#got to snuggle with <3 and we’ll do something this weekend
ssplague · 3 years
Alpha Bakugou & his late blooming Omega girlfriend 🌬🥀
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Honorable mentions: @jazzylove @bakugoismisunderstood @koreylive
Okay since so many of you seemed to really enjoy this “Just thinking about”, I’m turning it into a short story. I’m thinking it will have four parts all together (including the original post). So I know I’d said that I’d give you a nice big dose of Scumbag Suki this update, buuuut that was before I knew this was going to take off like it did 🙈 The next one is entirely his POV so you’ll get your fill then!
Part 3
“Suki, did you really have to be that harsh towards Izuku when we left the playground earlier? I know you dislike him now but….”
You trail off as you get settled on the plush, blanket lined floor of the small tent you and Bakugou had set up in your backyard. Supposedly there was going to be “A shit load of shooting stars tonight!” acording to one of your classmates. You were excited and insisted on staying up to watch, and as usual, Katsuki inserts himself into any and everything you do. Therefore; The two of you had rushed home after school, asked both your mothers and pleaded to spend the night together out in the yard. Deciding that you two were still at the age where anything other than star gazing was unlikely to happen, they allowed it.
Battery operated fairy lights were strung along the roof of the tent and a small lantern illuminated the center, giving the inside a pink and orange glow.
“Hah?! No way was I about to let stupid Deku come and ruin OUR sleep over! This is for me and you ________, no one else….just…us” a light breeze blew in through the open tent flap and treated Katsuki to be briefly overcome by your scent.
The two of you had your scent glands come in around the same time and still weren’t entirely used to it just yet. All both of you knew is that you favored each other’s scents over anyone else’s. It was kind of getting embarrassing how much you were beginning to enjoy your temperamental best friend’s spiced caramel aroma. So much so you had to make a conscious effort not to lean into him and sniff at his neck from time to time. He was subtle about it, but certainly didn’t mind bumping into or brushing up against you more often than ever to get a whiff of your intoxicating fragrance. Even getting hit with a face full just now had his brain feeling sluggish as beads of sweat began forming along his hairline.
A voice inside his head started incessantly growling “touch her, touch her TOUCH HER”. Under the guise of getting comfortable he shifted his leg to rest up against yours and his mind quieted instantly.
“I….I know that Kat…I wouldn’t have invited him anyway!” Your face began to redden as you brazenly blurted out; “I like when it’s just you and I, we always have the most fun”.
He instantly perked up at hearing that, but he couldn’t help but ask; “So you like me better than him? You think I’m BETTER than him?”. Leaning into you as he waited for you to answer his question, eyes narrowed.
“You know I do! Besides….” You couldn’t help yourself as you leaned towards him and inhaled deeply “You smell so much better than him too!”.
Oh hell now you’d done it ________, you unknowingly opened the metaphoric Pandora’s box.
He didn’t speak right away, just smirked back at you and enjoyed the devious expression on your face. After another minute spent invading one another’s personal space you were first to snap out of it quickly muttering; “M’sorry Suki I..I dunno what happened I shouldn’t have got in your face like that!”. You sat back up and moved your leg so it was no longer touching his. Unable to comprehend the sudden feeling of sadness at the loss of contact, or attribute it to the fact that you were no longer touching him. Katsuki frowned immediately and scooted back against you, “S’okay princess…s’not like it’s a big deal”. His use of the familiar nickname only succeeding to fluster you further.
The next few moments were spent in silence.
Surprisingly, It was you that eventually broke it asking; “Suki do you know…d’you know what mates are?”. You immediately began to play with the cheap desk telescope you’d brought out to avoid looking at him, your heart was beating a lot faster now. The startled look on his face would have informed you that your question caught him off gaurd; Surely you hadn’t just had the same thought he did?! Well either that or you could read minds….that wasn’t very likely, thank god.
“Ah well my mom told me it’s when two people decide that they want to always be together and get sad if they are ever apart…so they live together….and then other stuff happens that damn brats don’t need to know just yet” he finished lamely, confused as to why he felt so strange reciting his mother’s words exactly as she’d originally said them.
“I get sad when we have to go inside our houses at night and stop playing together” you said, the depressed tone of voice sounded like it was happening right then. “Me too…I wish we lived together cause then you’d always be with me” he confessed shooting you a nervous glance. Your eyes lit up and you beamed at him when the idea suddenly struck; “We have to become mates now Katsuki, we have to!”. You got up on your knees and began frantically shuffling things around the tiny tent. “If we’re mates then our parents can’t tell us we have to stop playing and separate at night! We’ll always be able to stay together!” Your sporadic movement and sudden outburst immediately infected your companion with the same frantic energy, albeit nervous, but excited all the same as he stared at you with wide eyes.
“You’re right _________! That’s a great idea”
“I know!”
“So uh..umm how uh…how do we do that?”
You stop smoothing the blankets out to stare at Katsuki, “You don’t know how?”.
“No” he admits glumly.
You can’t hold back the distressed whimper that escapes you and Katsuki is immediately at your side trying to console you “Hey princess it’s alright-“. “NO!” you exclaim “We need to do this to stay together forever!”.
Then you remembered something; “I see my mom and dad do this every morning”. You roll up the sleeve of your jacket and bring your wrist up, simulating the motion of rubbing it across the scent gland on your neck. Katsuki nods his head in understanding; “Oh yeah, mine do the same thing! Let’s do that!”. He lays back and stretches his neck out, “You do me first and then I’ll do you kay?”.
You nod and smile down at him, shuffling towards his head and bringing your wrist up to his neck. You hold your breath as your skin makes contact with his and start lightly rubbing over his scent gland a few times.
“S-Shit” he says softly, squirming slightly.
“What?! Did I hurt you??!” You ask.
Fear immediately replacing excitement and distracting you from reprimanding him for uttering a curse word as you usually would.
“N-No it didn’t hurt…please d-do it again”
You do, continuing thoughtlessly as you become enthralled by his peaceful expression and relaxed as he starts purring.
“Your turn”
You take his spot laying down on the fluffy blanket strewn floor, shivering with anticipation and the slight chill in the night air. His touch warms you from the inside out and you gasp at the sudden sensation. Relaxing once more, you look up at him through heavily lidded eyes and return the smile he’s giving you.
Neither one of you has any idea that this situation is going to come with serious consequences.
Eventually you remember the whole reason you two had decided to camp out in the first place; “The shooting stars!” You cry sitting up and narrowly avoiding head butting the blonde boy above you. “Hey!” He snarls. You stand and open the window flap in the tents ceiling, just as you do you see the first “star” shoot across the sky. “Woah! Quick make a wish make a wish kat!”.
He won’t admit it…but he does, and so do you.
As more stars shoot across the sky the two of you lay together; Happily curled up in the blankets, snuggling up together. Occasionally one of you brings your wrist up and begins to rub the others neck lazily, while continuing to watch the dazzling light show taking place above you. Both of you end up falling asleep long before it’s over. The sound of Katsuki’s continuous purring, lulling you into the most comfortable sleep possible.
Well that, and how his natural warmth just seemed to consume you….
Warmth…so warm at times it could get uncomfortable.
Like right now…too close…too hot
Your eyes snap open and you take in your surroundings; This is your dorm room, you’re at school right now, safe. Your clothes and sheets are soaked through with sweat. Not just sweat apparently; After waking up more you realize your lower body feels disgustingly sticky. Then a tingling sensation begins at the tip of your toes, rapidly spreading up your legs until it reaches the special place between them. Then it’s like a literal fucking furnace has exploded down there! Not to mention the heavyweight that has now come to rest in your lower stomach as it begins to cramp.
“Ow! ow! Ow!”
You try to feel around the bed for your phone, you could call one of your friends to come help you.Friends….that’s right they all left for the weekend! Wait not all of them left, Katsuki! He’s still here! That’s right, you were supposed to go over to his room, last night? Is it already morning? Fuck who knows.
You start to cry when you can’t feel your phone nearby on the bed, you don’t wanna look for it.
You don’t wanna be alone either though….Your scared. His room is just down the hall it’s not too far away, maybe if you just take it slow you’ll make it. You force yourself to get up, not even caring that all you have on is a tiny pair of sleep shorts and a sports bra.
You bend down to grab your slides out from beneath the bed and slip them on your feet before moving forward.
One foot in front of the other.
Your hunched over, one arm wrapped around your stomach and sweat freely dribbling down your face, coating your chest, sliding down the valley between your breasts.
Jesus, I must look like fucking shit right now.
As you make it into the hallway and start your journey all you can think about is how badly you want to see Katsuki. He always makes everything better somehow; That smile he wears just for you makes your heart sing normally. Right now you just let out a pained keen at the thought. Your inner omega has always been quiet enough to ignore in the past, but now she’s practically screeching like a fucking banshee inside of your head.
Just one word, over & over & over again:
With each screech your primal urges and instincts had began overwhelming you. Eventually reaching a point where the lines between the two began to blur. Making you feel more like a wounded beast that’s gone absolutely feral, while slowly dragging yourself down the hallway.
Once you get about halfway down you start to smell the familiar scent that you’ve become so fond of. Only it’s so much stronger and….muskier? It’s intoxicating, and so potent, you need more! Somehow your legs are moving quicker thanks to this new desperation manIfesting. Once you finally reach his door you have to stop yourself from breaking it down; Frantically pounding on it instead, and now you’ve started crying, salivating, and you’re just a goddamn walking train wreck… Somehow you don’t care, your appearance doesn’t matter, you just need HIM right now.
When the door opens you stumble inside.
The sound of his voice quieting your shrieking omega as soon as it reaches your ears;
“Finally decided to show up? Was waiting all fuckin’ night for you and…hey what’s wrong? Oh shit…fuck”.
Fuck is very right.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
TO LOVE AND BE LOVED - Part Six (Harry Styles)
a/n: LAST PART OMG!! im a little emotional this story has come to its end but it already ended up like twice as long as i planned it to be haha! thank you so much for reading and loving the story, it means so much to me and i loved seeing your reactions as the plot developped! i hope you guys will be happy with the ending our pair got and i can’t wait to read your thoughts about the series as a whole!!
pairing: CEO!Dad!Harry X Reader
warning: mentions of death, cheating and divorce, sexual content
word count: 14.8k
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Waking up next to Harry is probably your most favorite thing in the entire world right now and you’ve been able to experience it every morning since you dropped Izzy off at Anne’s. You’re missing her like crazy and can’t wait to have her back, but part of you is desperate to stretch these days as long as possible, because you’re not sure if Harry will be comfortable with you sleeping in his room once his little one is back under the roof.
It’s always the same, yet you can’t get enough of it. Harry grumbles as he turns the alarm off, snuggles back to you for just a few minutes before he forces himself to take a shower. In the meantime you start breakfast and his coffee waits for him ready by the time he joins you in the kitchen. You eat together, sometimes talking, sometimes just silently enjoying each other’s presence and it’s the perfect way to start your days.
Then Harry is off to work and you go for whatever shooting you had planned for the day. Luckily, you’ve been keeping yourself busy. If your day ended early, you always found something else to do, you picked Trevor up another time and also managed to have lunch with Harry on Thursday which was such a nice change, even if it was just eating takeout in his office because you were in the neighborhood and he had some time to see you.
Now it’s Friday and you’re spending it with some editing and eventually packing, since you’re leaving to the countryside for Sarah and Mitch’s wedding when Harry comes home. You’ve been looking forward to this weekend all week, you had a few phone calls with Sarah and the two of you hit it off quite well, you can’t wait to finally attend the wedding. And also because Harry is coming with you, so it’ll be a kind of weekend getaway even though the two of you have been alone home all week.
Harry runs a little late from work so you leave about an hour later than you planned, but it’s all good, since nothing is planned for the evening, you just wanted to be at the location on time. It’s going to be a small wedding, nothing extra and it’s held in an inn near the beach, the perfect spot in your opinion, especially because even the weather seems to be celebration the occasion and it won’t be raining cats and dogs.
Heather: A double date? I don’t know, who’s the guy?
You’re texting Heather in the car and you finally bring up the possibility of going on a double date with Niall.
Y/N: Photo attachment
Y/N: He is a cool guy, I think you would like him!
Heather: He surely is hot! Alright, we’ll see. Anyway, have fun with your super hot and rich boyfriend this weekend! Tell me all about the wedding next week!
Y/N: Thanks!
Your eyes scan over the word boyfriend. You didn’t want to correct her and tell her that you are not boyfriend and girlfriend, just dating, because you kind of enjoy the thought of being an official item. It’s been just a few weeks since it all started and you know that Harry needs to take things in his own pace, but that doesn’t mean you don’t like to play with the thought.
You’re aching to finally call him your boyfriend or what’s better, hear him call you his girlfriend. The thought of calling this man yours is making you go nuts but you need to be patient with him. He has gone through so much change lately, you can’t let your silliness ruin it for the both of you.
It’s late by the time you arrive to the Inn and you both feel exhausted from the ride so you want nothing else than to get a good night sleep before the wedding tomorrow.
“I’m so glad you’re here!” Sarah greets the two of you when you walk into the Inn. She envelopes you in a warm hug before doing the same with Harry. IN the meanwhile, Mitch has also appeared and he greets you with a short hug as well before giving a brotherly hug to Harry. “Had a safe ride?”
“Yeah, everything went fine,” you nod smiling.
“Great. Well, here is your room key, made sure you two are getting one of the larger rooms,” Sara smiles slyly, but you’re taken aback by something else.
“We’re sharing a room?” you ask turning to Harry, who seems nervous about your question, though it wasn’t your intention to make him ashamed in any kind of way.
“Oh, yeah. I mean, Sarah asked me this week which room I want and I told her we would be sharing… Is that okay? We-we could ask for a room for you as well if y—“ “Harry,” you chuckles softly, giving his hand a squeeze. “I would love to share, I just wasn’t expecting you to want to do the same is all,” you tell him and you can see the relief in his eyes instantly.
You talk over a few things with Sarah before taking your stuff up to the room and calling it a night. Harry takes a shower first in the small bathroom that’s joined to your room and in the meantime you hang your dress up so it doesn’t get too wrinkly by the morning. Then you just get all your equipment done, making sure everything is full and loaded for the big day tomorrow. When Harry is done you take your turn and the hot shower feels nice, quite relaxing. Walking out you find Harry lying in bed, typing on his phone, he smiles up at you when you join him in bed.
“My mum sent me this. They went to the park today.” He turns the screen towards you and a photo of Izzy is shown with ice-cream all over her face, grinning happily into the camera.
“She could literally live on ice-cream,” you chuckle, making yourself comfortable under the sheets.
“And gummy bears,” Harry chuckles before locking his phone and putting it to the side table. He is quick to wrap his arms around you, pulling you against his side and you smile as you snuggle to him, enjoying the heat of his body. “Good night, love,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“Good night, H,” you softly reply before letting yourself drift to sleep within seconds.
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You already have a lot of experience with weddings and no matter how big or small it is, the day is always a little bit chaotic, everyone is all over the place, there’s no time for just messing around, especially for you.
Following a nice breakfast with Harry on the tiny balcony that’s connected to your room, you are forced to part since Harry is supposed to be with all the other guys, getting ready in the room that’s reserved for Mitch, while you kind of need to be everywhere at the same time, but you obviously spend the most time with Sarah, wanting to capture all her best moments.
Sometime around noon you get about an hour off while everyone else is getting lunch and Harry texts you to join him on the mole down the beach that runs just below the inn. When you arrive he is already sitting on one of the old wood benches with a pizza box on his lap.
“Hey,” you smile softly and leaning down you peck his lips quickly before joining him on the bench.
“The boy ordered pizza and I got one for us too, hope it’s okay.”
“Of course, I didn’t even think about lunch until you texted,” you chuckle as he settles the box between the two of you and you both take a slice.
“So how are the photos coming up so far?”
“Good, I’ll have a ton of editing to do, but I think they will like the outcome.”
“Can I have a sneak peek of them?” he smirks playfully, but you shake your head.
“No, the first ones to see them will be Sarah and Mitch, sorry,” you chuckle as he pouts his lips at you, but goes back to his slice right after.
You both are just enjoying the quiet for a little, having had a busy day so far, exchanging very few words, but it’s still a nice time spent together. It is just the two of you until a guy approaches you on the mole.
“Hey guys! Mitch wondered where you went, H,” he smirks down at Harry before his eyes land on you. He is tall, but not as tall as Harry, rocking a noticeable beard and he is wearing the same outfit as Harry: maroon pants with a crispy white dress shirt. “Oh, you’re the photographer, right?” he smiles at you.
“Yeah, I’m Y/N,” you answer nicely, holding out a hand for him.
“I’m Landon, Mitch’s cousin,” he nods with a charming smile. “Sorry for interrupting your lunch guys. Just wanted to let you know that Mitch wants to do a round of shots when everyone’s back,” he chuckles.
“He is gonna be so hammered,” Harry chuckles shaking his head. “I’ll be back soon, thanks Landon.”
“No worries. I’ll see you around, Y/N,” he smiles at you before turning around and walking back to the inn. You catch Harry’s eyes for a moment and you have a guess what he is thinking about. Landon seemed to like you, with his flirty smiles and friendly introduction, he was surely thinking about shooting his shot, but he might not know that you’re dating Harry.
However he doesn’t say anything, just continues to eat his lunch in silence and quite frankly, you forget about Landon’s existence pretty fast.
After lunch it gets a bit hectic. The ceremony is starting at 3, so you don’t have much time left. You do the first look reveal thing and this time their son, James is included in it, which is honestly such a pure moment and capturing it feels like a privilege.
Soon enough the guests are starting to arrive and you quickly run up to the room to change into your dress. Most of the time you are not required to dress up for the job, but you like to blend into the crowd so you usually choose to wear a nice dress and you’re doing the same this time as well. You’ve brought a pastel yellow satin dress that teases a little cleavage, and you pair it with a cream colored cardigan, creating a simple but still elegant look for the rest of the day. You’re fixing your makeup in a hurry when the door opens and Harry walks in.
He immediately stops in his tracks upon seeing you in front of the mirror, his eyes traveling down the lengths of your body, a stunned expression adorning his handsome features.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were… in here,” he mumbles and you can see the blush forming on his cheeks. “You look… You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you chuckle softly. He takes a few steps closer to you and reaching up he brushes a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers leaving a trail of delicate touch on the side of your face.
Leaning down his lips hover over yours for a moment, as if he was giving you the chance to pull back, but who are you to deny anything from Harry Styles? So when you stay in place, he finally presses his lips to yours in a slow and tender kiss filled with passion. His hands cup your face in his and you bring yours up to wrap around his wrists as you kiss him back, already craving more than just a kiss.
But it feels like you are not the only one growing hungrier with the seconds, one of Harry’s hands wander down to your butt and you feel his palm’s warmth through the thin layer of your dress, though you wish there was nothing between his skin and yours. When he starts kissing down your jawline and neck, pushing you backwards you hate to break the moment, but there’s no time for any funny business. So painfully, but you pull back, already missing his lips on yours.
“I would really love to continue this, but I need to be with Sarah in about three minutes,” you chuckle softly.
“Yeah, I need to get back to Mitch too,” he sighs, pecking the corner of your mouth before his arms fall from around you.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” you smile up at him, fixing the collar of his shirt.
“Yeah,” he smiles with a boyish smile before you part ways again.
All through the ceremony you are kind of all over the place, trying to get the best shots, you don’t have much time to spare. Sarah’s entrance with her dad and James walking down the aisle is so beautiful and you get some amazing shots of Mitch’s emotions upon seeing his future wife. They tell their vows, touching every guest with their sweet words to each other and then they finally say ‘I do’ and become husband and wife.
You snap a series of photos of that moment as well, but then you allow yourself to peek over at Harry who is already watching you with a soft smile. You can feel yourself blushing, his gaze is warm but also quite intimidating in this sentimental moment.
And then the party finally starts. You try to follow the newly weds around as much as possible, but you also get around the tent, shooting pictures of the guests as well. You only get to have a few moments with Harry, because either you need to rush off or sometimes someone finds him and wants to have a few words. He is quite popular among the guests, but it’s no surprise. You’d want to have the chance to talk to him too if you saw him.
“Have you even had a bite yet?” A male voice calls out for you when you’re trying to sneak from one point to the other. Glancing over your shoulder you see Landon with a drink in his hand.
“I’ll eat later. The dance is about to happen so I need to be ready for that,” you smile at him.
“Mitch told me they found a really good photographer, but he surely forgot to mention how devoted you are. I’m excited to see the photos.”
“Thanks, I’m trying my best,” you chuckle.
“Save me a dance later?”
“Oh, um, sure,” you nod with a nervous chuckle. “But I really gotta go now,” you excuse yourself before he could even get another word out.
As you slalom between the tables you spot Harry sitting at one of them and he is staring at Landon from across the room, a not too friendly look plastered across his face. You wonder if he has seen you talking to him and now he is feeling jealous or if you’re just seeing things. But you don’t have much time to ponder on it, work is calling you.
As the happy couple share their first dance, soon enough more and more guests join them and you’re standing at the side, snapping the cute dance partners slow dancing to the music with Sarah and Mitch in the middle. You’re adjusting the settings on your camera, when a tall figure appears in front of you.
“May I have a dance?” Harry asks, holding out a hand for you like a true gentleman.
“Oh, I should—“
“If you are about to say you should be taking pictures, the bride told me to ask you,” he tells you with a soft chuckle and as your eyes fall on Sarah, she is smiling in your way happily, nodding her approval to get off duty for just a little.
“Then, I would love to,” you smile shyly, taking Harry’s hand as he takes you to the dance floor. Placing his hands to your waist he pulls you close to him while you rest your arms around his neck, swaying to the rhythm very gently.
“I always get a little emotional at weddings,” he confesses with a small smile.
“Yeah? Why?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “I just… love seeing people in love. Especially when they are my friends,” he adds chuckling.
“It really is a nice thing.”
Harry pulls you tighter against him, his cheek pressing against the side of your head and you let your eyes fall closed for a few seconds, enjoying this moment with him. He starts to softly him the song and his voice flows through your ears smoothly, you’re in awe how good his voice is. He never told you he is a good singer too above being an amazing producer.
When the song ends some couples stay, but some make their way off the dance floor and you have to get back to your job as well. Leaning back you squeeze Harry’s arm as his hands fall from your frame too.
“Save a slice from the cake for me,” you smile at him and he nods with a smirk.
“I will. I’ll have it ready for you at the table.”
You place a short kiss to his cheek before you disappear from his sight, leaving him alone again.
The night carries on as usual, sometime after dinner your phone dies so you leave it on the charger up in your room before running back down. The party starts to unfold as the time passes, more drinks are being consumed and this is kind of your secret favorite part, because the more people drink, the more they are willing to pose for funny pictures. This is the time that births the best group photos, in your opinion.
Though you are having an amazing time, you can feel yourself growing tired. When it’s finally cake time you take some time off to sit with Harry who saved you a slice, just as you asked him. It’s nice to have a breather, just enjoy the evening with him by your side again.
“Mm, didn’t know you could eat icing without getting it all over my face,” you tease him, referring back to the time you made such a mess out of the kitchen when you tried to make cupcakes for him.
“Very funny,” he narrows his eyes at you, before dipping his finger into the icing and wiping it onto your nose.
“Hey!” you pout at him, cleaning it up, but he just smirks at you playfully before pecking your lips shortly. It’s the first time he is kissing you in with so many people around and it surely makes you giddy, knowing that he is not trying to hide you in any way.
Weddings are a lot of fun, but they always stretch so long. The party can last till the morning sometimes and you can’t just decide to call it a night and stop doing your job, you need to be there until the DJ shuts the music off and all guests disappear. And it seems like this wedding won’t be any shorter either.
It’s already past midnight when you decide to sneak out for a short break. You’ve been on your feet for way too long and you stole some food too. You hesitated if you should sit back to your table, but you felt like you could use some quiet so you left the tent and found a bench nearby.
As you sit and eat the food you snatched from the buffet table, you hope the party won’t last until the Sun comes up. You get so into your own little world that you almost don’t even notice the approaching tall figure.
“Having a break, huh?” Landon calls out as the gravel crunches under his fancy dress shoes.
“Ah, yeah. I needed a few minutes away from the music,” you chuckle softly. Landon stops in front of you and hides his hands in his pockets as he blinks down at you with tired looking eyes. It might be from the long night, but you are guessing the drinks he’s been consuming don’t help his energy either.
“May I say that you look really pretty? I haven’t been to many weddings yet, but the photographers went for the more comfortable look since they are not on the photos, but you chose to glam yourself.”
“Thanks,” you chuckle softly. “I like to blend into the guests.”
“Well, you don’t blend in this way either, because you look prettier than most women in that tent,” he compliments you and you’re starting to feel awkward. It’s not that you don’t like it when someone is talking highly of you, but it’s obvious what Landon wants and you are definitely not on the same page.
“Um, thank you.”
“I’m sorry if I come off too brash or pushy, but I promised myself I would never miss a chance to compliment a pretty woman when I see one.”
“That’s nice, but I’m afraid I’m not the right person to spend your energy on,” you answer with a tight-lipped smile. Landon narrows his eyes at you, but keeps his playful manner.
“So you don’t find me good-looking, is that it?” he teases and you shake your head with a soft chuckle.
“That’s not what I was talking about.”
“Then you like to break hearts, right? You must enjoy making men fall for you,” he carries on with his little joke and just as you’re about to speak up to tell him you are seeing someone, Harry’s familiar deep voice interrupts the conversation.
“There you are, I’ve been calling you.” He is talking to you, but his eyes are clearly glued to the man standing in front of you.
“Oh, my phone is in the room, I had to charge it,” you tell him.
“What are you guys doing out here?” he asks, clearly not liking the situation, you and Landon alone outside with no one else around. Jealousy is dripping from his eyes that appear so much darker now in the dim lighting.
“I’ve been dumped by this amazing woman right here,” Landon sighs dramatically and Harry cocks an eyebrow at him before glancing over at you.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yeah, she is clearly not interested in me, my charm didn’t work on her,” he laughs lightheartedly.
“I hope it didn’t because she is my girlfriend,” Harry answers simply and your lips part at what he just called you.
Landon stumbles back, his smile quickly vanishes from his face as he stares back at Harry. You feel like you’re watching some kind of documentary movie where male animals are trying to win over the female, only that Landon stands no chance in this situation, but you find it quite funny.
“Man, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t—I didn’t know!” he apologizes right away as he realizes why Harry has been kind of spicy around him. Landon then faces you. “Y/N, I didn’t mean to make it awkward and all that, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine,” you smile at him nicely. He mumbles something about checking up on Mitch before walking away, leaving you and Harry alone. He joins you on the bench, staring after Landon for a few moments before turning to face you. A much softer expression is showing on his face this time.
“So, you just called me your girlfriend,” you point out, trying your best to hold your growing smirk back.
“I, uhh—I did, didn’t I?” he chuckles nervously. “I’m sorry, it just slipped out, because I didn’t like how Landon was trying to chat you up all night…”
“So you didn’t…. You didn’t mean it?” you ask, furrowing your eyebrows, feeling yourself growing disappointed.
“Well, I… I mean, I didn’t mean to say it like that, without discussing it with you, but… I would love to call you my girlfriend,” he admits shyly and you can’t believe that this nervous man next to you is the same man who owns a record label and manages his million dollars business every day without a problem.
“I like the sound of that,” you smirk, leaning closer to him so your noses are almost touching.
“Yeah?” he smiles, a lot more relieved and playfully than he was a moment ago.
“Mhm,” you nod, biting your lip. You blindly put your plate to the side before cupping his face in both of your hands and pulling him in for a kiss, your first one as boyfriend and girlfriend. Part of you feels silly that it makes you so ecstatic, like you’re a high school girl, but in this moment you couldn’t care less.
What starts as a sweet and innocent kiss quickly turns into something more, something heated. When Harry’s hands find your bare thighs and they slightly slide under your dress you can’t help but yearn for more, pulling him closer as your tongues meet. Your fingers lace through his curls, tugging on them gently and you’re fighting the urge to throw a leg over him and just sit on his lap straddling him. When he starts kissing down your jawline and neck, you have to stop him for the second time today, not that you wanted to do it anytime, but the time and place hasn’t been right.
“We can’t…” you sigh, pulling back even though every fiber in your body is telling you otherwise. Harry lets out a long sigh, nodding his head.
“Yeah, I know.”
“But hopefully, the party will end soon and then we will be all alone in our room,” you smirk at him slyly and it brings back the shine into his eyes.
“I can’t wait,” he mumbles before kissing you one last time.
From that moment, Harry lingers around you at all times for the rest of the night. He is always either right by your side, or within a few feet away from you, keeping an eye on you, but not in an obsessive and intrusive kind of way. His eyes are filled with lust every time you share a look at each other and you can tell he can’t wait for the party to finally be over. Whenever he is next to you, he makes sure to touch you in any kind of way. Placing his palm to the small of your back, your arm or your hips, or when you sit next to each other he rests his hand on your thigh or knee without hesitation. And you are loving all the affection you are being showered with.
By the time the wedding officially ends and you can finally call it a night, you are both touch starved and hungry for each other. Harry pulls you against him on the stairs up to your room, not even giving a damn that you are still out in the public. His mouth attacks you hungrily, kissing you anywhere he can reach as the two of you stumble up your way to the room.
Pushing the door open you basically fall inside, giggling against Harry’s lips as he shuts the door closed and presses you up against it, making you gasp at the action. He is so much more demanding and confident than the last time you shared an intimate moment and though you’re not sure how far he is planning to go, you know you are ready to give him anything he desires.
