“
“Underfunded and treats kids poorly, and is worse than a prison? It’s okay to be nervous.
He stayed silent for a moment.
“Yeah, you’re right. Who cares anyways? We’re gonna be the schools hottest couple." He said with a small smirk on his face, you smiled and kissed him.
“No kissing in my car!” Your friend joked, making you all laugh.
Once you reached the school, you all stepped out and went inside, paying of course.
After an hour you felt odd… you looked down at your arm and saw a liquid goo climbing up your arm.
“Hey, hobes, I’m gonna go to the bathroom.. okay?”
“Yeah.” He said, giving you a small kiss before you left.
A few minutes later, That’s when a giant creature ran towards them all, everyone screaming and yelling.
Hobie narrowed his eyes and quickly changed, and fought the creature. The creature growled at him, and almost seemed like it was trying to not fight him. The creature put its hands up, the color on it turning a gray.
Hobie furrowed his eyebrows, and stopped what he was doing.
For some time, you regained control over it, until it started to get angry. It wasn’t you, it was like it was controlling you. The creature said “Stop.” In a deep voice
You suddenly no longer had control, and the creature started to attack your boyfriend. you desperately pleaded against it.
A ton of cop cars and ambulances made loud noises, making the creature stop and turn, the noises of the cars rang out and hurt the creatures more sensitive ears.
The creature slithered away, your body going limp and falling to the ground, Hobie catching you first.
“Wh… no, no, no, no, no, no.” He quickly held you now, on the floor.
“Hobie.. it’s not my fault. Hobie-“ you grabbed onto his suit tightly, he shushed you.
“I believe you, love. Sh. It’s okay..” he mumbled. “Stay with me, yeah? I’ll get you home.” He said, as quiet and calm as possible.
You looked at him, with a small smile and your hand was now on his cheek. He leaned into it and smiled.
“I love you.” You mumbled quietly, and that caused his eyes to go wide. Your eyes started to close and Hobie slapped you lightly.
He cried out your name, and the cops caught him doing so.
They were about to shoot when he ran away, giving you one last glance.
He would never forget that day, or the days he spent without you. His graduation, when he bought this place, when he got invited to the spider society shortly after.
Hobie brown had always been bad with death, but especially bad with handling yours.
Tag list:
@enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorrxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh @freeingrebels @ken-zah @blustalker @cursedbitchboy @romanoffswoman
@chaoticevilbakugo @hobiebrainrot @anonima-2 @melda0m3
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ur-boyfiend · 3 months
hot cocoa kisses
changbin x m!reader
hihi merry crimmis !! wasn't gonna do a fic but then decided eh whattahell why not. much like the halloween fic i'm writing this absolutely last minute so uhhhh sorry in advance if there are any errors ^^; (this is being posted so late i'm so sorry) feedback + pointing out errors are both greatly appreciated :] wc; 4.8k (christ-)
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christmas has always been an odd time of year for you. between strange and strained family relationships and your own mental health issues, family gatherings felt like walking over a minefield.
you groan and roll over, shoving your face into your pillows. you don't want to see any of your relatives this year, but you sure as hell don't want to deal with their attitudes if you skip either.
there's shuffling on the other side of the room and you lift your head just in time to see your roommate flick on the light by his bed.
"you good man?"
there's genuine concern in his voice, and you laugh quietly, "right now? mostly. after i see my family? absolutely not."
he frowns, sitting up properly, and you sit up as well, facing him across the room.
"wanna come with me then? my family's been on my ass about bringing someone over, and they're....." he grimaces slightly, "sometimes a lot, but they mean well."
"so how fake boyfriend am i expected to be?" you grin, always up for teasing him.
he rolls his eyes slightly, "or you could be my roommate?"
"well that's no fun."
the comment gets you a pillow to the face, sending you into a fit of giggles.
"yeah yeah, you're a comedic genius, do you wanna come with or not?"
after taking a moment to catch your breath, you nod, "sounds fun."
"i don't know about fun, but sure, whatever you say."
you hum quietly, "should i get gifts for people?"
changbin shrugs, "i usually just bring some kind of sweets for people to share, my family doesn't do individual gifts very much. since not all of us would be able to afford things for everyone."
"oh, that makes sense. we could make hot chocolate bombs though."
"make what nows?"
you laugh, "hot chocolate bombs, they're chocolate shells filled with hot cocoa powder and things like peppermint bits or mini marshmallows, so when you drop it in warm milk the shell melts and boom! hot chocolate."
"those sound good, we can get the stuff to make 'em later, when it's a reasonable hour to be awake."
you yawn, nodding, and flop back down onto your bed. changbin laughs and flicks off the light again, also lying back down and closing his eyes.
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winter sun cuts through the window, the curtains making a futile attempt to filter out the harsh glare. you grumble and pull your blankets over your head, only for changbin to pull them back off of you a moment later.
you glare up at him and he grins, "c'mon, you still wanna make hot chocolate bombs?"
sitting up, you flip him off and rub your eyes, not particularly keen on being conscious at the moment, but also knowing you probably won't be able to fall asleep again.
"yeah yeah, only if we can get coffee on the way back from the store though."
"whatever you want, sweetheart."
you flip him off again and he laughs loudly, too loudly for your half-asleep liking.
"okay get out so i can get dressed."
"aw, don't wanna change in front of your boyfriend?"
you're confused for a second, but remember the conversation you'd had earlier, "......i regret everything i've ever said."
"well that's a bit rude."
"oh my god leave-" you grab a pillow and smack him with it, making him laugh.
