#good day sacramento
timmaay · 2 years
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nanowrimo · 1 month
When Is a Small Press a Good Fit?
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When it comes to publishing, many writers will think about big publishers first. However, there are a lot of different publishing options out there to explore. NaNo participant and author, Clara Ward, talks about their experience publishing with a small press and gives you questions to consider while you think through your publishing options!
NaNoWriMo inspired me to write. Signing with a small press gave me the support I needed to publish a book I love. 
I’d published books before—starting with NaNoWriMo sponsor deals in the early days of online publishing—but I never had the right skill set to promote those books. As a result, they never truly found their audience. 
In November of 2020, I poured my heart into a genre-blurring near-future tale of sailing across the Pacific and building a neurodiverse, queer, and possibly magical chosen family. In 2021, I titled it Be the Sea and asked myself: What am I going to do with that?
1. Are you looking for fame or family?
Small presses are as varied as the people who form them. If you read widely, you may already have a treasured book on your shelf from your publisher-to-be. Try asking NaNoWriMo friends who share your interests if they’ve discovered any surprising or emerging sources for great reads. (At the very least, you may find books you’ll love in unexpected places!)
Admittedly, a small press doesn’t have a fortune to spend on paving your path to fame. But I have never felt as seen as when my soon-to-be publisher, E.D.E. Bell at Atthis Arts, wrote back, “I’m really in love with what you are doing and would like to talk about it.” 
2. Do you have the bandwidth for working with others?
Even with the most supportive small press, you may have to push outside your comfort zone. I know authors who love the absolute control and freedom of self-publishing. For a time, I felt very comfortable just posting my NaNoWriMo fanfiction novels on Archive of Our Own. At most, I had one or two beta readers to offer feedback on those works. Whereas E.D.E. told me in one of our earliest conversations that in addition to our three rounds of editing we’d need “a good number of betas” to cover the range of topics we were working on together.
I was delighted! I knew what I’d written was ambitious, and I welcomed all the feedback I could get. But it turns out, each extra person in a process adds new challenges and delays. I had to stretch my empathy as well as my publishing timeline because, to quote E.D.E. again: “It’s a lot of emotion (as well as brain cycles) to go through...” Outside perspectives will only improve your writing if you are willing to work with them, to truly listen and learn.
3. Can you handle the two-way commitment?
No form of publishing is easy. The myth that authors write while others handle business and promotion is not true at the top, and certainly not with small presses. In my experience, working with Atthis Arts was like joining a team or chosen family. Beyond certain paid tasks, such as editing and sensitivity reading, I discovered a community of authors who freely offered coaching before my first public reading, social media boosting, tips for author webpages, and an extra pair of eyes on letters requesting bookshop readings or other events. While not all small presses work the same way, this supportive culture proved to be an excellent fit for me. Naturally, I wanted to give back whenever possible.
Small presses can only succeed with community. This month, as I promote the launch of Be the Sea at bookshops in Mountain View, Davis, and Sacramento, I will be introducing many Californians to my Michigan-based small publisher, Atthis Arts. When I stand up as a panelist at Norwescon in Washington state or at various science, library, or Pride events later in the year, I’ll be promoting more than Be the Sea by Clara Ward. I’ll give back by sharing my appreciation for small presses, the supportive and inclusive practices they can normalize, and the opportunities they open up for future writers and readers. 
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Clara Ward lives in Silicon Valley on the border between reality and speculative fiction. Their latest novel, Be the Sea, features a near-future ocean voyage, chosen family, and sea creature perspectives, while delving into our oceans, our selves, and how all futures intertwine. Their short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Decoded Pride, Small Wonders, and as a postcard from Thinking Ink Press. When not using words to teach or tell stories, Clara uses wood, fiber, and glass to make practical or completely impractical objects. More of their words along with crafted creations can be found at: https://clarawardauthor.wordpress.com
Photo by Hümâ H. Yardım on Unsplash
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cobaltperun · 3 months
Lost (13) - Easier to run
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Warning for this chapter: I don't go into details, but the ending might be a bit, uncomfortable.
Word count: 3.5k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-Just washing it aside all of the helplessness inside pretending I don't feel misplaced is so much simpler than change-
Everyone who knew you and Tara for more than a day would likely say Tara was the one exception to your every rule. That all Tara had to do to get something from you would be to simply ask. There were plenty of activities that were only permitted to Tara. From stealing your clothes, in her defense they were comfy, and she felt like you were hugging her whenever she wore them, all the way to interrupting your training for valid, though admittedly silly, reasons. Well, those people had no idea what they were talking about because all the tricks in the books weren't making you give in.
"Come on, Y/N," Tara was getting desperate at this point. Puppy eyes didn't help, and she usually didn't have to resort to even that, let alone all the other options she used. She pleaded, she bargained, she tried seduction, promised things that made you smile at the mere thought of them, promised things that made you a flustered mess. "Please! I'll do anything you want," her pleading went unanswered as you got in your car.
"If you loved me, you'd do this for me," a low blow, but she was getting desperate.
You lowered your window and looked at Tara with the flattest look she had ever seen on your face. "Tara, you're not driving my car, now get in," she had no idea, but both of you had the same thought going through your heads. 'I have the most stubborn girlfriend ever.'
"You let Sam drive it," Tara grumbled when she relented and got in the passenger seat.
"I was injured! You can drive it if I'm dying or high on painkillers!" you exclaimed, clearly getting riled up over Tara's insistence on driving your precious car. Tara couldn't help herself, she grinned at your reaction. There was just something inherently appealing and maybe even a bit exciting in knowing that regardless of how much she pushed your buttons you'd only get annoyed and even then, you'd calm down after a bit of making out. So, while she really wanted to drive to Sacramento, getting you riled up would have to do.
Only... she just realized she couldn't make out with you while you were driving, and driving alone would calm you down. Tara was getting nothing out of half an hour's worth of effort.
Ever since choosing Blackmore University as the next step in your education, you made sure you went to Sacramento to visit Susan at least once a month, and Tara made sure she was with you every single time. In a week you'd be leaving Woodsboro so it wouldn't be as easy to travel from New York to Sacramento whenever you wanted to. So, that's how you ended up in Susan's guest bedroom with Tara getting ready to go to bed.
The fact that Tara was the one sleeping closer to the doors was enough proof of how the two of you felt regarding Susan. Right now, you and Tara were sitting on the bed, just about ready to lie down and sleep.
"I'm proud of you two, and yes, I already said that, and I'm going to keep saying that," Susan smiled, it felt good to hear someone say that, especially since it was directed at Tara too.
"Thank you," you glanced at Tara, noticing a small blush dusting her cheeks.
Every time Susan did something that made Tara feel welcomed and loved you couldn't help but like the woman just a bit more than before. "Thanks, mo-" you froze, your eyes wide as you realized what word nearly slipped past your lips.
You could feel your face burning as you wished for the ground to open and swallow you. Or for a bolt of lightning to strike you. Or anything, really, that could save you from embarrassment. Unconsciously you dropped down to the bed, behind Tara, thus hiding at least your face behind her.
A soft chuckle made you reach out and pull Tara closer to you as the bed muffled your embarrassed groan. "Good night," Susan closed the doors behind her.
Tara giggled, enjoying your unfortunate slip of the tongue. "Y/N," she pulled away from you, but only so she could lie down next to you and pull your head to her chest. "It's okay," she whispered softly, gently massaging the back of your head. "It was cute," she was enjoying this a bit too much.
"I'll never recover from embarrassment," you complained, even if you felt a bit better now.
"You're adorable when you get embarrassed," Tara actually cooed, only increasing the embarrassment you felt.
"No, I'm not. I'm an MMA fighter," you were a fighter, always ready for a brawl, proven to be one of the strongest female fighters in the world without even reaching your peak. You were not going to take this.
Tara shifted so she was face to face with you. "I don't see how one excludes the other, you're my adorable MMA fighter," the soft kisses were definitely making you just take it.
"You're lucky I love you," you playfully warned when Tara stopped kissing you for a moment.
"Oh, I know," there was a mischievous glint in Tara's eyes. Frankly, any other time this would probably escalate further, but you were at Susan's house and the mere idea of going further than kissing and cuddling felt strange.
Leaving Woodsboro and coming to New York, was, perhaps, the best decision you could make, especially for Tara. She was happy, relaxed, it was like she was being completely free for the first time in her life. Free from her mother, her past, from everything negative related to Woodsboro.
Nothing told you Tara was feeling better as well as the way you woke up that morning. It would be an understatement to say it was a surprise to wake up in your new apartment with Tara drawing random shapes on your left forearm with the tip of her finger.
Ever since Tara was attacked when the two of you slept together the two of you either spooned or slept in the same position as you were in this morning, with Tara's head on your chest, and your arms protectively around her. Cradle position, or something like that, Tara once told you.
"Hey, Love," you rasped, still a bit sleepy.
Tara leaned up, kissing the right side of your jaw. "Good morning, Y/N," you felt her smiling. "We've got a long day ahead of us," she reminded you, though with the way she nuzzled into your neck you figured she wasn't too eager to get up.
"Let's see, we're meeting that girl who answered our ad for a roommate, Sam has a job interview, I have first MMA classes," Thomas really saved your ass with that. He paid well, maybe even too well, it wasn't a full-time job, and you could use it to stay in shape as well. Because of how well he paid Sam would only need to work one job, instead of two that she was planning on. Tara could focus on studying, besides, with her asthma job options were even more limited. If she wanted to get a job eventually neither you nor Sam would stop her, but she deserved to take it easy at least for a year.
You also retired with quite a bit of money from the deal to retire quietly and the two fights you had. You considered investing it in something but figured it would be smarter to wait for a bit and see how things worked out in New York.
"Mhm, and we have to go do some shopping, mostly for our kitchen," Tara reminded you. That would be a bit of an annoyance since Sam just had to insist on getting the top floor, no elevator, apartment.
"I still can't believe there are so many stairs in this building, or that we actually have rooms now. And a kitchen. That isn't connected to the living room and bedroom. And two damn bathrooms. And three bedrooms. We have a separate dining area, Tara," having spent almost three years in a cramped apartment made this feel surreal. Even the damn bed you were sleeping in was bigger now!
Tara laughed, tickling you slightly with her breath. "You can actually work out here," she teased you.
"That too!" you eagerly agreed. Finally, you could get rid of any nervous energy without heading to the gym.
A knock on the doors got your attention. "Are you two decent?" Sam's voice came from the other side.
"Yeah!" Tara immediately said. Which you were, clothes on, room clean, you were just still in the bed. Still, after Sam barely avoided catching the two of you in a not-quite-decent state she got into a habit of asking before entering. And you were thankful for that, because while you deeply cared about Sam, neither you nor Tara wanted her to walk in on you. And Sam was just as disturbed by the idea, so this was truly the best option.
"I was about to head to the store, do you need anything?" Sam asked, smiling when she saw Tara so happy this early in the morning.
Tara shook her head. "I'm good."
"Same here, I'll get the breakfast ready when you come back," honestly, you got used to Sam living with you and Tara really quickly. It almost made you sorry someone else, a stranger nonetheless, was about to join the three of you.
"I'll be back soon," Sam left the two of you and you stretched a bit before finally getting up.
"You two are going to spoil me," Tara sat up as well, yawning slightly.
You took the T-shirt you slept in off and went to the wardrobe to get a clean shirt. "Nothing wrong with that, Love," besides, it wasn't like Tara didn't do anything, she had her own chores, it's just that they didn't involve cooking or cleaning that could trigger her asthma.
“Mhm, how about I spoil you as well?” she came up behind you, got on her tiptoes and kissed your neck.
“What did you have in mind?” you lifted her up, smirking teasingly as she pulled back and hugged you.
“How about we watch your favorite movie, and I’ll order our favorite snacks and food so you don’t have to cook tonight?” she asked and your eyes lit up at that. She could definitely spoil you like that.
You were late. Thomas took up some of your time to talk about the first classes you taught as well as to catch up a bit. After everything he did you kind of couldn't just leave. Besides, Tara and Sam were meeting this girl, Quinn Bailey if you remembered correctly, in public, far enough from the apartment. Her dad was a cop, so that made it easier to drop your guard a bit.
As long as Tara and Sam were fine with the girl, you were sure you'd be fine with her too. If you were being completely honest, if Quinn managed to convince Sam she was harmless she was almost definitely in.
When you joined Tara, Sam, and who you assumed was Quinn, you quickly leaned down to kiss Tara's cheek, gave Sam a brief one-armed hug, and only then offered your hand to Quinn. "Y/N L/N, sorry I'm late," you said.
Quinn accepted the handshake. "Damn, and I thought Sam was jacked, but look at you," she whistled as you sat down next to Tara.
Well, it wasn't the first time someone noticed your muscles. "Right, moving on," not the best first impression, but you could brush it off. Tara, who was frowning, probably wouldn't though.
"Where's the rush? I wouldn't mind having some fun," what was this woman trying to accomplish? You really couldn't figure it out. Was she trying to piss Tara off or something?
"Well, have fun. Without me," you reached down underneath the table to rub circles into Tara's right palm. Feeling the way she squeezed your hand it was the right decision.
"Life, I have found, is about variety, Y/N," she leaned in, reaching over toward your hand.
"Mine is about one person," you pulled your hand back before she could touch it. Tara loosened her hold on your hand, but still leaned a bit closer. You could see she was glaring daggers at Quinn and Sam didn't appreciate it either.
Quinn had a bit of a frown on her face, but it quickly changed and she began laughing. "I'm just joking with you, though I really wouldn't mind taking a closer look," she openly ogled you.
Tara faked a cough. "Well, I'm not. I'm sorry we wasted your time Quinn," there was no need for Tara to finish that sentence.
Quinn had the guts to look shocked. "Are you serious right now?"
"Absolutely," Sam took Tara's side and you just shrugged, as if to tell her 'Well, what did you expect would happen?'
"Unbelievable," Quinn pretty much stormed off.
"Do we really need a roommate? The extra bedroom can be used if Chad or Mindy decide to sleep over," Tara voiced what all three of you were thinking.
"That's probably the best option," Sam agreed.
"You won't catch me complaining, that's for sure," you were definitely in favor of keeping the apartment to just the three of you. Not to mention it was the safest option.