“As much as I love this dress on you, it needs to go,” he playfully smirks as his hands bunch your dress up on your thigh before grabbing it and pulling it off your body, leaving you only in your underwear so fast.
Your lips find his as your fingers work fast on the buttons of his shirt while you inch further into the room towards the bed. You both kick your shoes off on the way and when you fall to the mattress Harry’s shirt is already gone. He climbs above you as you sink into the way too many pillows and you blindly throw a few off the bed to give you more space. Harry licks into your mouth one last time before he moves down your neck and collarbones, peppering your heated skin with his kisses, his hands already sliding under your back to unclasp your bra. Arching your back you give him space to do the task on hand and a few moments later you are lying under him with your chest completely bare. His name falls from your lips as a whimper when his mouth comes in contact with your left nipple, kissing, licking and sucking on it while his hand kneads your other breast before he switches, giving both sides the same amount of attention. Your fingers lace through his unruly curls as you enjoy his touch that’s burning and soothing at the same time.
When he kisses down your stomach and hips, he hooks his fingers into your lacy underwear, but stop before doing anything, looking up at you for reassurance. You give him the green light by nodding and he carefully pulls the fabric off your body, baring you in front of his eyes completely. His kisses pepper his way up your inner thighs until he finally reaches your dripping wet core.
“Harry!” you moan when his tongue and lips press against your clit, swirling and sucking on it just right, making you shiver under his touch. He curls his arms around your legs, keeping them in place as he keeps working his magic, making you a whimpering mess with each lick.
He does the same thing as last time, teases you with his finger dancing around your entrance until you are basically ready to beg him for more. Then he finally pushes two fingers inside you and starts pumping in a slow pace that drives you nuts, leaving you ache for more of him.
You pull him up before he could get you to the top, because that’s not how you want it now and you need to know if he is ready to take this step with you. He understands what you want from just a look as he hovers above you and you cup his face in your hands tenderly.
“I want it,” he breathes out and you could come just from those three words.
“Are you sure?” you ask, though you just want to jump right at it already. Still, you want to make sure he is completely fine with everything that’s about to happen.
“Yeah. I am,” he nods before leaning down he presses his lips against yours.
Your hands reach down and undo his pants, pushing them down along with his boxers before he does the rest of the job kicking them off. His erection presses up against your thigh as his hips fall down a bit and you moan with just the feeling of him on your skin. Wrapping your hands around his shaft you start pumping him while your kiss never breaks.
“Oh fuck,” he moans in sensation and you grin against his lips, enjoying the thought that you are the one making him feel this good.
“Do you have a condom?” you breathe out.”
“Shit, I don’t…”
“It’s alright, I have one.” You sneak out from under him and rush over to your bag to look for your toiletries, you know you have one somewhere in there. When you finally find the little package you quickly get back to the bed where Harry is now lying on his back. Kneeling next to him you give him a soft, reassuring look.
“Do you want me to…?” you imply, holding up the foil.
“Oh, um, yeah, sure,” he nods and you swear you see him blushing. Ripping the package open you lean closer and roll the condom down his hard length before throwing a leg over his lap and get back to kissing him. You take your time with him, running your hands up and down his toned, inked chest as his palms warm the skin on your waist while your lips move together in sync perfectly. You could tell he needed a moment to get settled and wrap his mind around what’s really about to happen.
“Everything alright?” you ask, a little out of breath as you hold yourself up above him. He nods shortly. “Do you want me on top or you want to switch?”
“C-can you stay on top for now?”
“Yeah,” you smile at him warmly, before capturing his lips in a sweet kiss while your right hand wanders down his body until you reach his hard cock. Harry whimpers against your lips when you wrap your hand around the base, lining him up with yourself.
“Tell me if you want to stop, alright?” you ask him and in any other situation you’d find it a little funny that it’s you asking him that, usually this request comes from the guy, but you just want to make sure he is comfortable with everything that’s happening. Harry nods again and as he gulps hard his Adam’s apple bops up and down. Leaning down you kiss him again as you slowly ease down yourself just enough so that the head of his cock slides inside you. You stop, giving both him and you the chance to get accustomed to the feeling. It’s been quite some time for you as well, and your fingers do not compare to Harry’s size, that’s for sure.
He keeps one hand on your hip while the other reaches up and cups the side of your head, panting against your lips from the feeling of finally being inside you. Once you’ve made sure you both adjusted to the feeling, you allow yourself to sink further down until his whole length disappears inside you. You stay still, shutting your eyes closed as you let your walls stretch around his erection, making that slight pain you feel go away. Adding the length and thickness of his cock to the long drought you’ve had in the field of sex is making it feel like you are having your first time again in a way. It’s not that awkward and definitely not that painful, but still, that’s what it reminds you of.
“Are you good?” he asks, squeezing your hip gently. Your eyes snap open and meet his green ones that are now clouded with a little bit of worry.
“Yeah, it’s just… You’re big, Harry,” you admit with a soft chuckle that brings a cocky grin to his lips as well. “Just give me a moment.”
He just nods again and both his hands start running up and down your sides reassuringly as you take a few seconds to yourself before you start moving your hips. You start off slowly, dragging your movements out, trying to see what feels the best and judging from Harry’s moans and grunts he is enjoying himself no matter what you do. Your hands sprawl out on his chest, fingers digging into his skin as you lean onto him while starting to move up and down his throbbing cock.
“Fuck, you feel so good!” he whimpers, almost as if he was in pain, but you can see the pleasure in his eyes.
Your thighs start to burn, but you keep moving yourself, not wanting to stop, because you’re feeling your orgasm building up inside you. When he starts thrusting up to meet your movements, you moan his name so loudly there’s a chance the people next door heard you, but you couldn’t care about that now.
Harry might have noticed that you’re starting to get tired, so pushing himself up he wraps his arms around you and turns you over until you’re the one lying on the bed and he holds himself up above you on his arms. Your legs circle around his waist as he starts moving in and out of you, the new position making you both moan and gasp at the sensation.
“Harry!” you whine as he keeps hitting that one spot inside you, pushing you closer to the edge dangerously fast.
“Am I making you feel good, baby? You like it?”
“You’re making me feel so good, please don’t stop!” you beg him as he buries his face in your neck, sucking on the soft skin, most definitely leaving a mark on you that you’ll wear proudly tomorrow. You would never want to hide the fact how good Harry fucked you, let the world know that your boyfriend made you feel so amazing!
“Oh my God, I’m getting close. Are you feeling it too? Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” he asks, his lips brushing against your earlobe. Grabbing his face you pull him into a kiss, pushing your tongue into his mouth mercilessly and the grunt he lets out is making your insides tremble. It’s animalistic, so passionate and sexual, you want to hear this every day for the rest of your life.
“I’m close, go a little harder, Harry!” you plead and he does as you asked without hesitation, his hips slamming harder against you, making you gasp for air as your head sinks into the pillow, your back arching in pleasure.
“Cum for me, Y/N. Let it go!”
“Harry!” you whine, as you can feel your orgasm threatening to burst inside you any moment.
“Say my name when you cum, I want to hear who’s making you feel so good, baby!”
Your fingers dig into his hair as you chant his name over and over again with each thrust he makes and then your release finally arrives. You moan and whimper, shaking under his naked, sweaty body, his name falling from your lips as an endless glorification. Your walls clench around his cock and it’s the last straw for him as well, his thrusts become sloppy and uncoordinated as he cries out your name, his hips slamming hard against you while he rides his orgasm out. Reaching down you drag your nails down his back until you reach his perfectly round ass, giving it a cheeky squeeze while he buries his head into the crook of your neck, thrusting into you a few more times before coming to a stop.
Turning your head you kiss his temple, running your hands up and down his back while you both try to catch your breath, coming off your high. Soon Harry pulls out and rolls off of you, his body smashing into the mattress beside you, his face glowing from that post sex euphoria. After a few moments of just panting and blinking into the void you finally feel yourself returning to reality and rolling to your side you cuddle to Harry’s body, his arm instantly coming to circle around you.
“Everything alright?” you softly ask, placing a tender kiss to his chest under one of his swallow tattoos. The last thing you want is to have him freak out now that the deed has been done, but when he gifts you with a tired but genuine smile, your worries vanish into thin air.
“Yeah. I’m all good. More than good,” he chuckles before lifting his head and placing a soft kiss to your forehead. His fingers are dancing up and down your naked back, following the line of your spine and your ribs, his smoothing touch already working as a lullaby on you, but you’re determined to stay awake just a little longer.
“Are you turned on by hearing your own name during sex?” you tease him with a sly smile as you think back to how much he enjoyed you scream his name over and over again.
“I might have a bit of a praise kink,” he admits truthfully with a smirk.
“Mm, interesting.”
“What’s yours?”
“What do you like during sex?”
“You, balls deep inside me,” you bluntly answer, making him laugh at your words. “And I like doggy,” you then add to actually answer his question.
“Mhm, and maybe some hair pulling. Not in an extreme way, but I like a little.” “Alright, noted,” he hums nodding.
You both clean yourselves up in the bathroom, moving around each other naked without any shame. Harry then puts on a pair of clean boxers and you change into your night clothes, though the moment you make yourself comfortable in Harry’s arms in bed his hand sneaks up your back under the shirt, tugging the material up. You could have just stayed shirtless, but now you’re too tired to even move. His fingers are drawing little patterns over your skin as you listen to his steady breathing before drifting off to sleep.
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Sunday feels like a day after a sleepover in high school, when you’re thinking about everything that has happened the day before, and you’re so happy it happened but you’re kind of tired and just want the comfort of your home already.
Sarah and Mitch leave for their honeymoon early in the morning. You say goodbye and Sarah just keeps thanking you for your work even though she hasn’t even seen the picture yet.
“But I’m sure they are amazing! Can’t wait to see them!” she beams at you when you try to tell her to just wait for the actual outcome.
You leave the inn a little before noon heading to Anne’s to pick Izzy up. You have lunch somewhere on the road and then you sing along to the music in the car, enjoying yet another roadtrip together, making the best out of your last minutes alone. You’re happy to see that Harry hasn’t seemed to spiral after what happened last night, he seems delighted and pleased, maybe even excited. Driving down the highway he keeps a hand on your thigh whenever he doesn’t need to use it on the shifting gear and every time he reaches for you, it turns you into a giddy little girl.
“Daddy! Daddy!” Izzy chants upon running into Harry’s arms the moment you park down on Anne’s driveway. Apparently, she’s been sitting by the window for an hour, waiting for her dad to finally arrive.
“Oh, I missed you so much, baby!” Harry cheers, catching the running girl and lifting her up into his arms, hugging her close. It’s such a sweet sight, seeing the two purest people you know be so happy to see each other after a week spent apart.
“I missed you too!” Izzy sighs, wrapping her short arms around Harry’s neck, nuzzling into her daddy’s embrace and your heart is fluttering in your chest for sure.
Anne invites the two of you inside for a tea, Harry helps Izzy pack all her stuff while she is nonstop blabbering about everything she did with her grandma during the week, and Harry listens to her intently, even though she already shared everything with him on the phone when he called every night.
“How did the wedding go?” Anne asks you cheerfully as you help her in the kitchen.
“Oh, it was amazing! Sarah looked so beautiful and everything went smoothly.”
“That’s great, they are such a cute couple!”
Anne is quick to ask you about photography, how long you’ve been doing it and you even show her a few of your works seeing how enthusiastic she is about the whole thing. You were a little nervous about meeting her, but she is just as sweet and kind as her son, making it so easy to treat her just as a friend, not as the mother of your boyfriend.
Before leaving Izzy insists on showing you all the paintings she made for Anne this week, she has them on the wall in her little home office. While you’re shown around in Izzy’s personal gallery, Harry joins his mother downstairs, finishing up his tea.
“I assume the weekend went well, you two are glowing,” she smiles slyly at him and Harry can’t hide his boyish smile.
“I uhh… I asked her to be my girlfriend,” he admits and Anne gasps happily, thrilled about the news.
“I’m so happy for you, Har. I think she is a really good match for you!” she beams, pulling him into a motherly hug, kissing his cheek as if he was just a little boy, not a grown man.
“Thanks, mum. I’m happy too.” “You deserve it. It’s so good to see you living your life again.” Soon enough, Harry loads the car with Izzy’s stuff and it’s time to say goodbye.
“Bye Anne, it was so nice to see you!” you smile hugging her.
“Come back soon, Darling! Nag this old man to visit me more often!” Anne jokes giving Harry a playful look who leaves her comment unnoticed, giving his mother a tight hug.
“Thank you for everything mum, love you, I’ll call you alright?”
“Drive safe!” she calls after you all as you get into the car and wave her goodbye leaving.
The drive home tired Izzy out, or maybe it’s just the change of settings again. Whatever it is, she can barely stay awake until dinner, so once her tummy is filled Harry decides to put her to sleep early.
Izzy asks Harry to lie in bed with her as he reads her a bedtime story, she is extra clingy now that she is back with her daddy, but Harry is enjoying having his little one back so he doesn’t mind it. Izzy snuggles to his side, playing with the ears of the bunny she chose to sleep with tonight as she listens to his steady, smooth voice talk her to sleep.
“Daddy?” she asks quietly, already half asleep.
“Yes, baby?”
“Are you going to marry Y/N?”
The question catches him off-guard, he was definitely not expecting it especially since Izzy hasn’t even seen the two of you kiss yet.
“Why are you asking?”
“My new friend, Loretta from the park told me that if a boy and a girl live together they are probably in love and want to get married.”
“Loretta seems to know a lot about adult stuff,” Harry chuckles softly. “Well, it doesn’t exactly work like that, Iz. But… would you be happy if I told you Y/N is now my girlfriend?” he asks, feeling a little nervous, as if Izzy’s word on the question could destroy any possible future between the two of you. She stays silent for a few seconds and Harry starts to think she has fallen asleep, but then she finally speaks up again.
“Did you kiss her?” she asks and Harry can’t push down a soft chuckle. Izzy’s idea of relationships probably doesn’t go further than kissing and holding hands so this is how she is trying to put the picture together in her head.
“I did, yes.”
“Oh!” she exclaims. “I like Y/N.”
“Well, I like her too.”
“She can be your girlfriend,” she then replies, giving her blessing. “Are you going to get married?”
“Um, not for a while, no. But… it could happen if things go right,” he chews on his bottom lip, he is definitely not in the phase of thinking about marriage yet, not just because you barely just became an official couple, but that would be a huge step in his way of processing the end of his last one.
“Okay,” Izzy simply nods and that brings the end of the discussion. Harry has been a little nervous to have this talk with Izzy, he was afraid she might get a little confused about the idea of him having a girlfriend and the thought of her mother, but she seemingly didn’t even bring Maggie into her train of thoughts. Luckily.
When Izzy is finally asleep he closes the door and makes his way downstairs where you’re lying on the couch, watching the rerun of the news. You smile up at him upon his arrival and as he joins you on the couch, he is quick to pull you into his arms, making you snuggle into his embrace.
“I just told Izzy that you are my girlfriend,” he confesses and you lift your head up, not even trying to hide your surprised expression.
“Really? And what did she say?”
“Well, she asked if we are getting married,” he tells you chuckling shortly. “I told her that we shouldn’t get that far ahead. But she basically gave her blessing. She said she likes you.”
“Well I was hoping she doesn’t hate my guts after spending almost every day with me,” you chuckle, making him smile too. “But I’m happy she likes the idea of us.”
“Yeah, me too,” Harry nods before pulling you closer for a sweet, innocent kiss.
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You finally get around to have that double date with Heather and Niall one month into your relationship. Harry’s weekends have been a little busy these past weeks, he had to go into the office on a few Saturdays, but now he has finally finished a huge project he has been working on so he can actually take some time off.
Ruth comes over to look after Izzy that evening and she keeps looking at you and Harry like a proud grandparent whenever she sees the two of you interact as a couple. Little touches and kisses have been more regular around home ever since Harry told Izzy that you are together. So far, she’s been handling it really well, she doesn’t seem to be confused about you and her mother and it might be because Harry has had a talk with her recently about her mother and where she really is now. His therapist suggested to be open about it with her as early as possible, and though she doesn’t seem to completely understand the idea of life and death just yet, she has definitely started to put the picture together in her head.
You’ve been spending all your nights at Harry’s room, so by now your bedroom is more like an office space for you and a storage for all your stuff, a place where you can be alone whenever you have some editing to do or just simply need some time on your own. Luckily, Harry totally understands the feeling of needing some space, he has his own limits as well and the two of you have been trying your best to coordinate around these lines when it comes to your relationship. After all, it’s been a pretty unusual situation, you were already living together when you became a couple, jumping a few steps in the timeline of a regular relationship.
Just as you were expecting it, Niall and Heather hit it off quite fast upon meeting at the dinner. Niall is in awe of Heather’s confidence and raw sense of humor that matches perfectly with his, while Heather finds him entertaining and somewhat like a challenge, since you honestly told her about Niall’s reputation as a womanizer, but it’s not something that could scare her away.
“He is cute, desperately wants to prove how good he is doing on his own, but I think that’s just a façade,” Heather tells you when you ask her about her date in the restroom. She fixes up her lipstick, staring at herself in the floor to ceiling mirror.
“So you think you want to see him again?”
“I’m not gonna run after him, if he asks for my number I’ll give it to him. But if he doesn’t, I won’t let him see my disappointment.”
“And what if he asks you to go home with him tonight?” you ask, feeling like teenagers gossiping in the girls restroom between classes. Heather smirks at you through the mirror before turning to face you.
“Oh, I’m not going home with him. That would bruise his ego so badly he won’t be able to think about anything else.”
You stare back at her stunned from how big of a genius she is. You would have never schemed like this when it came to men, but yet again, you never really needed to. Before Harry you were busy with Keith and that relationship came so easily to you. There were never really games, it took you about three weeks to get together. But Heather is a player and a very good one, apparently.
“You two look cute, by the way,” she smiles at you quickly washing her hands before the two of you head out, back to the table.
“Thanks,” you blush, eyes finding the guys sitting right where you left them.
After dinner you decide to stay for a few drinks at the bar a corner away and it’s been so long since the last time you were out just having fun, enjoying some time with good friends. If someone told you a few months ago that you’d be sitting here, sipping on a cocktail with Harry who is now your boyfriend, you would have laughed hysterically.
When Harry reaches for you thigh under the table, resting his palm on it, giving it a gentle squeeze just as a sweet gesture, you glance at him and he smiles at you as his eyes meet your gaze. It’s the first time you actually feel like any other couples. Having a nice evening with your friends, touching each other, holding hands, simply living in the moment knowing well that going home he will probably sneak into Izzy’s room, pressing a kiss to her forehead before joining you in bed, falling asleep with his arms curled around your figure.
It’s no surprise when Niall invited Heather over his place for another drink at the end of the night and you can barely hold your smirk back when she refuses and his face completely falls, especially because he was so confident in himself, the evening went well and he was probably sure she would say yes. Instead, she grabs herself a taxi and heads home upon parting ways. Niall is shocked, but he is quick to ask for Heather’s number from you before you say goodbye and you happily give it to him.
On the way home you think about how weird it is that you are still basically working for him. It’s not that you mind being the one who is looking after Izzy, it doesn’t even feel like a job, she has grown so close to you. It’s about getting paid for it when you’re Harry’s girlfriend and even though you know how untraditional everything has been with the two of you, now might be the time to make a change.
Harry checks up on Izzy while you get ready to bed and he joins you under the covers soon. Your thoughts about your possible quitting keep racing in your head and you decide to bring it up, just to see how he sees the situation.
“H?” you softly ask while he is checking a few things on his phone, propped up against the headboard.
“Yeah?” he glances at you, letting you know he is listening.
“Don’t you think it’s weird I’m still working for you?”
He stops and locking his phone he puts it to the nightstand to fully focus on the conversation. He just stares at you for a few seconds before knitting his eyebrows together, that crease between them making an appearance and you fight the urge to smooth it out with your finger.
“You don’t like taking care of her anymore?” Your stomach drops at the way he interpreted your question, because it’s not at all the situation.
“Harry, I love taking care of her!” you smile at him softly and can see the relief in his eyes. “It’s just a little weird that you’re paying me to be with her. I would do it for free,” you explain, hoping he now gets the whole picture.
“Are you… Are you planning for the long run? With us?”
“Of course,” he nods and now you’re the one relieved at how naturally the answer came to him.
“Then maybe we should look for a solution that doesn’t make me feel like I’m a kept house woman,” you chuckle softly and a small smile tugs on his lips as well.
“What were you thinking about?” Sighing you bite into your bottom lip, not sure what he’ll think about the idea that came to you.
“I’ve been getting a lot of requests for photoshoots. I thought that maybe I could take two more days out of the week to work on them and stay home with Izzy for the rest of them. We could look for a nanny for those days. They wouldn’t have to move in, because I would be home by three probably. I think… I think it could work pretty well.”
Harry takes a few moments to think it through and you know he has to be considerate, the only reason he was so quick to hire you was because Izzy already knew and loved you. Bringing a stranger into the picture is a big change and everyone has to be fine with it to make it work.
“Would that make you happy? Staying home for half of the week with Izzy? I wouldn’t want to ask you to sacrifice your time for her… for us, if it doesn’t benefit you.”
For a few moments you’re just processing his words, but then you finally understand what he meant by that. He is thinking you might take it as if he is using you to take care of his daughter and he doesn’t want you to take responsibility for her if it’s not what you really want. But you see being in Izzy’s life as a privilege, you haven’t truly processed it yourself, but you start to look at her as your own daughter. Having spent the majority of your days with her these past months, it was inevitable to grow so fond of her.
Scooting closer to him you cup his face in your hands as you smile down at him softly, his green irises filled with worry and doubts, probably thinking that he is doing something wrong again, but he is not. He needs to have more trust in himself.
“I would love it, Harry. I love spending time with her and… with you,” you admit and there’s one thing that you’re aching to add.
And I love you.
But you keep that one back, not sure if he is ready to hear it just yet. It’s still so early in your relationship, and it might feel like a bomb if you just dropped it on him. You need to be a little more patient before taking this next step.
Bringing his arms around you he pulls you to his chest, a deep but happy sigh leaving through his nose as he kisses into your hair. Nothing else is said, but no words are needed. It’s been settled that you both are planning for the long run together and you’ll start to alter your life to make it fit into the picture.
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You don’t jump into it right away, but a few weeks after the discussion you had about hiring a new nanny, you take the first step. Ruth agrees to cover one day every week, Fridays, so you can have it off for your sessions. Summer brings a lot of events and occasions and your calendar has been getting busier as your circle of customers has been growing lately. Though Ruth is more than happy to spend some more time with Izzy, you all know she won’t be able to do it too long, you need to find someone at last by the end of the summer.
Harry would never admit, but he is very anxious about bringing a new person into Izzy’s life. He is not the toxic kind of parent who wouldn’t let anyone get near his daughter, but he surely is considerate about who he lets to take care of her and it’s understandable.
On an afternoon spent at the park you are chatting with Ava, Yara’s mom when she mentions a nanny agency they’ve tried out before and had a really good experience.
“They hire people with at least three years of experience and many of their nannies have a degree in some kind of field in connection with child care. We had a nice girl from Russia watch after Yara, she is a primary school teacher but she moved here with her boyfriend for a year. She was amazing, really. Yara loved her, Saige and I loved her, it was a good match.”
She gives you a phone number and later that day you look up the agency, presenting the idea to Harry, who seems interested, but a little hesitant.
“We could still have an interview with them, right? Or I would have to just choose someone from the website like from a catalogue?” he voices his concern as the two of you lie in bed with your laptop propped against your thighs.
“I’m sure we can have an interview,” you smile at him.
Harry just nods, ergo he doesn’t reject the idea, but you can tell he has quite a few doubts about it, but there’s not much you can do.
In the course of three weeks you and Harry have five interviews with nannies that the agency sent and at the end of the day, Harry finds something wrong with all of them, even though they are only minor things.
“You rule out people for the tiniest things, Harry,” you sigh after the fifth interview with a kind middle-aged woman, Kaitlyn. “Based on these interviews you wouldn’t have hired me back in the days,” you joke.
“You know it was different with you,” he points it out and you just nod. He has told you so many times how you were just the perfect fit which is very charming, but it doesn’t help the situation on hand right now.
That evening, when you’re lying in bed, reading, while Harry checks up on Izzy one last time, you see that something is on his chest when he walks in and as soon as he is under the covers next to you, but you don’t ask him, instead just wait for him to bring it up himself.
“Y/N, I’m sorry for being such a pain in the ass about the whole nanny thing,” he sighs tiredly. Closing your book you place it on the nightstand before turning to face him fully.
“You’re not a pain in the ass, just very careful and maybe a little picky,” you add with a soft chuckle.
“Do you think I should be the one staying home with her?”
“Most kids spend the majority of their days separated from their parents in daycare, kindergarten or preschool. It’s not a crime that you are not a stay at home dad, not many like to do that or even fit for that role,” you shrug and it’s your genuine opinion. Just because parents don’t devote one hundred percent of their life to their children, it doesn’t make them bad. Parents deserve to be selfish sometimes.
“I just… I can get so into my head about everything I do wrong,” he sighs, closing his eyes and he seem so tired all of a sudden, like he has been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Brushing his hair out of his forehead you kiss him gently before his eyes open again.
“You’re not doing anything wrong, Harry. Believe me, Izzy is having the best childhood she could ever wish for. She is secure, loved and taken care of. Everything is going well.” He doesn’t answer, just nods as his arms wrap around you, pulling you to his chest and you gladly snuggle into his embrace.
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That evening it felt like Harry was shifting in the right direction, but you can never know what really goes on in someone’s head and you couldn’t see what was coming.
A few days later another candidate comes for an interview, you, Harry and the young girl called Rachel sit outside at the terrace as Harry goes through the same questions he asked every other applicant while Izzy is playing around the swing set.
Rachel just finished her bachelor’s and is now taking a gap year before moving back to her hometown to work at her father’s law firm. She grew up with three younger sisters and took care of them most of the time to help her parents out who worked a lot. She is nice, very well educated and it’s clear she is great with children. Yet again, when you glance at Harry you don’t see him as satisfied as you are and you already know he is going to find something against her.
“Alright, so what is it this time?” you sigh once Rachel is gone and you can finally talk openly about her.
“She basically doesn’t have any official knowledge about kids, she just grew up with kids, that doesn’t qualify her as a professional.”
“Raising children is the best knowledge you can get, Harry,” you argue, feeling a little impatient this time. Rachel is perfect for the job, but any other applicants would have been fine too. You’re running out of time and Ruth won’t be able to help much longer.
“I would just be a lot more comfortable if it was a professional staying home with my daughter,” he answers, marching into the kitchen and you follow him.
“There were plenty of professionals between the previous ones as well. You are ruling everyone out!”
“I’m not ruling them out, I’m just trying to make the best decision for my child!”
“By being absolutely insatiable?!”
“Why is it so bad that I want the best choice?” he growls throwing his hands into the air.
“It’s not, but the best choice is not always one without any flaws, Harry,” you point it out, hoping he gets what you’re talking about.
“But I want this to be flawless!” he snaps and you can see that he has lost his patience at this point, but so did you. “I’m not settling for less than what I want, Y/N!”
“So then what? You lied when we talked about all of this? Because without a replacement, I can’t start working more!”
“I didn’t fucking lie, I’m just asking for more time!”
“Well it seems like you just want to push me into changing my mind about switching jobs and eventually say that I’m staying home, taking the blame off of you!”
“I’m not pushing you into anything, Y/N. We still have time until the end of summer, I just want to find the perfect person, give me some time!”
“Harry, there won’t be a perfect person!” you raise your voice, done with running the same circles at this point. “Any of the previous applicants would have taken good care of Izzy, why are you ignoring it?!”
“Stop telling me what to do when it comes to Izzy!” he then snaps, his voice beaming through the room, taking you by surprise. But what he says after this is what really hits you hard in the chest. “She is my daughter, not yours!”
Part of you knows he didn’t mean it the way it came out. Like you had absolutely no relations to Izzy, like you weren’t partially raising her way before you got together with Harry. You can see that it just slipped out in the heat of the moment, but your anger is making you selfish and not care about that anymore. His words hurt and you’ve stopped making excuses for him.
“Yeah, you’re right. Why am I still even here?” you calmly ask before simply turning around and heading out.
The calm but warning tone snaps him out and he is quick to realize he has crossed a line. He launches after you and almost catches you in the hallway when Izzy runs inside, calling out for him.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Harry stops and turns around to see if she is alright and it gives you just enough time to escape. You rush out of the house and throw yourself into your car, igniting it and driving away as Harry shows up at the front door, calling after you, but you ignore it, making your way to your mom’s. You need a familiar place to calm yourself down at.
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Harry tries to call you several times, and though the first few times it rings out, you send his calls to voicemail almost immediately after a while.
“Damn it,” he growls after another failed attempt to reach you. It’s been almost an hour since you stormed out and he is losing his mind, not knowing where you are, especially after what he said.
He regretted it the moment the words fell from his lips, but he knew it was too late. He let his anger bring the worst out of him and it all crashed down on you when you didn’t deserve any of it. Harry knows you’re right, he’s been trying to find something bad about every applicant because… part of him thinks that he is a bad father for not being the one taking care of Izzy all the time. If it wasn’t enough already, he’s been feeling like a failure for years… ever since he lost his wife because he wasn’t ready to commit more time for his family. He’s been dealing with the thought of being the worst father for so long, sometimes he convinces himself it’s the truth.
If I was ready for another baby, Maggie wouldn’t have had to die. If I put my family first, she would still be alive, he tells himself often when he is feeling the darkness clouding over his mind. Little does he know that it’s all just in his head. It doesn’t make him a bad father that he wanted to wait a little longer before having another baby. He never put his work above his family, he was always there when he was needed and made sure his loved ones are safe and taken care of. Never in his life did he ever put his work before Izzy or Maggie or anyone in his life he cared about.