"okay okay! i'm leaving!"
you grumble a bit as you get out of bed and stretch, feeling your brain fill with static for a moment as your body gets used to being active again.
shuffling to your dresser you grab a pair of jeans and hoodie, getting dressed quickly before putting on socks and shoving your phone, keys, and wallet into your pockets.
going out to the main area of the apartment, you hear movement in the kitchen and stick your head around the corner to see changbin going through the cupboards, a container of hot cocoa powder already sitting on the counter.
changbin turns to look at you and nods, shutting the cupboard he'd been rummaging in and grabbing a hoodie from where he'd dropped it over the arm of the couch the last time he'd come back home. you tug on a pair of worn combat boots, changbin putting on his own, slightly less beat up, pair.
walking towards the elevators, you chat about what his family is like and what yours is like as well, telling stories about other christmases and your favorite things about the holiday season.
it doesn't take long to reach the grocery store a few blocks from your apartment building, storefronts are decorated with lights and ornaments, but the streets are all but empty. it's the day before christmas eve, and most people have already left to visit their loved ones.
the store speakers are playing tinny christmas carols, and you sing along as you go through the aisles, changbin occasionally teasing you for it. you know it's all in good fun, and anytime he makes fun of you, you sing a bit louder.
you're arguing as you go through the checkout line, neither one of you willing to let the other pay. changbin says he should because it's for his family, you counter that it was your idea, so you should pay.
the cashier smiles as you reach the register, "you two are a cute couple."
changbin's ears go red, and you can feel yourself turning almost the same color as the cashier's santa hat. the cashier seems to notice her misstep, but doesn't correct herself. you're not sure if you love or hate her for that.
"we're not a couple," you finally respond, scratching the back of your neck.
"oh, that's a shame." she continues calmly ringing up your items, but you catch the glint in her eye. it takes genuine effort to stop yourself from laughing and she smiles, winking as you hand her your card, changbin too distracted to notice until you've already paid.
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when you return to your apartment, you start getting the things you need out of the shopping bags.
"hey, can you fill a pot with water? i'm gonna use it for a double-boiler."
changbin looks lost as to what you're on about, but nonetheless he fills a small pot with water and sets it on the stovetop. grabbing a bag of chocolate chips, you walk over to the stove and grab a metal bowl from one of the cupboards, carefully setting it so that it's suspended within the larger pot.
"while i melt chocolate can you start measuring things? the molds are probably big enough for a tablespoon or two of cocoa powder, doesn't have to be particularly exact, just as long as it doesn't spill over the edges."
changbin nods, "how many are we making?"
".....that's a great question. we probably have enough for at least a dozen? we can probably just make them until we run out of ingredients, it's not like they'll go bad."
"should we do half with the mini marshmallows and then the other marshmallow ones with the cocoa mix that has them in it? because they might not go bad, but the marshmallows will get stale eventually."
"good point, we can bring the ones with fresh marshmallows and keep the ones with the marshmallows mix?"
"works for me."
you hear the water starting to bubble, and you pour the bag of chocolate chips into the bowl, carefully stirring them as they begin to melt. grabbing the half mold on the counter next to you, you spray a thin layer of cooking oil onto it, using a paper towel to even out the coating.
glancing back to the stove, you quickly stir the chocolate again, sighing in relief when none of it looks burnt. pouring in the rest of the chocolate chips, you continue stirring it to make sure it's evenly heated.
as you're worrying over the chocolate, you hear the bluetooth speaker in the kitchen turn on, a playlist you made with changbin at 2am filling the space. you start dancing slightly as you work, changbin humming along to the music.
"okay, chocolate's melted, now for the hard part-" you turn down the heat on the stove, continuing to stir the chocolate as it cools and thickens slightly.
"can you grab a baking pan and put it on the island? i gotta pour the chocolate and i don't need the landlord after my ass."
changbin laughs, the sounds of metal clanking mixing into the noise of the room as he places a metal pan onto the countertop, laughing and joking as he follows your instructions on how to fill the molds and empty the excess, it takes a couple tries but the molds are eventually covered properly and you put them in the freezer in order to set the chocolate quickly.
grabbing one of the bottles of coffee you'd compromised on at the grocery store, you pop off the lid and take a long drink, sighing happily.
"ah, caffeine my beloved."
changbin sits on the counter across from the one you're leaning against, swinging his legs slightly.
"you said we're leaving tomorrow, and then coming back the 26th?"
"yeah, so we'll be spending two nights."
"are we gonna end up with the only one bed?"
"like we haven't slept in the same bed before, mr. i'm sad so you're obligated to cuddle me."
"hey," you point at him, "that was once."
he laughs, "it was not!"
you stick your tongue out at him, but don't actually argue because he's right, and you don't feel like losing an argument this early in the day. instead, you go to the freezer to see if the chocolate is set.
"ok, molds are good, i gotta get them out, can you grab the hot cocoa?"
putting the two trays of molds on the island, you carefully flex the plastic in order to loosen the shells so they won't break when you try to take them out. soon there are about two dozen bowl-shaped chocolate shells scattered across the counter in front of you.
changbin thunks the container of cocoa mix onto the counter, "okay master chef, what now?"
trying to show changbin how to put the hot chocolate bombs together is a bit hectic, but it's fun, and by the time you're done you're both covered in hot cocoa mix and out of breath from laughing.
the rest of the day is spent packing and getting ready for your trip, it took a lot longer than it probably should've because you kept annoying each other and getting sidetracked. eventually you're done, and collapse on the couch to watch movies.
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you stir as the sun is starting to rise, unsure of what woke you up. a second later there's an ache in your back and you wince.
well, i guess that's why i woke up.
deciding to grab a painkiller, you go to stand up when you realize someone's arms are wrapped around your waist. looking up, you see changbin still asleep, hair messy and cheeks puffed out slightly.
on an impulse you reach up and tap his nose, causing it to scrunch up. a moment later, his eyelids flutter. you're too busy staring to worry about being caught staring, but you still blush when he smiles sleepily at you.
"mornin'," his voice is raspy and still muffled by sleep, which is not good for your sanity.
"mmh, good morning," you smile back, "mind letting go of me?"
he just pulls you closer, burying his face in your hair.
"very much so."
his response makes you laugh, "i don't know what i was expecting."
managing to free an arm, you grab your phone off the coffee table and check the time.
10:43, we should probably get up.