"Speaking of the apartment, let's go back," Tara was already up and pulling you along. Sam still had her job interview, so it would just be you and Tara.
You could see she was still pissed off by the time you reached the building, so you picked her up bridal style. "Don't tell me you're jealous," you eventually asked and grinned as Tara placed her arm on your back.
"I'm not," she huffed as she unlocked your apartment.
She locked the doors behind you two and you went right to the bedroom. "What is it then?" you asked and lowered her down on the bed,
"You're mine," okay, that sounded way more possessive than you were used to from Tara. She said you were hers every now and then, this tone was different. This wasn't born of passion, or said in the heat of the moment, this was pure jealousy.
"So, you are jealous," you sighed, letting her pull you in until you were pressing against her.
"Of course I am. She, she just-" Tara huffed and let go of you, spreading her arms on the bed. You immediately recognized the mood swings from right after the attack. Your best guess was that this one was caused by Quinn attempting to take you from Tara.
"Tara," you slowly kissed her neck, gradually making your way up to her lips. "I'm yours. The only variety I want to consider is the variety of ways I can make you say my name," you grinned a bit as you heard Tara's breath hitch.
No fourth roommate. Just the three of you. With Woodsboro left behind. It felt like nothing could go wrong. You should have known better. You should have noticed Tara was too focused on ignoring Woodsboro.
You should have realized Tara was running away the moment you caught her covering the scar on her hand.
You only realized it two months after you came to New York when she first disappeared.
She may have had a bit too much to drink tonight. That might be a bit difficult to explain in the morning. Where was she anyway? She felt nauseous, but she still drank whatever alcohol was currently in her cup. Who exactly brought her here anyway? She was at one party, then somehow ended up at another one. Maybe. At this point, she was too drunk to know for sure.
How was she going to get home?
Oh well, problems for later.
She felt hands on her waist. The grip was strong. You? No, no, it was too firm, too forceful. She stumbled back, her head clearing enough to vaguely recognize a guy who was at the first party.
"What's wrong? You want this, right?"
She heard the words, but she couldn't quite understand them. The alcohol was making it very hard to stay steady on her feet. Oh, this was a mistake.
"No," she slurred, a lot like how her mother would and for a moment she felt disgusted by her behavior.
The guy laughed, clearly not believing her. "I'll take good care of you, don't worry about it."
Even as drunk as she was she felt her blood run cold. "Y/N," you weren't there, you weren't with her. She imagined your voice, telling her to breathe, angry at her, but more than anything worried about her asthma.
There was a crash and what sounded like wood cracking and then she felt safe. She felt the fresh air against her cheeks, strong arms holding her close, protecting her from anything and anyone. "I got you Tara, I got you," she heard and fell asleep in your arms.
You came back to the apartment when it was almost midnight, with Tara completely passed out due to who knows how much alcohol she drank. Sam met you at the doors, her legs too shaky to let her meet you outside. You weren't doing much better, you had hundreds of worst-case scenarios running through your head.
Sam reached out to Tara when you stopped at the front door. She shakily touched Tara's cheek, then lowered her hand to wipe a bit of drool coming out of Tara's mouth.
"Y/N...?" there was a silent question in the way Sam said your name. You saw fear in her eyes, and you were sure it was in your eyes as well.
"I think I made it in time," she nodded when you said that, leaving the unspoken question to hang in the air. The terrifying possibility that might happen if Tara doesn’t stop doing this. You didn't say it, and neither did Sam, but when you lowered Tara on the bed as gently as you possibly could Sam stepped out. So, you checked, just in case. Just in case you had to immediately get back to that damned house and murder anyone still there.
Luckily, you don't need to do that. Your hands trembled as you put your shirt on Tara and you released a muffled cry of relief when Tara just curled up, peacefully sleeping in your bed. "God damn it, Tara," you stumbled to the dining room, where Sam is expecting you. "Everything's fine," you fell apart the moment you dropped into the chair.
You pressed your hands against your eyes as you began sobbing uncontrollably. For hours you managed to hold it in, and now it all came crashing down upon you. You tried to keep it down, to be as silent as possible, but all those efforts resulted in coughs and gasps as more sobs tore through your body.
Sam was no different. shaking and crying her heart out and you just stumbled over to her and pulled her closer. And she let you, she clung to you in a way that reminded you of Tara. You had no idea how long you stayed like that, or how long it took for tears to dry up. You just feel lighter when you separate from Sam.
"We owe Anika," you finally say, your voice cracking and hoarse, you're tired from all the crying.
Sam nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment.
You realized Tara was gone when, around eight p.m. you called Mindy to see why Tara wasn't answering her phone. And then all hell broke loose because Tara wasn't with Mindy or Chad, and she wasn't answering her phone. So, it turned into an all-out search. Driving from one party to another until Mindy called you an hour and a half later. Anika saw Tara at a party and before Anika could do anything Tara left with all the wrong people.
It took slamming a man into the wall to get the address. Miles away from where you were. Miles away from your apartment. So, you drove even more recklessly than you did when you were trying to catch up to Sam.
And you found Tara.
And you wouldn't be surprised if you broke more than a couple of bones at that house.
And you called Sam to tell her the moment you lowered Tara onto the backseat of your car.
And you brought Tara back home.
And she was fine.
Just so damn drunk she barely even registered you were there.
You'd deal with Tara's recklessness first thing in the morning. Right now, you just needed to go to bed and hold her.
A/N: Honestly, I think Tara was mostly fine in Woodsboro, but then New York gives her all the opportunities to pretend nothing wrong happened, and we gradually reach Scream 6 Tara from the party. Anyway, thanks for reading, if you, perhaps, have any predictions for Scream 6 part of the story, I'd love to hear them. No, I will not change it if you guess correctly. Thanks for reading, see you next time! Updated on: 30.03.2024.
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ryanguzmansource · 1 month
📹 • Ryan's podcast appearance for A-Line Podcast (3.11.24)
ON BEING A "SEX SYMBOL": I don't see none of that […] I stay appreciative, I stay grateful for all of it. That's crazy though because I don't see myself like that, you know? [interviewer makes a comment on his level of humility] I've had a lot of humbling things happen to me that past, like, my whole life. Some people, like—I got good people in my corner right now checking me.
ON ACTING: [interviewer asks how long he's been in the profession] Thirteen years now? And it's never something I even thought of, coming from Sac [Sacramento]. Yeah, I was—I was doing, like, modelling in San Fran[cisco], I was doing fighting in Sacramento, and then I think just the environment I was around wasn't offering me any kind of, like, out, and I got caught up, and I was just like "You know what, I'ma do the same shit, I'm gonna get in trouble, I'm gonna end up like all these other individuals I'm around, let me try something new." So I got invited to come out to LA [Los Angeles] and do a photoshoot and that changed my life.
I was modelling and fighting at the same time, and then—because—I just came off one of my last fights [interviewer asks if he won] Nah, I lost. It was a-a belt fight too for the title. [interviewer asks if he was contender or champion] I was the contender. Yeah, I was going against the champ. Yeah, and I was only on my third fight at the time, so I was like, I was coming up real quick and I picked up that fight to be honest because somebody else turned it down and nobody else wanted to fight this guy so they looked at me and I was like, sign me up. Yeah, yeah, but then I came out here and everything changed. I remember getting a call from some, I don't even know the guy no more, but uh, he was talking about some, like, audition or something like that and I'm like, what do you mean, audition? and he goes oh yeah yeah I act, and I'm like "oh, okay, bro, if you can do it you're [indistinguishable] as fuck." [laughter] I gotta try this shit out for sure." And ever since then, man, I booked Step Up and I haven't been—[interviewer asks which movies he was in] Four and five. Yeah, four and five.
ON 9-1-1: [interviewer asks how long it takes for him to learn his lines and what his process is when he receives a new script] 9-1-1, they keep you on your toes because like, literally, we'll get the script the day of or, like, the night before and you don't even know you're working that night so it's just—now, at this point in time, I've been doing it for so long, it's just like—what I do, what helps me out is I read the lines over and over and over and over again until I got the lines on lock, right—[interviewer asks if he writes his lines in order to memorize them] No, I-I used to. So when I—when I came out here and I only had, like, twenty-seven dollars to my name, I could barely afford paper, so I would just take, like, a couple pieces of paper and keep on writing shit over and over again until I got that and then I think it developed something in my brain so that now that I'm looking at this stuff, I'll get the lines down real quick and then, as soon as I get the lines down, I put myself into it. And that's where you get to, like, the flavor, the character, like, all the like, little textures and stuff. Yeah.
ON THE ON-SET ENVIRONMENT: It really is like a little family, you know, we really kick it on-on, uh, and off screen and everything.
ON IF HE STILL GETS NERVOUS WHEN ACTING: I'd take a fight over [walking on set]. I think for me, in anything I've ever done—the more, like, tense I am, the worse I am. You know what I'm saying? So, like, I'm trying my best to just be comfortable and just be me and it's been a process to try and find out who that was at the same time as being an actor. So as I've climbed over the past thirteen years, I've kind of found out my identity, who I am, and feel real stable in who I am, so when I come on a set, it's the same person you'll meet all the time. And then when I'm—when they—when they call action, it's just a flip of the switch to be honest. It's really not like—I can't—I can't think about it too much.
ON METHOD ACTING: [interviewer asks what's the difference between what he does and method acting] Nah, but I did a movie—I did method for, like, so again, I've only done one acting class in my entire life, so I was trying to just learn on the go. I didn't even call myself an actor until, like, three years ago until I had a conversation with Kenny [Kenneth Choi] and Kenny was like, "bro, you got all the things, like, why are you not taking advantage of what you have?" But, uh, I did a Mario Van Peebles movie [Armed (2018)] and I was supposed to play the like, schizo, kind of like, like, crazy individual, all paranoid and everything like that. So I locked myself up in this, like, horrible ass motel, like, you know, prostitution was happening over here, like, we got—we got everything, you know, and I kept myself in that room, and then to further that thing, I hired one of my boys to, uh, be snapping pics of me randomly so, like, it always keep me, like, is somebody looking on me, blah blah blah.
And I couldn't get out the room, the room was hot as fuck, I think it was, like, 110 degrees in that room, um, it was in the middle of the fucking summer, and I just drove myself insane. I drove myself insane and I did this movie. I mean, it didn't come nothing of it but it became the Mario van Peebles show. I didn't realize that going into it but, um, that stuck with me for years. It fucked with me. So I would go around and I remember coming out of that room, actually—it was weird, I came out the room, my two boys took me out to lunch, and I'm-I'm-I'm trying to eat and all I could do was hear everybody's voices and it was so overwhelming I almost started crying, I'm like, oh whoa. So I had to, like, hop in the bathroom, I'm like, and seclude myself so I couldn't hear nobody. And then I finally, like, started to reintegrate myself into the community and then - and then I just went straight to filming. But I learned from that process, like, nah, method ain't for me.
ON HAVING A LIFE OUTSIDE OF ACTING: [interviewer asks how he's able to have a life outside of acting considering both the unpredictability and the rigor inherent to his line of work.] Yeah, you just got to be adaptable. ON GETTING HIRED: [interviewer asks if he sent in an audition tape for 9-1-1] Nah, bro, so it worked out differently for me, I got a straight offer based off an audition I did two months or three months prior. [interviewer asks if they kept his tape] I think so. Yeah, so, what happened was—[interviewer asks what the tape/audition was for] No, it was FOX, something completely different. Yeah, and I don't know, I don't know really the backstory 'cause, to be honest, I-I met up with Tim Minear, and shout out to Tim Minear, he's-he's like the OG of the OGs. Yeah, yeah, shoutout to showrunner, yeah, yeah, yeah, he-he does everything, he put, like, new life into this season for us.
But, um, I only met Ryan Murphy one time, and the only time I met him, actually, I was trying to go to Netflix trying to get my show picked up. I was writing something for, uh, with a-a-a group of people, and I was like "alright, I got this all set up" blah blah blah, you know, and that—there's a certain amount of slots that Netflix will see the people, so I'm sitting down there waiting, everything like that, and I see fourteen individuals come through, Ryan Murphy's leading them, like, I don't know who this man is. And finally someone comes up to me and says, hey, so, Ryan this-this guy actually works for you, and he's like, oh hey nice to meet you, blah blah blah and, like, dips out, and I'm like, fuck I'm not going to get this television show, like they're going to sign with this man" and shortly after, they signed this, like, massive deal and—yeah.
ON WORKING WITH ANGELA BASSETT: "She's probably one of my favorite people I've ever met. [...] It's royalty right there, yeah, it's royalty. The fact that she can go win an Oscar, come back to our show and act like nothing happened? Like, that's who she is.
ON EDDIE'S S3 FIGHT ARC: [interviewer asks if he asked for his background in fighting to be included in 9-1-1] I got a theory about that though, like, I feel like they found out about my fighting and then I kept on coming in with, like, black eyes and like, like, different, like, little, like, you know, yeah, we-we, like, the makeup artist would call it, like, oh, falling down the stairs or what not, so, he's like, "did you fall down the stairs again today?" blah blah blah so I think they just kind of, like, wrote that in. […] I thought I was going to get fired.
ON FIGHTING: Still fighting. Still trying to teach, still doing it, like, anybody wants, you know. [interviewer asks if he's still going into the ring getting punched] I mean... I'm trying to punch [laughter]
ON THE STRIKE: [interviewer asks how badly the SAG-AFTRA strikes affected him] I'm in a blessed position, you know, I stay grateful for everything and then, like I said, Ryan Murphy saved my life, uh, because I just found out—not to back out of your question—but I just found out that I was about to have a baby boy, um, before I got this-this show and, like, divine intervention, right, um, so for the strike, residuals started coming through out of nowhere. That USA [USA Network syndicated runs of 9-1-1]. So I was actually just linking up with my boys every single morning at four or five in the morning. [interviewer asks if his residuals were mere coins like some of the rest of the people in his industry] Nah, man, you get some. Like one I, like, get super hyped, right, and I be like okay, a dollar. […] So I was getting that, but then I was also getting something else and I was just like okay. Every check [from 9-1-1] [is] the same, the residuals are different. So residuals are, like, based on how-how many people watch. I'll get a residual from, like, say Boy Next Door comes out and it, I think it was just on HBO, you know, ten thousand people, hundred thousand people will start watching that, then I'll get a residual for that, and then I'll get a residual for 9-1-1.
