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Piercing, 2018
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random-xpressions · 10 months
What an age of instant gratification. There used to be times when letters and postmen existed. It used to take weeks before one would get a response, eagerly waiting for the postman, to see if there's any letter from their loved one. And here we are today, if someone doesn't see a blue tick, they get frustrated. Don't know if I should laugh or cry at this height of human impatience!
Random Xpressions
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albertayebisackey · 7 months
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Friday 29th September 2023 - “The gratification comes in the doing, not in the results.” - James Dean
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miraculousmemory · 1 year
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Ooh this shit be hittin’ different
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realityhop · 1 year
"As the otaku spread online, the last thing they wanted was to replicate the world from which they were escaping: a complex hierarchy of identity and status.  American forum users, of course, were doing just that, creating usernames and cultivating reputations in their online communities.  For most American bulletin boards, in order to post you had to sign up for an account and create a name.  In the Nameless World things were different.  Users could leave the name field blank, and all that appeared for each user’s identity was the default term “nanashii” (“nameless”).  This allowed otaku to discard not only the hierarchy, but the sad fact of themselves, and roam not simply without their bodies but without their souls in a ghostly Saturnalia where all laws, prohibitions, and even human identity dematerialized into a catalog of interests, desires, and self-gratification."
— Dale Beran, It Came From Something Awful
"The original Saturnalia was a Roman mid-winter festival held in the middle of December, starting on the 17th in the modern calendar (or the 25th in the Roman one).  It lasted for seven days and was a period when excess was encouraged: the shops were closed, gambling was permitted, presents were exchanged, slaves were given licence to speak their minds and join in the fun, and generally joy was unconfined."
— WorldWideWords.org, Saturnalia article (2005)
"The Apollonian takes its name from Apollo, the god of light, dream, and prophecy, while the Dionysian takes its name from Dionysus, the god of intoxication.  Apollo is associated with visible form, rational knowledge, and moderation, Dionysus with formless flux, mysticism, and excess.  The world of Apollo is made up of distinct moral individuals, while Dionysus presides over the dissolution of individual identity into a universal spiritual community uniting human beings with nature. [...] While Socratic Alexandrian culture represents the overwhelming influence of the Apollonian attention to knowledge, form and limits, the tragic Brahmanic culture is the result of a too profound immersion in the Dionysian insight into the meaninglessness of individual existence in the face of the ongoing creation and destruction of life."
— Douglas Smith (2000) on The Birth of Tragedy
"As forms of play, festivals are self-representations of life.  They are characterized by an excess, an expression of an overflowing life that does not aim at a goal." — The Disappearance of Rituals (2019) "A form of rule in which human beings did nothing but play would be perfect domination." — Non-things: Upheaval in the Lifeworld (2021)
— Byung-Chul Han
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angchongyicritic · 6 months
Exploring Culinary Wonders: The Fascinating Principles of Food and Beverage Pairing by Ang Chong Yi
In the lively epicurean universe of Singapore, where flavours pirouette gracefully upon discerning palates, one name shines brilliantly - Ang Chong Yi. A distinguished gastronomic chronicler and connoisseur, he has devoted his life to demystifying the mysteries of Ang Chong Yi Taste Harmony The Key Principles of Food and Drink Pairing. This distinctive methodology for pairing food and beverages pledges an unparalleled sensory odyssey. So, let's venture into the core principles that render it genuinely exceptional.
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The Quintet of Sensory Pillars
At the heart of Ang Chong Yi's Taste Harmony lies the notion of the "Five Sensory Pillars." These pillars symbolise the five cardinal facets of taste and scent: Sweet, Salty, Bitter, Sour, and Umami. The brilliance of Ang Chong Yi's approach lies in his capacity to orchestrate these pillars into a harmonious ensemble, weaving a multidimensional tapestry that titillates the senses. 1. Sweet - The Basis of Gratification
The inaugural pillar, sweetness, serves as the foundation of pleasure, offering a reassuring base for your gustatory voyage. Ang Chong Yi's technique involves aligning the sweetness level in a dish or beverage with analogous sweetness levels in other constituents, engendering a harmonious and pleasurable journey. 2. Salty - The Equilibrator
Salt, nature's balancer, enhances the flavours of other ingredients. Ang Chong Yi prescribes an imperative equilibrium between sweet and salty, permitting them to complement and amplify one another rather than overshadow. 3. Bitter - The Enigmatic Profundity
Bitterness introduces depth and intricacy to a repast. Ang Chong Yi endorses the exploration of bitterness to unveil concealed strata of flavour. He frequently juxtaposes bitter greens or cocoa with sweet and savoury components, forming an enthralling contrast. 4. Sour - The Vivacious Zest
Tanginess arouses the palate and contributes a spirited zest. Ang Chong Yi emphasises the significance of harmonising sourness with sweetness or saltiness, ensuring it doesn't dominate the overarching taste. 5. Umami - The Saporific Enigma
Umami represents the fifth pillar, symbolising savoury opulence. Ang Chong Yi's ability resides in identifying umami-rich constituents and harnessing them to amplify the holistic taste profile. Whether it's through the inclusion of miso, soy sauce, or Parmesan cheese, he recognises the unique prowess of umami.