"c'mon, it's almost eleven. if we don't get up soon we won't make it on time."
changbin grumbles but his grip on you loosens and you're finally able to stand up. stretching, you hear your spine pop a concerning amount and you groan, making a beeline for the painkillers in the kitchen.
opening your messages app you go to the thread with your best friend, sending may your next ibuprofen take effect quickly and noticeably, before going into your room to grab a change of clothes.
setting the clothes on the counter in the bathroom, you turn on the shower, giving the water a moment to warm up. as you wait you flick through your playlists, choosing one at random and putting it on shuffle.
you shower quickly, singing along to the music playing on your phone. much as you'd like to stay under the warm water, you know you need to get your shit together if you want to be able to leave by noon.
stepping out of the shower, you quickly dry off and put on the clean clothes, deciding to just let your hair air dry. returning to your room you chuck your old clothes into the laundry basket next to your dresser and put your phone on the charger while you wait to leave.
in the meantime, you grab the messenger bag hanging off the frame of your bed and start filling it with the things you hadn't packed the night before, mostly just your laptop and things for your classes.
changbin comes in a moment later, also shoving a few things into his backpack.
"hey, y/n," you glance over to see him holding up the switch that'd been charging in the living room, and give him a thumbs-up. he nods and adds it to the things in his bag.
"i think we're good?" you puff out your cheeks, trying to remember if you need anything else.
changbin zips the bag sitting next to him, "we should get going soon."
"we packed the hot chocolate bombs already, right?"
"they were one of the first things that got packed, don't worry."
you roll you eyes slightly, "yeah because telling someone not to worry always works."
"c'mon, let's go before you worry yourself to death," changbin takes your hand, pulling you to your feet.
"i'd be impressed if i managed to worry myself all the way to death, that seems more like something chan would do."
"and it'd be entirely jisung's fault."
you snort and grab your suitcase, well aware of the headaches jisung gave chan.
"at least it wouldn't be us, which should count as a miracle."
while you and changbin tried not to stress chan out, you both had rather unfortunate luck and he'd had to manage at least three er visits for each of you.
stepping into the hallway, you check that the door is locked three times before changbin grabs your arm and drags you towards the elevator bank. the elevator cars creak and rattle, and you think that if a fourth er visit comes up it'll be from the aging elevators. you're amazed that they're still running at all.
your apartment building is close enough to the train station that you figure getting a taxi wouldn't be worth it, so the two of you walk, talking mostly about family things.
"i'm not sure if my family's gonna give me a ton of shit for skipping, or if they're gonna be glad i didn't show."
changbin laughs, "well my family's definitely gonna be excited to meet you, not sure if that'll make up for things but, y'know." he punctuates his statement with a shrug, and you laugh.
one slightly chaotic journey through the train station later, you're both in your seats. before long, you're starting to doze off, soothed by the gentle movement of the train.
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you wake up again as the train stops, the lack of movement and general chaos of reaching the station dragging you out of your rest. there's a crick in your neck, and you can feel something on the side of your head. stretching slightly, you realize that your head is on changbin's shoulder, and his head is now leaning on yours.
carefully you shove changbin away from you, shaking him slightly. he stretches, and you barely avoid getting smacked.
"wake up before we end up going to the next station," you stand, dragging changbin to his feet. you sling your bag over your shoulder and grab your suitcase, changbin following suit.
getting off the train is easier said than done, the rush of holiday traffic that made navigating the station so chaotic makes navigating the train even harder, but you make it off soon enough.
once you're off the train and out of the station, changbin hails a taxi and you pile in, changbin giving the address to your driver. it's not a long drive, and you're both still waking up, so it's relatively quiet.
however, any calm or quiet is broken the second you step through the door of the house. changbin wasn't lying when he said his family was a lot, but their excitement makes you feel warm in a way your family never did.
after a solid ten seconds of nearly suffocating changbin in a hug, his mom looks up and sees you standing near the door, and somehow smiles even wider than she had been.
a heartbeat later and now you're the one being suffocated, and you can feel tears pricking the corners of your eyes. you still manage to hug her back, and she steps away a moment later, giving you a once-over.
"so, you're changbin's boyfriend?"
"mom," changbin's tone confirms that he expected this line of questioning, and you almost laugh, "he's my roommate."
from further down the hall you hear a soft, "oh my god they were roommates?" and look up to see a younger teen sticking their head around a corner. changbin notices them as well, but you grab his arm before he can do anything.
"no murder," you glare at him halfheartedly and he grumbles.
"i wasn't gonna kill them."
"no aggravated assault either."
he rolls his eyes and his mom laughs, gesturing for you to follow her. you elbow changbin and he seems to snap back to reality, following you as you follow his mom. she shows the two of you to a guest room, turning to make sure you're both behind her.
"i can grab a mattress and some bedding from the hall closet in a minute, feel free to settle in in the meantime."
you smile and thank her, and she gives you both a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
collapsing facedown onto the bed you feel yourself deflate, the mattress next to you sinking a moment later as changbin sits down as well.
"so, thoughts so far?"
you turn your head, rolling all the way onto your back a moment later, "i might end up crying before we leave just fyi."
"that bad?" changbin asks, but you can tell he doesn't think that's the reason.
"no it's just, family acting like family is so foreign to me. not to mention treating me like family even when i'm not."
you get a gentle smack on the side of your head, changbin grinning slightly, "hey, as long as we're friends you're family as far as anyone here is concerned. honestly my mom would probably replace me with you if we ever had a falling out."
you shove yourself into a sitting position, shaking your head slightly, "don't even joke about that."
"what, my mom replacing me?"
"no, about us having a falling out. you don't need to speak that into existence, thank you very much."
he laughs, "aw, you think i'm special?"
"ugh forget i said anything," you roll your eyes, "you're the worst, get outta here."
instead, changbin wraps his arms around your torso, dragging you both down onto the bed. "it's way too late to get rid of me, sorry pal."
you wiggle around in an attempt to lie down more comfortably. "yeah yeah, now let me move, i can already feel my arm starting to cramp."
he loosens his hold and you can finally roll over so you're facing eachother, poking the tip of his nose when you do. he scrunches it up and you laugh, "you look like a bunny."