ON THE ON-SET ENVIRONMENT (again): [int: And I'ma speak, like, being on set with y'all, man, like, um, I hear so many horror stories of, like "the actor was an asshole," like all of y'all bro, like, when you see me, you be like "how's your kid?" and that shit is crazy bro, I be appreciating that shit, like, y'all really—it's really like a family setting, not just with the actors with—among actors—it's like crew-wise, like, even—I saw Aisha [Hinds] on another show, she hugging me and shit, everybody looking at me different now. You know what I'm saying? So, like, y'all really show love on, like, a daily basis, you know what I'm saying.]
It starts from the top, though. I mean, Angela, you know, she-she runs that whole thing. [...] Pete's the same way, yeah. […] She's straight-up grace. The way she handled that other Oscar situation when she was supposed to, like, win? And she sat down like this [demonstrates]. [And they tried to make it seem like she was shading the winner.] Of course they did. Of course they did. I remember talking to her about that. [And how was she feeling?] You know, she had some, like, some things to share about that, and, like, to be honest, it's human. It's like, what she felt was human, it's like—and the way she handled it was better than I could have handled it. You know? And the way that she was getting treated? Better than how I could have felt. You know? So, like I said: grace.
ON JAKE PAUL/FIGHTING: [parts of this exchange were indistinguishable due to an inability to read lips] I put out my thing for Jake Paul, like, years and years ago. I was like, Jake, if you wanna fight, let's fight, bro. […] I didn't get nothing back, I got crickets back, so he literally, yeah. [interviewer comments of Jake Paul's skill and ability.] He's gotten better. I mean, he's got millions of dollars like he's in Puerto Rico, like, top training, like, he's got a good team around him. [interviewer asks if he's still willing to fight Jake Paul knowing he's received top-notch training] Tomorrow. Yeah. Today. Whenever. Yeah. We about the same weight. I think he's 199, I'm 187.
[indistinguishable] That don't mean nothing, that's Mike Tyson. And you gotta think about the last couple fights, is like, Mike Tyson, he's had Anderson Silva, I'm a nobody to him, and I don't have the controversy behind me. You know? There's a scandal that-that, like, they feed off of. They're smart, I said this: the Paul brothers are really smart about advertising themselves, marketing themselves, like, and-and surrounding like, insulating themselves with really good people. [indistinguishable] I feel like they had something in the clause, like, don't hit me too hard. You see the age gap right? I mean, 57? The other one, Anderson Silva was 50, the one before that was 40, like, he-he's—I feel like he's going to the retirement home—[he lost to Tommy Fury] He lost to—because that's close to his age. And I don't even think Tommy Fury is that great.
[interviewer asks if, when he's in the ring, does he use moments where he's not in action to rest] Yeah. Yeah, so actually, you learn a lot from the fight. So, like, sparring is completely different than fighting in the ring. […] The first fight I ever had, I realized that the crowd actually plays—cause, the adrenaline—it takes out your-your stamina, so I would get in there and I would already be breathing hard and not realizing, like, I haven't even fought yet. So by the second round in my first fight, I remember my coach, like, pulling my pants, being like, trying to get me, like, room for my stomach to breath, and slapping me in the face, being like, wake up, you got to fight another round. Just because my heart was beating too hard. The next round—I mean, sorry to stop you—but the next fight, I ended up deciding I'm going to fall asleep right before my fight. I'm going to stay calm as I can, I'm going to walk out to my own little, like, headphone music, blah blah blah, I'ma go to the ring girl, flirt with her for a little bit, blah blah, go in there and just treat it like another day, stay comfortable, stay calm, like I'm doing with my acting, and then I fucked this dude up, man, I was like that's it.
[interviewer asks if he believes in not having sex before a fight] Ah, I mean… [laughter] I mean, I-I, they-they say a lot that does act as, like, testosterone. [interviewer asks if he believe that it can help before heading into a fight, regardless if he practices the ideology or not] Yeah. Yeah, 'cause, I mean, if you withhold sex for all of--I mean--you just start getting, like, little-- [Antsy?] Yeah, exactly.
ON GARCIA V. HANEY: [Devin] Haney's gonna—Haney's gonna whip him. Yeah. No, [Ryan] Garcia's got so many holes in his game. He should have stayed-he should have stayed with Canelo [Alvarez].
ON BOXING OVER MMA: I moreso watch MMA 'cause that's where I came from […] I like-I like using everything. [interviewer asks about his fight style] Striker. I didn't like getting—that's how I lost in the last fight. I hit old dude, like, right in the face, his eyes roll in the back, I celebrated too quick, I raise my hands up, he kind of falls on me, grabs on my side, and as he's, like, grabbing on my side, he's trying to get his, like, whereabout, right, and then kind of pulls me into a guard, we fall down, he goes into my, like, it's called side mount, so he's on this side, my legs are this way and he gets onto a full mount, which is just like—my legs are past him, his legs are right here, and he just starts doing [gestures] that 'cause I didn't have any ground game (?). And I heard about this guy being nothing but a striker so I was like alright, so I went up to him and I was just like, let's get it cracking, like, this is the fucking, like, belt, somebody's going to get knocked out. Somebody's going to get knocked out, right, let's do this, and it turned into something else.
[interviewer asks what's the worst shot he's taken]
So, by my trainer, 260 pounds, King of the Cage champion—like, five, six time champion—and he has an iron rod or, like, a metal rod in his shin […] So I got, like, a [works his jaw]—my shit still clicks [He came up and kicked you?] So we do this thing called a Shark Tank, right, so, like every person, like, ten people hop out around the cage and one person's in the cage, and whoever's in the cage is getting ready for their fight and every minute, or every two minutes, we switch out the fighter. So you get a fresh fighter every single time, and it doesn't matter how big or small [...] So I, it was my turn, and I'm faster than him, so I was bam bam bam—I was a fresh fighter, I was third round, so like—or second round—so we're going back and forth, boom boom boom, I'm hitting him, and he just, like, set up one shot, and as soon as he threw that leg, I—slow motion—saw bop! And I've never been hit this hard in my life, I—he hit me so hard, like, I hit the ground and popped back up. I bounced off the ground, and I thought I was still, like, alright, let's go, and I started throwing shots, and my head's just ringing, I don't know where I'm at, I don't really remember the time. I've never been knocked out, but that was the closest I've ever been knocked out, and then my jaw for the next month and a half, I had to, like, eat soup.
ON WHY HE FELT LIKE HE WON HIS LAST FIGHT: I hit him with a cross, his eyes were rolling back, so I thought okay, that's it, I did it, and he starts, like, slumping up, right, and as soon as he started slumping, I turned, and again, immaturity, so I felt like I got this, it was in the bag, everybody, like, got out of their seats, started yelling and blah blah blah, and and and I thought it was over.
ON IF HE'S FOCUSING MORE ON ACTING OR FIGHTING: Yeah, I always saw myself as a fighter more than anything else […] My dream was to get on UFC Ultimate Fighter and hopefully get on the UFC.
ON IF HE KNOWS NATE DIAZ: Yeah, so, I mean, everybody know everybody, right, especially in NorCal, so, and, we're fighting, we go to these different leagues and whatnot, and everybody—it's kind of like a little clique, little gang, blah blah blah, you stay with your gang. And there's quite a few times where ours and theirs got in a little… [gestures] And just off of, like, some dumb shit, like it's—it doesn't take much. And for a while, I kind of held a grudge until I came out here, and then finally, like, I don't know, I just dropped this shit and then Nate reached out, or, like, Nick sent me something like a comment in my Instagram, I—yeah. But. It's all love.
ON HOW OFTEN HE TRAINS/GOES TO THE GYM: [conversation drifted almost immediately but, essentially, he works fourteen to fifteen hour days and presumably finds it difficult to go to the gym, but his kids often accompany and train with him when he goes]
ON RAPPERS: [indistinguishable due to noise, but he prefers Kendrick Lamar and Lil Wayne over Drake]
ON WOMEN: [interviewer talks about a specific instance in which a man loans approx. 20k to his girlfriend to cover her expenses, yet when he needs money for their mortgage, she says no. He then asks if Ryan is able to overlook that, were he in the same situation] Nah. She gotta go.
[interviewer suggesting that saying a woman "can't get a man" or calling her a ho is the same as telling a man to "shut yo' broke ass up] But women make a lot of money off of that now. Like on OnlyFans and everything, women make hella money, I don't know if they even care anymore.
[interviewer on if women "really" want to work or not, or if they'd rather just be taken care of by men or be homemakers]: I say give them everything they want and then let them find out. Let them find out they don't want what they want.
interview ends because he has to leave.
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xxdreamersdesirexx · 3 months
Crash Into Me
Moira has finally made it as a rookie BSAA agent, and this was supposed to be a simple assignment. But nothing is ever simple when it comes to Leon Scott Kennedy. She hadn't met him before-- not directly-- but she comes face to face with the famous federal agent in an unexpected encounter that continues to escalate, in more ways than one.
AO3 Link
Rating: Mature (will be explicit) Status: In-progress
Tags: Hook-Up, Drunk Sex, Smoking, Canon Compliant, Canon-Typical Behavior, hook up turns serious, Rough Sex, Obsessive Behavior, toxic and trashy behavior, mission fic
*note: this was originally posted as x reader fic but I decided I liked it better in third person! 🙇 Thank you for understanding!
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The first time Moira lay her eyes on Leon Scott Kennedy it was in the kitchenette of a BSAA safehouse in Sacramento California in 2013.
He was not supposed to be there.
He was draped over a kitchen chair, feet up with his boots on the table, and his leather jacket thrown carelessly over the back of the other chair. He had a mostly empty glass in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. There was a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels on the table in front of him.
It was not supposed to be there either.
Moira, however, was very much supposed to be there, much to her own annoyance. The mission, such as it was, was simply to check on the security of various safehouses in cities around the country, and report back to Chris if they needed re-equipping, or repair.
It was busy work. Or, it was supposed to be busy work. She hadn't expected any complications, and she was sure that Chris hadn't either, or he would have assigned someone else. This 'mission' was just supposed to give her something to do now that she'd officially completed her BSAA training. 
Technically she should have been a field agent already. She pretty sure someone pulled some strings to keep her out of danger and the idea rankled at the back of her mind as she stood there, watching Leon fucking Kennedy stare into space.
Yeah, somehow this was all her dad's fault.
"You aren't supposed to be here," Moira told him. It was her way of announcing her presence. 
"Chris let me in." He didn't look up at her , but he grabbed the bottle on the table. 
"Well that's a fucking lie. Chris sent me to check that the place was empty." She put her hand on her hip where her gun hung. It was nice, now, for it to feel like a reassurance instead of a terror. "You're lucky I recognize you, agent Kennedy."
"My lucky day," he drawled. He held up the bottle toward her. "Don't think we've met before– pour you a drink? You are old enough to drink, right, princess?"
"Hey fuck you, of course I'm old enough!" Moira glared hotly, self-conscious about her babyface and reputation as 'Barry's kid' in the presence of the older, and more famous agent. She swaggered deliberately over to the table, pulled out the other chair– the one with Leon's jacket on it– and sat down.
"Hey, hey, no need to get testy about it. I don't want Chris on my ass for boozing up an underage agent, that's all." 
He smiled smoothly at her, and poured more whiskey into the now-empty glass. He passed it across the table to her. And here I thought he might get me my own, she thought. But she picked it up anyway, and took a sip, well aware that over age or not she should not be drinking on the job.
"Yeah? But you don't mind Chris on your ass for fucking around in his safe houses?"
Leon shrugged, putting his arms behind his head and grinning at her. She could smell the whiskey on his breath from across the table mingling with the smell of cigarette smoke, and his leather jacket, and whatever cheap, musky cologne it is that he was wearing.
"What Chris doesn't know can't hurt me, right?"
"And you think you can, what, buy me off with a drink?" she demanded. She knocked back another long swallow of the liquor and felt it burn all the way down her throat. "It's not even a good drink. Chris is totally going to hear about this."
"Tch. Just my luck somebody comes to check on the place the one time I come to crash." He uncrossed, and recrossed his boots on the table.
"Don't you work for the government?" She put the glass down on the table, and leaned across toward Leon, scrutinizing him. He has a cocky, devil may care attitude, but underneath it she could tell there's something he's troubled about. What though, was impossible to know. But she'd heard stories about him. From Chris, and from Claire.
"Sure. And?"
"So don't they have their own safehouses for you to use?"
"Sure. And they're full of bugs and cameras and shit," Leon shrugged. "Maybe I just wanted to escape the panopticon for a little while."
"Fuck," Moire hissed, thinking about it. "They really have you pinned down like a bug under a microscope, huh, Kennedy?"
Moir watched his smile sour, and he licked his teeth in irritation.
"Wish you wouldn't put it that way," he said. He grabbed the glass from where Moirea put it, and drained it in front of her.
"What, you weren't drinking it. If you want more, there's more." He grinned now, and took his feet off the table, leaning in toward her instead.
"I shouldn't be drinking on the job– and I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be either. Or smoking in here."
He took a long pull of his cigarette, and she watched his handsome lips wrap around the tip of it almost seductively.
"Smoking in safehouses is tradition, promise," he insisted. He pointed at her. "There's more in my pocket if you wanna light up with me."
"Are you still trying to buy me off?" Moira crossed her arms.
"Maybe," he agreed. "But I'm starting to get the sense that you're not a cheap date. What did you say you were here for, again?"
Her patience was already starting to thin as the man refused to take anything seriously.
"To check it over for Chris. Make sure the locks are in good condition, and there's still guns and ammo, and all that." She waved a hand and went to pat down the jacket, looking for Leon's cigarettes. The first thing that she found was, however, a condom. Her lips twisted in a half-disgusted, half unsurprised sneer.
Leon watched her pull it out, and grinned all the wider.
"Other pocket, princess. But you can give that over here."
She made a face, and slid it toward him, patting down the jacket once again until she found his cigarettes. The box was more than half empty but she pulled one out anyway.
"Okay, where's the lighter, then?" she demanded. He crooked two fingers toward her, beckoning her across the table. 
She leaned in, cigarette in hand.