But sometimes, your mind can play dirty tricks on you. And Harry fell for them.
As time is passing by he is growing more and more anxious when he doesn’t hear from you. No calls, no texts, he has no idea where you went or when you’re coming back. Sitting on the edge of the bed he stares out the window blankly before his eyes wander to the side where you usually sleep and it hits him hard when he realizes how eerily similar the situation is.
Following a fight his lover runs away, doesn’t answer his calls and he can’t get a hold of her. It’s like history is repeating itself all over again and as realization creeps up his spine, his throat tightens and he gasps, tears flooding into his eyes. With shaky hands he grabs his phone and dials Niall’s number, hoping he is not out somewhere at a bar, ignoring his phone.
“What’s up?” he answers the phone delightfully.
“Call Heather now and ask if she knows Y/N’s mom’s address,” he snaps immediately frantically.
“Woah, what happened?”
“Niall! Just do what I asked!” he barks and ends the call, giving his friend the chance to obey. Luckily, Niall feels the seriousness of the situation and does as Harry asked. A few minutes later a text arrives to Harry’s phone with the address.
Putting Izzy into the car he speeds down the streets to Gemma’s house who is shocked to see her brother in this state, but she doesn’t have the chance to ask anything as Harry drops Izzy off and asks her to watch her for the night.
“Okay, yeah, but—“
“Not now, Gemma!” he calls back, already running back to his car, heading to your mother’s house where you sought comfort following the fight.
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“Not that I don’t like having you here, but you really should go home and talk it out.” Trevor joins you outside where you’ve been sitting on the steps of the terrace, staring out into the darkening sky. It’s been a few hours since you basically ran away from home and Harry has been blowing your phone up so you put it into airplane mode, sending all his calls to voicemail until you feel like dealing with him.
Trevor sits beside you, his long legs coming up closer to his chest as he sits the same way as you, his arms hug his knees.
“I know, I just… I’m a little tired,” you mumble.
“You don’t have to discuss it, but Harry would want you home for the night, don’t you think?”
“Yeah,” you nod breathing out. “Do you think I overreacted?” you ask him, feeling unsure about the way you acted. Was it too much? Did you have the right to do it? You’re not so sure about it anymore.
“Well, he didn’t lie about Izzy not being your daughter,” Trevor huffs. “Though he could have handled the situation better. I get it that he just wants what’s best for her, but you were right too.”
Sitting in silence Trevor doesn’t try to convince you to apologize or keep holding a grudge. He just lets you figure it out all by yourself.
Not long later you go back inside and grabbing your phone from the dining table you decide to turn it back on, missed calls and texts flooding the device, but for your biggest surprise, not just from Harry.
Heather: Niall just called me to get your mom’s address urgently, everything alright?!
“Oh shit,” you gasp, typing a quick reply to assure her that you’re fine and then you open Harry’s text seeing how frantic he grew over time and you realize what it must feel like to him. The situation is way too similar to the way he lost Maggie and though you didn’t mean to hurt him by putting him through it again, it’s already too late.
Just as you are about to call him to let him know you’re fine a car pulls up on the drive way and you know it’s him. You rush out the front door the moment he jumps out of the car, eyes wide, chest heaving as he finally lays his eyes on you.
“Oh my God!” he breaks down in tears as you smash against him, wrapping him in your arms, he does the same, his strong arms circling around your waist tightly as he sobs into your chest painfully.
“I’m fine, everything is alright. I’m fine. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for running away like that,” you mumble, kissing the side of his head, holding him for dear life.
“I was so scared it happened again!” he whimpers, his whole body shaking. You slowly start pulling him until you reach the little front porch where there is a small bench kept next to the front door. You sit and pull him with yourself, he doesn’t even loosens his hold around you, as if you would turn to dust if he lets go of you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think it through,” you hum, fingers combing through his hair as you try to calm him down. He is still shaking, but his sobs are starting to die down finally, his hands still fisting your shirt at your waist.
“No, I’m sorry for being such a dick. I didn’t mean it. You are doing so much for Izzy and I, I don’t know what I would do without you!” he whimpers and when he finally lifts his head up, your heart breaks at the painful look in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. You were right about everything! Please forgive me!”
“Oh Harry,” you breathe out, the tears already welling in your eyes as you brush his messy curls out of his forehead.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you, what I said was bullshit! Please forgive me, I can’t… I don’t want to lose you, Y/N,” he stutters with one breath and then he adds: “I love you.”
Your lips part as you stare back at him in total awe at his sudden confession. Though it’s been an emotional ride, you weren’t expecting him to drop this bomb on you. A smile cracks on lips as you cup his face in your hands, feeling a hot tear rolling down your cheek.
“I love you too, Harry,” you answer, both of you letting out a relieved chuckle as he finally presses his lips to yours. His kiss tastes salty from both your tears, it’s needy and a little uncoordinated, but it means the world to you at this moment.
Sitting on the little bench you finally talk everything out once you both calm down enough to speak. Harry admits that he’s been so picky about the nannies because he is still struggling to be the best father he can and is reminded of being alone in this every time he faces a struggle. It constantly reminds him that he is supposed to have his partner with him, solving everything together, but now he is on his own and has to provide the best possible life for Izzy.
“Harry… you’re not alone,” you breathe out, heart aching for the man you love with everything in you. “And I’m not only talking about myself. Your mom, Gemma, Niall, even Saige, Ava and Linda are always happy to help you out with everything. If Maggie was still here, it wouldn’t be just the two of you. Raising a child needs a whole village,” you chuckle softly. “But if you want a partner in it… I’m here. And I really mean it. I see a future with you, I want to be part of your family, of course, only if you let me.” Reaching over your hand finds his on his lap and you squeeze it gently as he looks at you, his expression still a little torn, but it’s not as painful as it was when he arrived.
“I would love to have you be part of my family, Y/N.”
It’s like a rock is lifted off your chest upon hearing his reassuring words. This is all you ever wanted, have a partner in life who is willing to build a future together with you and Harry is offering you just that.
You stay on that old little bench for so long, you don’t even realize how late it has gotten, only when your mom shows up at the door, wearing her nightgown and a fluffy robe.
“Don’t want to bother, but do you want to spend the night? Just asking if I should get you some extra pillows and blankets…”
“Oh! Um, no. We are going home, but thank you mom,” you smile tiredly, noticing it’s nearing midnight now.
Harry stands from next to you and as he steps to your mother you realize they haven’t even met. Harry stands tall in front of your mom, but you notice the nervous flash in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t even have the time to introduce myself,” he mumbles with a nervous chuckle. Your mom blushes, most likely finding your boyfriend quite handsome though you already showed pictures of him to her. “I’m Harry,” he says, holding out a hand.
“Oh, no worries! I’m Tina!” she smiles charmingly as they shake hands.
“Nice to meet you, Tina.”
“I know we should have probably had a better introduction, but we’ll come around some other time under better circumstances,” you chuckle softly as you stand up from the bench too.
You say goodbye to Trevor and your mom and finally head home. Harry tries to convince you to ride back in his car, but you don’t want to leave yours here, so you tell him it’s going to be fine. Both of you arrive in one piece and you only realize that Izzy is nowhere to be found when you walk into the house.
“Dropped her off at Gemma’s. I’ll have to explain a lot of things to my sister tomorrow, but it can wait,” he chuckles softly before his hands reach out to you, grabbing your waist gently as he pulls you closer to him. “I’m so sorry for tonight, Y/N.”
“Hey, we agreed that no more apologizing,” you remind him of the deal you made earlier. “It’s all in the past.”
Harry nods, huffing through his nose before leaning down he kisses you softly, as if you were some kind of fragile artwork that needs to be handled with so much care.
“I love you,” he whispers against your lips, his eyes barely open under his thick lashes.
“I love you too,” you smile back, your hands coming to rest at the base of his neck.
“I will never get tired of hearing that,” he chuckles lowly, making you laugh too.
“Good, because I’ll be saying it a lot.”
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“Stop picking on your lip!” you warn Harry when you catch him fidgeting with his bottom lip. He wouldn’t admit, but he is surely nervous as the two of you are waiting for Izzy to join you downstairs. She just got home from the zoo with Gemma, they had an amazing day together, but it had a purpose. You needed her to be looked after while you went to the doctor. It was your first ultrasound since the time you went to see if you’re really pregnant or the tests just fooled you, but it was one hundred percent legit. You were indeed pregnant.
You and Harry got married a few weeks before Izzy turned six. She was the cutest little flower girl in the small ceremony held at the backyard of your own home. Both of you agreed that you don’t want anything big and flashy, just an intimate little wedding with your close family and friends. It’s been two months of being husband and wife and it’s almost completely sure the little baby growing now in your tummy was conceived on your wedding night…
You’ve been keeping it a secret, wanting to tell Izzy first before sharing the news with your friends and family.
“Do you want to talk first or do I do it?” Harry asks in a whisper, as if Izzy could hear anything from upstairs.
“I have a feeling you wouldn’t be able to get a word out so I’ll take the lead, if you don’t mind,” you chuckle softly and Harry doesn’t argue.
He has been such a nerve wreck thinking about telling Izzy that she is going to be a big sister. These past years she has dealt so well with processing everything about the situation with her mom, you and the idea of her dad having a new wife. You felt like she was a little confused at the beginning, but once you had an actual, mature talk with her, answered all her questions, you could see things shift to place in that cute little head of hers. Now she knows what it means that her mom passed and how you came into the picture. This is why you have no doubt she’ll take the news well, but Harry is still afraid she might flip.
Little feet tap against the floor somewhere upstairs and then Izzy runs down the stairs, joining you at the dining table.
“What’s the surprise?” she asks in excitement. You told her you have a surprise for her when she arrived and now she is pumped for whatever is coming.
“Izzy, you know how Zac has a little brother, right?” you ask, smoothly starting the discussion.
“Yes! His name is Jeremy!”
“Yeah. So Jeremy is a little younger than Zac, they are siblings. Zac’s parents wanted to have more than just one kids and so they decided to have Jeremy.”
“Mrs. Rumbald had him in her belly!” she explains cleverly. The topic of babies has already came up earlier, so now she has an idea of what really happens when a couple decides to have a baby.
“Exactly,” you nod smiling. “You know how your daddy and I are now married, right? We talked about what it meant.” Izzy nods, glancing at her father who is sitting beside you, sweating his balls off even though it’s going smoothly. “Married couples often decide to have babies. This is what your dad and I did too and now there is a baby in my belly too. That means that you’re going to have a little brother or sister soon.”
Izzy blinks a few times, processing your words before her face lights up with excitement as she gasps.
“Can I play with her?” she asks, making you and Harry laugh.
“Might be a boy, baby,” Harry chimes in.
“Okay, then can I play with him or her?” she corrects herself.
“Well, you have to be careful with newborn babies, but I’m sure she or he will love to play with you!”
“What’s it gonna be called?” she asks her next question.
“We don’t know that yet. But you can suggest names if you want to,” Harry offers.
“Can it be Elsa if it’s a girl?” she immediately suggests and you smile at her first thought. Of course she says Elsa, she is going through her mandatory Frozen obsession like every other kid at her age.
“We’ll put it on the list,” you tell her. “Do you want to see a picture of the baby?”
“You can take pictures of the inside of your belly?” she asks with a confused look.
“Well, not with a camera like the ones I use,” you explain as you place the black and white, messy picture of the tiny baby in front of her. She grabs it and starts inspecting it as if it was some kind of puzzle and you can tell she is having a hard time making out where the actual baby is. “That’s right there. It’s still tiny and has to grow a lot,” you tell her, pointing at the right splotch in the picture.
“Can I keep this picture?” she asks smiling up at you sweetly. “I want to put it to my wall!”
A while ago Harry has gotten her a huge frame right above her bed that has wires running across it with tiny clips attached. You’ve gifted her her favorite polaroids from your stack you’ve collected through the years, most of them featuring the three of you. It’s touching to know that she wants her little sibling there already.
“Of course!” you breathe out, touched by the idea.
You follow her up into her room and while she stands on the bed, you put the sonogram next to a photo that was taken of her and Harry on her sixth birthday.
“Can I tell my friends at school that I’m going to have a brother or sister?” she asks, still standing on the bed so now she is almost as tall as you are.
“Um…” glancing over at the door your eyes meet Harry’s who just shrugs, letting you know it’s up to you. “I guess you can, yes.”
“Thank you!” she beams, throwing her little arms around your neck as she hugs you tight and you return it gladly. “Can I watch some TV, please?” she asks with an angelic look she knows you can never resist.
“Yeah, but only for an hour,” you tell her as she jumps in victory before climbing off the bed. Running to the door she gives Harry a hug before disappearing down the hallway. Harry walks in, a proud and soft smile tugging on his lips as he steps to you, his hands finding your waist. He pulls you against his hard chest, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“This went well, right?” he asks.
“Yeah, you were such a big help, sitting there in silence,” you chuckle teasing him.
“But you handled it so good, baby. I didn’t want to interrupt,” he smirks and you just roll your eyes at him before circling your arms around his neck.
“Uh-huh, sure,” you smirk. “So… are you ready to be a daddy again?” you ask him with a shy smile.
“Technically, I never stopped being a daddy,” he points out. “The real question is, are you ready to become a mommy?” he asks turning it back to you.
“I’m… a little nervous, but very excited. I think I’m ready,” you nod smiling.
“Don’t worry, it’s gonna be alright,” he hums, kissing into your hair.
“Wow, when did you become the emotional support in this relationship?” you tease him and he just rolls his eyes.
“Learned from the best,” he nudges his nose against yours before kissing you softly. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” you smile against his lips, thinking about how long the two of you have become since you first met and you are happy you got to be the person who taught Harry how to love and be loved again.
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marginalmadness · 3 years
Summer Nights: Chapter 1/4
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Pairing: Rabbit!Hybrid Jungkook x Y/N
Rating: Teen (later explicit)
Genre: Hybrid!Fantasy, Romance, Fluff
Synopsis: A freak weather anomaly leads to a chance encounter with a rabbit-hybrid, and your kind nature results in you gaining a small, fluffy lodger, who questions your taste in television shows. It’s won’t be for long...will it?
Warnings/Tags: None right now, will add with additional chapters
Author’s Note: So the beautiful, wonderful, ever patient @johobi commissioned as we went into lockdown the first time, and it took me forever to write, and ended up being about 4x longer than I expected because, feelings and plot kept getting involved. Anyhow, the fic is finished, but with NaNoWriMo this month, and my already teasing this, I’m releasing this in 4 chapters, as I edit it, the next one will be next Friday, so I hope you all enjoy this, I got some wonderful comments from @johobi​ and she made this WONDERFUL HEADER <3, and I hope you all look forward to Chapters 2-4
Chapters: Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Word Count: 4.3K
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction for entertainment purposes only. The events depicted here are entirely of my own imagining, and have no basis on actual people or events.
Summer Nights
The weather report this morning said nothing about rain. Not a shower, not a sprinkle, and even now, as you check your phone for the thousandth time, there’s no indication of the storm that is currently darkening the sky over the entire city.
You fight your way out of the subway station, pushing past people rushing down the stairs out of the deluge. As you clamber your way up through them and onto the street, it feels like you’re pushing against a wall of water.
You curse yourself and the umbrella that sits serenely dry and unused under the side table by your front door. Because according to the highest-rated, “most accurate” weather app available, it was supposed to be nothing but dry, sunny spells through the end of the week and staying warm and dry over the weekend.
You dash across the road, taking a shortcut through the park, hoping to find some relief under the canopy of trees but somehow the drops feel heavier under the leaves. Cold rivulets of water run down your neck, under the collar of your coat, completely defeating the purpose of you clutching it closed.
You’re halfway home when, as suddenly as it started this morning, the rain stops. You look up through the branches and the sky is miraculously clear, dappled sunlight falling across your face as birdsong suddenly fills the park, nothing but dripping leaves and ground puddles to indicate the previous weather. This must be the sunny spell that was previously promised.
You wipe your hand across your face to remove some of the hair clinging to it, but since your hand is as wet as everything else, it’s a losing battle. There’s just as much water on your face after wiping it, and strands of hair are now just pulled across your forehead rather than limply clinging to your cheeks. You sigh, readjusting the strap of your bag and hoping the contents inside aren’t as soaked as you are, when for the second time in less than a minute you are stunned to another stop.
Before you is a tiny, shivering, soggy ball of fur.
You could swear it wasn’t there a second ago, but it’s possible it darted out from under one of the surrounding bushes and you startled it as much as it, you.
Crouching down, you reach a hand out towards the small creature, which lifts its head, twitches its nose and shuffles towards you. It’s hard to tell under the sopping wet fur, but it doesn’t look like what you’ve seen of regular wild rabbits. Its fur is darker, but that might just be an effect of the rain. It also seems longer, but again it’s hard to tell when wet. The biggest giveaway that it’s no regular wild rabbit are the two long, floppy ears that hang down either side of its head, dragging along the path as it moves towards you.
“Hey cutie pie,” you say in as soft a voice as possible while shivering from the wet and the cold. “You don’t look like you’re from around here.”
The creature makes a full hop towards you and sniffs at your hand, and you’re almost 100% sure it’s a rabbit and not a hare. You slip your other hand beneath its tiny body and stand, clutching it to your chest. You wait to see if it’s going to resist or fight but it only snuggles into your coat. “Okay, let's get you home and dried off, and then see if we can find your owner,” you say, scratching its head gently.
Almost as soon as you tuck the tiny creature under your coat, the rain starts again, skies grey, water coming down in sheets as though it never stopped. You run the rest of the way through the park and across the road, not minding that you step into a puddle since your feet are already so wet. You barrel your way into your apartment building, stopping to catch your breath as you wait for the elevator.
As soon as you’re through your front door you carefully step out of your shoes, drop your bag and shuck off your drenched coat, vowing to come back and clean them up later. You’re so soaked your clothes cling to you, as though you weren’t wearing a coat at all, and you hit the thermostat on high as you run past on your way to the bathroom.
“Why don’t we get you all nice and snug in a towel? Let you warm up while I take a shower, hm, little buddy?”
Grabbing a hand towel, you carefully wrap the trembling creature in your arms, rubbing the wet fur carefully before placing the bundle in the sink and stripping down to jump in the hot shower.
The hot water stings your chilled skin the instant it makes contact, but it warms you up quicker than waiting around for your apartment to heat up or hiding under your duvet would. Stepping out of the shower, you wrap a warm, fluffy towel around yourself and notice the small rabbit has its eyes closed. You pick it up in its bundle, and it seems to blink in alarm at being moved.
“Awww,” you coo aloud. “Did the warm steam lull you to sleep, lil’ bun?” The rabbit looks up at you and then closes its eyes, nuzzling back into the towel covering it. You carry it into your room and place it on your bed before changing into something warm and snuggly and drying your hair. By the time you’re all done, the bunny has fallen asleep, curled up in a little cocoon of warmth.
You head back towards the front door, picking up your coat and moving your waterlogged shoes into the bathroom. You pick up your bag and hope your phone was buried deep enough inside to escape water damage. Luckily, all of the contents inside seem untouched and you send a prayer of thanks to whoever was watching over you to pull that one off.
Grabbing your phone, you quickly search for a local vet that’s still open, hitting ‘call now’ when you find a decently-reviewed one. You kneel at the foot of the bed until you’re eye level with the fluffy, dark-furred rabbit. It watches you with curiosity, whiskers twitching as your face gets closer to it.
“Hello, Park Place Animal Hospital,” a tinny voice says pleasantly through the phone. “Eric speaking, how can I help?”
“Hi,” you say cautiously. “I found a rabbit in the park, and think someone might have lost it. It doesn’t look like a wild rabbit.” Maybe it was a wild rabbit, you argue with yourself; you’re not exactly a rabbit expert.
“Can you describe it to me?” Eric asks.
“It’s got long, dark fur; black or maybe dark brown? Seems… fluffy?” you say with uncertainty. “It was drowned-looking when I found it in the storm, and it’s wrapped in a towel drying now. But its ears are long and floppy. Really long. Really, really long,” you emphasise.
There’s a chuckle on the other end of the phone. “Well it certainly doesn’t sound like a wild rabbit. Possibly a member of the lop family. It could be a lost pet, but are you sure it’s not a hybrid?”
That stops you. A hybrid? Never even crossed your mind. Why would a hybrid stay in animal form in a storm and let a stranger take them home?
“I-” you stutter. “I don’t know. I’m a mundane, I don’t know how I would be able to tell.”
“Well, scent is the easiest way to tell, but you wouldn’t be able to use that as a mundane and it’s a little late to bring it into the clinic. You could talk to it, ask it some questions.”
You frown down at the bunny. Maybe you were missing something. “I don’t speak Bunny.” You could hear Eric holding back his smile over the phone.
“But hybrids understand human speech,” he says, holding back his laughter. “Assuming you speak the same languages.” You purse your lips, eyes glancing around the room, cheeks burning in embarrassment. “Where are you right now?”
“In my bedroom,” you say. “The bunny-hybrid-whatever is wrapped in a towel on my bed and I’m kneeling on the floor at the foot of it.”
“And what is the ‘bunny-hybrid-whatever’ doing?”
“It's-” You look at the rabbit and are a little taken aback to realise it’s watching you, head raised, nose twitching inquisitively. “-watching me.”
“Okay, unwrap it and leave the room. Tell it, if it’s hungry, to follow you to the kitchen. If it’s a hybrid, it will understand and follow you.”
You blink owlishly at the creature, before nodding in determination. “Okay.” You unwrap the towel and move to the doorway. The bunny watches you leave.
“I need to make dinner. If you’re hungry, follow me. I have some veggies you can eat.” The bunny stands up on its hindquarters, giving itself a shake until its fur is sticking up in funny-looking spikes. It jumps down from the bed and lops after you as you walk towards the kitchen. You turn your attention back to Eric on the phone. “I promised the bunny veggies, and now it’s following me into the kitchen.”
“Congratulations, you have a hybrid-rabbit in your home.” Eric laughs. “It’s late now, we’ll be closing soon, but if they haven’t turned by morning you can bring them by the clinic and we’ll be able to either issue a T.o.C or take them in until we can find out where they came from.”
“T-O-C?” you ask slowly.
“Treaty of Care. Hybrids who stay in their animal form for extended periods of time need special care. It’s usually infant or adolescent hybrids born in animal form who haven’t turned for the first time yet, or hybrids hurt in animal form who need to heal before they can transform back. A Treaty of Care is usually served to a close friend or family member, but it can be anyone.”
“Even a stranger?” you ask, stopping in your tracks and looking down at the small creature by your foot. It looks up at you with big, dark eyes.
“If they didn’t fight you when you first picked them up, and they haven’t shown any signs that they want to leave, then they feel comfortable with you. At least for the time being. So the decision seems to be yours. Think about it tonight, and come in tomorrow.”
“Will do. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” you mutter, biting your lip and shuffling from foot-to-foot.
“No problem, have a nice evening,” Eric says politely.
“Thanks, you too.” You hang up the phone, motioning with your head towards the kitchen. “There’s apples in there.” The bunny-hybrid zooms off, hopping towards the kitchen, and you let out a little giggle at its enthusiasm.
Once there, you head to the fridge and pull out what you need to make yourself dinner, plus some extra veggies for your unintended guest. You dump them and the promised apple into the sink, making sure to give them a good wash before you start chopping things into rabbit-convenient pieces. A gentle pressure against your calf stops you, and you turn to find the long-eared bunny leaning against you as it stands on its hind legs, either trying to get a better look at what you’re doing or begging for a snack.
“Are you nosey or impatient?” you ask, and the hybrid drops to all fours before hopping around your feet. You lean down to pick it up, placing it on the counter next to you and offering it a slice of apple. Its tail—no, its entire body wiggles in appreciation as it munches on the apple slice, nibbling away with its eyes contentedly closed. You finish chopping the veggies and place a selection on a plate, setting it in front of the hybrid. The bunny hops high, kicking its back legs in excitement before diving into the pile to devour it.
With a tentative finger, you reach out to scratch behind the rabbit’s ear. To your relief, it doesn’t recoil. Encouraged by this, you settle your hand on its head and gently stroke its fluff. The hybrid leans up, nuzzling its face into the palm of your hand. You smile appreciatively, tickling the rabbit’s chin before you turn to cook your own dinner.
The rest of your night you spend relaxing, curled up on the sofa watching TV.  The hybrid decides to join you, settling at the opposite end away from you. Normally you wouldn’t allow a pet or an animal on the furniture, but it’s not really an animal and you’d feel bad forcing a guest to sit on the floor if there was space on the sofa. You’re second-guessing your decision, though, when the rabbit expresses opinions on your choice of entertainment, nudging the remote when it wants you to change the channel and thumping its feet when it sees something good. You spend a good twenty minutes having a one-sided argument with a creature that communicates through nothing but foot stomping and nose twitches before you come to a consensus: a superhero movie that you never got to see in the cinema. You drop the remote and the rabbit hops closer to you, shuffling into a loaf by your feet. Like that, the pair of you spend the night watching six unlikely heroes and their friends save the world from total destruction.
Your first real, big conundrum is when you go to bed and the little ball of fluff follows you, jumping onto your comforter.
“No. Don’t be ridiculous, you are not sharing my bed,” you try to say forcefully, but the surreal nature of what's happening makes your tone just a little bit hysterical. The hybrid simply lowers its head to the comforter, making itself smaller, lopping closer to your hand until it’s nudging it. It wiggles its head beneath your fingers. “Is this you asking for permission? No! Off! Down! Off the bed!” The creature shimmies its fluffy tail and doesn’t move an inch. “I know you can understand what I’m saying, and it’s weird,” you whine. The tail-twitching stops. Big, dark eyes blink up at you as it sits up on its haunches, front paw waving at you like it’s trying to grab you.
You can’t help but feel you’re in a pouting contest with a rabbit.
“Fine,” you huff, flopping back on the bed dramatically. The hybrid lops towards you and you turn to watch. Fluff obscures your vision as it boops you gently on the nose, and you laugh at the tickle of its fur. You shuffle under the comforter with a yawn and turn off the lamp. “Okay. Tomorrow, when I get your Treaty of Care, I’m picking you up an animal bed. This is only for tonight, because you’ve obviously had a stressful day, so don’t get used to it.” The second you say it, you know it’s a lie. You’d lose a pouting contest with that bunny every time.
Ten weeks later, the rabbit now has a side of the bed. 
The side of the bed where his animal bed sits unused on the floor. 
The vet had given the hybrid a clean bill of health, identified it as a young adult male and given you a T.o.C for as long as it wanted to stay with you. Or until you returned it. But that would never happen.
Somehow you’d just fallen into a routine; breakfast for the both of you, rushing to and from work, changing the litter box, dinner for two, TV in the evenings. And now somehow, suddenly, it’s summer. Gone are the spring storms that brought the two of you together. Now you have the stifling heat and humidity of the peak of summer.
All the windows in the apartment are open and have been for at least a week. You don’t even sleep with a cover anymore, just collapse on top of it in the flimsiest two-piece that can cover your modesty. Honestly, even that feels like too must most nights, sticking to you in the humidity. It’s so hot that the hybrid - who you had simply called “Bun” for lack of a better name - no longer lay close to you, but far on the other side of the bed, stretched out on his side, ears akimbo. The city desperately needed a storm to break the humidity.
Half way through summer, you get your wish. You flinch, even in your sleep, as the room fills with blinding, white light. The crack of thunder that immediately follows is explosive in the silence of your room thanks to all the open windows. The storm startles you awake. Turning away from the window, you bury your face in your damp, sweat-drenched pillow, just as the gentle roll of heavy rain starts to beat against the heated concrete city.
“You okay, Bun?” you ask in a sleepy, raspy voice as you reach for the small creature. But where you expect to meet soft fur, you meet soft skin, solid muscle coiled tight beneath it. It takes a second for your brain to register the foreign sensation, before your head snaps up and your eyes open. You’re used to sleeping next to a small rabbit-hybrid, but in its place is a very naked young man, curled in the fetal position. His large, terror-filled eyes stare at you.
You scream, scrambling off the bed and across the floor to press your back against the wall. The naked man shrinks in on himself when you yell, curling himself into a tighter ball. You can see just enough of him over the edge of the bed to spy a long, floppy ear drape over one of his arms.
“Bun?” you ask in a breathless voice. He lifts his head, and those eyes—those large, round eyes are just as dark as they were when he was a rabbit. 
They’re the same. 
He moves up onto his hands and knees, crawling cautiously across the bed to peer down at you. His fingers curl over the edge of the mattress, long ears dangling either side of his face.
“Sorry,” he whispers in a soft voice. He’s still tucked in on himself like a loaf, like he would sit when he was a rabbit. You can hear his foot tapping against the mattress; he’s agitated. “I woke up like this a little while ago, before the storm was over the city. I guess it scared me into transforming back.”
“Why didn’t you wake me?” you ask, finally getting a handle on your breathing. It’s not everyday you wake up with a naked man in your bed…or any day recently, if you’re being honest.
“You’ve had trouble sleeping because of the heat. I didn’t want to disturb your rest.” Your heart aches. You knew the hybrid living with you was friendly and sweet-tempered, but hearing it makes it difficult not to reach out and pet and coo at him like you regularly would. There’s just enough light coming in from outside for you to see him bite his lower lip in the darkness. Your heart pangs again when you notice that he has bunny teeth even in his human form.