"you're probably the only person who's ever thought to call me that," he grins.
"it's not like you have many other close friends mr. antisocial."
"we have the same friends!"
"okay listen here-"
"i'm listening."
you pause, not actually having had something to say. changbin seems to notice and he laughs, and you roll your eyes in an attempt to ignore your blush.
it seems like he's about to say something, but he's interrupted by a yawn, making you yawn as well.
"we've both been sleeping almost all day, how are we still tired."
you shrug and curl further into changbin, feeling the blankets drop over you a moment later.
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waking up you can hear people talking quietly, and try to figure out what's being said. changbin is still next to you, but he's sitting up now and there's a soft light filtering into the room from the hall.
"you sure seem cozy for someone who was all indignant about just being roommates," you recognize the voice of changbin's mom and smile slightly.
"look i don't wanna push things," changbin sounds tired, but emotionally instead of physically, "i'd rather have him in my life as a friend than not at all."
"have you considered that he might feel the same? and even if he doesn't, i really don't think he'd cut you off over it. you should have more faith in him kiddo."
you suddenly feel like you've done something wrong, a strange sense of guilt flooding over you. trying to ignore the feeling, you stir slightly, acting like you're just now waking up. both voices cut off, and you hear changbin's mom sigh slightly.
"tell him dinner is ready when he wakes up, okay?"
a moment later you hear the door to your room close again, and you rub your eyes.
"mm, what time is it?"
changbin glances at his phone, "it's almost nine, mom says dinner's ready. i think everyone else is either asleep or at least in bed so it'll probably just be us two."
you push yourself up onto an elbow, still abnormally tired, "how romantic."
you feel changbin flick your forehead and you snort, sitting up all the way.
"let's go eat then, could we make hot chocolate after?"
"sure, c'mon," changbin takes your hand and pulls you to your feet again. guess this is becoming a habit, you think, glancing at your joined hands.
stepping into the hall you realize changbin was right about it just being the two of you, the house is almost dead silent. there's still food on the stove, and you smile.
changbin makes a plate for you and one for himself, putting them on the kitchen island. you sit on one of the stools at the island, still not fully awake.
you smile, "just water please."
a moment later changbin sets a glass of water in front of you, putting one by to his own plate as well before sitting on the stool to your side. you talk quietly as you eat, trying not to disturb anyone else in the house.
when you're both done eating changbin takes your dishes and puts them in the sink, "okay, hot cocoa?"
"mhm! can you warm up the milk without it getting a skin or should i be in charge of that?"
"i usually use water for hot cocoa so i think that answers your question."
you snort, "okay, can you grab a saucepan and milk please?"
"yup," changbin gives a thumbs-up and you laugh slightly, grabbing one of the wooden spoons from the utensils near the stove.
after heating the milk for a few minutes you glance up again, "can you grab a couple mugs? and did either of us ever get the hot cocoa bombs out."
"i got 'em out, they should be on top of the fridge, one sec," changbin sets two mugs on the counter, the box of hot chocolate bombs following soon after.
you carefully pour the milk into the mugs, placing the pan in the sink when you're done. grabbing a hot chocolate bomb you hold it up, changbin grabbing one as well.
"cheers!" you tap the hot chocolate bombs together and laugh before you both drop them into the milk. the result is almost immediate, the chocolate shell melting quickly, the hot cocoa bomb rolling around like a bathbomb would.
after watching the hot chocolate bomb melt for a moment you notice changbin in your peripheral, holding a spoon in your direction. you take it and smile at him, stirring the contents of the mug in front of you, the milk going from an off-white to a rich chocolate brown.
when you're satisfied with the level of mixing, you hold up your mug.
"cheers again," changbin says as he clinks the mugs together and you smile, taking a drink.
"man i fucking love hot chocolate, it's literally the best winter drink."
changbin laughs, "y'know what, i gotta agree with you on that one."
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a day and a half spent in the whirlwind of changbin's family and their holiday cheer doesn't let you forget about the conversation you'd overheard, and you decide to ask about it when you're back in your apartment.
but saying you'll do something and doing something are two different things, and the night you get back, you spend an agonizingly long few minutes at 2am wondering if you should just ignore it.
groaning into your pillow, you feel a distinct sense of deja vu as changbin flicks on his light.
"you alright?"
you groan again, becoming more and more conflicted.
"...hot cocoa?"
that gets you to prop yourself up and look in changbin's direction, tilting your head slightly.
he shrugs, "you seem upset and i figured if you didn't wanna talk you might want hot cocoa."
"i love you."
your mouth moves before your brain, catching you both off guard, and you can feel your face start to burn. there's not much light in the room, but you can see changbin blushing too. you want to backtrack, but you realize it's not untrue, and decide it'd do more harm than good.
instead, you stand up and cross the room, sitting next to him and putting your head on his shoulder. the movement snaps him out of the frozen state he'd been in, and you feel him wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
the silence is in a strange limbo between comfortable and awkward, and you don't know if you want to break it because you're not sure what he'll say.
eventually, you decide to bite the bullet, "you don't have to say it, we can just make hot cocoa."
you feel changbin rest his head on yours, and you smile slightly. you wouldn't mind getting used to this, you think.
"if i say it can we still make hot chocolate? or is this an either or situation," he huffs a laugh at the end of his question, and you gently elbow him.
"we can make hot chocolate either way, you dork."
"well i was gonna say it but now i'm reconsidering."
you gasp dramatically and he laughs, pulling you closer again.
"i'm kidding, i'm kidding. don't worry, i love you too."
"you're an ass, you know that?"
changbin hums, pretending to think, "yeah, that might've been mentioned to me before."
"i rescind the hot cocoa offer, i'm going back to bed, goodnight," you try to stand, but changbin wraps his other arm around you as well, pulling you back down.
"nooo, stayyy."
you lean into him, laughing. you feel him bury his face in your hair and laugh harder.