He produced a lighter– an old metal flip style one– and flicked it open, lighting her cigarette for her. She put it in her mouth, and took a long puff. At least they weren't stale.
"Thanks," she murmured as the smoke curled up and around her head, joining the cloud that Leon had been producing. 
"No prob." She watched him lean on the table again, sucking on the dwindling end of the cigarette. "If you wanna just go, I can lock up here and check everything."
"What? No! I'm not going to leave it to you."
"You don't trust me?" He put his free hand to his heart, over the black t-shirt that covered his muscular frame. She couldn't help noticing how good he looked, even as he was heading straight for forty. 
"I don't know," she admitted. "But I sure as hell don't want to risk my agent status over it. If you're not going to leave, I'll just have to wait here until you do, and lock up then."
And probably tell Chris he needed to change the locks, she didn't tell him.
"Guess we're stuck together then," Leon purred. He grabbed a hold of the bottle of whiskey again and took a sip right from it.
"And all you're going to do is drink and smoke, I'm guessing?" Moire said, leaning on her hand.
"That was the plan," Leon admitted. "But now that you're here I've got some other ideas."
The way he looked at her when he said it sent a flush of heat through her face– and further downward. If wasn't suggesting what she thought he was suggesting then he really needed to learn to phrase things better.
But she'd heard a lot of things from Claire.
She moved to get up from the chair.
"I should go."
He stood too, and she felt a shiver go through her body.
"Hope you're not planning to drive after that whiskey."
"That's… none of your business," she insisted. She had driven. Her car was parked outside.
He shook his head.
"C'mon, kid, where's the harm?" He held the whiskey up again. "We can finish this off on the couch over there. More comfortable than the kitchen table, right?"
Moire moistened her lips thoughtfully. 
The idea was, admittedly, very tempting. Leon Kennedy was famous, amazing at what he does, and honestly, kind of exactly her type. Especially now that she could see that he absolutely had the disaster of a personality people whispered about, to go along with that pretty face.
A government agent hiding from fed tracking, and skipping off to smoke and get drunk in a BSAA safehouse. And now he wanted to screw around with her.
Chris definitely didn't send her on this mission to screw around with guys from other agencies. Or any guys. Or Leon Kennedy. Or to get drunk.
Not to mention the fact that her father would be pissed if he ever found out. 
The idea was thrilling, and dark.
Her resolve failed. 
She took a puff of the cigarette that had been dangling between her fingers.
"Alright, what the hell. The couch does sound more comfortable."
"I knew you'd see it my way." 
Leon stepped close, and scooped his heavy arm around her shoulders. Moira felt a shiver go through her at the warmth of his body and the smell of cheap cologne and whiskey, and cigarettes.
She let him pull her out of the kitchenette, and over to the couch.
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Happy Wednesday fandom :) I love this episode. The aftermath of 5x01. I remember being so very excited every week cause I knew this was their season. I was so giddy for every era we were getting. This ep started the hurts so good/pining era. Nothing better than having your ship on the cusp and getting excited every ep to see what comes next. Return of Genny in this one yay missed her. Imma need more in s6. Looking at you writers.
5x02 Labor Day
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We start the ep with a guilt ridden Lucy bringing Chris home to her apt. We all know at this point that’s the reason they’re still together. She nearly cheated on the man for loophole sex with her best friend. Not only that but almost partook while he was dying in the process. Still glad it didn’t go down that way but guilt is the main factor here IMO. Lucy is getting him settled in when there a knock at the door. Love how this detective comes up and doesn’t even care she’s interrupted them.
Legend already haha Says her name is Detective Misha Porter. She teaches at the UC school In Sacramento. Lucy looks star struck saying she knows who she is. Mischa said she’s been doing recruiting and her name keeps coming up. Of course it does Lucy is amazing. Saying she’s worked several impressive OPs. That makes for an ideal candidate. That she is here to recruit her.
Lucy looks guilt ridden once again as she looks at stupid Chris. Just holding her back in so many ways it’s painful. She asks when classes start? Porter tells her next Monday. Saying it’s short notice but they had someone fall out. She’s sure her sergeant would approve it. Lucy lights up for first time at the mention of Tim. Knowing he would. He would do ANYTHING for her career. Something we will see of more at the end of this ep.
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Lucy continues to hesitate. Porter sees this and says her classes will open up a ton of doors for her. Lucy tells her she knows. That Detective Harper has told her all about it. She hands her the folder. Saying every unit will want to poach her from patrol after this. Lucy tells her she will think about it…Oh my girl he is not worth giving up UC for. That guilt truly dominating all her decisions.
She returns to Chris and even he tells her to go for it. We see the stress and continued weight of what happened control her. Saying no it can wait. It’s almost like she needs someone else to push her in that direction...Also that someone else is the real reason she doesn’t want to leave. *cough Tim cough*
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We see Tim pull up to meet Genny. What is it about him driving that big truck that is so sexy? Mmm. Also in civies. Yum take me now sir. Haha Love that smile of his when he looks at the house. Thank you to your wife for having you do this. It sounds like Genny is having an argument on the phone. Tim asks if she’s ok? She sweeps it under the rug like a classic Bradford.
She just needed his signature on some stuff before the open house. Tim looks so excited this is done and they can finally move on. Genny looks extra sad about it. Seems like it's more than just the house. Tim picks up on this and tells her not to get sad over this house LOL She should be excited they’re gonna get half a mill each for this place. He then is sweet and tells her to call him if she needs anything. Such a good brother ❤️
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We return to Lucy at home with Chris. He’s going over her packet saying she has to go. I will give him this and ONLY this. He isn’t trying to keep her from UC school. Now he is trying to do the thing only Tim can. Which is talk her down and have her see some reason. Not gonna happen with you clown. You are not the one for that job. Lucy saying this is where she wants to be. It’s not though…
Lucy is still so angry as she talks about Rosalind. As she should be that’s some serious PTSD for her. Once again not the guy to help her through this anxiety. The guilt is eating away at her and nothing Chris can say will help. Because he is part of that guilt. She almost cheated on him while Rosalind got to him. That’s what’s really eating at her.
Another reason I’m glad it didn’t happened. Would’ve tainted their time together. That would’ve been a painful hill to get over. So no thank you. I’ll be forever grateful it unfolded the way that it did. She is putting off UC for one reason she can’t tell Chris about. Would only add to never ending weight on her soul currently. I wanna hug her.
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Oh how I love this scene with Angela. First off I adore him giving her half his burrito ha besties. Second she truly is a cheerleader for Chenford. Also for Tim’s happiness. She just wants to see her grump of a friend be happy. Angela knows that answer is Lucy. It’s been her forever. So she does a little poking around in this scene. Fishing to see what answers she can get. Starting off asking Tim the question that’s been on her mind since Vegas. Even more so since Chris got attacked.
‘How’s Lucy?’ We all know this question isn’t as innocent as it appears. Because well Lopez. He’s out of his damn mind if thinks she gonna let any of this go. I adore this friendship so very much. We notice how Tim likes to surround himself with strong women. His bestie is one of them. His wife another. Only ones he allows to talk to him this way. Heh. I love it. The teasing she does early on in this season is amazing. We were all rooting for her doing this.
Calling him out trying to get him to face his feelings. Do something about them. Angela is as perceptive as they come. And they are as blatantly obvious as two humans could be. Even Nolan knows LOL Tim starts off with a standard answer. She’s shaken but taking time off with Chris. Angela doesn’t care about the Chris part. Asking why he was even there in the first place to find him? Her instigation makes me laugh so hard. Trying to get a real answer out of him. Tim deflecting as he attempts to hold it together for the moment. Just saying he was dropping her off after Vegas. Lies lies and more lies.
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Angela’s face is everything. Her 'Mmm-hmm' Calling Tim on his BS answer with her facial expression alone. This is so funny. Tim catching onto what she is throwing down. Asking what she’s implying? When he’s knows EXACTLY what she’s implying. Because babe you almost did what she is suggesting here. You’re just upset cause you're getting caught in that suggestion. I love her throwing back ‘What do you think?’
She is trying so hard to get him to cop to what almost happened between them. Tim goes back to his platonic answer of ‘Just dropping her off. ’ Although his voice gets a little higher in pitch when he does,. Angela’s second ‘Mmm-hmm.’ Is everything. She isn’t buying what you’re selling Timothy. Not for one second. Angela Lopez is a QUEEN. I love her sfm. Man is lying to himself and she just wants him to realize that.
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Poor Lucy is desperate for another opinion. So she seeks out her UC mentor. She is so cute when she says Harper is glowing haha I love her sfm. Lucy is asking everyone except the one person she knows would have her answer. So she is hitting up a very pregnant Harper LMAO Who is in no state of mind to be helping her out.
James basically ushers her out of the house. My girl. She needs advice so much and isn’t getting what she needs from those around her. Trying to find someone to validate her skipping for Chris. Thing is she isn’t going to find that. No one is going to validate this guilt of her's like she is seeking. Once again just wanna hug her.
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We see Genny waiting in the parking garage for Tim. She called him earlier in the day about offers. Saying they had a developer who wanted over asking. But also a sweet family who wanted it for asking. Tim telling her to go with developer. Cause he doesn't care bout the house. So he makes a crack when she shows up about selling it to a sweet family for 100 bucks ha Such a brother things to do to her. Genny says no.... She has another reason for meeting up other than the house. It’s here we learn about why Genny has been stressed all day. Her and her husband are getting a divorce. Tim tells her how sorry he is. He has most definitely Been there.
Tim asks about the house and who they’re gonna sell it to? Asking if they’re gonna pick the happy family? Genny says no the highest bidder. That divorce isn’t cheap. HA That’ll it’ll soften the blow for her financially being a single mom now. Tim asks if her husband is moving out? She says no she wants to move. Here actually. Asking Tim if that’s ok? He lights up. If there’s anything he needs right now it's family. Especially with all the messy stuff with Lucy atm. It’s so sweet how excited he is. Also their hug is also very adorable. I just adore them so very much.
They nailed casting for his sister. They have an excellent sibling rapport. Good chemistry in that way. Also they do look like they could be related it’s unreal. I love the smile on Tim’s face as he hugs her. My heart. Family is so important to have around. Especially when you’re close to them. This is what Lucy wanted for him out of 4x08. Them to not be torn about their dad but be there for each other like this. Getting me all emotional cause what I have with my baby sister. You know he’s excited he will get to see his nephews more and such too. I love it.
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We finally reach their first scene of the ep. It’s a doozy everyone. But such a good one. This is the stage I like to call it 'Hurts so good.' I will always take good productive angst. Well written angst. It’s the BS teenager angst I cannot stand. These people are in their thirties. They don’t got time for that crap. The secret child or breaking up for no reason other than just to make the miserable. Nothing makes me angrier than useless angst just for the sake of having it.
This right here is the good stuff. They did a damn fine job with their angst. It leads us right into that good pining era as well. There is a knock at Lucy’s door. It’s Tim looking mighty fine if you ask me. Says he’s checking in. Asks Chris how he’s feeling? He replies Lucy is taking care of him. The sweet almost sad look to his smile gets me.
Knowing first hand how caring she is. She cared for him long before he was ready for it. When he didn’t appreciate like he would now. This moment is their breakup before they even got together scene. Because that’s basically what it is. We all know Tim included why she’s really holding back from UC school. Her front is Chris. When really it’s Tim and everything they haven’t untangled from Vegas. They haven’t talked about it whatsoever. Tim is there to clear the air.
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Lucy is a little bristly with him at the door. He doesn’t let it deter him. Asking her if he can talk to her? She says yes and follows him out into the hallway. Ahh this hallway where so much happened last time. The context and situation so much different this time around. Tim being straight with her right off the bat. Saying he hears she’s on the fence about UC school. She has been hunting down opinions all day long. The one she needs the most comes to her. I love this sfm. Kudos to the writers for setting up this scene so well. Lucy is shocked Chris called him.
Tim says yes it was unexpected..but he wanted him to talk to her. Interesting how Chris could know Tim would be the voice of reason for her. But can’t figure she’s in love with the man and vice versa. Lucy telling him it’s not the right time. Tim won’t stand for this answer. That she owes it to herself to go. Lucy has been the voice of reason for him many times. There to absolve him of his guilt when he blamed himself about Mitch and Caleb. She couldn’t stand him bearing a burden that wasn’t his.
The beautiful part of this heartbreaking scene is he is now doing the same for her. He came not only about UC school but for her guilt. The guilt she is wearing like armor at the moment. About Chris, about what almost happened between them while he was dying. Tim telling he’s going to be fine. That what happened to him ISN'T her fault. Telling Lucy what she used to tell him. Stop weighing your soul down with guilt that isn’t yours to carry.
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Lucy brings up what they were about to do. ‘We were about to..’ The way she says that line there is some longing in there. How yes, she’s still with Chris and the guilt that exists with that. But her desire for what almost happened is still there. She doesn’t want to ignore what almost happened between them.
Tim following up with ‘But we didn’t. We didn’t.’ Gah some longing in his voice too. He too is sad they didn’t. The softness in his voice as he delivers that line. Gah it’s so good. Part of him still wishing they had. They had this awakening of their feelings mixed with UC. Then Chris almost dying throwing a nasty wrench in it all.
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There is so much subtext behind the lines they’re saying to each other. Lucy then notes the thing she’s been clinging onto. Being his go-fer. Asking if he’s getting rid of her as it? The hurt in her voice *heart clutch* It's written all over her face. Last thing she wants is for Tim to push her away. It’s why she was avoiding UC school in first place. She doesn’t want to lose working with him if she can’t be with him. It’s the closest thing she has to that and now he’s proposing taking that away.
This feels like a breakup because well it is. Their work dynamic/relationship is a huge part of who they are. It’s how we got to this place we’re in. It’s a sacred thing to both of them. Tim is trying to ease her hurt with his reply. Telling her 'No…he’s just trying to look out for her.' The emotions in his voice as he says this. I wanna cry. They both have pre-tears in their eyes. Tim knows this is the right thing to do. Nothing and I mean nothing is more important to that man than protecting her career. Protecting her. Look how far he has come.