You shift, getting to your knees and moving closer to the bed. The hybrid doesn’t stir, still huddled in on himself, floppy ears falling each side of his face. They blend seamlessly into his long, dark, wavy hair. His eyes are impossibly large, as dark as the night sky, and reassuringly familiar. Just over his shoulder, down the slope of his back, you spy a fluffy tail twitching at the base of his spine. Resolutely, your eyes snap back to his face.
“That was very kind of you,” you say softly, watching his face spread into a warm smile, front teeth prominent and pressing into his bottom lip.
“You’ve been very kind to me,” he practically whispers, and you smile in return, resisting the urge to pat him on the head. You don’t know if it’s appropriate now he’s no longer a rabbit.
“Do you have a name?”
“Jungkook, but you can keep calling me Bun, if you want. I like it,” he says, louder this time. Confidently. And you decide, screw it, you’re going to pet him. But then thunder crashes again, bright light simultaneously filling the room, and for a single, breathtaking moment, in the stark light of the storm, you take him in. 
And he is absurdly beautiful.
Jungkook ducks his head. Curling into himself, one of his feet taps incessantly against the bed. You reach out, threading your fingers through his soft, chocolate brown locks until you’re rubbing his head, fingernails scratching lightly.
“Don’t worry, Jungkook, you’re safe. I’ll not let anything happen to you.” Slowly, he raises his face; eyes searching yours. “Treaty of Care, remember.” You give him a small smile. Jungkook leans forward then, pressing the tip of his nose into your cheek. 
You still. 
He used to do this all the time as a rabbit. It’s normal behaviour. Your research told you hybrids behave similarly to their animal counterparts. When in animal form, that is. You never expected it in human form.
His nose skims across your cheekbone until he’s rubbing it against yours. You can’t help but sigh at how incredibly intimate the act feels, and Jungkook must take that as some sort of sign, because the next thing he does is gently caress your lips with his. If it weren’t for how focused his eyes are, gauging your reaction, you might write it off as an accident. But then he does it again.
You pull back suddenly, shaking your head as though to clear it. “Let me get you something to wear,” you say, climbing to your feet and closing the blinds on your way to your draws. “I don’t know if they’ll fit you, but these are some old sweats.” You throw them to him on the bed, turning back to find him a shirt; something loose. You dig out an old t-shirt you won in a radio contest.
“Are you covered?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook says in a small voice. You turn around, extending the shirt toward him and short-circuiting when he stands at his full height. Your eyes are immediately drawn to his sculpted abdomen. All of him could be cut from marble. You stare, open-mouthed, as he shuffles foot to foot, awkwardly rubbing his elbow.
“Is that for me?” He asks finally, motioning to the garment in your hand. You nod, holding out the t-shirt emblazoned with the logo of a radio station you don’t ever recall listening to. Just as he takes it, thunder claps again and brightens the room and his arm flexes, dragging you into his personal space before you can release your hold on the fabric. His chest heaves, breaths coming heavy.
“I’m tired. Let’s sleep tonight and we’ll talk in the morning, okay?” you say softly, going for the bed. Jungkook just nods and moves towards the door. “Where are you going?” you ask, laying a hand on his arm.
“The sofa.” He ducks his head, ears hiding most of his face. “I didn’t think you’d want me sharing your bed anymore since—” he motions to his human form.
You swallow. It’s loud in the quiet of the room. “Is that why you stayed a rabbit for so long? So I’d let you stay?”
Jungkook looks up at you through his lashes; you can see him biting his lip again. “Kind of,” he mumbles, avoiding your eyes. “You were so kind to me when you found me. I was scared you’d want me to leave if I transformed back, and I wanted to stay for a little while.”
“Why?” you ask softly. “Didn’t you want to go home?” He smiles, but it looks embarrassed, his nose scrunching.
“No, not yet,” he says meekly, dipping his head. He hides behind his chocolate brown waves and long, floppy ears. “Going home is… it’s complicated.” 
You lean forward, carefully reaching up to brush one of his ears aside so you can better see his eyes. His ear twitches but he doesn’t pull away, instead looking at you with all the stars of the cosmos in his eyes. “You can tell me when you’re ready,” you encourage with a soft smile. “There’s no rush. I’m also not going to make you sleep alone when you’re scared,” you say, taking him by the hand and tugging him towards the bed.
“Are you sure?” he asks, looking over your shoulder towards the bed. But his face is hopeful, so you can tell he’s only asking out of politeness.
“There’s plenty of space. And besides, you’ve had weeks to hurt me and you haven’t. I trust you.” You let go of his hand and clamber into bed.
Jungkook perks up and slips the shirt hurriedly over his head, inside out and obscuring those perfectly sculpted abs. He scrambles over the mattress to his usual side of the bed, a buck-toothed smile all over his face. His human form is impressively built, but somehow, when his head hits the pillow and he curls into a ball, he looks almost as tiny as he did in bunny form.
You lay facing him, watching him carefully. His eyes are huge and flitting between your face and the window, like he’s waiting for another crash of thunder. You sit up, reaching down to where your thin blanket had been kicked out of the way when the heatwave started, holding it up, your meaning obvious. Jungkook immediately shuffles closer, curling into your side and burying his head under your chin. It startles you for a second, your entire body going stiff, but you take a deep breath and wrap an arm around him, willing yourself to relax. You thread your fingers through his soft, brown locks, caressing his head the way you did when he was still a rabbit. 
And before either of you realise the storm has already passed, you drift off together into restful sleep.
Next Chapter
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hitoshi x reader where denki and reader have been friends their whole lives, and after introducing the two, both hitoshi and y/n start going to denki about their feelings for each other and how much they struggle
denki eventually gets sick of it and starts finding different ways to get them together (eventually ending with them being like "oh i didn't think you liked me" and finally dating
maybe a bonus scene of denki's reaction to seeing them together and being like "hecking finally"
- 🪶
a/n: hii love!! this is a really cute idea omg i love this sm <3 i hope you enjoy it!!
summary: denki's been your childhood friend since, well childhood. when he introduces you to a certain lavendar-haired boy, you find yourself opening up to denki about your crush, and so does someone else.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 2.1k
;cut for length;
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The electric blonde has been your childhood friend for years. You grew up together, you told each other pretty much everything. There was the occasional talk about crushes, boys, girls, and whatever else you could talk about while growing up.
You'd always been there for each other, and now you were both attending U.A., and being in the same class had been proven to be a bit of a task for Mr. Aizawa.
The day had pretty much just started, and Denki had asked you to come with him on your first break. You were almost always hanging out with him anyway, so you were a bit confused as to why he'd wanted you to come with him.
"Hitoshi!" Denki called out, alerting both you and the lavender-haired boy of your presence.
"Oh, hi Kami-" Hitoshi falls silent as he stares at the person beside Denki. You.
Shinso feels the world stop for a few seconds as he stares at you. He's honestly speechless.
Much like you are. You'd heard about this boy now that you've heard his name, and staring at him, you can feel your heart swell in your chest. He's so handsome.
"I thought I would introduce you two! Maybe we could all go hang out together this weekend since we won't have classes." Denki's sudden plans that would include this cute boy makes your face heat up. You begin to feel self-conscious, flattening your uniform, or tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you glance at Denki.
"We're off for once?" You question.
"Yeah! We could go do laser tag, or watch a movie in my dorm?" Denki offers, grinning. His intentions had been pure, just wanting to introduce two friends.
"Oh, I totally forgot! Hitoshi, this is (Y/n), (Y/n) this is-"
"Hitoshi, Shinso." Hitoshi speaks up, and your heart throbs in your chest at the sound of his voice. It's oddly charming. And so is the soft scent of sage and teakwood that surrounds him. It had to be his cologne, whatever it was though, you enjoyed it.
"It's nice to meet you." You speak up, extending a hand to shake. Shinso glanced own before placing his palm in yours, giving you a gentle handshake. His touch is electrifying and sends sparks coursing through your veins as you pull away.
"Yeah." Shinso looks back at Kaminari, who's beaming at him, a shit-eating grin on his lips. Kaminari was reading Shinso like a book.
"Well, we've got to get back to classes! We'll talk our plans over later!"
And with that, Kaminari is yanking you back down the hall, running to make it back to class on time.
During lunch, your phone pings, signaling you've been added to a group chat. You immediately recognize Kaminari's number, his contact labeled 'kami :D' popping up followed an unknown number.
who's that?
The number asks. You see Kaminari typing a response.
It's (y/n) dummy, add them into your contacts🙄🙄
You realize this number must be Shinso, so you decide to type a reply.
it's shinso right? i'll add u too ^^
You quickly add Shinso's contact into your phone and put a purple heart beside his name. Kaminari glances over at your phone and giggles.
"A heart already? You just met!" Kaminari teases and you're plastering your hand over his mouth to keep him from speaking too loud.
"Shut up! I just think he's sweet! Besides do we need to talk about your contact info for-"
"Okay! Okay!" Kaminari quickly shushes you, not wanting his current crush to find out about whatever their contact info is.
A few days go by, and after your hangout session with Kaminari and Shinso, you find yourself falling for him more and more.
But Shinso is the one that drops the first hint to Kaminari.
"So is (Y/n) seeing anyone?" Shinso asks, helping Kaminari clean his cartilage piercing.
"What like romantically?" Kaminari asks, sitting up with his ear turned to face Shinso while his cold fingers brushed against his ear.
"Yes, you idiot. Do they have like a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Shinso asks. He's nervous.
"Nope! (Y/n) hasn't talked to me about a crush or anything. They're always showing me these fictional people though. Why? You know someone that likes them~" Kaminari wiggles his brows at the purple-haired boy.
"Shut up. 'm just askin'." Shinso is finally done with the cotton swab and tosses it before letting Kaminari go, his fresh piercing all clean.
Suddenly a knock on the door pulls them away from the conversation and Kaminari is on his toes opening it to reveal you in some goofy pajamas.
"I'm ready for pizza and mario-" Your face contorts in horror as you stare at Shinso on his bed, out of uniform in something dark and mysterious, a loose dark plaid button-up and dark jeans.
"Nevermind! Sorry for bugging you!" You yell and run back to your dorm, hiding your face in embarrassment.
"Wait! I wanted pizza!" Kaminari calls out to you in the hallway but you don't turn around.
Shinso's face is red when Kaminari turns back to look at him.
You looked so cute, and so effortlessly- You weren't trying to impress anyone, yet you looked stunning. In nothing but some silly matching pajamas that Denki most likely had a pair to match, you looked so cute.
"You didn't tell me you ate pizza and played Mario Kart..." Shinso says, faking hurt in his sentence.
"Oh shut up! Go to their dorm and see if they wanna come back up, I'll get it set up." Denki sighs.
Shinso's on the move, making his way to your dorm thanks to Kaminari's excellent directions. Knocking on your door, he feels nervous, anxious even. His heart's pounding in his chest and then cool air washes over him as you open your door.
"Kami I'm sorry I-" You freeze as you stared at the boy in front of you.
"Ohmygod." You say quietly, quickly hiding yourself behind your door.
"Hi!!" You speak up, glancing at him from behind your door.
"Why are you hiding behind your door?" Shinso asks, a small smile on his lips.
"Your pj's are cute."
It echoes in your head, over. and over. and over again.
Your pj's are cute.
You slowly reveal yourself and look away.
"So, did Kami send you down here?" You ask quietly.
"He did, he wants you to come back up, and if it's alright with you, I'd like to hang out too, though I don't have any cool pj's to wear."
Shinso's voice calms you down, though your heart still seems to beat faster and faster.
"I actually, um, hang on. You can come in!" You allow him into your dorm, and he doesn't decline.
He glances around, admiring the pictures of you and Kami. He giggles about how silly young Denki looks with his hair all crazy and spiked up.
"You guys have been friends for a while it looks."
"Since kindergarten! He shocked me on accident, and when he apologized, we just sorta clicked. Been besties ever since." You search through your drawers and eventually find a kitty onesie that was a bit too big for you.
"I think this should fit you."
"It's kitty onesie, though you don't have to wear it!"
"Did you say kitty?" Shinso's ears perk up and you nod. He graciously takes it and the two of you leave to return to Denki. Shinso changes in his bathroom.
It smells like you, and Shinso has to stop himself from smelling the hood every five seconds as he leaves. You just smell so sweet, it's kind of alarming how soothing it is.
You all play and it's a great night, until Denki decides to play a scary movie after. You're sandwiched between the boys but begin to doze off about halfway through the movie.
Your head leans on Shinso's shoulder while you doze off, and he notices right away. He glances at Kaminari who only gives him a reassuring wink.
"You're stupid." Shinso whispers.
"They like to cuddle~" Kaminari suggests.
Shinso graciously lays an arm over you, hugging you to his chest as you readjust in your sleep. You're so warm, and Shinso begins to doze off too.
When you wake up in the morning, you've been covered up by a fuzzy blanket, but the warmth radiating under you is the most alarming.
Your sleepy eyes open to see the purple-haired boy you have a crush on, under you. Your eyes widen but you don't move away. Instead, you lay back down, not wanting to wake him.
His arm rests around you, and his breathing is so calming. It lulls you back to sleep.
You don't talk about that night much afterward, until you're knocking on Kami's door at one in the morning after a bad dream.
"Is Shinso single?" You ask quietly.
"Yeah, why ya askin' me though?" Kaminari hugs you, your head resting on his shoulder.
"I'm too nervous to ask him." You giggle.
"So you like him?"
"Yeah. He's really sweet, and super cute too." You admit, pulling away to stare at your best friend.
"I'm totally not his type though."
"I'm going to beat you up." Kaminari jokes. You shake your head and laugh.
"He's gotta be into like super hardcore goth punk rock-"
"You're so oblivious." Kaminari interrupts you. You roll your eyes and get comfortable on the edge of his bed, snuggling with one of his plushies.
"Just go to sleep, you idiot." You throw another plushy at him.
"You're in my dorm! I can and will kick you out." Denki huffs.
"As if. You need my snoring as your white noise." You tease him.
"You're so mean to me." Denki pouts.
By the same time next week, Denki's heard Shinso's confession about his crush on you, and every little detail about what both of you had to say about the other.
And Denki was honestly tired of it, endearingly of course. So he was setting you two up.
"I need you to meet me here at two. Wear something cute." Is what the text had said. You repeated it as you put together a cute outfit.
Shinso had received the same text and was just wearing something casual like he usually did.
However, when you both spotted each other and not Denki, you began to realize what was happening.
"He's not coming, is he?" You spoke softly, staring at the attractive boy in front of you.
"I guess not." Shinso looks over at the cafe you're standing outside. It's a cat cafe.
"Well, if you're not busy, wanna grab a bite to eat?" Shinso offers, nodding toward the cafe.
"I'd really like that, actually. Thank you." You smile. He offers his hand and you take it gracefully, smiling at how warm it is.
Shinso's phone pings halfway through your piece of cake with a message from Kaminari.
nows ur chance dude, ask them out
Shinso swallows his fear and looks up at you. You're so beautiful, even all dressed up, you look adorable.
You're petting an all-white kitty that's laying in your lap.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Shinso gets your attention.
"Mhm?" You hum, smiling at him.
"Do you wanna, maybe do this again sometime?" He asks, a blush on his cheeks.
"Like, as a date?" You ask, your own face heating up.
"Yeah. As a date, and as a couple." He glances over at a pretty black cat that begins to nudge your arm for a few pets as well.
"I'd like that." You smile, your heart swelling.
"Then it's settled."
Afterward, neither of you can contain your excitement. Walking back to the dorm with your hand in his, Kaminari is elated.
"Finally." He sighs.
"Finally?!" You both say in unison.
"You should've confessed the day you met. I had to listen to you two being sappy about one another for two weeks straight."
Both you and Shinso feel flustered at Kaminari's comment.
"But it's okay. I love you two so I'll tolerate it. But you two better get along or no more pizza and Mario Kart. You'll have to deal with Bakugou, and I don't think you'll enjoy buying a new controller every time you want to play."
Kaminari was genuinely happy to see you both together, and both be happy.
"Thanks, for you know." You nudge him while sitting on his bed, Shinso was gone, using the bathroom.
"What are you talking about. I didn't help. You two just finally confessed. You did that on your own."
"Yeah but, you made me feel confident about it." You smile.
"That's what I'm here for!" Kaminari smiles.
You couldn't ask for a better friend, or a better boyfriend.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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hi! i love your blog! i was wondering if maybe you could write something where y/n and harry just had their first baby and they finally get some time to themselves and she's a little insecure about their first time after the post partum and nervous about her body or how it gonna feels like? thank uu💖
omg thank you 🥺🥺 I'm so sorry this took so long! i hope you like it :)
a very romantic bath for two
warnings: body insecurity, body image issues
word count: 2.8k
You sighed as you inspected your body in the mirror, running your fingers over the raised lines on your tummy and hips. Many of them were new; they had popped up sometime during your second trimester. At the time, you had been too busy worrying about the new life growing inside you and preparing to bring her home to focus too much on what was happening to your body. Even during the last few weeks of your pregnancy when you felt huge most of the time, Harry made sure to remind you constantly how much he loved you and your new body. He would rub your belly all the time, leaning down to kiss it and talk to your baby. He insisted it would help them develop faster once they were born, but you weren't quite sure where he got this "fact". You both knew he just liked being close to you and your baby.
He really hadn't left any room for you to be insecure during your pregnancy. He reassured you every day that you were more beautiful than ever, and he was always showing you how much he liked your new body. He could never keep his hands off you, always wanting to touch and hold you. It even got annoying at times, but mostly you appreciated it, and you were glad he never let your hormones get the best of you. Then, after Stevie was born, you were too busy and exhausted to even think about your appearance. You and harry were barely getting any sleep, and all of your time was devoted to caring for the newest member of your family. It wasn't until now, when Stevie was a little over 3 months old, that things started calming down a bit. She slept through the night most of the time, and you were finally coming out of that sleep deprived haze you had been in. Unfortunately, this gave you time to really look at yourself in the mirror. You had just gotten out of the shower, and Harry was with Stevie in the living room. You tilted to the side, looking at how much bigger your stomach was than before you had Stevie. The skin there was dimpled and soft, much more squishy than it used to be. And the stretch marks. They were everywhere, and much more prominent than they had ever been. You weren't sure if you would ever be able to get back to normal. Your negative thoughts were interrupted by a short knock on the door. You quickly wrapped a towel around yourself before you called, "You can come in!" Harry peaked his head into the room, smiling softly. "Sorry to bother you, but I'm out of wipes. I think there's another pack under the sink?" "No, it's okay, i was done," you smiled, reaching under the sink to grab the package. "Is she okay?" "She's fine, lovie," he smiled softly. "You don't have to feel bad being away for her for half an hour." "I know," you sighed. "But i still do. I hate not being next to her all the time." "Me too, i just want to hold her and never put her down." You nodded, sighing internally at how much you already missed your baby. "Why don't you finish up in here and then we'll make some lunch?" "Sounds good," you said, smiling at him in the mirror. Once the door was closed, you dropped the towel again. You really tried not to be too upset about how you looked, but it was hard. You knew if you told Harry he would just say the same thing, that it was normal and he thought you were beautiful. You didn't think that would help much. So you pulled on your old t-shirt and sweatpants, running a brush through your wet hair before making your way out to the kitchen. "Hi, baby," you smiled, picking Stevie up from the play mat on the floor. "I missed you." She snuggled against your chest, her head leaning on your shoulder as she let out a content little sigh. You leaned down, grabbing Stevie's rattle and putting it back in the toy box before you made your way into the kitchen. "How does spaghetti sound?" Harry asked. "Sounds good," you nodded, settling into one of the chairs at the dining table. you were about to pull off your shirt to feed Stevie, but the image of your prominent stretch marks made you reconsider. "Can you grab me one of the blankets?" You asked, but kept your eyes on Stevie. You knew if you looked up, you would see that sad and confused look on his face as he wondered why you suddenly wanted to cover yourself around him, and you really didn't feel like explaining your newfound insecurities right now. Thankfully, he didn't press for answers. "Sure, love. It's in the nursery?" You nodded, fiddling with the collar of Stevie's onesie to look busy. "Okay, I'll be right back," He gave a small smile before he left the kitchen. "What am i gonna do, hm?" You asked Stevie. She just blinked in response. Harry came back with the blanket, draping it over your shoulders from the front. "Thank you," you said quietly, adjusting the cover so you could pull your shirt up. "Of course, love," he replied, going back to the stove. "I wanted to ask you something, actually." You
hummed questioningly, eyes fixed on Stevie under the blanket. "Well, we just haven't had any time alone since Stevie was born, and my mum is dying to spend some more time with her, so do you think... I mean, only if it's okay with you, maybe we could have my mum take her for the weekend?" You hesitated, your heart suddenly beating much faster. Being away from Stevie for more than a day... of course you knew she would be safe and happy with Anne, but still... the thought made anxiety spike in your chest. Then there was the matter of being alone with Harry. You probably should feel guilty for not wanting to spend time with him, but with the way you had been feeling about yourself lately, you couldn't bring yourself to care. But you also knew refusing this would cause all sorts of problems. It would make both Harry and Anne feel bad, and you really didn't want to upset anyone. So, taking a shaky breath in, you nodded. "We can do that. I just... i don't think I can do more than a day or two." "That's totally fine," Harry reassured you. "I don't want to be away from her for that long either. I was thinking we could drop her off Friday after lunch, then pick her up Saturday evening. Or sometime Sunday if they're really having a good time," he laughed. "They'll have all sorts of fun together, mum might not want to let her go so soon." You smiled at the thought of the pictures you knew Anne would send you. Stevie and her in the garden, Stevie in the stroller as they went for a walk, Stevie in the high chair while Anne baked cookies. "Okay. After supper we can get her stuff together." Harry beamed, coming over to kiss your forehead. "Thank you, baby. And if it gets to be too much, we can pick her up early. We can do whatever you need, okay?" Despite Harry's constant reassurance, you felt no less anxious the next day. You checked and re-checked Stevie's bag, making sure she had enough clothes to last her a week. "Lovie, she's only gonna be there for two days," Harry reminded you gently. "No, I know, but what if she spits up a lot? Sometimes she spits up a whole bunch and then she'll need to be changed, and what if-" "Hey, hey," he cut you off, placing his hands on your shoulders and speaking in a soothing tone. "It'll be alright. She's gonna be fine. She has enough clothes, and everything is gonna be okay." You nodded, taking a deep breath as you looked into his eyes. "Right. She's gonna be fine."
"And the milk is here-" you held up several plastic bags- "I'll put this in the fridge. And to heat it up- wait, you already know how to heat up milk," you laughed nervously. "Um, and her onesies are all in the backpack. I have extras in there- a lot of extras, because sometimes she spits up a lot. And then her diffuser is in there too- we usually put a few drops of lavender oil in there, it helps her sleep. And diapers and wipes and diaper cream are all in the bag, and... oh! Her stuffed bunny. It helps her calm down if she's fussy. And I think... that should be everything," You exhaled, trying to smile at Anne. Harry put his arm around your waist. "Y/N, she knows how to take care of a baby. Look how well i turned out!" Despite how nervous you were, you managed to laugh. "Right. I'm just... I'm sorry, I've never been away from her." "It's alright," Anne smiled reassuringly. "I understand how scary it is to be away from her for the first time. But you can call or FaceTime, or if it's too much you can come pick her up." "Thank you," you sighed. "We should probably get going before i change my mind." Harry nodded, unbuckling Stevie from her carrier. He hugged her to his chest, kissing the top of her head. "I'll miss you so much," he said. "But you'll have so much fun with your grandma. And we'll see you soon, okay?" he kissed her one more time before handing her over to you. "Be good for your grandma, okay? I love you," you kissed her just like Harry had. "I love you so much." Before you could start crying, you handed her to Anne. "Thank you so much for this, Anne," you said. "We really appreciate it." "You're a godsend," harry agreed. "Thank you." "Of course, I'm happy to have her," Anne smiled. "Now shoo, so i can spend some time with her!"
"It's so quiet," Harry said as you walked into the house. "I'm not used to it." "I know," You laughed. "There's no cartoons or baby shark, it's crazy." "Can't say I miss baby shark, though," he shook his head. "I think we need to find a new song for her." You nodded. "It got old really fast." "It did," he laughed. "And now... we can enjoy some peace... and quiet." He stepped closer to you, smiling as he heard your breath hitch. "I was thinking maybe we could have a bath together?" Your heart started thudding faster in your chest, and not for a good reason. "No," you said quickly. Too quickly. Hurt and confusion flashed across his face, and you immediately wanted to take back your words. "I just- I can't," you said quietly, stepping back. "Is there... did something happen?" he asked gently, eyes softening when he realized how close to tears you were. "What's the matter, love?" "Harry, I just can't," you shook your head as tears welled up in your eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm trying but I just can't get back to normal. I look terrible and I have all these stretch marks and everything is just wrong," you cried, bringing up your hands to cover your face. "Baby..." he whispered, moving closer and opening his arms. "Come here." You did as he asked, walking into his arms and leaning against him as you cried. "I just don't want you to see me," you sniffled. "Your body isn't wrong," he shook his head. "Not at all. It might look different than it did before, but that's because it went through something amazing. It gave us Stevie! It- you are perfect. Alright?" You nodded against his chest. "I just... i really don't like the way i look anymore and i don't think you will either." Since your face was pressed against his shirt, you didn't see the way his face dropped. You didn't see how much it hurt him to hear you talk about yourself this way. You felt him inhale a shaky breath before he hugged you tighter. "I'm so sorry you feel this way. I had no idea how much it was bothering you. I want- I want to show you how much I love you. Will you let me show you?" "How?" you said quietly. "Do you trust me?" You hesitated for only a moment before nodding. He smiled, pulling back and taking your hand. He lead you into your bedroom, closing the door behind the two of you. He crossed the room to stand in front of you again, his fingers gripping the hem of your shirt. "Can i take this off?" he asked quietly, keeping his eyes on yours. He must have sensed your hesitancy, because he dropped his hands down to his sides. "It's just me," he reminded you. "We don't have to if you don't want to, though." "No, it's... it's okay," You decided, raising your arms. He smiled gently, tugging the soft material up and over your head. You kept your eyes on him as soon as the shirt was off your head, too apprehensive to look down at your body. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. He hooked his fingers in the elastic of your sweatpants, looking at you again for confirmation. You nodded, allowing him to pull the rest of the clothing off your body and taking his hand to step out of them. He lead you over to the bed, keeping his eyes on yours the whole way. "Lay back," he instructed quietly, watching as you did what he said. He climbed into the bed behind you, settling himself between your legs to meet your eyes. "You're amazing," he smiled. "The most beautiful woman I've ever seen." he brought his hand down to your stomach, and you cringed immediately when he brushed over one of the marks. "It's okay," he soothed. "There's nothing wrong with these. You know what they are?" You shook your head. "They're little marks that remind us of Stevie. They show how strong you are for carrying her, and keeping her safe until she was ready to come out and meet us. And they show how someday, you'll be able to have another baby, and keep him or her safe just like Stevie. Right? That's all they are." He moved down, leaning his head closer so he could press a soft kiss to one of the marks near your hip. "I don't want you to change anything
about yourself," he said, moving his lips over the lines on your tummy. "I love you just the way you are." Tears were welling up in your eyes again, but this time they weren't from anxiety or fear. This time, they were because you felt overwhelmed by your love for him. "Harry..." He looked up, his face falling when he noticed the tears in your eyes. "No, please don't cry," he said, moving back up to hover over you again. "I'm sorry, please don't be upset," he frowned, wiping one of the tears away with his thumb. You shook your head. "That's not why- i just love you so much," you said, trying your best to smile. "I love you too," he smiled back, leaning down to kiss your forehead, then your nose, then your cheeks, and finally, your lips. "I love you so, so much, and I will show you every day if you'll let me," he sighed, moving off you to lay on his side. He kept one hand on your hip, helping you turn over to look at him. "I want you to tell me if you're ever feeling like this again, okay? I want to know so I can help you." "Okay," you nodded, still sniffling a bit. "Thank you." You leaned against him, tucking your head in his neck. "Thank you." "Of course, lovie." He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. "I want you to always know how loved you are. It doesn't matter how many times I have to remind you; i don't ever want you to feel like this and not tell me. I love you way too much to let you be this sad." "I will," you promised. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." "it's okay," he soothed, running his hand up and down your back. "Do you think... it's okay if you're not ready yet, but do you think we could try taking a bath?" This time, you barely even hesitated before answering. "I think we can try," you nodded. "We can even turn off the lights if you want, just light a few candles," he mused, his face pressed gently against your hair. "It's more romantic that way anyways." "That sounds good," you laughed. "Come on then," he said, sitting up. "One very romantic bath for two, coming right up."
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Worth It
Hello, I’m back for Day 3, a secret relationship. I’m so happy that you guys liked the first prompt, despite the angst lol. This one here isn’t angsty at all, there’s my usual favoured fluff involved, with some Serious Conversations.
Anyway, enjoy!! :)
1.9k words
cw: none
Aelin's mind was buzzing, torn between happiness and nervousness. That was all she could feel ever since the pregnancy test revealed the positive sign over an hour ago and she had just been staring at it since then, wearing nothing but her underwear and one of her favourite hoodies that she had stolen from Rowan long ago.
She and Rowan had talked about children, but had decided that it would be best to have them once things weren't so...complicated. When Aelin would get another job, because all over Rifthold, secretary positions were being offered, but no positions in Rowan's level were being offered.
Because Rowan was her boss, and she was his secretary. And at Havilliard Accounting Firm, office relationships were off the table. If anyone was found out to be in a relationship, it was straight to the HR office for a scolding and a firing; and that the was the absolute last thing that either of them wanted, and since Rowan was her superior, she feared of what would happen to him. Their relationship was equal, there was no manipulation from either side, both of them wanted the relationship and so they decided to be in one.