"c'mon, you made me want hot cocoa," you try to stand again, but this time changbin lets you, following you into the kitchen.
you're both quiet while you make the drinks, but this time the silence is firmly within the realm of comfortable, broken only by humming or the sound of metal clinking.
when you both have your hot cocoa in hand, you return to your room, sitting next to each other on changbin's bed once again. you're about halfway done with your hot cocoa when you feel your eyelids starting to get heavy again, and you finish the drink rather quickly, putting your mug on the small table next to the bed. changbin finishes his hot cocoa not long after you, putting his mug on the table as well.
"hey," you look at him and he turns, tilting his head to the side. you smile and lean over, giving him a soft peck. you're both still for a moment before he leans over, reconnecting your lips.
you move your hands up, threading your fingers through his hair. his hands land on your waist, and you can feel him smile.
the kiss tastes like hot chocolate and marshmallows, you think it's the sweetest thing you'll ever taste.
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triggerghoul · 2 years
Poly!Dewdrop x Poly!Rain x Poly!Reader
A/N: Okay so this is strictly 18+ Minors DNI Please and thank you Since this is Smut.  It is also the first smut piece i will be posting on this account an I hope it is enjoyable.  Again please Minors DNI even though I know this will not stop most of you and if I forgot any warnings I am very sorry.  Also I did proof read this like 7 times but there probably still mistakes because I am very blind.  - Trigg
Warnings: Poly relationship (between Reader and ghouls), Blood, Voyeurism, Double Penetration, Hair pulling, Oral (kind of?), Fingering, Edging. 
You had found yourself in this situation beause of an innocent gesture.  You had accidentally gripped onto Rain’s tail spade when watching a horror movie with the others.  You had gotten scared and it was the first thing avaliable.  But little did you know, the Spade of the Ghouls’ tails were sensitive, like really sensitive.  Once you grabbed it Rain jolted up immediatly and at first you thought you hurt him, until Dew spoke up for him
      “Oh sweetheart you’re gonna regret that later” with the biggest shit eating smirk.  
     You looked back at Rain, confused, when a flash of light from the movie lit up the dark room you noticed that he was flushed a darker grey.
     “Rainy im so sorry.  Did I hurt you?” you whispered only loud enough for him to hear.  He was quiet for a second. 
     “No, love, you didn’t hurt me but umm, you’re definitly going to help me with what you did after this is over”  Rain also spoke at a whisper but you could tell his voice had gotten a bit deeper.  You guys were sat in the back of the room so no one could see what you three were up to, and Rain took advantage of this.  He pulled you up into his lap but made sure you were facing outward so you could still watch the movie.  Dew had scooted over to your spot, next to Rain and gave him a questioning look, and to which was only responded with a nod.  Rain was no longer focusing on the movie but on you, sitting in his lap with his growing cock giving his intentions away.  He started to kiss your neck, and he ground you down into him and then you finally understood what had happened.  Your cheeks flushed as you thought about it, you felt so bad about doing it in a room full of his bandmates.  Your lovers were silently planning something without you knowing even what had happened.  You felt so stupid for not realizing, but all of these thoughts faded away as soon as you felt Rain’s teeth nip at the spot below your ear.  You had to stop yourself from making any noise as to not draw any attention from the others.  Because you already knew that Dew wasn’t going to ever let you forget this but his teasing would worsen if anyone else found out. 
As this was unfolding, the credits started to roll and Rain immediatly flipped you around in his lap and very quietly whispered to pretend like you were asleep, so that he could play off getting out of there as soon as possible.  You obviously complied without question, excited for what was to come.  
And now here you were, striped down to your panties with Rain working dark bruises and the occasional nip into your chest.  Dew had decided to sit back and watch, like the voyeur he is.  He liked getting off to his two lovers like this.   Rain had started to move his kisses and marks down your body until he reached the hem of your panties, to which you raised your hips a bit so that it would be easier to slip them off.  You got a small smile from your lover before he dipped down, spreading your thighs. 
You let out a whine as the cold air hit you cunt, and Rain nipped at your thigh, just hard enough not to draw blood.  He leaned back then kissed the reddened skin before licking a stripe up from your hole to your clit making you involentarily buck your hips up into him.  He snaked one of his arms up to hold you down and he used thie other to stick a finger into your hole while his mouth worked wonders on your clit.  Soon he added another finger and started to curl them to hit the spot that had you seeing stars.  You were trying so hard to buck up into him but his grip on your hips made it nearly imposible.  Your hands had moved from gripping onto the sheets, to gripping his hair, you weren’t trying to pull hard but at least you knew he liked it from the noises he would make from it.  The pressure was starting to build and rain must of noticed from the way your walls were fluttering around his fingers, and just before you toppled over the edge he pulled away.  
You let out a long whine at his actions and looked over at Dew sitting in his chair.  He was intently watching you and stroking himself.  He gave you a smirk and motioned for you to continue with Rain for the time being.  
     “Rainy why did you stop?” you whined as you looked back at Rain giving him a pouty face.  
     “Hmm Dew was right, you do get whiney when denied” Rain snickered back at you.  “ Just want to make it more powerful when we do let you cum” he continued.  Did he just say ‘when we let you’? Oh this was going to be something.  You must of been thinking a little too much because a touch on your thigh made you come back to your scenses, you might of jumped a little bit because Rain spoke up again,
     “Easy love, sorry I startled you, everything okay?”  
     “I-um.. Yeah im perfectly fine just..” you started before getting cut off.
     “Thinking about what he said Sweetheart?” Dew pipped up from his chair.  You looked over at him again only to find your gaze being pulled back to Rain by his fingers which were hooked under your chin.  
     “Focus on me, not him.”  Rain growled now growing impatient with his own actions.  He leaned down to start kissing your neck and then all of the sudden he bit down, putting his fangs into your neck, it hurt, but you loved it judging by the moan you let out.  He pulled back to admire his work, watching the blood drip down only to lean back down and lick it up.  He took his hand back to your warmth and stuck his fingers back into you, pumping them a couple times, enough to get you worked up again then pulled then away.  Again you whined at the loss of contact as he went to sit up so he could get his boxers off.  His cock sprung up to his stomach as he pulled them down and then he kicked them off once he got them down far enough.  This wasn’t the first time by any means that you’d seen him naked but each time he still surprises you with it.  