Was almost rabidly against her doing UC. Now he’s encouraging it because he knows it’s what best for her. Even if that means leaving him behind. Tim refuses to jeopardize her career in anyway. It’s why he fought her being his aide at first the way he did. Didn’t want anyone to question her or why she got to where she is. Didn’t want any hand in people thinking less of her when it wasn’t true. That even if it hurts them both he is going to look out for her first and foremost.
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Lucy can't believe what she's hearing. It's all over her expression in that first gif above. The hits keep coming with this scene. Tim telling her it’s time to move on. When he’s really saying is about them. They had their shot and now it’s time to move on. That they have to accept it's not going to happen for them. Gah kills me as I’m writing this. Took the man years to realizes he was in love with her. Now that he does he can’t have her. So he’s willing to do the honorable thing. Step aside and put his feelings on back burner.
Set aside what he wants for what she needs. Because he knows Lucy. How selfless she is for those she loves. He refuses to let her give up her aspirations for him. Lucy is crushed with his retort of moving on. They’re both so vulnerable in this scene. It’s what makes it hurt so damn good. Props to Eric and Melissa once again. Conveying so much with their words, eyes, and expressions. We are truly lucky to have them as our ship.
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Lucy does some double talk of her own. Saying some time away would be good. Really meaning she can’t be around him especially after him breaking this off. That if she can’t be with him better to be away from him. That this far too painful for her. For them both really. Tim trying to build up her saying what a great opportunity this will be. We know how hard this conversation is for him to have. But it shows the depth of growth in him to have it.
This is so very hard on him to give up. Lucy can’t even say more. Her heart is breaking in this moment. Her person is sending her away from him. All she can muster up is ‘Mmhmm..’ because if she speaks any further she’s going to cry. Tim most definitely won’t be able to handle that. Tim with tears in his eyes telling her she should go for it. Even if it’s killing him inside to be apart from her. To walk away from their potential romantically.
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Tim feels the best thing he can do for her is distance himself. He is going to fall on his sword to make sure her future is secure. Now that is love. My goodness. The way she is searching his face in the first gif. Oof. She looks so hurt and angry at him for this. She also is trying to keep her shit together. It breaks my heart. This entire scene does. Then our boy walks away and she looks devastated. He has a smile on his face till he turns away from her. Then we see the heartbreak evident on his beautiful face. Ugh.
How she can go back in Chris after that I don't know.. After this scene I knew this season was going to be a hell of a ride. This was the perfect productive angst for them. Hurt like a SOB to watch. A true gut punch to your feels. But damn so well written and acted. I loved it sfm. Oh my lord I love this season.
Side notes-non Chenford
Nyla’s entire birth SL is hilarious. It’s an insane ride that I love. ‘It’s a girl’ LMAO LEGEND
Thank you thank you to all you amazing readers. Wouldn’t have gotten this far without you all. Your likes, reblogs and comments fuel My soul to write. Shall see you all in 5x03 :)
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evanesdust · 4 months
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a good surprise
written for- @sterekfests prompt: "All I want for Christmas." @sterekweekly word: reindeer @sterekbingo (Christmas) square: watching romantic movies
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Additional Tags: POV Stiles Stilinski, Canon Compliant, Future Fic, Established Relationship, Happy Surprises, Fluff and Smut, Knotting, Unofficial Sequel
…or the one where all Stiles wanted for Christmas was Derek.
It was just before dawn, but something made Stiles sit straight up in bed. His gaze dashed to the window, and he listened closely for whatever had made him stir, but all he could hear was his heart thrumming in his ears.
Running a hand down his face, Stiles sighed before climbing out of bed and padding through the shadowy hallway to the kitchen for a glass of water. The house was too still and quiet, especially after having Derek in his space for the last few weeks. The absence of his presence left an unsettling silence in the air. It wasn't just the lack of noise, but the missing sense of security Derek's proximity had provided.
As Stiles filled his glass, his eyes caught on the reindeer figurine on the window sill. A small, involuntary smile crept onto his lips as he remembered the way Derek's face softened when he caught sight of the silly cartoon reindeer with its red nose.
'For our first Christmas together,' he'd said later that night as they watched romantic movies together.
Shaking his head, Stiles took a long sip from his glass. He knew he was being ridiculous. Derek had only left a couple of days ago and would be back this weekend, just in time for Christmas. But Stiles missed Derek more than he wanted to admit, and the weight of loneliness set in even deeper.
He leaned against the counter, the coolness of the tile seeping through his shirt, a stark contrast to his warm, sleep-flushed skin. Shit. His transfer to the Sacramento field office needed to come through ASAP. He wasn't sure how much longer he could do this long-distance thing. 
"Just a couple more days," he whispered to himself, letting out a deep breath.
"Do you always talk to yourself?" came an all-too-familiar voice in the dark.
Stiles nearly dropped his glass, the water sloshing precariously at the brim as he whipped around. Standing in the dim light of the moon spilling through the kitchen window was Derek, his usual stoic expression giving way to a hint of amusement.
"You scared the hell out of me," Stiles breathed out, placing the glass back onto the counter before his jittery hands could cause an accident. As much as he wanted to play it cool, he couldn't. Not when Derek was here.
His heart leaped in his chest, a mix of surprise and relief flooding through him as he ran over, practically throwing himself into Derek's open arms. The embrace was tight and grounding, reassuring him that this wasn't a dream, that Derek was actually here with him.
"How did you—I thought—" Stiles began but was cut off by Derek's gentle shushing.
"I missed you," Derek explained, his voice low and soothing. "I figured this would be a good surprise."
Stiles couldn't help but laugh softly, a sound muffled by Derek's shoulder as he held him close.
"Yeah…definitely a good surprise," he admitted, pulling back slightly to look at Derek. He searched Derek's face, craving the confirmation that he was actually there. That he wasn't just a figment conjured by his sleep-deprived brain. But Derek was indeed real, the stubble on his jaw, the slight crease on his forehead, the warmth of his body—everything as tangible as the kitchen they were standing in.
"I missed you, too," Stiles finally said, his voice steadier than he felt before kissing him. Drinking him in.
Derek returned the kiss with equal fervor, his hands sliding up Stiles's back to pull him impossibly closer. It was as if they both needed this, the confirmation of their connection, the physical reassurance after being apart—even if only for a short while.
By the time they fumbled their way to the bedroom, they were both completely out of breath.
"Stiles." Derek sighed against his throat, and Stiles swore he'd never heard anything sweeter.
Stiles gripped the hem of his shirt and tore it over his head as Derek did the same, tossing it on the floor nearby before closing the distance again.
Derek licked his jaw and throat, marking him with fervent kisses that set Stiles's skin ablaze. He arched into the touch, his breath hitching at the sensation. Each one was a brand, a claim that Stiles eagerly submitted to. The familiar smell of Derek, a mix of forest, leather, and something uniquely him, filled Stiles's senses.
"I've missed this, missed you," Derek murmured, his voice thick with emotion as he laid Stiles gently onto the bed, their lips barely parting.
Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's neck, the sensation of Derek's weight atop him comforting and exhilarating all at once. "Want you. Need you."
"How do you want to do this?" Derek asked, his voice husky with desire as he propped himself up on one elbow to look at Stiles.
They were vers and had taken each other in every way possible at this point, but Stiles couldn't deny that he loved the way Derek filled him. He reached up, threading his fingers through Derek's hair, and pulled him down for another searing kiss.
"Wanna ride you," he murmured against Derek's lips.
Derek let out a sound that was half growl, half moan, sending shivers down Stiles's spine. His eyes darkened with need and there was no hesitation as he nodded, already reaching for the bedside drawer to grab what they needed.
When he positioned himself near the headboard with Stiles's pillow behind his back, Stiles climbed onto his lap, straddling him with deliberate slowness. The anticipation building between them was palpable, charging the air with electric energy.
Crackling with the pop of the lube cap that was loud in the otherwise silent room.
Sizzling as Derek skated his fingers down Stiles's back, then rubbed his thumb through his crack.
Stiles swore when Derek pulled his asscheeks apart. "Fuck."
"God, I love you," Derek grunted, his voice as gruff as he circled Stiles's rim and spread the slick, cool gel, making Stiles shudder. It felt so good. "So damned much."
"I love you, too." Stiles closed his eyes, relishing in the sensation as Derek took his time with one, then two fingers, twisting and thrusting them inside Stiles until he was writhing for more. The stretch and burn were intoxicating. Strings of precome stuck to his abdomen as he rocked backward, his cock bobbing from the movement. When Derek found his prostate, stars floated in front of his eyes.
"I'm ready," he panted, desperate for the fullness only Derek could provide.
Without another word, Derek withdrew his fingers and guided him down, watching intently as Stiles took him in, inch by slow inch. The sensation was overwhelming in the best of ways.
"Fuck! Stiles, you—" Derek's voice transitioned into a groan as Stiles lifted his hips, then sank back down. He clutched Stiles's thighs hips, nails digging half-moons into his skin, and Stiles planted his hands on Derek's chest for leverage, then set his own pace and rhythm.
Stiles watched Derek’s every expression and knew he was making Derek come apart just by riding him like this. He moved with a frenzied intensity, his own moans punctuating the air, harmonizing with Derek's low, guttural responses. Sweat began to bead on Stiles's forehead, the effort of maintaining the desperate pace they had set together evident in every fiber of his being.
Derek's hands slid to Stiles's waist, guiding him, enhancing their connection, their shared rhythm until he suddenly flipped them both with practiced ease, pinning Stiles beneath him and capturing his lips in a kiss that left no room for thought.
The new angle deepened the penetration, and Stiles gasped at the increased friction against his prostate.
"Yes," he whispered urgently, his legs wrapping around Derek to pull him even closer, to urge him on. Their kisses were messy, breathless, punctuated by the slap of skin on skin as Derek drove into him with a relentless pace, each thrust dragging a series of gasps and pleas from Stiles's throat, each one more desperate than the last.
Their eyes locked, a silent exchange of love and lust passing between them as they moved together, two parts of a whole desperate to reach the pinnacle of their shared ecstasy. Derek's hand found Stiles's cock, stroking in time with his thrusts, and Stiles knew he wouldn't last much longer.
The pressure coiled tightertightertighter, winding up like a spring ready to snap. Derek's thumb brushed over the head of Stiles's cock, and Stiles bucked, the sensation almost too much to bear. His vision blurred, pleasure cresting until it broke like a wave, crashing over him and dragging a loud, broken cry from his lips as the warmth of his release spilled between them.
Derek followed soon after, his movements becoming erratic, a low growl emanating from deep within his chest as his knot swelled, locking them together as he found his release. He collapsed on top of Stiles, panting. They were a tangled mess of limbs and satisfaction.
Stiles ran his fingers gently through Derek's hair, the tender gesture a stark contrast to the carnal nature moments before. "Best Christmas present. Ever. Hands down."
Derek chuckled, pressing a kiss to Stiles's temple. "I think I can beat it."
"How are you trying to beat your own gift?" Stiles asked teasingly, his laughter light and airy as he basked in the afterglow of their intimacy.
Derek's reply was a warm and confident rumble against Stiles's skin before he propped himself up, smiling softly as he gazed down at Stiles. "I'm staying."
He said it with such simplicity, yet those two words held the weight of the world. Stiles's heart stuttered in his chest, his eyes wide and shining with unshed tears as the meaning sunk in.
"You're staying? For good?" Stiles asked, voice trembling with hope.
Derek nodded, his thumb brushing away a tear that escaped Stiles's eye. "For good."
Stiles let out a laugh, a mixture of disbelief and pure joy, and he pulled Derek down for a long, sweet kiss. He had more questions, but for now, they could wait. This was a moment to cherish, a promise wrapped in a future they would carve out together.
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forgetmenauts · 28 days
hello!!! this may get a bit long so i’m very sorry about that, but are there planned to be any shows in the near(ish) future? and if there are, would they be local (sf/bay area area?) or would they be farther out? i was so happy finding out you guys are based in cali (i’m also in cali!! closer to the sacramento area but yk same thing) and i would love to come see some of your stuff live <3333 thank you all for writing these amazing songs and having such an amazing vibe, your band has truly made my life better. your music is so so so so comforting and makes me so happy. it’s always going to be good feelings thinking about the songs. thank you so much for doing what you do and i hope i have the opportunity to see you guys live at some point <3
Hi!! Sorry not sure when you asked but just seeing this now. Thank you so much for your kind words, and we would love to see you at a show sometime!
Most of the shows we play are in the immediate SF Bay Area. We could definitely be better about promoting our shows ahead of time, but in general our Instagram is where we tend to announce shows most consistently. We've actually got two coming up this weekend: Friday 3/29 at Baltic Kiss in Richmond, and Sunday 3/31 at Tamarack in Oakland.
We've played shows a little further afield before (Stockton, Reno, some private festivals in Northern California), and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that we'll play more in the future. (In an ideal world, we'd put together a little California tour at some point in the next year or so, but there are six of us and we all have day jobs, so scheduling something like that definitely involves some logistical complications!) That being said, if y'all know of any good small-to-medium sized venues near you that might be looking for bands to book, feel free to let us know. <3
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cobaltperun · 3 months
Lost (16) - Night of the Hunter
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 4.6k
Story Masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark-
You lost count of how many times you looked at your phone in the last couple of hours, so you basically lost all the patience you had. You leaned on the kitchen counter and waited. "Come on, it's not that hard to pick up," you muttered, but much like the other two times you called earlier, Susan didn't answer her phone. "Hey, please call me when you see this, I'm getting worried. Ghostface is back, and I don't think you're in danger, but I'd feel better if you spent a few days at a neighbor's house or something," you decided to leave a message this time. "Be safe, love you, bye," you had no idea why you said those words, you never said them to Susan before, but somehow you just had the need to say them.
"Susan still isn't answering her phone?" Tara approached you and you just nodded as she took your hand. If you weren't worried, you'd think the situation was funny, since the roles reversed as the day went on. When Susan first failed to answer her phone, you brushed it off as a hectic day at work and Tara was the one who got worried right away.
Then, when Susan didn't answer her phone the second time you found yourself assuring Tara she was okay, even if you were getting worried yourself. And now Tara was the one comforting you. "She's on the other side of the country, I doubt Ghostface would travel all the way to Sacramento," you said, but you could see the look in Tara's eyes. She saw right through you, sure, you wanted to reassure Tara as well, but those words, they were meant more for you.
