#goood omens
korij · 25 days
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Guys am I seeing things
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crystalmoon-art · 8 months
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Just love how dramatic Crowley is in this screenshot 😂😂
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ravenmelon · 5 months
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duskdragonxiii · 8 months
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When the Omens are Good I dunno ive only seen the show 10 times
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mintounette · 8 months
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julian-jacoss · 8 months
Wait… Seriously? Please don't tell me I'm the only person who watched the first season of Good Omens thinking that Zira and Crowley were good friends… A very very strong angel-demon friendship, isn't it? WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WARN ME THAT IT WASN'T A FANDOM INVENTED THIS SPIKE AND THAT IT IS REAL?????? I HAVE A LOT OF QUESTIONS!
And so, a week before the release of the second season, something worried me, because how can the fandom invent such a popular ship? And I started looking for information about whether this is an official couple.
My surprise when I saw the article 《Celebrating Pride Month with Aziraphale and Crowley…》was impossible to describe. That is, how??? Is this CANON??? SO VERY VERY CANON?????? WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME?!?(???)
Well, at least I watched the second season with the feeling that they love each other😩 AND THERE WERE ALREADY HINTS OF FEELINGS AND LOOKS IN LOVE!!! Probably, if I watched the second season without knowing that they love each other, then I would have guessed here. Well, I could not write off the acceptance of a kiss as a "friendly gesture".
All friends kiss so passionately, because this is an indicator of their indescribably strong and deep friendship?😏
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projectcassy · 8 months
Howdy there Tumblr, I'm Cass. Some know me as Cassy, it's a pleasure to meet you all.
I'm currently obsessed with a few shows.
1) Good omens
2) Metal family
3) Helluva boss
4) Bluey
If anyone likes these shows, maybe we can vibe, lmfao! (I'm a pretty chill person when you get to know me and I trust you. ^^)
I'm an editor of ten years though recently, I've been taking a break.
Hopefully I'll post more here, until then it's been once more a pleasure.
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thanatosdetesreves · 8 months
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And they just had to look at each other...*sigh*...
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cattatoir · 9 months
If anyone has that post with Crowley going “thanks but neither” with the uhura addition can someone send it
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crow-with-a-hat · 9 months
For five minutes I actually liked the Metatron...
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intothehandsoffate · 9 months
The pain. Ive not yet watched good omens season 2 and my entire family wants to watch it together SLOWLY.
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achuchuchie · 6 months
Good Omens || I Forgive You || Aziraphale Character Analysis
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dontdrinkthiscoffee · 8 months
А пока я пыталась проверить информацию о дне рождения, я выяснила, что есть такой персонаж комиксов как Адам Уорлок!
Который, если верить Википедии,
- на стороне Добра
- имеет псевдоним Золотой Локон
- по роду занятий Спаситель миров
- имеет сверхчеловеческие физические характеристики
- умеет летать
- управляет материей
- был прототипом солдата для завоевания мира
- восстал против этого плана и улетел в космос
- где повстречал «Высшего Эволюционера — человека, который знал, как управлять всеобщим развитием, и создал мир под названием Контр-Земля. Эволюционер мечтал о планете, полностью лишённой зла, но Человек-Зверь перенёс тьму даже в его чистый мир. Новый знакомый дал Уорлоку Камень Души и тот сразился со злодеем. Однако Адам оказался не в силах искоренить зло на Контр-Земле, и поэтому он отправился защищать добро в другие места»
Дальше все прекрасно, вот большая цитата:
«Во время своих космических странствий Уорлок столкнулся с Церковью Вселенской Истины, межгалактической религиозной организацией, которой управлял коррумпированный Магус[9]. Уорлок сформировал союз с троллем Пипом,[10] убийцей Гаморой,[11] а также работодателем и приёмным отцом Гаморы, тираном Таносом, чтобы противостоять Магусу. В конце концов Адам узнал, что Магус — это будущее воплощение его самого, который будучи безумным путешествовал во времени и пространстве с помощью Камня Души[12]. Танос помог Адаму проникнуть в сознание Магуса, а затем совершить путешествие в будущее и остановить себя прежде, чем манипуляции Посредника привели к рождению Магуса[13]. Уорлок продолжил свои странствия, осознавая, что он видел собственную смерть, но не зная, когда она произойдёт.