He brought your attention back once again with a possesive kiss to your lips.  you took one of your hands down to touch him but before you could he grabbed your hands and held them above your head without breaking the kiss.
He pulled away shortly after, “Think you’re ready?” 
     “Yes.  Please Rain, Please.” You were begging and you weren’t even sure what you were begging for.  Was it a release?  Was it for them to wreck you?  Was it too much to ask for both?
     “I think so too, but let’s make sure your ready for this” He said as he gathered some of your slick and rubbed a few circles into your clit.  He pulled his fingers away and brought his finger to his mouth and licked away your juices.  He finally took his painfully hard cock into his hand and lined himself up to your entrance, making sure Dew was getting a show, before he pushed himself in.  You both let out a moan as he bottomed out inside of you, letting your hands go as he went to hold your hips.  He started off at slower pace until he knew you were ready for anything rougher.  And as soon as he sensed you were ready he picked up his pace and went deeper inside of you.  You had moved your hands to grip on his biseps.  With every thrust he was hitting your g-spot, which was drawing you closer and closer to that cliff of pleasure.  Rain had bent down and had his head against your shoulder, tail wrapped around your ankle, and had started to rub tight circles on your clit.  You let out a pornographic moan as he did this, you were getting so so close to your peak, and Rain had once again noticed because he pulled himself out right before you toppled over again.  
Now Dew had made his way over and whispered something to Rain, which made him smirk.  This made you both nervous and excited for the idea he posed.   
“sweetheart, get up for a second so Rainy can get positioned” Dewdrop had said in a low voice.  You hesitated for a second but you pulled yourself up without having to be pulled up by one of them.  With you out of the way, Rain scooted up to rest up against the headboard, and once he was situated he motioned for you to come over to him.  You crawled over to him and he told you to turn around and sit in his lap.  He helped you into his lap and guided his dick back into your needy hole as Dew had crawled over to you guys.  You let out a whimper as this new angle had him imposibly deeper inside of you.  You reached out for Dew and he came closer and gave you along with Rain a kiss.  It was firey, like him.  Rain had started to thrust up into you softly as Dew spoke.
     “Do you think you could try to take both of us? like we’ve been practicing?” He asked.  
     “Oh fuck yes, Please Dew” you half moaned, earning a chuckle at your eagerness.  Dew then got off of the bed to go over to his nightstand and grab the lube bottle, so it would go a little smoother.  He walked back over and popped open the cap and squired some onto his dick and stroked himself a couple of times before tossing the bottle on the foot of the bed, crawling back up to you and Rain.  He loved how you looked with Rain spreading you in his lap.  He leaned down a bit and kissed you again. 
     “I’m gonna try to push in now, stay relaxed for us Sweetheart”  Dew said, in a semi nice sounding way, as he took his dick and sloted it up against Rain’s.  He was going slow, pushing Rain’s cock farther back into you as he tried to enter you.  You tensed a little as his tip had made it’s way through and he stopped his movements.
     “You’re doing so good for us sweetheart, stay relaxed, I know it hurts at first”  He reassures you, before slowing continuing his movement.  You tried your best to keep your muscles relaxed as he had gotten almost all of the way in you.  He made it all the way in and you let out a whimper and dropped your head back against Rain’s shoulder.  They were still for a little bit while you were adjusting to the stretch.  As soon as you gave the signal that you were ready for them to move.
Dew started moving first, and then Rain started to thrust up, they still went slow even though you said it was okay to go harder.  You felt so full, and it felt so good.  
“Please, Faster, Harder, Please, Please”  You were begging now.  And they wasted no time complying now.  Harder and Faster, You weren’t the only one making noise, Rain was letting out the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard with Dew’s occasional grunt or growl.  Dew leaned down and kissed you, while his fingers moved to your clit to rub circles.  After a bit you could feel the pressure returning once more, feeling even tighter this time.  
     “Please, please, need to cum, Please”  You were aching to be allowed to go over the edge.  
     “Hmm, what do you think Rainy?  Can she”  Dew asked Rain in a teasing tone.
     “I think so, I’m not going to last long either Dewy” Rain whined.  
     “You heard him Sweetheart, let go for us” Dew said between thrusts as his fingers worked faster on your clit.  And you wasted no time with letting yourself go.  Your walls squeezing around your two lovers inside of you.  Your pulsating drew Rain over the edge too.
     “Oh god i’m gonna-” Rain cut himself off with a long whine as he came, deep inside you.  He rutted himself up and held himself there as your cunt along with Dew’s cock sliding against his was milking him dry.  Dew thrusted a few more times before cumming with a groan.  He stilled as well, and leaned down and put his forehead against yours.  He stayed like that for a second before leaning back up, and slowly slid his softening cock out of you.  
You let out a whimper at his actions, “Shh, i know, I’ll be right back” Dew said as he found his boxers and left the room.  Rain let you know that he was going to lift you off of him with a kiss to your neck.  He layed you back against him with his cock now out of you.  The mixture of Rain and Dew’s cum dripping out of you.  You grabbed Rain’s head and gave him a quick kiss as Dew came back with a wet cloth and three bottles of water.  he carefully sets the bottles down as to not drop one of them and he brings the cloth over and crawls back onto the bed.  
     “I’m gonna clean you up, okay?  I’ll be gentle” Dew had said as he started to clean up the mess you guys had made.  After he got you cleaned up he left the bed and handed you and Rain a bottle of water and were instucted to drink.  Dew had already drank part of his and he left the room again for a second.  He came back with one of his shirts and a new pair of panties for you, along with a pair of boxers for himself and Rain.  
     Dew helped you up off of the bed so he could help you put on the fresh pair of panties, allowing Rain to also get up so he could change too.  Once you all had fresh clothes on and Rain had changed the sheets, you all got back into Rain’s bed.  