"I'm sure she'll call you soon," Tara placed her hand on your left forearm, gently tracing random patterns across your skin. You relaxed significantly, choosing to remain in here and now with Tara instead of in different what-ifs your mind was making up. Tara wasn't the only one who found comfort and safety in your touches, you craved it just as much, relied on it just as much, so you placed your right hand on her waist and tugged her body closer to you.
Tara smiled softly as she let you pull her in. Her left hand caressed your cheek, and it was so minute you doubted anyone but you or Sam could notice it, but there was the slightest tremor in her touch. It was getting a bit cold. You raised the hand that was previously resting on Tara's waist and placed it over her left hand to warm it up.
The sound of gagging made both of you roll your eyes. "This is why I couldn't take living with you. It's either drama or sickly sweet with you and I could somewhat handle the drama," Mindy was being Mindy, teasing and complaining even if you and Tara knew she was, deep down, happy for you two.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, go cuddle with Anika," you smirked at Tara's words. Granted, Mindy and Anika weren't as touchy as you and Tara but they were fairly sweet as well.
"I was going to do that, but you two missed my monologue, again," Mindy said, and you nodded a few times, silently accepting that this was happening. "Also, you were spared from Ethan's weird overshare that he's a virgin, and if we have to know so do you two," at that you had to groan.
"Not our business, Mindy," come on, you did not need to know that. You absolutely did not care one bit about how experienced anyone was.
"It wasn't our business either," she just deadpanned, as if that was actually a good excuse to go and share Ethan’s private information, that you didn’t even ask for.
"So!" she ushered you and Tara to the table and from the corner of your eye you saw Chad giving you a thumbs up with an encouraging look on his face.
"Someone save us!" you whisper-shouted, mostly looking at Sam for help.
Tara chuckled and lightly elbowed your side. "Behave, it might be fun," she sat on your lap instead of the chair Mindy pulled out for her.
"Oh, come on, for once sit somewhere else!" Mindy huffed with her hands on her hips.
Tara just grinned and leaned back against you. "I'm doing you a favor, you know Y/N might escape if I don't do this."
You wrapped an arm around Tara's waist and leaned your head back, feeling just a tad bit annoyed. "Gee, sorry for not wanting to live by movie logic," a good movie to watch as a way to have fun? Sure, any time, especially with Tara. This was just going too far for your taste.
"Too bad, Y/N, this is your life now!" Mindy walked over to you and poked the side of your head. "The sooner you accept that, the better."
"Never!" you gave a defiant, and maybe a bit childish, refusal.
"You can't fight this, miss MMA! Besides, we are in a franchise, and characters aren't safe anymore so you better listen, especially Sam and Tara," any fun you might have been having with this conversation was gone in an instant.
"No one is killing Tara or Sam," you felt Tara twitch slightly in your lap, you figured it was due to the tone of your voice, lower than usual and promising pain to whoever tried to hurt either of the two sisters. "No one is killing any of you, not you, not Chad, and not Anika, not while I'm breathing."
Mindy looked away from you, touched, but not really believing your words. "You can't promise that, Y/N, but thanks anyway."
"Okay, I'm sensing tension here, let's just relax and have a fun slumber party as the Core Five," Chad and Sam came into the kitchen while Anika stayed back in the living room watching news.
"Core what now?" you couldn't help but ask.
"Core Five?" Sam asked at basically the same time.
"Did you just give us a nickname?" Tara asked in utter disbelief.
"I sure did! I mean, we've been through a lot together and it's a pretty cool nickname," Chad explained and you honestly could go along with that logic.
"That's debatable," Sam wasn't quite on board yet.
"It's extremely debatable," Tara definitely wasn't in favor of it.
"You can't just give yourself a nickname, dingus," Mindy was probably just messing with Chad.
"Of course I can, dingus, because I just did," Chad raised his palm for a high five. "Core Five up top!" he exclaimed.
"No." Mindy immediately rejected him.
"Down low!" he tried with Tara.
"Get that away from me," Tara laughed.
"Please, for the love of God, Sam!" he might have been getting a bit desperate.
"Don't do it!" Mindy, perhaps seeing that Sam might actually do it, quickly interfered.
"Y/N!" he tried one last time.
"You know what, I feel sorry, here's to your Core Five staying alive five," you high-fived Chad, ignoring the incredulous look on Tara's face.
"Thank you!" and Chad looked happy, so win-win.
"I can't believe you," Tara shook her head.
"What? It's kinda cool," you shrugged, but before an argument could be made for or against the nickname your phone rang. Tara nearly jumped off your lap, but you kept a firm hold on her. "Yes?" you picked up without even looking at the caller ID.
"Y/N L/N?" that didn't sound like the way a Ghostface would start the conversation.
"That's me," you replied, keeping caution at bay.
"We received a report of alarms going off at the gym you work at. Thomas Laurent called us and said he was out of state and that you'd come to handle the situation. We just need you to come by and make sure everything is still here," the woman spoke over the phone and you nodded, making up your mind in a second.
"Not the best moment, but sure, I'll be there as soon as I can," you hung up and realized Tara wasn't budging. "Love, I know it's not ideal, but I'd like to keep my job," you pressed soft kisses to the back of her neck. "I promise I'll be careful."
"I'm going with you," Tara decided still not moving from your lap.
"Tara, no you're not," Sam didn't waste a moment, she just outright put her foot down.
"Listen to Sam, please, you'll be safer here," you pleaded for Tara to just listen to you this once.
"You're not going anywhere either, Y/N," and it looked like both sisters were about to give you trouble.
"Sam," you tried to argue, a plan already forming in your head, and you didn’t feel like letting this opportunity get away.
"Thank you!" Tara looked so happy Sam was on her side in this. She then turned to you. "You're either not going, or I'm going with you, the same way we agreed on me going to parties."
You and Sam both groaned at that, Tara really shouldn’t have mentioned that agreement when she broke it twice.
"You were beaten! You're not going alone!" Tara argued.
"T, if this Ghostface that attacked you really is stronger than Y/N, and she really has to go, then she'll be safer on her own, or, if someone has to go with her, it should be Chad," no one quite liked the idea of you going anywhere, and you were sure Mindy didn't exactly like the idea of Chad leaving either, even if she did suggest it.
"I'm definitely going with you. We'll beat this chucklefuck up together," Chad seemed confident, and the way Sam was nodding at that had Tara reluctantly getting up.
You got up and grabbed your car keys and wallet. "No one is going with me. I'll be in and out," you sighed when Tara wrapped her arms around your waist. "Tara, Love," as gently as you could you got her to let go of you. As hard as she tried there was pretty much nothing Tara could do to you unless you let her, and you sometimes wondered if she got so used to you giving in to her wishes and demands that she forgot that fact. "Please, don't make this harder than it should be," you understood, you really did, but the sooner you left the better.
Tara looked you in the eyes. "Please, don't leave," it nearly made you change your mind.
"Trust me, I'm not about to walk into a trap," you assured her, you reached up and touched her cheek. "We need to be rational about this," even if it did hurt to leave Tara like this you turned to Sam. "I know this isn't the smartest option, but I made up my mind."
You didn't exactly leave a lot of space for arguing and by now they all knew how stubborn you were. And so, you left the group, taking your spare keys with you.
"Hey, she'll be fine," surprisingly, the one who reassured Tara was Anika.
Tara looked to the side. "How can you be so sure?" a part of her wanted to say something along the lines of 'easy for you to say', but she knew better. Maybe it was because you and Anika didn't have siblings in the friend group, or maybe it was because Anika was the one who helped four months ago when Tara first disappeared, but somehow the two of you bonded a bit more than Tara expected. You definitely bonded more with Anika than with Ethan.
"Come on, Tar, she's strong and smart, she's either sure she can handle whatever trap someone could be setting up for her, or she has a plan of her own," and if you had a plan you weren't about to say it.
Perhaps you just didn't trust Anika enough to openly say what you were going to do.
It didn't stop Tara from worrying about you, but she couldn't do anything but believe in you. So, she felt better. You'd come back to her. You always did. "Thanks, Anika," she smiled, and then they heard the news that Sam was the suspect.
You needed to be quick about this. Luckily, there was a gas station near your apartment, so you approached the first younger driver you saw. "Hey, would you like to earn three hundred bucks, with absolutely no effort?" the moment those words left your mouth you wondered if your morals completely abandoned you.
"Huh?" the kid you approached probably wasn't even out of high school.
"Look," you showed him a police tracker. "You drive away with this in your car, in the opposite direction of your home. Then, a couple of miles away from here just chuck this somewhere. No matter what, don't keep it," as long as he kept driving and went far enough you genuinely hoped nothing bad would happen, but you needed to get rid of the bloody tracker.
You should probably thank Sidney for making you paranoid about trackers on your car.
"Uh, sure," quick and easy money, coupled with the kid being young and likely naive did the job.
"Thanks," you said and handed the tracker and the money over to him. "Throw it away, and don't stop, just throw it, you hear me," you really hoped you wouldn't see the kid got stabbed in the news tomorrow morning. "Don't ever do this again though, you never know who you're dealing with!" you hollered as you ran back to your car.
You were suspicious the moment that call came, guessing Ghostface would be trying to separate you from the group. Either to jump you or attack the others, you weren't sure. But you weren't about to take the bait. You drove like a maniac, parking the car in the back alley less than a minute from the building you lived in. Even less if you ran. And then you hid in the shadows, watching the entrance, thankful you chose to wear a black hoodie today.
Your phone rang and you picked up, once again without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello, Y/N," oh, you recognized that voice. "What are you doing so far from your workplace?"
"Ruining your plans," you were relieved the kid listened to you.
"Hardly. I got you exactly where I want you. Away from home," that would have been chilling to hear if you weren't looking at the entrance and noticing the figure approaching.
"If you even try to touch them," you warned, stepping away from the shadows, and as silently as you could you went after the Ghostface.
"What are you going to do about it?" you didn't respond, seeing as you were already about a dozen feet behind the killer. "Silent, huh? Will you be that silent when I carve up your little whore," you grabbed Ghostface from behind and slammed him into the ground.
"Sorry, whore really doesn't fit any of my loved ones," you picked up the knife he dropped and quickly stabbed him several times, but just as you were about to slit his throat you heard tires screeching, horns blaring, and looked up to see a car heading right toward you and the Ghostface.
You jumped up to your feet and headed for the stairs, you got inside just as another Ghostface emerged from the car and went to his fallen accomplice in crime.
You felt your blood run cold when you took a good look at the two. They weren't nearly as big as the one you fought at the bodega.
Would this one run after you or get the other one out of the way? You didn't know. It didn't matter.
Tara couldn't remember the last time fifteen minutes made her go through such a rollercoaster of emotions. First, she was worried about you, then reassured, then she had to completely shift focus on comforting Sam, and then, finally, she even allowed herself to be excited and happy for Sam because she was sleeping with Danny, or Cute Boy, as Tara dubbed him, mostly to see if you'd get jealous. You didn't even react, but the nickname kinda stuck around.
And then they all heard Anika scream.
Tara jumped to her feet and ran into the living room to see Ghostface standing over Anika with a knife in her stomach.
"Anika!" Mindy cried out as Tara, before anyone could grab her lunged at Ghostface and tried to push him off Anika.
He wouldn't budge, Tara was trying with everything she had, pushing the forearm, but nothing worked.
"Fiesty," Ghostface chuckled, entirely unbothered by her efforts.
Tara suddenly remembered all those times she watched you fight, pulled her fist back, and with all her weight put behind the punch she hit him right where his liver was.
He flinched, probably more surprised than anything, and pushed Anika aside. Before Tara could react he grabbed her left forearm and pulled her closer. "You should have left the fighting to your girlfriend," he taunted and raised his knife.
Everything turned hectic from that moment. Sam grabbed the arm holding the knife and pushed, desperately trying to keep the knife from reaching Tara as Chad jumped in and punched Ghostface in the face. Tara did her best to push as well and they managed to topple him over.
"Help Anika!" Chad got on top of him, hitting him with all he had several times and for a moment Tara thought they would be safe. She thought Chad's hits were enough to defeat the man, because while he wasn’t as skilled as you were, Chad wasn’t weak by any means.
"Chad get back!" Sam, however, saw something else and went to pull Chad back. Only then did Tara see the man had his forearms raised and was blocking each and every hit Chad made.
There was no mistaking it. This was the Ghostface that attacked the three of you at the bodega. Sam wasn't strong or fast enough to pull Chad away in time and Ghostface stabbed Chad right below his chest.
He violently yanked the knife out, making the wound even worse as blood splattered on the floor and Chad cried out as he and Sam fell back. Tara watched in horror as Sam managed to get back on her feet only to just barely avoid the knife.
"Run!" Sam yelled and Tara went to help Anika to her feet. There was no way they could reach the front doors, but maybe they could lock the bedroom doors and call for help from there. Mindy, trusting Tara to handle helping Anika went to get Chad, only to get sliced across her left biceps.
Sam grabbed a lamp and threw it at Ghostface, slowing him down just enough for all five of them to flee into the guest bedroom.
They had no idea what to do now, though. They didn't bring their phones. They barely managed to block both of the doors and Ghostface kept trying to break through.
"Sam!" they heard Danny yelling from his apartment and Sam went to the window.
"Shit," she cursed, and Tara realized they really had no way out. Ghostface would break in sooner rather than later.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Tara looked at Sam, not knowing what was happening, all she was focusing on was trying to slow down Anika's bleeding. "Fuck, I don't," Sam grabbed onto something and Tara realized it was a ladder.
"Tara! Tara, go!" Sam ushered her to the ladder.
"Sam! Wait!" Tara tried to argue, but Sam just grabbed her shoulders and made her look into her sister's eyes.
"Listen to me, we'll send Anika next, but I need you to get out of here," the frantic, frightened look in Sam's eyes made Tara give up on fighting.
Tara pulled Sam into a hug. "Please don't die," she begged and, not having any more time to waste, went to the ladder. She looked Danny in the eyes and swallowed down her fear. The last thing anyone needed right now was for her asthma to kick in. Slow, deep breaths. She thought about you, about how you'd be encouraging her right now, but she was moving too slowly. The lack of strength in her left hand made her uncertain.