So Rowan and Aelin dated in secret, keeping their romantic and personal lives out of their professional lives. Which was hard at times, considering that they lived together, and sometimes it was hard to keep a straight face when an unresolved argument was hovering above them, so they had to repeat to themselves about professionalism and boundaries until it was time to go home and fix what problem they were facing at that time.
Aelin hated it, and so did Rowan. It made them feel dirty, like there was something wrong between them, when that was the furthest thing from the truth. When Aelin had first started on the job, she didn't think that she would be with Rowan—honestly, she thought that he was a bit of a bastard, but she got to know him, and found that they had many things in common, and slowly, so slowly, Aelin started to see Rowan in a different light, and when she looked back at that time, she came to the realisation that Rowan had felt the same, that the look he held in his eyes for her were the same as back then.
And once that shared attraction made its appearance, they had fought their feelings for so long, up until a year and a half ago when they had ran into each other at the State Museum on the weekend, had lunch together at the museum cafe and things just went from there.
They made it work, despite the secrecy of it all. Only a few of their friends knew and they promised to keep it to themselves. Absolutely none of the few Whitethorn cousins that worked in the same building knew, as they were complete busybodies and would tell everyone, not at all caring about the circumstances.
None of Aelin's work friends knew either. All they knew was that she was single and not looking for a relationship, that she was focusing on herself before she made any commitments; Rowan had told his work friends something similar.
At first, the secrecy of it all was exciting, like something straight out of the romance novels she adored, but a year and a half later, when they talked about marriage and Aelin had even told him the type of engagement ring she would like, it was becoming tiresome. Aelin just wanted the whole world to know of her love with Rowan, but so far, that was not to be.
Sighing, she wondered back to the now. She supposed she could say that it was the result of a one night stand, but it felt cruel to reduce Rowan to nothing as if was a stranger she fell into bed with and was nothing but a quick fuck after one too many drinks.
Besides, once she had the baby, it would be obvious who the father was. Silver hair and green eyes were dominate in the Whitethorn family, and the chances of her having a silver-haired, green-eyed child was high—it wouldn't take more than two seconds to figure out who the father was, especially if the child inherited Rowan's tanned skin and straight nose.
If the child inherited Aelin's fair skin, her ocean blue eyes, and button nose, however, it might be easier to come up with some story about how someone in Aelin's family had silver hair.
But Aelin didn't want to lie. Didn't want to pass off their child as someone else's.
According to the test, she was seven weeks along, and she was all ready exhausted.
The jingle of keys had Aelin's head snapping up from her seat in the living room, the pregnancy test heavy in her hand.
It was time to tell him. She had to leave work two hours into the day when she was overcome with nausea, and he had kept it professional when he wished her well, but she spotted in the concern in his eyes as he silently asked her if she was okay. Later on, he had texted her, asking if she needed anything from the shops, but she didn't.
Aelin told him she was fine, but now...now she was nervous. Not at all because of Rowan's reaction, but just because of their damned circumstances.
She had never hated the secrecy more until now.
But Aelin made herself smile as he made his way over to her, kissing her on the forehead and asking if she was okay again, once more asking her if she needed him to get her anything. Taking a deep breath, and telling herself that everything would be okay, she clutched the stick in her hand and told him to sit down. He did, his brows furrowed as he looked at her.
Wordlessly, Aelin handed over the test. Rowan took it from her outstretched hand, his eyes wide as he glanced at her, to the test, and then back to her.
“You're pregnant?” he asked, his voice a breathless rush.
Aelin could only nod.
“Fireheart, that's...” he trailed off, Aelin's heart near bursting out of her chest as she waited for his next words, she knew that they'd be positive, but still. Rowan smiled, and it was the most beautiful thing Aelin had ever witnessed. “This is amazing.”
“It is?” The words fell out of her mouth of their own accord. Clearly, she wasn't listening to herself.
Rowan sensed her unease and took her hands in his own, kissing her knuckles as he did. “I know that we've talked about having children later on, but I couldn't be more happy.”
Nodding, Aelin took a deep breath. She was excited too, despite everything. Which was why she said, without a hint of doubt, “I'll hand in my two week notice once I pass the first trimester.”
“Fireheart, I can't ask you to do that,” Rowan said, clutching her hand. “I'll ask for a transfer, and you can stay until you go on maternity leave, and if you still want to quit afterwards and look for work elsewhere, then I'll help you, but you've worked too hard to quit now.”
“Everyone thinks I'm single, Rowan, and I don't want to come up with a horrid about one night stands. We're all ready lying, and I don't want to add more to the pile.”
“The transfer—” Rowan started, but Aelin cut him off.
“You'll just be in a different building, but the company policies will still stand. I know what you're thinking, that in the future I'll resent you and that I'll blame you for making me quit, but I won't. I'm sick of lying, and I know you are too—it's been a year and a half of lies, and with this child are we going to extend that lie for another eighteen years? What if the child is a carbon copy of you? Then all the lies will blow up in our faces. I know you don't think it is, but this is the best option.” Part of her did want to stay, to utilise her maternity leave, but Rowan could be fussy, especially when she wasn't feeling well and if Rowan started fussing over his pregnant secretary then the questions would start flying.
Rowan sighed and was quiet for a long while. “I'm sorry,” he said eventually, “about the lying. I wish it didn't have to be like this. I wish that you didn't think you had to quit, but I understand why.” Again, he hated the whole expandable aspect of it all—but annoyingly, it made more financial sense for Rowan to stay and for Aelin to leave.
Rowan really did hate it, but Aelin had clearly made up her mind, and would not change her mind, she was stubborn.
“I know, but Rowan, I don't regret being with you, not for a moment. I just want to start this journey on a more joyful road. I love you, to whatever end.”
Rowan smiled softly at her, his worries easing away just a little bit at their words—their promise to each other. “To whatever end. We'll figure it out.”
“We will.” Deciding that she wanted to be wrapped in his arms, Aelin snuggled against him, breathing in his pine and snow scent, she was close to drifting off, when Rowan cleared his throat. Glancing up at him, he had a smile on his face, and an unreadable look in his eyes. “What?”
“I suppose now would be a horrible time to propose?”
Sitting back in a blink of an eye, Aelin crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at him. “Rowan Whitethorn, if you propose to me while I'm wearing this shitty old hoodie, I swear to the gods, I will singe off your eyebrows right now.”
“So that's a no?” He asked, his lips twitching, eyes swimming with barely concealed mirth at her. Her own lips wanted to rise in a smile, but she slammed it down.
“It's a no for now. I want to be wearing a nice dress, eating good food—but not in a crowd, you know I hate crowd proposals—with a pretty view—”
“I thought that I was the pretty view?” Rowan interrupted, laughing at the glare Aelin sent his way.
“And I forgot the rest of what I was going to say, but I am not being proposed to on a sofa.”
“Okay, no sofa proposals, I can remember that.”
“Good,” Aelin muttered and returned to his arms. They spoke of their future, of their baby and a list of potential names.
Rowan proposed six months later at the beach, three months to the day that she had quit, with work being none the wiser, until recently, and they got off scott-free since Aelin was no longer employed there. The sky was a beautiful canvas of pink and peach, the only sounds the crashing of the waves, with no people around.
The ring was the exact one she had picked out long ago—a sparkly emerald with size of her fingernail on a gold band.
And it was exactly as she wished it, her in a nice sundress, with good food and ever-growing pretty views.
Having a secret relationship for a year and a half was exhausting, but well worth it in the end.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction | Kissing In The Cold [Request] [Song]
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Stray Kids X GN!Reader
A/N: I hadn’t listened to the song until recently and I love it 🥺🥺 I hope you enjoy this! 
CHAN: We’ll still be kissing in the cold
It was below freezing as you and Chan walked along the cheonggyecheon river together, hand in hand as you spoke about how his day had been. 
"Long," He grumbled as he crossed the river with you, laughing as you almost slipped into the water but stumbled into his arms on the safety of the pavement. 
"It's freezing, aren't you two worried about getting sick?" An elderly man questioned as he walked up to you both, he was carrying a hot chocolate as he headed home for the day. He was happy to still see so many couples coming to the river to spend time together like this, 
"No, we're okay." Chan chuckled, bowing as the man left you both alone. 
"Hey, you know what I haven't done yet," Chan pouted as he pulled you to the back edge of the path, leaning against the wall as he looked at you. 
"What?" You questioned looking up at him, all he did was lean down and kiss you softly, smiling as he felt his whole body warm-up from the smallest of touches. 
"Well I'm glad you did it," You laughed as he pulled away, only to kiss him once again when you missed the touch of his skin. It didn’t matter how cold or wet it was outside, the two of you would always do this because you warmed up whenever you touched one another.
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MINHO: Winter comes around and snow is coming down
"I smell snow," You whispered to Minho who was still half-asleep after you rudely woke him up, it was the middle of the night and you were convinced it was going to snow. You had been convinced all week long but this time you knew you were right, the balcony doors in your bedroom were wide open as you sat on the edge of the bed just staring out at the night sky. 
"It's freezing, we can wait for the "snow" with the doors shut," Minho mumbled grumpily as he stared at you, he loved to see how happy the snow made you but it didn't mean he was appreciative of being woken up at 3 am. 
"How do you even know it's going to snow-" He stopped talking when he saw it, small snowflakes beginning to fall down in the dark sky, landing on the balcony and settling in different spots. It wasn't long before it started to come down heavier and you got up to shut the doors, not wanting the snow to ruin the room. 
"I told you I could smell snow," You giggled excitedly, Minho said nothing as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. Pulling you to sit between his legs as you both watched the snow falling from the sky while you laid in bed together.
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CHANGBIN: Drinking whiskey by the fire bundled up
Changbin couldn't help but laugh at the face you pulled after drinking the small glass of whiskey he'd given to you, neglecting to give you a warning about the burning you would feel at the back of your throat. 
"You okay?" He chuckled as you hissed at the taste, covering your mouth as you handed him the glass back while shaking your head. He knew it was wrong to laugh at you while you were clearly disgusted by something but he couldn't help it, the way your eyebrows knotted together and your face scrunched up only made him laugh harder. 
"Just cuddle me," You whined at him as you snuggled down beside him on the floor, the two of you were away at a small log cabin for the weekend. Changbin needed the creative break and you wanted to go with him, going out to a snow lodge and spending time alone together. Bundled up together in front of a warm fire while drinking whiskey, it was something Changbin had seen in the movies and figured you would both like. He was right on the cuddling part but the whiskey part not so much, 
"No to the whiskey then?" He questioned as he wrapped his arms around your body, making sure you were both covered by the warm blankets as he got comfortable with you. You shook your head, whining at the thought of the taste and Changbin chuckled once again while he put a movie on.
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HYUNJIN:  Another friend who moves away. 
The moving van had been parked outside your best friends house for about an hour, you'd came out to see your friend off and stayed on your porch to watch for a while. Coming out into the cold air Hyunjin wrapped his arms around you from behind, smiling as he felt your body relax against his touch, you were standing on the porch looking out at the moving van that was across the road. Another one of your close friends was moving out of the village and into the city and he knew you were feeling a little upset over the whole thing. 
"Are you alright?" He knew it was a dumb question to ask since you so clearly weren't alright, you had tears welling up in the corners of your eyes but you nodded, turning around to look up at him. 
"I just...I don't want anyone else to leave," You mumbled as he smiled weakly at you, it wasn't that you were going to lose a friend to the countryside it was that everyone you'd known was leaving the small village you lived in. Reaching his hand up to your face his ran his thumb along your cheek trying to give you some comfort without words, he knew there was nothing that he could say to you to make you feel better about the whole situation. It was just one of those things that happened, people grew older and moved away. 
"Come on, I'll cook us something to eat." He offered as he tried to pull you into the house but you didn't budge, you turned to look at your friend who was now waving goodbye to you from her car. A giant smile plastered across her face as she went to start her new life in the city.
"Do you think we should move?" You questioned as Hyunjin wrapped you up in a coat since you weren't going to head inside anytime soon, he shook his head at you kissing your shoulder as he rubbed your arms trying to warm you up.
"I think we should stay where we're happy," You smiled as you snuggled into Hyunjin's arms, he placed another kiss on the top of your head whispering for you to head inside since it was starting to snow and you followed him in. 
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JISUNG: Laughing at how gross we love 
The boys all pretended to be sick while you and Jisung cuddled up on the dorm sofa, snuggled up to one another as you acted as though you were young teenagers in love. Noses pressed against one another as you rubbed them together, 
"I think I'm going to be sick if I have to watch one more second of this," Seungmin joked as he got up from the sofa and headed into his room instead of watching the two of you together. 
"Seriously, can't you be gross somewhere else?" Minho laughed as you both stared over at him. You rested your head on Jisung's shoulder and smiled happily, you weren't as loving like this together all the time. It was only when you wanted to gross the boys out and clear the room that you acted this way. 
"I can't help that I love my baby so very much, oh yes I do, oh yes I do, do, dooooo," Jisung cooed as if he was talking to a newborn baby and you began laughing softly at the disgusted look you got from Chan this time who was normally the one quiet in these situations.
"I can't deal," You whined, moving away from Jisung so you could have some space between you both. Neither of you were as clingy and cute as you led on, your relationship together was casual but still filled with love. You just didn't see the need to be over the top like most couples did.
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FELIX: My sister has a baby now the other is writing vows
Felix chuckled as he watched you bouncing the baby up and down in your arms, your eyes lighting up as you looked down at the sleeping infant in your arms, 
"I want one." You mumbled to him as you bounced over to him, being extra careful not to wake the baby up as he looked over your shoulder at her. 
"She is adorable," He agreed, kissing your cheek as he continued to watch how good you were with the baby, imagining how great a parent you would be to your own children someday. Hopefully with him. 
"Do you find it weird?" You asked as you looked up at him distracting him from his daydream, he shook his head wondering what you were talking about but you nodded over at your sisters. 
"My sister has a baby and the other one is writing her vows...I don't know, I find it weird how old we're getting." You laughed softly as Felix chuckled, you'd been together for almost six years now and every year that passed you were happy to be with him. It almost felt unreal to you sometimes that you had spent all these years together, building your futures together. 
"One day it'll be us," He promised you as he rubbed his thumb over the sleeping baby's cheek before glancing back at you with a giant smile on his face.
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SEUNGMIN: Time goes by and lovers turn to strangers
People watching was one of your favourite things to do with Seungmin but it was hard when the people you were watching were people you knew in your life. The two of you would always sit in a small cafe in your home town watching out of the window as people did their own things while living their lives, sometimes it would give Seungmin inspiration for songs so you would do this whenever he was blocked.
"It's strange," He said as he looked out of the window at a past couple, the two of you had seen them together before. Snuggling up to one another on park benches, walking hand in hand down the streets but now they walked past one another as if they had no idea who the other one was. 
"It's life," You sighed as you watched the male turn around to look at his ex-lover, a look of sadness spread across his face and for a moment it looked as though he was going to run after him and kiss him but he didn't. He turned back around and continued to walk away from his ex-partner, keeping his head down as lovers turned to strangers.
"We won't ever get like that, will we?" You questioned nervously as you stirred your hot chocolate and looked at Seungmin who chuckled softly, leaning across to kiss you. 
"You won't ever be able to turn me into an ex," He whispered as he kissed you once again.
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JEONGIN: I hardly recognise this busy town
Visiting your home town wasn't something that you got to do very often but Jeongin made it so you could go home for a while together, he wanted to see where you had grown up and what your life was like when you lived there. But stepping foot back into the busy town was weird, it felt so off to see everything like this. The shops were all packed with people, new stores had taken over the small town centre and you hardly knew anything that was there. It had been so long since you'd been here it was all hardly recognisable anymore, 
"You don't know this shop?" Jeongin questioned as he saw the look of confusion take over your face. You had been trying to take him to your favourite bookstore but it seemed to have been replaced by some phone store you'd never seen before. 
"No," You pouted as you stared up at it, wondering what happened to your once quiet town but you didn't hate it, it was nice to see the town picking up in business. 
"Come on, I'll take you to my old hide out at the park," You laughed softly, pulling him in the direction of the park down the road from your old house.
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Tagline: @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @minholuvs @sw33tnight @acciocriativity @that-anxious-bisexual
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moonofthenight · 3 years
Welcome to New York
@spookypotato and I (thank you again <3) wrote a fic for the server event that is going on at the moment and I wanted to share it here too, enjoy!
O'Darwin and O'Knutzy belongs to @lumosinlove
CW mentions of food and beverages 
It knocked on Leo’s door at 2pm sharp, which didn’t surprise him at all; Kasey was always so dead on time, it scared him sometimes. The two had planned this day for over two weeks now and since Finn and Logan had their date today, Leo used the free flat to invite the other goalie over. He closed the fridge before he made his way into the hallway to open the door.
“Hello Knutty, long time no see,” laughed Kasey as he pulled the blonde in for a short hug.
“Come in, come in. I got everything prepared in the kitchen.”
“I hope you can still live here after today.”
“Honestly Blizz? No one is as bad as Finn and Logan at cooking, believe me. What they are able to do to food shouldn’t be possible.”
“I don’t even want to know.”
To prevent that from happening, Leo chose a simple meal to start with. When Kasey asked him to teach him how to cook he was a bit surprised at first, but he actually enjoyed the idea of teaching someone. 
“Let’s start with chopping the vegetables, that should be easy, non?”, Leo suggested. It was better to know now, if this would be like the times he tried to teach Logan and Finn.
Surprisingly, the following minutes weren’t a complete disaster like he had expected, Kasey was actually quite decent at cooking and followed Leo’s instructions without trouble. It was fun to spend time together and their cheeks were still a bit red from all the laughter when they went over to the kitchen table.
Just as Leo was about to sit down his phone rang, “I’ll be back in a minute.”
It was a text from Finn.
Alex will be home over the weekend too, just wanted to let you know.
He was halfway through typing out an answer when he got an idea.
Don’t tell him Lo and I will be there
What? Why?
Let's bring Nat and Kase as a surprise. It won't be as obvious if he thinks we all can't come
I love you
Knew you'd like it, lyt
They had lost Kasey and Natalie in the airport, when Finn decided to buy Leo and Logan each an 'I heart NY-boys' shirt. A quick call told them that the couple was already outside.
It was colder in New York, the sky was grey but Finn felt warm when he stepped out of the airport. New York was home to him, it would always somehow be, and bringing Leo and Logan with him, especially Leo, since he hadn't been able to bring him as often yet, felt amazing. A warm body snuggled under his arm and he smiled.
“It’s cold,” Logan pouted and hid his face in Finn’s chest.
“I thought you were used to it. I'm pretty sure you even quoted Elsa on that once, baby."
When Logan just continued to pout, he gently leaned down to kiss his messy airplane curls, "If you let me go you can have my jacket.”
Logan was quiet for a minute, “No, you’re warmer.”
Leo chuckled and grabbed their suitcases, “Kase and Nat are over there. I think they spotted the taxi, let’s go.”
Logan peeled himself off of Finn, still pouting a bit but the thought of a warm car seemed to do the deal. Finn and Leo followed quickly, helping Kasey to put all their bags into the back of the car before getting in themselves. Finn leaned forward to tell the driver their destination.
It was quiet for a while after that, everybody was quite exhausted from the flight, Logan was already dosing off on Leo’s shoulder; he carefully moved his fingers through the brown curls, a loving look in his eyes.
“Thank you,” said Nat suddenly, looking at Leo.
“What did I do?”
“For coming up with the idea,” Kasey added, “We haven’t seen Alex for three months now, so, thank you for thinking of us.”
Leo smiled at them, “It’s unfair that you can't see him regularly and I thought it might be a nice surprise for him.”
“I hope he will like it,” Nat said sleepily, resting her head on Kasey’s shoulder.
“I’m glad my brother found you two, I really am. I mean, the distance sucks but he’s so happy with you. He deserves that more than anything,” said Finn and bumped his shoulder lightly with Kasey’s, careful not to wake Nat.
“I’m sorry.” Kasey said and Finn wasn't sure if it was to himself or someone else.
“Well, I knew I loved your brother since Tampa and I didn’t have the guts to do something about it. It probably would have saved us some time.”
“Nah, who knows if everything would have worked out like it did now. Sure, maybe you could have saved some time and pain but I’m just glad you found your way now.”
“Thank-” Kasey started but got interrupted by the driver, “We are here, sir.”
Finn reached for his wallet but Kasey was faster, “Take it as some kind of thank you.”
Finn smiled at him. “Will we do it as planned?”
"Yep, we will wait around the corner, you go in."
Natalie and Kasey walked as quietly as possible but the loud noise of the three other suitcases was enough to drown out the rest anyway. The moment Finn knocked on the door, it flew open, as if the older O'Hara had been behind it for some time. 
"Alex!", Finn screamed with equal enthusiasm, laughing at the silly nickname. He threw his arms around his older brother and just held him tight. Finn missed him too, it's not easy if you grow up in a close relationship with your brother and suddenly you are miles and miles away.
Finn didn't want to let him go just yet and decided to continue their hug. It had been too long, really.
Alex just laughed and squeezed him tightly. "Come in, Mum and Dad already made tea and coffee and they bought your favourite- Leo? Logan? What are you doing here?"
At that Finn stepped back, looking at his brother sheepishly, but determined.
Alex's confused face made Logan chuckle, "Hello to you too, Red. How are you doing? I'm good, thank you. I missed you too." Alex rolled his eyes but gave them both a welcoming smile. "Finn can't go a day without us, so he asked us to come with us."
"I did not say that!"
"Mhh, whatever makes you sleep at night, sweetheart," Leo leaned down to kiss their pouting lover. Finn rolled his eyes at him. 
Alex still seemed to be trying to piece everything together, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Guess I just forgot," Finn shrugged and moved past his brother to greet his parents, pulling Leo with him. The taller boy had of course met the O'Hara's but he was still nervous. They had barely made it into the room before both got tackled by hugs.
"It's great to see you Haley," Leo said when he let go and received a loving pat on the cheek as a thank you. They switched places and her arms were replaced by a firm grip around Leo's shoulders.
"Where is my other boy?" Finn's mother asked, going up to her toes and looking around the room.
"Here," Logan said, who came into the living room right that instant, Alex close behind him. "There you are! Oh, come here I haven't seen you in ages!"
"Why do you get so excited to see Logan? You weren't that excited with me. Betrayed by my own mother, I can't believe it!" Alex complained, holding his hand over his heart. 
His mother snorted at Alex's dramatic reaction. "Stop whining and make yourself useful, get some tea for Leo. You still prefer tea, right?"
"Yeah I do, thank you," Leo said with a smile and then blew Alex a kiss, who just subtly flipped him off in return.
The six settled down shortly after and Leo sent out a quick text to Kasey; not a minute later the doorbell rang again.
"Alex, would you be so kind?"
Alex gave his mother a quick nod, before making his way over to the door. He was expecting the mailman but the people in front of him were most definitely not a package. Alex just froze in place and he was pretty sure his mouth fell open too. 
"Hi, baby," said Kasey with a soft exhale, his smile as bright as ever. 
"Wha- I- What?" Alex still hadn't moved.
"Surprise!" said Natalie who threw herself at Alex, jumping up to wrap her legs around the boy's hips. He caught her easily and after another minute of shock, tears formed in his eyes and he pulled the blonde impossibly closer to his body. Alex put a hand on her cheek, kissing her softly. He blinked rapidly and looked up when they parted and Natalie jumped down to the ground again.
"That bad to see us, eh?", said Kasey softly, who still stood in the doorway and watched the whole interaction with a warm, fuzzy feeling around his heart. 
"God, just- come here."
Alex didn't care about anything at all when he finally locked his lips with Kasey. His hands immediately went into the soft long hair of his boyfriend, craving as much closeness as possible. After another moment, Alex pressed their foreheads together, catching his breath. 
The rustling behind them, broke through their shared breaths, "We'll give you a moment to catch up," Haley told them, a knowing smile on her lips as she ushered the other men into another room.
Somehow his mother always knew what was going on. He turned back to his partners, still unable to grasp that they were actually here, in New York City, with him.
"Missed us?" Nat asked as she stepped up close to Alex again, slotting herself underneath the already held out arm of her oldest boyfriend.
Resting his head on hers, he gestured for Kasey to join their group hug. "More than I could ever put into words."
"Love you, Alex." Kasey breathed out as he felt his boyfriend's arm wrap around his waist, snuggling his face into Alex's neck and placing a few soft kisses there.
Another arm was placed around Kasey's waist as Natalie gathered her boyfriends closer to her, breathing in the familiar smell of Mango Shampoo and of the sanitizer Kasey always uses after flights. It mixed with Alex's aftershave, that she still couldn't assign anything else than home, love and safety. It was Alex.
"Love you." she murmured, not willing to move her head further away that was necessary to get the words out.
Alex smiled at them. Oh, how he had missed this. How he had missed them.
"Love you both."
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thequeenxofhearts · 3 years
“Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?”
Jason Todd x Reader | One-Shot
Summary: Jason is worried when Y/N doesn’t come home from work. Follow up to “Close your eyes...you’re safe now.”
“Just keep an eye out for her…thanks Damian.”
Jason hung up the phone and began pacing the living room again. Y/N was supposed to have been home a few hours ago but when she did not return home, Jason called her phone.
There was no answer.
He rang a few more times, and there was still no answer.
He called Bruce but no criminal activity came up on the Bat computer, and Bruce admitted that he had not gotten around to putting a tracker in Y/N so he couldn’t find her.
“I suggest you stay home in case she turns up. Tim’s on patrol tonight, I’ll send Damian out with him to look for her.” Bruce said, “Don’t worry Jason, she’ll turn up.”
But worrying was all Jason did.
The last few days he had noticed that Y/N had not been herself. He wondered if maybe she was having a hard time at work…she had not been the same since the Joker attacked her workplace a while ago.
But he knew she wanted to get back to work, she had had a lot of time off but he wondered if eventually she got sick of being at home and being bored and wanted to go to work.
But he knew she would not have gone if she really didn’t want to.
 Then he began to remember specific things that had been happening recently, she was not that interested in watching the TV as she used to be, she was struggling to get into the books that were stacked on the shelves.
She was eating less than usual, and she spent more time in the shower than she normally did.
 His phone lit up. He grabbed it, hoping it would be a message from Y/N, or about her. But it was just a stupid app update notification.
He saw his battery was running low, so he went into the bedroom to get the charger.
As he opened the door, he noticed the curtains were still open. Giving him the view of the city outside. And how it was getting darker outside. He looked at his watch; 6:41PM
He felt his stomach drop.
She had never been this late home without telling him where she was, and what time she thought she would be back.
He was getting more and more worried.
 His phone vibrated in his hand, it was Tim’s number, “Tim?”
“I’m sorry Jay, I can’t find her. I searched the park and most other placed where I know she’s been, but a lot of stores are closing for the night. I doubt she’d be in one of them.”
Jason ran his hand through his hair, “Where is she?” He muttered.
“Jason, it’s starting to rain.” Tim’s voice was filled with sorrow.
Jason went to the window. Tim was right, rain began spitting onto the window, and it started getting heavier.
“I’ll keep looking for her Jay, I’ll keep you updated.”
“Thanks Timmy.”
He hung up, and just as he did, Damian called, but he basically told Jason what Tim had just told him.
So, Jason called Bruce, “I need to be out there looking for her, Bruce.”
“Jason you need to be home in case sh-”
“In case she turns up, I know! But I’m no good to her worrying at home, am I?” Jason exclaimed.
“I’ll keep an eye on the computer, if anything comes up I’ll send the boys to check it out. I’ll keep you updated Jason.” And with that, he hung up.
Jason leant against the wall and slid to the ground.
He brought his legs up to his chest and buried his face in his hands.
Maybe Bruce was right, maybe he should stay home in case Y/N comes back. But he didn’t know where else to look for her, both Damian and Tim couldn’t find her. He didn’t know what to do.
He thought about everything he had done when he realised Y/N had come home; he’d called her several times and tried to remember the conversation they’d had before she left for work this morning, but he couldn’t remember her saying she was going anywhere.
But he knew that sometimes after work, she would go across to the bookstore opposite her workplace, but she would not be there for hours, maybe half an hour at the most.
At four o’clock, he called her workplace, but they said she left one-thirty. Normally it would have been two o’clock, but it was quiet, and she seemed tired, so they let her go early. It was then that he called Bruce and told him what had happened.
He was angry at himself for not going to look for her.
He wasn’t angry with her for not coming home, he thought maybe she needed sometime to herself and didn’t think to tell him, but now that neither Bruce, Damian or, Tim could find her, he was more and more worried.
He looked at the photograph of the two of them on the bedside cabinet. He remembered where and when it was taken; the apartment he was in right now, two years ago when they moved in.
Previously they had been living in Y/N’s old apartment, but it was too small for all of them. It was ok when they first started dating as Jason was living in the old Ace Chemicals factory, and he was just spending nights with her. But nights turned into weekends, and he eventually moved it.
But the small apartment just wasn’t big enough for the both of them, so they moved into this current apartment together two years ago.
Jason eventually told Y/N about his alias, and about his family, but it didn’t bother her as much as he thought it would; much to his relief.
She worried about him, he knew that, and she tried to stay awake when he was on patrol at night, but most of the time she fell asleep. Jason once joked, telling her it was her job to keep the bed warm for him.
He smiled at the memory, and then tears stung his eyes, “God I hope you’re ok.” He muttered.
 A few seconds later, he heard the front door opening. He quickly got to his feet and ran to the kitchen. Y/N had just closed the front door behind her.
She had gotten caught in the rain, her coat was wet, and her hair. Her face was wet, but he knew she had been crying.
“Y/N!” Jason exclaimed, he ran to her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, and he heard her quietly sobbing on his chest. “Where have you been?” He asked, peeling her coat off, and hanging it on the back of one of the chairs next to the heater.