You were in a happy sandwich between your two favourite ghouls.  You nuzzed into Rain and Dew scooted closer to hug you tighter from behind as you all had fallen asleep after the eventful evening.  
A/N: I hope you all like it even though it is probably shit lol   - Trigg
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nin-deer · 1 month
Ch 143
i mean i think we all knew deep down the kiss was gonna happen based on the flow of the story but i think this chap reveals a lot about gorou and sarina
(uh warning this got a little out of hand so its pretty long lmao)
i dont think anyone's completely in the wrong, but i definitely don't think they're in the right either. (not that i condone incest; its just that their motivations led them to this specific point. would the story have been fine without it? hell yeah. please i actually prefer it that way. but this is the direction the author decided to take it, so we have to take it as it is as a point of learning more about the character's motivations)
Let's first analyze sarina and gorou's relationship pre-reincarnation. I think I covered this in my last post where I rambled about onk, but gorou is doing a doctor thing where he "accepts" sarina's proposal just to make her happy. We learn in this new chapter that he basically catered to her every request, and that's what started that infatuation. we know from previous chapters that her bio family's shitty, so the only place she would get this love is from gorou. we also learn in this chapter that it's not actually a romantic love but a fanatic love, for lack of better terms. she sees him as her idol. does sarina even know what it feels to be romantically in love with someone? she spent her whole first life in a hospital, isolated from others her age. she spent her second life very curated and protected because of her mom and her future career; she couldn't really live a normal life. (we'll get back to this point later) all she knows about love is through her idols, so she's channeling it into (what she thinks is) romantic love for gorou.
gorou, on the other side of this, is an actual adult who had an actual life before all this, so he knows what a normal life is like. assuming sarina is one of his first patients, its obvious to see that he got attached, which is a very risky situation for scenarios like this. we see this attachment made her death worse, as he threw himself into following Ai to cope for her death. not gonna go too in depth about this here because, again, i made another post for this that i'll probably link at the end bc im referencing it more than i thought... continuing! he knows sarina doesnt have long left so he wants to do what he can for her, thus creating that "idol" persona sarina has for him.
we see in his regret in this new chap that he actually knows what he's doing and is aware of the consequences of his actions. ruby doesn't. she doesn't regret anything. as someone who reads a lot of isekai/reincarnation stories, its easy to joke that ruby and aqua are their old age + their new age, but that isn't necessarily true for ruby. sure, aqua is old and this could apply to him. but ruby? she didn't make it past 18 before she died. she's like,,, 13 times 2. double 13. she never fully developed in her first life, and she's developing in this current life. it's like a continue from where she left off. aqua actually was an adult, so he has all the knowledge and wisdom of an adult. why does this matter? shift your attention back to the concept of love for a bit. aqua knows what she's doing is bad and is trying to stop her, but the knowledge that she's sarina is making him automatically succumb to her wishes. a part of his brain, because of the trauma, still sees ruby as the sickly sarina he was caring for.
ruby is naïve. she doesnt know what love is. all the love she's ever been exposed to is whatever she saw online: idols. i dont even think she fully knows what the concept of family is. aqua is her brother? nope. aqua is the doctor she proposed to and now she has a chance to follow through like all the shows she's seen. she's closer than ever to him, so why give up the chance? even as ruby, she wasn't exposed to a lot of normalcy because of idol culture. she isn't able to learn about the difference between platonic love and fanatic love. we even see this with ai, who she sees more as an idol than her mom. the joy is in her idol being her mom, someone who's supposed to care for her. it's like shes living a fantasy made just for her. because aqua was so obsessed w revenge, he didn't have the chance to teach her anything, and it's not like he needed to learn bc he already knows. ruby doesn't.
aqua, as the one who understands these nuances, should have sat her down and explained things, but he didn't because of the trauma of sarina. ruby is ignorant and is treating things like a tv drama, now that her dreams as sarina can finally become true. aqua doesn't realize how serious ruby is about this because in his mind this is just a child playing house. ruby is like,,,, imagine you die and you wake up actually being sold to one direction. or whatever happens to you in your fav self-insert scenario/fanfic. idk a better analogy lmao but its like finally being able to play out your fantasies irl. she doesn't realize the real world impacts of her actions because, frankly, she doesn't care. she gets to live out her life as she wants. aqua was shocked after the first kiss with ruby because he realized then she was being serious, but he didn't speak out about it because, again, the trauma™. (we see him again uncomfy with the whole situation in the next page, but his lack of objection could be bc it's a scene in the documentary and he finds it more important to get revenge rn) ruby kissed him then because she purposefully created the mood like that so it would fit in the story she was writing in her mind.
so what does this mean? because of their shared pasts, aqua and ruby are put in this situation where ruby can do what she wants and aqua goes along with it. even if he knows its morally wrong, he can't bring himself to break ruby's immersion in all of this. BUT. big but. aqua shouldn't act like this. they're both capable of living out their lives as normal (barring the revenge and the whole idol stuff). he doesn't need to act like this anymore; ruby's not terminally ill. he's not a doctor. what he should have done was firmly deny her stuff he knows is wrong because then he can educate her about the reason why. as much as their personalities are inspired by their past lives, sarina and gorou are dead. they need to move on and live a aqua and ruby. (Harsh, I know, but because of this scenes like *gestures vaguely to the newest two chapters* happens. if aqua stood his ground and taught ruby about familial love and that what she's feeling is probably not romantic, i think this could have been avoided. but alas, we need it for the ~drama~)
sorry that went on way longer than i thought lmao. i think i covered everything i wanted to say but im too lazy to read back so fingers crossed
if you made it this far and are curious about the other post i mentioned in the beginning, its here. i just think its some context to my thought process but not necessary to understand this post
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meianslo · 10 months
Too Late
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Anthony Lockwood x Fem!Reader
warning: pure angst, second option reader, asshole lockwood :'D
word count: 1.2k
disclaimer: this isn't the best one i've wrote bc i probably forgot that i even wrote it but im just gonna post it anw hueheu
(name) was walking on the pavement that leads to 35 portland row, the home of her best friend, Lockwood. Lucy had invited her to come to his house after not going there for almost a month now.