"Come on, Tara, I got you, Sam will be right behind you, you can do it," Danny encouraged her, reaching out for her to grab onto his hands. And she did, she grabbed on and with his help made her way to the safety of his apartment.
"Sam!" she immediately cried out, now feeling even more anxious since she had no idea what was happening in the apartment. She could still hear Ghostface trying to break into the apartment, she flinched when she heard wood cracking but managed to keep her breathing under control when she saw Sam climb onto the ladder.
Sam began making her way over, but the ladder shook slightly. "It won't hold me," Sam spoke what Tara feared the most at the moment.
"It ain't going anywhere, it's gonna hold you, I promise," Danny kept a firm hold on the ladder and Sam nodded slightly.
"Eyes on me, Sam, come on, I got you," just like he did with Tara he reached out for Sam and pulled her inside.
Sam immediately hugged Tara, trembling slightly, and then looking at Danny. "Thank you," she whispered. "Okay, she turned back toward their apartment. "Come on!" she yelled for the others to get across.
"Mindy! Chad! Anika!" Tara yelled, hoping any of them would just get to the ladder and get out of there before it was too late. She saw Mindy and Anika getting close to the window. Her heart shattered when she saw Anika and Mindy kissing, possibly for the last time, and Mindy climbing on the ladder.
"Anika and Chad are coming right behind you! They're right behind you!" Sam kept yelling, keeping Mindy from panicking. She made it to the other side of the ladder much faster than either Tara or Sam. It wasn't fast enough though.
Just as Anika climbed onto the ladder they heard the doors slamming open.
"Chad!" Mindy screamed. They didn't see it, but they heard a loud thud and what sounded like a body dropping.
And then Ghostface was at the window, stabbing the knife next to the ladder.
"What?" Anika asked.
"Anika you have to move now!" Mindy cried out as the man slowly, as if taunting them reached down for the ladder.
"No!" Tara cried out, and then she felt like her heart stopped beating for a moment when she saw a fist colliding with the side of Ghostface's head.
You came back.
You could hear the screams as you were running down the hall toward the doors. You could see blood from the moment you stepped into the apartment. You saw red when you realized Chad was struggling to get up and Ghostface was reaching down for the ladder.
Why was there a ladder? You had no idea. It didn't matter. You rushed into the guest bedroom crashing your fist against the side of his head and for good measure slamming your entire body into Ghostface.
Both of you dropped to the floor and you placed him in a hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and right arm as you pressed his left forearm down with your knee.
"Y/N," Chad stumbled to his feet and you could see how unsteady he was.
"Get out of here! Get across the ladder!" you yelled, still not sure what that other Ghostface was going to do. "I've got him, just go!" you could feel Ghostface trying to get on his knees, but you kicked his leg and added pressure to the forearm at the same time.
You could hear Chad climbing onto the ladder as you tried to choke Ghostface. Even with as much strength as you were putting behind your hold, he managed to grab your forearm and pull just enough to prevent you from choking him.
You were stuck in a different dilemma though. Should you fight him right now? Just try to end the biggest threat? You were vaguely aware of the knife next to the ladder, you could reach it before Ghostface, but you weren't sure you could be quick enough to end it all before he got back to his feet.
"Y/N!" hearing Tara crying out for you made you consider just running away. Just getting across the ladder as quickly as you can instead of fighting.
Hearing footsteps closing in made the decision for you and you jumped to your feet and went for the window just as the other Ghostface came in, knife twirling between his fingers.
You didn't have time to do it carefully. "Out of the way!" you yelled and jumped out of the window, just barely keeping your balance as you lunged forward and tumbled into Danny's apartment. The ladder fell as you stumbled into someone and tripped over your own feet.
You knew who you stumbled into before you even opened your eyes. You felt her trembling arms clinging to the back of your hoodie. When you opened your eyes you saw Tara beneath you, tears falling from her eyes as she pulled you down to kiss you.
"Are you okay?" you asked, looking her over when she allowed you to pull away.
Tara nodded frantically. "I am, I'm okay, Y/N," she whispered, and you relaxed just for a moment before looking around you. You weren't too late, everyone was still alive.
You were, aside from Anika, more or less, fine. Chad had a concussion and a deep stab wound, but he could still move around and Mindy's cut, while painful, wasn't deep enough to cause permanent damage. Tara, Sam and you were, for the most part, just a bit shaken.
Anika was the one you were all the most worried about. Her wound was serious, and while she survived, and the surgery went well none of you knew when she would wake up or if there would be any lasting issues caused by what she went through.
You folded your arms and squeezed at your biceps, barely keeping yourself from biting your lip. You thought you could outsmart the killers and it nearly cost Anika, and everyone else, their lives.
You stepped back and leaned your back against the wall. Events of last year came to mind as you watched Mindy watching over Anika. You guessed you had a similar expression back when you were waiting for Tara to wake up.
Chad walked over to you, leaned against the wall, and placed a hand on your shoulder. "What now?" he asked.
"You stay here, protect Mindy and Anika, and leave the rest to us," in any other circumstances you were sure he would argue. That he would demand to be there for Tara, Sam, and you, so he could help you fight. But this was his sister and not only was she injured she wouldn't leave her girlfriend here.
"Y/N is right, Chad, you're needed here," Sam understood. Everyone understood what the only option was for Chad.
So, he nodded. "You better come back. We are Core Five," you could see in his eyes that he felt bad about his choice, but this was one of those situations, where you just had to choose the one most important to you. The pair of siblings would choose one another, no matter who was on the other side, and no matter how much it would hurt them if they had to choose.
"Yeah, you might want to change the nickname, use six instead of five," you said, firmly believing that Anika would make it out of this completely fine.
A/N: Damn it with this bloody chapter! It didn't kick my ass, it was worse than that. It was as if I was in a tug of war with each stupid word I was typing! Well, since I got that off my chest, three chapters to go people, I'm getting kinda emotional. Thanks for reading, see you next time! Updated: 30.03.2024.
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pedropascallme · 2 months
“I saw you naked once.  And now I can’t stop thinking about it.” With Damien, please <3 I love your writing so much
AN: This turned more into fluff than smut but I hope you still like it <3
"Oh, you fucker--you've never once seen me naked." You aimed the water gun at Damien's chest.
"Final answer?" He goaded you.
"Yes!" You were giddy, laughter only heightened by Shayne, Courtney, and Angela egging you on from the peanut gallery. Two truths one lie always was fun to shoot.
"Alright..." Damien put down the cards he was holding, picking up the water gun on his side of the table and pointing it at you; his poker face was damn good, you thought he was going to put it down and let you spray him, but you were quick to realize your mistake when you felt water begin to spray over your shirt.
Your friends in the peanut gallery went insane.
"What!?" Your eyes went wide, laughing at the blush that crept up Damien's cheeks.
"Sacramento! Like..." Damien counted in his head, "six or seven years ago."
"Oh my god," realization hit you, "I forgot about that."
"So, do we get any context, or..?" Angela leaned forward in her seat.
"It was an accident--I swear, it was an accident--but, we used to film in Sacramento, and there maybe was an instance where--"
"Damien accidentally walked in on me changing in the living room of the Sacramento house." You cut his embarrassment-fueled rant short.
"I remember this!" Shayne yelled through tears of laughter.
"Why were you in the living room?" Courtney prodded.
"Why were you in the living room?" Damien leaned forward.
"I--to this day, I have no idea." You admitted, "Thought I'd have time to do a quick change between takes, I guess."
Damien eyed you from across the table, and when your gaze met his you both laughed.
When the day drew to a close, you walked with Damien to his car.
"Sorry for--I was going to say 'sorry for getting you wet' but I, even I can see that that might sound odd." He smiled.
"I mean, you've seen me naked, so," you laughed, "Getting me wet wouldn't necessarily be so unexpected."
You watched the blush rise in his face again, and the two of you stared at each other in silence.
"Can I..." Damien pursed his lips, trying to find words, "I gotta be honest with you."
"What?" You narrowed your eyes.
"I, uh...I've never been able to stop thinking about it."
"...What?" You leaned forward towards him a bit, head tilted, trying to figure out what he meant.
"Seeing you naked, it..." He rolled his eyes at his words, "This is like, creepy, and cliche, but seeing you naked was certainly the high point of working at Defy."
You digested his words, staring at him, before you broke into a smile.
"Oh, god--I'm sorry" Damien looked a sorry combination of regretful and scared, mistaking your smile for something like an awkward response.
You launched yourself at him, right there in the parking lot. He threw his hands up momentarily, before easing into the kiss and dropping them on your hips. You felt him squeeze you gently, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You heard someone wolf-whistle behind you. Breaking the kiss, but not bothering to remove your hands from each other, you and Damien watched Shayne break into giggles.
"I've been listening to that story for years," he laughed, "Finally, man. Jesus."
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copperbadge · 7 months
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
dapperanachronism linked to a fundraiser for Chris and Nina, who are trying to recover after Chris lost his job for pushing back against illegal labor practices. While he was unemployed, their car was repossessed; he has a new job offer, but needs a car for it, and he will lose his employment without it. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Nikki is currently working on paying off back rent owed and with fall cold approaching knows that her utilities will go up; they're raising funds to help cover groceries, winter boots, and back rent and bills. You can send funds via paypal to [email protected] or via cashapp to $ncdavis1701; she's requesting donors add a brief note what the funds are for and where they came from.
rilee16 is raising funds to keep the lights on; their roommate, with whom they have had a number of issues, has begun running appliances all day to drive up the bill. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
thishazeleyeddemon is president of Sacramento State's new Secular Student Alliance, which will be hosting Dr. Darrel Ray, a psychologist and author, to speak on recovery from religious trauma; they'd like him to come speak on October 12th, but need to raise funds for a speaker honorarium; when I visited this morning the funds had been raised but I'm sure they could use the extra going forward. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Help For Free:
treesah is asking folks to come out and vote for her friend, Rachel Raydo, on Inked Originals, a contest where she's in the running to win $20K and be featured in Inked Magazine; her tattoos have very personal meaning for her and tie into her recovery journey, and winning would mean a lot. Voting is free, but requires a Facebook account or credit card to prevent bots. You can participate here!
marveltrumpshate, a fandom charity auction focused on Marvel characters, ships, and universes, is open for sign-ups until September 30th; you can offer various forms of fanwork or service (fic, art, editing, graphics, podfics, videos, merch, etc) and auction winners donate their bid amount directly to one of the nonprofits on the list. This is the sixth year for Marvel Trumps Hate, which has raised $178K since 2018! You can read more and sign up here.
Recurring Needs:
frenchroasted's cousin, who has been fundraising for a used wheelchair-accessible van after herniating her back lifting her stepson's wheelchair and had to have surgery for it, has partnered with MyDMDHero which is now hosting their fundraiser on GiveButter so that their donations are tax-deductible. You can read more and support the fundraiser, formerly at GoFundMe, here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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thislovintime · 10 months
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At the premiere of Head, November 1968.
“The first time I met Peter was at the Troubadour where he performed, long before the auditions. I’ve always liked his warmth and honesty. And he’s always been very kind to me. Both Davy and Peter have lived with us and Peter was always very considerate, helping with the dishes and all. One night Mike just brought Davy home to dinner and that was how I met him. It was at a very early period, right after the guys had been chosen. Davy was so charming and nice. He would walk the dog, play with Christian and compliment my cooking — really nice to have around. Christian liked all of them right from the first. He’s always so happy when any of the Monkees drop over. When Davy and Peter lived with us it was kind of a family atmosphere. They just all kind of pitched in — and even babysat for us!” - Phyllis Nesmith, Fave, January 1968
“I remember staying at Mike’s house in Hollywood when we first started filming the series. It was the upper story of a two-story building on a little hillside. Mike’s wife, Phyllis, was wonderful. Mike and I laughed a lot and played music together. I remember that time very fondly.” - Peter Tork, When The Music Mattered (1984)
“Michael was very kind to me at the outset. He put me up through the entire shooting of the pilot process. He and his wife had a wonderful little apartment just big enough for a guest on the day bed, which overlooked Hollywood. I remember a Thanksgiving Day when the air was crystal clear in a way that I’ve never seen it before or since in L.A., and you could see all the way out to Catalina. It was wonderful. That crystal clarity symbolizes the whole era for me. Mike and I wrote a few things together. We were very comradely and very buddy buddy, and it was a wonderful time, with Mike’s then wife, Phyllis, and Christian, their little infant baby. The early days of the pilot shooting were just great by my lights and I had a wonderful time.” - Peter Tork, quoted in Hey, Hey, We’re The Monkees (1996) (x)
Q: “Being that your tastes were similar, and you both were the first to leave the group, why didn’t you form a group with Peter Tork?” Michael Nesmith: “I don’t like Peter Tork — never have liked him, I don’t like him as a man. I have to qualify that now: Me not liking somebody doesn’t mean that they’re bad people — he could do a lot of wonderful things for and to me. Not liking someone to me is a very gut reaction — a very visceral attitude. The first reaction to Peter was one of dislike. I don’t like him, I have never liked him, and I probably will never like him. I didn’t enjoy playing in a band with Peter, and I still don’t. Our tastes were much the same, our political beliefs were similar, our ideas of fun, pleasure, our intellectual capacity, our ability to talk to each other — we were very much alike. I have a great respect for Peter — his technical abilities on an instrument and the positions he took were well conceived ideas, always a posture with a motive, never emotional. I don’t like my mother. She happens to be a very nice lady — never done anything that would make me not like her — but I don’t. I like my wife.” - Hit Parader, February 1972 (x)
“[We were] partners in silence.” - Michael Nesmith, Rolling Stone, December 3, 2019
“I have a great deal of respect for Mike as a musician and a songwriter. He’s very good. He could make it on his own easily. Also he’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met.” - Peter Tork, Flip, August 1967
"I have a lot of respect for Michael.” - Peter Tork, The Sacramento Bee, April 20, 1997
“I still have a lot of respect for Michael.” - Peter Tork, WDBB, February 2006
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everythingbap · 27 days
Bang Yongguk Reddit AMA Part 1
A/N: translations may have inaccuracies. Part 2 here!
Hey guys! This is BANG YONGGUK, back again for another round of AMA with you 💪
I’m off to my world tour, BANG YONGGUK ‘III’ THE US TOUR 2024 very soon.