He held her face in his hands and kissed her forehead, “Y/N?”
“I’m sorry.” She muttered, but Jason held her again.
He took her over to the sofa and wrapped a blanket around her before pulling her down with him on the sofa.
All she had said was, “I had a bad day.”
Jason brushed her wet hair out of her face, kissing her forehead again. “It’s ok now.” He whispered.
“Wanna tell me about it?”
She shrugged, “I dunno.”
“You’ll feel better.”
“I dunno Jay. I feel like everything in my head is all jumbled, and I don’t know what to do.”
Jason sighed, “Go take a shower, I don’t want you getting a cold. When you’re finished we’ll talk, alright?” He smiled sweetly; Y/N nodded.
“You’re not mad?” She asked.
“No, I’m not mad at you.” He replied.
 Y/N went to the en suite bathroom, she closed the door behind her and a few seconds later Jason heard the shower coming on.
He was so relieved that she was home safely, but he had another problem to sort out.
He called Bruce and told him she was home safe.
“I’m glad she’s ok Jason, I told you she would come home. Where was she?”
“I don’t know, she’s taking a shower but when she’s finished, I’ll find out.”
“I’ll call the boys and let them know she’s home.” And Bruce hung up.
 Jason opened one of the kitchen cupboards, and he pulled out the bottle of whisky he and Y/N had been saving ‘in case of emergencies’
He grabbed two whisky glasses and poured a little drop into each glass.
He went back to the couch and picked up his phone. Whilst he still a little bit of power in it, he called Domino’s Pizza and ordered pizza for them both, he knew she liked the garlic dough balls so he ordered them as well.
He went to the bedroom to charge his phone up, and while he was in there, he thought he would grab Y/N’s pyjamas, some underwear, and some thick socks for her. He put them on the radiator, so they were warm for her when she put them on.
 He heard the shower turning off and about five minutes after that, she came out of the bedroom, wearing the pyjamas that he had put on the radiator for her.
Jason opened his arms and she fell onto the sofa next to him, and snuggled against his warm body. He wrapped the blanket around her and reached for her glass of whisky on the coffee table.
She took it gratefully.
“Are we gonna talk now?” He asked gently. After taking a sip of the whisky, she nodded.
“What’s the matter then?” He asked, stroking her hair.
“I don’t know.”
“You haven’t been yourself since you went back to work.” Jason commented, and she nodded, “I think that’s it.”
“You think you went back too soon?”
She shook her head, “I don’t think I wanted to go back at all.”
Jason kissed the top of her head, “Why did you go back?”
She sighed, “I didn’t want to be at home all the time…and I didn’t want you to think that I couldn’t handle it.”
“If you weren’t ready to go back, you didn’t have to. Doesn’t matter what I think, my love.”  He held her tighter, and firmly pressed his lips to her head again.
“Go in tomorrow with your resignation. Take some time off and when you’re ready, look for another job.”
“That’s easier said than done, it’s gonna take ages to find another job.” Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair.
“I dunno I heard a certain billionaire is hiring at Wayne Enterprises.” Jason smirked, Y/N smiled.
Jason smiled, “Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?” He squeezed her tightly, kissing her forehead again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She replied.
There was a knock at the door.
“Dinners here!” Jason exclaimed.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, as Jason opened the door, she saw the Domino’s Pizza delivery guy standing at the door with 3 boxes. Jason gave him the money and returned to the couch with the boxes.
“I ordered your favourite; something cheesy and spicey, with stuffed crust and dough balls.” He winked; Y/N smiled again. “Thanks Jay.”
“My pleasure, babe.”
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simpsiren · 3 years
Summer’s promise
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xiaojun x reader
description. Your final moment with xiaojun at the beachside before the two of you go your separate ways. Or perhaps not.
genre. FLUFF, a bit emotional but bear with me im emotional rn <\3
word count. 2.9k~
warnings. nonee
a/n. i actually had a plot to this but realise that its not that good so ill limit it to this! its a very short and direct plot so cjdndn either way i hope you’ll enjoyyy
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It’s three in the morning. Xiaojun had his fingers interlocked with yours as your hands met unintentionally at the back. You lean back while Xiaojun had his body forward. You rest your head on his shoulder, snuggling up in the crook of his neck while you find a comfortable spot. Eventually you did, breathing in to take in his scent.
The cold breeze touches your skin. Sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks you and Xiaojun are sitting on. You allow your legs to dangle freely on the edge. The night sky really setting the tone and atmosphere right just for the two of you.
“I don’t want to leave.” You mutter, lips brushing against his skin ever so lightly.
“You have to, love. Get back to your life in the city.” Xiaojun breathes out. Once again he calls you by the nickname love. A nickname you have grown to get too comfortable with in the short span of three months during your stay here.
“You know I’ll miss you.” You look up at him, your action causing to tilt his head down. Your eyes meet. His gaze staring into yours. It just feel so right, so perfect. To have you with him on a chilly night. For once, time has frozen for the two of you. You take in the moment quickly before it fades away.
“I said we’ll meet some day, didn’t i?” Xiaojun brings his free hand up to tuck a few strands behind your ear, you feel his chest moving up and down calmly as he tilts his head, taking a moment to admire every inch of your face.
You scoff, the side of your lip lifting up into a small smirk. “Uhuh. But you said to let fate do that for us.” You blurt out.
“Yes I did. And if fate doesn’t want us to happen, I’ll fuck it and find my own way to you. I just thought it’ll be a beautiful way to meet each other again.”
“Sending postcards of the cities we’re in? I’ll be in another country, Dejun. Still can’t get used to the idea but I somewhat see the beauty in that.”
Xiaojun chuckles softly. Oh the chuckle. No matter how many times you’ve heard it, it really still makes you feel some type of way.
His hand slowly creeps down to your waist, pulling you in closer to him. You lift a hand, you didn’t know where to put it. You just want to touch him. Absentmindedly, it arrives at his hair, threading your fingers through his soft and fluffy locks. Maybe that’s why your hand went there. To feel it for one last time before you leave.
“I want to stay here. With you. With your run-down, aesthetically pleasing tiny bookstore. I want to have you reading me poems. Or any book, huddled up in one corner while you read till I fall asleep in your arms.”
You let out a gloomy sigh, making Xiaojun put on a frown. You frown back, leaning in to give a quick peck on his nose to make him smile. And it worked. As it always did. And as it always should.
“What’s the time duration of letting fate bring us together again?”
Xiaojun purses his lips into a thin line, the gears in his head turning immensely as he tries coming up with an answer. “That’s for fate to decide too.”
You furrow your eyes, skeptical at his answer. “This summer... Has been the best one yet for me.”
“I’m thankful I agreed to Lucas inviting me here. I wouldn’t have met you otherwise.” You let out. The two of you stare into the blankness ahead of you, admiring the sight of the moonlight reflecting on the sea, giving it a beautiful glow.
“Promise you won’t forget me? Whatever we did during this summer. Don’t forget a single detail.” You start off.
Xiaojun raises both his eyebrows, allowing you to continue.
“No matter how long it takes for us to see each other. No matter where our life takes us. Whatever that’s going to happen in the future. Promise me you won’t forget what we had here.”
Xiaojun leans in and places a loving kiss on the crown of your head. He stays there, prolonging the kiss.
“I promise. It’s not an empty one, don’t worry. Like I said, if fate won’t allow it, I’ll still find my way to you regardless.” Xiaojun reassures you, his lips still touching your hair. He finally pulls away, wrapping an arm around your shoulders while yours creep to wrap around his torso.
And that’s the last time you saw Xiaojun. You stayed there till five, knowing you have to go back and pack your things before leaving.
You thought about what he said. Fate. He keeps mentioning it. But to be honest, you didn’t believe in it. Anything can happen during the time the two of you are apart. How long will it take for fate to bring you two together? Will he even remember you by then?
He promised but again, anything can happen. You were unsure and uncertainty clouded your thoughts throughout. You were scared, but you had to trust him. You had to believe. Xiaojun will come back to you.
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Four years. You’ve been waiting for four years. The only thing that reminds you of him is the ring bought you. Cheap, but holds a deep meaning you can barely hold onto anymore. Your fingers fiddled with the ring for a moment.
“_____!” Lucas calls out. You quickly put your hands down and clasp them behind your back. “Yeah?”
“My friend’s having a wedding this weekend. Was thinking of inviting you.” You pucker your lips, looking up to think before tilting your head back to Lucas, nodding your head.
“Sure, why not?” You reply with a light shrug.
“Don’t forget to bring a date.”
Your eyes narrows as you cock up a brow. “We need a date to a wedding?” You huff out, scoffing lightly after.
Lucas hums and nods his head eagerly. “Duh! Plus, the wedding will be at some grand place since he’s rich. Lucky him.” Lucas says boringly with a glare.
“Yeah. Pretty sure he got that money from illegal racing.” You let out a ‘tsk’, shaking your head and acting disappointed.
“Uh no it’s legal, dumb.” Lucas retorts. “Anyways just ask someone from your work place. Oh maybe that YangYang? You’re close with him, aren’t you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Yeah.” You blurt out. Lucas smiles and walks towards you, placing a hand on your shoulder and patting it once. “I’ll text you the details.”
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“You better keep your promise.” Yangyang bores you. The two of you are sitting down at a corner, watching the other people that were invited being social. Something the two of you have in common despite not relly liking each other that much.
You groan, placing your glass of alcohol on the table. “Yes, Yangyang. I’ll get you your damn cupcakes.” You growl. Yangyang chuckles, letting out a sigh after.
“Thanks.” He whispers. You let out a ‘tsk’ while throwing him a glare.
The two of you didn’t talk much. You had nothing to talk about either. It has just been comfortable silence between you two for the past two hours. You would heard bits and pieces of stranger’s conversation. That’s how bored you were.
You suddenly see Lucas running up to you, looking completely frantic. You shot up from your seat and catch Lucas in your arms. He stands up straight and catches his breathing. “He’s here.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Who? The groom?” You ask, tiptoeing to see across the crown if the groom has arrived. Lucas gapes his mouth open with furrowed eyes. “No, idiot!”
“I don’t know how, but he’s here. Your little beach boy.”
You give an even more skeptical look, making Lucas groan and grab your arms. “He’s fucking here after four years and you’re giving me that face?!”
“Yeah because I highly doubt you saw him. He’s literally countries away. I think you’re being delusional.”
Lucas shakes your body vigorously, making you scream and asking him to get off of you. He finally does, looking extremely frustrated with you. “Bitch I’m not kidding. He’s by the dessert area with some guys.”
You snort, laughing slightly after as the alcohol starts to seep into your weak system. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll believe it sure.”
“Is she already fucking drunk?” Lucas turns to YangYang, who was staring at a fixated spot in the venue till he was called. “She drank a bit yeah.” Lucas places a palm on his forehead.
“Chill, I didn’t drink. I’ll take care of her.” YangYang deadpans. Lucas lets out a disappointing sigh. “Well whatever. See you around man.” Lucas waves a lazy hand at YangYang. He didn’t even bother to wave back, turning his attention to you who had your body slouched forward while leaning against the table with your chin resting on the palm of your hand.
During the wedding, you weren’t paying attention to anything. The event, your surroundings. Nothing. Instead, you are constantly stealing a glass every time a waiter or waitress walks by. The moment they take your empty glass away, you take another one. Surprisingly, you got drunk . Very drunk. And very quickly as well.
You didn’t even know why you suddenly want to get drunk. You know yourself well enough to know that you would be dizzy by two drinks. You’re now on your fifth.
You stand up, wanting to go to the toilet. Losing your balance, you trip, causing YangYang to immediately hold you by your torso. You grab onto his arm, gulping before shaking your head. “I can go myself.”
“Where are you going?” Yangyang asks softly. “I need to pee.” You whine, pushing YangYang off you and slowly head there, clearly staggering and having YangYang help you along the way.
“Okay. I’ll be waiting outside. Don’t take too long.” YangYang shouts out while you go into the toilet, hands placed on the wall constantly throughout your trip in and out.
It didn’t take you long luckily. You thought you had to vomit but it turns out you didn’t.
“Oi. Xiao Dejun.” YangYang turns his head to you, his body leaning against the wall and folding his arms. He stands up straight, tilting his head and wondering if you’re referring to him.
You run up to him, wrapping your arms around your waist. You giggle for a moment before changing your expression to an angry one. YangYang wasn’t sure of how to react, he’s never seen you drunk before.
“Fuck you. It’s been four years. Where are you?” You whine, constantly punching on his chest with a balled fist. YangYang blinks his eyes in confusion while multiple eyes glance at you as they pass by thr toilet. YangYang clears his throat, lightly tapping your back as a signal to get off him. Obviously it’s not working.
“Dejun~ You little shit...” You mumble to yourself. You eventually allow your body to fall against YangYang’s, having him to catch you and hold you steadily while you dug your face into his chest.
“Get off her.” You suddenly hear a voice. You couldn’t make out where you’ve heard it from. It’s like the voice from a distant and clouded memory. You try squeezing your brain for information, constantly asking yourself where you’ve heard it before, but you blacked out almost immediately after hearing YangYang reply with a, “Who are you to tell me that?”
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You wake up with your head banging, the world spinning as you have a bad headache. Wincing, you put your hands on your head, massaging to try reducing the pain. On top of you being a lightweight, you have terrible hangovers as well.
Fuck. You thought to yourself. It took awhile to get back to your senses, noticing how you’re in an unfamiliar place. Looking around, you’re on a bed. Large, comfortable and soft. The room looks plain, and you didn’t know where you are.
Did you have a one night stand last night?
As soon as the thought came to your mind, you look under the covers. You heave a sigh of relief, seeing that you still had your dress on.
You try getting out of bed, instantly plopping back down as your head starts to spin again. You whine, turning your body to the side as you dig your head into the pillow. You were so desperate in trying to do anything to stop it.
“Here’s some hangover soup.” You heard it again. The voice. The only thing you remembered from last night.
You hear the door open. Your eyes trail from the sheets, slowly but surely looking up to meet the gaze of him.
You squint your eyes. Your vision’s extremely blurry. Rubbing your eyes to get a clearer view, you are finally able to see the face in front of you. The sight makes you widen your eyes in shock. You move your body back quickly, your head hitting the headboard of the bed and making you wince in pain.
You hear him chuckle.
There’s no way.
“Dejun?” You mumble, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed in confusion.
He clicks his tongue, nodding. “Still a klutz after all these years.” You hear him say as he makes his way to you, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Wait. I’m not hallucinating? Fuck is it my hangover?” You scratch your head, still refusing to believe the sight in front of you is real.
After four years, he suddenly shows up with you in his bed. Xiaojun is here.
He lets out a quiet sigh. “I was at the wedding last night.” He explains, reaching out to put the soup on the side table before turning to you and crossing hus legs.
“How did you...”
“Some friend invited me.”
You kept silent, wanting to take a good look at his face. He still has it. His handsomeness. Sharp features that could kill like a knife. Hair perfectly wet, still jet black like how it was before. He didn’t change in terms of appearance. Or maybe perhaps to looks a thousand times better now that you’ve seen him after so long.
“How did you find me...?” You stutter. “Four years. It took your four fucking years.” You croak, suddenly letting your emotions fill your mind. You gulp and take in deep breaths, wanting to stop yourself from crying. Too late.
A single drop of tear rolls down your cheek. Your eyes welling up and about to overflow in seconds. Xiaojun wastes no time to pull you into his embrace, arms wrapping around you and holding you close.
This feeling. The comfort, the way he touches you. The feeling you get from this. It all comes back to you. It’s true that you remembered everything from last summer. But to have them resurface just from his single touch after being shoved deep in the back of the head.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I took so long, love.” The nickname. Another thing that makes you cry even more. You hug him tightly, hands gripping onto his black sweater as it slowly gets wet from your tears.
“How did you find me?” You ask again, looking up at him, indulging yourself in his eyes that look down on you filled with love and care.
Xiaojun frowns. “You sent me postcards from different cities. Every time I went there, you’d be gone and to another one. You don’t know how frustrating it was...”
You bit the inside of your cheek. Absentmindedly bringing your hand up from his waist and to his neck, drawing circles on it. “I traveled a lot. To get you off my mind. But I realise I always had to send you something. Something to hope that you’ll still remember be.”
“You said to let fate decide.”
Xiaojun lets out a low chuckle, one that makes a shiver being sent down your spine as you feel his chest moving from it.
“I waited for a year. But I couldn’t handle not seeing you. You didn’t start sending postcards till the second year. So I instantly started looking for you.”
His hand swiftly goes down to yours, his fingers trailing down your skin. Again, his touch, is everything to you. You suddenly feel alive. Even your headache went away miraculously.
“My ring...” Xiaojun mumbles under his breath, his thumb caressing it slowly. You hum. “I took it off for awhile actually. I didn’t think I’d see you again cause’ I thought... After our summer, we’d be nothing but ancient history.”
Xiaojun frowns deeply, making you pout. “Meanie. I told you I don’t keep empty promises.”
You lean in close to his face, so close that your noses were touching. “I’m sorry, I was scared. About the fact that three months wouldn’t mean anything to you.”
Xiaojun presses his forehead against yours gently, his action making you gulp while holding your hands and interlocking his fingers with yours.
“You mean a lot to me. The three months was short, yes. But the things we did there, you know I can never forget it.”
Xiaojun leans in more, this time to the point where his lips brushed yours while he speak.
You close your eyes for a moment. “I missed you.” You whisper, soft but sincere.
“I missed you more, love.”
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queenofspades20 · 3 years
Date Night
Y/n had been have a rough time at work, so Frankie plans a special night out.
Pairings: Frankie Morales x Reader
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Mostly fluff, some angst (light, stressed about work, nerves, nothing crazy)
This is something I’ve always wanted to do. Just need to get a boyfriend and a truck with an open bed. So, just two things. 
Y/n had been struggling at work lately and Frankie could see the exhaustion in her face. She had been coming home late every night for two weeks, working on a project that was supposed to be done Friday. Though she wasn’t talking much about the stress, he knew it was a matter of time before it was going to overwhelm her.  
It was ten at night on Thursday when Y/n came home from work. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The project she had been working on was due to be finished the next day and she couldn’t wait for it to be done. She saw Frankie sitting on the couch, watching a show. He turned to her as she walked into the room. Seeing how tired she was, he just opened his arms and she climbed onto his lap and hugged him.
“You okay?” Frankie asked as he rubbed circles on Y/n’s back.
“I will be when this project is done tomorrow. I’m so tired,” she mumbled into his neck. She was as close to him as she could be, finding comfort in being in his arms.
“What do you say we feed you, because I’m assuming you skipped dinner again, and then we can go to bed?”
“I’m too tired to eat. I’ll eat breakfast. I just want to go to bed with you. I’m assuming Izzy is asleep already?” Y/n asked about Frankie’s daughter. Y/n and Frankie started dating when Isabella was 9 months old and her mother was no longer in the picture. At 4 years old, Isabella was a little spitfire. She had Frankie and Y/n wrapped around her little fingers. Y/n felt guilty for not being around as much the past few weeks and she missed spending time with Izzy.
“Yeah. She tried to stay up and wait for you, but fell asleep about an hour and a half ago.”
“Damn.” Y/n felt herself start to break down. Her tears started to fall onto Frankie’s neck.
“It’s okay. She doesn’t quite understand  what you’ve been dealing with, but she knows you love her.”
“It’s not okay. That little girl means the world to me and I’ve barely been around for weeks. How would she know I love her when she never sees me?” Y/n started to cry harder.
“Hey, look at me,” Frankie said as he shifted Y/n so she was looking into his face. “She knows because you make her lunch every day and you draw the little cartoons and pictures for her to enjoy. She knows they’re from you. And your late hours aren’t going to last much longer. Tomorrow the project is done. Why don’t you come home early, we can do dinner with Izzy. I’ll call Pope to come over and then you and me can go out for a bit. He’s always happy to watch her.”
“I should be done by 3.”
“Come home right after that then. It’s Friday and you’ve put in more than enough hours over the past few weeks. Start your weekend early. I’m off until Tuesday anyways.” Frankie stroked the side of Y/n’s face. She leaned into his touch and looked at him with watery eyes.
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I’m the lucky one, Hermosa. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Be perfectly fine because you have Izzy.”
“I wouldn’t be fine. I love Izzy, obviously, but you make our family complete. You’re always doing things to make sure we know how much you love us. You bring so much light into our lives. We’d be lost without you.”
“You’re gonna make me cry again,” Y/n sniffed. She moved forward and kissed Frankie. “Let’s go to bed, my love.”
Y/n moved to get off Frankie and helped him stand up. After making sure everything was turned off or locked, they made their way to the bedroom. After brushing their teeth and getting changed, they climbed into bed, Y/n snuggling close to Frankie.
“I love you, Frankie.” Y/n sighed as she got comfortable.
“I love you, too.” Frankie kissed Y/n’s brow. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.
 The next day, while Y/n was at work, Frankie called Pope to see if he could watch Izzy.
“Of course, Fish. I never turn down time with Izzy. Do you need to me to sleep over?” Pope said over the phone. Frankie was in the kitchen, assembling snacks for his plans for Y/n that night. Izzy was on the floor next to him, coloring.
“Probably. I’m going to take Y/n out in the truck to that area where we can watch the stars. I’m going to fill up the bed with blankets and pillows and we’re just gonna lay out there. It’s supposed to be clear tonight.”
“You know, this would be the perfect time to give her that ring,” Pope suggested. Frankie had made the decision to propose to Y/n, wanting to say vows in front of their friends and family that he intended to spend the rest of his life with her.
“I was thinking that too. Which is why I’m asking you to plan to spend the night. Then we can hopefully go out for a celebratory breakfast tomorrow.”
“There’s no way she’ll say anything other than yes, Fish. She loves you and Izzy.”
“I know she loves us and we’ve talked about marriage, but I’m still nervous.”
“It’ll be fine. And I think she’ll love your surprise for her. So, what time should be I over?
“Well, Y/n is coming home early. Why don’t you come around 5ish and we can all eat dinner together? Y/n loves seeing you too.”
Izzy held up the picture she had drawn. “Look, Daddy!”
Frankie smiled at his daughter. “That’s beautiful, Izzy. Who is it for?”
“Mommy!” Izzy smiled up at her dad.
“She’s going to love it. Your Uncle Pope is going to be coming over later. Why don’t you draw something for him next?”
“Yay, Uncle Pope!” Izzy quickly grabbed another piece of paper from the stack Frankie had put next to her to draw on.
“She’s going to draw something for me?” Pope almost sounded as excited as Izzy.
“She does love you.” Frankie laughed.
“Well, I’m her favorite.”
“I think Y/n is her favorite.”
“Fair. I’m her favorite uncle, then.”
“I’ll give you that. So, I’ll see you around 5?”
“Need me to bring anything?”
“Nah. I’m just going to order in some food. I’ll see you later.”
Frankie ended the call and turned to his daughter. She was happily drawing her picture for Pope. “Izzy, what do you say we move all this to the living room and wait for Mommy to get home?”
“Okay, Daddy.” Izzy picked up her paper and the crayons she was using. Frankie grabbed the rest of the art supplies, putting the picture Izzy did for Y/n on the kitchen counter, and the two made their way into the living room. After he got Izzy settled, Frankie ran around and grabbed as many blankets and pillows as he could to toss into the bed of his truck. He also blew up the air mattress and got it placed, so they would be comfortable. Y/n had mentioned wanting to do this for some time, but they just hadn’t made it happen yet. Frankie was determined to give her a night to always remember.
Around 4, Y/n came through the door with a tired smile. The project was done without any problems. Her boss had let her leave early and told her to take Monday off as well as a reward for all her hard work. “Hello?” she called out as she toed off her shoes.
“Living room!” Frankie could be heard.
Y/n smiled and walked over to where Frankie and Izzy were sitting on the couch, watching Izzy’s favorite show. Frankie nudged Izzy, who looked up and saw Y/n. She smiled widely and jumped up.
“Mommy!” Izzy ran over to Y/n and wrapped her arms around Y/n’s legs.
“Hi, Baby! Did you have a good day?” Y/n reached down and stroked the top of Izzy’s head.
“The best! I drew you and Uncle Pope pictures and Daddy and I watched some movies.”
“That sounds like a great day.” Y/n smiled at Frankie as she picked up Izzy. She made her way over to the couch and sat next to Frankie with Izzy being settled between them.
“Hi,” Y/n said, looking at Frankie with smile.
“Hi.” Frankie leaned over and gave Y/n a quick kiss. “Good day?”
“Yeah. Project’s done and I’m off til Tuesday. Jack gave me Monday off in recognition of my hard work.”
“Good. So, what shall we order for dinner?” Frankie slung his arm across the back of the couch, his hand reaching forward to stroke Y/n’s shoulder. “Pope will be here for dinner.”
“So, pizza?”
“Pizza works. I’ll call in a little bit.”
Y/n stood up from the couch. Frankie looked at her quizzically. “I’m going to change. What are we doing later?”
“It’s a surprise. Just dress comfortable, that’s all I’m going to give you.”
“So jeans?”
“Jeans and tshirt works,” Frankie confirmed.
“Perfect. After having to put in extra hours and wearing nothing but professional clothes, I’m happy to be casual. I’ll be back.”
While Y/n was getting changed, he called the pizza in. Pope got there around the same time as the pizza. After dinner, Frankie and Y/n hung around for a little bit longer. Y/n was getting caught up on what was going on in Pope’s life. While they were talking, Frankie made a thermos a hot chocolate. When he was done, he walked over to where everyone was sitting.
“Ready to go, Y/n?”
Y/n looked up at him with a smile. “Let’s go.” She turned to Izzy. “You be good for your Uncle Pope, Izzy, okay?”
“I will, Mommy.” Izzy moved closer to Pope and hugged him. “I’m always good for Uncle Pope,” she said, innocently.
The adults started laughing. Y/n went and kissed Izzy’s head. “Love you, Izzy. We’ll see you in the morning.”
Frankie went over and gave Izzy a kiss goodbye. He looked at Pope. “I’d give some rules, but you ignore them anyways. Just don’t do anything too crazy.”
Pope smiled at them. “You know me well. Have a fun night, you two.”
Frankie led Y/n to his truck, distracting her from looking in the back. He had loaded up the blankets and snacks shortly before she got home. He was happy she didn’t notice the blankets missing from in the house. Frankie put a blindfold over Y/n’s eyes.
“I want this to be a surprise.”
“This doesn’t end with you killing me and dumping my body in a forest, does it?” Y/n asked with a smile. She didn’t need to see him to know Frankie was giving her an unimpressed look.
Frankie sighed. “You’d think I would anticipate your jokes by now, Hermosa. But no, I’m not going to kill you.”
Frankie put the truck into drive and directed the truck towards the field he was taking her to. It was about a 45 minute drive, well outside city limits, so that they would have a clear view of the sky. Thankfully, the weather channel was right about the weather and the skies were absolutely clear. When he got to the field, he put the truck in park and had Y/n stay seated while he set up the blankets and pillows. After everything was set up to his satisfaction, Frankie felt in his pocket for the ring and took a big sigh. He helped Y/n out of the truck and then gently removed the blindfold.
“I thought we could look at the stars,” Frankie said, gesturing to the bed of the truck and to the sky.
Y/n felt her eyes tear up. “Frankie, this is perfect!” She moved her arms around his torso and pulled him close. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
“I remember us talking about it once. I thought this would be a good way to wind down after the stressful weeks you’ve had.”
“It is. Thank you.”
Frankie led her to the back of the truck and let the tailgate down. He helped her jump up on the bed and she got settled on the air mattress. Frankie followed her up and closed the tailgate. The night had a bit of a chill to it, making the blankets a perfect addition. Frankie and Y/n were propped up against the back with the pillows, so they could sit up while drinking the hot chocolate Frankie made. They talked about everything and nothing, at some point just being quiet while looking up at the stars. The silence was comfortable and Y/n hadn’t felt this relaxed or happy in weeks.
“I love you, Frankie,” Y/n whispered, not wanting to disturb the peace they had created for themselves. Her eyes stayed on the stars and she had a soft smile on her lips.
Frankie shifted, reaching into his pocket for the ring. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He felt his heartbeat pick up pace and his palms started to get sweatier. He cleared his throat and looked down at Y/n. Y/n felt the nerves radiating off him and looked at him questioningly.
“I love you, too, Y/n,” Frankie rushed out, realizing he hadn’t responded to her in a few moments. He fumbled with the ring in his hands, trying to not let Y/n see it until he had asked her his question. “There’s actually something I want to ask you.”
“You can ask me anything, Frankie.”
“I, uh, I…” Frankie had prepared a whole speech, but in the moment, his nerves got the better of him.
“Take your time.” Y/n reached up and stroked the side of Frankie’s face. She smiled at him encouragingly.
Frankie covered her hand with his own, the ring in his other hand. He took a steadying breath and smiled down at her.
“You are the light of my life. When we met, I didn’t think I deserved another chance at a relationship. I had Izzy and I thought that would be all I could ever have. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as amazing as you, but I’m so glad I did it. You are my best friend and you have become the mother of my child. You brought love into our lives and I couldn’t be more thankful for you.”
Y/n started to tear up at his sweet words. “I’m the lucky one,” she said softly. She didn’t want to interrupt Frankie, but she couldn’t hold in her feelings.
Frankie smile at her. “Y/f/n, would you do me the honor of marrying me and officially adopting Izzy? You are her mother in every way that matters and nothing would make me happier than to be your husband.”
Y/n couldn’t stop the tears falling down her cheeks. She pulled Frankie into a heated kiss. She smiled at them as they broke apart.
“Is that a yes?”