Когда Незнакомец попытался украсть Камень Души Уорлока, тот обучился с другим пятью связанными камнями[14]. Танос завладел всеми пятью камнями с целью уничтожить Солнце Земли. Когда Танос нанёс смертельный урон Пипу и Гаморе, Уорлок забрал их души с целью положить конец их страданиям. Затем Уорлок объединился с Мстителями, Капитаном Марвелом и Лунным Драконом, чтобы остановить Таноса. Во время битвы появилась младшая сущность Уорлока и забрала душу старшего Уорлока. Внутри Камня Души Адам воссоединился с Пипом и Гаморой в утопии, известной как Мир Душ[15]. Он был временно освобождён, чтобы обратить Таноса в камень и спасти Землю[16]»
- впоследствии становится самым могущественным существом во Вселенной
- создает своим друзьям новые тела
- стирает в своей душе границу между добром и злом
- воплощением его добрых побуждений становится Богиня
- которая конфликтует с его злым воплощением за влияние над Вселенной
- но Адам останавливает конфликт
- и еще что-то про альтернативную версию, в которой Богиня хочет уничтожить все, что несет в себе грех
Вероятно, это общее место, но я комиксы не читала и с продукцией Марвел вообще не знакома, так что словила откровение на ночь глядя.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
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Just looks at them! The 1827 costumes are soo beautiful! :)❤ (I lightened the first picst for more detail, the last two are unchanged! :))
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mintounette · 8 months
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julian-jacoss · 8 months
I forgive you (or another theory, of which there are already many)
So, we all remember Aziraphale's phrase "I forgive you". There was a lot of speculation, the whole fandom is still guessing why he forgives Crowley, and I don't know if someone has already expressed the opinion that I'm about to write, but I haven't seen it (because I don't watch the whole tumblr), so I can speak up. (Actually, this is my friend's opinion, and I, like most of the fandom, sat in tears and couldn't understand why he forgave Crowley.)
Let's look at this whole scene again. Maybe what I'm about to say will make sense. Or maybe it won't. In any case, you have nothing to lose by reading this.
The first thing I want to say is that no one betrayed anyone. They just didn't hear each other. And that's why all this shit happened.
Let's go back to the beginning. When Metatron offered Aziraphale to return to Heaven, and with such a great condition as the restoration of Angel status for Crowley. We can see how happy Aziraphale was to tell Crowley about it. After all, the Angel realizes that Heaven is shitty, at the moment, and he believes he can fix it all. Together with Crowley. And Aziraphael runs to tell Crowley the news that they can build a new Heaven together, and thinks that of course Crowley will be excited about the prospect of returning to Heaven with him and changing it together. To make everything the way it really should be. Aziraphale remembers how happy Crowley was when he created the universe, the stars, how he enjoyed and rejoiced in it, and he was an Angel then. And he also knows that Crowley doesn't like Heaven now, so he thinks, he believes, that he can make a Heaven in which Crowley will want to be an angel with him.
But this is not the message Crowley sees in his words. From his words he draws the conclusion that Aziraphale is not satisfied with the fact that he is a demon. That he wants to remake Crowley to become an Angel. Do you see the line? Aziraphale wants to remake Heaven with Crowley, but Crowley understands it to mean that Aziraphale wants to remake HIM in Heaven. And so he gets angry. He feels betrayed, because they were friends for so many years, they had a connection, and then he hears Azirafail say "go and become an Angel again".
So he gets upset, reacts very negatively to this proposal and refuses Aziraphale, and now at this moment the Angel feels betrayed, because he ran to Crowley to say that they could make the world a better place together, but he realized that Crowley did not want to make the world a better place with him. Aziraphale is also offended, and he feels sad.
So Crowley suggests that they run away together, just like Gabriel and Beelzebub did. He literally almost says, "Man, we can run away and live together. Just you and me. Without Heaven and Hell. We can be free together, without any restrictions." This is his idea of their happy life together.
And again, I emphasize, Aziraphale feels betrayed, and Crowley feels betrayed.
They are not selfish, they want happiness for each other. They think about what is best not only for themselves but also for the other. However, they did not hear and understand each other. They heard and understood something completely different, something that their partner did not mean at all. Both saw the other's proposal as a betrayal. And this ruined everything.
It happend. They are both offended and unable to accept any new arguments. When people are offended (we will exclude the fact that they are not people), they are not able to digest new arguments that the other person can tell them to explain their opinion. That is, no matter how many arguments they bring up after the point of conflict, they will still not see any positive aspects in them. They will only feed their resentment, aggression in a sense, and so on.
A kiss takes place. We can see how much desperation and pleading there is in this kiss. Perhaps this is the last attempt to leave Aziraphale on Earth, perhaps it's just desperation, perhaps it's some other option, which are enough on the tumblr and I don't see the point of writing them.
And this phrase "I forgive you". It doesn't refer to the kiss at all (he doesn't forgive him for the kiss), because a few seconds ago he was offended (they both were). He forgave him for WHAT he was offended by.
He realizes that Crowley loves him and that's it.
That's all I wanted to say. They just needed to cool down and talk again. But that didn't happen.
(And if it had, it's unlikely we could have had any hope for a third season. Their story would have ended. The end of the Good Omens.)
And now we have this interesting thing that makes @neil-gaiman do a victory dance.
(Якщо ти зараз читаєш цей текст без перекладача, значить розумієш українську😏 а це значить, що я можу запросити тебе на наш канал по добрим передвісникам у телеграмі😚 Місце, де ти можеш покричати на другий сезон, і поусміхатися з деяких едітів та артів, та, звичайно, поплакати. Лиш поглянь на це��👉 https://t.me/good_omens_ua )
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