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Ask me anything, and I’ll try my best to answer all of your questions!
Don’t forget to grab your tickets for our tour if you're in the US!
04/05 BROOKLYN🎟️ https://livemu.sc/4a0bdrG
04/07 LOUISVILLE🎟️ https://bit.ly/49TB9VU
04/09 CHICAGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/432IrV6
04/12 ORLANDO🎟️ https://bit.ly/48Di5Kx
04/14 DALLAS🎟️ https://livemu.sc/3wxC5AT
04/17 HOUSTON🎟️ https://bit.ly/3T6x2yS
04/19 PHOENIX🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TlTNQL
04/21 LAS VEGAS🎟️ https://bit.ly/4c2SmhG
04/23 SACRAMENTO🎟️ https://bit.ly/3TmZYnM
04/26 SAN DIEGO🎟️ https://bit.ly/431DPyE
04/28 LOS ANGELES🎟️ https://bit.ly/3V9LCZr
Meet & Greet🎟️ https://mmt.fans/bwkW
Also, stay tuned for my latest album, [3], releasing March 31st!
I’m always active on socials. Follow me to stay tuned for cool performances and more music!
Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/bangstergram/]
Twitter: [https://twitter.com/BAP_Bangyongguk]
Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@bangyg]
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I've been a fan of you since you've been in B.A.P, and I have been supporting you ever since! Congratulations on having another world tour, I wish I could see you perform live one day though. I have a few questions though.
1- How fun was it to produce and create your upcoming album? 2- Do you have any advice for getting through the day when things are stressful? 3- Are there any songs from your career that you wish you could've went back and remade?
Thank you so much for being a part of my life and thank you for your hard work. I hope your upcoming world tour goes well!
BYG: 크레에이티브 디렉터로 다시 복귀할 수 있어서 이번 앨범은 과정은 힘들었지만 즐거웠던 것 같아요. 스트레스는 내가 무시하는 것 중 하나야. 가만히 명상해보자. 리메이크 가능하다면 내 첫 정규앨범 BANGYONGGUK을 리믹스해서 LP로 만들고 싶네. I think it was hard but fun to be back as creative director for this album. Stress is among the things I ignore. Let's try and meditate. If a remake were possible, I'd like to remix my first album BANGYONGGUK and make it into an LP.
BABY: Hiiiii! Could you please sing Going Crazy or 4:AM at your tour? I know it’s difficult the second one, but how do you feel about it now?
BYG: 아마 감정적으로는 힘들겠지만 4:44를 부를수 있을 것 같아요. It's probably hard emotionally, but I think I could sing AM 4:44.
BABY: 오빠 행복하세요? ❤️ Oppa, are you happy? ❤️
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BABY: Hello Yongguk!! Who are your favorite artists at the moment? Do you have any recommendations?
And do you plan on doing a Latam tour?
BYG: 몇 년째 계획만 되고 있네. 나 언제 시작할 수 있을까? I've only been planning for years. When can I start?
BABY: 꼭 해보고 싶었고 지금까지 해볼 수 없었던 일이 있을까용? Is there something you really wanted to do until now but couldn't?
BYG: 언제까지 가능할지 모르지만 아직까진 나는 항상 100% 노력했어요. I don't know how long something is possible, but so far I've always tried 100%.
BABY: And you have great fingernails, how do you take care of them??? My nails are terrible 😭
BYG: 손톱을 사랑해주세요. Please love your fingernails.
BABY: Hi! I've been a BABY since 2012 and I've loved listening to your solo music, I'm so excited for the new album!
What's your favorite part of touring? Is there anything that's hard about it?
BYG: 도시마다 색 다른 분위기를 느끼는 걸 좋아해요. 몸은 힘들지만 무대 위에서 여러분을 만날때 그걸 잊어버리는 것 같네요. I like feeling the different atmospheres of each city. It's tiring, but when I meet you all on stage, it seems I forget about that.
BABY: hi yongguk!! i've been a fan of B.A.P since debut and i honestly think B.A.P in Melbourne (2016) was the best concert i've ever been to!! it was my first as well :)
i'd like to ask, are there any scents that u're attached to? i.e. hold sentimental value or something that just improves your mood 😊
good luck w ur tour !!
BYG: 응 나는 바디로션과 향수 냄새를 오랫동안 바꾸지 않았는데 이건 집착에 일부인가 봐. Yeah, I haven't changed the scent of my body lotion and perfume in a long time, but it must be part of an obsession.
BABY: Hello Yongguk!
What song of yours do you find most difficult to perform? (Physically and/or emotionally).
I hope you have a great tour ♥️
BYG: AM 4:44
BABY: Hi Yongguk, your music has helped me a lot through tough times. Thank you for being you and for sharing your lovely self with the world through your music! 💫❤️‍🔥
I just want to ask, what advice would you give to other aspiring artists and musicians?
BYG: 스스로에게 계속 도전하세요. 누군가의 조언 보다 스스로의 목소리에 귀 기울이세요. 예술은 A.I가 대체할 수 없을 거라고 생각해. 널 알아봐 줄 1명의 팬만 있다면 성공한 거야. 힘내고 사랑하자. Keep challening yourself. Listen to your own voice instead of someone else's advice. I don't think AI can replace art. If you have even just one fan who recognizes you, you're a success. Let's cheer up and love each other.
BABY: What is your favourite Emoji you like best?
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BABY: 미국에 가기전에 한국에서 마지막 식사로 뭐 먹을까여?ㅋㅋㅋ What should I eat for my last meal in Korea before I go to the U.S.? Hehe
BYG: 라면? Ramyeon?
BABY: If you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you choose?
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BABY: Yongguk! What’s your comfort tv show? <3
BYG: 날 위한 쇼는 내가 직접 만들어야할것 같아. 나 잘 알잖아요? I think I have to make a show for myself. You know me well, right?
BABY: hello Yongguk!! i wish you the best for your tour! i was wondering if you had any future collabs planned 👀 ty!
BYG: 여름에 새로운 프로젝트를 기획하고 있네? I have plans for a new project in summer?
BABY: Hi! Thank you for doing an AMA! Do you do anything special to take care of your voice while you tour?
BYG: 아마 투어가 시작되면 열심히 뜨거운 차를 마셔야 할꺼야. I should probably drink a lot of hot tea when my tour starts.
BABY: What is something on your bucket list?
BYG: 여름에 알게 될 거예요. You'll find out in summer.
BABY: What superpower would you love to have?
BYG: 시공간을 조종하고 싶네요. I want to manipulate time and space.
BABY: yongguk, you’ve been my biggest inspiration for the longest time who is your inspiration in music or do you just go with your own vibe these days?
BYG: 최근에는 월드투어가 큰 영감을 줬던 것 같네요? I think the world tour has been a big inspiration lately?
BABY: 안녕 방용국 오빠 ! Hello Bang Yongguk-oppa !
Do you have any plans in the future to film another documentary like "Something to Talk About?"
It would be interesting to see your progression as a person and as an artist since 2019!
감사합니다! 💚 Thank you! 💚
BYG: 새로운 다큐멘터리를 보게 된다면 아마 3-4년은 걸릴 거예요. I think it will probably take around 3-4 years to see a new documentary.
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Excited for your tour. What's one song you always look forward to performing on stage?
BYG: 5번트랙 Track number 5
BABY: Hello Yongguk! Are there any new genres of music you would like to try or have tried and really liked?
BYG: 이번 앨범 재미있었어. 나오면 꼭 들어봐요. This album was fun. Take listen right when it comes out.
BABY: Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm excited for your new album. You're an amazing artist who deserves the world. Also, I can't wait to see you in Sacramento <3. Thank you for touring.
Question: Which song is your favorite out of all the songs you've released?
I miss you 💚
BYG: 2 이후라면 이번 앨범이 될 것 같아요. If it's after 2, I think it'll be this album.
BABY: Hi!!! What song are you excited to perform on your tour?
BYG: 새 앨범 모든 노래를 부를 예정이야. I'm going to sing all the songs from my new album.
BABY: Hello greetings from Mexico. There is a small possibility of having a concert of yours this year in Latin America.
BYG: Movimiento는 라틴 아메리카 투어를 위해 작업한 곡 입니다. Movimiento is a song I worked on for Latin America.
BABY: hiii, i'm really curious about what's your favorite moment while you're producing a new song or overall a new ep/album? i love you and i'm really excited bc '3' :)
BYG: 발매 직전! Right before the release!
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BABY: Hi Yongguk! Love you loads! How has making music and composing melodies changed since writing and composing for a group to being solo? Would you say it's harder?
BYG: 그룹보다 혼자 부르는 곡을 만드는 게 더 쉽네요. 생각보다 그룹 음악은 오랜 시간 그 노래를 부를 친구들을 위해 고민해야 할 시간이 필요하니까. It's easier to make songs I sing alone than with a group. I need to worry about the songs that my friends will sing for a long time.
BABY: Can you recommend a “new ramen“ to try? (Not shin) 😄
BYG: 진 Jin
BABY: There is EP 2, and now EP 3. Where is EP 1?
Is there anything to keep you motivated to work & be productive? 
BYG: 1은 제 자신을 의미합니다 1 means myself
BABY: Hello Yongguk! I hope you are having a good day! Since you are Starting a new tour soon! I had some questions that i would love to ask you from last tour if its possible!
1- When you were in Lisbon, what did you liked the most? Would you go back if it was possible? 2- What is the most memorable memory of the "Colors of Bang" Tour?
BYG: 포르투갈 와인은 특별하다. 그리고 너희들 정말 열정적이었어. 다시 만나고 싶네요. Portuguese wine is special. And you all were very passionate. I want to meet you again.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! Thank you for doing this AMA! My question for you is:
Do you have any regrets in your career? What would you change if you could start all over again?
I've been a fan of you and B.A.P since debut! Stay healthy and happy! Love you lots! 💚
BYG: 지금까지 해온 모든일들은 내 자신을 위한 특별한 순간들이였어요. 절대 후회하지 않아요. Everything I've done has been a special moment for myself. I never regret it.
BABY: Will come to Canada? Please, please come to Toronto!!!!!
BYG: 내 계획 중에 캐나다도 다시 방문해야 할 곳이에요. Canada is one of the places I need to plan to visit again.
BABY: i have such a strong memory of the day “no mercy” came out & watching the MV at university. i also went straight from my college graduation to go see B.A.P in concert😂 thank you for bringing me so many great memories over the years! i hope you’re doing well🙂
is there any song that when you listen, reminds you of a specific time in your life - good or bad?
BYG: 요즘 봄이 오니까 Carnival 앨범 생각 많이 나네요 These days with spring coming, I think about our album Carnival a lot
BABY: 이번 앨범이 내 최애앨범 될 것 같음…😍 I think this album will be my favorite...😍
BYG: 음악적으로 나도 그런 것 같아. Musically speaking, I would agree.
BABY: Hi king💚👑~~ As a Tunisian🇹🇳 Baby, I want to ask if you consider adding "North Africa" to your world tour list in the future! And yes love you and good luck for "3" I can't wait for it 🥹💚🔥
BYG: 모로코는 내 촬영지 후보 중 하나였어. 공연으로 북아프리카는 꼭 방문해보고 싶네요. Morocco was one of the candidates for a shooting site. I really want to visit North Africa for a performance.
BABY: I remember you once asked us if we prefer "The old BANG YONGGUK" or "Today's BANG YONGGUK". Does this have something to do with your comeback? Maybe a change of your music style ? What was your inspiration this time?
BYG: 내가 싫어하던 것들을 이번 앨범에 다 해본 것 같아. I think for this album I tried out everything I used to dislike.
BABY: Hi Yongguk! I’ve been a fan for quite a few years now, I hope everything is well with you and I wish you luck on your tour 🫶🏻
My question is, what is one song that is on repeat for you right now?
BYG: 새 앨범 노래들인데 가사가 잘 안 외워지네. 가사를 내가 쓰더라도 그건 다른 문제네요. When it's songs from a new album, the lyrics won't get in [my head] well. If I write the lyrics myself, it's a different matter.
BABY: How do you decide who to feature in your songs?
BYG: 그들의 음악을 오랫동안 듣고 어울리는 새 곡을 만들기 위해 노력하는 것 같아요. I think I listen to their music for a long time and try to make a song that fits them.
BABY: How did you feel when you were filming for NUMB? I'm afraid of heights. Seeing you near the edge of the cliff scared me 😅 I think NUMB will be my favorite ❤️
BYG: 그곳은 numb라는 노래를 위한 최적의 장소였어. That place was the best location for the song numb.
BABY: How many songs from BYG III album will you be singing for the tour?
BYG: 모두 All of them
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allthingsfern · 6 months
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I want to thank all of you who read my posts and look at my photos, who also had me in your thoughts, and especially:
The photo I took right after the surgery. I am also grateful to my ophthalmologist, who is great about explaining everything (and being succinct) and has a great sense of humor. Actually, after the surgery he came by and we started talking about his playlist during surgery (country western). We both agreed about some of the old great and I suggested he listen to Trio (Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt). They cut 2 albums together, both superb, and the first one is one of hte most beautiful collections of music I've ever heard. The video below, from a live performance on The Tonight Show w/ Johnny Carson, features 3 songs performed by them. A fucking treasure.
Then he went on (and on) about David Allen Coe's The Ride. When he started trying to perform the damned song, I wound up laughing while I told him to "Get out! Get out!" Maybe not the best move, since he is going to operate on my left eye on the 21st of December...
All of this to say my eyesight is really good. I can see, as my cousin who has had cataract surgery told me, "in Technicolor." I am fortunate that my ophthalmologist recommended I just have the basic lens inserted, since my eyesight is still pretty good.
It has been a weird challenge, though not unsurmountable, since I spent a lot of time sleeping but am getting a sense of me again. Grateful I can work from home and my bosses are understanding and put up with my shit.
Also am grateful for my 2 sisters (one of my sisters and her best friend, who has been part of the family for decades) who came out to be with me for a few days. They drove me nuts, but then I would expect (or want) no less. But we had a nice drive to SF and the Golden Gate Bridge and had some great meals and watched old movies. They went by themselves to the Sacramento Railroad Museum (one of my favorite museums) and to the outlet stores close by. And they bugged the shit outta me, for which I love them.
So, all's cool in the pool.
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