Y/n let out a watery laugh. “Of course, it’s a yes. I would love to be your wife and Izzy’s mom. Are you sure you want to go through the adoption process?”
“Yes. Izzy already clearly considers you her mother. I just want it to be legal.” Frankie took Y/n’s left hand and slid on the ring.
“Frankie,” Y/n said in awe. “It’s perfect. I love it.”
“I’m glad.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “You just made me the happiest man alive.”
“Well, as you just made me the happiest woman, I think we’re even.”
They settled into the blankets, holding each other. They spent the rest of the night out under the stars. Frankie texted Pope that they were going to camp out under the stars and that they would be having a celebratory breakfast in the morning.
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prettyboyjackhughes · 3 years
-Little Crosby- |D. Cozens| [Epilogue/Part 8]
This is the end of Little Crosby and I don’t think I've ever been this sad for one of my fics to end. I fell in love with Dylan and Ava’s story and I absolutely loved getting to write this with @prettyboycozens​. This story turned into something I never thought it would and I am so thankful to everyone who supported, encouraged and got to read this story! So thank you for all the love and support for Little Crosby! Enjoy the last part!
“Momma?” I hear Wes call from the top of the stairs as Dylan tugs me down onto the couch next to him.
“We’re down here, Baby!” I call, relaxing into Dylan’s arms. Wes is 4 now and looks just like Dylan. Dad says he acts just like me though. He’s your typical little boy, all dirt, loud and hockey. He loves hockey, of course, and getting to go to his dad, grandpa and uncles’ games and spending time with all of his family. He’s grown up surrounded by cousins which he absolutely loves, even if they are 3 hours away.
“We have to leave for dinner in about 15 minutes. Are you ready?” I ask, looking up at Dylan. He shrugs and I move off of him, letting him get up.
“I need to change and let the dog out, then we can leave.” He says, heading back to our room. Wes runs out of his room. He rushes down the stairs and jumps up onto the couch, a Sabres jersey hanging off of his already tall and skinny frame. As he jumps, I see a flash of black and I smile. Underneath the Cozens jersey he has on is a Crosby jersey; the one Dad got him for Christmas last year. When he knows he’s gonna see Dad, he always wears both jerseys.
“Hey Buddy, why don’t we pick one jersey to wear tonight? You’ll want the other one clean for tomorrow’s game.” I say, walking over to the couch and sitting down as he bounces over to me.  
“We’re gonna see Grandpa! We’re gonna see Grandpa!” Wes yells, still jumping on the couch.
“Yes we are. Why don’t we take Daddy’s jersey off and you can wear it tomorrow. Wear Grandpa’s tonight.” He finally stops and lets me tug the Sabres jersey over his head, leaving the black Crosby jersey on.
It’s been 6 years since the Canada trip that Dylan and I met on. Dylan and I have been living in Buffalo for 5 years, having just moved into a new house right before Wes’ last birthday. We still haven’t gotten married but the ring Dylan gave me all those years ago, that still has a place on my finger, still reminds me and him about the promise he made, what seems like forever ago in that hospital bed. So we’ll get around to getting married one day. Everything’s been going wonderfully in Buffalo. Dylan’s been playing well, Wes is loving preschool and I’m working at a doctor’s office as a pediatric nurse. With it being the first time I’m more than 20 minutes away from Dad and my family, even after 6 years, it’s taken a while to get used to planning weekend trips to Pittsburgh and Chicago to visit Dad and the uncles, along with Kirby and Carter.
Carter and Kirby stayed together while Carter was in college on the west coast, and are talking about getting married now that she’s graduated, which is really exciting. My uncles’ kids have all started to grow up and become actual humans, which has been really fun to watch. They’re all happy and living life. The biggest change has been that Marc and his family moved back to Pittsburgh. He ended up getting traded back to Pittsburgh, which meant our not so little family was all together again, at least when Dylan and I come to Pittsburgh. He plans on retiring in Pittsburgh with Dad, Kris and Geno, when the time comes.
“Come on Dylan! We’re going to be late for dinner!” I call as Wes returns to bouncing on the couch. Dylan finally comes out of our bedroom, our dog following behind him.
“Let me let Milo out then we can leave.” He calls as he opens the back sliding door and Milo runs out, barking. Dad had called a family meeting while he and my uncles were on a road trip to Buffalo. He usually only calls family meetings when something important happened so I was a little nervous to see what he needed to tell us. We were meeting at a restaurant about 20 minutes away from the house with a big room since there were going to be all 16 of us together in Buffalo, for the first time since Christmas. Dad hadn’t mentioned anything happening the last time he and I had talked on the phone earlier this week but maybe something had happened since then. Wes climbed into my lap and snuggled into my chest. I knew he wouldn’t stay this little forever but I wanted him to. I loved how his big brown eyes somehow managed to get bigger when he was talking about something exciting. I loved how he talked with his hands, waving and pointing to make sure everyone understood exactly what he was saying. Most of all, I loved how he called me “Momma” and loved to cuddle and be cuddled. Dylan and I had talked about having more kids, which I loved the idea of, but I was savoring every minute of it being just the 3 of us.
“Okay Baby, let’s get going.” Dylan says as he lets Milo back inside and gets him into his cage.
“I’m nervous, why am I nervous?” I ask as Dylan tugs his coat on then kneels down to help Wes zip his coat and put his shoes on.
“Because the last family meeting your dad called was when we told your uncles you were pregnant?” I roll my eyes and zip my coat up.
“You’re really not helping.” Dylan laughs as he picks Wes up and we head out the door.
“Maybe he’s retiring?” Dylan offers as I climb into the passenger seat and he straps Wes into his carseat. Wes is preoccupied by his ipad, oblivious to what Dylan and I are talking about.
“He would’ve told me first. If it was something that big. But I really have no idea what it could be.”  Dylan shrugs as he gets into the driver’s seat.
“Babe, it could be nothing. Maybe he just wants us all together. Don’t think too much into it.” He says, softly kissing my cheek before starting the car. We drive in silence, the only sound in the car is Wes’ ipad. As we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, I see Carter and Kirby heading inside.
“Okay this must be really big. Carter and Kirby are here too.” I say, trying to fight the building anxiety rising in my chest. Dad wasn’t old, only 39, but he had been playing in the NHL for 21 years. Maybe he really was retiring. Or maybe something else had happened.
“Momma! I’m hungry!” Wes cried from the backseat, his ipad now forgotten on the seat next to him.
“Alright Buddy, we’re gonna go inside and see all your cousins and aunts and uncles, and Grandpa. It looks like Aunt Carter and Uncle Kirby are here too!” I say, turning around and smiling at him as Dylan puts the car in park. Wes bounces excitedly in his seat, waiting for Dylan and I to get out and unbuckle him. Carter must’ve seen us because she and Kirby are waiting in front of the restaurant for us.
“Whatever Dad tells us, promise me it’s gonna be okay?” I ask, looking over at Dylan before climbing out of the car.
“It’s gonna be okay. Everything’s gonna be fine.” He says, watching me with intent eyes. I nod and open Wes’ door, unbuckling him and holding him close.
“I wanna go see Uncle Kirby, Momma!” He shouts, excitedly. So I let him down once we reach the sidewalk and he runs to Kirby who scoops him up and tickles him. Dylan’s hand finds mine and we meet up with Carter and Kirby.
“Any idea why we got told to come to Buffalo for the weekend?” Carter asks. I shrug and she grimaces a little.
“Are we in trouble?” She asks, taking Kirby’s hand as Wes runs ahead of us and waits at the door to the restaurant.
“Not that I know of. Why, did you do something to get us in trouble?” I ask, nudging her and laughing. She shakes her head and leads the 5 of us into the restaurant. The hostess leads us back to the room where my 3 nephews are running laps around the table while my nieces are huddled in the corner with one of my aunts. Wes runs to join the boys and I spot Dad on the other side of the room with Kris. We exchange a wave and I notice a woman I’m not familiar with next to him. Geno and Marc are sitting at the table, making sure the boys don’t break anything.
“Who’s the lady?” Kirby asks, attempting to hide himself pointing at the woman next to Dad.
“Your guess is as good as mine, Kirbs.” I say, shrugging as Dad walks over to me.
“Hi Sweetheart, good to see you!” He says as my hand slips out of Dylan’s and he hugs me. No matter how old I get, my anxiety seems to melt away whenever Dad hugs me.
“You know, you’ve had me freaking out ever since you called me to tell me about dinner.” I say as Wes jumps into Dad’s arms.
“Hi Buddy! I told you on the phone there was nothing to be worried about, Ava.” I cross my arms and look up at him.
“Uh huh. You know how I get, Dad.” He nods and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
“I think you’ll like this announcement.” I groan internally but nod. Dylan’s hand has found its way back into mine and he leads me over to where my uncles are now all sitting.
“Who’s the lady with Dad?” I ask as we sit down with the 3 of them.
“Kathy? You’ve met her, Ava. She works for the team as a physical therapist.” And as Kris answers, I start to realize he’s right.
“Oh yeah yeah I remember her. But that doesn’t explain why she’s here.” I say, looking between her and my 3 uncles sitting around me.
“She always travel with us.” Geno says, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
“I’ve told her about 10 times that she shouldn’t be freaking out but she doesn’t listen to me.” Dylan injects, his arm resting around the back of my chair.
“Hey you’re the one who reminded me that the last family meeting we had was to tell everyone I was pregnant so now my mind is going all sorts of places.” Marc laughs and shakes his head.
“I don’t think it’s anything that big. Just calm down Ava.” I shrug and look around the room, watching Wes, who is still clinging to Dad, talk animatedly to his cousins gathered around them. Kathy is standing with Veronique, Marc’s wife, talking. I watch her glance at Dad whose eyes are already on her. There’s definitely something there but I can’t put my finger on what. Dad finally lets Wes down and he wanders his way over to Dylan, climbing up onto his lap.
“Daddy I’m hungry. Is it time to eat yet?” Wes asks, cuddling into Dylan’s chest.
“Almost. I think Grandpa has to tell us something and then we’re gonna eat dinner. Did you have fun with all your cousins?” Wes nods, playing with the hem of his jersey.
“Did you show Grandpa that you’re wearing his jersey?” I ask, smoothing Wes’ hair down. His hair is dark, just like Dylan’s and is in a constant state of bedhead.
“He liked it. He told me a story about when you were little and had one of his jerseys, Momma. Daddy, I’m wearing your jersey for the game tomorrow.” Dylan smiles as Wes slides off his lap. He runs over to Dad, who is now standing at the head of the table.
“Hey, if you wouldn’t mind, I think it’s time for my announcement.” He says he picks Wes up and everyone starts to sit down.
“It’s great getting to see everyone here, together. Especially with the news I’m about to share. Everyone, this is Kathy. Ava and the guys know her. But she’s one of the physical therapists that works for the team. Um, she and I have been dating for the past 3 years. I asked her to marry me a little over a month ago and she said yes. So...We’re getting married.” My mouth drops open and Dylan glances at me, trying to gauge how I’m handling this news. As I glance around the room, trying to figure out if I heard that right, everyone’s faces look the same as mine.
“You didn’t know about this?” I whisper, turning to look at Marc with wide eyes.
“We had no idea! He doesn’t tell us things!” Marc says, his eyes as wide as mine. It takes Dylan’s hand finding mine to keep me in my seat and somewhat grounded.
“I know this is a shock but we’re very happy. And we want you all to be a part of our wedding.” It’s like everyone gets snapped out of a trance. Everyone is up, congratulating Dad and Kathy and I’m still in my seat. I’m frozen, unable to move from the shock. I see Dylan glance back at me, before talking to Dad. Kris comes to check on me, kneeling down in front of me.
“You okay, Kid?” I shake my head and he stands, tugging me to my feet and into a hug. Wes runs up and hugs my legs.
“Momma! I’m gonna have a grandma! Does that mean she’s your momma now?” He asks, his eyes bigger than dinner plates. Somehow, that manages to snap me out of my trance and Kris lets me go. I bend down to Wes’ level and he puts his hands on my shoulders.
“Sorta. She’ll be my step mom, Baby. Have you told Grandpa congratulations?” He shakes his head and I gather him in my arms.
“No! I wanna tell them ‘gratitations!” He says, bouncing in my arms. I smile at his mispronunciation of the word and start to walk in the direction of Dylan and Marc.
“Let’s go find Daddy and then we’ll go tell Grandpa and Kathy congratulations.” Wes rests his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my neck. My family has always been a comfort to me, and it’s definitely one I need today. I’ve always wanted Dad to find someone and fall in love. But it’s just been him and I for so long, even with my uncles and aunts, cousins and now Dylan and Wes. My heart hurts a little, thinking about letting Dad go, but I see how happy Dad is and I can’t help but push those feelings aside for him to be happy. He’s put so much on hold for me, waiting until I was ready and on my own, I can’t help but do the same for him. But there’s still a part of me that’s not sure about all of it. A part of me that’s terrified about losing my dad. That fear keeps me from being able to be as happy as Dad deserves me being.
“Hey Baby.” Dylan says, his arm automatically going around my waist and pulling me close. Wes squirms out of my arms and runs to Dad who is now walking over to us, Kathy in tow. He presses a kiss to the top of my head and ruffles Wes’ hair.
“Congratulations Dad. Kathy, I can’t wait to get to know you better!” I say, trying to hide the other emotions threatening to break through.
“Thank you so much, Ava. I’ve heard so much about you and the last time I remember seeing you was probably when you were in middle school. You’ve grown up so much. And you must be Dylan.” Kathy says, reaching out to shake Dylan’s outstretched hand. He nods, the smile on his face genuine, unlike the fake one I’m trying to pass off as real. Dad keeps glancing at me, probably because he can see right through the fake smile.
“And you’re Wesley. But you like being called Wes, right?” Kathy asks, bending down to Wes’ level. He grins shyly and leans against my legs.
“I’m Wes. Momma, can I say ‘gratitations now?” He asks, looking up at me with big eyes. I nod and he grins.
“Gratitations! Are you gonna be my grandma now?” He asks, looking up at Kathy.
“I’d like to be your grandma. Is that okay with you?” He nods and launches himself at her, hugging her. She smiles, hugging him back and then returning him to my arms.
“I think we should definitely think about doing dinner or something soon. Maybe before you guys head back to Pittsburgh.” Dylan says, looking down at me. His hand slips into mine, stopping me from twisting my ring. It’s been a habit since he put it on my finger, usually one that’s a sign of how anxious I’m feeling.
“We definitely can do that. I’d love to see your house.” Kathy says. I’ve spent the last few minutes just watching Dad. He’s been focused on Kathy and the look in his eyes says everything. He loves her, which should make me happy, to see Dad this happy but it’s still tearing me up. This is so much harder than I ever imagined it would be.
“We have a puppy. His name is Milo! He likes to play hockey with me.” Wes says, obviously warming up to Kathy already. He’s not really shy, usually he talks strangers’ ears off, so it doesn’t surprise me that he’s comfortable with her already. Dylan and I have had to talk to him a couple times to get him to understand the whole stranger danger thing. It doesn’t make sense that both Dylan and I are pretty reserved, quiet people and somehow we end up with a kid who is the most outgoing child ever.
“Well I would love to come over and meet Milo.” Wes suddenly runs off, calling goodbye to Kathy,  going to play with his cousins.
“He’s a sweet boy. He looks just like you, Dylan.” Dylan smiles. Kathy and Dad share a sweet smile and I stay quiet.
Eventually, everyone sits back down and we have dinner. Everyone laughs and talks. Carter, Kirby, and Dylan won’t stop checking to make sure I’m okay, even though I’ve told them all a thousand times I’m fine. We make it through the evening and head back home. We’ll see everyone tomorrow at the game so it’s just a few quick goodbyes. Carter and Kirby come over to the house and Wes ropes them into watching Cars 2 with us. The day has taken a lot out of me and I fight sleep the whole movie.
I feel Dylan get up from beside me, taking Wes from where he was laying, cuddled between us. Carter and Kirby left a little while ago, whispering goodbyes since Wes fell asleep about halfway through the movie. The play menu for ‘Cars 2’ lights up the living room and I sit there, lost in thought. I need to call Dad, talk through today. But I can’t bring myself to grab my phone off of the table and press call on his contact. I’ve only ever wanted Dad to be happy, that’s what he’s always wanted for me. After spending most of the evening talking to Kathy, I know how in love she is with Dad and that she’s good for him, it’s just hard letting go of my dad.
As I’m sitting there, contemplating calling Dad, my phone starts to ring. It snaps me out of my thoughtful state and I rush to check to see who’s calling. Dad’s name stares back at me as I pick my phone up. I take a deep breath and press the answer button.
“Hey Baby.” Dad’s voice breaks through the noise in my head.
“Hi Daddy. It’s late, why are you still up?” I ask, tugging my knees into my chest and running my free hand through my hair.
“I’ve been thinking about you. You seemed off tonight. You okay?” I sigh and lean my head against the back of the couch.
“I’m-I’m okay. I was just a little surprised with your announcement, that’s all.” His voice sounds tired.
“I know Sweetheart. I wanted to tell you sooner. I wanted you to meet Kathy before I told anyone, before anything happened. Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Dylan suddenly appears in the doorway without Wes. He must’ve gotten Wes into bed pretty easily. He raises an eyebrow, making sure I’m okay and I nod. He comes over to me, dropping a kiss on my forehead and whispering he’s going to bed. I nod, squeezing his hand as he walks away.
“I just wasn’t expecting it. I’m really happy for you both, Dad. There’s plenty of time for me to get to know Kathy before you get married and even after you guys get married. You put so much on hold for me while I was growing up. But I’m all grown up, now it’s your turn. I’ll always be your little girl, no matter what, but I have Dylan to take care of me now. You need someone else to take care of now, and that person is Kathy now. So don’t worry about me, Daddy. I’ll be okay.” And as I say I’m okay, it's the first time in a few hours that I’ve actually felt okay and haven’t been lying. I hear Dad sniffle a little on the other end of the call, which of course makes me tear up.
“Baby, you’re absolutely amazing. You’re a wonderful mom to Wes, you love Dylan so much and I would never trade being your dad for anything in the entire world. You’ve been the highlight of my life. Not winning the Stanley Cup, not playing in the All-Star game. You are the reason for all of it. Getting to share you with our family and now with Kathy is beyond a dream come true. Thank you for being so supportive.” His voice breaks a little and I’m full on crying now.
“I love you Daddy. I’m happy for you. Dylan and I are happy for you. And I know Wes is so excited for Kathy to be his grandma.” Dad clears his throat and I try to control the tears running down my face.
“I love you too, Ava Grace. Now you probably need to head to bed so I’ll let you go. Good night.” He lets me say goodnight then ends the call. I lean my head against the back of the couch and take a deep breath. The tears slow and I regain my composure.
“Hey Avs, you okay?” Dylan asks, sitting down on the couch next to me and pulling me into his lap.
“I thought you went to bed? But I’m okay.” He kisses my forehead and relaxes into the couch.
“I could hear you on the phone. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” I snuggle into his chest and sigh.
“It’s been a long, surprising day but I think I’ll be okay.” I can feel him smile and he moves so we’re laying down on the couch, me resting on his chest.
“Your dad is happy. He’s going to have what all your uncles and we have. I think it’ll be fun to plan a wedding with your dad. Speaking of, we need to talk about us getting married.” Dylan says, looking down at me. I sit up a little, resting my chin on my hands and looking into his eyes.
“Oh I like when we do this. I want a big wedding.” I say, punctuating my sentence with a kiss on his lips.
“With all of our friends and family. And Wes as the ring bearer.” He says, twisting a few strands of hair between his fingers as I smile.
“Oh he’d be so cute in his little suit!” Dylan smiles and I settle back down on his chest again. We spend pretty much the rest of the night talking about our wedding and everything the future would bring, including siblings for Wes and in the morning, Wes finds us cuddled up on the couch and joins us, snuggling into Dylan’s side.
Dad calls a little after breakfast and asks to take Wes for the day, giving him some time to get to know Kathy. I agree and he picks him up, Kathy sitting in the passenger seat of his car. I wave from the doorway and she smiles, waving back. As I close the front door, Dylan scoops me into his arms and we head back to our room for his pregame nap, even though the game isn’t till later tonight. We end up sleeping until right before Wes gets home and Dylan needs to leave to be at the rink. Wes ends up laying down for a nap, which gives me some time to pick up the house a little and start getting ready for the game tonight. I love getting to spend games with my aunts and the rest of my family. It’s also nice to see all my uncles, Dad and Dylan all on the ice together.
Wes wears both of his jerseys, like he always does for Penguins-Sabres games, and is so excited to leave and head to the arena. Since I wear Dylan’s jersey for every other game, my tradition is to wear Dad’s jersey for games when he plays Dylan. All of the aunts, the kids, Wes and I hang out in a box, the kids running all over the box and back and forth with the other wives’ boxes for both the Sabres and the Penguins. It’s nice getting to sit and talk to my aunts. I don’t get to spend as much time with them as I do with my dad and uncles. We spend the whole game talking, making sure the kids don’t get too rambunctious while also watching the game at the same time. The game ends with the Penguins on top, 3-2 but Dylan scored and Dad did too with an assist from Geno. We all celebrate with dinner and drinks back at our house, giving me a chance to give my aunts an official tour, not over facetime. Wes shows off his playroom, bedroom and rink down in the basement that Dad and Dylan built him for his birthday. It’s the perfect ending to a family-filled day.            
Thank God Dad waited till the off season to get married. I couldn’t imagine planning a wedding during the season. But if I see one more sports website or magazine with the title ‘Sidney Crosby to Marry Team Physical Therapist! Letang, Malkin, Fleury, and Cozens among those in attendance’ or something like that, I will scream. It seems like this is the event of the year and it’s all anyone can talk about. Kathy and I have spent months, along with my aunts to plan the perfect wedding for her and Dad. The boys had been no help at all, being typical boys. Kathy and I had tried to get Dad involved in the planning but he had just kissed Kathy’s forehead and told her to do whatever she wanted. That night, I had gotten off the phone with the caterer for the wedding and collapsed into bed beside Dylan.
“I swear, if you don’t help me plan our wedding, I might break up with you before the wedding even happens.” I groan, rolling over to face him. He smirks and rolls over, eyes locked on mine.
“How do you manage to still be absolutely adorable while threatening to break up with me?” He asks, gently kissing me.
“Because you love me.” I say, smiling and letting him pull me closer.
“You’re right. I love you very very much.” He says, his forehead pressed to mine and his eyes wide.
“You’re cute, Babe. Now go to sleep. I have to fight with the florist in the morning.” He laughs but doesn’t say anything else. I manage to fall asleep, a list of what we still need to do for the wedding playing over and over again in my head.
The time between that night and the wedding flies by and before we know it, it’s the rehearsal dinner and I’m having to make a speech. And as I stand in front of my family and a few other people, I realize just how lucky I am.
“Hi everyone. You all know who I am so we can skip the introductions. But anyways, Dad and Kathy, congratulations. I had been waiting for the day that Dad told me he was getting married. And honestly, I was a little worried it would never come. But then Kathy came into the picture. She turned Dad’s world upside down and with that, turned everyone else’s lives in our family upside down. And I will always thank her for that because of the light and love she has brought into our family. Our family is complete now with her in it. So Kathy, I just want to say thank you. I can’t wait for you to officially join our family tomorrow. So here’s to Dad and Kathy, enjoy your last night apart.” I say, raising the glass of wine I’ve been sipping on all night. Everyone filling the dining room does the same and we all drink. The rest of the evening is carefree, enjoyable and fun. We all leave the dinner exhausted but excited for tomorrow. I collapse into bed and manage to sleep without having to worry about wedding plans.
The next morning is complete chaos. Everything that could be going wrong, seems to be going wrong and everyone is panicking. And as I try to get everything figured out so Dad and Kathy don’t have to worry, Dylan pulls me aside and kisses me softly.
“You’re doing amazing, Baby. The wedding is going to be perfect, don’t worry.” He says, running his hands up and down my arms, eyes locked on mine. He automatically calms me down and I’m able to finish getting everything worked out.
Thank God the wedding went off flawlessly. Dad only cried a little, I cried a little; everybody cried a little. Wes made it all the way down the aisle, only getting distracted by his cousins sitting in the front row and he looked adorable in his little tux. Dylan and I walked down the aisle together, being the maid of honor and Dylan being a groomsman. The whole time we’re walking down the aisle, in front of everyone, Dylan is whispering goofy things in my ear and making me giggle. Wes keeps looking up at Dylan, making silly faces throughout the whole ceremony. And as soon as we walk back down the aisle, he’s off and running with his cousins. Everywhere I look during the reception, there’s a hockey player. Which is something I should be used to, after being the kid of a hockey player and now dating a hockey player but I’m not. The later it gets, the more everyone drinks and the louder the music gets. After Dylan and I have both had a few drinks, Dylan pulls me out onto the dance floor and we dance the night away.          
A few weeks after Dad and Kathy’s wedding and honeymoon, he and Kathy drive up to Buffalo to spend a couple weeks with us. It’s wonderful having them at the house with us, giving Dylan and I a little break from Wes. One night, we’re all having dinner when Dylan turns to look at me.
“We’ve been together for how many years now? 7? And you know what? I still get butterflies every time you look at me.” Dylan says, looking deep into my eyes. I smile, watching him and trying to figure out what’s going on with the sudden outburst of mushiness.
“What I have with you? I don’t want it with anyone else. I choose you and I’ll choose you over and over again. You and Wes are the best things I could’ve never planned. I’m getting the future I’ve always wanted, with the girl I always wanted it with.” He says, taking my hands and pulling me to my feet. Dad sits behind us, Wes in his arms and Kathy holds close to his side, watching everything.
“I know I’ve done this before but we were young. So I’m doing it right this time. Ava Grace Crosby, will you marry me?” Dylan asks, slowly getting down on one knee and opening a ring box. My mouth drops open and I know I shouldn’t be surprised since we’ve already done this once but after what he said, I can’t help it.
“Are you kidding me? Yes!” I cry, pulling him to his feet and kissing him, my hands cupping his cheeks. I can hear Wes and Dad cheering, Kathy clapping. I pull away from Dylan, laughing and resting my cheek against his chest as his arms encircle me. Dad lets Wes down and he runs to us. Dylan scoops him up and he’s giggling, clapping his hands.
“Gratitaions Momma! Daddy!” He shouts. Dad and Kathy both join us and hug us. As I stand there, surrounded by my family, I think about how I’m getting the happy ending I’ve always wanted. I have the future with Dylan that I’ve thought about since we met, a son who I love more than anything in this world, the most amazing, supportive, and loving family. It’s everything I could’ve ever dreamed of and I’m completely in love with my life.
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idorkish · 3 years
4 AM Cuddles Part 2
A/n: this is the second part. Again, , this is something I wrote back in 2016 on my original idorkish blog. I couldn't find it in the mess of posts from that, so I'm posting from scratch.
Part 1 Here
Tagged: @agustdowney
It had been a week since your departure from the Avengers’ Tower. You had told Natasha you were just going to visit some family for a while - which wasn’t a complete lie. That night you left, you had called Hank, and as predicted, he had offered you space at the mansion. You knew seeing your old team would be good for you. There were many times over the past years that you almost went back to them, but you knew you couldn't. You hadn’t wanted to use your powers anymore and no one in SHIELD knew, or at least they pretended not to know. Despite this, home was with the X-men and the students. 
You knew you didn’t have much time left before having to return to the Avengers, it was your job. The past week was spent reconnecting with your friends. You spent time with Piotr - drawing and painting together and helping the students in his classes. Other moments were spent with the girls - Jean & Ororo- shopping and gossiping. You also helped around with chores and classes, as needed. Charles insisted you use the time to rest but you loved helping with the children and they seemed to like you back. Most nights you spent in the lab with Hank. It was the most comforting place for you and you felt as if you had never left this space. Despite being close to other X-Men, everyone knew you and Hank were each other’s favorites.
The past week had been filled with nothing but joy and happiness. A few people questioned your real motives for returning but you dismissed them immediately. Charles and Jean were sure to know your real reasons but both kept their old promises of never invading your mind to poke around. Jean knew that with time, you would open up and tell what happened. Otherwise, she was glad to have one of her best friends back. 
You had at least another full week left before you would be forced to return. Knowing you would have to leave your family and friends again was hard and began to weigh on you. Late Thursday, you found your way to the roof of the mansion, your feet hanging over the sides. When younger, and still a student here, you would often find yourself up on the roof to get away from everyone. The quiet that came from being alone gave you time to think. You had taken off and immediately threw yourself into keeping yourself busy, that you never once gave yourself the time to think of what had happened and your next steps. Would you actually go back to the Avengers? You'd be forced to work with Tony and pretend that you never had an issue with him. You knew that if you went back, Natasha would figure everything out. The team wouldn't be the same. You could go back to being a normal agent, perhaps change office locations. But you loved being out in the field, fighting with the team was something you couldn't go back from. 
     Your other choice was to leave and stay at the Mansion. Charles would be more than willing to let you stay. You could work with the students in class or you could help Charles with admin things. Heck, you were sure Hank would be willing to make you his assistant if it meant you staying. The thought that disturbed you the most was that of running away from both and never returning. You knew you could leave in the middle of the night and they'd have a hard time finding you. Even with cerebro, it would take Charles time to find you and you'd be gone by the time they got there. 
“Bad day?” A voice called out making you scream and jump. 
You flailed about as you started to fall from the ledge back into the roof. The voice started laughing. 
“You ass,” you sighed when you realized the voice belonged to your blue ball of fuzz. “Damnit Fuzz, why do you enjoy sneaking up on me?” 
“Why do you insist on calling me Fuzz?” 