She started being friends with Lockwood just a few years ago before he even started his agency. (name) was a family friend but they got to knowing, and just clicked with each other. But for her, it was more than just being friends... or best friends. He was so much more than that to her. But she knows he'll never return the feelings.
Anyways, feelings aside, (name) has become great friends with his agency's members even though she is not a part of it. She was so excited for him when he hired his first assistant. But she remember that it didn't go that well for em' but luckily, he's now ended up with George and Lucy.
Which brings us back to (name), wondering why Lucy had invited her.
Finally arriving at the house, she knocks on their door and waited for a few until George opened up the door and greeted her.
"Hi, (name). Lucy told me that she's expecting you?" she nodded at George's confusion. George knows that only Lockwood invite her most of the times but, even if someone else did invite her, it was probably Lockwood's request (it was a demand..). And Lockwood is currently out of the house. He let her in and asked her if she wanted some tea.
"Yeah sure, that'd be lovely, Georgie." She gave him a small smile of appreciation. While waiting for the tea, (name) went up to the attic to talk with Lucy.
"Lucy? You here?" (name) shouted as she's climbing the stairs before Lucy appeared behind the railings. "(name)! You came!"
"Of course I did, you asked me to, silly. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" (name) chuckled as she finally took the last step of the stairs. "So, what's up? Why'd you ask me to come?" Lucy took both her hand, pulled her and sat her down on her bed. This made (name) smiled and just went along with her.
The brown haired girl sighed and look down on her hand. "Lockwood just asked me out a week ago," (name) smile dropped "That's great, Luce!" (name) put her smile back but this one was more forced.
"I rejected him, (name)-"
"What? Why?" (name) was so confused, Lucy liked Lockwood back. So, why did she reject him?
"I- I don't know, I just did! I started rambling about how work is a pressure for me and all — I barely remember what I said-" Lucy sighed loudly. "I panicked.. I like him, (name). I do but, I don't know what came over me. And now, there's tension all over the house!"
As much as she wished that she's the one that's getting asked, (name) know better than that will ever happen. So, she give Lucy some courage to talk to Lockwood and explain herself.
"Lucy, you have to tell him or you'll regret it." What (name) didn't know is that she might also regret encouraging Lucy, but she knows it's for the better. "Well, I'm gonna go downstairs. George is probably done with the tea," She stood up and headed for the stairs
"Alright, I'll catch up with you later!" Lucy exhaled and lay back into the bed, chest feeling heavy.
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"So, why'd Lucy invite you over?" George questioned. He set down the cup of the in front of the girl and sat down in front of her.
(name) took a sip and pick up the pen that is Infront of her and starts doodling on the thinking cloth. "It's nothing, just Lockwood and Lucy things, y'know?" George just shrugged at what she said. They suddenly heard a noise coming from the front door, it's probably Lockwood struggling to open the door.
George just stood up and went to the hallway to open the door for Lockwood. "Hey," Lockwood greeted him and headed for the phone.
(name) peeked through the kitchen to see what's up with Lockwood especially after getting rejected. "Anthony?" she revealed her presence and Lockwood turn to her.
"(name)! I was just about to call you, guess that'll save me some time."
"What's up? Need anything?" (name) played dumb about the fact that Lucy rejected him, trying to not break his heart.
"George, can you..? Need some privacy." Lockwood smiled thinly. George just pushed up his glasses, nodding and went back to the kitchen. Lockwood walked closer to her, five feet apart from each other.
"(name).." His gaze shifted, It's not how he usually look at her. He was looking at her with much more passion and (name) realized what's gonna happen and..
"No. Lockwood, no." She blurted out and this confused him.
"What? I didn't even say anything-" He steps closer, this made (name) take a step backward.
"I know, Lucy told me."
"I like you, (name)."
"No, you don't."
She refuses this because this is not good.
"I- Please, (name)."
"Lockwood." This surprised him, because she rarely ever calls him that. "You like her, not me. Her. And I've liked you since forever but that doesn't mean I'll accept you just because I happen to be your option!" she scoffed "You decided that you like me because Lucy rejected you, right? You're being desperate and I know you're better than that. I'd rather reject you than just be a second option for you, Anthony."
The boy sighed and massaged nose bridge. He muttered. "This is my second regret, now."
"What? Are you serious? Wow, did you really just said that? Do I really just become your second regret? Be fucking serious, Lockwood." There it is again. "You're actually admitting that I'm just becoming your second everything at this point. I'm fine not being your option at all because it'd mean I wouldn't have to hope anything from you."
"(name), I didn't mean that! I'm so sorry — I'm just being dumb and-"
"Yes, you are being dumb! And I'll just let it slide because I know what you're going through." She swerved around him and went for the door. She hesitates for a second but finally reach the door's knob.
Just when she was about to turn the knob, Lucy called out to her. "(name)!" She stood at the top of the stairs. "(name)?" she repeated looking a bit more confused. Lucy bit her bottom lip and glanced at Lockwood for a second before looking back at (name).
"Lucy.." Lockwood muttered under his breath. (name) can hear how hurt he was in his voice but it didn't excused him for what he just did.
After turning around for a second to look at Lucy then Lockwood, the heavy hearted girl knows to leave them alone and let them talk it out. (name) turn her back to them again, "Thanks for the Invite, Lucy. Tell George I love the tea.." She finally turned the knob and head out of the house.
When (name) was finally far enough from the house, she sat on the kerb of the pavement. Breaking down into sobs, fingers running through her hair. She buried her head into the palm of her hands, getting them all clammy.
She didn't know whether or not this is her fault.
Because she was too late. She thought that if she had confessed sooner, maybe this wouldn't happen to her. Maybe, her heart wouldn't have to be crushed into pieces.
a/n: this almost become rusty because i forgot i have this in my draft
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