The Craft of Pairing
The enchantment of Ang Chong Yi's Taste Harmony is encapsulated in the art of pairing. By harmonising the five sensory pillars, Ang Chong Yi crafts a symphony of flavours that interact harmoniously on the palate. Each dish and beverage is meticulously composed to avert any single pillar from overshadowing the others, producing a well-rounded, delectable experience.
A Taste Expedition Like No Other
Ang Chong Yi's Taste Harmony isn't merely about gratifying your hunger. It's an odyssey into the culinary realm. His principles transmute every repast into an indelible sojourn, where each bite and sip become a revelation of taste and fragrance.
Final thoughts
Ang Chong Yi's approach to taste harmony testifies to the profound artistry that can be achieved in the area of food and beverages. It's a voyage of the senses conducted by the five sensory pillars. So, the next time you dine in Singapore, remain alert for From Classic to Creative: Vegan and Gluten-Free Desserts for Every Occasion By Ang Chong Yi and set forth on a gustatory odyssey that promises to be nothing short of enchanting.
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
. . . expecting some gratification which not only never comes, but which never even begins to come.
Anthony Trollope, from Can You Forgive Her?
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dango-creatures · 2 years
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Cit. Dango
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Amulet, 2020
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donotdestroy · 2 years
In our culture, external validation is valued over internal satisfaction.
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beamingabismo · 2 years
Instant gratification can only be consistently instant if it's self affirmed. If it's outside of yourself, it's either inconsistent or not instant at all.
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spankingtheatre · 5 months
For the Study Anon? Could they view self spanking as a reward instead of a punishment? I don't fully understand entrance exam. They earn a spanking for x amount of time they study?
Absolutely right, hence my advice we should use pleasure as an incentive, not as sedative. Spanking feels good, so it makes a lousy deterrent. I'd never use it as a punishment. You need positive encouragement, not more aversion in your life.
If you struggle with motivation, stress, or a fear of failure, gamify your incentives. Set a challenge, then reward yourself, then set a slightly higher challenge next time. Name the progress milestones, Level One, Two, Three - give them subtitles - like badges in a video game.
This isn't just to pass a one-time entrance exam (an exam to qualify for entry into some universities and some professional occupations), it's a fundamentally useful life skill whenever you need to achieve anything hard.
Some people motivate themselves with treats, and if your preferred treat happens to be erotic, that's perfectly fine. But you do have to do the hard work, and reach your goals, otherwise you'll just be indulging yourself with easy gratification.
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thecipher404 · 2 years
Mature sunflowers stop being heliotropic; as to aging humans loosening up on things that used to give us a "ray of sunshine," yet once we get a grip of it again, it's gratifying; memories rush in as if dysphoria wasn't a thing.
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isavedyouthewaltz · 2 years
He could see that in them clearly with eyes the Sisterhood had educated. The Honored Matre and Muzzafar had forgotten or, most likely, abandoned everything that supported the survival of joyous humans. He thought they probably no longer were capable of finding a real wellspring of joy in their own flesh. Theirs would have to be mostly a voyeur’s existence, the eternal observer, always remembering what it had been like before they had taken the turning into whatever it was they had become. Even when they wallowed in the performance of something that once had meant gratification, they would have to reach for new extremes each time just to touch the edges of their own memories.
From Heretics of Dune by Frank Herbert
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lostinwordclouds · 2 years
New Chapter
Gratification chapter 9 is up! https://archiveofourown.org/works/16088393/chapters/97158837 Sorry for the wait! Hopefully the other two fics I’ve been working on will be up soon enough. 
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