“I asked first, Hank.”
Hank walked toward you and helped you to your get before pulling you close and placing his hands on your waist. 
“Because, my dear, it is far too amusing and adorable to see you so lost in thought that you don't realize the amount of noise I do make to get your attention, yet you still get scared. So again, bad day?” 
Resting your forehead on his chest, all you could do was sigh and shrug. 
“Come on. You have to give me more than that.” 
You pulled away from your best friend and ran your hands down your face. 
“Just a lot to think about. I’ve made some bad choices lately and I’m not sure what to do anymore.” 
Hank stepped toward you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you back to his chest. Instinctively your arms wrapped around his waist and you snuggled against him. He looked down at the woman in his arms and sighed as he rubbed your back. 
“I got an idea. What about an ice cream and movie night? Like we used to do. I’ll grab the ice cream and spoons, you pick the corniest movie you can find, then you can vent to your dear ol’ Fuzz.” 
You let out a smile and nodded your head against his chest. “That sounds perfect. Meet in your room?” 
“Meet you there in 20 ok?” 
-Back at the Tower-
Natasha flopped down on the couch next to Clint and sighed. It had been a week since she had last seen her best friend and despite the messages that she was ok, Natasha couldn’t help but worry. 
“Ya know, if she says she’s ok, then you know she’s ok right?” Clint’s voice broke Natasha out of her thoughts and she nodded slowly. 
“I know, but it doesn’t feel right. She’s never talked about her family to me and we talk about everything. She would have told me something before taking off in the middle of the night while we’re all away. Do you think she’s in some sort of trouble?” 
It was not often that Natasha would show her worry. It was even rarer for Natasha to visibly be anxious. Clint sighed and grabbed her legs, pulling them onto his lap and massaging her calves slowly. 
“Tasha, calm down. Y/n is ok. She has another week before she’s back here. And we’ll probably see her at the party this weekend.” Throwing her head back against the sofa’s cushions, she let out a groan. 
“I forgot about that party! And we’ll be having ‘important people’, as Stark refers to them, there as well.” Clint let out a laugh and pushed her legs off his lap. 
“It’ll be fine. I got to go, training and all.”
Natasha half-heartedly waved at Clint. Pulling her phone, she shot off some quick messages. 
Tasha: y/n!!!! See you at the party right?! Miss you babe! :*
y/n: Tasha! <3 <3 Fingers crossed! Miss ya right back my baby spider! 
Tasha: Even if you aren’t here, help me pick out something, k? Skype? Pics? HELP! <3
y/n: Send me pics and I’ll help. I’m 90%  sure I’ll make it to the party. Pinky promise!
Tasha: Ugg, you’re killing me! I’m taking Wanda shopping tomorrow, we’ll send plenty of pics so be near your phone! OR ELSE
Y/n: lol I promise! I gotta get going. Need to help with dinner. LOVE YOU MI AMOR!
Natasha sighed and tossed her phone on the coffee table. She normally wouldn’t be this anxious but she knew something was off. Y/n would never keep things from her. Sighing, she shook her head. It would only be a few more days before the big party. She’d see Y/n there, for sure. Jumping to her feet, she made her way to the twins’ apartment area, “WANDA! We need to start planning for Saturday!”  
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
After an hour of binging on ice cream and corny 80s movies, you had finally vented to Hank about everything that happened, although you decided not to mention names. You knew that Hank wasn’t the biggest fan of Tony Stark, and you didn’t want him to look at you differently. 
“So, you slept with a co-worker behind everyone’s back and behind his partner’s back? You know you’re my best friend, and I won’t judge you, but that was a mistake,” Hank pointed his spoon at you before grabbing another spoonful of ice cream. 
“I know Fuzz! That’s why I broke it off! I couldn’t do it anymore and I didn’t want it to be awkward, but then it became awkward! I really thought I was in love with him ya know? Then I realized I was just being used and I pulled away from him. But then he started getting all weird,” pausing you shoveled a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth and sighed.
 “...and? Cmon, I’ve let you go the whole week without me asking anything. You were pretty anxious on the phone when you called. I’m worried about you Boo.” 
You smiled and chuckled at the nickname. You had called him Fuzz from day one of being friends, it was a name only you could call him. It wasn’t until you forced him to watch Monster’s Inc that he started calling you Boo. Scooting closer, you rested your head on Hank’s arm and sighed.
 “Hank, I was falling in love with a man who was already taken. I convinced myself that he would leave her because he obviously wasn’t happy with her. I kept telling myself that it would all work out. It wasn’t until he proposed to her that it all came crumbling down, but he still kept coming to me,” you sniffled and wiped at your nose. 
Hank shook his head and pulled you to sit between his legs and his arms wrapped around you. There were no words he could say to make your heart heal and it was in moments like these that he felt helpless. “Boo...Y/n, despite what happened. Maybe it’s for the best,” he took a moment to think of his next words carefully, unsure as to how you would react, “What if you just came back here? With me..Well with us. It wasn’t that bad was it? I-I-we all miss you!” 
You sat between his legs, your head resting on his chest. You had sat like this so many times over the time of your friendship and it had been the most safe spot you could ever find. You moved your hand to his arm and slowly stroked at the blue fur.
“I’ve been thinking about that ya know. About staying. I was going to talk to Charles and see if I could just work at the school. I’m sure I could do the most good here. I wouldn’t need to use my powers as much here…” your voice drifted. You closed your eyes and felt Hank shift behind you. He moved you both so you were now laying on the bed, you laid on him and nuzzled your cheek to his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist.
 “Y/n, we would all love you to come back home. Let’s be honest, Charles would let you do nothing all day if it meant you came back. But it has to be because you want to be here and not because you’re running from your problems. It didn’t work well last time, it won’t work well this time. You’re my best friend, and you should know I love you more than anybody else. So when you’re sure about what you want, I will support you.” 
You wiped at the tears threatening to spill and nodded at his words. You knew what you had to do. Before you could come back to your family, you had to face your team. You couldn’t just abandon them. 
“Hank, there’s a party at work coming up. WIll you go with me? Pretty please? With cherries and sprinkles on top?” 
Hank gave a toothy grin and nodded, “Of course I will. We’ll make everyone jealous. I mean, cmon, Just look at me!” 
You looked up at his smirking face and both of you started laughing. 
“Let’s get some sleep, we’ll talk more in the morning,” Hank pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead and pulled you tightly against him. Giving him a nod, you relax in his arms. This was how you often found yourself falling asleep after missions. Being in his arms again was comforting, it was safe and felt like home. 
“I love you Fuzz.” 
“I love you too my little Boo.”
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mudhorn-djarin19 · 3 years
Camping Trip Chp 4 (Frankie “Catfish” Morales x f!reader)
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Summary: The boys take a couple retreat weekend and Frankie doesn’t want to be the only one going alone. So he invites you his best friend since high school to come along. Will the trip finally push you two who have had crushes on each other for years together? Warnings: mutual pining, language Rating: General. Will change in future chapters.
This is a bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoy! Also a few have been asking to be on my tag list so I will start to be adding those. If you’d like to be added to mine just reply for DM me <3 AO3 Link Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 Masterlist Join my taglist via here! ________________________________________________________
You grabbed a pile of blankets from one of the linen closets and hauled them out to where Frankie was cleaning out the bed of his truck from any tools, dirt and etc. You sat them on the passenger seat while he finished up you went back in to grab your coats, snacks and some drinks for the fun night that awaits. You returned again with a bag full of all sort of snacks and a cooler full of soda, alcohol and water. “I think we’re all set. I got the snacks, drinks, blankets, and our coats. Anything else we need?’ You ask.
“I don’t think so. Sounds like we got everything we need. Truck bed is all cleaned out now so we can set the cot up when we get there and we won’t have to worry about any dirt.” He chuckles. “You guys ready? We’re gonna start heading over.” Will calls from his truck window.
Frankie nods and hops into his truck as do you. You guys all follow each other in a line over to a nearby clearing that Benny and Will know of that is perfect for the view. You decide to all park your vehicles in a circle so you can lie in either the truck beds or trunks and see each other to still chat whilst having a fire pit in the middle that Santiago and Benny are currently setting up. Once parked you grab the pile of blankets from next to you and meet Frankie at the back of the truck where he is opening the gate up. You toss the blankets up into the back and then take his hand as he helps lift you up into the back.
“Want help setting it up?” He asks.
“Sure. That’d be great.” You smile as he hops up into the back with you.
You both fluff the blankets you brought along out to cover the bed, adding layers as you went on to make sure it’d soft to lay on. Both taking turns to test. Once you have used all but one blanket you both agree it’s good enough. “I think we made it too good. Doesn’t even feel like we’re laying in the bed of my ole’ truck.” Frankie teases. You laugh and agree. Will’s girl informs everyone that the meteor shower should begin in 20 minutes. With that note you kick off your sneakers and Frankie kicks off his boots to get comfy in the cot you both made. He reaches through the little window in the back of the truck to grab the snack bag and cooler. You both pick a snack and drink before snuggling under the blanket together. Looking up to admire the stars you fail to miss that Santiago and Frankie are having a silent eye conversation. Santiago egging him on to start making moves. The fire dies down just at the right time to leave you all in the dark, nothing to light up the area but the shine of the stars and moon. Due to the lack of warmth now you shiver a little.
“Are you cold?” Frankie asks.
“A little bit but I’ll be okay.” You say burrowing into your hoodie a bit more. Frankie shuffles his jacket off and drapes it over your shoulders. “Here.” He says smiling at you.
You smile back at him and ask. “Are you sure? Aren’t you going to be cold?”
“Yes. Take it. I got another jacket in the truck. Don’t worry about me.” You nod and slide the jacket on over your arms. “Thank you.” Still feeling a bit cold you scoot closer to Frankie and rest your head on his shoulder.
Frankie wraps his arm around you more and carefully slides you both to lay down in the truck bed, looking up at the sky. Frankie quickly looks at his watch and realizes the meteor shower will be soon. Perfect timing. You watch as the stars sparkle in the sky above you, the moon shining full and bright. You snuggle in closer to Frankie, moving your head from his shoulder to his chest, entangling a leg with his leg as well. His arm wrap around your middle more, holding you close to him. You both start to see a spec of light moving in the sky, getting big and brighter as it moves. You’ve never seen a meteor shower before but it was beautiful to watch and you were happy to be wrapped in the arms of your favorite person as you watched it.
“So are meteor showers different than shooting stars?” Frankie asks with a chuckle.
“I dunno. Not my area of knowledge. Make a wish anyways?” You chuckle back.
And make a wish you both do. Little do you know though you both wish for the same thing. To be with each other. Wishing the other would fall in love and want to be with you even though you both already were in love. The sky goes back to darkness as the meteor shower fades. “That was so cool!” You hear Benny’s girl yell in excitement, the others and you all agreeing in a quick response. “So what’d you wish for?” Frankie mumbles to you. “Well now if I tell you it won’t come true.” You  chuckle.
“Fair enough. Fair enough.” Frankie chuckles back in response.
You both continue to lay there in silence, watching the stars twinkle, wrapped up in each other’s embrace. You tilt your head to say something to Frankie when you make eye contact with him. He wasn’t watching the stars this entire time but instead admiring you.
“Fish?” You question.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” He says.
“I… Frankie…” You sigh as a smile forms on your face.
You scoot up a bit so your face is in line with his, your noses touching. You place a hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb across it gently. He turns a bit to lay on his side, both arms wrapping around you now bringing you flush against his chest. Thank god for the darkness you think cause you know if the others could see you both right now they’d be making comments. “Hermosa…” Frankie says nudging your nose and tilting his head a bit. He brushes his lips against yours softly as if asking for permission and not wanting to push anything, giving you time to back out if you want.
You brush your lips back against him and then plant them firmly against his. Shock races through Frankie when he realizes you didn’t pull away but instead actually kiss him. He groans into the kiss and licks your bottom lip, asking for more access. You part your lips and allow him the access to your mouth, sliding your tongue gently over his. The kiss last for a few seconds until you both pull away for air.
“Fuck… You… You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to kiss you again. I’ve wanted to since the day I met you and then when we had to during spin the bottle that one time in college… I knew I wanted to again...” Frankie says.
“Me too. Fish… Frankie…I’ve wanted to kiss you again properly since then.” You smile, placing another chaste kiss to his lips.
“I… wait. Really?” He questions.
“Frankie… I’ve been in love with you since high school. I love you.” You chuckle and kiss him again.
“Fucking hell. I’ve been in love with you since high school too hermosa. God… why did we wait 20 years to do anything about it?” He groans.
“Cause we’re too stupid to notice any hints and scared to make a move and lose the other. I guess we should of shoved the fear aside huh?” You chuckle.
Frankie sighs and nods. “Took us long enough. The guys gave me the push yesterday to stop being scared and finally make a move. Fuck am I glad I did.” He says, peppering your face with kisses.
“The girls gave me the push yesterday too. Apparently I’m an open book. However I kind of had a hint you felt the same back after the other night.”
“What do you mean?” He asks pulling away.
“We almost kissed the other night before bed. After the hot tub night. You had me in your embrace and we were mere seconds from kissing until Pope ruined it by returning your phone.” You chuckle. “I was going to question you yesterday morning but you were already up before me. I didn’t want to do so in front of the others.”
“Mierda…” Frankie swears. “Thanks Pope for ruining it. Guess I really do act on emotions and speak the truth when I’m drunk huh?” He laughs.
You chuckle and nod. “At least we finally got to it. And I am glad we did.” You kiss his jawline.
“Me too cariño. Me too.” He kisses your forehead. You hear the rest of the gang moving around, getting their stuff all packed up to head back to the cabin.
“Hey!” Santiago says, shining a flashlight at you two. His eyes go wide and he smirks then when he sees you two wrapped up in each other's arms. “Mierda. Sorry brother. Uhh… we’re all heading back. Girls are cold and tired.” Frankie glares at him. “Alright. We’ll come back when we’re ready.” He says waving a hand for him to move on and give them their space back. Santiago chuckles, wiggling his eyebrow at you both before turning back to his own truck and help the others pack up.
“Do you want to head back hermosa?” He asks you. “Not really. I’m content right where I am right now. Plus once they leave we’ll be all alone…” You say.
Frankie’s eyebrows raise at you, your minds both thinking the same thing. ______ Translations Hermosa - Beautiful Mierda - Shit Cariño - Sweetie Taglist: @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange​
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bangtansbun · 3 years
Endgame || Lose You
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pairing: jeongguk x f. reader
genre: angst!!! hurt/comfort
word count: 1,749
warnings: mentions of terminal illness
a/n: This is part 16. ngl, i procrastinated writing this until the very last second because i didn’t want the hurt to come. i liked living in this happy little bubble, but it must be done for the sake of plot. let me know what you think!!
You’ve never felt more anxious in your entire life. Not even when you were confessing to Guk how you felt just a little over a year ago. You have no earthly idea what could be going on. He reassured you that it was nothing you did or had nothing to do with the two of you, so that eased your mind a tiny bit, but not enough. Something was seriously wrong for him to be acting the way he was today. He’s never acted like this in the 17 years you’d known him.
You wait nervously in the living room for the front door to open because you need to see him as soon as he walks in. You don’t want wait for him to come up the stairs to your bedroom. Just seeing him would make you feel better. For some reason you had started to think you were losing him, so seeing him in front of you, physically able to reach out to him, will undoubtedly make you feel better.
He’s quick, just like he said he’d be. It only takes him 3 minutes from when he texted you for him to walk across the street to your house. He walks in with his head hanging and his eyes red from – well, you’re not sure what yet. You’re off the couch in an instant and he’s got a small smile forming on his face at the sight of you. He looks – relieved. He opens his arms and you move into them quickly. He wraps you up in a hug so tight, the scent of him enveloping you immediately, fresh and comforting, like clean linens.
“Hey, what’s been going on?” you say tenderly as you brush some of his hair out of his face. It’s clear now that the redness in his eyes is from crying. His eyes still appearing glassy, like he could start crying again any minute. “Let’s, uh, let’s go sit down, okay?” You nod at his words and he gives you a kiss on the top of your head before you’re both pulling apart to sit on the couch instead of standing in the doorway.
You both sit down and he reaches for your hands, a mournful look on his face. He lets out a shaky breath before he starts to speak. “It’s my mom. She’s sick again and it’s not good,” he says as tears threaten to roll down his cheek. “I was with her all day at her doctor’s appointment. It was rough, to say the least.” He finally looks up at you, his mouth in a thin line. “Oh, Guk. I’m so sorry. I know that doesn’t mean much, but still.” You remember the first time his mom was diagnosed with cancer, you were both in 5th grade. She went through grueling treatment for years and, ultimately, was told it went into remission, which was incredible.
You reach up to cup his face and he finally lets the tears fall. “She’s in stage four and they said the prognosis isn’t good. She doesn’t want to go through the chemo and radiation again. She said she doesn’t want to spend the rest of the time she has in a hospital day in and day out. I understand this, but what am I supposed to do, yn?” His voices is desperate when he asks you that question. His head is resting on your shoulder and his body is wracked with sobs. “You just be there for her, Guk. You give her your love. I’m sure that’s all she needs from you.” You rub his back in soothing circles as you say this.
The two of you stay like that for a little while. Just in silence, letting him cry and validating his feelings. You know that you’ll never know exactly what he must be feeling, but you know that you’ll be there for him as much as he needs. He doesn’t need a quick fix or blind optimism, what he needs from you is to just be with him, in the moment.
Eventually, he’s able to calm down a bit. You’ve brought him a cup of hot cocoa and have Netflix on in the background. He takes a deep breath before speaking again, “I’m going to have to help a lot around the house now. Like, way more than before. Even go to her appointments with her if my dad can’t.” You’re nodding in understanding. “I’m- I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for- for us?” Your heart drops the second those words come out of his mouth. Realization of what he’s talking about hitting you like a ton of bricks. You give a slow nod, “I understand if this is too much right now.” He looks like he’s going to start crying again. “But I don’t want to lose you. I love you so much and the last thing I want to do is break up with you. I’m just- it’s all so overwhelming and I want to spend as much time as I can with her. I probably won’t even play soccer this year.”
Tears are starting to well up in your eyes too. You completely understand and would never want to take away from any time left he may have with his mom. You want him to be able to do whatever he needs during this time without the worry of you being neglected as his girlfriend. However, that doesn’t mean you aren’t sad. Guk has been your whole world for as long as you can remember and even more so in the past year. You’ve never had to live in a world that didn’t include him by your side at practically all hours of the day. Even before the too of you were dating, you were inseparable. Always wanting to play together, run errands together, support each other in your hobbies and activities, studying together, everything. This would certainly be an adjustment for you, but nothing compared to the adjustment him and his family will have to make.
“Please don’t be upset,” he says to you with a worried look on his face. Your eyes are still watery but you give him a sweet smile, “I just love you, is all. I understand, I’ll just miss you. I’m not mad or anything.” He pulls you into him, “I’m not going anywhere, though. I’ll always be your friend, just across the street from you.” He’s brushing his hand through your hair as he speaks to you softly.
This feels wrong, you should be the one comforting him, not the other way around. You clear your throat, wipe your eyes, sit up, and put your best brave face on. “We’ll be okay. Best friends first, always. I want you to be able to spend as much time with her as you want, so don’t worry about me. And I’ll be here if you ever need anything, seriously. If you or your dad can’t make it for something, call me.” You can see in his eyes how grateful he is. He feels so lucky to have you in his life. Really doesn’t know what he’d do without you. You were always so supportive, willing to give to others without anything in return, it had always been in your nature. What he doesn’t know is that it was only for him. You would do practically anything for him.
There’s a moment of silence between the two of you and it feels like the end. Realistically you know this isn’t goodbye, not forever, but you know you’ll see a lot less of him, and the Guk you will see won’t be the same. This will change him – has already changed him, but regardless of any of those things, you privately vow to be by his side so long as he wants you there.
The two of you spend another hour or so watching tv and snuggling on the couch before he starts to feel guilty for even being away from his mom for that long. “I should really get going,” he says to you and you get it, you really do. Can see the worry in his eyes. “Okay, I’ll walk you to the door.” He grabs your hand has he gets up from the couch and then he holds you tightly against him as he stands in front of the door. “I love you, Gukkie,” you say to him in a soft voice, just above a whisper. “I love you too,” he says into your hair as he plants a kiss on the top of your head.
Then without looking at you again, because it would be way too hard for him, he walks out the door. You watch him walk across the street to his house as tears start to flow. Again, you know this isn’t goodbye, but it sure does feel like you won’t be seeing him again.
The rest of the night is you feeling sad for a multitude of reasons. You’re sad for your relationship because you were sure he was the one. Still pretty sure he is, and the thought of not being with him is soul crushing. But more so than anything else you’re sad for Guk because he’s going to lose his mom and possibly himself in the process.
You don’t hear from him for the rest of the night, which you expected, but it still left an emptiness inside of you. You cry yourself to the sleep that night, ignoring your parents’ attempts to get you to eat dinner or come out of your room. The sleep is awful, thoughts of what the Jeon family must be going through, running through your mind. You’re glad it’s the weekend now because you don’t think you’d be able to function at school. You can’t even imagine how Guk must be feeling if this is how it’s affecting you. You wished you could be as strong as him. You didn’t know how he did it, but he sure was an incredible son. An incredible person.
As the morning sunlight begins to creep through your curtains, you finally manage to fall into a deep sleep, no doubt from exhaustion, both physical and emotional. You’re grateful for the few hours of sleep you’re able to get, but you know that when you wake up, everything will be completely different and you’ll have to learn how to go through life in a way you’ve never had to before.
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taglist: @ggukkieland​ @hecticwonderer​ @kookiepout​ @koochiekoo​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @imluckybitches​ @mybiasforsure​ @madaboutjeon​ @thequeen-kat​ @betysotelo18​ @apollukee​ @scentedsope​ @nightapple4jk​ @xtrataerrestrial​ @peachthi​ @pimpnameyannie​
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shozaii · 4 years
So I have a request for the main three + Kiri of you still accepting requests. So how about s/o is on her period and she wasn't prepared and bleed a lot and the boys have get her pads after they got over the shock of so much blood in the bed and just cuddle with her cause she feels horrible because of the cramps and stuff, if you want uwu cause my period always kills me huhhh also ur writing is so good im in love, keep it up love 🥰🙌🏾💕
(a/n):hello! i’m very sorry this took very long to complete as i wasn’t feeling well argh!! thank you so much for your kind words hdgh i might cry :’((, anyway, enjoy!
requests are still open!!
what would they do when their s/o has their period?
warnings: none! except for blood
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izuku is the person who notes everything down. he had a personal journal for you, and a part of it was about the situations he might need to face and solve during your period
so you two were on the bed, really, really tired after a long day of training. 
he noticed earlier that you were stressing out even more than usual.
perhaps....maybe not, he thought.
you felt light-headed, so you told him that you needed a drink. he let you go from the cuddled position that you were in.
and only then was he shook
“um, y-y/n? don’t freak out, okay?”
“what’s wrong?”
he pointed to your blood on his sheets, and your shorts.
cue yourself freaking out so bad
he freaks out too, but he retains himself. he needs to stay strong for you.
“i...i stained your sheets a-and i don’t kn-know what to d-do! i’m sorry, izuku! i just-,”
“no, no, no! wait, calm down. this is nothing, okay? i can help you. we’ll clean you up first. i’ll head over to your room and grab your stuff.”
he rushes to your room as promised, and just shoved everything into his backpack (he got to know from you that pads should be hidden)
he waits for you outside the bathroom, checking in every 5 minutes.
minutes later and you came out refreshed, but another problem was already there, once you entered his room.
your cramps
he’d be so sad. why should his s/o go through this?
he grabbed his stained sheets and tossed them aside; replacing them with new ones. proceeds to soak the old ones. insists on washing your clothes as well, even though you said no 8377291 times
a gentleman
all that mattered was you and you only
he laid you down, placing your hot pack he got on your stomach. also gave you painkillers (told you- he noted down everything you needed)
once you were slowly getting comfortable, he decided to join you.
“i’m sorry izuku, i wish i knew when it was coming and it’s just unpredictable sometimes. i’ll wash your sheets for you.”
“y/n, what are you talking about? you don’t have to worry about the sheets. i can handle them myself. right now, let’s just focus on making you feel better.”
you fall asleep in his arms. which, you will admit, is the best thing ever.
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boom boom boi? now i’d like to think that he’s really, really soft when the two of you are alone. doesn’t rage, doesn’t go off. soft bakubabe. imagine the patience he would have to just handling you during your period T_T
you were in his room, on his couch.you laid on his lap, something he didn’t mind at all. he was checking his phone.
it was a long day. you felt more exhausted than usual.
“where do you keep your chips? i’m starving,” you stood up, stretching. your back hurt.
he looks away from his phone.
“babe, you’re bleeding.”
“what...?” you said no more, eyes widening at the sight of his cushion stained with your blood.
“oh. my. god.”
you just stood there, tearing up. “i- god i wish i knew! i’ll go wash this up real quick. why am i like this?! i’m sorry, katsuki-,”
“oi, what about you? you’re not leaving like this. this is normal, right?”
you sniffled, nodding.
“okay. deep breaths. let’s get you cleaned up.”
“where a-are you going?”
“your room.”
he takes your bag, placing in your items. doesn’t forget the pads, of course!
once, he noticed you taking painkillers. he found those too, they should be useful. 
only then did he realize how unpredictable those periods are.
when he came back, he checked on you. 
“you doing all right in there, y/n?”
he hands you the essentials you needed, waiting patiently.he then grabs the cushion and your stained clothing, reminding himself to clean them up well. 
he was never going to allow you to clean them up.
knocking the door to make sure you didn’t faint. because the next thing that came were the cramps.
oh boy, he was right. you were in pain. he gives you the painkiller, and settled you in. he lays next to you, using a little bit of his quirk on your stomach, since it’s warm.
“feeling better now?” he asked, his other palm on your cheek.
“i’m sorry, katsuki.”
“stop that. it’s what you go through monthly and there’s no blocking it. i’ve never said this before, but you’re really strong.”
“so you finally admit it.”
“haha, yeah. only for now.”
a literal angel. i wouldn’t see him angry for that whatsoever.
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third gentleman of the day!
you two were in his room. it was the weekend tomorrow, so you two loved hanging out with each other till late night. sometimes in your room, sometimes in his. so you guessed it - this week was in his.
your stomach had this weird feeling already.
“are you okay? you look pale,” shoto asked, placing a hand on your back. 
“yeah, maybe i need a glass of water,” you said, getting up from his bed.
he was so confused when he saw blood on his sheets. 
and it was from where you were resting.
he was right. your shorts were stained.
“y/n, love. i think i may know why you don’t feel so good.”
you turned to him.
you looked at your shorts, your face flushing with the darkest shade of red. right here? now? really? in your boyfriend’s sheets?
“i’m so sorry, sho! argh, what have i done? i understand if you’re mad but please, let me clean them up for you!”
“what? no, i’m not mad. i have to admit, i am really inexperienced with this, but that’s not going to stop me.”
“are you s-sure?”
“i am. now tell me, how can i help you?”
you still had a heavy heart, but you knew he wasn’t about to budge. with enough information, he set off to your room. drawer after drawer, he finally found pads. new clothes. a fresh towel. some essentials.
you also told him about painkillers, but he had those in case if anybody needed it. looks like his s/o did.
he also made sure to soak the stained clothing and sheets. he may have hid them from you,,,he knows you well.
when you came out, you were already groaning in pain. watching you like that only made his heart sink.
dude, he would’ve cried.
with newly replaced sheets, and a painkiller taken, he carried you bridal style and snuggled in with you. like katsuki, he could use his left hand to warm up your lil belly <3
“do you need anything else, love?”
“sho, how can i ever thank you...? you’ve done more than enough.”
“really?” he smiled. “well, i’m glad. get some rest. you’ll be better soon.”
literally crying in the club look how soft
bonus! kirishima
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ksks these boys give me the feels
he starts to notice you complaining about how you felt uncomfortable. being the manly man that he is, he wants to help
you were walking around, trying to forget the pain
but that was after you were sitting on his bed, talking to him.
“what did you have for dinner? the same as us, right?”
“yeah! it doesn’t hurt. it’s just this lingering feeling that it’s about to come soon.”
sounds familiar, he thought.
he was thinking real hard, noticing the red dye on his bed.
wait. red dye? but he hasn’t dyed his hair for a while!
“babe, turn around for me.”
“what’s wrong, eiji?”
you did, only to receive a shocked expression on his face.
“y/n! is it that time of the month for you?”
you freaked out, seconds after realization. saw the bed, freaked out again. “i forgot! i forgot, but how?! eiji, i didn’t mean it! now your bed is stained, it looks so bad! okay, so give me those sheets, i’ll have them cleaned up for you. say no more.”
“y/n! i know you didn’t. let’s not panic, okay? i’m gonna go to your room, grab your stuff, and get back here. meanwhile, i’ll need you to clean yourself up. i can’t send you back like this. that ain’t manly of me.”
“eiji, but-,”
“no, babe. i’m here for you. let’s do this. together.”
as told, he went to your room. while you were in his, cleaning up after yourself, keeping your tears from flowing
he came back very soon than expected. patience was his key!
makes sure you did not get the chance to take any of the stained clothing.
“okay, here’s your hot pack! and take these. i found your emergency pills in the jar.”
“eiji,” you said.
“yeah? what’s up?”
“i wanna cuddle.”
“anything for you, my love!”
you two fall asleep after the pain went down. cuties
you’ll never feel down with him around.
(a/n): fun fact! my cramps get the best of me, too. god, how i wish i could cuddle with someone. :( ehem, anyway! i tried my best! i apologize for any typing errors :/
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